THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I. Tuesday, June I90J. A " It mm rri.ilrd brro 14 niht j Mr. Waltr-r IW-Ik h-is a Ihjl many imiiilr had lm kiilrtl imkiIiob ilh Ihr KianLlm l.uml-r in a tm k U-trvu Cuarloltr ami i.iuiaiiy of Wake ruuutv. ami ban The Journal, I UK-vint- tilt I lir .s..iitl,i m. Tm-rr ratt-retl Umu lti m.iik tkt-re. s a tlia4triii rt-t k, l.iil. ulni.t ' .. ,. . . i . . Mim K4lli4rinr ( ..t iii'-ton re a a mirsu-le. no hvm mere Umt. A1, , ,. , . , ? , . r. ...... i i j- , luniril InuM lUlti'i btt uii:lit. Lint wail aii'l a livi-lit smile , .. ,. . .. n. ; Ti iJInt Jury r niini..iu. ami Iter lirad no llii.iiu. The engineer , ,. ... : ,"", "nf. Ilrnrv uummis, areei "J""'"'- .erteU belt meek l INI Mr. There w ill W a debate al t "ai mel , I , ingXuu. i. i 11 . Tlie loll, lead dv HeV. titeiiioa "I.eMtlietl, Thai a iir T . ... - ' -i. ...i i i . .' i T. II. Mi am. an iirfiMiiiiK for a Hlmiilil liaie the I n f.-miT in I j .. , ... . ' '. .i-i .. . ..: i" -ii rnurtu of J 11 v it rliuli..ii. Iliev n i lit-niuriiia WILL (ilB A IUOUY Ik EE. (Somebody will gel kimkI oe, i... it .. t . ,MlrKj urr. in ii it ywtj Ir. J. M. Kl.iir jeiit 14 week in Nmla Carol uia. Mr. K. A. Morrow i on a buni new trip in South t'arnlina. Mimi Kale I Infer I vixitinj: I" ; lite ill lie n pr Mol l.y I.-wi. .Nrl-iy. M. r. I J. n. K.Ir.lN W. K. Mi-, ll,.- l;,ini.v r.-iuriml ! I'liilili I'lvlrr; (lie negative bv i fnmi Kloii I'olleire. Is- ''"t'TS Marvin lin hanUm Mma Margaret ... ... , ,. . . "! Amou liu-banlmiti. Mr. V. It. Ivp ii I inonvillf i L'...i. i; .I. ...I .. rnurnr.. .run. . r.u.ay. j - - ;a,N(1II fi(rty Svp y(w r Mm. J. K. MH'uin .f Vallin la'.i r . T . . . ill I.MIV 111 Jill kMI I lllIIMIIII. I1IIHI Suttinliiv iur the Purpose ol AJtrrtiMne. Will (iitc Aay I'ree a Hit Crin to One 4 It .Sj thriller - In a fabil rnrliir in llir tault f tin I'auk f I ii mil i a iMt-l V rKMXSAl E M5SACKIj T I ricnJ ai Tcmprrancc I 1 br rummitlrr f..l iiiri x- A Whole tillage Outraged and bj.o flirt, nut a pl'iL-f to MuruVrril in Turkey ami I.StM l-k y. l-n. aili -; b n..y of lrien NakeJ to the W oods- l,1"l-r ""'f "" i i niiy n.iiii' v .mi a "-h Mi:ast r. l.ui jHran Tnkry. SunUy. May JI.--II fiil.!e de tails .lie aiiit.n l.ric tl tilt i Hi-iii h..l,aro.ii.. IrJ kiut it i ... t . L . t. . . .... 1 . i 1 . , , 'UuliUr I the it i.i.iul. r it i l.uns - r j, 'V'. , wm kn.iN not reu tb- ihiMixIiit. 1 ,l,lJ. 'J ..I Hie ..ii r. Wbm -r bol.U tin- '''""''- have aLii lion. K '. illi.uiis ilniluat- ( lutiula-r in our It ."Pl '- iti tint . , n ti e ainval to wibheM tin III ami be baa ae- Im-'-'V luir r..lil.l will la- ananl ul the I'.jsln Ii 1 ,uk ( hLa!jr- ,iil a kmI ww liii-y. "B lianj 1 I iiisuruiti it!i.ln Xamv. aisler of 1 '" l'r"l't "( "'' entt i rr tu the 111 itiuta.tis wiiliout su-Iaiu- Mr. A.ti. I;. Nam of N. w jab-w I W Kv,rv "IM" inK any I very M k ami not eiixt-tiil to live. Miw Mary Stewart baa rvtiirmsl ti her home in A-lit-v ille. Mr. T. II. Miller of Charlotte is XH-mliii; I be k here. Mr. Will Key of t'hailolte ieiit Hiimlav here. Mish IUkh Austin i visiting in Cliiitiin. S. C. MeMirx. i'rniik lle-atb of Wavlni ami Nereti Knulish have retiirmsj from Trinity College. MilKilie las? will nieml Ibe Hiiiium-r Willi Mr. ami Mix Tuui Crow el I. Miss lalitbti. Itnioin of Carth;ip la hcie xiH'mliiiKHoim'timew itb Iter t'runiir.itlicr, Mr. ti. I. Ili-ooiu. Mr. S. It. Ilmiily bint bis family liorxe yestenlay. It died uller a iickiiesH of a day and a half. MIsm-m Mary l'iit Ii ami Lni'V Sti'wart bae ivliinied from Vir ginia College at liiKinoke. Cavt. I.imlsey of l.ilcsv lllc has la-eu H'inliii; some days villi his Moil, Mr. J. .1. I.imtsey Mism Kate limine leaven on Kli day ( r 11 mcr for a Irin to linli inond, Va. Mr. Civile WaMi of Cbarlolte is visiting bis mint, Mis. f'unnit' liamsey. Mr. and Mix, J. I. Ilrlnis anil little dangliter of tinH-nslNini are visiting Mrs. Maggie Helm. Mr. Ki'inii I'.allli' of liiveiislioro sH'iit Siimlay aitb Mr. .1. .1. I.ind N-y. Mis. Mattietiatlin of lireeiisUiro in visiting her mother. Mis. J. M Stilt. Miss Kathaiine StbiH-ehner 11ml Mr. J. A. S'hueehiier of Charlotte lire visiting Mr. C. I. Hi lio-vhiier. Mix. ttsear lilnir mid eliildien nre hMiidiiig miine lime at V irginia lleadi Mr. Iliaxliin I Inter is riTeiving a visil fioin one of bis ;utiieix, Mr. lii iint-tt of Little Kim k, Ark. Miss May Covington has relumed from tieorgiii, where she lias Ihi ii utteitding Shutter College. Mix. II. (i. IliiU'hkisMiliedat her lioine at Allan last Wnlni'sday night. She was iilmnt sivly live j etiix of uge. Mis. tl. l. (iuiif mid rliildien ml Mr. 1-nld StitiuiiT of Asheville sH'iuling aoine time with Mm. llongli. The ti ki ts to 'Hie .loin nal Iniggy t-olilest are going last. tne Mill serilier tiik four. SomelsMly will g t a biimlsome buggy Ii . .11 ix. dials an ol Asheville is HK'iiding mime time at Mix. N. S. Ogliuin's, eniiiing to Moiiroe for the lielirlit of urlesian water. Monroe invites every old soldier in the eouiitv l come ami take dinner with us on (he I'ouitli of July. Mr. Kustace (irilliii lias return. ed from I'iue lllull', Arkansas. He win iieenniimnii'd by Mr. ('. . Willi, who has many friendii heie. On Suuilay l'.sir. II. ('. Moore married Mr. Charley Mullia and Misa Kva tireeue, IhiIIi of north MoiiriH-. l!ev. W. V. Will son pi-eiuiied his first Heruinn us the new pastor of the 1 la 1 it 1st rhiireb Sunday. 1 he eougrt'gulinu weiti delighted with hi 111. Kev. i:. K. McLiirty of Asheville Jireaeheil a very interesting and thoughtful senium in the Metho dist church Sunday night. IU rciiehcd al Center during the day. We are ieiiiratcl to nay that there will lie a concert in the oxra house l"i iiliiv night by local talent for the lieneiit of (he sufferer from the Hood iti Smith Carolina. We are iviiii'sted to announce that there will lie children's day exercise lit Mill Umvft church next Sunday and wpeecheii in the afternoon by Messix. IC W. Ieinmoml ami W. C. Mcltorie. Mr. J. A. 1'olk of the Itrief tieigblHirhmtd ill tiootte creek wan in towu Jcsterdfl) and siisthat his Hection enjoyed a (tplemlid hciihoii last week, but didu t have any bat much ram. Mix. W. A. Monroe of San ford, daughter of Mr. J. M. Stewart of Monroe, got her arm broken last week. It was caused by a cow which Mix. Monroe wait holding. The arm wan brokeu in two place. Misa Hul us lkigliy, formerly of Mourue, was married last Wednes day to Prof. W. II. Swift of (ireeiiH Isiro. The ceremony was perform ed by the bride's father, Iter. W. M. llngby of High I'oint. Mrs. H. K. Iauey'a niusio class gave closing concert lust evening at their teacher's horn?. A pretty necklace, the prize offered for most improvement, was won by Lessie Covington. The pension hoard of this county now consists of Messrs. It. V. Hons ton, II. C. Moore and W. A. Aus tin. They meet next month and pass upon all pension claims in the county. at I lie home ot Siiurel Wui. MeWhorter. She wass'l years obi. and was long known by the pcopie in 1 lie iwigliliorhoiMl as "Aunt Katie." She was au aunt of Mr. John Ii. Simpson ami of Capt. Ik K. Iiicbardsoii. Jim Medliu, mho was under a jimi bond to appe ar at the mayor's ollii-e List Weduenday ami auswi-r to the charge of m-IIiiii; Iioiior. skipieil by the tight of I lie moon, and his Is. ml will lie forfeited. It seem that U-e Medliu' dream, to the ell'iH-t that "Jim warn'l agwine to be dar," was the corre't thing. The county ought to provide a j snitor to liNik after the court j house. It is no one's luisinev. now to 1I0 this and the court house suf fers. A janitor should look aller it, keep It closed except to such H-rNous as have a right to enter or hold gatherings there, and to keep the windows shut, and the Ihsirs and alls clean t a uni ting of the stockholders of the Monroe Telephone kxehange last week, Mr. It. A. Morrow re signed a president and Mr. ti. S. Uh wax cIih IihI to thai place. The coiiiiuny now- has 271 'phones in town. The lu ll Telephone Com puny hits I s-e 11 trying to buy the Monroe system but has Ihhii iiii able to do so. The stm kholilers will not sell out. Mrs. Stacey, wif- of cv. L K. Slaci-y, the pastor of Wavliaw Methodist chinch, died yesterday. She lelt one child licsidcsau infant a few days old. and a ihiiiiIm i of stcH liililicn. The ImkI) was ear lied to the old home in laie count v for burial, the trin Is iiiL' mane across lliecouuiiv liom a itTiilive eominitlee. lor haw to Cbarlolte ami the train luuiidi'd then'. Mis. Slacev was A; 11(1 telu-l Hit). towusliip, died yesterday. She wax1!'' ;,n ""seriptmn g.-la a r , ,,. ,,. tl1 1,., ;,.t itt sv it birly livejearxofage. The:"""'" " ; .xpet.cii. , .1 no ai.M, tv. until s,.d- -I s 1.1 in, i..i ui r.-.L V! - " these lii kets, ami as wmiii as1 . , - , 1.11 was 10 in m al l.o k 1 jdciiU at suns, t the luiks, wh . .renun-nt.auy. - - -. " haJ Cf IlllMr j suir, will I,. o,.m.daml!"u """I" pure, conn ,. batJineiit, uherri'p'iii all thevill-i a'agers assenil'le l in the streets. .in er.min ..,,. , ,.r ,U. ,.,.;,,,, IJ C.l.plcted suir-Uloled the Hie estate IuimU of Mary I- li-lmnminHl I place, coiinurnred a reel! it l 111- V111, lying III liuftird towuship, were! n,is ll,,l j, ur,.T fr , .1.1 1..- i, 1 vv 1 ....... ...1 1 1 '. ....... .... . 11.W0I alerlisiiig iluring a iiiiinstrator yest. r, ay a pul.lie(,tl, M.,H jH ,M n.y flir Though the aitillery ceased firing sale. Mr. I. I. I iVb r lid It oil at I1I1M. who iiav in mlumv. hut I ,(,,., ., t i il. I i ,.. T...I, N.. .... i.. 1 . . V ' ! "I'"" '"W". .... ....,.............,.,,.. 1 nere is one nckei lor everyone Kvery Coufislerate soldier in !'? dollar, whether in ad I niou eoiiuly is heartily invited toi Vance or on back dues, as long as come to Monroe and take dinner, !"'' ' '!. S. ud a dollar bill by which will le served tolhciuHthe'"i:'d.P'l the par one year ami a guests of honor, on Ibe Fourth of ticket ley return mail. In. ili wotkeis lin n, woini-ii a id rlllMn-ll to 1 In III. lie lhl : anil we want the men I 1. 11 eoliuty to siii It. N-l u mi- l,.'W ui.iiiy itii-u ul I liom we can el In aI-II lids pledge to lihl whl-kiy. We w. ml a gn at d-al ! ! ni r 4ne wmk done 10 l!i.- i-oiinlt d mg June. Julv an I Aujii-J. I have a tegular summer rami Is-.illi to the wbi-key lui im---. Ul 11- pi.i and ik. nd .11 om-e for o.pv -f pledge to li. II. I' Sli wait. ban mail of eel 1 lliltte-. Molll. e. i.r Ml. Ii. t . A-li l l.lll. lt lit.ll I oiint l.-.iii-. M ini..-. .1. I,'. W i 1. 1 1:. I'll-slib nt A III I Sllimll Le.lgl . I limn eon lil . LEE & IaER, THE LEADING DBT GOCSS, I3T!?5S. CL0TEIK3. CEITS' rUEIISEIIGS, I1T AJD SHOE STOLE 15 I0JR0E. i::xi:::::::i:i::x:ii:u:xiiixixi:iy i.. 5 i'-i .. i..i in I hi n what's the Value? i .. i;.. I. : . ..:i rc.Nj.lMl. : t.l II. ,l'. .1 lll I law I wn ! in. ish infantry find all night long 1 he aitillt iv liMidiardiiienl was ist our Citv I'roixrty tiive in our foil. I lH In- at M. L. I Tow's si.;e from .liini -ih to J 1. im lii-ie. 1-i the puiio.-iif li-Mni; ! 1. .i i! i ! about thirty live eais old. July. Tell all the old soldiers In come. Miss Alice Atkinson of A-he horo, sister of Itev. tosi. 11. Atkiu soli, will arrive in Monroe tonight ami lie the guest of Mrs. Ii. A. Morrow for some days. She i a talented musician and will take part in the coinvit Friday night lor Ibe hem-lit of the llood sum-rcrs. licv. lico. II. Atkinson of Mon lis' and bis two slsleix ow iied Hi, .'INI hiii Ih of (he stork of the I'aco h-l mills which weie swept away. The day before the llood this batch of slin k would have brought in the market alsiut fi.ii'Xi. The day alter it was not w orth a fourth thai amount. May the funic of the esteemed al del men live a thousand years, ami let them lie Ibe object of adoration of a sleepless and a long siillering public w ho-e burdens they aie en di-avoring to lift. If they carry out the dug lav oldimtiii'ctliat they luiMt passed we shall all ls able to sleep some yet, even on moon light ! liighlx. IhriH- cheers lor the dog; tax and some sleep! ; i Mr. J. S. Hasty w as mining those who were recommcmled yesterday! by Mr. T. S. Kollins, chaiiuiiiu of, the Niirtli Carolina liepuhlieau ex I reaiiinnt i i it-ii t as postmaster. Tins would seem to settle I lie coutl'nvcrsv as to Hccting of Ijincs Creek Teachers' Club. W ni(,-n fr Tdc J.Htri..,!. The m-xl nulling of Lines Creek Teachers' Literary Club will con vim al Jenkins Cross lioads on the evening of June Juth, llMi.i, ever eisi-s oM jiiiig al 1' o'cliH-k. We cordially invite the piiblu-. urn I most esM'ciall.v ilo we solicit the presence of IIiom- whose names are In-low ennilleil to h I loi ill the -ork allotled them. The follow ing too gram will Is- lemb-red: Song - Nearer My iml to Tlur. Iieclamatioii -Mr. I'. V. L-e. Ifecitatiou - Miss Virgie llmton. I'aixing match - t hihIik li-d by Miss Annie llanell. iN'elaiii.itii.n - Mr. Claude , l.'ecilatiou - Mivh Mave llarrell. My Trip Around the Woild ! M iss t Messi Little. tjtiery for ileliale . Ccsolvcd, that it is morally right for a man In steal j bis wile. Alliriualive reiueseuted by Messrs. N. S. lingers and C. L. Simpson; negative by Misses Ada Smith and l.ela lloiton. I'.ssay: tbir School Hays-Mis .Mary I'aiker. lilts of Wit and Humor - Mr. Ileiuv I'.llker. e aes o o l o list r.Miliiinerccd atdavbltak but t erty In tin- city ol Mniii.s-. All was inrffei live ihe TmLi 4.1 lire i '"a'e Wrsoiw Mwccn the In the vilU..,. .... !l si.l... !-l "d S"' -.. -ire ni.iur .. - i Ml... . 1 . , c I a g.iitial niasarie, : l'-'-" slaughtering wen.-.,, children and j """Wanui.v S, v. k. 1.,-, Taker, the agej. About ;(i lintisi wire liumril anj upw.nJ ul to hull- (.une la see me lit' dred pirsnns. in istly wumen and, tobacco, smoking t.d.a. co childien. were killed. The wo-jclc. S. K I) men and gills wcte murdrrd while j resisting outtagu. I want y -ur d uiitiy pr .lllst i... . lot Ol ..1., u- Hot ai V. I.'iw us .m clean, .issnitment . t-.r . eei.t.v I'. I. ..Ii' "1 I ell's. I l. l Us 7 ' cent. . .M.l.ll .ls I'l e-lilo. I ih. 1, n. ini-e shei r ''. celils. ,( :'ii mis I', ivills. I .in .'li. 1 allr.ulne Net l.wt';ir. t 1 mi r 11 .isois. oell.iu 1 .lpld!j 1 11- I -i .1 nl now ic IM ;', tcr. M M M K2XXXXJXXXX2 rixixiixxiixixxxxxxiitl Whole I'.uiischold were slain. vine jn.i!y i,l tvtrn were sluin;SL'i and their bodits wire heaped en ' the hearth. N it a living soul was It-It in the vill igc. The sur ' ivoi-, ui.iiiy of 1 tit 111 I. ail l iirneJ, or otherwise injure. I, lld. Some c.f the lifting villagers i were captured and had their eats! and noses cut oil before they weie hutched. The report adds that 1.5011 vil I igers were in the iiiiuintains with out clothing or food. One band of these, consisting of forty wo men and children, were caught by soldiers in a ravine anil were lw ill e 1 after h-nrible treatment. kind 11 :c S. I ..-I. re ) It i-tir. Special Notices. fXjee Sz Hiee. Oo0r.HfV-vOHXJo CO 0C-hC0h0hKoOh0h0h0h0h0 A.lvei tist'liielits ttiil I l- I'. si-; te J 1:1 this ri'liiuiu at the piue i t 0111' it-i:t n, tisli ill atlvjiii e. SIKAM.H-A Ii week). (IJ, 1. 1. ii k lid ksl.tle 'l List Wt .liies er I. I ll.-lii. - f rum who will Is' poslniiusler ut Monroe, j In account of the increase of re ColllMfSSIIiall It. . I :' UsLs. The Journal to sav Unit Iheie will ,vh Ihisollice Ibe posluiasler lie a comiH-litive exauiinalion al Hamlet. 011 July L'nd, lo till a va eaney al the 1 tilled Stales Militarv Academy for Ibis. I In- seventh eon gressional district. The examiiia lion w ill In for the purpose of ile leriiiiiiing the iioiuinee and two ilterimles. Applicants must Ih- Im twiH'ii Ibe iigtw of M-veuliH'u ami twenty two. Those intending to apply should notify Mr. Page prior to (he exiiminalion, al Itriscoc N . C. liaiu in the county during the latter part of last week were quite general, and at some point 1111 mciiscly hard, so much so, in fact as to suggest lnal 011 Saturday it waaiipuit ol the Soul h Carolina llood. In the westen, 11111I northern part 01 liiiiuiii township ami up into .Monroe, the land was washed a if by a Hood. N'cgmhcad creek, running through New Salem ami Maixhvtlle townships, 1 said to have Ihh'ii higher than it was ever known lo I. before. At Wingale there was almost a Hood. At the present-it ion of ciosses of honor hei luxt wi-ek, Mr. T. A, Havis, one of the veterans, pre sented little Mis Iottie K I ul I . a budge made of a bullet hung to a piece of sword bundle, both of which nrticle weie taken from Hie famous crater near IVIersburg, where l.iant s army put oil' the grew explosion 10 iiemnraii.e e s lines, and which proved so disas trous lo the negro troop of the Northern ui in v. Mr. Havis i fond of relic. The razor w Inch he now uses he took from the pocket of 11 ilead soldier of 11 MichiL'an rein- lucid, and Iiiin liccn using it ever since the war. , rrof. K. lowl, 1 l.o lien riu cipal ot .Marslivillc Aciuleuiv wii ill town yesterday. Itcside Mr, llowd there will Ire three other teachers next year. Mi Annie Stewart of ( loose Creek township w ill be one of those 111 the literal v department, and Mis Alum Maixli of Maixhville will leach music. Knelt of these young ladies is well prepared for the place she w ill occupy. M is Stewart is a gradil ate of the Stale Normal al tireens- boro uud is a Imii ii teacher. Miss Marsh i n graduate of I'eaee In stitute. The Marslivillc people mi to lie congratulated 011 having se lected from our own homo young ludics, especially w heu they are so well litlcd. A little live yeur old child met her death III cculiiir way last Thursday week on Mr. 1'. j. ('. Klird's place in New Salem town ship. The little girl wax a daugh ter of Mr. Ik F. Howard, who lives on Mr. Klird's farm. She placed a little box of plaything under a peach tree and climbed the tree lo get some fruit. She fell from the tree and struck her head on a cor ner of the box and wan killed in stantly. Only a little brother saw her fall and he went to the house ami told his mother that his sister had fallen out of the tree and couldn't get up. When found the child wan dead, her skull being crushed. On the way to the funeral at Kuto on the day following, another accident, but of not so seri ous nature, happened. An annt of the child fell from the buggy wrhila ,1vU.I., f.s tl.A r.,..nol ....I I ...... v . , , 1 ,1 t uo .Ull, !! RUU broke ber arm. salary, not including the assistant, has IsH-n increased to H.litMi. j Jurors for August Court. The I0II0A iug jurors were draw n lor the term ol criminal coin I which convenes Monilav, August :!rd : M. II. 'Padlock, I.. I!. Iliiggius, J. V. liichaidsou, Ii. 1 1. Kiooin, John K. Tyce, J. J. iai liiugs. II. M. I'uir, V. H. Morgan, Wristou IM. S. J. Welsh has Urn up ! '"'S' ! ,' ' ; 1 pointed chief marshal lor lhc''s"""' " S ' '"'! " ' F th irlel.ration, and be ?.l,,1V,,Vi""11J- '" ',""''' '''"T w ill appoint a nuii.U'r of iiNsislanls ': ,ri"lk'!''M; Hiuson t N. from each lowuship, whose na l ."."l.1"'; ; A- Marsh. M. . w ill Ir announced later. The pro ! .",1!"'' I!- f 1 '"''' Kiam lor the day will inch a big " ' '' Kiehiirdsoii. parade of lircmeii. bras hand I lu' V "'!.. soldiers, reel leii.ns, Itni.ts, etc. ' v . '"'"'j'. ,' ." ,li1"1'1' Aller the parade will come Ihe! ''" lesson, J. K. I lylcr, A. A. races. The si'Veral I,h, race ill j '" n ''"' I' open lo evervUlv uud good ! 1''1""'' Mai 10,, Maltox .Is,,., c.isl, p.icgivc..: Alter Ihe race A- Il.vtli-. I- I- II a big liee dinner will U' served tbei"'!'1"'"1"- old soldiers, alter winch the 111 1 1 clc devoted to the lire coinnanv w ill U-sold at unction. A cood 1 ' 'l)Ur. 1 prize will U given for the U-st ! -tc. 'kg ; Hieei's l ir Tite Oil. decorated ciiniage iu the parade. I !' All prepared tspiciall) : '.' . , . . , ' for llowers. Something special ul Lir ,t I si i.-.,.. .1 nu... r. . i. 1 1. . r 1 . 1 .. I .M.I. Ml I im (. Lo. uexl l-r dav. ton f.n 11 he here. "Stringth and vigor come of good food, duly digested. T oice,' .1 ready-t'i-scrvu wheat and barley loot), ad Is iv 1 burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates. " SALIC A 11r.1t two M at ntl l ludlll (Iwt'lllllg oil a.sllllieloll M ; a (lsrlhiif ami three hits 11 in.ilhi i:, uilditinii to the town of Miiiiint'. Hie Savings, I.. .111 , lm-t (.u. JllllC .), I'U. r !,i.ii KICNT I mil j;.' I i-nuiis up tit 0, in in v loimrr it-Mtlt nee lie .1 the I'n sliy let ( I. nu ll, tei y t-.itivi ii-it-nt In bostoess p.nt ct touii. Nicclv pltstcied .nul fiiiislieil iin l w .it. 1 ii--stills. II. M, II in. I.AKIliS: We sell 1'rei r's lione (; llret r's Plant l'ootl, Testimonials telling of the wtnulcrful cures cf vaiious patent nirilicincs ran be bought lor loc. a piece. We don't want any ttstinioi.ials (or I. st robe's Sarsaparilla. We tlon't need tluiii in our business. This is our testimonial. It's all we want, all you wan'. It's the best in the world. This is it: If after a fair trial you do not find Lat robe's Sarsaparilld to be far supe rior to any you ever used, if it's nut us good as we tell you, it is come and get your money back. Now you know us, we make this preparation ourselves, and you know thai if this medicine dots not please you you'll get your money back. The sale of Lat robe's has increased over 400 per in ft months simply on its merits. We guarantee 11 iu neap the liver in healthy action, regu late the bowels, purify the blood, and intact quickly cleanse the en tire system. $1 bottle, 1 -month treatment, at 'S cents. Km. 1. mi Dki i; (a. Valuable Town Property for Salo. The most desirable an J valua ble propel ty in the town of Mon roe. The J G Covington homestead and adjacent lots are now offered for sale. Scaled bids for this entire prcp etty or any part thereof will be received on or before the J?ih day of this month. No bid will be exposed except lo client and not by her to any one. Now is the grand opportunity ; of a life time to secure a home overlooking the most beautiful streets in the city. Terms to suit purchaser Send in your bids at once. K mi wink Stack, Imie o. i',ov Attorneys. Union County Bondi for Sale. 1 It, .'..iiliiv t'.iiiiiis..i, r-i.f I 111..TI t '..til. I V N.irtli i'itnnii.-t, will, mini U' "i-liH-k VI ,,i llic Ittli .ln ul July. lti. 1 Iti- ...hI.-.I l.ul-f.,r Mi. l.iirvl.N.r of ..vnlt ti. lo .mis ,,r I nl. u Cimty. ,.f III.- it.'iioniiiitttioii ol ..ii.- (l.tliwr- .-m il. I. arum -1 1 -r it-til. Imei.-i r niiliiiiii. )iMnl'l. H.iiii.NlU ii II..- lift ,l f .IniCHri of 1 m il t.-tir iitilil H.i't iimliii... fini i.inir i-'i ti'Hi-1.11. 1 ,.n.' t. mil ..I -ni.1 I101..I. rt .l....iintl.t.L mitiuitllt Ht tl.,. .Ii.cni ion of ii.. Itoar.l of i',iiiii.i"oii,t.. t lif i'..iik.ii. art' it ..'M,'.. In .. lll.'tlt of (. 11. ntt I.-.,.... ri.i- r I..H.1-H... .-ti.'.l iiit.l.-r .. 11 V t of l.,' l,t ll.'tHl 1 .1 . .1 I A.-riiii.i( 01 soriu . totiiiu. 1.1.M101 uiiii- 1 n. ir weathc, and then you want tlie i..r ....! .mir 1.1 i... .. ..t u... l.oel ltS.,1 f-n l,a I, ..I Tl...i' 1 . nillln-,1 lilt- Isilt of I. l-rtiiot ui.s, ,..a, va.i ,'0 I..1VJ. 1 nut i, dm . . You probably tli not buy much 1 fresh meat (luring the warm! G. E. 1 DJ;: T1 H1C ttuee hiitist-s and eund li.uii and lot w licit' I iii.w lite aie I. 1 tie. Akviiiip ttishiue, t.i l.iiv at ,1 ilg;.llll I'ie.ise t all at to, e. Kcsidi ut e riioiir. No. t7i. )""r - ''I'M- N- S. Otl iiin. Ilam.u Incited 111 Moiir.H- oilers his 1 1 r A i(nd hulit ii-iits .ni mm setvuis to II, r t-wa and Mirr..uu.liii! VV payable ami um t he paid l.t f -luntiy. I'l eases .. the sti.iu.idi ai.J'.i ,, . 0. Special i Clearance Salp. for June ! Our stock of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks and Fancy Goods will for this mouth put on new life. We want you to compare the prices that we give below and see if we do not save you from 20 to 25 per cent on all standard brands of E,0ids. Iiuwels a H'ri ialty. Kfliee oter II. r W. J. Rudee Co.' hook stmt'. Calls .nisuclPil iu the tl .1 y linlil tl.e I utlisli di ill; stitie in lesidi lit-1', at uiejit linui lesidence . fl Goo) Head la very ilcsirjl.le at this srasoll. (tin 1 Ir.i 11, solid, pure lee la Ihe Lest cnuliiie liiediiiin you rail Ki t, In Hit- iriiitirratnr its taslniR tpiahty in.ikt-9 it (jrt-at eriuuniiy. CRUShED It adds to the ctcuriif and rnul nesH of Miuimcr ill inks of all kinds. II, tte us t.i ..It-liter it to your rus ideiiec d uly. Tit kets I..I nale in liny tii.iulity. Phone j'. . CADIEU & WALLACE. 11. C. Ash. i.tlt, City Tn a-iiK i. evety Sat W II. I. tin at 111 mi unlay for a while S. K. !'.( Ik. ui, X C. F OK SAI.IC .'j hoise I Mttt 1 I. i.l. I. eti;iiir and hoilei, H.' Pres.., with ste.iin ti.iino 1. It-tins t suit .in . Ii.isci . J. M. Lniw , I'.ni. Waxlia t, N. C. AltKV evn ytlinie. ymi hate in M c R w Iron In . I'. Pa. kfr. KM KM HICK Hie hint meals 111 tl,' city are sold by l.tdiru ,1. . I'iioue jit. if AV hi 1 WATCHES. .1. ..el l.ltm. Solid Nii-kflt'ii t. it n 'J' fiir I'hvh" Vnm CHAINS AND FOBS. lid .t k id 1.1. .. I i.-k 1 I'linilis ut.. 1 1 tl.lilltt III... I I ..I.l-III.... CUFF BUTTONS. Solid ..lot (. silver I. ink ut., 'Id I itik nl '. I' IM a III l.i.'l.l.ll.i v ; I lis. s til l,t: 111 I l.i U .tl. i i. net ( I -ko III .' CLOCKS. U f. ..I I ,. r..tM .. II '.IH .. !i.7.-i .. It. 75 ....4He .....rlHC a.v 1.4H I1.HH liso IC deliver lee to niir t ostt .otei n .1! any In. 111 nxlit m tl.iy in n-f c sli klli'ss. I'liune (it. C.ldli iliS. V'. R kit. I Ml Ml'.l It ymi ran til Hie In I flesh at I. 1. I'.nkei 111.11- riioiie No. ,.i. WII1CN ymi want Ire f I'ltMiil't delivei y and hiiiie"t tteihl. Cadiru all.n e. V Til J- x t:xp I f Wtilcli Do You ClioobC In addition to our Special Sale we will GIVE AWAY FREE with every purchase from 50c. up a handsome piece of Eouvenir china of Monroe with Court House and Graded School. This will last until July 1st. The W.J. Ruclge Co. Books Stationery Jewelry. l! Illllltlllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllll IIII. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1. IIIIIMIMIIIINII II III. 11111)111 mtlMIIII iiiiiinii nu. ui. 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 urn iiii. 111. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiniimii v I s. hi.aki:m":V. I'rcsidt lit. Von vtunt puint vt hu h vv ill pi steel the in.ilcrial it covers Itnil give liciiuty to the pl.ue. The lies! pnint is that whieh giveKtbe lies! color ninl stumls Hie i.iiM;i;srsi:i:vn i:. llere'N a low pi ice paint that will xave cash and look well. No mistake in usinp; ii. Stands tl.e wear id' veaix. ite President- nit-: KAYTIOND SHUTE, Cashier. Make jour luipruvemenis dj osing Heath 4 Miligan Paints. C.N.Simpson, Jr. Sumssorto C. K. IIOl'STON. Bank ol LTiiion. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. for the prompt and A i ii luiiku cartful ul In. use vvi'.h l'Vi ry facility ill Lusiiicss. CK5VO00'C0C000vKCo00000C r Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it humo, tit posit your savings and Ret interest on them. !!!!!!!!!!!'!IIIIMIinil,MMM,,,',l,IM,'l',Hniiii''iiiiiiiii'iiiiitnMiiititfiiititmtHiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii uitii. . n iu;iin nu i.uuitiiiiMiiiiiMiiu!iitCuII!(i! kind. Phone us H , White. Our (Uily salts Mil! incrensr. This is true lfcause we undersell all our competitors. Look for our unitpie ad. next week. HlIX PlVkNS Pure New Orleans Molafses at 75 cents at S. H. Hud nn's. If you desire pure Ice, com bined with hot est weights and prompt delivery, phone 36. CAiHhU & Wallace. WU I III' any mt.Ull tdtl-, If ni Phone 166 when you want the best meats, tender and fat. We will do the rest. II. . White. You ran Wullaoe'a. Phone :t(. ('adieu & S. R. Doster has just received a lot of nice Hams. I want your Parker. old Iron J D. We cater to the trade that wants the best meat that can be bad. Try us. White's Market. ' Hi rttflii 1.1 11 jivi .itM-tVti.ry A J Hit' M hM. j riufrinun Itonnl r.mnit t 'tit"iin--iniicr .1 M. 'l KH rink TUN tii ly 'tf Jmif, l" 1 New Ordinancos. (, ., t tlinll ! tntlnfnl f.'rtm.v tth In rhmli or in any ntMniii-r n-tfinl mh tflt iln.tu', l li-traili ir rlc'liii tuUt mU hi llu-i-it -if Miiri. ti'pl IIhim- tHiiiit f miN't i't I ll III H-)M'flh MIM'! tlf nlllll Im ; Ttiar 1'Hiitli r notnl Ihcni for Ihe Hir' mf itiakmir "ii'-li rimlr- r lti-n'fti.Mt (l- ihrv j il.- iti iiwiitry Any jht-hii vilntitn( tlit : Mrtlinanet- -Ititll (Mr 11 i ii(tll f IK i..r N. , Ii "liftlt HiiUwfnl for iM-r-'Mi ' or ix-r-M'ti lo attitt'U nny ii. o ti pri mi t Itnl'HMt fir tl uir .f -iirliikinitr nn In 11. (fiirth'ii. nrfi iir Hrtoniil or to ti- Hi, rity alcr for itii'h pur(M Any wrn tin Ittf Inif iTiliimthf -hall wr a wuahy ( tH . ttottar for a li mul ry itfTrm. li)irill . imiK dull t In fun- until tli fli tio l J I ait (aim! ! fsintttlt'tfil. I H r ANlH RArX j Vv It ahnll l 111 Im fill f.r anjr , without 11 ln (Hiiit tun atlat-ltt'd lo m -! Ir j a rrni ml hi" lik. lo lr prtnirvtl ly tlii ow nr j of ih fruiii th I'M i rk,oii or Iwfort- Ih 1r ilnv of Auvul of a-h atut vry r from Ih 1U1 of thin ifrtltnniir. lo run al Unrr : Minn Mi ororat- llmiu of th ntv of M nn, which ai.i ta mi. Ink hall ! moI to thr o nr of th ttoir itt ih trUv f mir ilollar, , Aim! ll -halt ! Ih liiiy of th I'lljr t'h-rk It' MinHa' a iiltlftriil niitnU'r of lat ii. laK, 1 howliir th yar for w hh h th 11 mII, lo . auil all UaM for thr Mhl Uv If any tt wilhitiu ih tm i nl latf allM-hnl to hU I rollar "hull h fotiml ninntna' at lanr In th . rtrrai limit of thrlty .f Ikloiirti. It hnll iw tit duty oi in fMifnin to ini(ioini nh it tnl itittify th miirr, ati't If th miicr hal1 (all to oinha ami aitah tothN.lar of th i1 lti a i atil tar, riilrtl hy tht ordinal,, wlilitn tni f.-ur houra aftr noh noti, ihn It ahall h th rtntj of the ptiHYtiva to kill tbr rfow an lmHutit.l. a. cash ha n, fTy. 15 cents off the Dollar ! Owing to Improvements noon to be made to my store-room, it will be neccviary lor me to vacate It for a couple of weeks. To save trouble and ex pense of moving goods and danger of damage and breakage, I will offer all my goods, less IS per cent, to reduce stock as much as possible. This means all goods In my store -Watches, Jewelry, Novelties, etc., as well as Clocks, Silverware, Cut Ula.s, China, Etc. This offer Is good until July 1st. Take advantage of It and save yourself some money- W. R. LINRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. i 1 'i nr rn wears .'Hosier's Good Shoes, Because, he says, they were made speci ally for fit and durability. He says they are reasonable in price, good looking, and so comfortable. Pa's great on com fort, and they certainly do look nice. He buys them from J. Y. Doster, who also keeps a nice line of Dry Goods. Fruit Cans and Solder. i j w.MiiiMiiiniiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiniiniinii.iiiiii.nniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiwiiiaimiil