7 a - V (: It j i I I. I : i ft g--g. L. B.1 III ! BILL ARPS LETTER. i A:'ai,ta tVattuti,-a i '"I am Jen. 1'brist, the csreii Ur- n. My wivsion i to atr sinner. 1 (.mht in the cit .1 nr from ISIti-n V J.'in-!r. 1 wicc I lime U-cn pres;,!,iii cf tin I mud Ststc. since the sum r.Ut ana. the chin j i.io ute f.tr Ivmh in iut.o when thev commit onirics n !' ir oti.t-u. Not a wet i. j I.i;t there is fresh ca-s? at..! l!.c soji!c turn nut an. I scour the i untrt f.r the lirute. Vn-i now t'i v arc -It it in.; all the lU't.f o:.t i f ac-amly where an t.Hll!!.l!I. .U lOII sec and have attt'i led all the ic.ioiotis ' h I. no im i !u;np tip there up to dte. (ut now thev have . ,-jc l I n! few i,i'M-!.. I.tmliih' The Kind Ytu H..t Ahvay naught, nn.l which ha hcstt la use for otor :'.ti year. Im borne the i:rtt:tttire of uinl ha Imi'u made under hit T ( f (Ay "' iia) niri.v its iitiaiii-jr. All t MinlcrtcU, Imitations .n.il ,lii(-a;.l" are but i:iMTimt Ms that trills w ilh ami cwiaiii;. r the liralilt of luf.iutat unci Children -l'iri'iiic, uain-t liH'riiitciiU What is CASTORIA Cntoriit it a harmless Mil'-tituto Tor Ciistnr Oil, Pare goric, li-...s hixI soniliiuu Nrup. It is I'lcaviM. It contains neither Ojuiiiii, Mori'liiiu i,,,r i ti.-r Vircotii jtulsstiui. . Its nee is iiHj.ii.irant.-o. It dotniss ortm Mini aflat s I'.t ei iOoi.ss. li can". Iiarrli.ca ami nut I'olie. It reticles I - )i iiil; 'I'riMilil. , euros (iisiatioii nml I'latnli-m s. II a"iiui!a( Hie I ihhI, na-ulatcs th tstoiiiai-li ami ItotioU, gitim; lua!iai ami iialuraf sleeps The Cuildrvu's Panai t a-Tlio .Mother's Iru-nd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Hears the Signature of 7 wuzsy -cue The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Hie ilia. I i'i (.oie - a liiii!n lunata MU.l n't Ut no ti' New Oilcan. I .-tn't a pi- H).-t l i -'Hlc 1 Mil ,leti t a: -! t'an't Viii !o wiiii-ili i jr i r :ia : 2 nt to ijasn.! rt-joicc ,t!i l!:. who n : 'if au ! tep nail iiio- who cc." Ib.it jsmr ! !!.' !.!!. v y'p- t!i. H' thev bi.l let I' mi jri!li Iheveterin It o-i! i 1V rcti b iia-. n. I ii I'! '!. lone ! up our ! an! they em'l lit'li a'n.ut Hiitti. :.j c!e. Va Dale tei u. h m, rooiiii; patt:oti:i.f It :.v I U l..e ni;,!',-ei n. -rcnH- m iv' le'inii'ii an i l! it ::!;,Mit pci:-i. I l:c t 1 itT I At lilt 'if the Kp-i'.; hi re'i!i:.'ii. f:t it i n vv t.i aicp i.p till' petl,.m j i. i, ' e ih tint i r-r'. n ...iii .1 ; e li-'ttoni!c u!t of e!.t!;t'.i ..i. I Crit!i!t: - " 1 t .to,! . i .! ,v ( tll'i! "." i"; Cel.!. of t!u- fi .It v u atniv ere fort-iami or f -h :."i l!ii an I were libtln t-n! t.-r I'.'iintv or Is'utv or Lun. 'i:!., an.! p. I!-.. :tl:v it t..'i :!i I ' in i Ci'r. ii.'!'. n: I t'a 1 ! ... GOOD BREAD COMES Only From GOOD FLOUR. Many a uoll-nieant, well planned attempt at hrc.ij-niakin is recked on the slnuU of po-ir llour. Cheap (lour i h id Hour its lovt price is t he maker s excuse for the inferiority of his product timid hread is not hard to make- Mall the wnao is oer when ou Set v'HhI flour. h ler. tnni'Cfr. sharivr. purer fluur than our can not Ik mad. - i hcrcforc e c.aition tou to ask tor the "i.l)i;N (!' and "IW INCI'll I!" hran.Is. These hr.ind are sold at the km. t price fur which rvaih lirst clas llour can he sold and its price is thc'hit;hcst you need to pay in order to net the nest. Itcware of had flour and sliori welkin- Our.iia!uy and weights are Knaranteed Henderson Roller Mills companu. J. r. HrXDF.KSON'.M.tnaser. tnhlished IsT.t irpnrated ll Carolina Marble - and Granite Coninany. Our I ;.--;nc.s t M ;til r, aa i ; at any j .n .1 ir, t.i We have j i -1 i an-.l w : in. it.- tl:e line. .n i cr ive, e r.i.i ni l Call lor J i'ci a i.. to i"v h. 'e mi :al - ti, in .iti.l a: r.iv, 1: t ; . .ni lu li.iitiJ i nv er linn a i 'l to . .. i-ii' ami it: I:o. -'1111. ' 1 .1 i! ..nil 'lit' ,e.:r.. to 1;.) 1 : 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ki . to j iy. Caiolioa Marble and Granite Co,? I- i?- l-I'IKI'. Mutator. MUNKoi:. N. YdfJsat Mat. sville, Salisbury. North WYkclmr 1. and M,,,roe ASAAAA.AA. A. A A. A - - - 9 Spring j Cleaning 1 is ood, hut it's better hen followed up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We can Kite you any style at a low liiture, ami jruaran tee it to be the prettiest and most durable to be had. l ook over our stock. T. P. DILLON, furniture Dealer and funeral Director. Storo Phone 7; Residence I'hone M. lliey ;i t it it'l mi. I tii linown in. ( :. tin: aitliclii'tf Mt New I : ecnis t i in 'lint !' I w em m ill I waul I a ii.'lM. Ih.v. r ..lll't .f'l :t:i t 'i.ii lo 'eU .! n 1 lii ivo tie .put t; i::. c't hot II .-! !ii' oil ' 'II !..r I t i iv f.Mtv teal- an. I line li. 1 1 1 e-ui 0! tl -1 one t e!." !iiri !l:-l! .i:v-1 t!i:'iii:ali New h icans i -t r. -ti r v.'ii . .e.'.i la -ir l! it --u: e ! I rei.fl tell Jr.mi t !,-r : t,. i. k-''iit -'j. Oi l l-'ailier Mount i H-tle tol'i me it ::!.-,! ctert trle:"i !; ire v ii!.'i of M i-oiihii ! l':atr iitio Hti-I -it up in I'et.n ' KhIi;'1 tlie W.-'.i'ili I'mon li , 1 to out ilo.tn tr.eir p-!c tor n b in -':', I iiiiii".. I'"it I'm il,-.?rcM'-i !i'ait M... pi. U lio i lo.ei n. r I. t!M,o. int hott : Hi- niiiii' i- tt--t ,n itni i.i.'LTapliy ti;:i' l'e i t. 1 v. . kon t a-elit vofli p'.tla:,' ,u. I l eek.ei ! I- ti t. ! e 'i:ef or !.e woi;!.etit hue ii:t :te. lloo-. v. d, til.' -l itl.ie! i r, !.i.t II to J- 'li to help I at tin" corner -t: e ,.f I :;e . upitui. i;.i.-etf;i -hi i thai .i.ii 1 ' in i- tia- t ie ai i h H "i 1 a'or n'i-1 t li'le ! i ! I'-T tcf.K-.l tiie i.iii li: it n a le pro i-:oii to pav the !i p i ! ate-l ile'.t. an 1 he in- tu er re tr iete.1 nor : p 'l- a ,',1 for t.;.,; lie. I lint, .lei if I.olwaio !.llo.. liiat limit tiof M. ;.t a- the a'llimr of i, j ii,oi an 1 ;if a li - lea-on lint tiie n.orev a ii l iovM .j f . 1 1 : i , i', i: , u ; ,i , , i 1 . 1 . ai tt !. .s. c;tis l! ntcl the Moo. I ,.t .1 a. In alb! !i v i.-ek. mi, , tt ;. i.,. lil.'l t J'les w, l.,l eollil-i nl i j;' cotton del ! an. I make ei i-, t o-n i liikl'-en That's I'at he -a t in Ileaje. Iiiit tiie le.'.-iaii.ie ttoiil leiit tote for it. :ir. I ,t t ...k lite years t ' oe tiie leil ti.ron.'k. Aii tin- t i'tie M . I 'at is a. i.;,t ai for his country in Meveo .iu, L"it ili'spe ratelv ttoiiii ie.l at I'mena i-tu Ti li . I li i I to u-e i rui. iie- ! t -: yi nr.. He int er a. :n tie ii i!i-!atiiie In a tta- i,c eter o. t .r l'"'. an I yet li o-etelt. !';e -! .li ,!t rer. lets the he -tan I an ! ,o:i j L'.iio im i:e h : . in n to . ,v ! ... I hi' In r sota. ( in - count ' ! iien it ill ali Hi;. I 'll !t i-;ii a: ,i lit put i-V I'l l-l'i i '!). M' isstp. ' I low :e tilt' tii.L'iiiy f:ii,e!i! No'A thi -e utterances are It v own nether tiie f litm li.T H!if paper i- n -poii-ilile f..r them Alt' ffclinj.'" an.i f motions are i,i! nif ntt n. J honor the memorv ut Mr. I ,n is anil lime profouu,! re -pl. t I'm In- ttiilmv, mi,! there j. no limit to my contempt fm the lirute who put timiiiieles on hi'ii or the eoneeite.l historiuii tthn -Ian ilerid In in. h is a comfort to .le spi-e Ihein Imth. And now. three eheer- for Indi in- alifo-t -topiHsl id tuoria Is- . aii-i4 piiius'iiia i t is more sjnsjs.lv and there a t iiailians in siht li a.'i: -. . . , i t . o .aly , l.iil it ! a si.ti i ii. uv'li ow i.i'i i' iij. and a He i uoiu!l It n. hi will ift'i ( ilo I ii. re hi e in -re t tiiu ,!' Man ii o r -tstc who bate not 'ow, ! l' !,'!. e t I'. nl an ! the U.v. N. h.i'.t II,. should flit - eeji ill .a '-.d in til V ti.ai-f un ie i'i' was .j, k unto .Ii alb. I a: i in uj iof ail tl.is. Ii sounds like I I'll lie. 1 with silllleUklv, hut I i.ai li. I. e ate all lia'pe at tut h..iie t .ii i'ht, for cur f ir swat U t i-. n hi- wat home. We h .. e ;u-t ! i I -t ti lejiaili fi.mi Inn atiibewil; !s lie;e tonijht e I t i - in Me . o t it v and it bh ic li three I .ij terns since wi ll -in- -ei n bin. lhi- is tan. the, t oun j.'sj in.t the pi t of In :ii. I ;u r the . n. -lie lon-s the lie-t .and uats tin. loti'il tor rtftv liiL'lil. lie will stat w lb ii- a few i hit-. and then i attat a'niti and' 1 . 1 has- .li ter s, e lis ant more. I 1 My wife his Ihi-h -atitisr the' s sj.j .p. , din k f, r hiai Bti.l the' I t! I'tes's .me rot to he cut till he j t colli-, and tin' -traw hen ii ait'i -t;ii in n! and liie cake is in tiie j .'tin. otiio. is loo .r- i. Mil t r j J t ali mid he and Ji e will sinj I I sO.J !a '. s i ' ' ". -ti ihe tai'l . I 1 '. ti:e happ.', hapjif Jut's nil the I.'ll III. hi hue .'lir I. it s ad 1,11 i. Mid our ir.rls oot tiiarried' 1'. at we a:e happv ,t:ll and h to et 1 1 1 in ,.i i , i ee t some - till I. A i, i ARE THEY WELL? Unless they are. good health is impossible. Erf ry drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys eery three minute. Sound kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not. hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting; from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism. Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropey, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Britrht's Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance.it indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright s Disease or Diabetes develops. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently, it is a safe remedy and certain in results. If Toy are a ufferr, takt FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE tt once. It will make you wolt, Soma Preneuncid Ineuribli Mr. C. A. SiilUon. a merchant ot Tampico. III., write: "FOLEY'S KIDNI Y (TKE it mcren iih wonderful tuccru. It hat curej mc case hire thai phvtiuani pronounced iitcuraMr. I mvttlf am Me to testifv lo in merits. Mv face loJat it livin( piiturt of health nj tOUV S MUNLV CUKE baa mtJc a tucb." Had lumbajo and Kidney Trcubia tdvird Hut. metl Inomn tuint man of Salisbury, Mt.. writet: "I mish to tat- for the rcnclit ot other. Hut I at a sufcrcr from lumhao and kidacv trourle, and all ihe rein diet I took (ate me no relief. I betan wukc rOUY'S KIDNtY CLKt. ioJ alter iuc um of three bottlea I am cured." Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00. Z SOLD 1N0 RECOMMENDED BY : C. N. SIMPSON, .IK ".Ml A HK" I: I., a New V tk ttniision, fillcJ w the.,!, land silvir plate, with nun ii.rless b. iiiities i( .art . with e ut - 1 1 sonants, a little b.n- is an I u hear-e tiieir i dtii i; of internal hciii'iriayrs. II "I- ilted ill lite M'i,tsi,-i -lis nuts, s an I I ..IV title r crow.) ar.'iitul, but their skid is of no at ul. The child IS; The county roinniissieiiri wore iu two tears old and h is nettr been , ,eSM l ,sl erk- tety Stronc. As the cruel tide ol i A n-itain man was ia l,.n a f.-w Local and Personal I inhiniiv; Slielli'J the Corn Ul. ires I toll l.l'- It. I'., ! I sn :t. lleitiii, lUie -' and d stiii:;. i a - I'tyi' .r i; -t till Nil: III tie ,.,t , : u 1 is r ii : t : u , li h. : '".i ,.t:.-i: ! .-'i i f hchti.. t'.: it i r ti ti t put't i tl'Oofi re !, U - I n:it I t' c :n hi I h: i !'-, tt ii ! ' t,, '. in In- ..i i .in tiie ho ,- I- il tiii f i . ii. ,U a , ai - ! i S. A. STEYENS, H. D. M.'NKCr, N. C. Calls aiisarrnl in day iimn Ii-ii;li-h Dlu Slor.-; ut iokIiI to ia t.iuiii n.fl t-aict.sh liui; Moie, ph..ir .S iin.ee ovrr pe-l ellicr: ph- sie i,s. Henry D. Stewart, M.D., VONKOK. X. C. Services rru.h ie 1 pi..iri !!v and linnr.lty. Pay rails fiem ue.' -ell's lime tuie, 'i'!n.ne ?c; or i Hu e in tr.u Mo nl tush d lilt. i bis ir 'at his i 'Jaf ata and altei lHiielias.ui); st-veul i of l.er.l.'ii .V Tiiiiii.ps.iirs in-inaiue lllllllll SEABOARD Air Line Railwav Doublo Daily Scrvico Botwron Xow York, Tampa, Atlanta, Now Orleans and Points South and West. IN riTEC, APRIL 121 H. 1903. SCUTHVtAHO. I i ...... in, iiiii.ici,,,,,.,t..i .,,., ,,, ns ! I" Hie .pulily i f toiuls purrtiaieJ auJ little f Tin wtiilu t.iri.i ;.. ....... ! il.'ll.in w.irth ul cnieenestioin M ,,, ii,..,, . 'i ' i "''I Ihvent, taid he a entirely an.l 1 err f- '-.Miivvr nnni..r ... . . 1 I tt Hit tilt 11111 c V cT. Ii.lt his "Miitver hear him--J as nut Collie. She , eacelk-nt place to tiade is an artttss, llra.-e Cieol;e. and i A number of lubes aie rittavaKanl while her hot is Jvini she is i n i in thrir r. niinen.Iatii.ii of tli prompt- the t.iL-e of a theatre. kickitiL' un M,i a,ul P"ht-nt ith whuh tin t- daes not the pru e paid, lie i'iiii'f, I'liniie i. .Mtn I cols n .in i i.liii.-e. 'ph. me 141. (Mine h":ns to 1:, a. in. 1: 1: e li K " " I ..1,1 rs ktS.,s.r. a. d ii.rm .u JUHN K MUiNKUh. .. . ).. ail'NMlt.M C. 1 Pay calls nnwerpil ti -ni 1 1 ou-ton s ill lit: st'.te ail J ..'n. e. 'plieie . ujil . from t oiiiinereial Unti l, pleine jjo. i .,'. S..1I7 1: Ma ra T . a m It I II HI in m a in i 1 . l III , I. . I , her !. eel blight Si'ii" .oe w.iite.l ui.1111 at Mes.-is. Hivetis' grocery stole It !t!l!lt plea- ilc-sc, kets. Thev tell lis thattthiic .-he s.1111? and ilanee.l " "J " huu: tlu'e il.it s t, her hi art was breakup, but who J'"1 1 ru11' SJ.",S '!"-v '"!',h ll,r" . . ... . , Ii.-rfs an I mules in tl.e Iota lure 111 can he icte he II is a he irl ho , ,. ihr ,, U l. , ,r4jr , can i-hetu tli.it Hue sp.ltk of . Hi!! I'lteii). Some t-iy ttiey have niotlier I te remains in her t:'' heard it: uut ut lliem. Iiuwever, niy tiny know Im they lute liied it. m ,. . in . m 1 . 111 1 111 i. It is t si often the c ase that a man ill lint tiust wii.it his iii'hIiImi has lueti apphmdej bt '" iu'1 "I""1 '" )"Jk"'eiit 1 . . . , 1 , " and ci't w, listed. I,.: 1 -ir 1 .0! II'.- iini'n ;!: ie ! ,:t !h tt 1 re cent- knett th' lift I'runipt K'l.s'.'iititiint. t t 1 1 1 i ..! tin . r li I : it ' I -Oils' ju.lUf I tt .1,-1' Mi-., d n s 11 t in-ill 111,111 t y -lie is the mfe i a rich man. Mle .1 as 11 ( need lame her name ill. 11 .iiKis. let she .jftS ,rr "ait"- .-he inii-t il 1 hi r JiltV loi A in.ui thimlJ first find a friend in '.lle .tie t:,.,n,o'eiiient. , ten thoueh ; .he ,u" "' ''' ""i:1' . . I , : ' i . I r ine 1 aii 1 s last cry on e irlli is 1 r "ll'iit t er. " 1 tervwird.'t tins It.iedy is! till'.. Ii is no -ft frame tor a' (Joe us a tii..:. and if yen thru ni ;al. It is to Immble far m.r-' ""nl luu" sot 'he best and . Iie.ii'c-I steie in the count v. then ,1 (VI I .t' !tl t' ! I . II . Mi 'Mil 1.', S. c . Solicits Ihe patron.,.;.' of Ihe a iijilc of . 1 . M ut ir and surr.-utijiiie r-.p neuntv 1. CilU aiiMifii'd 111 il.;v ii 1.1 I n.asl, 1 Diiut St. re; at mctil tiom resileiue' . on thurch stieet. 1 feaie N. s. W. B. HOUSTON, "; ; its 1 n Kii 1. u c. I) r. , 1 1 r 1 . 1 1 OlTue up st iiis, I'ii.-i raid Puildiia;, ' I ' Northwest "I l ..iirth'itise, ti I'lilrfiillt- Ins u.ltlie. are hetler than "Two Inadi t t tt! N .a. ti r tie Si's ti, e Cam I, 1 IUV - ""'I1 l 'me s 1 talk Co!., -e. ex own ( tut . an -a. ,1 1 . 1 I'll" t . r let. IT; 'te in ti 1 ,nt i it'll, ,,i d p. j.j t as :het '. , -u.e hue s tiie Tillk' '!'.' .1 t- itltse, i-r tiie lVrsi HIS ..ry fl them A-i da's." "I'' i;ii-tili.is nun JisptitanJ initrt no me as i- or 1 r DO YOU GET UP WITH A LANE BACK ? KiJncy IrouMc Makes You Miserable'. Almpo ev-rvi-y -ha renij th r'i---pipers is ture to Know t( m wcn..eiul curn r.j.ie ly Dr. V Ji 1 . .. 1 r , . . 1 v , i .ei K-fcr'l 1 1 Mi b.a.i r f-iedr. j IZ-V-i - 11 um- ro-a! r.ri fjl J tfaltr!aiiit.ieftnr.ine Wil I J i iwiltl c.a-ur; u fi K.I til, r: e. c - Ml K, 1 .!! -, -ars c( tV'N.j u-t. K mrr. t- ; e-,i-" r-nt tudney and b.ad " ' tier rec:aiis!. anl 1, wonderfully t-dccisrf it In rrcmptiy etirme tame back, kidney, biaddcr. uric a: d trou ble", and BriRht'a biwaje, whih U Ir.e wra form cf tudiiv trouble. Dr. Kiimer'j Swamn.Root j r.:t r'-- otnmf nded tor everythmj but If you hivki i rey, liver or biaddcr troub e II will l f ,u. d Just tin remedy you ne d, I: has been ;ci In so ma:-,y ways, in hos-ilal crk. in rr vale pranice. among ihe he'piis too poor to ri:r-ciia-. relief and has proved to aucceisf L in every case that tr-ecal arrangemera has been made by which all read -rs of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a rnp'e bottle tent free by trait, aiso a hoc': leUinf more about Swan-.p-Root and bo v to I'-ndout it you have kidney or b adger troub'e. When writing mention reading ihis fneroua eff-r In this paper and f-V. s-nd your address to fJr'f'f. t. Kilr.rStCo.,Bine TiT klW'- J harnton. N. Y. Th vi-U!y.v--;5ia regular ( fiy cent and Rrf a.n.-i(n.. dol.ar iiica art aold by all good drucgiata. Don't nuke any mistake, Lut , t.. Li permanentlv cured, without pain or detention from business!, leavioar no eravina- . '" . owainp- lor dniira or other stimulant.. We restore the nervous and physical tystema to hoot. Dr. Kilmer S Swamp-Knot, tneir natural condition because we remove the causct of diaeaa. A home remedy and the address, llinelianiton, N prepared by an eminent physician. iv . ... WC GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT " n rvrry ',0,,le Confidential correspondence, especially with phvaiciant, solicited. Wnta today, uvu Opium, Laudanum. Cocaine and all Drug Habits q)uinnn Ir uulluvJ Manhattan Therapeutic Association FOLEllSllGNHTAR mmwm m, mmmwrnj, wrrm WTa nw ' StO tit COttglt tttltl batOt) Ittngl Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has ttood the test 25 yean. Average Annital Sal?s over One end a Halt MUTion pottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Core, No Pay. -50c HowwMnwywiiiiai it ivtstt, pacta or Isrovel Black Hoot Uvwr put. um," iiit.iiiipled tiie other canch- d.tt,' "ViMi'ie an th-rl" rnareJ the Colonel. He O'.-t the a pl-iuse. The Way he (iut his Injury. Ihe 1'. nsi, n ( hnee at Wasltin t' n lias no. ntly leeeited an ap plication h r a pensmu (tl,m a tctirmi nl the wr bitttnn the Mates, who i . 1.1.1 ...i. .1 1.. ,...u save tr.oiny ly tvruinj; the appli cation Inmsell with, ml the assist, an. e .il a j eii.-n n atlurm y. When be was asked I y the Tension H'l re. iii to state the circumstanci'S under winch lie iiu urn . I bis ihs .lhiiity, lie candidly ii.-poi'.di.J as follows: ' I he way 1 pit my war inpiry was a ki t. Inn of a In p The Im; tt.i a sow h .' and ur cjitam tiiinted her l.ir (.np:. We was cha-in' the sow, and she rritth d through a Ival in a rale (tnce. It was a hole, and I t limit I was ab. nit the sis id the hug and tried t: crawl threw, but I st ick, and tr in" lo wicjc out I Hiri'de the 1 alts 1 ff and ( tie hit nut on my hrd and l.mxked 1110 senseless. I do r.ot think the sctv y',f luj iiutiui'i; fodo tvnh tnylineol duty, (or 1 d,d 111 1 keth the lu g. With she never was cant." You know What You are Taking When vou tke I. rove's Tasteless thill Tonic because Ihe formula is r'ainly printed on every liuttleslionnn that it ah. 1 1. Iiiit may the I.rid hate iiiei. i on tluit w.'iiian when Mu ll is -rutin old, wlii n her "alt'' no i upT p!c i-i s and 1 vitt's the ct '.t 1, wh 'ii her conscience cins ut 1:1 tlm s'i.I hour ' mm t er." I I hate incliv tinm hcl. A Ctturch With Nineteen Uooms I h, y h ite s.'inetliini; new in a M,.ii ',h.-t ihiireliin Sliiiby, sas a 1 tii'sp -ndi nt. "Wlii 11 liiiish. nl. tve ate ml. run .1. "it will be ia i the hand- 'me-t ai.J be,t r ! : 1 ,'1 d rlmtcli i dilici s in the Mate. It rnitai.!, nineteen rooms, nii'hi inn; kiti liiM and diiiint;rooiii, win te hill, h vthl be s tved ..t file nn ai hour en h day ihituii; the inc'tiiic;, tint the hnusekerp'trs 111 it he able t ) attend the services, and also to relieve the delegates ' ( tliL' , 111 tramps, many ul the h inns being far distant from the church." We assume that lunch is to be srrtcdon special occasions and n. t at every tiieding. e mil not insist lunger. Yours vriy truly, Hill & Bivens. I' at ...,. n .i II s... . 1:1 I . lu " ! iu " i in 1 1 . , a IU 1 n i III ? I" Ill I" ;, 11. n i, , 11, In i" . iu .1 .. . in I" 1.. , in a ill . e, 111 Monroe, N. C. 3DR. B. C. REDFEARiN,t UtNl.Sl. j th a s -ja" s. isv te '.-..fi.il i- 1 . "y,j i To Cure a Cold in one Day Take Laxative liniiiia I iiiiiune I ablets. All ilruists refund the money if it fails to cine. K. H'. tirove'a tigua turp is on ea h hi s. .-5 cents. Land Sale. iiir,.f a i-.w.x 111 a rialn Tn..rlk'atf,. . 1111 1 x,i-ul,,( l. ,l..lui I K -I.l...;i tin- 1 .'!' e r. I -in. , iiu- -a 1, 1 ,.,,n 1,,, mi,-,, 1., 1 (u I m '--!. tie ..i:i, .1,,. I u iii, ,.ii Hi,. .lrd day of July, lXU, ',' ','' S '."-.I, ai 'im'..!.- nm-f ii.ti in ii. I i.i.i.l.-r f-.r i ,.i.il... I .ll-isiiiir isirr. I I 1 '" I".' I" ii "f tt a lias er Hr -' ,e a -o. k. . s f ,..,ri.r ,f ,,,,l,.ti .l tl K I r e'- t. -I . V .1 i IihIii- an. I 1I11 I 'J -' ,.1 , I- - mi. I l.i.-k..rs 1 11 ... 0 . Milt, u. .,, J,, ion .' V .'! I 1 i-haui an, I II -ii ,i.i Ie. 1.., 1,. a ial. l.y I.,. -a.. J. ...). li 1,1am, I, nr. 1 1. . - I' .-ii,- w.ii thr i.l 'i , .1. ! .,,n. an.l ! li, ,k- I- , -, i., l, l...rn,rrai..lal-., ' l I' .1 tt 1 1 1 la 111 - I, .1 1-., mi,, r Ui " e I r..l..rr, tt y ,,iiin-i I,. I 1 l. I . ..111! I I link. I,, . I, vm ; re . .mini- 1 in rr an.l . ,.., ..t u.l I 'B seen All the Groceries that a family of five or six could use in a day can be purchased here for a very moderate sum of money. Hut lot price is not the sole point upon which we make a biJ for business. High quality comes first. Then low price. Good family llour $1.75 sack; gallor. cf molasses 1 5c. ; granulat ed sugar IS pounds lor $1.00; and other things in proportion. I'ountry pioJuce bought at highest prices; call on us before selling. M. (.'. KKOnvt eiii uispeusary Mand, I'hone 0. ei-, 1 1. Cows With Long: Horns by some people only aw ay off in some other man's pas ture, and never near home. Look, fellow-man, for some- A. AnnhelJ, th-rk Superior Court 0 . thing good at liotli. and if you I'liii. 11 county, N. C, as adimiiistiator i can find it. die around the little vine and encourage it lo grow atONHOF. N 0. Will I e at Marseille, N. C.eii la .t , iinl I In 1 .i MuiiJ.1 1 of e.i. Ii 111 mil, an. 1 ! it Matthew, s 011 si cuud a:.. I fourth j Mondays. Phone ;i i ' R. W. LEMMOND, Attornoy-at-Law, will I'l .11 tu ! in nil lie State .111 ! I 'lin ed Stales Courts. Sj 1 1.1 II ..tleiiti.11 Kiteu to the setllniirnt of est.itrs for tiil-iriluns, F.ttriiti is and A Junius Ir.ilnis. and the imIIi-i hull of rUnns. KtaM,ii.ihle chaise-. Ais, ,ie.eiit niul local attorney tor the Piuilliei tilt Home Company, fieui wludi lo.uis may he oht.iuu il mi real e..lnte. Oilier one door east of M. L. I hov CVs store. Phone No. -0.5, ROBT. L. STEVENS, attorney and Counsellor-it-Lai, MoMior, N . C. I'rutiipt attention Riven to all mat ter pi. iced ill our bauds. Maiiac'riiicnt of estates fur eiiart .ails, ailiiiinisti.itois and etrcuiois a lerialty. ITiarce' teasonable. Otficp east of Loiirthoiisp, (lormrily occupied by the late l. A. Coviuttoii.) E. C. WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counselor at Lai, MONKOli, s. c. Practice in all the State and 1'iiitc-' States Com ta, Prompt attention tiven to collii- tions and lituienil Ian pnictiee. iorrersotis inlcresl'-il iu the settle lie lit of estates, adiiiiiiisti.itois, (ie .ui.iia, and l.iai.Iiaii. ic esia-cullt luvilea (ocail on tlietn. Coutiniied and nainstakiiic' attc will lie eitcn, at a reasonable to all h-i;.il hiisiuess, Office iu cuurtbuuspopporitrClcrk'f a fine. 1 -. i- m t , in a ! i 111 11 -,. . ill '.' ..am in 1 in ' K il. ' II, 1., Ai llli on,,: - tt.i-Mii.' - II.. I -T Hail) I , A I" a in ii In a ill a .1, a 111 I I,, a 11 I I .'. a 111 I , 11 111 I I - . 111 inn.' ' 1 I'i e Ill Sin, i 10 a a. i mi a .1 a m i iri a 111 ''!" A In a in Jt'.'a m .,ir" 5 .1 a III a 1, m J i m It I a III 6 il , a ni 11 t I 1 1) 111 II .'i a in I 1" i m I V' I "I 4 is . I v. . ia s .al i m II . in '.' .nia in njm ilrai It iiiii; -' t . 'i'A', a, '. . it Tllf f ?' VI s. .-T-S ' rs. sr. ac-Sh, ai "mo 1 ... iTTT . -.!-!, 1 ! -'' Pinc.il Jrudjer Ho" ; ..SAW? VI WW, IK '.anPtrSTl I'.EH KKHKt B. AI'AUt. 1 IIOVJAS J. JLKOMl. hum akhi in n. .1 Ir Till, lie, I' a siaiV in ui. laml I' tt Is. M,irlkMi-rr. Notice of Administration. Having tins day iiialitied hrtoie K, f Welsh Dutilap, dereasej, all mr- sous holdinc claims acainst said estate are notified lo present the same to the iin.lei signed administrator on or be fore the 15th day of April, 1004, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their right of recovery. Persons in Ji blul to saij estate ara notified to make immediate payment tnd save cost. Ihis the 24th day of April, loot. THE SA INeiS, LOAN AND TKl'ST CO., Administrator of Welsh Dunlap, deceased. Kedwine & Stark, Altyt. Notice of Administration. Having this day duly uualihed be lt simply Iron and Ouinine in a lasle-1 ''ire Ihe Clerk of Hie Superior Court less form. No Cure, No Pay. joc. Ills Experience- "Fa." said the boy. looking up Irom lis book, "what does a man's 'Uper half mean.1' "L. ually, my son," replied his father man li hind Ihe evening papir, "she means exactly what she sas." rOLErSllOMYIAR Biaraa Mttoi Prawatta Pi of I mot, county, N. C, at adminis trator of Jesse I). Kusliing, deceased, all persons holding claimt against taid estate are hereby notified lo present the tame to the undersigned adminit tralor on or before tlm 5th day of May, ior4, or (hit notice will be pleaded iu bar of their rght of recov. ery. All persons indebted to taid estate are notified lo make prompt payment and lave cost. E. D. WOK LEY, Admr. of Jesse 0. ktuhiiig. Deceased. Tbit Ihe 3th day ol May, iooj. especially if it promises to yield any fruit. Between the two extremes lies the cream. (Between Ihe man who wouldn't buy gold dollars for 50 cents, because they were offer ed by a horny handed son of toil, and ihe fellow who would'nt buy because he didn't have sense enough to know in good invest m;nt.) Have lived on peas and corn bread to sell lower than others and the labor is sweet And we expert to continue to undersell all. See me first, last and all Ihe time. Youra to serve, II. W. PUSSKIt, ZOAR. N. C. FOIIYSmDNEYCURI akaa RMtwya ) laaMar RlflM Adams, Jerome & Armfieltl, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MONROE. N O. Practice in all Hie Com Is, State and t-'ederal The management cf estate? or etecutira, administrators a special ty. Caieful and diligent attention given to Hie foieclosiite of 11101 teases and collection of claims. Money oaned without espi nse to lender. All i.tigation given prompt and careiul attention. Office east of courthouse. him K.Ii, Keilsine. A. M. Slack. REDWINE & STACK. AHornr ys-iiI-Luw, HONHOfc, N. C. Practice io all Hie Slate and l eder I Com Is. Will manage estates f i t Fiecutors, Admiiiistiators and Guar diant for reasonable pay; and oilt foreclose niortiiates and negotiate loant, without eijieuse to Mortgagee! and Money Lendera.when practicable. Offices -Northwestern rooms, fas! fioor, Courthoute. fnree Tiiss tse Value of Anj Other! People's Ml OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and luiliut business. Wegiuiautee ALSOLLTh SKCL KITY, promptness and ail fit accommodations that SOI' NO bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agteement, on dcoHs left 1 tor our stated period. Always ready (or loaot on approved paper. U. r. HEATH, Pretideot. Agents wanted in all uiioceiipied territory. W heeler Ullson tafKtcrinj Co., ATLANTA. GA. I'or sale in Monroe by TheYJ.J.EudgeCo. L. FLOW, OaiaUioier of Ms fx So:ii Cirollnt, la Nuolt Carol na: I Justice of the Petc lur Ud.jo toticij, Hid Njiarj Public U Narth Cirolinj. s :: :: S.rcial atteolion given lo t.ikunf. Af fidaviti, Arknowlcdfeiuetit or Proof of Deeds, Moitga,;es, Coutiacts, Kills of S-le, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions cf Hotter and Inheritance, Pep. -tiliuii. Writing and Probating Deeds, Murt"aceaud all other pars, issuing M..le ttaiiauls, Claim and Delirpiy and AHai l.meiit pteri, Civil Sum mons and Ihe Collection of Claims. Oliice at M. I Plow C'o.'t Slore. east cf courlh'i'isc, Moiuoe, N. C. tr ailalraaij attf assraw MlaSsa

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