LAWLE55NE5S IN KENTVCKY. TALklVj WITH IHE liIOM.II. I MH lIAMI.R. - ucb j cuuer. - U ,t'fc r a,,)...;.. . ,11 -m m v (J ( I J .. I.. Mate .,ili.r.Uwt W M M " rf , -. r 1 0 7 T. TV 1 uraou THE EOSROE JOOEHtL M. r.KASLEY. K HEASLtV, FttUHtl. TI TSDW i". I'ji'i- The Chief Witness in the Marvunv Case mo. Mil Hume anj KU l ite U in Daily Henl- Tatii.tiiu i I!. last icfu,e of a KutuiJtrl," t In Kin saij. Tlu man. a li I w.V.c-1 and Intnd i't the Kmc of Scrna, lii led tlie a to the nal apiiliiimt !it-ti llie I'm and ijucea ere ni'iidiirJ, R-'l 'ut tliinuc tlie tfufci;le. and the cocsua tors olhrialiy puMi.litd ti.e sUtriiirul that lie as uuii.loJ on tlie BrIJ o! in jYtriist o! tlie (atl.ri lanj." And one ft t!f ilm-t siuimJuls thus hrenmrs a,!...-.l itli ! mUc of pa triotism. Vtut a nait-st?' The pro pie of tlie httir i-uui.ti y srem t ' l'e sat isfied itli tlie mui.h-r of tin -it oet eiiis. olio uric sat. I to le wty I ad in died, auJ wsttiXiy. a ne .le.laie.1. Hut h- m I! u! Mo J i i" I'irair. ai.J it ii! ! Mutual it it milit ate i1kk uot. as in tlie i-e 't '! least-, oil for inoie. VlietlVilco. tie'rtii tit) iminlerei, .is ti". m 11:' .' tei Jay to bein llie : vi'.uey 1 the pen itrutiary he N-t cut up a !:ine, an.: l,.l I. I nllu-J l-V t.'l.".'. It . ..lll 1 ! Hi' uid tin i'M ni.iu. "it i tlie kliiuc. .-t a!u m-. The lining ami tin- ilin.;tii; ami tin- "tJ '' tilt lil- l: tlii'Vn-. H ' tln plant ii". aii'l whit i'l v.-.ttli.-r U '.mil turn l.itj... aii'l ronii'l li'l ptvltv iHU' tio'iiii.!. all i-lil a-iivilioiiN. I If utv, "I .tla im." A ix. n li.t Uvu odilitl ! tin- i'u ii-4 ! ullivr -i : iu-? lu. Ii tlie II ii t t'lH-knil limliMs i. l'.n . hmiiiI. Kj., Iia" Ut-ii j;1"''." "' SaluitU) lin'i iiiu. alli t ml. Infill. I lie luuw ill' t'a'l. It. J. Keu. tlie t In. f ilii v. in tlie M ili um in 'i r tier t-iW, iliMMXennl t.i ! mi ; lire. It as ll.e nel l tlie j "S er.i! ( aie .i! li i n, ' Mt. rexut of Hi.-axs.iv.ius. Tlie ( T.'lteu' toKuv" I n .u lli yat n'it i i. mi. ami 1l i ah nun !i uit ivt." .iil Mr. ,1. .1. have nut Uviicuilly ltlii iiii'!y !. -ll hi-il linn- i'I tiee.iiie tliey liae lint li.ul llie e ' lie M-t tiiotr trials i l ..i:. iMU-i.'iiity. Kwim; h.i in;: livi-; ll I m-'ii o-iiniy :' J'l i'i'l uanlinl 1'V tlie military ever simf! the ' a- i.i:' the lieKtiiiiiux of llie trial. :iliii.l ll in it ill ! i l.u.i.. i i"i A lawyer ill the ley it i f.ii Mills. li.-li It l loll! il that male n.u tue ul liis rolri..ii. .i m oral hui.ln-l ilo' ..itli shot ..ti ill the i-oiiit Iu.iim' l a l..lao e.i:i N- i-:.n!e a;i . ! eomviliil iii.iii. nii.l i uimii iii'il.tiul :i!h.iii hose i.i laWe a s.U i h.ime In il -fernl liiiiix'lf. It a' lnyh juiiil in 'lie. ITieie is i the must i:iril.y rt ! innriler. j money in ion i-.i:t"ii ! . i it In Us ell'orls to aM ii'e H aii'l I" tan U- s..!, o eepts a .. u:.l. the III nest V el the lam. Lilt the lin n-.isin s, .m il v .-I I iU-i the Stale 1. 1 Ki-ntiieky is i'ijwl ill .ii i-iit imi h fuitliei lU-v.-i.-i. on all snU s .y the must ll i,:t nit tui-nt in i -oltoii t uiniii; in ihis k-uli Lilrssiiess In the ell.nls to tv. Ami even at that m-e thi-ie th.ul. foil ami liaik the niei-l iff is nothing like tin- Hoti! nnolt-.n out oi lilstlie. the Harris I ntioii that tin le is in ! ,il aim slops at iiiitliiny. ioi'. ' 1. 1 i,-.-." The Town l lls-pitwr. Oreon. Nc lily IVr-v cj aifcl SU WvpU Oro ncd- I'oiilami. O.i'.. .1 ii it- Tive '. iii-lii-l I. -I Ili.-n iuis in a . il.uit a'ln..t eiilMeh '-lt..i. :li.- i ':i ol 1Ii'J)uh i. j in,.... at i. oiioik last iiiy tit. ll.-i. ...,! is tin flinty m ..ii.' i mi! ami al'iit I.J'i inliaoii iiits. Vii llie I. li'hineaii.l ! yi.i'li :t ate ! ami li" ; i. . .i a'i niioi i.i.U loin an li' "1'taiii -l. Inn i lie i-t .ui .Ti' ii loss oi li! Is I'.i-I on tin-!i- It- i is ii i ,. .1 l j. t. ! niylit. A l.-lh.H 11 ; l l .re. I. Illlirs iioi.i il. .j. '. ;. l- l!i- i !!.l I!. a! !i.-.l;i s I m- ! .-n i. . li .1 I l'y I v !. ' .u ! Irl .it o vll'l I U 1 .'1 M ' its-t llljli!i.'l ,io li n u!in lili- I t i i'H-1 ! In: y rain. it . . I'..; the L!. t.. Sil- l.l. in i i l' I ' 1 ll . I ll..v. I t i .11! i n!i .. .tin . ii si.', n.i- ,.f t!., . ,i.:. 1 ;. si.iih- .. i h t. Mate in the iTitcfest ol fo tiuilithat I !. A.nos ttr diJ ; n t soil all i f I hnry M unit nn. ' lie rt t.iiiis h.H ' isrle ar I many i'I Ins v.. .!-:. T ivetity uisal that i vi! o-i.i.i.. o'.l chLmi a ai lh it 1 tt'.c colJ imp in IS. to. the 1 1. 1 Tel rut wheat that Vrar Atrir- 1 i;i" An-tic ; vi-r-slirrs. I'rank thrte ..... .... i I'i.iits i'I ci I" wniskey anj cui i i i 4i -i ks . I wheat anJ tn.J it lie it'erai'v cut 2 sh.H'ks a Ja tiuti. I'ut .v snow being M uk In Jeep, he lOi'J not S?t il..!.; a well a he ;'.hl utliet-j a .e ! .w ;i lii'.o lit. I . il. - i!i :i s.i ;.j.-n... t.uils urn- ua :i .-t s.,:ty ..i,,! -, .l.'.il'.l l' till' I Minos! ;lu i i I t-iw ll . as .!.-s: -ti- l'l-:..vs It ii.1.! J -ultslhi. I shall y t li e ..!! I ivit i l I ncie I-lil) M .si,.. vh is..j. an.l cut whtat th siiro day. an I i.) the sum'' ll.- fit ami t nm! lio sn ,;. .in 1 j.i.l it lo.kej Iji.ii t svC wli it s!s kej in the sau w Report to tho North Carolina Corporation Commission of tho couJitiou of the ..I rl " to wouldn't put on .ii'.'' lieu I'.mie.! t tlie I'on-J the i'i...l it'i it' a j'ltv l! -il Mi hasn't heeil 1-1. i ll '"" linliiv. ais.. ii am i.ue then ea.iis. .1 'T on t ii-. u i fr.-lil till il lams' An.!. 1' t:. ijiwy itti.i:N tL sh nl J he pre-: I. : atter lrei-lent V, ii iw t ike a it--, li. it ri'si,u t - 1.. i-. : i- Keaily l:t'il Mi. Wits-. a: wl. ' Hl'lt' - .,i..Mi..:i t ll.e I I'ii rtal'le ie.:yn.'. i- I'r. . il l' tut!. HI is "'.:t sav tlie !' 1' "' lo in oo' it at a; iv piu '-'. "1 ! tor's nuts a:.. I lUv;J-.'ll I'upattli line. It l iK.i.l.t .my !..i:n. i ' s i t '.lay si 11 ! lilt- iinl ii mi li il. l: t tin- t it; .1 t "I till yi n." vii.l Mr. N. S. - mil. "thai a man eaii in ike ! .th' roll. .11 ami t..!'.lei- III I M!":i f iiii 1 . l ie li !.-.! ll. I in' viine s, .. h. in. Is ran oi Is Hie two i-t..)- hi roiiM-i tion alilv . ami tints fill in ail ilioil tii. e. an. I a 1 tin- , u 'roiiti'l. !'. 1 is i ii--.1 in i I" l.-i.-.-o i-..!nitv ami on a !--'.nro la: in. ai"! I li. eh !"! i.t,'U - west ol' Moi:ih- tl: it - ' 1 "ll l' 111 11 ki t I l;!l! ill-'l' l' I li'' ii' !! 111. ule lii I In le. 1 1 is vr.. I ! il it I hi-re Is l o In. ll k. l l.i-H- I"! II. I''!' tl, it Is ,1 sin ill i.Mtter. 1' 's .ill 't i-a-v to shin il I.- a in i! L i. ami l.e soil-. I"- . i-.I'll, k a- tin' tirini-is iH'yin I" yiuw it m !:'i. Ih. n-'ll l- a m.iiktl nj.l I hi M-iiii. lor I! ill pii! !: a w a: i-ii"ii-' an.l 'In- I.'iyi's mi.! i .'iiie. An.l 1 11 toil v "it. a !''' !' ' lll.llkll In.ik. s in. on i i I . 'I -ate i k . is,- ,1,.. s." I. H I ! I I If pp.;. The P'ttiflt'lS t!-- to the e-iuiil tie like this in stluitis ale l-i- 1.' : we w.Kii.l li t - iiii.1 p -v. i ly an 1 .: e.l each Jay in ' thelaliJ. llii.-n.-i l ecau-e tin--: '' il ' nate or tlie n:i tlniity i .lioi' t t i, them up. lint tl ' iti'aniati minx. t;.n or .oi.'ily slnnihl be I 1....I. tin re sl.oiii.l . i.s-.y on liainl I . evt.-t: I it is iiei le I. "ill' nl.- pi -ee.-s .il ."i 1 it is meant l.eie ilone, not l i pi o i 1 ;-ll I '" the ll..o.l s a i ii'J. I I .. i. .i.l.l ,'. pn:-e . I w lo r l:en the ,i;.! he a!. nin th:!'. alt. l the 1. 1 e !; .- 1 e t .h n li. 'p .il oi.i-c e.nt uliii, I lie. Hon. Ol e. Ih.,t 111.- sh. r ere.u ties like a tl ..'.I. Ini !oi the hi. cases of sickness an.1 h.'plf everywhere ahoiiml. An.l what nmie. ' every person oinjit lo n :ake it i rule ' t give ul'teii to s. -n.e eliatit ihle ! ! iert. whel! er it he to a slin t I 0 j or to an"ii, "-'I so mil. Ii tor the Jake ol the pel soli leeeuinii it as for his own sake. The man who never Rives lo rh.uitv of ? e kiu.l has a li. nil as il I v as summer's J'i-1. a-vtssina; ion l.weii's only oi line is itnevsiuy the asvissiiia i ii of M.iri uni. llie I'nntter was a pearelul eilii n. s.i far as I he ree unl y h-v He h.i'l .n'l iimulaleil iliiriuy his l:ri tiiue a little estate ol sln.lioil. leiiesenlei villi ill 1V Ills hotel propeitv. lie has a WHe.U..! fain i ly to take van- of. l'oiii'i iietl to ll -e lor Ills life al first, he has hail the e.miaye lo'x r.ithis ease when yiiaraiiteetl piolnlioii I'roni !olt l' llie .H s.-nt e of I l.lleil lales tlo.ipv Inl Hill .lal ion I'.iiliny. I! wen w.i- a'ptoai ii e.l ami ollelt-.l a i.l!.e of .'..l"m lo lestiiy that he hail -.veil en ' lel llnoliy oil Ills lltsl i-V.lllllll.iUon illle to llie I'M -Itellielll of 111'' III" im-i.l. t'oiuealiil wilm-ssts lu ai'l the .-llel ami Kweu exposi .i ll in ill. fills has 1. .1 lo arson, ami ..lie pill pose ol the 1 Ml I li i i.y . 'I ll.s llollse llolll.liess i. lilill ep. so I. mix it in an i ll. il to sa.e in- I .iinly 01 his ph.peity. wli.-n he i.uil.l he piek.-.l oil I'V llie :is vissins. I lie si. ile of a'l Ills Is i;i!'l.l!.'.e hut ll is .l:i!i. -nil to In: I the 1 1 in i-ily. the i-oiniiioinMailh is haul pul lo ll lo piolei l llie In. in w ho nukes ii,e i-,.in n-ii.-ii of two l.l...!y niiiiileieis 'Ihe ll.nyis l.n Hon. w liii h is I. sponsible Ioi a.l this mliii.olalioii. in lis i ami ar soli, lloi'l tin- rouuly sin h ,.s I hose ol .i. lye ami sin I ill. 1 ii;s -lawlessness tut hi o in J. ami il nil ileleil lieeilllll Ihe plaeiiiy "I .l.ll k si. ii uii. 1. i" in hi. il) law ri oi.ler lo k.-i I. Ill mo I loll I he in. n him rv ol a i-apilai i ase iui'oilil. Ilwen loses all the insiiiame mi his litl.e holt ! j "u here ll liei'ililse the eoiiipaliies wouhl lake i "iiyhl to ha. ' in. risk. v.:.l M'. .1. H I Ii is haul lo xe linw Ihissia I ""' the I -w,, lawlessness is o l- ii-iiieili.-il. A "ihee hu.lii.i.y liilitilil.ili ol Ivelillli kv lilf.ieh.-rs l "' I'er )'M1. 1'I-1- I . 1 1 1 1 1 1 have lieyiin ii yo-pel i am t t"Mnan. pllyll 111 lile.lllllll. ami llie Siha , It ""lllil Ik lion V ii.. i. i I I...1 lii lie e..n 1 l.illi'ill:.' W llh Ii -iniilaiitiy an invasion w nil lam I hid i mes ami .ll inn-, lint one I limy m"" ""'" Isiell.llU: the Male of Kelll ueky I .nnest 'apt. li. .1. liweii a hoiisi amlj 1 lot. I III. 5aJ KiiJ ol a Case of "l.ovc at '"' I irst SiRht." f: i .1 1 : 1 s:n . .1 liowil l-V ii. pi---; w siie.1 :i;r:s i in tlo in . i t'i.i . . I . i ,.f v.. ui. i . "i in - i 11 1 Its si al-' .1 . -II weie I l-.e I'iM i l-l e k ! I'V 1 i.ekv txcurston Tlirouh Railroad Rat:s to BELK BROTH 13 R5 ' tin x eoples Bank .: ! 1 1.-. 'II .1 i':l ii ; a wi I i!. r a a -i. a I- r .1 I. III! ,'- W e s. !Pi , .-I l.e - t'l.i! lii'.L'. s aw. As ho lio..! lii'l s ,1 I ..e !. ; mi -I pins ..I the iH t ll!. MuNKiU'.X. .e . t' 1 -iues mi v ot J u.e, l.e'.). KIOl KCI S. ti e ylh i I .!" in 1 1 it; l -l . t. . :n.i..! 1.4 iliil 4J 1-5 .- II '1 1 I. to el li. ! o . I huinh , :.-! . .1 I . h.ll U.l . V. lililtl Ihe ,. l.n , ns w hn h a 11 1 w l ie In- .-.i hl'e Ih' le si.ei u'.a' i-.i - a- i..... w oh the ..IJ :i;i lu-ell'l. Ihe .. ..p i I. '..ll s, . His tl. I't' t 1 li hi!' .1 I" he :l pel 111,. I" l"i M 1 . New man's in.. pool' leiloW . li Is l.i .11 . Is ... s.iae lits a Smith Am. 1 ,1. .1 Ili-S i !,. liter it h 1- I..111 -1 - - ol .-pp,.. .0. 1. -i . . , i.. ' 1 s. , allle. -1 -...ll a' I. 1-1 -" ! e ll.ti. tl 1: I 'i w a 1 '.- -hi ! r-ur-iiin tn V ilininyliul. e ii. .t.'f.ta: 1 veil ,'t,' I.. 1 1 in 1 .1..11. I 'I ' ).,.-. 1..: 1 ; Kip . 1 1; . 1 11.. ..t. 1:.::, liii: l; I' l'.:e Co! 1 ,i li n.s S tt s, . , . 1 I il f I I M il 1 1 11 S. ll St . s pil l 111, . . 11 :. I I I- I:'.-. . , t ills ii- hse,.niiteJ l a v .....e. 4.11- iH 1.. si.) s. rM ;ji-J- l''i it- ,1. 1 -:i Veil : 1 1 1 --p. ..-if it. This cargo of Shoos. Clothing, Hats. Dry Goods. Millinery, Gent's Furnishings, Notions, Etc., has just landed and tho whole outfit goes at WRECKAGE PRICES. Sobeaisy! Be aisy ! And if ye can't be aisy, be as aisy as you can. This is the greatest sensation of the season and no doubt will create an uproar in the camp. We'll show that while cle cork on de fishin line may do a heap of bobbin' around, it's do HOOK like our low prices dat do de business S :o ? RAINBOW IN MID OCEAN. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. This .Icscrits's our I'lessi'..-! ltles. viottll l.s' , at. '.'. mi ll l'i u- ites, ,rlh l.e . at .. M.i an, I l.mnli.ini-. woilh l.s' 5v" 5s All M. l.lT'.Ol I - ,'s TABLE LINEN SPECIAL. I'll", i M Sii-j-ii'lt S.'. I i-l 1 5C i ..-i- al in: s. . .. Vni 1 at ,.- . .it l. i liii -tutili at p.r pur : .. . at 50 l-r pur ''V- an, I s.i holes.ile Ki-niiianls T ah'.e I. ni n m J. an.l I v iols Lengths, woilh 5-s- , .'. i'l : -s I" : yai-i. mir puee ,s.' Uii! lot Samt'le N ipkin- at less than l-l'st. 3 l wnle Tat.'.e IVim.tsk. worth '.. for lln sale oiiti ... t v" 2 ui.le lUi.ulli.l I'alli.ok, 75.1 tin.l. pn.'i'. vii I'he.ip. at -ae Sj..-!i! pn.i-s m.iTsi'.l on Touel-, .sheets an.l IV.!.. v ises, plain. hiiii-U". In. I .1 in wis DOWNFALL IN COWLEATHER. l.nlii--' Tan Slippers, si...- fmiii .'. to j ... w..rtll $1 Js I" i V". at s-.- a pair Cln'.lrt ii'- !i.H-- an ! Slippers, all iii-els an.l pint s. Uii". Ji 'll 111 all kni-ls ul Shoes 10.000 HEADS WANTED To our Stl.i Hats at 11.. V'.oi 1.1 any -i. e l.iain. . 10. I S. '5. f an-1 75 H ills LITTLE NOTIONS-LITTLE PRICES. she, I - 1' , M-s M It I .ll- .' I'.' . Til- :i! 1 ill ' , Ki-ne1.1l telm I arlmt-n:- it - Nei ",. I'oi'i - : N..ti. on 1 Tint i-l .... it 's . It 1. 1 1111.h r It: oil's through 1,-i.a.l all .It- B8lk Cheapest Gtore on Earlh 1 H' mm . crl rothers. VhoIesali3 and Retail. fSysj 'snw ilt-t.UlilllC 1, K ,lal. I I..'. t' ! e I Ul .t - J I. I ' 1,1 H tr.ll: - h i,l l-s 1:, -. win -.1 l.i,. litisi I'I. I I ,1 i 1 1 - I . I. A. V, J II. l.i i. I. li. 1 :.'." i-ii, i !! t ..e.l Sli'isi" ..!. 'lav ot J Lo CI. 1 Cashier if the I t J s ,h i::nlv'il'iit is t' ne . ,1 ;e an.l he ll UK, Caslnei New City Ordinance. It i. i.r ltsri.1 I v tlie of Al li nf 11, e 1'ilv is' M nr s?. tlett Hi.-Ii.i:.,ii n, i.'.lllian -e ts lis . - i -I, .!', I,. II e .lety of ll,..!s."i AT l.lllit Itsilivsi 1.. e e l. -: II sii.l ke. -a en.- i -i l" ot ll- mil- 1 1 !' Clmr h slnss. in. I ll-r -Meet .l-.Ui tlie Ir i.-lil it e Of- win :i i,l I,.' k.-nl I lnei I. IS. The a I, ut hen i "1 see : ' lii ..V 'i'h..i sh,:; is hat he s ll.e I'.IJ'i t in a iii.l . I'liiin-(I'll VI s V, , i U ii : l .-.l I . ioie me, I-i" N. t.n v 1'llh :e. Trust co's Sale. ' i , i, , .' . ,.iii in.-- i . M e . - , ij-, n - 7 - l.-n l.-r. l i -i -iisii i.e ei i-e, e:ir,. : r : i r-' r i . t, , ,r-. ..i.e or. ir-ir.-sr i.-....i U 1 f s lt-; , 10- 3 i i,v ..'ii i'ii..i "i t'iii'i '" n r ' '-ei 1.1.1 i'v" i" - J . . ,ir..r..,nlr,,lll l.s 111 tit i-r er. A V .4- kt V a I A?TC s Si - .1 rilr,. I , iii..' I i '":.s'e 8 I ' fH:" "'"rt'St! f ii. .well nis-im- est-. er t-r Irani i.ill-e (? J V i'.i 4; 'f " 1 ....I .teie.,.ler ..r s..hi .l r' K V " . It Hi. "f tl'" .!-"'" ! t " 8 1 -'' tv ' C lie ear or . sr- M prevent any per X I i " -V .. . ,11 r,.i'V r . r...-- ,1 tra k If O I T, . ', 1 -, '.',' n ! V Vl YOU NEVER 7S I I -O'V Jit he w a- in j,,'. h" 1; I- I'-lll. t"l l'hsi nl ' ..111 I. Ill a .iili,:. M. l.'le. Ill l.lll li ',11 1: tel- I ' n I l'i'' lii klll'ls ,. 1 i i::s, ;,, i I ii. 1 1,:. I ' '''"- :-. ' s"..-, :,..V;'.,.V. III l 1...0 ll. lol 111 I.I - - I- " . , " ..,,. .. --' ' " -.-iets. .I. ti,.- Aii.u.t..' 1 ;, ,' ;'' .tt 1',-l.i. Ihe I.' '. l.s. ' "' N " 1 i ini li. Ii.,:t 1 1 ... I rt.nt.lny. July l.uh. A. I). IU. a lii. i ISfNli ir 1 Air 1. tun Kilwv ( 1:11 hull f ut t. irw't -ii!.. b.i t Vf nrnt tirrfiii r.iti li . :itT ll.irt tUv frtu tl't Ult ul tht fim tuif lit of itu ufiir iittMi-i it "iy a ifimlty "f lehy tif li. liar f r wh mA vwry iJay ( mi.1i filiiUff li 1- furtl-ir ir.liTfl "ui if ai -'n hIihII rit or ilrivi. ur .k r b-ti- t:u -.mi rtiria I r.t'W nftr rffivintt nnu' fi.:n tho tnnlfr of tin aiiri'arh of hh FHknn tnttn ir -ar .it -hall le ir r.tiv nf a ihi-t-'itienihir. Hti'l fir ri'ry h i -'i 'nttfi vt.ftll - a (-rnatu t Ivti a iroro complcto imploaiicnt sioelc than we are iow showing. Tho best known make3. mil. ti.: U i l 'i t Ul.tsiiih ; nh I..M..ii l-i a"h. ; ..-I tin- -t. .in 'i,. i.l, I I h.i.loite I' l.lss I oW'l I.l'll-s ..i.l,.r J tii June H r As '.ih, i'il IH'KAI-I'. ' )' Now Ordinances. 1 in r I .l A It. I li lt till' I', llll ; 1"'' :;.iei i ll Is. loiei 111111. 1 s s .lie to . till- .1" hi !: 1 . 1 , is th.l.'ks t si- 1 i 11 W . t li s i.f W..I -e 1 .1 ,.1 1 11 ih'W l.liless lili ll. Ill- It will he: ii nutmlii tio-l that Il.trrv H-itt lii.-t n:a.e his app vir- .llicc III Waxli.lW last IkCeinl'ir ! .111 I at t.i.i'e t-ck charge ( I a sm ill r.'-laiiiai.t. A lew ,!,as The . ahinatn s in South Car.) lUr ,R. .ct lic Ashley. lina tins in.. n'h inaile soini thiiis ''"His j v, thin a w.-tk it so in the oflier of lh"e newspapers ot j ,jie,y away 0 nth I thin section that leel hoih llie respon- , -aruhna one Sunday evetiini; an.l nihility ami the j 7 o( uettins the 1 wee n)ameJ, w ithinn the knnw 1 news fully, arciiiately ami in time. Lj or consf t o( Miss Aslile's Of course, this applies to the daily i p;ircntg. t) course it ha.l to he press. We weekly lellnws ean only sit ,ecor,!ed hy the newspapers as a back and wait-nml (eel the heart J .. romantic" aff nr. jump while they are i;ettiiis it, and j yg conplo ri'lliaine.l here with then copy with proper credit-is it ; tle l,ri,t S parents until about a ample payf-from those which we , ri 1 -1 n t h alio, when they suddenly thins do it hest. Some one of the t0j taVL. for pllrts unknown, weekly fellows has made acknow le.l-e-, Althotltih diligent imflliry and ment to the thailotteOh.-ctver, which j s,.,,ri, was Ule fur them (or came out in the lead, hut, bless your 1 several days alterwards, no mfor oul, the most of us weeklies depend ; niatinn as to their whereabouts No Mure k'tliel I unds Needed upon that paper noiuuch that we have the habit of craltnn! ciito its news service as a matter of rii;ht and not ol privilege. Even those weeklies which revile its editorial columns Ireee unto its news by the galley full. The Maxton Scottish thief refers to a neiciiborini; contemporary as a tailed, speckled tauniVauJ;ulrn 1 '.' sT.lite.1 al'1" ' s,) 1011UI I ohtaini'd until finally a letttf came from Mrs. Hart bring ing the intelligence that they were stranded ol Neuse, a small station just beyond Kalcih. The sheriff ol Wake county was at once noti fied Id take the vijuiic wife into 'his charge with a view to her re turn home, lint before he could Murcanlon announce that it will make war upon one of the Republican chieftain, whom it designates as a bucket-mouth bod of Harabbas." And there are yet those who say that the press lacks fire. Mr. II. F. Seawcll, llie I'opulist politician who was rotten tilled in the depot at Shelby in iSyS, and sued the Seaboard Air Line for not protecting him, it will be remembered, got a ver dict of fa, 500 against the railroad. The case wai carried to the Supreme Court by the defendant company, but the verdict was confirmed and Seawell will do doubt get his money now. This ii t remarkable case, and seta the bounds at present to which damage uiti have goue, but what the next one will be the Lord only knows. A Shelby dispatch ol the 8th says that "Mra. Marv London, aged 45, hose husband died last week, was married to Mr. Free in so Hudson, aged ta, at 8:jo o'clock this morning, in the presence of a good crowd, tinder a lane elm tree near the couit house.". L F.i.lnll tho cootratulationa are due like there1 a waut of "harmny" in to the late Mr. London. tliey had departed for Vir ginia. The next news from them came last wctk in the shape of a tele gram from Mrs. Hart, who was then at DinwidJie, Va., a station just this side of Petersburg, stat in); that her husband had deserted her and beoRinj; for enough money to bring her home. A telegraphic money order was sent at once, and the deserted young wife re turned to Waxhaw last Sunday night the wiser for her "romantic" but sad experience. It is useless to philosophize. If the facts in this case are not suffi cient warning to any young girl who might be inclined to "love at first sieht" and to link her fortunes nd destiny with a man she does not know, then further warningwiU ljTVjun The esteemed Charlotte News con tinues to prove in its editorial columns that there ia no such thiug as a cloud burst and to give in i's news columns head line like this: "Five Hundred Lives Lot t in a Cloud Burst." Looks Tl: ,,Jl! ll -111: ti: tt- liltthlltk" 1 llN at.'l f 1111, liy grateful -eiMias and get l"H hre,! to i ciitt t! rt i;t 1 i" s-l 1 the f. itier.t: '11" and tlie pci-j.l' I 'Win-, tela 1 e 1 - 1 at t'.'t-l unt) I r the hel ei" . r His c: :!i;!-:. the ll -o, -tr. li on siiRetcrs by the "titsi.l.' v.u',1. Theirs was a gener'Siiy nt h und id by litii'i iiti.l 1 1 tn tt i. .1 only 1 ability to give. I. wry t'-!igra h and tel- phone wire an.l every tia.n entering our city br "ticlit unmis takable tvnli'tii's ol tin 11 s iiip.itl.v an.) loyalty t the distressed. ' abundant and spontane. ':s have their d n Hi ins le'i-n that uni; ' means ait; rrw pr. vi !e-l to to re lieve nil want.-, and tlie la ait ; . I our perple have g me out in inex pressible gliilude t.) these l,'ii:ai,c biiicfactors. Although tinpiece dinttdlosi of life and pr. p.r'y has been sustained, yet 111 tvi-ry eye can be seen the light of hope, in every countenance an un.l tiint- ca in 11 1 111 :imi 1 -ii 10 ici'uii'i tn. waste place." .1 I.-,' h. :::p:." I ',... i l.,'l W i:iiiii:I.' ho It'll! ll ; ,v i.l !..- .1, K. 11.. uih t h.ii ni'l .11 seli.-r I 1. io I and I. ...i I'., n l.'a:. 1..1 i. si.lll.'tlS il. 1. ad. -! ,10 J !. t-l pel s .lien mi. I i ear I:, ti. -hiin 1.1 . 1 1 .11 11. I Ills ,s .UII i.ll) 111 ill l!ie .!iine 11, ;hi : 1111 1.1:11 "I -hn .t.lil . ;; -I ,.t II-. - ll II I It 1 1 .1 1: . '1 ",1 ll, I In-! 11, a, I.. I gn.1l In. I'le it. oleh. illi, I ot I 1 1 .mis. 1 t,i lean- on I he o li ll lllliiligl"!! ill. flail:- I ll l sis. 11. 1' .uni ii,.- in l-ll. I!l I. 'I :l 11. II- I I.. V. ail - and ll'lslts tin! 1 :i I llll'l tllji 11 I hallo Mi. Hail l.s lllnlel I", l"l I'll'.-. .i' 1 mi in. " i.n it hi ii't.ii In d to eai ..pp.. .ash, 011 1. Great Loss of Property. , ...el ' lor an .to and fir 11 Tiains will 1 1. Will Is, 1 1.. 11. K I M'lili k. I.l 1 it' 0. I . mini. 1; . I .. I'. I' It look like tho chastening rod of Providence baa taken the shape ol goods for good. the News office. We cater to Ihe trade that wants the best meat that can be had. Try us. White'. Market.; Knts and I.Uiuor Killed Him. I .-Mini', -n 1 1. -1 sm 1 .-I. l,.lin It irii'i-'firn esnli'iiT... t do a full twenty-four hours vv; rkj every day. One day last vn ek al former member of the Ninth Car olina Legislature, who was c n ..: 1. ...1 . 1. .:,.!. l -..1.1 .n a i'ii...i ..1T.JH a.1,1 111. j a attractive speaker, lay down bj at J creek bank in Richmond and C ok ) a nap fiom which he Jid not wake , up, and when the body was fuund X the face had been horribly munj! I lated bv rats. The coroner found j J that a blood vessel in the brain, weakened by whiskey, had burst while the man was asleep. The' poor man had let whiskey ruin him, just like many others who do not know it. and Some who do know it and don't care. jGtieap Flour :ir DiH CI Aim I ild Dull I HJill ! I l'hnne 166 when you want the best meats, tender and fat. We will do Ihe rest. H. Z. White. Lapies: We sell lrcer's Hone Flour, 4c. Hi; Dreer's Plant Food, Joe. pkg. ; I)reer' Fir Tree Oil, 10c. o. All prepared especially for flowers. English Drit, Co. S. R. Doster has just received a lot of nice Hams. It s 1, w 'li- I - Ilit- 111 il.1T s ex cite fill t.'.e in'el Inl it V i.f l,H l-i.i'.lm t. Lii tl r is I'll ll mt l,n i .atti r hoa- ll is 111 i!ii.'ii. e I '..l Jiii sie.I ill paekiu , ll a'l ("Un Inn k to Ihe same Hiim.'. I. '" I fl ir nit x- .1 mtli .o rwi.l in.piove the ijnality t.t the ,!t u.l, I nl lite; nhite paint Mit'i j an iiuttil I- t ot white to pio. .lin e any etti'it Hail or ch. ap is lai tine, in lihiten, the nutntiDiis p. iln. 11 nl It als.. contains a large pel rentage of the putverued husk or flirll .,( the cram. All of wlii. li you don't aul. 1 here fore, e caution yon to ask f, r the "Invincil'le" tirantl. This hi. 1 nl 13 inlil al the lowest price for which really first class fl.air ran he silJ, an J its price is the highest you need to pay in order lo gel Hie best. Mr Newman, mr h eal I alier, says: "IuiliKll le" is llie I ca:i get f ir balling." i 'llie i rk rn.liiu June t.lh, I'l'M, I as a most ilcsli neliie one, Two ' meat floods an.l one ternhle ryclui, 'ile.tioved (or people 111 Ihe llllteil States iiiillions ami millions of .lollais oi tl. of property. Thi-ie aie en lam calamities that we cannot guard against, but we can gnaid and iole't ourselves against the 111 - .s-l l.n unliable foes In man. Ha I you ever thought what the great hanier to your financial success is' It is the unconscious habit ot pay ing no attention to your pennies, nickels and dunes. II y.m Take Care of the Pennies, Ihe d illai a will take care of them-selu-s. Anybody cau make inaney but there are few uho can save it. A nieklc sa.e I is a nickel made. Trade I wiiii u.i uj win make mouey lur J ', you by saving you money. If it's not but a few cents 1.11 each article it will amount to dollars after a while, liy dividing with you what would be only a legitimate pre fit en goods, w e save money for ynti and make liletime cus turners for oui selves. We will otter a lieat for you on alh of July. Watch our advertisement next time and come in to see us. Your. !!... I . .,! I!... , I I I! ii i i I HKXDEIISOX JltOI.LEI. MILLS. I 1 J---- -V...AAAAAJ.AJiAaT j Hill & Bivens. fl Cool Head Is very desirable at this season. Out clean, solid, pure Ice is the best cooling medium yon ran get. In the relrigeratof lis lasting quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED, It adds to the clearness and cool nesa of summer drinks of all kinds. Have ua to deliver it to your res idence daily. Ticket for sale in any quantity. I'honeyfi. CADIEU & WALLACE. !: .t'l! ... r n.ti'1 n..(if ti ,,1 f(nl t.. .tl-. !ia 1 in - nl -Ik 11 11. nr-li -.tin.-.', nv it1. '1 1. ' !.' tti.'M it -.11 III III! 11 in kill id.' 1 1--, H OMVKU CIlII.l.i:!) IMsOWsS, IvKNirCKV Cili.MX DI.IMsS, WOODS MXDlil.S AM) MOWKllS. II.VKNKSS, H.OW (iVAM 8 t3sXXXtXOOOOOGOCKs& OOvXlsWOOtsXKKXT'OOOCCsJ p mm mrn i in rmt itUL'EiJULUJ maJLjJIIS.a A. MOW. MIIS. A. LI.VY.i . I..,. 1 ..I. ,.i ... Sfle 1. 1 ta- rtnti . . iiitt-uti.l. -I sin kai r. si- Nice Meats Our Hobby! Any thiiiij in the line of nice tender meats is our hobby. We l ad the trade. II . While. When in need of fresh meat -phone No. yt.J. P. Talker. Our Ice House is opposite J. J. I.nckhait & Co.'s store. I'lione us when you want Ice. No 3'i. CAPIr-U iS: k, THgNErEeD' INSURANCE If you will permit us lo demonstrate to you the need of Insurance, we are satisfied that you will no longer be without it. Level headed men realize the importance of Insurance; but we wish ty talk lo those who are not fully aware of the advantages of H Insurance, and respectfully solic it an opportunity to give them information. fj Best and strongest companies represented. We liiivo supplied tlious.imls (if t lie 1 people of Monroe and t'nion County with their spring Dry Goods, Clolliinii' and MillinciT hut there are others who have not yet bought and we are ready tt) WAIT ON YOU now with the determination to give you better selections, better bargains, and better and prettier goods than you ean get this side of IJaltimore. Now is the time. . Levy's is the place. A. LEVY. I MRS. A. LEVY. rmm uiti uni 1 nmrrrrnmTiTnjTnii 1 3 Gordon & Thompson. "Lei tho COLD BUST twins do your work's El 4 To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. r?J Strvw MOoa lam toM la ms I J aaomka. Tllii Klniatnrfl. S-'jCfr Carta Crip ta Two Days. 1 1 on every h i mn0 box. 25c 1 I

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