THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone No. I. Tuesday, June lo, IU1. I The--ladin. have las-u appointed to solicit contributions forthcM mKI:tV luiiH-r : tl Kxirl ! : i Mim Wilms Aru.lii-lil. Kate I 'In I ft-r ami Kate 1-ain-y ami Mr. Jul j i.m linfVin. Escape IVum Chain (iang (Me Austin. cii.irt.-r i. Imo other im ;;ri-s. U iil aim John wagoner f4.ii imui I lit- chain eai s st.-cka-U- Suii.l.iv .Ill-lit. (k)c m;i but l Ticket to our l.ujrgv routes! have the oiln-r ( air -t at l.ugr. (M .'"".T '.'! ,,,,,r,1 "" lour,,,,rrii going rapi.llv."l.tit there are mas raptured i.i Mr. '..v u,;:l..., s i.l tell all I lu ullie: I.i roiur. ; rt rr ,,.. Uu .,, !iru turll ur.r iav j,ig U-r ul.-.) Mix m ICmifcnm l-n ycWenlay Jcnu a dollar lull, gel a year sub- nearly nil over tomu iy im- free draw for til-, Aiming the places l.j (Me s THE HEATH-MORROW CO., Monroe, N.C.! 3 Ir a vimI at lu(i llaitM. , wripii.w an.l a Miss Kilie of Mini 1 1 ill. is visiting Mrs. ('.('. riikc. j aif rcpii-sted to say that 1. . there HI In- a null III;; .f the at (Hive Itrauch 011 busim-m. Mr. Huub MiII.t if Kienl Sunday in o 11. Ami league iu the court liniisr Umii-lit ut SAX, for the trans (ii:iiliitt ii r .......- 1...;... 1 Lit i. . i, They lia.l prociirvd a Iil. 5ojiCsrWiOOD LUCK" BAKING :)' DZ:. S' rcr I .'13 reatn-risrrow Co. Konice, ,. C. !-.-.. .'i st- I. TO Id. r. ICHMCNi' V I5Z77I ! Iil j Mr. John Walkui. of (liarlottr I'"""' hM iit Suii.lay i!h I'r. J. M. IVIk. Mr.'iiii Wolfe is mmiIiii; to viH-kii in M.vklrnlmig. I.Vv. W. V. Iloiiryciitt "lit to lliailollp t.Nlay. MiMa llilliar.1 of Uf..r.l i tisiiin Iter lirotlx-r. Mr. Inslcll llillianl. iu lil citrliii!. mas tin- itm.-lriy. He mii.I lir lia.l h.-anl that ilos moiiUlu't trail folks lliroiih a graicjanl. Tlitw tii.'ii I. II I lit- Mix k.nli' W tm.-i-u fl.-vtii ami two o' an.l li lie jlliejrai j; ma ri.joj iii; lli. irSiisi ..nii.-niur,-M. mtiolias jusl (w,l,ams from H1.11 I. its .-ImI ! ...... , , r.luni.-,J from m-I.o.. at AMi.-v.ll.-, ,u,s t..,, s., that tl..- i.oim- of; ,N"V ' ' " 11. t- m,.j,, -I,- r. -., I. ill l uioii liistilul,.. MisaSsrvM is Ulll,r ',....r ;,,;, , . HMI,. ' ""'k ''" " a llalli'lll-r of I r S.-r..J I .. .. .-. I .l "'"'K "" ' n ii i. .nr nr.- - i-rm 1 Allt-r p-ttin fns from the guari! jaii.1 is Uglily morlliy of tlu .lav t-liain .Iiiiiiik the itint. Ili.y lil ln-has Iks-h to till. Sin-j not piamaN 111 a Inm. Ii. Imt has lia.l r.-rimrt- as a l.-a. lu-r j ,.m ar.ii.-lv. far apait as not .anil has splcmliil trainiii-. t arousr lli.-Mii.i. i.m of tin- nij;lil Miss Mayiii. Ijxkliait rt-lunir.) S it unlay from Kirliiuon.l. mherr hit.- has Ihs-ii attt-n.lim; m-h.M.I, Mr. '. ti. Wall has pn to Wall torn 11, Anson i-oimly, tosH-iiil soliu lime. All.-u's N'ew Oilcans Mi list iris mill sliom in th. ir tent, near Win l liotrr's slalilcs, toll i 111 . Mfssrs. Ili-niy Itroom ami J. W. nsi-ii.l art- buiMiug nits' (-ot-tajlcs 011 mot JrtVrrsoii slr.s t. Mr. ami Mrs. John Sli.-pli.-i .1 of Alilw'Villc S. V aiv vimIiiik at Mr. .las. Hirlu'iil's. Miss l.iit Iun v, mho has Ihs'H in M'lioolut l.anritstpr, hxs ii-luiiu-il to In r lioiiu- at Dmlly, S. ('. Si Miic f.inni rs mi-it- otVcnsI iiiiu nii'l a half (vnls for tli-ir ro!t'tii rrop lii-n- Saturday. I'rof. .1. It. Wulkrr of Waxhaw IS ,sM.llllll KOIIIctillK in Wa.l.-s Ihiio, Mix K. J. iitiiij; lu r lii-.ll.-arn. Carl full.'.-, son of Mr. t. ('. ('mice, is milh his lirot her. Mr. J. I. I '111 lis-, in Texas. Mr. (i. V. havis, (lit' ihtog iaili.'l' m I10 lias Ihimi ul WiixIiiiw for smut' timi', has pim to Lincoln county, mlicrc In- will locate. Tin' lioriny 1111 I lie new well lie Can jcslciilay. It is t-XH-cte.l to take ulMiiit thirty .lays to complete it. ' lk- II. rt...... .... ....t;..;... )... iru.inL mhi simhminmI tin-in Itt 1h' . IHIIM, mllll I till inr II' nsetl to .Mine here ami mho mill IHrusties. m I10 ar- not Koinj; II. . illi of Maltliems is .laughter, Mix It. ('. Mrs. W. I. liiiri'tt of (icmyia ari ivi-il last nilit 011 a visit o In i iin iils Mr. ami Mix ( y lioliin Hon. t'ollnii mas soli I help y.vtenluy for ten cents 11 .iniu(l. In In- (Icliv i inl mlien (lie crop is pithcreit this fall. Miss ll.ssie I'rall of Morven, Mivs.lauie Mattlicnsaml Mr. Frank Matthews of (liailotle have Imi'Ii visiting til Mr. .1. M. I'.elk's. Mr. Chuk Walkupof Maclulosli, 1'la., mas iu torn 11 Sunday on his may to the summer school at 1'av illsoll. l.i'V. 1. A. Sni.lcr mill preach lit Sainly Iiiilj;.' cliuic'li next Sat unlay ut Hire ii'clnck iiml Siimlay at eleven. Mr. s.nii Ixiinlley, foiiiicrly of Moinoe, ciinie home last niht I10111 11 Ihnr years service iu the I niliil States army. IJev. W. V. Iloiicycutt mill pleach at Smyrna the thiril Siimlav ut II o'cl.K'k a. 111., mni at Triuitv ut :l::to. The olil jail liiiililin', w hich lie lonps to the low 11, is liciuj; titteil up for more siiilahle iimitcis for the town 1. Ulcers 11111I for hcailipiartcrs for the (ire department. lr. Horace Smith, mini haslieeti in Pino I II 11 IV, Ark., fur iiIhiiiI a year, writes that he ill i-nnie holm nml resume his business here in Scpteinlier. Misses Kate Worlcy of Saiuly liid'c ami Itcitlia Sii'ix'st ii-turneil last week from schmil ut the Nor mill ami Industrial Collect' at Ashe ville. Mr. V. ('. Austin, mho is fariu iiiK in Mil fori! township, did have a drove ul'alioiit I'J.'iyoiinp chickens, liul now he hasu t gut any. The iniuks got 'em. 31 r. Warren Stuck, mil being 21 yearn of age, could not nerve as tax lister, a place to Inch he mas ap Hiiiitc.l by the aldermen, and Mr. C. II. Harden was appointed instead. The Young I'isiple'g Missionary H.H'ictyof Central Methodist church mill serve ice cream in the Ice jce building Friday evening of this week. Little Miss lielM-cnt Slack won the contest for the Muck's junior ittove given by the Monroe Hard mare Company. Her list had i!'.'!Kl words in iu Mr. and Mm. t). C. Purlee re turneil home yenterduy from Pud ley, M. ('., where they had lieen to nee Mr. Curlee'n parents, Mr. and Mix J. 1'. Laucy, both of whom are Hick. Messrs. Kneed Ogtuirn and Hal Adams have returned from Trinity College. Mr. Ogbnrn wan one of the honor men in the sophomore rlusa, and is attending the Y. M. ('. A. convention at Asheville. Mr. Jus. II. Lee had seventy pounds of fine rabhage heads on the market this morning, which he grew in his garden In Monroe. One ' of the heads weighed four and a half pounds m heu Mi lppedto the Hoi id head. Mr. Iiee Williams son of Mr. Jas. II. Williams, is local manager of the I'i ilcliar.l memorial excur sion. He has tirkels on mile at the Monroe Furniture Co.'i store, liohud trip to Wilmington, (ISO, leaving Monroe on 24th. .piickly recollected by many, mas kill.-d iu Norfolk recently in a s ciihai may. The electric light mire runiiiiig into his otlice lss-amc dis arranged, and he got out of the window, up stairs t lix it. IU- coming caught in the current, he mas either killed by It or killed by the fall to the sidewalk Mow. Mr. I. Wikhire, a well known cilien of Sandy Knlp tow nsliip, died last Tii.'&il.iy alter 11 long illness of coiisiiiuptioii. He was 5.1 jeaisi old. He was a school teacher and a farmer, a member of the Methodist church mid an lion est man mho sI.mmI well mith his neighbor. He mas to Miss .lane liiggcix daughter of Mr. .1. A. diggers, and she milh eight chil dien survive him. The (iloiiceslcr Hotel bilildiii); having Ish-ii sold to Mr. A. X. Sample, a hotel man of ( lu st, 1. Mix tl. C. IVake. the present nianager. was preparing to j;i v possession yesterday. Owing, horn ever, to .11 r. Maniple s inalulity to dispose of his proK'ity at Chester, he mill not come to Montis', ul least not at present. Mis. I'cake ill continue for the present, and perhaps permanently, her excellent management of The tilnuccsler. ; Misses Cromfll, Sluidivaiit. At ' kiiisoii, lilakeney nml Kauisey. ami Mix II. I!. I.auey tisik part in thej concert Friday night given fort he i lioiii'lit of the Hood sulVeieix A I net prolit of ?.'! was made, lint i there Ix-ing no further ms'.l in Smth Carolina, a eommillee con sisting of Messis. II. It. Adams. ' II. C. Ashcrafl mid K. Y. Hoiislonj w. is appointed to expend the money 1 for whatever charitable cause they HIT lit. Miss Carrie Stewart, daughter of (he lale John It. Stewart, will be married at ti:.'IU tomorrow uftcriKmu to Mr. Charles 1). Itols-rts of II111 Ion, West Virginia. Mr. Hintoii is au engineer. The ccreiuony w ill lie erformed by Kev. M. A. Smith at the old family residence on Lan caster Avenue, and mill lie very iniet, only relatives to Im1 present. The cfuiple will leave on the S:'.'n train for Norfolk and Washington. Miss Stewart lias hosts of friends who will wish her an abundant happiness. She is one of the most accomplished as well us ul I he most popular young ladies who have lived iu Monroe. She is a musician of great talent. And lie sides cillturc.she posscsM-s all thus attributes of character which j.o lo make perfect noinanlioo.l. Marshals fur the Fourth. Dr. S. J. Welsh, chief marshal for the Fourth of July celebration, announces the following mai'shuls, each of w hom is iciillested to net another in his place if he can't serve: Monroe township - Itaxter Wil limns, Itulils Armtield and Wilson (liillin. Sandy liidge tow nship Cyrus Cutiilicitsoii, John liiggcix Ituford township Thoaias Fnu del biirk, Thurlow Itelk. Vance township Frank Keziah, J. I. t)rr. New Salem tow nship Mark A us tin, II nam Itraswell. Marshville township Frank llarrell, Kaymond (irillln. Jackson township- John Secrest, Hugh lirooui. (iiHise Cixs'k township -Zeb Lit tle, J W. Tucker. Lanes Creek township Dr. J. It. Liibanks, Oliver Wimbcvly. $10 Rew ard. A reward often dollars each mill be given for the capture and ret 11 r 11 to the chain gang of two m-griM-H know n as John Wagoner and Will Alsobrooks. Wagoner is eross eyed, bright mulatto, slender, nearly six list high. Alsobr.Miks is black, thick lipped, scar on face, about five feet high. IvsrajH'tl on Sunday night, June 1 1. It. T. Fl.KTVIIKK, Slipt. Mountain Caved In on the Track.,lll Illh. The side of a monutaiu raved in oil the Southern's tracks hctmecn Spartanburg ami Asheville al 110011 tiHlar. Thonsimls of tons of rock and dirt plunged downward, rom als'Ht. The two e?eissl mgris's had only short M'titciuvs to liuisli. After day light another negro, who has long Imh-ii a trusty, tHk a notion to, and got as far as l.'o. k Hi st, w here he m ;ts sts'll and bv Dr. W att Ashcrafl. Not i .-iion wlii, Ii i-aii. t.isvi.l to l itift-rior til iil.-.litv. siii-h h lit iw til ..Mir It.. nr. i I .. k nt .'His 111 iiialoiiir . I.. No mittt.T ! Ii ov itMi. tt . ti. u- a .-.sik inn. tui.e, I .tii'i' .r.i-ii.-.'. .'v.-n wiih ih.'hissit ' ll-Mir. .ii'., i-.mhI t.o-a.l mil provi.ksl j iih n i?.h.I lMv,iitm2 ai-t'iji. I - li.l.lll I.I I k li.ilolii; l'o iler nl Olltv rillS. III.' l.Si,t, il;. UU IHiwt lii'tilltiliil tr-ttil, ml.', iMistry. .'t.., but I dll il.i 1 11 I IHlllTllU ..111 ll H UT!II I. iii...-!.irilv 111.-T . v ill. il .- 1 -liiiiS hi.iw un I S-.ii(o l (a-el I tlltfl iti Hit' 1 U It I It I" UHt-1 vtv lfti:iH I f tli" im In'II'T liitiiM'ki iM r t ! 1. ;tNVli- ri'. ii hii'v .r..v.-f hv llf t i t iltdt th - t!-' "(in Mi I.I lk' Hiking l'iAlf hit i-4t U 'ti I'h'trtit'Mi jri Mirfitii it cmiii- lnijt'lv tn r Ih trt ti.itl o thrt'ntin aiiio'iitt ut H ik ii X rjMl-r K'll 1 tliruu-jU.iul li ntirv ti-.l. At th- liwul of tliii nrti V i- th-tnrt 4 ,r ;.m, .f (i win . K Ut ii ! I v Vnji:'i' iiti l r- l II 1 .rr.. 1 .1 ,.4 . ir i . Ti- r Mlt.llll T.tlt 'tlirtw- l(t.,U-.tfl. I' 1 ( llimlr Hll'l "WV!! (' t'"Tt (""Ul ir iM-.irv tMi'lw (.Mi f "(! I t t K. It.iki i- 'i..-r u'i l i a U' u j v .i.j i H-rit 111 r'-t.-l "hv t.i tli l.i'V8' . t tintr l tin I I'M 1 1. l .ii.x I,,, Hhl tic trnitinn.ts iiMiUr)f v Mi- iOiii I I i'k .raii.ul Hiki't I'.irt .-r. ' mil I.I t K" I- tVitilv It.ikiiit; I -rt lr Mtl.l tviMl-irli 111 S Ii l l .ir I. -.ul l.t. mi I Irani 1. ,i I Miiim--ut ar' o 4 x s e IaBK & LEE, THE LEADING DRY CCfl-S, S('!:nS?. CLPT?:f.G. CISTS' rUEIISBIICS, I1T 4SD SHOE STOLE IX X0.1R0E. ;;::x:::i::::i:iii:j::xx::::iiiiixixi M M M M I Wllfll'S tllG FflGG? I Ihcn what's thv alur? '1 .,. il.. si "I.. A 1 a Li. .1 . I l l.s .. r. .Ml! I 1.1 ! !! ! -ii I I 'ii' ire not at 11 . Li us .h cieaii. r assollnielit lis. i . . Ills. s 7' nuts. lo 'S lits. n;e' sh.-r THE SOUTHERN MANUFACTURING CO., RICHMOND, VA., U. S. A. lot '!M IV: I.I I.. I. Il;i. !" ."t'.l.-l il'llts. a!tiactie M H Neckwear. Can Sell Cider II... 1, .ii ru. ,i 1, .iu 1 ..L-...I ,r '"'n t-'IV '"'"jcider mav l- made and sold iu this ''"'; "Sf" l"iu an.lbn.UKht ;NlllU. TI..-I.- is fnMU n.iieh con him back to tow,,. I bis mgr.. was, fllsji(; , jhl. Vul.f.-i l. ow- riiii i lau t .11 n M'l ill, tin 11 AT THE IM LKSITV. lacked only a feu weeks of Is ing out. ami had Imi ii a trusty with hundreds of opportunities to run1 away. The dogs failed to lake the trail1 of Wagoner and Alsobrooks, prod - ably U'cause so much traveling! over the track had occurred Is loit' , they wcie put on it. I The Ttonroe Manufacturing Co- I The Monroe ManiifactiiriugCoiu pany, of which Mr. T. C. Is isi presideiil, Mr. .1. It. Faulkner gen eral manager, and Mr. Theodore Stiusoii is N't'ielary ami treasurer, j is now getting under may in its; work. I his plant is the most i , teliM'.e w.hi.I woiking cslablisli , ! incut ever tiieiliu Moiii.h-, and is destined to do a tine business. '1 lie main building is !Hi 1 nil feel, and the machine!) will have a capacity : of working ;io.i.ik feet of IniiiU r weekly, employing 'J.'i men, with a weekly pay roll of almiil if'.'iHt. ' Twelve men me already at, work ' and the force w ill soon be doubled. , The company mill make a ss cially of .li ving, dressing and ship ping liiiulicr. and do a geiieial line ol custom woik. Sash, iloors. blinds and scroll Woik will Is- done both to nnler and for general shirk. While pine lumber is worked now, the company experts o do a line of work iu haul wood mid veneer ; iug. The bull. ling is eipiipped w ith the lcst of tuoileni iiiachiu ; ciy. The dry kiln has a capacity I of .ill.llllll feet mid is const rileted upon well iccognied scieiililic ! principles and iiite unlike thej kilns that hae lieeu usually made iu this sect ion. Instead ol Is'iug, cloi'il up tight, the only covering! at each cud is a can ass curtain. Oilier changes of a similar purpose , to get i in rents of air aie linnle. j 'la., is visiting relatives here. The wonderful activity in build-! The heavy rains here last Salur ing tint only here, but elscM here, day damaged the crops and laud lll give this company all the work, cousideiably , il can do, mid n pl.u.l or Inn in. no ; Miss iigiuia llelins of l uioii like l could a'so lind plenty ol ; villi- is .spending wvcral days w illi business. The small things of this Miss W innie lllakeliev. nature that give employment lo' Miss! ierl rude iloiieyciitl of Moil ing to the aiiioiuit l Ixitli spei lal ami general legislation that has liccii enacted. Hut then- is no spe cial legislation for this county mhatever. now. except the blind tiger law. which diss not apply to cider. 'I lie only law now iucvisl ciiccisthc general act known as the Watts bill, mid under that act eider may Ih- sold. .S'clion one of the Walts bill says: "That it shall be unlawful for any person nr m'soiis, I'm hi or cor , Iteration to iiianiil.ietiiie, sell or olhei w ise .li-pose of for gain any spirituous, vinous or tn.ill or iutovicatiiig bitters within the Stale of North Carolina, except in itii'orporalcd cities and towns when in the sale or manufacture of liipior is not or may hereafter be prohibited by law or regulated by special statute: Provided, this act shall not I e construed to forbid the s.ilr of such spirituous, vinous or in. ill I'ipiois by druggists for' sickness upon the I illeu prescrip tion of a legally iiialilinl phy sician having such sick person under his charge: I'lov iileil. further, thai this act shall not be construed as to ap ply to w ine or cider manufactured from grapes, berries or fruits raised on the lauds of the pets m so man ufacturing, or purchased 1 Hie Several Personal Items About ' I'nioii County Ikiys Mr. Par ker tioes to k'ockv Mount- '' ;..:-".-. ..' I'm- J ..r...,l Chaisl 1 1 ill, .1 t.i. The s'ssioii of the Summer l.a SeliiMil of the I uiu'isity U gan last i Wed lay. About thirty stu dents are enrolled at present. At' a lu.s'liiig of the rlas-i last TIiiiin -I day Mr. Jim. A. MeCae of While , Store, Anson county, was elected , president and Mr. F, F. t.rirliii of i I'nioii ( ty lirst vice president. ' Mr. lien. I'. Stevens formerly of i" Monroe, received his A. M. de ls give here Ihis year, lie is iu ut tendance upon the V. M. C. A. stiideuts's conference nt Asheville: from there he will n-l urn home. Mr. Coleinau t.iilliii of Marsh ville completed his course ill phar macy this year. He won the III. id ham pri.f a gold medal given to that student who makes the highest average grade on the w hole course. He passed the State Hoard cxaiui nation at Moreln ad City luesday, ami has since been i.ilnvil a posi ti.m in New Urine by Mr. Ihad ham, the founder of the lliadhalii prize. The Teachers' Summer School logins next Monday, June 15th. A larger huiiiIm i- of teachers than usual is expected. A letter from Pi..!, hry tells me that he ami I'rof. Jesse Williams w ill iirohal ; Report to tho North Carolina ! Corporation Commission of tho Condition of the a s.ii. . y Parasols i.ipnlly. I .lll! lloW H H SAYINGS, LOAN & TRUST CO. VI M.'Mi .1 X o 4 fX i a 6 f-r:iiiiii:xxxrix::izr:xi:ixzxxixzxixf1 ee i i.i, , i.i. 1 1., ,i. j.,.n. ...i.j.r. 1. I" .1 lr I I" vim.. I ,. . -i ,.i ., Special Clearance Sale for June! Our stock of VatcLes. Jewelry, Clocks and Fancy t Goods will for this month put on new life. We want you to c'oinpa.1 e the prices tk;t we give below and see ;if we do not save you from 20 to 25 per cent on all standard brands of pock I I.OWI.. X..U, Hi s I I r. .1 VI 111- I h . ii ii ii i i i x r liianiltaeliircr liolu the growers un,.,,,) iiiereoi: rrov iiii u, iiiriner, inai mis . n,,i .... i... i . act shall not be const i tied to upplv ' t..,i ,., :'':,! .1 .'.r ,i 'h!..i...i ...1. . i nl Korky Mount, mid will take iu the Summer School in order to be better prepared for work. Mr. Parker has just graduated high iu the largest class that ever gradiia led at this place, lie w ill be al home for a two months vacation to brandy niatiiifactiired from fruit or grapes and sold in original packages nl not less than live gal-' ions." I Cnrmel News. r-.ri. -1 ii l.' i-- ..f 'I in- .Ikuiiih! lleliusv illc. June 1:1.-Mrs S. F. Pii'ooiu has hern sick for several days. Mrs. M. M. liainsey of I'.ail (iallie. VI I.N are the things that give the best ami most permanent prnspeii ty to a town. Fxperimtnting With Tobacco In Anson. VV ;i.l,-'.h.i.t l.-... 11--r ii-i.I I nil-!! i... ...... t For two or thiee years a few far mers of Morven township have been experimenting in tobacco nil ture iu a small way. Fast year Messrs. Hugh Johnson, John 1. Dunn, J. I. MiT.auriu, ami per haps others, made line crops, on 1 1111 It .'.I a leas, which thi'V market roe spent luesday wiih Miss I'.va j I.i. Ii u.lsoii. We were disappointed in not seeing our friend, 'Sipiire Fancy of liiiloid, 11 pat theelill. lien's. lay ex : c irises lust Sunday. We wauled ; lo see him sauntering mound look , ing tor a square meal. S nne of the boys of Cai incl, le 1 riding that they wanted a little fun I iu the way of rat killing, went In Mr. Ii. K. Helms' Inrii mid pro jeeeded to business. After moving a load or two of corn the rals lie- gau to rush out bv the do.en, ami hen the . i - ... . . ... 1..II ... I i niisiiiess iH'gau in grow .nut ami i monotonous they derided to stop and count their game. The pile was counted ami found to cuiilain I7N lull grow n rats lit stii l s. . .., .i:.. ..... i ,' I .. m.. en a, ,.a,.,ug.o, ,:. , " "; , !, (he killing began. I.aurin, me are intonned, rcalicd 1 i .. .... sjsii on his crop, which uasgnnvn on three ami a hall acres ol poor sand hill land, (if course all this was not prolit. but he had more than half of I he money It-It alter i.iiiiL' all cxpetiscit incurred iu making the crop. Testimonial We do not know the amount f l)f ,le wt),uCr(iil cures t.f . i i .... ,i i i 1 1 " alter the Summer School. Wingite to Have a Depot Building. I - - r. -.-Hl. nr. ,.f 1 1,.- I..tiriin Wingate, June 1. 1. Profs Dry and Williams of The Wingate School w ill leave Monday for Chap el Hill w here they w ill lake courses iu pedagogy anil languages. Material is being laid down here for a new four r.i'jni depot w hich will add greatly to the convenience of our village. Iu the spelling coul. 'st given here on last Saliiiday night only one word was missed. None of the spellers knew what words would lie given and they were not found iu the lirst pages of a speller either. Miss Annie llarrell who had charge of the primary department of The Wingate School lasl year has again accepted the position for next year. Miss llarrell has given perfect satisfaction and wcarc glad thai she is to be with us again. Miss Mary Perry, who has Im-cii teaching Latin and I'.nglisli in The li'ibinsoii Institute for the past year, mill arrive at home next week. Miss I.illie Oiilen, after having spent a in. uilh at her grandfather's Mr. J. S. Little's caiiiehoiiie Tues-dav. ISpegihl Notices.1 AdviM tini'iin-nN will I v iiiM i teil in this column at the pure ul one cent a won), C.lsll in idvunrt1. TICKEiS (nr tlif luiccy content are yet lieing ivi'ii av...y. You .ue enlltlr.l In one (..r every dollar ymi pay on Milisi i ipti.'ii, uhetlii'i m m i e.ii h or in Hilv-.inci'. Si'ii.l a vl..ll..r lull an. I c.-t a ti.krt, tito an.l ft to tickets. SjinrlHuly will j;i't a i;...i,l bnciy lor iiolliint:. .'- je' 1 . v.;; '''it t WATCHES. i- v.-i r-i.i. s..ini i, k.-i ra. J" -n i- I'hvh' fuse CHAINS AND FOBS. :..i i. k. 1 1 ii. I-I I .'M I'll i lid N:. k. I . ins at... :i nl.... . Ml km' CUFF BUTTONS. I.I Ml r lank nt.. I link al CLOCKS. : I as w of I jL .' I -. ..I Ma ,.$ .. r..4s: .. ii its .. 1.T ". .. U.Va 4H-. 4He. 5H.J a.-..; 1.4sl ...l.lsl .. tine St. I I I.I T OST--A l.ely s iliine La I'lrase rt'tiu a to W. A. Stcw.ttt. j Wll.l I unlay roi r Mr. F. L. Mav, the cotton weigh ! f.. : ... I : I ... various patent n.niicine can beiV " '. " " ' 1 " , . . i , .. bit' the convenience ol those who bought lor ioc. a ptcM e dan t ; r,vi. 1usilu.MN w ih ,lillL want any ttstitiionials lor - robe's Sarsaj'aiilla. We don't! You can get ice at ('adieu & need them in our business. This ' Wallace's;. ii our testimonial. Its all we I want vm.r old Iron. 1. 1). , .-..,-.. t , : . . -II ..'- .t. I J joillisou m ull inn reiiirii iroiii ins' wain, an juu wan-, il s un- uesi , j. (rkcf crop that he, together with a niiin-jm the world. This is it: If after j Iter of other farmers of the Mc a fur trial you do not find Parian mid Cairo neighborhoods, I ri)Hv c ,r ; manll i to be I ir snne-' " 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . I ll ll IM I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i r m a red by Messrs Johnson and Dunn mi their crops, but they must have turn well sutislicd milh the experiment, as both of them have increased the acreage devoted to tobacco mi their farms . Indeed, so well pleased was Mr, .1. tin csli ut my mill every Sat tin a Hunt h lule. S. K. Hell., ..a:. N. I'. SAI.F -- jy horse power l.iihl. 1 c n l; i ne and holler, l.iil.lcll !:s Pies.., ath steam tiampei'. 1'i'iuis to suit pun li.iser. J. M. Cruw lit..,, W'axliaw, N. C. CAKKY eviaythini; you have in i Id Iron to J. I. I'.n kri . In addition to our Special Sale we will GIVE AWAY FJIilE with every purchase from 50c. up a handsome piece of souvenir china of Monroe with Court House and Graded School. This will last until July 1st. The W.J. Rudge Co. Books Stationery Jewelry. the KM f. M I '. 1-K the l.ct meats Il city au- miI.I fy U. lieu al- I'lione j'.. - WT 1 IrhvTi be to onr rustoiin is at any Im Mir tnclit or day in rate ol sickness. I'lione jl.. Cadieu Wallare. ni MliMI'.l K you ran t. t the hi t 11 ket. (irsli at J. Phone No. "I. P. I'ai kri a mar- WH1CN you want lee phone ;i.. Prompt delivery ami honest weight. (.adieu & Wallare. Conic to see tne lor chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc. S. K Poster. I want your country produce of all kinds. See me before you sell. S. lx. Hosier. You probably do not buy much fresh meat during the warm weather, and then you want the best that can be had. That's onr kind. Phone us II. . White. 1 ! sSV il it s;?V , it is 'If nor to any you tvir used, not as good as we tell you, come and get your money b irk. Sow you know us, we nuke this propnH.iin ourselves, and you Ion pletely filling one of the largest highly elated at the prospect of a employed Mr. 1 rank Sineth, ol Darlington county, H. ('., au ex pert iu the cultivation and curing uf the plant, to come to this county and oversee their crops. Mr. Si neth is looking alter Ml acres, ami it is estimated thataltoL'cthcrtherei ktu.w that if this medicine are lot) acrx's planted iu the weed not please you you'll get your in Morven township. money back. The sale of Lat- Mr. J. C. Streeter, of the Cairo robe's has increased over 400 per iieigiioornonii, was in town .nun- CCnt. in 0 months simply on its 3 day and informed ns that the con- mcri(3 We Kturt.e jt t0 ke,p ditionofhiaerop, and the en. ,h livcr in healthy action, rcgu- of his neighbors, was iterf.-ct. Hie,. ... . . , .1 , 1 ' leaves he said, of his crop mould ' bowd,; P"' ,he ,'l"'1' ' i average 10 to Pi inches broad nml and 1,1 '',ct WW cleanse the en- IH to L'tl inehes lone-. He Wil tire syst-m. 11 untie, I IllOiltn tl railroad cuts in the mountains of Western North Carolina and effect ually (.hutting ofT all t radio fmin the South. The landslide occurred near Tryon, X. ('., just ut the foot of Saluda Mountain. The road just had Ktieeeeiled iu resuming op era! ions of trains which were blocked by washouts in Spartan burg county last week, yesterday being the first day the regular schedule were in effect. Shingles! Shingle! Just received, two car loads of good pine shingles. Will dispose of (or low figure. 1 Gordon & Thompson. paving crop.nnd gave il as his opiu ion that iu the course of a few yeais a large proportion of lite sandy land of Morv en torn nsliip would Is' planted in tobacco. The caw against John W. Simp, son, the Democratic register from Put her ford county, who was indict ed lieeanse he refused to allow Kev. J. I Itlark, a colored clergyman, to register and vote, resulted in a mistrial in the Federal Court at Charlotte Friday, the Jury having failed to agree after Is-ing out nearly eighteen hours. Pure New Orleans Molasses at 7$ cents at S. H. Hudson's. treatment, at ? nnts. Knci.isii Dki'C Co. List Your City lroperty-live In Your Poll. 1 will lie at M. L Flow's store 5 from June Slh tolMrd inclusive, for the purpose of listing taxable prop-' r erty in the city of Monroe. All male persons U-tween the ages of '.'I and Tilt years are required to list I their is.lls between the dates above named. ('. P. IIakiikn-, List Taker. If you desire pure Ice, com bined with honest weights and prompt delivery, phone 36. Cadieu & Wallace, My Pn Wei Hosier's Good Shoes, Because, he says, they were made speci ally for fit and durability. He says they are reasonable in price, good looking, and so comfortable. Fa's great on com fort, and they certainly do look nice. He buys them from J. Y. Doster, who also keeps a nice line of Dry Qoods. Fruit Cans and Solder. -1 15 cents off the Dollar ! Ow ins to improvements soon to Ik- made to my store-room, it will bo necessary lor me to vacate it lor a couple nl weeks. To save trouble and ex pense of mov in kikhIs and danger ol damage and breakage, I will oiler all my goods, less 15 per cent, to reduce stoA as much as possible. This means nil Nds in my store Watches, Jewelry, Novelties, etc., as well as Clocks, Silverware, Cut (ilass, China, I'.tc. This offer is good until July 1st- lake advantage of it and save yourself some money. W. R. L1NRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. Plenty of Difference! WW Do you Moose 1 You want paint which will prslecl the material it eovera nml give ls'iiuty to the place. The best paint Ih that which gives tlieliest color and stands the U)X(;liSTKKVlCK. Mere's 11 low price paint that will save cash and look well. No mistake in using it Stands the wear of years. C.N. Simpson, Jr. Sin cessor to C. E. HOUSTON. 0000000000000004000

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