r v i r ; i I il! 1 - i' I i S3 II EI III BILL ARPS LETTER. A Out iVsnattwiu. Jol lb u.v!! r llsrris v that s..y rmdu i.UiJwrtlins'itnJ heri'!n gixe theantit'.te-i- wher he ., I., -h J." If Wee : sima.ii'ii avHVti.iwi.ov'uu- i Una ax Moo-nts. Heois ot I IVwk'S lW-aOrtCrvtfur ! nessand ltci u'ttt :111s neiil.-r Opunii Minl'i' wr Muwrul I Not Xahcotic. Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have 1 Always Bough! Bears the Signature of , --i ril n e ' li-f Hut c-y wtkhu ,-urt fr.rd re. lintf .ll A'-aU. W- AperfiTl K. iu.'Jv firrensbivx lion. Sour StonvH-n.lh.itTtiiic.i Worm.-.! niwul-iou- t.-wrish ! ixcss a:ul l oss or LFH IacSin.it SiC.'urf ef XK.W VOllK 1 h. it : r;l 'v ba'f what our. i. . nt 1 Ik at .1 the family and the Itw live on thi fr a week. I tVCT C3PV Of In Use For Over Thirty Years QAST9R1A Mt tlW- 1 atn tn uk to wriie la I I don't wt-h to Ik' i-ur-t h'mu! it 1 Tlii- irl.Hiinv . alitor tU. lallntv hi!a:'.t. Irf.llny." ! what'. ' ran a- da.V " June I It ha- fauns! even !- and even nt-ht t'.o 1-t an I we ds.ln t ; InCe il i uiv hou-e. for it wa--wife'- luuliUv and we in-ped i ! would U- l.r'iiLt aid Ui.ui. f.'i the oi- . ii' " '"'"' lH' llialriuii t-i-l 1" l'r .1ihh! ki-.-f I ' ' ni..!.l !!' .iv l iie i. io- m.T h:f the ti i.'tit !.i 1 9'.vll .Hto I i h.i.1 iioi'lH.l ui i.' !ualvl:it :u. '. lijiivt a Tut -lot :.t H 1! r'- : im.ii r ii r i'!:.u hi . I nil rin- aii'l 'k:- i.ir imi iun-U-.l ''i- - ; !i n he !ii'';.:i.i. I ml iic . j'iH.i in. Ik !un t tut- hi . I kiM- 1 mo U. t !ie never i..i it that !l' ''i'1 1 an 1 the kv- I' t ti.at uo m ' jthI.I nn'illtf !! '! e..le-i i: I lib.nl vie hi'. I iv ' aa.l 5ae ivul Ui't lo.'iam. , !:..! I c -t . M i:-..! . ' ll.ii.v t.. i.-t mil '.Vl t I' ' I r S en' l-v tlw .inn Im.I I' UK' ''V I M'- to risii t.-. iirf r l.. t i.'". ; N...i t...:l ni! i- 1 ' : ,l I,' li , Aulu.-o ..(I.,...!) !ir ' p.tit !u ir t "i re t!;nn 1 cavi l.er fii! im''o.!v s:ol lt-? 1'iit " e iMiit.Sreli," -u.l I. "tin- i n..ti.er i ve ilv -oi iin I i Von itl" ti::". thft:i t t Jir v'o an . reason tliev ilnl f iH. Ihev 10 IL he U i: Vnu I !Ohii iho ' 1 1" m tin i !hv. - fi !! m vi ii til.Ht'- t' i- that a lni:tit'!' rsrlit - i"1 ' an.l -o tlu-v i'h'.o.I llioir imtliiMil lire- an.! fell to the ir.outi.1 hi:. I mmmiiimiii 'MitiiiiimimHiiiiHiHUiiiiiMriiiiiiiiiHHiimMiiMim t.pire.l." t;llttl!tlltll.tll(lltt(ltllttllt(llltllllitlil iilllttllt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI l""Mt :.t Hm oriv ;j " a: I iV vv,t, '"WtiV !. von trv t.i ii hke i::e T'J : A M. TACK. J. K "i ' ke-lresiJont Cashier s. bi.am-m:y. I'resiJont. TMK Baiilv of Union. Safe. But Progressive and Liberal. i i ii uo evrv lu i.,tv f r the I'fomi-t a:ii A :r, .iref'.I h , Get ono of our Pretty Steel Banks, iM'; in I ret interest on them. iiMiiiiii:iiiiroi.Mii!ii!i in mil 1 1 1 1 t : i ti ; miiui MiMtiinii ii tl t r Mlill lilt' I J t mm t M M nhli.ih.sJ s7. orimrated ltH Carolina Marble - and Granite Companu M in u'. .in.! at at!)' y ir I W e h r. ; an I w e nv ,' line. No yr iv e. W'U w.l l lll.ln Call f r .!. 1 1 IV u th in it i-t let i r i in.l .i n lev .1 slo. k ier.it y HI le l.ilti.l n Uiv i '.vw.r li.rn'.'le, a l b t i suit 111 ;;tn all I pirecs. new aral -;i e 1 el iierrsiin- lie Iv ll.ltlit- mic tlr-li;ll- -!i ml. I 1' iriee ye a.livve.l are aii'a S atrvthie to K In pay unm. irkeil, Carolina Marble and Granite Co,, . V.. l'.FlKH, Maiiayer. MOXKOK. N. Vai.ls at M.iUsuile, Silisbur)', North Wilkcsbor.i, anil Monroe. i "liietiti-e,' t-.r.-l I "von have m i -evenly two liiitli.luvf. Von leel tune the ila v you vva- born. W hen I vnu were a year ni l ou hu I lis-! U.."' liien -lie cave t U. The-e linUuliivs are the mile i-t. .net. that iliea-ure the jniirtry i..f life. Net M, Ml. lav I will he , ( ti the 'J:.!'! one !' ihe cui ittill Le to. Ont!io-l:a my inoti:;r jwti- li'in an. I mi vva- my htt'.e IvTHteMilUl. t'aloline, Wll.i V;l name-l for her- My ito e oi U 11 tiie li It Ii.Ihv of every ehil.l an. I v'riiii'lehil'!, 'hut 1 know only hii'.f ; a 4. 'en. I Well the Mexiean boy .li-l e. :re I Hi. I for a whole week we have j Ie:i-te.l tin hi- pre-eil. e till I li-ten e.l to the -unto nil -on'- he iim.I 'tii siiij:. Ilei- a tine singer ami ha- plenty of help tromjhe elrl .inlu itn.l ir : ii n lehiUrrii. Ai l tl. ii'i'-t '-I i'l' "ISM"' An II.... if.- ,.,; i . i t t;,.. .In) !.'. II S t t - Int. !i .' Atu. A ll. t -li. :il! '".' ' An.l the little b v. wh.i '- only jo month- net. Illi'l look- like ii.e, in- in the hilarity aiul ti ii'l to -mif, an.l h"!,l- up In- -kilt anil .l:,nei- the etikevvilk an.l kiek- t.p hi- feit an. I I'n'.v- to the tin lien, e with treat -nlelimity. He i-Ihe monkey in the -how. met I.; vieini' mot her think- he i- U;e -iliiirti-t aii'l pret'.ie-t ehil.l in all the woi hl.ati.l I tiiink -o. f n they nv he i- jn-t l.ke me. What krtel ot a vv orl'l vvniilil tin- be ilhoiit !he-e little ehiMren. nn.l yet the i,t een-'ti -tiy-lliey all not warn e.l up in Ne liiijln.i'l any more I'hey -av that Uoo-evelt love ehii'lren alel want- to eiieomtioe iiiaternity. Weil. I'll uie him eie.iit for that when ho ntraet an.l tipolouie-. Our Mexiean b 'v -av- the peon- of Mexieo litive them by the Mine. Their a'lobo linii-e- have but onebi room with a ilu t floor, it n 1 ynu will -eea n an ami hi- wife ami a tloek of ,!irly, liiusv. ima-vr ihihlren anil half a w:'! -lia! evorylhinj ttiat i ,: an I t 't liK'i.nl up; MIV k .on Ui. 'ii li l-rrak iota Ilia'. - -ilflraokisl an! t.-ai an.l ouiy "il ki:c.I .1 ilii.ii ineij. riiey will '"t it In he . ,;v -u-ite wax in.l !! il to f ir a. I !l.irnr t. the .1 i :l t .e n auilfaetur hat.l e l'.e l'r iu a ai. th I'k in i i ii.- j s-. hi. I the n itivi- a. I ire luilo -h. p l.u-iii. an.l run the --ilo. ii- Ik -Me the re!i-i-hop- H..I .-ti. '-. no ! ttan :mi ntv live pt ;-!- oll'.elite aroi.ii.l the i lnr 1 1 i'i Hie g'ral raltlnlial even t'.i.-. "-.'it eik.ly Hoi-! .-t.V there ! 'e.tlve the llor.Uj.'-M"l jvaiit a'-oi Hi'li mi. I Irtiil loll et , mi,.. 1 !ii- 1- the lsfi--l f itht l.sl hi li e w.-i I ! ex pi llirpe I' n t'i fis-t ! t-s. 1 1 I ft w i.'.o ami 1 1" feet t: in the ' r l.i the n-il m ta I !!.'' wa'l- a e I n mliv nxerlisl th C'l'l a' l -.ivir in.ai---Hii.l e' ueitixi - I lie i m:rc!l i- r C 1 alal e.mtr. I- 1'ie-i lei.t la. I' - e. iitlol- llie I'a-t I'rali- an I llie i...iuv ail o'er the ;..xtimtcttieK, ai .1 ti e p. I ami the oo I. ii- la-l il .!..' .Hate- I eoiieii. n-.:ii vr.tiito AnnruHn t.i l'iiil.1 rai ro-i U an.l ilir eaiial aii'l to mine for piei :nu- melil . l l.e ehal ti r nn !er vvinoh the MeX i. an N itioi. .1 vv i- I'lit't roipr.ro--. M l.t.er; ll ! in' 1 1 - of tin- iKiar.i of .hteeto:-. Mai live of t belli tini-l live in MeXn'o; the other- n.av live (ii.ywheie. I ,r liov t art i- a Mexuaii Ire. tor. bavin-; livel tl.t re lo-''r eti ".l'h to l.ioome i'ji i-.lo. all.! ti.at i- l o.v he wa-eaiie.l to Ne.v York li-t vvook t ' a meet inj of the boar.! am! irol a i-tiaiiee to eoine be home an 1 -oo Hi for a week. Al l now tiio t:IliO of tl . i- i.lation- i- near at hat:.!, ami he v:li leave u- an 1 we may novel mo Inn as; tin. i b I'le. I ''"'o' ileal ll will oil'l it. I 1 1 1 Aiii-. mm n - e -lit! I the pioli mm mi pe- p'.-. N1 at - llie ru -tin o,l lliat :,o e'-i ru o.it. 1 its :al ' Will positively cure any case of Kidney op Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00 SOLD IND RECOMMENDED BY C N. SIMPSON, JR. Pissid Stem and Gravel With Eioruelitinj Palm A. H. Ttiumc, Mp. illt Creek Coal Co.. Buffalo, 0.,ritrs: "I have Is a atfhcwd with lulncy nj M,jjcr troustc tm ttr. pan Ini ravtl or tone with excruoatmt rn- 0,,,cr mcJl nt onl tave relief. After taking FOLFY'S KIDNEY CI HE the reult wa aurfrninf . A lew Joc alartej the hrick dut. I ke line ttonca, etc., end no I have no pain a.ro mir kidnev an J I feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CL'HE ha done me $1,1X10 worth ol good." No Other Remedy Can Compare With It Thot V Carter, cl Asrttxiro. N. C, had Kidnet TrouMe and onebonleof I OI EY S KIHNEY CURE effecieJ a perfect cure, end he a) there i no remedy that will compare with it. As They Looked at It. At..! ' i ..t.-i.-iei.-u "li s a line ihy. ilearnnl" "Yes,- but we're -ill miserable crciturts!" "Craps lookin' lip top!" 'Yes,- but that's some bin calamity comin' nn us'" Health never better! 1 "Oh. es, ! (or the iloctor 'lore long' "We i anho! 511(1 Men ill l.o Their Jobs. I li'!..'l. nl. r,rr Ami Imw il.t you like In lx- the iflii'iu!ili-M-iiM-rn( Kepublioiin put rnnae in North Camlina, Mr. Inl liiis." iiskeil an IHiM-rver ropntter. ilnii l like tl," he replied. V.'ii see wli.it a luti'bile I am in now. Hut that is nntliini; by omn iiarisou. lo vnu know that nil but we llbf semlirT ;J!.v ! 'M Kepiil'li'-a'"' 'rlh ainlllia w i'l l Dill nl jniisi I nej ... . . . i ..... i ...h. .i i f I .. '.l,. ,- ili" sin e Kis-iH-ra Mini !;."; " thank Coil, werehv.n. Thm ( X)rlll f.aroliia over .iihi (list lUeries nut w neniue W il.ox Will so lothc Penitentiary. e i: K .... e ii K Mipreme e.mit . ; i li .:!;;ii':i.! Ilo ,-VV. t I" 'lilt 10 1'ie w N i:h i .1 .- . mi ; ! 1 1 x l r.'psev ..t will Iv i - was I.! -'. .' IllltV .Oil 1 1 me cait a " e qroaned the deacon, as re . v u hi jto ,,nw., juv sliutti"J i ll. "but our times com- ,st there won't lie mote than -'. in'!" ilislillerieaaiitt nil of them w ill lie - ' I in ineoiiorateil tow ns. Thia ineiina Uital Satisfaction. (ll1 of ,1P s,w .n anil . v,.- .n l i-.ii, i-i, ..t irainreix who pet a day. How ill. I you come out with, "W ith the simplioily nl ohililren your lawsuit?" liey write confidently to me and "I w in It. leipie-i me m i;ei rni ,i". ,.f . i ..,.,. c-' 1 if I ooiilil roaeh up iu a In and . ' "i , u ; hand nut a job In eiieh am! all. I .c. iR"i ;.....--i I," - i;lv)t , V,.M11,11V ,H-I sle- pay my lawyer. oKiapher'iii Ihe Slate. Miss Hani DoJKin the (.mentions- ; liimi.i.i. l. but she ami 1 simply H ." , ioan'k kii'p up withmirenrrespiiiid " ' V .... . ems' with these fellow who w ill "I4 tr"'" rri,,' C ,L'l! we a!ik have iiottiini: to do aflor the 1st of til the j;r it merchant. .Inly." "Well," lie ropliei!-a bit eva-i - we tn. u-lit "ine s!ure: . 'V wu"-... il, 1,1.. i ake l.d4ioe I'n'iiiu v U,,IM,C .11 11. IV i ... , , ,..(,. ,i ,,,,,-.. ,1 ii ll.tje i. e.n l.i an.l a J.irv v -.p.)ers. U.U t...-ur. E. W. tiruxe't sictia 'li I ll. l' .r ; o! Ihe -tale .u: i:e -t .1 'H ' the mm .!-. r I Nell i:::.' ii'i ith v'ltv. it lie. ::.'. i r. .1 tl:,! i!e tl,. I in I' '-. I t ink s.i.!e,.ee 1 t ' te I ..: i-e i, to the mii r 1. 1 w l;i ,1 v. is tr.iiito I an 1 tl. tn.il v m v . .1 t - li.p:iii:,ir. e niir.v vviien it vx.is iii.il ! 1" I ! . .l iMily N.. A . i:t M )-' m 1- i-t X m , Ul l .11 III . 1.1 I" I I. HI , i.i S 1.. V "1 .. 1,1 1 .: t- m . m a 1- 1- til , . i iw . nt r . " .. (. m .-. I. ;.. t til H I I I" I" 1 III 1 -ivt IV, , n ciowile.l tveiv i.la t o! tl. at. e!. " was le ;S l.l-.-tu "e. !.;K i. '.:..! ' r !!! , iv.l i the s. ..ii I Wt:e x !u Vl- US 111 Ii.e Apr. .il v as Hi; nil I ik'-n a-.. I the - pi i :; e iviilt ,.-:u lav !::; u:e ! tl.c ibei-i- II il. I j .,',:; .nt 1 1 th 1. xvi a-curt, the i,.i n ln-u.j; x tit toll b) Jas- li. l .'r.n.'l. ir. Hri;hl SonloiKod to Jail. hi the I'. tite. I S-.ati s lhsiriet l i-1 at 1 11 ill 'tt l.i-t week tile f ii, it,.- Amos i 1 a eii ebetiy tree oa.-c, all. eit v ha Ii si ni'ii'u has 1 o I! la al.t, i alia- i:p . cam. It iviil be ii .men, beicl that when m v a r il com i. ti .-us xxiio secured in tlos c ise, ab "it i .no year ir i, ii.te ll ov.l ;;:iv e the d I-. r.-lants Ihe t pi i -ii t I pax ii b.n k the money many woineii ii.nl been ia hiee.l t i put into the swan lleur p. iv liius .in. I servo soiitem es in jiil. M i-t of the ilei. ti.lants have in.l..' arranu'iiioii's which -re - at.-! 1. 1 iv to .u.irt. but Pr. I rank Itiayhl vxas n it ain.mi; the number. He. with others, was mi let bond to appear at the pros (icnerou. ll.e. o.li... ; ' The 1) H'ti r - You col.', Mr. Jtr,i;s. 1 II (!ive you si i. e lulls lor it. ;i;s Oh, never tniml, doctor y. u c m n ive it mr iinimiis. t ipporlaultics and vacant lots lira ! lie inipruveu io ni.u.e iiiciii pr ::tab!c. 'Streuctli and xtor come o( jo Ifooil, duly dii;' sieJ 'l-'nrce,' i re uly-t ) s. rve wheat ami b.itley (o i, adils no tuirdi-li, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." ! (jils future. 1 1 ut" i on each bo. 2 Celltil. 'I Spring Cleaning is good, but it's better when followed up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We can give you any style at a low figure, and guaran tee it to be the prettiest and most durable to be had. Look over our stock. Women ai Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. MYvviiSi T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84. nn M i i v nn m d u I e kv jW M uuir Liu JV Kldnfv trsuHf prevs upon th mind, dis courages and lessens ambition: beaut v, vig t i,a rheeffi.lnr .fl-n 1 X il,..,rr..i wliMtlh, Lil. neys are out cl orJer or diseased. Kidney trouble his becom. ?o prevalent that il H nrt uncommcn for a child U l brn ,J alflicied with wrik k.d- nevs. II Ihe rial ! -nin es too efttn. II the urine acalds the flesh or if. when ihe clald reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, it la yet alf'.icted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the c.r.i.-e c the difficulty Is kidney trouble, andthef.rst slep should be towards the treatment ol these important organs. This unpleasant trouble la due to a diseased condition cf the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as mist people auppose. Women as well as men ire made mis erable with kidney and bladder triulb, and both need trie aame great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold br drurelsts. In fifty- cent and one dollar atf. 5lT IT. ci;es. You mav have atU4.i sample bottle by mall-"fK!fc. (ree. also pamphlet tell- ttw enupRn Ing all about It. Including many of tht thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ti Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure sad DvtoUoa this paper. . I have a badlfl ft T J JP Tl i ll c,ve vou;' L' l-'--J K"iilt-nrr I ti.mr, Mi. Having located iu Muuioe oHera his Kt-rvtees In the l"'ii ami siirtiiiitiiling c. uutrv. liiseases of the Miintach and huwels a neeiiilty. Ultiee over tltr W. J. KiiuV Cn.'a book sitae Calls atmwereil in the day from the l"ni;libli driis st. 're ur ri siJetier, at uichl from resnletirr . Land Salo. a I- .1 I-. iO... I I. .hil I lie I,..;. ..., Jrd day of July, ltU. .. .. k Ir . .-It r.l .1 . r HI . .! I i l.t.-r '..r ' ,,f li.n.1 Hi 111.- t..l ' hi . -eih.-. K i , .i ...I .n.l ran. V ',. n -Iii'm- '-l 1 .em I; l.lioii- an-, tii. l.lrtl.-- '-i'l 1 1 II,- ttl" iloen ilns all zatherod there by ent term ol c mrt, and xxht-n the day hdi I ronstitiir there by nitflit. cac was called todav, Juili;e A peon is llie muge-i viitrnnomi plt), Slit.ccJ Pr. Plight t un earth. He will wm k one or i wrv(, A ScllU.U-L. (l six ,nolitll9 in two nays in a weeK nr ... oonn , (,( ( day and be paid in Muxionn sttver . ' j A (ilrl Moonshiner. In the pistiiet Court ytstenlay afternoon, Mias Jane Hivtns daughter of Pave Pivins, ollxuth- trford county, was charged with illicit distilling of corn whiskey "Are juu (;ui't) .' asked Juil(; lioyd. ' I am H'l'i'Vi" was ,lle fl'l''y a firm voice. The court graciously suspcnilcil juilKemcnt, tl ri usli Ibe father or the (;irl was fined $ini and sen tenced to one month's impriion nient altir he hid pleaded (jmlty to a charge ol blockading. Talk about wot weather in Georgia, hire's an extract from a letter from the muddy road sec tion of Texas: When we were at work on the Pattonvillc and lilossom road 'I found a btiRcy whip ylicking ur out of a n-.udhole, and t started to pick it up; but a fellow who was under there sid; Hold on there; 1 am dtivir Ibis team!' Constitution. in J..II..H. au-t!tit t.. tin i. ilii- t.. a. .Willi? I'.ri-i l ll .il nl.. 11' Hi-.-..rnvi ..f r,,!. .rr.l VI K -1.1 Urintln. 'l.l " i.ii.I l.irki-r III it-, w nil tli 'mil J.. .1 N -Jt I I i-Ii.iii an.l ; OiLilt li-.H.-H. 1... ,tik.- t.y a... .ni.l J. ...-. Ii A. Um. Ini,-. 1 1- .rii.-r Itu-in-e witli tl.,- -mu! -1 1 a XX 11 .-hNtii. an. I wo llnl. K i-liur. li l..t I-..IIIPI an.l .1. in. I e A VI ill, am. Ii.l ....rnr. Ii tl..- .ai.l .-. .I VI r i-lnm li I.. I -. , j XX 1 t-liain ami link-t.. tin- leifili .-..ii -in in "if ai-n- aii'l -.s )i..l.-...f iah.l ..r !.. 1 ill- liifn' in.l. Itri i - It IV I.-. Xli.tVuave. Ii llie A .-im-a. Alt, . '0 I f lUiilMl I- Dpium, Laudanum, Cocaine .H lall Drug! O'J! 1?ZXS , Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roi, their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remeay a1j ,ne address. IiltiKhamton, N WE eVAnHTKPhrCUBE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Y.. on every bottle. 7 . . , . ,ll :,k nhv.i. iain anliritrii Wnl. lodaT. ' . Wntiuenrtai corrpxtnu., - . w.. Me ITAimr Tin Manhattan Thcrapeutio Associanon irULtI3IlUntIlAK A Breaaw-ar, He Terk Rf ,,op,tii.coogi,tv.4K,llaitfs Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic luis stood the test 23 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Hair Mnnon tattles. Does tnis record of rnertt appeal to you 7 ino care, no Kay. Ear'ejaeal wrata very aoctM a lew caste, pacta or Gravers west svoot. a-rvw m fc I id a Half Minion I to Pay. 50c I i-arPtDa. M Union County Bonds for Sale. T .- e.-iin'i r.,ii.t .i.-1-.n.-r...f I ni.iti Oi.untr. s..i -h I . .. in. - i'l nn'il m ..'i.l..-k VI ,i.n the 'i'l. -l.i i -a t-ia , l",t. r.. '.' M-aii-.l t.1.1- tr I tie .nr. 'i.. ..f -t .-im tin- t..ii.l, ,.t I ini.rt i...!M..-f tl.. .l-fl..t!iln.ll..ll ..I ..,-Inin.lr,.t ,1. ..i -. a ti. I, an nit -I. i r ,--iii. ttttrr,-! i-r it'inntii Mva'.li- aniitia.tr "it I he llr.t .lax f I,, ii nn v ..t .-a.li xi-.,r mini lti.- mature, run nnitf ' t- i. ar- an, I "it.- t. iilli ..f -ai.l I. .11. 1. r- ,. .111a. l.: a nill at llie iti---n-lli.il f llie H"ar.l .,f i,..iiiint--i"ii,-r.. Tin i-..ii..n. arv .-.-loi' ti-III w. Ili.-tll of I'.illllt) taxi-. Ttie- i.-n l- : i-.ii.-.I uli.lt-r an A.-l -t llie 1,,-iii-ral A . nil. I, i.f S..rili er..lniA. aiittii.i llna lli,-lr l-.ur It. fun. I tin- rlirrrni in.l, l.li-.lne-. .f lit, e ...lit, . ratalt-.l en tin- lt li tta, ..f tel.niarv. "l lif II ril rx-Tii- lite rltflll tt' n-itrt n an.l ail '-ni-. It ti--t -at l-fa- I'-ry Chairman H,r.H'inniti l'..iinil"iiiln-r. J XI KI KXXAKT. Clerk T"l" I'll .la) "f lutle. l4 Notice of Administration. Having this day duly qualified be luie the Clerk of Ihe Superior Court of I'liii'L cnuuty, N. C, as auniiiiis liator of lisse I). Kunlutig, deceased. all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same t.i the umleriigneil ailiiiiins trator on or helore the 5 1 h day ol May, tuna, ur tins tictiee will lie pleaded in bar of llieir rght of recov- All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make prompt payment and save cist. E. I). WOK LEY, Admr. ol Jesse 0. Ktuliing, Deceased. This the 5II1 day of May, 190. More to Come l lllla.leti.rila I'm. "I'm sorry I broucht ou to the shots at all," exclaimed her mother. "The idea ol you being t ntra'ed to two younc men, lis shameful." "Oh! I don t know, ma, pro tested the summer girl. "Give me time; I've only been here three days." You Know What You are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome because the formula is p aiuly printed on every bottle showing that il is simply Iron and (Jiunine in a tattle less lorin. IX o Cure, fx o I ay. 50c. FOIIYSHONinrHra SVae-M taWsti FnisssU raieman Waxhaw Institute, WaxhaiN. C. FAC'U-TY: J. R. WALKER, Principftl, A B W I'lTiiM ru! tom , niiw ttftrltirjt (r A M iiitfii iii 111 J timniirr .!)... ( mniir 1 vthw Hitth th--ii fttid intf-rnifduir Ihf rtoi-ntii. R. I.HISBET, rit.lett In lanfirHummrvr Mt mm- iwr Tfaw'ierttf Tws-ftlf i-r R i (whrnr , Tin Yf.nr m nihaw. itiirrmrjitttf ttia min tjrhoil Ntmrtmnl 0. . CUH MIHUHAM, Trsjrh'r of ri(l VeMir tr.fiii. Thn Vnniil ms.siiw. rriitiary iniDrin- !ntrji.MUft and l'rtm7 l(rlmnt. tThl-t.-m-hi-r I- ai, .l.!lll.-u u maklitK Ur MRS J.K. WALIER. (lr.luate nf l-ewe InSlilnie I. ln.lnienl.t Hn-te niurfenl In l'..ltiin"ia remaie , uu.n Iwher .rf r.lrht V.a. Kiprrlenee. ln.trn u.i.ij. li.MnH.111. r.,-ew e.ul"nend any InLirmalioa wt 4. J. R. WALKER, Waxhaw, N. C. All the Groceries that a family of five or six could use in a day can lo urchased here for a very modi-me sum ol money. Hut low price is not the sole point upon which we make bid tor business. Hte,h quality comes first. Then low price. Good family flour $1 75 sack callor. of molasses 1 5c. ; granulat ed suRar IS pounds tor $1 00; and other thiiiRS in proportion. Country piodtice botitht at hichest nriccs: call on us before selling. M. C. I! ROOM. Old Pispensary Stand, Phone 63 Cows With Long Horns are seen by some people only away off in some other man s pas ture, and never near home. Look, tellow-man, lor some thing good at home, and if you can find it, dig around the little vine and encourage it lo grow especially if it promises to yield any fruit. Between the two extremes lies the cream. (Between the man who wouldn't buy gold dollars for 50 cents, because they wera offer ed by a horny handed ton of toil and ihe fellow who would'nt buy because he didn't have sense enough to know its good invest mcnl.) Have lived on peas and corn bread to sell lower than others and th labor is tweet And we expect to continue to under?ell all. See me first, last and all the time. Yours to serve, II. W. PUSSEll ZOAR, IT. C. FOUrsIiIDNEYCUK aUka sUalsMr asset lasM taws r .1 ..! . I. - f 1 s .1 IV .ti. - I I 1 i-111 i; j- m V. ll '"I- it :i l m 1 .1 ... ! Ill " i- "I e . .1 m r a I t: 1 ii S. A. STEYEjs M. D. ' SEABOARD Call, a,-eJ in J.'yVron, Kneli.h ; Al LlKE R.MLWAV Ptug Store; at nislit it'-m fn'ti "Vi c . - . English i.iigs.,.ie.pi,o..ey. tH ee Double Daily ScrvtceBetweon our past ofiiee; pi. .'in- Jfcv7 York.Tampa, Atlanta, Henry D. Stewarl, M.D., New Orleans and Points tnswiK. s. . ! South and West. Service! rendered promptly au.l hatiestly. Pav calls from S,lr,a,. s ' IS rFTECT APRIL 12m, 1903. drug stme. -phone sy. ox utii.e 111 n.r S0UTH.vhD. I uf l.urduti Ji 1 liotiipson IlisillJiar 1 , . office, 'pli'iue 1. Night cillslt 'iii ret-! ; -,;; iilinee, 'phone 141. Olhee liouia to ... to 11. a. in. ' ii '.'.'.'". JOHN P. MONROE, M.D., r:l ' MuMiOt.S 0. j ...- Pay falls answered flout Houston's : 1, ' ,' drug store anj oilier, phonr Night j i from Ciiiiiniercial llutrl. phone Jjo, j r '" " ' jmY.NEAL,M.D.,!::;::; MONKHr:, N. C, 1 , i x lii its the patn.ii.igi- of the people ol 1 1 10 Monroe an.l siirintiiitliii-; f ii.iiiiiintx-. I . Calls aiismeied 111 day la m l'iigli.-.li Plug Slnit-; at tiinlit fr..iti risi.lt tire on Church street. Phone No 41. V. B. HOUSTON, I St'KCs HON DM NT I. si. 1 Office up stalls, l-it-e.et.lld ItUlllllllg. Northwrst of Couttiioiifc, j Monroe, N. C. j DR.B. C. REDFEARM.M DENt.sr. Charges 1 tras.'iial'-lt I Salisf.ic I ti.ui guar allied. l):lu-eoxei lau-hili Pi tig Co s MONROE. N. C. Will he at Mai-lmli. N.C.oli fiifl nil thud Mon, lays "I eai Ii month, and it Matthews 011 second ami toarin Mon. lavs. rlmur :i. R. W. LEMMOND, Attornoy-at-Lnw, ill praetue in all Hie Stale and I'nil. ed Stales CoiirU. Speeull atlniluui given lo Ihe eettlrtiicnt ol rstalrs fot liuaiilians, l:ernl..rs anj A.hiiiuis Irat. rs, and Hie collection nt i-launs. KeaM.nalili- chaigrs, A.s.i aki iil and cal attotney lm the r.iiitlnr City Home Company, hem wlueli lo.nif may he ohlamid on rral estate. Oilier one door rait id M. L. flow Cos store, l'liiuie No mi. " ROBT. L. STEVENS, Attorney and Coaosellor-at-Lai, MnNKnK, N. C, Protniit attention ;ivrii to all mat ters placed in our hands. Management ul estates lor Kuaru isns, salnmiistratois ana eiecumrs a specialty. Charges reasnnahle. Office east ol Cuuittiouse, tiurnicii) occupied by the late P. A. Covington.) E. C. WILLIiMS, Attorney and Connselor at Law, MONKOK, S. C. Piaclice iu all the State aud I'nitc-.! States Courts, Prompt atUntion givrn to collec tions anj general law ptactirr. lasjr-Perst'iia interested iu tltc settle .neut ol estates, adiiiiuisti alius, ese culors, and guardians t esprciallj uvitrd to call on thrill. Coutinued and paiustaking attenliot ill lie ijivrn, at a reasonable puce. to all legal business. Office in couilliouseoppotite Clerk I affiie. MP.NK . ADAMS. THOMAS J. JtKOMK IKANK AKMI IU n. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, KII0RNET8 Kt Law. MONROE. N.C. Practice iu all llie Courts, Slate and Federal The management of estates .or eiecct-irs, administrators a special ty. Careful and diligent attention liven to the foreclosure ol mortgagei and collection ol claims. Monex oanrd without espense to lender. AI. ligation givrn prompt and careinl ittenlion. Office east of courthouse. 1 lami-a. - V I K- : 11' ! 111 . 1 . f 1 I - . I'aili S .J tl s I m 1 l i, m I ... i m I . m .11 - t-. i m 1 1 1 .' . m 1 ! -' a m I 4 I- . Ill I f. .,; r, III ' T - I- III I M-AIII I III am 1 I; -' m 1 I I'- . m 1 nl 1 I - I ni 11 a nl ill., 111 ;. ... 1- ni .'. I" a m s a ni - .' a nl .' i - nt -,. in -l l- V lli.-ti' -, -1 1 1 HiiM.i ;l""- ( J Ul 11 1- I' I I i' tit V 11 nt V .1 til H .t. A til I h'A m II 1 m 1 .n". h in 1 l i ). "ii U I ni 111 l J A PI i i: m It m I t I p ID I 4- 'It 4 ia j m .. ( m ttx l m tl -2 m i ;ri ,t in .Hi i'M t r ,,.;.( i,:i.ttM i Kn-trili linn1 , jK e.xTFCA K.B. Kedwine. A. M. Stack. RES WINE & STACK. Altornfyt-al- Law, MONROE, N. C, Practica in all the State and I'edrr al Courts. Will manage estates f.n Esecutors, Administrators and Guar Jtans fur reasonable pa; and will foreclose mortgages and nrgotiatr loans, without rspense to Mortgactrs and Money Lenders, wlicn practicable. Offices Northwestern toon.s, first fioor, Courthouse. Three Times the Value of Any Otter! EASIER I faster! ONE-THIRD People's Mi OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and bsnalng business. We guarantee AHSOl.l Ih SECt'KlTV, pruntptuese and (II the accommodations that SOUND hank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to sgieenient, on deposits tell for onr stated period. Always ready (or loans on approved paper. O. P. HEATH, President. Agents wanted iu all unoccupied territory. Wheeler A Wilson MaoudcturiDj Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by THEl.J.EtlDGECO. .Si. l.flow, Giiiii vxissff of Ms tor South Carotlni, ll Nurttt Carol m; list t Justice ot titt Pri'i tor liuioa County, nd N .Urj Public fur Norili C4.-ii ni. :: :-: Special attrtilion givrn to ta'iinr Af fdavits, AekiintsU dfement or Proof of Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Pn.ets ol Attorney, Kenuncia tioi'S of Power and fnhrntance, I'ep nsitious, Writing and PtoLaling Pei il, Moit-;ai:es and all other papers, issuing State Wariatits, Claim aud Pelt teiy and Altai Itmriit papers, Civil Sum mons and the Corectmo of Claims. Clh.e at M. L. 1 low Cu.'s Store, east of eniirtliotisr, Monroe, N. C. 1

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