THE MONROE 1 Si r.e Library II m m u I II m n JUUKlNAb. VOLUME X. NO 21 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY JUNE 23, 1003 they ran lie l.i a h..iis- l refuge! Work of a HolincM Kascsl. Itiul shames not! It is all right la i j..,,.,... u ...... n ,.i n..,., ..... . drag the iiiifortiioat.-s fn.iu their whs h.i.chI nv I...... l,..r nntl misery, luit w it not Utter ,-liihlirii l.v socallcl parl;$ of : I S " 9 a a .a. . . . - - . - . ... ... I liiUli Is......., r 10 narlit lor tin clear f-i eft rlul.lnn 1 ii. .. J T .... V"' J ""'' ' foil. ) uuM hasjHsl l.-en found t Chatta...... aVWVWsrWVVVM fi4"- P. Tenil. Winn ..und she xt Some Nut lor l"rm.r to Crack. An Exhortation to the Youth of "'"r.' hosiery factory, and i,.n.,.,.i,k the South- i 'ar " workiug in a l. fae How mi mil lu )n suppose it im roka 1 ....... y t"rV. l 1 slaying at the Mine eosls ymi a year In n-iimr vur '11?' l;.nliiig Iioiim-. A few weeks ill cost TAI.MNU WITH THH I I OI'I E. Stole a Child to I seas a WiM Man. .....-.. .-- A Mother'. Love lli-r Wulim Pa.' The tiaskill M.iudy Canned skn in Death - A I adv Tai Pav- ;,,"H'' ' " miw.I m ii Ii me "sun--.n ion gi ing nic i n.. mir nival in Itak-igh, are coming in lor til.HH)V OL'W H V.XMW. iave lit I Thompson' I cvling lor a Coun try llillie (ioat An Old Sohiivr suppose it Ri''.i m r.i.ia. i u ,titn "". ""in raying i nil" Mine Coming on the fourth. I reiMir your. .. ... .. . . arum . - lew weeks ag.. ...,. . ,..r ,.,.,. ... ... unm a.-rount ..f n;,vo "r7 "I"'" v,,u ,. '" Mr. llarrill. ami ll.n tho".revle imv .,f m.--. Im ' bad roads, mi... .I.iiost '" ": f'"''l' 'l..r alia.-children got I., go t.. II.-,. ' 1 . " 1"-"," . i.".!. an i.l.i rvanl oiuaii v"slerl-tv. ' "Tlierr is mi Mrkiii t in Muiiiiie .vmayear l..r sh.- ami i-Mliinc -"" " "i' rk rieiia visit Lis ieuK .I.., a.s Hut are luiiieil l.v your eliil.livii , 1u':"'ml. l'l1" r". f'r "" "l tliey mere to Mart Mrs. liar ailuij! Iliroiiirli It, n l w V ' rill Uiame wi.l.l. nly ill How li.ll. Ii il.-es it voii a liar ,J,"r 1 . n:,4c h'" leuileil to Us l.ut r..!.ls runir-M-UsI in thron-h ui n me h.i. iiIi.U .hil.lren. .Mr. er who wants a Park - Reverie of a Visitor at a Ctnulcry Mr. f.,jr .l in. , smviihoial a.hi in. inj. as Hie f.'J ii. i.ii .. Jane lis from St. ..n .t . Wavluiilm P..J i! :...: ".s: earUI Johnny l.iyt'ii. In. hern lelnriMtl .t hii. .a itlils, I'alrirk Lit.Hi ami wile, of r.tst M. Inlis. alter a week's ah w ins-. u. the (Mihee a sloiy Ilia! isiiu ii,is-s III. in thai , InviKj To Mrn lo SpcnJ tlu-Ni-ht with Him and as I hey Slept Chopped Iht-m an J Hi-. Wife lo l'ic.i with an Ae !.!,- I rs lo Sa ! ii i. .1 i: i . i. -I:.:. ! I.! I. or ihiw. hut if l hero wen-, lli.raeof us anient the Mull,. I have .i.Kl,t .WwM , U( , ,I1MM,H, r , "w..1 1 1... "'I'll hy show,,,.,, lor the ,,r for m.ilHi.aetoeureyourihil.livi.-n " "l n-v uhiii yo.i i..e iiuuniiie.i huslm,,.ra ;..iiik' ami lakiiitf the nli,,,M. ., -,.,.,":, ., ' I" " ''If '"'ill't up as a .1.1 ll .rr.ll ...... .....1 i a. . i i . . . . ' ii iisi i.i i ins sni inn oner voii. ami i i.t . i . - . trUSI llllll 111 th.Ma ll.:lt....'.l. llfl ..ral ! 1-....a 1. - l: . ' " 1 1 " " now linn ii l.iin;u;e a Vear to von; ......,.,! u,j., M. iiis;ipM'aini iroui is the uiii.I that iireve,,t vourl,,U n,a Jl!,'l"' s,"'h M,t l '"'r I'an-iiN' home. eavii. her rlnlilreii from allen.lii.j; m-h.v.' or le,Mr:y to thisM-eliou the! KI,V au.l a note to her titer on llamas to them, rather, in the l.wa '""'IT'4 !M,,"1"" ,'" ,u,lu,r.v '' ! the pillow, Kayiiu: thai her has- iiaiiil iiail not livaleil herit);hl.aiii tlil . 1... W'a I. - I. e were it-allv not. .et there W, -V ?. ".rr"fcr ' " ." l.K'lir l. nil- 1..ISKIII .UIIIHIV I anil .!! I We.v e ' ! ' I! II. I V. .ts I , . I - I- wealth, lint lliink not that male. rial uplinililin tinist lw the Mini of l your activities; think not that mr jreMN in life is lo lie inexsiinsl only I hy your hunk account. Never let jit he saitl that ill the Mrup'le for , iniliiKirial ailrauivuieiit the South ' auclit of the virliu. ilo 'lin-Ktic ami pulilic, utiht of tin luanliiieHs ami self relianiv, auhl of the ('harms of her woineti iin.l the honor of her men w hich hallow Hie luemory of the Olil Smlh l.iiii.l your lactones, oih-ii your in I lies, let the hum of contented in ilustry lie heard tlirouuhoiit lliis ii.l.ll.aveyour1!,,o.",MIr' ' Ui7 T"KU ,l,w av for thirty or forty years, t lie "mt wl.lle l..,,l.l... yonr .-..u.,- ...latiee of voi.r life ' try. hmld your rl.aracler. Ilmld of ail education; How much dam age to you is our lud roads in pre venting your rvni hiiijf market with your produce! You are Mrfertly williii to siend plenty of money in (lie luiyiuc of reapers and mow ers and other farm machinery. You are w illing to purchase car riajfi ami lian.-s. At the pri.s M.tal.H'S uiv t.Mlay, one load would be the average f.innei's tax for ten year for H'mmI roads. aVt the end of that time the Mads would lie goix!. and yon could vole to rescind I lie taw ii you wanleil to anil Volt w tax balance of your life. Varying Way ol Settling. I'lilllihll.i.tjt K.-.-..OI. Sonif fellows marry poor girls to aellle dow n and others marry rich ones to settle up. The Life that Lies Outside of the Dust and Din. I Tt...HIa .....t l-aaV, n t,r.l. Kl-Hll. j 4aa,.aaaa-. When the temptation grew too Sad Survivor ol the Pacolet Hood overpowering he left his ulliii' uud a.ivii s,viii i.. . iti... ... i.i,r.rr. went down into the country. It' J. I, t tweti, otn of tliesttrv ivnnt nlwavs did him l'.mhI to go there. I of the Pacolet Hood, is hereon Ins To Is' there was like u plunge in u '!)' to Haywood county. Mr. cool, limpid pool. He had been ho ('wen, w ho was u photographer, long in the luriimil and strifeof the KMK to his home with a heavy Htntggle for Kiuss-ss-for wealth; heart, he having lost Ins wile and Hail been o wholly silli'oiiiided hv i UHi'e cllililren. Mr. linen savs those who strove ashe strove, tear- 'every Isidy could have been saved iug and Iraiupling mid remlnig had tln' taken warning in lime, those ho were iu their way, that nl that a singular fact in tint all he had iilmost lost sight of the life ho lived in single story house iiri' that lay outsi.leof the dust und din iilive tiMlay. This, he nays, was of that utciia. He almost for-1 those who liv ed iu Iwo gntten that life held other lew arils story house simply sought refuge it for time and for eteruitv. Hold virtue and honor above all price, With the ns't say unto your soul : " tit.- nion-a'itrlf my ttoul A- III.' ill M'h. ...Ii IriVPOly ,a..!ti',l a.l, I ... . lt nv l...i..:r n..i .-r h. I..-I Mint ih. fr...n I..-. ..-I. i ii It a ton..- i.i..rr vuaf Till M...U U-nifli. in t'n , l.t-aiinw Mi. in .I.rll l ttf. '. unr.'-l l.iii in than riches. He had forgotten the calm and trampii! region that Mtivlelicil beyond the nmil and nil of the sKife fur gam. in the second storv, while tlinst who in the small houses were driven to the hills Is-fore the water got dangerously high. Mr. Owen, u linn II. a v.ilii.ii'iiii.i ..i...I Human Nature' Pet Pleasure. , flll. , .....', ' hlr!lllilil Ni' l..i'f, I , . ... . . ., i 1 i u, ini't'iinT, win ma i.i i v, . t .i i . wriii in mi- na-viiim linn t lin ll r1 ' w,,.n,":',!,lihos,-. -iu, cmnv .ioa.,,i ..n .1 1. til... ISS-l.l 1.1 C...J l. but men do the same thing in a dif ferent way. I hey do Hot cry, lie ing nshaliied to cry, but they get drunk on slimiilents or evolve dry debauches of morbidness from w ith in themselves and mi their wives or other friends or on w homsoever they ran catch uud hold they be stow vast ucciiiiiulalioiis of bitter lii-ssuud wrongs mid troubles and sot lows. Unman nature doe nut enjoy more keenly tiny pleasure than that of lieing thoi'.iughly mis erable, deeply impressed with the injustice anil cruelty of the world and the hopelessness of life. If we did not have troubles or make them for ourselves some of us might lie completely and permanently hap py; uud that, for good reasons and w ise purposes, is forbidden. A Tale of Two Cities, Aye, ol Many Cities. From ll- r.iitiMiritt. In cl.irlii.l- oltH-rvi-r. 'Last year a "blue-eyed girl, wearing' a clean, white dress," li lt her home in Cleveland county anil came here ulone. Hhe knew not Mi ii. lint she was penniless, und iu the darkened city there was wel come to her only from foul mouthed hags who trade in human souls. Ami no the child stumbled on into the night, and her blue eyes be came dulled uud her white dress whs besmirched. Suppose but why Hiippnsct Y'ou know the con dition that exists. Continually there come to this town young girls who seek woik. They are help less, ignorant, unprotected. What salvation might come if they knew that when temptation is hardest on the up stairs porch, and from this raft, they were thrown into the water. The mother and children were drowned und Mr. Owen til -most lost his life hy trying to climb into a tree with his wife. Mr. Owen occupied the house at the lip per end of the row of houses at Clifton, and it was he who lirsl warned bis ncighliors of their dan ger. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used lr. King's .New Life Pills. Thousand of sulVercrs have proved their matchless merit for sick mid nervous heailai'lies. They make pure blood and build up your limit ll. Only .'"., tnoiii-y back it iiotruivd. Sold by Knglish drug Co. iu.inring alter her children, gave I lie husband a clue to her wherea bouts. He wcut to Chattanooga and located her at a hotel there. At the sight of her husband the un faithful w ife fell iihiu his neck uud sobU'd bitterly, and Is'gged him to forgive her. When Dyar's learned ol Mr. Han-ill's presence iu the city, he left Chattanooga. Mrs. li.ll lill said she was led by llvars to liclifvc that her husband did not treat her right, and that lie was unfaithful to her. liars 11s.1l his P.ible to prove that according to the scriptures she would lie jus tifiable in forsaking her husband, and that according thereto, she was virtually rivorced from him, because of his unfaithfulness uud was perfectly free to gn nil' with him and marry tit their will. He always Used his liible lo press Ins case anil prove his points. islie said that w hen they reached I ieorgia. llvars iiupiired about a di vorce lor her, bill was told that she could not get one there until two years. They then went to Tennessee and were confronted by the some dillirnllv. They heard that the law of Alabama was lunch more lenient, and they intended to go to that Mate in a lew ilavs, secure a divorce for her, uud then marry. rhe claimed that on their round they occupied sepetate rooms and had not Imtii rrimiuallv inti mate. She fully reM-nted of her unfaithfulness, uud begged to U- reinstated as wile and mother, and pleaded with him to lei her return with him, but he would not. He left her at I h i, Tellll., and followed l.yats back lo Spar tanburg, S. ('.. ami had him put in jail for cart ing u pistol, and in default of a peace IhiikI of slm. llvars is a man of medium build, itlmut lis years of nge nut very neat in Hppearauce, He is si cousin ol Mrs. 1 1, ii rill. He claimed that lli is a licensed minister of the Wes van Me'hodtst church. Things Nice (lirls Never Do- U.lll"' VUi-ll.-. The nice girl iIih-s not talk ntul laugh loudly when traveling or in any public place where she may at tract attention. Nice girls do not either ask or answer i in pert incut tiicstions. Do not turn their heads to look after iiiiiertiueut men. Do not imagine that every man who is pleasant to them hits fallen in love w ith them. Do not direct their conversation to one person hen several visitors are present. Do not get into the habit of sieaking familiarly to nil the men they know. Donol write silly letters to young men or crniit them to write ktich letters. 3T Jim Damp was lather of a lait Who, 17 btr brichtatM, 14 htr eld. Tit ttachtr aiktl Mi Damp tht autttloa : "How ca fat bt ait alg atisa 1"' M By alif 'Fore.'" Wku told to him, Thlt Itory tkhld " Suanjr Jim." n MrmtM the A-B-C of good health. mUr Bl in R-MMtT. "Mr Unit tor 'T Kk u4 M BS Mjr tnlMwM. I nt ptrtte ot ' Mjrr ' and fr4 ! otrlt, a4 tuylmltj to mj W I ihrtrli I will now mi Im b xt ftUT boT at bli u. u Im I tvlf M bIUi7. AU I Ins. ! cm la Trwot ' Ma, i. IaiiDuf lun' she goiu; out into the world and make a living for herself. She t.s.k her trunk and '.'." of her hus baud's money with her. When Mr. llarrill was uf h. r iin faitliful act, he at oms suspected llvars, as having H-rsua.l. -d her away, ashe had lioaidcd several months with them and was littally sciit awav from their home bv Mr. llarrill, is-caiise of attentions to his j w III fever in tow n and at once e all la-gin to feel exactly as if we were -llire.itetied with fever.' It is another proof that none of us live to ourselves." A traveling man who was at tiainesville, Oa., when a cyclone blew away the tenement houses and ;part of Hie mill of the Pacolet Manufacturing Company, tells the story ot a dead mother and her I ..lis- did not get into the uevvspniM-rs. The crushing, twist ing. awful w ind seied the woman in lis cruel arms anil daslieil tier I iM-iorc it a straw. When it I a'-alllat vlltt Itml llnl tiilltl.T li-llif in Then a letter from Mrs. llarrill j ,.,. lmil!. am j( , ,',,,, .;, and plunged und pounded her for moie than live hiiudred yards. H. r ImmIv was found broken, mangled, dead. Ill the lifeless arms, clasped lightly, lay the bals- unhurt, with not a bruise or a scar. tal Company, is held iu the IU-11 villi-jail on the charge of alsluct nigthehoy. The charge w is not made public until he was Irota Last St. Louis, us the poli.i feared violence if the story Iks am. generally known. ' I lie child told the poliiv that during his iiptiv ify he was shut up iu a cage of monkeys and other wild animals, his clothing taken away and Ins hair and skin dved The child .showed evidence of hav ing received the treatment dcscrih ed. his hands and face Is-iug ills colored and hardly rccogutahli from deep scratches. l he sliow was ulmut St. Louis when the child was found and the negro arrested. Not until I tin- teirili. il child was far from tin lents and wagons would he tell ot his treatment by showmen. "They'll put me back in lin eage with the monkeys," the U.y sen allied wheu the police urged j him to tell them of hisexiH i ieiices. "The monkeys mid the big cats hurt w hen I hey scratched me," in told his father. "A big black man put ine iu the cage, slammed I In door and made me go up and play with the animals. I ran back iu the corner, but they came back uf lei me und scratched inc." Columbus County Hurderers Cap tured- II. Ii. K.'gisler and sou, .lals-1 Kegister, Isith white, who nre eharged w ith murdering Jesse Sales und Jim Stulcy, robbing tlieiu of f I.Oimi and burning the house dow -i upon their IhiiIics hi Columbus county, a few mouths ago, have ls-en captured and are now in jail at Whitex ille. II. I!. Kegister was iKptiired by K. II. Crook and Will Hall, near Ins home I hursday, and his sou, .lals-l, was taken into cus tody by the same persons l-'riilav. A rewind of fc.HU for each of iiieui wits offered by the tiovernor and w ill Is received by Cook and Hall. The crime with w hich the men are charged by confession of a third man who was captured mhiu alter the a Hair, is one of the most revolt ing in the criminal annals of the county. Jesse Sales, white, and Jim Staley, colored, lived iu a small house in mi isolated part of the county. I hey trere supposed to Ik engaged iu miMiiishiiiiug and were thought to have had a large iimoiint of money on the premises. The third d.-feiulaiit, w ho confessed in jail, said that he Was peisiiadeil by the I.egisters to go to the place on It .Nit 111. lav nltel'lliNiu anil re main around the house until night; that they then approached stealth ily and that one of the liegislers shot the men through a window. afterwards robbing their persons and setting lire to the house. 1 he liegisters disapiiean-d mum the confession of the mail nml evaded capture until this week, though the (inventor nll. red rewards of fciisl each, and the county supple- mciitcd the aamn with cpial amounts. Young Kegister was found at Lis father's house near Whitevillc. "The women und children ol Monroe waul a park," said a lady lax l 'iivcr, "and we waul to know how we can go about making tin men fulks give us one. I can promise a plan for starling oil' w ith two hundred dollars. Now, laudi is increasing in value rapidly every day and the town ought to buy enough for a park und Is-giu work lllg nil It. It ought to lie us eon vcliieht as possible, but should Is large enough. If the town would buy the laud now liefotc values in crease, it would ls-a paying invest uient, the increase in value Is-iug more than enough to pay the iuter est if it iH-cauie necess ii y to sell. This is tine of the things that the tow n has got to have sooner or later, nml we had Is-tter all keep talking it till the course is ileci.h d upon." In a ceil a in cemetery in this county the visitor's iiltentioii will Is- uttiaclcd by the inscription .m the stones of two graves, side by side. The gtaves contain the dust of iiiiiu and wife, und the inscrip lions w ill set the thoughts to run ning in the head of the onlooker. '1 here's nothing w hatcver peculiar, only in the figures n reminder of linvv the hand of Death works. "Sacred to the memory of John , aged S7 years," rends one; "Sacred In the luciuniy of Jane , wife of John , aged .! I years," reads the olher. and the dales of death show that the ashes of the wile had for long, long years lain there Is-fore those of tin- hus band had been brought to mingle w ill) Hi. -in. And oil' goes one's train of thought :"The .voting couple happy, full of health uud hope. A few mouths uf blissful happiness as they work together lo lay the foun dations of III-ir life's home, for then young couples literally carved their liouies out of the forests; one child, perhaps two, and dreams of the happiness to be derived from the rearing of a family of sturdy sons and daughters then death tor the mother and desolation for the father, as he travelled alone the remaining sixty veins of his life. .Summer suns and winter snows beat upon him in their course its he grew In mi the uiiiig man of elastic step and radiant hope to mature middle life and then to old age, with the years doled out nearly to the bull urn of u century glass. Those who lie long in the grave have liu earthly existence except iu the minds ol the living. So in these I wo graves rest two persons one young and fair as when she left hi in decades ago; the other grim and old and wrinklei. as he i!'ew I It'sguaranteed by l'.nglisli Drug Co. to be in carrying on the halt lei alone for all those long years. I Threw Herself L'nder the Train 'Twould seem lo lie sweeter were Kut.-mh ihih -h they alike, in cither youth or age, I Pas ngers who came iu on a it matters not which, but not so . train from N'orlitui report what would Deal It have it, and Deatli ' seems to have been a deliheratesui cule by a negro woman about :(." year of age. She ran out of her Negro I'lees Ik-lore a Shot tiun. ll-1. .11 SaU lii il.;a.... h..'hi, ol... r,.r An unknown negro made an mi successful attempt this morning to commit u criminal assault upon Miss Jennie 1,'ohcrtMHi, daughter of one of Salem's Is-st citizens. Miss liols-tlsoti was half a mile Iioiii home w hcu the negro called lo lu-r to stop, she ran and the negro followed her for a ipturler of a mile, until he came iu sight of a house. He then turned and ran into the woods. Miss I.'oIh'IIsi.u went direct home and told her mother what had happened. Mix gathered her husband's shot gun and, accompanied by lu-r daughter, went after the man. The woods iu which he was last seen were searched, but in vain. Hli cers have been out with blood hounds all a It i-1 is. m hi. but they have not Imtii able to lind tiny trace of the guilty patty. Tried to Chop Her Own Held Off- Iturlli.L' Sj .' I .. rim t in. I.. . .!.., .-r. Mis. (ieorge Webb, who lives near here and who is supposed to have Ik i ii insane for the moment, went in the yard at her liouie, at '.' o'clock this morning, placed her head on a log und hacked her face and head in a horrible manner w ith an nxe. When discovered, soon niter, sin was in a dangerous cotidil ion. Her skull was cut through in two places uud her face und neck were cut very badly. II is not thought pos sible for her to live. No cause can lie assigned for the act, as she was in her usual health and spirits the night Is-fore. It is supposed a slid dcu spirit of insanity possessed Iter. Worst of All Experiences. Ciin anything Is- worse than lo feel that every minute will Is- your last ( Such was the exerience ol Mrs. S. H. N'cwsoii, IVcatiir, Ala. "For three .veal's," she writes, "I endured iiisiill'erable pain from in digestion, and stomach and hnvvc) trouble. Death seemed inevitable w licit doctor and remedies failed. At length 1 was induced to try Flectrie Hitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I inn completely recov ered." For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel tumbles I'.lectric Hitters is the only medicine. Only one. know. MIINTINt :i IIS l-.Vl.K two. ) Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civilization, a family ia often diivru to dcsxration iu case of accident, resulting in burns, cuts, w ounds, ulcers, etc Lay in a supply of Ilurklen'a Arnica Salve. It a the Is-st on earth. k, at hug lish Drug Co.'. Mr. R. J. Kejuold, the wealthy tobacco manufacturer, has given II.IHM) to Guilford College to es tablish an electric plant. "My luir wji Tallin; out and turning pay vvy t i:i. tint vour Hair Vigor Uont 1 1, c falling tnii restore u.c n-mrjl color."--Mi.. E. Z. Ba-numn-.c, Cci.ocs, N. Y. s house, which was very near the railroad track, and threw herself under a passenger train, w Inch cut her Imdy lo pieces and rolled her ; head many yards. She was thus killed in plain view of a brother and Iter little son. It is said that sickness was the cause of the suicide. It's impossible! for you not to look cM, with the color of seventy years in your hair I Perhaps you arc seventy, and you like your gray nuir! If not, use Ayer's Hair Visor. In less than a month ycur gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. If roar dee.- rsssol m.-l wss, ai-uil ai ivja d iitsi ih! ,i ).rtl twill, Ik. irp ami clie tlin t-anjfl I J. C. .O t R Co., lotrail, Maaa. liewareof Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury aa mrrcuiy will aurdy destroy the arute of smell and completely On aline the whole system when entering il through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the (ood yon can possibly ilefive frtn.i Iheui Haifa Catarrh ' Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney 1 4 Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer cury, and ii taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous su. faces of the system. la buying Hall's Calank Cure be sure you get th genuine. It ia taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, hy F. j Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by di uk jilts, price 75c. battle. Hall's Family rills ire the best. .- n io 1 .: t- l.'s I -Ins. r ia. i.ii. fa-- b I VI , I.I I!!.' 1. s ii-; 'U tl-i III. I" I 'lie . li-l-i-i-.,.-. ii. , into a I -I. almV e t !.. H .Iti III. r I.. I.- ;l: ! 1 it i I .! . .-i 1.....1 I ; 1, 1. 1 iil-li' iL.t-.-dv 1I..1. has ever Iwii eii.i. tid i ri tlx- 110 m i.rv ot the li.l. ii.tsi ti., eolinly t.M.k pl.i.e S.iii.l.n at f.N.I ol All.-gli.iuv tin ..ll. I. .in 1 .--. just inside ..f this coiiiilv. i nek Davis, with an ae. enl to pii ns two men and hisowu wile. The si. ay ol the i rime r.iiiie ii. tlm: Dav is. who lived al the I-...I ol the mount 1111. was v isit.-d by two foiiner Iriei.ds and a. .piaiut nie.-s. AltitsI L.11 ki-r and s...i, I ,. ii. !,.. lived near t hilhowie. a. 1 h.-v had st.-pp.sil at h..iisc on then way Is see tli. ii relatives in tins S.Sti.111. I I.IV IS sas-llled Vl-I V ell-Vel and insist. -.1 on iheir sM-ii.iiug tin night with linn. They coiivnted and when bedtime came every one in the house retired. Thetwo v is itoi-siH-ciipied Usl. Davis and his u lie iHi upitsI another bed close h.M.sil.iy m h,- s.i!iie r.n.m. Hardly had tlu-y reined nil. a Mrs. Iavis !n-:ii. I a noise, -in. I .,11 I, .U ing tovvanl hen- the I'.ai kefs weie sleeping, saw her husband w it h tin ate. cutting the r.aik. is lo -. s. She sprang out of Hie Im .1 and tried to ki-cp her husband from killing the 1. Id man. Aliied. and ately Davis ge li.-r tuo Lions with the axe that si-ut her In the lliH.r. a Ii.mI been killed l.v the lirst blow, that had split lu's head half i.p.-u as clean as one splits a hog's head in slaughtering. 1 1.-.....I 1..... 1 .1. oiirii 11. .11 is-.-ii sai.-.i uppao'lll IV 1., M .... 1 . .. ;u ... 1... 1....1 : .' I ' ' ..., .1, 1. im ...ii,- 1 . . crawl out of Hie lied and into a tirernshuro f em..!.- l'..:i. i'l..s,.! Item 1.1 rye. close l.y. .Nevcitlie less, he w as bhs-.lllig like a Img and will die. having received the ae Ono Dollar a Year 1 HumBacicjl J srnm tM! uwn a U O Kufi. baia ih(. acuhtr ..". auka 9 jr a K.t Wa k(. k-a a tataV suit aaae I 5 .ad KtiU k-ssc aaat H am f n ' 1 " .imi rar means at racavarv M. fl BUM ftlaUlamitfia1a fj - -a d..s , il' drmaav IGfieap Flour lis Bad Flour!! Little I'.oy kills His Krollur. .. . 1 1. . . N-ii;it..i u.i.iint' r;m..'i-:i. win. !l. I-I III 111 I I is !,.-!.. Ill I n: !ii 11.111 , little the h I, i- s. , mi tup ot .1 1 a .'. cha r I.i- g..! i.', ; In roach :l-- t-'.ii . iia-f his In ..I ' ; ' lnii him il in-11: VVOIi.. I a,,., ,,. ' tired, tin- v.. 1 ; . ! I'll.' I:..-, Im v, .i i.t" Ii : Im 1 11 in- 1 I ;n in ;!. II,- fm al I. i'ni I 1: :.e I il;. , ! , '.- 1 , .I il Ii: I ii a'l III 1.::: i-r is r: .I up t the hilt in his st0111a. il and having Ins light arm cut off. Al ; lied siys that as he lay iu the I'n l.l he heard the aw fill blows that fnl lowed oil the hodv of Mrs. Dav Is. ' 1 n I heard her groans glow taint. -r! and fainter, lint the woman was not yet killed, und alter the excite lui'lil had subsided D.IV is took his wile in the house, washed her! wounds mid washed himself. I 'a vis' little girl, with the baby inli.-i . anus, was I lie one who "aw- tin- ilaim, she escaping for her lite at the outset. When people came iu lln foini.l Davis silting bv Ins w ife admiins leriiig to her wauls, but the unman rnied to Is- iu such aoiiv she1 paid little attention to what was going on. Davis said: "I guess I have killed tln-111. but I didn t know it." A siiige.iu summoned from Mountain City, T.-iiii., gavel it out that all would certainly die ami the rumor is eurreul 011 the; streets that the woman is m ad. I'll! I ies just Iioiii the si 'en.- of the, tragedy say that there is blood ev iTvwhcre. that leu heaves would not have left as much bl I seal j teied around a slaughter pen. No I The tlllsle 1 well ktiou 11 .College li ne s-h,.,. ., ;... Is- t in Mt ,1 1. , Olll-t I ..Hil l. I I'oliM In. Ion.; i I In- pi opel t y plivale con.;, men, w h.. ha it. al a loss '! .pal stoi khoii I , ,11. I i.'.V In 1 - n-.-i,si..,i I ...i.1,.1 I., (lo 'l I til it ll i s. l-i Iss; lire .In i.i. , I t 1 ! 1 li'i tli ho. Mas pa th. ...: ,1 -1 lln -.- llie U I. to l.i:. 1 ii ii ! .1 t.s a sine. I ' ' I II I . :.t I- I iii i 1).. maker's e. :. 1 ti.i- n.ti-.-l uty uf lus ' . --1 I - 1 i liunr is t'.nl flour : 1 't- i l.i h i ts n.:;i. .1 III paukiug. It . '. .-. f ,0 k to itu- iiaiiif ' i" I :1 ur miied Willi 1 l -3 1 1 nr tin- iiu!ity 'i- ) ii u !, Lilt like mixing ! i lit w-lh I lj.-k, il Likes i 1 .1 ! -t ' I w lute to piO' ..hv t lie, t . 1 in cheap I' I n ion;: ill ullltell, the ' V -a ! the wheal. . . i -i.t 0:1s a I..!..- pel - 1: 1- ilvcr:.. J husk ! e IU i i.uii. Alt of i ..a i! ,mt. There , c i a :.t vmi to ask for "Inviii. ibir" bland. This 1 1.. 'J at tin- lowest 1 1 :,,. I, ii'.illy first- :! -:i .111 l e 1. .Id, ami its 1 liif luji.t v .iu need .V in 01,:, 1 to n. I tiie lies!. N- i: .in, . or ! ..I l.aker, : lawn." ti,- I can I l...i..;i,. - t ! i L-i. 1 M . 'l- the I'!. Not a Can.lid.ati.'. Mr. I i. i.-laiul 1. 1- i i.. inl.-rv 1. -.v .ii v, l.i. Ii l,r s.. is I11 1 lii-liv ;. 1 .-i i . i 1 IlKXhKKSOX ! K()L1.I-I13IILLS. Tinstoc's Salo. an 111 I. ml thai lo . liter public has imt iiiiint"i tllllllL'Ilt SHU III' ov.-i- m ve.11 . a. In- has noi sp bl-OII sp.ikt-ll to . I'ointli r I'.ili'l.i. lie ll. s'ljaj- . .-1 -. . iiii :i.. 11 lain. " IIi- ii l liu- am oil .llli'lect ...I ll e 1 1 1 1 1 -si 1 r II I,.' ! 1 1,.- lloll Ilia! in- 1.1 I a n l-i .1 i i-iis-ll- s , ,01. 1 .1 .1 Hm... - :! V a'l' llHV Hu ll -I. A I "t Ih.-.lK . Ii. . I I..I ..( Ih, .l. , ... ....I l-l-l I. 'l ll.ll'ltl rl lut.ia.. .1 I londav, .!ulv l.tth, A. I). IQtu, v. 1 1 I. .-il-.l lr.l ..t I .11 . I-..1 !-lll..l HI,.., ..r (i.-t.l oil .It ill.-.l i.l. r. I-I. ll Mi 1. Shot Himself .III vars A-o- 1 'aik. 1 c: o-i v III. 11 li iiil; si t a gun. 11 gl.n. 1. 1 In was .lis, T . 1 1 , shot 111 th. il. II.' In. ais ...Mi. A. T. II I ' lull. I colli. IV . I onliT lo shoot a bin 1 an ueiid.iit tin gun .-il ami In- I111.1.. il vv as -. I- m i'ii.-ii.. II...I. -Ii. a.... .rn. r . ii- I., a Hi' a , n :ii i..i... back I two Willi' Vl'.ll motive can U' found lot the hellish i ""ii'ii. ami cam., la dis'd, though many theot ics have;ano. II.-died hei Insii advanced. One is that Davis was insane, that he had U-cii out uf his head only six mouths be fore. Another is that Levi Ki.ik. i was once a swi-ethcail of his wile and that this visit si 11 led up jeal uiisv, It is said that it is true tin man has been w rong w ith his mind several tunes, but thai he was leal ly a very iiieau man and had once In-line ti led to kill a iiiin with an ax.'. The theory of jealousy is not Is-lieved ow ing to the fact that Mrs. Davis was a woinaii ol line chi ts tian character and had never given the slightest attention to ll.nkei since her marriage. Dav is is in jail here, hav ing been bound over lo court. "Strength, and vigor come I good fooJ, duly digcstt d. 'I-Yrc'L',' 1 reaily-to-sctve wheat and b.irl. v food, adds 110 burden, lilt sustain-, nourishes, invigorates." Iiev .i sh.-t. walked a sli il 1 nil in l-V.l.ll Veals iav. luce lie was II. ...a. ... tr...-r . ' .-iii'i tntf , it.,, I 1 I. -. I In. .Mil... :l'l I VV;,M. I.y ,11... II II. .11-1.1... .1 l..,.l,l..,l III M.I III III. ..Iti.',. I til. .11 r.iuiilv . Ill . i.i. !i .).. .( rrl- l.4l I II I.-IM II Tni.ln Horse Health ! lew day Millllv i olllltv setting .ml eabb.u up a gold nugn Mi- t w pcuiiyvvcights worth. II Not Wood, I llke vv 1. 1 I. II 1 1 - sli. 11. Ii ighing IM iiliolil seven doila Kctort Courteous. ..hi "1 s:,v Ulllbl.'il.l Vi ollice. I vv were you," "Ily jov e! true thing I long time." .loh. llial' ni've lake llldn'l be Mllilll. I ve heard Ihml 11 0111 s II I lilt's the V 011 sav For puttinc in prime condition, any horse r mule the lx-st of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition l'ovvdcrs. Tlu-sc 1'owdcrs arc won derfully effective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system clc.lns.-d of all gross humors. The l'ovv dcrs fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Condition row-tiers 1 . .1 1.. t .... :.. arc wrappeu 111 uoscs. in i.m, m i l.nii. ..r..,.if..ltii,n ill, is I llllll a. a... ... used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft'a Powder consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft'a Condition Powders always high grade arc not to be classed with the many bulky, gixxl-for-evcrything powders now on the market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. ."startling l.v idititc. I'lesll lest iliiotiv ill gieat .ill III! ily is constant l.v comiiig in. declaiiug Dr. King's New Discovciv tin . on sumption, coughs ami i-oaK to be nut-.plait-.1. A recent cxpr. ssiou from T. .1. .M. l-'ai iainl. Ili nliuiv ill.-. a., sel ves as an example. 1 1 - writes: "I had bioiu lul is ,n jlnee years and doitoiril ail the tim.-l without belt.,: hcnclilcd. 'I li.-n I i began taking Dr. King's New lis . eovcry, and a few Imt tics cured, me." i:.iia!lv eii.'i live iu enring j all lung and throat troubles, con-1 sumption, pneumonia and 'i ip. ! I iiiar.iiit. eil by Liii li-h Dnu ' '. i Tl ml bottles lice. r. -gular s, s .".He. and rl. Great Loss of Property. j llifw.'ik 1:1. hin; June, I90J, , w is a most destructive one. Two I L,u'iit ll and one terrible cyclone .I. tii vi-1 Im people iu the I'uited j M .tt'- millions and millioLt of dollars i vi.. 1 th ol pi "ptity. ; 1 In 1 c arc rt-i'taiu calamities (hat j, .I i;ii:iid against, but we can ti 1 o I .iii.l i nit i t uiirsi-Jves against 1 i'.i in iM 1 1 1 1.11 laMe foes to man. 1 hi .1 yon 1 ver thought w hat the great , b in, t i to y.'iit t1a.1111-i.1l success is? 1 It is tl i- iiiaoii.-i-iiHiB habit ol pay. Iii .itl.iiliuii to your pennies, J na ki Is .1111! iliiii. s. It you "Havtne mst avsnr kmai o( ron.lliton cnw. ar. I cm.l.fer Aalirrsft't the 1-a.l on th market. I tak .l-aQrai In nas,mm.naiiia llii-m InaiT Irlf-nrl. andc-usWBMrs.H. CAMP kKLL, Hickory, M.C. Price 25c. package Sold by English Drug Company Still Owed Them. "Who well' the geliilclaiil that seemed so iiiin iiii'il about I 'hai lie w lieu th" yacht capsied.'" ' His tailors. Thev wete iil'iaid he would get lust before s Ilium Soliiebody will get a good iiev tggy fns'. ill it Im- your , Nice Meats Our Mohhy! Anything in the line i f tender meats is our Imbbv. nice We lead the tra di ll. V.. Wlii'e. When in need of (rcsli meat phone No. yt J. I). 1'aiUr. Our Ice IL use is opposite J. J. Lockhait iv. Co.'s store. Phone us when ynu want Ice. No 36 CAMtit: cv Wallace. I want jour country produce ol all kinJs. Sec 111c lulore )ot sell. S. Ix. Dostcr. Phone tf6 when you want the best meats, tender and fat. We will do the rest. II. Z. White. Take Care of the Pennies, tin- will take care of them-s.K-fs, .:ivbn,!y can make money but thru' air frvv who can save it. A 1 He -a v. ,1 is a in. kt 1 made. Trade with us mid we will nuke money fur v on hv .-.tviiis you money. If it's not bul a h vv n-iits im ai t. article it will on nut t 1 il ill.irs alter a while. Ily Jividit-s with ymi what would be only a l.'aMtiiu..!.' pn tit on !; ods, we save ni"in y (01 viia ami make lifetime cus tom. i I 1 0111 s.-Ucs. 'e will offer a treat im ymi nil 4II1 of July. Watch our a lvi'iti.-cii.rut nr xt time and come in Iu sec us . Vuiiis, Hill & Bivens. fl cool Head Is very desirable at this season. Our clean, solid, pure Ice il the best coolinK medium you ran (ft. In the refrigerator its laatini quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED It adds to the clearness and cool ness ot summer drinks of all kinds. Have us to deliver it to your res idence daily. Tickets for salt in any quantity, I'lioue 36. CADIETJ & WALLACE.