Sui Library mrlK ; THE MONROE JOURNAI VOLUME X. NO 22 MONROE, N.C.. TUESDAY JUNE 30, 1003 One Dollar a Year it l'n vcr .tn !'i;-r l lt 1-aJy rtu! ! Biaw t .i.M'l-l nud di-l w.iv t!it li.-.t l.ims rti liwru iv. I In-i,ti- m-,.ii vim di.-d e. .1 vimIUiv ii nunor, living! hi M.itiii.i; :i Uttive n Vjilll!.!. :,. 4 Kr.. , U!,. , (;H. I'uivc!iiv "I" Viigin.i uii.i h.,,1 completed In cduc.tli u ai H,. Safe in thv 5uuth. Mi-aiW-r.fl tUl ea? President liiKwii'til .:ttei.i!t d the commencement rin i-4 hI tlit I !" Ylilli:i Week and revived u t-i-r la-ccpl!..!!. !!' ma. I.- : lilii:i pich :iihI f ull I i Moulln-lln, t ! hoinc of riiiun is S. lTors.ui. mi 1.. r-t- li n k. Mi. I!i-ex ell wis liiiu. The of the President ami tin- fire , ilmn villi which he moved uIhiiiI Uuusevelt W ant 'Em All Prosecuted- TW President hussci-.t a li tter tu I lio A 1 1 "i m-v .i-i:ii.i!. in wli.ili I r s.ivh: HeMilulron of Ire.pctt- p!c..i filters, l.i i.Ut- iii.ii i nil a !'.r.iklu l.n'y h.. .tsctlucntcd anioHC tin1 eop!i., h- nls the FaiMi alii. ia.l at tin-1 iiivcril v !' Unnlua villi" i a. ) lleniid In ni and a . student an. I writer mi CCOIilllll ilS Nut ihin lii huveuii ci-elesi apical tvicnmiiv, Ilit proscctixe k.iiiii-m i iir iair i.i'iv i'.iii 'V have rend iiniliinj; ol St Sir: - .soii mil . ihf -!;.iits III CWlli.t .. III.' I'.-I'.,KT li p.iilmt nf an n. K in.: inx csli ji.iicd ley Fourth AvUt.iut Post master liii!u, lnt li.i had id ul Ills by I la l'i.i maMer cvt-iy resniiicv of tlx department, iiii'liiilni tin service of Mr. Itiildi. whnmxou Wheivas il has inihlx l in las w ITIHV llnl.l ..tit IllllUt lilt l,l :il.. brother. AI -(III In IV our la. mill I'm. I U il .t:.illtl f'n.lii flu 1 kiiLir1in.iil it '.V ' ' " Justice to till- I'osti.lliif IVlKIlt un-blikr- .n4litiR lines- thrown , imm),,,.,,,.v .,.r : r. ulmiit Mr. Koosevclt lute in ir ! ,.i ..r m t. i-.. . ,.i Cllila. iiii' Siiiilli v-i iiiiirh i i . . I.Niiivrrxiliuii n ih i,i in- niaira u l.y a .lntiv of ". urr m. ii n in. : ii.i arn ini1(.11(.llU ,wv,. ull,.:l,!v i. ,,., ; mi' .-Mipri'iiit' i oiii!. tin the veil " i" x' truij loyal ami law amu -i ,llt jt iiiiij uay, liimever. the laily. lm "'s itH a atlinlir. il. i laiv.l l.i him Ilia! U raiiv i.l l.vr lailli and In-- raiise he a a illvurred Mian nhei eouM not many him. (in...! for I., l. t . i l i i . . .! i"-i ui i-iinor ... n. miiijutii-s oi uir the lady! It looks like hhe had o. . . j ' , , u.ttiliiiuliiState.haslKii itoMiHiiied two phhI reusoiiN for not niarryiiu. . , ... ciiiiiIT. The ilrhnse anti-il the sl.i 1 1- il.-n In- H I ; -x.lcd Is!: U.ih i-liiii. h and Sunday ol Wesley C!i,ii l M.-I'i.hIis' t Imn h, Smili, have losi in e ol us hi. M ami en lliienlial iiu-ai!H-r: thai Imw siiliiuisii.ti In' id. l..-.ved i',l: That our .hti-ai-nl I'"'"1 lnnlher a a f.i:llil'nl memU-i Utile l.iii-y lloMiy of Mi-4'nllers. 1ml li in i li.neli and Sunday seliool, j Wake r.uiiilv, sl. .-. on a nisly and a line, earnest anil sim-ere! n;i.l and from the wound loek jaw ihiistiiiii of eeiiilaiy uik and set in and she died in apMiy Abjut the State. Ueiitc n.ii.-t I in-, eruor Turner hx .!: UH-.-.I hu eamlid ley for !!; mM--.i!!i. ii.'i,inal i-.:i f.r '-. eiaoi he.vl year. The f li t tli.ll It H a-' ti.e la. l.i kiM IhMI ImU ti.-! U I. .i. .Il.-n. Tin, Imd hisisexihi siely on i!ise-?s, t-n.iui; l.ui- iiaui un-s ol llii-s. v; unit iu. are mi Iroiilitesoiue t the law lias lns n iii.idt III I 1.' HI ' man, li.-iii-i Jim Tillman's Trial Postponed The e.iM- of Jaim-s II. Tillman, on trial nt Coluuiliia for the miir ! der of editor N. . tinliiale.s nf Hu stle llj;ht to the man. Mayhe nave k.ihi gt a.s rijjit in her dirisioii, the iI.h--trine of lntli r-late-than - never may excuse the tardiness of its an liiinneemeiit. Oil the lievt day the man died of nrmplexy. and n.m the lady is in (.'real distress lliimili lielief that she was in a measure ivsiHinsilile; , trial innved. and after I In- removal ' ;w j.t anted, the mse'iilion sis'in ed to have ijaiiieil a nint in having put it in U-viii);toii eoiinty. The trial will r-oine up on the Neeoml Monday in Si'pleiulH'r. and it is iimh rslood that the piisouer will not apply lor hail. In I lie heariii); Jude lliii-lunan r... ul i ...i i.: i . .-" .... . ... ..erTiml.K l,.r j,, :,w,m,,,u,l iiei-isiuii. .ie Ms-meii io in' oer come," she s iys, and left aller an hour's talk, savin), that ht' weinii iry iorj:ei inc. v e hope the lady will In ire up. If. she was t lyhl in her ileeisi.m she ouht to t'l keep n lietter (jrip on her I'itI inp;if she was w inhj; tliat'iiil siili jeet fol ealiuer and iiime leisurely ieeulati.ii. made a seiisitioual and foolish smii-I., nttaekiii), the ieople of) o iiiuhia. and the pu ss in p-neial. Where One Woman Rules. ( enjovs the distinc tion nl' In-ill),' the lirsl Inw ii to have a liu.sliaiid swear the peaee against his w ife. He savs he is afraid she w ill ilu him IhhIiIv harui. Jin Dumpi' pht tician eoce fell ill. Stidh: "I'llhm on draught or pill." Said Jim: "Ho, bo, you're oq the shelf. You who cur othert, curt jourill." Then Jim oeot op oral rorct io nuni "That ! what at nreda," ! lfcW That what honeedi," 'Jg Al quoth "Soaor Jim." Ci Tb. n-d,.iw rv2 for doctor and patient Eo.M Thn Clll. I n atiai'krd lift Mar hr appMi.ll clllii. k 1 eitriua n( rrcoviry ilm-inr and I tHKiin mcaal around f.r a tuiiabln .lli.l anlaaull w Wl ii"i 'fnwa,' whli-h haa Ix-an a w..nli-rful tutm to nia. 1 hara Cairo aliamt llnw i-aw. IL E MiLtiu." THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal & Industrial College. COt; KKKNi Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science . Scientific Manual Training Pedagogical Music Flip i-oll:-.'- 1. ii.llnir l l'i-l'iiuiv A.liitlH-.-il isitir.. I. -ii. tit. k t. i-irr.'... Wi-ll s.i i .-.-il I'rartl.-i- mil ). nnTi.'ii s.-IhmI Kiu-ii I . y .1 0 ... l-rs 111. H.ttr.l, t.tlti..n.iitl f.-.-H f..r iw- ..f t.-xt Iwhii. .-It- . IU"v:ir I'.r 11. -II n'il.l.-l! ..f III.' stall. Ilflii. Tni'tflll Hllliiul -.-l..n Ni;liu S.'il.-inl-r 1".. :n r. -nrr 1.--ar.l In It.i-l..rtnll..rl.- till fn-i- tiiltln ln-iitl.ln l-D.I.I.- li-fi.ii Jiilv l-'Mi. r.m-.H.ii.l.-ti.-.- tt.iil..l fr.-ni ll... .li-Klriiif r..niM-l.-nl t.-N.-lii-r- mi. I f. ll.ttrail'i-r. I'..r rtt!iil..rf.t. an.l .l li.-t ti.f-.ritml lot. CHARLES D. MclVER. Prbldot. Greensboro. N.C. Kodaks. A vacation without a Kodak Is a vacation wasted- We are agents for the Eastman Kodak. We also carry a big line of supplies. We will be pleased to show our line. Call and get catalogue or w rite for one. ! The W. J. Rudge Co. r TiieF Typewriter. The beat Typewriter on Hie markfil. Ynu ran nav inure but you cannot t a belter on. Its work it always in full view of th operator; it ii simple in conatructinn; and liaa ilond th teat for many year, - A ........ 1 .. . . . . I . wrtmft .1 I ha nrif-a UIU...IK !. Ul.iau.l.ll. I.V R..EUI..T..I mi ym v.. (v., hum ...v pi-.. : t.. t lt I?... ..I. V... ih. II ... r..a ll.r.U.ra Cr. ir fi it nf T 7 . 1 i r . t" 1 1 1 -r . . . 1- 11 f i 11 . 11 Snulhera Branch 116 Jenifer BuildiDf, Waahiojtoo, D. C. :.. 1 .11 . ..... . : . I ami 11 is pn.oaoie null oilier ill dietmeiits will heu-uller Is- asked for. There rail Is1 uo greater of fense against the (.mei iiini iil than a breueh of trust 011 the part of a puhlu-official orthedishoiiest inan iUjeuieiit of hisnlhee, and, iil'eonix', every effort must lie exerted to bring such ollenderstn punishment by the utmost rigor of ihe law. The llistriet Atloruey's olliee ol the District of t'olumliia has failh I'uliy and culniislr secoudeil the ellorts of Ihe I'listnllice lH-ialllneut ill this mailer, hut the ai ml of wolk in the oilier is such as to make it dillieult, w it limit neglect lug other important piiMie duties, to devote all Ihe lime necessary to the prosrcul inn of these eases. I suggest, Iherel'nie, that if you ran not detail some of yuiir present slai), you uppniut special assistants in these postotlice cases, not only to take up the cases in which indict incuts have been found or hereafter may Ih found, bill hi examine inln all charges thai have Im-cii In.nlc against ollicials iu the postal scr Mce, with 11 view In the removal and prosecution of all guilly men in the service and the prosceiitinii of guilly men, whether in lhe:rr vice or lint, w here I hr rases are unl li.ui.-d liy the statute of limitations." A Congressman Indicted fur Corruption- N. V ,.rl ..w!rli. '.' Ill Former i'ougiessinan I'riggs was inilicled l.y (he Federal graud juiy in I'.rooklyu tndny. He iipHaied Is line .luilge Tlmiuas ami gave bail. The iinlictuielit grew mil of Hie invest igalinu into postnllice ul' fail's maile by (lie giaiid .jury. Fnur indicliiKMits neie found, all practically alike. F.ach charges that liriggs IhIwccii July '.'it ami I'l, l!iii, unlaw fully ngii'ed In re ceive Mini did lYceive a if."iiiil check from the l.iaut I -lit I'oinpauy I'm procuring a muliacl I'roin the I'ni eil Males gnveriiiuciit making and delivering '.'.Ml iitituiiut ic cash iers for the I'ushiHice I cpai tln. nl. To the lii-st Iwo iiiiliclineiils Mr. I tiiggs pleaded iml guilly, reserv ing Ihe right In plead later to the others w I111 Ii cnulaiii sixteen c.uiuls ach, alter his lawyer had read tlniii. .Mr. lli iggs refused alisolnlely In coiumelit on his indictment. Hi- has previously mlmilled, however, receiving a salary uf iIL,..''iiMl from the llraiiill Iteiil Cunipany fnl' in triHluciug its machines, lint claimed that the work he did fur the coin pany was done licfnic he w 11s suorii in us 4'oiigrcssiinin, hut 11 Iter his election, mid declin ing that he had done nothing to w hich the govern incut could object. The indictments wcie found un der sections 171 ami 1TJ of the re vised slat tiles of Ihe I'niti'd Slates, which provide for the punishment of nuv person "receiving riunlu incuts while in the employ of the government. Working by Whipping Won't lio- M. 11, nn.. ll-Mlt.-lt. Illi. In Ihe I uileil Slides Court today Judge F.lliorv Spcer imposed 11 line oll,tm(l each 1111 three youn men. William Shy, Arthur tilawsnn and linls'it Turner for holding a m gr.. in iiivolunlary servitude. He sus pended the line under rnuilil ions. In lining the young men he said: "In view of the fact that this is the first clime of this kind which has ever occurred iu (ienrgia mid because of the frank confession nf III.' young men, sentence is imposed iu order tn ninvince Ihe public that the purpose of the court is to warn and deter others from a like cl inic. Kill ing good lsdiavior the line is suspended upon payment of IIMI by each piuly." The iill'euse was that the young men, who are prominent farmers, caught a negro who had got leu in debt tu them, gave him tt w hipping and made him go In work for them. Judge S'iccr said that he prob lem of the times could not Is' sol veil by harsh measures and that the laws of (icorgiu were against such treatment. The Fattening Harvest In Kansas. T..a IHlrh. Imh. While the Kaw liiver Valley is recovering from the most di'slme the inundation of two generations, the broad w licit licit of Ihe Slide is girding itself for the mightiest bar vest in lis history, t'nmolcstcd by frost, drought or insert, Kansas' yield nf wheat promises to surpass in ahiindaiire ami perfection of ma turity anything in its previous his tory. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, remote from civiliration, a family is often driven to dcs'icnitiim iu case of accident, resulting iu burns, cuts, wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay iu a supply of Hack len s Arnica Salve. It's the beat on earth. 25c., at Eng liah Drug Co.'. man alwavs to Is- 'found on the right side of all mor- ll illlestiolis. Ut-snlvi d :'.rd: That we, and each one one of us shall cherish the nn 111.11 v of our ileis-ased friend and brother with loving regard and af feet ion. Hi-solved Ith: That the family of the deceased brother have our sin ei-n-st sympathy iu their sad hour of Is'ii-av 1111. nl. Kesolve.1 ."ith: That these reso lutions he spivad iiimiii the rccoiil of (he Sunday schisd and a copy of the same Is sent to the family of it lie ilc.vased brother; that a copy Is- sent to the county papers tor publication, and that the North Carolina Chiistiau Advocate Is- re lUcslcd to copy. lii-spivl hilly mi 11 li-il, .1. II. 'ii hi.sii:i:, J. X. I'm. 1:. K M. .M....iii:, W'll.M V WlM III'.sTI.U, Committee. a week alter iccciviug the wound. Joe Swain, white, w ho w .u. in the lui ham liH-k up over mghl, cut lusthnml l liiii-l iy m..i mug after seven o'clock. He carried a knife 111 his shoe and rut a gash iu his throat an inch deep penetrating the w ind piiH-. He has no chance for reenvcry. One remrt has it that his mind was effected from fever. aunt her thai it was caused lioiuex ecssive drinking. Studying How to Improve Corn I'r.t.-ii.-al Kitttn-r We plant any time niter Ihe lirst nf May. From the tenth to the lil'ieenth is counted the Issl time. We try to linish planting by the tw'entii-lh. Cultivate corn four limes and give the last cullivalimi by July Ith. First win king should In ilmie u ith the harrnu. fnllou- the liarrou Willi the eultiMitnr, using small sIiiim Is and run close iiml deep the lirst time. Cullhalccv cry other Week: cultivate shallow, ;l- deep cultivation tears oil' t lit feeding runts. I.iy by with a "turn shovel." A writer iu the Iowa Homestead says that in Xorlli Carolina corn is planted in rows si feet apart mid one f.Hit apart iu the rows and that a writer says 'J7I bushels per acre have Ims-ii grown iu thai way. The Invva man is misinformed. The famous j; I bushel crop grown in S.iiilh Carolina .M ai's ago was, ve have iiuilerslond. really lwocrop. the lirst er.p being planted early and six feel apart between the lows, and when this was laid by another planting win made mid way Im-Iwccii Ihe rows. The early crop was cut when il glared and the second crop cull ivated and ma lured. The cummin method in the South is In plant the tall ginw- I... .1 n 1... .. "...1. 1 ..ii. : .. .. 1. : 1 1 t ' ami one sihik hi 11 .1111. .0111 planted iu this way ami making Iml one ear per stalk (-.11111 t make a big crop even 011 strong land. The great need of the Southern corn grower is it proper breeding of corn to 11 more dwarf stalnre, so thai il can Is' planted more closely. This has been done tit the North Carolina College of Agriculture, and corn planted in rows.'! feet N inches apart and rather thickly in the rows made eighty right bushels per acre 011 upland I hat a few years previous would not have made over len bushels wild the ordinary planting and tall corn with single ears. Fully 11s much improvi'incnl can Is- made iu other sections by 11 study of Ihe whole plant as iudicu ted above. Squire a Weather Richardson Prophet- WitxI.MW Kilt. - ).n..., .'-.Ill . 'Sfpiire S. J. Uicharilson, the in ililable adjunct of this weather bureau, has made another hit on the weather and thereby increased his fame as a weather prophet. He walked into this olliee last Satur day just alter dinner, when there was imt a rain cloud in sight, ami said, "I have conic in In say thai it will ruin tonight." The bureau it self was doubtful, lint just before i.itrlit it lw.,11-1- l-iiii . lull. I l-.itlell on in'the, tnn-thwes,. U muMlcil nun .lie .iiiioiiei .iiiin-.i. The section of country pist north of town mid on to Monroe had a heavy rain. It is reported that (icorgc I'.nr rell, aged To, last Thursday shot and fatally wounded his daughter in-law. Mrs. Iturroll, ami srnoiisly wounded her ten year old daughter Iroiu amliusli near their liome in llemleisi.ii enmity. It is alleged thai llurrell had Is-entiic incensed over Mrs. Iiiirrell's refusal to do some w.ii k for him. Taking on New Life- ..r.v...-i.!.-,i 1 II..- I.tunirtl Lanes Creek, June 1. As I have seen nothing from these pails lor sometime I w ill try to give you a few new s items. Crops are very backward. Cot ton is small ami Ihe farmers are unl ijuite dune planting corn. Last Monday a very heavy rain fell in the southern part of Lines Creek. Mr. II. M. I'lcsson, who has Imi-ii sick for smut-time with ty phnid lever, is improving we aie glad to stale. This w riter hail Ihe pleasure nf attending the people's literary club of Lanes Creek last Saturday even ing at Jenkins school house. The club is taking on new life now and promises to do sonic work this slimmer. The next meeting will lie nt I iiinu school house on the third Saturday iu July. ' ' X. S. It is in Ik-law are Too- ii-ii.i.-i 1.1 i..r This time it is up in Delaware 1 lull they have lynched a iiegm. Art"! tf'cy were 11..I content to hang or shout the wretch to death but they burned him at the Stake. Ilis offense was "the usual crime,'' to vv Ii ieh he mlded minder. The lie glo confessed his guilt. Worst ol All Experiences. ( an anything In- worse than to feel every minute will lie your last? Such was Ihe experience of Mis. S. II. Xcwsou, 1 Veal nr. Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I en. lined insufferable pain from in digestion, and stomach ami Isiwel trouble. I lentil seemed inevitable w lien doctors and remedies failed. AI length I was induced to try F'eeti ie Hitlers ami the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I am completely recov ered." For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel troubles Klecli ic Kilters is the only medicine. Only Tit ic. Il'sguaranlectl by Fnglish ItrugCu. Took the Doctor at Ilis Word- lllobbs The doctor told I'.uggins to take 11 drink of w hiskey iH'forc each meal. Slobbs w hat is Ihe re Mill 1 f lllobbs Muggins is now eat ing eight meals a day. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quant ily is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's Xcw Discovery for con sumption, roughs and colds In Ik uncqualed. A recent expression from T.J. McFarland, ltentnnv ille, N il., serves as an example, lie writes: "I had bronchitis for three years ami doctored all the time without lie ing Is'iielited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New I lis covcry, and 11 few Isittles cured me." ljually effective iu curing all lung and throat troubles, con iimouia and grip, F.nglish Drug Co, Trial Isittles free, regular ."iUc, and l. Dark Hair " I have used Aycr'i Hair Vigor for reat many yean, and al though I am ptsl eighty yrari of age, yet I have not gray hair in my bead." Geo. Ycllolt, Towion, Md. Wc mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have, if it's pray now, no matter; for Aycr's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and Ions; and it stops falling of the hair, too. l N a as, AN ir fnnt anirffea rannna annply yoa. ara at imo ..Imt an we ill eine yiwahntua. Haaara ami alia Un. nam at fam aaaiwM awp. nm.-a. AiMraaa. i. C. A V tk CU, Lavall, Mat. When in need ol fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. Served Him Right- U.-n!-r"nli ....I.I U-ttf. The cash hot in Ihe iron safe of the Durham Herald was recently roblx-d of :lo or .l.i. Served him right; nn editor had no business with that much money. Ought to have kept il in the hands of 1 is dear delinquents. lie ware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury M aurcly destroy the ense ol iiirll ami completely derange the whule ayatrin when entering it through the mucous am fare. Such article ahnnld never le used enrrpt un prescriptions horn reputable eliy aicians, as the damage lliey will do i ten foli tu the good yon can piniilily derive from tlirm Hall' Catarrh Cure, mauufuctuied by F. J. Clieuey Ac Co., Toledo, ()., cotitauia no mer enry, and i taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua nrface of the ayntem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the geauin. It i( taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial (ree. Sold by druggist, price 75c bottle Hall Family Till are th belt. Phone 1 06 when you wan! the best meats, lender and fat. We will do the rest. H. Z. White, llattlc on Ihe Mountain. .-I . -..ta!...'ti., .. .,...-..' big lii t is-cllir.'l tills tie in in,; nn l-tp ! Oii.ikcr I.i Mo"i . t.iin. M.-'.is c-.iiuly. 'i i. ic v .ie l:li-.. 01 ti.mi 1 c 0 U si.;,- and a lilllu'rf-r ol si n's Wi-;e e. i. im-.'.-i!. ' i;. f.irg w is killel and 1. 1 two l.l'.elS sel'.ills.y tti.U'..lsi. iN puty Slicnlf Smith w;ts kn-s-kul 'iI-iwii with a ins- by I.'vsm-II .louts. Kill was s,.i by .l.-lia l:h.les. I who was ariested and ...mmill. d Io jl-lll. The tri.lllile was the It-ull 'of an old feud U tw.en neighUns. While the slmnting was in pr-g ress, a party of young Mnpl.-. ie tin uing Ii.. m Vade Mis-iiui Springs, heard the shots and sli pH-il. iiie old man. who was paitieipatii.g in llm light, saw the crowd ami he called to Ins iissocialcs: "lliys, slop shooting until these young ladies and gi-nl'i. ineii pass." The battle then tvaseil. Ten s-raiUi Ceil v cli .1 1', Kllv'g'l. .'i''y I ! fa ; s. j ,( i-ii .. .- ii . .1 . .' ',. : ; i. - f M l tisj llJCaU I . t-l.t -.1 wan ;.'. dill. II , I I I :is:aiioi, 1 v i .1 .t: a in l.t.unin '. w:'l I I . .' I-.- SCOTTS LML'LSJON i f.l because it stands so em hnnallv h -rfect nutrition. A i l yi-: iu the nutter nf restor i g apvtite. of giving new t. : 1 t-'igtn to the tissues, esprcully ! 1 t'i.- 11. rves. its ai.tii is that o! a 1 u da hit-. -1, -ir. V M ori imw.Na. unK ff 1...1 N. Y,vtL s -t -. a drvt-an. S.alxd by a l!ctd ing Shalt fort was The Parson in Deep W ater. A negro preacher s.n. I tu his eon gregalinn, "Dis eai foli ours am re solving all the w hile 011 a mighty axel, sompiii' like unto a eyliti'lei ina piss II. I lit axel." the pai son .-. n 1 1 iui.-i I, '.am resting mdo a mighty lock, an' dai t .H-k hat de axel am rest in' nn am In-.l.l. d 011 a mighty big luille's back." Alter the sermon one of the gm il nld sts lei's slid to the pastor : "l.nnk heie. pa is.. 1 1, what am tl.d Untie slandin' on;" To this the parson replied, tin way, sistei. am .ie (utile's bi,iiess." Hanged for the Has: Offense Klk V rt i... . 1, 1111. li.Hil. !i. a Case Jones. Ihe negro accused of assaulting ll' year old Margaret liruce yesterday, was caught din ing the night ami 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 k 1 1 -1 x lakcu Is-I.iie his little 11(1111. wlm 1 It-nt 1 ti. i I li i 111. .tones broke down and confessed his crime. He was promptly strung tipat daylight and Ilis body riddled with bullets. Had Not Observed It ..I. r.,., :..-,.f I'll.' Chicago Tribune writes about the cadence nf lying. Wtv had not observed thai there was anv decaying alniut Ihe article at all'. Would Prepare for Emergencies 'What would you tloef Vnll wit 'twixt dc devil en de deep sea!" Well, when I wiiu't lighting lire I'd spend de time learning let swim! Called a Limit on Time- Murphy-Will e give me yet promise that je'll love lue foiivet ! liriilgcl - Sine, an Old lii.e In i!n thai same, .Mui phv, Iml t I'm haul Iv uf the npiiiinn that 4 li'll lasht as long as that. A Tight Suece. Tcss- Yes, Mr. Cial.U' called In see lue last evening. 1 llinik lie s verv nice. Miss Chellus -What ! lie's a perfect bear. less Isn I he, though 111.1 ii .: 1 h. .lie, !'! al.i...-l w as out in a sii 'iwiii. I by lei ' nv t l the line n el ,lle. hair was 1 ai-'iind Ihe 1. .. in .s! cm 1 Hi-i 11 , ng ..M n.-:;i- u i, i;,-v !. t. iic :!l 1 I II Ver tin 1 l- illiil ptop ;.el I. ui.-kiy ..iiini .i! s!....l'l ti't.l il rout 'lined irvoiv ing ai'd ..i.' I.:u. .1 pine .... l.i r The ael ' plllllllg nl III.- ll.lll shipped the lev olutioiis. 'Ihe Mrl sit. I lives iiml Is Millei ii.g ;tl. .tlx . Si.e is the daughter .-I a h ,il leu m ill. suicide H ith Oxmiiiiitc- 1 I'n.-if ui"i 11. I '. .1 I- 1 ; .1 . I I ll. M'. in d to i.i.v .-I :i 1. ,1 Ill li I ...lies lell t ; lel'iel.t man 1. 1 this eil; Ills s.llelde it. Ml of 1.1 1IIISXV It'll. dv : 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 - a-. .1 11. 1 ,i.;s 1 I ',1 -I. stritclinu, and his Im.iIv xv.i-. 1,1.1:1 gled 1 nt- il ll :i i 111. si iiiii. ...-in il'ii ina-s. Th.- r.-as,.ii t..- hissiiieidi is In .I tit ii 111 i t i kimuii. i . '.i : t oppoituuitiet to boys .n l I., piepariiig tin mselves tor col- ' ' s, !..! tlie? 1 ra. Ileal I, !..,i a!.iit:t . stu- ' at W innate were iu . .l.e v .t;, u.-. ut the State. The -M. t.rf.,.-..1 lit Cftaiou rame from I', i -i.i.ii. t.. 1 1, ere weie enrolled 25.1 ' !" 1 Is. M ill1 than 75 of these were ' i-.-ii '. is. 1 1 r liiorouKh wuik and for , i .i-ili- an. I innloiii troin tempt. i - '1.- 'A itts.iU it- not tt.i be surpassed, j 1 .1 1. in.-..- !.i, ilities aie eiceptiooal. I 1 1. 1111 t. us July .'Jill. : W1.I1. ..i ik catalogue. M. B. DRY, Prin. iGlieop Flour j lis Bad loum A sin' I'm' io.u liim.i-.- ha.s U-i-n lueiighl against the Adams I'.x press Company by t ol. Julian ' S. 1 '.11 1. Mi . T!i..inas M. 1 11.1 nuni nt I' I '111 l.iiu ami Xlr. I . I.. I in. l"i ni ei Iv 1. 1' thai cit v . The sn't is 1 I. loiighl mi aectilli.l nl' Ihe liilnie, nf the Adams Company In d. liv 11 pmillptlx si lelephone i. -X il'e... ; the pat. -ids nn vi hu h aie ovv , eil by e the 1 1 1 1 1 1 - gent'teiiicii ii.iuiril. and XVele I . Chie.lgo tot nf Ill-ill,; exhibited .it tin- II. tel si. Ill- Te!ephi..e ci m I 1 1 1 ll Hi J held iu Chicago last I ).-. i n.U. r. e t A yen ni mine a.i a Kroouly 11 man by the u.iiue.'l Aliilei h t it In- L ...... .. il, .1 1 , 1,,. ....... I u til. T It i ii 1 xtniilil eai ii ii'i'i per cent. I'm its owners and the iminex eaiue in : so last that he bad In shoe 11 m 1 li.llll-ls. Aft" I the poliel I iiicsscil XI r. Villi. 1 I lie newsi ! c.iuimelite.l llln.l; the I'.iiiillv nl f In I '., Ilu I tiet kich Ouitk Stlicnie ! e had slip icwspapei s 1 Z sll iplc who xv. -h an un ni- il be can; sri.-i:.e i iIii.-m1.iv last Mi. Ihil'l. A. Am llm 1 1 nl the "I 'tank lilt ndieale." a New York gentli man. was tun v ii'ted nf liiiudiili nllx irt t niit- It'.-, low pi im is tl.t maker's e. i use In! the hiferiuiity of his t. nlii. t. K.ul Hour is bad flour 1, until r h.Ai it is uunipulat. . I .111 I 1 -iglrd u pin Ling . It ,,1, 1 hi., s Itark In the same thin.:. ""! Hour mixed with I .. ! villi improve the .plality n! Ihe l-l.-!, I, I tit li Lc mixing wiiue 1 .111I null I 1 .1 . -k , it takes ii-i .in :;:! I. t ul uhite to pro .I n e any 1 llt i t Had 1.1 chiap t! 1.1 is I.11 king it! gluten, the n il. it; .11-1 ol the wheat. H also 1 iitains a large per 1 1 nt .ti ol tin- pnlveriej husk m -ii. 'II of the grain. All of vim Ii you don't Hunt. There l.iie, vw ( autiou you to ask for the "liiviuriMe'' brand. This hi m l is soi l at the lowest I'tni Ii.i vilm-li leally first il.iss ll nn tan he sold, aud ill pi in.- tin highest you need In puv 111 order l i get the best. Mi Newman, mil' local baker, s.iis; "'' is the I cau C 1 f., I' iklitt." HKNDKUSON n..i"ii. in V.i 10. iti, -i h.iu oil. 11 1 rich iiiiick I threatened Io set slop. 'am he wouldn't That Throbbing Headnthe Would ipiickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Fills. riiousaiids ol su Hi rers have ployed their matchless merit lor sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood mid build 111 health, ttnlx '-'"ic. money back if not cured. Sold by Fnglish Drug Co. "Strength and vigor conic ol ijood food, duly digested. Force,' 3 ready-to-seive wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." xvjs another get heme,'ll he promised only -".-'o per i.-.d. per annum. All of vv hu ll goes to -how t hat the if :in- st ill ph-iity nl pie u Ii.i w ill ln-li.-v e in any si iie'i.e. Iii.xxexer improbable, ll il promises a great deal I'm a v .1 y lilt !e. Ami I these people ilmi't desei ve any ! sy tu mi iix . Tin y wcie try ing to gi t something tor nothing ami they 1 ... .1 i..n in... ......l.i i... your I . , .. , :',' ,, IIH .I.S1-I1..S 111....,. I". ... ii-. I. Ibex had sense en. .ugh. A II holt. -si . sell respecting dollar cm lnuiilx earn nunc than n nr s p. 1 ceiii. and wlieii ynu liy In make il si rax limn the straight path ami I ring 111 li'io per cel. it is nn. 10 than npl tog., nil strike llnil leave vnll. f 1:01. LIT MILLS. 1 Trustoo's Sale. . .i l ' . -n- , rt -I, ..,1 1 .1 1 1 "11 .'OS-ll 1 - ' 1 ..-l-. s, . mill .1 .1 Wall.. 1 .1 H I. Il-t, VV ,.'!.. ' .lute Jul) III. ... I.-.-,-.. ,. I II. I V. ... k V IV.-.I. 1 .-..' '1 tit, . 'I ..I 'Ii. H..k't.l..r..l IL-eiN ' I,' ,i i niitit. Nl- Hi . '.. ....inln. Iiml 1...-IIU-1' . I I 'II ll,.' I..'- tlT't! , t tit.. ,!. 1.1 h.T.-l i I . - ..-' it l.i.1 It." N. It'll. HI. . M'.. ..if.. . 1. .11:1 ....un Ii.iiiw - . 1.. 1. '' "' X..i,r.. ' Charles (iliildeu of Huston has gone to Liverpool tor ine pui of trying tu make a trip to arctic circle in an automobile, tin fcudicr How many ounces in a pound! Tommy That depends 011 the grocer. .'Uiiidny. I.'. XI .a.' July I.Uh. A. D. m, 1 . t.ii'.m tttt' il. -.Tll.-tl Irm-t ut I 11 .it 111 X ,.it... tow uhI.ii.I 11 Ii.i. ..nil ti.i.n (itiiii. uliol) ..I- ..f ' 111! I I.I . . 1 1.1 .H.I.T. I'hll- I'l Somebody bug xx ill get a Will II lie nl new Nice Meats Our Hobby Anything in thn line if tendif mi' .its is cur u.Mv. mce 1 W e I' lead the tra.1 I want all kinds, sell. II.. While. 1 1 in-. . u fit Io. Un.. s !l W . 41. ). II .ii, Mint I-1 - In-r .; nt. !im. s i. r. 1 M.les t.t a in-., x K p..!.-. i.,a Hi.-k-il, '- .-.'I i-i..-- s. ti, K. J I' H. : tl,.-ti.... N lit'. K.U.1 jm.Ii. tt.i t.. Ii .1 stuinii 1 in-iiiM- S. 11 it I' I'.ii. .1 I.. II. Mi., i-nrtieri i... .- t.. il... I.niniiliia. an.l . ii..'. -. 11..1, .11 I..., Tin-same -ilu .1 ! stetili K Willi, l.y 11 l. i I 1 1.-. Jti ti.- h. ti'.ll.tnn. . .'.'ill. lvi... nt.. I rei-.-nletl in I- itMl ,,11 ).,'. .ml ,11 On' ..fliee .-' I". . .1- I. I I ill. .11 is.ulll)-, III I. I;it. I,. 11 h 11-I1 tln-ii ret l..' 'iiillii.i .l....r.ili..n. ill X1.MM H. Tmaliw. ii r nuintiy pruduce i l : See me bcfiTe. juul S. lx. Duster. I taHF.N ASIIC RAFT'S Condi- tion I'oxvders arc fed to horses and mules, marked improvement will be seen after the first few doses. There is no doubt about it. The I'oxvders, acting directly on the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, corrcctinc all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes nat urally and surely. It is the most powerful tonic and appetizer on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have no other. Asheraft's I'owdcrs produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten hut never bloat. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. Ity the use of three or four doses a week your horse or mule will not lc suhject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels. "I had an old sow lliat waa In rrrj had r.iiiiluii.n (reiii-rally He lliln an.l hail a bl.aKl tli-a- that tra ll". hair lit OmrnrT irave Ihe ll..r.e three d.we. .l A-S-erall C.n.lill..n s.-.tre a day fi.r anion data and led him nherailjr. Tha aeillle Ir..ta the flrt lew d.HM and Hie animal palna.l flflf two taiunda In lleah dnrlna the week I ravelllhred.e.aday. The aeneral health of Ihe animal waaareailr hj Ihetiaa t( the t.wleni ami he a ma.le alavml a new b"rje 1 at, Mil heartily reenmniend A.lii-rali a CoBdillna l'..w.ier.a Iknnw Ihej are a ;.len altd li.nle and appetlar r. tt. C. SlkKa, lavary aian, Mi, h.C " . Ask for Asheraft's .Condition Powders. Package 25c. Sold by union institute. i n ion 1 1 .1.1:, N. c, rivKi'AKi's 1 ou coi. 1. 1:1.1.. 1.1 1 KKAKY am. Ml sIC COl'USl'S. None Intt th.n otii,lily tiaim-J ,tiul eiyi'lit'liit-il tt-ili hi-lii fiiiploye.l l.nmtion our1 of tin' tnot he.nitif ul ami healthliil in the Stale, 111 lii. hly cultiirril and roiitiiiiinity. Next st'ssion hi'i:iii8 Aiij. jid, I'j.'j. Wtite tor'i;iii' to V. T. AI. I. RIGHT, l'linripal. Waxhavv Institute, Waxhaw. N. C. English Drug Company linlargements Made or Planned. I. I itth Teachir AJded to faculty. Miss r 1 1 a be 1 1 1 ltn nine Chears of Klin City. N. C. stiiilenl three years at liaptist l einalc I'liivrrsity, Kill nth, l to ansist iu 1'iiiuaiy and ItiteiiurdMtc I )t ).ai tinrnls. Mists Cheats comes highly recouinientled as tu Fpiritual, mental and other equipment. It. New Department. Xtins Chears ill prulmhly lake a small class in Expression. She uraduntrd in Ki pression at B. F, L'. in May. III. Correspondence Com se. English Literature. IV. Summer School for 1904. Work in common and high school branches. For information write J. R. WALKER, Waxhaw, N. C Great Loss of Property. I The week ui. ling June Mh, 1903, 1 vms a nio.t ilestrurtix-e one. Two ; mi-. it li an, I .me tsrrihle cyclone. I li-il!, .vt-1 lot people in the fluted Stales iiiiili.'iis ami millions of dollais : ivoith ot pi ..pel ty, Hun- air rti tain calamities that j e i .moot guard against, hut we can i n.U. I mi I piolrt't ourselves against the nniM InruiiJahle foes to man. Had )oii ever thought what the great 1 .in irr to yuiir fiiianciul success is? It is the uiiroiiiicinut habit ot pay ing no it t tent mil to your pennies, nickels ami dimes. It yon Take Care of the Pennies, the dollars will take care of them selves. Anybody ran make money hut there are few who can save it. A nicMe saved is nickel made. Trade will) us and we will make money for von by saving you money. If it's not but a few cents 00 each srticle it will 1 amount to dollars after a while. By dividing with you what would be only 1 legitimate profit on goods, w ssva money fur you and make lifetime cus tomers for ourselves. We will offer treat for you on ath of July. Watch our advertisement ueit time and com io to see us. Yours, Hill & Bivens.

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