VOLUME X. NO 23 THE MONROE JOURNAL. Jauu Lil-u-y 'i MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY JULY 7, 1900 One Dollar a Year Clinch n. In a ntvH address Mailt Twain as follows Mil the r-rtor I ix.ti-.;njr Miitimeiil an! not at once mildi-ieg ii: "Ii s a great tn i-.t..l.. "to gel every IhhIv imdv Was Sanctificaliuu the Cause? -'iiv vi'V I ami';! A Kaodolph '-.unity oll'ii-cr Mil IjmviiNjVirn I't-ci.rd lint he lias' j recently taken, at dilicreht lime. I.e miiI. .live iiiN.nu' people from Ihtndolph to cive tu tin-SI. ile llm.iiit.il at M.itirmloti: nioi.ey aid luct, nt the hat. that live more are c.w in at .sime .years ago iu II illoiii we all Ashchoro ami will betaken to M .r iu i!i,. ,,uu i .., a !,, hwcl iiraulon asaionusro-. mean lie found leriitg night, t.i ,,a Hie uiinti il lor them, and that all of lltcse leu r'mit "I Mr ll.m In , a ity mi-; lost their n-.iN.ui mi account of sane ii Mary. ho u, , 1 an iiml ti iijr ' lilicatioit. The same i!ay the fol Hie .e.plc who iiinml help ami lowing dis;i.,ich apieiircd in the luli."t ad. for il. lie t..l. f the papcis fi out r,ut Mill, S. I'.: cellars here H.teiiy resided, ami j "Pew J. ;.irr II arris, a young gave it si n , ,- ,, il.e l.i ii-ism and preacher who gained fonsith-rablc ii.-..i"ii i f U,e hh r. The HKirj prominence in nppcr South faru ie always .1 to each other. I liiia thr.m-li his rr ival milting. When a man ith millions gives whereiu he ardently prearhi-d miic we make a gieat deal of noise. It's tilicul ion, hat lieen convicted of noise in the w long place, for if miliietiiui in Molilalia anil sentenced the widow's mite that counts, to one year in the penitentiary. "Well. Haw Icy w.ukcdiisnpt.ia Previous to his conviction lie was great state. I toiiMu't Wait lor charged milt) another rase of like lmutogct through. 1 ha.l jl.iMl iiatnre." in ni junket. I wanted to give All of which moves us to say u.ii mill Minn mint' logive. l on mat it is well to keep an eve on HHitl IKIUIS AlW PI-R.TANF.NTf A TRAGEDY IN TEXAS. The Eg Damage 5u. a. .:- - .1 1 ...i Slate Comptroller Love Shot to !! Icrnng t.i the case of Seawcll, Cotton Ha Advanced legitimately ' iwatncya I ormcr hmnlove of """ " ?- u.uuagc With Other Products -All Indi- Took. Iter ChilJ. -Near lb.hiiisu l, unli in t i.iS I In-l.-it-il i..u ..-I.;., l;. ... -,t. . i i.. ,i. w- t t . - - i -.. uiiki i iwiuLiB in inui- .'.-.i-mii, in,--. .i.iiin the Office. ho is AIJtntall. ' ; ;":;;, catkin. Point to . 5hort Crop.i - thr., rl.iMren. KiHcd b, . Shot from Hi, 0n Z, the 5upP.y is 5hort. and ".i"' l?tul , !A.h,.v,..efu,.,,M,S,h,sU,;,M..,.: aWHUMMiak, Wi.J No, be ' I iiie am I Mi.iiimTi it Aust,,,, Tev. , .l,,e .!..- F,e., 4..-ar. ... U- aU..,. the limit in Too MU.h to Meet the tm.J. j anil j-rablH-l Ihe'voi. -..-., . h.I.I. an Mil l.j U.KMi r..iKS . t.. Miini: the e-mipany. Whereupon ..,. e i,..,,-,i.i,..m . iulant ..f il.ul ! ,n ....-,).. r Hill, u exathiihe ,.f the Slate the llaleij;!, -t s.il.mits ll.elol-i ' ' J. ,' " , , m"f " t'..iu,.t l..ih,v. this m,.r,.iI1f lowinir remarks: f.i st , , t i " I . r . ... i . . v .i t'"" s liol a matter nf sliei-H a "K I In- ill her IH-yi.i eiil l ' I ,'"""r Vir , V, ,V.a'.'V m"arr a,e !, ,, e..,,,,,, ' a.....lr .linmi..,,. M,C Wils..,, .'t?'': ' V . . . 1 ha:" "J ,lav- '-r PhI mai.v ran .rter the man hut , 1.1 ,., , . . n". , I.U.. I..V h other ,, the,,.!,, J(.alx , ,UV). eal.h him. She .,,., ,1 l, h., ..a..s.lt,,.el.i,,-,-l,,l HilM.,..ray..l a r- I anil ihe ,vi- ,.V(.rsime ,t a,s,-!l, K at I -. his. tries o!v s,,, ,.. .,,,,,-k,,, ,. rum laie ea ,1-r,. revo'ver. As pauy m..,I .., ..,.,,.al anK....s!i ,.,- ,llts Nll lv ,,.-;,. ' s . Ml t, rn.,1 otlee he m ml. r l-r-.n.., , is.,,h,ly c Iet on ,,, ilh it n it she tias.-oaipl.-teiv evh.iiisti l, I'TJ ''L,..'1,:!,!;rk "f r .. -' " l r .hi,,,, h ver .,.,I.h'.L the .-.. ,! ... .-.,......,., HnVS-rli . -Mi.e.ineii w as a were low. l,..i, h:is f.,., her i hihl . ........ ..... ...... ,..hi i , , 14s mtt.t 11S in.-, .-in nii.Mitu m- mane 10 serve a RU IA hk'Owk kit I U. Man ho .Marrktl Uivo.nJ tluij VAileof (icn. Ch k'uti liver hv a Train. l: !. y lin -. I w I, "i.-i l.v at: is I : a. 1! I.. I., .. ... . . . . ei'iuii nv gret-iuiaek i it every rye. 'lint he tlitlu't p:tvs the plate, anil it grew hotter ami we grew slwpier. My enthusiasm went ilnwii.ilowii, (h.wu ifl.,,0 at a time till liniilly when the plate eante Minul I stole ten cents out of it! So .iu see a mgleit like this may leail lo crime." man wim pi.iii-sses iN-rlisltoi, in this sinful worhl. S iia: i.I' lli .se K'ople aiv simply cray while oth ers use the holiness cloak to more ellirliiallv M-ive the ilevil. An limn iriit'J preacher in a The New spaper Tru.t. The higgesl trust mi earth is the ncwspuiici- trust. It trusts everv- IhmI.v, gets t-ii.s.si-i for trusting, mis m h'"'v,"'K ... vMi.iwasyouiiR (rusl f,,r cussing. h,1 if it mits ... i.e., ,o ,c i,arnc;s. was icui-' or trusting gets i-iisscil for lui.ling .MR the servir.-s at the oung Mks'! - - - - meeting. ' l)l. I...r,l," he prayeil with (etvcitt 1 1 q'ltMice. "give us all lit an In arts, liiiml.le licans, j pure he.,i!s, s.ft.t lie.ris.' A titte r , went ar. iai.1 tl.c cungn gatii.u lut! the gills --,',1 n.s-oi.JuJ: ".Viin "' Kvchni'.'. Engaged. -Is Miss Hanking ln Til Hi!.. Visitor Servants Yi. sir Victor Is she cngagHlf Sen nut Yes sir: hut the gen tlenian ain't her, this evening Come iu. mm .TO MB Jim Dompt ea Independeact Dty, Said : " Force freed ut from Eng land's twy. Now indepeodeoc let's declare From indijution'i tyrant mare. Good triendi, ahake off this despot grim. Twt Force that freed your 'Suanyjim.' " Tlw lllj lu-cm Oral always o duty. A Food foe Flthtere, "Il may Ititmtt )" I" l.ur ihal Tnme' la 1. mu .t-rvt-.l ut lrttkfa.t M-versl tinive i-a. li wivk to the ttieiulH-rM of llti Sf.nmt Hc(. Itui'iil, . Ii. I'., uu- un .Idiv at tMi (.la.. "liiaar V. liauai." W-JO THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal & Industrial College. row msusi Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Training Pedagogical Music ri.-..Mr.r. h-H-nng i.. .,...niA.. .vlinM-.-.t .-..nr..-. l.-aillntf n. liHn-r.. t-(,,ij.tH ri IVarili-t- una tiL-enHHi-ii s.-li,.l. I"in-uh tuini.n. w. Il.iar.1. t mi t.-it.i,.l l r.tr hm- ,.f text liL...-n-. $ni.i..iv. I'. r i r.-.i.l.nl- ,.l Sim.- tl.. Tnrlllh nnmial , . ... I.h, S. ilrlnl-t IW.L 1,. ... ip. t.mr.1 In Ii..- ...ra,ll..rlrall fr.-.- lull ..i, .pi!liiitl..ii. .,i,, I, dm.l.-U-f.-n-Jui Kia i '.Tii--..iiH(-nf.' inv,l.-.l fr..n, t i. w .l.-.lrlnir .-.-ni.'t("in. nt lit-r. hi,. n-marai.!:.-!., I tlr , I .,u.l..lii lult.r-ii.itli.u n.diu CHARLES D. MclVER. Presldeot. Greensboro, N. C Ko daks i i A vacation without a Kodak Is a vacation wasted J ' We are agents for the Eastman Kodak. We also carry a big line of supplies. We will be pleased to show our line. Call , and get catalogue or write for one, The W. J. Rudge Co. L M Tne FranKiln ii Typewriter, ii The beat Typewriter on the QrLdhi -A0 market. Yon can tiav more t JS0TSiA,'v hul J""1 c,nno, KM brl,tr X one. Ita work ia .alwaya in 2 full view of the operator; it ia initila in ronatrocllon: anit kaa atnn.1 ihm lt fnr.manw -ara T Drovitiz ila dnrahililv. Th al,Fnm.nl ia alwtva nrfrl nA lUm nriem T is I7J oo ti all. For sale by Ilia Monroe Hardware Co., or eoy of I tne olftces ol CUTTER-TOWER CO., BoMon, Maaa. I Southern Branch 116 Jenifer Building, Watbington, D. C. .. eloseil Ihe story in one chapter. As lo what caused the shooting no one can evplaiu. other than thai it was the aW of u iiiiiilnian. Hill hail Iks ii an employe ol the Cotup trollcr'sullice for leu yi-ais pnsed iug live's term of uliire. lie was let mil by Mr. hue when the lal ler took charge, iitul it is presumed that this tact preyed upon his miini until he went iiiniiic. I his morning he went to Ihe capital, entered .Mr. lane s private ollice, spoke to hint cheerfully, shook hands at.il. hainliiur lii in il letter to lead, set down at the invitation of theCoiup Imller. No sooner hail Mr. Ij.vc begun in read the letter than Hill sprang to his l.s-t mid lired two shots into the IhmIv of Mr. l.oe, one taking cllect jiisl iili.ivi- tin other iuiinedi ili-ly U-low tin- heart. Mr. I.i, vi- screatnetl, ,liiipH-il Ihe letter and sank to the lloor. Hill seeing that his puipo.se hail liccn accomplislieil, tin ni ii to make lor the il.Hir. He was iiilercepleil by Chief Clerk hleveii.se, who grap pled with him ami was wrestling aith him when Hill's pistol was accidentally ilischarged, the bullet eittereil lliils'aaliihiiiten. He fell a dead weigh! in Stevens' ui ius and was lowered gently to the lloor, where lm lay lint 1 1 1 taken to the hospital, lie died at ;l o'cl-jck this itfieriiooii. Love was givi u all iuiineiliate attention possible, hut died within an hour alter the shooting. The letter that Hill gave to Love reads us follows: "Austin, Texas, , l!iu:l. j "Col. Ii. M. Love, Slate Cuiup troller: "hear Sir: Public ollice is n public trust. Public nil'iccrs me I'li alcd for the service of Ihe peo ple and not I'm iiggninilicincnt of a lew individuals The practice of billtering Depai'lliti'iit cleikships for private gain is a disgrace to the public, and in this uclai'iiiis trallic you nre a record breaker. You liave rolits-d the Slate employes and your incompetent administra tion has prompted nlhars to rob the State. The man who, claiming to lie a Christian, deprives others of employment without cause, is a base hypocrite and a tyrant. The greatest liiind that ever gave its wisdom to the world: the mind, of all others, liin.4 capable of 'umpir ing the mutiny between right and worug,' slid, 'You take mv life when you do take jjuu me the meai. s by which I live.' If that be true, you lire a murderer of the decM'st crime. Although i cannot help myself, heforn laying life's burdens down, I shall strike n blow feeble, though il lie fort ho good ol my deservieg fellowiiieu. ear on Ihe count v chain gang. Hut that the employers of the row dy or rowdies who were neither present nor iu any wy lnuties theif lo, should he innli li.-d of iiioii ey as damages is a wrong, a very gross wrong, we care not whether .statutes as made ami provided per in it siieli or not. ?'-' in Hits tie riisl and is not subjiH-t lo drought or lo Ml weev il. All y..u have to do is lo dig Ihe ore I, .mi Ihe ground and tin uil into pig iron. Cotton is selling at its present price la-- cause it is statistically worth it. l-ast fall I predicted Ihal this crop Woii"i Ih' alHiut to, :.",n, oi,o ,al,-s. and It is lii-iii'' demoiist rated that light. ire vei v ; much more thai, Ihal. Condition's in a scuiiie, during wiiicli uls le vidver tan aividentiilly exploded. The bullet entered Hill's abdomeii, causing a wound from which he died at .'I o'clock this afternoon. three houi-s alter the death of the mail whose life he sought. Thus in brief, as told, is the story of the tragedy, the first as sisKiual ion ever chronirhil in the I'.. :.. f, ...:. i. ... . iv "iiim.'i nu, imii uir unitii ii( i in j niwmnj n a ink I IM' pnijil K'liir "-- il if llll l I III, ll.tv .' ii "I II III It I l III f allt lll'lv a-. ...I...., , will only have to sue the inei. hant cotton has never failed to s, ll or owner lor damages ralher 1 lnu, j ilr,IIHi ,,.,,., ,,ri, 1(. s;1 prosecute ihe real parly for the: tii.-ul conditio,, anvthing hke as assault If the private f sivielar, ; slrollK .,,. p,,..,;, ,, i of tin (.oveinor sluaild f.rl c.ill.d is . ,,. ., ,.,mill( j,, ,,, , .,. ,. ... u ,.IM) oier ill me, ilu-re is a laiiiini nan o, me eapinii, ine iiovcrnoi j ( , Ullls Hoiini in i, a, ue lor iiamages he ,, cause ue Is responsible lor the pri vate secretary and the M-riinn,tL'i ..ui, .-.i upon piopcm ai least lor JoblM-rs of tlrv 1. 1 ne iN-ing miner tin- control of the (ioveruor. Ami (he State U-ing responsible for the! Ioveruor. thee can .scarcely In- any doubt but that the complainant would gain his suit the Mate "Mug rich and uhle o pay." Or a i,erson who is knocked down in a town would hr entitled to damages from the town because il is (he dutv of the police to picserve uidi-r ninl protect all persons from injury and insult. Ihe truth -"he liviui' truth is that il large handier of tln-s. judg- inetils ugaiiisi ihe comnaitv cannot be jiistiiied by any honest consiim -tion or observance of the great coniniaiiiliiiiul. which says "Thou shall not steal." Many of the judg ments an- nothing shoit of robln-n. because "Ihe company is able i and rail be made) lo pay." It were time the public conscience were re volting againM this species of in-: justice. The thing has been run to seed long ugo. I Joys, Read This- ...i.iii.-. Idleness, is Ihe dcvil'sown work-! shop, and especially is this line of j Imijs. We never feel son v for I ho i boy who has In work, even if it !. to help make u living fur himsclfi iu dry irmnls now. lint dow n, of com si will add veiv much lo I In present scarcity of drv goods sup plies. Although maiiul'aclurcrsaud iootls it iii t !.i i ii that I hey can't sell goods on ihe present uasis ol raw material, this will eventually regulate itself. Con sinners niiisi pay the puces or go wiiiioiii the goods and we know they won t ,o that. Trade all over no-no ini wasscarcciv ever lietter and Ihe consuming woild is in con dilion to pay high prices. It is : mistaken idea that cotton has In-cn forced to pioscut prices. A legit i mate demand and the si rung stalls tical position have put prices where they are. If this wi re not the case I wouldn't lie bulling coltou at Ihe present puces; in other words if prices had been forced up. and the actual stull could not be sold ut the present prices, I would say that cotton was dangerously high! As to the new crop, it is exceed iugly late. This adds very much ,o an aireaiiy sirong situation, us we cu .1 expect much new cotton now until late in Seplciulicr. As lo the si.e of the new crop, it is en tirely too early losay much, though we know a late crop is suhicct to a great many more icissiltucs than an early one. Tor instance, there are thus' things that tld make this crop a failure: a great deal of rain during Ihe iie.xl lew weeks r a severe ilrouuht ilurinir Julv and '" " V ' ' " l '" 1 August, or an early frost. mm 1 1. 1 u.iioio in no, nun wiiosc oilier h ind if i.icni .ue nine ,o Keep nun irum having to aliur. The boy win may work ami get only a stipend of a dollar or even less pcrucrk, is learning u 1 1 tide, ami, what is mine, h-ariiing habits of industry. Il is often Ihe boys who begin early the life of industry thai make the successful men of the nation. The lioy who wails until he grows, or until he an in res an education iteiore ue. iicgins to laixir or learn a profession, is apt lo start in life handicapped and iiulsl ripped by his seemingly less fort iinale com petitor who started iu iihead of him. It pays a buy better iu lite loinr run lo work for Iweit- fy live cents a wis-k mid learn u , tnnlc, with habits of application to business than to do nothing and be supported at the expense of his parents Hoys, tin something, be something. "For Uir t'.eht niiiOn", Hie wt-.m,;. "r..r,l.t- .-4k Mtfaln-t llie wtrtuiur. Y'ours truly, (Signed) "W'.'ti. Hut.. Mr. Hill is a quiet anil gentle- manly person iitul was never known to have Ih-cii uddictcd lo any bad liabils. At the lime of Hie shoot iug he was holding a good position here in tile city, so tint dir.! wai t could not have instigated the fren zy that prompted the shooting. It is the opinion of all that it w as the act of an insane man. Immediately after the shooting and while Hill was still lying iu the corridor, a bottle of laudanum was taken from his pocket, and, reaching for il, he said: "Let me take that and die easy." This has led many to ln-licve that he contemplated suicide, fol lowing his shooting uf (ho Comp troller, lloth iiicii .have families surviving them. Comptroller Love a remains were shipped to night to his old home in Limestone county fur interment and Hills remains will lie buried here tomorrow. A certain young man timk his girl to church. The evening was warm and thu young lady com plained of feeling faint. The young gentleman smiled sweetly upon her and look something from his vest pocket and whispered to keep the tablet in her mouth. She shyly placed it under her tongue, rolled it over nud over but dissolve. She felt much lietter however. When I lie services were On the none of these thinirs happen ami we have perlcct i ill tions all the way through at ml a very late fall, we might make an average crop. I!ul it is easily to lust-en that the odds are against this year strop turning nut an average one and the world needs a big crop, a very big crop, l'.lcveu and a half million lo twelve million bales would not lie any too much. In fuel, with a crup of not over 11. r,oo,o,M biil.-s. I think prices will range high all during next season. the whole truth ol the matter is, consumption hasoverlaken produc tion and there is not much of either the raw material or manufactured goods on hand. She let ill lied holm- and gave the alarm. Several went in search of the negro and b.tbv, but could Icaru nothing ofeiih.-r. Lilly Sunday i ioinin- the child was found in a ib-cp hollow. ...nn distance from its mother's hum-. The little one w is fas) aslis-p, hav ing ciied until Ih otoughlv exhaiiM ed. Aside from this it was not in lured iu the slightest. j Mrs Wilson dots not know tin negro's name nor does she ever re- j memls-r sis-iiij; him prc s to Saturday hi-lit. Mr. 1!. P. '. I'.iii uelt. win. was, iu Charlotte today, intonm-d The ; News man of the outia"c..iis con duel ol the negro. Mi. LuriHll slates ihal (he mother of Ih,- chiid searched all Saturday nidit but mid learn nothinir of her baby's! w hcicalMiut.-. Lai ty Sunday iii.n n ! ing Ihe child was taken back to in mother alter K iug in a hollow all ! night. j 1 V...- Will, :il- . IIi-m-1 . )t l,. I.. III,. 1 tnu a! t -i . Mi,.-. I.'. . .-i.tl -. was p,, i:. :i!..i ,.-.:-,!, i,itt , had si-iii, Hot piix released. ' I'oock tin- 'il'.-. He III I I H-c. I i;, il.-it. i hiv Ii reis-n i ,1 ii I ly lion- -make li.. '.i i-i in-,' nire pa Inn-. h: -l g.nJi.-r. P.-i.-i- inn Slal.-s in i ii : M il. I they ini-!il the illr.ii.n iitel sold e plcsellts J't Clay. II,, the "ill to , and she u-u!. Inn ing her h:,sl it!-... t i.-ii. t i.iv nIi,. fo!!.,u.-,i, . hen- tonight s.n. pccN lo iiml il 1 and ill r.-.'i! ii ! II..US -i:. M k.:,..i .,; - I,., I . -I I Ii SUPPORT ami a a scuns frfuuiON PMit to uny DM weaacatd ml t:jn(d fyiton loa until it caa nod tirm iu;,wrt in (.rdtiury food. 'i c : t- l.r i i ' i-y I i ; t tin- -I l(i. . i.-nj:! n rut. . a- -Vui:u. A City U ilhoul (iovernment- ih, i l ;i,,ei: id th-. j ; I. it i'i -ii I..--ill. I ii v -I ! i.- l.i Hi, ii. chiM II. r. ,1.1 , I.. I ., win -111 . g.r. :. i.l . b i! I' . II I g.-I .III. llV .l. . ll i, W I'- i.i!. w!,.. it.,!.:.-b II.-:.' ! ilil I In ii- u l.t ii: l.i..-ii, i In- W.,. I s.-ici,i! v ih, :u ..n.-'l I in .! Pi-k si.-- ,. l ' C , :i i vva of 7,00a -iiN, ixciinits from its . i.n.v li,!'s I -yc.-:, editors, actrssis d had I t- v": 1 il; t ailmving these 1.5 to establish a one exception the u i.; perhaps about 1 Ji!. Mine il lends to the peace, f i.:-t Ihe enlightenment, cf the nih ility . IV-I- has no niuu .! iiiMi. iii iii , r government. IS l, !.- of ,t. r .11..I 1 1. -111 .'it I-, -l .1' lii-I.- hi nt M. 1.1. scs t ! r it: Ii !.. W illi I .:n iil.it i ill No Pity Shown- '"I'or years fate was after lm1 coul iiiiioiisly" w rites I-'. A. . 1 I ledge, Verls-na. Ala. I had a ter rible case of piles causing 1M til lueis. hen all failed ltiicklcn's Arnica Save cuivtl me. l-jpially good for I'.urus and all aches nud pains L'-V at Lnglish llrtig Co's. Brutally Tortured. A rase came to light that for per sistant and uiiuicr.-ifut torture has nerhaiMt uevr been eitiia'ed. Jne Oolobiik 1 f Colusa, Calif., writes: For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Hlu-uimitlsm and nothing relieved u,e though I tried every thing knoe?o. I fame across I'.lec tric Hitters and it's the greatest medicine o earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely re lieved and cured me." Just as (food for Liver and Kidney trouble anil general debility. Only Bile. Satisfaction guaranteed by English Drug Co. over she slipped the tablet into her glove, being desirous of examin ing the iinlissolvahle little sub stance that her "steady" had give her in the house ol worship. When alone in her room she pulled oil' her glove, nud out fell a trouser button She is looking for a new fellow now. Saving Strenth. lady was watch in-' a poller at his work, whose foot was kept with "never slackening speed turning his swill wheel round." it failed to: while the other rested patiently on the ground. hen thu lady said to him, iu a s nmatliiini: tone. V L 2 VUt A i LIU "Two years my hair wa uiiiii; out l-Jdiy. 1 purchased a bi. tile cf jcr's Hair Vigor, and loon n.)' hair Meppitl coiinnj out." Miss Mmnio Hoover, Paris, I'I. Pcihaps your mother had thin hair, but that Is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick, hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. II.MaMHe, AN If y.ir Intnl., maims .iy mm1 u S.-TW aua will expr m IxsiM-. n mm aoajftra la hum ai tuttt arirMIst.raa oflfra. Arfdraaa, J. C iS CO., Lowall, Him. "How tiii'd your foot uiiisl Ih the man raised his eyes and said: "No, mad'iiin, it isn't the foot thai works that's tried; it's the foot that stands." That's il. If you want lo keep your strength, Use il: if you want to get tiled, do nothing. It is the last man to go for a helping hand for imv new undertaking who has plenty of time on his hands It is the man and woman who are doing most w no are always willing to do a little more. licware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury aa mercury will siurly destroy the sease of smell ami completely derange the whole aystrin when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such arliclea should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, aa the damage they will do ia ten fold lo Ihe good yon can possibly derive from them Hall's Catanh Core, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer cury, and ia taken internally, actint; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Ihe system, la buying Hall's Catanh Cure be aura you get the genuine. It ia taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F, J. Cheney & Co, Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 75c. bottle. Haifa Family Pilla are the beat. Phone 166 when you want the best meats, tender and (at. We will do the rest. H. Z. White. Moral Suasion vs. Hickory Sv, itch III. -I. III. .11. 1 . Hs I . .,.1, 1. Moral suasion and gentleness a li the prevailing fads in the rearing of children. Those of us who Inn c come to middle, mature a-e. ami have seen line families of chihln ii brought up under vigorous and fieiiiit application uf the birch n, or the slipper, or hickory switch, or peach twig or leather strap, or whatever happened to be handy, are wearied by Ihe bilk we see and hear of the iniiiiily and horror of a sound thrashing administered at the right ti That line old philosopher. King Solomon, is de iioiiiicciI us savage because In- In lievcd that the young of Ihe human kind in-filed lo In- made to under stand things through their hides. Iiy Ihe w ay, it is one of the n.s curious of our fiaillhs how exactly and literally we adhere to tin Scriptures when tlu-y seem lo lit our notions of things and l,w loit-i l IV wc ignore llieinoi plausibly we! explain Ih. 111 away w hen thi-y seen, lo go coiiliiiry to our fads. The - scientific child cult m ists, the wo ; man s rigid i.sls and our friends. the prohibitionists and the null prohibitionists, ate notable cs. chilly for these ingenious methods. We are told that it is a crime lo strike a child. Kloqiieut people, Some ol' ulw.m 11, ,L,. .. li, .XiiMllllig 111 not Is. lev in,' in lioil 1. -II . Iiou 11 11,111 i:,c,us is barbaric it is to undertake to rule by fear: and wc are forced to lis ten, tiolw illislandiiiL' the fact thai .my of us max be conscious in our ow n persons of the beneficial iullu nee o corporal punishment ad ministered to us iu our youth. The fundamental weakness about all these fads is the amiable iuil.e cility with which they iguoie Ihe facts of human nature and under take to measure the entire race with the same little half bushel measti re. .ii , th ,! Ac oh I llli-.i llielildliig tlie 1 hi-. ile I. , ( i. ' el.,1 (Inn i-i' ' n i.i. k l',Ul l!, l,,iU. In. I iii-isje-.l I", on ia:id ivu.a,it in..,,. liiNtu-.M-d I. in: aii.i tele.-.M, ).--.-i .: I tu.,1 1 he i.iil c-, 10. in- at W ! ii.-h 1;; .1 1 on. 1 ;.! . t i!..:i.-.:Jby the president of lVl. i c !t,,u Manufacturing i'j:i.,-'.u y, v.!;iJi jiriviJcs all ue. .led !;-, , chtirfhes. hotels. 1 "'"''l l-'ii.l-S l..cfu;iis, stores, etc. The ' .'''"' I 'I "i is '-'iiiploytj by ii ecu'ii;- .:.y. inch is wide awake -ii. I j n i, 1 -Ac. Like Washing but I ity, l.o-.vi y.-r. PeUa is an .tiioiii iti'y in iiniin:ipal govern-iiH-tit in ili!; I.iii.l (,( politics and Ore W orth $.-.!UM) n fn. v 1 irl , n- 11. 1 i II. L-ti'lin- ilie phenol: jstnke ,,(' g,,!,l l,v - l.ii,,, I , In, tion ( oiiipiiiiy :it the l!. i j lis 1 in in Stanly county . r,-, ,-n potted in The, In !;. II. M.inney ol to.h! ilio. oi,.- inosl ext'i-i n-n. i'il im ii in t!i. and Ihoroiighly coiim i mi! . reliable 111 his st. ,(, ., , day thai .1 w a. piohahU tin est ever h,;.!c in tin .s. ml'i. Maiiitcy sal, I ilia! f.'iiio.ooii of gold wa. ia sight iiiid Imv III,.!,- lelnaiii. il tu be s-.'.-ii. 1 an iuini"i,.i ;t:ii.in:t. L.lige l,...l,i s,,' ih , .,. eis worth s..,iiioo-i , on, f foot vein ii. Hi, lining ti,,. 1 and large in 1 ,-, ,, 1 h-1,,-;,, ; v j,u,-, metal was si 111,1, a scco-i-.i tn i, yeseidi-y nil, 1 noon :it a ,;, pi 1, ,, s,igni, iiioie uiall I . ,' 1 J,',! Iroiu Ihe liis ,-vcl. making In, I 1 he , il'l; iili-l to all Ml. 1 niian :el haj.- e-'ii-i'!- 'il- IWO .'il I'll Vsbt Was Her Terror- "I woai.l cough neai ly all night long." .'tt-s Mis. ('has. Apple gate, of Alexandria, Ind.. "and ".i .l baid.v get any sleep. I ! a I consumption s,, (l,ilt jf w hk-ll a block I would cough Is-ga'lii";, iiui! s,j .ii blond, but ''''" other medicine filill-d, .hi, ,- .-I..M. bottles ,,' lu-. King's , i,,.-,.veiy wholly cured inc. and I gained ".' pounds" It's aUo',11, gu.11. in iced to cure Cough., ,',,1,U, I,, (irippe, I'roii- e'nj s i, ,1 ;,: ih,u im 'houi'h s. 'i in- on,- ami iI.OO. I lial bollie live al Kuglish I ) tig oiup.iny's. H )- '!'e pure Ice, coin l iiie.l wi'.li !,.:!,. st weights and I 1 i.'pt ilclAiiy, phniic y. Cm 11 1 Wallace. e4x j Olid leu j I'l .un I he I level ,ls ,1 I cu II, ill -1 111 1 II I.I shall, til ol'.i tin I. Nice .Meats Our Hobby! Anything; in I'm; hm- (,f i,;,-.. ,.t,r l.d.hv. We ld thu ttade. II. . White jGiieap Flour e ifs Bad Flour! : want your r.. 111. Iiy produce ol kinds. Sit i; . c before j.-u S. K. l)..st, r. Working Night And Day. The busiest and inighticst little thing that every wim made is Ih. Kings New Life Pills. These pills chaice weakness into strength, listlcssness into energy, drain lag into mental power. They're wonderful iu building up the health. Only '.'"ie per box. Sold by Kuglish Irug Co. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Liniment will remove spavin, splint, ringbones, and all cartilagi nous growths, when applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve the lameness even in chronic case? One of the most common lamc- tptviN. nt,ss ntm,n(j horses and mules is' sprain of the back tendon, caused by over-loading or hard driving. Asbcraft's Liniment is a never-failing remedy. The Liniment is also extensively used for chronic rheumatism and fir all kinds of still joints. For scratches" Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is with out nn equal. A few applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. Owing to thetf 9 wonderful anti- aeMresa. septic qualities, the Eureka Lini ment should be used in the treat ment of all tumors and sores where proud flesh is present. It is both healing and cleansing;, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction. This Liniment acts as a counter-irritant and stimulant. Price 50c. bottle. Sold by English Drug Company THKUMVKKsm OF NOKTIl CAKOI.INA. slcihlcttiic 'h jHtriitni? .fir, .Vrf'fr, '(triiittcy. if j! Hue Inn, .lied ami t ree 1'iit.uu I,, tr of iniiii-t, is, I l sln.liiils. 1 ,ip:- ii;ht jtrli ,,,r tieis iii 1 , -u, nails t.-r (lie i.e. !v. '! insiiti' t.ir.-. New Doranloiies, Water Woik lb- ,luiN- M i-tern, 1 .ti t ity ( iuiii s. 1 i, "1 euu, ,tc,U::il fessioiiid ilcp.irtna ut A. Ill e-s I'. P. I'i till al MO Vol- ml i'i,, Infill.; Sij-t It - io pt-ice is ll'f UKiki-t'sex- ii.-e ir il I- in'ciiuiily of ,is pi., -Iiu t. i..i.l tlour i., had fluiir a.- ni.iSii 1 lu vv it is maiiipulat ' .1 aiij in. -it J iu parking . It a.1 ionics l.nk in tin- same thing, t'i.io.1 11 uir mined with p.'or will iuipiove the uality ol tin- hi. n.l, hut hke mixing while paint ;!, hhn-k. it takes an iiKlul lot ol white to pro ihni: any 1 lie, t. lad or rheap tl iiii is hi, king in gluten, the luitniiuiis p n tiun uf the wheat. Il ai.u (ont.tius a large per ci iii.i-i- of the pulverized husk or .-!,. II of Ihe grain. All of which y,ui don't want, 1 here ioie, v.e r-aiitmn y,,u to ask for Ihe 'lii.'iicihh " 1 1 and. This I'liiml is sold at ih,. lowest i ua lor which really first-i-hisi' tlaiu 1 an he sold, and ita I'i ice is the 1 1 1 1; I , ,-s. t you need tu pay 111 eider tn gi t the best. y.t Newniioi, our jural baker, .n "luviikuhlc" is tin; 1 cau gl I lor h..iol,g." i VIA A I! I.i: Ihal 1'ies ,1 Hi i.l. lit I, N. S. R. Doster has just received a lot of nice Hams. Union institute, rNii'W ii 1 r x. (.. l'KUPAui-'s i on cui.i.i:!,i:. LII KRAKY am. XICMC KU KShS, None hut ttu'iou-l ly ti.:iiii,. ami expenciK e l le.o-li, n cmployr.1 . Location ,1110 of the most l-eaiitifnl and healtlitul in the Sute, in hihl) cultured ami 1n01.1l coniiuunil)-. Next session hegiuj Aug. jnl, luo j Write for catalogue. (,i W. T. AI.UKICIi r, I'lim-ipal. Waxfiaw Institute, WaxhowN. C. Enlargements Made or Planned. I. Filth Teacher Added lo f aculty. Mini Llizaletli PtonniiiK Ihears ol Khn City, N. C, student three years at Haptist f emale I'niversily, Kal eigh, ia to assist in Primary and Intermediate Departments,-' Mis? Cheats conies highly recoiiinieiided as to spiiilual, menial and other equipment. II. New Pcpartnii-iit. Miss Cheat-twill probably take a small rlass in Kxpiession. She uradualcd iu Ex pression al B. F. I'., ia May. III. Correspondence Cotnse. Enfjliah Literature. IV. Summer School for 1904. Work in common and high school branches. For Information write J. R. WALKER, W'axhaw, N. C. HKXDKKSOX X IKOLLKU MILLS. The Vingate School oil"i :i cm ell, ut epp'.i (unities to boys .11 I go, Is pi 1 j - a 1 1 1 1 g themselves lor col li lot lui.-ini ss or lor the practical duties of hie. Last year about 10 stu dents piepare.l nt Wingate were in Un- vaiium, lolh-ci's ol the Stale, The palietiageol hist session came from in counties, 1 here were enrolled 250 student.;. More than 75 of these were boarders, l or thorough work and for .piirtude and freedom Irotn templa te. 11- iiigate is not to he surpassed. Cur music larilities are exceptional, fall lei in opens July 7th. Wide, for new catalogue. M. B. DRY, Prin. f cool Head Is very desirable at this season. Our rleau, solid, pure Ice is Ihe best cooling medium you can Ret. In the rclriserator its lasting quality makes it great economy, CRUSHED, It adds to the clearness and cool ness of summer drinks of all kinds. Have us to c'vliver it to your res idence daily. Tickets for sale in any quantity. Phone 0. CADIETJ & WALLACE.

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