IHE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I. Tuesday. July 7. I"XU. Mr. J. J. fruw u on a trip lu Wiliuinuu ami liaili-Muu. Mr. J. J. I.indy U-ft I In morn iuj; f'.r a Uil tn Fiorv-i.ee, H. t". Mr. au.l Mm. i. O. Fulls-uwiuVr aic sk iiiIiii lo i-t-U in bury. IW. S. A. S!art of Trinity llili S U ft-titling varathiii with relative in Hie nullity. Mews. U-eantl t'rt'll tiritliu of Wade-dioro tiju-iit yeNtrtday in Moil 11 . There ill ! nu thildrt-in day -xerei-s ul Mnltih clmu'h nut Sunday, ax previously auiimiiiet-d. Mr. Hon ant ToH Lst uil mid sis ter. Mi? Ira It. Ton ii-triid. of t on ntl. an- vUilinir Mr. J. W, Town m ini ul .Mis. X. ;. Hunm-II'm. I'rof. mikI Mix tl. t". Hamiltoii of Mint Hill Mix-lit Friiiav ami Satur day iu Monroe with flip family of al. Iiiitii. Mr. X. S. tlmm has W-eu an Hiiiitttl a itntpslrate by the clerk of Hip court. 'Soaire Oelmru will makr it warm for bliud ticers if he gels a w hark at em. Mr. ami Mix V. T. Hart and lit tie thutcht.r of (liarlottp visited Mr. Hart's sister, Mrs. A. J. tireen, and otlirr friends and relative Sat unlay and Sunday. I'rof. J. II. Walker. Messrs. X. S. OglMini, Art-hie- Mt-Lirty, O. I. II His. 1 11 and rolalily others lett this iiiomitii: t attend the Slate Tt-iupt-ranre Convention at Ual eij;h. The Ihij of the Maeedoliia ilelial injC ma-h-ty will diltule with the t'arinel luivs. at the latter place, ou Saturday niylil of this week. The tnibji-tl v II he, Hoes edilcation increase happim-Mi?" The lectuie hv ex tlovernnr l!ob Ta lor last Tucwlay iiicht ns re reixed wild peat at islat-1 ion tv a liirjro iiudieiiee. The opera house was full mid it is safe to say that 110 audience wx-iever lit-tler pleased here. fall Bull Ssilnnlav Jul. Istk 1 U . l..l.. ; i . 7. 1 " ' .. . T'. The Fourth BM.sh . Cr-d ." - iwiaii, . im mi 1 kmc and rrfrmliiurota, TAl.klMi WITH THE H)H.E. to Monroe, and the OU SuUirts' Dinner Was a Great Sucesvs. The In '-!! sutte- of the Fourth Mr. T. II. U 11I..11 of I nioiiv III. is t.i of tup healthiest aud best inr-a-rinl mcu of It is a-;e in the county. ! i-vini i 1,1 ir ,i Iv one aid Mr. licii Mr. T. J. Shan non lost tra bead of In rattlr from bis Anson rouu Lr 1 . .. ."T 71 T handml vear o!d. jty lurai ren-Mly, death ing -.,-...,. , ,. " . ' . . .V. ; Ion at the reunion S1iunl.1v rausr.1 by tick tevrr. Ir. Butler. , hltuar ', .T ' " r ' ' t," i ' IUU U" J"" Uk' tup Matp rHprnanaii, visitpd lb ;,., . V., , , "1 was a.kp.1. rariu and 1 lajinwl the dispa.sp. , . ' " l'""'" '"-. I incidci.U pver 00. lining Imtp. Mr. T. L. ICukiii of Mai-Jivilh-lMorp lLaii thr-e loii.!i..l ..l.l . ..1 township brought aloua with hiiu eraas aceeM.M iir huKiiitalitv .f' " rpunion a pMss- of H-, the s..p of M-.iu.n-, and their rx brought It mil the baltlp lipid f previous f appnxialiou were Irp Maheni Hill. It waa tiirnrd ovpr,iHul. ponliul and kimvn. Tlu. lolir. Houston for his rurio Pol j dinner was m tmi) in il. Ilxkctt iion. jbinldiiijr. and the gin-Ms were ad Ir. J. I". (iuthiliM of l'rairi Blhsl the .Miss., and his two daughters. Mismh Natalia ami Madge, passed lunnign .iionro . tatilc Hire linn. The dinner it elf was reallv a sol lid thini' iluly Iwciity ip xcai-s but M as well as any of the lis." apt. is. t. Ificlia'dsou, ir of M the men whorer lived in the u? poiinly, and 1111 old I 'onti-dcratc whom ceilly has the mvulesl 5J IVsjM-Pt for. OUvil III.' M ill. incut of it1?! the old soldieis. Mesanl. j K(i "I hue illaavs s.ill llml i ft 17. M Q(7 i Why Not Come Where the Crowd Comes? Moiii'op people ri;TWT? ''Tirvi A!l llt ell rooked ami !,.'- herP. et hv Mr a"nd Mril,luiu,,,y Mrvr'1- " "". "-"! MufW town .1. I,p Slat "" 1.1. ,,.. .... soimrer liiwin. 1 wpre Ihe ch'VPresl I do nut , wprp joined h U t . liickelt. ami Hip party will lak in Washington, Ilaltiiuorp, Old Point t Vim Hut aud other places. Mrs. Jan. I'. Uim-y of Samly Kidge toauship died Friday anil was burhsl S.itunlay. She was s ypar old and leaves live children aud a hiislviul. Mm. Ijiiipv a daughter of tliu late David Moui gonieiy of liuftird township, and was a UiPiulsr of the Methodist rhu rch. Miss Helen llealli Piiteilaiued a iiiiiiiIh'I' of iVicinls at her home last night in honoi of .Miss Craw lord of l-aucxster. Miss Harris of Fort Mill and Miss McAlister of Wall town. A most delightful time was given the many guests. Oil July lirst N. Siuipson, Ksi., muted in marriage, at the home of the bride's motlier, Mrs. 1011.1 ( '. Hosier of Monroe towusliip, Miss Canie Iiclle lloster to Mr. Matthew Troulmau of Iredell foiinty. mere was an interesting game F bull Iicip the Ith between Dud ley and Monroe. Neither team had practiced any this season, but the Monroe boys were a li'lle two hwift for them, the score being II to ;! in favor of the home team. There w ill lie cliildivn'sday ser vice at i'leasant Hill church, iu .New Salem tow nship, the :lr Sat urday in July. There will lie an address by l!ev. I'. J. Illack of Stanley county in the afternoon. Kverybiiily is cordially invited to litleml. The director of the Hank of liiioii. at si meeting on the '.'ml iust., declared 11 semi annual ilivi tlcnd of 5 mt cent, lo'lai paid to the stockholders, and carried ?i "iilll of the undivided protits to the Kill plus I11111I. leaving 1?.', 1 1 .". 1 1 gross iimlivided prolils. Mrs. John 1 'lesson, alios 1ms band died iu Monroe week before last, asks The Journal In express her thanks to the many people who aided her. Mrs, i'ressoii and her onildren have a homo with her brother on a farm, near Olive liraneli, which lslongs to her fatli er, .Mr. li Mills. A local Anti Saloon League was organized at Wnxhnw Tuesday, .nine ,111. l ollowlng oniccrs were elected: J. M. Xiveu, presiilent ; I! J. Ik-Ik, vice president; T. K. II. Steplieusoti, secretary and treasur er. iMlicei-H tiro expecleil to ap point privately 11 vigilance coin initb- to it-port suspected blind tigers to ollieers of the law J. M. Xiven was elected delegate to State 1 oiiveution, Halelgh, July 7th. Itev. L. K. Stacy waa elected alter nate. The following incniU'rs of Foiii pany II, 1'tith N. V. Itegiinent, were present at the reunion Satunlav: John l:. Simpsoii. Alen Whilake'r, 1.. S. Sts-rest, t'. F. Helm, M. S. Mullis, l!. A. Davis, Alex Oslsirne. John II. Uuev. M. F. Ikivle. S. W, HiiHpvcult. John S. M.-i'i 1111. The following im-mliers of Com pany F, .Tith N.l'. Uegiinent, wen- in Hie reunion Saturday: John I. Urooni, Joseph lirooiu, H. I. For- bis, J. I'. I'.i.k.iii. T. I,. A. Davis. I. W. It) rum, John Helms. W. T. Keiah, l. I'. Kpitih. T. A. Fow- -r, .las. W. Fowler. John J. Me aiu. .las. A. Morris, t'. T. Van- clip. M. M. Vandle, A. ('. I'reslev, Siilathial 1'it-sley, S. ti. Howie. 'Spiii- W. A. Aiistiu of New Salem was severely hurt last Satur il'iy when he ivtuined home from Monro. lie was taking his mule from the buggy when something irigiitcneil tlieaiiiuml, causing linn to jump and knock Mr. Austin down. We have not learned the extent of the injuries, only that they are serious. uo.n 10 me preum ami maiiv van tie o cakp lor dessert. And there waslUPgrfalest plenty, with many buskelfliNof fiajnelit let) oer. Just buforp the dinner the sale of! ai licles doimtisl to the lire eoni any bs.k pl;u-e. All the giHsIs pi not sold, and llier will be another a-il Friday niL'lit 011 the aslpoilrt house ftiuai. wlieu Ihe r. mainderof Ihe goods will lip aue tiomsl otT. The parade was not much of a success, owing lo Ihe heat and the inability of Ihe old noldiers to stay iu it long. Tli raw wer woo as follows: yards dash, .Von ( Simpson, Jr. us' yams uasli I irst prii f i.oo, Aiurry Ik-uton: as-ond l.Vi, . V. AuMiu: third l..V. Will Worley. In-elbarrow race, if.oU 1 leath Howie. Sack ran-, fl.Vi- Heath Howie I'.ieycle race, :.:il - llogan Ik-Ik There were two reel teams in tin 1 aces. 1 hit- w as under the captaincy 01 .mi-, imvis Ariiilield. and inn under Mr. V. I1. Austin, fan! -V 1 111 lii-l 1 I'm team won the rat and the pri.e of 10. The commit let-appointed by eaeh Siinilny schiMil met in the court lions July '.'ml, for the purpose of deriding upon place and turn, torn union picnic to lie held this Hum mer. It was resolved that the Meth odisl Sunday school should raise lit), the Ilaptist ., the I'resbyte lian .lo, and the Kpiseopal ami Lutheran l."i: the f 15 donated by Mr. J. ('. Males to lie pro rated and distributed among the several Sunday schools. A special traiu will Ui chartered ami the picnic held at Latta l'ai k, Charlotte, July Mrs. Jemima Helms, widow of the late Uabriel W. Jlt-liua, died of paralysis at Ihe home of her son, Mr. Tippy Helms, Thursday, July 1'inl. The reiiuuiw were interred at the Chime) ceu ctery, three utiles north of Monroe, Friday, ltev. I). A. Snider conducting the funeral dcrvice. Mrs. Helms was a sister of Mr. Jesse I'arkef of Indian Trail. She wan a member of Faulks Bap tist church and led the life of a Christian. She was fit! years old. Hon. E. C. Williams made a most creditable fpeech to the negroes on the Fourth, There were enough rhetorical flashes to make the audience scotch well, but lie told them the truth aud gave tbem ad vice that would be valuable if heed ed, vis: to work, be wabbling,' honorable, and economical. The speech has received many compli ments from the white people who beard it. The county commissioners are in session today. Vesleiday the bonds of the several cotton weighers of tin- county were received, and bids for the ;,,"( worth of bonds to lie sold were opened. There were a uumlN-r of bids hut 110 informal ion will be given out till next Monday. when the tuiiii'd has another meeting. The new county board of educa tion, consisting of Mcssi. J. W. llivens, J. M. I'rico and F. II. Ash-; craft, met yesterday and organi.cd by electing Mr. F. It. Ashcraft liaii iu.ui inn) 1!. F. IU'iislcyc ty superintendent. It was decided to continue the system of appointing committeemen for each school dis trict, and the committeemen are living appointed today. (0II011 is very backward this! year, but some blooms are appear ing here and there. Mr. U. II. Mc Mantis of Longs Sloro had one 011 1 tie mini, ami .Mi. 11. K. Hinder bulk, who lives near town, reports one us opening 011 Frniay night. Mr. I.. I.. Mcdlui, near Iw's Mill reports one 011 Ihe second, ami Mr. J. C. Winchester of Jackson town ship goes still better with one 011 An Old and Respected Citizen Passes Away. Mr. Joseph Mi N,-elvol lliislowu ship tiled July 1st ami was limit at rleasatii lirove Friday, the funeral service la-jug conducted by Key. M. A. Smith. Mr. Mt-Neely was Ml years obi and was born iu l iiioii ; then Meek h-iiburg 1, in which c ty he livt-il all his lite, except a short lime hi mctl iu Lancaster county, S. ('. Ills litst wile was a Lloitnt, and six children were born to thi union, only one of whom 1 Mis. T. A. Davis 1 stir iv. s. He afterwards married Mrs. Shtite. mother of Mr. II. Is. Mint or Moults-, ami to I hem three children were born, two ol wh 1 Mr. James McNcely of Monroe ami Mrs. J. I'. McAleer arc now living. .nr. .ne.M-eiy was alile to go aiKitit until a lew tlavs Is-lore his tlealli and was conscious until the last. Although not a incmlier of the chinch, he had been a constant render of th bible for years, and toltl his sou In-fore he died that his sins had Iteen forgiven and that he was ready mid prepared to die. the lirst of July. Shep Cart-lock, a colored tenant 011 Mr. Luther il liains' farm, had one 011 Sunday Mr. J. II. lkiyte uf MoiiriH- report ed one this morning. Xot a penny will it cost the man who gels the nice buggy in The Journal buggy contest. Von are going to pay for your paper any way. Do so now w hile the tickets are going and have your name in the contest. Von may draw the buggy. It's worth trying. For every dollar, old or new, paid yon get one ticket and credit formic year's subscription. Scud money through the mail -a dollar bill iit au envelope, or a two, will come o. k. Address The Journal, Mon roe, X. C. Mrs. Isaac (lay of Hufonl town ship was found dead in bed this morning. The cause, of her death was heart trouble. She had not been sick and her death was alto gether unexpected. Her husband says he waa attracted to her lied by their child crying alsiut 2 o'clock, when he found her dead. The death liemg so sudden, Mr. (lay thought Is-st lo hold an investiga tion and sent for Coroner Kit banks, who empanelled a Jury, consisting of Col. H. (I. Hotchkiss, J. I". Kog- era, liufiis (iriftin, Frank Doster, Frank Mangtim ami X. W. Broom. Alter making an examination the jury decided thai death was due to natural causes. The deceased lady was alxuit ;0 years old. ?0ne Cent Saves One Pound Fruit Two Years It's done by using Lalrobe's Fruit Powder. One package costs 20c. and will preserve 25 pounds fruit lor over two ye ats. Frrfect- ly tasteless the mojt satisfactory Fruit Powder on the market. We have sold thousands of packages nd have yet to hear of single failure. Does not require an sir tight container simply cover with clean cloth that sail. We have glass jars if you want them, bit, the powder way is cheaper, better far less trouble. Take no substit tute, Latrobe's is the original and the best. Out of town dealers please write for wholesale prices. It sells itself when once used. Sold by English Drug Co., Mon roe, N. C Temperance tallies. The following changes have Is-eu made in the dales for speaking on temperance at the places named U-low: Bond's (trove, July 2llh. Olive Branch, July -J."itli, Tirzah church, August 1st. I'leasant Hill, August loth. Mill Creek church, August l.ith. Hamilton's X Loads, Aug. 1st. Shi loli, August Mh. Meeting is changed from Holly's Hill to haitlicld church, Aug. -.:'. First two rallies will lie Olive Branch iu Xew Salem township, July '.'.'ith, and Bond's drove iu Jackson, July I'lth. Speakers: II. C. Ashcrnft, Dr. II. D. Stewart, Kev. A Marsh. Bond's drove: Itev. J. II. Dixon, W. H. Philips ami perhaps others. SHaking 10 to 12 a. in. Picnic Dinner at 12. F.vcrvlmdy Invited. J. IL W.i.Kt:it, Pres. Oak Ridge Institute. We are just in receipt of the eat alogue of Oak Kidge Institute. Those w ho are gmsl judges, and iu a position to know, say it is the handsomest ever issued by a simi lar institution in this country. It is in keeping with the progressive spirit which has marked every year of this well known school's life. Those who are looking for the oest place to prepare, for college for business, or for life, should not fail to write for catalogue. We ai glad to see that it still stands pre eminent among the schools of the state in equipment and num bers. See advertisement. Miss Sturdivant to Leave- ctiarl.Hti- ,-. v iiarioite people 111 general, as well as the music-loving public, will learn with tlecp regret that .hiss jontiiiie Mimiivaut will lOave 111 Scptc miter. Miss Stiirdivaul has accepted 1 position as vocal teacher iu Hill man College at Clinton, Miss. This college is a very large one ami is Ihe olilesl college for wonicii In Mississippi. Miss Sturdivant will also sing in the choir of the First Baptist i hurch at Jackson, which city is nine miles from Clinton and is con nected by trolley with that nlnre. The college and the ieople of Jackson are to lie congratulated on securing MissHttirJivaut as teacher and as a member ol the choir. Stockholders' fleeting. The animal meeting of the stock holders of the People's Bank of Monroe will be held at the banking bouse ou Monday, July L'llh, at It o'clock a. m. for the purpose of electing a board or directors for Ihe eusn tug year aud attending to such other business as may be brought Detore mem. IviUMxiK PniPKK, Cashier. T. H. bimpsuD wants five bun- dred bushels of blackberries. .... .. . ..1 ttr iHnvwy Of; tlaillumtr Im.iiuiui ....... .....I I ti..k . phipus generally than Mourop. :M This dinner lo Ihe tdd soldiers was M a piece of thoiightfulix-ss ami cour I M tesj that was no) sin prismi; to mt knowing Monroe as I have forlhese many years. We appreciate cause ol the thought Inliiess and re i mi gard w Inch is shown by it lo pxisl. ! m ami it is a great pleasure and hap piness to the remaining old fellow,. to kuow thai thev .Kt iiiiv a nl.nt in the heart of the iircst-iit genera tion." t If cotton continues lo irrow for ine uexi ten Hays as il lias during the piusl ten," said Mr. K. S. dam bl of Jackson, Halm-day, "it will catch up ami la- as big as it ought to Is- at the lime." We are up and nt-nthing i strictly up t dale, with the light price. This is why we are doing the Lupine", from the jump. V011 would think fiom l- number ol pioin-orders w receive dally that we bail U-.-11 iu busiu,-. ..r cars. But sin h Is not the cas.. ( ur stoic i only out- week old ami has lloilnbed Iroln its very liieiiiemy. Why i H Hie t tse thai a new lorp should do Mi much husii,es at ton-; lu-. caiix-our Kilesmau mil only mob rst ,i.,ls ll.e Fancy (.roct-t v line thoroughly, but be has had long years of ex,s nenee in pit-piling ihe luttst dainty dishes. Now is the opH,i,uiitv f-.r the young housewife, as well as tl.e old. lo lake adi aitlagc of an up to date grocery More. Do away with the old t."k Ix-ik ami ask our salesman - the only grntivmaii that cw-i hit the pike -aiiMhing y.ui shoultl tlestie to know along the line of these delicacies. Kt-memU-r thp plats- p e Wi. m I 1 LRE & LEE, THE LEADING IFY GOODS, ECTI95!, CLOTSISu. CE5TS" iCRIISEUGS, Ell 1IB SHOE STOLE II MOSEOE. C. E. HOUSTON. )1 1 The Magistrate and the Potatoes- i V DC nil I W ATI r r r s,,...,,,,,,.,,, , ortuinL PiOTiGES. ey-ii 01 vH.iiio, eorgta, ine; " . affairs of civil justice are a lininii- i AJvertisciiients will t iumiIcJ iu tercd bv u.lge ICdwards. who ."" column t the pro e ut one ceul also old, c4-.li in Jvance. The Fourth was a very pleasant asion." Kiid 'Souii-e V. T. Cheais of BulVud. "but hen-alb-r we must separate the t vicinal ions. The day was most too crowded for me. I.et the darkles have then celebration on the Fourth hereafter; served at last t ) scie a s p i l capable and enthusiastic farmer. IllAMKD- 5iH(lmlielsi.u,l.twui, One cloudy spring afternoon1 f dchtereJ i n,, tj M.il. 1 court was convened to try a par-'"' t'T ho VV'" ,uy ! " . . , . , ' " r P" 1'UMiel, ch. Noam -nut l titan iLuuuy lonuous anu perplexing -a perk labeu. t . II. cise. Judge Kj wards listened - - , , Olieasilv for a time with rr.,i ! ",u- "' "t-e-.mi unrest, every now ml then cast nig a quick glance through the nearest window, lie was ob it they want to. and we 1 lake th, third or the lirst, 01 some other day." The women did things up right today,'' said Mr. J. F W. Austin. after the soldiers' dinner. But the woiner. 11111 thiu-rs. you know." coiiiium-ti. 'lorty-iwo veal's igo they told us to go, and we went; today they toltl us to come. and we all cot here. thoiiL-h some if us were lame, halt aud blind." 'Squire W. A. Austin was amith r veteran w ho spoke warmly in ipprectalic t the efforts f the Monroe people to give the veterans t good time. Speaking of th lame imiiilier of old soldieis present, he said that he would have considered himself iiiimainierlv and unannre iatie not to have come, and thought the others fell the same wnv. :5 'I was astonished." said Prof. I. K. Walker, "by tin- n its of irdcrliuoss that evisted in Monroe last Silurdav. I'eoiile caliie to Wavhaw and told of the big crowd and said that Hot a siuirle arivst was made. And since, ninnlieis of persons have spoken to me of it ith astonishment." 'Squire A. J. Brooks, chairman of the county commissioners, had the job of his life iu penmanship ui-inner nay when lie undcrlm to sign the issue of bonds and the coupons that the count v is now selling. He had to sign his iiami just !Min times, and it took him just three hours and forty live minutes lodoit. Thus he "signed at the I rale of four signatures a minute, w hich was pretty good. Mr. Myers Med I i it say s he docsn' I know yet how the cotton crop is1 going to turn out, but he docs not expert it to be so good as it was four years ago when he made 10.-1 IMMI pounds ol seed cotton 011 live piper, srnbble a lew words, place the document beneath a heavy paper weight, and reach for Ins hat. "Captain" be called cheerily "excuse me fur interruptin' you, still ; you gu right on with your ar gument which is a darned good one. It's suah goiu' to rain litis eveniu', gentlemen, an' I cot to set out my potatoes tight away. But you go right on Captain' When you an' Major get through Jnu all 'II find my decision under this beah paper-weight." A minister 111 a neighboring town was recently delivering a Sermon on "pride" After enum enting many uf llto shortcomings, of the proud people, he asked anv I I sister who bad not locked in the' ; minor d-.fore starting to church jto pleae atistf. One lady stood I and all eyes in the congregation iWerj turned upon her while the preacner meekly said: "Lord liless yntt, sister, 1 don't blame you i If you have nothing else tl do, , p;ck me a lot of blackberries. I T. II Simpson. ,si:ni h Hit t-t- 1 tt-i Ji-rvi) milk tow s t .: s.,1 H. L. P. tiealtl.v o 0 i o o t o r ynxixxxxxzxxxzxxixixzxxxiixxixxxxxi M M M M Sjicciiil Viiliics S M h in I'iannc! and 5 M M M M S Outing Suits S 2 litreo Shirts. S s " JJ 5 Straw Hats, S S4 f Linen Collars, M M H and Silk Tics. M H All New M H and S!v!ih. H M Pt I rtxxxxxixizixxxxxxixxjxxxxxxxxxxxxxxitl ee cSz: Lee, II dress llox t. wel iiiiim. paid. Ad Mom o, N C. pANXlNU Ol 11- II The kiallo L. Camiiug tluttit is the thrape.-.!, most runvt-meiil and reli.ilil,- r.oinii on the iiutket. tvertlim ciiiiplcte fur only 55 uo. lor salt- l.y J. Ifrntoii, Monroe, N. t . IIIAVK suM my olj outlil l..t hone moving, I. ut in teu das uill lut- a new one uu lunJ and he heller pi,-, paiej than tvtr to tin yum tuuihe muv. "IK- W. J. Trull. FOR SALE-. I oiler (01 sale i.,v Rreeu house plant, a splendid a . sortinrnt of fine (limits. 1 i-li .i ,;jit all my attention lo Ihe bakery, C. I. Newiij.ia. P AKKV evctytliing you have in ti l La Iron IA.LKVV. ujju 3iuxu MM.nmiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiM .MRS. A. LEVY. 3 a Important Announcement! Millinery and Dry (ionds AT COST. RKMKMbKK the List meats m tl, city are sold by (.adieu A W.d lare. Phone ifi c you w.nit uie liet luunm 1 i linir on the market, r ill on my ulaliles. . A. S n t-ti .-j. t i-r. K deliver be to our rnt-ti I any hour nitlit or Rirknesii. PI lilrtH l.'V III 1.1-1' nine I'-. (.adieu ,V Wdll ii Somebody buggy free. w ill get a good new Will it In- you! A Soliloquy.. "Where are you going.'' said a 111:111. "I am going down to the Stev ens iV Phifer old stole to get my groceries," said the other. "Mown there are two very kind, genial and clever gentlemen who are running a grocery store, and they keep the best articles and they acres, ami when one of his plants 1st'1' rcmarKauiy cheap it you was sent all the way to Liverpool. I have any business with a gtocery "The boys can't beat me," .said man go around and see those gen- .tir. .iictiiin. -vie nave u good tiemcn, they will attract .sen 1011 out our way, anyhow," he continued. "Why, I can show vim live .Met orintck reapers mid bind ers 111 hearing distance of inv house." RKMKMPI.K you ran 1. 1 tin- be fresh meat at I. H. PaikciS ma 5 We have decided to make great reduc S tions in our stock of Millin.erv and Drv k ' ?00.ds in order to clean out our big stock me 1 1 a in time tn ripp-in tn nut m foil nAo V - - - j v, k. AAA ACta A IjVVUtJl Here ore somo examples: 35 cents Lawns at 25 cents. 15 cents Lawns at 10 cents. 10 cents Lawns at 8 cents. " 3 ket. I 'hone Nu, l t I . V . . UM1...1 you wain ne piuint' ; I'lolllpt tie very ;in 1 hoiirt ueuli! Caciicu .V Wallace. H APT I ST Female universltu 1 Waxhaw Teachers in Demand. Since ngtwing to teai-h in Wax- haw institute, Miss ('hears has re fused the tiller of a tine posit ion elsewhere. Last summer Mr. Xisls-t and Mr. Cunningham of our facul ty refused tine or more good open ings. ( )ne of these positions oflered f LIU per year more thiiu the guar anteed salary was at Wa.xhaw. It is out of the uncstioii for any other school lo get our music teacher. J. H. Walk nu. lliiiig your chickens ami eggsnud' get highest prices in cash or trade. We buy them. M. ('. liriMini you at once by the tr cleverness and re markably low prices on all their goods. "Thx-y almost sjKI out their stock last Saturday, J-jly 4th. "Their trade is growing every week. If you go there once you will go back again." This conversation is splendid advertising for us. I'ass the word around and come to see us. Yours for service. Hill & Bivens. Schools of Arts, Science, au.l 1'lul uaophy; Itihle; Art ; txpressnun and buslines.. Faculty ol 5 men and hj women, tthuse whole time, with two exceptions, is given tn one suluect. Kn-ilattoii periods an horn each. Tito thousand dollars' woith of new emiin-, incuts for IVpatlnii-nts of Cheiiiistr) , I Hiohiuy, Physics, History, and Math-! einatit-s. Music lleparlment cmhra -c.-. ! t of the 3 Clavier system ei.idiuti ' teaching in the South. ( lth.-r dc..nt- ' meats up-to-date. Stud, iin rated fot by Udy Principal, l.,-dy I'in .1, ,.m, Matron, and Trained Nurse. Ktpnisi s me i.nrrary cours, M'17.50 pir session; 111 the Lliih, about f jt less. 1 Next nessioti opens Sceteinhcr 1st, ror uttitr iiilurination address ; K. T. VANN, President, kalu-ith, N. C. A fine line of men's shirts will also be put on the counter at knock down prices. This is a genuine clearance sale of best poods no shoddy stuff. If you buy a thing in our line before seeing us you lose money. A. Levy. I A. U:VY. MUS. A. LEVY. aiimrmffiTrrrrtmjTnTnT iiiTnumiTnTTijTnirin Lirnrriii nmm 1 m 1 iu' u .jm ass 1 fmm 15 cents off the Dollar ! We cater to the trade that wants the best meat that can be had. Try us. White's Market. Look Out ! Look Out! This is a fast age and he who saves the almighty dollar is con sidered wise. Did it ever occur to some of the good citizens of this town and county to call on V. A. Stewart and get his prices on 'staple and fancy groceries? His expenses are light and there fore can give you closest possible prices on sugar, molasses, coffee, rice, Hour, hams and everything fresh and nice to be found in a first cUss grocery store. lirhig country produce, chickens, eggs. etc. Prompt delivery and correct weights to one and all. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Remember 'phone No. 201. Your business friend, W. A. STEWART. Trinity Goiieoe. , A million dollars invested in endow, ineiitii and equipments. Larcc library facilities. Twelve thousand volumes added tu library during the past year. Ten scieutiric laboratories. Gymnas ium under sritiitific diieetion Km undergraduate and Rtaduate courses ut study. Courses of study leading to civil and electrical r-mjinrrring. Many scholarships awarded. Loan fund to aid worthy young men. Trinity grad uates iu great demand for responsible positions. Kxpenses very moderate. The aim is Christian education with out any sectaiiau spirit or teaching. Sons of ministers and young men studying for the ministry are not chaiged tuition. Send fur catalogue . D. V. NKWSUM, Registrar, Din bain, N. C, xmitiiHitiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiithiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiitiiM ouiiiinei' uoous. To prevent carrying over to another season, we have decided to inaugurate Owing to imprciv emeiils soon to be made to my store-room, it will Ik necessary for me to vacate it for a couple id weeks. To save trouble and ex pense of moving gotkls 11 nd danger of damage and breakage, I will offer all my goods, less IS per cent, to reduce stock as much as possible. This means all goods in my store Watches, Jewelry, Novelties, etc., ns well a Clocks, Silverware, Cut (ilass, China, Lie. This offer is good until July 1st- Take advantage of it and ave yourself some money. W. El. LJNE1BAGK, Jeweler, Monroe. N. C. . : t!w CLEAN SWEEP SALE and offer at cut prices the remainder of our stock of Dress Goods, Lawns, Organdies, 1U1 bons, Underwear, Shoes, and many special values in other things. THIS IS NO BLUFF. What we advertise we do- Haven't we always proven the truthfulness of this statement? Come and get BargaiQS that are Bargains. J.-Y. Doster. Fruit Cans and Solder. mmmmmmmmtmimmmmmmmt i 1 Ik ft--- PA Jit mt 00 Spring Cleaning Is Rood, but it's better wV followed up w ith a few pieces of Frettu New furniture. We can Rive you any styla at a low figure, and guaran tee It to be the prettiest and most durable to be had. l ook over our stock. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral tiin. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84.

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