THE MONROE TOTTRNAT Library nithoj VOLUME X. NO 24 MONROE, N.C... TUESDAY JULY 14, 1903 One Dollar a Year TEMPO NCE CONVENTION 'tbr of the ' J.ikI.-b bill," w eltvled 4TUiiiiH-ut rhaiiui .tu. II was introduced by Ucv. I. I- Nash. Mr. bunion mUI that aa thin vm au une-.e-tel honor to Uim, be a 1x4 prepared to make a speech which would show bisappiccution A Orrat (lathering i( Farnest Hen of all the Various Lines of Attiv. ity in tho State - l wu.Mcn to go into the I'iclJ oil Uill Must be Enforced-- Senator Simmons ul the houor lelord uiioii him. ay JuJgra 5houU Instruct the i The following were clt-rled v ire Or.nJ Jurie to Look Out 1)?". 'u ., , . . . . . ;grc.iousl district: W . M. lliutoii, Water of the Uviuor lit. NV A , j. M Kai!t(U xv. ". luiwenxiui i.. t...i Hir. ... j.i, ;,h. i nmghw, ticorpe. V. Watt, K. Tbe State A lit l Silooii I.eagiHt: Mrltityrc, . J. rernll, . II. Iiegan its (Ntuvutttion in the Ar-.ul- j r.tirtou, (, J. 11. euiy of Music this uhi uin. The ' Tucker. " m meeting was railed at HiHo'disk. j Following were elected a ecu! rl There were iivit ini (MNiplr executive committee: X.-lt. llrotigh in the Academy of Music then Mr. j ion, T. X. Key, J. A. O.itcs, I. X. I!. liroiighlon called the meet- Itlnir, A. J. McKelway, J. t. At ing to order. ;, J. W. llailcy, J. I. Johu- At the conclusion of an appropri- mm and W. II. ispiunt. ute seech by Mr.llroughlon.heau- The tArmmn ami evening sew noli need that Mr. 11. A. Page would sions were well attended, interest act as temporary chairman, ami enthusiasm increased. Senator Mr. I'age concluded Li speech Simmons' ieeeh was heartily ap of a few minute, ami thru Mr. ' plauded, ami van a riii;iii; our. Itailey, the organizer of the Htate Ue bad previously wot a uptrinl league, made the octiiug speech, communication, through J. Wil Mr. Ikiiley said that the time bad Ilalley, to tho convention, come when the people of North urging it to adopt a n-solulioii fall Carolina had liecti aroused ijt tbe ing on the judge of North Carolina evil iullucnce of the kiIooii, and to charge t he grand juriea as tolhe that the time had come when mm h importance of giving atteutiou to should lie nlsili-hed and the spirit any violation of the State liquor of prohibition in North Carolina law. A. I. Watts' ftpeerh wait wax now at itshcight. Mr. Ikiiley well received. Henry A. Page spoke for over an hour, and be made a at in ing siecch on whiskey wait listened lo with earnestness. diHiillcries, and how toeufoicc Hie His ileiiuiiciatioii of theliipior traf- law tlu ni. lie in North Carolina wax neteiv and ! It was found from the county be ithowed Ins ability to handle thej report that comities wen ivp Kiihject. lie Wept the audience renented, and report were hope hM'lllHiuml h itb hi oratory, ami fill, iu fact, enthusiastic, Khowing wbi'ii he i'oii tlie hall roireil bow widespread Ibis great move with M.iuy pi'iiiioiinitst ineiit is. The debate at uigbt was bis sns cli the ablest bit ol temper-; mainly upon tbe follow ing rcitolu iilice oratory cer deliveiisl in j tious, w hieh were reported by tj. North Carol ion. K. Nimotks, for the eomiuittiv on Mr. Ili-iirx A. Imdon, the au-i law enforcement, viz: "That we appreciate the ImM ami aiauly light made by tbe ii h-ihU ot teniperance tullie last liCgiKiature, and are grateful to them and to Mr. Wat I for the enact uieut of tbe bill hich bear hu name. Wc U-lieve that what ever iinprovciu. nl U to ' iMk Ill-til, lit ,111V l,l-billfl tlHlllltPJIIMI U mill be determined largelv by. ine tbe eflectiveiicM with which the! Watt law is enforced for the uet H aiooliis; t hen-lore, we call lixiu j i i i i 3rrli5 of public (J)rinion Three Divisions of human l.ilc. The iioiiual human life m:iv lie J ! A Presbyterian iew. ' Aycock lloomed for ice President. f j It is true also that the si in of the TiieV'asbiutoiiTiiii-stbisaf)-r'.H-r are UMli-d iimhi tlirir Inl msiu ili-usM-s at b nlb the ni ? (In n. There is a pie disposition to bility ot Slu-plu-rd and Ayc.s k as & certain physical dflcct and tois-r nominees of the I N-iim-ratic p.i l tain moral evils iu our natures. ik-.M ytar. s-imii: m- In-iii. Ail of n are more or h-s h-liius' n- banner lias Iss-u Huns I" tin Normal (lf imincioiis bcrtslity. ISal l.m c. It l.-ai-s the nain s . Slu p does not rxeiis u. lii-rcdity isiio herd and Avs k. I'or pn-snlent. , Mfu-e for crimina!. in spite .f' IMsai.l M. Shepherd, a .i..iniii. i,i the advtM-atea of teuiM-rauce divide thmiichoiit the State to av ail lliein l'"'s- II m I In Dampi aad wife lararlably W Mm COOK WTOl VUV .Ut. Biinnn 'Tit but a Muctr aad a ipoa T wta-a ta.k lot griai- I au ara pium, uhm "Suaaj Jim." pleases everybody la every way. w Lik a W ih Tom' t and BH tt UOMdlDKly. . . THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal & Industrial College. CO IT KNBNt Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Training Pedagogical Music FlVf ismr' i I" ipl.'lli". Ailiu-e.tniur li.lllit In r irr.s'. W.-ll T-Iln in. I iil. rvmli.ri syIi.mI Kmutly nunilr in. tutlU.n.aml l.s- for u ..I ten U..ik, rl... Ill .ay.-Hr. I'..r ii.mi nt.l. MK of Hi.' SUtr li. Twi-inh .iln U'iiIiim m-lili-mlw-r W lya. To nr.- Uuirtt In th- l..rmltrli all fn-e-tollion ..llliiot Dh..ill.l hr ma.lf- U'f'iri- July IMh. r..rrr.iil.tirr from tliu-ilrnlrltiic i'..nin-t.'Hl tea.-li.-rii antl atrn.straj.l.i-r, K.r rdtal.11.- an.l i.l tier a.l.ln-4 CHARLES D. MclVER. Presldcot. Greensboro, N! C. Ko- t t . -m. -m. r w A vacation without Kodak la a vacation wasted. We are agcnls for the Eastman Kodak. We also carry a big line of supplies. We w ill be pleased to ahow our line. Call and get catalogue or w rite for one. The W, J. Rudge Co. T Tiiefi Typewriter, The best Typewriter oo the market. Yoa can pay mora but yoa cannot get a better on. Its work is always ia . full view of th operator; it it simple ia cooalruction; and has stood tha test for many years, , nrovini its durability. The aligoment is always perfect, and U price For sal by tha Monro Hardware Co., or apt of ih. olfir.a of CV'TTEIc-TOwEK CO., Boston, Mi, ia 7J 00 to all. 01 V-V 1 I CIV- ivn I. r vu.i wiwiw, . Soulhcrn Branch Si6 Jeoifer Buildiog, Wahiotoo, D. C. T every ms tion. Ity so dniua we lie- .. .T lieve eonditious will be ri, for! rtl IrWitin Ilnberjr. . 1 , UH turr Vtttfaaf lii f..r July. K...u.K urm u..r ir...,H-r- . ,,. , u , ,,:,, .... ....v lie flits that sillv Women and soil : elli111 ul lirtMiklv 11 ls.roii"h. V V Mmiatlly intollie tbriss e j heeled men soiuetiui-s make over ami former caiulid.ile tor mavor: preparation, achievement, (criminals. It is not that we are;f..rvice president, t holes Is. At isM'k, C'lveiiior of N.iith Carolina. Tills is the slleslioll for tin- le newal of the old it'!;.iu.v of I;:.- -lvea of the provisions of the is araiioa-K"iui: reatiy 10 lianinj: too niiiiv people, bet not j Walla law, and lo ro ide for Hie,"'" tilings, try iiik to d.t them, and etiouoh splc. 1 here has Im-cii a atrict enforcement ol the Miue-in!K,-H'llK ready to leave them. heap of tioiiseuse alwut bereiltlv. !Uiii. K Z. I imuy's Iheiry of the C.i use of Death llo.l. l;..lil.'(lv . I.iln.i-V Kiel. iHen.Iui roim. lie is a lo-o.! s;il ile :itii ii-l i-s i:. rl..ii o-: i .1..1 s. u,. h -; iM i 11 a j: ll Os .s ..( lll lll we li..e Hi ..i S l I . I . t We an I."! sli,st. ii, .;' lll.ll, li s Ihiee lei His lit Cl ti s. In l e.lllie the llio-l p.el.ile-.j'f !jli!e ami In--! , iil. ii . i:ii'll.i-i In. mi Ii i ! i i.i .n Moi.t'.ay :i"ei ,,.-..ti 10...1! J i ( L ttfielillie u..-:rlil w:l l( i'.ii,!. .1 z H' ii. ! Ii..' I :.. ) atire laws the features, ol" the ln- dou bill, for which we couteudiMi iiiu.ueees.siiiUy U-l'ore the last Ia isiat ure. We bel ieve t he pri nci pics of the Loudon bill to be just, rea sonable and practicable, uud their ultimate enactment into law should lie the goal of temperance agitation ami effort. " Thus the convention appro veil of the Watts bill and set the liudon bill as its aim. J. William Itaib-y made a siecch in w hich he said there whs ilancr of this conven tion looking forward to the legis lature tu do work w hich the con vention ilsciroiihl to do: that he would rather go into the liht with the burden of proof on the hands of the Anli S.iI.hiii b-aue tliau on the bauds of the kiIimhi ks-H'ix lie wauled a hard light mid de clared that easy victories were re suit less ones; thai the time lias now come to strike a blow which will end the liipior traffic. A declaration of principles or platform whs then submitted by a eoiiimiltec composed of dailies II. Poll. .1. A. Ilartucss, l.'olieit X. iSiuis, llcriot Clarkruiii, W. .1. 1'er rell, C. Il.tiravcs, J. C. Itlatkwell, .1. A. Smith. Koliert liiggslsv, Henry A. Page and J. K. Nim ocks. llcv. A. J. McKelway made a vigorous sxscli, in which be de climsl that "men who control the saloon vide nre men controlled by the saloon." 'litis whs lomlly np pi. ni.led. The ibs'Umtiou of pnn pies of the North Carnliiia Auti- SaliMin Leagiif as adopted is ns fol lows: 'The Noi 1 b Cai ol i na A ul i -Saloon la'ague is an iiidciH-ndcnt ImmIv, maiiitiiiiiiug fi icndlv relations with similar associations in other States. but entirely independent iu its acts, mid it is mm partisan in char acter, Its purpose is tbe abolition of liipmr, saloons uud distilleries bv nil proper means; crealion and chrystiili.atioii of u righteous pub lie sentiment, uud proper ciilnrcc incut of till laws against the liiiior trallic. It favors n linn uud just enforcement of the Walts law, and il earucrtly requests future legis latures not to incorporate small towns with the privilege of licens ing distilleries or salcuiis. It calls the attention of ImiiipIs of cominis sionciD of counties and towns in the Slute to the danger of whiskey distilleries and rcclily i tig establish ments, now forbidden to operate in the country, renioviirx to incorpo rated tow ns. This should be pre vented. This urgitiiiftitioii favors calling elections under existing law iu every towu where there is u reasonable chance of currying the election iigainst saloons, and this Iicneiic pledges its assistance iu all such I'lcctions."' It was decided to raise ."i,0(hi and to put two men in tbe held to canvass the entire State. Working Night And Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that every was inado is Dr. Kings New I .lie Pills, these pills change weakness into strength, listlcssiiess into energy, brain-lag into mental tower. I hey re wonderful iu building up the health. Duly 2"u per lx. Sold by KiiKlisb Drug Co. 7A 5 a ejptain of industry, be mav be a C uiled States Senator, be may be a philanthropist. If he has won his fortune by bribery, tbe cost of his success is the undermining of the institutions of his country. He is not an "example to youth;" he is a corrupt it of youth, a cor rupter of everything be touches and everybody lie inspires. He is an eueniy of the l'epublie. The only force that can stop him is pa triotism. Blank and Hopeless- Ki.-I..i...ii.l N4-m.-l.1a.l1-r. It is hard to imagine uny thing; more pitiful than a blank and hope less human life, going to its end, with nothing H-rniaueiit written upon it, deM'iident absolutely on the tfiupoiaiy things, on the com forts of the day mid the emotions of the moment, hsikiug back on nothing but desolation and disip Miiiitmc nt, ami forward to itollmin hut extinction. What is there iu such mid for what have they lived; Certainly "11 people of that kind may agree that life is not worth I In- trouble of the living of it. Extortion by Trusts Is Its Own Remedy. N. a Vorl. Time.. Combiiial ions of ureal capital Die to succeed, if at all, not by niisiui; but by reducing the coki and prices of w hatevcr they aim to control. The real risk in attempt -ed extortionate monopoly is not to the public, but to those who make I he attempt uud to those w ho may be deluded in betting on their sue cess. HORSE HEN! For aiding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor and strength to horses and mules, the best remedy of all ia Ashcraft's Condition Powders! Stockmen who have used, with indifferent results, con dition powders recom mended equally good for horses, cattle, poul try, swine, etc., will find in Ashcraft's a remedy beneficial to horses and mules only. It is not a cure-all, but Invalua ble for the purposes recommended. Ashcraft's Condition Panders are prepared from the formula; of practical veterinarian of over 30 years experience, and when once used, horsemen will have no other, "Till" la H (wrtlty thai F a IWn llln A'hrratl'a Rran-.IM for a auwtwr of y-arit, au.l thai tiv-r Haf rla til!-ral aall'fae tlon. Tha irnrMI druira ara lm.rp.rafasi la llilr Banularuirr, an.l aarti ralr.lT l r alally pn-fiarra lor tha Ma f whlrh II la Intti.W-il In aura. Many of oiir ritatnoian. hav ing vanl ArH-raft'a Hir.ll f. teara a III hara aooOw.-INHLISII HUCO ( ii., Maarua, .C- Asbcraft'i Powder fattan out never bloat, the hair becoming sleek and glossy. Alwayt high trade. Price 25 cents. Sokl by English Drug Company Hen do Not Tear the Law Rnough. .'iu.-l J.i.o.-.--tahi'r elii.l,, .li.-iiiuiir In Ih. e..l .-a-.,.. The I'acl of pronipl mid certain puuisliiueut can deter from crime and icil hoc tbe frightful anil glow ing mimher of homicides, else w hy have n costly iiiliuiiiistralion of justice al nil. It is certain that miilcr our present procedure in cap ital cases timl the const ruction placed by the ai t dividing murder into two decrees punishment is very far from certain. Men do not fear the law enough to it liiiin from gratifying I heir evil passions. This should be plainly said and if the only relief is iu legislation, law abiding citicus should know it that a sound public opinion may apply the remedy. But Sherman Didn't Do Things That Way. John H. Oonl In July s, l,n.-r'. s I have intimated, the ordcrs fi.iiii (iciieral i.i-c forthe protection ol private property mid itersons were of the most stringent charac ter, (iuided by these instructions uud by my own impulses, I resolv ed tu leave no ruins along the line of my march through Pennsylva nia; no murks of a more enduring character than the tracks of mv soldiers along its superb pikes. I cannot be mistaken iu the opinion that the citizens who then lived and still live on these highways will benr me out iu the assertion that we marched into that, delightful region and then marched out of it, without leaving any seam to mark its Is'imty or lessen its value. Gen. Jno B. Gordon on the Battle of (icttysburg. N. Y Tim.". Salunluy Kril.-a. vt o are ikihiiii to sav Iroin a hasty rending of someol Iheailvaei sheets of (leu. (ionlon's article in Inly iVTilmcr si that it ciiiImmIics ii stirring mid exceptionally interest ing narrative. His account of a eavulrv iu tbe height of the ron- llict in full of vigor, is ierfirtly co herent and commciidiihly mod crate iu vcrhiii"c. His anecdote of the plan of the I'liion forces, which was concealed in n iNimpiet handed lo him by a child, is n striking and nut unimportant ron tributiou to the hitherto mi record ed history of the war. Tbe plan was correct and measurably belH'd (leu. (lordon in his own movements ou the first day. Who bis infor mailt was he bus never known. He thinks it was a woman "whose evident genius for war, bad occas ion offered, might have iiiude her u Captain eiiial to Catherine." It till uislies too many men Willi au excuse for their own devilment. Caesar Iiubrosu told tbe French ieople that lin y were obliged to do ccrtaiu wicked things lNFaiise ol the knots on their heads and the result was that the wicked things increased. Missionaries Needed- Sia'a.ttlV lamltttark. With iiioIm taking possession ol MasKichllsi Its towusii ml defying I be oflicci-s of the law ; negroes ly nched and burned in Illinois ami Iviu ware and rare wars in Indiana, il really lK-gins to hsik like tbe South will have to send missionaries to the North and West lo teach the KH'ple civilization. The Requisites of fruitful and Busy Life. Ki.-lin.i.ihl N. a. l.a.i.-r. To liedoiui; something, thinking somcthimj, taking alive, earnest interest in vital things, to love and to serve faithfully, to serve where e love these m-c luxuries of life and make it fruitful and busy. They provide for us constantly new, fresh interest uud and hopes against the time coining in nil lives when old hopes depart bullied or have Im-cii fulfilled ami found unsatisfying, when one by one'ect ions, friendships and associations sink in the sweeping current of the years. It is at that time of waiting and parting that the life tiuiiiscrilicd w ith perma nent interests, living thoughts, dem and street inciuoric and abiding purposes ami hopes becomes miser ably dejected and desolate, after a uiKille life empty, unfruitful. mean iug'nnthing. Enforce the Law Kmixt i I It- Journal ami Trihim.-. The only safely to a Stale or a coiiiiiiiiuily lies in a just mid fear less enforcement of law. (live criminals mi inch uud they w ill take a font, Prciuit n minor law to he violated mid it will lead to the violation of greater ones. Wink at the law against gambling, mid it willcucnuragclhc criminally disposed to do something worse; close the eyes to the illicit Sunday saloon mid those w ho may meditate larceny may conclude that the oil), cialsare indifferent generally. Steal ah election and men conclude that they may steal other with out com in it lug a greater crime. Slick to the law. Kn force it and ollemleis without regard to their wealth or social position. Keuder law breaking unpopular and law brakcrs of every sort infamous. When this is done, there will be no such demonstrations as we have witnessed iii Hreatliitl county, and no uioro violations that bring ter ror to communities uud disgrace Stales uud cities. solid S.utb ami New Yolk, which ought to cause I i-iii.m i.ils to slop and consider. Of Shepherd, the general pub lic knows much. It knows ul bis opposition to the regular lii-ui.i ic ticket in I VMi liecuusc of the si.,., in fn.i.t ..le.-e lot .1 i bat. . I....!.. that he utti-li .1 ; of the i: ,i. I!. I,,. I a in ii..- :i o id i he laii" .la v.-iv vi hu ll he i'lo!l,eil lie n,. -that the Inaiii ilnl la- shale ln.iiilv depression. lie slid lie , ail a then '. t 1...W. in li silver plans in the plallorm. ol Ins. ss ,.f v it.iln .s due lo return to the fold four years lat.-i. ! pi.-ssiiie .ml ii 'we t-..u ami ins supHiit n inyan t.u tin- ,igh ii..ugh in the atiuusplu n spin 1 get issues ot antl liiiM-iiallsin. ot bis; n.nilil esi .ij stim-ssfiil cinvitss lor mayor two i ,.,i, ,,... years ago ou the l.iiiiiuauy ticket, and of his recent c Holts to hariuoii ie the tin iiled factions of iN-moc r.icy, mid w ith.d tu. ie is a siispi eion that Mr. Shepherd, who has never avowed himself one way or the other, is willing to Is-eoiisid crcda candid ite for the presidency. 'of liovcruor AyciN-k probably not so nun h is know ii, although lit is certainly entitled to careful e.ui .ideration. He is regarded by those alio know him and his record as one of the ablest men in public i lice iu the South today. He is brilliant and an orator of ability, mid lias given North Carolina a eh-ail adiiiiuistrat ion. The old oh jection of a caiulid.ile from a seees siou Stale should Hot hold against him, for he is so young as scarce to remember even ilia vague sort of way any of the stirring events of the early lids. He is greatly ! loved by Mople of his State, is scholarly, conservative, earnest and conscientious, and if a Soul hem man is chosen by the I H-inocracy. he is entitled to lirsl cousuleia lion.' S Us Im-c.i Ol e Il a. no. Il.e -hi,., which col li1 e loit v. I liie pies-tlli Mr. I. i..:. from a m vt. I. Hi'.;. I fa I in. v I.i. a Is ., i, ' the top of a lie nn'.iiii ".. " high. II.1 say s ii.le i (e iu-'l ai d l"l iy aney of Lis Vrturi;e, lo line, ami the u Is lull of oei.,1 i .ii i h.s. V, and till veais oi, an cle.u In giounils ami loiiiug !' h u to In- ii..; iiioie than pi old. Tll; ; is an ii.teteslil.g I li.-. Mr. l.inin-v 's. ami it he . it illto .1' l.-clllle he c.nil.l more money iu on.' vein- I' the huge cities lliau In has in il" years practicing law . A Trick Morse' I .ill. .,11. i,. . I. alii, au.l In '. .,y:!.g iiiai I' lie- Cij'.e" II 111 lis ,ll 'hel e. iu ! 1 .1 II i li iv on I. s . .1 i. n the v Hill. Illl .1 ..! -o Hew ii. I a. l-l:. :.c The Ulobe's l-atcst liirdle. s'hi ty Kni,.r.riM The last connect ion in the I'aeilie Cable Company's line was made at Honolulu Sat in (lav night and a cablegram was flashed around the world lu ' minutes. I In message was sent bv Pre liist ideiil 'lit ! One of the large trick sli, ! longing to llaign-ave'si ileus went i through a reiuai kal.le pei , .; ui.iiic. on Siindav liniiniuj. iiil.- lh train in v, hieh the horse was !.,.iu. taken to l.'uilai:'!, I., n . l In 1 1 river at i'.'it IMw.,"l. 1 1 lie i'.iiiinal li.H ke, mil of t he ,,j.i n ; door of the car. tell lhionh a n. i-s i of ;al Iclegi'apb W iles I UUlllIC; .:!,!:.; j the bridge and dmpped int.. ' he I liver, '"i fii-t Ik low. willi tluie i l'1 To (let $.l,000,0(MI Each- San Kraili-i-o INhiI.i, Mlt. The Huntington estate iu Cali fornia hits been equally divided be tween the two heirs of the late C. P. Huntington. They are Arals-lln A. Huntington, his widow, and II. I'.. Huntington, a nephew of the deceased millionaire. This is the liist division of tbe i;n,oon.iiii(i estate, and a distribution of the (-'astern ptoH-rtles will soon follow. The California property of the estate consisted of real estate in (bis city, Oakland and Sacramento and in the counties of San laiis Obispo uud ah Angeles. Its value exceeds aiNI,lHH. Mi's. Huntington is given the residence of Xob Hill, which her husband purchased from the t mi tons iu I still, at a cost of f.NHl.tHMl. S. R. Poster has just received I lot of nice Hums.. How'i This? We offer On Hundred Oollari re ward fur any caaeof Caiatrh that can not be cured by Haifa Cartarrh Cvre. ' K. J. Chknst & Co.; fioprielori, Tulcdo, Ohio. We, Ih umlrmiijned, havyn known F. J. Cheney (or the pavt 15 ycars.and believe him peifcctly hunoiahle in all btisinera trauaartioua, and financially able to carry out any obligations matte by their Ann, Wnt & Ttcax, Wholcal Drusfnla.Toledo.O. Waloikg, Kinsan k MacviN, Wholeaal DruERHla.ToledJ.O. Hall' talari h Car ia taken intern ally, acinic directly upon th beod and mucoii tntlacea ot the ayatern. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Teatitnoniala free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Effects of a Hot Day in New York. York m.ii-h, lilh. There were eight deaths from neat lotlay in New link, six in Brooklyn and fully two score of prostrations. It was the hottest day in two yours, or since July Z l!Hi, which was the hottest day iu the hutlest month since the local weather bureau opened in 171. The ollicial record of that day, two yeurs ago, was !)! degreca. Today il ran to !'l degree at t o'clock iu the afternoon. Down iu the Directs humanity suffered terribly. In tbe tenement districts the heat was uuliearahle, l.ilttle rliildreu suffered esix-ciully. This state of 11 flairs continued from early morning until lute at uigbt. In the evening the scorched liihab ilnuta sought relief on roofs, at tbe nearby benches, or by taking cur rides. 1 Wreck on the Southern- Twenty three persons were killed and bine injured in a head-on col lision on the Virginia Midlaud di vision of th Southern Railway, at Hock fish, Va., Tuesday afternoon. Pasrienger train Xo. 35, for Atlan ta, dashed into local freight standing on the track at that point The baggage ear and the second claws coach following it teleacoped. Xineteea of the deid are colored persona. Twoengineera and eo ored fi rente a were killed. Koosevclt nt Oysti-r I lay to Imvcr nor Tall at Manila mid read as fol lows: "I open the Anieiicaii Pneitit Cable with greetings to you the people of the Philippines." (iovcruor lull replied Willi a long cablegram. After this the President sent tl message westward Hound the world to Charles II. Mackuy. who was with Mr. K.misi vell ut Ovster I lav. Il was sent nt 1 1 :'.':) ti. m. mid was i-eceivt'd bv!-" Mr. Mackav at II::!... Mr. Mackuy r-il it'll, sending bis message cast- ward. Ihe tune consumed 111 pars ing urnu ml the world was III min litcs. Thus the earth is girdled by elec tric waves, nu achievement ol great moment lo the l ulled States mid to all the nations on theglobe. Since the first message, "What liod hath wrought," Hashed over the w ires. there has been improvement after improvement in electrical trans mission, and now with a cable around the earth and the ability to send messages across the Atlantic without wires, what may we not expect in the coining days ! leplh of w uler and ! .1 10..1. hoise waded ashore, where a railroad 111. 111 1,1111,! ii liuinjiire'l. save lor a slight scial eh on one foie ! leg. The horse w is not inissed ! until Whitehall was reached. The was tii, ind j joiirnev to Nullum!, I. isheil 011 a special tiain. The Independent American I arnicr Longstreet'a Eye Not to be Taktn Out. Vllanta !i-Mt-h.atli. Advices from (iainsville, (ia.. today, where it was reported yes terday that t iciieral .lames Long street, the ex Confederalc com- inaiuler, was snll'criiig from a can cerous growth, for whMi the re uioval of bis eve would Is' neces sary, say that the physicians have decided that no oK'l'atlon w ill lie pel formed soon. It is furl her stated that there is 110 immediate danger and that while (iciieral Longslreet's condi lion is serious, it is not alarming. The condition of t iciieral si reel is materially improved to ..:..i.i t 11. !i.,.r r....i ,-is'.t iociii. .vii. i - "" Women. to I lie general laie mis niiernoou. his physician, lr. K. P. Ham, gave out the following statement: "(iciieral Longstrect is much bet ter. In fact, I found his condition so much more satisfactory thai we have indefinitely postponed the operation.'' When the Aineiiciin I.111111 1 rises early in lln- morning it is to look; over broad and li rule acies that 1 Ills ow ti. lieu he goes loith It Is to lleMs that 110 human being tan lawfully step upon .itliout his consent. When he gallnis ami garners the harvest In- !..n-s up whal.rt a vast nia.n.iity of eases, no greedy and rapirio-as .iii.!l,,i .1 cm lake from 1 1 1 in. Il is all his. The proceeds 01 il me to dot he j and feed him and his family aipl educate his children: to In1 the. support of his old age ami Hie heritage of his posterity. Looked, at from every point of view, it isi doubtful if there is another human 1 being nnilci heaven who has more; cause for carry ing a light lie. 11 1 and a contended iiiiikI, I'm icganliiig the past w ith satisfaction and Hie In tine w ith hope, than the American farmer. Mr. Polk Wants tli.l mborlla. Uriel, duly ;. Wheat is sorry; als ale good: tsiltoll siuali .ilnl 1.1I. ; coin ..klllg very i 11 e .ii-nb-i ing ihc tlry weather a i l .-.,:,. ti bugs. Ihe iie.ilth ol tills n.-ighbolhiMi'l s ... il, their l iug very liltlesit k iiis. 1 1!. inaii Si ut Mills is veiy ... and .jitis to die ut any 1. nu. Miv l'.-aiik I'.iulks is ou ia nu i,. .s. S In-had the fever. i,'. I was d-.wii al Ihe great r.iniili l .Inly e. leliialion and it ..s a gland day. a day .f plenty a:, I that ' was g'"l. and we old . ti ia:;s it with joy. It was a giaal dinner mid given by u-.l of I nion county. I p it up ,ii Messrs. Ai uilielii's sta 'I. in,.! put my iiinl, u lla and lap-loU-tii liis niiiee ami went on 111 y wav 1. 1 ,1 -lug. W hen I came back to star! home I went nil.) the oflico lo gel 11, iiinl. i.-lla and ioIk, but the inn'. u II. 1 was gone and an obi broken one iu its place. Tbe per s.ui w h. .lid that must have Urn woikiieg !! gain, lioiind pickup aii 'llier man s iiinbrella and put some p; i-i s m place of it. Who , -, ,1 y.,11 an- lake my uiiiluvlla l.aik lo Messis. Auilield's stable mil I will gel it and you will get m, in-, ine. lake it back. Ioone t'liti- Miiit is light and .shame the li-;l. if y oil uevel did lielore. I ..ill it a trick. If it's the i;is. .,r your Kike. mid and tbe Lout's sake, lake il hack anil let it lie tie-last. I am an old veteran that gl.uies iu the fourth of July. .Us. A. P..I.K. Nigbt Wes Her Terror. -I w e. 1 gh nearly all night In ig. " w 1 -,'i s Ils. ( has. Apple, ate. 1.1 A ii aiidi ia. Iml., "and 1, mid hardly get any sleep. I had coii.uinpiioii so had that if I walked a block I would cough li i.i Hilly mid spit blood, Imt v In n all other medicine tailed, 'nee !. bottles of Mr. King's view I'lseoveiy wholly cured me ami I g lined .".s poiitnls," It's ilisi.'uli ly giiaranleed to cure 1 "ii g Ii-.. Colds, La (iripw, Iiron lulls 1 m I nil Throat and Lung lioiihles. I'nee ."ii.- anil ifl.(Kl. 1 1 i ll bottle free ill Luglish Ililg i -iiiili.iiiy 's. A Mild Looking CuiKuerer. To hear of the sn.Hiping, f,lloll 'deeds ot .las. I!. I liike ns the domi nant spirit of tobacco, one would look 1'. bud something hooked, . cu e, niul predatory ill bis face. 1 !t isn't there: his face mouth, ; !ii.e. 1 hiii. jaw. brow tits well jitli the balance of the figure and lakes its round, soft, pudgy place ! ,i commonplace The last thing Mr. Iiiike resembles ill appearance is a coiniit int. ' No Pity Shown d'or years fate was after Ine . continuously " writes V. A. (till bilge Verbena. Ala. I hail a ter i line case of Piles causing J tu ineis. hen all failed Kuckleu's 1 ii it1. 1 Save cured me. laplally .oi'd for limns and all aches and pains. J."ie al llnglish Ming Co's. Durham is Coming. Theboaid of aldei'iueii at I'm ham reduced the iiiiinU-rof saloons from -Jit to p. gi ing license t these until .laimary I. It this rale of re fill III is to In- kept up. I'm hi 111 w ill soon Is' entitled lo it place oil the "dry" list. (iirls a Plenty. A l.oauokc, Va., dispatch ol llu-i iinl says: Mrs. (leorge W, Cham--Ih'I-s. wile of a I'riiiiklin county fanner, today gave biitli In four healthy girl babies. The mother ' and ipiartette are doing well. The vicinity is excited over I he event, Id and young, going lo see the Utile ones. 1 resilient llinisevelt has Ih-cii nolilieil. Tlig other day :i little negro boy threw up tu mv.dher of the same rare, that his mother took in wash ing. "Ob co 'se she do," replied the oilier, "lbd j ou 'spect she gwine to leal) it liungiu' out on de line while vo' daddy is out ob "Strength and vigor come of good foot!, duly digested. 'Force,' ,1 ready-to-serve wheat and barley In a!, adds no burden, but sustains, iKuuislics, inv igorates." 1( you desire pure Ice, coin bitied will) honest weights and I rompt delivery, phone 30. C.M.ii.i Wallace. IGiieapflour s Bafl Flour! Long Hair " About s year aio my hair was coming out very fast, to I bought a bonl of Aytr's Hair Vigor. It topped th falling and mid my hair trow very rapidly, uniil now 11 I S Inches In lenfth." Mrs. A. Boydalon, Atchison, Kant. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hungry hairnceds food, needs hair vigor Ayer't. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy, h n . an tarn-. II iar rucr' caaiM.l atir-pl Ban aa am dollar aad a aill an.r.-aa Tnaabottla. Ha anra aad aiv tha nam I roar aaara ir affira. A1n J, C. A V KK CO.. Uvall. Ma, Brutally Tortured A case came to light that for per sislaut and uiimerciful tmtiire has perhaps never Ik en cip a'ed. .bs1 (.ololnck of ( i.llls.l. ( ,llll'., wiil. s: I'or . years I endured iiisiiilrrable pain In mi llhciiniiilisin and iinlbing relieved ine though I tried eveiy thing know n. I came across l'.lec trie Hitters and it's the great est incdicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely re lievetl and cured me." .Inst us gisitl for Liver and Kidney trouble and general debility, tlnly .iiic. Salislaction guaranteed by llnglish I rug ( '. To Cure a Cold In nne Day Take La native liromo V'liinine 1 jhlt-ln. All ditiKKiata rptiiml the money il it laila to cure. K. V. Grove' signa ture is on each boi. 25 crnts. Phone 1O6 when you want the best meats, tender and fat. We will do the rest. II. Z. White. Our Ice House is opposite J. J. Lockhait & Co.'i store, l'hone us when you want Ice. No 3O, Cadieu k Wallace. When in need o( fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. It's l,,u , nee is the inuker'aet case tt.i ttic iiileiintily of hit piuiliirt. P,vil flour is bad flour ihi in.itti'1' how it ia matiipulat I-, ti ti .1 jii:i,lc-i in patkiui. It iill italics hack to the Mine Hang. (.:"), I fljiii mixed with p.n.r will improve the quality ut Ihe hlcnil, hut like mining white paint with Mack, it takea an an till lot ul w lute to pro-ilui-e any elfi-ct. bad or cheap lluiir in lacking in gluten, Ilia nutritious portion of Ihe wheat. It also cuutaius a Urge per centre nt the pulverised husk or tiicil of the grain. All ol hii h you don't want. Then fine, we caution you to ask lor the Invincible" brand. Tbi In ami i iolil at the lowest ptice for which really Aral claaa flour can b (old, aud it price ia the higliest you need . lo pay iimrJcr to feet th beat. Mr. Newman, cur local baker, nays: "Invk-cihl" it th I can get for baking," HENDERSON HOLLER MfLLS.