THE SOS ROE JOURNAL G. M. K. V. HAt.EY, KEASLtY. Pl-'H- Tl tSl Ju.y .1, i P j. Simialing the l.ocal Lights- MIUH POINT AND TKINITY. tomu is I A M-ht ot U i oilh nNl"s time ami uioi. One a Sad Mace to Visit on Ac- I'iffy x iiiaiiutVturiiij: .!.tiitt. count of the Memories, and the l" "u 'f lh"1" 4 ,u,,n Uil every oiie m&Kiag mouej ii.hi.i n.oter iKt. (lirr fortt !' llu-iu are I'.hlliai K--i",i !t-r t trpult ul ttirtrfrnt le iio-raine c in. i tu n at Kjltih make coi icolui:; i .i ftii.u tc'.hr!. "Mr t'."i- .. hl!ot.l by I'u.ted States Sci.ati.i Miium.ns. lie picaJcd til rilut bl , yy it ui the Wutl A.l. nis-hrl U. i'iiniti..t. tiJ jKtJ, saline, tii.t l! is tl llie Ill-itui Mi'i'JIi' tin C' li.:ii.liit-..itli. j'i.1 . n- . t ln -i.ii.lh. lie re i ll'MPU .(i..'.C Itlllv t. li.C --..i j an.iv" hu t .nre it u,e pul'ili' Wcu ( t i i tne out ill ; U'lH- t wt suill .-.oifCs as this. "lit tti: i i:!iit-i ii-i- ! I ji i t-titciitct ; ; Hut Mt. J.i;i.s ti. I, u ut,h; I !u. .1 til- I.IM.Uc a:. I wlll'J oil tl ; !,.! ' .: He i irjxitt-.! l. I tin- .-ill l- .irt I iJlc ol IVtltL.oj Other the Nearest Weal in North Carolina. j Writ, Trawler got out f I niou futility oil tin trtt, iitul li.ui real!) i ai-ii ouie ititercMiiii: ii.nitlt mi furniture J' t ! . t ork men. Till- lti"t n town l-m't ti ! llie strength of tscik oiueii aiel ounv i-hil.lsrii. Stioiij.. It. a!ll:. l ire ..... I .1.1 I ! ..Ill North lurolnu. U im: Under I for i , . ,....r. oet' d.i. :o d 4 eek Ni-e.iki.i-; tour in lUn .;.,.,,,., A!...l.i.;.o'.u:l....:.... dol,i eoitiity. he lelt M u.roe .... ,.,, ,,, ,v,i;u. , Monday ami slatted tutor a.,,.. ,, .u.)!..- haul ork in the ea-ix. ..f ,h,,,.,l..rj . (lv (l(.v j!( .,lvlUMn ., eum ton. u.siiw tne uejiij , ., vu.,y ,i u. r. n'.u i.ivui'.n ill oilier i n.ii iviier utnl hier m Ikh'1 Ihhi-s. aii.l Ih-i- I ter eiiipM'd I'lil U-tter '.iul le.u h i Voh iuU a J-il. kill. an Offi cer anj Si-wis lo IVbonen. IVaJ I'lu.k v SIh rift Try inr to Core W i.h ! s brcaLcr. l AM. el nilj;lil lie Mt ltlvil. l lne.ik l'.il ill H:li I'oitit line lie li. li l. The :!mnl, e Slate S.tiH'i ii;leinl ent II. MeKiite a-.eliiiMUi'e!eil. ami llie !eo.Miii: Lift ieanu il lie ,is there to meet I lie i ilei -anil take llie III! nil It I til . The u. lie ii k "I llie Male .e a hI ill I'l to Mr. M. li.ine i..r tin- ..! k il.'lli' wlille til olllie as tie I . tiulU I ; i .t.-k i ! zny , ... tilit a-; ti!it li.r .1 Ul.V j'' IV;. 1 t: i .; . I- .s. ll li t tin.?e :.t.. ' ii It Ikhii" I :r: it. ! Illll. I I'l' I i'l' t, UilJ H.ll1'-: .. I '.f. "I :.' .1 t. fir li ii i.i li.i' .it ; n lie-.;. Hid I. it t: r I'. ..i. I'll .li I".. I 'ilM. . . ! ii 1 i. It . -.111.1. i. a l.t,.u',..c w i ,,i u l!...t l.i tli-. .: i Ail ii 'l '.:.,it it Mi.iii 1: t l! u.l; li..t dL ii. ale. 1 I til i..!elUllJ till v. S.u ti tins;.! .-.! a tiiiuiv, rii;ltt U"Uia 1' eriv !!. I r.-:i Uiiil l.iliiiinalili' st.'iv I. it.- '.in t ; tie.-tN I'lil'lif IhiiMiiin aial oi'e llie IhM linlel III llie Stale .lie ai.- Illiere. tiil eer tittup aii.l . .. i l!i mk. l.ili ii N. i. i--t . tlieie. tail not tlie ik an l . in i.'i ali'iie is 'i..ia -e! I'll-. I la Stftvt .! II. 't .1' i'l' u!,wk' I is so'il tn the i'.ln'. 1'ioiM tl..' li'l ,liie leailiuu vilneiis I ill. ! j i-s like ;ei :ii;.liltt tins. IM .1 1 llie teliiH l alav eul l i l..l full 1 1st ll!!. i I h tr 1 . a: i .tit . : ii 1 1 .u H..II I v Ui,i. I'l II k V,', ' I.-1. i IW .1! - l i to Ti..- M i la r lr.Mii 1.'. .1 it.. s.. ; .1 i:u ( 1 Iik l.ti-tli. r atiut a . ... a.ul i.:a .11 ah l.iN ii 'l a titan it.ian-4 s i ... k;i i-. a '.I, li nn l I a! tile II.. I S;l!ll.. l AN EJUVW E ItCNIC- f The IVople Mad a li.f Time at' Ahcraft't Mill l.t Saturday.! lUit No lloy U( a Chance tO( litstinuish Himself Tiie msi.. (m ule ut i .ii. tall s mill in M.iilai!lel.iu ' .I;!. ma in every a a Miem. J l!y t.-ii .'i !m a Uuei ro.l l tan ; to a. inl.. i 1 1 nut alt I'.irl!. el I lie i-"iiii! ami from other eoiinttes iu llii Sl.ile ami s..ntli ( ani'.nia. The I'ls' she tvf-iw il l t ,. iIiom Mi m til lar:e. Iiiat. wi i.- ! ia lte. at I'.isi:.. (.at w !,.. ( ,.u!. i-..ii:it tli. nif The) ! tl.iv. I . 1 I'l.-n-e. a ili ! eie s altentl l.eiv aiel there alal tilt. lx li ning liie ci. i mliele. Ill i?t..llw of til ainl :. the A I I .11 is slat. li liaal-h lot,, llie t tetll!Ml.l ;ll I'olllt ii. l. V it le ls II!!. ii-latuiv i re. tile one mas the iatest, in i.- ' .!r e! .1 CI!. !..-. Ill't till' (..II !,r a;,." ' -.-.ill li,. i1. ,t t!.. ton. lit ..111' llltCli'Ift.l S.' Mia f itit.) tne i 'ti .!. Hi- tl il I Naitl. It that nai'ii-. t , I . t- a i-.l n: -1 Si ;. a. s-. j ' " a the t - t l"'""- I le S, l...t Mi.S.i i: i:: the ill -nil I . I.ii V. I . M. S:l .11' ! Ill tin i: t N!i. i n t -I ;n ia II '..- :li :! ! i.I It i. 1. :-!".! j he-til el piiMit- eiliii-atiiHI III N.u 1 Ii i ' 1 1 '.militia. His .ieem .- lu-liil 1 ! i. i -a .. i. :.l mil. it to ill. I he ueaNltll 11 ll w.'H it i. ullier!se iae ln-cti a soineliu j teilnais It llie lllst niee III;; jiollil was ll the ohl seat ol Trinity eo!ie;; tin miles fiiuii Ihli I'miit. Tins is one of t lie many spots in the Stale that eoinjiels one to U- sail ulien 1 1-- it. li s like visiting the ohl home llie family nest alter the hiiils are all llown away. There sl.iails in snmlite silence llie mas sue ol.l l'ililil;n; In tlie lieiviilean I'tlorts of that .iaiil ni .M.riu ai i'iiili.lilv iM. i.ii i at. , llie llesli ami 11... -.1 of that ;;i . it : VJ , , , . , in i:i u.i- I'lil ill. tin- i.iiek.iail: in. i I .it of t he !ari' ImiUiai- w hn h is now a ih-i ai iii ;ii. .it n in. i.I In the i stni-le ami ,n hieiemi nt of a ;iea! i llie. I'lil I.' is tlie l.u ue ell Itu'l. i ami I he i nst i n m limn In. h the 1 1 ; Itufi.rJ I'njoy in I "at ol the I jinj. ii.rai nee n nil-lit men nin e tin. ril , - eat nest, ami linn it. I he lie iii. itileieM thenisi hes in th.s mallei ami don't lewe it to a . Mi . II. I.'aan. oae of the It.- I in llmnti.ii and'.!.a-4 eiitens, ami . li l t man of Ine i.aiitt eoin latsst.iiiei-s ol' t.niil..iil. I. .id ti.e thai llie eoie stiii.iy tt.iiil li.'t tolerate liitiot. Tamk el" l.'oo H.u k in.' men - in 't w .inn li and i iui ..:m;..', .1 lh.- M.. (ill. .He I . i : a i. in J..ll, S 1.1 ..1.1, .1. ,. . lli'lll !ll'l , e .:,' . !,.. I: k , j. j-'i .;.M..,n. a t ia: ,.,,, aii.i h. nil. III. I ,. an. e .a I!,.- i ... 1 1 l i!' i I '.I I lau .ia. l inn s luoie. Suiie Mt iu liu lliesn -i., some us line. I in sltady pla.-es, II a.. ... fliers sti.'lh-d alocj; the Iviuk ol l n tl,. n.ii, or eoliisted iiih.ii the 'I. In .-i.-. 'ine lliinkin of lio a in.1 Uili ll Hoiild lx' to fall llito the itiilddy water lielo hil. eaili sialw.tit youth imagined liiinsll llie In in. 'I a pii'iiif roniauee. Saeli u.istite liMitlty of the tn" "ii. ol ll ; II. in i is:.. ii. h.ll one thiiia luoie In list iltest.ila iiumlj Iti't Is- etllllUd. VI. thai .llllllel !efi. it in ar Tin i i w huh ail eiioed so much. Those a l'''l to the t, .in alar as uell as those from the l;.l" f..r assist immedi.ile leiiilly had Hot forgot a in V'"in-; I"' tell lo lit mi i ll liiied Itiskets. Il i. li wasroit , was a iliniier nen ly all for the a las! W edm-s hhh i.i, mi ut all. ami he ho eoiild as i u suit 1. 1 , a. a i s.,11, i.. .a 1 : -'in r .'-n!. ti! it .'l.V;n f.a I 'ii . . ii.. is now link ,( ... jfc-t , njj ,,( W,',.;n s i "tin t! e items ot tlie d i ! ;l'i .ii'l'. ll ! l it. I1 le In thai a ::'.! .im"'u:;,' tip to m.t enjoy that dimier ulinulil j;o to iytii h I... mi ei anl V.alteis, and M.nii'oi- ai.d drink uttesiau mater l'lesh, mi j,,.,K th. s,. two men mid f,.- the lienelit of his health. a .' tha t lie-, i ti. and sia'teti'il .lu.L-iii; from the liuuitier of Sa.ii iiiii.i.lii ii. ar taw ii. ninh r ettalocues distrilititetl. the friends laid . I !' ii ; ia-. .iis Vls,..and of the Winkle and Mailiville l'a i.e. I., ia, i, a ia i ai .1 to slip m-IihiU weie jttvatly iu e idenee. I.a'i'li alls -,.nt .;.ihe his escape, and llie one topic of tsili id: ell 11 li.akn.,- ".' : ii at a cent !i I' fliete ai'' -i L.thiiv. ai, 1 . ,. ,,.,, I. I ';,. o .ml at.'l 1. i .. i ii:. i.I aa.l ,. ill i 11" sai Hi. li ; : J l . l'a illil.l a . in :i-, ii. : I. at . Ape ! I...; :, a i ; a. iiaii i i i.. a s . , a in 11. I ii , , "t. In- i.- ut. ,i I'll.l'i.t i ' v. ..I' 1. In lias . i . ol Mpl as con seen t he -est I i a I ice of the a.l a I, mi' np"ii the wall. -atioiis. Mete may U ii idle that would .11: si i iini'i the name aa.l tinner ami tnnai.-r of H pit I tne of 1 i . li.m I, ija-j I'i-lil,' sialic n' tiie '.!l ! any a tn .t ! t!-, tin. .: Ihr i M ll II, act:., II n ! i , i it hut III pnl ui it n la , .1 I 1 Ilia campus is i-..mii up :a j waeils. the men ie 01 i lius is i;.i:ti. i anil In-ie ai.d . 1 1 . 1 . -, a i lice, many of them class tires, ; planted I hei e l' scnim classes ,i, the In l.el" thai It a eeiituty to , cnlnc they ..llal t. II ol t he deei! :f mu'lt'y ci.issin, ii. The old lieatd ! II;.' hulls. , of the v illae. in w i.i. I, liiiinl:ci!s o Uii s who have .':! c. ! "I aic il'iin, . ;ieat things. In, na il lllf lllalllihl ol! si ,i seell'e I he colli il ii an iat lol. i 'I llie ah! I ion i in i ll" il.'lliiaalc.l I hell' lues, ale fill ' iii inln il issoliii am. While iinai.y 1. 1 I In in ate "I .u capie.l In I hall OM fi'l s, these I i- as s.i'l ,,eed I Is I la ii lion a-s. Tiia .?!,( ol tjie I itw s of nil hai i' poio out. I ! n j 11: I till la, to lie Mire, may he seen a spl i JilU lie Imtise of iii'.ihlli iesi.'ii. Inn the t pc is tin 'lain liolv . I I I' ll eoiild it lie o hei ise.' int , i h I i I ' "I'1'' "' si'hool 1 lll.ue, pail. i it , .. i lai iy ,i ci!c.,a v il! ha e i,nc 1st. 'lie Itside of I in- lllstlti, t,., li. and u Lett it h ipp"!:s that the ia j 1 i si i: ui a, n pies, fhey are at sea. I n i ''! tin lit of tiie htlle sloie.s or on tlij :i it. pot'. In s the ohl lai n .i! li. i and s, i 1 I., and talk a ui talk tlia mi. initiation i. i, of a dullard euii yiiev, the itan. July :.'"th I'l.e .lei i ni I'.'UI t h Is .i-.iiu Clint.'.! as ,.I u.. the past and I la ai n:i el, iy m!i j , ee oi.iy w.i. Is of pialsc lif ilia-'" i H,, peep.e el ..,loc all 1 tin 'II !;. ta!ity . 1 wis si tuck w .: h ! he i.ii ft lalliWup will. !l cI-!s '.. Ml. hi,, of mil old s' is. i a;,). Ha at'is ni and lloht. tin !a star, a I' ill In I t he cause "I 1 Ills i i.-se It :,! ship tn ! e ,l' III, .. 1,1 M I,,, li oi I I. 'I li lie llli' Slat i"tl .llll ;iy- I en :1 w ii. A union soldi, j- u .li aw ii sa ,,; , w as i ady to i : I ..ot. 111. I' i: I'-oii a I Pa' i'i 'W w 1 tilled C.I! ' ah 'i ! ".'1 la Last i, ,;i 1:1 iKcl tiica io,!e Ol t!iC li H"II ,l I' n in ii. I . , i a 1 1 I I I: ism. ii. d as a w i: mi '.!, I at !,, I tin i a piny I'. i t ie . 1 .1 1 . I iitade .is.,11: as ic li ,i ; an Inr '. ap in-; asiii. ' ..I llil-,1,' ii t lie ea d cm; ei iialll oi I II IU c si,, ll,e tl, tl.e ."in. 'llll '.auk "I the linn loii, ei pt that reserved for hnetsiiuall picnic iscasioiis, w.ts li e .ippinacluii): .if these two sehools. ml wlienner a crowd of intelligent l.s.kiti: hoys and ylils enllecled either Prof. : loud or Pi of. iMv was (here to i smile and shake hands. i aa.l id til..' . l!i, i.ii.; . tin 4 the Mi. W Chester Iliad I 11 I:. .in a 1 li Its s.t V I ill It ll j I'lolt.t. led tlleclih-s Iui li-v. I.. II. Ali.i t 11! a sal le oi sel ll es ni.:lit and li. a. I'. . ! I" "tic ai S.iii.lx I' la At eek. I he I.II lllel 's f a "! I'l l i . is last dis.ippca .lie V a.i'talile.. ti nit. c c-s in aliiiml tin e P for lam . I n ps ma l "I'-i'l-t ,1!.- the late Mi. .1. II. I.,ii..v I lull apple tie. .. 1 1: I'll about I J inches. I, plas oil 11. I lie put s of disti n t 1,1 me. i "ii lllda III il-list to '11 1 ill I . , , 1 1 I, . i I. is I; ,, -,,1's ,,, ai h.l c op. n 1 1 loll ' l a I , at A.l I'. :.. Snl.i. l . i,i t I ia Vi " sai l tin; "Id iiuti d- i .i; i -sin.' In-yotii'i; visitor. "Iain! t r. ii 1 o! my cul-i and wiulj like I Ui si . tin in i . tn I, rt a til y nurrird and .ei I liac tiiinle a little inniiry thi v v:l! not K 1 1 their lius hands p -nnili si. There Maty, she's twenty hve yeats old and veiy ijo'id Kill. 1 shall sive hit ; ui V'h.ti -lie maines. Then ,ls tonics l'..t, wil l fee thift)-livca-i::, .111 I ! sh.ll i;ive hit , ft ',. '', .in,! Hi-.' nun wli i takes So 111.'. lu, is ft'y will l)M' f I ;..Mo wiin hi r. Tin: ojiia; man r, tlc t. I 1 r it tii 'tiii iii 1 r sj, and tin a 11. ; in "V'Ui haven't on ,.ii at tilt v. have vou'" 1 he Our Bargains No Bounds! We are plunging ahead, captivating more and more people every week with our surprising bargains. It's your privilege to choose freely from these values now. Better ones couldn't be, "as good" ones are hard to find if you do find as good, they won't be as cheap as ours. Silks and Dress Goods. The must comprcheiuite, the most elabor ate, by alt odJ. the most worthy showing e hate ever maJe. and the price--cll. you will he surprised, that' all. Corded Taffeta, worth ode. special at Jc. W ash Silk, worth Sdc. special at iic. Yard w Ide Taffeta Silk, no better lor $1.25. pecial at Osc. Jo inch w hie Jap 5ilk at SOc a yard. .W inch white Nik at 75c a yard- I'eau de Crepe Silk, In all shades, the latest thinn in Silks, at We a yard. The Celebrated liethaldt Silk, yard wide, special at SI.2S. This 51 Ik U guaranteed in every respect. Wash Goods. Another bijc lot ol Mill Ends put on sale todav. l2cHKat 7jayard. like Ijiwn at 7c a yard (loud Calico at cents a yard. 2iic Madras at 10c. l ull line of White Uoods for dresses, waists, etc., at prices to suit all purses. Miscellaneous. 75c 5treacthy Seam at 48c. $l.l Shirt. 1 special at 7.V. Suspenders 5c up. 50 dozen Socks, worth Mc, tlie lot special at 10c a pair. 10c Sucks at 5c a pair. Specials to offer in Clothing. See it. Shoes. The brightest, the snappiest Spring hoes produced are here (or your selection. Children's, misses' and laJies' Oxfords, Pat- Leather, Bluchers, anJ Strap- W t sell Queen Quality 0 fords $2.50 and SJ-OO; all the new .shnpes: see them. A Millinery Hcauty Show. A surprising exhibit ui New Summer Millinery. The Paris Hats and our n matchless creations. We are splendidly equipped to meet your millinery wnnts. Showing an endless variety ol choicest Netting at just the price you want to pay. New Parasols, the latest and prettiest lor summer. Just received and at prices that will interest you. Come to this store for your want and you will find It. BELK BROTHWKS Clionpest Store on Karlli. ,1 I, r c I. I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 ii. Is CI 1. 1 a t ! - : '. Wi oil I l.iee' III La tliaa I'M'klU. ool s;.i is sou;- ' i- 'Vlij In II- llltd Ha IlllitV s, the ll'st ' 'hsllll 111 ' in ! ; .1 i t: i;el lee ill I'hniie .'111. ( adieu a- a 1 1 nit 1 in. I a s.r. .1 Mi la,!. : has A Weakness ei the Race. V l'i .,! i' the I -ti. "Mils V il l't lil li.Hi' tl "I t!icila '.U, 1 1 e V Ti,.' Ni III -t I! li: Iu .I-! V I '. ut li.i- 1.11 ii 1 i : I, la S II I I 1 .;!. I.;!,: ifl ' 11,1 11' ! : : N, a ol llltl'l il ll -1 'i,i - ,! ili. l'!-l M !a 11 I. l.ilt'i -.1 w i , li 1 ! h pal s ,t,.l 1: 1 ,! ,i.t,-, :; tl.lll v.ii.l iinliM.iis, il :.. ,i l: nil t , I nun up lietln ilnl.llr'il pi pcriv ill 'If'-hl',:! hao'U iiili'-l-,l vi 1 1 ti tinti rl.i..s,ii criin i' 1: a a oily :,i 1 it lli,'-.t li.itlil.liiy lil'':'l-p int.. i i s, la-lm .ivlut'tl, ami iniir h-n-i. fin v ,uiil,l n it live llei e 11 wet k li '.lit' I i"-p,',' le Ilt yraps, I'ri'ii.p'e.l ly the i::-li!ii t of sell piu tci ti.Mi. lli.ali' tl.em k'l.nul tn tlie pa. hoe ami assi.tnl in tl.ei r anast wlien waiitcil. If the viuitlilrss net;ra is put unilcr the ian hy his ami , pie lie will have n.u app itiunly to lotij; a iiihlic tun-. nice ar a puhhe lUtlfJl't'. It has lieen an tmi.-'i Innate fart lliut the tiet;i ue ni llie Soiilh have shewn a disposition to shtcM from puni.ito men t lla-law I'l i Hki i s i f tl: a i i race. No criminal, us a rule, has heen tan mean or vile n at In rereoe their svtti- pathy and pruterlian, if p. -si thle, w hen punaliilii'iit was alxnit tn nveitake him. This has put the r ue ill a very had l.cht, hut s ail.! how the h-ailers have heen uniihle ni iiiiiulliin; to tit out of it. Hal while thin in a well known fact in the South, perhaps few of us UuUkIiI the s.ii:,r tiling existed ill the North, where the masses ol the ColareJ people aie Iu le more intclliKcr.t. Two weeki or puch a matter ao a wreck occuired on the Southern Rail way at K oi Wish, a ., and twenty three people wete killed. As one of the eijuela to the disaster, the cundui tur, Capt. limbeck, who war blamed, along will) the dead engineer, for the wreck, is laid to have become insane, and hia niiml has not experienced a lucid mo ment since the terrible catastrophe. After the wreck he was fount wander ing aimlessly about ia the woods five miles away. The only wonder is that ome of Die good and true men who are responsible for to many human lives, their owu included, oo the rail roads, don't go craiy before having any wrecks. j A son the first was boro to Mr.! aud Mr. Grover Cleveland last week. I The old niau will no doubt be as proud ot the youngster ai if it were a grand son, which it properly should be, tee ing that the old gentleman is approach" ing llie Hire score and ten mark in lil. i of the'i' can ei sat ion. And ainoi,; : llie old men ale I n ol I ite Im in, i pi .il'. ss.,1 s, (ianna.i.ij and (air. I'hej lnin-!a iiinl help tlie olher o'i j men keep nine the -hosts of the I piisl. I is l.iil the laleol Ilia Inn llie old mail, lioei illiell, , jiaiijliu, as i in case ma I.e. to oae side its it useless tiling. I n the hi 111 e I he w nhiu ami il.inhler of I : I'laveii. 1 f course we inoe with llie tunes, mid il i.s the par! of iloiu, nial 1 1 Jit. to keep tip u nil the necessities of the changed eon till inn. still, 'lis nlw a s sad to eon template the wrecks, even lhoii-1 lhc arc the w n eks of prnrev,. I loll1 the people aieVieet ilia; I, vole ll sM'ci;il wliniil til for tin wiinlc township, and It-aitin men met on the duv of the speak in- mid or-aiii i il a caiiiiai-n com liilltee. I Ine of these men is ; larj;. ami waul I Ii ' fiirnier who has in n I. its hi-li as Hi. lino hnslieis of wheat at one tune. It is sin-ular that tin l.u-'esl liip;ieis I'M'ivwhete an the fei veilt eliiimpiiiiis of the mole iiieiit. AI Uinilieiniiii. where i spoke on Weilnesihiy, lliereart' live cotton in ii Is - t-ry one of them willing and anxious to pav special taxes for local schools. At l eihir falls, where we spoke on Thin day, and where thp tax will I much ai once, llie Icailni'' spirit is Mr. O. 11. t'ox, who owns n.iiliol I in' intet'csls in the two cotton mill of tlie place. His tax w ill lie?lsii, or mote than hail ot the entire iiinoiiiit raised last jear. At Kiank limille. uuolli.'i- one of the main mill x illiines alone Ihs p Kiver the river is studded with tlieni - it is the same way, nnd they are just eoliipletiii a scJaiM puhhe seiiiNtl liotiM. At Iliinisriir lin y w ill lake it up in the same spirit. At those points the mills Itnlidays on lite nays ot the speaking. I spent one nighf ut High point that marvel of North Carolina towns. Mr. Frank (ihurn of Mon roe has lieen there for si-ven niotitlis, ami holds a restHiusilnV position with the largest furniture inaiiufacliiring concern in the South. Kiiiilint! I was there, he apieiiitiil at the hotel with a horse ami bnggy in which ho showed me the town. Anil what a marvel Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Snahrlmaie, rrtrr a downs, o..i.., I Inii'ilnc a new s, i,.,. Imiise. Mi. . T. Inii. i is putti: , hi a s.l llllil III fills seel ,.l. .1.1 . 1.. . Ti;e Knist ii 1' it v I n s s, tl, it Mr. A A Marsl.l.tun. , I I tiiiii i liintv, I'st a i!n i! ic n: lit I i a p. i ni,,ir w..y last w.i li. lii i.lL" riui-U ti Ii i.I tiie in.,!.' I,, a i. ,r s illie U Of, is I .l.iie it IA',.'!1 llie ni;i!o .i'.c j i',.l mi ,.ti t i l sin 1 1 bl nic w,n in tin: w -a Is. This causa, I the shovel I: u: lie t l!v up an I sin k Ihr "Ull lllf mult -l: mil, pit tv in;; da .r thtniiii tin Ii ill .coiiniit; out lii tin si.le , ( il, h ,i.k h int'. The .miina! il.c.l in h of an Ii air . II.- lol ' llllill I , seal il all'l . 1 tat i s law . I u fin- I. llll se , I ' l-a lie 1,1 a t l,,a i,. - .a ,.t l,l 1 V I'l l V. ill'i I ' ' . , I" ' I ' i 1 1 . II, ' ', as ;-ht. pill A IV mi.; aid a I ilia s is a ilil ntlt in - 111. Hell I a.l ! a all II. Is CI i ii" all o lli' die nl'. -el hi- - s., lh,. I I'l. Ill llll'l aial h i' i Ill-Hi M'l! l,i il aire -!,"i ,, fenl' ii oi of Wyoiii I.s- tl.c Slate uii I' ami lias at-" la. s ',.;- ,i J! s,ii a.l 11,.; lof lol, I, i Mill- the est. i n call, iini, telling to l.altle tlie I h'ltll to III.' ""Iy may i.a ii.iiliv aii, nit Tin t' ill, I I a a less one. as.-1 1,, I. 1 ii'iv who i'ln.-ii. :,l .1 I ,'! I., hi i,: i. it t ue , mi. llll to I,. It .s s. i.1,1 I- ,i.i I,;, a. i. r. II I' 111!!: "!"5IItl,,'.k''J5ll1"e , J I'M Vilan.His mmm . I 4. , I" .mis, Itdhlrr-, tceuby c i u:s'.j. . ( .-.'. ,. I. . l i., t. . n 1 It I. '. S. r..ful v-l II 'I . '.- s l-:,. j . 1. I 1 It. !., I-... ', ... s t 'i'mI.-., r . if I it I . I. .Ill'l ll is ,il I ill tl.i' lu ll, I ' I ' r 1. .. l , fed t -'m, cii.srnntocf M'1.. t ! ..,,-,1 r..H,.l ,t J I .I .'!, ' lid llF.,1 . 1 1, 1. ts. , I I 'f . -l, l- ... r. s', . H ii. I.. - I : ,'l I I There sec ins t.i he s niie I itn'i am, 'tijj lii.rsfS in this sc, tan. While the iniill; s-eitis t-t In hist one lliint; ar.,1 thin an llur. -.( the fatality is rh irc.1 t i the vtiy warm ivealhar. Ah ul a I vicii m this section have dit 1 an,' sonic very su,hlt;iily. The cases, as well as the teal ci uses, S"em to balll-t the skill c( the vet.iiii.irj sur;;e"ns. Hickory Mcrcuty K. W. Kleins, a highly esteemed yr ntik' in in of liotin county, X. (' , empliAiil hy the Soiithera Cattily Company, ei Nirt'tlk, '.i , w is killed ai, d hi: lunly hortihly in itiled hya lliik !cy street car TuJay n -hl whiii the unfiirtuiiale Vim- man was on his way to Xuth.nk in one u! the wagons ni the company ( r whom he wis tiiipiuycl. Thi hotse was also killed. Mr. U a, ens was manied iHd.ijs a"u 1" a charming yotini; lady in Illii- beih City, N. C. I lis w ile is nearly frantic fruui the sudden shock. n tt i-ttilly l ist his Wife. .U..1 a. ill'i; in: f (-( si.xttha ! went tr the (i,i,L.i:, s,,i,l to Ins little j:nl i 1 ah il.1 llie s.iiin! aac, ' at i v ;! many aain, iv- lit I hi ' ' "O'.i vis" was the reply, i "tint it-' mi!. I niter the funeral. " K. I '.-'.at h is I tt teceivti i,i 1. IllOi I I lll.S. riow's t . ! i. ol.l lil.. ni.iii .in, C klnrsh, rrrwi I I , I. ii v. . I p. i.,,tioa of .ts .si. n. !'.. D. n 'I II iw ...1 ..:, .a, li.'h,.t I "M - A it I....I 1 C'l' I ll ...'UN... tt.'., I.- ; 1 ll'll i il. s I .."Hut. .u, ' t .1 1 n 14 1 n-t of I -r. ., ii by g,ru k ., m.i: $ U.-.-I '.!'! Iy t,;?is.ia tMtll. Cancer Cur:d '.i.i,' r.o,l l-.lut inr,. c.i. Tl cf ftil RliftU, r ,1 .i i it,;,ii t.. si t Tnws, t,k r -s ill a l,. C ..tcot 1'. - i h.i.ii ,.r, i ...nt r,,,f -' t.-, II 1. it. a fmf.A. ,4 I..-, v.', SW...U...I, fliyin ' -. i -ri, ar 1'ana, - I 1 - t J. ' ,. I..,l cy n .Jd, .;.-s,.r I- tl.- J ri p l,,Mi ...,.r. 11... yki'par f la .t.-r. -i- bm.,1 ill. .tits.. ., ukl:. 11,4 in.i I.i mh! lUlM. WI li leUO I'l .11. PT i. U ft ti....'.- i.i tel. .,r mnr .r,,ft't, ...U,', '..-S.-..1. .1. ll.4j.Mla l.l .u.1 'I.O.i.t n o.i. riu'il ssat.tttv ., l .kr, II a, if I ,ii r I li.ur WMjf HUS I'm- liesl fruit .I.ii s. C t i it'.'O, III: a It, tan-a Iv D istar. lii-w iti(; eia ir:i, ii,.. e'oi.t-via r-imti.n.i n - u.l J. t,.t '. . 1: r- iir' ''l.i I f -riT-x i- m i . i i t- , , mm ii- -' .,.u- t-trt. . k k. '. ., t w i. .'. iv. ' ., ... d'.t- -.1 " 1 r ' l , ! ll 1" "Is l.W.M.r II n4 14,1,1,1,1 S'r- I.. . .1 fkiltlX, tj Hilt IMV it.C.t. Sol. ley C. X. SIMl'SOX, Jk OCX tt 'X-XX&M0XX)Q00C03, rv i An tiie May Parish, ft ycar-t. : old, was killed near Crowdtt'si Mountain, Gaston county, Tues day, by a falling shaft in a cotton! mill here. The water wheel of' the mill got out of repiir Monday i night and a man was put to work' reputing it. Alter ths- repairs. were suppoicJ to have heen per-' (ected the water was again lurne I on. 1 he belt Ispped, however, land the hsavy shall was j-rkc ) down, striking the girl on the' i head. Her skull was crushed and 1 she died within an hour. Ashe 'ville Gazette. II I i, l v -a vs a V-Sl LB XXXXXXXXXXXXXX) YOU NEVER SAW a more complete implement stock than we are now showing. The Uest known makes. OMVKK CHILLED PLOWS, KENTUCKY (alt A IX DKILLS, WOOD'S MXDEKS AXI) MOWEllfl. 1IAUXESS, PLOW GEAR. Our Ice House is opposite J J. f Lockhart & Co.'i store. I'hoficj us when yru want Ice. Xo y-i. Caiheu i Wallace. I want your Parker. olJ Iron. J. D. A Square Place to do Your Trading. Honest Scales and Weights. I il u nut I'Lun In he the only nirr . luiil iu nui tosn, hut 1 do rUiin to have Cuter tit Manr-c to do a h'.iti nutc humiirss uii honest primiplrs, , ami I Haul llie coed people ol Ihr Ciniiiliy an ril as tlie town to c.une i t ii il . lainine my rvri l stuck i f In i-li lanry and staple crurtnes. Flour, Sugar, classes, canned c-ail-. I ue, niiiH, aud a cum I li tr hue ut Taharco, mitint in pi it e li . :n to to ij,i .-iMits ncr puuiid. An l. oh. tn.t c,i4iul uhl hianj uf L'nflee "Hill Him,!." Jiikf rrad thr lolluiii( MMi.tllita. aud ciu.iie h is ssij. "Our Blend" Coffee. Tins is I.i certif v that f have onnl "Hiii lilnul" Coffee, ltoii(ht from W A Sicsail. and aie delighted with its hticinjlh and flavor. Ktspectlullv, S O lil.AIR, W. B. HOLSTON, J. I'. MONKOK, C.E.SCHACIINER. W. A. STEWART. Pliune 2t. Satiif acti-.n am) prompt delivery. Notice to Defendants and Wit nesses Bound Over to Crimi nal Court 1 ii fMiluwintT ill I continual ilii Aiuh-I lfiti "I t'urt. W nui-iitf in lhfr r-r tii't-J Rtir-iiil uitdl ..ti-tiitT irrm. Iui iW-ft-ii.Uiito ni r l.v Mtii.r. Aiiiritt Jrrt, tvu,'Hl rvni-w Un'if . hiiU ur t'afilKm- lll I f.r ilir-ni Mm- I' H.ii ! f " ' K.aUine " " H in Ma-sly 1 1 l " " A K 1 h'nujwt.ii ami Julin Tulim. " " l-hm iitirlt'i , ' V Hrik' - " J llasiv. " T. m Vlrti't " Jii-k ntmiMiin t at. " h It Mll.lri th Hh-i aii.l J. W HtMtt. Summer Cleaning is kkhI, hut it better when folio, v cd up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We cstl tle you any style at a low figure, ami Knaran- and .. " J H list I.. " " I .I I' li. " J,.lin K H H l - "Is lt..i..y a, l,u Ulllisma. " l.u it " " I " Jiinv eiitiiiiiiffli.m. " J"hn H. rr.,11 It illtani. .PMliirntl. " 14 J.HH'(tl Hl-lt.s.. " Mr-I.ll I IttlK. " K.,i,ni llrlm. .ml Jin Mttlrr. ' " J tt .n-r.ri. " linn. J..I.H ali.t.i. .ml Jit i ttilli.n-i.. " " II II T.rl. t..n. " K. A M.ulti. " " C.I..III. Itmlth. - "MC .ml M M Hrl.ii. ami illl.ui " Ii H..w Til. .Irfttilsnl .n.l w llti..i. l..uml r.r t. r..uri. in .11 i'.-. ii. a tu' .'.vr, mu.t 1 ..ti.l .iir.r .1 ti-.. .Hiiir. turn.. In M.Minv ua U-'ii.Uv. A.iioi.l nt.l, lia, r,.r l rial. Ii,.. Jul ii. nui V.. K IHMFIII fl.C. . '. r i O II II u k If ll tec it Iu he the prettiest durahle to be had. Look uicr our stock. T. P. DILLON, I'urnlture Denier and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84. is; ft Cool Head Is very desirahle at this season. Our clean, solid, pure let it the best cooling medium you can get. In the refrigerator iti lastinn quality makes it (real economy. CRUSHED, It adds to the clearness aud cool ness of summer drinks ol all kind. Have ns to deliver it to your rts idence daily. Tickets for sale in any quautity. Phone 36. CADIEU & WALLACE. A. LEVY. ID ti rrm urri mm rm n rrn f i MRS. A.LEVY. Important innouncement! Millinery and Dry floods AT COST. We have decided to make great reduc tions in our stock of Millinery and Dry Goods in order to clean out our big stock in time to begin to put in fall goods. Here ore some examples: 35 cents Lawns at 25 cents. 15 cents Lawns at 10 cents. 10 cents Lawns at 8 cents. A fine line of men's shirts will also be put on the counter at knock down prices. This is a genuine clearance sale of best goods no shoddy stuff. If you buy a thing in our line before seeing us you lose money.. A. Levy. A. LEVY. MRS. A.LEVY. Fjtii.miiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiHuu oooocxowooocxaxoooooooo To Cure a Cold in One Day Takt Laxative Bromo Quinine TtMets. Cm Crip li Tw Day. on every r-m- -.. rrvsDox.23c

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