n: 1. - - - - r-i--i -,. .j i - - "- THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone No. ! Tuesday. July 21. IQJ. Thought frvir. Sunday' Sermon- iRn W I". t atcj. t I like to t- a 111:411 proud of hw nalvutiou: I ttr mm-u tmly a fw Mich. Oh, when get upyomler 111 all tin' ;t:inilfiir ami glury, we II ull If pi. mil, lint so few uf usiluna licie iu the iltit and toil, an. Kr t A ni:H 1 I hllT" l lIlVIUU tif BM-illlWSJt. tiull will h-.nl viiu la tin uiliilliin-iit of y.-ur dream. , .I... H A' !- There in a tribunal In-fur which must ull a--ar u:.d our live should lie regulated lu uift Im-mi-preine teM. Mr. V. II. Itelk of Charlotte linn wnt his I ii 1 1.' iiieeea iu Murur a pretty little Huy anil bufj The aldermen lwve 4i,Moyed Mr. Turnbull to iiiib.li boring the new artesian well. Kev. V. F. Watsiiii if Monroe ami Kt-v. W. F. Fry. ap-nt for tlie kiptit Female ruiversity, will KM-ak at the educational rally at Winkle on Saturday. (tu at fount f tlit temH-nine meeting at Salem, the dale aft for i-h-aiiini: off Hi" i-emett-ry at Nhiloh Iiilh been i hanged from July 31st to Augiit IM. The Tirzali ltiltte Sm-iety will uut-t at Tir.ali rhureli oil .Saturday u( thi wk, at 1 o'cliK-k. lie r. 1. I.wynn of Steele Creek will deliver tin- address. Mr. V. M. Startles of Ibilord thinks he can U-ut Mr. W. I. I'ly ler'it peaches wbieh wer- KHkcii of last week, lit' sends The Jour nal Iwowhieh measure ti n inches in HiTiimfi'ivniv. Wo at reinitiated to announce that persons interested ill timet ut the old L !- II. Williams grave- yard Saturday, August 1L lor the iiii-iiM- if iiiiriv iiifx the ground and lieaiitifying tin' graves. A Iclegiam wan nwivwl jester day saying that Mr. V. C. Austin, who i.- at Wilmington with the Hie 'oniany, had sullered another ut taek of nppeiidiriti. and that hr was in u hospital for treatment. Criminal court of one tcrk eon veins Hie third of August instead of tin- LMid. us Mated iu last week's paper. Tlieie w ill Ik' two weeksnf the civil term beginning the I'llll of Aiij: list. Mr. C. I'. MaiiKiim of Morten lias been clecteit eashier of the new bank at t'hesterlield, mid in now w ith the Hank of Inion r-tt iim ; Home practical eierienee uloiij: that line. Alma Iliower, the little dauchter i if Mis. J. T. Ilrewer. hapIH lied to n very painful in cident lust Friday. W hile out pl iyinK Mie Mepped on a rnke. the teeth piing alunt en-tin-ly tluiiiili her fool. Mr. V. F. Morpin haiijnsl com pleted a hig job of pull in up ail veitisinc si(:iiK for llelk I Iron. II)' liis liticsy whit I he Iisin measiiied each road leading from tow n for u distance of live miles, and til each mile post put up a si-n. Mr. V. 15. franc of Marvin, who was in town yesterday, inform The Journal Unit the people in liis neiclilioihood have juat Ih'-jiiu what they expect to lie an eiht month's wliiiol, four of it to U- siilw.-ription a ml four free. A laruc nuuilH-r of the meinlK-is of the lire company left Sunday inorniiij: for Wrijlitville, and will May long enniih to unit the taste of 'each. They deserve a nice pleasure trip, und the recent help Uiveu them enalile them to take it, with aoiiie to spaif. Mr. i. 1- Itroom nay lie knows somethiiij: Hint w'll kt'i-p out wee vil its phhI us anvlliinj.'. He nay ifynii put plenty of preen hickory leaves iu wheat when it input up a weevil won't go uliont it. Il will also keep them out of k'iw, Xt. Itroom says. . Wilson Hasty aud Margh- Also brooks, the two ncgroe who were arrested week Ix-fore laMt, and wliosi-trial was M-t for Saturday la-fore Mayor Houston and 'Si-uire Simpson, came clear. Hasty was immediately arreMed on nnollier charge mid bound over till Wednes day for it hearing. Prof. W. T. Albright, principal of I'ninn Institute, wa in town yesterday mid nay that the people .r I'liimiville are lireiiai inC for a liig eduoalional rally on August 1st. Some speakers iroin niirono u,- aiu., IiiI mid the occasion will lie a pit nie one. Immediately after the meeting on tmu uuy, a inwung of the ! trustee w ill lie held iu the Ionierian Literary hall. The distivsNing Hound of the lire whistle witN heard twite last Fri day. The lirst alarm w a w rung in at V.' o'clock from Mr. i". T. la Uieu'H residence, the aecond alMiut four in the afternoon from Mr. Vann Sikes' home. Itolh lire nriifinaied fiimi the cook stove ami lint slight ditmaga wua done. The fire company responuou pninipuy to the calls, a they alway uo. The liloueester ebanged hands last Thursday evening. Air. A. a. H iinnlc of ("liester ha taken charge and Mr. tn Fcake will return this week to her home in linton, 8. C. Fnder Mr. I'eake'i man- airrment Tlin (iloucehter Wit COU aidered by all travelling mena one of the beat hotel iu the State. Monroe regret to lone Mrs. l'eake and he has made many friend during her abort stay her. Mr. Simple 1 an old hotel mau and will keep The (jloueealer up 10 its bigh otundard. Just received 300 pouud lnt varieties Lamircm a new crop iur- nin teed. Wholesale and retail, r t. rv (ILL STAR CAST RAUMNU THE BUND THIERS I Mr. t W. Brwoer apeot yeater-, Mr. Xeil lUlfearn arrive.1 in the KIE DUX) VESTEkOAY- 'day in Hamlet. 'ettf Ibis lu.wiiin; after au alwm-e Officer art Active- N- C- Price,) Mr. W. rk lsr made a buxiurM ''''eral mot.ibsiu Mwi-ippi. Ijt .lomenU Were Ones of Urvat O OacarSimpioa and Others Ar-'trip tu Wilmiuglon Saturday. I Mis Line Whitfield h-ft this fain lolkmcd by Coma- Ke- l'w VftrV TrailM OhPTI iK P ..tte In . IUr. U . , ,'luoruimf f. AlU m-rle to -. !Mt lier -.rUbte Vltal.tv ot an Ea- fltI ,JU WJ,W 0In0Ul WhUkey in a More. I from a I-umi." trip lu K-ilrign. , trenieiy uu : un j "lUiud lip r an- like irnuM, said Constable I incus: you kill oue crop and and another romca. The way to do u to kis-p killing Vuu" The otlierra have been aetive for several day agaiuM illicit whUkey aellera, not so uiueh f.T present of feut-ea but f,ir piist onen. The Siuinnu pliM-esaud the Price place north of the court housr bate beeu raided. Inide a lot of negro plai-ea. Iu some lb ollieeia were siie-essful in finding liquor, aud in others n4. The most whiskev was oblaiuetl when Ibe store room lately oreu pied by X. ('. Price, ami now re gaitleu as vacant, wan raided on Sunday al"lennsni. Two pieces of h.irrels of w hiskey aud three pie-es of liarrels of wine were found, Tln-s were taken to the Mayor's oilier and held for evidence at the trial, t'oustable Itivens went up to Mr. Price's home in ioott're k yesteruav morning ami arrested hi in. He gave Ismd .for apia-ur auee, till thi tiioruing when the case were called lielore 'Stpilre Mow. After the hearing the de feudant w as bound over to court in two cases, tli bond iK'ing tllH) iu eai-h. The SimpMiii place, run as an ice house under the name or S. t . Walsh, was raided Fiiday. but nothing found, tiu Saturilay, the other Sunpsiiu places were search ed. ( ue barrel of bottled U-er was found iu oue of the little store room, undone barrel was found in the ham of the family residence. This l.ad Im-cii shipped from Char lotte in a car of ice, and had been placed in the barn in broad ok-ii dav. Oscar Simpson was arrested and put up alloti -ah InuuI for Ins niipearauce for trial tomorrow. In one of these stores eight barrels of empty lieer Uittles were found. . 8. .Nelson was nlsourrcMed and placed under bond for appearance tomorrow. F.iioch Hart's place, Milton lMr-j gin's, John lUvis', and Francis! Perry s, all negris-s, were searched but no liquor found. N'cIm- liuclniuan' place, near the coal shute, a house of bad name, was searched and liquor found. There are several cases ngainsl these parties, mid iu some they have already hecu bound over to court. 'Squire M. L Flow and 'Squire N. S. Ogburii have iv.ned the war rants lor theurrcsts, und more un to follow. Policemen Howie, Iji ney and Williams and Constable Iti vens have served them. A Sad Death. 1 tenth is ulwavs sad, but incx- pivssilily so when it claims one far away from home and loved ones. I nivcrsul sorrow is felt over the atb of Mr. I. U. Cracker who passed nway at 5:10 yesterday morning ut the Com men ial Hotel. Mr. Cracker came to Monroe sev- al months ago from Manniugton, W. Va., to take charge of the Isir iug of the new uitesiau well. Four weeks ngo he was stricken will) fe ver, but his Nvmptoms did not be come alarming until Friday. Ten derly was he nursed by bis devoted friend and co worker, Mr. 1 hos. J. t! recti, assisted by kind new-made fi lends, but skill ami cure could not ovcrcoiuelheiliseii.se. He was in the prime of matihoot'licing I I years of age. "There net er breath ed a more generous spirit tlnin thai of L. L. Cracker," said Mr. tirccn. '-He always spoke calmly of death aud often said he was not afraid to die." Mr. Cracker leaves it wife and two small children and to them the hearts uf our people go out in deepest sympathy. The remains were carried to Manuliigtoii lust iKd. News among the Churches ltcv. 1. A. Snider and Itev. J. W. Little ure holding a meeting iu North Monroe. (in next Monday ltev. Messrs. W. F. Watson und J. L. Ilcnnett will begiu a meetiiig ut Oak (irove. During the week followingtlie first Sunday iu August Mr. Watson will help ltev. J. A. Itivens at Fniilks, and following the second Sunday these two will ls ut I num. For the week followingtlie third Sunday Mr. Wutsou will help lfev. 0. O. Wilhoit at Marshvillc. There wn no service at the Meth odist church Sunday night, owing to the fact thai the pastor wauled to hear und worship with Kev. Mr. Watson at the Ituptist church. Stockholders Meeting. The annual meeting of the slock- holders ol the Perpetual lluildiiig and Ioan Association ot Monroe will be held iu tho Peoples ltauk ut Monroe, X. C, on Monday, Au irnst 10th at II o'clock a. in., for the purpose of electing board ol dim-tors for the ensuing year and attending to such other buisuessits may come before them. Ik V. AslH'KAKT, Hecretury and Treasurer. 5tockholders' Meeting. The sbs-khalder of the I'nion County Farmers' Mutuul hire In sura nee Ansociation will hold their annual meeting in the ronrtboiise in Monroe, X. I'., on Saturday, the 1st dav of Aug.. l!Hi:i, at o clocK Iet each uieuilier see to it that he is present, and find out ull about the working of this association. W. II. Plllh'KK, President nr. Welsh's Eleven Room House for 5ah This is desirable property, as it Is near tho renter of the town and very convenient to business men It wonld also unit those wishing to take tourists who come to be bene filed by the artesian water. The bouse is In good condition, having been remodeled and palnteu receui Iv. Also, a nice rarden and out bouses add to the value aud desira- hilirr of the Droucrtr. For further information apply to PR.S.J. WEUH. Mr. V. E. HouMoa ha returned Uw'uw r :"l7t!'y ' Ut ', "rtbte vl- from a 1.-- trip to Italeigh. J- ' treniely ttld .Tan Mrs. FJIa Wilson sor, I la' I. Mn ur!'h?tt-. ": "'"V" ! . ,l:,"T,"l, -'"t'J'I' . ... .... - . .. u prupi ictomof t be l.iiq:iiri-r, isveL i i Jead. 1 he laM lluker ' " at hl-s mother's Innne at lbs k Ki-sf. Mrs. T. J. Jerome isviwliiig ivl , ... . , - in .....i. .MM ornie I aimll has ifliiiino stives la Albemarle. , ... ,. 0 ,. . . 'from Abbi-v ille. S. t .. where she Mi5 lwi llath if Comtird U h Ui u iMling f .r several days. I lui I uhiu. ll.di.li ..I Lull I . l-i- t.t : It: .1.. ... . I -r" "i" womieriiii mail ills nie. nissim-ii li Cnih I -1..1. .. .,r f :ukli,ltlu - :, :. . . . . . : I.. ..... . 1 ...(..... . - ui aunr iMinorniw i uiu i"i,,lid luttle aL'.tiuM i istase was leo Mil i.flllee ' pired at f,ii iikiiu'ii. pa-l I .. ! ck this afteiiKMiii and the Punlitl' imw j lies at tW. The peliH of over! tw,i n-k that Pom- Ijti p;uvs (I m : I lie Mi.nl,. i.l death was no le v .sited friends iu the ril) last w k. ,uilt yr! n. t. luilingMy. Mr. Theodore l'eake has ret in net I from a visit to Chewier. Miss Johnnie St urdivaul of Char lotte SH-nt last week iu the city. Mr. Hugh McAliMcr of Charlotte) speut Friday uigbt iu the city. Mi- liora Aldriclt hits returned from a visit to SM-neer. Mr. J. It. Siuipsou speut jester day in Charlotte. Mrs. T. A. Sikes of Spencer is visiting her sister, Mrs. II. Preslar. Mr. C. T. Hallmaii has returned from a trip to Iteiiuetlsville, S. C. MissKstelle Monroe is visiting her little friend. Mis Helen Wll moth, in Charlotte. Mr. K. ('. William returned from a business trip to Portsmouth Saturday. Mr. Kvart West left last night for Xyack, Xew York, to visit bis grandmother. Miss Pat Adams returned home Saturday night after a two weeks stay at Jacksou Springs. Mrs. A. S. Cos eu of Hamlet is visiting her parents, Mr. und Mrs. M. !. Flow. Mr. Fruuk Armtield went to Morgitnton yesterday on legal busi ness, he will return Wednesday. Messrs. Jas. McNcelv, .las. and John Stewart are sieiiding several days ut Wrightsville llc.ich. Miss llettie McCall of Charlotte is visiting her sister, Mi's. Ilaltie McCall. Mrs. liolim-r Stewart will leave Thursday to spend some time w ith friends at High Point. Mrs. J. C. Williitui is visiting her sou, Mr. i.lcrhy Williams ol Wlngate. Mis. Win. Archer w ill go to Co lumbus, tia., Thui-stlay to visit rel atives. Miss Mamie Walsh is visiting her brother, Mr. J. II. Walsh ot Kockiughaiii, Mr. Ii. S. Iieeuud family return ed home to day utter several weeks slay in the coiuiliy. Miss Annie Williams has return ed from nn extended visit iu east Monroe township. Misses Hit and I-ois liishop of Hamlet are visiting .Miss .latiie Stevens. Misses Margin and Fiigeuia Hitch are iu Charlotte this week visiting their sister, Miss lioliliii liitch. Mr. Heruioii Itenton of llamlel is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mix Frank Itenton. Mis. K. T. Wade of Wilmington is visiting her futher, Capt. J. W. Whillield. Mr. lteginald Wrenii of I lender sou is visiting his uncle, Mr. C. W. Aysciie. Mr. Sue Hough and daughter, Miss Myrtle, have returned from a visit to Asheville. Miss I.iwie Propst of Concord has returned home nfter a pleasant visit ut Mrs. bllen hit.geruld s. Mr. F. W. Crow left Saturday for WrigUtsvillo lU-ach, where be will end a week. Mr. Fred Thomas of Italeigh spent Saturduy and Sunday here witli bis sister, .Mrs. ll. is. i.ui ngsby. liev. tieo. II. Atkinson left yes terday afteiU'Hin for Allan where he is conducting usericsof services this week. Dr. Horace Smith came liouie from Little ltock, Ark., Sunday uiuht to Mieiid a month with his family. Miss Liiro Hvrmn of Wnxliaw is staying in the otliee ol the telephone exrlnuiL'e diirmu the ubseiice. ol some of the operatois. Miss Is-ola Met 'all, the popular "hello girl," will leave Satuulity for u visit to Concord and other places. Mr. John llass ltrown returned to his home in Charlotte r inlay after several weeks visit to Mr. John Fairly. Master Floyd and Misses Lois and Fannie Anderson of Charlotte visited Miss Margaret Held Hous ton lust week. Mrs, Herls-rt Harrier of Tennes see is exiectl this week to visit her parents, ami Mrs. U I'. Andrews. Mrs. John It. Siniiisnn, who has beeu ill for sometime, is very mm li improved, much to the delight of her many friends, ' Mrs. Iloyd of Atlanta, who hit been with Mrs. Peake for some time, left Saturday for rivaniiaii, Georgia. Mr. Rob Wolfe left Saturday for Alcolu, 8. C, to visit hi brother, Mr. Fred I. Wolfe. He will prob ably accept a posit iou there. Mrs. J. F. Laney entertained a number of friends ut tea last Thurs day evening coniplimeutary to Mrs. Boyd of Atlanta. Jim. Frauk Turner returned to her home tu Houston, Texas, Sat urday, after au extended visit to her husband relatives Here. Mr. John McAllister relumed to his home iu (Jaftuey, 8. C, Hatur day after several weeks visit to his sister, Mrs. it. u. iteuwue. wall bed the world over with Mill Misses Kathb-ene Wbitlield and i Mthelicailuiirati.m and ended only All.iiiarle left visit to Char Velum Mrrw of this uioining for a i b-tte. Mrs. Flli-.n lUlk of Un. Creek townMiip left this miiruliig for the Presliy teriau mwpilal at Charlotte. Mr. FuMai-e . itlm u-simpaiiiel Mr. C. Ii. Wull on a visit to Mr. Wall's parents ut Walltowu last Friday. Miss Anna Carder of Itarls-rs ville. S. C, is at the Caldwell hoirsc for a few weeks. She came up for the henctit of the artesian water. Master Carl Curler, son of Mr. O. C. Curlcc. bus a ixisiiiou with I his brother, Mr. J. It. Curbs', in a large dry goods eslalilishment at j Corpus t ri.Mi, Tex. Miss Ix-olit Pr,lar returned Sat urday night from a v isit to ivla tives at Lincolutoii and Shelbv. She wiis iiccoiuuiiicd by little Mi.ss Mary Crowd! of Liiicolnton. Mrs. Henry t.n-en and childn-u have gone to Wrightsville lieaeli for a few days und will visit rela tives iu the custcun part of I In state Is-fore i-etu in iug. Mrs. lion I 'ell of Jiiliusloii county, and her three children, came Friday night to spend two months w ith her parents, Mr. :t'l Mrs. W. i. Long of (bsise Creek township. Miss I.illie Long, who has liecn leaching for a year iu Johnston, also came home Friday night. Mesdaiues Wilsuii (irilliu, It. I'.. llealh,.!. I'.. Ashcralt, D. A. Hous ton, J. C. Sikes. O. M. Sanders, C. C. Sikes, O. P. Heath, W. C. Heath, .Misses l.llen lleatli. Iv, t raw loi .1, mid Messrs. II. K..O. I'. and W. C. Heath ure down by tin- deep blue sea sieiiiling a week ut Wrightsville lleueli, one of the mo delightful spots on the At lautie coaM. TAI.KINtl WITH THR PEOPLE. liev. J. W. Little is wont to say that he bus seen two big things iu his time, iiiiiuely, the Atlantic Oeean mid the Southern Itaptisl Convent inn. These express his Idea of bigness, and while he may use foieible language in describing other objects or occasions, mine is used tliut might give the hearer an idea that either of these was up proximated. Take, for example, the lute temperance coin cut ion at lialeigh. which Mr. Little at) led nl'ler having sciit three weeks in getting to it. It did not appeal to him us a great occasion so much us a fervent oue. 'It showed," said Mr. Little, ''lliat this temperance business has broke out on people like the mea sels." "These boys are going into the matter of breaking up blind tiger dens w ith great mid commendable energy," said it cilien yesterday, referring to Policemen Lanev unit Williams und Constable Livens. "To say thut the law against wliis key selling can't Is- enforced is ull a humbug, und is usually employed as an argument by those who ure in sympathy with the business. These men have shown that, al though ull the blind tiger men who are caught can't be Convicted, Un arrest w ill break up the business. There is one man iu town who has never Is-fore admitted that he couldn't buy whiskey, but he has come to (hat admission now." "I can't do much on big peach es." said Mr. K. F. Kriiuminger of Line Creek this morning, "but I have a pullet that hits laid seventy live egg this senson, is still laying aud hits never wanted to set, More Temperance Rallies Iu addition to the temperance rallies published iu last week's pa lter, the following appointments have la-en m ule: l'rosiect chiireli, Aug. 7 Col. llotchkiss, liev. W. V. Iloncvclilt, tlco. P. Stevens; Mt. Plentant. Aug. 7 liev. M. 1. Preslar, II. M. Nicholson, liev. D. A. Snider, X. S. Ogburn: Wax- haw, Aug. 7 liev. tieo. H. At kiusoii. W H. Phillips, David Me Xeely, Knimclt Smith. The follow ing will In- August Nth: I'liionville Kev. M. A. Smith, O. C. Curler I'uiou school house Col. lloteh kiss .1. T. Hiiggius, liev.J. A Itivens; tiilboa liev. A. W. While, J. K. Dowd, Dr. II. D. Stew lilt; Shiloh Mai. Andrews, liev. A Marsh; Corinth W. T. Albright, tieo. P. Stevens; Morgan Academy liev. U. II. James. X. S. Oghtirn, O. I. Hins-on; Wartllaw, liei'. W F. Wats-in, R. F. Ilcaslcy. Riverhead's musical eople who attended the presentation of the om-ra Cavulleria Kustirsna in Uiverbeitd Hall are a unit in saying that it was mm of the finest treats ever brought to Unig Island. Liv erhead, X. Y. Xew. Mr. ('. K. Sfhachner of Monroe nirked eit'lit tomatoes from one vine this morning and they weigh ed eifc'ht pounds. The viiie i over six fret high, has hud seventeen tomatoes, and the smallest one weighed hall a pound. I'w-st fruit jara at Flow's. llring your chickens aud eggs and get highest prices in cash or trade. Ws buy them. M. U'Brootu alter a M-ric of tiemendous t il. .in to conquer the weaknesstil bixagetl frame by the marvelous will Hiwer of bis mind. The plt-uro pneu nioiiia which His lbiliiies- has Ihi ii sutieriug a searts-ly uk re.ii sil-le for h: .1. ill. as llutt iut-t i'.i lite llei ax of II-.MK- W till II rlllies lllioll ve.usot life. The tebil sl.s-l which Iiils Is III so often lielore hutiiaii ills a is.iui.l to bleak at I.inI. To night the eiu.ieialisl and llfelcN frame which held so brave a spirit lies on the bed in the Vat ieau lieside which ull the world has prated. The ivd damask cot eilel rests lightly over the body the cardinal's scarlet cape is ulsiiit the shoulders, while on bis head has Is-eu placet! the p.ip;il liutsl ol velvet, Isudered with er.iiine. A white silk handkerchief is IhiiiiiiI alsmt his chiu und iu his hands, w hich have blessed so many thousands, bits been placed a cm cilix. Ni I'iiim- I..-.I will remain until to-morrow, wab htsl liv uni foi inetl olli.vrs of the Nobble tiiiard, and roughclad Franciscan potent iarics. who will keep a cease less vigil until the burial occurs. To -morrow the sacred college of cardinals well assemble for the im pressive ceremony nfiifliciallv pro llolilieiiiL' Pope l-o dead. After this I'll net ion !nts been )h-i formed the boily w ill U taken to the small thri'SK' us, in adjoining the detilh chaiulM-r.wliereit will iM-eiiitia ni .1 The funeral ceremonies will extend over nine days, the remains being removed to the Cathedral tif St. Peter's w here they w ill lie iu slate. The ultimate rest iug place of the dead Pout ill will Is- iu the mag nificent basilica tif St. John tin Literati. Poie Ij-o's final moments were marked by that same devotion, and when lie wits coiu ioiis lliat calm in telligence which is asMM-iulcd with his '.'.ri year' poutilicate. His was uo e.i. death. All hour U'lore he died, tuiiiiug to Dr. Lappoiii and his devoted valet, I 'io Centra, he in ii i in it i -tl : "The pain 1 stiller is most terrible." Yet his parting wolds were not of the physical an guisli lliat lie sintered, nut wen- whispered Ih-iic.I ni urns upon the cardinals and bis nephews, who knelt at the iM-dside, mid the la-st look of liis almost sightless eyes was towards tin-great ivory cruci fix hanging in the death chamlx-i'. Practically all the cardinals in Koine, kneeling lit the bedside, watched the passige of liis soul. Earlier in the day Cardinal S-rafer-Viiuiiut. Ill had iuiilressivcly pro nouiiced the absolution iu urtieiilo mortis. The condition of His Holiness varied from agony to coma. vt Miwg to relieve, ir. Ma.oui suggested thut morphine should Is- aliliiiuistered. but Dr. Lapponi did not agree fearing that Hie end might Ik- quickened. A tiood Word for the fctt spapers. i ..tTi -Hiili-ii,-i- m! Tin- Journal. Rushing, July l.'i. Your cones pon.leiil has l-eu sick of fever for I lie last few weeks, but is able to ite again now. We are expecting Dr. Perkinsto ocate in this community soon. We have had a great deal of rain this summer and crops are very pi Kir. W e say burrali lor I lie Journal, ilso for the other county piiN-rs, lor Ihey have taken n linn stand igaiust the saloon and the unlawful sale of intoxicating liquors, und their inlliience w ill certiiinly lie felt in I'nion county. Sometimes pro- nle net mad with the editor urn! 'cuss liun, Inn still ins in ll nt'iift lives. U-t us stand by the news papers of the county, for they cer tainly deserve our support and eu cotiragcnif nt. II. For Sale A good Iii.nhI mare und two voting mules one I i months und one .'I months old for cash or good paper. II. l'ltlt.Ait. Notice- We will sell to the highest bid der, for titsb, on Saliirdav Aug. 1st, l'.Kl.l, at the lale residence of Joseph McNcelv, two mile west ol Monroe, the billowing property: About 4 (lo.eu buiiilies wheat, .'!." do.en oats and a lot of fodder. farming implements. household und kitchen furniture, etc. This July l.llh, 1!MKI. liespeetlully. Ileitis. Cavalleria Rusticana, I Ml - Martha under the direction t.f Mr. Fnib r if S. ;.i-ile on Thursday Evening, July 30th. S A 6 o ' o 4 o o o LaEE & LaEE, l THE LEADING 9 cio7:r.c. gests1 iTMiseijcs, hat $ set cor-ss. r,: :iii:i;::i::ii;::::::x:x::i:xx:xi:i M M M M M M H " Spcciill JlllH't m Ii in I'lanm 1 ami 3 l M M H " OiiJiuir S'iil. S ATOI'LRA III H SIC Tickets fail s.iU- al Sllllte.- 1 si AL Pirn i:s. Special Notices. A list int nls iU In- i iMjtt-J 111 tins ci'liKi.) at tlir puv u! iMn ct ut -u woiil, casU hi Ivuiici , Mv., Sf-veii-M-ai Ul'l llaaV.l tr-1 M..VM-V. hati tt4ll.l.Tel n;,v tl !il al-iine. jihI I kuiiI.I be lli:inUul f n any 1 uuiioti iri;4iiai;ij; liun. 11- i ' Hii k M-t anal ail iinii c-ilui. It aiiylau iy hais srrn In n pK-ii-e lit me Liu. Mary Massey, rulort-J, M .moe, N. C. Heiiiit-tlsvtl!.., fllsl I dav S. t la-Inn Ial. L. t. II; .1.1:11, o o o o o : 0 o :! i M t M Nc:r!:.U(''' Shirt" Straw I hits, Linen Collars, ami Sitk Tics. All New iiiitl Stvlisli. M M :xi3 run fXXITiriXXXXZIZZZIXXXXITl CANNING til l I 1 1 - The Kialt.. CaiiuiiiK Outlit i III- i'Iic 1 j"'sl. 11101-t tMuvi-meiit ami irlulilt- r siinei 1-11 the market. Lt-rvtlii:it: .otnelttt fur ulil y J mi. I ill i-.ll,- l.y J. II lleiitou, Miiiniae, N. C. OK SALK .1 oiler fur sale Mt petti liuue plant, a si'It-inlul as. a-tiitiueiit uf fine plants. 1 wish to i;itr all my attention lu the bakery. C. 1' . Newman. CAKKV evti ylliini; yuu lave iu uld Iiuu to I. IV 1'aiker. 1 I KMi:MI'.LK the Inst meals ill tl.r 1 ( ity are bailal hy Ca.lu-u Wal- hue. I'linue l'i. WIC deliver be tu our customers al ' a.iy hour mtilit ur uay in ease ol , Hitkiiesta. riioiie lit. Cailn-UaV Wallace. 1 F Rk Lee Ijee. T0(&0COCOC 0CC;.".Cv.--"--t C 'JC ,'CH.C00iX,Xs2COC)0lXXXX)00000O ni.MtMHl.K you can eel the best Ll fresh meat at J. 1). I'jikrru mar riioiie No, i.i, ket. WIIKN ya.u want be plume 31a. I'lumut lielivei v am! hoiu t weight. Caibt-U .V Wallace. Salo of Land. Hv wit; I mil-.. K i-"ii La I .1 ian.1 .111!, I-,-.-!-r..( Ii.-- I- L Mil! luia.ia- l -a 11 ill. 1111. 1 -....I - I t -n , . I I. .1,1, I I 1.. tt 1 .1 imIm?. 1 -;i: 1 ii. . I.:, a. 1..1 1..I111 11 ll... . ', 1. ..ii 5aturday, August 22nd, lIU, '.ami ' II 11. 1'ia. Ii l.-.r In M" M-llU 'I frtlt I Vina: laiial l.-iiik- HI --a'Dliia if SiiTl'l I lll.'lllllt. H'l'.ailll l..i... K I' llu I. in... 11 11. 1. 1 . 1' Ti.ltnw.' Ht-iiniiiiiidi nn in. 11 - I nin- v.' K I- Ml II 1WI1' Inn- 1 T "ll II m.l I I W I 'j K II a .!,. "..,.1 .1 I llll I III) Til" Illl' l I. IT' 1 III h-I... It. ,111 r. .n .i4i., I Illl 'l.-. U I, tt I. .. Imii -Nil,. Ll I" la t lii-n. a- ll- Ii - '"ll -I". la- l.v ll:ia a.:.i "ii A'.. M II l.in .1 .a liiiaa , It "'l' - 1" 11 i s '1 s '.'.. K a. i-.l". in I'm Liltll'ia: I ,a 1, ! a 11 1. 1 I ll ii-. l.-il f I 1 i.l- ..I It I S....I I" ,.f ll" .' .Iii'l -tl'li. I'-sl A lot of Hi gallon ill Flow's. kegs for sale Pawn Broker' Clothing- Strictly sanitary, all wo jl, men's, youths and boys coats from 50c tu 00. Good cnoueh for ny one to wear. Coats out of $10 nd $2u fuits. Come and see me tn.l I will s ive you money on votir clutbing. Only 10 minutes atalk fruin am noiiliwest ol the comt house. J. II. Hesios. Montoe, N. C. THE ONLY SAFETY (or a man witli limited capi tal is Insuring. With a pol icy of insusance in tlic Old Line Companies, you can da as Nero did, 'u: Uc fiddled while Koine burn ed, because he had a policy of Insurance aud knew he couldn't lose much. Let us Rive you rates, etc. Life, Accident, and Health Insurance Gordon & Thompson. Aq Order. Mumoe, K. I". 0., July in, iija.j Messrs. HILL & IUVKNS. Gentlemen: Please semi me hall sack Hum', 2 pnuiitls roasted rollee, 50 cents witli s 1 a 11 i.l a tea) nti, 1111 huikel la al, I poullil (ni tiihaccn, I et plates, knives and forks, tea cups anil saucers, one nice lamp, 1 gallon reel "C" oil. In pu nils nice lib meal, 3 pounds barks, anil 5 gallons kikhI molasses. Find enclosed ,in to pay (or same. Yuma truly, V. R, Lint-back, tlic jeweler, luus united bin store for a few weeks, wbilo iniproveinenls are bring iimile iu bis store, next to llelk's uiillinerv store to tlic room between Crow nros,.' und the Peo ple's Itank. Kitty--Don't you think mous tacbc looks horrid on a womar.s upper lip? lSertlia I dout know how il looks, dear; but it dosen't eel tt all bad. The order was filled and the follow inK note accompanied it: Utar Sir : We stttd you eveiy arti cle you mentioned and your proper change ((4 00) kecpini; out null puce of the articles you oidtred. Give us another older. Yours, HILL im tNS. Can You Iteat That Any w here? If you can't, rome and aee 11s or 1 send us your order. We will till yom order as cheaply and as honestly as it you were licra looking at ut. By this means we have the confi dence of the people and expect to keep kill & Bivens. I want your country produce o( all kinds, bee me before you tell. S. R. Doster. V 5 u M Gmss are now in order, o Make prejini aticna beforehand by buy g buying you a n-v.v Sugcy or Wagon. It ji; will add ple.suro to the profit of such an occasion. vvc r.itve the largest assort ment of Buggies Wagons n ever carnci ?. satisiy the tnern V'n 1 ?Mck in Monroe and can sii;:plost or most fastidious iiiivt 111 tuicn iou ouia ui uai- You can get a set at any price you dusire. Thoso goods were ail bought from manufacturers, not job- iii'-a middle man'sproflt. we will convince you of 8 ness to select from o 8 bers. thereby Call on ua and what we say. We have a few refrigerators in stock that wo do not desire to carry over and will sell you one at about what it cost. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. V It 1 -t y, A "fH i OaK Ridge !nstitutc--51st Year. l'irp.iii-s Im' the I 'nivi-Kilie-i nul I'ollcurs n ttell as- for biiHineta, for teach 1111; and for lile. Situ.ite.l n- .u Imh-iim oro, N. t., our 10011 feet ahove the sc.i level, in vif-f of the 1:101:111.11111--. Lai tot and l-rst eiiiipped tilting school foi young men and hovf in tin- Sooth. Kales is w to 5175.1m per annuiil, l or 1 1 autilial ratal, rib-, a.l.b. v-t J. A. ,V M. II.' HOLT, oak Ridge, N. t. 1r.,vta -V J J .' I ' W.'. .-.. Vi-ia-V tug franklin j Tijpeiriter. The tet Typewriter on the 1 uuiket. Vou can pay more 1 taut you cannot get a better one. Its work is always io full view of the operator; 1 it is simple in roiistructloti; and li is slooj the test (or many vein, proving its durability. The alignment is always perfect, and the price is t ;j 00 to all. tor tale by the Monroe Hardware Co., or any of ' the otficca of 1 1 1 Tr.K-TOW fcK CO., Boston, Mau. Southern branch 21O Jenifer linilil ji;, Washington, D. C. t KB 'Let the COLD DUST twins da your work'

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