T5YI.1 Tht Kind You ll.ivo Always Boiislit, ami which bus Isee iu um fr owr : rai s li.i lmc tl.e signature of - ami Ims Inn ii niude under liU pr j f , '"""l iliHT Nl.m tiiiev ll iin'mii-y. Wsjyv t'Aif. All-w u one til-h y.u iu thix. All 1'iMiiilortV'its liiiil.uioni au.l " Jnt-i t'i" "f' lit I.VH-riii.nit-i I hilt t rail with nn,l -iil..;r-r lh liitilih if lul.tiit uuJ t Uillrvu-rM riiu- ii-uui-l tlviM-riuieut. What is CASTORIA Castona U a liarii.tevs Mib-.titiit fur tiitor Oil, Iar-purii-, ln-.s ami smiiliiui? .rii. It N I'lcavint. It t-.nil.iins uritii.T Opium, Morphine, imr ulli.-r Samtit "iilt-iamo. It :(!: I its iriiiiraiiti-,-. ll .li-teus s Worms Mini all.ns Va-tt'iilim'. It tun- ltarrlii-:k h.kI Wind Colic. Il relic,.- Tea-thin; TriMiliU o. cures iitiMtin uuil riatulciicy. It Ufimilatc tlio I'mxl, rvKtilutc the IMimi.i. ll unit l.ottcl, feitiii!; healthy ami natural kvk The t Itililicu's I'aiiactNi-TIi' .Mother' 1'ricinl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of MOW TO GROW .TORE COTlOV u-eiwrtt iir,j.r-ls the ft xiuctico i x k ij-- s i j, ,! ccJ The day To do IhU the Farmer Must Srlevt hen roneis fun afford ta plant j liis eJ. Thoruuuhly Till anJ 4n ..;t ft c tt n ej has passed, j ! lertiliie His Ground nd Pruo- -nl u-td ti ii k:i .v.ti variety, se-. erly I'rvpane ."lariu-t- the I'ruuuit lr if i;-'iu t Ici.f t - i it'i The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TC ct- "M Ccn. , I i' Hill ill, 1 I I NT : 1 1 1 1 ' M M ' II 1 : 1 1 ! 1 1 ' i ! M ! I ll!l HI II lltll I ! Ill I M III lll.l llll tlMII'll I MM 1 1 liilllilllllliil l.i;iillh.,. n.1,1 II, llllll!ll!!i; I'i.lliilllllllillllillllllllllllllllllllllillllill w. s HI. AKI IVi'sitl,.'!'. M. r.CK. ice-1 'resident- mi: Bank 01 j. K'vvioMt sum', Cashier 111011. S at-, I3ut Fi ou'essive and Liberal. .IV (. 1 I t"J .t rui,: oi our Pretty Steel Banks, A.i -i lido bv Hr'.trt J . '.. Ur, phjM.l g:t in chutice : t' plant lrrri!ii: !,it t it tx :n :. . Jopiruut' it i't ..t; c i tin e r I pt, uni t 't l 1 !.. I ; k-. lion, " in tin- t.it ! k ii', Jtp::rtrer.t t( . tr . u!: :r. , c i tail's .-ti.'lK'l. !l a!'v a.! I'-i-i!, t.l i iisir t.icti i-e in the ctt n pt .lilft,.'!! , t tlir t llilv.l !V.iU lhi- i-u. t t i hi.h it is p :! !-v tl.r a.l-'j'tii-ti fl s.u n!.".-1 .d i 1 . 1 I'C til:' !.l t !!l .ili.ii-tit' .u,i.-i !J 1 1 f 't;. n rii tin I'i.i.- ! ti .--.'.x ! ,.: I i ' u . I .!.. t ; i r ,i r -. , -i inri C It "1 fi''lJ S.s p -i;ti ! t el iCt : alt trcj.u -i.t.y i:t i;t: I ,,rt iiMi' !.itce c at li.l.x ci!t :! i tr.i ts Mi. U i'Hht l :, t b-.-.rru- :!i it :! . p.--tl l- t ' (If t !v in, t.-.e the a, ! . I t i .'tt n la tin- IVs-.i I M .., -; IU- sivs th. t - !itt!;- j'p 'tt'ii , v l.-r i tcinl.!-i; i:k' n ! it:; '. new rest.-r.s, ,:..! a i:-.-.. !. jl.i'iT ru-irae i'f i -!t. ti c mi!. I In s;t 'Wtl in the !,! ft: :i pi ',(n. -. ir.; Nut.. it ii.cts.; .lcii:.u..:e.l; i it. tlrere is a t.n.l.-u.y in tl.i--e! ' itt s t.ittut.l ti; el ,1 t. tni;nj i.itiirr tli.in nnti.i r .t-r.-uiv iti -t: : ,n c t:.u pr ! I 'M n , I i.L s t!i.'ti-t ic.th ti! : lu!.t pt- '"'i tn t: t 'U wets -0. I! ! ' I rncti .i-.l's' t!u' pr. J r. i ill. i' a Ti i' !!. tli it :n:f i" ii.'ri . ,'tlnT c 'uiftio is .' i! !v . 'ii-i. Ii tally t 't-:.,I' .!, ivri-, n i! ,i -!(:.--- I i u;,l wi'.l ,'n!v s;.,-!.t' I n ! ,.!r. aii.l tn a tl.e An -Ii n'. l -!,,c. I v ti.e a; ( '. ' I irnj t -v. I nutii - ! v ' ! an. I l!u- i:-e ! :: i a . 1 , t c.itt 'ii. iv ' Hi.; 111 i .a : in -:,, It. . ! ' k; t ; hi II ,11 u i , 't ij'ttit -t in t -tr-n i a hi i- i i t-1 rr ,;' ,i . j s : , ! 1 1 I V , i. A . i I 1 It i . I l'r WVK-.rt'.v vv-il : cii.u.i .r f tin' s ,: i-!:v i ! .-ii-atf-i !.:.p itatw !!' I i ti l ur. t'r.it ! ' r't1 ti'' lict.J ! i;- : , ( its di-sirable ; ' 1- ! , ! ;!. -!,,.i'v to Uvul , ii.'i'i ns, -I .i he pLnteJ." , . ! 1 K I KK 'K l-IV)-ll. Tlu- tra-!i'i n.l h lief that an kv i-i na! ciiuiitit' i'i Srctl is nece--iry it g.wl rr ps aic to l-e recu !i: y t-t-m.! is u:Ucke.l 1 v Mr. Wilibc:. !. c nteajs tint t. it-cute ti-' I't-t It-su.l l'un'.s inu-t !k- IM.I lllll o :t n ; ct r, i' fi ,-'' .. i t t n .i .m.l ! .pu-J t. i ,1 i ! ti '!.-. an I that n ! tr-1 I th. ui I., i tin iti' t ' t. -i.'t '. nm-t si I in th lci!i!y, '. t !.: tt;u!.iily . ' a !apt it tj tin. I fl. iirat. c c iii.li-1 , i i fi. -' i n tft : -N. p iprr it ;' t-; a y-t, :ii . I n ! i-t-! - ii t'u- prinr. ;v : i! :!. i i ,i ts r pr lnci ,! i v l ,r .1 :'!- ir.f !iuiit!. j : i,..;. t the rutin ate-t j n ! n .tut '1 spir i s spen.l i !,.- ! A ft li-.-ri.ht). St:!; j - . rtt ;v tii-.t an.! J t ry til' it at, it- ami e ill ur n,,.- iharar-t- hi ,ut'iiui, wln. h p' m; r i in cany . p.aM iti n is 1'ase.l Th.- Sfi.MI th.it, i th-r n in ! !':. p! tnts t:i it n stabl -, ( i.t hhlv iti.s ttis. I ll 1- ,,'H' tlL.t ARE THEY WELL? Unlooo thoy cro. good hoclth is impossible. Erery drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys erery three minutes. Sound kidneys strain out the impurities Irom the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout. Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Britht's Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright Disease or Diabetes develops. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Is the onhy preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results. If Tom ai ffrr, Uk FOLEY'S KISMET CURE at moi. Itwlil make yon wall. Umt ftMiuMl kuriils Mr. G. A. Stillso. merchant of Ttmpic, III., write t: "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE n awetint with wonderful imtu. It ku eves tomt catrs here that pbrticunt pronounced incurable. I nrU am able ao ttatirv to in merits. Mr face lodav is s litinj ptcturt of Malta ana FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE hta mad h such." lid Lanka,, and lid Troubla Edward Huts, t well knows business sV 15alitbur..M., writes: l with as sav (or the bencrlt of others, rhtt rwata sufferer Irom himbaro and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took rite me no relief. I betas to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CL'Kt, and alter th use of three bonles I am cured." Two Stzvty 60 Cents and $1.00. I SOLD 1X3 RECCr-EKSED BY Z C. N. SIMPSON, JR :i t! t,i -:i II- f " i: .-' - t I " , .' t:,.,t ll .'!! II.' t li t t ft , '., I r ,',.U.!S . ' '.I It ..i-. i ! a i tii i a s f in.- I only a tin- fii ,r,u ti r - lit -.i il-li- t i u ' i .ntity 1 pt,- t : ' to ,i:i,l cat li lt s'i-i.1,'1 pi int i l,.t f t n .! th- sm-.I fi n . l.i. Ii , ' ,nt I; i .I. that tlit i plant I f K-iii;-. J hi ill it lias I' h n I - i a- t ) l ! v . t t . 1 !i t ' ti I 1 1 - i it ,t t: : r tin- i! -i ! til In t l I ':,'': i.i. '. i ' I i; i, . i in-, it, ' the ! i i : i;.'! IHU'''::,." 1 11 1 M : , 1 1 : : I 1 1 ir.ii'ti -! n tin 'ii,-,lillliiillll:llMllll!lMIIII'IM;HIIIIIIM' lilll-ltllliiiill i.l.illl Mil, .lllllllhMUIIillllllll I o I 1 V II Mi it I. .r an i.. ' t f t'l ! tin I 'f I I i 11 , 1. Hie t ) '. I' Ifll. nth v 1 1 i x I I.: Cciroiliifl Marble Ustabli-lud I.HT.t liK.irp.ir.iteJ I'XM and t ;;r : M nr f ., at any ) it " i, .ii 111',. I Wl ill lllli. N f t (',: u ranite Company. s i'i- - tli, '11 ;rm an ii , ,,. ii ml,! s lit t! I.' lli'W llM , i all pers -h n:!,l ! pt ,i e .' stn.-e i j'. k ,.s ,,'.111 li ii in,!:-' .'tin; i" anvtiiir,'' linn,' Hi e f i:n,i l'.s,i;i:-, in i-tir to i; i iiii'ii.i: K. i! to pay. aroiina Marble and Granite Co., II. i I !': . N Var,;s .it .M..d I ill i Mlislmry, N..,rlh Wilk- MtiNKOK, N. -liori), anil M inna." Plenty of Difference! 3 1 1 - - . irti'ii; ! si: Sf ,j "is Wiiih :i .!iit,- I ft'luT ! am t- i't iH'!" Ci.ll :!.. mat: I'Mi ati ,1,! U ,1 n t.' t,'. '--, l: ill; ft I- ll.f all 1 t'l I 1 I V l la-Vi-- ; I :i 1 5 i V r 1 i nil IU S,l A fie Ian, pl.lllt i t -s ll '111 (l 111 pi ll th, V Itll ail ! I r'ili . f u t 'I . t ' s i, , . -. th it ti.e in' i .! 1- pt I f t t I I H it, ,1 ati, ,11. th it Idly i,'i.l tak, t" f in;. 11 'timif . , Vr.il '11 a i I 't t'l.t ; in il.'y ! : j' t a h : A I... I ! 'V I '"I tilt- p! ll.t.i! S -t. 11 rnti')' 1 1 i.u I Ct '1'11'i Sit a; 1', an 1 thus ii i"tt 11 .'an ati.lni.l til c be k t list. ml- I Iu- I Ui m.l n Wolf- ll,.' 1! I, il ! I miiiall lli Mi.!. tni.fs I 1 s initm,. f a wlii " r C"-f V.-lull t I- a,lV,l5 ic .s a n;pi ;o man. In :r Mates make no 1; ff nil tin: I:ii;liwa 1 : ill ill lil.lt It as pr p-re in t!: s in: . v ll(! i: "As ii i.rcc!. 1 f 1 is :t iliies i!i iy -t.i'.'l, i. "r t! a al'-iit lintitiiis; 1 n try in ncril nels. 'I'I i- i. i' 1 ' ! i ti ii j eiivti,.n 1 fai't T 1:1 the er-.p int t-I t ! I uife t s. ... IliltV, U '-hi !r tlii Ii,!-.-1- int 1 t t.-1'.hr (f in! , if- ll'il '.l'Ii'O 1 eurs inl 1 Ins ken- , f 1; -! s-.' I ii-i,! 1 y a t;i-. ir f -i, iu-t as iinp'irl.iiit ,1 I r ,i! i Ii ii (( t li is that i f eultivatian. N. lit int-thi',! i-f tarni in in ( liieiiee-i like that in. in ii Knchfil 1- t,i:iiti if,! mi- . i'lC.lUSl ,1 by p0. . 1 eity li,i !,' patf ill I . . . w Which Do you Choose ? V..U want paint n Iii. li w ill pi'stri t tin1 iiiali-iiii! it t'livt'is runt 'ivi- luanly In lln- placi'. Tin' piti nt is that jih i-s tin' lir-t mint mi, I slamls tin- I.HMil'ST SI'.IiVIt r IIi-i v'.h 11 low pi ii i' paint tii.it ill suh ra-h ami look wi ll. No mistake in nu it. Stun. Is tlie wear ., y.'iiis. Hake jenr improvements by osing Heath S Hilijan Paints. C.N.Simpson, Jr. ou Know What ou are Taking !,i'll vi, 11 t tk r liun ' T 1 -If if,, s 1 l.ili : 1' tiif In-.111. tin: ! ,ifn il.i I-, p',im! : pi. lit-I i n ft. I y I-.itt'.e ilvuiiis; l!i;,l 1 1 I is Minply Ii 11 an. 1 i'i! '11 :i.' 1:1 ,1 t i-li- I I. as !,,l!il. Nil L11; .-, a I'uv. v I Arc Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. KMnay trruFlc rr-. uprn the mtnd. courage) and lesrru amfciti'-n: lautv. vir i j. ar.i ch"i:'.v,- ? r- r t ',.' disap;fjrti-ii' e li ) 1 :il"lri?' iei "i ml ft 1 :i 1 into tin Su((oss(r to C. K. HOUSTON. O-S-O C 0 0 OOO-SVtJ o c o-o- coo-os T Opium. Laudanum. Cocaine and eli Dmy Habits permanently cured, s-iihont pain or detention Irom busme, leaviuu no cravind lor drum or other stimulant!. We restore the nervoui and phyaical systems to their natural cuniiitinn because we n move the causes of disease. A horce repjedy prepared by an eminent physician. WC GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Confidential correspondence, eanecially with phvsicians, solicited. Write today. Manhattan Thsroueutio Association 1 ion inuaar, Haw Iar sny ! i;i;:,-l h.m. ! !' 1 u'blrli tii,? ,r- r ire en t ' li.l! t ' fit ( v i's n s , life "WV'iitti in the ountiysiji' ,11, I fii tli" e ",11'iy h.h.ay h.ive a i:Klrt ta the s.i n t prutettn n as tlu-t S.s'.il , in the city. A iiii'iiir.e,! rer i pe lii c siimihl net wiiik rni.il li a s. It "--hiiiiM 1 t- pa;.! I y t! t M .!., thtt-uh a ' 'P pr pettv, in in.pi'sl must nf whifhthe ( it i--s v ... i pn. ll 1 H i in He 1; ., tadl ii;i ci rpora ti rs ai. ! ei:y pn pulv. with a fait tel .tne t ix . ii f.iims, tn 'r vi li: a f it il p 'hi e .uul keep the t i uls s , . t h . s nihil! woulil m w r have been i.iniisiitte.1. It is I'l l',... !' th - Matt' le ives its rui.il l:u;!i'.v.iy l.iwle? an, I ninie- . : d n tit-1 1 ,n: i.ii-I the hiiiii.in woll Women as Well as Men !t,ut 1',w;' -4 ""', s U'M ll,c la ir t wn liail.ls. Make the ,1 .' t Wfiim n I v State rm a I pull c v.i.iih relieves the euiliitry .-i.i : i f Iii-. t'.i.lenns hurrot which ii- w m r-:'l ,1,'ows it fur al! liiiif !y v. mi n ami lyiieliinu wouM Iisippr.ir. ' t "-ir M..tt lltlert this duly. They ne;li:rt ,in,ther. This par ticular human vv; If ha, 1 .-tl u-rin lor tins iikucc. i man ouqht ti) leave a s'nte r: m after ci.iivictn n for this i ffenre nr its attempt until the pris m S'lrern ha,! in ult! it in p ,: sililc to upeut the i-fience or alt. mpt. The wiy tu prevent lawle--ness in the mob is t i prtxent lawlrssuisi in tie criminal. I'.iyin llnre anil the inoii will never be hear j from. "Our laws instc.ii let thefe things drift. The nuil-i are not safe for Irukuf a rural police. A human woil hke this man, twice convicted lor lawk-- violence and once for a similar crime, correct ed loose, unmarked and uncor reeled, to return to his crime, l'tnl to its woman no community will Ions endure without outbreak; but the remedy lor this lawless peril is not more lawlessness, but more law.'" ' W Vr-SJ l"-, with wejk i L Vj. 1 - rrvr- . a-es to.i i (in. if e urine scalds the flesh cr if. when the ('-..; i reahe-s an see. wne.t ii should b aWe to csmr j the f .i;a,;e. ir is jet itiii.-t'd v i-h , bej-weil.nc. defend up-n it. th,- rv.r.a 0 the difficulty is kidny trou! . .irdt' . f,r:l siea Eiiould wi towards Ire ire.iiner.t c( thr.. importai.l cr;ans. "iaii.i.nt'ie.t-snt ir,. ji.le u d.e to a di.-ea.:d conditi.n ot the kiiineys s.-id bladuer and r.ot ti a ha', it rnott people sajipcaa. Wrmen as wll u men are made iris eralle wuh kidney ard-blj,id-r lrou-le, and bfth need the same rrraj reme.iy. The rr Md and the Immeiluie elfect ol Sw amp.Root is scon reaped. It is scld by drurrlsts, in fifty- f V2f cent and one dcilar s,,"2-.,5 ai:es. You may have a EL.-'::- j-.r1 vj janple bottle by mail -Kl&iJV free, a! ;o pamphlet tell- nm o ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial l-t'ers re-rived from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer li Co., Btnghamion, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swatnp Koct, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, and the address, linc;haiiiton, N Y., on every bottle. f cr.ir or i '.: e.!. KHiif-y trc :1 Ir has le.-on-.e si prevail nt that it ii prtui.i'omrn: n f.r a ch.il 1) I I rn 4- They tell a Rood joke on a prraeher who doesn't live so far from here. While fishing one day he dropped his false teeth in to the creek and after trying (or an hour to fi-.li them out he qave it up in despair. A friend ol his who had atteii, led a banquet with him hear J ot the loss and quietly went hutnc and t;ot a nice piece , f toast chicken, put it on a tish hii k and threw it in the creek just ns though he was fishing. Will, .n s , .in as the bait settled duwn tu ..r those false teeth, they m.l. !.. a neat sprint; and settled nit i it with the proverbial , min isterial death j;rip. The chicken in,! teeth wife turned ever to the parson. ( hestertield Advertiser Trinity Goiieoc. A million dollars ioetetl in endow S. A. STEVENS, H. D. j SEAN OAR D MONKCE, K. C. Calls answered in day from Enclish Al It LlXE lUtl.WAY ments and equipments. I-srss library ' Dim Store; at nielli Irom room over n.vi.n.i-c t , facihtiea. Twelve thousand volumes . English Uru Stole, flione US. OtTue "OUDle Daily hOrVICO BotWOCn over post omce; pimue j piew ork, Tampa, Atlanta, Henry D. Stewart, M.D., Now Orleans and Points M.ixRos, s. c. ! South and West.' Services rendered promptly aii.l j , rrrr,.r .PB ,,rn ,n "' honestly. Hay call from Simpson's1 18 urEl1 Ar BlL 12rH. 133j. dmr, store, 'phone iy, or office iu rear SOUTHWARD. I . t v, .u"l..a, s ot (..orilou & Ihompson s insurance I t -, v , c i k i: office, 'phone I. Night calls frum ics- I .'. ' - ideiice, I'liiue 141. Olli.e luuis to to li. a. in. added to lil'iaiy during the past year. leu scientihc Uhoi atones, uyninas iiiin under scientihc dnection iho uuJerirraduate aud graduate courses of study. Courses of study leading to civil and electrical engineering. Many scholarships awarded. Loan fund to aid worthy young men. Tiinily giad uatrs iu great drmand for responsible positions. Unpen ses very moderate. The aim is Christian education with out any sectarian spirit or tearhiug. Sons of ministers and young incu studying fur the ministry are uot charged tuition. Send for catalogue. P. W. NEW SUM, Registrar, Durham, N, C. IsAlTJST G,z.:sci m. DjFsmaieuniversltu ,. , . ,. Schools of Ai ts, Science, and Phil- It. -i leaee t hone. No. i-i, . ., , . .... , ii, i . , os.'iphy; llible; Art; F.xpressiou; aud llate .; I t'.i!i-J in Mairue ntteia Ins i, ' ,, , 1 . . ., . , , Hnsiuess. Facully ot t men and iq sei '.if s t i llie tun-it and siirrouiiilnig .., i i . Tu . .-, i,v. .,..-.,s..s,.ftl,e.t.mucl,.nu i,m" ' bo,e "hole .me, with two In,,:, a (r,ul.v. t.th.-e er the I V?' " '"'''r"' ' ,i i . .. i i i j tliouseind dulhm' wmtli of new ttiuip .Ii tu i-ioie ur rt'siJeuie, at tuglil hum ( " ICts-lM ' ! itll'ifiri ' I ! .i ! . Ir At I i Summons by Publication. I '.' '('.'.u'n'1 ' I ,i tlit-Mujsi'r:.sr ..iirt. .1 H ' 1 K (-"TMiiif. .1. f. n.liiiit -A- hatnnl V ii i,' in'iVf.t it. wi tin- Jilstnittff In ' 1 - ' mi ( 1 1 twiinii ha- I'i'Himi'iH-ttl lit', rt .r I ' ,m , J in,,. ...UHl , I ' "' UHi ( ii' 1HHlt; 0 itHi.nc ',,.t . t ... ui'i i. ,if tiiHinttii-nv nn !.f..f tn . r. , im.-s-i, ,,.n rtti.l the mHI Jnniiiliff 1 .tt'.i f..i,n. ,.f .,t . a.-t,.i . iii.ii n i, . , t !, -itni .i.(uii fi ttmrt Itimi ( i r -i- .. I (..ft. .v.i .ttt.f -.-mrHt,. I ..i . . r . ii M fiiUht-r llotltls-.t h. )i .i i ii. yi i,., hi .,f tlr ) rl-n r.ntrt of a.i, - mi , t.. i- i . '.I t !in- .-.tin hnw in N I ..n M Isv . ti..-;lr.( iIht i.f -Xiik i.t . : .. t'l. ! ,(ti, I ;.-c M hmN r el .If III 11 r In 'I - l 'Ilil Juilf IVIIl. ( K .KMMr:i ll. i Ink nf "tiiH-riix I'mirl. Farm Lands for Sale on Time. If , . r rt i!. T4n-.r.,.r r f it. .,, . i, i . i . .iiltlr m tl. ,-AitM. h.-rr : t . ' -,in.-- 1 ...ui a, i, I rrlll l'".,,uti,t . ,,1 i, .-r.,-,., ,. ll K I1..-I, I. ,lainlitl m, K H II . ', . n l ll, l 1... ,. tt H 'I i . I. f. 'i,li, i, I l; at,,fc--, l.,wt, rii.I I' ' -"!, r "I VI K IU.II. ' !!.. i.' I.'-, II,. Ill ..,11 Suturday, August H, A. U. I9(U, S ii 'l' 'i !!l Mh. f fi .1. . rll.-.l foil. I'lrf 111 I III. 'II IH.llltf. t,tt. flf iiti, M,ir-'Hi'li' t.. liwtilli, mi fn It'll slt Ihf in. tilt It'. in-1 s t mis .- .f i Mn-'v.i.ti lh--.iiillt hi VI K ill- y - ll,..-). (rT ll" 1 11 .11 l.f i . ii i " , ti I'..- n.-t i Hit- sw-ii.f liun ''i : t. i (tn-l t' finiii'ir liinl afiinwiil 'it.'.,:, i'... H( grr,., m,.rt- of It ail.) Imui ' "!. -..' t -iijfrt (.. wi-t-'vi ritrhl nf itusarr 1 . r ..f -m ii- 1 1 ui i t,int i-ai-sjt. rfiiiNin.U-r -.,iir.l Iv t-iiulwltli it(.ri.fsi -siirfitfii, linn ! . i..,'i-1. f r..t:t itntr i.f mie. Hi- I it If , i. ts-.l unfit hI1 ninli)we ni'itis'T ha,ll 1I a It IMIKI Hit' -MS ill laillt IwlMfC tMIU i ''"! s-i'l- llt" Ull Ii. -, lIltlssMl-.llifai.f i'i -K.il f-'Wr ins linr j. IV CI I II K " f .s, u, S TKI !T I i . Hv A.l.i in-. It Mitir. a rmtn-M A n 1 r I , l lllli.rtl'.. All. Trustoo's Sale. .1. i .itiil l.y lriiu- hi lll ..i-i - ir F0I1YSII0N1MAR to Ua cottgh aa baa.lt lasage Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic I has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over Ona and a Half MliTion bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yorj? No Care, No Pay. 50c tJtdoswd wxlt a-vryma)JaaiT "Strength and vior come ol good food, duly digested. 'Force,' a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates " To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Illative Hromotjuiainel ablets. All ilruti;its refund tlie. money if it fails to cure, E. W. Grove's sigoa lure is on each boi, 25 cents. Vh?n in - plion N.v nerd of frrgh meal c,i J. D. I'.iker. fOLmHOhlMAR if a ttfil i 11 t riiwt c twii J l HajM.. fr , an. I J. J s.H- l-t.- H rtn. U-nrmif .! if Jul 1 thf .l!'l. !'-.' Mint Hifl.'t r,, ) H--.l , f nf tH-C.li ui . .tM.' in tlit- ..ilu-t ..f !.,! I;, .jr.i, ri.f it-. ' I tii.'ii .ti ' I N .r'ii I',i'.miiih, sittit lwM-iit ! t. i..ij f in int j.nm-iif ittr 11-14 ihrps-in - I 1 1 i "i 1 1 .j i-icii. at (.kLIu- mud 1., f ,i- lii,-'n . t 1 ,. 1. i llifcoinity mrt linti-sf ,i-. f ', 1 1 t -it- r.' 11 1.1 M-'iihir, l '..tin .londay, July l.lth, A. D. IOOJ, .1 '.' M nil ti,.- I. 1 1 . .t 1 1, -,-rl l-l irat-l nl ., . ' 1 , l Mlltl Ilu III l All,-,' t,.W.I-hlt.l ,, N , ' n I 1, , Hirln-ularlj ,1. -,-ril-,l 1.1 ,iii.. 1,,., I,.i,.. . ,,l,ii, r,..l, r. I'hll a, I ,- ,,.r. s.tii.., ri -.,iir,-mul ,,ih.T H, f, .iu,. j ,.' ,l, ,.,l Hin.-I.ja. il. . I I. N.t' mi, I 1 111,- ttii In. hup s iw W, i., M.I.-. ',, h I' -1 ...I.. II ",k - an, I 1 1. ti.r'. .-...,i,r ,.- r . III. It.ir.litm H K I p..:... t , en,.--i .itr,. s r; .' .,i. t,, Hi, k 1 t MmI. ,'. ,.,r.,T . Il)ri 1 l',l If .,l, . ... a .,,,!! -., f s r. Kl f,.. 'r Il.r K l 1,-11 J ltnh,i, llir.it-. S .w, . ;..i,. 1., , - i,k,J H.-.l. ...rn-r l,,-tt,,. I . W . .l. I.t th Uyilinutff .ti.l ,-. n' r ,,, lit- .,., n, r,-.. n,,,rr or I.--.. Thr in. N 11, ir lur Inn. I '....-,. ,1 t Sarah K U.I.. I. lim.-( H.........I a-i,l fir.-. Janr H H'hi-i.mi. '.y ,1,. ,i ,law-l ,,v 'Jrili. lV aii.t r,-,-r,lr.l In H-,. ,,f m--,l-, ail ,,11 jaw,- al In Hi. ,.lurr f ll I'.viri-i. r ,,f lK-,-.. f.,r 1 ni,it emintv. 1.1 II,.. i.f Ni.-lll I ar. .Ik... I,, l,. h ilrr.l n. en-ii, .- i. n,a.l, r,,r fiirtlirr ,lrri.,ti..i l ln. hli.r Hill. IKS . .MM II,Tn.... Land Sale. Ht , erne ..f a a.r- in a rrnaln nmrlirajri' ,lf--,l I,, mr r ,-.-,., . l,t j.,i,ii f r'..r.l. on Hit Jrtl. .-mla-r. imuw illi-!,l.-..ii,r,amr i.iiik rw-.i.l.- I t. laa.K ,il. HtKr I .ill, t.n lh llth day ol August, I90J, at III , '!, w-k Hi . at thr r.Mlr1 ttie il,air le M.,lir,-.. N r, a.t .1 Hil.ir aurll..n It. Ihr l,Wln--t l.l.l.lrr f.,r raali. the f..ll.,ill nl ,.r !,,t ,,f lait.t in Ihr town ,.t Sit haw. via- H irliiii'i'ir al a .tak.-. n K r.,rnrr f rl.,m M a. .h,ir, l, I... . ..i.l n.n. Ml, F. SohaHu an.l lii.1.- r. a -lakr hy 1 .n.all p ,.', ma hlrkory la J,-,,',i. A.lani-' llur , lli.-hrr wuh lb. aal1 J.i -. i.l. ,laB..i ..I.l line ai-.Ml N il K I rhaia anri M llnV-. rr-lnir a .mall h,.lt,.w, l. a alakt- l a.m. ll n In llir will J..a, A.Ian,, line C A VI illiant. I,. r,,rit. r. Ihen,. with the aai.1 William.' Ii. 9 an, A Srhaina ana s llnka I, a "l,ie. III. H f rh.tn-1. I.M r.,rner ai,d al., tli. I ,n. iHirt. ana r A W ilhama l.a rttrner. thru-,- with Ih. aairf .l,.rrd S K rhnn-h M lines .u, w I rl.aiii a,i.l la. Ifith, i ih. Irrln nlnr. .-..oaai.tl.ie t arr. an4 . nob at uuu n..rr r !.. Tlila Juiir Siul. lwe . - . t' hAVIS. wnrliw.. Reriwlne A Kbn-k. All), Notice of Admiitration. Having this day qualified before E. A. Armheld, Clerk Superior Court, at administrator ol the estate ol Elua beth llarkoess, deceased, all persoot holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned administrator oa or before the 9th day of July, 1904, or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery. Peraoo iodebled to said estate are notified to make home diate payment and save costs. this June 27, 190) ments for IVpaitments of Chemistry, llioiogy, I hysirs, History, and Math ematics. Music Department embraces l of the 3 Clavier system grsduates teaching in the South. Other depart meits up to dale. Students cared for by Lady principal. Lady Physician, Matrou, and Trained Nurse. Espensca in the Literary course, Jl 11.7.50 per session; in the Uuh, about fij less. Nest session opens Srptemlier isl. For other iuformation address K. T. VANS, Piesident, i Kaleigh, N. C. The Wingate School offers eicellrut opportunities to boys aud girls preparing themselves lor col lege, for business or lor the practical duties of life. Last year about 20 stu dents prepared at Wingate were in the various colleges ol the State. The patronage of last session came fiom 16 counties. There were enrolled 250 students. More than 75 of these weie boarders. For thorough work and for uuietude aud freedom Irom tempts lions Wingate is not to be surpassed. Our music facilities are eiceptional, F all Term opens July 27th. Write (or new catalogue. M. B. DRY, Priii. THE UNIVERSITY OF" NORTH CAROLINA. Academic Department, Zar, .Vediciie, 'ariact: One hundred and eight schjlarshipt. Free tuition to teachers and to sons of ministers. Loans for the needy, hotj students, Mi instructors. Ne Dormitories, Water Works, Ceutral Heating System, Library 40,000 vol nines. Fall Term, academic and pro fessional departments, begins Sept. 7, I90J, Address F. P. VENABLE, Piesiilent, Chapel Hill, N. C. Union institute. INlONVILLE, N. C. PREPARES FOR COLLEGE. LITERARY amo Mt SIC COURSES. None but thoroughly trained and eipenenced teachers employed. Location one of the most beautiful and healthful iu the State, in highly cultured and moral community. Nest session beeiot Anc. ud. loot. Write for catalog us to W. T. ALBRIGHT, Principal. JOHN P. MONROE, M. D.,' MOKROE.N.C. j Pay calls answered from Houston's i drug store aud other, 'phone a .'a. Night from Commercial Hotel, 'phone 2ji. jno.jeal,m,dj,;;;.:,' MONKOK, N. C, !l, v Solicits the patronage of the propSe'of ' 1 " Monroe and surrounding community, i ' v' " Calls answered in day from Engii -h , Drug Store; at uight frum residence on Church street. Phone No. 48. V. B. HOUSTON, SL'RGl'ON DENTIST, OlTice up stairs, F'ltgeralil Huildiug, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. DR. B.C. REDFEARN,t UINTIbT. Charges leasonuble Satisfac tion guar snlreil. Uilif cover Piijlisli Drug Co a MONROE. M 0. Will he at Marshville, N.C.on firxl and third Mondays of each month, and at Matthews ou second and fiuutli Mondays. Phone iji I'm,-, i .Mi'it-r I,,., i-i ...I I. s 1 .4 :. . H - I' I 1 . A tt - li I I . i I III H.i ii i" ,1 1.1 ; . 4 m 1 . i m tu 1 a iti n - . tu V . tit m ) m : -i.m v .f . m h' t 1 ! i l: m .' A tit ! t III i - 1 m . m v. ,1 " . . m It ." m t V m ji j. in 1 1. ui . in i in Waxhaw Institute, WaxhawN. C. EnlarfemenU Mad sr PUnncd. I. Fifth Teacher Added to Faculty. alias fcluabetb Urowoing Ckatars ol Elm City, N. C. student three years at Baptist Female University. Ral eigh, Is to assist ia Primary and Intermediate Departments. Miss Cbesrs comes highly recomsaeDded as lo spiritual, mental sod other equipment. II. New Department. Miss Cbaars will probably take a small clase ia Espressioa. She graduated ia El preseioa al B. F. t. in May. III. Correspondence Couis. English Liters lure. IV. Summer School (or 1904. Work in common end high school branches. wVstatsi Prsmats I VI HARl'FV A.lmlnl.lr.l... ol Elisabeth Harkness, dee d fot in'ormstiosi write Redwine Stack, Attyt. . J. R. WAUCEK, Waxhaw, N.C R. W. LEMMOND, Attorney-at-Law, will practice in all the State and Unit ed Stales Courts. Speriall attention given to the settlement (if estates for Guardians, Eieeutors and Ailiniins tratorat and the collection of claims. Reasonable charges. Also ac,c:il and local attorney lor the Panther City Home Company, from winch loans may be obtained on real estate. Orlice one door east of M. L. F'low Co's store. Phone No. 101, ROBT. L STEVENS, Attorney ud Connsellor-it-Ui, Mohaot, N. C. Prompt attention given to all mat ters placed iu our hands. Management ol estates lur guard isns, administrators and executors specialty. Charges reasonable, ! Omce east ol Courthouse, (loimerly occupied by the late D, A. Covington.) JEL C WILLIAMS, Attoraey tod Counselor at Lif , MONROE, N. C. Practice in all the State and I'uitei! States Courts. Prompt atttulion given to collec tions and general law practice. ltar Persons interested 111 (be settle Jient of estates, administrators, exe cutors, and guardians are especially isvited to call on them. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a reasonable puce, to all legal business. Office in courthouse opponte Clerk's jfhie. us 11 try a, spams. Thomas 1. jkkome. tlANK ARUFIELD. Adams, Jerome & ArmGeld, ATTORNEYS AT UI, MONROE. N O. Practice in all tlie Court, State and Federal The manaR-r meat of cttatef .or eiecuVKi.admiuiittratort a special ty. Careful aud diligent attention given to the fomlusure of niortpaff and collectioQ of rlaimc. Munejr oaned without ei)ente to lender. All litigation given prompt and careful tteotioa. Office eaat of courthouse. ' V ;,.u .i.!... . ,. nt Ai l 1, !('..:. ' I .1 m I , t. -t I ' " r I" . t tu I i .i m " 1 " 1.' - rn .iii. iti " At ..- -.' ji j. i ft .. 1 m Ai M i't .1 1 - t iIt 1, .1 ,i ni i A i ,1 H l' . t " M .-. of I. a , .-"i j. in 11 . 4, 111 " M-.i-v, .hi.-. . M I' M, i-i 1. Nl " v ' ian ; - II " N- IMltH.is, , S ' j 1 t "I ' ,i 1 1 . . i i a .1 tn " tt . ). ni j " 1 i . w : j' ti ' f i.' ,i m I NORTHWAWQ. .mi's V-'.' Iil ; l V "ip'if. M'v J.- r ii.. it i m i-'n :: ! .in , 11 ii .in ,t tu ' Nl l Hit I, A N . J., ,ft " M l.f t . I A 1: t- 1:. " l.i" at. tll.-l , . ( ft , rt t, 1 . , m " v .i r .,( .,i4 srf , 1 .s, , 1 ,11. n-t 1 t w 1 1.. t in " i't'it, : it a I. K . ta !i...,u ' , i. j. m' Ar Ml.fi.w.-4 , . ,,; , . ,, , " i.n-i'im.iHl, " .. 1.'- . m a m r'..-ir! . " 1 IT t- -.1 4 1' tk m I t n.i'l.i'i. ' 11 111 "', rt ," "Hitniti.-t " u i.t " Mninlff. " ;n 1 j. in -1 1. m" I " -.ii"-i ni I'm --, ' llisf'" ft-..il- 1 K.i it-1. !. : m m 111 - 1 rn , " ll. ii - itt. vtu i.'-'hih " 1 Unit, il ., at . j I,, ) tit "W l,..:t. ,1 s-,i hi ;i . m Ar '..ii-ni.-iitl-.. " .u :i.T. . m " tti-i.ni.',.ii. Art ih ti t, m " M.iltltti'.rr. t I f rt .f. ,i t v ...!,. 1 1 ( 1 . f 1.1 1, ,,, ' r'liVi.-ii.lnii, 1 l.v. t ii p ',1 i'i, m " Nt-v. v.i - i j. in iii am V :t N.. " I v Titinini. A I Kv ii n n nt ".hi Ainru-'im- " ; i ,i 1 t 1. -j. in " 1 1. k-.'Ui ' 1 .1 in " ; to. t, ni n .1.1 -in i " 1 1 ) in Utunm " I ..;.iil-l 4 - ;.i (. i u nt " H. im'. : ' 1-. ,y ;. -i n ni ' !.,n '.fit! l')h-, " II I ; 111 v I'' m " l-i tlfi.'! " 1 1.1 l :.i M) " M ii.ii r-iii ' S.Jin iu I I" ni " N-r I n n " ii 111 I A ji 111 iVfrr- '.urix " , tv a m 4 1' it 111 At Hii-linii.ii.l " t ' -s r.i t ,'. (i nt ' W.t-t'tiiiii..ii, U Ry ) 1.1 n in t. 1. ni htini .-., (' ll R H it;' in 11 i tu riillti'tfli.TU, " I ;. j. n if 111 " New ..rl, 4 i , j. ti. a ji a m V'lr-lMilii.rK,i'. !,t, -t "MlriVl fitiiV" .py.tin.. irVa if.i A' e- slkl J m I " - ' V-wis' K B. Redwine. A. M. Stack. REDWINE & STACE, Attorney t-al-Law, MOrlROa, N.C. Practice ia all the Slate and Feder al Courts. Will manage estates (ot Eieeutors, Administrators and Guar diant (or reasonable pay; 'and will foreclose mortgages and negotiate loans, without eipense to Mortgagees sod Money Lenders.when practicable. Offices Northwestern rooms, first Boor, Courthouse. People's M OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account end banking business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness snd all the accoutsnodatioua that SOUND bank ing wii admit of. Interest psid, ac cording to agteemeut, on deposits left lor our atated period. Always ready lor loans oa approwei pap Three Times tbe Yalm of Ad; Otber! EASIER I faster! ONE-THIRD Agents wauttd in all unoccupied territory. Wheeler 4 Wilson lmuf.ctarlii Co., ATLANTA, GA. Fur sale in Monroe by TheY.'J.KudgeCo. 51. L. FLOW, CammMMer tt Drals lor Soot. Units!, Ii Korli Carol na: lis I Ju.aicc of ibt tun (or Union Coonij, ni Mirj Public for Kortb UrollDt :-: :: Special attention given to takinr Af fidavits, Arknowlcdfemrnl or Proof o( Deeds, Morlgaites, Cootracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Kenunns (ions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep ositions, Writing and Probating Deeds, Mortgages and all other pspets, issuing Stale Wanants, Claim and Delivery and Attachment papers. Civil Sum mons ami the Collection of Claims. Oilice at M. L. Flow Co. a Store. east ol courthouse, Monroe, N.C. O. P. HEATH, President , slww.l eaafw, awoea aTe twleass)

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