fc fiat- m -IT "1 THE SOSROE JOURNAL J talking ith the itoiie. RACE WAR IN IUJNOI5. M. r.KASLLY, I r. i;t.st.Lv:,riL,""- ' White Man Ain't tiwine Come A Mute Mob, Scanning I'tar N N here Dcys So Many Niggers"! jro, AiLkVs Another -to, ..AHardCrvpVcar -.Ir.Alkin-' kilt Him. am Then Wrevk Throe Iraiti IMed Together. V Tl'tSP.W Ju.y .is. i'J The Special Tat as a .Mean of 1-eiiKthcninK School Term. Evri y ih.I'Iic nth ruuulv oujit to. luxe 4 ei mjlli ih,J leu hri., to luti it uioi.tli I ! the Jail an J Kills Another mmi Charms the Allan l-copte .1r. r'aust Uooil tiankner Other Notes ol ."lore or l-ess Interest. Vmr W i-Jt dl.iv Mine airy. IJistiHtiu mill fell 111 our wf1u.il," said xi-Mi-um: -ami siun i Luriiin; -,.. i..,.r ,jlv, ,,,.,, !.v . ,. ,i. Iii.-ii In-IU;; ou !-!. Il't- t.. tl:f I IV ol I .Lit... i! i ( .1 !!ll!,l. t , 1 11 111! I .it ' Tin rity I lu tin throf "l a r.uv war. ''it- iM-ro. an ui.Lutn , m ill limn l'x aiisx i.U'. Iii-I . x. hot ! mlit l4 .i!il kiin-l I it lot .nan. whitr. Im. u'lr.idx U.-n W .tl I. OH' III .1 liilll, ! Ol I In ' i: m ! I in llll l.lsl I If MI'll 411 kltllLsOl llr 1.... . ......... I...I ;.. .i 1. . I it 1IIMT UH ii .'ii. -,. i... , , ,' , ' , . "'. " I'vo m-xtr -well ant '.,.., Limorinj ili.li.oiiiJdj4.Mji.rur. Mar-dixiUe. .,-, , huh ir..". sti'iufd lo A,K,t r mr.. mm. Ml. rWpe-.'t. v tliape' Mittrr rat," ; , , i o. t-ont.-s.- tly KiJ hate Juiie-vx.. a.jti-uij ! ;t.iult on lh. . n 1.. tai uj-ja t! em hi- tJ uleiiinl 'iil von lii-ar of our liui-tiii at i AUou. M.. mt the rrKuUr iiolic m-liool lunj. Au J A !(. la-4 ci-LT" aLiil t ol.W . II. J Tlio Willi" no-io ho t fcliooi district. l!i4t Jcsirr an r!o tiuu i llnlrlikivi rMtTtl.ix . " . Mr. Jul tin- In ! .i on t!:, u.i lor u.,, (1ii tft it. Hie Um i AtWiiisoii ol Monroe jmai liril l'ruvh U tU'ti. Tln-ant to-! ou tins ulicct i. a i. ine ni-ui I i-o.i.- .-rr ov aiic uo.i i ii -i mi v SpeClil .l-h.H,l t4.!ltVCt BUV h ' " MI.. i " - W " Citloll 111 nv tou.il .!hoatIfi;JI 1 " """ rumni n.i ..i..n. ( iiioiiu-i v I in . -i.o i lull-!iiii 111 ;i:i.! r tl.e tjll.miiu olll oil lllc Iip4 Ill-Ill. lull, ilo oil : ami III' n:. i' l .1 plio,. til U. 4 know, that Xoiiii mail .nl li.'I'l ol the i. . it. ii,i:i v l..i'lrlnu' tlioM' lio etv tlit iv. ami tliox xouti m .10. iioii.iN ui i.! WrtoUlt k llot liilit. lllt inoivi tiuiH .I Horn I'. l! M.iiii.h . (i ll li III. iii fii.iiu'li oIui. to tit! llii' j t,ii! ttoiimli il .mi! i vpiii il ii i lioiiv. Why, Mr. Alkinvni c.iii i ms-oihIx Mio ikio IiiiiihI p i aiii.iiiitoil till luoiv miiiIo in ' iU-I, I oit i -on-li! I' Vi- oi1.!! oiii-n'k titan ihoiik pivat Iioih t an i liliui a dim k ol tin- n no o: in a v.mi. Atti-r SoitoinlH'i- tirt j tianlx ami l:m i : ! to Hi. i " In- t giiinu to t.iv.n li lor n on , M.itimi.w il!i t in- iiml. n .in i-acli lnsl ami tliml r rulax niclit. iii ami In' ill liiulil 1 1 Inn. Ii ami a m !iihi lo run iimi' inonil; in tin xrai. I liave alii-ailx iKvili.1 lixf .un-tii tin miIiIu- lor a Imixiii louinl, ami I tM liim i woiiM I. i!-n . u'.ii.i !!' ..,i H! i!.X -I. i 1. ' . i 'l! i II. i- 'ii I.W.I t - J I'nii'.i! til.lt I l ! l. I.I 1 11. .' III i t!,. Ii: !. In 1 1: . M.i.niii. r. i. i .i.nl xn ll iln-r I li.. -II t.l I ll.' 4VIIO ii a oin-i'ia! Ii.un. ml Vfiit I'.x Ion to mi I In- ii.nu.-ii'l Unix- ' uiumI, h.ini'xtr. :n .1 Ih.i'ki II If,;. " kola ! ub. ii a'lil inn ii Mi ll' I'lill; ,i IVr!!, I IH'glti Irani. :!. hint, .oiv. I.x ,iiiin.,n- cuiuiitii'i.": I p.in a m tituii ol .iiir l.iuiUi i; in-- lie li Mri-i uiihm tli. jriH-f-.! ie.t4l In'. 1 ilistiitt. t'ti jorM-J liy tlic County ItjarJ jl LJm .1 tioii, tli.' lii.l il CVm.ty Ciiiiii is aiuut'is, mlri ll.itty aay untu-eat tin i mit l'.iiue I"'i aii.l tiiiet- i'lla-1 yc.h lie i-u-fn in ttit 'i.jv.M".! Ji-tiut slull li.iiJ an fieri: .11 In jM.'eIllill tin Ulil ;if tin- if 'n- ltli!tl tin- pri Msr.: six-.-i.il mIu'hI ,l:llii't ulirtlirr then- shall le Ii-mi ! u sai.l Jistni t a h jiiui.jI mx il nut in ji r t'u:i U..ili ct-ul!. i :i iIk- .UK huiiJu-.l J-ilLiis al u.itii'ii i t (-i.-i'.'ity ;i:..l nrn-lv it-nt on t!.e i'.-ll I ' s t:!' ;i.' i t tl.e I' ll'.!. J I .1 ' ' ' iioiii ! l:-'l ' ; H Ii II . . li. l II I I.I. i.rl Ii in l.i. l i..- oil I. !,.. Tin .l.i. t..!.;.o. , win ;i I ami ! i. n.i! . I Mill' il i: .1 i l: tu,:..-;! n-.'ni lit Iv'i!.,- C ...inlv -u ,- ''"' l-"--"at- lol tli. H. ui,! i. I ! n .iti u in u.-e fii.li 'i M lniK'li ami x Iuhm." ci.il t.. is v it .1. 1 In' U 'ii.l i ! Coaii tv C. !i!i!.i-M-n.! -I'-'il (';. int -i re 4 j "H ,-.ui nix lor tno." vinl Mr. I. tin .11..I m .1.1 al.n. l...ilt..li .. !..l A ,m.,i, ..,,. t li i-oiint X HJI .1 l.-tl l-'t .1" I -41.1 li.-ill, ll ft: l'l ! 1, .,,1,,... ,,. n.'ei llie !.iu I . i .i 'I'ulllt It.ilW. I o lll-t lit'l ii n l.ni ami li'innl an itnl.-ii'iit im . low i!.il!.u a timlitll i;inl im !llU 'llli1-- Wolll.l lllkl' I no ol tKi- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 .-. -. ami it is -nlli'iiu- i .11 .1: i . 1 1 1 I heW i-i li e .i!.l .l-.-tn. I rl lill i; t;r: vl i ele. ln-n-i Ji in .i y I.e. A! S4..I i ! ' ll' a l!i mi' I'.l l.i. I t'l II, e If. V .l.i I t- ol I..U-I t.i.. -li u! . te 4 li, Kft .11 uli.i'l sli.iil v 1'ii.it. ! .'1 xiilti ii l-.e v. ..!,. l-'or Sj . . ..il I i.' .in ! tii m- !i ' 'ii' 0''.'.-.t .1 I !w .1 ! . t ,!li!ll ll : 11. il IM' .'l I. ill v .1 t- 4 111.1 . I i t.-: ..t ?.m: I ,'" -.i. 1 t.. lln :lv .-xi.'.J l i'oi , i- -:i-il:l'. ,l t. l shall l.e i.ll.I I A,ai:i-i j-e. li I i..l il the . h- l,..:i i- i.i Suiue -li.iii I c u li'.-te '. ill the l: the lei v .ii..! Ail lili'm-y it ' ol this .. l ' 'i n-i .1 I" II Ci.tiiiMlt- ' in inill.-o .-I jli I ty U.-..1.I .'I I Cuiisiiuii.il; r. i:.ti. K.iu-I Ii.i.n a ol' i ol n mi Ins li.t k lo! ll.. in a iii,iiliT o .in wliuli lie x ill n-.iluo litllr p.iM. . Mill ll I. .u ii'. 1 1 "lu ; iii'.ii' I li.ii ; ii il, :i I -I I ixi I in !. ,1 :.- Ill'l r .. .i-i li.ni ..! tin- Si Ii II t. X!H. ll f. i ,-v li e l. 'i l.'l,' Ll .in t t. I'1' l liu:;, cu-s'u l! t.iV. M III. ay I-i I.. tllllS li,.ll. XI .i ti.t viK l''tt. IH' 11. .! . ..I I::., -I aii.l i. .1 1 I. 1.-. ,.litl s I 4 I I th-'i'l 111 ; llll-e. I' ,1 rtlf i,o C I ' "l'l'. ,1'1 pt iiii.il, i lit. 'Ih.'V l.axc 1 t III te.o'li 1 1 s, I. el! I I, 'i: i '. I Tin' Stale ".il : I In, ue llu'i a i 'ir i;: ruiiiitie.s l,!.e I'ni. 'ii i ever, am! lln' j i .o tlirti.elief .-ii.uii.! el t,i uiii. ni t.ill'e..! I ' ive tlu-it o:' i-i,Ili''illi,,lu- ui !l si 1 !i ls ;l- llie I'llLlht In l ute. . 1 ..t ! sln.i:! I In i;.ii linw to t.,ilt ill.l Mlllk 1-r i'1-t..ii t.i illstllels, i,i Ih it tliev nii.y l e ele.ittil hefi'it1 t.i l J.iiir !.t u th y.,n!y l,,i m !e ieii, 't'.!' miii, Ihro if The C letl nf tie '!y Ci hy. Why. hie- Ilrn, li.ink-, i .-.-iititt. Shun;!, .i.m t- Is . i'eri . t l.i uwu. j'l si.ies t.-r i.ti.i r j'. -i ha-i heel i- I!., it tin hieth uiitiy i i-s an .III- e. ., 1 ill!. ,- i li," j .In. '.! t.l .- ,.!. Ill i;.ts ,1 .! n n. it , 1 rim ,l ! i-i! IfiiiiHiianU "IimiI.iI li, in I ii. i inaii-li to tin- i-i iiiilx 11 1- XX llll III. II 0 iii llio nix limi.hr llifllwil.-s U hlln! lln- li.u.I ol .i .!' 111.' nihi l--. Tin . K'.l llol . I,. . I, l!io iiioh, Itoui-x.-r. Ini it -ii l'l.!,! im,4 poll' ami It :.i! to r i . i, w i volion ol l!i' xiai! ,i:i. i!.o .1 4,i. U'tll ol' x lit.-li wt-:i' n-t x ir. :i at-.i.iiiil ,, tin- uri i ! i . ;,i,n,; nil i, In I ol' lln- l;."li it .i- I.- ,. ..i tlio olh.vi's l.i . -I. 1 1,, in nio . X l- -' .'ll 11 hi! II. -'ll.! I.. !!, -J.nl' lii-H' he h.ui -hot .!.,. i. n. i i ,. man. ll x i- I Im . i !. .a .ii ; , , , ,, -taut In Iht.oi i i j ' . i ni I, ,!,., nun h I'm- lln- il of -uiii i.U.-." i if' am I in' hit': ii. t.. ti.. ,,i . N. t jo-t l.-i.-'h..in' in'o. Inn hn.ii t:;.l liol tl.-i.IX h'"J. I'll! w.t;!i .1 .l ; I..- . Ill It till If I It I llll W I- lie. I I I ,:i ... lllo 'X.l- slow IX -!-a"j!t . nil ,!.,i i , , In- w.i- i. H lianiti, In M i- i,n ! .loi . n.!-. oil In I In- . ni, 111 I iij. 1 In- ollit . is ' ,i... to -,i n I In- -ni in . m t o . -oluc i iw. W i'-oii. It I- . h.l: 4. 'I. 'it I' llio lai In lioiw xi h .- I In- i .-i i ,i XX. I- liolm .lltil tn't! hi I in- i I - il'l'i ill X. V lllio -In- W .I- .'11, !ll-!i j. , s..int'l.!io I., i-.it im i i t. ii .1 t., il k I'l-hi-ii tl"i i- an.) -I-;, -I In r. !!.- , ll. 'I hi t. Ii-.IV II;.' '.. I h l't ,.. I..; l, Aii.-iw.iiiI -I,.- man. i .i-i .i i : m to the i it -.ti est i'a: m ii.uw. xx i . , i . siin ... III.- -.,. . -M , ,.., j ; I t-is -I. nil-. I 111 .l-ll I i l tiin I.. -n, ,,, ami hen W i!-ini x.i-i .iitui ! In- vj.. si.-lll. : i hin i i. ,1 I., !. ,...iii,t , , ! i.. jiti-u-iil Ixtn lit t . . I h'-ii-tin- t,i .in i.ni,, rait' i unit il, j,. . ll-ll. , lllt.f nihil li.t'l.ii- . .no !..!, i a- lio i.-.ni llio iii' ol tin- iai.' I lot atUi ki il !. tin- in. di .iinl -. wn I in I 'anvil':'. 111. i -.! u. i l.ir ol I In-ill i IU n h. I Ami a.s Im in n In t lit ii'iiiaik Mr. j ami tlio nihnr l.i .iro -a,. I l i l.o luis j l-jinh-ir Ion., naliiially i'Vii.'s.si-il loln-it -I'niii . ,in- i'!n, I ;. ,M. 'u tho lot'lin o llioiinliltiil Sillllii'l'li . S.'ii.o l.i'ilns am .iilninu ti n ;. llli-ll on lln- Vi'Xal loll- slilioi. lln ., -.-ivi-s ,H,i! ntln-l- im Hi-;i n in; .. is sony. ail ol' us aio. that sin-h 'slight. Thn mi in: ol llio im.li I i'i : things shmilil iiri'iii'. Inn il llinxi.i- . 1. ni i lii-il a. .1. I '. MiMiill. inll't, ll is sotuo s.itlsl.ii-oii thai l ilt- Iiioh i hail-. I lis muni !i. n.. s ilm-l inn s iniii li nioio l'i'i'.iii'iili j all. n kn.j tlio ia.1 ami nnt l ank mm -liny oi'i-iii' Ix-ynml llm !uii-ia!nl n'tt iloun Maxln-hl's liu.! . X ll Ifll IS SlllIIIMl !o III, Ilk oil 'I'llX I ll-llnll II to I im illllil- -i ! , Soil! Iil'l II tl'l llloix . I t-.lllX I ill-. 11'.. all'l hill in il 1 1 III a in HI llln. !..n k ,:i' The farmers Contentioo- mhi. h loiir UIhts! i ri-MUeut xx uwou saiu io iuy l.ll.llx-u Wi re t" ! tlion-mire.aMi Uliurrt. atlrotl ..! I'oXt-x llio. 1' lS tur eiHiei lion at toe A. i M. .. ; i lien, llus toil.-e; th.lt I'auilliM ismulV arlil i'."o'i.Hk. !!. " ls tliaii I-"' fanners aii.l Ala- , .. liim; -hi hen- 1'ia'iii I"; llial a tiruier. but mile i!s in I o i l.H k. an.l l'"t 'Unlilen. rmlo ii Bill. I minsiiv i. V n '" "T : iu "tiler to W here ami alt. ml the ooiiu-ntion; tli.it at a iiiiinl rot Hiintiv sm.UI la.-i. iu I lie Si ate, fa r. iter. Im tl nl intend to iN-iiie colli.! not proline the ni'iil rate tit kti. Ir. Wiuslnil May it i- lioet that lie will liaxe Iwu-eas lu.i'ix pi. st nt. a.- in. ,nii i. ate I ilai'v iiiiunsl ,,-oii'iii in iro in an oxer ine .--iaie. I, . .lax as lull nl work al the convention. Mol of ihiwr in at Ii inlaine are lKiii.linj;at the vol Ii f'e. Hie lu;: ill ii ni); room is ii.-.ulv t ti I. Over I.inni iwsiilr . !. lis! to tl.ix at the three meals. II i- a n pillar, old l.i-ioiie.1 ramp iiuflmcs ii-x ix al woik. I t;aii ( l-nn In ak last. 1'rof. llinkelt took the i-row.l oxer the farm ami lliioiio the huiis ami dairy. The convention met at M o'l-l.wk. ami w.is in s. s-i.ui all day until Id o't lot k p. in., m it Ii lirief inlei niis sioi'i-t.ir il. imer and siippa-r. I'rof-Mex.-iis. iliair ol nature stmlx. initio an tiistriiitixe aihlrisn on Sutiilv Moulds and Koti:" lr. iliiaiii I'iiiiii. of Newliiirii. read a nn i-l onli-il.iiiiiiif: aM-r mi "Truck l-'.ii iniii;" Mr. t. W. I'.l ickiiall. of Vamv, iIw usmiI "Tho I'nisriil and I'lHure of .tr.iw lietry t'ultiiiv til North t'ani lina:" I'. I.. iKliinlilriilp', of Kdjre coiiiN-. spoke on 'Kxtensive Kuriii inn;.' ami showed that I lit old plan tat ion, Willi uerolaliorauil et'ttoii lor the crop is doomed; l't of. .1. '. Kendall -poke on "'lintlcr Mak ing." ami explained all the iM.inls ill the same; Slate elm illill l lll Tate I .nt It-r .Iw iixsed Texas rattle lex el; Mr..l. I!. toll, a (trailuale of the i'ollot:i', made a most i nit rest iu' -pi-ecli on "Riiry Kat iiiitij;."" lie is a ic.it e;ram!.soii of lr. l.h- I ill.' W n-i-k wax oil ..mi 1 litec na'iisaie 1. t k two 111 lht li o issci i No. In. , I IVti.isy :,a:na. h" k.-i ..: t In- pa.- ei'.-r, i.i i 0 uii. n- esi-;iK-, me In in w ilh the . , I K:.- si, .i v ol tl.e ;i . 1 1 i.n- vx.-ie north Ii :-t ir.-llit hail i on .iti.,-i!.l ol a i'leak, ,. ,v m. i t;.i;n c.u.ie up p-"i. I-'li'li- till ll.U'liillll i I 'in k. l!in s.-1'..ln! Ilii.hl x ll ! '.tio al a hi;li rate i lie! .t..-ll. .1 11. in No. i-l. i ! x. .i . 1 1 .i! I x' ti j..i---:..t I . -,-,,; , I 1 : (,. t- li lip. .ilnl ... I of t : i f 1 1 in. w i;e '. ....I- h n. 1.,; ! i.i'i'.x ihtnxx II I ! ..I is -! II Jx i. e to CoiirtiUjj .Till. it :l ti l't Iioiii .iln nl' to.i-i in; ca.s. , I lis straw Ih-IX pllltll t.nilll'X yielded ' I. iiii lliis -pi in; t!ii in i a-h. I..- -nit s all lie 1 1 tilt lie wanted l'"i ; his own l.ilih- ami .is pn-st i,is in his ii.-i;hhois. ' I i; - ..; t . i'..'i-l. it.-. !.,! I-.. .-;.. I ! i.-ml. I ! l'l ; i I, 1.1 - thi ll. I I' ! :l.ii, I Inn. .in- x ni ; 'i s,.iin ni;!. Ml. I. ! IX nl l.i- t i! I t; IX. ii ! in; xx i : i I ! ;i.l Siii,. I, x ,. nl po,'i iu l.il l inls sha .M 'I. hnl. ami i-iiiniiiii;a ilanx Sniiinhow or iitlmr." -al l.i, ill. Ill- II, -llll- ol l.tllllni. xt ,ii- has lu-cii the hanln-l xx Inch to I. n in th it I h ax pel it-in i more, 1 all Ill.it -I M r. lln- e in eXi'l' ex 1. ami I. it tiuii.; h.i- co-l mi; a;o sjwiit on my cmp I cxiM-cl.il to have to1 .1.1'. I, I y i nii 1 i-l Sli'll i I . 1 ti.xx.l. .i X'. ol n XXf k In I ii.- lilllil Ileal the cnllc;e. I'rof. F. I. : Stevens d.-.-enlM il vaiioits iiii-IIi.hIs i, 'of tivalin: and iinpnix inn needs: j I'lof. H. V. Kildoiv .Hike on SoiN anil lerllliern; I'ihI. r.iir kell siioke on "Why We t'ulli ale." and at lii;hl tlelixereil nil : i'liisiarlt'il sti'ieoptiioii let luiv on vi i, i l-'arm Annuals" ! an immense 1 1 i , "iitlur tl'.Ull.lcs.-- I'nlks are liax in; said Mr. .1. II. I n; ntli! As- .-e ii. ,1 t!.e N mil Una 1'ier -l.!e In;. ha!! 1,: 11. tune The San I i inn that txxu nt the ki". the cnmlrv. I James J. Hi!!, ate t llltnhcr ileal xxhi-iel x t: i-nf.lrii! the linnl wnrhl. Il is nnly a til) the s-icat h.reM IS'iliet'll t 1 4i 1 1 .'i .i J km s.iV ol M.itriin.iii an! Mitiiii; in .1 Ufa! they xx ill he l.o er in a: We t u! the ijiieslii'ii nf lime of this roiiDtrv 'im. I ,'t'i I in- in! iii .. II l'l il I" xi 1 ll 1.1 !.i:i!x I I'lli-e, Inch as really ile- aiitli 'li;lit.-.l j A lai;o atid enlliiisiaslii iiwutei : Itioii of road luiidcrs a an fotinetl. ! Addiesst-s were In iile liy Mr. I'. II. Hanes. I'mt. Kiddii k and W. j l SptM.n. Crusader Mei-linu and the Cotton ! Crop - Value of Material Thingg i and the Soul I Our Bargains Know No Bounds! V 3 We are plunging ahead, captivating more and more people every week with our surprising bargains. It's your privilco to choose freely from these values now. Better ones couldn't be, "as good" ones are hard to find if you do find as good, they won't be as cheap as ours. Silks and Dress Goods. The most comprehensive, the mot elabor ate, by all edits the mot worthy show in r we hate ever made, and the prices-- ell, you -will he surprised, that' all. Corded Taffetas, worth trie, special at iK. W ash Silks, north SOc. special at iSc. Yard wide Taffeta Silk, no better tor $1.25, .special at OSc. Jo Inch w ide Jap 5ilk at 50c a yard. 3K inch white ."-ilk at 75c a yard leau de Crepe Silk, in all shades, the latest thine in Silks, it Wei yard. The Celebrated Bethaldi Silk, yard Ue, special at $1.25. This 5llk Is iruaranteeJJn every respect. Wash Goods. Another big lot ol Mill Ends put on sale today. I2;c P K at 75 a yard. I lie Lawn at 7c yard Good Calico at i cents a yard. 20c Madras at 10c. Full line of White Goods for dresses, waists, etc., at prices to suit all purnev Miscellaneous. 75c St react hy Seam l)rawer,special at 4."c. $I.IKI ShirU, special at 75c. Suspenders 5c up. 50 dozen Socks, worth 2Dc. the lt ..pvcial at ItV a pair. 10c Sock.i at 5c a pair. t Secials to offer in Clothiiiv. See it. Shoes. The brightest, the sn.ippiet ."sprinvt 5hues proiluord are here for your Miction. Children's, misses' and laJic.' Oxfords, Pat- leather, lil uc tiers, and Strap- W e sell Ouccn (.lunlity Oxfords S2.50 $J (; all the new shapes: see llieni. A Millinery Hoautv Show. A surprisintr exhibit of New 5u mmcr Millinery. The Paris Data mtj mir ow n umlchless creations. We are splendidly equipped to meet your millinery wants. Shnwinir an endles variety of choicest Netting at just the price you want to pay. New Parasols, the latest and prettiest for summer, Just received and at prices that w ill interest you. Come to this store tor your want and you w ill find It. BELK BROTHERS Cheapest Store on Earth. 2 I I I I I i 1. Salt I iil- ! tin- Sin. In ' rninnlnipiii nn! x next .,! M,. will have hfii ('ii-stiinej, A ureal many men have n-.i.le, anj will yet make, furtiiiif j out nf the business, but the end is cnii'ii);. V ilh the many elii; ali.-nal lallie? teiiiperancc rallies an 1 ulhcr kind nf gatheiing!i comnn; l'ii;ht alnlii; in the protracted iiiretim; tcanoii, the people of I'liiun county air having tsuiue th in; to divert Ihcir mi ti Im (or a fart. Kaleili ii to he pitied. It has just gotten over a fierce fi;ht and election for the exleusiiiii of its boundaries and Dow it ia just opeuiui; out a diipen.ary battle. One ol the Abbeville hotels yester day discharged its neurit waiteit and employed white Ril ls. There are sev eral lintels in the State that have done this, To enter a hotel where a buxom Iiish lassie meets you at the door and pilots you to a seat and turns you over to another such, makes you feel just i little different down here in North Carolina than you do when the same office is pel formt d by the regular ne tro servant. There's one effect it has so far but this may pass away when the thing gets a tittle more common il makes the hogs who cuss the wait ers (or the fun of it keep a still tongue in their heads. Bud Keller, a distinguished citicn of Black Mountain, while walking up the railroad track with a jug of liquor In each band, met the train and got; one of hit jugs and hit head broken. The othet jug be held on to securely. The doctors gave it out that Bud would die, but his neighbors said nay, that he bad fallen 50 feet off Swan nanoa trestle, without discomfort, and H would Ix a late day when a thing like t (rain would do him up. There 1 it a story that a t'niou county man once fell liity f' lo" ia '' without spilling a quart cup full of li quor which be held in hi hand, and Mr. Kellef l quile up to this. I- the home of lion. Joseph li. ( 'ainioii, who is to Im. the speaker of lln next hulls.'. Il is lo lie Impnii t hilt xx !, mi tiolhy mouthed im-iii Imls n-e 111 tho next linllse lo lie 1 nee I lie South, I ncle .loo xx ill know eiiniih. allt-l thisexpelli'iii t al hi'iiit-. to tail tiin in.iiithx luntii Imr l.i iiiilnf. l lio et oiiniiiisls max xx 1 ill. Ihe iecluicrs may speak, the pleat hers max rani Southern men 1I.1 none of these lliinpi-oii the sihiil, hut the llllli street coon know In ttni- than lin y tin position ol Ihe iii'ci-u hi tilt South. hal's linn., he knows that this position is not to chalice; ami more still, he accepts il, as does his nine, xx ilh sat isl'acl ion. I no expression heard liy the repoiti r in paitsiiij' a boot blank's stand on a Sunday mm 11 111):. showed ltyoml iiiestion that these things uiewell tlllilerstnoil liy the yotiiij; darkey mind. I.nulin yum; negroes were riowiliii too clivse aliiiut the staiul: "I.onk here," said t lit wimlly heailcd owner of I lie stand, "you fool nij.'j'ers. j;it er way from ;ls lioollil.u k slaml. 1 ion' I yni kimw im white man ain't er wiiin In eoiiie 'limit wheie iley"s so many ni-ili'Tsf" "The news! Oh, we've jjnt no liens do 11 in Lanes I 'reck." said Ir. ,1. IS. Kuliauks yeslerday. 'I'olks nrc well, Imt the fanner w ho had to hire his labor this year is making profit 011 tho wiiiiig side of the lnxik.'' Ir. (ieiirce l'.ilwaril Flow, the noted iu;i ieullurist, riiinn in yester day to say: "There is to lie a fanners' insti tute here on the fifth. Tell all the fanners to come. It is a fine thiuj. They will (,'aiu a trn-at deal of information." 11 . We have heard of all kinds of ral lies, most all, at least, but the "finan cial rally," which the .colored people are pulling off this week is something new. Rest fruit jars at Flow's, Disis takes no summer vacation, If you need flesh and strength use Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Sta4 Iw irat mpin, srrrrr a sow nil, cmh im, WMl rH sott, Niw Tort. fM. mi S4 a tartiiltit. It 1. 1 pieces XX llil kliiX t t 1 1 1 1. I . Then Uicx ch.uun.l lln j.nl ami Ihe -hciill ami linpniin liifil, xx oiiiiiliii -cv oral luninlmi - n the im 1I1. -..in.- I. it. iil , un ,ii i '.it w null. 1ml ate Ad. 1111 .-i i v. l.il. nix shut lhi,.ii-;li Um In a.l; 11. Iiii.,--. shot iu net k ami i 1 . i. 1 1 1-r. 11 1 . ti,,: l it' Ilniliki. -hnl in the at 111. w ill iceoxcr. fin muii rcpulsoil. m-:iI In a iii-ihhoi nf iiiiiiiiii iiu;i or tlx ii 1 luiln ami piohalily xv ill ait.n k ;., jaii .i-iiiin. 1 lie tnoli is mini i.i'n.l ami Inl natnli- In I X ill li t i.e -in 1 i I ami his linplllies, ai.-o Ihe in-m tin iiki-y iu the . i-l. ! A llt-r set 11 iiu l.aiterine; ranis it took Ihe Iii. -I ali'iiil hull Un l.'ii: lu wreck the city piison. the m:u liein I011111I hnl in a ,- iin. lie xi 1-' piiUn.l Iioiii the Nil'.-, si nn k xx ilh sleiles, klli'tkt'l tlowii, niliij.i.l Up '11 illul staillpi il In tin. ilh. A rope was placed al'tiiil hi-nock .ml his lilt-less lioilv was tliavnil al-mii thice l.lot ks. Anil!. nl was ma.lt- j to lianj; the liotly to a tcl.giaph pole, Iinl llln lupt- llitike, Tim llmil. 1 which lln- lime iniiiilHi.il .'..Im-ii, ) limn tlra'nil the lu.ilx lo the ami hill ned it. , t'onipany Ix. a colortil troop, Im-. its iiiai teis linn, ami the ollit t.ii-j have prepared to call it out. I,n ,,! j i'i-s of Ihe 1110I1 declare lh.x w iii ti v I to kill the collies out. Il l 1 1,11-. I'll 1. 11,1: -III. -t-.l in.. .!;-. ',i- -' l.n-l'i i-i ' 1 ami Out Mo irsville co'respotiJeiit makes tl.e iutacstiti' statement 1 ; that ace .'r.linj; 1.) tstiuutes mails there, the XnJJ ul cotton in that xi.;., - m.-n xx In ' !ectlol, u l,e ri,l"l"cJ 'x,y l,?ll's in w. .11 1 heir hit !"" ccoiiiit t( the Christian Cru- o.'i 1.1. in '. alone. ! sail.Ts' mectine;, which has bean I.-... tor llinx w ill I un. ietxvay lor same time. At IJ cciiW per p'Hind this would mean a loss ol Sjx.iuo, but it may be that the meetings hixe done n ii.J ami il s-i ol course the loss ol sixty bales ol cotton will not be a serious matter. I'nlike some ul the travehiij,' preachers, it Ik I nut been a recorded that the Cru saders have run any body cray, and some eouj reports are now .iinl then received concerning tlii tii. I hey s ii urncd at 'in . ;, .. I ik-, 1; xi hi;ii. I nrnikis' Institute for .Monrne- A I n inn! -' iii-i ;t , ,!e xx iii !.n held t il nt lax . A i'isl j ol a l.iiim-i-' iii-lilult-l I .1 : In 1 t'n- 1. 11 nn-rs in I'M ) 111 IX lIl-l ll-S if , latino lu tin il liil-llie, j tin llnul-ol llsill nil X.lllulls Clop-, lln ll and 1 u'l ix it i..'i of ti e . .1.11 Un llliMuX n u! t-..tt.i i I lie pre-- I xn naliied n pio-iaiu 1 .f. Vi . I'. .,ss. 1 . .; 1 iii iiii-t, ' ' : 1 ill 1: mil .; "I I'ii- S,m;, 1 n a.iiiin an I tin ;ni"iil :; il i"ii, win il lii-t n- lln pl.'-'n Ms. Ail ,itt.- li ill I l.! ;ni. li lln-l . ami tllusn 1 liim n-lt'il 1 1 1 1 U a'' nix ltd ami 111,'ed .in illl'l -k iplnsl lolls and 11 Um ili... u--,ions. .Moruine; 1 ii! opt 11 al !'::ai o'clock an. I ailot noon s. 1 111 a' S. 1.. I' I I T.l.".!.,, '-'iii'i-11! .x.L't n-iilliiri'. - 1 im! .1 has ! ;; in t u , ,i!ll I sessj, ,1 sll II p I : ..'. ! stuck lltil .. 1.1.1III ali'l si ilniv-illn l.ir .nut,. 11 vx-hili. and 111 telling of the xvoik they were oni(4 there, a cilien ol that toxxn li W Ixi! j "cxiarexi inai me resuiis xvtre l itn r.'ulle!. 1 exicilent. "rhey are Conduct I 1 . II. ii 1 t lie ilaiiiedet mettint; o( the , ... i ! i.i.-nl nl kind 1 ever a'-teiukd," said lie. -t iciillni.t! ! As an agency (or the reduction nl the cotton yield, however the Crusaders are a new factor in the South, and should their tribe ideally increase it will b: only a sh it time until they will figure alongside tl.e boll wiexil in the market reports. tin Iii I'l'ixx's -lore for best fruit jilt's. Come tu we 111 tnbac.'O, S.ll-ikll." I" I ir clu w ing -'accti, cicars, .iter. l).v Always Right. I'atient- Iut, doctor, only last vxeel; you said 1 would surely die, but now I am well as I ever was. Doctor -Sir, I never make a missiake in a diagnosis. Your ultimate demise is only a matter ol time. entire company if il I A l inancial Rnlly- j The people of Muliroo are eiir-! dially invited to Ihe linancial rally ! of the A. I. I'.. Ziou ehnti-li ilur in; this wei-k at tin c.ilnrn.I hall. Ki'X. Ilalllii-ol tiin I'resliy li riaii church lectured last iiiohl. Ilm. I. V. I nderwooil will lecture lo ! tiU'ht. j l.Vv. J. W. .Smith, l. IL. tin i greatest negni idilor in Ihe Sniih;' Hev. A. .1. Warner, l. 1)., one ol i the best nee;M otiilois in tihs conn ; ty. Mini Ilev. II. 1!. liriire, 1. I. editor of the Sunday school depart ment, will lecture. This will lie a wit-k of iiislnie tion from some of the. ablest men of! the rsw-e. Ukv. O. K.M' .vix. The Ixsly of Charles Ijiltie, a negro lulmrer, win foiintl in the woxwla in the suburbs of OrcemVioro Sunday in a partly deetnn'Mised state, the skull having been split open from behind with an axe. The coroner's investigation showed that the man had Wn murdered in his own bed at his home nearby, ami his wife was arrested. t-cooc . CKOC"COOCKC OC-OO DO.0CCXXXXXOCXXXXXJOCXXXKlOCXXOP YOU NEVER SAW a more complete implement stock than we are now showing. The best known makes. OLIVER CHILLED PLOW, KENTUCKY (JllAIN DRILL , WOOD' BINDER AND MOWER . IIARNE , PLOW GEAR. X i.wi rh 1 himii 1 1 mi m um i ! 1 1 Our Ice House is opposite J J Lockhart Ac Co.'s store. Phone us when you want Ice. No 36 Cadiec & Wallace. I want ypur old Iron. J D. Parker. mm v- ' K you desire pure Ice, com bined with honest weights and prompt delivery, phone 30. Cai'IHI" Wallace. I'roducc Market. The ftillowing ate the prevailing puces beiiin paid oil tint market to day, the dale ol insue of Ihe paper. The market ia of rourse subject to fluctuation: Iri.'h potatoes, 50c to fine per buihel. Chickens, hem, joc to preach. Chickens, spring, accoidiug to sue, lor to 15c earli. I K.Hs'. loc to we per doien. I Guineas, u',c to iHc each, j Ituller, u',c to 15c per potiud. Hams, 1 ic lo 1 jc per pound. I (iuions. 50c to boc per bushel, j Corn, 75c to Soc. 1 Cotton: Best IJ.00 To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Latative llroin ji,uiiiiue Tablets. I All druggists refund the money if il j fails to rure. K. V. drove's sijjua ' tin e is 011 each box. ij cents. ; When in need of fresh meat phone No. 91, J. 1). Parker. A Square Place to do Your Trading. Honest Scales and Weights. I do not claim to he the only mer chaut iu our town, but I do claim to have come to Monroe to do a legiti mate business on honest principles, and 1 want the good people of the couutry as well as the towu to come and eaaniiue my ever iucrcasiug stock of Iresh lancy aud staple groceries, Flour, Sugar, Molasses, canned goods, tice, snuff, aud a com plrte line of Tubacco, laugiugin price Ironi 30 to 90 cenls per pound. Aud, oh! that grand old brand of Coffee "Our tilcuu." Just read Ihe following signatures and enough is laid: "Our Blend" Coffee. This it to certify that we have used "Our Blend" Coffee, bought from V. A. Stewart, and are delighted with its strength and flavor. Kespectlully, S. O HLAIR, W. B. HOL STON, J. I'. MONROE, C.E.SCHACHNER. W. A. STEWART. Phone 101, Satisfaction and prompt delivery. exxxxxxxxxwooooocx fi cool Head Is very desirable at this season. Oui clean, solid, pure Ic is the best cooling medium you ran get. Ia the refrigerator its lasting quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED, It sdds to the clearoete and cool ants of summer Chinks of all kiodi. Have at to deliver il to your res idence daily. Tickets for salt in any quantity. Pbooe j6. C ADIEU & WALLACE. Summer a Cleaning j is Hood, bill it's better xxhen J fol I o cd up xx ilh a fexv pieces " Pretty New Furniture, o We cm itlxe you any style ut a low figure, anj guaran tee il t b. the prettiest nnd must durable tu be had. i.uns. over our suick, i. O t furniture Denier and I'uneral Director. $ Store Phone 7; Residence I'hone 8-4. 6 m T. P. DILLON, BfflrrjirniTrnmTfnmrnmnTri uiLUDLiumiiimiJiiiiix I A. LEVY. MRS.A.LKVV. Important Innouncement! Millinery and Dry (ioods AT COST. We have decided to mako groat reduc tions in our stock of Millinery and Dry Goods in order to clean out our big stock in time to begin to put in fall goods. Here ore some examples: 35 cents Lawns at 25 cents. 15 cents Lawns at 10 cents. 10 cents Lawns at 8 cents. A fine line of men's shirts will also be put on the counter at knock down prices. This is a genuine clcaranco sale of best goods no shoddy stuff. If you buy a thing in our line before seeing us you lose money. A. Levy. A. LEVY. MRS. A. LEVY. B riiiiiiiniiinnirmuiiiui LUJjmuiiJUiiitJJJii rTiuiuiiii sJ To Cure a Cold in One Day Tak, Laxative Bromo Quinine Takfet. r?ijb tMm.sUhillaMat. " Trifa sJrnr. TjCfT CarM CHs la iVoDays. on every

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