1 7 - - s ' s!ja -.Jt-J-J .u.u.3-iIP .Hi mt - fc. sua- s .at. , ,.' THE MONROE JOLWNAL. VOLUME X. NO 27 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY AUGUST 4, 1903 One Dollar a Year Xllll IIIIIIIIIUItlliUllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltltlllltlllillllllllMIIIIIIIIMtllllllllnilM VAAAAA-AAAAVArfJ s 4 i.. . . . ft Summer Goods. To prevent carrying over to another season, - c have decided lo Inaugurate a CLEAN SWEEP SALE or 4 nU . - - J public () pinion. and oiler at cut prices the remainder of our stock of Dress bens, (iooK Lawns, Organdies, Rib Underwear, Shoes, and many special values in other things. THIS IS NO BLUFF. W hat we advertise we Jo- Haven't we always proven the truthfulness of this statement? Come and get Bargains that are Bargairjs. J. Y. Hosier. ! i I Study Mankind Through 5elf. ,rl i hr-lrril.!'. L-Mrr. Ill order to judge of tlx' insult-of others, study your . Mcii in general are very much alike; :ml though one man hasoiie u v;iilin pas-sion, and another lias another, yet their operation art- uiucli tli kiiik'; ami wh.itoter engages disgusts, please or ulli-nds you lu tuners, in, i lit iiccess.iry j , js .a, cliaugm liclug mane, engage, (lis Fruit Cans and Solder. 41 MIIUItlllllMIIMItllllllHIIIMIIIMHIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIItlltlllllllMIHl XXOOCCCOXXX)CWOCXX)OOOOCXX)000 Camp Meetings are now in order. Make preparations beforehand by buy buying you a new Buggy or Wagon. It will add pleasure to the profit of such an occasion. We have the largest assort ment of Buggies Wagons ever carried in stock in Monroe and can satisfy the simplest or most fastidious taste. Wo have in stock 150 sets of har ness to select from. You can get a set at any price you desire. These goods were all bought from manufacturers, not job bers, thereby saving a middle man's profit. Call on us and we will convince you of what we say. We havo a few Refrigerators in stock that we do not desire to carry over and will sell you one at about what it cost. s gust, plta.se, or lt-im others m rlyoii. (Mucne, i'li tin ut mint attention, all t In operations of rlyour own iiiiml. tin- nature of your s passions, ami the various iimliv t : thai determine your will; anil SI you may in a great degree know r . all mankind. ij Patriotism in Daily Life- 2 I i'tilrRir.l'lirllrii,l..tn It U no easy task that our dctii z m-rary demands of the patriot who E is not a soldier. It is much ca-sicr s to licconie enthusiastic over a cracked lihertv lu ll than to lie sane ami patient in ih terming whether a city shall own its street car lines or whether the l.ation shall control trusts. Hut this is the form which patriotism must take. Americans I ill alwaws he ready to light for their country. Will lin y lie ready ' to saerilice prejudice lor it! I lie , new patriot miisl In- as ready to j vole intelligently upon n franchise as to kill a man in ways approved ; liy military science. INfcurrcnce jof the anniversary of America's ! achievement of indepcncc as a po 111 leal democracy must teach les sons not merely of the heroism ot our forcfuHiers, lint even nunc tits i tiuctly of services to Is- rcmlcicd demociacy by ourselves, j Let ,:m keep in the Rear. I St t!r Ijllll I.. None of us want a man with w hiskey on his lireath, or a man I known to U a cheat, a tiaiul, a hypocrite, an immoral man, totalk to us about religion, said Key. Dr. lirooks in a sermon in Stales ille last Sunday. .No; ami none ol us want men who drink liiiiorou the sly anil who a.s politicians have currieil favor with the litpior in terests, to come around denouncing liiiior.iust liecause it is the popular thing to tin at this time. If they have rcpeiiled and hae an hoiiesl change of heart, all well and good. Itnt if such lie the case let them keep in the rear while they luing forlli fruit meet for repentance. The Landmark lias never had any patience with so called reformed drunkards and hoodlums who go alsiut preaching the gospel; and even if the reformation is genuine. j which is not nl'eii the case, the) generally do the cause more harm j than good. i Wore His Hat in Czar's Presence. Cassia at the time Cassia M. t'lay w.is tin- n irx nl.ilne of tins re public thi-iv.it. The Kivlie is one ol uniiMi.il lu illi.iucy, ami suir.is the IV.ir in his iiiimi!.iI nils, with leathers lliii Imuie his lieadpar. while around linn ale stationed all Ion ian aiiilussailors attendaiit upon his court, lu the iuture. ("ay and the t'jr arc tin only two staiiilin with their loads coxcii d. It iss.iidtli.it ( lay wasn--iil'siiM o remote Ins h it in tie Icrviicc to Ix-int; in the presence of the Car. lull this ( lay reliiMil to do, sauii": "I ulilv take ell III "r lli.it to those who take oil their liats to me. Had the t '.ir uncovered it is to In presiimisl that '('lav would h ive followed suit, lull THi: i:i)l CATION Al. CAMPAKiN- The Heath -Lee Hardware Co. OOOOOCOOGOOOOOCOOO i l.i'titiirhtn iN'tiKH mi. I III the Metropolitan Museum ul j Art in New York city is liuiij; a massive paintinj; of the Court ot it Summer Cleaning Is rood, but it's better when followed up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We can lve you any style at a low figure, and guaran tee it to be the prettiest and mo.it durable to be had. Look over our stock. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; KcslJcnce Phono 84. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal & Industrial College. COIIKNKHi Literary Commercial Classical Domestic Science Scientific Manual Tralnine Pedagogical Music FiYrmir ! m I"' IMptnuu. AtTn(r.l isnrw4 Wndinff to tvxmw. WVII isutifsl rrwlh-r teiaoWrvatl.1! -hl. rrnllr unmiwr. u. Bnl. lnilliMi.Mtl bn ttif llwiif 1il , nr.. II f " INM-mia-nK ft lb Hull- l. TwfKlh uim! arMlin hrflm .'Dlrnil r 1-. !. To n-nrr l'M In Ihr domilnrlM all l lulll.m .lmi anuuM l jumIt U-tt.n. iuj l.',lh. CorrriimW,MV InTltrU tn. thnpp(lrlftiil fstmprleiit tfchrt anil tpn.iffriililt1!. t'r I'suli'Tiw iii.t "thr lnf'rwll 4lrr CHARLES D. MclVER, Prtsldetjt, Craansboro, N.C, STATIC Of OHIO, i til V OK TOI.KPO, ft I. I I' AS Cut' IV, ' 1 flank J. Cliiiuf y in ikr oalh that lie j ii srnior partner ( (tit linn ol I . J Cliency Cu., UuiiiK liusiiirsH ill tin' I City of Tulrdn, Cjunty and Stale , alorebdid, and Hint said linn ill pi) the tiuii of Our Iliimlieil DolUis foi I each and every case u( Laljuli llml raiiuut he cured by the ns of llall'f Catanh Cure, Fkask J. Ciiankv. j Snoru to before me and ulcnhed ! in my presence, this 6th day ul De- ccinber, A. 1). iSfift. SI AI.J A. W. (il tASON, Nutary Pulilir. lUll's Catarrh Cure in taken intern llv, and acts directly hi the U,i,l and iiinciMH urn fares of Hie sy- toill Scu.l for ti'sliiiiciuial. dee. K. i. CT1KN KY A CO, Toi.kik), Ohio. Sold l.y tlrtiiiitii, 'ic. Hall finuily pilUaro tlio Inwt. Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Linimert will remove spavin, splint, rintrlxmcs, and all carlilagi- noiiH prowtns, when applied in the ear lier states id the disease, and will re lievo the lameness even in chronic cases. One of the most common lame- min. ncss among horses and mules is sprain of the back tendon, caused by over-loading or hard drivinc. Ashcraft's Liniment is a ncvcr-failins remedy. The Liniment is also extensively used for chronic rheumatism und Lt all kinds of stiff joints. For "scratches" Ashcraft's F.urcka Liniment is with out an equal. A few applications is alt that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. V , Owing to theGi wonderful anti- crcci septic qualities, the Eureka Lini ment should be used in the treat ment of alt tumors and sores where proud flesh is present. It is both healing and cleansing, entirely de stroying all parasites and putre faction. This Liniment acts as a counter-irritant and stimulant, Price 50c. bottle. Sold by English Drug Company M Ass? loiii; as the IJiism.iii monarch kept Ins hea l covered Is-lore Clay the latter would not nut-over In-fore It t tit. Wall 5trett Idle. RuUww-l rm-llrr. The coiiuliv criK-rall) will I L'raliticd lo read that I he Wall street brokers are loaliuj; alnuit tl'm ami i-aiinii iiocomiiiissiiiiis. while their eM.i4s ait running on. Some of them, we are ;ratitiel 10 know, repoit expenses raniny from iM'isl to I.iioii a day, and in ii.iiie Iroui their business ninini: fioai L' to;.V Tliis is deli:hlful. It (lives us hoie that the iulillc i learuiii); ils lesson of Wall street tiaiiibleis and sw indlers so I hoi olihly that the H-ople who have been lining Inisiiiess there will l' driven prceully lo some honest and reputable in eupal ion. The woist tieuaee to the piospcrily and coinmeieial health ol thiscoiiu try to day is Wall street. The men. w ho piiuble there and call il lining business have eoutrolled the 11 nances of the country and hate ridden legitimate trade like so many lunatics aslride of a (,'nod horse, iloiu all kinds of crazy and rat-ally tricks with il and ii-inj; their inmost ellorls to tlrive and ride it to death. The supply ol lambs for sheaiiui; has iIiiiims ed steadily year by year, despite I he steady increase of popiilalion, of H'oplc w ilh Ihe money and of aiini'cuale wealth. Wall Klieel has refused to learn from experi euce and has persistently declined to lie hoiiesl or sane. Can Chicken be Poisoned? stntt-.x HI,- I n,lm,tr!.. In Charlolle the other day a lady wils anaiiii'd in a maisl rales court chai'L'id with poisini; her neighbor's chickens and was scut lo a higher court iiuiler a IhiiiiI of Mr. W. K. Ilai'dinj;, altorney for the defence. Hiejicd that his eliciil was not guilty and he in formed an Ohsrver rcporler that Ihe defence would maintain thai a chicken can't Is-poisoned. "Chick ens said Mr. HardiiiL', "have no stomach, iiinLraii cat strychnine or prusstc aciil w it liimt iiiickeuiii; of the pulse." This is the news. Mr. Hauling may lie riflit, but if he thinks chicken wou'l die from eating things let linn drop some t.11 v iloii'li uiuoiiuit Hock and natch rcsulls. Lost Five Million a Minute- sl.l',.v star Talk about losing inoiicy! You ire not in the same class Willi I lent v Thibault, w ho tlied in Ion don the ol her dav. He was many limes a millionaire and he under took lo col lier the t'opicr market several years aj;o and succeeded re markably well until a new supply of copper came in from other pints of thu world and then the corner collapsed and he lost ifJ.VonO.lino, in live minutes -live million dol lars a miunle.lhe greatest loss ever recorded in such a brief space, lie died almost a pauper in a slimy gar ret in laiiuloii. 5uicide Prevented. The startling announcement that i preventive of suicide has Ihtii discovered will interest many. A run down system, or despondency invariably pieced suicide and somethiii); has liccu found (hat will prevent thai condition which makes suicide likely. Al the ln-l thought of self destruction take Flectrle Hitlers. It Is'ing a great Ionic nervine will slreuglhcn the nerve and build up I he system. Its also a great stomach. Liver and Kidney icgiilator. duly ." '. Satisfaction guaranteed by Lug lish lnig Co. Terrific Explosion of Powder Mag' aiines. I.rll. Ma-.. l'i-ll, li .Mh Two small powder magazines situated in the very midst ol the humble residences of oil null oht utives, exploded lo-tlay with u frightful concussion and the result unt wave of dcalh cut off the lives of more than a score of human lie ini'S and injur l nearly " others. Half a doen men w ho w ere loading kci:s of liiiwdii- ft i in one of tie magazine were blaw n to pieces; four bovs '.':0 yards away were killed by the force of the explosion, and 1 1 frame houses within a radius of lKI yards were blown down as is they had been built of cards. Seven of these immediately caught lire, probably from the kitchen stjves, ami were completely dea troyed. At least three iersons were ratight in the ruins and bum ed to death, while seven or eight, nwructl, died siilmciueiitly of their own injuries. It is estimated thai TO up rate piece ol pnKrty, i ncl mi i ug those al ready ment ioned, were destroyed, while the force of I be explosion wrecked wiudows for five or six miles around, and its thunder could be beard distinctly more than 50 mile away Speakers Now (icing Over the State Arousing the People on Thi .lost Important Subject. The I'tnl has, for some tUys, U-en publishing Ihe apHiiutiiieti:s for V .11 lolls gelltleuiell to adddress the Miiplf in the interest of islu i it loll. Tills llsl nf sM'aki rs t on sists of Hon. J. Y. Joy iter. Slat- Sill ililelldi-1,1. I 'lot. J. Ik (aily U of Wake Forest, lion. II. li. While. S-natoi from Franklin. Hoe. I.'. F. Iteasley, St-uatur from Fun mi. Prof. John V. Hay. SiiM-rintendelit Stale I). 1. and Ik liistituiiou. I Ion. W aller II. Thoiiipstin. hi . Thomas Newliu, Hon. Chulis Mi-bane. County Suhm intenilcut i f CalawalKi and I'rcsideiit of Cat aw aba College. Hon. It. F. lloll. Mate Auditor, Prof. Plate Durham of Trinity College, Mr. (icorge II. Dumber, Prof. S. I Sheep, Siir temleiil of Lliabelh City (leaded Schools Hon. Locke Craig of Hun comic. Dr. Henry I-oins Siuith. Prof. M. ('. S. NikIIc of Chapel Hill. Hon. II. F. Ay cock. Dr. A. .1. McKelway, editor of Charlotte News and Presbyterian Slandanl, Judge F. D. Winston, Dr. (ieo. T. W inston, President of Ihe A. and M. College (his t ity. Others who will from lime to lime address the jM'ople during Ihe summer are liov. Avcock, (iov. Jams Slate Ircxs- mvr Lacy . Serrelary of Stale (iri incs Attorney (ieiieral (iilmer. These geiiiicmeu would attract a crowd iinvw here in the Stale and he hrcid upon auv subject; but that to which they will devote themselves now is one w hich it is a plcsiire lo note uiccls w ith grow tug popular lavur. Al t in' itiii-l mi's so lar held pop ular interest is manifest by large assemblies of those in whose special interest the appoiiiluif ntsare made. This is a sign of the times as prom ising of future good as any that have appeared alsive Ihe horizon. I he people themselves need lo lie reached and aroused, lo see Ihe Dr. Ilcnhow's Clerk I ailcJ Mi u K , j M A lilllulsT ffye.lis ago w hen Ihe H lite Dr. Pit-ulam was timing lo M It. it at. his S..II I'hllies the llil.'l clerk, ime day .,1;1 lit and m i found a new assistant, a r.ttlxi m ' liaiidsoine looking Iniv, fail ly iv dicsxstil ami n g.aal addi.-sv M j Then Char!t-si congratulated l,na h ;4-lf. but inside of twenty Imii J i hours he went lo Ins father and told hi In Ins new clelk was Ho gissl. could not leiiifiiihf i any t hin two iiiiiiiitt-s and was a iiui-sintt m ' generally. "He's a giw-n eount i y m IsiV," said llie lbs tor. "lint niii mn learn." The net day m Charley was calltsl out ol tow u loi H three days When he came back lie found his l.illn-1 had uist.illi d a H , lounge Itch i ml thconiif counter, w a h :iIoiiigwhat lillle sln-ping he toild :gct right I hi re and having hi-- m meals sent into It 1 in. When In- m niw Chailey In was glad of he.nl. JJ "Say, lake my place here for an M hoiii. will you. while I go out and h !sts- if I can lind a I my who knows lesss than llils clelk." Theynilli M man walked the plank. h i To day the suae young man is JJ ;a phy sical! ciioiiig a limsi liu ra m live practice in one among the M largest fit ir of the South. lie JJ 'has spanking gmid teams ol hoist s. m groat I raps ol the tiuncM liuilil. is M the head "slasher" al all the big JJ hospitals and seldom t .tries up a m man for less than two lilly '. h There was uolliiug the luatlei with the Iniv al the hotel; he just M didn't lit - that's all. The story is m absolutelv true. JJ xixix:iTi::i:ii::i:::::::x:ixiiiz:x:xxx:xix::ixxxxy iiiipoi tauce of wnditig the children : Raii-nii Puts an Fnd to It All. A grevious wail oft iiiics comes as a ivsiilt of iiiils'iirable pain from over taxed organs Dizziness, liack aih. Liver complaint anil Con sti pat ion. Put thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills liny put an end lo it all. Try them, duly J.V. (iiiaranlis'd by The I'.nglish Drug Co. The riillennlum Has Ik-gun in Tyrrell County- , i'..-i. lo school us opportunity oilers; to create on earnest tlesire lu me in i in Is, and hearts of Ihe parents to have their children prepare them selves for the life struggle upon winch they must soon enter. The brugle not only for comfortable entt lor actual li ing bceoiues more acute each year and will so con tiiiue with Hie increase of popu lation and Ihe larger development and use ol lalior saving machinery. The igdnraiit person will be the U-ist iiscliil anil the least desirable, eoilsetiii-uly the last successful, of all in tins great struggle. The foundation for an education will lie furnished ill the public schools uid jusl to the extent that the lmy r girl w ho avail of this opiort un ity possesses Ihe stlltl ot which tueli ind women who "do things" or who desire to do more than merely xist to that extent will such strive lor und rise to better things. These gentlemen lire on a high mission to I in people, in tin State's Is'st servicc.U't the people hear them and hearing, heed. Flint they need, sadly need to lie heard ami heeded is iibtitidaiitly lemons! rated bv the reports of utility silpelilllemlelits of the ill I' feielice lN-tweeu the census of eli gibles etirollmciit and iilleiidciice. Sti long as Ihe altenilenee dis'S not average Til percent for four months if I hose fur w hom the schools are slablisheil and maintained work al the very foundation needs to be lone. These speakers have under taken to do this work ami their labor w ill lie faithfully performed. Ij I the people concerned lie stirred to do their part. The Death Penalty. A lillle thing sometime! results in death. Thus it lucre scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise lo have Arnica Salve handy, it's the best Salve on earth ami w ill prevent fatality, when Hums, Sores I Teem and Piles threaten. Only '.Mc, at F.nglish Drug Co' s. S. K. Poster has just received a lot of nice Hams. Irate Father All! how is it I catch you kissing my daughter.sir? Answer tnc sir; how is it? Y ning Mdii Fine, sir fine! I'inl ulolphia Ledger. I recently visited Tyrrell conn m ty," said Mr. P. C. Kuniss "and h wils told w hen the judge went JJ there last to hold court there was m not a single case to Is- tried. 'JJ There has not bectum inmate in the poor house in two years ami the m commissioners have rented out the place. Mot spanking lor W illie- m l'lilla.li-l,hla lsltrrr. Willie Crosby, lour years old. of M Sir llace Slrcel, received such a " "hot" spaiidiug t Din his mother that he is now in the l'eiinsy Ivauia Hospital as a ivsiilt. Karly last week Im piirchiuscd a i j il ii Hi ity of caps and lirewoiks. bill saved a I'liatitily of the caps. Since he has conlitiually annoy ed his mother by discharging the caps, and repeated udiiiiinlioiis to cease his niiist were ignored by Willie. Yesterday his innlher could stand the noise no lunger, and. seizing him. laitl him iicross her knif. At the first strnkc of the slipper, "Hang! Iking!'' went scv cral Ihixcs of the muse producers, which Willie had concealed in his hip pocket. He was so badly mi nod that he hail In In' scut to the hospstal. M Lnd of hitter Fight. : M "Iwo physicians had a long and m stuhlxiin light with nil ubeess mi M aa my right lung" writes J. V. llugher H of I in I 'out, (ia. "und gave me up. m Kvery body llnuighl my time luul!JJ eoine. As a nisi ivsori I irieii or. ;s King's New Discovery lor Con m sumption. The lieneht received was sinking ami I was mi my leel ; m in a few days. Now I've entirely " ivgaiuetl my health." It coiUiiirsjJ all Coughs. Colds and Throat and m Lung troubles, (iiiariintml by F.ng !t lish Drug Co. Price .Mh', and jinn. J Trial bottle free. m feneao Hour lis Bad Flour! i Coughing " I w-at s;tsrt cje. U3 lo die with auick consui.irt '"!. I rrini btr.n 6 to uie Ayr Cbirry I'fctoral. I f imoroveJ it nr.ee, nj a; nn' in perfect health."- Lu-. ; man, Gibbsiuwn, N Y E. Hit- f -laying It's too ris:.';, with your cci..;'.'. The first thing you know it will l-j cown deep in yodf lons and the play v, il! 1-. c-vcr. Be gin early v. ii'i Aycr's Cherry Pccttrsl and stop the cough. Tamtlmt lie. IX., II. Utnam. If ha tara taka M, H ha talli ta Bat CotMaH fomr anrtar, a. uka R. Utaa a,ail taka It. Ha Ian M wllk Ml" W a ' l"ln. J.Utlttl Ul Laacl, aaaaamaaBaaaaWaarlnTWaa1 n)IYSKlDNlYCUR . Mat KMmt a4 laaSar RiM It'i low price ii the maker's en cine for Ihe inferiority of his product. Had flour ia bad flour mi matter how it n manipulat ed and jiiKKlr-tl in parking. It all cornea hark tu (tie name Itiing. Good flour nuxtd with poor will improve Ihe quality of the blend, but like mixing white paint with black, it takes an awful lol of white lo pro duce any effect. Had or cheap flour is lacking in gluten, the nutrition portion of (tie wheat. It also contains a lare per centage ol the pulverized husk or shell of the grain. All of which you don't waul, There fore, we caution you to auk lor Ihe "Invincible" brand. This brand ia sold al the lowest price for wliirli really first claaa flour can be told, and ita price is Ihe higltrst you need to pay in order lo get Ihe best. Mr. Newman, our local baker, says: "Invincible" ialhe I can get for baking." M M IIENDEUON ROLLER MILLS. WEDDIi'iGTON ACADEMY. A Prosperous and Useful School in One of the Finest Parts of Union County. m WHAT FMlfUNS SVS (! TI!C I'lfF.SFVr I'HIVCIPAL. Wi the .' Till lolioft it,- ;i!. blingtoit Ai-nli iny i, k he t- s : s .tie 1,-s'(jii,,iiiia! ,1 I'l.-I. Itllhps. . of I lie fi lends of l!i' I'ruii tpal. and -. . ''. Miirr i-f (.'!' ix UI'J II' llll'l I S i f ,! f 'ii i n! ii-i ( 'mi fi i It ut ty U- liuiy s fill I--I s U ',' I I I' t I tl.tiit ilti-. ! is ,tti ,,t- t! ;. s'l: l-tUlit.tii . s eriti lit. i til .till, il. Ihstlles lis li si hot,!. lt H'jlmi fii nf.'f , mil ul II I sl i II .Vill i Ii IliiUift- I 1 one. ,lil.;ti:i;t itlitt 'Ion At-aib inv. "lit uilti- ioti i oiinly has no lovelier siHit tit toi t si leiol so tar a natural I- in; clfi.iit-il and llioroughly ss. ul it h is so in, pt.il. mt to a il . Uui iil . !iriiiiliiji . Hut il has w ithin oik- haiitl I i'lolls sti h f. e e, I i lire eveel-l ion, illy go t-l. ship any l.ei e 1 li.oi t i - " I Ins is a in ctti i ol v lel'iin natural adxaiitagcs. It is located I y a - ,s ot 'a i -hull Ii. in w bit h then' lire re- iiti' inoi .its ol t he i. mi in il li 1 1 v l iit-ie t an ! I,, iiinl no Is-ttercitieii- Hi i-.i.itd'ng W t-diliugloii Academy. llll't , ;.lliee to : st'hool. . s ill .'lllilllll Ills. "Tlie ae adoii up inlo rooms i ill pieseitt I i i - it doi inilory lol gii this biiiltliiig ate girls in a loom, lug needs of the s iv Ii'i.;,i::j is a laig t llli'l.l i,i s' : illl'llt t s 'ID tin Is Is I 'j j, ,H I 1,11 je l-li.MI. h I hlt-'i bu i'iiii i llo.il lll.: It ., lo si, ill stlllftlllC cut i-!y .im! it-eiiat imi. There uiv gioiimls, ami one eight room ,s o t-i i t ion. The l iNiius in to at I'oium.Hlale from to I s ill be erected as Ihe grow-Hire. Ilrnii'iii 'J luijiiivliiiin . :, ha "The giottlli ft this it gives promise I'm still laver ii-l Thinking peoplt ei iisidt r litis -t In and part ol Mei kleubui - eou:,iies. Ion was its I'oiiuili i' and gate il on a li mi basis. I " -1 1 l:t others to carry mi the v n k I: " This i, rili r lias know u this sehool. lor yea is. II, i wink ami has Iteltunl 1 ,, i a i justly proud. Ilesidt s a. I lli This I consider ol Inst impm) U ' ii most grat ify ing: and 1 1 ut s-s Iiti (he time to come. 'I of ital interest to I'nioii The lute IX. Ii. Wedding- liU-rally of his niouey lo place i. gohe now ami it remains for i- so nobly begun. i'.nl. rhillips. the I'riiicipal of - llioroughly ciUipped for the t itnl of m h it-li anyone might Ik is In- is a t in it i;iii gentleman. .nice. ,i lU IIrr Urn i , liiiiflii rr, ul preparatory school can do 'on Academy. red to the minimum but the "Those who are seeking a go no iM tler than paliotne Wetl'lin: "Not only is the expense leill work is thorough and no to dale. "There is im place where preparation for college can 1st made for less money . "Il imi only picpart's for college but for the practical du ties of life. " u education may be hail I e which will tin-pure one In . successfully till most any position. T most heat tily ami cheerfully commend Wciltliiigton Academy." Hi in rmis i'.iiilnrsi im ill. Here is what a fen of the arolina hau' lo sa of I 'rid many pioiuineiil men in I'liillips and his work: North ' Ex-'hul'Ji ('litis. . .Mi hut. "I hate to say that you g.nc me complete satisfaction as a teacher while my son was villi you in si litinl at Ilayesville. "I believe you to In- an cm -client teat her. and I know yull lo Is- a man of Ihe (cry highest ehaiaeler. "Hoping ymi will acliiee abuudaiil success. 1 am, "Yours vety Iruly, "(Has. A. M'ku;i:." Uniil'ils ut Cllilful'il Ciilll 'Jr. I I'ltll. Iltllills. -Vsl.e. three uf Prof. Phillips' mii, fall, were finch ptep.u ed. of liuill'iirtl College, writes that le ills entered lillllford College last iinl all i nti 'i d Hie freshinau class. think I ever a a a a a H M M M M H M H M a M a a a a H M 3 N a a M a a M M M 'ruin llir pri siii ul a ul;r Inn si College. "Dl.M! I'l.i'l . I'M 1 1 l II'--: ( iw ing to the absence of our Keeper ol the Polls and ol si veial ol the Faculty who nr. tak ing vacation trips. I have 1ml, until now, Im cii able In answer y our in ii i t v eoiicei ning Mr. Moss, lie was no) in any of my own classes, but my colli ngiu s v, Im laugh) him tell me thai he was well prepared and that l.et tokan escelleiit stand ill their classes. Pegri lting the ilelaynf this reply . I inn, "Voiy truly yours, "('lts. I-:. Tavi.hK." rimii ii (Iriuliil Selintil S1111 riiili 111I1 nf. Prof. Y. I '. Allen, sinn i iuletulent of Way nesville (iraded Sihools. mi iles of one 1. 1' I'nil. Phillips' pupils: "lie entered the eighth grille 1 .1 1 111 bill showed such de rided ability that 1 iniv am ril him to Ihe ninth gradi He is 1 Un ion! 111 what lie has studied. I don t taught a nunc eiiruesl ami enthusiastic pupil." Fi iiiii Cliiiirniiiii of Unit vil of ftlticiilioii. 'In YiinM 1 r M u Cum 1 i;v This is to certify that Pinl. . II. Phillips was principal of the Hay nesville High Sehool Ima uuinls'i of years and that he gave perliet silistaetiou as it -at-her and disciplinarian, and with pleasure, 1 can testily to liis high moral standing. He is a perfect gentleman and woilhy the coiilideiice ami support of any ami all. i. II. II unt. in, Chairman Hoard of Lducatiou, Clay County, X. ('. I'l'olit llon.AI. D. h'liis'niiil. T11 Al I. Pl.lisiiNs WiinM I r M v Ci'M l:u: This is lo certify that Prof. W. II. I'liillips has liccn principal of llelhel Academy for a icriod of four years, and duiing Hint lime has given satisfaction to the palrous of the school. The character ut the wmk during Ihat time has Is-en first class mid up In dale. Prof. Phillips is a line disciplina rian, ami fully up on the improved mclhotls of teaching and coiiiiucling a seiiool of high gradi'. He is also a very kind, conscientious christian gentleman, and is loved mid esteemed by all who know him. And it further uflitrdti me gicat pleas ure to give hi 111 this unsolicited testimonial. IJcspeetluily, MuiiiinD. Kixsi.ami, Pres. lielhel Aeaileniy Associatioii. trout Dr. . Ilotrell May. Dr. J. Howell Way, secii'lary and treasurer of the Board of Medical I'.xiimiiiers ol No:1h Carolina, w rites that he bean cheerful testimony to the etccllcnt work done liy Prof. I'liil lips nt llctliel Aciuleiny. From Judge Ircd Moore. Judge Moore writes that his sister wan instructed by Prof. Phillips with great satisfiicliou, mid that lie heartily com- inends him and his woik M For further luformation, catalogue, etc, address, 3 PROF, W. ft PHILLLIPS, Prin.. Wardlaw, N. C. ITTTtTIITTTTITirrtmiltmTTTTTIraYTTTtTYTTTTTTjj

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