Stite Library mchoj THE MONROE JOURNA VOLUME X. NO 28 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY AUGUST 11. 1003 One Dollar a Year uamp eetings M 14 V.1 are tow la order. Mako preparations beforehand by buy- jj buying you a new Bu?:gy or Wagon. It b will add pleasure to tho profit of such an occasion. We have the largest assort ment of Buggies Wagons o ever carneu in siock in juonroo ana can satisfy the simplest or most fastidious taste. We havo in stock 150 sets of har ness to select from. You can get a set at any price you desire. These goods were all bought from manufacturers, not job bers, thereby saving a middle man's profit. Call on us and wo will convince you of what we say. Wo have a few Refrigerators in stock that wo do not desire to carry over and X will soli you one at about what it cost. The Heath-Lee hjard ware Co. (yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtoooooooooooaocw: 11. IT Summer Cleaning is good, hut It' better when followed up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We can give you any style at a low figure, and guaran tee it to be the vretticst and most durable to be had. Look over our stock. I T. P. DILLON, j f urniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84. OaK Ridge lnstitute--5lst Year. v tJ l'n pmi-8 lur ltc I'liivrmlie ami Colleges as H r. for biuum-si, for teach ini; and for life. Situated near lireensboi o, Nr C, over 1000 feet above tlir lira level, in vi. of the mountain. Lam-st and best equipped fitting kIioi.I fur younii men and Ix.ys in the South. Kale ,1.15.00 to .7s oo smium. For beautiful catalogue, address . A. & M. H. HOLT, O.k Kiilge, N. L Plenty of Difference! WHlcH Do You Choose ? You want paint which will prstcct the material it covers and give lcauty to Iho place. The liest paint is that which gives the Uwl color and stands he LOX0KST8KKV1CK. Hero's low price paint that will wive cash aud look well. So mistake la using it. Btands the wear of years. public (j)pinicn. No Dallying With Vice. N .rk Tt"i- -111 "ll Many public men make the In in take ! using a charge of bird shot here what is needed In a bullet. j ti I Inly and corruption are not matters lobe argued. The 1 more oi;r discusses them the mure Hig Time Ahead in Cotton. Accoidiug to the Kail l!'er Dai ly Herald there are big times ahead, and close ahead of us, lor the producer of raw enttoti ami I lit g.s-ds. The pu.s-s of huh ar. iij; to advance ami mi will the rate of wagr in cot tou mills. The beauty iilx.ut it is that the increase in the price ol eolioii ".aids not hurt. but rather In- ail advantage to the buy crs ol' lln v goods. '1 his aiguuicnt is b.isetl iihii the fact that nulls aiv improving liie oiiililv of the A SI 'CCKSwSI 1 1. INSTITUTE. The farmers Attended l.argt-ly and the Discussions were ol Most Interesting Character Committee Appointed to Take Charge of Such Meetings In the future Valuable Information. the I 'Imago slix-k market weigh not over 'Jt h.iiihK where we ale II) in;; to make thnii weigh ' ol I'M'. Any good breed will i. it' V.tU f.-ed thrill. Tliere is loot. lilt' ferem-e in the iudi idiial than in the lured. If we gel a mar ket pi iee far the fl we put liirit 'tie, the manure will nav lot the Lv pi)!i: i:i.ivu.d. Cardinal Sarto. W ho H.iJ No Am bitioii in I hat drew ion the one Selected ItlcU i.l i he Sec tion on the Waiting IVoplc- rcsvi t ...... ,.L 1 1... ...a........ ..f ll.... ,..! jrhiinu Ihem f.oii. insults lot,- "ergroieso, ....mM .. Ilted to thes. to U- delMted. :",,rM'." 1 " " " K 1 inatv 01 oilier laouc.s him iuieis ,-iKni in i-c lorn. ,11t Uieiuoul l the leach of a great Kv-. Jr ,., ti.. . .,.,.,.., v f ,. T,. . The avenue was a blae of light. I . . . The farmers' institute held Inre 1 trouble. No man n.-ol make a j Wednesday under the ale-pices of ; h Mind h-v. of eot too, I lit he e.m jthe M iledepaitim iit of agrictiltuie rai more cotton if be will m;- w is ipiite a siicecss. A large liuiii j some live stuek. Voii e iu'l mioid j lierot iiicix maii.V ol'theiii aiuoiig to iut cotton set-d meal in the I the ls-t ill the isiiinty, were pies t rollinl Is-lore ton e.el Its value in ifi.t and tiNik gn-at interest and ! manure bv feistiug it. In a Its miles of elect l ie tot ehes tl.ished like stairs in the milky way. New Yoik, promt iinsiial tjuccii of the Night, serins just waking to her real life, a strange new lite in human history a lite that had put darkness to llight, siiulletl out the light of moon aud star, laughed at sleep, twin sister of lcut h, and challenged the id man to live w ithout one tiTug' of silence or shadow. Some Explaining in Prospect. i iiArloOi rif.l.vli'riari .iuUr.l They are not doing any fooling w ith Christian Science in t'.iiiada. A man hits just liccii tried, convict sl and the judgement iillinued by the court, the judgement liciug manslaughter and the iriuie his allow ing his sixteen year old I h .y to Hie ol illplitlieiia. llie plea was that (he father had treated the hoy iitH'odiiig to the tenets of the Christian Science sect, but it was of no avail. And to think that we actually license that kind of iiiuidemiis fraud in Nurlli Carolina, by act of Legislature: ( ne of our candidates for liovernor will have some explaining to do along that line. At Eventide. Jji!;. Int' Vilt-it, itt -nit- M,-ui- "f l it V lurr ' A shower had fallen early in I he day and the gr.iss had Ihtii cut nlterward. AI'terniMin Miiishiue hud drunk the moistiite, leaving the fragrance released and tloating. The warmth of cooling earth leach ed her foot through the sole ol her nI i ptcr. On the plume of it pine, a bird was sending Us last call alter the bright hours, while out of the lirs came the liuiiiilt of the plainer birds us they mingled for common sleep. The heavy cry of the bullliat fell from far above, and looking up quickly for a sight of his winnowing wings under the vast purpling vault she Ih'IicIiI the earliest stars. Nearinjr the Tropics. Inwii. .Ir . in "TIm 4 in.- U.mian " In all this crash of brute force I ws' hcautv in ugliness innocence in filth. Here one is put to the lest. Here the great powers of Nature having gathered for their lust assault and have challenged man's soul lo answer for ils life. Park spiritual forces shriek with battle cries over the dill of mailer. The swiftness, of progress, crushing and enriching, the mad greed for gold, the worship of siuves n suc cess that sneers at duty, honour, love and patriotism the tilth and frivolity of our upper strata, the growth of hate and envy below, the masses, the waning of lailh, the grow th of despair, the trumpet of hiule force, the reign of the liar and huckster all these arc more real mid threatening here, us Insists mid reptile increses iu size near the tropics. We are Hearing the tropics of civilization. We niiist not forget that Mowers will be richer, wilder, more beautiful, and life capable of higher things. More Daring Than Jasper Cli.illmm Kivor.l. ilr.l. The lioiiihaidiuf nt of Tort 1'isher was the heaviest since the invcii (ion of powder. Many acts of he roism iu ils defense have yevcr received the praise which tlffy so much desen e. I'or instance scarce ly any one has heard of the her oisni of Private. Christopher C. Illaml, of company K, Thirty sixth North Carolina liegiineut. The tlagstalf was unprovided w ith hal yard ami when the onlcr was given lo raise the battle llagyoiiug llland pioiiiptly volunteered to do so. He seized (he llag and licgaii climbing the stall under a heavy tire from the cnemv' tleel. I'mlis- miiyed by the shrikiiig of shells which feil around he cliiul cd the stall and fastened the llag at the top. Just as he came dow n a shell tore cotton "nods that w ill do as well as the higher priced fabrics for much less money than the latt r, and instead ol our women wearing fancy priced silks and satins they w ill wear high pi iitsl cotton gissls. This will so increase the demand for raw cotton licit the price w ill shoot way up yonder. The Herald isof theopiuion that lilt ecu cent raw cotton is almost in sight. Then to manufacture this col I on the most t-vjiert mill oicrutivfs w ill lie reipiiied. We w ill hear no more of attempts to curtail thecot of mautil'actuic by cutting down wages by substituting cheap labor. W hen that time comes I hi' farm ers' wives will wear high priced" cotton dresses which will look as well as the silk and, satin gow ns ol the millionaires' wives. The mill operatives w ill roll iu luxury and I he mill companies will declare dividends eiial to the Standard till Coinpauv's. Verily the mil It-1 1 i ti in in the cotton business is just a little way ahead of us. The Herald says: "If the day of six cent cotton or eight cent cotton has not gone by, we may realize before many years have Ih'i'ii counted that it is going by with a rush. This may not mean that coarse cotton cloth is a thing of the past, and it may not mean that the most expensive cot ton fabric will rival silks aud sat ins in price: il may mean, however, thai cotton as a commodity will command considerable more money than has been asked for it hereto fore, and that l" cent cotton w ill breed no curtailment or give rise to Hie slightest astonishment. Although eonsideialile linger iiiautilies of rotloii may lie grown mil marketed in the near I ill lire. it would not he sin prising if all concerned, and part iciilally spin ners and individual consumers. were forced to place a much higher estimate upon the value of cotton as a staple. At any rale, a num her nt indications go to show that the drill isin the direction ofhighcr prices for the cotton in the hale ami in the linished product. The ad viuice which has Ivcii made in weaving suggests that the demand for cotton fabrics is going lo be heavier I han it hasever been before il is lighter. What are known as the 'line good" mills are multiply-' ing, and for countless purposes their output is to he picfcrrcil to silk or satin. 1'hey are rapidlv coming to take the place of mate rials which have long been beyond the reach of the average purchaser, and that, too, in the eyes of the more extravagant memliers of soci ety. If this demand enhances the .value of dress fabrics, it is cleat thai the value of the cotton of w hich they are com posi'd w ill be increased. Kurthei more, apart from the estimate placed on the unliiiisheil product by those who spin tiuil weave it and those who wear it, it is evident that flic spin ners mid weavers i he great mass of operatives in civilized countries must be taken into account. If progress is made, and the cotton industry advances as it must if it prospers it follows that the cost of production must be increased in the mutter of wage. Whatever the cltecl of improvements iu ma chinerv may have upon this cost, it will hardly effect additions w hich must be made to the cost of labor. Iu the long run, it is idle talk about taring down that cost or sub st Hilling a cheaper class of help. 'The call w ill lie for skilled em ployee rather than for a class that l lacking iu intelligence and that is content w ith low standards of liv ing. And so, apart from all con sidcnitinus connected with the staple or the demand for the output from the looms, manufacturer w ill a-ked many ipietioiiv The sx-ak j els Weie Dr. Tall Hut h-r. Stale vet ci Italian. Prof. W. I'. M.c-m-v, cd j itor ol The Practical I aimer, and Mi. C. P.. Williams of the agri ', ciiltuial depart meiil. Alter the meeting was over a committee, tor the pin pox-of arranging for an in : s! n ute next jrar. Mpoiiitcd as I follows: T. .1. W. ItiiMiui, chair-! man;'!'. l- Williams .1. V. tare j It t It- x oil will Im- p:illg te'l l"l lars mine r ton than nu. atxl inn can't allnid it as a feitili t. Voil can't Iced whole eoltou seed lo an extent without a great ileal ol Ittilh feed. ieath from cane coiner In in "tuiitcd or second yrowlh care, w 1 i li contains a great amount ol arid, which is a dt-ndh iMiiMin. Ami also the cow soiue Altt-r a munis t I w Im It I lo- pom. at Lin hav e p!.ivrtl ics t wa ei-t li t ! ii 1 !-.! i pali li tiota I i - -et t i. r .e;.. v i i a n 'i-, I i. Voit." Yv illi a I .. . ho, a.lnii? I ii;iMi -!t. .! tin nt d ti ..n 'N I i t att'-a- tloii III k:.'S x I., i, clave alter ihi- lieu in ilrv-t tho-M- I l-l w 1. 1,1 l.a.;.,;-i.l.a:- I nt it v dr. I-: I t; i- t r AH . .tt ') W 'li.. ..hi ... ' . !- Davis in the Pen. . ! !ll-i!l. .f Ashe, jestcr ..(. J.t t.. the is ii.ti niiary C. iv I in- man who iu ! I, a. knl to iiu-ir- w it It an i. I in iii ami li.s.n. tl ml hi :.-. .1 .el I.. I lit iui-ihIh l o! I I Is wry.- hoi i lit It-a". I' II :.- ail W lull- Hi.- .lj.l. lo legaiu h - pr.-paird 1:11. bllldell ol hi- V ' I le- f.tu i il.ri - it rv ;.-tl pt.i.t - w h I. MUM 111 : ..!:. hi ;i p. Ill I .ke lip I Ili- lnck, .1. M. tiiiiu, W. A. Kiibauks iliiiie- lakes in too much gieeii wa K. A. Hudson, A. J. Hnstk-s D. terv stull, and it ferments. We Sarto had iml J. Hembv, S. ,1. Kichanlsnii ami have to Is- verv can liil. Some Mum. had i mh thc- d a lew in M. . Austin. "The object of the meeting," said Dr. Culler, "is to get the farmers together and gel them lo talk to each other. We do not conic lo make set s-ct !irs but to talk. Wedo not know all about our sptociallies, and farmers whose business ciiibrairs so many sub jfcls cannot know all alsnit them. "II there were one Iter ecu. adulteration of fertilizers the farm el's would lose more than the w hole cost of the department. Every fanner here should get the Kullctin of the department." After Dr. Puttier s explanation of the obiect of the meeting, Prof. H. P. Mciggs w as elected chairman. Cards weie distributed for each init io sign his name and to state the crops iu which he is interested. The lilst subject discussed was "Cuttle liaising," by Dr. Hullcr. He said that he would necessari ly have to talk in a general way. Is there any licet I for more stock raising! We are putting iu the ground s, iiiio.iioo worth of cotton seed each year, t die pound of cot -ton seed meal is worth one and three ipiarlcr of corn for feeding callle. Now that is not theory, but has been proven true in a hiiu died cici inienli. t sing cotton seed for manure is u great waste. No other business can stand the waste of fanning. Sw irt Co. es tablisheil poultry yards for the poultry to eat the food found in the stomachs of cattle when slaugh t 'red. They even use the sipieal of the pig for advertising purpocs by means of the phonograph, t at tie fertilizer is worth more than oinniercial fertilizer. Ilhelpsthc soil to hold moisture, and puts the needed VfL'ctuhlc matter ill the soil. Call we grow cattle? People say we can t grow grass. I Know larni- r who have grown rich by grow ing grass, wliile most ot us nave grow n poor by killing grass. North Carolina has grow ii more hav per li re on its valley lauds than Iowa, which State is considered a model. I do not mean that Voiir land will ever lie lietter tut' nav man lowa. ut we can get two crops where the) can get only one. With our cotinn seed lueal, our ability t" grow two crops and our abundance if rough Iced, ami our necessity tor live slock growing, I urn convinced that we need to, ami can grow live stock. We don' I know how. We haven't caught the spirit. We want hi do thing on a big scale, while we ought to goon a small scale, siock raising nas nccu u failure because some men have tried to go into it on a tug scale ami did not know how. Don't drop ever) thing else. Try it gradually. We want to learn several things. l-'irst, we want to learn some thing about this pest, the cattle lick. Mr. Shannon probably would have l-et a great deal lietter oil had he know n something about the tick, lie is able to stand his loss. but the trouble is other men see his os and lire deterred. I W e ought to know what nil ani mal is iM'fore w e buy. I here, is need of studying the particular lit ties of an animal for a particular purpose. Animals are bred for the daily or for l-ef cattle, and men are Irving to grow rat lie without k now ing the d i llerence. If a dairy cow pi t her fond ii on her back sbs is a fraud. Mie lias mi'il traineii C.N. Simpson, Jr. Sueeessor to C. E. HOUSTON. hsise one end of the llag, ami iiI'im, forced lo nav more for what once this young hero ngatit eliined 'lt.v )IHuce than Ihev are now .r:r. ......II.. ell I' ... I lie sum, wuiie suciin u-ii iii.'ui.o paying ,' litiu almost as i hick us nun, aim again fastened the llag in its place, and strange to say he ecuped nil wounded. History hit taught Puts an End to It All. A grevious wail oft imcs comes a a result of uiiliearable nam irom every sclioollioy the Heroism oi , Dizziness, llack- Sargeai.t .Ias,K-r at Fort Mou Itne, ,iv..r comidaint and Con- when lis ll.ig stair wa shot ilowu tlltlks , If me i. ..,.. urn, m". schiMilhoy has probably ever heard of this more daring feat of Christo pher ('. lilttnd. EmTot 'Bitter Eight. "Two physicians had a long and st ublinrn light with an nlsvs on mv right lungw rites J. F. Hugher of DuPont, i i. "and gave me up. King's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. f ry Ihem. uniy '.V. (iuarantced bv The English Drug Co, Senolr and Junior Classes- Chrl..llr ChniiiH-li'. r The Chronicle's Marion corres poiulence this morning brings in Every body thought my time hail J formation of '2 itcrsoiis in McDowell eome. As a la-st resort l Irieil l'r. King's New Iiseove,ry for Con su nipt ion. The benelit weived was striking aud I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health." It eoniuirs all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles, (luarauteed by Eng lish Drng Co. Price r0c, and 1U0. Trial bottle free. county who ought to be admitted into the seuior classes of The New York Suu. The first Is old Mr. lilender, who at the age of 1(15 rides a fractious mule and is trying to net married aifain: and the second is young Mr. Kelly, aged who backed out every youthful sprinter in the town of Marion iu bis coal lenge for a foot raoe. ni-' i li. I i, In- i tltV idt-d lives o I Sun. lav ca-l ful I iin.ii,, -net I i l I'l I t-o I't l-i. la the ti I' 1 Im- -a. n il coHc tl apprai . . In i.lltaii had ! ti. I wt rn 1 lit he two i.aMh -liioriiin to Im. In Hi. "I" ' - ' r . V ol cv.-ll! lot this was iiicica-c.l lo Monilav tool n!ii t n! t r U.llllell II I 111 o I or poll' .tie.lli ill tin- iilteiiioou 1 1 1 : 1 1 -eieii. lor I lie Vellt-I I. Ill pat I i-llfii. sienlowed tin-almost c. rtaiu ! on of to day. There "a- l.o.eeal bv mean-ol ace. --. mi v!i:".: this w a- ab'tiiiloiii ii, I !v en I liiri-Nlw toil.iv' i-e-ii,l In Iml i ballots weie . iiiuiteil if. .ill limes a gival deal may be eaten ton-in hi-aln w it bout tiij ti iy. j as tli The abuuil.ilit clay laud- that von liavecaiiiiol Is-w.u ii out. Take. a lesson liolil the pine Ins- and! I Hi ioln sige. The Suit li would liave Ih-cii a linWiiiig wilib-riievs loilav had It lint Ih-cii lor the pine tiee i and briHiiii sage. I-iiol is turned out. In im mi sage grows, pine trees send down their long roots, and b) and by the laud is brought back. The more vegetable mailer on the soil the better It will hold moisture. Ami you can u-e li-rtil 1..... i.. ......... ,.,i,-....t ..... .... I, to, l Ho.! 1...I.U i.ioistm-,.. We want lo! t'"'g'd ' it-sloiv new ground condition-. There is no man who will lie so hcm-titlcd by deep ploughing ami siiltsoiling us the clav land. Tins count) is naturally adapted to grass if you w ill only let it grow. Il vou w ill put plenty of vegetable matter in your laud it will not wa-h. You'll never a hillside ditch if you will ktvp up your laud by rotation of crops. Every man ought to farm w ith a specialty, not a one chip, hut a specialty tow ards w hich all others should tend to do velop. How shall we go about restoring the fertilil) of our lands, of pulling Ibis humus substance into it! If we farm right we ins-d not buy one pound of nitrogen, for which we pay so much. Peas ami clover will do it, if the rotation is short enough. Will pea do more good if plowed ill f Ye, bill il luii-t Ik- coiisid civil iu the light of expense ami a farmer's necessities. Study your soil. No man can tell w hat a soil needs, except the man who wtuks it. (let all the leguminous plant on your laud as lroiiienlly us pos sible. Nn man is farming who doesn't raise cut tun. Thus, the vines cut and fed w ill be more v al ....I.I.. tli.... u-li.ii. Ikloue.l lltnl.T,':'itv. !e. in w ha 1. iil.-t ainbi liirlit- U- in .il- eh r 111 lie I hail , i c a ,'i hi- sou weie I tots - of Dav :-. and I I t In- ni-hl w hil.i ...--'1,;' 'lo.-n-h llie colMtr). VA iM .;,' hait, had anv .jaairt-l ! I-., ii 1 1 , ,- ..t,.- la tin- night, .1 . -p. it on I lot ' oi, i i I i a . - lit ad. lb- then "r I.. .; a ; ,,e ..lie! man and hacked I .- inn-. Davi-' wile ' " ami l.e hai ked ii -i., .In-d in a few hours. .. ;r ':!''' t h.ldn u. i ,'ue let c plant ion . ; i .!rr ilre.1. and tliere !., an idra. Shei ill Stur- ,'i ...vs. thai he wa. tempoiarily i. it i. I he inilv i xitlaua- thirlv vcars in I. .Hi I lo I !. ti- in.-. Ion 1 .1 I oft ll-, -cl.l 1 t a h i.l Ills -etilcucc. tin- mil iitiai v. 'I he Sltet ill savsthat tln ie was t-ii of i Iviiehiug when lie .lartod wnii hi. pii-..uei. and for that rea son l.e li K billion l.oisiback from .l. ii. is n lo W ilkcsl'tiio, from :n, :.- bv Irani to Laleigh. 1 1 iv is -us In- ha- no clear ii-eol-i.-rt ...m "I that night whatever. It, , ill s... in. to Iti nt like some terrible . i in or. He Ii id in. tiling ou . In I r r. U bal --v I II. utli l'r. a,: i.i-i hi Itlrlllls or hi tliual Saito V oles were II W helllied. 'The clioice ha.- fallen eolaparat : v elv oli-ei in cause, iu the language ' MV,,t Win! w as up. ft l-l s .me . but lie Car 1 Hie o el this I he , rlill- an el.. I in-lit cardinal to Hn- wiiler. "Ib is pious, It-ui nt-il. ami ol t.-ti ' j.. t: puliliciil opinions." I bring voii gnat ''. We have a new pope." l ing out a great vibrant voire, high above the ceiilral ol St. I'.-lci. The nei r.-aehr.l the car of the limit it 1 1 I which Mid 1 1n splendid approach below. Tor several moment, wild, immiltu ous cheers arose towards tl,,, l.l.i ing niiildav sun. Tin- n-d ioln .1 1 at alinve silsi d w lib ill ins up lilted, ami silence eaiin -iiihl. ii am! complete. Again that sonorous, dramatic voice, "lie i. his eiai neiice. the liiosl revereiul car'hiial. archbishop ami palnanh. .los. pl,. who takes the title of Puis Ti i, i." None heard anv thing b.oontl the name of the new pm.l nt. 'I he last words of even tin- w lerl'ul -ii I 11, v I u:l -k1 .1 Di ,.!ni-bi Cannot be Cured -, ! ., .;.. ..',. !:-. ;i- liny callliut :, 'li- i i .! u'! :i ot the ear. i, :ri ,'i:;,,il, u ., I, ein e (ll'itfnesi i, 1 il, ,t i.- t i rt-iiipdies. H I'm, -- i- c.i'i-i I by nn inflamed ,.. lt!i i . i t 1 e i nicoii- hnita: of the a,-t...i. rn ii.i'i When this tube . 1- i..t. u,i, 1 .1 have a rimihliui; , t Iu in nn;, ninl when t I ii. .ii'ii .-s is the re ft, c in:! iniiiiati-iu can I I In.- lul.e Ic-liued to r. ii lm n. In .mug will be f i i ei ; nine ciscs out of ut i I t'V t .it, Hill, itliiih is it .in tat. ma I cunihtion of - -ill 1 .li es. i,iic Hit- lliiinhi-il Dollars i- i ! IU .ilac-s (i-aiisej by ,t ( aini.'t he t'tued hy HhII's l t,,.!li V an- S ml t, 1 i n culai s,t ree. I'. J. ( IIKNKY i, CO, Tot. ci to, Ohio. Sold In- ..i:ggi.-ls lac. II ill tiinnlv pilN a iv the Iwnt. HORSE HEN! Tor aiding the digestion, creatine appetite and lor giving life, vigor and strength to In u ses and mules, t.ic best remedy tif all is Asiicrafi's Coniion Powders! ! Volet We have gut to ildott a system lu t, nr work. I 1. ...... -in,. .I.I...I u illi eol n ami have nevcrgolleii the! IV ,,'"VI' i-i isl of it. i.l.,w hind I'm- wheat al'ti l i ""' l"'l"' peas. Chop it up good with a cut uway ami Id all the vegalable mat trr stay on lop. Your land here is wheat 'land, and you can lake iu iu connection with )our cotton. You cm iilow deeli ami subsoil. I llie reason thai the laud washes is that j the li ii in list has Ih-cii burned out by constant growth of cotton, and the other is that land is not plowed deep enough, anil can't take up the w itter, so ils bound to go dow n hill. Do your deep plowing lit the fall, but don't leave it U-ar. Put some thing green on it during llie w in ter, even if its only rye. Clover is the liest. .Something must be theie to catch the Hoeing nitrogen. Sow something in your cotton or corn to grow through the winter. Sow a I I fulfil in tall, L'.i or :in poiiiuls to tnej acre, clip it oil' once Itefore winter; sets iu, then mow it iu the si icr two or three times the first year. I Cow jM-ii will grow on thinner hind j than clover, ami help us to lie able j to grow clover. Keep manure in the stable until it is used. Put iu plenty of bed ding ami let them trample on il. If thrown out under a shed it loses. I would say that a good lints' years rotation for this section would Is- : corn with manure; then wheat, fol lowed by peas; then collon with crimson clover sow n m rows men 1 rnXi l.t liKH ON isKinNll l'Vt.K. I IWuHair "I hl very cvcre ticknci that look off ll my hur. I pur chued a tonie of Aver' Hiir Viitor and it brcnM a'.l my hair bilk itun." V. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. to tint it into milk. A lieef cow i I. I.iu !'., .... nas iH-. ii ,1 ... " broadcast for corn again his back, and lie is fraud if he! put it anyw here else. We ought to know the whole subject of fniling. The average mail thinks if he buys a pure bml animal he has done enough. Hut this is not true. A good "hustler" for its food is it nior milker. A dairy cow is doing its best for ils owner when it is lying in the shade chewing its end. Yon must fi-ed your entile. The more feed the more profit. Replying to a quest inn,theRIcak er said that, the quantity of butter in a given amount of milk could not lie increased by any particular Iced ordinarily. We havo an idea that if we get good animal and put it nn the same Total as a scrub, it will do heller. This isn't true. A scrub will do better on scant treatment. I'p to the time he gets bis growth hun dred pounds of food will make as much meat as a good oue. The value of a good animal consists in what he docs with his food after he gets grown, w hether he puta it in the purpose intended or not. The young animal is the most profitable. The average hoga on One ihir is certain, Aycr's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds t'r.e hair and the hair grows, that's sll there is to it. It stops falling of the hsir, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. l M t Wilt. IS antllM. W ..tir arn.-it rnut kiier-ly yi, tuna a, fin aud H1 irm fin ii foul. tur bS fit II uim I yoar itt.i ,,rr..(ii,-. aa-iM, j. i. a m co . Unii, M,u. Weie swailowiil Up ill tile III.-. 'To hal was lidded m nicllier I braen chorus nljov liom Hie I,, I The same In !'s w hleii a week iig.t sang me i.-yiirni oi the .lead pope, clanged a giad wel conic to llie new . 'The coronal iml i l a new pope ordinarily lakes Lice a fen il.i.v. after his election. I1 was In l th rilled for Pins . lo .o ci,.w nc. I uol Sunday, but il was lonml iia tiissible to prejtare St. I'elei s by that day. The follow nig Sun day seemed too long lo il. lani Hie cardinals in Iho ten llie heal pie vailnig here, and it was v iilua'lv decided to have coronal nm in November. A positive ih eisinn will be reached toun-irovv and the aniioiiiH'eiueiil vv ill be made in t he aliei noun. "The it-pull thai Mgr. I-n Me1 Val had ben raised c 1 1 . 1 1 n.iii' t- i denied or sirnagly ipiesi ioued, A proniinenl c.iitlinil sr.. I thai Im had iml heaid of il. The ciidinal says that Sarin Tn-.l Ihonghl of assuming the title ol llclletlicl Mil. The last I'., licdii l came from Tn v No. the same town asSaito, and was elected mi llie same day. August I. si centuries ago. The new pope's mother died a few weeks ago. lie lias one bio ther and live sHeis. No appoint melils hav.' Is-cn made vet. and none ha. even Isi n consider! d. There is no doubt ol llie po lai ilv of Sarto s eh ctnui. It i I t., l.i. ciiio. !.,!. turn , . in. o. on, - ... i - . eiillliellou with pulllles ami Ms a piety, cull lire, dignity and imle ,i pcudcncc. Cardinal tiibbnus te J fraiiis from discussing Hie decision. ; but he doe not eomvul Ins sal is faction at Hie result ami hissiiiccrc ; Is'liefthat thechoiii' will oiH-raleX lo the highest good of the iliureh 'i iu America as well as Ihmiiglmul i the wot Id. J 5uicide Prevented. The startling annonniTineiil thai a preventive of suicide has liecn discovered w ill interest many. A run dow n system, or despondency invariably preced suicide ami something has been found (hat w ill prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the tiM thought of self destruction lake Kleetrie Uitters. It Iteing a gnat tonic nervine will strengthen the nerve and build up the system. Its also a great stomach, l.iver and Kidney regulator. Duly m. Satisfaction guaranteed by Eng lish Drug Y. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Laaative Bromo (Juinine Tahleta. All drugxiat refund the money if it fail to ours. E. W. Grove igna tare i on each boi. as cent. Sim gilletl who have used, with i tililk-retit result s.coti-'ill pnvvili IS IVVIHIl- t a-nd'-il e.i'ia'lv gnod , It lio'se-;. cat t f, pnlil- t y , swine, t it ., will tind i.l .si, ra't's a remedy 1 ' tu horses and mules c. 1 1 is nut a eurc-iili, Tut invalua ble for the purpose rciiiinmrnilcd. Ashrraft's ('ondiliiill ate picp.itetl frmn the formiilic of a pirn vctcritiariiMi of over 30 ears' cperieiK'e, and when once used, horsemen will have no other. rv Powders - 1 i t,, r. 'tin tl'io tmv,' ln-.-n wlltna -1 , . :, i - I,.., li, - f,.r ii iihii,Ut ,,f yoar, , , I. , 11;, V IllO.- I'll, ii IMIIVlTlll MtlKfaC- i .:i 'I.,.. .iit.-i !mij- nr.- lii,-.,rH,rat,.,l In f ;r i, ,,, ,!,' -I-,.. n, ,..,.'l r--Ml.-ilv H - , i v i ,. i-. I . 'li.. ,Iim ii... f,,r w lili-h It In i , i, ii,. i',. Vi.iiiv ,, our I'lot.iniprs hv 1 ii.. . I I.,,,.. ,f' 4 u. - f,.r v.-atsi will ... . , , . i -t SolasH liKI ii cd.. M.mrw, K i ." AslKiatl's Powders fatten but nevt r bloat, the hair Incoming sleek ami glossy. Always high grade. Price L'S cents. Sold by iinalish Drus Company 1611690 Flour I lie Dill ClAiirslJ Id UUUIIUUlii Il s low pi ice is Ihr maker's ex-i-iisi! im the infeiioiity of his u , hi, t. Had Hour in had flour no inaltrr hiiw it ni nunipulat e,l uii.l jiiculcd in packing. It nil (onus hark to the lame thnm. liooJ llaiir mixed with pom will improve the quality ut the I, lend, but like mixing wliile paint w ilh lilark, it take an aulul let ! white to pro ibice any eltt-t t. bad or cheap lloiir i larkim; in gluten, the nutritious portion ol the wheat. It aha contains s large per rentage of the pulverued huak or i-lit'll of the Kraiu. All of which you don't want. There hue, we caution you to atk for the "liiviuribla" brand. Thi brand ia sold at the loweat price for which really 8rt rlas flour cao be told, sad it pine is the highest you need to pay in order to get the beat, Mr. Newman, our local baker, ays: "luviucihle" it the 1 can get for baking." iir.vni7.TKnv A Jlllil ilJUHUWit f ROLLER MILLS.