THE MONROE JOURNAL. G M. ISK YLEY, l K TITSDAY Auul ii, i.j stion while i Ceiieiil U. k died, worth m m.ihua J.,!Uis. U audr it of thte lam... I'u.f.n . ..i,l. 1 J i trry siibh lile t!,dt UuJ in The Pas-in ol the Planter. Iii cn.t o hit. lematls brfoitr lit farmers rJneJa-, l'f,.i. W. K. llassry knucl.t',1 the wold "pi , -iter" into a ten',. Lit J nest. What luemout-s of and in.iite, elegance aud dignity clu-ttr aUut the woid "(Until," the lordly i'iJ .Southern I'ljulfi - to day tragraot memory. 'The nun who ttics u laise but one crop " -a. ! I'r !. Mi.i, "is a !j iwi, he is ..n't 4 j'Uiitt-i . The tu t'ur ,:ii, i. s.iu-t , : the South must! a Unix i, a Uutri, uiu.-t sell main things, :,ot one ,,i rvru two." 1'uir. Ma-sry made a lint siiiestior lien he -ai l that c a. h i irmei should lia.C Seine . i -lain, .,-nie one ir f toward '.i.h In- makes .il! hisotheis i oiitrihuic. It may be h ,.gs, ur t it tie, mi rutt 'ii, i r t in, ot hay, but it should he s, mi- one than; t develop to the gicatcst rxM.t, t i take pnde is:, to nuke tin inv it of. ' At Lav-t. a Rational Note. j The Ouiknk ot last week fcaJ a j most r:'t-liiisty sane ej.t.miil uo the juestinu ot mob tiulrnrr. It begta? tiy satin,; that Itinliiig is uot a oas case so mik h at a symptom ot a di ;eae-a linnets. I Jire,,.uJ, ..i th. I'aiteJ States, tor human lite and a contempt (or t:.e restraints lht a la abiding pevple shuuid poik-ess. Die Sist sane couteuliou is that it i a s ease ut the htie couiitit. not u eui ' a section, citing in pioot, the picss !is'tilu-s , I a sme Jav that icp it r.l one nub in PaimlHe. V.L. one m Atlanta, t,4., oiie in Siiaatou, l our muiJei in New V, i s jnd a n. .1 1 i (M ii H I o I ! IH Jt -l- i 4 rvMl't 4 ii.l. . Rl. a ,1.. ....... -. ia mnv.jiMir UJ.n'HI ill tn- . !..... 1 . TT , a,,-r 1 rrvraiuSl.Nr,U-r,-, lake thr 'o. imii in 'sr ii nitjiA 01 1 rrvtl l o. la-a-v 1 it . --i."""i'S n u mii.ii-. 1 "i !Ii-r nillu 111; t n-i. uil ' 1 ... .1 -l H.-H. .1 1 tit k i tv-i'.;i':ltU' f.! Hit- I liitt-il Stall I i-l "-- tht not. uIh I la iKi- t! rk ti-. i . tnitm-ti! !n tlii-r -ii .!.i i-; lLr liaio .jiiai it v -l tlurliK l.iMiiMr. W'llluiin. . .n: : mini v ! -I ym-imurem ii. in 11 , utirv ra..t al tl iwrpltn. 5 at Ii..- r-mr an.l Ull ,.iilv -fl.m in caeA, lie V l UTATlTiTlTiTiTiTAViTlTiVlTlTiTiTiViTiTATitrV ViViWM 4.H 1 J thai lU laht.ii.Hl aam-l 11-. . 11 -Oitii tilth.' Ul 111,11 kit lii.'.V lllll! ' siaulil.-rt'l at on..-. 1'un are lint alio.-.! I lu a:nl h! I ii. -in. hunt' tlu- li 11. k aUml .. ll.lll .1 n-lll lew. Il J.m 4. ! 1 li;-'l itiiiatv In-. .l the lu k. I :'! 1 : 1: I'ti-r ol 'i.ii.iiit!in . In tin- ! iiv tiHk la ..nun. .. tt- t:n i.irt oi oitli l iioiin i in..-.- r itlli ii.i.a .la-it tioiu lliioii- riu-.- :i,.i; iVuiii alt ..tin 1. lattfi- litoiij!.: ilon li . Ii at' n. ii i li.-kN. an- !iil.nk.-l I'v inks ; tti.-v mill .lie 1 -..!. tin- i:, k .1 ; It .a..., also. Uial the !. ..iiu u!e t j a, ,. .,t , ..,'t k;,.. tiu- couutry tor the ihtertrais ,at I- tin- S-r !tli !h. 1 Jiaie jo. i.!,., weieiEieatei in uuu iHt'W lu-H th.-y g. I 1.11 vu: .-.i! '.1 . ' than the Jraths cause.l by 1 nlav u- i llw at-.- nl miIm.i I lo l't-al C:JeMs Julius the sa'te ji 1 kJ, .uui i;it-ati-r, also, by tieatiy iMr halt, t'-an j l.l the liuiubeis it llnti-h toics li.'t .1 ali.1 .It ill); ot Jiseasc .! nun; the S, 1.1! . tli. hi Ave, the ; : .i.:. l I, is t 'He, lleie nnsl time tj, I e oi.e, .:( he i 1:1 the I'a.-sun;. A -.s iii !..( bi.beeuiii etert 1.00k an ! Col si-i it V.ith Caioiiiu lohl the n.iter Si t. ul.iy that uhelt 1'Ul ti e Cleat i l .;..'lt ltlo:. ! Kill, : !v eiste !, !a;:-l is 1 in a. 1 1 t bit t'.aets l I'' 15'le-s. I'i.l:;-c then eui.v: s ,!o n 't n.inl io In,- on '.in in a:i.l huake tin i.i. ai. .1 in t!,,. I. ,ui.! .,1 ( .t tin y li.J liol (...;.-. So !- 'V ..,' be.i.r hi, tea i., u .',1, to til lk, hl.lkll . then, ineiiei. I : e p:aiite: n :i esh lit in I li !.- e " .1 ,i!:i not :...!, J on n . i' . an,l le,.I. hi un ii i. v.,ni ! iv. ne , k, a I!" Ii'.t'e Ihi n.-li! ti a t i ,' nii.ty, .!:,.! I ii i iidi ..ititv to town ui.iliou 1 1 ' t ! i nit an,) Mils; a:;. I 111 ! -till. A i lean ar. I he Hemes an- t.uti ut, .11,1 tl.oiiti t lallM' one to t'..l.k. , The UiUl oi, i-oii.luiles that this jew el al eoiiditi .u niav be roneetei! only 1 by hi'snmm,; at jj r tniiti.latioii.aiiJ the i teaebini; ,ii oU-Jienee anj restiamt .111,1 le,ect hi tan .iii.l nchlrous Coll .lu. t in tile homes, Iioiii the ii!,-it, !iotn the 1'iess am! platt'onn, ,m.l a tn-'ie tici ions eiilol.einen! of the h by tlie uthcei theiyol. at 'he 'oi ilo'i-iiiiif acaaist . n ei in the S-ntli i Hhat e to sj e , ,0, a 1 1 .1 Its lie.Jl.tllt l'ol:;oi,iou ai liuiej-iiij lit lein y it seems to us """' i! t'.e i;n.'.tii.ii of the hour Aiil I i.e th.ilm k's t,e aie so t !::e it auJ .::i-t tie , i ,ie leiulhiit A hniu.i:- the h:rat Jau.ei i!.., ! ,. .ill w.ii'.rn, iin.l tii 1 1 th.-re aie se. ti..i, in !nvll In irher tt.e hie imi the h. :. '1 i.' n hue ,imu is ...i f, ,,, j.jj,. hilt a l!ii-t j;. t obl.-r tin t iinii-v. lin t hate ha.l ti. ks lMb-e lli. v in1 in.- ni.-iitbs ..:!. ! ami linn i th. v an- att.u k. tint K III Il t.m wan! t" but . wo w t i Jit.: j t Ill-Ill I..II, ill.H'l'llllll.' II,, 01, i.t them t.aily tor toui ia-lni.' i! jiU tiial It ton o,. i:, kv. ton hate no In k or IVa t.-tei. , We hat . . ioaiii'il fit.- ...(nil!.- ol jinks I'lio .oiniiioii i.iitio ti.k jtllilt toll Me mi I'lllh,' at tin- time ' of the tear i- the only that . .it- i in-li-t. r. lie i- a !:!',- ob'oiu , hllll-ll h llott. '1 hi- is the h ii, i e .111.1 -II.' i- le.l'lt to ill "i oil the ,l'o. W In i ,l.j. ,:,tt- hero -In- t,,;; ai,.I , - of t"UU , lli k-. 1 I . -e i l i" I ! n 1 1 I In' uia aioi w ml in,t .! tin-run ironies ami tin t p-l on lo r. n-n. : ili". oil anil li ileii. 1 In-t ii,. th -j b'lii lin.i - in the ti .ir. Mi toll'.. Ul'ks .11.' veil I'l ks 1 hi' tli k !" s j Hot 1 I1IM I I'l ol,, ( u- oil to . ,.l i.. I I'lii-t iloh't Hen . h n,.o i,i -.cmi It ft lietiire lti rol.lM.riai .1.. tan. Im thai h.iil .......i .....i ,j i...;.. ! ... , . " rt'l'l nilON--M Itl IV 111 , ..t , ., , !,.- Im r. -ult- a- ,.,!t oi , M,.l)U , llrivs , 11.1.-, t.-ai- l.-t- in, 4 aii.l .ll hate olle,.,ll.ii.mior hi n.i.tur. t. t. .... .o, , l k.- s. l-ivlun- .., j l t, ,U)W ,.hJ,rt.u ,..,Ut -lu.j.ot.-,!.a,:. ,..r t-,4 'l,.,,a, ,.1M. ,,1M. , ,,.,,, h t . ll.,,.,oM,l. Of lU I, eh. ., a, ,,w irt j.r.H-l.vitle; Van. Ii.-,, I he . Hl.r ...i i ......... .... .. , , ,i , , , , ;'"ll'i.fJir imwif. lie l Mill . . .. U .,,, .1,, I,,,!,,-, ,,,! l. , ,, n el ll tine n (rwuil .- to .1 I...'.-I.1-:),,1.N i.i.mH,, auathw ,.r..i ha tthi . v ... .,,il,.s a;w.iJ,.,.. His j.rtmi,.al -aav of "'; ' ",""'" ' ' . '.aUi,- a.-l.. ,-4utb0 Iwu In Mr. W :. ! ,- . ,,.l a-i..l the ; ,,11(,, lu,,r ,,. a fi,1iltH! "-'" l'o"'"'4 hi I'.'iiH'iutiiivl nrluiiikH. iuiiot. in. i-i iiio vim.' ".I im -ijilesl thai h it .- U. ,,. n,j.,.t,-,l ui ti. ,m j i m mo tin. i, in i.t,,i.-i in,- i.isi im,,, mhiIIiIhiiiii.I, on "olna!-. ih. ll 111. Illi.-,iti'l!lt'lit the Solltll.-rtl HalUilV.'k " ' a ;.: .i.t" al eoii-i.l.ia .-. al l. ! la-t muht one 111 lie Lie length. the pi. ral noitli ,. l.:t-',.iii i.,; .n!,.i.:,s i,.i .ii:.on.ultiiial.n'i .1 i.l.ti.e that thewrttk i-auseti . Hi. Mine. I: a- M..t.',l thai bj a il.'lil.'tately lai.l ..-u ,.fiiuie ih. !i a:. tlii., i,i. ili,!-,. mii.tot,- ; lt, ;1, tlaw w itoh 4H laniN ml in. -ui: hi -I, l.t !i,....ilati..ii tttth. Mali of Hie ass,tii;.'r!i hail 1 1, ill - tin' It I. oil! Il- -iv i tllll.ll'll!tlllse-l':lll..- ... ll... I.ol.ld Mil on. I. l.t tho. ai. ml -.!.-.-ti t'w.iit out wlnutie ua-li fame, ami -e. .t t .,! ii ttoiu oi ... ottii ti, hi or 1 tin t liaii ,i o.-l out of the cars ii'l. I'V e.lie ! I l.loii jb tin- iii,l.. I',,,,,.,.... 111! . 1, ex i'ii in IUJ reck on the Shi them. I ... i.hi'.r-. itioii urn! -I .. mi ,i vs , a tn hi tsolatf.1 -..iiietliini- like oi,.- , ii.ii I. t o a unit' I'roiii ant olln I In lil. I ho .-I.. .i.n t. '- -hoiilil ! ISlai k tias ..i,y M iililt-il. Ftiviiiiiii i:.iil.' was M-alilnl mid liruiMnl. I'i.-ta! lerks Hurt lili. lJ of Atlanta an. I Sliai k- of tin-out ille were h.i.l't li int. t line ,1 I li,..l . ,l!l y un I Im i il. II Is Hi lit-.,' I II It tiers l!n So t' I ('!.', 1! t'U'.l i tie States, i.t .;!, t .ii in i f.illll nuil th.y i.i-1 ne lit; I'l, i ii .ib '-,'t ,il 'l liiul; i a i.! uiir oi .li'.ei- tl.iv- urn. I 'ilia, t hi h :it a,! ". t h 1 lo I'Oil! Is i f I ! -C.iltlO llipl , 'i i, v.J.t ilpthe Il 'II! t..l I ' t e ', 't on ti c,. (.(., n.'-e ot it I ,ble i ,iu very ! HoU . I1'' 1 l.'S,..,e,. ,; i."llt'!.lll 1, -loek. .1 M..C 1 '.it the v i his st "trill, Il to s linn "I n ealtli ,,: .in ly n.'h, Il :: ii'l the (H'opir i!y. that ni.i,, lien i' 'iiihlioi l ie! y in. iii ii I t I lb' llil his. lav .1 iliet o! I-. ; 1111 '1!1( lie.l hitte "I 111 'I tlllll treat "II ;e Mltli oi leil't f.lj ac iiiilv. The oilimiti, S o i am- un eneitiv. 1.1 , "III: 111 I I , it. e '.ill! ' 1 ! . M is I, il ! "III t, II ( .1! lor tn ihi ii 1 1 1 i t.on ot l iooii , , fiflellt i I: '. i 1! rhe.i'. ,ii! th, , i;l lis lain, , lion ' -ai.l Pi .1 of in li'hnit,' !!;,,: S'lhso,; , in i j,, . ili-ii .inline h ill. i.o net ei h,! .!io,,., bns to Jay. With the people al.iiost in the eiilne ",:iitv armiaiiij! tliem Selvrs tr . ,,t H1., j,,,,,,,,,,. lion of many lelej h in, lines ,inj ilelivery r. lit .-, mill itiere isins niter '! Jlil hllillels 111 ni.ptovej melh "I famuli-,, the time is bright si.. 'tliei ti.ite! ii he li,, ', is li ,t a siif I a ihI is t, u I he ,i -irnt rue e hllol ill this see isev, "is i',i'.ihle ellleli!. Any day ;ht to the poii.t ,,t l inoii I'mmlt 't o-pecls than it ,,'e a , i.t pi . 1.1!,' to , tl lt".. 1 to 1 e lot,, t, , .y I! , iv inii-t huj a III, ' li'.'-l tin. H thev ll, it II S .! Il 1 'r htloll tall if St', inrtl. ! i at ha-t atiempi, ,, ,y vti,, r ,ii..l, 'Oi. i- me',h,.,!s t.': ,u in, ii vt .'I 'li. e. I lie I.n tnij.t un !r that 1:1 am e o! a, it a. I'ti J ripe the t -t i ''- 1:1 'IV i'O'ilt ol i,e,,i i .-huuU! 4j a, e si.iiinn'ii a ti ,n 1 j, v Ilium-. ti ; - 'If auJ a ,, ;,t j iiy llv; ,',,,(' ' appeal sli nil.l .! II thr ;l ,1 I. Th-'- ''a' i' I'la.ti.-e -.t i.i'Mt liiitiin tioiiij (ive itaiiai.t .1 the ia.-t p.oviMohi hie lu-irs-lties '! iiie case i.l t' e l.'a I t.i. Is it i ,1 that thi" mou! 1 ii,,!, i!,. all tl,,. ti,t,!i ti -ii-o! Aiia-iit aii iaw: I he ansit,'! is thai it is I etlei to ti.,.,te a.l tl e tia hhotis ut Ann l ii'.ni t, t,. h ale ii mipiot, , s , ,.iiJ that I y slieli ftps I tioii" iik-I'ioIs thr innocent nu,1,! tall a u, (,M, j,, p ,. ; pa-"i,.. aii.l piejn !,,,.! 1 i,,. I holt the inn ., nil ,M; i ,. ,,,',-f than they ate Mo, jn tu f is sattej, I il the imtho.N ulinli hi i- awn toinrj to I'm -;:t' ale not sa oe J. I he lein imi ot the eon, mainly ,,r the un 'V Jute am "!, tll,.l, a II J piIil"hllielit "t the i,.,tii who is fility ,, rape is a.l enliieit last Jfin.iiil. I'l,, n.ti,,, li e I'oliilniinily takes to l teeute li lt ih niaihl i" an rntu, Jy umust iiietl.o.l. I lie til -I is to pi, .vole a ,'i.t Illiihoil hu t,s, y t ,,.. Ill.tllJ." That is tin- .'h-aiif-t cut sl.,1, an, m of the rase that e haie seen, ,m,! the csis c Is A vi ami; man uilh a stniiLjol Jersey! cotvs.lhu-e h J sows,,, p,irof mines,, j a sioo.l ,uij a pun of liiclesslyj workiin; hamh, utt.ii heil to his anus, ,ints to come h. fin,.;, ountity anj settle, lb: Hants to come (mm an,,th. j ei co, inly hecan-r Ian. I is cheap, j ast! no koo.i, aim iniii ii lor a yonin; 1 siis"sli,iii i.-i; u lino ,(1,u k t, ,,, iilliin; oft H peals is the lit"! piartn a! i lea yet aJvaiu'cJ. .,.n ,,'i oiidate ,s coininillej the people J, ii. inj Jlls. lice, anj leaiuifj that Intel imnahle i!e. lay I')' the conits Hill iheat the em's ! of instii e. they heroine la la raker by killing ,e iicnsej j T tie puvilene of appeal is the Jailini; j of most layers. It is ,e tnnK thai I plays the Jevil. in plain Knthsb, in cases ut this kind. It eiitht t j ,e r; oil largely, anyuay, untl especially in these cases. If the law is to I,., re spci'tej it must be effective. It can never he efteclne as Inn as iul) lawyer ran pile up cost an.l Jelay ami eventually escape punishment f,,i ciiiiiiiials on his mil (ire , 0, fancy. If the crime of assault con fitiuei to im rease like it has h.r the "t le yean, i( will he nnpossihl , on tho . o. N,,- j,i i ,. halt b out nub' il i- n u m. i on III.' hi-1 if. t of . p, 'iniH'i t,,i t ri j hike nil slot k on! t l tour , i-!i.e mil k'-. p til. Ill out till pi li. thai pa-iiii.' will l e tt.'f .,t ti. u. li ton tinit t;;i i leloU r .i t ,!,,. tin in fill. Ili.-H' ill ;o( do co. .!!!, ,, .11 Hi tl f.ll lo t lo ha'l fl lio',, olil, , ami lh. ill lie li en, ti!,! J I,, i ' "iiliiini r il i.l tlnii halt h. 1 in- it tef In k ill II 't u. t ol! ho" ,, 1 ho'-. -, pit h i !i, oii'y c.i'tli'. Il' toll !l.l ,' olilt III ,, ,0 I'm i' i Hile It . .1 th, m ,i,i' p u t -u'j.hni o I in or il.ii o ol sail, nuil ki , ii th, mi, i o,i. ,i-i .1 on the ii o- .imi i p,ii l oi ln, ami ,.ii can ,, I I In- Ink-. ''lie la k I It c ii ' i, ,1 ,t,t., th, ' pi"lll;f Lt :i:i ilium, il. A li,,,ii, 1 tt ill keep th. ill oil!. ! A itin -lioii heiim a-koil a!.,, iii j -lock I i. I ii . Ha:,,'' -I iii , I. that. Ills nil , t llople. two i, I tin- hi "I ! know II liiml- h 1,1 been i Vllhin. ,1 ,1'ln liii.'.ilij lit si'M-ia1 -' a!.--, ,,ia jlllill lll.'t Well' I'omp,,", ,i , vt hi ..! I ''I HI. li. p! ipi ,1,, "all. ; l'lall'- I'on.l i- ll'Cli.tlll'lllh ,1 a- olio ,- ilul lot a tli.".', 1 ktii ii a hot-.' i hat ale fwi'Ui' poiiu.U ami -lllleltil ll.l llit'iillM'lilt'lifi-. Ib.'l'iw In. i n or IioKom tail il,H -! ""I i'M-1. i leii.ii I. ii s li n,, not Im'i ii ii 1 .1. to ihnl sin b .liMiiM'st Il ,t"ii mo sii."h, 'l lliat !i, io i, a lll".',lso of III,' hoi u I'lit tho lit ifl, ,, ' anil tliiow It nti'l the a 1 1 . .i -.- bolhj .iwav. Preparation of Soil fur (i ruin Crnps. ; ',' n. . si . . ! -I I IOI. .'I, I ft Spl'1.1' Oil (III- Slill j.'t t. Ho .-.nil (lint tte ail lack lakiii Int. i account t,t uu o . 'O n I'V self. Noli iili'i I S.-I.1 tioii o) en- It .il i, I 1: io.: 1 .t., .1- n- it h.i- it,i i ih tiiotiv i il, il i;r,,' ai,. I a-ain : h it In no 'i. ilia : - hoc, a -! i.,. oV,.sj I I to'hi- ptl at u- illall teifi', i il: 1 he -I Ilk -hoiloi In- i.n e 1 l"f illi. I -lupin.; I..H nil- le lot two ti .1-..1-: lust. Iii t an i- I i'l' belli I 1 11; 1 1 .i.-.i .i -t.nal hi: 1 1 II-1 -.colli, Ut.HI-e II l a it-1 I" M'l in w ,nl s!.,rii,. 1 i e i i ; - -iioiil.l l.y ail no a -a y 1'tnii '.-al I"! in lib 1. h The Prices we have made on goods is sure citcMng, jitlgicg by tba '.ray the crowds continue to pour in. There is no use dodging, yon can't escape, ani the only remedy known among trading humanity is to fall in line with tho rest of the folks and receive from BELK BROTHERS A Full Dose of Low Prices. Then you will be Immune and can go among the high price district where big profits prevail without being infected. Our "Rabbit-Foot" cuts quite a fijure; if you get inside of our walls once you can't stay away. , DOING MORE BUSINESS THAN EVER. WATCH OS! i I g I a t I . l.lMl varus linen insl from li.. i.-luiij mill well worth 15 .-Is. our fruv 10c. la'l ?. In.lia Linen lli; Value 1 ceiihs our w 7c. la hiits Conlnl HV. Iiinily,! ii,li,l forlkiliy I'ritssi'!! an.l W'aitil.-, at 5c. 1 Iat (itiin Foiilan.I, Hije Rirain, that s ilil at IS', to J.V , our n. t ... 5c. FIVE CENT COUNTER. F.vt'ry .lay we put suint'dnno on Ihiit coititfrr. ;..! Stuff. All of tthicli is worth up ! U ami l.V. yaril. We jml all.inoiH'o.iiiitcr at . 5c. yd Millinery Department. Always you will find the latest here. New line of Ladies' Collars. White Felt 1 fats for early buyers. As pretty a line of New Veiling and Single Veils as you can get at a much larger city. SI'IX'I.M. SAI.I: OK 5e. and 10c. Ktnli'oiilerios. i - ii . a.,.1 li;.- hlie ot '11 li .It rHl i." t n i.i .. vi i! till- ,oi h'.l X'lu I p, I lill.'ls', ..J i !ei,,;l!i I'.'iwi', n It t'p lllle I ami Ih, W.I" - V 1,1-i.. 1- tn II .1- Ih,.- 1" l.ljl.-l p.' til i '.n thai Ih. 1. ;is a i. -nil ot ill - ol I ho si! il- ""f that tin- -o ! h it i f ,,! r ii.-i". I iKhtine the Tobacco Trusts. Tliere Inn U-eti a fearful tall in , Hit- piii eol leaf tol.,1. i'ii, Niiil tn Ih .In.' to tlie action of the Aiiieriinn tili.n .. t'otiipauy. i'iiiiiiiinlt inll- lt In,' tlll-t. 1. toliaiCI-C'liilllsil of 111.' State an- iiiorvat alarm, ami S -lion- i-ih.iis atv U-iii ma.)., to got ' lobar, ii pinplt' to ofoatii,. to figut the 1 1 list. Scn'tiiit of State il Mill s. Who is a lillLT loUiico Wl I... :.. . . .. .. I tit. t. i- n,-i.iio iii uit'iso I'llollS.' w - -" a.wvuiia He sits if ni.--,'iit tiiii-o .-..iitiii.iw 1 Belk Brothers. Cheapest Store on Earth I Wholesale and Retail. i. i i hi ii tiliniii tt i I'leo on ihr e i,-t.i'n c Im i ti, I .! I 'I I' ll - - I Mil i'.: i i Hi,- 'lllliiliiil lol, Hi "I hlllt" ; Al ii" ii i , n !ii"la -i'i " I'oli I,.- 1, it i;,!, ll.l" n -u,ta-, lll.llie ih '. ,'ii hl i" pn k, il a- it i" i "hope ki t ii il . a a- Ihi- I. I- out t i, Ii hi t i r. Al-o li e 'II lile "U s o,.r- iiiaii u iiiit- t ho t,ini,h, i ailil I"' ia;f :. i.t i a;, i ., lilotlsiinl- n people ill Ih' rilllMil. Siy an f.chiitiot.: - young tatly tt nit? t i know Innv tn niake ti t i iiciioir out n( U:e word ', n o j,!''- That K easy. It is it. lit' I'V tr.ltisn.mon them inln itt,. Aotils. Take the Ihiid. eec- I'ti l aiui tirt letters for the first : .id, the sixth, fourth anj tilth '( r the s.i', and you hate s. no tliini; that is nut cnou;ll foi ii y 1 idy." S. K. Itjstcrlus just received i lot oi 1 1 ' c Hams 3 I ! i XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXinxiixixxxiiixxxniIXX 1 iwi1 Ii a,! I. . itlii'f al I- 'lilt .1 ..111 i.l i.t'tol "hoilhl ill't.'l lio . ha! "Ii, I'l lot.' I I-l n't linot li,,' llllo ,M I" I ,, . oiiest illc New s I. liiai a iiii'l-1 sole,' eollon llld le (olloti f lll le ' -ifii. Wolte-villt. An Ih Mi l ai;.!,iln, wh't ha -ot el. i! tlats i" .1. liti. M.-. I-,, Pie le' ilat- i,i ; hi- net !, I'll-, Si" is. .1. I.. Mi V. v ii- I ;,.hl sit k I'.!.' to bo nut I 111 U -p. u! il 1 1 ll la I un l'"tlll llllll I'lunl. lim it r al Miiit tiil .-piin. M,s II. I., i iatk of .Mo !,i,. :! h Wtlina t'latii "i l h.u h-iie me -peii'il'u a fett ila - t il i) ii , ilnt .s ill and iiloini I oil, still.. Mrs i lespecl. I Illi' ii!ni inan lu ai.iiiie. lie is Ihe v.mely 0f I for l,ittt wometi to live in the ciiien ,n,t, J;1J I ,,,, will ijne him a in ichbui ' i county ioti,e. coniili y U'c eie never well aopiuiiitccl in l uioii with thr ohl planter, his I n aj bottom lainls anj ..iiiii nf iiiaiioes. "I have hern Uniiitn; for over forty yeara," f.ii-1 Mr. I.. S. Serrest. at the insiuuie tteilncstlay, "and I have 1 lc'Ier ,ro111 "tesiilciit Kuoaevelt ti never bought a bushel of corn, a pound j lovertior Durbio uf liuliana has ap in o n years. ,M, u ,leSn't su(, lL On the contiaiy, the more mobs the more assaults, apparently. It Heenii about time la stop d'leii,liiiK mob la and search for some remedy that will pi event the ciiirie. Since the abeve was put in type a of meat or a sack of flour." He won't wave his hand proudly Over the acres of wlii'eiiing fields and longer (all about payment iu the fall Along with other thiiis, Ihe "paying in thn fall" buaiur ss will slop. Fann ers will run on a cash basis as other business enterprises are conducted. And with the other chances will come a change hi the tenant system. The present one is wasteful and profitless. Tenanting will become more profitable for landlords when it becomes more profitable for tenants. The system Bow in vo,ue makes little for either "After the war," said Prof. Masiry ia bis lecture, "Geueral McKinuey of, Maryland bought s little faim in bis State, fie rented it to a tenant un condition that a certain rotation of peared, in which the I 'resident takes substantially the s line ground as the Outlook. He says that uo ritht think- iug man has any sympathy lor a brute who is guilty of the crime, but that moii law hurts (be people who practice it, leads to all kinds of lawlessness ana injustice, and unless stopped will evenluallyresult iu anarchy and tyran ny. Mob law is a failure in ever wav considered. The President lays stress on the fact that w hile accused crimi nils should have a trial, lawyers and officers should not resort to mere tech nicalities and formalities to delay justice. KfBlil u .l.n..ia I., f .ll A : i . , io' mivuiu us IU..UWCU, ueinea 10 jwii a csiuuttm weal auae a build up the land at the same lime' T .,tWHTill H msae that a living was to be mad out of it. By and by be bought some more small arms, and started other tenants the Mine way. Coder his system the ten ant said that they could make more money by renting than by owning, A scorn tmnsKM . . MM hark .4 .14L . a. u . . . MS Jsale aWast4 kesa ami Is eawM gm --. i. nwiiipina. II Rrwrr m Mlhalllm s. mm nn tu arwjpaa. fl I J n rttrafats U 'wja-at J in.; in tin -"ll, h ii'l clat , won't "it ! a.- imi, h liioi"tni,. as Io n poiin.l, ,1 up an,l piihi ri.'t .1. 'I he Ki, ai, si si,, "" .-llollhl lie, I mi pie pat at ion. know a man ho -i ,,u, ,, hat on oiio at re, nuil In- t un . cutaway harrow imt iln- o,,,un, twenty -ix 1 s Im-Ioii .Mr planlitl. Tli.,(. is n,. ,i,,p! Crow ii lliat ii.-cil-as .hoi, i,biwiiio a- com, I'l i ,aic I hi on-til ami! ciillivati' Hat. boat ul-i 'in-nl" land tti'll iii-pareil. Iion't roplow j corn liiml tor wheal it il lm- 1i,, i, wi n tibiwi'il t in i nir ih,. s 1 1 ti i in, r I ill tin' i'. Mi. niiil harrow il oh the inlii'tav harrow. Lite ihe corn plenty of iiunur.' aiol tln ie will I iioii-h e bn- il. wheal. t'ttllnatf com Hat, ami inhume .Hliallnw. and tin- w ill b,,, ,,,,,,, Hie. Iion't phut ileeii at'ti-i' sl,ni collies ii 1 1. It ciilsihi' loot-, sin tlie top and t Im.- keep t lit- tinnsi lire I hurt hit by tn,, soon, I am I'K'liui'd tolhmk that siirhico , nlii VHliou lot cotton hero it,, a woubl he iiilviintiij.-i tnts. l)oii H-;i.s uiuli r ut Ihe fall for wheal. Test forCuriiiK Teas. Iu answer to it ipi,.,tii,n :l.s lo tthi'ti Hi tin,, hay .hIwuIiI Ih' liiiiised 1'iuf. Mas-, v 'said this should Ik- iltuii' wlit'ii l be Ii :1V Wils nmly. Tlii'iv i.s one t, t ii ut will al wax a tell. Take mi a haiiilml ol the hay ami twist it. n,,,! ir , moist nre w ill eotue, it is cuir-,1, mul lint lieforo. no inattiT linw liiaut day tho hay lias Id'cu cut. Mr. Williams' Speech. Iu it rciu'mI discus-inn ,,f wi, f. itiliwrs aiv upplieil to the soil it was siateii mat l ie Va ue of ma fertilizer is biwil on the mnoimt ii plutit tiMHi it contains-tilinsi, h,, i i. acid, potash ami nitroocn. AlliT tills w il.s taken nn l.ii. ilt Ihe sources of the chief fertiliuj; materials loiioweil hy a ilisrtission of the forms of fertilizers liest a.l.ti,- teil to certain eropi. Tobacco and Irish notllto.fl want their ,n,tah the form of siilnliale whiln tt..-.o,h , , . .. i ' (ireesuo nesi wueD il la applied in .... r ' uir torn) oi inuriiile. Knijihasig was also placed ujinn i ue importance 01 iipplyiui; tbo fer tili.era at a time ami i II mmh a niHtiner m to have as little lots as IHisatlile from leachimr. K.ip .... Ktaiice it was atatrd thai an a pen erol rule on moat soil it w,ll u- unsafe to amilr nitrate nf a ln nr. cent to a Biowinsr emn. eiineriallt on gaudy aoila. The imimrtance of cow pea in the increnne in yield of . It, for ". ....I. .1 .. I u.,l ."'ll oi h I M, "'il i',e Ml i nisei I.l ,r,, , i.) ,ih, who h., ,. ,,,,1,1 t . 'al lints, t.ill soun be "Hi a.iiii. Mi. I',. :. n,l.tsoii went I., l.irti'ii Tn. -.tint t., atli ml till' li.-ll ti l eoiil't ion, ,.. yiis. 1 . 001.11111011 ha- I ., '.-ii I'ot.iiui-il to h"l I u" I I'l' si. yet al ilat - Imi i-able to be ,iiil aani. ll I- 'piti.' a i'Ui'i..-ity to "o tollic "Id 1'owic mine i,,r Id-i,. ami tin' ohl nil' I -"'tela! 1 1 A t'f.-r a c"iilinu,',l tliunu'lil lor -iv tu'i l-s one of Iho i,s ii'o,. 111! show, is , II t,lay wo bate bail in n lol',' liiae. Crops hut,, ,oi,(. as Well a- eolllil he t- In i I.-, I nw in.r to the thy We libel'. Mult' colli lias :i!ni,."t ,li i,. np. I ',1111111 has "too'I llo'ilry ttoalhcr .inc 1h tier, l! i- small loll 'i mtt tl ,.y The Dcnth IVnalty. A little thill-' solnil innv T .-si. Iw HI death. Thil- a tiieri' sciiiti-h, I in-unlliciiit cuts r jmny boils hate pan! Iho .kith penally. I i" wi-i- to h.u,. mica Salv.' handy, j if s the I .est Salt ,, on i.n il, -,iiil u ill l iiKaiiunls aitisticallv I'.tuic iti il and well illinninattd t r tin: iiiiiiiiiLsitnal reiiiiincratioii ( ? cents per operation," this is ilif sin ilisplaytil nver a biiot I l o k' i st ililisliitit nt in C'hiitles : i an. Wood's Seeds FOR PALLSOWINO. I ir ners .iii.l ( ninl, -Hers who tie-ur- Ihe l.iu-t and fullest inform., li n iiUuit Vegetable and Farm Seeds should write for Wood'l New t all Catalogue. 1 1 t,.ia i ,.)Ut ihe fall pliiniin of Lettuce, Cab haice sil ih,r Vegetable crop wliieli ar, provui,' so prolitatile to souiliirn growers. Also about Crimson Clover, Vetches, Grasses and Clovers, Seed Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley, etc. W'wsl's New KalMatalivne mailed frts- on retpiest. W rite for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Aq Order. Sdotiiof, K. K. 1)., July if,, 10j M s"is, III! L i ftlVFVS 'ieiitlemcn:-Please send me half " li k flour, i p muds roasted cotfee, 511 cuts ith granulated sugar, one bin Ut hud, t pound good tobacco, 1 set plates, knives and forks, tea cups at,, I sa lit ers, one nice lamp, 1 gallon u i "C" oil, to pounds nice rib meal, 5 pounds backs, and 5 gallons good molasses. Kind enclosed flu la pay " i panic, lours truly. ! mmm&m musim imwmi n h j 1 1 r1 " i M f m 1 C7 ) s If " a lTl rU LnJ LH H M No. S. M 3 No. 7- (' "'''. -i m m i!Hys?-3-ii"iia q 'Vt:::?uL'i-j 11 1 aim 2?-i&&J K S as ' I flf PL J??) I S 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 g H "No. 10. No- II. No. 2. K - M M K Nine more pictures m next week. ftiixiiiiximmiiriiiim;iiiiiiiimiiiiixiiiiiiiIIIiiIIIIXIr?IIXII1IIIIII' To Cure a CnM in Ono inr . """" " AJ to Two Day. Titra I JlVilf itA Hivm 0t!n!M . .... . A - ototwwmtv anviuv HllltllC 1 BPI61S. S77 fj Sm HOo. acaM scM la fit 1 3 aKMaa. ThlS fUtmatore. TjCfr OA cvorv I'it'VI'lit Sores, I Olilv o- f."alilt. let is ninl , il! llii'-li tt hen I'.nri,- ! The order was filled suit Ihe f,,ll,, I'ile- f lllealcn. i "'K "",e r-'um'auifd it: II Ullie; t s, ll-ir Sil:.-U....Un .., .1 tie you nieiituuiej and your proper change (fa.ooi keenine out e.h 01 un- ai ucies you oruerej. uite us another order. Yours, HILL 4 HIVENS. Doctors' Notices. he fnllmtinc; fees a luptcd by the r. C. M. A, July (,ih will ob tain in the future: Prescriptions or advice, 50 rents in advance, tnereal c is.3, $; 00 in adt ance, Can You lieat That Anywhere? liter ehalL'es acc ir lino t, i-i,r . . su.,,-j ,, you ran 1, come and see us or -...on , .-, laui r tascs. $500 up to wnu us your older. We will till your three milts, bcynnd three inilcs ori1" " cheaply and as honestly as if o cents per nule extra. ( alls '"' loonug si us. 1 ...... Kv Ibis tlieana we h.u. k. c ueiwcen niot.t t.ui am dawn Mmhi..' .... ' . Vuu"' $. estra f. dutililc the r,,,,, . ' '"nu e.pec. .0 keep lee: each i,:,i,,..i , ,, .......... ,,, mc house jee, to $1. extra. I want your country produce of in Kinjs. See me before )ou S. K. Dosttr. See Fl-iw'i Fruit Jars. Our Ice House ii opposite J J Lockhart Sc Co.'s store. I'hone li when you want Ice. No 30. Cahieu & Walmce looo Matches for C centa ai 11 JW i. Hill & Bivens. fl goo! Head I want your old Iron. J D. 'atker. pickling vinegar at See that Flow', When in need of fresh meal -phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. li very desirable at this season uur cleau, solid, para Ice is the best cooling medium you can get, in the refrigerator ita lasting quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED It adds to the clearness and cool ness of summer drinks of all kinds. Have os to deliver it to yonr res idence daily. Ticket, for sale ia any quantity. Phone j6. CADIEU 'a WALLACE. A Square Place to do Your Trading. Honest Scales and Weights. I do not claim to he Ihe nnlw mr. chant in our town, but I do claim to have come to Monroe to do a legiti mate business on honest principles, and I want the eood iiennlx nf ih. country as well is the town to come end essmine my ever increasing stock of fresh fancy and staple groceries, Flour, Sugar, Molasses, canned goods, rice, snuff, and a com. plete line of Tobacco, ranging in price from jo to 90 cents per pound. And, oh! that grand old brand of toffee- I "Our Blend." J ust read Ihe following signaturee and enough is said: "Our Blend" Coffee. This is lo cerlif that h.. ..,! "Our Blend" Coffee. I A. Stewart, and are delighted with its ncu,u wild naeor. Respectfully, S.O BLAIR, W. B. HOUSTON. J. P. MONROE, C.E.SCHACHNER. W. A. STEWART. Phone soi. Satisfaction and prompt delivery. Old time Flow's. W. S. BLAKENEY, President. A. M. STACK", Vice-President. - THE J. RAV.-iONU SMITE, Cashier. Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. for the prompt and A modern bankinf hmise ulih f ,..;i.i., careful handling of all business. N. 0. Molasses at Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and get interest on them. riswiiirttiiinniHiiiinrimtiwwiiitiiiMiiiiHiimiiiniiiiiiiiroiHiiitiiiiiH I IllI.i r . .. . c LKuecon remaie college i One of the most prosperous schools in the South, with a 1 high standard of scholarship, located at a very popular Sum- trier Resort, and with a I lending from Ne Jersey to Florida-an Institution that is S nn.nff nr., I u. . I. m -""'is - p,"-"' " 01 r, We will take a limited number of pupils? inoluding i Board and Foil Literarr Tuition for tS2 AO i TYiT ITV ir7TirvTTT9 I i Urm on condi'ions made Jtnown on application to s mm B imm iHiustii tSHiimtMwmitiiHHtsrn nsiHiiitmiM Mt iiuiuitnta hii ut 1 111 1

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