THS MONROE JOURSAL Telephone No. 19 Tuesday, August II. IWJ. Struck and Opera! Court Koum House. I'lerediug a -1 raiu yesterday 1 ill 0wn at a Meadur mill hrgiu a i.pearll next Vaha lurfilul Motnl.ix, Aiic. Klh. lU-v. K. lUyif liul'ininof Io!V toil will wrupy tin rliylfi iau iuliil Sunday. liev. J. f. Adaui U holding prul raclrd u--t itij; liraueh tliiit H-k. Mr. II. F. l.itt-M Kinging m'IhhiI at II Moiul.ix. Mr. V. J. I'iM of Tree, S. Ii'ft iih nuf wateruielous at The Journal uflire this iiiormiii. Mr. I. II. Thompson has taught Mr. W. M. Cordon" interest iu the M.Mir.w ItotllinK Work and will continue to run the Inisine. There will In- a eoiieeit ly haul talent on Friday ni;ht, the 2Mb, for the Item-tit of tin graded m'1umI library. 1 lie Journal is rwiitwl In an nounce that .Mi Maine IVrry w ill preach iu tin" rtmrl Iioum tomorrow night. ltev. Henry Stokes of South Car olina will las one of the KH'akers at the educational rally at Wax haw, Friday morning, Aug. II. A protracted nicvting will lie coiiiiiicnecd at 1'iiion drove next Sunday, conducted by lfrv. ('has. A. Hwift of foiieord. The tcinicraiiee meeting at West Icy t'liajM-l will lie held Thuixlay Instead of Saturday as formerly Muted, on account of I'leaMaut tirove eainpinccting. Last Tuesday Mr. F. 1". Huntley of lames t'reek was sitting on hi.- mule talking .Mr. II. laimard, when the mule liccanie fi ightciicd, juinK-il. mid threw Mr. Huntley und liidke his arm. Mr. Walter Mct 'li lland and Miss Until Tin ker, daughter of Mr. lien I'lirkcr of north Monroe, weiv mar ried last Thursday al the result -nee of l'.-ii-. S. A. Ileliun, the latler ttlliriatiiig. l'rof. J. 1. Kast, ntciiutendeiit of the graded schools, came in Fri day and w ill reniii'i here till school oHiis, Mimeliuie aliout the of September. His family has not eouie jet, uaing I" illness. Misses Ida (iiililile, Neita Og hum, Annie Williams, Kale I'hi fcr, Annie Smith, Ui Brewer, Mrs. .MeKeiiie and Messi. Claude Hill tier, Sam I'liifc;-, Will Worleyund Dunham I'.aiidy have returned from tup to Virginia Heath. Mr. (it-orge Howie and family of Kings Mountain aiv visit ins former's mother, Mrs. S. I- Mat thews. Mr. Howie eame through the country, it distance of sixty miles, and says the crops are sorry all llie way. "I had some peaches that I thought were very line gathered to bring The Journal.'' said Mr. I'. II. Illukeiiey, one of I he la-st faim eis in the county, "but I saw what Mr. .1. W. Chancy had iu that line, ami I decided mine wouldn't go." Hi. S. .1. Welsh, Hr. W. II. Houston, Messrs. I hive Aiiulielil, li. J. Hargett, It. V. Houston and John Corrcll have la-en elected del egates to the State Firemen's Asso ciatioii nt Ihiihani fnmi the Hill lo the :lth. Mr. W. T. Stewart, kccier of the county home, request The Journal lo say that the rule regard ing visitors to the county home does not apply to persons wishing to visit the. keeper or his family on business or socially. Ho can be Keen at any time and receive visi tors when they come. Maj. I 1. Andrews mid liev. M. A. Smith are exjiected to make speeches at the Wuxlniw rally on Friday. There w ill lie a basket picnic on the grounds. Mrs. W. J. King and Mis. J. It. Waiker will render instrumental music, ami Miss Chcitrs. who is a gradu ate of the Haptisf I'uiversity, will mite 'The Heart of Old Hickory." l'rof. S. A. Stewart of Trinity l'ark Hich School preached ut Cen tral Methodist chinch Sunday morning, and mule au interesting discourse, ltev. W. V. Iloneyciitt iireached in the evening, llie lias tor. ltev. M. A. Smith, was failed to Cary Saturday night on account of the death of his father in law. Mrs. Smith had lioen at her father's bedside for sometime. The People's Hank has opened an insurance department aim em nlovcd Mr. W. M. Cordon to mail age it. .Messrs. (iordon & Thomp son have dissolved their copartner shin and Mr. Thonipsou will eon t i lino in the insurance business at the old stand. The bank has boiiL'ht out the insurance business of Mr. J. C. Fletcher and Mr. llor don's part of the old business of C.ordou J lionipson. Mr. A. A. Uavis of Sandy Ttiilire towiishin had a narrow es rune with his life last Thursday Ho was driving a mule und ahorse to a wagon. The horse ran away, threw Mr. Davis out and the wagon ran over him, cutting a severe gash in his head and bruising linn many places. It w as at II rat thought thaLho could tot recover, but at last uvnunta was doing well. His injuries are so severe that he w ill not lie uble to do anytning in sev cral months. Dr. Levy Promoted. Baltlraorr Su. Dr. Albert U Lety of Monroe, N. C, has lieen appoiuteil resident tihvsician attho IMirew HospiUI llonkina avenno and Monument Mtrei.t. to succeed Dr. K. 1. Kelrle, Jr.. w ho has eoue aliroad to take ouw-iul ennrse of study. Dr. Levy is a graduate of the I'nivereity of MarylanU. Dr. I-evy In joM twenty-one years of age, and is a young man Of whom Monroe uprouu.j PERSONAL. (The Work al Last Week's Coort- ' Court adjoiiriMHl lst Sulurday Mrs. C. II. Ui. l.artLu nd x.n. Bight ul ImrUe u'rUn k. Tlrhit-I afteraoou. Iliriv were several sliaro JiUM. are v Uitito.' iu KurkluxhiUii. es'l aiiersl wattiatol I Jl K'- iitvuf ihiw.l . iers, who killed Nam ; I'nU-y and - :" . Mrs. Mnei imre is viMiuig n-i ..- ... ...i.,. n ...i.-.i,,i "a very bea one, slmk theMi .j , . " , im. I.u hanl.u. He ..!-. laivl ..f Ineoouit house, jumped to the "l M ,B l-m-"" j t W iusai-. The Wlowiog Imm- ' lelenlmiw and Irleirniiih wiri thai Mr. Wbiteftml 8. lilakeuey left , nrss was traievietnl: surround the square, and also ran terday lor lUuwiug Kurk. J.w Siuips..u and AuumU IU-i.1. down the metal water pipe ou the" Mnl Unn Cuthlrts.m U visit ! '"'""""J : B'" : Simt.i. hmr eiurt house. Several pieces were ltlUg rrlauvea in W axhaw. j "mhs on li.uu gang, ap- al; Urt-n olT the spire but no great darn , woman dim aL-ewd.Mie. The same or MrH- u " " "l''"R; ToU-C.s.k. wmuIi with deadly r t,... li. ir.ll.url...l H.IIH . ,. . vuivtiiur iu a.u.u. m'h i weaMin: inn guuiy. Mrs. J. J. I.iudsry is visiting at l.ilesville. rWNROE TITLES SHAKY. Ncsy Letter from W ardlaw Waidlaw. Aug 1". -The di..-ht dill itmtiniieii and the faiuu-rs aie lirruiuiog vrrry imh di4stuiagel. We hi.e thai kind I'rm uh uiv ill us mull showed ery wsoi. Wanli.l Aead iiiiv the tlnrtl wiin a very iii.i .11 one almost at lite same instant, struck the opera house and knock ed several bricks off the rear einL Satisfied with Judge Cooke. I'liiou county jieople seem to lie well satisfied with judge tooke, who held bis first teim of court here last week. A member of the I lar said this morning that Judge1; Cooke's knowledge of the law was exact, that he was a most quick aud accurate thinker, and w ithal a tine judge. The people like him lie cause he tries to put down crime. He comes lurk uet court, and wiih the good help of Solicitor Itobiuson, w ho is doing line work against law breaking, justice will not In- slow. Shouting Affair in Ruford. Ijv4 Friday night two young men of the Allan iicighUirhood, W. T. Kizer und Charles lwery, met at Allan and took up the dis mission of some diuicultics that ex isted 1st wtsn them. The talk resulted in a tight iu which Lowery was shot in the thigh quite seriously. Dr. S. A. Stevens was 'phoned for and utteiidi-d to the wound. Kier was committed to jail by Fsqr. J. C. l-iney, and Judge Cooke ordered him to ! held until the doctor certified that Ijiwery was out of danger. He is yet in jail, but as owcry seems to lie getting 011 all right, it is proba ble that Kier will soon tic giantcd bail. A Tribute to Miss Amelia Hurley l'rof. M. 11. Dry, principal of The Wingale ScIkmiI. writes the following letter to The tiastonia (laettc, concerning one of his pu pils, whose sad death occurred ut Wingale 011 August liit: 'This sketch is written by her teacher iu memory of Miss Amelia who was a student of the Wingale school and who died ut Wiugate Aug. 1st, !Hi:t, just one week alter having returned to re enter scIkhiI. "Amelia was an ideal student a kind baited and sweet faced girl. She was loved by her teachers and school limb's and by all w ho knew her. She was not only an ideal stu dent but an ideal Chi 1st iau. Often have 1 asked the question, "Why should one le taken so young and so promising!" Invaiibly theans wer comes, "(iod only knows." Death at any age is mysterious, but not more so than life itself. These hurts of ours go throbbing on day lifter day, mouth after month, null year after year until sooner or later the mysterious mechanism slops and we call this death. Wi ethe spirit has taken its Might. In the bright happy days of youth we don't expect death but some times it comes and westand appall ed Is fore its sudden and awful work. Death is always sad, but when it comes to the young it is doubly so. Teachers and school-mates are overwhelmed with sorrow, and pa rents and brothers and sisters give up their loved ones with bleeding hearts. '1 never had a liettcr student than the subject of this sketch. Her face we can never see again on this earth, but she has left a re cord that shall shine in the minds ami hearts of those w ho knew he.r like the U'aiilifiil stars. The Keeley Institute. In another column in today's pa per w ill lie found the adveitismeut of thetircenslioro Keeley Institute. It was established ill (h tolier und each year hits witnenseit a steady irrow th iu the splendid work that it has done, ror the last live years it has occupied the old tlov enor Morehead mansion a picture of which accompanies the adver- tistiient. Hundreds of eminent North Carolinians well kuowu professsional men, merchants aud fanners who have been relieved of the drink and drug habits, bear testimony to the ellic.tcy of this marvelous cure, t .ilouel . it. iwlmrn. mayor of (reenslioro, is the Dicsident of the Institute, ami it diss what it claims hi 110. 11 you need this wonderful cure or have a r, i I alio is ulllicted. a letter to The Keeley Iultitiite at Ulceus boio, X. C, might result 111 doing much gsl. Dr. 11. Smith returned last night to Tine IUiiIT, Ark. Miss Maud lietlfearn of Chester field is visiting Mrs. At ha Stevens. Miss lieua Stevens of lioss Mill is visiting Mrs. W. A. Stewart. Miss Flora Mclhmald of Mint Hill is visiting Mrs. Juliau Smith. Miss May lilakeuey will leave Thursday for Wowing Itisk. Mrs. ltosati. Itouudtree of tlafl uey, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Ijhm j. Mrs. Victoria Shiaii left yester day for visit to her old home at Davidsou College. Miss Hallie Neal and little broth er, William, are visiting their aunt iu Ihuibury. Miss Alice Atkinson is expected' tomorrow to visit her brother, ltev. (ieo. H. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. F. K Sturm's of Alls'iuarle are visiting relatives in the comity this week. Mr. M. F. Helms of .Nahiiiita. (la., is visiting his father, Mr. l-e under Helms of Caruiel. KlixaU'th Chcars of the Waxhaw Institute is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. A. Iane. Mr. W. W. Horn ofSumpler, S. C, son of ex-Sherill J. I Horn, is visiting relatives here. Messrs. S. M. I'aiker, "s. W. Helms anil John tirillilh of Caruiel have put in a 'phone line. Mi's. Henry Williams and little daughter of Winder, tin., ure vis iting her mother. Mrs. Flora Davis. Miss Kate Dlakcucy of Caiinel is spending the wii k with her cousin, Miss Hirdie Sloan. Miss Mamie Walsh has returned from a visit to relatives in South Carolina. Mr. J. X. Hagler of tiisise Creek township has a lull ImikhIciI Jersey call, only two mouths olil, which weighs I I.' pounds. Jell fnk, Frank Crook and Sallie Crook, assault with deadly weaixms; three mouths on chain gang lor Jell ami t ran, nppt a.; u a h(.n, an. WalllM1s fr name, 1101 guuiy, If Yen 0 Monroe Dirt VOu Had better he on the Lookout Ac curJing to a Stranger Who Says It, I oiks Own It. The i.ews that Iheir 41 e claimants for J' acres of land la the heart f Moons- any route as a surpiisr to j rlw,.,MV. yjw, I'eail li sliuan. ul the t-itieus ol that atlrattive town, vvhaw, is teacher, aud we pre and the intelligence that Ihel.i,,., r :,,.u, and ll I.11111411IS are coiiteuidatiug eu- vardlaw mIi.h.1 a siiccciiul )e.u. foil ing their demands through the - le M.i j,( -diiiiglu .e.ol i haunelsof liligaliou may disluib ,.,uy j.,ls oih, under tin some of the pnq rty owm rs ! ' shj'i ititi-iMh-iH-y of I'm. W.H.I'lul lulglil ! auericu. ii n a i Iiik. lot ill have seteial .is.m! THE LEADING DRY CGwS, SOOT, clothi:.j, CLMS ri'Eiaiscs, 111 LaEEI 8: LaELE, o about Kit IJogers, murtler of Xaiiey-i Freslej ; adjudged iiiNiue, and eMii-1 uitttisl to the department of film nal insane at Kalcigh, iu Stale prison. Jessie MrKorie, assault with deadly weaMins; not guilty. live Ulster, larceny and -arry-iug concealed weajHiiis; liveliloulhs on chain gang. Charley Austin, carrying con cealed weaHiiis; six mouths 011 county roads. A. Jack Fo ler, 'rnntwnia uf court in wearing hat in court room: lined I. 1'et Huntley and Flora llroada way, immorality; chain gang for five months for Huntley. The John Marsh case came up on error in transcript; error was cer-! tilied to Supreme court in order that Supreme court might take such steps as it deemed necessary. John Wilson, feloiioiis breaking and larceny; l'J months 011 chain gang. Allen Chainls'i-s larcen and caiiyiug coiu-ealed weapons; four monihs on chain gang. F.imorc Th real t, burning house; 110I guilty. Jim Sliloishire. larceny; judg ment siisDciidcd 011 iiawucitt of costs. Cud Allen, larceny; two years 011 chain gang. Walter Medley, larceny; six mouths on chain gang. liclic Medlin, larceny, two rase;! two years on chain gang. (ieo. I. Il.iigler. iissaiill with deadly weapons on Mamie Walleis; pay line of W.'i and eot of uctiioi and pay Mamie Walleis w.'.V Augustus A. la-Ik. lesistnig otli is-rs and earning concealed weap ons; sixteen months on chain gang. John Stegall. assault with deadly weapons and canying concealed weapons; s.'."i lineaiid to pay Kevin I'bifer and pay costs of action. Simpson llirretl, carrying con ceiled weapons; iflil and costs. Tom Morrow, larceny; judgment o o liev. W. T. Mattliewsaml family. X of llukorv, are iHing n-l.itiM- mils. ! ht-ie. Miss A v ie half the laud luside the corioraled limits of Molina-, and it is 111 the Center of low 11. !. Whea 1'uiou count v was rut off from .Meekleuuiiig ami -usou, , nurM. n 'tuiilcstmi, about lite year sJ, the Crump! j,, ,rr ,umilH family owue.1 a quantity of land yJlx ,r white, of Yoikvillc uhiii which the tow 11 of Monroe. ; , rt-t riutt-tt home last -k at the county scat, was estalill.shisl. vcral das visit to I'liends A!f& SHOE STORE H 05F0E K Six t ial N iilno m H in I ' Lilt 111 1 anl S M M M M S Outinix uit. H o o t o o Matthews a trained S. C, is visit ltev.tieo. H. Atkinson will golo(siisM'iided 011 payment of costs. 1 hursday to comluct 11 He w ill return Monday I'olktoii meeting night. Miss Loiiia iiml I'.ilna Xiveu of Waxhaw returned home Sat unlay mler a visit to their grandmother, Mrs. W. II. Krauss. Miss Lucy ltowdeu returned to her home at Decatur, (ia., yester day, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Itulus Armlield. Au impression prevails among the heirs of that family that they are to-day the rightful owners of the most' valuable real estate in the town, and au investigation is now being made with a view to testing their claims iu the courts. A dcceudeiit of the Crump family w as in Charlotte today to interview the lawyers ou the question but has not yet retained counsel, proUibly lorthe reason that he has not found a lawyer who shares his confidence in the validity of the claim. An occupant of the law building w as this alleriKMiu approached by a I'n ion comity farmer who said: I want to talk to you alsnit a case I've got. I wauled tos-e Mr. Neal I'harr.biit I m III a hurry mill I guess you'll do. You're a lawyer, ain't yon;" 1mhi lieing assured that he was iversing with a lawyer, the Inion County man pi is wiled: "They, some of my folks, axed me to come to Chailotte mid see a lawxer iiIhhiI some deeds our folks has'giit to itlsitit half I lie laud in Monroe. The ihs'ds arc recorded in the court house in Monroe and he land is ours all right. What and relative tide. Willie lliliilel is sM-ndilig M-veral week with friends al West Spring, S. C. Misses IVssic aud Caldwell Hojic lefl Friday for I'iiig!on, X. C where Miss IU-smc will os-n Mrs. Ann I'aiks is x isitiug hei sister Mis. Mary Matthews. Mr. J. S. ItcLincv has just n' turned from an extended xisit t fricmlsaiid ivlatiiesal llarrisliuig. X. C. Mitv 1'otts.of Chailotte. X.C. re turned home jestenlay after spending several days with her daughter. Mr. C. t. Howard. .Miss F.ilht MeWoiterof I'ilicxille is sH-ndiiig llie siiminer with flieiids here. Miss Mattie F.vans. of Atlanta, lia., is exs'ted to lake charge of the music class of Wcddingtmi ; sch.sil. Her many friends are glad to hear of her return. j The anxious fiiends of Miss: Jennie I'l ice are rejoiced to hear , of her recovery from a long spell i of typhoid fever. j Many of the young people from : here attended the unveiling of; Hi.. SI, ,,, 1,. . niolilllilent. lit I'll . I ' '"'''liiiil Yallex'. last Friday. Mr. V. , IS. I'.ryaiit, of Durham, made a Who owns the laud now? asked , 'H..f-tt,itton siieech. i I the,- (1 a o I" li o Nctrliiitc Sliirt.s H S !r;iw lints S S I .t tn ii Ctli;u, tj H ;uit I Ik 'l ies.. J H All Ncv 2 5 " ;uu! Slvlisll. m w M M M M M M H !trxxxx:xr::rxi:: ::;i:x:zii:xxxxrzxT?1 Lee Dee. o o o o o o CI o o ui.l to know is. can we Building and Loan Officers. The Monroe Iiiiildiug und loun XssstH'iuliou stiM'kliolders met yes- leidav and electeil the tollowing directors for the ensuing year: J. It. F.uglish. F. 15. Asheraft, D. A. Houston, It. A. Morrow, C. W. Ili uuer, J. H. lii-e, . '. Asheraft. The diivctors then elected thw fol lowing ollicers: J. K. Kuglisli, presiilriil; It. A. Morrow, vice president; II, C. Asheraft, secretary and treasurer. The trustees of the graded school yesterday elected the following teachers, all of whom come most highly recommended: Miss Alice Atkiiisoti, Charlotte, Va., third grade; Miss Florida Morris, lien dersonville, X. C, fourth grade; Miss Mary Wiley, Winston, X. C, eighth grade. Notice. There will la? a called meeting of the Hoard of Kducalion of I moil county at the nlliee in the court house ut 10 o'clock on Monday the Will of August, for the purpose ol transacting such business as may come before it. It is especially de sired that all tiersons appointed committeemen and have not yd nullified will do so al once, aud those who do not desire to serve hint have not yet notified the coun ty superintendent, should do so im mediately, r . li. ASIII H XKT, ' Chairman. I!,. III. Threalt, assault w ith dead ly weapons and carry ing concealed weapons; s.'.i line mill pay costs. Thos. F. Willeford vs. 1'. S. llai ley , fix il: motion to set iisidc judg ment argued and colli iuiled to Is heard by brief at chaiulM'is An gust llllil. Cut Off the Heads of Her Children. I',, I ii. sc.. S,.,il In Charliill.'lllwm" One of the most brutal crimes ever committed in South Carolina occurred yesterday in Colletin county, iu so remote a district that not tint 1 1 tonight did the facts reach Columbia. Lizie Aiken, 11 col ored woman of about -Id years ol age, killed two of her children by cutting oil' their heads with 1111 u.xe. It is said that their heads were comnletelv severed from their Isidies, not a nerve, vein or other liniment being left to connect the two. It apierstlmt ancll'ort was made to disdose ol the ImmIics, tor a tire had Is-cn kindled around the coinse of the younger child, (be woman has Im-cii committed to jail, ami is thought tube insane, ltoth of the children were girls, one five years of age, and the other three. As a result of a quarrel between four white men of Mecklenburg and four negroes, on the public road seven miles west of Davidson Sunday afternoon, three white Mien were shot by Sol Sllford, colored, oftiaston ciuinly, and one of the injured men is dangerously, if not fatally, wounded. Come to see me for chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco, cigars, etc. S. R Doster. the attorney. "The land la-longs to the newest heirs, of course. Ain't you lawyer enough lo know that, if I have deeds to land, w ho cl-s' could it lie long to! If it don't belong to me. I'd like to sec who il does lielong to. lint what we want is for some sharp lawyer to take hold of it for us and show them fellers in Molina that we're going to have our rights. Yes, sir, all them nice store houses and other big buildings, including the court house, is ours, and w hen wo once get our hands on it, we II how cm a trick or two. mem fellows has been living oil' our fami ly long enough, now we tuv going to take possession ol w hat s law hilly ours f w-c can get some keen law ¬ yer to do the taking for us. Iu their yearly meeting at High 1'oiiit. the (Junkers came to the eon liisinil that ollicers ol the climcli should not use tobacco. destructive storm visited Al- Is'iuarle Saturday night. Light ning struck several buildings and killed h young woman, Miss Addie Smith. Mecklenburg county is today Voting an appropriation 10 icy f.'iiu.oiMi lor extending the macad am roads. The l'ope was crowned Sunday amid great pomp and ceremony . Yon can get ice at ('adieu & Wallace's. I'hone :u. Pure apple vinegar lor pickling 1'iof. W.ll.rhillitisiilleml t peranee rally ut Waxhaw. I'ri day. Sliss Julia Hunter, of Monroe, is visiting her parents. Mr. (ieorge Stevens of Matthews is spending some time with friends here. Mr. Slitt Hunter, who has been in Arkansas for the past four veins, is visiting his parents. The new dormitory, for girls, is Hearing com ph't ion and w ill ! a handsome building when coinplet ed. The temperance rally at Wed diiiL'lon Mils unite 11 success. The crowd at first seemed disappointed when they were told that I hei speakers who xvere on the program, or most of Ihein, wcrci not present. but when the speaking wasoverthcy seemed tola- delight ed. Able speeches were made by liev. Mess. Iloyle and Phillip and ltev. Mr. Dixon, ol Waxhaw. Prof, (ieorge Stevens, of Matthews. iniule a very line S eh and one which would la- a credit to any young man and one iu which the entire audience was well pleased. : rf. I ,' - ' - f 1 : ... . it. -7 -s--- I - ii ; ii' v 1 ' - 4l ; :i O0CXXOCXXX3O0XXXy:x:X5MOT-''v-'3sX '.V ! : 0O0C-C.KX03O000O Do You Know Wru.l it Does? THE : KEELEY CURE v Special Notices. Advertisement will lie inserted in this column at the price of oue cent a wtiiJ, cash in advaiici'. II ASON'S Fruit Jars and Huists' new Vl crop turnip need, at Simpson's Oreat Embroidery Sale. Xoue sold before !l :.', a. 111. P.ig lot just opened up for Monday's sale. A recent transaction enables us to sell Kiiibroidcries and Uees al prices that are half less than reg ular prices, (ireai 101 01 pmij kinds that are wanted for beauti fying Summer dresses. All fresh ami new. Never have needles done. prettier work. There's a charui ol some sort in every pattern, which you'll Iiml s yon contiuiie the sell assigned task of admiration. Uit No. 1 Incluiles f.iiioruHierieswoiiii from 7J to 15 cents. At this sale the lot goes at 5 cents the yard. Lot No. 2. F.tnbrolilerics worm and would be cheap at from 13 to 35 cents, our pnr 10c. the yaru. I)t No. 3. Finest graue ncniini, worth 50 to 00 cents, at 25 cents, Hki.k BKOTllKltrt. Buggie and Harness for Sale. I have a lot of buggies sud har ness, both new and second hand, to be sold at a bargain for the next thirty days. C. C. i k ra. Briog your chickens and eggs ami get highest price In casn or inuie. We buy tliera. ai. vj. uroom Tn a hotlv contented Kme of ball last Friday, between Monroe and Waxhaw, Monroe was victorious hv a score of 12 to 10. Waxhaw is expected here Thursday. Cool Spring Items. Cttrrt!1nl!nl, if Tin1 Jtiurnnl- Kushiug, Aug. ..( ioml rains have fallen iu this section ami crops are rapidly improving. Sclnail oiened at Cool Spring last Monday. There will la? a picnic anil tem perance rally at Cool Spring Aug. 14. Kverylaidy is invited to come mid bring well filled baskets. Mu sic will Is? furniscd by a string band. The parents and children of the district are esMcielly re iiuested to be present. The Souduy scluail at ( )ol Spring has susH'iided for awhile on ac count of protracted meetings. A Compressed Chicken- ClinlliHiu K-i-ir4. A hen was (ound in the middie o( a bale ul co'.ton that xvasopcii ed ut the factory at Hynum last week. It had been pressed into as small a space as any fowl could be. Soloman llenie mid wife of Wilkes county lire on trial for the murder of their daughter, whose laidv was found in a mill pond. Tl e woman is the girl s step-mother. 200 gallons ol 5 years old triple! strength pure apple vinegar tor pickling at Flow's. A NEW LINE of the latest styles in Fobs and Broach Pins In Solid Gold, Gold Filled and Sterling Silver at prices to suit everybody. Now Is the time to get one that Is new and up-to-date. THE W. J- RUDOE COflPANY, 1 wai I. rs,"j We'll Write Yoa a Policy that will proteel you from loss by fire, lightning, wind storms, elc . etc., lor such a small amount ol money that it would be criminal negligence on your part to be with out it. Every company we rep resent are well known for their liberal treatment of policy hold ers. Let as submit you figures. THE PEOPLE'S Bill, Agent. f . I. GOEDOM, lr. lsanM DejurtwaL purposes at Flow's. Yes," said a Larcon Deacon, "the works o( providence are manifold. The omnipotence of the Almighty is seen in all things, great small, high and low. 1 lie good Lord, who made the great mountains, made the smallest insict that creeps over them; the good Lord, who made the michtv ocean, made the smallest fish that swims in it; the good LotJ. who made the man, the gratestof His works, mada the smallest llower of the field. The good Lord, hrethern, who made me made a daisy!" From an Illinois axchange we get this story of the slickest duck xx e have heard 01 tor many dav. A nasseimer on a Wabash train pretended to be ill. He opened his grip and took out a hot-water bag which he got the porter to fill with boiling water. Then he opened his luncheon basket, took out a piece of steak wirmcd it on the water bag. Af ter he had eaten the steak, he un screwed the stopper of the water bag and poured himself out a cup ofcolfee. He had the grounds in the bag all the lime. We have been hard at work on a preparation that we hope will, tutu out all right. It has been a .lull lime in a div town and we have become an inventor to keep from going crazy. We have in vented a combination salad dress ing and hair tonic which lays over any thing that ever came down the pike. It will cure liaidness, and it's a delicious dressing for to matoes, lettuce and cold meats Besides that, it it a good shoe Dolish and will remove urease spots from old clothes, and is the best toothwash we nave ever seen. Our fortune U made. Hardeman (Tenn.) Free Tres". '"Have you anything to say," asked the judge, "before the sen tence is pronounced upon you? "I have, said the woman, ana she organ. When the judge lay dvine of 0 d see they brought wotd that she was (till saying it." drug tui c. OST Two black female pins last t 1 I . aliinlav. M li.C. I.. Yolllicb lood F UK SALE - cheap- a yumiK cow. Liilhrr VX illi.nns llu male piR impounded Joties 011 nl.ACK D owner call set It by paying fur Ibis notice and calluiR ou Cbas Mr. Ed Stewart's farm. i v I 1 . 1; i I .N -1 ., . t; ( t oTITUTE, v i . o e- 0 0 The Prescription :-: x Department '! i'lir st"ie Kcc with X r i:i;;ii matter h 1W .'. pace ic;il science. unusual the a prescription c xi!l fill it rroiit'ily. We kvr p the drugs f'ir it the n:sr, iki.siii:st, m.! 1 IK1S1. IHEN in towu slop at the Star VV Cafe for a nice niral or a inncn Prices to suit. K. K. Watkius, Manager TKACHKKS WASTED. We need 1 at once a few more teachers Im tall schools. Good positions aie lu nig tilled daily by us. We are receiving more calls this year than ever l.cfcae. Schools and colleges supplied alh teachers tree of cost, Enclose stamp for reply. Ami kk an Tiachlks' ASHOCIAIION, ail 1 ". 1 :. I, . 1. 1.. 1).. Mauacer, I s J 154 Kamlolpli mug, MenipuiH, icuu, Al'l'LlCATlUNS for position as teacher at High Hill, dii-tiict No. I,, must bt tent in by Saturday, Aug. ,. V. A. llrlms. Sec. CANNING Ol I t'll The Kialto Cannula Outfit is the cheapest, most convenient and reliable caiinel on the market. Everything complete for only fs 00. lor sale by J. II. Heuton, Monroe, N. C . CAKKY eveiylhing you have in old Iron to J. U. I'aiker. REMEMIiEK the hot mrals i ritv are sold by tadieu lai e. I'lioiie 3ft. pOWS AM) CALVES I'OH SA1.I L l-ive or i youiic Jersey milk row: for sale: also four young Jersey beif en, from I'etteways registered bull. 1 . II. hunpson. iC.N. Simpson, Jr. o-e-co-ooce.ooc .ftc.e.i.7--oc;-e.oeoeoo WE deliver Ice lo our customer! at any hour night or day in case of sickness. I'hone y. Cadieu 4 W allace. REMEMBER you can get the best fretii meat at J. D. I'arker't mar ket I'hone No. 01. A NICE MEAL may be had at the Star Cafe. Good cookt and nice tervict K. R. Watkiut, Manager. WHEN yoa want let phone 36. Prompt delivery and honest weight. Cadieo k Wallace. j WALTHAMWATCHEs When You Buy a Watch I f 1'-I m-x wiil &rfff9 I i M ile xh'ie Xi-ii ,-j?i? IX5s iiii.'t i..'Hi t;.. 1 W. E. LilNELlBAGK, I i Jeiii ti mt i"rocii-3 I I V- -- '- -a i fa -5 m i you Lb FOR RENT. My four-room bouse on College street. Mn. A. Levy. If you desire pure Ice, com bined with honest weights and prompt delivery, phone 36. , Cadieu & Wallace. ratals Opium. Laudanum. Cocaine and aW Orug Habits permanently cored, without pain or detention from buainew, leaving no "iwioit lot drn or other stimulant.. Wt restore tha nervous and physical y""J their natural condition because wc remove th causes ot disease. A home ntutaj prepared bv an eminent ph-skiaa. ' WE GUARANTEE A CURE FREE TRIAL TPEATMEMT rifi,lnti.l corresoondeiice. encially with nhwciaiw, solicited. VVrttt today. Manhattan Thorapeutlc Association - It 38 BrKlwar, Nra Vara Varfetltf

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