r- OSES 1 '(tne .Ian TkxtcJ Ihe Count v j Superintendent. T"f l.ilhntun, lltr- nrtrrvutt,. t I's-fa rniutkabh !rUc:nn h-id in that rti:iii'v. Il To Make S;tiw like ThL I'miiL-nt. siin J.itir.3 tx KwIaiHliloiila lutii (he SbJAars ;ut LVmoIs .4' Promoles Pillion Chwrful -nrtsa:.l l'l U'liitiius nvillur tytuiii Mutplum ii'.'rMua'r.il Not N'AuruTic. AW-W- ; For Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of :i 'n ii n i : I ii! v ..a I'r ! Arvrft-d hVi't-ilv rr(iiis!i . lkii,Suur t..n.u!i IL im!.,. ; Uorms.l oiivu!uns'ovri-ii Hess ami Los of mi:kk XKU YOHK. nAt7 tw w. 11 ir tV s CJi v:f,l.v?;'i:?-.j;,vj ; Use For Over Thirty Years I M .i i. i .'. rc - s ill.- j , lo in th- c i: i'.v s I ii i i-.L-i l intiu,ti. ii I ii l- l ! Iilt.l.l l. . i'..s i i . , J D V. . . . .1 i'i u. ' I. nve S ii lh. f 1; - C- 1 i I li.si- lu ttr t" I ' '' "' S-r- t t'i- I i.t I !:, h: It Mi l I t -wait l l'i ' i l.i Kuci tiiwrs'np, n i: e ; '. r -:" i . ! .'.-! t"-.t c. .i i vote. n th- b il l i - ioc'ii.i i i 'ii ! i i" was ruck J -it!i -i " ,el ii.ia.I 1 !'.-- sii-i i ' -- of tilt' Ml I ' I." !. l' li'l II i.'itrnsf I'; '. !! !: " 1 ' ' ' ill njniliLitl II t M ker. ii 1'-1 i.-" i i. !; ?n:e S ! ' I :' 'Xv 1 1,1 a " ,, --! the Ciiiit, a I's; i 'Smith ! I V l.oll,1. ii -II . n.Tsi:o . ! IV 1 ! . ' ' ti.m vti:; . - :i. I i; sn f.' h v i:. 111....' Ilia:? . . .i i iili- . v. ' j I I . I U.'l 1 ' I I...- v. :,!,.....! I it .1- : . .. .. I I! '! !.: :! Ii I l I H.I 1. I.-.I . i i ....!.. . I,.-. !. I i -.1 in i... . .. t. i -- I ) 1 1 . H A. II I I.. ! v It I ' ican.lal.i' H ill he: ,ii;tvi-.l I li.nt t. I- '.iit, Mr f il't-ei'lir win Mc.irt .'.r .i .1-1 1'rof 1. . .. . , i i . I i l ;a, u..!i.! .! i I -U I' t ii.. ir v-i tl.l' !' 11.! Ii:. a it. Ul.'-M tir n. .1. h l-t I.I. '.V !! j.;. . t !., Ii-;; :r-..i I ii .1. rri a ... I v. , , ;;t , ., i uit In-iii th-:- . i v !. i utlr.M'ti l ; I; .! ;l ! ; . -r v'.'l. v ;. ..- :m i - -: .i. !i i, ' ii li. ll.. I - .) 1.1.... ! Illl --Mini II O Mi ll, ii,', rli n.,- . j i t - :i . i.'-.u ii 1 ... ' i t- 1 1.1-, It Illl I t .n J.;;t , i ! 1 1, -- III il ,i v. t il iii- : ,'.i.i in. A I -k f-'. .! ..;i lit-i rait- I n .' f.- n!i I. n t ri . I.-A il l III.- l! Illl -' 1 ; . I U I lt.u k . I ml ; i;. ' L ''. f J..i Hi-, Il Hi. i J i . I 1 .1 " '. II. ..III 1 . 1 I .illl "111 I I I II II f : . : ;..ii-; I.. . i: I .i ..i ; i h. ,.: I ..ii ii, : ! i ii. i ;. ' at I i . in ' il. i . t. I'ti -..f : i I I! ,...t .. ii.. a -I It. l.t ;. : I i. Ii k is .. ; i't t- i !'i Kh- . 1 ; i iii- -a. li l. !;,! 1 ! . ;.i '.-i i -ii , ! I .1 .. .!! lilil-'il.;. 'i ) :- t ; - a at t ; a il. It j 1 Tin i ; a.'i mm t . t. I.. ii ! !! ..k.'ii vi -l.i ;'.H I ..;.U in i'v i ARE TKEY WELL? 1 1 il " Unless they ore, good health Is impossible. Erery drop of blood In the body passes thresh and is filtered by healthy kidneys eery three minutes. Sound kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Bright's Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your unne in a bottle or class for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance. It indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Brii-ht's Disease or Diabetes develops. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain ia results. If Toil r a suffer, tak FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at one.. It will maka you wall. Stmt PriBfuatii Incurakla Mad Lgmbap and Kldnsy Trottb! Mr. G. A. Smiwn. i men-hint of Ttmpico, III., writer "FOLEY'S FJrd Hun, t veil knovn tuit is man of F jlihiirv..V.i., Trttr : KIDNEY Cl'RE ia Bicctinf with wonderful ucce. It ha cured ! wiah to lay for the bencHl of others, that I a a audrer from aomc caws here that phvuciafi oronouoced incurar-le. I mvaelf am lumbago and kidnee trouMc. and all the rer.tcjirs I .,.ii rle me no aNe To tctnh to its merits. M face toJar is a lirint ricturt f health relief. I tetan to tale FOLEY'S kIDKtr t.-kl- .nj ).. .... .. atd rOLEY'S KIDNEY CL'RE ha made it such.- three bottles I tm curvd." M Two Slzot. 60 Cents and $1.00. Z SOLD AND RECOHENDED BY Z CN. SIMPSON, .IH I Carolina Marble and Granite Co i:staMihed I 7.l lilcorMiratcJ I "XI I ! l, .u-, I. a M nr an.i a i- n i'l ,t ' i'i l:.f V 'i r - i-( r. i.n i : v.i i!- i- i lint'. N i K-a -. I V.'- r in in d f L-ll III ItJ ii ivi- (:! h in s.i ii. 1 .i n 'i-l.ul-ry sin I'Cfiii - in .11! 1h- K'tlKrf Ii it..! mi.' ij ;,iitl:i;i-t l--i'.-. ia -nr . lixodu of Ncrm I rum Chili ltle to ca nrk- 'li.itiikr!;tilt..lu-:li.-l,r, : exiitiiis -! i' !-n! h- !t- ti "; Ch.ul-ttt' H'- kn -an, w'. t ii-. ; plai-f tliH m nui'C. al'-i.l in aci' .!- i I - ; 1 i- i 1. 1 1 ; . h- 1- Aifi li t- t ity iti.iu ! .ivk A I; i-i ! i -:i :.iK !, tli a at i. a', "i ; ati- ..in i 1 ! 1 1 r -I i- 'I tii i;r I'Nlh-.- iia n In n- .ii.:-.-1' !. i :..!.. ii-.-i-.. .i...i t v ..in, : ,- . k h h tU I1 i:: n: t !m ii;;' -, i ' i .it t!; '.I I.) i uirnatM' Me to j iy. I hi i 't- ti tin- v . tt-.l ('. i Mm feWc aod Granite Co., -U o.l ia I'!;.- or will I- ft-tftl I'i-im lis a t-i k ii.. - r .atlt, an I the t'n-ii alo I t -n I-: .! j, hs as la!) lets ill tin- siihwav ji .! ni bill' I:--'. "Strt 1 1 i f ! ant -.H i .,1. ,'Vv .1 N T'h W.Ik, monkim:. x. c 'b.il. i, an, I M mr o. i re a f- lilt.' I r. r,! I;,i! I"". ' ,i. :!.- at i :.- :-i I I.- it-It l "i l.i.-: 1 ...1 !...). !v l.'ii vt-r. ! !..'! . 1, -i. i 1 - .! . ,,:i ;i 1 1 '.'.i it ii; -i. ii.t- I I.' ' in I 111 II I.. . . In. 'It' vi ;.m, th ti i'! .i.i I.n .i titu.ii I n t . i i h i; I ' i 1 ' 1 1 1 .i'l.t-H lii-r. .i i il.ui i. a'. . I i ai.i.i. a! ' I ' ill i w ti it ;i i M-.l. aa.! I ii- tar ' i 'i- It. -1 :!... . in t ! i it. rc iu I ,1,-ti. iin; for a I i i:.-- or :i- a !!n-im-s'.J 1 . i . i I -s.; . : I ,-.. i : - 'A ':: l.-i- i. , 'Yj '. : ; i.i i. Ati tix i . '-' : i It -a t vn:i I I t tu ! :. ,k i ii . . a ..I ft a' i';: - ... i v '. r tnu : v a. II. t : f ; .i-i ::; . 'i : . a V, - ..,!... it i '-'I- -tii I r-iii-. I i.i' .'. I ' :ii:i k I - ; : , : i -- '. il '.. . .! ..I ... ti ll- .. ...I. . ' .! : 'il i't. .. !' r-Vit'-t'' I t'P, :n '!. .,s ! ;; ;' ; it i!i!. i ' th ! ) -. ! .. ikn i; it i la-.u-r !- ii. ii.i t ;ii. . uit .in.! I- tU r !". i - t n. I in !..'. ' i ,.,,: .,s , ! i-i . ! t- : - n ,.! ,!- a 1 he I'uncheJ if 1 hey Smoke. . .li.'.i, tl t at 1 1 tin : ' ' 1 -..-i i!i;.r,.' Ii. i t.iiiv l i-lit lnii in West H.ihuke.i in .!' inat- .n il j ti. i- organized an anti-tolucc-in -i.iitw, ni ' . ,,!;iK. an.l h.ve acued to imn'sh I iti-ts el their cotle with The Wiogale School otters estellrnt utHituutties to bus and girls irrnuut llieuiselvestorcu). . . ... .- , n s-. !. ui itii mr iMai-iit ai i ti.l pi;i..hls ft.re.u-h i-flcm-e. j j,,,,,.. u Me. u.t ,-Mr .lut w t.i- i.i- am. us ui ayteiiieni j . it-ins .rrjit-.l at Wiuir ete in l tt.l l.y thu' k'J(;iU' . 'ire as "'l'-i;i-a ot the State. 1 lie i.tiriui.i.r oi ml sesfuin fame troin it. rtiiinlirii. 1 here ere rnrnllrtl a en M..t lhn ..I II... .... .mn iu ifiui nun-, DtiaiiH-is. I or llitin.ii;ti oik auJ for h .iRiie. I lie object Ol , 'iuietn.tr and firi jaui Irom templa S. A. STEVENS, M. D. u )nk:e. n. c. Calls answrretl in tUy limn l iil -h Dtui Sli.ie;at ui;lit M.IIII i.iuin i.ttr tnglili lrne. Slmr, pliniir OHi.e uvi-r post olhce: phtu.e uH. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Doublo Daily SorvicoBotwcon Now York, Tampa, Atlanta, i. i .ii "We !i.-r. by SMI V .. the , i I ti rniintir ii.i.ler-sneJ. do , KtuJei.4. iiu is to slop its liiriuhcts "ant "'Kate is not to lie surpassed tr-in s.n,,' i n. l.t- ntiitoc .,., lit... ur music fMil.ties te exceptional , ... ,,, ' ,, , run it-rni opens July J7ttl. .. ...., ..inn, i-uaii (.uiisiM ui Wniefof ne cataloti nvi- tiai l iHitu .us I r tlie first I. a l.i. ii . l.'.i.l- j H lllislli s, lli ii; 'l.i'.i'S COTJIRT O-A.-ILT'Nr-n A T?, AUGUST TERM, 1903, Union County Superior Court. JUDGE CHAS. M. COOKE, Presiding. it i i.s n.t .r h I .111 li. s A...LA A I! X S la A ..I .V . I: a i A.. .LA A A A FIRST WEEK. Monu'.iy. August 24th. I. W. l ai-li . T. lii .'t ., . t al.. II. I' a-tui. .iin. .1. k. IV I! A S ., I A A. uii'l W ..1 S, 1,1 A ii-tin t-i A S,'- II M-.i . v-. It. II, , ni. Mi. ri'V I! A.-? I'm.. I, I i..., I, ami n .. I A t , I nun. in. I. W.an.l S....i,tl,a S, ..iK'. , . .1, SECOND WEEK. Monday. August 31st. I IU I: i i. li'le ' '. .1 1:1 1 '. k. kl. 'As . I . a s a'l 1- S -'C III 111 I kl'. AS i(- . n . i j. e.t.'h i ta-h -r i's .- I,,,u n. iti v !i is I alii Li lr . ! - Ha A -ft a an.i ten harj puiirhes fit t .i li Mil's-. i k iit i (fence. We ail arv c n t to sinnke tiiircltts, t a;ii'. s.M'tt ojtn nr cattails, and in 'I t i chew cut pinj; nr any other t l',i.: . We shall let this take tllitt Wet'iu-.-tl ay. July HnH. lo - titinue f-r lilly .lays, or un til Tl. in. -.lay, St.. tnher It.. I'M! At lie leaxinc tins league In-fute lh- tit in i 'ins will be lint-il liliy uiiii-',i s II a nieml'i-r is l-iiii I t ) have cigarettes, sweet i.'M 1 1 cut pine; i n Ins puson, it j u sii ili he taken Irom him. If he I B'ie. M. B. DRY, Prin. Waxhaw Institute, WaxhawN. C. Lnlarircnicnts Made or Planned. I. tilth Teacher AiluVJ lo Faculty Miss 1'lnaU-tli Hitmnim (.heats ol Klin City. N. C, ftuJiiit llnee yrar lit llapti-t heinale I uneintv, Kal eili, is to asms! iu I'riuury and liitriuie.lute IVpailiuriilit. Mini. Clieara roiiirs Imhly rect.iiiiiienileil as I - Fpiritii.il, mental and oilier 0. 1111(1.111' lit. Nr Pepaitiiient Miss Llieari. .r.ihalily tulte a tmall class i-i ,s s tti Miireiiihr it, he shall' hi- li it-J live punches (or each! .rti, I .mul i, n him. We a 1 1 1 p!i i, i usi lus nut to break this! it, i ii-u-iil. an. I shall be s.i'.ishetl i i- tn-.'iv- t!ie li.ns if we ilo." I LreMin. She uraduated ill E presMou at It. t. I . iu May. 111. Ct.iii-spoutleiiic Couise. Eutliiil l-llriatllif. IV. Suininer Si liotil for i.oa. Work common and ti ic h acliuol liraui lit-a Kor inloriiialiou iile J. . WALKER. Waxhaw, N. C I'rti.tk ha I tin-. I ! i u't N !1 ,i., M. .I.a.i ..I-i ' I , li, m Mill. !', n iiiiti A 1 A .1 A... I A A ai, -1 IL A A A W A. AJ I; s. an.i i: A., .LA A A. A NV a i'i A A W. an.! !! s . ,'tl A A .1 Ia-min-iiil iit.1 II. S A.. .L A A. in, I Wi It. . s Ml', A , .1. A A. ail W . Ii. A S. hi,. I A. A W an A. A I. Z. n IV... Tuesday. August 25th. II. l. -.r.,,,', v I. U'. Tail. Mi,. nun Si k.'K .....1 luiina I.,, t' i-t. al. II. I. I'..,.,',.,i I'. M. Mill'. M. k. I tf A i . Ti". 11. A ll,,a.,ilnii. Wednesday. Auyust 26th. IVn-.v ..l ir,, tin- SI I'n l V li I .V t-. ii an LI K I limiiiis S I'.,;a,, l. !ii v t i 'i i'n- Van an. I Mm, mi li.irnn M. L. 'AilM.inl.t :. v., I'l.l llllillllHllll II. I' Mount. Ti unit i. in : ml. f Y n .iiii.i. A I I a A W. aii.l II. A S j l'4l ' A. A I an, I Si, -in Sia, k i M. A I . ainl I.. A s .. I A A.n i. W I I-.v.! I. Ii iil.ta.v I , . ,'. I' It. III. r-:s 1.0 I ID. tl tl'.- in- -I i i t i (i.n, itr -111 s r.. r. I'll....' Llla Altttltr. V-. S. (I. AL-M Tuesday. September 1st. t. ni. A. A W... i't li. S.. A. ,V W. A. A. I. nii.l L. ...Th, i. L Will, an.., L.v,i(, ol 11. .1. I! ,;, r. v. ...Tlii.laa. I'. Ili.l-n it. :il. a", A liar. -I I'ul'. ' A. A .1. iiii.I Sh i. ! Lfiiiinoinl.. i r. j li. A S ..I ii IT Tin-. I In. iit ...S. A I., li.iil tai i , ..All. n I , mi, il -I. nl. h a .1 st IV tl J. r wi-.'. I -t..!it. I I t-l',,., - !:. t .ii . ij s ci i ll'.ll' lll I I ! a I , t'li' i I it I-' i)s , ,.) 1c -f tin h-te! i 'in- t!,.y ..i. - It; t hi' t ill I i : i i i' r ,n.J h, ',.1,1 i i -i :, i: ! , :!. - mp. ii : I" C"t a l-irf ,; ... . . .. hi Lot, il I-., k s. li., linn- f. r i-'in t - re . "-r It- mi thi-tftei is he n he "P i- uiJiu'K I.ji-k K. lit- clalnl iit the : "he lin.ril Int. pit a a ah ail hell th- lirst 'one I iilit.l it al.'Miil Willi h'tn. ' A' a c iloei) Melhi.ili.t meeting ; . vt i .......i. ,1... . ; t:.. a... '.'.... I.'"''! Notice ofAdmistration. " i '- i-i.i mul diii.iiiiiMeicii iiir i ti .. . .i i i r i i . ' . . llamiK tins day tualifietl belore h -i'-""- ....i.i me n.;uii a, A i an In- kl , Llrrk Siipeiior Court roi.t iit i iaC the wine was passed , i,hiiuiitiator ol the enlaleol Kha t i nne i ( ihe thcollS a stalwart ! Haiknes. deceased, all ersoiis s ui i I l'ih-i ia he i.i in ,! il to i h"hhl! claims anaumt laid estate are i , !,, . , i i.. r i i . hereby notified t.i preseut the same to In-bps. t-k . Ure. Iihik .IrauKli ! ,, um,.t.1(;ed aJinimilrator on or rein ..-utile nacnll and t'xcunnei ; iwfute the ulh day ol July, tgo4 !l I l.iiaily ; t l.-i:,!i tit: t bliT ,iii, I -ai, I -r.':i; h' is tilt-. b::i " i at ri r s i ii th it i ni tl. It. v i!... Thu'Sdiy. ftugus! 271X It. A S. and A. A W II ('. M.it.i.-, Thi.Iii. in Hunk IL A S tin A.,. I. A A ,1 A A in,. I W It. A S II. A S A ,1. A A 41 A.. I It. A S I A- I ' I i'l ' v. A ,.1.4 A Mi-w. .1. L. Tltfiinatt, tiijt. ol ,1. , j jt s L. Tli'imait. , -' Sam II iii,I,ii, k ft. A S 4J J. ('. Martin IVitftmr iumi-.v I' i. A., -I A It V.. LinilMi.i w. uli 4.'. T, 11. i H luu. M. Au-ti,,. A., J. A A.. ..!. II. lli'iHim, Mni'iitor of II. L. Stftvart ri. ..V. It. St.'tvnrt i-t. ills. I-mmoiifl ami Stt-ri-iir..,. Friday. August 28th. Jiilm A. Hiirtrlf A., .14 A 47 H. k H.... A..J.4 A 4 R. 4 8.- ... P.HIfnart 4W A., J. & A. nuil Sim R 4 .. to A..J. 4 A.nn l W R 4 51 Btt'lTtl T.J.SIuiiinon mid R.T.I'tarrett .F. r. i:.-ii It. IV Itoliinsi.n. ......... Vfrncn lluntli-r et. hI. s. . A. I.. HnilwiijCo et. nl. Junifs T. f'underlinik vs. lUriisnii I'lyler, W. M. ri; b-r. Saturday, August 29th. .Th'itiittH t,. Paris rs J. I' A il.l.n. T. .1. si, .union. II Si, ui,. .1. li. Shut,- nii.l .1 T. skill.. Wednesday, September 2nd. II. I! Liu. Iit v. li. M San I il ...r. n. siiiiii-oh J. A S. Moil. .1. V.. Ui.l.- I-n . I. Ii..iii. i . ILin.y II.-!: I i,l. Thursday, September, 3rd. A I'.. nl V". C. H. A.lali.n. I. V. Kill. ..is. Ii A S.m n. i:. Ili.. ,l A W att v.. N. S. Mnltli.ua Friday, September 4th. Mrirtluk S.-nri-. J. ft frook. K. A. I'ii.intinil vs. Kr. W. K .M,4'n, . ...J. K. Liutv TS Miilutil lm.uriiiii'i'o( N Jutiii I'n rn-t r vs. T. J. shannon. . . . . .I'srrls Crowdse vs. CbsrlM Crosder. Saturday, September 5th. Motion and trials by conm-nt. rami not wit-hi tl nn d st't for trial will be tried aa soon an rt-n.-lit-il. tVitm-Mw nt-p not at I mil nnlil ilsr fet for trial nf rase nn sliii-h tl.-v si- subpo.oae.L E. A. ARMFIELD. C. S C. Bono Hains, Ircnin, ticboy ..TI l'.iOi-tt , I Sui'llinj... I -tuii. ,, ri,,, rt.rnls 1 I ." : i -;r I r i r. I I A I - ..v-il;..,. ., 1. ' - Vi-a I i i-t. I to ,.1.11.1 Illicit llnr itt.... I'lllltifill.l Tl A., .LA A Sti-vfiis A.,j!"4 A nml W A.J.4 A M It. 4 L. itn.l A., .LA A. am) W. Tl -f. 4 T A., J. 4 A 7.1 R. 4 H A.J. ft A Grove's Tasteless Chin Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Hal MnKon fcottJes, Do thb record of merit to yoa? No Cure, No Pay. 30c aasdoMd whh svry fcottl at a Tm tint of Crov! Kc HooO Uvr PUs. ' rr .M.nn 1 . lu,., li.a tt l.. l ,a I.-, i i ... i-i r- .. t. , S-.l.t) a. I... 1 I ..... ii I!...,,.-. .;. I .... , ; . Ji. M. - '.. ft.: I- i , i , . i -t- ,.rt 1.-' All-. :. Tlta 1 1 - I. I" ' 1 1 i.'.l.s t.'il, t .... ,ftl. Ootar!o t!od Ca!m, guaranteed . .............. , ,j. ,,. ; .1.1, ..,.,,... i.k I, r.p, :,l n ,. 1 1., 1 . -, ; , I..I. Urals .lv,,M ... i , l..-t.1.--... . l.n.iiini- r,i..l.., i- Ir.-.s I t r- :,,, : n.a mur. h.; i : , r: i ,. I, ,: ,f. ...... u fl. . h, 1,,,-it .1 .,., i,: .'.isilll.i-.ai vav.ar,..4iw S '1. ir l'l..t iit (11 1 111., t. .t.iil.m. ( sl.r.h. Trn-ma - t i r : a r 1, i v ,.i,i,. .i ii . iii '.i. n n. id inn in, i c, .,.,, it.1,1,, " H. A' '1 1 i. ct- LlMutslMa. I .J.H',1 I. .. I . I S-s-s S .. : , l.-.f If-, r j h f.,f I." .j if alvlbf s SUJ, lUiy Uu. I ,.; f lo .IT.-.' ', irts, Crnerr Curod iw.i.1 r-.,fwt r.iis . hi i.i. .ft c( an itift4, "" - "" " SW'S Tnwa, sslf " l...lMl.-tl'Ji U ,ji., " '"' f- ' K'Vlly. it i ti j.r.-ua fl.i.1..., v.,..,. ,-.. j,. !... ,:. j t,.., .Muii 1 l'l4 I -III: II HW .IS, ..rtv U rttthtf -,.l.'P I, lot ,.,-vr. V .:-ts:-p. i.ilt .nptMriitl .1 iiKtT"-r-1 1 tiil-1 It nm I; .. lhtlw. l-ry, 1 lubs ih; I.awal mhi,I I c ) i! I ill ink t suliil ipiart ob d.it.'' "I want a hair cut, and no bark talk," said a self important man as he walked into a bather sh 'P in Peoria unit ait down in the i hair. - "The- "ctiiiiuienceJ the man in tiie iiptnii. ' N ) t i!k. I tell vim!" shmit tln heavy man. "Just a plain hair cut. I've rc.iil the Star anil il-ti't want any news. Stall rit li t away, now." The man in Ihe apron obeyed. W hen he had finished, the man wli.) knew everything rose from the chair and surveyed himself in th.: class. "(ireat Scott.1" he exclaimed. "I'i you call that a hair cut.'" "I ilmi't know," said the man in the ai. r, in iinx-ilv. "You must s1. the barber. 11 a ll be in prts "th. I'm the saloon keepet ir-u next mr am) I'm waiting I T a hair cut n.yseK but you ah i! In'l jjive me a chance to ex ,1 1 n " Vou Know What Vou are Taking Wh ii take lirove's Tastrlena Chill 1,1,1 - I t rail? t tie- f aii.nla is plainly pin.ti J mi every lultle sliowing that il . m '.i'!y lion aii.l . i-iiniiie in a tasle (i sh f.nui. So Cine, So Pay. 50c, Paw n Broker's Clothing. S nitly sanitary, all woal, men's, youths and boys coats from 50c. !) ;j 00 fiuod enough (or any ne to war. Coats out of $10 ii.d .'j suits. I'ome and see nie ir. l I i'l sive you money on vo ir cl-thin,;. Only 10 minutes aiklritii and northwest o( the c .nit house. 1. H. Hi-Nros. Monroe, N. C, this notice Kill be Headed iu bar ol their recoveiy. IVrsons indebted to said estate are notified to make iuime .lute payment and save costs. jThis June 27, iuoj . I. M. MAKKLV, Adiniiiiitiator of hliiabt-th darkness, dee'd Ki iNinr & Slack Atlys. G. E. NANCE, M. D. Kfstdruri! Phone. No, IUvu.k Uiciiled iu Mumoe otters hit rrvirrt tu Ihe town inJ turruuniliiiK country, Uiscasn of the stomach and bonels a penalty. Oitice over the W. J. Kud(;e to.'i hook stoie. Call AiUMered ia the day frm Ihe Eiielisti drug tore or residence, at night from re.-klriire. Notice. "KTH t AHol ISA. lit iiTl..r Tiniri, M.-fort- the 1 l. rk ilarrifit J v. 'tiTli'tr llLtirtcita .rniniMft.Ailiini I tm- I inittttl. Atiinittu HnvwixilJiavir HaivtMsilant A 1111 iihlv-r.fi at. I Ihf .(rfs-n ljiiil-!...,. tia mMl will Uke nulltt iIihi a ". I ail t'nii-tiiiiifiilillMl nUivv- ha ifi-n i-.inniiriM- il tu ih. xiif rtor ruri il I c.uinj for the fit r. ,.f siirtili..tilne Ihr lainl tv-ril. in lli- iwrtitloii i.w tm Hlr 111 i.i-aii.', In wlitrtt It-fi'inlitiitti hatf nn iitit r,-. juitt tlu -at.) tftVmhiittaj will fur Micrtalif iii.ln-r thai I la arc r iinr-l t ai tx'4r ai The- l.rL. ,,rhi'f hi Mi.nr.w. S t' ,m' tin- ciiurl tuMissc. i.n ttir Vitldajr uf rtritfnitr. ami aiiowrr nr ilrnmr to th nanUini jiUint H-tit.i In aid r,a-,f,tiiir. itr thr ilaiiitlfl w III ai-ply I., ihr c.url !-.r (hr rvliel ti'Miituilril In -aiil nni(ilaliil. Tin- Jul) tii. ). K A AHMHKI.IVriv.rk nf th jii,iarlir r.titrt. Rt'lminc A fia-'k Atlr. (i 1 to Muw'i (or 5 years old pure pple vinegar. oi i 1.1 Atn .in,, fV t Is, a Ivt'r l..r Ml f v uhm thm f :.t ajctrniir i, taka. If not cirM yuar m.iy tkA ! i r'' I 11 1; "I .1,1 v T r "a. ,,,W',H'-h ri Ii N-iij, f M B It. mn-.l VmnhUt S VI tv h. si aWtTt W aalat JsjafJ 1.111 j. 1 1 tut. S,!d l.y C. N. SIMEON', Jr Sale of Land. Hv niiif af a M nf tntf rirmH in W K HniM-e,), i,v y s H- lm-. fiatf.l iM-hlr ft a.i.l .lulr fyltcrni in I fir ..fflrf ..f K. itl trr.t ( p. iif I ninrHtliitT,NMlllft nf trut U'Miif ifaitt t -aiirf a nni ,Ut John M Kut lll-nn Uy ai. f. X .lna. ill. Saturday, Sept- 5th, 1903, wli I-. i n- hl.';hrt I'Lhlrr. at the WMlrt kfHiar d.r in M'-iinsp, at HiHMi. lh Ml"w!nc tit--ril. tm.r ..f anl: I.vnta- aii1liiiK in rntintT'if .'Mm and fitatr f N-'lU tar-Una. timntiiff tanet itf . 1. H !, R r H ..in.M a mi .thr. hntinilnl a .iti... muntniiiKai an in.n !. I. Hnw If -rn. r,a. run- K la Man Iron aukf : in H if hrtf r nn H..t.thfm almi if ! r i I 'j K II ..r- i.. an In atakf In thf r-sa-1 ahI n ihf n-trlh aht rfnM fnaul- ih.n i S K 1- tnan i mn otako .it f..rhf.(f th 'f'!. im N It , W .'4 aalf i. a tmif and Irmi ,-kr t IV ti . tUf iMf mirth ., W n. i.i a l..i t y Haw anH m .M line . thfitr l'j W II ii.axmna- h haw tmh , hf nev R 43', w.n.I.a it. a Nfitall H IV U anil tiiii l .if f i.it R k, i. .p N trif Wliintnff.tx.it lalnti tr ..jr a. liin- f.atirtlia niti ( -n- i .! t ratlf' Hi- (ir.t.lnf.tinf thf aatrt IffV f'isi w. v KnNNHtij,Tniie. iii!v -th. v. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAJ1E BACK? Ildney TrooMe Makes Yoq Miserable. A.mest everybody who reads Ihe news papers ia aura to know of Ihe wonderful cures made fry Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Ihe treat kidney, liver and bladdar remedy. f ii is me pest medl- cai triumph cl Ihe nine teenth century; dis covered alter yeart of cicnniic research ty Henry D. Stewart, M.D., 110SKOK. S. C. Si-riit-es rendered promp'ly and lioursily. Iay calls fioni Simp-. in' druit sl.tie, 'jihime iy. or olli.e in rear SUTH,vAwo ui tio.i.'i.i a i nttiiitsoii s iiisiiraiict- i . , , olhce, 'phone I. Night rails limn ret- ;;'''. ulenre, phoue 141. lllhce lioun 1" to 12, a. in. ( " it- JOHN P. MONROE, M. D.,':r MiNHuE.X.C. Iay calls annMi-rrd lioin lloiil,..i's ! '!'", JruB line and t.lln e, 'phone aj.. ii;ht 1 front Coniim-rrial Hotel, phone ijo. I Ar ' " 1 New Orleans and Points South and West. IN EFFECT APRIL 1 2 1 H . 190J. I- K ... r 1. h '1 - :i .j,' . f ,1 1 . 1 i tu : , in , 1 i in jm,ml,m.d,;:;;. xiunko;-., N. C. , ' 1 I v'. Solicits the palron.ine of the peoj leof 1 - it. Mi.tuiw and iiriottniti C'.itiiniiiiity. ' ' ;' Calls aiiswetetl in day tii in Lm;lil: 1 Dili); Store; at uii;ht fiotn resiilc nee ' -m Church street. I'hniie No. 4S. " ' " W. B. HOUSTON, ;;-'; SUKGKON 1) KNTI ST, ... ,. Offiieup stairs, Fitc,rrald lluilding, : 1 y - Norlhaest of Courthouse, 1 - Monroe, N. C. j Vl , DR. B.C. REDFEARN.D1 " SNrikT. 1 I'a i ... It . . , . A . ' I-1 I 1 Chui i;en It-aM'tial'lc 1 Satisf.ii- on tti.tr . .... i Olhi-eovel ! SftH i-:ni!hi. kavV ty, U. tos j KONRJE.N C. I Will be at Marshvillr, N. C, on first , uid third Monday, of rai b moiith, and it Matthews on second and lomtli MoU'lays. I'hone jjj R. W. LEMMOND, Attorney-atLaw, I: ill practice in all the State and I'nii. ' ed States Courts. Speriall atteution ; (" Uiien to the settlrnit-iit of est.itrs fur j .. Ciiiatdians, Kiecutots and A Iiuiiih j Iralnrs, and the collerlion of claims. Keasoualde charges. Also aci ni and ' .1 r . 1 ,1 tt -1 , II 1..1 1 .1 s . 1 ,111 I- 1. 1,1 1, 11. , a in 1 1 1 .1 in 1.' - 1, in I I , M Home Company, from mIiicIi Ih.uis may be ohlained on real estate. Oifit e one door east of M. I.. I low Co' store, I'hotie No. jot. ROBT. L. STEVENS, Attorney and Coaosellor-at-lai, MohKuK, N. C. Prompt attviitit.il riven to all mat ters placed iu our hands. Management of estates for guard ana, administrators and eircutore a specialty. Charges reasonahle. Office east of Courthouse, (formerly xcupied by the late 1). A. Covington.) E. C. WILLIAMS, Attorney tnd Counselor it Law, MONKOE. N. C. Practire iu all the Stale kinl l iiitc Stairs Couits. I'roinpt altetition eivtu to rulltc lions and general law practice. rl'ersons lutcrectid 111 the utile oient of estates, adiiiinistiutois, nr utors, and euaidiani are CFpei'ialit nvited tocall on them. Continued and painstaking Htteutioi ill he given, at a reasonable n; in to all legal business. Olflce in courthouse orpotite Clrrs'i afliie. 1 v .il " V - " I I l" I I 111 ...; 'I s . ni " SI 1 1 ' - ,,. J;i n ,. .. liX - 1 k-.',''i-.. s 1 , ; ..,,,, ; s-. ' 1 ' II I. "I I;' 1 , 1 111 " ' ' -,.i J ' ' , ., in ?, .. , in " I' ' ' " I 1 I in s 11 " n '' I'I... - II IS. 11 Sl.. III ll.il.'i,:!. ' I J,,, ,,, m " H' "'' ' ".I " I' - i'i I I- , m " N.t'llitil " II I-, ,1 1,. 1 .. 1, , ' I'.-li r.l ii'tf j, M ,., , ,., ( , Ar Ml, -tutu, 't, - l.l.,,i I , . ,11 " Hii-lil '.".,11. 1 II,- ..1 ,., 1. ,. ,,, ' M.ii ii", r 11 K ti r. in ti -. 1 m " '-"I'-I'I. .I'l'U. " I .111 , 1,1 j-tu III ' N.-ti I ..i l, " I 1 - . Ill II I, ni t I I'm-' I'i s 1 ".I". 1 . 1 1 nir! r,u,V7 K..-I. -ft !. am ataiawttkvaoaaaanultMwlaimaga Bar Basaa, PrniaU CVsI Dr. Kllner. ths eml- JIVL . " twnt kidney and blad- A? .nju,. il i 1 wonaenuny auceeisrul la promptly curinr wmotm mancy. piaoaw, uric SCkl trou bles and Bilghi'i tlseas. which Is th worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rae. ommended lor evervthinr but M you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found nist tne remedy you aaad. It has been tasted at so many waya. la hospital work, la orivaia practice, among lh helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved as aucceasf ul la every case that a special arrangement haa been mad by which all readers of this paper who have not already trtod H. may aava a aunpl bottlo sent fro by mall, also a book wlnnf mora about Swamp-Root and how to find out If yew have kidney or bladder t rouble. When writing mention reading this reaaroua ar to this paper and " r"" lena your address lop." "a a i"!.1 ' k Dr. Kilmer It Ca.,Blng-1 r 3 bamioo. N. Y. i- , , , ,-erulsr fifty caat and UikHM asUas stiaa art sold by all good drugglata. Don't make any mistake, bul remember the Dame, Swamp Rnnt, Dr Kilin-r't Swarrp-Kooi, nd the tddreM, U.nghanilon, N V., oa ever bottle. HKNKV b. SDSMS. 1IIOM. I. Ilhl'kl. 1 ni mi Amu in n. idflms .Iprnmi A irmflplil ttuuiw vvivuiw u niiiuii.iU 1T10RNEY8-IT IR. MONROE. N O. Practice in all the Courts, State am' Federal The management of estate ,or etecutors.admitiistrators a iccil. ty. Careful and diligent attt-tilu.i liven to th foreclosure of mortgage, and collection of claims. Muiir) oaned aithoul enpense to lender. Ah litigating given prompt anil rareiu' attention. OlTice east of tourthonrr Iff f. f ftf, .,rN::.f JriJjer ONE-THIRD ... Kedaiue. A. M. Slack RED WINE 1 STACK. Atlornryt-al- La, MONROE, N.C. Practice in all the Slate and Fe ler il Courts. Will man.ige estates loi Etecutura, Adininisttators and Guar Jisot for reasot.alile nav: aod ail; foreclose mortgages and negntiatt loans, without eapense to Mortgagees aod Money Lendrrs.when piacticahle. Offices Northwestern rooms, 6rs" floor, Courthouse. People's Bans OF MONROE, N. C. iotlcits your account and hankire business. W goarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness and all the accommodations tlist SOUND bank- iog will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to tgieenient, oa deposits left for our stated period. Always ready for loan oa approved paper. U. P. HEATH, President Tnrce Times tie Vilce ol Any OtSerl EASIER I faster! Agi nls uaiitcil in ail utinrcnpitd tiriit iy. Wiftkri Wihco KaDiifK'.iir!n0 Co., ATLANTA, G.. l'or sale in Monroe by TheWJiEudgeCq. M. L. FLOW, Cwialaidinr cf IVedi kr Sojtti Cirol.'na, Ii itsnn uroi nr. nso i JHirt ef the Pu lot laim Count, tnd Mir Public for Norlli Caroiina. :-: :: Special attention given to lakine Af. fidavitit, Arknolcdlenu nl or Proof of Heeds, Mortgages, Conftacls. Hill of Sale, Powers nf Altornev. Kenunria. lioni of llimrr and Inlieiiiance, IVn. osili ins. Writing and Probating Derds, Moitgageiai'd nil other rarera. issuine State Wan i:ts. I laim and Deli -fry md Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and Hie Collertinn of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co.'a Stnre, east o( eourlhouse, Monroe, N. C. FOIXTSHONlaYHD (Ailavwsfawytasr M ssimi

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