THE MONROE v. it-- I. lrary inch'" ' w JOURNAL VOLUME X. NO 20 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY AUCUST 18, 1003 One Dollar a Year l'Ott- Rural Koute Service. (iive your order for a first-class Galvanized Mail Box. We have two stylos, in ono of which you can ho suited. Prices are reasonahlo. Call and exam ine them. TOOK OCT A UlRl.'S HEART- The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. jooooooooooooooooooooo f Summer Cleaning is good, hut It's better when followed up with a few pieces of Prettu New Furniture. We can give you any style at a tow figure, and guaran tee It to be the prettiest and moat durable to be hud. Look over our stock. T. P. DILLON, Purniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84. OaK Ridge lnstitute--5lst Year. Prrnares for the Universities and Colleges as well (or businesa, (or teach ing and (or life . Situated near Greensboro, N. C, over looo feel above the ra level, in view ol I lie mountain!. Largest and best e quipped fitting acboul lor young meu and boys in tlie South. KMes i J3.00 to 1175 00 per annum. For beautiful catalogue, addreaa J. A. & M. II. 1IOI.T, Oik Ridge, N. C. The Prescription t a Department 111 ol our store keeps pace with advancid medical scirnce. No matter how unusual the ingrelienls ol a prescription may be, we will nil it Properly. We keep the drugs for it Ihe BEST. FRESHEST, and PUREST. C.N. Simpson, Jr. O0040004000000 Physicians Examined It. Found It Normal and Put It Rack- St fuel. !! at the t'ily Hospital re iviilly rriiui'.nl the heart ot A 1 111:1 Tourney, a thirteen year old girl, m ho lud Is-ro slabbed by bcr gsj IllV.T, TllOllia It.iriM-M. laid it llMIU her bieusl, examined il. found it uninjured and replaced it. It in a id to In Hit eleventh oieration of Ihe kiud iu thi aiiual of sur gery. tVsti iiijt that the lii-art or the till had bti'U injured by thrkiiile, lr. Ifcijle, assisted bv Or. Hilev t'lmk, removed it villi u pair of lorcew. elevaltsl it lo view, and examined it fur tan minutes. No injury could Iw found and the heart w.ut put hack in its pluce with no apparent injury to tin- patient. The ion was a-ouiiaiii-d by oiittmn through two ribs and pushing the lungs iisiile. A hole was found intlic i-rir.iiiliiiin made by the man's k 11 1 It', and after rut tiuguliout half nn inch more, sev ering 111 i nor arteries, tin- heart ;is ready to come out. lr. Ikiylt' handled the forceps. The heart continutsl to pulsate rig- J lilurly while it wa-scxRed. Alter the heart was put li.u k I lie arteries. li it'll had Ixvn t ill, wen- Uiund up. Rimes was arrested and lock ed up. It is feared that the girl w ill die. Cleaning up the Farms. I'r.ivri'Ki.ltr Kami r. lu every portion of the Smth. except in the tobacco districts', August oilers the must favorable oppoitiinities for cleaning up and (h ant ifvin the larm. Uriels, hushes, bramble uud iiiixiuils weeds should lie cut at this period, fur, as vegetable life is at its lowest ebb, the chances of destroying such Crow th are lunch increased. It is a source of regret, not to say liuinil- well w tslicrs of the South that no little attention is given to the Ih-uii) 1 f 1 11 of the Southern homes. The cultivation for rural eiulM'llishuient is greatly to be de sired. The elegant iiiiprovetiientN of a country-place appeal to the lover ol the Is-iiulifiil uud the true, and form one of the most agreeable and prnliluhlc recreations that ran engage an intelligent mind. Such improvements add lunch to the value of an estate. All houses should lie painted or whitewashed, as well as the fences. Everyone has not good taste, bill everyone may, by utilizing his spare nn. incuts, increase the at tractions of his Inline an I add lo its pleasant ness and beauty audmake it nil abode of intelligence and virtue. here one cxtccls to siwnd all his days, lo rear his family and lo mold these intellectual and moral na tures, nothing will pay so largely us a tasteful dwell inc, cmhosiiicd in shrubbery, enlivened in tluwers and green turf, a little wood hit near, with hue old shade trees, and a held of well bred cattle or 11 Hock of well bred sheep running thereon to give animation to the scene, thus exciting a deep interest in the breeding of domestic ani mals and a genuine love fur the duties of the farm. It does not re quire great wealth lo secure these tilings, but they give a charm to the home and add grace, beauty and activity, furnishing lis much satisfaction and happiness as the uiosf splendid mansion, with expen sive green houses and llowr gardens. iwilA HARRiS HAS ESCAPED. 1 the ocgru; his early rapture is 1 expected." The State Prison Officials Refuist! w'Unc to give information: 1 a large, hausiue reward of el'! ly Criticised - I ncruu LiLireu aiu arc crv . . . . . . r-uiv cainurv is evissu-o: Tries to Commit The words of a railcs. incou- When Harris appeared at IV11U He has been follo.-. ,,r miles l IiIimhIIiiiuiiiI and iMiliceini 11, and he has wherhsl to lau-'li. and then to Tell When and How the Des-1 -r.-J fr the negro - turn lo fr.-.h crim-s. It i km.wi, lie has a grmle .i.nuM a nuaibel-s of nM'eialih' cillens III, and near I i ll a, and he ha nun Fresh Murder. Juiilente rrew! ider in his lie.ut a'anit i-verv wit 1 nwnri, II K ll l II H I! IS IX l'b! j w ho lelllnil agaiu-4 hi 111 j Will Harris, the most al,. , U...I J ' I" - and notol lolls desperado I hat ever livtil , . . 11 he is at lire uud he-ni!i uiiinsl i ..hewoi-e no ruivict clothes. He ur " Jl l,,r' """ isi. in Mcclciibiirg eouiitv. has escapeil . . . ., . . . . 1.1 n r. .u. i. v .. 7 '. . 1 h id money, it is declared, and he' Jl in iKM.lrw. as well armed. Since the Stale! And there cannot l-(00 inn, h piisou ollimals maiiitaiii such a crilniMii of the peniteutaiy of Is-aulifiilly dlsem-t kiIcimv, the licials for allowing Harris to e public is lor.t-d to make an esliiuale ' c-.iie. They were told that nocoii oil ils ow u an 011 nt. It is a g'sl i vicl camp III this county could Is w lys from here to Kaleigh, and a ; made to hold Han is and yet they convict, fresh in his freedom, rould arc content to let a mail' of this hardly lake the lirsl train and character obtain his freedom come home. It is ladieveil here w it bout taking the trouble to notify that Harris has Ihh:' at large for at anyone to hssikont lor the ciiui least a ws-k. Suppose they had aniiounc tiiim.k Til IT Tilt: IM Kl.l. ' W ANT h! Harris' escaM'. His n-putat iou CRAZV .M AN Willi SHOT til N. from the Stale lieiilteiiliarv, and has relumed lo this county. It as iu keeping w it h the reputation of Harris tint he should make the formal announcement of his return ;bv trying to coin 111 it uiunler. He I failed only lsau- the shot that Ihe lined at Sam lluey, colorel. inear Itcrita, Monday nighl, rurved around a rib utter striking I liny iu the left breast. Lightning Strangely Affect Hogs. ). Iniro Mi'.'rmfpr. Iteii'iitlv lightning struck a very large granite lin k at the Kaucoiu mill pond, four inilessoiilli ol town, clacking the riK-k and otherwise having traces of Us impact. Ihe c iiciinsioii I111111 the Mlroke iiiusi have Im-ch tremendous, judging from the peculiar manner in which two hogs, the property of Mr. I. K. Swiuk.w hicli were ucaiby, were uflectcil. The hogs wen- heard to squeal loudly immediately after the stroke, and nil examination dis closed that both of them were com pletely ,, and iu a short time their bodies were iilmost rov crcd with bliMMlshot splotches. The hogs would weigh ulmut - each. The hogs are si ill alive. End ol Hitter Fight "Two physieiitusltfR) a long and slublsirn light with an uIht.- 011 my right lung" w rites J. K. Hugher of Dut'ont, tin. "and gave me up. Kvery body thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried I r. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. The benefit received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've entirely" regained my health." It eonquim all Coughs, Colds i.nd Thnsit uud Lnng troubles. (iuaran!wd by Kng lish Drug Co. Price 5flc, and tlDO. Trial bottle free. If 1 ben-Is- Until iu an old miimt slit ion or au adage, the ears of the H'iiiteiiliary olhcials must have biirueil yesterday. They were cursed bitterly 111 Mecklenburg. Every man w ho knew ill Harris, and knew thai the Slate prison authorities had allowed him lo creep back iuloth is county without a word of warning, said, without hesitation, that the conduit of the officials was crimminal, or worse. Harris was tried before Juge Shaw three months ago 011 a iiiiiii her of serious charges. and admitted his guilt in every case. Juge Shaw commented on the dcsierate char acter of the negro, and gave him the limit of the law, by sentencing him to the penitentiary for .'M years. FT I.I. W MtMMI. When Harris was taken to Ihe iM'iiileutiaiy by the .Meclkenhurg Hirers, they lot I the otlicials what I hey ulieady knew that Harris was a dangerous, clever negro, and would require constant watching. . When Harris escajed no one here knows, but iu home way he managed to elude the vigilance of the ollicers, and came back lo lc Ha. Monday night, at o'clock, he ippeared at Hie hoiiie of Cal llous Ion, colored, who lives oil Mr. KoU'i-t Mason's plav, near Herita, and asked to see I'earl, the daugh ter of Cal Houston, the woman i I li whom he had formerly lived, and who had borne him two chil dren. This woman had married, two mouths ago, Sam lim y, uud lluey was in the house asleep at the lime Harris arrived. The mother of the young negro woman w as greatly alarmed bv the apear- mice of Harris, and did us he di rected awoke her daughter uud told her that Harris w ished to see her out side the house. TIIK nlliHiTISii. I'earl left the house with Harris, ami was gone sonic minutes la-fore her mother awoke lluey, and told him what had occurred, lluey dressed, and accompanied by his brother in law, went in search of the couple. Hiicv loiiud his w ilt-ami Harris iilmiil '.'nn yards from the house. When lluey came up, Harris had a revolver in lus iiami, ami was pointing it at the head of the wo man. When he saw lluey, he turned and said: "Ouinn you, you have married my wife, have you;" lie fired seven! limes ill lluey, only one shot taking effect. Hucy's injury is not serious. A Per emptying his pistol, Harris lied. The wo man, I'earl lluey, ran lo Hit' house of Mr. II. I!. Cochran, a mile away, anil hid under the house. She re fuses lo leave (his house saying that she is in mortal terror of Har ris. A fOMMlMTY The intelligence of Harris' return caused the most excitement III the Derita section uud elsewhere yes terday. Every Policeman in the cit v showed the concern thai will lie fell bv every township olliccr. The ollicers of Ihe law know that Harris ha murder in his heart, mid that he will not hesitate at any crime. a iisrtfi:irr kkpi.v hium kai.kiuii. TheOliserver wired ils Kaleigh correspondent yesterday to ascer tain when mid how Harris escaped. Col. Fred A. (Mils, the rorrres pointful, replied: 'Officials of the priiilcutary say that Harris has escaped, but tin not think il best to say anything further, ami ho declined to give in formation. A reward is tillered See Flow's Fruit Jars. Our Ice House is opposite J J. Lockhait & Co.'i store. Phone us when yon want Ice. No 36. Cadieu & Wallace. 1000 Matches lor J cents at Flow's. I want your old Iron, J. D. Parker. See tUt pickling vinegar at View's, ' When in nerd of fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. Lost Hair " V.v hair cam out by ihe hand ful, and ee tr.y Min btcan to creep in. I tried Arrr'a Hair Vifor, and it tort d Ihe hur from com inn out ar.J rtmertd the color." Mti. M. U.Crey, No. Salem, Maas. There's a pleasure In offering such a prepara tion as Aycr's Hair V Igor. It gives 10 all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara tion. MMataNb. as turn, ir rrar dranrol PPI7 . a.4 m m. uiir ana . UI .tprM uu a butlf. Hmimjmtm it nat Mrm ai ... J.l 11UIU.LMM IU. n aMiiw. The public here w ant to know, hod thinks it has a right to know, hy the M iiiteiitiary otlieals, know ing full well Ihe ehar.icter of Harris, failetl to notify the slier ill of this county that Harris had ecaied. Citieusof Ih-rita came to towii ycflcrday and asked this iilestiou. They wished to know why Ihe officials hadn't the common deivni'v lo semi out a note of warn ing. Everybody knows that Harris has a habit of burning barns mid burglarizing houses ami shooting men from ambush. , What alsjul the criminal folly of permitting such a man to suddenly appear iu a ucighliorhoiHl and Icr rori.e women anil children so that they cannot slts-p! These questions were asked yes terday by every other man that one talkctl to, ami I lit- town and county joined in oh-ii condemna tion of the action of the pciiitcutary officials. WAITIMi! Harris has disappeared tempor arily, but (H-ople who are not ularmists coiilitlciitly expected him to commit another crime very soon. He knows the country thoroughly, and has a dozen hiding places; is liked by negroes w ho will aid him. ami feared by uegroes who will lie almlll his w he re ulsiuts. He has threatened the lives of several hs- ple, ami his career is too well established for one to doubt that he w ill endeaver to make his threats good at Ihe first opHirluuity. Slierill allure ami his ollicers and the Charlotte police discussed Harris ami only Harris yesterday. They are ready for immediate act 101., but they must await another signal must wait till Harris up- pears to commit another crime. AN AliMKII MlllilllllllilllMIII. Citizens of Derita met yesterday lor the purpose of I'm inulal ing some plan of action, but beyond 1111 ex pressed determination thai every man must keep a watch on his own premises, nothing detinile was de cided upon. Harris is a 8lipM-ry, active man, and he may now be many miles from where he made his attack Monday night. 'Squire John P. Hunter, of rila, caiiio to tow n yesterday uud purchased a revolver. He told the the police that he proposed to carry it, and (hat his neighbors also would go armed. The decision was endorsed. "A good many of us have had guns for Harris for a long time, but 1 reckon a man needs something to carry around with him now. I have laitl out in the woods for Harris many a night, ami I cxHvt to do that again. None of us waul to capture him. He will Is' shot on sight." ltt:iTTVrtu OK IIAHKIS. The menace of Harris' presence in a community cannot U' exagger ated, lie is u young negro, w ith a pleasant face, but he has 110 moral sense at all, and has the same stealthy spin! of revenge its the primitive North American In ilian. lu a few years he has shot several men in this county. He stole from SiuireJ. P. Hunter, and was sent to the chain gang. He escais'U ami was captured by 'Squire Hunt er. He escaped again, and one nighl went to 'Squire Hunter's house ami shot at the magistrate four times, one bullet penetrating the thigh, lie was scut to the chain gang, mid escaped again. He shot .lis? Dotld, who had done him an alleged injury, lhsld recovered. Fur small pi o vocal inn he shot Charles Cochrane, ami oor aim only prevented forhraiie's injury hum being ratal. au i.rillin 11 11 tier took to tell the officers of the law where Harris was, and Harris Isired large holes through a house with an Eulicld rille in his ellorts to hit (initio, who was lying Hat 011 the Ibsir. Will Harris became angry w ith 'Squire Johu (iraliam Alexander, and burned Alexander's barn. He burglarized the house of Mr. K. M. Collcy, in Steel Creek. He burned W. 6. Coehrantii store. The po lice and county office are sure that Harris is guilty of numerous other offenses that have never been brought home to the desperado. His crimes have usually beeu com milted rapidly- one after the other. is more than Slate chances are the towns between here w lib' iMilice a 1. it Hi' in some 1 Fired Into a Crjd ol l ive Thou sind killed I hrce and W ound ed a Score. info-Id. k in.. Au,;. 1 ;. t -'. belt "I ),:,:. a-i-'l o y,-.o, pox. I to l- i:iiiie. .iix.i d -!i I be p,'ilii'!.l -In. I ol tin-tow u l'i lilht w llh a ilolil.V Uilielled shot gnu and '.!ii 1 h.11 j- ! 1 . i m 1 lately into a 1 loud ol .'i.ihiii .who wele li-l.-inii lo 1 biliileoii cell. He killed llilei' pel,. it-.. 'tally iiiiiiiltit I hi is-, aad shot .' I lifts, of W llolll M lu iv die. , I wi killed liilu. il In a h. Ins-mail. Ihe dead ale: siiiduig l!m-. a 1. 11 h 1,1.1; I i.iw i,u I ilot.u, u lor ! I i. Iiiatu- Id. .-l out: . I' 1 j a e ii M-!in-r. I, im-.i- 1 it : I ,i j U-it l i. !i ii::ni: Mi. .Mill I ILiu.iid. .shot 111 tin- mi k; .l inn -. (laiksoii, bot in tin- link ami The Death IVnalty- A lit'.e tll'llg nillo'lliuesl IVKIlltS !ii ihatli. Ihu a lueie scratch, 1 . . . I n r puny Isnla I. .v.- iid tl.. ib-.iih 1- uaily. It 1- w i I., have Arnica Salve handy, o ii , S.i-ve oil -aith ami will 1 1 ably, v In n Ituriis, r- :s ami pdi- tlir-atii. lloi v k , at English Ding Co" s. il - I il-lll: I.' - ll: li-l- tiol 111 1 hi- aud Kaleigh 1... 1 i....l. 11 .1.. i.-.-.i might have apptiheuih-d the crini i,,,,, ,,,. ,, , . N',1V Ul mat, oral least, the men ol ivrit.t would have Is-eii oil the hsikout lorthe return of Harris. isin't wax r 11 iM 1 . 1 v 1 :. If the general slateiiieuls an- loin Is-lieved. 110 ellort will Is- made to lake Harris alive. He is an outlaw of Ihe sneaking, deadly l'. ami 1 ly taking aim Jio one cares to lake the trouble to two shot-.. I.'. w . . . send him back to those wix- ami tleplomatic Stale prison officials. Til ixksI Mecklenburg eniiuly is,of course exm'tliiigly gratitietl to know that the iniiiiiliccut sum of I0 isolh retl for Harris. At the thought of so large a sum, every man must have a burning ambition to sally forth ami exchange shots with Harris. Il the (lovi'i uiir would only im reae the reward of M t or l ". armed posses from all over flic county might U' organized to go out and seek lo win the fartune. Hut if Harris isn't pardoned Is fore the Ih-rita nple nits'l up with him, the in rew aid will be siillicicut inspiration, and the man who wins the States money will probably point to the contents of a rude, pine colli 11 -a thing would hardly escape even the vigilant State otlicials. II11W HAKItlri IX VI'l.H. Willi regard to the escape of Will Harris, colored, of this county, from the la-nilc ntiury, Superinten dent Maun, of that institution, gives The Morning Post, of l!al eigh, Ihe following statement: Will Harris, the Charlotte des peiiulo, escaped from the prison last Friday. About out1 ill Ihe chest and kme: William Kllkllls. I b tl le I'holuas. '1 hill, ell ithel's Wele 1 v I lull-, ly wounded. I !ie band h id jn-t litii'lied playing a w.s',1. when liviJ stepM-d out lii'-.a all aihy a; halt a block distant and tlel. berate : al the I'll. -I. bled II. I'lvei. a band , man. tell at the III -I -hot. bill the lei.iwd, not i.-.i.iii,- h.iji H'lllsl, I ll.shed low lid I ttl J. Ire I iiev iug that there b.el I1.-1 n ,111 .0 leideiital slioolii!,; of son,,- kind. A -I the crowd co-ei ill the 1 la''rl 1'i.Ul i diseh.ilgetl I wo in,, 1 e shots al lliei.i. 1 eluding a seaiiering 111 eniv th 'lection. I'ohi email ( ieoi X i.-b I olas couli oiited 'I iu and lild ; luillat into bis head. Hi -linn I:: - was extlliet I lie ileiiieiileil In. 111 drew a revolver from his p, kei and tired a shot iulo his own IhhIv. (iilbert Tw was a nnlVi b trade, lie wa-coniinonlT n ,irn "l to as l iay Twigg." but 110 om thought him il.iiii'ir'ii-. Euui siun I ram WrcckeJ. 'i. ixl hi. A i' ' !. - Ihe Msi.d iiiliiig ol limine and leu cai-s lelllUr a. I:- I'. U llllliugtoll Willi 1 lo- liuihci lonlt.'n xi uri.iii party , I . 111 into the cilstise o' a tlelai-lo 'I :i hi ii.nii. ha1 I'm lie east of Max- -ill. .11 live HUM ri.s r, st i o'dlMk .l.ijlri. file .,v Ol I.llkf JolK'S, .tune the nt-ighl tram, wasi-iii hi two -ils'lit the middle, flu- iqiper hall ot the body w.n r.iii. l imh- by the track and th ower half was pulled out of tho olillllllg WKH-kage ol the cabooxre, Ihe eugtiits-i- a not hurt, the II. in. 111 n ecived painlii! but llol -ei iou- !iiiirie. Two negro pa-si-ueis wen-slightly injuivtl. No vl.ite passciigeis wore hurt, ((no i-i.jriie ot the excursion train was adiy mo ked. but luily one coach v as ilaiii.iL'i d, I he dead Ir.Kly of a negro Hls i'ir;ri' lia '"-ell loiind wetlgftl lic Hnii Hie In rken Iui.Im-i's ul the i -iil t.11 and the lender of the i H i ked train. an Join s is su.iiirM-d to II ,s!eei. I that from Deafness C.innot be Cured liy 1 ICll ,l' luall rll.-, .1- 11,1 l.lllllrt reach the ib-e.i-i',1 I ... 1 1 1 . -11 el 11,1- e.u, T Iipic is n'llv one W.l t-M-ii:t ,!i .III-1 :,S ulld that is by Coa.-tltlltli'li tl !el:li-,I;es. lle.ltllrss IS tailM' I by 111 llilltMit il i-oiiditiiiii ot tin- niai.'ii- lining . 1 Lie Eutai hi.ui I ul. 1- Winn Hie- t jle i;ets llltl.illil I V"'l h.nt- a 1 llllil'Olit; smaul or impel 1,-et to .11 : 1 1 , :ml Leu It is elitilt-lv 1 !.!-e, ilt ;i:i:t I- tl.e le milt, ami initi -s the it'll .iuii,,iti . 1 ..11 be taken out .111 I this I ills' H-stole 1 to lb. in-1111.. I i-. i.ihli mi. 1 1 unit "ill l'i ib tinye.l foit vei -. tiiiit' i i-:-: ' ten ate i'.ium-.I bv 1 .it 111 h, w !i 1, i,.,i , nutliiiii; l-nl an ii.eVtii .1 n il in'ii. .1 : uicide Prevented- I in- si.iM ling announcement that pieMiiiive ol Miicule has Ims-ii oiseovt 11 il w ill iiiten-st many. A ,:iii down --iein,i. despondency 1. ihly pie, i'il silieido ami - -rii'thii.g ha- b en loiiud that w ill pieveiil that eoiiililioii which makes .suicide likelv. At the lirst tiioiighi of .self destriictioii take Electric lliltels. It Is-iiig u great Ionic :- I lie wiil slreiigllieii the in'iveaiid build up the system. Its also a gi- al stomach. Liver and Kidney regulator. (Inly Title. at i-l:u lion gnat untts-d by Kdjj hsh I bug In. Old time l luw s. N. U. Molasses at I ( nine to sec mti lur chewing r tobacco, nmwkir.g tobacco, cigars, i etc. S. K. Doster. ' Ei iug yoiu I'hickeiisand eggs and eel highest prices iii cash or trade. ' We Inn theiu. M. C. liroom ,t ol ' , h I - hands were al wink inside Ihe, stockade iu making brick and in loading brick upon cars and 111 various other ktudsol work. Sev eral ears loaded with brick were taken from the yard alter hav ing been carefully inspected by Mr. E. (!. Davidson, a lorcman 011 (he brick yard, ami a most careful and exM'rieueetl employe of the prison. Old ami experienced giianls alt' ill every post on I lie stoi Kiuie. . short time utter the cars were re moved from the yard Harris was missed and a careful mid system atic Health was made for him. Another employe, Mr. C. E. II or Iou, was scut at once lo Ihe depot to make u second examination of the loaded brick cars, ami the en tire prison yards and buildings were carefully searched, but in vain. The guards were kept upon the sbH'kadc walls all during l'n day nighl and the search was con tinued through Saturday, when we felt coin pel led to admit that the ei , the llllli'ous Mil '.e i s. We will I 'lie linn. he. I Pollais: 1 1 1' I 1 1 V ( J - I- III l:.i!li(-- il l' t i-,it.itll, 1 .11111.-1 1 fllle.l by II. ill -Cab II ill ( Ul 1' Sen I tut 1 11. ul .11 ,1 1 re, K. -1.(11 KNKVtV ni, . 'I'm t:ii, Sold bv ilnii'i-ls. oV. Hall s family pill? am the Irsl. Vou Know W hut mi are Taking When you Ukt lirove's la-teli'-s Ihl, I iniiii bei-aii-e tin- I "i inula 1- p'.oiu v jsiiiiFr I on fei y t'tatle sliuuuu; tint it is simply ll"tl n:rl 1 iiiilinn- ill n t.i-le-less 1 . -1 iii . No Cult'. No I'.iv. -y'i'. Horse Health ! IGiiGap Flour lis Baa Flour! I it For putting in prime condition j any horse or mule the best of all 1 rencdies is Aslu-ralt's 1'omiitioti lirisoner had succeeded iu making ! powders. These Powders are won- Puts an End to It All. A grevious wail oftimes comes result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs, Diuiuem, liark ach, Liver couiplaint and Con stipation. But thauks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they pat an end to It all. Try theiu. uniy I'.'x'. (Juaiauleed by The Kugliah Drug Co. hiscscanc. It is a mere theory thai he coiiccalctl himself iu one of the loadetl brick cars, and yet that secins to us Ihe only plausible ex planation of the escape. "The tlesM-rate character of the prisoner was know n to us and the siiielinleilent had M-rsoiialy order ed (hat he should not Is- sent upon any work outside the prison stock 111 le, and since his imprison ment here he has never Iss-n sent outside. The escape was simply one of those that will sometimes occur from the Is-st regulated in stitulions of the land, which has occurred from this institution sev eral limes in the past and is likely lo ortiir at some future lime in spite of the utmost vigilante. "On Monday the Hiicrinlcndrid offered a reward of -." and neces sary extienses for the arrest and re- lurn of llariis lo Ihe prison. On Tuesday morning al ! o'clock, lie fore the slierill ol Mecklenburg nan In-cii ltn 11111II v untitled of this, he ill quired hy wire if this man had cs eapetl, and the warden answering this wire in the Hlhrniative, inan verleully stated that a reward of in had beeu offered for his recap ture. ' Ten dollars is the usual standing reward for the re-capture of any est' aid prisoner. 'The entire management of the prison very much regret tin-escape of Harris and the consequent ler rorizing of a w hole community iu Mecklenburg, ami would gladly do anything reasonable and priqier lo effect his re capture, but does not feel at all hart by the violent abuse of The Chalotte Otmerver, as un warranted attacks by that putter are so frequent that it has become used to them." To Curs a Cold In on Day Take Laiativa Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drtitniate refund the nioney if it faila tocura. E. W. Grove's eigne lur ii on tach boa. aj centa. I want your country produce ol all kicds. bee me belore you all. S. K. Doster. derfully '.'tloctive lieeaiisi: they cre ate appetite, is tii.ele pcrfett, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system clcatisi-tl of all gross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never Aslu-ralt's Condition 1'owders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist vmiM cer cise in the tilling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powder consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrate in gredients, that have K-cn found lieiieticial to horses and mult s. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not t classed with the many bulky, good fnr-evcry thing powders now nn the market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. I'nrt' i;. tht- maker's ex- i-u-r li.i tint lu'i'iint'ty ot hia p. -Jin t. I a 1 :!..'ll is bail tlour no i;:.i:b i h.iH it is iii.iinptiUt el ilii'l jl,e;lt-.l ill pai-killL.. It till i lines bark to the same thiiis- (ioi'.l tl-.iir mixed with I" a will iinpi.ivi- the quality ..I IIil 1.1. 11. 1, but like mixing while piiuit with I'l.u k, it takea :in a iv I ul let of w hite to pro. line any elicit. Hud or cheap t'.-.ii is I, u km 111 gluten, Ihe null ill. mis p"i ti.iu of the wheat. Il ,ih 1 . .hi. mis a l.tri-e per ti'iii.i.e ot tint pulverized husk " si. 1 II of the ti.nii. All of wl.uh yuu thai't wiiut. There t lie, ue t aiili.ui yuu to auk for tlie - liivuii 1 1 . it-' lii.iiul. Tina 1. 1. in, I i- sold at the lowest pure t.i whii-h rt-iilly first-il.i.-s tl-'in ran lie sold, and ita l'i 11 t is the hithfst you need t.i -.iv 111 order t. Ret the best, Vi Ni-niii.ui, nur baker, a -: t'lm 1111 iblc" is the 1 cau -1 :.a b.ikmi;." IIKNDEllSOX j 1I0LLKU MILLS. : in-A Siuaiv Place to "IUttiir tri.-il nm'iv k nU uf I'l-n.iiti.m I't.w far. I r A-l-nfl thr U -t ..n the rurUt. I tat .it-tiw- in rct'..nii'.iMlfitf I. if m m nir f t ii!- ni cutmrn. U. CAM 1' HK1J.. Htckory, N.i Price 25c. package Sold by English Drug Company ft cool Head In very desirable at thia season. Out clean, solid, pure be is the bent coohnr. niediuia you ran i:et In the relni;riator ita la&tniK quality makes it cirat econuiiiy. CRUSHED It adds to the clearnesi and cool nca of aumnier driukeol all kinds. Have us lo deliver il to your rv idenoe daily. Tickets for aale ia any quantity. Phone j6. CADIEU & WALLACE. FOLEYSKlDNlYa KshM KMaar m4 rt4 UnjM do Your Trading. Honest Scales and Weights. I Jo not cl.oiii to be the only mer limit in out town, but I do claim to have tonic to Monroe to do a legiti mate business on honest principles, ami I want the good people ol the i-oiiiitry as well as tlie town to come ami i xjiiune my ever increasint; alock of belli laut-y ami staple groceries, Flour, Sugar, Molasses, .aniic I Roods, rice, ninff, and a com plete line of Tobacco, rantuiR in price H um jo to go rents per pound. And,! that crand old braud of Coffee "Our blend." Just read the following signatures and enough ii aaid: "Our Blend" Coffee. Tins ii lo certify that we have osed "Our Bleiid" Coffee, bought from W. A. Stewart, and art delighted with ita strength aud flavor, Keapectftdly, SO II LA IK, W. B. HOUSTON, J. P. MONKOK, C.E.SCHACHNER. W. A. STEWART. Phone toi. Satiif action and prompt delivery.

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