- THE MONROE JOURNAL V i : G. it. R. K. ii!-.ASLfcY, ( l.t.LtY. i Pi lUSHESt. Tl tSD.W August it, t.j. On the RuaJ to tlx Chain Uang. A It i r I u i,u Tlie Joli nal cop irl a d;:"iiiii.iii 1,1 an aliped Mmil ti lufatrU iu tlie optu oil llie Coat txrUn-u ltljn atij Linvilie. It timte a I'ii tmc.juf aliiir auJ e resrj sjine tlW.t at lu llir genuiuruess uf tlir jiii.lt-, ln.t it sr-tn. to have Wrn twrnlly dcwnltJ. That, tumrvrr, i i,.. tl.c ctij if ttie niattrr. The ImI.I iiiountaiiirtMs an no j Hying along t.marJs Die chaiu gaiip, just n ini!.! I.ate t'eru rtprct ed liu an utlicri Kit llic law lio IwJ a lufkl uiic .--tioiilJ haj'i'ta lo come along. The llit'eusro CurrrspouJ rut ui The Nes ami Ul.serter -at that the mil lit met it tale last Tur dav. The riry i at Mien: "Allli. utli a lu'l atvouut ut t.V public t'riatnii ul this iiiouiiMiu a-, luou Hit put'llhrj 111 the c auj Olnrfrver two pt..s jt,u, 110 f n.nt ' ohatevei, II terms, was tin.le ly the local auth .iitit-s to sti-rt-s it. The ' Drmocut ut last ttrrit .;iNil;eJ tllr Nes ami OIm-i vt-r ai licit- m full, ami i-rniril to thniK that tlie l uitt-J State I revenue ittticrr mere ti:e .'lies at lault till not in.iLmc auv arrest, ainaieutly ublivioiis ul the Uct that iiujrr the Yatt law, it !?caiiie tin- tiuty ot the Slate am the county auttt. -lilies It. entorce tlie !a. I ul .'ttmi.itely toi the lilui.l tic.'-:, it seeiim i!..tt the pub Iu an it as m i le i-t pi ,-r hi the IkiIJiii,; ul W .italic,,! Supri; t ccsut h NO l l:V.H IT UINUATE. ! W IT MIMNU. A Ilea lor the Cheerful Soul U ba the tti'ltl, tlii..in ttth ilui.livn ih that situicr t-l hi Shan . As soon a; he in (iille,! :t the . ipt ls c;n.l lv I'lu.ro, Jiii!i;e hi- tea lul Ik ciu Urts iciati'J 1:1 the . t i v l-e t: ;;. IU luuiii! them to he 11.1t mly tine, hut thai the names t the nu n 1 imrnii the liei .-ie well k:i..wii. He iimur lutely i--. it-1 a bench wairant tor tlie ane-t , J .r t inmc am! Miles Towil-eliil. I hire .lf';itv Stirf. ills all. I a l'iiite.1 Statf S i!eMit y ma: -!l all pro. ee.le,! to the j-Sai e .!t . 1 ibed. i!i'o'i J a . j 1 1 . 1 ti-i 111 the lot in , pulli-J out a pint I... ttie ot h.jm.i an.! then pioiii .ii J t.i pull the pu.pio tiii s. " 1 he-e eie J-e Crump, ot Ca'.l well, an. I Miles 1 , i ii-en.l, ul Shuli s Mills. A i;ovel'lli.ent ll.t'li-e m the luine .1! K .1 1- 1. 11, 1. ui u.i-la.lii j to one ot t!:e oahs in si le tlie l.utiess. Soon alte: die airr-t ! tin se men a! tvitnl on u.lv vniinil 011 tin- hen. I itml Miiit evtein.il tt 11 1- The ImimIUt Imv es,il ithout tu jury. A liti'f U.iu-ht-r .' Mr. Main. 111 j . t Tliivatl i ety M k. j A suin-viul iiio-tii' :it Ml. ' 1 it-iLstiit lUplist i liun li. eoii.liirti (I ! l.'i'V. I. A. Sniili r ami Krnot ' M. II.111 is. t-liwM-il tins lu.uuin. J Tlll'tV 11 tfllilH'nilUV IlMJIH-i .io;tlite. ut M. IMtMNUIil hlt ihIik-mI.iv alii-t iUKiti. K I. tiixxl ill;tit flivtnl ptllilellt, H.-lllJ IN-tii'lSir viir pivMili tit an. I M. A. tKU.riie Mi-ri'litrv. The tiiM meet lll ul (lie h-.iile will U- the tl ll ty ninth uf An-, nt tlinv .'i ( k. The puliiic i tiixiteil tu attiml. A proyr.iut ol even Im- ill lie ar r.iiii,'.-d later. M. 1!. ' Material and an Intellectual l'eat at aha. ! 1' ,r ,1... i s- ..I I 'I.- l..(Vi! ; V'aha. Ait;:. IT. IViilav ai tin-'lay fur the ujn-tim exen iso iil ain'llier a IiimiI year of the V a ; h.i Institute. ! Nolue i.f tin- sjie.ikelis wloj i-n-i i-pe tiii tu In- u i'!i us l iilnl ! ;i-t i In iv but i- mere fuittiiiale 111 h.n ; in; s,,nic isitinr ti n-inls to .,. tl,, praktti ami tin it well. Ke. Mi-Mstsi, 11,-inv liyi Htll lllol t ai l Wulii-, tin- ho inn a Mm ui aha ami the latter alsu ul the luliuly ul t 111011, uuw liulli in the lulliisliy uf the ),'usiel. i te pies in ami iiteilaitieil the aiiiln iue uith Bunts uf .sulHTiies. am) wis e uriiutioeJ. j M i K.ins, h. s ye ns ! nl.l, aS a society w.'in.in. i:l mat 1 icJ 1. vans m tS'is. l.a-t Wt.Itiis !.iy sht li'eJ su.t It Ji vorce. allcnoiin; Jii;i.ktiit!iss .ui I IV. in I at the Mint tin e jnitiuliiij; thai tier tiu-o.ii 1 p.;. $MH!f: tetit iT the !iru k iipn li l th-.' C 'tiHativ il tth .h ho i;i , m n.ij;tt The jt rl. M--! lr. ins asierteJ, tel .!t.I t, l , I an.l, in aJ;t;.a, hc a.ske-l an 1 :' j .!i-r ns; taiiiir l!aiis li in .Ls j pi-S!l' it t a!i.il'e 1.1,1 M.TM.S auJ tlUr t ;tty whicli ! shi- Sal 1 .lis 1 k 1 .'Hi ,! t in t. I Mrs. I vans a:tr... !c ! tu ', h at tftitvi.i list M it.ii ,! ;t,. tu teanistes's "tt ikv by .!l iv:t'C ' her husb.ml s tr iti"l r u.i "is. wh.vh the ri'Kii.'.ir timer refused ! I to lak- out cl the t'arns f.r fiat! i f yioleits-e at the h .p.!" . i tiu-j strikers. Mrs. Cv.nis n.i lj six-, ir -.l tt ps, per, lit. i i ti tl:o se i. 1 1 l lus; triu'k. bitAciii iur l;i:s bar.ili l.i:t;s the liiM h. rs.s, i!ri iiiij ti iiV.-s.i ti.r lii;!' ( I- W,!s ,'f J.-l llt'o s 1 1 1 Is l IS, I 1,1, ( ' at ."1eafin lvrah:h. .. .. .. s ,r ..II.! W 11; il.-, Ai:. I V , ! "1 1 ,n I . ! liMi tm lliani !i hint u t e paslui lias Ih fit Assist,-,) b r!v .i.f;e ii"t l.iitie.-l thi" pla.v ami r. J. A.l.mi" ul hai !utte. Ir. Ail it, is d .s Ui n ..ine ! the ino.est pn a!m e have ever lie. ml. .- h ii .l.es ln Miluevt" eil ami haves m part umtis eiivsetl. lie li..;.!s nil (he ,ive of '"I in .n ii a 111.11 u. 1 ihat It s.-. m ill.ll liulie e-Oi'tl 11 i.-. l him. Kolir t 11 h.nt ..iie.ul v luiu, i ami -i U.ips ..il,. is vv.il iuiiu. li.ipi.siu as .xiii; i,i-i. ii , I ,h.i , J'.isiur i:ii..,!. ' " Mi. 1'iiii si l"i.ioh ; Ion k ,. iiii. . V. s .. an.l M,s,. Aiile int.. I, u! There isn't A Dangerous Runaway. js'ept ith M15. I vans in ! n ir ' ''" ' 1 fj!y escateJ beim; struck by the '" A'V- H.-MIKI bullet hreJ at the latt ,r Mi"- 1K, ... , . . I ruv i.l, m-e is lavurin this "eeiiun e. 1.1 . .1 . .... .. 1 ' Keport Ivipg tirculatetl is a ilh lieaulilul iiuen. ut rain ami .l ,1. . c l -MistaVe - Mvtemenls the' lives to he Happy .., , ,. the shot. hreJ in quick suiccssum, . i, i vi A. .. "." ' ' r: anJ a scream Irom Mrs. !" jns.ho: . .-r .nccimg iui" niurinu- a irveii year i'lil U.y of Mr. R I. t;,Klm .airn j exr,rd al or";c "h ,ut a "'' very near l.iii his life iu a ruua l1""" c)ute.l n.i ay. Mr. tinHliaiii bait Mist piitj't'e iita.1 b.sfy ni l Si Kv.u: I11 liursa" to the luitV ami put tii staujins; 111 the center ot the t 01 of hi" iiiall Ihivh III the luijry. be Hi retllaineJ a 111. 'incut is .1 liHusa lf "lepjuM Uu k t the liuii".-, S!)e!l t.juu.l, then has'iiv 1.:'.. . 1 1..... .1. . ..1.. 1 i I . . .-...,,.,.,.. nimii iiieeuiitiivii cuimiii; as tie ueiit. Ill t:ie in 111 rare of th hoi".- The hu.-,- (usK1(1 ,hj, r!If ue l e KI: tU lavauie 11 i-iiiemtt ami r.111 aerow anything in the! than a' He jw.-iM nvre Jit;rect'le . inning pers,in. Theaii.m.,1 ,e uhpM j( j, js hn, 1." 1 ". ' '"-i'l ' "'""e it it ii co!J. He whines I lol.i. T he . .. ., . ai mis. ue nines at everything Whine, whine, whine. : mi-'ii,; tiiu-e , net- .Viuiiti.iy . lhi" nun su slililent" eliluiii '' an- b... 11. 1.o, !he plibiit- m i.o, !iu ,tle si-.li . i.iiu : 1 u 1,1 Ml. Uiu"!.o, It is just a habit he has (alien intj. There is nothing the mat ter with hun. It is just a bad habtt. The whiner is generally an L'le pstso'i 01 a lazy one. What he! iiti, ! is to be set tu work. At real h-rl work, mental or ph ic.I Sjtne work that will encase his wh.ile attention and he wi.l mt have time to whine. We know two women. One of Until ami tin tn d.n'S her own housekeeping !es!,itu ait .0 I t iki s c ire o( her things be- ho etll.-i.il si li,,i s j .1 t.' the 11 il lit I h-i ut I I", uf uhi. li ; "imh i.ts. hen ! open." ami llutM enlr ai 1 ie the e. .t if 'mi. .i mi" uf t 'leir ode l V'"itm- his 1 1 iv. mute. I". .1. A. N liii.inis. ihtswisi-k. hi ... 11 nun e an- uii n iieir ie 11 li.at tin ie an- "everil eases nf M l 111 tl,.- v lii.i-. aml euiiiiiiiinity ut Hi. ie is n .. heie n..t h is there 11 hot .11 e.is. am! Ihat a." Hot She is happy and tinging a!! the day long. The keyboard rl Iur life sounds no whining note. It 's a pleasure to be with her. a t." ' I. wholesome tonic to watch her. The other woman is so situated th it she does not have In wotk Nothing to do but to amuse her scif. She has no est in life, no interest in anything. She is t'unch of seitisness and whines at everything. Whining has become .such a habit with her that her 1 5 3 i Our Bargains Kuow No Bounds! wlli il Si me 1 I Me ; tit cut the h t-es tl 1 the nun w ith her ii re-.'.'e I with ut l -e 11; icsti-J. ti, - l! . las!- ! ,T' I f t'.rO hv Communities Are staniuint. '..It l.i, ti .1 h.'lo. Tile J lu.lv i ll l.onu- "it k. A im in t ,.f uiu .,. s ami in ",,., ,, !,,, ,,, ,.,,;,.,. ,,,,) e .ue I0.1i !i i.i-'if 1I1, in up nn. I kji't e an- -I.nl t ,1 them ,i I'a'l- Will U .1 i!u,iit p.niv l.eie I Hill s.t, iy - IV . n l.y ,,- j men 0.1,1 jiiiiiK Oit.nj tu the j :.olo s h,, s,Kru to ,.,t, r ui:u 11 ii 0111. I .' team enten ,i LiviiKsl .1 a! lite pi is n. 1 s ami in it: II 1 1 ah w is paii hi.'li was ,. "tir." I. iv lip. bet a villi a: an. lie u ,1: oiei I .i. oil Se.i ho,r. II his vt a.-n a;, I 1 .111 llllll. I if ita- -ever, an, I is ima ,11 tiial'' AuJ so u e si ! ite Thomas Je;;. 1 .0:. I.. .It li e t 1 to II.- il I t! : ' ... I lil. pi o en I -I .it the p i.- Observer II -pernhm,- s. -.a h je.ir 1. .1 m.u m.!. p'e I! en. itatl ,hl..,r, e I .11 t ite 11,1, . .1 , is i ! tl.e .lesli.uo, -11. S i.l-1 4 ae, .1:111 pupo-i ei ate in 11 ut the ! pietty t-ll i' iloi.'t linn. I I liie Ii piur elit-lte the k!e il .wn to ' ni; tarn The pi p.. -ill .(. t , ill b .mis ! ! I nll.ei : in Meekln:1-:!!- vv.i. I. last Tues.!ay. Mi. that the etitinty is n (o,ooo up in lis . layiiic ah, u( t wl.uii pj.e tie euuutji am mi t pl'iposltloll. Wc t Xteii, lie season to our 1 lor Mitms; out Weihn s.htv Tl Rai '011s in 1 1 - 1 . :p ! tloll t 1 ,lli ,1:.- tiilel les t the I mil Has ,t; v,,!e I sain:' tune a;;,l uitii the It lo,,ks hhe tlie inn - ,1:1 ilranii down li t ie, ai..I u trliini! ti e tt.iks !i . vote out thai it llo-y uitee , la they 111 iy ,1- I ie llllsiness in t -I I ,,- , paiuii .ii;.iiii. Mm I iiei 'I lie ii-ui... K -ei. 1 , ,.,, t,,-,.r e'ls K I ami nuitilereJ Mis. I'.eairi, near S'.ite-ville, an.l tluew l,i-i lunly in a hi II, h is tiii-J ut Statesville list week, couvieti-,1 in short onler, williout appeal, am s-n-tented tu he Inured within jo days. Thin in a ri edit to tlie enmity of lie dell. The Seaboard Air l.inr has been the subject f a bi rail r a 1 deal by which it becoiiu-j a pait of the Koek Island ami St, I.oun and S.m I ran Cisco, The total mib-ac of these thret systtnii will lie iyn), and tlie system will operate from the 1'aiific to the Atlantic. This is but one nf the steps that ,ne leading to a final consolidation of all the railroads of the country, and need occasion no surprise whatever. How to Build I p the Country. Pr i-t'- S..IHU..H ..f th.-1 ,,u. ii-y .f,.i.i,.m I The country school i, single-! handed, powerless to save our! country boys and girls from; making our country and city j problem worst) and worse. We! need industrial training more j Kev. Henry Soke uf the South t arulina euiil. ieiue. whom V.i haw pruiiiliv elaitii" a" an adopted I ""li. Ill til l! he M-ciiiei! one ol he ; fair ilnii-htet" as a life eoiup iiiiuii. W is the Ullltol ut llie t!.,y. 111." "pi-eell w.isa gem liuiu Mint i, i. j Isll. Mis atnlieiiee w a." del e;hti il. Then was i nt 1 ntlin-fil M is.st he.ii" of I'lui t it. V. f., a giailuate of the H.lptlsl remale I iiiveisily ul li' ileioji. Mi"-1 hoars 1, a 'i:ulii ate in el. lent ion and reiiilon-il to u-eitatiotis. one. "In- siid, l'o tin- "iing 1 ph- ami fur the hi! iln-ii. All wen- pleased, ami the n-eltel- iliipresseil lu-iself .is a I ,v ul n-.l! ellltille am) one pluheiel.l 111 I In- nil uf eues.Miui. I'ml. U alkei . w ho is .1! way oii the . del t. . ami is 1 1 f is t 1 1 tu his thought and I. lb.. is hn- iln-lie-l .ue! highest go.,,1 ul his euiiitiiiiiiily. ami espieiallv ufW avh iw liistilule, seeiiieil the " rv iee uf M i" t hears a,s tlie iii!h le.iil.tr in the ahaw m-IiooI, Ihiuiigh the - 1 1 1 1 itmiial luin-an -il l lam, j li.llelgh. She eulm s Iu Us highly t fast i nihiiseil us ,1 lady uf eiliital 1011 .111 the b-ml : ami 1 In Mi. 111 eli.n aelei . w atler iihii nling mi atniMV "piritiia! as In every c tiiniiinity wht 11 t st.,g inati, n and .1 is re t sit 111, thi tf ar pi d'eleii s const ir.!.v e.thi r 1 1. 'fis-i- rec.li ".nil a.: r... h, 1.. le the: a hmi.ited -M.-ns in ml i ho, l..ii,i!- .y them, 0111 -e, t.i m-11 111 at the U-t ei le't 1 nvn unjer 1 u.i- s U 1-s.ie . 11 Hi. I.itto- s le he - l.ill 'loin ' ! ail tl. .1 a. IS 111 1; "V ei 11 e 1 ho ; 1 1 1 a a ai!:i e, his llhl the so ...t iipK .I by t'apt. .Inn t,n. ind li! tllov e hi-l at an e.u ! lap!, l.iilhn wi! 1, 11, lil on ttnl vpe. Is Iu h i-,,. H ' il III. I", I 'i t t y ho lias In-, ii p.nl ..I tin- ...inin,i 'lint. I'l. I'eriy .1 ntiirin',1 I:. .me ' s .lee. Ollp t'i'e-1 by ls. w ho i,; spei,, "uini-t :me t" V Is l:o al 1 1 me ami' fur Hn man. a iiiii'iieetiiai ami feist uf good thing spread fur llie m.ilei ial luaii. The guild woini ii pun nleil a m li lep.isl fur 1 hose present ami all eiioe, it with s. 11 ial good cheer ami appie t eiatniii. s, t losed nnnilier i-dut a i li.uial day at U axhaw Insliiut,.. i All the leaelii.swi.-e prc-seiil uni i-litet up. .11 Ih,. ilulies uf tl(. m-w "ehool year w illi f.nlli tu men .mil faith in 1 ;hI. and a high aim to make the sehonl more piuspen.il" ami ilesei v ing than ever. The upeiiing' was Very e neoiiiaging. Alitiut ll"i were present 011 the lust ilay. Shot Mis W ife s Mead Off K.Ot-,1- . I'.v .'.4l!. I,, 1,, ieort;e 11. Kvans, manager i f the An ericin Transfer Company, mitrdirtd hn wife, Mrs. LiMie Maude 1 vans, at their home in the southern portion of the city, early to day Later he was found dead in St. Mary's cemetery, two nnies distant, having shot him self. Mrs Kvans was attacked as she lay asleep. According to a servant gir!, the only witness lj the tragedy, Kvans entered his wife's apartment at about day light and fired two shots at her. Neitl er shot took effect and then dragging Mrs. Kvans toward him I by the hair, he deliberately placed his revolver against the back of her neck and fired. The shot literally blew the woman's head i ff. In the dim light the servant was unable to recognize the mur derer positively as Kvans, but informed the police when the alarm was given that she believed she rec-giiie l the voice as his. Kvans escaped and was found o ily after several hour's search than nnvthiniF ilcn v h.,u 1 Mrs- I-vans had feared that her teach a variety of the ordinary I ';u:,ua"u was K0,nK to harm her. industrial trades. Hut particu-i Se locked lhe d,JOr of her r0(,r" larlywe should foster the hand ' ! hen she n ,irfd' b,a by slrange arts and ends that nre peculi- f'!,aIl,y unfastene.l it during the larly adapted for the practice in , .Km ,u on,e ,resn a,r- an atmosphere of quiet, close to!l'-vans en,ercd 'he "se through nature, and where there are vast ' 'he pan.1 near which treasures of time running to waste s.uml)rclla M ,ounJ to-day. from lack of employment. We1 ?nd aPPlrenly et directly to ma woe 9 room. Miss Hettie Hums have list of more than thirty arts, crafts and small industries well adapted tocountry conditions and which are already successful in different places. We should make a good deal of reading in history, literature and the sciences and the study of science directly from nature. And so we shall train up a capable and hope'ul gei eration for the self-existence of a normal country life; and those we send to the city will have each his or her cr.lt in hard, will have ideals and some ability to do all they dart dream of. a neighbor, We like best to call J scorrs emulsion 5 a food because it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition. nna yei in trie matter of restor- d ing appetite, of giving new 1 strength to the tissues, especially i to the nerves, its action is that f ot a medicine. f KTTTTa BOWNL - ABftll Pud hntf ...( T : s i . ' aiisir:;. "'l ; i . ' i.lv bv I I I . I I Iv te e 1:1 I-e n I or-'.iui.: i'i ii vv:;h i:'. li.-. t; ' ' i ii, " Illi lo I I ' at:, I w .met), tn'.iji I u ;- , P., t; ' , . I.iv.ilnw. : i I'Si llie,. lir;tet:ty ti, -n ti in. an the i: n !;;i ti I ;lo:r 1 w;. p,., ii si i i ii'ii aiui p iii.i ii iiir.r III 1- I ie to. it ,,,,, . mi -i ,ioi ue, i,ie n .ss i t.i i,. I.,-,- t; Hllllllll si il, the I. tests, the muu-i.us. the. -K at Mi-, u. M. SamluiV rivets an 1 even their i.n'i a,!- M. .imh is i- and w.-n.!er why wtth the p .'" "" '-i'' i . i - i . . 1 1 1 -: n ii s u n 1 1 i.i a i ,.i .-,1 tin i-t ien do ami t eni on i i . Tin tiiagtmy s ! u It. I . ) vantag-.- I ,i i v,,l .t. ti ti i:n ' ; it ss pr p:;i us , oi. l.i; n, a:;,, s itisfy i!i, ir in, rl ; I it tg,;; ,li oi- ; with a'i setts i 1 v.iin evi:--.-, I e.t 4 Ui v et a llt.lt I In- I. n,!ei I. Ol i : .1 l iley l.nl t . real .-. 't;ut ;t tJri pC 1 "J simply a ditt r. tu- btlw eu X. i 'A miumji XmiLtL men and women who . . u, y tin fi lil'ieruit I H-.i.':ties. f; o Any iiil.iiin.il;. oi ii-.u-li!;; tin- a lug ei lllsiun ,i V gtoli iViii he given In I'linharn Ihimlv. O I'nre ,-ipp!.- vim -g ir t r pi.-kitng purposes ,,t -".iw s. i "- ptvi.il eats hn lad:,-" ami -i: l-st-.its oil llullgh's ,-xt lls,, n, xt I'liilay. i and':) ii t ( i 1 1 1 1 1 In V tli-lices! K pee Hub V l i I a 0 lilt o most casual remark is tinged w ith a whine. She is miserable her self and makes everybody else in her presence miserable. She is a weakling, a paras'tc. A drag, a heavy weight on somebody all the tune. 11 et the w hine out of your voice, jt r it will stop the develypcment , and growth of your body. It will narrow and shrink your mind. It will ill iv c away your friends. It will make ou unpopular. tjuit your winning. Urace up. do to work. lie something. Kill y uirpiaie in the universe. In ste.id of whining around exciting only pity ami contempt, face about and make something of yuistlf. K.;ach up to the stat ure of a strong, ennobling man- h o id, t,( the beauty and strength I a supeib womanhood. Inert' is ncthing the matter wish you Just tjint your whin mg and gn to work. 101!- !:sal Eoute i fService. I ind of Hitter light. "'I wo phvsii i, ins h.ul a h.i stubborn light with an iiKiins oh my right lung' w i ites.1. -'. Iluhei1 ul liiil'oiit. I i.i. --.liiii gm,. I,,,. n,. ; l.veij li ny thought mv liuiu had 1 eume. As a last n-suit lu., i,, King's New liiseuveiA ho- ,, ' j Mllnplloli. The lienelil leoeivt il j was "Hiking ami I was mi my .-. : I in a f,-w day s. Now I've i-min-he teg', lined my health. " It e..n,Uii:s all Cough". Colds ami Thioai ui ' l.tlllg'tlollliles. tin II, mi, -ed hv l--.ii- lish iM ngCn. 'i u i- .-hic, ami lon. Trial li ittle free. (ic your nnlor for a first -class (galvanized aMnilBox. L. H. THOMPSON, General Insurance. Fire, I. ite, Aeiident, lli-a.lh, l.i.i Inhty and all i !a--,-s ot (.a. sinani-e. (July I tie best mid companies repn st-nied I i ly solicit yum p..ti mage an I .mi ,n tee prompt mi l elt:,ii-i,t servue (if lice west of com thouse. I'h. me No, i Horse Health ! Iiavc two stylos, in one of which vow can he suited. rues arc reasonable. Call and exam ine them. 1 i it Wo are plunging ahead, captivating more and more peoplo every week with our surprising bargains. It's your privilege to choose frely from these values now. Botter ones couldn't be. "as good" ones are hard to find if you do find as good, they won't be as cheap as ours. Silks and Dress Goods. The mMt comprehensive, the must elabor ate, by all odds the must worthy shouting we hate ever made, and the price well, you will hourpriwil, that's all. Corded Taflctas. worth oSc, special at iK. Wash Silk, worth 50c. special at AJlc. Yard w idc Taffeta Silk, no better for $1.25, special at Wc. 36 inch w Me Jap 5ilk at 50c a yard. JM inch while .Slk at 75c a yard Peau de Crepe Silk, in all shades, the latest thing in Silks at Vc a yard. The Celebrated IWthaldi Silk, yard wide, special at SI.2S. This 5ilk is guaranteed in every respect. Wash Goods. Another big lot of Mill Ends put on sale today. 12k M K at 7 a y ard, lite Lawn at 7c a yard- ! Good Calico at S cents a yard. 2tte Madras at lite. ' lull line of Whitedoods for dresses, aists, etc., at prkes to suit all purges. Miscellaneous. 75c 5treaclh Sea::i l'raers,SWt.ial at ,Sc. $I.IW Shirt.s."5peci.i nt Suspenders 5c up. 511 dtwen Swks, worth 2llc, the lot .-pecin! at lite a pair. Hte Sock at 5c a pair. Specials to olfcr in Clothing. See it. Shoes. The brightest, the snappiest .Spring 5hoes produced are here for your Selection. Children's, miss-."' ad l.idicV tfrds. Cat- Leather, hluchers, and Strap- W'e Mil (.lueen Quality (Mnrds $2 50 SJ.INI; all the new .hntws: see them. A Millinery Meant v Show. A surprising exhibit of New 5ummcr Millinery. The Pnris Hat and our cm n matchless creations. We are splendidly equipped to meet your millinery wants. S!m inr :l t.,,j!t.s variety of choicest Netting at ju.it the price you want to pav. New Parasols, the latest nnd prettiest for summer, just received and at prices that u ill interest vmr. Cmne to tuis store for your want and you will find it. BELK BROTH Cheapest Store on Karth. n I I I 1 1 I 1 l i l i E'RS -lWlin.VM71IIIIIIIIIIIIIISIII"IIXIIISir:lII?Il:i:iIU:lIIXZT:Tirll; Fur imttinc in prime condition any horse or mule the hrst of all remcilies is Ashrraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won derfttlly ?fTMtive liecattse they ire ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms uml parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The iw. ucrs fatten but never Moat. Ashcraft s Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exor cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft s Powders consist nf small doses, prepared from ii purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been fim,t beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcratt s Condition PowiWi always high grade are not to be Classed with the many bulky, gtmd-for-cverything powders now on th market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. JUrlti lHt m.) iinri. r ronaiikw fnw. "fl' '! U ll ih. J. . '" In mwnm.1,.1!,.. Price 25c. package Sold b English Drug Company Thehjeath-Lee Hardware Co. o yxxyxxyoaxxxxyjr.xi y oooocxooooooo : The Prescription Department 0"OsOsM of our store keeps Zc with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, wj will fill it Properly. We kei p the drugi for it the BLST. FRESHEST, and PITREST. C.N. Simpson, Jr. 3 ll (jlV 1 (1 flit r:: :tti (?) I i rm Iw ? I j S " I W I yf a s I - 1 1 il I uLtL I a n jj M M M ' : R No. 10. No. 2(). No. 2. M Come in at once and find out m five good reasons why your m mother should use a . Buck's Rang.. timxxxxmxxxnxxxxxxxxxiixxmxxxxixxxxixiixxizzixxxziiiiiiixxiiixiriixxxitt To Cure a Cold in One Dav . i I a! Ti - iixauve ororao quinine Tablets. ft j SMBtatsmieMhHstUasMikt. This SlSOiatnTG. fr&r Cures Crto in Two Days, on every S w . trwx DOX. 25C Lost Hair " M)r hair time out b7 th hsnd ful, snd Iht gray bsirs brssa to trrcpin. I tritd Ayei's Hslr Vicor, sad il stopped the bi r from com ing out ami rtstortd tht color." Mrs. M. O.Crav, No. Si.em, Mass. There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion is Aycr's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use ii such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, lUllgCi, UliVlt biiu muic c clossv. And vou feel so fi secure in using such an old and reliable prepara- lion. ii m tMUt, If ymmr Awrim asfiswH rmppif ym, awW mm eiutiw au4 til ttyr jnm hoit), af w fctWrtitiM mi f mt asww iihw ov. AMrtN, J. C. A VU UX. LvvvU, Mam. UmmtlUlllliriUltMIIIMIIIMMtMIIIIIIIHt1llIHIIillll1IH IMIIIIIMIIMIIMIM i Littleton Female College f I ne of the ost prosperous schools in the South, with a I I high standard of scholarship, locakj at a my popular Sum- I mer Resort, and with a large patronnge from five states, ex- I 1 eoJ'ng from New Jersey to Moritla-an Institution Ihat is uuing a great worn. We will take a limited numtitr of pupils, inoludirg 2 Board and Full Literary Tuition for J52.90 per term on conditions made known on nrnlicatinn in 1 t t sr. . . m ivtv. j. in. khodes. A. M Tres.. Littleton, N C. llttaWIMItlltll aaaasiiiLaiM... """"w...,M,f,,,,,,,MiiMiMMiniiniin)inmMniiniinnniiiiiiiiMiniii a IstifcAsj ftMsWyv sMmMw A 1 Opium, Laudanum. Cocalno and p.n D.-un Habits mi I..M.II. I J. L . r - j . .... ... p.... ,.,, wiiuuii, pa.D or Errrnuon irnni pus'iif., k-avmg no craving tor drn(s or other timuluts. Wo tutor the rervcii, and phirl a-teins to taelr aalural condltloa beraiim removt tht cautc ol disease. A home renwd prtporad by aa emioenl physician r,HB.Uil5iNT!l CUB, PREE THIAU TREATMENT COOBdeBtlnl correspondeiic), e-cwJly with pbv-iiciaix, suliiitct. Write today, uannaiun inorapsuxio Mieuciation lira susMwtjr, How York Qltf i i