THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone No. I- Tuesday, Aucust IS, IWJ. Mia M.iry Kutih rutertaiiied a liutiiU r of h-r IriemW at Iter hoin 1-ist Friday evening. Mr. ('. T. Il.illinan him the n.n trm-l for building a uiiv hmiM1 for Mr. It-M-ot' I 'li i iV-r on Franklin at rwt. Jinle NimI oix-iH-d court iu M- kl.iilmit; yflTiljy anil took a l.dl villi llie nliM-k cuulilrr awl th-alrr- iu Inline iu un. rlurip lu Kit grant! jury. M.ivr ll.utou took iu FUi) ji-Jt-nl.iv lmm I hi rider drunk. Tli" lirM of I he d.ij s of i-itli-r ilrinkiiiK mt-m to li;i'. iki-miI, a tin mayor' titiirt mi Monday lie--f..r- U-'t took in Mr. 1. K. Kvanmif JrfffiNoo l-ft this uiiiiiiiiij for New Yoi k to buy j;ihK fur 111 Ji-flrWOII More, lit" kij that tlif oik mi t he t harlot!,-, Monroe anil t'olinuhiu road i.s go ing on rapidly. The ton ii ullicvni are having gravel li.mlt-tl from I lie nearby Hi ks mul limmiii mill plm-ed ou the streets mound the Kijiiare. From nix lo tt'ii wagon are haul ing daily. SM-;ikiuK of ih-iu-Iii'S, well, they lire line in this eoiinly. Mr. J.W. IVesJey of liotw Creek township sent The Journal some nieti ones l;it week hut they were not as large an Mr. Chaney'a. The i-onductor Howie referred lo in the in t icle elsewhere dcsei ihing the wieek at Saluda, is Mr. Tom Howie, Kin of the late Mr. II. It. Howie of Monroe. Cajit. Howie was not hurl. (lu 1'iidav morning of tliis week thi' ieole of the ik-iIiIhii IiimhI of High Hill lire leijiu stcd to meet iiml clear elf the eeiiii'lery, mid iu Hi.' siftfitiiMiii the t liun li grounds w ill l cli-rivtl oil. Mr. Ji'in- Unison, n well known firmer of e:it Monroe township who has completely lost his sight, It-It this morning for Charlotte to see if any thing can lie done for him. The Iroiilile is an internal cataract. Mr. Hoiacc li. Clark, a capable anil energetic young man of Sandy Hidgc, lias n position with the Savings, l,o.m and Trust Company. Mr. Clark has Im-i-ii previously cm ploycil by C. Ill (Hint ' Sous of Vahaw. Mr. .1. C. l'letchcr having sold his insuiaiice business, will not longer occupy the room in front of the photograph gallery. Mr. Hale will have the room painted and furnished iiml use it as a parlor for the Im'Iu lit of his customers, Mr. V. C, Austin, who was op eiatcil on for npH'iidicitlH iu Wil mington, came home Thursday night, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. 1. M. Ccaslcy, win as with him during his stay. He is gel ling on nicely and expects to soon lie out. Will Harris the Mecklenburg desperado, is still at large. It was rcpoitcd by a former friend of liar lis that the latter was iu Charlotte Saturday night and n whole block was surrounded mid guarded till daylight Sunday morning, when Harris was found to lie somewhere else. Mr. I. A. Tedder of Charlotte, four! stenographer for I'liion coun ty, is to Is' married today to Miss Madge McQueen of Morven. The Charlotte bar of which Mr. Tedder is a member, presents him w ith a chest of handsome silver. Mr. Tedder lias many friends here w ho w ish him much joy. Tom Sikes, a darke well known ill Mint town, lias just told ('apt. Fletcher good bye for the lilth time. Although Tom has served live terms mi the roads, his whole service has aggregated only nine months. Tom holds an unique reputation. All his sentences have (sen given for lighting, mid it is said by those who know him that he won't tell a lie, A eorrcspuiideiit at Indian Trail w rites that an iinti saloon league was organized there Friday ami that Mr. S. .1. Howard was elected president, liev. J, .1. MrlCiidim aecrctury, and Mr. I. A. Honey cult treasurer, Ihcse ollicers com potting an executive committee. 'I he next meeting is to ls held at Indian Trail in the Methodist chinch at ten o'clock on Sept. 5th. Stiuire Win. McWhorler, one of the gallant old soldiers of Jackson township, look a trip to Jit. Holly last week. This is the lirst time thai he has Is-en on a railroad train since he rode one a part of the (lis tance home from I'oinl (.ookoiit at the close of the war. The Stiiire is a mighty good but lays no claim to being a traveller. Mr. Jack Fowler's team of horses ran nway this morning, starting near the depot, and stopping near the English drug store. hen they stope.l they went sprawling on their backs ou the brick pavement, having run into the large tree on the corner, ripped the harness off, and turned a summerset. Though receiving a most severe fall, they were not seriously hurt. No one was in the, buggy wheu they ran, . Mr. T. L. I-ove, the new mail "carrier on route Xo. 2, any that there will h a meeting of the rwi dents of that route at 'Squire Sam Helms' on next Tuesday afternoon to lnsect mail boxes, samples of which w ill be on the ground. The rule rtMpiire all persona who get their mail from the carrier to put tip metal hoxca, with locks, anil do two families can use me same ttox unions they live under the tame roof. F.ven lion May la going on (lough's Hapid Flyer to Wiliuiug too Ang. 21. White people only, Mr. X. U. Kuwll again le I route proprietor of the ( omnierrittt J ll!t. ami the name will hereafter! I llu. ii n.... I Mr. Yano SernW, ana of Mr. a M. Secret of Monroe lowimhip. died last Thursday morning after an ill ue of ten week of typhoid lever. He old. PERSONAL, ANOTHER SPECIAL TAX. Mis l.iiie Laney of Hud ley, S. C, is visiting iu Iowa. Mrs. C. F. Iuwe is visiting iu Lrxington. Mrs. J. P. Mouroe u vlsitiug ia was tweuty two jriu1,,Cauiden, 8. t". Mr. V. I. Flow is in New Yotk I o Boy's Let Cut Ott by a Train. A Desperate Netrn Cautht- William lUker. a young while . riiiw The Trinity UUtrkt Arplies far an l of Trail, rua over Helore day this morning, in Election- Three I'cvommenda-. lr,B r'riday nioruiug awl his the txtrtnie southwest ol I umber i. i u -ii:-- i left h-g and hut right loot were land county. Deputy bhenfl Min- , l.lly uiat.gUsl. I p until ymtrr-, ,ehu. l"oiie. Slate Mathi!li9 BET CCCi 0i"lr'lS CLOT?: Committeemen. Jday nitwuiog lie h.l ih rallied AvtnU 4nj othters H jIii.c iu !l ' itncnnrtT'' A raiiesi nieeiing oi mr isuru oi ioiisii.-s. alt Ihhil-Ii the Iri! hl n ...i .,... i v.. X irtlm-atioii was held yestertlay, the l miii.ulalt-d sit hr knee ami . . TO piiiH-.,! p..r,-e l.-..,g to till the ,e L" . which wtho.ighl nuecl .' , ''" ! J i t 'liatla-laM sail ii.. tij ..r-i... . ... . delving inc it ana milling m-io -led.iy nv corn licker and pU- for Wa da bu'S f r"l J iitleeiUcu. All the memUm of v i',,,! J ,"M. Vresl.vt.-ri.iii ficers tl,e ' -jX Mr. Claude Kowc b.ut relumed llie Issinl, Jlr. t. It. Aslirralt, Hsi,iiaUH harlotte. He is a ..i!SnK outuwi Known as un;n htoue from lUleigh. ! rhairiiiau. ami Mcms. J. X. Price (lf r. J. ", lutrr of Indian Trail. : "''lie Hind" ail I waii'cJ I i ? ami J. W. liiveus. wi re prrs. nl, ith soiee s.mpaiiiou.x the hoy i year in K.Uoii 6 and an entire day mas consumed in lavii,.. near Hie railr.sid anil i ami M.Kire rounlies. The iransariiiig ine misincss. i as tlw nitmiig freight went up t n-, trainpud f r n tic .ppil.-a it.iwior i.Ms in.m me j;l, ,lry Is-gan swinging on tlie sallll jtlt,.j bv . n!v llisUstl' Nate itimis lor s. .,.s...(Mrs tl.,llltf Jlor, ,,1Hll,hw and, , btm car Jlunit! housrs were eudorsisl from Hie In ,M.,. imi.iui' As the tram U- -i ... . ' . ... . . ...... ban Trail, the Trinity and the ' ,,.r u,,,,,,,,, i,,,,,, "'I'' u ".I v ., . . , , . ,-. . , i n .use. lie lives on ruprv creek lor III. lit.... lllil,.rl,.l,:.l..v . 11 I and the olhcrrs had tu break J wn in the Triuitv district was eudorsetl. .... " i ...... .. i., ....i i'.,. the d.ior. The was si A new roloretl st lusil district ir f...i .fi-urfullv manL-lin them. 1 "r thry crept in. t;iul:lig Kay in as formed to v Its-atetl Is-twcen tui suileiinif lad'was taken on toll corner, with a titiilt over In tin- Mivv ami llie rintauel Charlotte ou the train and put in phia districts in Lim-s Creek. 'the Presbyterian Imspital. Liter The .New lloN dial rid iu liuford o the leg was ampulattsl at the township was d'M.Iinii.'d, wnl it knr .n.l the f. rese,l. It was! Ke,hc, ,,. nil,e tl( lhl. ,,, . . ..i i not iiniiigiii ior a long lime uiai district U- given their choice in the (.re as any Iiok of Kiviug his selection of the si hools w hick they life, but at this anting h is chances should use. are better. His parents are at the The following commilleeineii I hosi.ital with him. were appomicii in piace oi inosc tol lot in' is done past in dia cum try," Mid a tlaikey who heanl Judge Cook's charge to llie grand jury. "I'se doue U-en up au' herd de jadge read out de piulmi-iits. t orresanudeuts will please get their k-tters in by Friday for the paiH-rof the following meek. When tiicy cane iu later than this they are likely to be h-ft mrr till anolli er week, which makes llieui ttsi old. A telegram received here this morning said that Mr. J. M. Heath, a prominent ritucu of Luu-uster Hied in .New imk tins morning. lie went there last week to Is- op crated on. Mr. Heath is a nephew of Messrs. II. P. and A. W. Ileal h. and at one time lived iu Monroe. "a-h," the faithful old horse that for twelve years has been run ning the delivery wagon for J. K. Simpson & Co., and llelk lii-os.. dnpied dead this morning, lit mus a faithful horse, ami hail been lu this family since he was live years old. The following tcincraiice rallies w ill Is- held August '.''.'ml: Allan School House, Kt-v. W.F. Watson, Col. II. i. Hotchkiss: Fairfield church, Itev. A. Marsh, M. II. I try, Mark Austin. S. A. Stewart: Wes ley Chapel, Itev. M. A. Smith, O. C. Curler, J. X. Price; Pleasant tirove, liev. M. H. llovle, Itev. I. F. Slucy. W. II. Phillips. K. X. Xisbet. J. II. Wai ki:k, Pres. Two days before the farmers' in stitute was held here, the gentle men holding it were in Ids-king- ham, the home of I nitt-d Mutes Marshal Henry C. iHa-kery. Mr. Iits kery, w ho is short and fat and round, was put down ou the pro gram ol the institute for a speech on "Iss-f production," ami Dr. Wat Steele came near breaking up the mis-ting by declaring that Mr. DiH-kery's sulips t sliould Is'i-haug ctl to "Is-ef consiimptioii," as his knowledge wits likely (o be more etensie along this line. LEE & LvELE, 1 HE LEADING :.v3, CESTS FlEISaiSGS. UT ISO SaOE STORE U ZviUL Don't Bdieve Mail Carriers Appointed. The following mail carriers for the new rural routes to start from this ntlicc on Scpleinlicr lirst, have U-en appoiui'il: lioiile No. L', T. I.. le. lioule No. :,.!. II. Mills. Uoule Xo. 4, S. II. It.ei-s. lioule Xo. .'). lloratv II. Claik. lioute Xo. li, laiKayette N'cresl. The substitutes who mere named by the carriers are W. A. I.nvc, S. li. Mills, .1. P. lingers, II. li. Clark. Yaiin Scrrcst. The latter has died since the apilicutioii for the appointment. Mr. II. II. Chirk has moved to Monroe and w ill not accept. Mr. A. C. Pciiegar was the applicant for this route who mailu Hie next highest mark and it is presumed that he will lie appointed. The appointments were made according o grades made at the special ex amination held some months ago. s previously announced the People's Itauk has established an insurance Real I'M ate Department, iiml the linn of (ioi'tlnii & Thomp soii having Is-en dissolved, Mr. W. M. lionlon has consolidated his III- Mlinnce interest with the People's tank, carrying with him his old 'timpiiuies and is now manager of this department. See ad. elsewhere in this pa nr. The easiest way lo ruin ft good machine is to use cheap gummy tdl. Perhaps you have hud some xpericuce witli your machine in this respect. The more you oil it the worse it runs. Suppose you try our remedy. Clean up your machine, wipe olf all old oil and try ''Crystal Itrami machine oil nothing else. You will Is- surpns ed ut llie difference if you have bien using cheap oil not necessa rily cheap in price hut iiuality. Crystal ltraml is absolutely pure, clear sperm oil ami positively w ill not gum, lie sure you get "( rystal llraiul." hsiil.lKii Hut u t u. Yoti can't alford lo miss seeing the gi and oltl ocean iiml taking a surf bath, (iough s hxciirsioii. Attempt to Wreck Train ltst night a dastardly nllempl was made to w reck Xo. ,'tS, one of the Southern's vcstihulctl trains, just outside the city limits of Char lotte. A switch near the new mill Is'iug erected by the Highland Pink Manufacturing Coaipitny, mils the scene chosen for the awful wt rk of destruction. llie lock was broken and the switch opened, lif ter which the light wasc xtiugiiish ed. One of the nortlibnrd through freigh train, No. 72, was running aheud of Xo. UH and ran into the oiien switch. As soon as the eu giiiccr found that he hud left the main line, he reversed the engine and applied the breaks. Owing to the fact that (he traiu wan not run ning at a high rate of speed it was possible to stop it before any dam age was done. It Is thought that the parties who wrecked the train at (iastonia in the same way are the same who made this attempt. The last excursion of the season ia (lough's, which leaven Monroe at 7:20, a. in.. August 21st. For white people only, ltonnd trip only f 1. 1 5. Bugles and Harness for Sale. I have lot of buggies aud har ness, both new and second band, to be sold at bargain for the next thirty days. C. C Hiked. Don't fail to go on Cough's ex c union to Wiliuingtou August 21. Leave Monroe 7:30, a, m., next Friday. 91.78 for ronod trip, Mr. Clyilo Morgan of Chailottr spent Sunday w ilk his parents here. M iss t Jert rude I la v is of t hai lot te is visitiug Mr. C. T. llullinati. Mr. tiuv Ihiniels of Xewls-ry, 8. C. spent Kit unlay and Sunday in the city. Mr. Frank Ogburn of High Point is visiting his father, Mr. X S. Oghui-u. Mr. Julian Mcl.nrty of Ss-mi'r is visiting his father, Mr. J. M. McLirty in east Monroe tow nship. Mr. I. like and Sam Johnston of Mecklenburg ss-nt Sunday iu the city. Miss Alice (i. I hi vis of Atlanta is visitiug her aunt, Mrs. C. T llalliuaii. ('apt. and Mrs. II. T. Williams and Miss llcsfie Davis are spend ing the week at the seashore. Mrs. J. a Hasty and father. Mr. J. M. Stewart, returned Friday uight from Jackson Springs. Mrs. Jennie lhivis will leave to morrow for New York to buy mil iiuery for l.eeJi Mr. J. K Xisls-t of Alts-marle has Ihvii spemling several days vis iting in the county. Miss Aleine Fletcher, who has Is-en visiting in Wilmington, re tinned lioiue Sat unlay night. Miss Amanda Kindley of Anti is-h is visiting Miss l.illte Pressmi of I'nionville. Mr. uml Mrs. Ilerls-rt Harrier of TeniicsNi-' are visitiug Mrs. Har rier's father, M:y. I.. I. Andrews. .Miss Willie I lean Itiveus of Tex as is visiting her cousin, Mr. T. J. erome. Mrs. W. II. Norwood went to Charlotte this liioinuig to spend two weeks. Mrs. J. II. Funderburk and lit tle daughter of laineaster are visit ing the former's sister, Mrs. O. C. Curlce. Mr. Jesse I'.. Clark of The Char lotte Xems came down Saturday to take in Pleasant drove camp meet 'IB- Mr. J. M. Cook ami family of jliicaster county visited relatives in lliilonl township mid .nonroe last week. Mrs. W. A. Kxansof HoriislNiro, S. C., returned home last wis-k af ter isiting Mix J. C. Fletcher. .Master John Fletcher iiccompaiiieil her home. Explanation of Professor Everett's S. J. F.vcrt-lt, wlni was last year principal of the .Mouris' (irad ed School, has recently been much criticised for mi alleged breach of! faith iu throwing up the piincipii' ship of the Salisbury schools, to which he had been elected, to ac cept the sitpei iliteliilcncy of the Oxford schiHils, to which he was afterward elected. The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Oh scrversays that Prof. Kvcictt will go lo Salisbury, and that the mis uiiderstamliiig is as follows: Prof. Kvrrctt had Is-en olTt'retl the Nuperintendency of the Ox fordgraded schools and telegraphed Siiperinteiident (liiflln, "Would you accept under ihe circum stances!" The answer was, "Think not; the Imard refuses to release you." Prof. Kverelt was leaving for Oxford when the tele gram was delivered, and glancing hastily over it, gathered from it the meaning that the hoard would not refuse to release him. He hail nreviouslv stated to the Oxford iHianl that ins answer to their proposition would be in the form of a telegram directed to himself from Salisbury. He accordingly forwarded the telegram to the hairmau of I he Oxford board, who read it correctly nnd ut once en tered into correspondence with another part v. Meanwhile Prof. Kverett went on home under the impression that he had Ist-n re leased from Saulisbiiry uml hail lie ceutcil Ihe Oxford oiler. nil you sco cr ho:.r body's word about 1 L )'.!' low pr .1 do' :v v.t es. See ke any- :e. Some Sintly linlge districts. A l'titiouforal.iC4llaxel.Htioii,Hrm.!,vv jri,H hs (-uiight kiiii head, slits fur his cvts, and double barreled gun in Ins hanJ The parties were su close to- Jeffries lieats Corbett. sail I'iim-i..-.. S(s-i: inh. James J. Jeffries, champion heavy-weight of the world, played with Jim Curls-It for nine rounds ami a half touight, and then Cor Is'tt'a seconds motioned to lii-ft-rec Cianey to stop the tight in order to saw their man from needless pun ishnieut. The end raiim shortly after the iM-ginning of the tenth round when .It lil ies planted one of his terrific left swings on Coils-It's stomach. The man who compii-rcd John I.. Sullivan dropped to the lloor iu agony and the memorable scene ut Carson City when I toll Fit.sim iiioiis landed his solar plexus blow mas almost duplicated. This tine, however, Corls-ll struggled to his feet ami again faced his gigantic adversary. With hardly a mo ment's hesitation Jetl'ries swung his right and again landed on Cor Is'tt's stomach. Jim dropftt to the lloor, and then it mas that Tommy Kyuu seeing that it was all over, motioned to lictrec lirauey to stop the punishment. After the light Corhilt said: ""I tlid my Ih-sI ami lost. I fought the best I knew. Jclliies mas too big for me ami he is the Is-st mail ill the win Id. If the public is satislietl with my light I tun. I am glad to give Jclliies ull the credit thai is his due. I have no personal feelings in the matter. I have fought my last light." -1 Wood's Seeds FOR PALLSOWINO. K.tnuers uml (iurilctieni who de sire the latest and fullest informa tion about Vegetable and Farm Seeds slioitl.T write fur Wood's New Fall Catalogue. It tells all alxnit the fall pliuilini; of Lettuce, Cab bag and olh.r Vegetable crops mined art) proving1 no profitable to fouthrrn growers. Also alxmt Crimsoa Clover, Vttches, Grasses and Clovers Seed Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley, etc. Wood's New Fall Catslomip mailed free on request. Write for it. T.W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Holy Angel in th: l.ock-up. ShuiIhth dm-- Sns-UI liil'lurlntli nl-M-rvt-r Fldt-r Monday, Thomas Per son mid two women one known as St. Anne ami the other as Holy ngel, had the spirit move them to trouble on Pennsylvania, avenue yesterday afternoon. They began preaching loudly, uml Marshal llillchay, with the assistance ol nn extra policeman, Huff. Chin field, interfered, and as a result J-.lder Monday and Holy Angel spent the uight in the lock up. They were taken U-fore Mayor Ferguson this morning and assessed with the costs -i each with a promiie to keep quiet from now on. They call themselves Seventh Hay Ad- veutists. - Road Work Progressing. J,ITerM,n l'rmMtnilriMT la ChrolerSrld 41 .rttr. Work on the C. M. &C. .rail road is progressing rapidly since Mai Adams has taken hold. He is working about 6o hands every day and pulling (or Jefferson with might and main. It won't be long now till we can go to our doors and care to our "heart's content" on the train and view the crowds ( spectslors that will be there. who were appointed at the July ints ling ami refused to accept: VIKNIMK. Hist. Xo. 1. Itelh fu'ld -M. A. (iiillin, in place of F- J. Itiveus. Xo. 'J, liroom's Joel Moore and Hartley Privett, in place of A. F. Helms and Martin Privett. Xo. 2, Kock liest W. F Fun ilerburk, ill place of Archie Me I-irly. Xo. II. Tjudall -It. C. tiorilon, in place of Virgiltioiilou. Xo. It, Xorlh Monroe Pink Cook, ill place of J. II. Itoyte. MVKSIIVII I K X.i. li. J '.lack Jack -A. S. Cad dy, iu place of T. P. Little. Xo. :l, colored, Xicey Orove AIh- Stiirdiviiut, in p!ae- of Kolnie Cellespie. I.m;k t KI KK. Xo. 1, Ctsil Springs J. C. linker and J. X. Slurdiviinl, in placi' of A. F Kiishsng ami .1. C. Iliiggins. Xo. ii, Jenkins C. I). Slegall, iu tdace of A. 11. Jenkins. Xo. S, llelk-,1. 1. Hendricks, in plaiv of J. W. Thomas. lU'KtiKll. Xo. 5, Mt. Pleasant - lllair II"' " and Alexander Oslmrne, in place of II. C. Ii.iv is and vacancx. Xo. li, Mt. Springs T. A. Wil liams in place id . I. K. (ii illin. Xo. ,s. Allan C, C. Lowery, iu place id l. C. .leiikius. .1 A KSii. Nn. '.', Jackson Foivst-H. M. .McCain ami Samuel Cat ter, iu place of U. T. McCain ami J. li. Simp son. X.i. .!. Walkup - W. p. N'ts lcy ami T. Ii. Xisls-t, iu place of Alii son Simpson uml ,1. II. Wier. Xo. (i. Walker -.1. I). Coitfrcy, in place of Wm. Crow. Xo. S, l.-H-ke -W ilson Clontz, in place of Henry McWhorter. No. 1, colored, McCain (irecn Mi ll.miel, in place of Jas. How ard. Xo. it, colored, Mcllwaiiie lien Craig and Press Craig, in place of Monroe Heath and Calvin Coving Ion. Xo. I, coloied, Waxhaw Milton Helms, in place of K. W. Massey. ' Xo. li, colored, Havis 11. W. Mclirifl', in iilaceol'C. S. White. SMV HIIMil-:. Xo, 4. I.ils'rly, colored Henry Shropshire, Sam Morrison, Jas. Ivey. vam i:. Xo. 1, Mill Crove-J. T. Trull, in place of ' 1C Itiggers. Xo. , Center (irove W. K. Icmmoml ami T. A. Hitch, in place of P. C. Stiusou and W. II. Foard. Xo. It, IL'tl lianls-J. I. liar gett, iu place of 11. II. Ilt'iiton. Xo. 'J, Hudson, colored Cyrus Houston, Jerret Jackson, htl Mc Call. litMisK ITDKK. Xo. 1, Jerome J no. Crow ell uml J. II. lieekliain, in place of J. K. illiams and . II. Helms. Xo. .1, Stump llill-W. M. Sell, C. W. Williams, .1. W. llargett. No. 7, Pleasant la-vel S. L, Mollis, in place of J. A. Austin. m;v si km. Xo. 2, F.uto I,. M. Williams, iii ulace of J. I'. I. it lb- I No. li, Olive liiant h J. C. Car- do like most others, gradually go raway and J. M. Hums, in place of, up on their goods, but they con lvir. Itaiicom and M. C. Traywick. linue to si II so chtaply that ev- No. S, Holly-II. V. Stiitcn and rrvboilv wlo knows them and George, Itrewer, in pli if C. W. lcl, evur trJdei at their store con- Niinpsmi nun w . I.. Parker. (jnlIM ,Q (lo SOi anj ,hry cannot io. l", ..iisiiu li. Ji. l lisser, ill place of J. T. Hiisiks. rested against M magqan's st jm arh, but (ailed lo lire owing to us lusty condition. Kay surren dered after blows over the head (roni the handle cl a revolver His wife, F.!iabclh, was also ar rested. things arc denr at ay r? (.. V.'o believe Von will miss the trip of your lile if you fail to go lo Wilmington next Friday ou Cough's excursion. Ibiiiml trip from Moons. os't 1.T.V Iji-aves Moiirts-at half pas' seven o'ebs-k Friday luoriiinj. You can Wallace's. get its- at Phone :tii. Cadieu A I Special Notices. Advrittst-Siriits will be insert J is tins culuinn at Ihe pure of uur rtul a word, cash iu ajwnce. PIG LOSt-Slraynd from TyinUII place, lilat-k buw pie, an erkulj. Suilahle reaaril for return. John I ei it. A I EW inuie of Ihe khi luity In k eti lia.e not hrrii ivru away. All slid pay our dollar, whether in ail vauce or arieais, will rrreive a taker A nice buuKjr will he given ay fire FUR SALE - at aiu tiou at the court house dour in Monroe the Mil day ul Srptriulier, t fine nurrrl mare, tiv years old, the properly of the late J. I). Kushini;. E. I. Worlry, Ailmr. (1ST- olJ hat pill Hetwern Tymlall platt and Camp t.ioiind-a Finder will be rt-ij- ullic-e. LOST- l ast Sunday inorunir, he twern J. E. V. Austin's resulriire and I'rebliylrnan chilirh- Ixo tlul dii'n'f. capa. Ketiiru to this ullire and Kct tuituhle reard. ANTEU-To ijood men lo wurk llie iuMiiaut-e. Will paynaUiy, luion llrlit-volrnt Life Insuiaiiit' to. NOTICE is lu-reliy i:nt-u that a cash di-pont is iripiirt'd at time td sit - UliK for all work at Hale's gallery. No eirrptioti will he made to Una rule regardless of financial standing. T?OK KENT 3 room cillae on nil- lege Rtieel. W. M.l.ordou ASON'S Fruit Jaisuud Ituists' urn crop turnip seed, at Siiupstiu's h ug store. BLACK male pig impounded. The owner can get it by paying for llus notice and calling on Chas. Jours uii Mr, Ed Stewart's farm. "Have You Started Home?" ' No; I have been here all day and have just ftarted over to Hill & lovens' to do tny little traJing. I cia get better bargains over there than anywhere else in town. "You see those (ellows started out to selling real cheap in order to get a trade worked up and then when they got a good tiatle from nil ovtr the county they did not Free lee water and good order on Cough s excursion. S. R. Doster has just received lot of-nice Hams. and will not go tlsewhere. "A great many think their ad 'Hello, Kill! I'm going with verting in the papers is their my best girl on Cough's Hapid Uest advertising, but I am suie t.'i.. n ... xi-: ..... . . . . v . .- riyer to iiiniiigiou tngtisi .int. Come mid go. If you don't you'll always regret it. Just think, only 1.75 round trip." You Can't Beat Me in flour, coffee, sugar, molasses, candies, elc. The most complete line of tobacco in town; any price; only one quality that is the best. Best vinegar 2oc. per gallon. Two loc. bottles fresh EAGLE EXTRACT I ?c. Have you tried "Our Wend" Coffee? If you havn't, try a pound. Those who use it are still praising it. Force, Grape Nuts, Postum Coffee, Oat Fakes always fresh. Everything guaranteed to ev erybody. Prompt delivery. Bring your country produce here (or best price. Respectfully, W. A. STEWART. Phoot soi, their goods and prices advertise them more extensively than any thing else." What better advertisement do we need than the above? Yours truly, Hill & Bivens. LlfaE A NEW of the latest styles In Fobs and Broach Pins In Solid Gold, Hold Filled and 5terllng Silver at prices to suit everybody. Now Is the time to get one that is new and up-to-date- THE W. J- Rl'DQE COHPANY, M t AMI EN in town stop at VV Cale lor a nice meal or i rices to suit K. K. Walkins, Manager. EACHEKS WANTED. We need our prices are as low as enn bo found any where for goods ol h' s-nuf quality. But don't believo it just bec-m e xve say so: we invite inspection and coaipruison and will be satisfied with your decision. We arc constantly adding attractions to our stock. The latent n lo of r v?, nobby i things in Ladies' Neckwear, Table and 3 Sofa Pillow Covers. Girls and boys goin-i away to school will 0 find new fall goods a da pied to their wear, t and anything you i.ccu ,u not weather 1 goods dt almost your own price. If you don't bciiove it just try us: we are deter mined to clean up sto:k ?'cr fall. Xaee SZj Xee. .INSURANCE. No Stioi:tr l-vry in the Scuth. ;oooooooo I 9 uur Line: I". The Peoples' Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ .it.-. IK-alth. Accl- Ji'iu I i : .-ui r . riiitedla.ts, iintl Toiler. Surety lio n!-, on shoit notice. -!. J to iti-J. Bank, Agt. W.K. OOHDOK, Kjnaser In.nranct Department. 'COjC-OOO00CJ '.','''?':" v.' " - ' ' "OS ' V ' ' ' '' ''' ' t j ' '. j Do You Know What H. Does? TEA at fall schools. Good imsitiotit ale licinc filled daily by lis. We are recemiij, more calls litis year than ever liefer. Schools and culler supplieil mill teachers lice ul ru.t. tnt lose ilanp for reply. Ami Kit s ItArtiESi Assot UTliK, J. L. Uraliam, I.L. 1)., MaHict-r, ljs- 1 54 Kamlolpli HIJ R, aleiiiplni, laut, ANN1NG "oLTl lT Tlis Knit C'anniiii Outfit is the clieapssl, most conveuieut aud reliable- rsinur on the iiiarket, Everything complete lor only 5 oo. l or sale hy J. U. Benton, Monroe, N. C . CAKKY everything you have iu old Iron to J. D. Parker. REMKMIIEK the best iiimIs in tl.a citv are sold hy Cadieu & Wal lace. Phone 30, COWS AND CALVES I OK KALI'. Eive or n young Jf 1 ey u ilk row . for sale; also four younc Jeisty lifif- eis, from Petli'ays ir;itt-red hull I . II. Simpson. WE deliver lie to 0111 culolilil any hour uislil or day 111 cae ol sickness. Phone ,h. Cadieu A Wallace. EM EM HER you can get the host fresh meal al J. I). Paiker'i mar ket. Phone No. 91. 5 -piirj" Do You Know What M. Does? 0 Ihe Slur 3 lCC- CV ' H lllldl. 5 lLLLL I . " X $ Tin: !vi".i-'! ky iN'nrnTt:. g I CURE ';':!,'V-,:'K;,-S;':,. .A, 6X)CX'X)00CXXXXv.K.VXVXWVXCK ilMtj hi 111 in 1 1 11 11 11 f r ' iTriiinrrT-nTTrrBrMaiia Whn Toa Buy a Watch MCE MEAL maybe had at the nod coo Watkiui HEN you want Ire phone 3'). Star Cafe, Good cooks and inn service K. K. Walkins, .Manager. UfHEN you want Ire phone Prompt delivery and honest weight Cadieu & Wallace, OK KENT. My four-room house on College itreet. Mrs. A.Levy. H you desire pure Ice, com bined with honest weights and prompt delivery, phono 3C). Cadiku & Wallace Farm Lands for Sale on Time. Mf tiHiw f in nnrr of the' HnpsTtorrmif i of I'niiitt NMinu , I r., mail in in- -niw itt-r In Thr Kiuii, .in h1 Tnil r.iniity. i niiiittrmtr of W H H-ir. I i.laliitiff . mut Hi- and iiihrro. ht tm-Nl Ian f W R Hlv,arrilfTntUiil. Th Kavlntr-, Rtul itH-aru. m til, mi ii fim i. m.t m Saturday, Sept- 19. A. D., IW, at th rtitirt hme dianr In Nmtrt, N V .airaln tnt ! a travt of Unit (rrtlipd fail low' l.jrlnff ami laftntf In 1 nlonrsnnty,Ntali'"f norm I anMiiw, aiarwiiTitii- iiu'iiii, mi snr- atr of iJinM rrwh, lunVl on IFtt north hy V. H. ftimtwiiti'i Hnvrro' tract, on th ra-t th taint 41 TttiM. r. Ha-tv.on the amtth !r K Hmit'i homf tmHinow In v Urrk MaalTl.nn th tl hy th Ion of htm Mnitwiinill!.N. MmiMon Iftnd atorMahl (Hntatninit M rrm morr or . M land bring mta u tijrt tn wiihit rurni m oowtr. Ttrm (f Orre third eh. rf matniW-r t tw furHl hr bond with ant-nivH aurrllrs pstyaMp flvr month fmn 4"' Mk.thr Milr ta i lm nMrTNl unlll alt Mrha mon whall hmvr hrfti paid; th laud tw-lni mA to fml a re wnere wnn tn par 1 n'finmivrsw oi U Mid fMlAi1. in I AUfUsi 1 1, iws THK AVINt.N. l.OAN THI ST CO, By AHamt. Jmtrr A lrmlW"li and ft.C. Uluai, AUya, L?4yj mi vi:i.s l:l; sr 6 I L1NBHGK, Monroe, N. C. I Jeweler, I HMWLUitri." njtHuvmoMwm fiat1 iirtiirtrtiiiraiiMit'iiiiiMiitiiii!!MtiMri'i.iiiiiiiiiii:iii.tiMniMiiiiMiMi ' o it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m IIIIIIUllllllHlklllUUItliUIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII-:illiluiiiloiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiii, W. s. i$lakiim:v, t resident. A. M. MACK, Ice-President TMK J. k'AY.-lOND SMLTE, Cashier. Bank oi' Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A modern banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business. i Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and put interest on them. imnMiiintmiimiiHimnrmrmiwiiirimisimitmnH IUUllUIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrllIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIiMIHH4Mll "Let the COLD DUST twln do your worlr"

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