It J Dune So.-iie Hunting. 4 The Klu.l You Have Always Bought, anil whieb. hiu heieta io u for o.-r :5( -.far, haw burn the s,ijnatiir of and lia bn nuule uiuU-r hl prr- V y jiy .y --y, Minal MipwMtm iie IN Infain-y. CMtVia Allow tiitlet-fiie vmi lu thirl All Counterfeits Imitation, ami MJit-a-riwMl,iir hut EviHTliiirnlt that trille with ami ruilangi-r the heullh of luiuuts tuiil CUililn-ii-l'xiTii'iie an'aiu-t i:iHTiuieuU What is CASTORIA Caitoriu i a liaraiit Kiibstitutt fur t'ttor Oil. lVre Itorie, Propi ami SihiI liimr Sni'i. It Is I'leu-mit. It t-outuiii luitliir Opium, Morphine imr tillier Niii-i-otii uhMam-r. Imo'h il-ciiiir.inlei'. It dotniH WuriM unit nihil t'i'cri-hin-. Ic rurrw ltiarrhtra uiul Wiuil C'olio. It ivli-tc Tii'tltin-j Tmubli', iure fon-ii pat toll MDil FUtiiit-nt. It a-.iniilaL-i llif I'immI, rvKiilate the tSUuiiarh nml ltim ls liealili.v ami naturul tiloi-p. The I bililreu's luiiai'ea-Th Mm Iter' t rli-ud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ! Fngineer and I ircmarl killed ' Tryju, AUjT. 1.1. - A through frelt-lit tin- third mi I loll ! : N.i. lniu AJwvitUr to Sartiu s Inirg. ft. t.. nu away mi Sjlinla , Mi.iiulaiu at 1 . iu.. Io l.iv. l'lie i-.IIik-ami I i i .il rai Win , an-vlail mar Mi'lnw. IherAul l.v wbi-rv Fiiineer TuiwtaU' tram wo rnLnl wirial ao. 1 -iij.!iw and 11 c.u an . .. ......i i ...11...1 .... ....i ilt-moii-beii ui tin- nil. lliimi i 4 S-!t" 1 111 : 'J. 11. Auril.Jr., of .l-ilie. and :''- !T "' -I' b!.. ,!. warnm! Kin-mail ll.tir. ol .-ln llle. an- l '.i: ! :e i":i 1 .i -he him i, t, IV! 1 c.r Ji'i-.u-cb hunfuj," IK., ! ' sd Fe!i Fib. h nj!J ij.iO a'i' an af:rihtie n;'!. I uvib.i. vtril tim- ! Ie only t!. )':-. fr.:i. i ti. Vets !u h.rd- ;1 liufi i!nixt-. i n ' i...!.s ijji: . I u is Li.i 1. 1 t!ic :!! I tie u u di-mcss. i' a cajiii fui.i .i ikiiii-; vn- kiiliil. and an- uiuU-r tla- m ka. ami i-.iniK-t U-toimil iintd tln-ni I. ii!i'anilaa. Iliaki-man W. Ii. 1 Sin-nil. ol Smaiiuanoa, lia (! Ii l.-jr l ilt oil. ' FiiCimt-r Am-i :ll ! a hitlil juiiii tnaa. '.' imi- ! a-. a mhi .tt'...ini-!.l. II. Aii-iiII. '! liail.- tun. I.iMu-i. iiixt li-r. ;! and ln littli- ilii.dn-ii. luotiiii and itrrs aiv ! iul'uc tin- Muiim.-r at S.iiml.i. illiin tlinv iui1n ..t Iii-iv lit-nut In- iiiilltm lx di-.l I . Hi' tai-d on h i-nim- itli tin t.iitliliil liri-inan. a!l lu'i'miM to I'liii k tin' ji-d ol lln- Irani i III I In- i-giin Imii !. d linn. A I t.i tnn.m.ix t:,i.'i a d M. ln-i-. ll.o o ialoi. .1. . Ili'.i:ii'i l. ran out and Kin-man II. i ! tlin n ln h:iii'l- and iiii i-l. 1 1 i: I 1 1 , lamtid. mliirtur ll -u- and i FU.iian Hishoji and Ward -ir ' iinliiiit. captured :-i t!:l i i i ii s:w. I. A- tn- .i l (Hot ire'-t. i i' 1 1 i t! U. 1 c. a. .. I . v i i!i;v, aiij sunc t. li i isc-. I !ic i '. it y t il' t .! .ii. i il.c luot nx.'.c i t -.1 Jjw ii i n , : ... u' ait . n I ' u- :ii t... ri v .et i. -.a t . 1 1 .'ill I to- a Si! .-t tli uf a k i; t '. i i ! 't '. - t ! I .:!-. !l !li- tl.i i S .- 1 I. .k U. !. Ii- ..i.i !..t t Kt.unJ A: lain- nil Hay tiu..Ui;h :i I.. an t i rii i;u l!i-ii-. I .!!ci. !i'.l lnv-1 i '.I ..i;i.-! a i' k id ,:.! Iiviats . i it., m tii' ! -;t a t h tli p.. k. I A Ih i! i i t:.j ..iiiii u I I . 1 1 iu: i ! t :v.t '.i a bun. Ii i it i-J.'.l i i a lll.;. !l ixlt.T l'o!ltC- mm Will positively cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00 PitMd SUM ud Sravtl With Exerutiitinj Paint A. H. Tl)unil, Mgr. 1'ilU Cretk Cof Co., Pufilo, O., mritrc Mt htrt beea iftlicltj with k.Jnev and hUJJer tiouhlt lorrtr, pi. In (ravel or tioats vittt ncrutntirc paint. Other medicines only lrclkf. Afttr tkin FOLLY'S KIDNEY CI HE tbc rtuh ia aurpritin(. A hw doses surtcd the hrkk dut, like fine stones, etc., and now I have na pain across bit kidnevs and I K-cl like a aew maa. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $ 1, 000 worth oljood." Io Olhir Rtmidy Caa Compart With II Thot. V. Carter, or Ashhore, N.C., had Kidner TrauMt and ne bottle or FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE cnVcttd a perfect cure, and he says there if to remedy that will compare with it. After I'.iKhteen War I reedom. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. r suamaw ccr. ! tn m. I Fstahlinhed l?7J liKorimratcd I"!! Carolina Marble and Granite Companu rt-ni m.ii.i'.i llu- Ii..ii-.- .'I i.Mrv Km in. la J.'liiiii. ii.-ar Hn. k SlmaU. V.nlkiii r.mnlv. i d in lln- d i 1 1 lit.- In!.-1 Ii.' I uiii'y wi.-auay ti.iiii lioini'. and i"l.l-d .I a lot .-I 'l.ii "ii. i.k.i! and . T ! i i llu..,;-. ii-.n i.'ii i. :. .I upon .. in i I'.. in t i.pi a -..ii.Ii l"i ll:i-j-t.'!t-ii am. a- t.M'iili'il ill. , ii in li. ' posM-Moll. II"' .l!ll.'d III id kin Sii i lor t '.nu . r.'iu i. t.-.l iii d vliti'tiiiil t. Io in l!i' 'in t.'iili.m. An.i mi v iii' l ii nu - .if III- -ll'.-l'.-l' In' III l. If Ii.- ai- i-. and lur I x. 11-Itr h i- U . u hid h 1:11.; and ilinli.'!! n. nn pi. i.- to (, plan'. I. i-l .'. k l.t'.'ii;.' and l"in (; i M i i-li.i i 1 .a pt ii i .-. I li:m an.l i ai ind iii iii k to i;. ii. uii. inii- in' .ii ( -iii' tin- n-iii.iiii.i. i .'I In- trim. t:. 11 It". .11 the alk. t-.; i- ; . i . t ..t !i l . n u. 1 : i i i 1l , h.ii.i - ti. it I tn ir. N .h h id in r bull ;i,i aiuul Ivt k., I I'. ii' 'll t ; ',;,.l' i Ml ill I. . ti c ; i -.'c .11 t.i I -. t- tu l!.u;i: itt'-t in what iii- ' ! , lit" -' :. i i .t .i t ui- it k. s t'.i.d a ut-i-iii n. a in 'i. til. - tint In I '.J ; : li.. i i: t i .i ! ...- t I'ullv of I'lofanitv- tli l ie l i .tii. ie it (i l ., ,1 ' i Our bit-meiM b. Monr and w n at ny ) ir.l in the ! Wc h.i c ; rfi'ri and w.- t!:.- .1:- N i i i i h va . . r Wc c in ii'.ikc i i b t Caii !. r i!' ' an. n i'ti in ire . .-n I than hand a: IU W .Hi. I sh u; ! in s.i!i(,i-t.'ry : tii.e a sto. k 'ci';.ul h. itiiio i-;ei.i" I" is cm be f.. 'iiiiJ n.i-.'Mic designs. Ahout Jur lutv. n.s tieeJn: any tiling in ui:r s...t the j'! i.'c j .in are id K, C, Me I.) j .iy. ay what rltirii ..t' thr in,; to :! oil t I i.t.-. I lirir l i t I hi- M-iiln t prmvrdi ii;-. .ui.' i-1- thr J..II lll.ll. it I'Vrl'y " ill, Ii nr a- i:; ir lilt u- In1 I- t' ' ill. I l.r !r . ! !!: l-lll n u. I. ir.l iiiid i ..ii ; I And a- ' -ri' it. - mil. h .1 duly t.. thr x,i;. t Kit. ll h thr in i i 't . il .1 !, i 1. r it ii. .i t 11. 1 1 i. 'iue leii...; i.i in ur.l . ci !l :.l t:i it '.!. Cii; i -i .. d'tri t a ill. I mil i I v : : I t .ir t . h !he ... t ( I a ! .e a. pr i ii . s i Imite :' iK.l, ti in', r. ii. r I ilia is .. i;..t I iihi-t .. -.11 in ir. r i Mil I l.ii:'.;; tr.iil.' ai ir ti; it SOLO IKD RECOSEXENOEO BY -CN. SIMPSON, .in. ..Ill t n i a ii Larolina Marb . i-:. i:i"iki, Mm, Yards at Matt -v in. iuii 18 2 no Gran its Co,, Moskoi:, x. c .-iirv, N Tth Wiikcsboro, and Minn'f. ' and duly ui i- i iy '.."1 md i ip.i I'ir I'll l.'.-ii t" rrlrl-r tlirllht .'I -nltia-r by i.i.-tiii.' In- ballot I'l ell IX rlrrtl.'ll by tin- p'r; mi. loo, it I- t in- duty ol'i-M-iy jj.i..i i ilirii tn thr Stair as a pilot-liriiri-- r.iii.'d upon tn do -o uu lrv -oinr pun id-lit lal hliidl.iiiir roli.r- hi hi- a . t! 11 l; t. : i. ll . i I I.. it i. t ...111 tj I 11 li.e 1 e . .iriviii 1 li.i ii.i'! it i .!,,, U b.i AUGUST TERM. 1903, Union County Superior Court. JUDGE CHAS. M, COOKE, Presiding. li. I' itv .:.. 1.. uinie tt.'.it.i i i t . i !'i' i i ti.. : I i. ,i It mt . ; a 1 j; Ili it h ibit s. lu.., It li i- eiii't.iil) i-l a .i.!i ,il!h.Hi,li Hull'.- o .mil. t ..i I i-e ai: . tie to .K-i' t it an . :..t i t it. A - ... .. IU A , j!',V I A S A , .l' A . ,n, I l A. A W A .V FIRST WEEK. Mond.ty. August 2-iih. .1. w. i . 1. 11?!: r. i'. ;i-'i i. . r Yu ..I -Irlli- A P., ;.n i I'.. II i Aim r. 'Hon Mill. ; K A S V, . ,r A... I A t, ji,. W t. A.I! ':,, -ii. i,:l, I!. A I'r.iiik I r.n.k .Hi, I : ... , . A . I. A A , I . iiiinoiid, V an I S .. Malt' i . .1. t SECOND WEEK. ' Monday. August 31st. i.r. sioi.,:i 11 :h- .bin Crook l-t ti. 11 I'-l-uok- Tuesday. August 25th. v. A "A". , u, s ! 'H A. A -I. uiul Slum Si.i. 1, ; ''1 It. A I . unit I.. A S '. t.,J A A. nnd W S. I., li.ri.iiiy l i ...I M.- I'm-.. .11. I'. 1'iir.M't. ill. .I. ill. ak in ! ! ll H It m ell.e i", 'in-, ti,. I.i Hi i: in ,i st..!i u; 1 1 i . . -h ";l'.-.l t I.i t tin tt'in- s ii. p. - ( ii - a- -t.l'.i I ,lt til Ml- iitial i nly and inity ' .i paily i ( lour in tl. n.l and i - e t!u ir 1. i:it 1 !h ,: ti.evrivis had ,.i..! sit Hiet st !e . I I.-.if, S n !, "Let N ', u my iii.iti!' 'iutl tii.l I at man tie in .ii t i . Juu t.i .1 w A.,.1 A A j?i It. A .- A. A ' A. A "l 1!. A iiii.I II. A I A.,.1. A A A A A. A "l A. A W. nml i: iUI A A. I ..I. W. A ami ' II M. Hio.1- VH. I'all.toii. i'k... VI . Tiionia- l.ov.' . t. nU. .ii. .1. r'ii'om I'. M. MihV M. W. l..vA Co. ll. A. II iiiiiltmi. Wednesday. August 26th. Il.-n-y Ap.. iftirtlii' Si,h' ("o. is. li I .N'-ii-oiiii'iiU'l.l.ll Timlin!.. s r ,1., M. i, iii A. A W. II. it S , A. A W... Illlii vi. S. II. Aol.r..ok-. Tuesday. September 1st. l'ho. ll William ol II. I. Iti'lf'TH ! ' ' ) honu .i.Jjv in nint; him, but SH I.I ,i iiL.ti n tli d A. A J.nn.i I... ..N.irn and Milton biii' ...M. II. Will, lord i t nl. I-lllltloH, Hlld It. S A.,.1. A A. nml Wi It. A S M A., .1. A A. mi.l W ,la illmin-on. It. 8. mid A. A W II C. Moor,.. Triwt... in Uniik- iiil'li y of Vi w.inii., A Tlioniiix 40 v. A. A .1 (i. t Nan, ,.. Thursday, August 27th. . M.tori'. TniHtti' in itmik. II. A f. and A. A W. 41 A. A J ..II. rnpti-y nl Ni'wminif. A Tliniiuiii Mm. .1. II. TIioiiioii, wifi ol .1. K. Tlii.iinu.. R. A Sum lliiinliri. k J. C. Martin Ilulf.iiir Uuarry Co. A., I. A A It. V.. I,iu.n rf. uln. 4 v. R. A S I no. M. Au-lin. A., J. A A (i. I. Itrm.m, Kmi utnr of II. I;. Kti-wiirt Lernmonil and St.-v.-im . It. Stenart .'t. ak. A. A .1. nn. I Slum'. I. .'llllHOt. C.-. II. A S ...T!ioiiiii 1'. I i i li ui (i. al. ..Cuff 1 lnv, iii, ,ir. ,,f -,,.r Tlin-mt i ...S. A. I.. IliiiUay i o. .,. a ...All. ii , i.iii tt lie t ; i-i.l .: fr mm rhi.ri li oi.e : !k did li. -t want "V. s," VM'il tlu lie -.1 i:i 1 i;. '. lu r latin r'.s c.insent l'iie tn .ii w is liapi y until In- .'i-,Mle,l in .t day I, is .1,1. Ie. I line's (.tint had bei n ,. a 1 i yt ,ir- and had lived a wii kid lif-; 1! rs w is a cute way r.f ti-llti-;: him t o- 1 1 ll . ..T. .1. J. li. Iiiiniioii. II Simii Inn.' nn, 1 .1. T. Sliul.. A, J. A A 47 It. A 8.- A , J. A A 4 R. A 8 4V A. J. A A. and Shuw. Friday, August 28th. Iillia A. Itarref t T.JaSliaiinon and R.T.Hurrptt K. C. KitWI li. I'. KoImumo. R. A S 60 A., J. A A. and V.. M 8trena. Vernca lluntlcj t't al. r.. A. I., lfailwaj Co. rt al. ..................... Jii mi T. Fumhrbark Ilurriiw "rij k-r, W. V. Plyler Saturday, August 29th. i Thomaa I.. Davie .........J. K. Auntin. Wednesday. September 2nd. I! A 8 II. li. I...,.r i A , J. A A It. M A., .(. A A. ami W (', N. Sinn.-oii it v.. " A S J, A.SMon, J. K. WilliHin. R. A 8 w. ).. ,. v.. A A A 1 1 ,i ii.-v 1 1 .-I it. al. Thursday, September, 3rd. A lUipi.vt v. C. II. A limn. I. W. killoiitfh A Soim v. II. K. l.nhK. HihmI A Watt v.. N. 8. .Miittlii'n. Friday, September 4th. Martha Sviik'l.'y .....J. fT CriH.k. ..K. A. Iminnnd Dr. W. l"il.'iii ..J. E. Iatilf ...Mutual Innurnii.i'.ii S. Y ...Julia linrri'tt v. ,..T. J. Shannon. . .Carrie Crowder . .Cb.rlM Crowdw. R. A S m A , 4. A A It. i S llil'li llnrriH l'niniond 71 A..J.A A Stpveim.. A., i t A and W A..J.A A s R. A 8 I., and A., J.AA.amlW 74 J. A T A.,J. A A R.A8 Idt A 7 Saturday, September 5th. Motion and trials by consent. Cawa not rwln'd on dai -t for trial will be tried aa aooa as marhwl. W'itnmm nrad aot attend until day ret for trial of raani ou which an .ub,ea.ed. . A. ARMFIELD, C. S. C. ; Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hat stood the test 25 years. Average .Annud Sales over Om onf a HrfeMIinoti bottles. Does this record of merftappedtoyoa? Ho Care. No Pay. 50c wiiih f wvm m m im xm pnx ai Qrowrs m ilooc uw mav Uone Htvns, Itching, Scabby ftwrtllnc -:rMi& It rttttp Krntrttlat rrtt:, :.: t .or. lt7.Ut.i U '!,'.. ii t I li.m. If I'.rNtl l t;,n a ',' l'n.'. , 4 k ,1, Jfy.Hktri i- t'i m i lih'i'i,!i 'jr I !-.. it t.j .jj K-l-tT I i " I f . J I. . f ,t. n t.lamJt, U m-K li ! r t, i-.m; vt . r. :.. rc.f-ii.itia, '.-fr -r- ,.f ii ftl'.f f-,- . .TtS. s -sir.: -at !, f rtt.-tjt, ti -(!! f rut ur t t"... jiw wt if- triM' rati ,t.f ont. CkfWin Vtnr loi,s,.tL Botan.o Efvd Brim, puaranttcd 1 n' trw -ritatmliu 4tl itn w IkPr tf''i.i mm ...;r ,.,.m,i, ttJt II trTTl. (4 ;tftl. '..ii Ilal!i,f1ii: ffll!ns, rtikk't ti -1 t- it t r- ti t-'. If '.wn bt M.r u.lf I . -i. n. al;. f v n-li'i w i, a K tM' ur- 4 ti, .atfi.'tMl. mi-uI iiiiMttl'varxjiaffvu fcXUf trirhinaj I'Kltt Mif-. tX4 ltt.ruuttlwmt Dtdrrtt, T.rrrtmm rnM fcr " V I n,i,li.. . of tU bii. n n. B-tto-H in: s tii4 f'dt "c, iihtng nit i-r: ' ing, tt;r a J; unTWstm, !!.; I i.j ti.t .!. S. .i.r, rr- .A.o'xt, Watery ftlUMrtt, f; r:-Tt: atK-ftor E-!i".i i; 1J ftTUif ft VUn LkMliLf takiivt tsll-.f MftffHHtSlit, Cancer Cured iVrnl ft;m4 t. tart taMi-ri of 1 Kpau, fttitt.nimi.nff e;iir;i aUt ttT iV.r. , J rt ntif I Hr it t Hl.4rf Ki nft..4 l,4-LHi.iM jt w fan -f rf"ril, ( jo Uare- a t.riu-r4 rrnil'K S'!. T-.uvs tVwrt.;tii, S ,n. ' t Cunt, tAk UUmt J. ii n and t,,rym.A iirxrt I an Vhrf JrWUip kfrtOt iHf. Uhf tV'll'ttilr Iwibi erusai UI U C I (4.4 I Vwy n aWKtir fi r l. f ms (Irucel'f, ..lks si -l.-ftieNl, l.nmt niaiJ UianiIl.l.ll.)i.lwHtarf( rha lb n:t 4jjaintUr l4ke, t mmt i.rr4 yutat thaoaey U4 jwtwptyiinrf Jq m - tV4ari r--.ini m.r.r. u r'avn iMt.'lol . 1 . r .'-1 u, -rrr.rra, inio.1 nf r .-j p tttiie i,-rr ici, f"iritrt .y Wi k lie rt 0-4 V. k t-4, e-rwaj aj-(wa, T 't.II Ft. ah. PaaiaMi I Wm4 t rrm ht 'itin i..,- n,!in f . AiiU.'.t:.. 1sm.ii' wr-ij trut. r.titd ajww-.wi ft p, aWruM, U tut M SdJ by C N. SIMPSON. Jr atoax ike txraaS 4t hvaaOa hwi A Negro Commit Suicide -. ! -'-.r,, 11. ,. I.i-l Thursday aftrrn.x.ii John l... kliait. i-oloiiil, a'iil iilHint t.i yi'.u. I'onitnitliil Rnicuti' at Ihr li' ..I ( hai I. - Tillman, colored, w ho lni. on tlir AiiMiiivillo road. Iir null- fioni (own. lax-klnirt w.iit to Ti'linan's lions, mid told in- w in' i narirswas not ur noinr , that lir had Mi-ii a liii-i rattb1 -nai.i' a -hoi I di-taniv from III Iii.ii-i' and ii-krd her to let Imii lni" a elm i.i kill it with. Tin Woman ;lli' hi in In-r hii-band' -nn and wrnt bark in thr lioll-r for h.'i Uniiirl. iiil.-ndiiii; to p with l.oikliait to vi-In in kill thi'sniikr A--.Mm as ihr woman tinned h. I.ii k l.iH-kliait pl.i.r.l tlir butt oil tin' uuii nain-t a small piiii- tit woo.i in thr .ii il and tin' innle aain.-t In-l.-tt lni'.i-l. 11.11 inn al u- iiiy i-oi krd tlir jrnii. In' lln pii-iii-d thr tiij;-rr with a stick h In 1.1 in Ins hand. ills, lnirein it anil sriidili Ihr rlillii' load of -.puirel -hot lhroii''li his brail killing him instantly. I.'.kll.lll - II Will Of 1 ill I. .K, thr old hl.u'ksniitli, and I- I'ral. d in thr nrlllbol h.h.d whi-i'i. In- k 1 1 It'll liiuM'lf, but had In rii andri injj iiimiiid tlir i-oiiii try about Io M ars, He bad only ii Iiiiin d lionir Ihr d iv Ih'IoIi' III li.Uiilv. l.'H khait, a -holt linir iH-forv In Kill. it innisell, tili'il tn rt a jjllll lioiii Ali. S. . lilarkliiirn, wli br- .in Mrssrs. V. IS. and W. IC l. 'i kh.ut- plarr, but thai gentle in in n-lii-i-d to I. I Imii hiivr it. N in known wliv Lockliart should have taken his hie. Th.- Idea of Culture. ., - .I. t iir i. tr.i oi i-iiiini-r has iiiwavK uu iii.lril a ipiii k and w ide s nipii Hi' Mitlitnrii; it -li.iiild hrrriill. in. indr svn.piilh w ith initiiri', and piiilii'iil.ii.v with its living I'orms a -yin pal by b.ix-il on sninr ui-i-tiiati1 . I... 1 1 an. hi i.( iiatiin. 'I In- iHMik "ini, llii' isolated stndriil, ha.- li. i rr bifii tlir I vim' ol' fill' ctilti mill. SiKirtv ban MTiiii'd tli.' tit .it srttini; t'..r the I'llltlMit I prison, man or unman; but tin1 pir-rnt i-.incrplion of real ('111(1111' contains not only u lai-jri' dci'loio i, unit ol' thr-oi lal I'l' liirnl, bill also .in rtrn-i.iii ol' interest and ivver .in.- t.i Ihr animate (Trillion unit to those immense forces that m-l ihc r.ulhly st, ),-( for man and nil relat eil beings. "Strength ami vi(;or come ol ijoodbioit, duly digested. 'Force,' a te.ijy-to setve wheat and barley ( " 'd, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." Miss Hurry wit the Iradinc mil Imrr of the town. She bad uu un usual stork of bats unit triininine;s lor tlir. pi iii' frade and sho giwe the I. H-iil paper il bulf ap ml. Tin-nliior K'uve her a nioc write up and added: "We hit glad to -ir her alockinj; up." There was eoii-iilellilc miMiiidcrstuiidiii re (,'anliiii; llit iiiriiiiiuj of thut wn triii-r and tbc editor went oil to the Spi injjs for a rest. Pawn Broker's Clothinjr. S'fictly sanitary.all wa il, men's, youths and boys coats from 5;c. to 1 2 oo. Good enough (or any one to wear. Coats out of $io and J :o suits. Come and see me ai.d I will save you money on our clothing. Only io minutes w.i.k (ruin and northwest oi the cotiit house. J. H. Huston, Monroe, N. C, 200 gallons of 5 years olJ triple strength pure apple vinegar for pickling at Mow s. Go tj Flow's for 5 years old pure apple vinegar. Sale of Land. Hi . .toif uf. .l, ,,f Ini rin:iil1 tn W F I..I.W.H1 k " s' HrlM. t.lM im-I. - sv IW..1 . nl .l.ilv r,.ritTra In Oh- mIHiv ktfl Irr of Ihwl- ..f I iii..n.-rtinrv.l.l,t4t ,tl irvai s-t..if m.itr t. n-urr H.Mr 1t ,4i. H. Hul. inwii lit mil.! f. . Hlm, I .III.ihi 5aturday, Sept- Sth, 190J. ll l..ll. hlh,-. l.l.l.lrr. at lh man lnv il.Mr in,. .1 ....n, (til. Illi.lne d rit--. Inn i4 Un.l: I .li.e una l-invin nnlf t'ntnnuiil tut Narth rarolii.t l..inine I..mI. i.T W. I.. Huwl . ft I K,.l,.n.m tn.l ,.thpr, Um.tlt-1 mm (Mow: alMnlii.l M In W I.. How-n-. r-iwrr. and run. a s lliinai lri .tali 1. H,.l. lln nr n. M.a.lhnrv aliMie lh v-si'l W . ira r. U p.Im b. .n Im. titta In lh .,l .ti.1 an ihr iiorlh ia. priM. riw1 ; thviMs S K It .l. I., an Iran .lata .4 l.,rfe. wf ihr roa'1 . Ihrnrv N II W . H p..H-. I t Um and trMt .lkr hy V O . then. SMa W t.l. n. a .Lmm hy n. .ml na ola Un . Ihnr I". W 11 u. . .t.uw. 1 Im.h mum n',lt a i,l- i a "'.ll f 0 and mm. . ihe.M-. a K axlr. t.lh hwl.nlna.ff.Ni iMinoMt ta-vntt auU, lia itih iS. vr.-. In natl'fv th -Irr .BlrloVed ,.( im.-i w. f. K" .HISMN.Tra.u. J.u Until. ua FOIlBIlOimMAR I FOLmilOaH'HCAR The Wingate School offers eirelleot oppotluuities to buys and Kills prrparine, tlirmselvri tor col- let, for i'lisinen or lor the practical duties of life. I.asl year about to stu deuts prepaied at miie were iu the viiniua collrcrs of the SUte. The pitnmaiie oi last session came from lb counties. There were enrolled ivi students. V ire than ri of tbrse were boarders. Kor tborouch work and for .put In. Ir and freedom from leumt tioiis Wun;. le i uul to lie surpassed Our music tacihtiea are exceptional rail icon npeni July i;th. Write for uew catalog ue. M. B. DRY, Prin. Waxhaw Instituted WaxhawjN. C. tinlargements Made or Manned I. Tilth Teacher Added Io Faculty Mist Kliabrlh llrowiiinK Cheart of Kim City, N. C, stuilrut thtee )ear al fijptist I ruule I uu.-l-ily. K4I null, 11 t.i assist iu y and Intriiiiedute !rpai tint tits. Miss Chrars i-oiiii s highly recommended as 1.1 spintual, 111e11t.1l and .other c.uipiiirul. II. New IVpiitmrnt Miss Cheait mil probahiv lake a (null dust iu hipretsion. She Kradnated 111 Fa presnon at II. F. I', iu May II!. Correspondence Couite. Foolish Literature. IV. Summer St hool fin i'y.. Work coniniou and Illlii s hool branches For infoi tnalioo write J. K. WAI.KEK, Waxhaw , N. C. Notice of Admietratiou. Having tins thy tpuhhed brlore F A. A i n i tit-1 .1 . Link Superior Cuuit, ai aJiiiimslrator of the estate of Flua belli Darkness, deceased, all persons linliliiife' claims against said estate are hereby notified Io present the tame to the undersigned administrator on or before the uth day nl July, 1904,01 this notice will be pleaded iu bar of Iheir recoveiy. IVrsout indebted to said estate aie notified tu make inline diale payment and save costs. 1 Ins June 27, mo). I. M. IIAKKbV, Administrator of F.h-ibrlh llarknesi, dee'd. Redmne A Stack, Attys n Residence I'hone, No, Having located in Monroe offers his services to the town snd surrounding country. Diseases of the stomach and boweli a specialty. Otlice over Hie W, J. Rudge Co.'s book stole. Calls answered in the day from the Fuglitb drug store or residence, at night from residence. Notice. S. A. STEYENS, M. D. mdnr:!-, s. c. !.E. NAEE,Xe; ViRTW I'AKo! ISA. 1 In Nni-.Tt.-r rnn. Mm i'ui vn, t th rk. A H IUvW'hnI asiht j lUrrtftt J H wmnI j t. ltiiiTirr Hfitrlftfa nimoiil.Atii nt I -m ni mil, AusfU-lua Ha hi Jtavlr H ihH aik Ann 1 tntrr.ft I Thf tlrt'nilsiiti nlnitt tinmrd will ukf titittr that a (itf lal iTufe-fihftarfMlttlril alv ha tien iHimmtHtif t in ihr MiMTlr t iurt itf 1 nl nt tiiutiu fr the itur.. f ikariith'it.nir tilt lamta tlrvt-rtlsptl in thf jaartliinii mw nn ti In Mahl cau, In which 4nl irfrntHttt tv an tittf r"wl , ami rhr a'i1 (Vfi-inlanti will fur lhfMake nlif thai Ihrt an- rijiurl u m ("ar ai Ihr t'lrrk a t.flW lit Mniitur, N r . at Mir fniirt lii.M-f . m ihr '.".'tut itair of 'tiirniU'r, ami an"Wtr ir tVmur to the aai.l nm- (iaini i.r ttftlihiti tn aalil pr.a'fftlliiu. ur ihr iiai)iiiin win apiMjr tt irtrruri for lit rrhrf ilrniaiiitrtl in aitl mm plaint. Tlit July lh. iwt-n. K A. AKMMH It, Clrrk of thr tuiirrliir t'.iurt R. .Uliir A KlaV k At)a, Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trntikle treys upon the mind, dls- eeurs(es and laasena ambliloo; beauty, vifoc ana cneertuiness too. duappssr when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become to prevalent that His not uncommon lor a child to ba born ."afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If lha artne scalds the flash or If. when th child reaches sa SfS when It aaoald ba able 10 control ma paasafe. It it yet afflicted with bed-wetilne. awpend upon It. the causa la kidner trouble, and the first step should be towsrds the treatment oi these Important errana. Thia unpleasant trouble la due la a diseased condition of the kldneyi and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Wamen as well at men an made tnta. arable with kidney and bladder trouble, snd both need lha same frcal remedy. The mild snd the smmeditie effect of p-KOOt It soon rwtilud. ll hi sols by arufrtats. ta firry and eaa dollar sites. Yew may have a sample bottle hy mtll -w-aXM fret, also pamphlet tell- at w( all about N. Includlns; many at the thousands at letttmonlaJ lettars nrnWiad "" strffarers cured, la wrtttne Or. tUleser fe C Binrhamtoa, N. Y, be aura sad BMtUioa Uut papar. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, end the address, Uinghamlon, N Y., 00 every bottle. SEABOARD Calls answered in day fiom English AIR LINE liAILVVAY Plug Se re; at night from room 01 rr r . 1 w . . Fnghth Drug Store, phone us Olfice DOUDlO Daily SorVlCO Bet WOOa ow poitjuht-ephoiie ys. ! now York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Fointt South and West. in rrrtcr atbil i:ra, 1303. " Henry D. Stewart, M.D., H.lSKOS, N. & Services rendered promptly and honestly. Day calls fiom Simpson'i drug itore, 'phone jj; or ortr-e iu rear S0UTHvVK0 u. imiuu.1 . ii...ii.jHjti a insiiiant e 1 ofhee, 'phone i. Night rails from rev 1 1 idi-nre, phone 141. llrtice bouis io to li, a. 111. 1 i S ...1 IM It N . v I' K H ... I- I. It 1...'.. s k. . 1. - .1 I Ii. . .1. I' '.i ' 1.1 I " II. ... " K.I. I " - -.11 I li..,.. Ir l... I-.;. I Cr -' lu.- . A. I.. 11 I . '.i s JOHN P. MONROE. M. D., MONSOF.a c. Day calls answered (loin Houstou'l drug itore and otht e, 'phone i jy. Night from Commercial Hotel, 'phone Jjo. M.ML,M.D..':;;;;:-;:-r' m : ... . m 1 7 I- m , m . m WllNKDt, rl. C. , j I , . t. Solicits the patronage of the people of I .n Uiuirue and siinoiuuhiig rouiiiiuiiilv. 1 ' ' Calls answered in day fioni Kngli-h 1 Diug Store; at inglit fiom resi.ltuie I on Church street. Phone No. S. " W. HOUSTON, SUKC.F.ON 1) i: N T I ST, OlTice up stairs, FiUgrtald liuilJiug, N'oilbweat of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C, DR. B.C. REDFEARN,t uan 11HT. Cliargei Satisfac lion guar autrcd. OnVeovei Fngbdi Drug Co s MONROE. N.Q. Will be at Marshville, N. C, nu first md third Mondays of earb month, and it Matthews ou second and fourth Moudayi. I'liotie 231 .." n 1 . ii e 1 . . N A - 11 . . - l I li. MfJoaato 11.. 1 ... . . ni. . m , m . 1.1 1 u . in I! 1 a 1-1. in R. W. LDMMOND, Attorney-atLaw, will practice in all the State ami I'nit ed Statel Com is. SH'Ciall attentinn giveu to the settienieut of estates for litiarjiant, Fuecutuis and Adiniuis trators, and the collection of claim. Reasonable charges. Also agent a 11,1 loral attorney tor the faultier City Home Company, from which loam, may be ohlaintd ou real estate, tlflu e one door cat of M. L. Flow Co'i store. Phone No int. ROBT.'L. STEVENS, ittoroey ud Coansellor-at-Law, MohKoti, N. C. Prompt attention giveu to all mat ten placed iu our hands. Management ol estates lor guard Hill, iilniinistratoii aud eteeutors t iecialty. Charges reasonable. Utlire east ol Courthwuse, (lormerlt tcrupied by the late I). A. Covington E C. WILLI 4MS, Attorney and Conoselor at Lat, 9 MONROE, N. C. Practice iu all the State aud 1'uite;' Statri Couils. Prompt atttnliun given to collec tions aud general law praelire. ri'rrsons interested 111 the settle Jieiil of estates, tdininistrators, cue cutort, and guardiam are especiall) invited to call on them. Contiuued and painitaking atlentioD will te given, at a reasonable pi ice, to all legal business. Offlce in courthouse oppotite Clerk'i offiie. NINB1 S. ADSHS. 1H0MS j. IKkOUS t SANK AMHtLD. Adams. Jerome & Armfleld, tlTORNETI KT LAW. MONROE. N O. Practice in all the Courts, Slate aud Federal The management of estate, or eiecutors.admiuittrators a special ty. Careful and-diligent attention given to the foreclosure nf mortgage snd collection ol claims. Mooe) oaned without eipense to lender. Al! ligation given prompt and caretul attention. Uthce east of courthouse - 1 " -I'm Ai . ,. H .11. '- .. .m 1 , , . , I . 1 ':, ... r " ! : 1 ,ti I ld 1.1 " '' 1 " 1. . '1. a 1.1 11 III 11 1' ' .' j. 11. S . m ni I I I '!,..''. .1 1 " 1 j. 111 n ... n nl - I I-' I-'.... .1 ',1 . " .. ... ;, , " M ... ..... ,.l ... . ... , i: ,, , " II.. V "... . A ll I' -' .- HI b J u l: ' 'I ,.-. I .1 - . , II, - N, ..! ., ,,. I A N ; 1 . , " S.-,i. 1.1. . a -' I . . 1-, n ui " II- in:' - ;. , . 1,1 . 1 m jNORTHWs,!.D. in :. ,,.i. .4m 1 l i.- l.l-. l ,1 -' 1 I . i'l. !! -I. p I.) ' N . . . . 4 ' ... . -n v pi 1 in - v ,. i'i 1. - 1. a '. 1 . . .11 ; " M..' .. I . 1: 1 , m M ,:',. I- ... , I A VI I' 1. ,.. . ;, I ,,. ,, m " ' 1 .... ...... S . .', 1 ;.. j, in In :!. ' A A ' I' I ' 1. i'l " t'lin' . . I I In I. . , u A. "' ''- s . ; j, -.1 11 :, . ni .. 1 ' 1. 1 . ; ill .' .. a m "-' ; 1: -. -:i 1 1 a 1.1 il... t. 1 m ni " llii'.ll' '. " I, ! I 1 . : ., - ..i- i. n 1' .. - - r 1' i'i . , j. ui - IN!, ,. - i 1.. in-, in " 11- 1- . '!. " -a ,. I: in " " i ,1... - 1 a 11 I .. j, i ' ll.-1-i i.. 1. .. , 1,, a , t. n. Ar 1 1 -.... . . nm .a pin " '.i r.. 1. . ,11. - li ..warn " 11. ""i !i I'.. . '.!.' ni " 'M ,.'l. - ' , I . . m 1 m 1. : .i. 1. i i-an t i" 1 "i " i.'Tiii "I I 1..'. ' 1 . II 111 il I.I '....II ' ..l I V T..ll:... S I I l(. .;. 111 ,1 ,1 ni J' i "1 'I' 1 i', " " I ..k- .:n , ., " M ,i,i ; :-i ), m " '... '..'. I I . . in 12 Ii . hi ' 1 11. " . i .. .. j, 1.. f, . tn Han.'. ' " I . ,. n m " s ,'iili.,in I'll,..-. " lll,ii u I., a 111 " h,'. i'it - 1 .. 11 111 " Hi n.lrt ..,, " V w 1 ,, m - V.rlo.a ' in ;l m I , 1,1 " IVi. '-ii rup " .'. 11. ., i 1 ... , Ar K r'H.i .iiil '- ll.,n. I v. j. ui " ll i l.i'.',, 11. it . If , I l . in SA',in rlillli i.. .-. I- K K II i- 1 in II J.. , 111 " I'liiU.I.-'i .... I ,' 1 in -j m " N I " 1 1 , . 1 as. am S.H. t I'.iii.i l.,;.i .- .. fa, , i, intra) time. . t i.'r-r.i T1.11. ) .vo-jtlK. a. a a VEvrrA R.B. Rrdwioa. A. M. Stack. BED WINE & STACK. Attorney 't-at- Law, MONROK,N.C Practice in all the Stale and Feder al Courts. Will manage eatates f 01 Etecufors, Adininistrafors and Guar diant for reasol.ahle pay; and will foreclose mortgage! and oegoliate loans, without eipense to Mortgagees snd Money Lenders.when practicable. Offices Northwestern rooms, first loor. Courthouse. People's BanK OF MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and hanking bonnets. We guarantee AJiSOLUTt SECI'RITY, prompt uest and all the accommodations that SOUND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording Io agieemrnt, on deposits left for oar stated period. Always ready (on loans on approved paper. U. P. HEATH, President Three Times the Value or Any Other. ONE-THIRDS! Agents wanted in all uuocciipk J territory, Wbteler t Wilson IaDiifjctorin Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by TheW.J.EudgeCo. M. I.. FLOW, CWiisiisiuDer of Denis for South Ctrvliu, it ftons urai m: also t Jusiicr or ut Peati (or L'cloa Conn!, and Nolirj hMic to Korti UroHci. :: :-: Special attentioo given to (akin; Af fidavits, Acknowlcdfement or Proof of Deeds, Mortgage!, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions of Dower and Inhciilanre. Deo- ositions. Writing and Probating Deeds, M outages snd all other papers, inning Slate Wartatilt, Claim and Delfrrr aud Attachment papera. Civil Sum mon! and the Collection of Claims. Olfice at M. L. Flow Co.'s Store. eaal of courthouse, Monroe, N. C. FOIlTSHONinMAn etw are