THE MONROE JOURN AT JLJJl L l.t try "Cl:,: VOLUME X. NO 30 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY AUGUST 23, 1003 One Dollar a Year Deafness Cannot be Cured ! Incident and Comment- I THE Hl'Mlll-kT 5WIlLI:lf- at no place except I'arU. j Ituford Township New s- bv local aprmcatious as the? eanoot W hen a aiau gels it into hi bead ,'"" ".". iuk lawyer -r.r-k t j. j rra.-h the diseased portion, of the ear. 1 to l wrong nothing deters In in The Wonderful Career of a trench always iu Ins cise. II may bet Allan, August. I. -It was the The ItoJy of Little .Tary tirilfin lt,r,,,.o-,lyM.,r(,lrun-Jr1(m.i au,Illo ej,,., .,u.a to be; Woman w ho Borrowed fiillions M'1 ' ,' "" ' I"" Jr'.l .... be at the j , wnj MutU.,cj anJ ,W Avkav ............,,.....,...., .... .,. , , jtlrM. Theun- un rititilioua Stories and U u """""J ; -I- ;-"V""' " , I IVafueui is nuwj t .n iiifUinrd ! . . ... . .... , , , ... l h-iiiiou Morie anu is ru . h urcssiire was brought Aug. .th. There was a law crowd r.. u..u i mr luwuns iiiiihk ui i , . . . . on I rial lor w inunnr- IANCMINU AT M l II A- Agriculture Mul he Studied in Dig likumc in North Carolina. Fustaehiaa lul. When tin grW ludaiiittl imi have a runilthug souutl or initeitci'l heating, and when it la rt.tite ly float-J ttea'-iraa is the le Mill, and uul-ss Hie itiftumiiMlioti can I taken uul ami thia lube reatorej to condition, limine, I dri.lroyed forever; tunc raws out of ten aie caused hv catarrh. which ia nothiag I' ut an Hi6aim-t condition of lite mucous sulfates. We will kivf One Dumbed Dollars (or any rax of 1 Valued (caused ly ratari initial raimol be cured by Hait i Cataith Cure S. n J for circulats.frre. F.J.l'UKSKY Jt CO. Tokiw, Ohio. Sold bv druggist, tike Hall i family pills are Ui beat To Cure a Cold In one Day Tale Kaiative lironio Ouinine Tableta. All JiucKikla refund lite money if it tads to cure. E. V. Grove a tigna tuie it on each boa. ij centt. lul, ' . . . ", , " . I'karhnrliUrrtrr. Ill rviutn an. una. o W , u , , , of haviiiK ib-fnriiib-d the relief i-oiu yvaraap) "iuce tin-re aiH-ani 111 to liear bv tlie iiilereslerl, that ! tlietv. Kverylnalv Mvuietl tu lie it a.silelermiiwdb onb-r of court ell deaMd villi the speaking ami to -ii the Nile on a liel dale. ' MMT diuiirr the people pro ib-l iThe uibl before the d.v Ur Ibe; br tbem. The sHtt hen ere made iniilee by f.iUifvinir the niiiiilier of ,.' ... Wi . , , . . . . " . ,tbe iroHHi'k. Mie mm) ie be had Imried. . .' . . .. ..... ... Pari ay u whiiuii from one "fn.eiiiii.tlie lliiiiilitjidiii.-aml in that elegant ami ioasehnn b When in neeJ ol Iresh meat phone No. 91. J. 1). Parker. WHEN ASHCRAFT'S Condi tion Powder are fed to horse nnd mules, marked improvement will be seen after the first few dose. There U no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly on the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes nat urally and surely. It is the most powerful tonic and nppctizer on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have no other. Asluraft's Powders produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powder fatten but never bloat. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. Hy the use of three or (our doses a week your horse or mule will not lc subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach nnd bowels. "I l,aa an ol.t lr-r that la "7 rnliii.ii vi-arraitjr Mr liiln ant baa a til.-l tira-e lhl wa riinia (lie hair to uR i ave lh b-ir-e Ihre te t.t A"h erfrConlluin Ivw.lf r a day l.-r aevn da atii la luni lilriiliy. Tti -li lnnrove. from (he tlrl lew iia ami (lie aiiimal f Mtxe.t li(l two muhiU In fli-ott itiirlnir lt( i-a I fwr 11 ihnv u..-r a rtaf. The m-nrral heallll .I Hie animal ae" allj laiin.viHl I'T lh t" ),l tl.r u,..fc raiiil lie a mailealm l a new hr-e I ai"-l heartily nistmnienil Anrafl a .-n il ll .n ISiv.ler-.a- I hintw il.i-y are a aolm il:.l umle and ai' luer '.' klkl'S, Llverjf aian. li.-nri. V c." Ask for Ashcraft's Condition Powders. Package 25c. Sold by ffi m English DrugCompany aaMMMMMMMtt. 6Heap Flour ! is Bad Hour! It't low pi ire ia Hie maker' r cuse for Hie infrrtoiity of bis proilucl. bad flour ia Had flour no matter how it it manipulat ed and j"Ki;lfd parking. It all cornea rark to the same thing. Good flour mid itli poor Kill iiupiove Hie quality of the blend, but like iiniiiiK while paint with Mark, il takea an aniul lot of liite to "ro il tire any effect. Had or cheap flour in larkiiiK in gluten, the nutritious poiliou of the va beat. It also contain t large per crntaee of the pulveriied husk or ahell of the grain. All of which you don't want. 1 here fore, we caution you to ak fur the "luviiicihle" brand. This brand il sold at Hie lowest price for whiib really first class flour csn be sold, and its price is the highest you need to pay in order to get the best. Mr Newman, our local baker, says: "Invincible" ia Hid I can get for baking." HENDERSON ROLLER MILLS. i............---iaaaaiai aj ajajai fff f f f f fvvavf f f f f V wwwm lVrha the larp4 rofliu ever made iu North Carolina s man ufaelureil bv the t'barlotte t'oflin t'onipaiiy bud meek. It aaa Qiade for a hundred pound man who was Kit theu dead, but w;tsexMt'ted to die at any time. It van six feet two iiiebew Ioiij!. -s ini'lus deep, aud four feet wide. The High Point eorresHindeut or Tho harlolte tllwerver says that at leant L'Seaaesof apieudritu have occurred at High Point this year. The dot torn xeem to think that there is mniie cause but are unable to tell bat it is. Col. Hill lloru of Cuba, liullier ford county, claim to have fifty bales of cotton that be ban Iteeli luililing hinee the price was live ceutH, He now refuses to sell ut fifteen cents becnUM- lie wants t ent v live. Wesball be s-irry for Col. l'till. but it will be just like a liardheadcd cili.eti of his apparent striM- to wait till cotton g'es back to sevcu cents and then iiiiUkiiI. People in this sect ion aiv fa mil iar with the mime of the oid lluile gold mini' near Kershaw, S. ('. It is uow being olierated iiillo sue cehsfully. The new procrwitea of separation make il possible now to work low grade ores lliat were formerly worthless. Mr. J aim Mi'ltr.iyer of Shelby win married last Wednesday to Miss Madge lirice. When the wed ding occurred the groom's temicr at n re was lnlj tlimigh he didn't know it. They started on their honeymoon nnd got as fur us ( 'liar lotte, when n physician iiifoiuieil Mr. Mclliaver that he bad typhoid fever and might expect u long setge. I lispiitcbes say that Ilcdio Alva- riulo.ti mining man known through out Mexico uml tho Cuited Slates, died suddenly tu Mexico some days ngo. He leaves a fortiine niuount- ing to alMittt f .,HHI,(HKI, acconlliig to reliable esliinales by tlnwe who have Imi-ii handling the ore from his mine during the past six years. The value of (be I'alinillo mine, which he uwn-d and which lie (lis covered a few years ngo when be was a iicoti working in a mine ut :iu cents it day, is not known, us Al varado M'rsis(ciilly n-fusi'd to ud in i t iiiiningexprrts to its wot kings. It Is, however, one of the richest silver properties in the wornl. Of the f.O.iHiO, (UK) worth ol ore which Alviiiddo took out of the mine since its discovery, it is said that there, is more than t?io,t)no,(Hiti worth in silver bars locked iu a sleel cage ut the residence of its late owner. This cage is guarded day and iiiglit by 11 strong force of armed men. The endless round of desires in life are thus expressed by a eon temporary: Kvery fanner lioy wants to lie a school teacher, every school teacher hopes to be mi edi tor, every editor would like to lie a bunker, every banker would like to lie il trust magnate, and every mug nute hopes some day to own a mi ni aud have cows and pigs and horses to look after. We would end w here we liegali. The reunion ut Port Fisher, on Wednesday of lust week, was a uotable occasion. Among those prescut were not only ex-Confed-eratcH but also some of the surviv ors of the attacking force. The Confederate rniunmnilcr of the fort, the gallant Col. Wui. tamh, was present as was also ('apt. James Parker of New .Harsey, who com innnded the '.,IHKI I' liitcd Stales marines, w liosii tiered so heavily in the final assault. These two former foes met in friendly gris ting on the very spot where they hud once fought with such desperate cour age. ax neither I fioiii Pans. The Kile was duly pretty nor ugly; nppcare.1 to lw;,M.. There was nothing in it neither specially blight uor ape-( .fl,.r two or tliri months Ibe eially dull, and yet it transput-. luiM.rt.H diciv rcd in Mad that she bad some kind of lab lit r Slllj Wn liiv ,illi, iil that it would ta ilillicult to deliiie. alHH ,.xtr.jii,m they were Not very long utter her arrival Mi: niv i.ron-ht Uiek. The dilli Paris she man nil the son of one of -ut uiav Is- supmsed to have the miiuciiKil onicer whose name 1nh. uia,,; l,y tllN. mi, mere par was Humbert. This sccnied rath -1 ti.-i.aj ihl. Mi-ivtlv. in Ibi-se hands or bv those who weie still You Can't Beat Me in flour, coffee, sugar, molasses, candies, c!c. The most complete line cf totaccoin town; any price; only one quality that is the best, llest vinegar 2or. per gallon. Two toe. Hot I lei fresh EAGLE EXTRACT 15c Have you tried "Our Blend" Ccflre? H )ou havn't, try a pi und. Those who use it are still (.raising it. Force. Crpe Nuts, Postum O flee, Oat FAn always Iresh. Everything guaranteed to cv eivbody. Prompt delivery. Hring your country produce here lor bst price. Respect fully. W. A. STEWART. Pboot sol. Newt from Beulah- r,orrrKB,h-nee of Tlie J.rtirnal. Moiinie 11 F. I). Xo. 1, Aug. '.'(. This section bus Iss-n blessed with plenty of rain for the past few weeks, rather too much for cotton for it is causing it to shed. Mr. W. T. Uorie, Jr., is right sick with typhoid fever. The annual protracted meeting at Philadelphia Baptist church will begin on Saturday before the 4th Sunday, and at lieulah Preshyte- riau church on rriday before the tilth Sunday in August. The teiupernuoe rally at Ileuluh was not well attended. Col, Hotch- kisa was ou band to apeak, but so few were present that the meeting broke up without any speaking more than social cbat in which the colonel told how much t'uion county spent for whiskey annually, but this failure was not due to a lark of temperance sentiment. X. 8. You Know WhafYou are Taklnf When you taks Grove's Taatelets Chill Tonic because the formula is p'ainly printed 00 tvery bottle showiug thst it is simply Iroa sod yuiuin la a tail less form. No Cure, No Pay. Joe. er an extraordinary acliivciiic ut for a woman without meai.s, without prcMip', without Is-auty and apparently without ss-cial talent. Not very long after Ibis event, she took a trip and 011 her return Iroiu the trip she represent ed that she had met 011 the railway train an American named Craw ford. The way in wksvh she bad conn- to make his ai'imintaiire was that Crawford was sick and she bad done some little services for him while traveling and as ftawford grew wmse she took bun to u hospital at some point along the line. She represented fill titer that Crawford bad with hiui a lot of Isuids and stocks to the value of a million dollars which he gave to her for sale keeping until lie should Ih fully recovered. The.-e IhuiiIs and stocks Mrs. Humls-it put into a Nile alterwiirds, anil from time to time she represented tlie amount of Unids which Crawford had sent to her for safe keeping was iucrcusid to two millions, then to live mil lions, then to leu millions theu to twenty millions and then to lilly nullum dollars. In the meantime Mrs. Humbert devised tt story iu uecotdance with which under cer ium ctslitions which she never made very plain, she was to have a large" interest in the properly. She brotighl up from her former home iu the province a sister, and not very long after the sister came she represented (but it hud Is-en ar ranged by Mr. ( rawfiud that ins nephew mid Mrs. llumlsMt's sister Is- hiui ricil, and out of this fifty million dollars should come 11 very liuiidsomc dot for the bride; but iu some way, she herself would have a very large interest in the remain der. 'On the basis of these stories which are generally very vaguely foliuuliitid. she excited sillliejei I interest to induce bankers to make loans to her based upon this pros pective fortune. With her first loan she built 11 line house. Sin set up an estiililisiiieut 11ml enter taint il lavishly. Her aggregated loans went into the hundred thou sands. Liter she built liner bouses and purchased u hunting box iu the country. Her entertainments became the most coiispieioiis in Paris, conspicioiw as well for the quality of her guests as lor tlie expense of the entertainments. She cunt limed to Imrmw until tne aggregate passed the million mark. She increased the extravangaiice of her living nnd continued to Inn row until the aggregate passed the live-million mark. She still further continued to borrow from the bankers until the aggregate passed the ton million mark. Think of it! Without anything in the world as an underlying basis, this woman I oi unveil more than ten millions of dollarsaud has kept up the bnisness of borrowing for more than twenty years. Kleven bankers have committed suicide on account of the ruin that the loans have wrought. 1 hiring this ti many efforts have liecu-made to 1. lien the safe to examine the se curities. Mrs lliiHilM-rt has seemed to co-operate with th who wished to open the safi lit'giil proceedings would be stin ted to get nn order ot court Million inir the Duelling of the safe Mrs. Humbert always averred that under instructions from Craw ford she could not open the sufi aud could not allow it to Ik1 done, but il court chose to do it, she would not resist. Mysterious law yers would iipH'iir ou the opposite side and claim to represent Craw ford. They would insist that tlie property was Craw ford's property unit that II lie warned 10 iock h up j, . I I : i a. a .. in a sale, 110 conn nan rigiu 10 break the iwfe open; the safe would not lie opened until ( rawlonl cou nted. These things could not have taken place except in France and in a Stable -Swift Work- Manna Ponton, a uegio man. W.14 luichcd at Halifax, iu tbi Slate, Thuixl.iy iiiyhl. and In IhmIv riddled with bullet, lie con lew.1 lo killing ami assaulting tin little thirtrcu Vi a 1 old il.nicliiei of 1. 'apt. t.iilliu, imd was Ivnch.d on "' " Ibe same uight that the crime a ilistsiveml. Stevens. Keloid inanv good and ' inecnii.i. who mot wan mi line 1 hiii... nmiiint Hie et il of grandp-iiviils bad U-en lui d. the Si.liisU Ibe f.Ilo Ml.l n. nt out !..l., ll.c l ie ri u! lela i.t of pi,! ,e 1 . I 1 1 r-Msi to Mil- calbtl to tinier by lU-v. W. V. Iloncyeiilt with siiigiiigand prayer. Iter. W. V. lloiH-vciilt made Ibej oix uiiig siieeeh, followetl bv Mr. , ib-i.t.. In ' w tile l,eH ! Sl.ilr llVi- ti I lie li;!tli be IV ll- -!. . I,-.. 111!. 1 I l till II lit V I.IU11II1 . I Li. l tl ! - I in ,il...'i t.11 1 11.. 1 1 .-1 I a . t III V ! I p. M It..- ! ll. stn.iig ill ink. Then Mr. Stewart r Kraiiuiuom. r is gau 10 .... '.lor Iter. .ue weui 10 uie si sine I and found the door locked. Sin 'then out the little gill's Sister being paid by Mrs. llunilicrt. Having Iss-ii brought to Paris Mrs Humbert w:is put ou trial for swindling. Tne trial is now in progress. Mrs Hum I. -it is more theatrical in the court than Ibi-yfus was. The prosecnt tug attorney makes a statement and Mrs lliiinls-rt gets up and iu a theatrical way calls liim a liar. The judge makes a ruliiigaiid Mrs. IIuiiiImiI p'ts up and tells him that be is prejudiced. She insists that il the prosecution is continued cvcrvthiiig may be spoiled; that she is able to produce the Craw ford, and that she will do this at the proH-r time. The law vers ami the coin t tiy to Mrsuade her to make full statement and she tie elines Then at another time she gets up and oilers to make a full statement and the court declines to hear her, aud so the trial is go iug on, looking to an American like more of a travesty than the llreyliis trial was. K.ich phase ol these priKitilings seems incredible. To think, that for twenty yearn 11 comparatively uneducated woman could go 011 Isirrowiiig money while loaners never saw a security worth one cent, and that these loans should aggregate leu milliiis of dol lars, is more than iimaing. il can not seem reivsoiiable. Although the story bus ls-en told iu the papers as it has progressed, the public has In 11 large extent lost the thread of it. For this rea sou the proceedings of the trial ex cite very little interest. The thread of the story is lost, but even ut this date Mis. IIiiiiiIh iI is defi antly holding out that she can pro duce the miilli luillioiiiare from America and that she w ill if she I win isto and that she won t ll they don I iilil harassing her, and 'ill this seems to Is- taken seriously by the French court. The above is a resume made practically from memory and may not In- altogether accurate, but il is siillieieutly accurate to give a good idea of the story as it lets progressed of the meaning of the short reports Is-ing made of the IliiuiU'it trial in Paris The story of the sw indles has never caiiL'ht the attention of Americans and little interest in it here. In I'.uglaiid it has excited considerable interest by way of curiosity. Mr. T. P. O'Connor, the Irish member of I'm lntiuent, has put the story iu u Isiok form uiiilertlietille' Phantom Millions,' and this Imnk has had considerable sale iu Kughkiid but cannot lie found in an American Imnk store, the American people Isdng tip- pearetitly indifferent. Hayor Ashcraft is High Handed. Mai-iollli- lli.nn-. Pi'idaviimi ning eleven colored hand were employed to work on the streets here. They worked till I J o'clock and then they con gregated at the depot uml forum luted a strike, unit without milk iiit; r iv, proceeded to "striko ' for higher w ages or short er time. The matter wiis reported lo Mayor Asherufl who promptly gave them shorter tune. He gave tlii-111 thirty minutes to clear the streets or iipis-ar and answer charges under the vagrancy laws, They soon made themselves scarce ou the streets. of South Carolina was introduced, who spoke very strong against in teuiM-raiiee and the disieusary of South Carolina. He hossl that our law would Is enforced. At this poi'it dinner was announced. Kvcrylssly was well cared for aud plenty remained over. After din ner we again Is-gait Ibe exercises with song ami prayer, and Key. Mr. Winu of South Carolina was iiitrtMluced. His shs-cIi wxs full of excellent adviis'. Col. II. (i. Hotchklss ssike iu bis (a'culiar foKs-ful and convincing sty le. Tern 'i.ince had a siiccesslul ilay, unit blind tigers had Utter look out or they will U- caaghl. We have not pace to tell all that was said. The tM-akitig was well done and gieat giHHl will result. Miss M illie Perry of Marina held i i viis-s at Allan, Sandy liulge and New 1 lots'. The issiple were well ileiLsed w itb her discourse. An uhundniice of rain has fallen this section for the past two weeks. Crops have improved full- lot billy, in lael, we can say they ire pretty fair. I 'rot rati i-d meetings at Sandy llidge, Wolfe Pond, Mt. Pleasant, Ml. ProsiM-ct and Trinity have Ihs-ii held. Much earnest pleach ing was done aud we trust much goisl will result. 1 he chinch bug has done no harm lliisycar: iu fact, there is none to Is' Keen. bie man said lie saw two iu the spring, but be killed those wound lias seen nunc since. .l. C. I.. Resolutions ol Respect- Wrlll.-ll fer Tin- Junml. Tre gieat and mysterious reaper, hose name is IVath, with bis cold, glim visage and noiseless hand, ctilue 111 hisoiiiiiipotenec and .lined uway from iimoiig us u (lower that was just blooming into loveliness Miss Amelia Hurley. She was a leiuiHiiary iiicmlwr of the Meadow Itrancli Sunday school. I herefore U' it resolved: I. That in her death our com muiiitv uml Sunday school has lost good girl and a consecrated ineni- ls-r. 11. That w e have lost one w hose record here has tieen irreproacha ble in every respect. And though we feel thai her death was iintinie and are sad from the fact that one so young, good ami pure should lie taken Iroiu us so soon, yet we dure not revel in these mysteries but "llclieve where we cannot prove." We accept the truthful- nessof her own words t'ocl knows liest." III. That we will ever cherish er memory and lovely christian haracler, and believe from her sweet life that she went to (iod, the great soul of the universe, and is uow iu heaven. IV. That weextend to the family of the deceased our deepest sympa thy in llieii Is reaveincnt. X. That a page of our records be devoted to her memory, 11 copy of these resolutions lie sent to her sor row-stricken family, and 11 copy Ih sent to the tiastoniu papers, also to the Monnie papers lor publication. Miss Annik Hakkki.i, Miss 1. 11. 1,11: (It tkn, Miss Makv Pkkky, Coliiinittis'. put the little gill s through an oih iiiii" in Ibe ibsir bo ber too b.ik inside, and Ibe gul. slumbled over the dead Usly of bet little sister. The was cut only m-ii.m.Is. .. .'.ii.c i t N..'1. t .11. -111. I Il ls oldi led th t! inciitsol :i'i icuii i,ii h.i.l In i .i .tl,t HI .lU lb. sci, h.js 1.1 tlie i-M!.:i.--o wealth. "All mode 1 n ai is aud I U in titling by Ibe adapt itinits ot s. 1. u e. houlil shale 111 tie s.- Im i. has lul u fully ib-!iio!.sir.-.i childieii can Is- t.inlil llu from ear to ear and the ImmIv tied up in a lug. Ibe crowd that gathered caught the negro made 110 alteuipl at concealment and ipiielly ills iH-rsfd alicr the execution. mental principles i t I loll of the sill li .1 a- ., ,1 taught the fiiiel inn ir ol m illiiiiel 11 deed, :l iu IK,. they ,1 prim and 1. 1iMi1t.1i. 1 11 in. 1 ai' !' I.t i' s i I it s ..: t. I .im. 1 :s ..iilv ll ! lunil.i iiltiv.i 1. 111 ili-ipl.'s t lu ll' OH 11 111 t lie -li ti ji . of in lei 11 III--, on) n: in 11 Gray Hair " I bsvt used Aycr's Hsir Vlf.or for over thirty years, ll ha kepi my scalp free from it.indnilT snd has prevented my hair from turn ing gray." Mrs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. There is this peculiar thing bout Aycr s Hair Vigor it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair does not suddenly tarn black, bok dead nJ lifeless. Buturaduallythcold color comes back, dl the rich, dark color It used to have. The hair stops T illing, too. II tl a M l. k rattua. ir rout tlm-RH ntir-'l a iM''T aw4 ! .!. aaptna tii a twttl. llatnrvaiKl citattMi aaaia at jour aT-.-aa oltlf. liUrm, J. C I K CO., Laamll, alaja. Puts an End to It All. grevious wail oft inies conies us 1 result of iiiils-aiiilile pain from over taxed organs li..iness, llack neb, l.iver compluiiit and Con stipatioii. lint thanks to lr, King s New Life Pills they put an end to It all. Irv tbem. Only .'.V. (iuaraiitis'd by The F.nglish Drug Co. The Right 5tcp. Our lit. nil itf Mar.livllli-. There are lots of progressive tic iglilHi hoods in this county that might adopt the bstd tax system and have strong and pet iiiiinciit sclusils for their ehildreii. Sever al districts in the county have al reatly taken this progressive step, aud they are proud of it. Supple incut your public sclusil tipprw Diiation by local taxatiou and you'll have a sound basis for a per uiancnt school, and it w ill make you more public spirited, more liberal, more patriotic. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometime result in death. Thus a mere scratch insicnilicant cnts or puny boils have luiid the death ls-nally. It is w ise to have Arnica Salve handy, it's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when burns Sores Fleer and Piles threaten. Only '.W, at English Drug (Vs. Our Ice House is opposite J I Lockhart & Co.'s store. Phone us when you want Ice. No 36, Cadiku ALUCB, 'Knocking I'ha ti. r,,.. The indictment Mi I low ell county for Is-eanse they had a Isn't Dueling- i must learn tbes.- prmcip I their i.ei. of two men oil "I be Stale b-.,n! dueling." j ll dilh-rcliiT b-ti.l it M;. -li .11 lilt Is is anil II,. Nt . .net I ll.sel el tllbllsb--.! li-, ! vi ,,1 o, ct. ijit-s itstt-d .ti lav it in. I'i l.'i:. uli township. The 1 1 1 !! ,1 i.t "I U ill t is-s.s of the . 1.,;.! - a ..I ;.H'Hi 4i..,ai-tl b) all . iw ! l.uest is that of Col. . I'. Vielnw.. .ce plesitb-llt of i.e H ." :.. ii I: .1.1 w av, w ho ret ur its .'.'.. '' In.- iti' ins tint to!. i,-!iu. has ail .tlillillt illistlne il l. 1 - 1 il i s .111 I ii i s an. I ptlH.iy ...1 I wis.- (avid ..f s.'.t.T.Vi. I. 'I ..ll.t!css the l.lll-sl of .11. .. ; a I he !.,:,-. I he i.-t ' 1 1 --i ii.i.Mi.e itMtiiisl in Itaieigh isio.ssi,y yiis. p. P. Tinker, li.-i 1 i.e ia i is Mi. .1. II. I'oii, elt', ". it is piesiimed that Ml. Poll's lliee i.t ti lls M Kieil. I1,.1(HI in a!i. i i.t.elv il not entirely from hi- liu in u in-.-. and Ibis is . dniii' it -s. lie- laigesl income of any iawvt i in the Slate, which is not siipiisjnj Hheii one comes to think of it. l-.i Mr. Poll isalKiut the big s! ,n vti At iht State. Finest l!a.v""i. let is iitidei indictment lot lie1 in. 11. lei ot skinner, IVtlll'IIS an ii.e.'iiie ..I J,.'iOo. i "'" I'" ' ' ' lilllv illustrated I tot ami lint bv apNiiiilemeiil by the fiii tiiissiil.e,t ab iei, waters ol iiuck crts k and fotighl alile teacher 1-.111 l-acb it out without weaKius ami withj iug the luethtHls ti;;, their naked h. nuts, is lo U- totally lunik. Ihisliouk is c, llsapiroved. Iu Ibis wicked anil adulterous general bin. when the revolver, the razor, tlio club and the torch uml brass knocks are so much involved as means of "get ting even," the sett lenient of dif ficulties by the fair means of an oM-n fight with Imiv bands is lo Is applauded. In this case an indict incut for sin all'ray and a dismissal of the matter with the costs would have been just abiiul the right tiling. 1.11 -it V l.el.lll a texi I nok ha! an 1 a I IV follow -ltd 111 tin !Y.i uii am! I- pun 11 Wanted lo "Stan 1 1: t s til' I bar the Fxidcnce- McNutty," said the -:i ate. aie you guilty ' ' "Faith, an' it's .1:1 t Uil thot till Oi K nee," replied McNu'- IV. ... . "I suggest that all pupils 111 - Ibe charge ol criu.ii.inally ,.,,;,, , ,,,.,. ' vjj 1 , lulling Ins own daughter, .11 ,,, ., Mll, ( ;l C W'Artrt C ly. a white ol this cily. ;1il.i,.1v .,,;,.,,. ,. a.,.i,.d ( I! UlU 0 1 scut to jail by Kecorder S j , ,. ,.. - ? bouse yesterday, and will Im- , AI L. . d for his life at the pre scut 1 -nd of Hitter Fight- I .a s-.n..r. I earful Crime Charged toa l ather. I'liarinli.- III. On the charge of criiiiiiiinally assault i lice was IIOIlll tried for his lile at the present term of Siis't ior Court. A few days ago ltecdy was sent to jail for .'id days for vagrancy,; and the evidence given at the trial , indicated that be had ls-en guilty of incest. A tut her examination by the recorder resulted in Itccdy's' Is-ing fortnally charged yesterday , with crimuiiiial usiiilt 011 bis 1 1 ; year-old daughter, laniua b'eedy. ii tin slated that she bad been oyer I come by he father two years ago, and thai the incest nous relationship bad Iss-n substituted until recently. Corroborative evidence was not lacking. Itcedy was leftiscd bail, ami ( 'tu sent to jail. Kuillia lleedy will Is' toba(Vi sent to the rescue home. A 1 ttc. younger sister, seven years old, wsll ls sent to uu orphanage. culture for liegiiiiiei . Iislied by .11111 . I ... It w i.i i ou sale at all Stale ih -posit. .1 ies. Section lit of the tet li-iok laV ITtftnias all butiks adupit d by tin text tiook commission to be ilitln diieed ami iise, as text I ks 14 theexelnaioii of all olU.-is iji all tl-0 public lieo schtHiis ot the St.iis. Iu conformity, tliereime. to ti law of the Stale, y mi alt insl 1 in led to sis- that every teacher i i ll o schools, white and colored, under your siiperv isitui, athls this sublet I to the tegular Colli til Hist! net lull I A Chunk ut Wisdom- "V -u 1 in t icdge a man by de hi -iint ,.f ii-us lie makes," said I n. h- I 'liL'ii. "D.- locomotive itag.ii-'i r ilun' bis easiest work baji lie's ringin' de bell an' bluw 'mh tie w! isllt. A Cure for Divorce Evils- Tt -it'll ) it b )S brea.lwiiiiiing ss! ' ii is ht'j.el making. ini 'Ii.: div.TCe miis will soon run out i t c:..-!. 1 'al aaaaaaaawWaaraaaj 's Seeds " Two physici ins I, .el a lon ami stllllbtilll lillt With III abi ess mi my right Inn-" 1 tt.-s .1. F. 1 1 1 : .. : I : -1 of Diil'niil. Iia. ".iiid gave uu- up. Fvcry bully tbouhl my 1 nut- come. Asa last result I tin 'I lb. King's New Di.seoveiy toy I mi sumption. Tin- beiiclit recoiled was si 1 iking and I .i-im my oil I III a lew ilas. Now I le futili ty regained my health." It cmiitiiis all Coughs. Colds mid Throat and Lung tumbles, i.u.ii.iniecil liy Pug lisb Drug I'd. I'liec.'.Oe. and !'. Trial buttle lice. to sec tne Iar ciicvvnij; snoring t.iUiivo, cig.u.i, S. K VE'mb! I all CM. SOWINQ. 11 rs who tie- t uii-i t lulortut- farm Seeds f,a Wood's New ii I1 tells all lihollt v ...(...,.. -m, . 1 , 111. an iti.Mii 1 tin- i-tit ! : .11' -ii- ui Lettuce, Cab hie .ut minr Xcgctable crops V iilii' a .tie pt.i.ii.i' -a pii'lttahk- to .-oii'.i -in : i.iut 1-. Als,) atniut Clover, Vetches, Grasses and Clovers, Sc:d Cits, Wheat, Rye, Barley, etc. VCt .. !'-'-e I .lilt '11 iiloeue nuiilisl ft.s- v re.p! t. rite for it. T.W.WOOD 4 SONS, Sec-uamcn, Richmond, Va. Miss Kodman's School. ' Tlie J.tiirtial. Wunllaw, Aug. 17. Miss Pearl Hodman of Wiixhiiw, who has charge of the Wardliiw High School, is fast proving herself the thorough, accomplished teacher she was reputed to be. Miss Hodman graduated several J em's ago from Peace Institute uml afterwards taught in the public schools of tiiis county, where she made an envia ble reputation as a teacher. She tiso hits a life certificate obtained by standing very rigid State exam inations lhisullows Her to teacn in the public schools unywhcie in the State without standing further examination. In addition she has taken post graduate work at the Fniversity of North Carolina. Wartllaw people compliment themselves oil securing her aer- vices. The school is in a flourish ing condition and every patron is well pleased. 5uiclde Prevented The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide has ls-en discovered will interest many. A run down system, or desMindency invariably preced suicide and something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Klectric Hitters. It being a great tonic nervine will strengthen the nerve aud build no tlie system. Its also a great stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only IWc. Satisfaction guaiautccd by Eng lish Drug Co. I want your old Iron. j. D. Parker. S. K. Doster bai just received lot ol Dice Hamf. Mr- Hale Yet Wanted at Olive Hranch- Ci.rrt'-litmilt-ni I I'I"' Jminiill Olive Hranch, Aug. IV Mrs. I.iiiir t J. Smith bus returned home from a visit to her son, Mr. YV. I.. Smith of Xew York. --Miss I I'.iiucoiu is visiting ber brother iu Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. I lusty are visiting friends and relatives in Norwood. Mr. Connie I'uiiii and his sister. Miss l.illie, of Concord sM-nt a few days w itb their friends nt this place. Dr. Smith ol Polk ton was in our village Wednesday. Miss liilln 1 1 iiistui has a prosper oils school at this place Mr. Judge ti'iiiblv has accented 11 position iu the drug store at Marshville. Mr. l!ea Sinclair has entered school at Wiagate. Mr. Killa Dav is lias en tered scIuniI at Marsh ville. -Mr. II. A. Kroom is spending the slimmer ut home. Protracted meeting ls-gins at tin1 first Psiptist church next Saturday. Spring has come ami gone, sum nicr is almost gone and Mr. Hale' of Montis' has not visited our vil lage Jet. Tlie scenery is not lis grand as it w its iu the lov ely spring, nevertheless we would gladly wel come Mr. Hale yet. Ill iug Viuirchickf iisand 1 l5-;iiiI gel highest prices ill c.lsll ot Hade. We buy tbem. M. I '. Hmmuii L. H- THOMPSON, .General Insurance. Stri'imtli and v ic -r ccino Rood food, duly d'gestcd. 'I '-.liC,' a s. tve win. I and bailey loud, a. Ids ll biill"li,l'lit .sustains, nourishes, inv ii;-it,itis. " Paw n liroker's Clothing Strictly sanitary. nil vvi d, men's, ynullis and biiy s coats lii'tii 5 n". to $-' ii. (miiil cii"iig!i ( r .inv one Ij vvc.r. v nils cut ui Ji ' ami $Jo suits, l utne and scf tne and I wi'l s.ive ymi mniicy on y our cli thing. Only tu minutes walk (ri'tii and tioillivvcst id the court house I 11. Hi n t"S, ' Monroe, N. C. 1 1 1 " . ' lnhtv . l.iie, AmJiiit, Health, I-ia-.111.1 all I'las.-es, ol Casuality In- a 11. 1. in-. Unly the ln'st and strongest 1 uinp urn - rt 1 1 esenti-.I 1 rcecttul-1- tteiii it 'ia prfliiii.iL;i-- and guai'au trf p 1 1 . . 1 , 1 t .i I i tli- lent service. Ol fl.f lit t t..illtliell.-e. riimie So. 1. fl cool Head l-v- ;v tlesnalile ut tins season. Hiii lie, 111, si tu), pure lec is the I nsl imi. line, iiifliiini you ran get. Ill the If lligfl.itul' Its lasting ipulity in it crcat economy, CRUSHED 1 want your c. all kinds. See sell. liiiti) -pr tne bi.I. S. K. D illlCC 1 re jsttr. It .1 1.1 ill s 11 Have i . It-tin tu the cli'iinifss ami cool Miiiitiier drinks of all kimla. i- t i deliver it to your rs- habits in the Child. The following is taken from a paH-r 011 Habits and Will, by Mrs. theodorc W.Hirney, in I ho ih- lineal or for Si-ptctnlsr: "The hub its of reverence, gentleness; court esy, honest v, courage ami patience. like their oppotiites are absorls-d by the child from those with w hom he is most closely itswa-iateu. It is in (best- attributes that 1111 ounce of example outweighs a ton of pie cept. It is a charming custom to lose no opportunity either iu read ing fiction or in the circumstances attending ou everyday living toex press an enthusiastic appreciation of tho good, the noble, beautiful and true, but valuable U-yond and alsiveall discussion of these virtues is "To be as nearly as we can w hat we wish our children to lie." SUPPORT tCOTTS EMULSION ssms at a carry Iht anakawttl stantat triataa alawf wstl H can faaat rVal ippwrt la aasimary haal SaaA iat In. MMata. Vatk. amrr a bowni. 1 aa-tl raarl Slat, Na. allaVxsatu. "Have You Started Homer "Xo; I have been here all dav and have just Mailed over to llil! l'.iycns' to d my little trading. I can get btttrr bargains ova there than any where else in town. "You sec those fellows started out to selling real cheap in order to get a trade woiked up and men when they got a good Made from all over the county they did not Jo like most othcis, gradually go! up on their goods, but they con tinue to sell so cheaply that ev erybody who knows the;n and has ever traded at their store con tinues to do S3, and they cannot and will nut go elsewhere. "A great many think their ad vertising in the papers is their best advertising, but I am sure their goods and piices advettise them more extensively than any thing else." daily. i.llltltV. Tickets fur sale in I'hone CADIEU & WALLACE. Waxhaw Institute, WiiiliawN, C. Enlargements Made or Planned. I. filth i cither Added lo Faculty. Mi's I h, .tin th littiMiiiui; Chears of 1'ity, N. L., student three years at 1 ,t I li t l'eiii ile L liiversity, Kal S.1.I1, is to j -i-t iu I'liuiary and liitetuit hate lt 11 tuie nts. Miss thf.iis ttuni s Imjlily lecoiiiinended as tu -putiu'i, nifiital and other e-1 01 pri 1 1 ;it. II. rw Dt paitnient. Miss Chears will 1 x . 1 . 1 1 1 t.iU' a itinall class in fcx'ies-inu. She graduated IU El prcssii.ii at It. 1-. t'. iu May. III. C.aiesHUideuce Coilise, bullish lah latllie. IV. Summer School for 1004. Work in coimnoii and hi;h school branches. Fur iiitui ination write J. K. W, Waxhaw, N. C. do What better advertisement we need than the above? Yours truly, Hill & Bivens. MEYSKlDmCURS BakM KMmt att BtatMar RIM The Wingate -School oHrrs excellent oppoi (unities to boys and girls preparing themselves tor col leK., lor business or lor III. practical duties of hie. Last year tbout to stu dents iirenared at Wingate were in the various collets of the State. The patronage of I.irI session came from 16 counties. There were enrolled a5r students. More than 7 of these were boarders. For thorough work and for quietude aud freedom from tempta tions Wingate is not to be surpassed. Our music facilities are exceptional. Fall Term opens July 27th. Write for new catalogue. M. B. DRY, Priii. i , i -,t