-" I 4 - " , - " , . f - . , V-"' - -S'f THE MONROE - JOURNAI o V VOLUME X. NO 33 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 1003 One Dollar a Year Tribute to An OM School Teacher. Where are all my wbonl BMim! hrho auwrs " hry arr tlirvf ' Many of them have rrucml over lu river, vhile kiuiv save moved ay to IikI.ui( UimU, and a very few others ar jni4 waller! brrr autl ilirrr. ily trarht-ni I Ikiiik, are all dnd exurpt our, the truer able A. T. M.rsli,uu moved from lhi rouuty to AlrxiiiuVr rouuty several years, lu mr opinion be is one of the brat mm lUat t'aion ruuuly ever raiwd. A mau of very fine roinuiou nrD.se and snort noble lulitio and a f Uaraeler without lileiuUh. Having served with bim tlimiiL'h the war 1 know there tu no more true and faithful soldier thaa be. May heaveu'a blnsunpt attend him iu his derliuing years and when be is called to mm over the river, may be find swet-t rent od the other shore. Two of my teacher loot their lives in the war. One wan killed ut Mauatwas, the other died in pris on. I never bad a whipping at school, hut there was a time when I thought I ouht to have had one. I thought so theu aud I still think so. land another boy were seated side by side iu the school room. The other Ixiy had oceiiMou to vacate bis scat tor a short w hile and rrueNted me to let no oue take it in but absence. Well, as soou as he was away, just out of mischief, 1 occupied bis seat myself. He was aoou bark aud commenced wrangling for bis seat, which I stubbornly refused to sur render. The teacher, seeing the disturbance, demanded an explana tion. The other boy explained the whole matter. I felt sure that I would get a w hipping, but, instead, be called the other boy up aud gave him a severe whipping. Why he was so put tint I never could un stand. There was a boy in one of the schools that I wt tended whom we will cull Hill. He was a slov enly, dull, halfwitted fellow and it w as real amusing to hear his odd and ipiaiut expressions of speech. Often in the evening just after school was out, just out of mischief, I would invite Hill home with me. His reply would invariably be, "Oh, no." I kept up the invita tion until one evening wheu' he scented to take the matter into con ttitleratiou, so he said to his young er brother, "You take tie bucket, I believe I'll go." 1 then begun to haul in, and said, "No, Hill, you needn't go; 1 don't wau't you to." "Oh, yes," he said, and started. Hio back, Itill," I said, "I was just joking. "Oh, un," be suld. Ho I bad to proceed on home with my unwel-' come guest. I had an older brother in the school who owned a fine little pen knife. Ouo evening after school was out be had his knife out whit tling and said: "Hill, what will yon give me for my knife!" After a little hesitation Hill drawled out, "Well, I believe I'll giveou a la ter." My brother, just for fnu, agreed. Itill had an older brother standing nearby watching the ne gotiation, and seeing the Initio about to be eonsumated he sprang forward with the exclamation, "You Hill, you goiu' to give a later for that knife!" and snatched the potato from Hill's hand. 1'oor Hill died iu later years a most horrible death. C. K. Hkown. Wingate, X. C. What Is Life? In the lat analysis nobody knows, but we do kuow that it is uuder strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derange ment of the organs, resulting iu Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Or. King's New Life Tills tiutekly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only iMc. at Kiiglisb Drug Co's. I want your old Iron. J D. Parker. Horse Health! For putting in prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won derfully effective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The Fow ders fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Condition Powders ' are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer rise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of mall doses, prepared from the purest and hiehly concentrated in gredients, that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders . always high grade are not to be classed with the many bulky, good' for-e very thing powders now on the market. i Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put op in doses, and good for horses and mules only. "Hsrlne trM sunr lilt. fntls Pew. Sn, I .n.l.tr A.H-r.ll Um knt Dm aurkrt. I ! pirmmn I rniHn lh.,a ui my Uwn 4 mmmm, U.CiUr XlX,HKk.f, M.C. Price ?5c packs ge Sold by English Drug Company A HANCUNQ AT STATE5VILLE. The Murderer of firs. Beaver Pays for His Crime en the Scaffold - Felt Sure That He Would (Jo to Heaven. pmal h Tk Cksilum liWrnn. Stalesville, rVpt. 10. Wilf,.rd Koarlioro was hanged here today, for killing JIM. lieavrr. He was put on the scaffold at 1J 06 o'clock aud as be did not want to make any public statement Sheriff Sum mers threw the trap at VIMS o'clock. He dropped six feet aud four inches. His neck was broken and bis pul.se ceasrd to heat in six oiinutea and the physicians pro nouueed him dead in 1.1 luiuute. After the trap was thrown there was one or two alight contortions of the bxly. His mother nor any ot his relatives wanted bis body and it waa exprrased to the dis tributing board at lialeigh touigbt. The execution was couducted in the jail yard. There were two or three thousand people here to see the execution aud wbeu the pris oner was put on the scaffold the crowd tore dowu the improvised enclosure prepared by the sheriff to make it more private. A por tion of the fence was also brokeu dowu by the crowd. Some weut so far as to yell. Ilousetoiis, win dows and other elevated place were used by them iu their eager ucns to see it. Everybody seemed satisfied when it was over. Koseboro Mid he slept very well last night and ate a very hearty breakfast this morning. He ex hibited no fear that was visible to the public when he was taken to the scaffold. lie joined the church during his imprisonment and ex- pretwd satisfaction that he would be saved. A large number of wo men witnessed the hanging. ICosclMiro uiunlered .Mix IMvie Heaver, wife of Mr. Adolphns Heaver, a farmer of Cool Springs township, on Thursday moriiiiig, July .'til. Mr. lieaver and young son were iu Statesville that day, having left Mrs. Heaver at home alone. They returned home alxnil dark that evening and found the dead woman s lxxly iu nu unused well at the rear of the house. It was evident from an examination of the lxxly when it wastakeu from the well that she hud beeu brutally in u rd red aud circumstances con nected KoHelxiro with the crime. The coroner's lniuHt held the day following couliruied this. Two duys after the murder sher iff .Summers arrested Koseboro iu Polk county, where be was at work with a squad of railroad hands. He was kept fcp juil in Charlotte until Weduesday, Aug. 1'.', wheu he was brought to Statesville, tried by Judge Alleu and sentenced to be hanged. During lioselxiro s four weeks imprisonment here, awailiug his execution, his conduct has pintJed those who fretiueiitly saw and talk ed to him in bis cell. A few days after be was put iu juil he confessed that he had killed Mix Heaver; said he choked her to death. Hut wheu questioned as to details con nected with tho crime' his memory was blank. He claims that he was drunk and did not know what he did. His mother said he was not drunk as she could detect w hen he went home, shortly after he com mitted the crime. A Cow's Tail Curtailed. Mr. W. N. Davis' Holslcin Jer sey family milk cow is minus the major portion of her caudal ap pendageand thereby bangs a nar rative. Saturday the row was tethered out to graze in the thin patch of woods near bis slaughter pell, Just outside the southern lim its of town. In the afternoon the negro man who has charge of the slaughter peu found the cow still grazing, but over two feet of her tail was banging to a small pine tree nearby. The treo bore marks of having gone through astreuuous tussle and it is supposed that the cow, having wrapped her tail around the tree, in her efforts to extricate herself pulled her tail in two, a rainer unusual nappeuing indeed. The protruding leaders and ragged edge of the hide pre clude the supposition that it was cut by some pcrsou and placed around the tree. The bark was torn off and the tree had evidently been pulled close to the ground. Mr. Davis has had many years' experi ence with cattle but this is the lirst accident of this kind that be has encountered. flulberry Trees (or North Carolina ! Farmers. , The two paitt se-.ison's experience in silk growing in .North tarolioa have proved a most gratifying aur rrss. It has demoust rated that the j women and children of the Htate may by light aud iulerestiug work during six weeks ot early summer earn, whdoui interfering seriously j with their ordinary duties, from m io no. i Dose w no caa uevoie more time to the work rau earn 'even more. To place silk-growing npoa a peruiaueut basis, we must increase the output of silk ctxtxins so as to attract to the State silk revlers autl weavers, thus creating a home mar ket for the product of the silk worm. The first aud most necessary step ia to iucroase the available supply of silk-worm food. We must plant aiulbery trees uutil each farm suit ed for this kind of product bas at least 100 trees. Every farm hav ing dry soil, lying between Colds boro aud Asheville. ran successful ly Krov mulberry trees and pro duce silk. In order to encourage the plant ing of the mulbery, the State Ito partmeut of Agriculture will dis tribute during the full of HHi.l, among the farmers of North Caro lina, rtxited seedling trees in lots of :A) and 100 of the varieties best suited for feeding the silk worm. Not more than 1K) will be seut to oue pcrsou. 1 hose w bo want more will be supplied at actual cost prices. We do not recommeud the planting of more thau KM) trees by any oue lornicr. KecipieuU ol trees will be required to pay post age or cxprcsxage ut the ntto of one rent per tree. This amount must lx enclosed with application. Send stamps or money order not bank checks. Trees will be delivered during NovemlxT. w hich is the best month for planting in this State. Full directions for planting and caring for the trees will l sent to each applicant. We scud out only seedlings of the hite .Mulbery Morus alba. About one-half of each lot of trees' will beur fruit. The fruit of seed lings is for the most part of xxr table quality, though excellent for poultry und bogs. The trees grow rapidly while young. Their roots spread widely near the 'surface of the soil and will prevent even steep lull sides from washing. e rec ommend that farmers plant seed- llug mulberry trees Vi x 12 feet apart, allowing the plants to branch low and grow iu shrub form. I se the licld as a run for Hiultry or hogs aud allow the children of the family to have tho leaves for feed ing si!k-wormsaa a means of rais ing pocket mouey. Applications will Imj tiled iu or der of reception. Order now. Address applications to aud make money orders payable to the under signed, (iKKtl.H Mt-CAKTHY, Biologist, N. C. Department of Agriculure, Haleigh, X. C. Jurymen for Next Term of Court. The following jury has been drawn to serve at the term of Su perior court which convenes in November: W. A. Higgers, W. II. Presson, M. A. Mullis, W. K. McManus, C, M. Hrooni, J. A. Jones, II. 11. Ed wards, K. 11. Pusscr, J. V. Trull, James B. Cox, J. K. Htxiks, It. C. Nesbit, II. 1). (i rilli n, a A. Rob ertson. K T. Huney, C. Leauder Helms, W. II. A. Kluttz, H. J. Winchester, Jas. It. Huticom, 11. A. Mullis, E. J. Griffin, J. H. Sul livan, J. J. Moody, II. R Hhute, J. S. DcLancy, Ellis M. Griffin, W. V. Simpson, Jas. V. Mills, J. C. Huggins, H. A. Norwood, T. H. Ijles, Milt N. llivens, W. Mur phy Starues, W. W. Luney, C. II. Kichardson, J. E. Ritxim. Peach Seed. StatriTillr Un.lmark. The Chronicle says a negro who came to Charlotte the other day with peach seed for sale was very much surprised to find no market for them. Peach seed find ready sail ou the Statesville market at ft per bnshel. Mr. It. V. Rrawley, who advertised in the Landmark for 1,000 bushels, has bought great quantities of them. I MR. CAREIjOCK THE flAN. Young Farmer Near Wingata Shows Ip With No- 131, the Lucky Ticket in the Buggy Con test. Mr. J. I. Carelock, a young farmer wbo lives near Wingate, a graud-ton of the late Krvin Medlin, 1 proved to lie the lucky man in The Journal's buggy routest, having re ceived numlier t.'tt, which bap Mnedto Iw the lucky oue. Mr. iCarelock was naturally very proud good buggy already, but says be thinks that he'll sell it aud iur the Umirual buggy. He is '.'4 yeurs old, and has leeu married about two months. He w rites the follow ing letter: To the Readers of The Journal: This is to certify that I held ticket No. 1.11 in The Journal bug gy coutest, and that the same has been redeemed with a pretty and well built buggy of fine quality. I was very happily surprised to find that I was the lucky man. I had only one ticket, and if I remember correctly, I paid for my paxr on July lttb and received the ticket. I think that if all the other ticket holders knew how proud I am of my gtxxl luck they would not feel disapixiiiited. With lest wishes for The Journal, which I think is a splendid paxr, I am, Very truly, J. L. Cakixock. Wingate, X. C. Cotton's New Disease. sib-ilk e.-i. Mr. J. L Hanks, who cultivates an extensive farm alxuit leu miles from ltaleigli, brought a large cot toil plant to the agricultural de partment for inspection by the Stain chemist. It was a well tie veloxd plant but hud Htaited dy ing on several of its principal branches. Mr. Hanks said there are great quantities of cotton in his licltls and on a iiiuulx r of ail joining plantations atllicted as this one is. After examination the Stale Chemist found that it is in fected with niihciicoal or cotton fungus. They attack the plant, caust the leaves to dry up and shed and the bolls in many in stances to ut least partially decay. It has a tcudcncy to spread aud evolution of crops is about the only thing that will rid a held of its presence. Dr. Kilgore, State Chemist, said that a similar germ, or at least one which has a similar eliect on the plast, has attacked tobacco in Granville county und in portions of Durham and Wake, counties. It is known as tobacco wilt. It is a li.ulerial disease and causes a plant attacked to wilt in a very short time. Considerable damage is Ix'ing done by it iu infected lo calities. This disease is beiug dis cussed now in all farmers' insti tutes helil iu tobacco wet ions. Personal Items tram Ward law. The farmers are very busy in t lie fields th is week, rottoo pick i ng s nd fodder pulling are the most im portant topics of con vernal ion amongst our people. kHss Helen Hoyle is visiting at West Spring, 8. C, this week. Mr. N. S, Matthews returned from Hickory last Tuesday. Mrs. l J. Heck of Sauford. Fla., is visiting at Mr. Hunter's. Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Howie of Mineral Spring visited at Mr. A. J. Price's last week. Dr. J. W. Stephenson and son spent a few days last week at Mr. W. j. Hudson's. Mrs. K, W. Leiumond and chil dren ret a rued home Saturday. A protracted meeting la la prog ress at Weddingtoa. Rev. Mr. Hoyw Is ably assisted by Rev. Mr. Stacy of Waxhaw. Miss GuKsie Hunter returned from a few days visit to Pineville Saturday. Miss Jessie Matthews left last week for her borne near Concord, where she will euter the Sunder land school. Misses Mantle Hoyle, Mary Mat thews, and Hula Price leave next Monday for Greensboro Normal. They have our best wishes for suc cess iu this year's work. X. Qrim But Effective. I'htrMlf Chnuik-lr. Two negroes who are employed as porters on Southern and Sea board Air Line trains, resective ly, met ou East Trade street the other day und engaged iu a discus siou as to the number of passengers hauled by the two roads. Hit Sea board darkey described at length the heavy passenger traflic of his road, saying it excelled all past records of railroads iu the South. The Southern employee wailed un til his friend was through aud then squelched hi in by saying: 'Shah, nigger, you dou know what you're talking 'bout. Why, we kills more folks ev ry day deu Miiir road hauls." The Negra Lradcrs- ! - .f w . . . im juouroe journal writes iciu Tax Notice. I ill 1 at the fuiiuouii; iji t s u perately and sensibly in the IsMie 'he Jl,r nmd -r t'ic u!jo o! of last week on the nameless crime, jconecuu iars lor me veai u, ,y. Dr. Stagg Has a Wish. httrlotli OUM-nri-r. Rev. Dr. John W. Stagg is nuth- iug if not practical. A little while ago Mr. It. O. Alexander, whose religion enters into every detail of his life, showed Dr. Stagg over bis magnificent home in Dil worth. After all the rooms and porcelain bath tubs bud beeu duly examined, Mr. Alexan der said: 'The Iml gave me this house, Dr. Stagg. He gave it to me be cause I am His servant, aud asked Him for it." 'Ho did, did He," replied Dr. Stagg. "Well, I wish you'd ask Him to give mo oue, too. Sewed Up His Heart. 'hlraitu 0lti.i, "th. An operation on the heart of Matthew Plowman, who was stab bed in a light with James Coruiett Saturday, may save the man's life. At Mercy hospital, where he was takcn,physiciaiis took out his heart and sewed it up. Theu oxygen was administered continuously and last night be was said to have a possible chance of recovery. Plowman was stiihlxMl with a bread knife in the left breast. The wound almost cut his heart in two. Bucklcn'S Arnica Salve Has world-wide fame for marvel lous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Rums, Boils, Bores, Felons, I'lcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions: infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. at English Drug Co's. Where Human Life Is Cheap. Chriu IHatmr, The press dispatches from Con strnliuople assert that from 30,000 to 40,000 people have been massa cred by Turkish soldiers. There are doubtless but two places In the world where such things could oc cur without causing a atir in the Balkans and In C hina. The world has becoota to regard am aa life in these countries as exceedingly cheap. Ts Cure a Cold ia on Day TW Ltutiva Bromo Quiaias Ttblets. Ail drufnitlt nia4 the money if it (ails to cor. K. W. Gran t ii(U tur it oo ssch bos. s$cots. SOFT CHS Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen arc full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school eirls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood-making organs but cives them strength to do their proper work. SCOTT a BOWKW. rtuhii (ushntsm. IwwYwfc. M.a4SMi Took Nothing But His Watch. Now Vtirk Triliulie. 'There is un old negro living in Carrollton," relates the Hosworth, Mo., Star Sentinel, "who was taken ill several days ago und railed in a physician of his race to prc-scribo for him. Hut the old mau did not seem to be getting any better, and dually a white physician was call- d. Stxm alter arriving Dr. S felt the darkey's pulse for a mo ment and theu examined his tongue. 'Did your oilier dK.'tor lake your U'mperatiiret' he asked. ( dou t know, siui,' be answered feebly; 'I aiu't missed nothing but my watch as y it, boss.' " Money Couldn't Allure Him. ..Iilnutmi Kmi, Iowa has a minister who made the greatest sacrifice hit ou record by turning down an oiler to play liuseball at .1,000 a year in order to retain bis pulpit at a salary of f.nn. Ought to be Contagious. Unnvlllr KtniTtor. At Charlotte a white man has been sent to Jail for drunkenness and failing to provide for his lam ily. Ob, if that kind of justice would only become catching anil spread all over the state. Sometimes Soap Instead of Per turnery. (laatonla tiMrilr. It is reported in the paiMrs that the perfumery bought for the King of Englnnd this summer cost over !MM). Many people need things they don t get, but bavn t yon ob served that there's oue thing of which it nisy be safely said that the folks who need the most usual ly get the most! It's cologne. Rut it is a most deceptive ftiucy this yearning after perfumery; so many people imagine they want cologne when what they really need is soap. Postmaster Railey of Raleigh, who is paymaster of rural free de livery carriers for North Carolina, savs the Payroll for august was 17,000. There are 367 routes in the State. li ring your cnicnens snu eggs ana ret hiehest Drices in cash or trade. We buy tbeiu. M. C. Rroom Our Ice House is opposite I I Lockhart & Co.'s store. Phone - .L . . - - Vt . us waen yon wsni ice. no ju. CADIEU & Y AXLACE. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Heavens, ersailles, O. For years be was troubled with Kidney disease and diH'tors nor medicines gave him re lief. At length he tried Electric Hitters. It put him on bis feet in short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete re covery." Best on earth lor Liver and Kidney troubles mid all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only ftoc. Guaranteed by English Drug i n. War Between Turkey and Bul garia Coming. Clt-vrltml Star. It appears that there is no way to avoid a war Mweeu Bulgaria and Turkey. The bloody and cruel Turk has carried on a war of extermination in some of the pro vinces in unci I ing insurrections, snd there is every indication that war will be formally declared be fore ScptemlxT ends. Qently Breaking the News. WAihaw Knlentrtiw. Somebtxlv has lust discovered a germ to which bacteriologists nave iriven the name of "hook worm," mid have declared it to be "the germ of laziness. " So hereafter when you may wish to intimate In mild und inoffensive terms that vnnr iieiirhtxr is not verv enerectic j . .---n " or Industrious you can merely re mark that he has "Iiook worm and everybody will understand. BlackHair "l htvs used your Hslr Vlfor for ivt yctrs and sm frettly plcttcd with It. It certainly r. Mores the riginal color to gray hair. Itkeept myhilraoh." Mrs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Ms. Ayer's Hair Vigor hat been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, ana it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from failing, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. a M t tMlh. AS HoUl If rr trecrlst ensM wpplf ym, mh! w on iur awl ill yovtWrttte. S Mn bw jrl Um aM f Mat mm esirf aSk-. AMim, 4. C- AVKH CO., yMU, turn. putting the blame for the preva lence ol the evil Uxm the educated and influential uegrors who, in stead of Ubiug their power to sup press the evil among the brutal and vile, sx-ud all their strength and iullueiice denouncing mob law. They, as the Journal well says, have the matter iu their own hands. The newspapers rau not reach the rapitu, for they do not read newHjiaprrs, but the leaders among the uegroes are iu close touch with all clamtn aud are per fectly able to make public senti nient so strong that the evil will be greatly leasened. if not entirely suppressed. But these leaders rarely say a word against the crime for which so many negroes are lynched; on the other baud they intensify race hatred by assailing the mob, which will continue to kill every negro who lays his bru tal baud UKiu au iumx-eut woman, and they are eutirely sileut alxuit the crime which causes the de thronement of law, which we all deplore. This, to us, is the most di.scou raging thing about the edu cation of the negro. If cducutiou made him morally stronger or let ter there would be far more hoix lor the race; instead of that, how ever, it seems only to give hi in shrewdness enough to save his own bide, without tilling his life an inch higher than that of the low level of the ignorant and degraded. With all the money sicut on the education of the negro and ull the facilities that have Ixs'U given hi in for enlighteument, the crime con tinues to increase aud the moral force (if there he such a thing) among the educated has not been arrayed ou the side of virtue and purity. Education, whet her uniting white or black ixopk, that is un touched anil uiifhitstencd by re ligion, is more of a curse than a blessing. A Boy's Wild Ride tor Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a sou riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. II. Brow n, of Leesville, Intl., iudiired death's agonies from asthama; but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and stxin cured bim. lie writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Piieumouia, I iron chilis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed Lotties ."xic and 1.IHI. Trial bottles free at English Drug Co's. You Might Need a Doctor. You have cotton to sell at a good price. You can pick cotton, pull (odder, cut and sell hay, sell iruit, chickens and eggs and pay your doctor. There aie various ways to pay your doctor if you really want to pay him. Pay day has arrived again. Another delinquent list will soon be printed, and you don t want your name on it. It is just as necessary to pay (or a doctor's goods as it is to pay (or a merchant's, a preacher's, or a lawyer's. U. C. M. A. All kinds of school supplies at Welsh's Drug Store blank books; crayon, paper, pens, ink, pencils, at lowest prices at elsh s. When painting your dwelling call and see us fur prices. e recommend and guarantee Harri son's paints. S. J. Welsh. Notice to Teachers Notice is hereby given the teach ers who take the examination in tK'tober will lie required to stand au examination on the new text book "Agriculture for Begin- uers" at the October exaunna lion. The text book can lie had at State depositories Monroe, Mars villeand Waxhaw, for tiO rents. The new text book must be taught in every public shool in the county. R. F. Bkami.f.v, Supt. Married 6J Years. SUtmvtll Landmark. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ilaith cox, of Trout man, Iredell rouuty, aged rcectively H. and S:t years, are now in their sixty-third year of married life, have seven chil dren, three sons and four dittigh ters, and their family circle has never beeu broken by death. The venerable couple are yet bale and hearty aud have fair promise of several years longer in their earth ly pilgrimage. There is mors catarrh ia this sec lion of the country than sll other die eitee put toftether, sod until the last lew years was suppoaed to be incurs ble. For s f rest many years doctor! pronounced it s local uitease.enil pre ecribed local remediee, sod by con lastly (ailior to cure with local treat trenl, pronounced it Incurable, art eace hat proven catarrh to be a coo ttiluHooal disease, snd therefore re quiree constitutional treatment Hall'i Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney ft Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional curs on the mar set. It is taken iolercally ia doses from lo drops to s tea spoonful. It acts directly oo the blood snd mucous surfaces of Ibe system. They offer ooe hundred dollars for sny case it (ails to curs. Send for circulars and tealitaooials. Address, K. J.CUKNKY4 CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, ?3o. Hall I family pilli siw the best Dine IlKin'h, Nt Silt in luai.-liir. ThuisJm, tk !..!. ! isr, r. Utliitlr, Mji-IimIIc I.ii?I,i', t iiJjv. Octolicr inj. If). Horn & More, L-ant-' Cret-k tuwu ship, Si'.uiJ.y, ivt.il.er r.l, i ,03. hli' Stu.r, Itiifui.l timnliip 1 oeuUy, t), t.ilwi Ml,, ijoj. T Wailiaar, Jjrlson t.ioustop, Sitlll- i day, Octoher 24th. I'.j. Kcd. lie's Slme, Sjmly KiJ;t town- ship, Wednesday, (K tulier 7th, J Indian Trail, V'juir tuutit. Thursday, I Irtohrr Mh. 19" t I'uioiivillr, (joose Creek tuuliip, : X Friday, Octolier 11,0 J. T Uotirue, Mnr.e tjuliip, Sjtur-1 4 day, October lolli, Iijoj. Those failing to meet me at the above named places and wlthm; their taxct aiust settle at the oliix by the first day of Uecemlier, Hint, and save cost. Re:-pectfullv. 1 li. A. HtlKN, Sheriff j Sept. j, 1903. of I'utoii Couuty. 1 Valuable Farming Lands and Town Lots for Salo. iOfieap Flour is Bad Floor! 1 iii -n at 11,.. i f N. f . ..11 M I I Khn I l.Y!..-k Mi . f..r.,-h.i tlir t..l(-. i.ii' -I. M fi'. .1 v. 1- - A 1.. 111 in liu!".. t ..mh i.t M..i,i.....i. ; . H rAiiiiiiif T.i wr. .. m.-ri- U..r. (arm ..11 ni.iM- t. i.-.. .l-..r 1 m T'.KI-K.. Hi. tin.11!. .:i-i.:.. in I. A I. I .!. :.! M II.. .i r U II . II,.- lir. N.-si Imr flu-. M 1 Olrr Itll.l I. I.IK.W II -(lim-.- ill. I. A '.mil ill h if-.r.i I.. S. 4,'IV.. tin . t i.t I. --, adj.. I'lirv.ii, H. Ik. J It Vi-'i a 1.111k. '."Ml.. ii.n...... I hl irwl I" 11,'nrU ;i!l Mi'li 1111 nl. A lra.-l ..( Ian. I in :ii kn. 11 B tl.- Ci r.111 M -i.. II iitlti,' on On ttM.-l. w'n.li ,..ii m-r,... Thi-iv an- In ,.r li .i-r tin. 1 ta't. ami ili."i-t a i.-nai. Iti! irai I a.lji.iit. th l.ili.l. ..I I H HII..H ami iil'ii r 4"i -A I..I III tin- .-!! ..f Mi, III tin- wM-ni;i-r il. ..l .ni l l.-lu.i X. ami I'. I . Kallr,l.l. ami -." 1'4 i-iv. At. Ill l..r Mr. It's in piue li the niaker'sei 1 u i' lur the iiii-ii. inly of hie 1 ;n Jut t. l ad fi iur is bad flour 11.1 111. itier hum it is nuuipulat c.l ami jni;U-d iu pat Ling It ll tutiirs bark lo the same tliiut. li.u.J fljur uoktd ill) poor will iMpiove the quality 1 ! the bli-n I, tint like mmuf Hinle (Mint ilh black.it takes u a w : ut lot of ohito to pro duce nuy ttfect. liad or cheap Hour is larking iu glutea, the utilriliuus purliou oi the wheat. It alsu cuutains a large per fiilake of llie pulverized husk or slii-ll nf II, e crain. All of hiili you dun't aut. There lure, e cauluiu you lo ask for the "Iuvinnl,le" brand. This lnai,, is uuKI at the lowest I'tKi fur uhirh really first tUss fVuir ran be suld, aud lis I'M' r is Hie lntlicft you need In 'JV 111 uiilt-r tu get the best. Mi. Ncv.in.iti, our local baker, say: "liiviucilile" is the 1 can Kit lor baking." 11.I1 1. .1 , Mortgage Sale. H ttrttlt t.f h timru-tu-e it. cl i.t ii t-cfu tit sfii'int-r lth. l-'.w, l. I. h K'.i- rt aii.l iMt-tl 1.1 tilt otl if it the K' L-l-l' ' I- tituti omul v lit I-., A I'. iwkr- '.V. w n , t (iiil.ln- siih'Uofi, til 'li- ou'l!f:i-' '.-r on Saturday. October 10th. )SiU. Itir f. ill.. tl-lH"- ..f taHI.I HM Irfl Ai!...litM!.' I..H.U ..f l l;t l", IVIt'r ('rai.v I, l Klfi. -. l 11' - .1 K All-Mil J .1 K J'lJ 41. ( ill ii!.i i'l iM'ri'. itt'irv ir t-iiii.l l rn,-t l. uin mi.l i- in. in t lii- .f t)lM. mh th.- Nitriii -.t' -.f f -v -hi.--. Ij.'tlillltr ll'f W t'lf) Hu it. N.i- M.- ; i-.vi.m-i. Hint uilit-r-. Hint kinw n it- Hi I' vl-or Klllatui !'. ...li' rtii v ,t- m.ifv or !. Mi'KKuW, lir..IM4iu .viii'tiU-r Ttli. !- M..iii:,iL'' MH-. . Ml tli aR of Mil- .lot ..f Mu ni) Thur-.lflv, tin- JlHi !n it 12 uVI.M-k. in . at Un is. km f M.-i-klt itt.tittf mt. i s t mi'lM 'tHMt, A HI m II l. 'III' lllk't.'-l i 1.14 licaiit-llitn. tin- f..l!M liii. -l-i-lv - 1 1 1 t iit nurv- f lilt i' t' Hi rtl'H'K tllHMTl-IHl UIIh1 H.I ilk l ntiH,.!!,. '( (lie r mi I m1 or otn1 tiiiM.tn.t $l'ni iur- its'i tiif. it ut'iii v utirtri ot i tu f;itiiirti ir-t Nuiioiiiit timtk i-f (.itMomn. , r . of t .ir vstltif if our tuiihttvtl tf.iMUH.i tl..lint iittrf Kk'liit-sn of tin- mhitni --V w I'li'.liuoni l i li i ittt Miiimi'ic : ut Hi i , N ' .of tin- ivtr of ! .J-MiMiM inl tit' - l"'r -liit'" 4i I t it lif litt- of Hir ritptln! Itt AUi'li Hiir.1)tr r..mimny. ri.m l, J f UM- itsv of :n' ininm-il (fi'' Imrt. Tttftity -hrtrf ,,f tin. 'rtinttl Io.-i MONKOE HAKDWAki: COMPANY M.nir.tf.N of nit-Mi 4iti" ( iiisi mi, it. jira jut .hare. ItTlllf "I -Hlr ' il-it . II S I'll KK Kwtltor 'f tlit W Ml of .Unit- J. Mm. iltn-M Kt )l. , IW Mortgage Salo. Hv vtrtur of n tn.i lit itif Imv of i . in to.1. anil rt-.-..t f IH-".! for I "tu if tlfftt. oil tHaft' 'T-i. ttili'I loll Ml t tie court ho on 5aturdny. October KHh, IWW. thr ftillowiiiir .tfMcrilsi lt of ln.l.!y ua Hint It'tiiif Hi Un fount) ol l ntoii. ,H'fcoti lown-ht,. on thr tiltT of UhxIihh rh'-l, tlfHr Illr WHHAW IhUI-I rmi r-ii. n.ijoi in -iu i' IH Hi 11 of I Hritoill.ll.il ll-Hllirmio I- nutiic. wntHinitiif Wt4 'ti'-. niotr or h"-. MnKKtiW, II h VI It X in , Tlit Hi-t-mUT tUi. Mortirw.'-'- I If HKXDEUsSON if KOLLEK MILLS. L. H- THOMPSON, General Insurance. l ire, Lite. Accident, Health, Lia bility and all cla-.es ot Casuahly ln . .i.ilicc. duly the best and strougest " I' itiit-s n-pn-senti'd . I resperllul- ly -ni.i il v ,iir ,.iti linage aud guatan- j ti e prumpl ami t-tticiint service. Of j lire ut : t ut cdui thouse. I'ltoue No. I. Mortgago Sale. t:iii. Exocutor's Sale of Stocks. .f ( i ii i i. v'l, Ut o -. I ."til I 1 kraL!' iltHJ li- rup i K it'll It'll t( i t Hk mi.l Iiim iff tin I i.t ..i.i.-t hi tlif ofliii i of 1 ni.ttt rounl- 111 ill -t il ' iitil-IicsiuctUiiI r in .niti, N v.. oi) Stptember 28th, 1 9(13, l!M - or t-HPI'ft '.r Irltl't HH fooA: -t I i.M-t It.'unitiiiif ut m (ii ut itum lijr a i . iiitit i Ktk mill tiin rvil itnki, fonniT t .1 W Mn-'n--t. r . i-tiriif r. iii runt Willi nit N K I" i lnini mill ttiili.crinluic i tii'i l 'i n jio-t on li liv h nut j.! , iwi hlrko uixt iw.- Miih r omK. Hit-mi N lrtik K. .fi i.-hm.I mr link-, i ro-tpjuit Hl-art tl.r.t- f.f n,ik -upltiiK, otif nil w ji'.-i .;ik (t. in it in nt mi olii tl'Ui; H . l ihiMt- Hii-t T hllk Iti rtMl i r ivik Hint f.rtir mi tmk . thrns IllHI'. l'IO"ltnt N -lllHlt iTtttll'll tils. .1 link. ..ui.. i hickory; r- ... rimui-. croo-iiii IA (I I nitlf. lliK two emtslt lllltl t-i k of .l , t.f thr lift -I I riit.-.l I UN v. m. 'a .t Miii.-ti v i Ut.--.tin-.'. .(tin- Kit' . iM ii n . in (took A It ; Will - l Hi .Hl.lU- toor in Moiii-.H', ! I- ml I Ufl : Its IMtllull..' HlHt"1 i"lk, 1 .1 It ti-hot t ft II- tWO ii li-t'l W Mii-ltt -ift Htiii ru lies ittt h V K. .(7 i-imui. him I hiikt. cnsssi - r .rk lo n mut. i ottk ty m ! r r 1 ' 2 I'Uik jiM-k-4. Htffir tlif- hvi"loll liirluuii- to ii ttisVli jtu'k hy ft ii. t . o in 1 1. t:n I m o '-lic k jm-kn . iht'iM4 1 1 ' i n i m 1 1 1 ii -timl! rs-.i ottk l.y h Ini'k ,1 ,tlli ,,, ..nl.v, th--illt' H. I.t . Tt'tlHHlP ; wU n rt .I t.jik l y h nmtrr k anil tt otilt-, ' 'Mi I'l.niiT of the tlrl trad (tuMH-f w . i Ii mn 1 1 in of "Hi'1 snirvry of imc; h l.il..A-4: tfi K titiis ami to tit i fi- ....t .nk -ilnif- hv a tol ttalt wr WNt. r-o(,k.. Iliriitr IVS W rhalllsl Mill,- t-:o"iint HUii t-n-fk mHin to I hi tn. if th'- I"h'I- ftiutaiiilhsT Wl'a in. i. or ti- . U'luu thr irnri ttmvi'yfii II C toll U!it Will' t" l M Ht-fM-t Oil l-Hi. i-;; .r. HKATH. Aii"i.-t iMh. liM Mortifi. Notice of Eloction. .1 J.y Uiuinli ii ,.! f Ii K.ltlt Hllo !,. .1 i trfi. w I in- U Ii i ii I rim Dissolution Notico, I havr "ohl niv pfro't'r' iti-rn4 In Monroe to tin- I.iihIm y i.r.nfty I'oiniuiiiy, wlix-h will i. it.inhii-lt il l.y Iht'ni in tin- riittnt Ml I.KI III iMtot hv Ihf t.iriil v i.fMi rv t'omiHiny ait.l nil mttut tit lut' I In ol.l lii tn nni-t inl . tht'-aitl i'oiiMtnv. . T II M r i ' N Htjilf tuU-r Ttli. Ivl SomeValuable Information discovered on inspection ol some olJ books. nv fourth of tht Mxtt liutrtft. No. Ittifont lowiiiliin. th oi ttfiirii Hrt i'.ifiiy 'Ntfil in i. hi, i'iittort'il )y tht I oti a u Hoard tif i. it ti onliTt'i) that an HtM-tioti In i 1 1n- tii ili of M-iti iiihtr, In nalil dl" t Tiniliv n ltoti hni'. to aitt-rialn the il ( Ho- M...i.j ttit'i-.in, w ht-t!itr thfrr ohall it- l.-vo .I in -,ii. t tlturici a -,M'aiNl annual iti ol ii.ti iiioir Uihii it'iitt on tlif Iini ihi valua ll.'li o' iro(n i iy. unit not lli'trr lliall rs'llt on the x.il lo -it;til('iii'tii tin' iill llr H'h'Mil fuml Alin-li hihv I ii.lH.ithtnil to atrl liMrtrt hy r.-iuu ttoi'i,o K'hii-Httoti. in cam? hi'1i a i-i..f tu i- oit .. n-l tt i- fiinhiT oriU-rftl that i.. M Ih'M'v U' Mi'ii'iinii'il Ki'trt-lrar. and thai It I l"ik iiti't K r. )i.f-tsp aitoinltt .tiitlitfM f. .r -..nil i it-fi ion Iti hH nMMH't) isaiit rlcotltoi -Its 1 1 Ix-lit ii rr.Uir'. liv riin)tr 4 of 1jih ot linn ..!itiB u'-f it Trnitv t'himl hnuur. J M MKW AKT. l itTk tu Hoftnl of ( oiuny roiiiiiilx-ioiieni. Some days ago we were look ing over some oM books ot the old firm of Stevens & Thifcr and we find from inspecting them that! the way in which they conducted their business was the most ac ceptable. They treated every body just the same; there were no favorites among their custom ers; they made a small pec cent, on their goods and made the same per cent, on each customer. Therefore they were very success ful in business and people put great confidence in them. This is our Motto: You Can't Beat Ble in tlour, coffee, sugar, molasses, candies, etc. The most complete line ot tobacco in town; any price; only one quality that is the best, liest vinegar 2oc. per gallon. Two ioc. bottles fresh LAGLE EXTRACT i sc. Have you trieJ "Our Blend" Coffee? If you havn't, try a pound. Those who use it are still praising it. Force, Grape Nuts, l'ostum Coffee, Oat Fakes always (rcsh. Everything guaranteed to ev erybody. Prompt delivery. liring your country produce here (or best price. Respectfully, W. A. STEWART. l'lione aoi, We treat sll alike; we do not try to get rich on each customer; we sell good articles and sell I hem cheaply. You can make no mis take in giving us your trsde. Our goods are the best; we have do old stock and we sell remarkably cheap. .1 Yours truly. Hill & Bivens. fi 6001 Head Is rerjr desirable st this season. Our clean, solid, pore Ice is the best cooling medium you ess get. , lu the refrigerator iti luting quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED, It adds to the clearness and cool nesa of summer drinks of all kinds. Hare as to deliver it to yoar res idence daily. Tickets for sals ia sny quantity. Phone j6. . CADIEU & WALLACE. F0immKYCUT3 UkM Kiskters as tftasMar UaM