THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N Ihr. J. Snil rrlurtxtl Urii A Wise U Valttr. CaptUmUeUlRMst. airbt from a avrrnsl days Tuit ! Kneakin? of tb ub of the Cuv-1 (Hw Bight U4 wevk aa Chi. W. I kia oM koiae ia Rtoke manly. Ile.inetna Muwrtv. about a acre of A. Lane was briuritur au train TuesJay. September 15. I90J. itkul the Plka are posnpUininj about tar low price of totnrro. MiMrtle Oaffuey of Gffuy, TWe will be a tutkholuVr H. I',, is fbuime: Mm. J. F. Ijuk-j. nfft lie Monroe MnuuUriur i- . . . .. itWpaoy Ibb afternoon. TUe Mr. FWt Wolfe of wMIe; y dol Bi,,.y auU s-ut Huiuliiy ia town. p to openJlt mort extea Mr. Frank Ogburn bat eutered lively. Triuily College. Mr 0 nthf )D of Mr Mi Uu Steven of ltoeJs Mill O. '. Ilrath of Mouroe, a ho but ia viMtiug Mr. V. A. Stewart brea iu Vorkville aonie time, baa iMreeurd the late J. U. Jlettu a manager of the Heath lUiikinj; ami Mercantile t'ouipany of LaiM-rKter. Want aa honest Cars and Fair Price. IiktUMl TW kmrmml aas rroi are pHwl op there ami , Uirh baa tirra win-bawd bv Mr. fn.ui Atlanta lo Moon be bad a; The Journal aiaib- a ttlilit wis HM'tit 8mnlay iu town. Mr. and Mm. Julian tirifliu upeut yesterday ia Matthe. Mit Nellie Howie leave tomor row for the Normal and 1'ollegiate Institute, Asheville. Mr. Waller Webb of Chailotte ia visiting her uncle, Mr. U. O. Kulleua iiler. till, by I lie way, a bat baa be come of l lie new and large and beautiful depot? The line xtatenieut of the Peo ple's liank of Mouroe oppe tnt iu Ibis itue. Mr. 1$. II. Kirk of Waeo, Texas ha been visiting hia sister, Mrs. 8. II. tireeu, for o:ue time. Miss l'attie I-ee left yesterday for Greensboro Female College at (ireeusboro. Mr. Howard Wolfe has accepted position with the Mouroe Hard ware l'oniaiiy. Mrs. T. II. Milicr and children of Charlotte are visiting the family of Mr. S.i ni Rape. Mr. (i. Scliaelmer of Charlotte itpeut several days in town last week. Miss Ktlie Fair ley leaves tomor row for Italeigh w here she enter St. Mary's School. Mini Mary Futch leaven Friday for Virginia College at Roanoke, Va. Miss Julia Ronton of Charlotte Hpcut last week with Minn Nellie Howie. Mrs. Thou. A. Tarrant of New lierrv, S. ('., is vUitiug at Mr. W. II. l'hifer's. Misses Kmiiia and Maybelle Kr viu of Charlotte are semliiig some time in town. Mrs. T. N. Hale and daughter have returned home lifter sending the mi miner in Tennessee. Mr. J. ('. Harris of lluford town ship, who has lieeu ipiite sick for some time, is improving. Mrs. I.Ivie Houston has return ed from a visit of several aiouths in Florida. Miss l'nrefoy of Wake Forest will lie here this week from Haiti more to assist Mrs. A. Ievy in her millinery store. Cottou Weigher Iliekett says that bn has so far handled about 150 bales of new cottou. The 11 price today is Mrs. W. K. Iavis and sister re turned to their homo in Wilming ton Sunday morning alter a several days visit iu Monroe. ' Miss Lucy Stewart leaves Mon day for Huiton, W. Va., where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs. C. I. Roberts. The Tii z.ih sehool makes appli cation for a public library. This makes three of the possible six that have be1 u applied for. Miss Kmma May nor, who has been visiting her sister, Mm S. (i. Hussell, returned yesterday toiler borne in Norwood. Mr. T. 11. Simpson has takeu up bis distillery two miles south of here and is moving it to Asheville where he will set up and run. His family may go to Asheville later. The postofliee at I jionville has been ordered dlscoutiuueUon Octo ber first. The patrons of the ofliee will be supplied by rural carrier number 2, Mr. T. L. Love, Hev. W. F. Watson and Rev. J. A. llivens closed a meeting at Vnion, iu Lanes Creek, yesterday, iu which ve persons were bap tized. We are requested to nnuouiice that there will be a meeting of the Auti Saloon league of Mouroe at the Mayor's ofliee tonight. All members and officers are requested to be present. The following young ladies left for Greensboro yesterday morning where thev will enter the State Normal: Misses Bright Ogburn, Mary Davis, Ine Flow, Lva Rich ardson and Alma Cunningham. Mr. 8. B. Cunningham, who baa been superintendent of the cotton mills here for sometime, lell last nielil for Wadesboro, where he has accepted a similiar position with the Wadeslioro nulls. The concert by members of the Oxford Orphanage class given here Friday uight was well at tended, unusually so, the manager said. Sixty-two dollars ana quarter were takeu in. Dr. J. M. llclk returned Satur day from an extended trip to New York and other points, where he boiiL'ht eomls for lielK Bros' seve ral biir stores. Mr. W. II. Bclk was with him. The following went to Charlotte last Weduesday to hear A I O. Fields' Minstrel: Messrs. James and John Stewart, K. I Stevens, Olenn Wolfe, John Welsh, Dun ham Bundv, Herndou Hasty, and Mrs. J. 8. ilasty. Statistics given out by the State Superintendent of I'ublie Instruc tion show that there are Id Union comity 2WI persons between the agea of 12 ami 21 who cannot read and write, being 11 perceut of the .whole number of smb age. The lowest per cent is Bladen, which la two. The highest is Surry, which is 47. Anson i 26 J. The corporation commission has completed the axirauueiit of rait way, telegraph, telephone and steamboat proH-rty ia the State. The assessed valuation in t niou is I ;,4fil. which is on telephone, railway aud telegraph lines. Mrs. Archie Helms, who lived ou Mr. Henry Winchester's place near town, dirt I of paralysis last uight. She was sixty-six years old, and a Bienilierof the Primitive Uiptist church. The Issly was buried at High Hill today. Mr. John C. Sikea, J., who re ceived bis license to practice law at the last session of the Supreme court thinks of locating at Salis bury. Mr. Sikes is a bright young man and has thoroughly, prepared himself for the profession of the law. "The familiar sound," as former editor ltillie Wolfe would say, of the old Methodist Church bell was heard agaiu Sunday for the first time in many moons. The bell bits been set up on the new church ground and will hereafter do ser vice. Mr. W. J. Ariutleld, who has been ruuuing a mercantile business at Mineral Spiings, has sold out and will go to Jettersoii and npeu a general merchandise business with Messrs. W. W. and J. W. Laney. Mr. Aruitield has lived Special Notices. AJvritikemroU till be iuteited ia It. A. Morrow for the aoug sum of bit of cxpt-rlrtire wbirh coatr lake last week in naming the , this euluma at the price ot oo rent i .V"t, some one remarked that along as one of the luriuVnts of prices 4 cord wood. The prict-s u4. th ia idnon. this was the first time that the! railroad life. SomHiate out from were set as Mlo: Dry pine rut : rKtSH HAMs t w,c. wr pouaj; property bad heea on the aiarkrt Atlauta, aomeoue caaie to the cob ; from tbe stump .'.00 ptr rord;jf fyooe. Jut rernvrj M siuce the late Maj. Covington pur Slui-tr aud told him that a man green pine rut fiom the clump siti Lams tuJ InIii bcua rhasetl it at 1. 45 au acre. And bail fallen off the train. From the' t.)C prr conl; pine tree tops, or, j Phone mi. W. A. Mert. I'BSCKIHEKS toUie-'UJirt Houw I II of another batl been some rise in values. The handsome lotonabicb Mr. K C. Williams now lives, and one of the most valuable ia town. Sir. I'rcslsr said, was purchased by himself and tbe late J. W. tin (tin from W. W. lilakeney for -,.oHi. It is now worth several times that amount. At the time of that pur chase, Mr. l'reslar said, it was cur rent talk that the same lot had once been bought for one dollar and seventy live rents, aud paid for by a woman in sewing. in which there 'judged that be bad already come several miles Is-joint tbe polut w here the wan was thought to have fallen. It was, therefore, imptw-i ble to go luck, liesides, a freight train was folios iug, so (apt. Laue merelv remarked that be would Do We Have Boll Weevil? The Journal was told this morn ing by farmer that there were bull weevil, the pest that dis-s so much damage to cottou in Texas, in I'uion couuty this )car. Farm ers in Meeklcuburg have complain ed at their presence. Mr. I). I. Wiuiberly of Lanes Creek town ship, who lived in Texas a long time, says tbe weevil has apearcd iu bis cotton this year. Mr. J as. Mann, another farmer who has lived in Texas, says the same thing. A Family Stricken. Now and then whole families take typhoid fever iu the country, and as the facilities for treating the disease is not us good iu the country as iu the towns, it hap pens occasionally that several uicmlM'rs of the same family fall a prey to the fearful malady. Seven weeks ago Mrs. J no. A. Long of tiootte Creek died of fever, l-ist Friday Mr. Long died. Teu chil dren survive their parents. The per cord; and oak wood of any kind .MSI per cord, delivered iu the city of Mouroe. Our object is to give an honest cord of wood which is a hundred and twenty eight aapiare feet. And then we waul a living price for it. Nine wire lai'k from the next station to. tenths of the people of Mouroe have the man looked after. Alsiut have been payiug iu the ueighlsr tliis time several men from Athens boisl of J.isl per cord fur their Is-came interested in the matter I wood for the simple reasou that i CI I I J Journal," 'Siturdir Evening VM' i "The American W e enj;er," "biblical Kecorder," "Sorth Ckiuliua lijptiM,' leac (ive your tutcripliua tur uy ol tbe abuvt aaiued J(-it Iu Uiu Haltie bclk. oldest one is down with fever and iu this couuty several years, and is three others have had it but arc a good Hon. K. C. Williams and Mr. It. W. IiCmmoud have formed a copartnership for the practice of nw. 1 bey will occupy Mr. Mil iums old omce In tbe court house. Both of these gentlemeu are well and favorably known over the couuty and will enjoy a good prac- ii. Mr. A. B. Shaw a good farmer of White Store, has sold his laud at that point and has bought 1"0 acres from Mr. Henry Winchester wo miles from town ou the raster road. The price paid for this was f 1,(100. Mr. Shaw is a giMxl and we are glad to welcome nun. He comes to tins point in order to get the advan tages of a good school. Mr. Archie Johnson, who will be well remembered as a clerk iu Houston's drug store two or three years ago, died at tue Dome ol uis sister, Mrs. Lottie Vnagh of Cam len, at 11 t) clock Sunday night. Mr. Johnson was alsiut twenty-six years old, and was a young man of line character, much liked by all who kuew him. He had been sick with consumption for a long time. Sometime ago Prof. Dalrymple, principal of the Wesley Chapel (iraded School, whipped oneof the school boys, a son of Mr. Leiindcr Helms, who lives on Mr, F. M. Sutton's land. The father of the boy indicted the teacher for the in fliction of cruel and unusual pun ishment, and the case was heard before Fj. C. N. Simpson Satur day. Both sides had lawyers. Prof. Dalrymple was lined f 10 and costs, and appealed to the Superior court When Sheriff Horu went over to Greenville, 8. C, to attend the t rial of t he safe crackers, be secured a small quantity of very line seed corn. He planted a small patch from which he cxiiects to gather about forty bushels. He brought a couple of the ears to town the other day. One of the curs is teu aud a quarter inches In length and has twenty rows of corn, llieotuer is twelve and a quarter iuches and bus fourtecu rows. Mr. R. A. Morrow has bought of Mrs. Lizzie Covington, the old Covington homestead at the head of LaFayette street. The price paid was 5,50(1, and tho purchase embraces tbe lot on which the honse stands and the vacant one just west of it, but not the lots in the rear. This place is by all omis oue of the most desirable In Mon roe. Mr. Morrow will probably move the house to the rear of the lot and erect a larger and more baudsoine one on It. getting better. Mr. Iing was about forty-live yearn old and was a member of the Presbyterian church. Monroe Writer Complains ol High Taxes. The following article, dated Mouroe, August 20, appeared in the last issue of the Biblical Ke corder of Kaleigh: Mr. Flitor: I have read with much interest your editorial entitl ed Taxation in North Carolina. It a well-written, timely article, and should receive the carclul tiemsal of every tax-payer of the Old North Stale. It would lie well for every newspaper in the State to copy it. ion say the tax rate In ortn 'aroliua towns is between 2 and 40 per cent, and you say of course no one pays it. While the umjoi ity of people may not, there certainly are some, who, in the lungnage of tho Scripture " ill swear to their own hurt, unit hange not" some who will neith er "I'.vaite laws nor swear to lies. I'imiu this class the burden of tax ation falls heavily und it is most grevions upon widows and orph ans, w hose solo income is derived from taxable property aud solvent credits. In your town, Huleigh, the tax rate is 2.40. Iu my town, Monroe, it is 2.30. I hiii personally ac qtiaintcd with a widow In my town who has a large family dependent on tier, and wnose income is uu- rived wholly from taxable property and solvent credits, who has for several years beeu paying this exorbitant tax. She puts into the treasury every year enough to keep two children oil at college. Now most people will admit that this is exorbitant, aud yet, where is the remedy T It seems to me that the legi slature should abolish the tux on solvent credits, and if as few list these rredi's, as you seem to Umik, the revenue from taxation would not tie materially decreased. This should be done, or the tax rate should be lowered to the point that shall uot "make lor perjury." 1 dare say you voice tho sentiments of the people of the State wiieu yon say, "We need a revolution in North Carolina in this resiiext." Mr. Kditor, you have sounded the note of warning, can you suggest a remedy for the evil T A TAX l'AYMi. and began to iusist on having the truiu stuped. Among the crowd was the editor of one of tbe paiers at Athens and the mayor of the town. ("apt. Lane of course paid no alteutiou to their demands, which infuriated them, aud they assured him that they would have him discharged ut out. Tbe editor and the honorable mayor got madder aud madder, esKcially after they got home, aud proceeded to get out au issue of the paH'r iu which they devoted most all the valuable space to the rail road man who had ofleuded their mighty dignities by uot rn lining his train to suit them. They called loudly for the Sealsiard to dis charge the naughty niau instanter. They said that he bad acted orful; that the poor man who fell off the train was found with two great big bad dogs standing right over hi in alsiut to chew him all up. And doubtless they mailed a copy of the paper with big red marks all over it right straight to headquarters, and ('apt. Line is running ou as usu al, known by all who ride on this Kirt of the Seaboard as one of the cleverest and best conductors on the road, and goes right on attending to his business in a way to gain the approval of his superiors, and I he man w ho jumped oil the rain instead of having fallen off, wasn't eaten up by the dogs at all, but just walked oil' home iu a very ungrateful way, and The mayor and the editor have no doubt gotten sols r. tbe w i o.l haulers just hang their wood up aud the ssple ol Mou roe had to pay for toj much air. If they get au honest cord of wood they ran siloed to pay our price for it. And all the nieu that joins with us must give and honest cord of wimhI. We aie getting the ma jorily of them with us. We uow have oue buudred aud fifty-eight on our agreemeut list, more men than I thought was iu I'uion coun ty that hauled wood. N. B. II F. D. No. 6. The Baak of Chesterfield- Mr. W. 8. Blukeney went down this morning to open np for busi Dess the Bank of I hestcrneld, hich has just beeu organized with a capital of 1.1,000. Thedirectors and officers are as follows: Direc tors: W. a Blakeney, J. K. Shute, J. E. Stack, E. N. Bedfearn, W. D. Craig. B. K. Rivers, I. P. Man B-utn. 0. B. Covington aud J. B. Streator; officers: W. 8. Blukeney, president; F- . Bedfearn, vice president; C P. Manguin, cashier, and C it. Covington, teuer. Goods Coming In. V wish to call the attention of our friends to the fact that our goods ar pouring in on every train. Eveiytbinr in the world you want in tho Dry Goods, Clothing or Millinery line. Come and see. Watch (or our big ad. next week. A. Lew. Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens, egg, an 1 produce to fast that I can' buy trough. If you have any to sell don't fell bit of it until you see me. I want it. S. R. Duster. Call for Welsh' cheap Crockery, Capt. Lane Acted Correctly. Atla'iU Nrw. The superintendent of the Sec- Kiard Air Line railroad was seen this morning in regard to Condiic tor Line s conduct ut lin ker, da., when u passenger was thrown off of train No. .'is. He says that the conductor did all in his power, by giving orders at the next station that the man should be attended to, but was right in not going back for the wounded man because the train was running on schedule inie, and was followed by a freight. If he had gone back it would have endangered the lives of ull ou hoard. If Conductor Line huddtccu notified at the time of t ne accident ho could have stop ped his train and picked up the man. But he kuew nothing of the affair until he hud gone a full half mile. Mr. Line has had a splendid record w ith the Soalioard, and he is looked upon as a very competent and reliable man. News Items From Marsh vllle. CrtvtMinrlMV Th Jtximal. Marsbville Sent. 10. Cotton is bringing 11-00 on this market to-day. the merchants are filling their stores with an attractive line of goods and will soon lie ready for the full trade. Mrs. Q. A. Marsh is visiting bcr parents at Lansford, S. C. Mrs. r. w, Aslicrnlt returned Tuesday night from Mars Hill where she lias been sj lending the summer. Messrs. W. O. Harrell and W A. Barrinoof Marshville and Mr. David liulledge of White Stoie went on an excursion trip to Rich niond Tuesday, and returned Fri day morning. ' Hon. J. A. SIcKiie spent wed new! ay in Marshville enroute to to his borne at White Store. He has just passed a successful examl nation in law and will hangout his shingle "some where" iu North Carolina. Miss Annie Stewart spent Thurs day at the home of ber mother in anew township. Tbe Marshville school has a Sue corps of teachers and is doing good work. Rev. Geo. W. Belk of Charlotte Is assisting the pastor, lie v. A. W. White, in a protracted meeting at the Presbyterian church. Best brands oi cigars, tobacco, smoking and chewing, at S. R. Doster'i. The Senators lor Uorman. 'NarMu-olMrrvrr, Senator (iorniau is a most excel lent mau aud m-mocrut and it is doubtful if his party could noini uate a stronger man for Pnwident. Still, the fact that Senator Clay of ieorgu is for him, as was showu iu au interview published yester day, or that any other senator is for him, is without significance. Doubtless nearly all are. The sen ators are always for each other. Itepiiblicau seuutors are iu favor of the return of sitting Demis'ralic uators from IKiuiM'ratic States; Democratic senators are for the re turn of sitting Republican senators from ICepublicau States. It is often said that the senate is a club aud so it is, but it is more than a club it is a close corHinition. All kinds of ichool supplies at Welsh's Drug Store blank books; crayon, paper, pens, ink, pencils, t lowest prices at Welsh's. When painting e your dwelling recommend and guarantee Hirri son s paints. S. j. Welsh. call and see us lor prices. We Like a Circus flute. rhartuttp Olwrrvfr. Can't help feeling sorry for that Boston girl who made for Presi dent Roosevelt a silk American liagou w hich-she had takeu 125,-UOO st tchns aud sHnt 1 50 in addition to her time, and which was returned to her by his private secretary with a cold note which concluded with tho statement that the President has felt obliged to udopt a rule which precludes him from accept ing presents from any oue." J lie vounir womau must have felt this reburl very keenly, especially since President has recently returned roni a trip across the contineut, all the expenses of which were borne by a railroad corporation, and has since accepted the present of a saddle horse from a breeder in Wyoming. Funny man is Mr. President uncertain, as the trick mule In the circus. Report to the North Carolina Corporation Commission of the condition of the People's Bank St OF MONROE, N. C, the cloie of hstineat on the olh day of September, 190, RESOURCES. Loant and discount! f1.Si.046 93 Overdrafts, secured, jj.Mij 16 Hanking House 4,000.00 Furniture and Huturea... t,;jo.eo Other Real Eitate owned, 846.41 Due from Banka u.iHo Gold Coin J, 940 00 Silver Coin J."' 56 National Bank Notes 34S 00 Total. J285.19ii.10 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid iu, ... 55.00000 Surplus Fund, 1,000.00 Undivided profit 7.010. J Dividends unpaid 1H0.00 Notes & bills rediacounled 41,500.00 Bills Pavi'de 10,000.00 Timo Deposit Certificates, 98,408 .91 Depoaita subject to check, i Demand dep. certificate", 1.9'5 M9 Due to Banki 4,107 77 Caibier'tcb'ks outstanding 881.87 Total, M5.19S 10 I, Rotcoe Phifer, Caahitr ol the People's Bank of Monroe, do aolemoly swear Ibat Ihs above statement ia triw to the bent of my knowledge sod be lief. ROSCOE PHIFER, Caabier. Costicr Attsst: R. A. Mossow, 1 K b. AsHCRArr, Directori. J. R. Esolish, ) Sworn to sod tubacribed before me, this 14th day of S-tpt., toot. C. F. LOWE, Notary Public. RENT My place in liulurtt lu-Jlii and nuke muiiejr lariuinr. auu aierctiaodiung. J. W. Kicbaidou. Mourue. N. t. PR RENT Tliree-tooui cutuee w. Cruell street, with city oatri U. L. Flow. THE nue pears al the Latta Uc are Du ready lor sale. Mrs. (j. . Tinker. w Just received a lot of Swift's 'remium brand hams. S. K. Doster. WILLI IMS & LEMMOND, Attorneys-at-Law, MONROE, N. C. Practice in all the State and United States Courts. Prompt attention riven to collec tions and general law practice, a)r Persons interested in the settle ment of estates, administrators, eie cutors, and guardians are especially iuvited to call 00 them. Continued and painstaking attention will be given, at a -reasonable price, to all legal busiuess. Office in courthouse opposite Clerk's jffice. Valuable One Hone Farm For Sale! Hr Tin up nf Mi islirif the Clerk or the Nn r!iir Court In lite Htiertal I'nMveiliiiir wlit-nr- III.. C I'hlfr In iilttlntlfT ami rharlen I'liirir tntl otlirrx are ilrrnitlant". thp aaul raurtr la--nit f"f Nile of laml f,ir iwirtltloii, 1 till, on Saturday, October 17th, I90J, the hour of Mult Iwlnif i ttY.trk. M.. trOii- iHiiirthsnisup il'Nir In M.mriM, N. I'., pxritr fur It i mi Mir au'ttiii far rth 1st the hitlifwi bi.Wrr, a tfrtmu irarl r mrv of land (te nisptj aw riii"w: i.vtnif ami wiiik in tii? Niat i.fTN'triii Carolina, I Ml' hi ('limit) ,Marii tllf tswHMp, in) tli water of Knr t-'urlt i-tk, ailjolnlnir tlit land of H.J. liVlm. A t, t'nll, Irvlitit I'll I iff u ut her, twin part of thf nlil Tlioma" Ortrttn mtattMniit.. ami In-Ill more luinli'ulirly drac'rll. In a ilceil rift'Utnt h)r H, H I'tuft-r arnl tfc to I. IV I'luftT 011 jtitil lar of JanuMrv, lwii. rtMHintfil tn look MMkf- IVoT llMit ill the offif of tllv Kir(Nir of JfeTii of I nil hi County, Nr. whtrh iUI muni rvfriviiii (h hrtliv mftitr. tiHMainintr mny rive more or leni. 1 he term of M.le are rn. Thl rWutemlvr Uth, lw. r'KANK AKMKIKI.h, CommlMloner. Aloini, Jerome A Armflrhl, Ati. K. U . C. KAI t hat cri.lrJ a ra tiliua m it li the uew I'uiun ruuul lite iiisutaiice ctmipauy. Sec him am take a policy. This is a bume coin piny anJ furuubra the cheapest it iuraoce that can be baJ. No is th time (or our jwople to joiu. SIC CLASS I have I tun in? music class. Tuition i o moDtli. Mrs. W. J. Kutle. NOW is Hie time lo sow crimson rlo ver. Go lo Welsh's lor the seed ABIti lot ol new Jewelry just iu am at low prices lots ol it at cost al Welsh's Drug Store, ATCII KEI'AKING The cheap w as the best iu tJl'ALITV. All "oil guaranteed. W. Outturn, atOgt'uru't store. FOK KENT That nice two slur). II room house on Washington St., lately occupied by Mrs. (iaddy. T. II. Biinpsou. FINE cm fur sale. Five riHiin liuusi with baseineut for rent. Am selliut goods too. N. S. Ostium. IaEE & LEE, THE LEADING DEI GOODS, I0TI0IS, CL01TJ3. CESTS' I1EIISEIIGS, liD SHOE .TORE H XOIEOL EAT Don't Believe! all you sea or hear about low prices. See the goods for yourself and don't take any body's word about their value. Some things aro dear at any price. We believe our prices are as low as can be found any where for goods of the saxua quality. But don't believe it just because we say so; we invite inspection and comparison and will be satisfied with your decision. We are constantly adding attractions to our stock. The latest a lot of new, nobby things in Ladies' Neckwear, Table and Sofa Pillow Covers. 8 Girls and boys going away to school will find new fall goods adapted to their wear, and anything you need in hot weather goods at almost your own price. If you don't believe it just try us; we are deter mined to clean up stock for fall. Lee I 1ST KEIEIVED-J500 lbs. good Tobacco. Will sell it at JiS. 2 and joc. lb. J. Shute & Sous. Will I'l rompl delivery and honest weight. (.adieu a Wallace. BETTER prepared lino, ever to fur nish nice turnouts on lhort uotice aud at reasonable pi ices. H. A. Winchester. EMEMKEK tbe best meats in the R lace Phone 36. JOR KENT 6 horse (arm 70 acres extra fine corn and cotton laii'ls. L. Medlin. WHEN in town atop at the Star Cafe lor a nice meal or a luuch. I'rices to suit. K. K. Watkins, Manager. TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few more teachers tor fall schools. Good positions are beitif- filled daily by us. We are receivinc more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges supplied with teachers free of cost. Enclose stamp for reply. Axmii'AN TtAciiFus' Association, J. L. Graham, IX. L., Manager, iji- 54 Randolph Hid g, Memphis, leuii. CARRY everything you have iu old Iron to J. D. Parker. E deliver Ice to our customers at auy hour oight or day in case ot sickness. I'hone 36. CadieuA Wallace. REMEMBER you can get the beM fresh meat at J. D. Parker's mar ket. 1'houe No. 91. A NICE MEAL may be had at the Star Cafe. Good cooks and nice service R. R. Watkius, Manager. BLACK Knight, the well known Jack, is at my stables in Monroe. H. A. Winchester. THE Hoard of Trustees of Mt. I'ros- 1 pect Graded School want a lady teacher for primary department. An ply to A L. Helms, Secretary, R. 1', 1). No. 4, Mooroe, N. C. Horses! Horses! MULES! DR. E. P. HALSTEAD, V. S., Veterinary Surgeon, and Animal Medicine Specialist, From Hereford, England, Beits to inform the public generally that he will attend Monroe, N. C At C. G. Sikes' Stables, Honda; to Saturday, Sept. 14 to 19. And will remain six divf only, lor the treatment of Lame and 5ick Horse and Mules- Bony and other Enlargements of long stand Ing successfully treated and removed without leaving any mark or blemish. Specialist In the castration of Rig Horses. Horses carefully examined as to soundness. TERflS MODERATE. HIOHEST REFERENCES, Dr. Halstead has lately returned from Englaod with a new aupply of Veter nary Instruments and Appliancca by the best London makers, Mtssra oold & Sons, West Smithfield. Everything up to-date. The Llnoseu Grocery Co., (Successors to C E- Houston) at the old Whitfield Stand on LaFayette Street- We desire to call the especial attention of the farmers to the fact that they cannot afford to sell their poultry or produce before seeing us. . We Want to Buy and We Pay the Top. A fin line of fresh Groceries- Try us. Tiie Linaseu Gro66ru 60. , x . V t Mail Boxes! Buy vour mail boxes from us and save 50 per cent. Monroe Hardware Co. t II. HKDFKAllX, Manager. noOOOCX)OCX)OOOOCOOOOCXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXX) .INSURANCE. No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ Our Line: fire. Life, Health, Acci dent, Liability , Platedlass, and Steam Boiler. Surety lionds on short notice. V.Mir business entrusted to us will receive careful atten tion aud will be appreciated. The Peoples' Bank, Agt W.M, GORDON, Manager Insurance Department U0TX)000000OOOOOO0O(XX)0000CO The Prescription :-: Department s s s"s wmn ot our store keeps pace with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. We keep the drugs for it the liKST. FRESHEST, and PUREST. C.N.Simpson, Jr. mm 1 1 a I When You 5ff Ylll' WANT TIIE l"t moiiRy will buy. Yon also s aut to buy ut a storv win-re yon will pot exactly what you pay for. You make no nimt ake when you buy W.VTt'HKS, JEWELRY, 8ilvi:rvai;k &c, of 3$ a Watch '. l-f?!& I W. E. LINEBACK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. C.