v f r 0 I kr7 I N r-x 1 X. JIM au I I s T! I I II W I 1 LOXIKJX THE A I THOU AAP'D DISC OF A YOUVJ GENIUS Of CAUFOftMA. The- Kind Toa Hare- Always Boujrht, and wbltb has ber la use. for ovtr 30 vran. hi h,rn tha. ,i......i... . . ,,..... v ana bin bN-n nutd under hi per stuial an part lsi..ii aims iu lnfW-y. Allow uo one todrrriv too In thla. All Counterfeit. Imitation ami Just-a. riNidnare but EJsjH-rliuout Unit triilo with and euil.iiii.-ir the. health of InlkuU and Children- 1'xut-ru-iu-e aguiut Kvperitueul. What is CASTORIA Cavtforia la a bunnies substitute for Csvtnr Oil. Par-IP-tric, limp and Stmtliiittf sirups. It U 1'li-u.oniit. It mutuiiia licit her Opium, .Morpliiiio nor oilier Nun-tit io nubtUiH-e. Its two i its cmi runlet. It destroys Worms aud allay Fr.crisli -,.. It rum liarrhfit liud Wiud Colic. It li-lit-w Teething Trimble, ruivs t'ontiuitiou and I'Luiid-iu-v. It ussinulitu- I lie rood, tvirulatt-a the JStouuuh ami ltowt-ls Kiting liealihy nnd iiaturul sleep. the Children's ruuiu-ea-Tbo .Mother's l'rieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of . TB rail at SB 114," Which Haa aWa r W rll Stoel.a-Ui lla l.rtai a Lit ra f Maa. nc Klu.:. wrote tla "Jungle . twa.k there tiM - aMa-ans. tain i juniors of "an:. .ul iort."- I li..:s . Son S. ton. YVtlli&ui J. I.OIU-. SciKil I r'ocd aral oth-r. An.oiu lite Litest ' Bttll UHWt UYlfuJ of tt-.-. Ilo'llb ;-oo-o-o-o-oc AT M ELM STREET wrtlhig aUum sJiiTervtu lUun 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. eOMMW. TT MulMf aVTMf T. MCW Carolina Marble $ and Granite Company, fn-u any uf Ul pnM.N .isaom, J. Jack Lotal-iii. a I young l':iliforniaii. wboae sketch.- in ' the maci'ln.- Km! hen to mn.l at j teull.u alxHii three T.-an ago. Ill !at t t..r t -lite l uf tli- ) Juki loxu-d I jr Ma. n illaii. i.f a hu h t' . I hwnv !' W. ia a !. a ! aininal n( , luiuM St. Ik-rnanl aul l.h. i.l in-ct. : aul ttie at'irr is-iiiit4 the adicniiirva i th.it ta r tl tliia e illiiut t-lk In th ! VlMa ..f AU.kl Altliollcb Ju.li .im4.n la li.it T..( i twenty Kn n .ream , t I. I, i cri..il Imu tla- liliorl iv of ! I.'.. perU'tHvi e;.iiili f,ir li.ilf a ivnturj lie U tt;e i4l of I'.iriMiTa w hn :uhSt eil Irniu i'.ii'ru li.u.r. ta.H'tui tit i':. 1. Ifiirula. l.i r i!.v m--.tr marriid ami tasUent!i.l ti rl :r . tla' Joiiiht :t. i ailveiiumma plrit w!ii.-!t lnul nrtuat tl ! them, lie Ma lairn in Km I'niM. N.-i ' ph Jan li l7a The ! ha. I a lia-,t ' llf". au.Nirliii: liin:e!f .y iii.inilal la ! hnr even la-rore he li;!,l tv:. U1 t!te a. , of nine teal-a. lie Uaa mt un imimary j buy. Imweier. nl what nuclit have, I citaraetHl niie of I.m atn-nMi uf rlirr- . ter a M him n talunl.le i ierien.i . Kia-aWlne i.f hl early life. Mr. UiKit.m riMH-ntly aati! in an intenlew piihiialnt ) In the U.-ailer: ! "Alniiml the nrt thm; I na'ii.-l were njHnit't!itu'. I was ai;e earn er a ratu-li lnui.l l-C.n. 1 :it nine, m l'i n my m.nhrr m..i.. tu Oak - la:il. Iter' I unrki-.! n. m:.v. Afl CKVO-O-O-O-C 3-O-O-O-O-n 1 O-O-O-O-O-O-O By HARRIET C. CASFIELD -lWlitt. laj. 1) T. l'. Vrtimra- , rr that I H-nt n'rii ! and Knhiion rtl-.T iie-i a . nieiitd rlrpr S.n. .f t I ;reek The life waa atratite an.l tiiml. t!ie t!am, entrhrtiafa 'I ; water fnmt Imiila ti'i.nj iki. a of l-f. ; ainl rom.iiitv ami tlancer. "Alter a year r t i ' i pfrat. a j t':e Sinra ..' i:iell were iflitt'lil. I. lit II. -.ltie uf ii Trail.'!..! roniuiini aallur an.l went ..il aa Japan Oi;r liuiacsi li,i Monroe, am! e i). Iklmi in ire than sati. factory since opening in, a have on hand as nice a stock as can be founJ at any y.ir We h.iv in J we invito line. N ki.ho. I We can m eke Call I t .I.-- in the Male, j it r. i-eiv.'.! 'me neiv n of a!! nui -pt ciallv li.unli nie design, er,ui ne.'ilinj,' any thin;; in our a j 'o t i -ml the ,'l,i .01 ' I'lUYi. sh m! I 1 price y L-iVfJ to umiurke 1. piy. Carolina Marble and Granite Co,, J. i:. KrlKi). M i Yur.ls at St iti.-v monkoi:, X. C isimry, X -nh Wilkesboro, nJ Monroe. ' if -3- .1 ft I ! 18 I. JA V VVlai. . : . . r, y- : . ' iT-a i .. i.- ----rMr-". Do You Know What It Does? THE v CXXXXXX3 ii In,.-.. KEELEY CURE 4- -eit.-p. a i-jT-mt f nil ,t. -lrv f..r -tmnif ilrtnk nr !(-!. .rr he ti.Tv..'i- .h m t.i IN iioniiat ii.inii- mfl til hit lHmt' IUt ttU-lltll. !(. ,'t:i I rvin-lHtr THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. I.HKI VslliiKH, .. c. C FHE.U'viNLI!-Nl K CO.Nril.l-NTIAt OOOOCOCXXXCOOOOOOOOOCXXX)C o Summer Cleaning Is good, but it's better when followed up with a few pieces of . Pretty New Furniture. W can tlve you any style at a low figure, and guaran tee It to be the prettiest and most durable to be had. Look over our stock. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Pun.r.1 m-. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone M. It J " II Yoa ran Ret ir at Cadieu I BB5m3maammmma0 wi lace's, rhone s. Jt. K L..MK1V. When I eume liaek I enleri.l .1 nitlnti ttilll. win re I w.irki.l fn.in : In tl:1. nj.,niiiis mini II at niuht. I Im.l i.vti In ai lni.il amiie nml hail v. rit l.-ll o..n.t sltlmia nhiili hail lin pruiml the tiaual thiuu. jmi kn. w " lu 1"!(. U. n l ithliin year t tar. Mr. liti.l.iii IramtHil In... hi nn,.. tliniiiuli tin. I'nltiil Slates uinl I'anii.la. Jo.lini! fur a time the Micranl lire for puriMi-a .,f k ii,,i, u in, ,.,..,i,mi,. tmly Sinaikliik- of hia n rn ii,e a a trump Hint Its elTi-. t m-iti hit life. Mr I.tuiitoii anya: "Hi-fur,. I tmik that traiuii n, r..- th,. fnllnl Stul.a 1 Inv.d haul ,.ik. lov. .1 tn d,, It. iinll (,, ,n,w iiiyvlf In;,, it, fairly clnrinl In iiiuniiul .,lir. I i-nmplNh.,1 more than I w a pal.l for or eH'i i,il to ilo finiii aliivr love of it h. lliiiral.i 1 nai nrrest.it unit thninu Into ' Jail lit n trump; my lmir wna . llntMit I and I u auliJi elMl to u,e i.vular I trmnp routine. There anw that the workman waa almply In the an. lal pit. na llternllr hnltllni: on the !,l..a wiih Ma lian.N. anil I reaulviil tli.n nnil ttiere ii..v,.r to work aaln iiinuuiillv fur In Hint way man in-t houeath the capltiill-t. Kroiu that day I wr. a au etulHt." Keturnlng to the home of hia U,v hooil. Mr. laiua.in ehternl tl, I nlver Ity of California In l-O'.. I.iu n niaiiie.1 only a year, twttiic oIIIk'--I t.i ulve ifji uis eiiiiegiate alinllea l., au 0f a,., of flimla. Alaiut llila Mine the Klnmllke waa hegliinlng to atira. t the uiliiiiiu proaiHitor ami Hold ai.ker. ami Mr Ij.iHl.iil'a ailveiituniua aplrlt hil hiui thither. While tinmieeewfiil n hia aeoreh for gulil. lie airimiiilaU'il llii re I fund of eiperleni-e an.t Information which haa aernil na a l.asi. for Tury niu.-n mat n uaa wrlt'.en I pun hia return from tha Klomllke air. ixmaon wmte "Tli Man on th Trnll. which tU Overland Maazliii pulillalwd la Thla drat aueeea. Waa followetl by el)tl,t other abort ato Ilea, all of whl.-h, wllb one eitvptlon, wen- puDllali.il in the Overlain! and Were aulHwouentlr eolleiteil In l..v fnnn under the title of "The Don of the Wolf." whleb. brought hliu reina-nlUon fpntn the literary world. Other atork-a by Mr. Ixindon nre "The fairue of I lie Old Men." "The While alienee," "The Ood of Ilia Kathera." "Innghler of the .Nortli," "The Children of th Kroat Kempton Ware Lettera" aiul "The full of the Wtht" the la at la-Inn conilden-d la beat work. It la at lea at attracting Try geoaraianu ravorablt atteutloa. You Know What You are Taking w ben rou take Grove's Tastrleaa Cliil Tonic because the formula ii plakilj prioieu on every Dottle tbowing that i iinpiT iron ana Umnine in a ta.i. less form. No Cure, No Pay. oc. Pawn Broker's Clothing-. Strictly sanitary, all wool, men's youths and boys coats from $oc Jj.oo. Oood enough lor an one to wear. Coats out of Si. and $20 suits. Come and see m ind I will save you money 01 our clothing. Only 10 minute walk from and northwest of th court house. J. H. Benton. Monroe, N. C Yoa I Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic I lli2ri nnwl Sales over On tnU a mtmnm I bottle. Jottoyon? No.t..No Py. , - - aay cat uiwae a niara acoot, uvaa- rum. T'.i- iiiic man .i.i. .in; up the walk paii-el lo ki.k at tV adilreaa la hta !. I.k. e. ii,.. waa It- "lit Elm atr,-, t." the i!nv.tiry had aald. The hall .iiiir ul a :!.- nik-n S.me one within v. j.a awe.Tini! ic -ri-ualy and singing aa lie ueit lie caught the words tl the dioti aa he i-anie up the st.fia: ' My ei-untre. 'ita ,f thai. l.- latut of lllf tee " He lieaid n.i wore nf the fnulll.ir Words for l!.e lllii.- girl ail waa tea rleteu. he thought dmpiatl the ln.tu wln-n she law hint crmntiig the I'sar;.-!. He r!i. ti.!.i that she waa tvm lug to the dmr; but. to hta aurpriae. ' al.e pn.iu-itv it down on the floor He r.ilil hia hit. but !ef..re he eouUI ' aoak hvealie,l ho;ilt.ttily: "Wna't you coiue r'k'l.t lu': I d la inure polite, but I can't vt up." i "Ij't u,e Immp jou." be aaid as he i fame Into the hall. She did not take j the band he stivuh.-d out lo her. but . the an, lied at him and diaplayed a dim ple like Marj-irle I'raudul's that be , know thla mint t tier little aimer ! "I d'.ii t want to p-t up u.it Just ! new." he an t.i f'aukly. Then, at bla ' look of aitoniAhinent. abeadikHl. "Mar J Julie will U- here aooti: ahe'll abow you the namia. Y iu want to n'lit one, don't - )our The jrottng man l.i.k.il at hT and , made plans mpidly. "Yi," lie auld without any ien-.-ptiMe hiitatiou. "1 do. My name Is Sterlilli: lloc.T Ster lirig Your sNter n.ay reiuemlar n.e. 1 iirt-l ber wh.-n she waa visiting niir in) hoim- Ut in.,iuer." Tin- llitle girl in the ft.r l.adoal tip at hiiu. ".My name is IVn." ; said almply. "V ir Jone may r. iiiiinN r. lad 1 neier heard her sp.ak of j.m. You lt d..v,n and w ait till she ii.l, i.n " K.iger Sterl'n.- .Iiop'sul Info the . hair n-.ir.sit l.lui. but ll,w. erl.sl In nlar.n: M.r.y: Not that ohalr! Take the one l.i the niialow; it haa all of us l-.i"' Then she aald naively, " 'k,Ni you think It a funny, uow. dull t v.,u'.'' Iteg.T iiuil.sl. 'i'liim) V b- ,i I-,1 "Y. s: l ie on th.- li.H.i ai,.l Unit 11 lie li-c.-.d ihair anil - eierythlng. Will, I'll t.'.'l )ou soiu-thiiig If you'll ,roi )..ur Is an j-u'll never bnalhe a word ' "I p ron, Is..." be said aoli lunly. S! .,- 1, lealli.il n algli of relief, tli.ll I. i.ii. d fornaid nml said almost lu a hlip.r "I nui situnc li. ru to 1,1,1- a hole. Tills rals. and nil the laslroolll i-ars.s nr,. fua ,,f hoi,.,. W-'vi. In, ol I., do , -in -'thine now papa's d- i .h. "e the 1 ;.i ii!n. r-.t palhelioall) .l Ui-'re ,;.i!ii, to rout r.s.uis " .-ii. il eoiin.l. n.i. n, a trilling en,- l.iiri.ii-li,- to lr Im-iier. but he v -i-.u.ii a ---i.iji . lor li,e eniklisli v,,i e went on: "I wouldn't tell )u if I thought )ou ,l moid the holm, but j.m ib.li I l.s.k as if you'd mind miieU. nh. the) re ivvvini: llu ros u rug we lay o-r tics k... I ut to,,k h up, Vain- 1 as aei.p.:-g. It s Nitunla)-. you know , (.nd llier- s ii.. s, l.o. Marairie aaj a It no il,k:-a.i. lo I,. p.u.r. nml II au t, but li s .Ii a,liul!i u.i.-oiulortahle." Ho.-ir tioiiil.-l s) nipallntnally and Unit to elmtigi. tin- sui.j.i I. "I am glad J.m bate u iisnn to ipan-," be aald. "I am fortiinute In limling one ao ai,u." ""!:. tie have tlin, to spare. You're tin- lint one that's anm-ml our ad-vrn- unlit I h,,. jou'll tt unt to take tour iliiin-rs and npa-ra hen- i.i e .an l ink.. I'ioiv that Way. .Mis. .Mulligan Hilars Kalel Is a tine i.-.k Why. she's Imn cooking ever am,.- ,he w as smivti. And ahc geta up g.asi mean ..ut of eimost nothing. Hut we can t ii IT. ir.l lo k-, p her now unless we can in ike some money routing Moms. Marjor inbroiders limn fi,,,s, but ,1,,, ,,,1,'t imike enough to kisi us. y.m a,.,.." she hsiked at linger ttiuiighifuiiv fr a minute. " wish, ahe sal,, "ihat you'd turn your na. K wini,. i g,.t the rug that covers this hole." lie walked to the dour and kaikcd out. A alender young woman waa mining up tin- walk. Ho ri-e.igiilfis1 .M.ir,i;ie i rnnilal , fair fa.v ami aiiiiny hair, I here was a wistful look in the bin- eye, now nnd n ;.': ' : .sip to the " tn that last aiimmer hail seemed n.aib- for amllea. When she reached me si, .pa ne cnnie out on the plnr.ta Hint sne i.s.keii up ,)u, kly. "wny, Mr. Sterlingr' ah aald, with a tremulous little smile. "What a sur prns-: How do you biipa-n to b -way out west r He took the hand she held out to tilni and k. pt It while he explained. "1 cnnie ben- to stay. Miss I'rnndal Father Inn nsli.il me to take charge of tne west-rn bri'inh of our hiisitica .tiy beaibumiters are In your city. happcaisl to reuivuihi-r that you lived Here llapiiemd! Oti. linger Stirling: "And this inorulng 1 looked you up In me iiirochiry. " Mias Crnndat hil the way to th ait ting riaiiii. Hi ss wiis coming out of It, broom In hand. so you did retnenitier hint, Marjo- rieJ she said, nodding nt lloeer. "Its cam to Iwk at the nanus. I told him yon il show them to him." Marjorie Umkul at her caller In sur prise. "Yes." he said; "I hop yoa will Inks ptty on me, a stranger from way down east, and let me come, here to live." "Mena;!-. lbs excbilin.il. "Yon dou't neisl to he its We're only t.si glad to ret yon." Mnrjorle Unshed a May red. on. Hess, she said reproachfully. ""ell. It's so," cried Hut candid maiden, "nnd I wish yon'rt show him th Moms. The front room carpet has rewer' fibe paused guiltily, and Mar Jorla asked hurriedly, "Will you come upstairs, .nr. Merllngr' ltm ran out to the kitchen to tell aiai iuck 10 Kate. "I aiiaa you'll stay with us uow," she said, "for it a easy to get roomers If rou hsve oik to etart with. 1 hope he'll like It here, but MarJiH-le wasn't a -a-eordial aa ue might be. I m going unatalra now and I'U be real friendly to mail uo for toa way sne acts. Jh found tbetn In the little back room. "I hsjlleva." jtfr. Sterling waa aiiylng, -that 1 will take the three rooma If yoa have iKCobJectleng, Ml as i ranuai. - Bess Jumped no and down, "flooilvi Coodyr she cried. "Katie didn't And a noraealios for nothing this morning!" tger laughed heartily. "I shall think the horseshoe brought dm the good luck If roar sister aaya I may more la." ion may nar the rooma If toa liks . - i .. , . VA yrk SA EH organs. This accounts for the many different symptoms of Kidney Disease, You begin to feel better at once This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people hare serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as diseased kidneyrallow the impurities to stay in the system and attack the other . iUW inc . . ' Cy., Cbkato, Gentkmcn: Altoot a year age m health brgaa when takine FOLEY'S IHOXJEY CURE as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the urinary organs and gives you new life and vigor. TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00 C. N. SIMPSON, JR. . " uv" F"' Bu' 1 cm convinced thst my kidnevs were th eaoaa hit in aeaira and commenced irking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE It ia. creased my apptnie aad made me feel stronger, and the annovini svmpnma Caae f ?, M' ' M E- SlT"4'J,t' "0" me Mdt Church, Springneld. Pa., wrltcai " "T had with kidnee trouble and tried severs, dr, withou. beactit. After takm. n. bottle J FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE wag much belter, aad was completely cured after takm, foot bottles." 0m lottU Curad Nlist -mi: -(l!I:!I.Irli",Ji 'wTi,e,: wwibled with kidney ?,7lfc ?1 i60"1 yelr bu' -aotlar bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNET CUKE effected t pcrmiatat curs." , did yon, that I rvaikfasta and leas for which their ein-mtT had bargained that day. After he had gone Marjorie turned to ber little slater. "Hcaa." she cried, "what did you tell blui la-fore I came homer "oil. I can t reineiiita-r all I aald vVhyr "You didn't tell him, had bla picture V ".Na Have you! I wish I'd known that.' "I'm ao thankful yoa didn't It was lu with some views Aunt Anna gar nie When I was visiting there I didn't kuow It mull I r-n. lost hoirn..'- it uy hi. in i jou send It back to auntie wh.u )o,i found Ity pracllcal Hi-sa askul, but Marjorie did nut socio to h.ar. "Sla.'a afraid bi'll Ibluk she stole it." the Utile girl said tn li.-racif, "but he wouldn't. I'll tell him Just how It waa smine day." On Monday Mr. Hurling came, and on T-ieday It. sa explalmsl th,. affair of the picture. "He wasn't mad nt all." ala told Kate. "I think he's a Very forgiving niail." The days went swiftly by, and when October mm,., to dra the old bouse In scarlet wnalldiie, something hap pened nomeihlnii that astonished Hess. "I tietcr waa mi urprts.i! In all my lire, she ka Id to Katie. "I was coining uowii the rronl stulra a few liilnutea ago. and then, at.asl Mr, Merlin In the ball with bla arm aMund Marjorie. .nil 'Oil - r.glil o ul loud I couldn't help It nml tliey hsiked tip. Marjorie got n-al Ml, but Mr. Hterllug Just iaiiKi-.nl ami an Id, -Tome dow n here. Hess; jo i ve l, n a (Wat b-ip to nie nnd I want to thank you.' Now, what In the world d'd be mean. Katie? 1 w.-nt down nnd be kissed nie, and Marjorie kin.il m-, mid I never waa so anipiis.it In all my life! What art you laughing at, KatleT wunnlng away with lb gtrt" "Naw! Well, these-aw- Bewwpapahs don't know anything anysraj." "It said the girl was too good for you " "Aw-1 don't mind." "It said yon waa a dude and didn't have any bruins. t' kuaw." "AW .11.1 lit IV..II I .l.,n'. Ml.l "It aald yon didn't know anything Henry D. Stewart, M.D., vuisiueoi unrss. I H0NROK, N, i uon t care, old chappie ." bervices rendered promptly and And It said your eollsh waa out of honestly. Day calls from Simpson's S. A. STEVENS, H. D. WONRCE, N. C. Calls answered in day from Enrlish Dtug Store; at night from room over tueliah Drug Store, phone S. Office over post olhce; phone at. fellah; you-aw-doo't Ungrncloualy, Pnlltraesa Tars. Tt lklns eii'tivalnl push H'fore tollte Bess ,oliteni".a la nl.v enough, but It takm too much time and doesn't pay." he tis.il t,( ii,.iire. Hut be d.s.sn't talk that wny now, III a Hron.lwiiy crowd (he other day nilklus urn f.,r.,i ch.wi to cbi-at against a well ilivsa-d iii.-ui. "s. use nie." luiittend HllkllH trt ing to w riggle past. 'My dear atr." aaid the other man, raising bla bat w ith bis left hand, "you lied not iiinke any excuses. The fault la not )oiirs, and. bcsiib.s, you have done me no Injury. Keen if yon bad t would know It waa the accidental re sult of the email, nml I would bold Toil entirely blatii. li . h.,H. have not Inmnventcuixil jmu. (Iiks! uftcruoon, sir," I hen the man put on Ms bat, and Klikiiia a n.l be s.iiecisj by each other. Hllklna was dnji.il. "Whew!" he said to himself. "What a string of words. and Just to lie polite! Hut I'm late for Unit appointment, I'll bet! What's the hour r Ullkins felt for lila watch. It and the chain were Uils.lug. The other ma a was out of sight. Politeness hosFl blui.-New York l'reaa. style now." "Naw, ohl mean Ihat?" "That's what It said." "H) Usa ge. H a Insulting. W hat pa pah was It. Uacab! I ll- I ll-I ll sue It fah Iliad. I won't sw-stsud It." Chi cago 1'ost. A Falaral Tkaaakl. Two small toys returned from school and coiupliitiicd to tbelr fatber that the schoolmaster bad pulled their hair. "Ah." said lb wis ureut, "I'll aooa put that to rights." And thereupon be cmpiasj tla lieads.of lb hoya nntll there ra hanlly enough to lay hold of. The n-j.t day the schoolmaater pulled th ears of the hoya. As they we-o Bearing home Tow said to Harry, "I'll tell father what th sell, iol master's d.ui." "lon't." said Harry. "Mebb he'll cut our ears off." Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. 'paid laaalirg at Last. I'm you see that notice of toot marriage In the papah. Wegliialdr Naw. old ctiiinple. What did It sayT tain Jou iuu.d tlislioiiowalily la ill their Bono fains, Itching, bcabby at. in m...... Swrllliigs, rulHtarliav i'laiplclsrnMt.ia sanaaa.s-'jceTtJSfHMaB' fui,:l. lood lii. a saatwceao.TaroiKia la r i: tt r-s (, srtsa (Mash W avk sM jolna, luht Skr Sl.!:i. I 'nml r, la SA a? Out, Swoil. a Ounsx aiawa sial TsatrsiM Um Ilia, Miea rslrtsa I, MMk, S.r. I .r. L ru- H. u jt mau, ibioaa riut of c aw... tout er I., i...-m esn, tstuaa. J.-ior UOULUla Botanlo Blood Blm, ruorantaed ar.iwitlMiwo-alaaitawMSWaK4mMiMH "s wat aaiar.a.a, IM ttaia f.O. KsaJa wMm.,ni iar:aaa:aialna,mlKfsaa;iawlaan. ataSfa fcl, I fnrs ant I,. V vmplwrlr .'uu,L-'aa thm aw tartr ka sous baHLr s.:k.a. gag aa. m.,ts.4aola, at Ulead tMam. rs Otd atsiaaiallaaa. Calarrk. T.rm ' r ma Solas. 4 aMua af Itat e. a. K"S IUVI' f k4 iu -na. hrhlra sag Snal.lilaa, Adas) aa r..ii Nrr, aimmaaaM. ralanhi kiala .'I avai'st, SruM, tn,:aam, War, s . a aiiiiaM anan.t sg gifuaj an, laalia, taaal anairai,nalaatk Cancer Curod I Bsoa (.-ana Uana 1 an Siav itat artl:nr, ganag saia. haa. tMsst, S lis Ulaa, ra. J k,,jl.M l aasar aihnif, u rai lm a tnamt Wail. Saa-.ao, Hasauc. a-ua-'r.! Cms Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courage and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor iuii.i s atd cheerlulneaa aooa 'S 1 -Tj iuPP" when the KlaV ,Uirv7;2 "y out of order -W ft aLitlr ' -tsessed. Hj- oecoms so prevalent X V, ihsl II I, jTi-s. A ,cr ehilJ ' bora H'licted with weak kid. neys. II the child urln aies toa sban if o.. urins scalds tha flesh tt II, when the child reaches an aga when it should be able lo control tha passage, tt u yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the causa ' ihs dilllcufty is kidney trouble, and tka fir.. step should be towards the truiment 0( theae important organs. This unpleasant troutla is due to a diseased condition t.t the aainrjs sna Disooer and got to a habit as moil people suppose. Women as well aa men ...a. srstUi with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need tha um. The mild and tha Immedista eflsct oi hwamnwRoot Is soon realized. It la sou oy arugguta. In fifty cent and on dollar sue. Youmayhavatt, -i.H smpls bonis by msili: Ires, sbo pamphlet telk gaa, IRC su about It. Including mane of th thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured, la writing Dr. Kilmer k Co.. Binghamtoa, N. Y., be sura and anutlon this paper. drug store, 'phone jy, or office in rear ot iiordoo a Thompson's insurance office, 'ihone i. Night rails from res idence, 'phone lit. Office hours 10 to it, a. tn. JOHN P. MONROE, M. D , uaaui. r. o. Day calla ansaered from Housbm'a drug slcre aud office, 'phone no. Night row koianiercial Hotel, phone Ijo JN0.W.ML.M.D.. MONKOn. N. C, Solicits the patronage of the people of Monroe and surrounding rouimnnitv. Calls answered in day from English Drug Store; at night from residence on Church attuet. I'houe No. 48. w7b.Tio"uston, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up staira, Kiligerald Building Northwest of Courthouse, - Monroe, N. C 3DR. B. C REDFEARN,t OBNTIIT. Charges teasonsble Satisfar lion guar anteed. Office ovei English Drug. Cos MONROE. N.C Will be at Marshville, N. C.on first snd third Mondays of each month, and It Matthews on second and fourth Mondays. Phone jji SEABOARD Am Line Railway Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, AtlanU, New Orleans and Points South and West in EFFECT APRIL 12TH, 19037 S0UTMWAR0. I. Nf . .Tli. I'K R " ltIUtrlihi4. I'KH ' Haltnitorr M V.hinirt.tn, Ji Rr H Hlt'iiHKtitil, t , Ky ri-(fttstur Nurlins. Hfiittfrwtin " w-.uih.rn l'i nt-- fUfrlet " ( ..juitih-.d 1 Ar rUvniitiaii Ar JtkiH.illi Ar Aiuruor ne " Ar iititt. lll St. SI. .tally No fl 7 itii tn 1" v u nr II i; t 7 m M I m ttspmt 37 u su 1 ui ft .'. p m 2 m is m ' m 7 m i m -"aw p m 7 a m I4U(im 1 mi a hi MiUiftM 2PM Uih U m V Ii Mt 4 y a bi luiipm Naa lM ! la m II il tt m t.x Nr V.Tk.ii (t it si rufim p tu . . l-v H 111 mure H - Vu l. Hh-.Ii i an, N M H . " l I' tit-niomlirf A I. Ky"i. u ui " wl'tH ii pit, vim I :t n ill Hfiiilf fsMitt " 2 h " KaYU i-!! ' ia 'M i.jMmtii 1'uiim nm4 lu " Hwrnlrt S m " ilmiitkMisit ArtMirI.nt i.v ri,t.r sin-w-iai . N. w V-rk. N Y 14 N t i i iiiM'ii u:u ' f Ml na va w li -i w 1 t M 1" i m m Hu a 1 t n - atipm I'M hi n , p w X nt l x, mm " ! u lam ma ati m p m Ar. Attiii. 4 ' l.rre-nwtuhl, kia ns B. W. LEMMOND, Attorney-it -Law. will practice in all the Stale and Unit ed States Courts. Special! attention given to the settlement of estates for dusrdians, h .editors and Adniinu trslors, and the collection of claims Krssonable charges. Also agent and local attorney lor the Panther City Home Company, from which loans may be obtained on realestste. Office ons dr-ct east of M. L. Flow Co'i store. I hone No. oj. EOBT. L STEVENS, Attorney ud Cooisellor-it-Uf, Mokaog, N. C. Prompt attention given to all mat ters placed in our hands Management of estates for guard- Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamn. adniiniatralors and eiecutors Rnnl Hr k'ilnt.r'. d, pectslty. Charges reaaooable, and the address, Dinghamton, N Y., on every bottle. Office eaat of Courthouse, (formerly occupied by the lata D. A. Covington.) G. B. NANCE, M. D Residence Phoae, No. S74, Having located in MotiSke offers hit services to the town and surrounding country. Diseases uf the stomach and bowels a specialty. Office over the W. J. Kudge Co. 'a book stoie. Calls auswered io the day fiom the English drug store or residence, at night from residence. el. asa ui. lTsnawallraert arwa.il on i a a, taatiie aatarsa lUaeS Baaa. them," Marjor e aaid. "ey re Terr Dlcasant." he haataa. ed to s satire ber. and Besa beaaied at aim. On th wan downstairs aha tin. fered behind Marjorie that she might say a last word to bint. The meals, ron know." aba whla. ored-dont yon want to hare them herer And Marjorie never suspected that It was Bene who bad suggested 1 ui a. ki laitiu. Say a Ura air 01. oT aa fra.'. I,..., ae-MSrsT. --in.ll tt ,a ...Oa. I rf. M. 1 i. 1 . 1 aaTTS-tZ ia ta ncaa analog u tafera. t araa raa ias HelMt aaaatU r a a, rir.a yaae 1 am, w ar ltnar'oaai rmp.nwa rw Meat lK toi'""-. lUrnv'Irl.sHi'fftt. f f " arv utarat W ' ''amw Sk e.eaaa al. saw. bmJa, H rHn r--" 1 H V H. -aai Vs., ST'tlirt, bu4 Tlain, A 1 karatav, i v iMtih rr aanslln. sUarl krtas. .-I fe.. iu . i Sold by C N SIMPSON. Jk fOIXYSIIOIAJl asaUaea,laasi1 liaaJaswasgte E. C. WILLI ISIS, ittorney ud Counselor it hi, MONROE. N. C Practice in all the Slate and United States Courts. Prompt attention given to collec tions and general law practice. MrPersons interested in the settle- neut of estates, admiuistratore, eie cutors, and guardians are especially invited to call 00 them. Continued and painstaking attention win be given, at a rtaaouable price, to all legal buaineaa. Office in courthouse opporite Clerk's jfTke. aiasy a. sdshs. thohas i. tisoua raaNg AgMFIELD. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, TTORWYI IT LW. MONROE. N. 0. Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal The management of eatates or esecotsra.administralors a special ty. Laretul and diligent attention enarl b.ais. ..II ih. eiml ,la. nl a.i.l.. given to the IcaTecloeUre of Rlnrli.ipM laa. and ... ... , I ..j ii . ... 1.1.1. us .In aW.iy a. ihrnian fur in reiitt ned without eipense to lender. All utljation give o-pro mpt and careful attention. Office east of courthouse Ar.til,ita ... ua -ii a, a, i a ii I S..ai T. v"n.'' i.f ii : . . ih ii .ra ..iotf..n,.' i . a a w - a , n at " Mas 1 1,-. I. A si 9 :.'. : N,-a i it ,,... I. A S Ii:.aiu " kasbttllr.N'i'A Kti.' aiaaat s .'Ji fm "M,a,.l,i. ai" ii-.riT NORTH WAHO. Italiy : '. H.M, SoS I.v Mf.ipi.i-, sc A ai I. i-j ,-, aisia a,., a a, -;Na-litllle ,ai ""ai N.-ailrl.'.as. St.- ai,,at .; "Vol.Hr.l..4N. Uai.ai I " Sl.ii,.a,rr,, A AW I', a u a m 1 asp at M..,n.i ..to, a a ai i toy m Jvtiut.i-ia.C A H ('. laliiaai a.iania. i a a u ny. is ,.i n.sia a li, u at !( II ' 111 t. I , ai s . a at I I' u at l It, a a. I t Charlotte, " I . p ai Siim " ili an .a." " saia ai " Hanilfl. " kaaa'iiai TaaaTa n .lllllrltl l'lni-n, " lllsual lu,,, " 1ST. mi III.'. .M " )' It is, u at -', k. ni I k", j, m S t a ni I in at al a ,., am Sfcam " w aililinn,.,,. ,vTl H it r. SMaai Mlatilaiun-. asp (.' i a at New York. 1 1 n a a t o. .T. t.ln, , ra ' l-hlluiirl,i,la. Si Pas x i ,, at j.aa i'.',V",i' . JL"' I' ln "" l T.n,a, MAI. Ry S iw'J, m si Tm " at Aiuru.lliip - s tn a r.i - Ja.ksi.ai Ilia " " Haiatoiall "('..lilliii.la 4 " lianilrl ' a.itiii,.ra Pine., " " kalriah " Hfit.li.niia " " N-rlliia " IVIersl'tin " ar Kii'iiaii.a.1 " H il. ,i, Hi-i,,lf ,,o, " N'.rlina, " rl,l,,.i. Ar. l-ortsinoiitli " W a-hlnaton, W a Ry a.).,.... i, u u 1-aila.lrli.lila, " ,rx ' Mill, I K, i m s sft p at I" . a at II Is a ai 1 a at -.m s m a at ; S n a ai S as a at lu a at II a at I at a ni li . ai . SSiJi at Ifiep ai tt Hi a at ''a at BUs at s (ft a aa II a n 1 lu p at Upat I at (M, pra ia Il a a ai l-VIa m S,a at Mi-w Y.tri .ion , iiit r,r,t Suu.ta) ; (Onlral Time. , r.a.irrn iiinr. SIITK'g. Notice. SIIRTH CAROLINA. Ma Sua-rt.ir I'Mtrt. i,,,.iii. i amir in ( lark. A k. Hsva.,,1 mnA V Harriett J. Maya, sal Heartens leaitmn4.A.laai tain. an,n.t, Aiiaiutii, Hat w.ssl.lNiiia I M.) and Ana i ..l,,nr.l ala. I Th oVfarlanl. ahiivf. n.sirW all! i,k Ihat a sn-i! I'nsr.llniriilltlnl a. al.iv ha. 1shb is.aiti,eni-eit la the Ruta-rtor I'.Hirt nt I nine h.uiiii for ih, iHiriaa, artlll.Hilns the land. ikHa-nisvl la tlw uardll.ai a..w no SI. la slil i-ause. In hii-h sal.l ilr,n.l,ni. l.,. aa lutf n-sl, and the aM iLtenilanla atll fur ther lake a-Mi- that Ihejrar miulnst map- r- -. , ,ri, ,.,rr. in .nnr,,, n oVniaiiitisi ia said miaaalalal. Thla July sath. laa. a. a. ARttrtgi.n. rn-rk at lh Saatrtia. (aart. ailwlnp A Slack. All;.. Farm Lands for Sale on Time. Rt .Inn, rJ ,.U. is. . .... r, . t nl.anstuatr, N. 1' aia.k- la ih, ,., , th, !,, , hrr na.inas, tsta ana Trust (-.Napanv ait-Mlauiraua-iH- R. Ha.tr. la pl.lnli IT .,,,1 g M Hastr, and nuiers. helraaf iaw iat W R H.l,,ar,ikteailaiil.Th Satins., beaa end Tra.l l'..ainnr. .lmll,lrlr o( '. R. HaaU ikweaaed, aill, at ataVlark. aiMoa Saturday. Sept !, A. D.. IWJ. at th enar, hnaaa iknr la Maam. H p.. anla ip.at ka- u a irart irf land dm.rtta-d aa M- ; Vln,," "-mala i aluaisaiaiy.Slaleia' North ran.lla. MantitllM, (..a,, hi, .s. at.ra .,) I, err,,. biatRM (h. aorth la; I-. R. aiaipsaai'a koaera' Inart, aa (h wt tar Ih. l.a.t. u4 Tha. C HaMr.oa Ut amitk br " "' saast Wart, a.. la p.arsa.a n) . H..ln.oa Uva aasl bi la,r. lan. aaa (rapt aad II. N. Slawai la ,(.. , nnlalnlaa SB sere ai.il ar H-sa, said iaaai Tarai.nta.le: Ita llilrdta.k. nataladr at a mist by knadallk aapnired an(l. to h rawrved nam all pun-haa. aoiary .hall ta pato: Ik ana land tela anld ' - - , ,. vwr,. ih te tar -'--- m,MH.n.,,T. inis surasi m, lata THg ftAVIaiiA. I.4IAN a TRt'STt-O. Sy Adaai.. Jen.as, a A rata, 14 si a. C. Kllllaau, Allra R.B. Redwioe. A. M. Stack RED WINE A STACK. Attorney t-at-Law, MOKROg N.a Practice io all tbe State and Fe.l.r. si Courts. Will manage estates for dec a tors, Aduiinistrstora and Guar. diani for reasonable par- god will foreclose mortgages and negotiate loans, withoot eipease to Morlgsgees boh aiooey i-enuers,wtin prscticsble. Offices Northwestera rooms, ftrsl Soor, Courthouae. FOLEYS IirTAR Aajssjaal iVaasstaaWat alkaisawaaSBaataa -r"9 aawaBa,J sTTVtVsiBBafJ arnaaaaBsiaatslwaWs People's Band Of MONROE, N. C. Solicits your account and bank in. amsiuesa. we guaraalee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness aad all the aceoinmodatioos that SOUND bank. ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to sgieement, oa deposits left for our stated period. Always ready for loans as) approved pa per. a P. HEATH, PreeidenL ONE-THIRD Three Times the Value of la; Other I EASIER I faster! Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory. I heeler 1 Wilson laoofictirlii. Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by TheI.j.eudqeCq. M. L. FLOW, CMnmlatloiHr f LVmJs tor Soutk Cirollm, Ii iwrta ungiu: us i antics n um ftaa tor UsiM cBtj, ist! gourj Pubite toliiaCireiisj, :: :: Special alteotioo given In I.Lin. At. Idavita, Acknowledfement or Proof of Deeds, Morlgsges, Cootracta, Bills of " Ssle, Powers ol Attornev. Reaonela. lions of Dower and Inheritance. Il.n. ositions. Writing snd Probating Deeds, "ot tgages ana an other papers, issuing Slate Wananta. Claim and Dhra and Attachment papers. Civil Sum. mons and tha Collection of Claima. Office at M. L, Flow Co. 'a Slora eaat of conrtlioose. Mouroe. N. C. .3, rOlXYMIOIflTAR ae as Have eas, aaea. eaalaias