- - ' Sr-'A.- r... THE MONROE JOURN VOLUME X. NO 34 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 22 1003 One Dollar a Year HEALTH AND EATl.NO- A Note orthy Paper by Grac Mur ray Pcckham, TV D , In the Aug ust Delineator. Althutih lb rtiidy of domrnlir mummy u autre dili'iill) pursued liy boiiK-ktfiN-n. tliuii rtcr hefora, llicpf ia still a great majority alio have not rightly cuuMtlrreU tbr food rub!im r rVaru lite uinta to solve it. Muy wh i are adi-pta iu ruliimiy art do not umlrrsttind the right prvportionsuf tlievariou kind of foods wct-stiry to the sri-ll bring of the hiiiuau liody. Thru, ou the other bund, many solve the problem to their own gatUf.trtion, and their fad and fancin in regard to food are often the rails of the stomach trouble ahicb they aim to prevent. In an article in the An n t IVliuentor, Dr. Grace Murray IVckliain dutr-amr the food prub lent, and her observation should brin if light to lu.my who do mil rightly uudrretaud the subject. We iiote from Mrs. IVcklmui's paper in folio a a: The ever recuirine iiiiwtion, "Wbut ahull the family have to eat V coining aa it doea thre bun dred and sixty five day in the year, and thrice three hundred aud sixty-five time, U the uioot trying Hint perplexing that confront the housekeeper. The reiteratiou of it uflects tlie hoiiM-kceiier's nerves lifter awhile, ami often to audi an extent tbut the whole household in gl.id to take refuse in a boarding house or hotel, where a table it spread daily without any trouble except to those who are mi posed to U; well paid for it. While a few may live to eat, nil must eat to live. The happy condition result ing from eating just the riglil nmount at just the right time U en joyed by very few. The human family could very well be divided into two great clause those who eat loo much and IIumc who eat too lillle. At the present time the atudy of douieMir economy U more diligent ly pursued by the hoiiMekeepvr tiiuu ever before, yet there ia a vast majority who have not rightly con sidered the problem or takeu the means of aolviug it, ult hough the live and health of those whom they hold dearest depend upou iU proper solution. WHY (INK Mt'HT EAT. The liuniau lody I a machine. Food ha for it purpose the devel opment of energy, force or power to enable the machine to do the work necewinry for the existence of the indwelling individual. A simile often used is to likeu the food to the fuel which ia necessary to keep the fire for boiling the water to make the steam in un en gine. It nerves to illustrate the condition a well a any. In order to maintain the health of the body the process of uutrilion must go on. liy this is meant that the supply of chemical constituents which com pose the body must be kept at just such an amount aud in just snch a proportion, the one to the other. The chcmisry of the human body and of food is, indeed, an intricate one, the discussion of which, how ever profitable, would take us into deep waters, leading out into un known depth which even the wis est have not fathomed. When the many problems ure solved, doubt less there will result uot only in creased powers of the individual but also increased length of life. Kouglily speaking, the foods which are suitable for the human being are divided into three classes: the starches which include bread stuffs, potatoes, grains and sugars; the nitrogenous foods, which in clude meats, nuts aud some few vegetables, such as beans and peas, aud fats. It ho beeu proved that man cau live boat on a diet which is composed of a mixture of these substances. If one were to eat only tarchy food, such a bread and most of the vegetables, there would not lie enough nitrogenous food to SUFFERED 25 YEARS With Catarrh of the Stonacaw Pe-ruM Cured. should be thoroughly understood iVOL'Na MAN SHOT TO DEATH.' by the cook. Cwimau Botaiawef WlaOakl, Kaa. Ia a meant latter to Sr. Hartnua. Coaeraaamaa Bo Ik la says t My Pear Doctor It (Ivea sm pleaa- are to certify to Um excellent euratlrt) qnallUea of yaw medicine Finn and Manalln, I bar bees afflicted mora or 1m tat a quarter of a eaatory with tank of Um stomach sad eooatipaUon. A reeldeaee la Washington has lacnawd then tronblea. A few bottles of yoor medicine hare glrea bm almost oom plrte nUcf, and I am enre that a eon tin- nation of them will effect a permanent cur." J. D. Botkln, Mr. L. F. Verderr, a prominent real estate agent, of Augusta, Oa vriteri I mmv bttm a gnat tmtHrtr from ctTrbml lytpeptia. I IrM may phy ucuma, rrar a job aaaar ipnmgt, batlbolitY Perunm hat 4mm avort tor aw fJkaa af ot tbt asors awe L. F. Vtrdty. , Tbe most com moo form of stunmer eeurrh is oatarrh of the stomach. This is generally k aowa aa dyvpepela. Peraaa core three eaees like magic It you do not drrlYe prompt and aatls factory racolu from the tu of Psruna, wriu at onoe to Dr. Bartman, girlng a full statement of yoor ease, and he wilt be pleased to (Ire yoa his raluable ad rtee grails. Address Dr. Ilartmaa, President ot the ItartmaaS an i tar i am, Columbus, (X taHEN ASHCRAFT'S Condi tion Powders are fed to horses and mules, marked improvement will be seen after the first few doses. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly on the digestive organs, first thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comes nat urally and surely. It is the most powerful tonic and appetizer on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have no other. Ashcraft's Powderi produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never bloat. Always high grade and put ui in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or four doses a week yonr horse or mule will not be subject to colic or any dis ease of the stomach and bowels. -I had aa el Son teh -rr tm ennllt." rnrellf Ht waa lt Md e a Mod dlarea Otl we. auln IS' Salt ee o I ran th. .t oj A.a- .1 i. . . ea . .i-. M for rlawfl rttri iwunioa r"wsria e , - ' , . 4. i. sWh tiartnr tha Wk I fW th BaiVn nrt h WfM BtsvW fl"oaH a Rf of tttc .ntn.1 T"ty lnfiH bf U a .1 I. A ka toal aiaiU alBMBt 1 Ifff tl1n I mn-t Iwamlr rweaiB'aii aabeialO .i4 lonw an4 eeyiieir'-O. c- '. Utee- Ask for Ashcraft'f Condition Powders. Package 25c Sold by English Drug Company eupply the demand, or such a bulk would have to lie eaten tbut it would unbalance the system. (Sci entists who have experimented say that the proportion for tbe animal system should lie i nine of fat, twenty two of llesh forming sub stances and sixty nino of starches aud sugars. 1 be housekeeper dww not stop to reason much about these matter, but follows tradition in regard to cookiug and adds the fats of butter, bacon, pork or oil to en rich tbe substances destitute of fat; the bread is spread w ith butter, the ham is filed with the eggs, and to the hominy is joined the hucou. If meat with its nitrogen is not plen tiful, this is supplied by cheese or peiut and beans. 1 he element which are to tie de rived from the food must be, as ha already been pointed out, in a cer tain ratio to each other iu order to supply the waste in the tissue. An excess of meat will tax the or gans to carry olf the surplus nitro genous product; an excess of vege table (the starches ami sugar which come from a vegetable diet) will leave a deficit in llesh-forming food utiles takeu iu such large amount as to dilute and overload the stomach. Again, if excess of fat be taken the fat is deposited in the tissue and impairs the nse of the muscles, eveu shortening life when the depuxit is in tbe muscu lar tissues of the hem t. Mo, too, if the time of the meals is uot properly regulated the health may lie impaired. If t hey are in freiiicnt, the hunger may cause the taking of too much at a time, and the stomach may thus become en larged. It taken too often, the food of the previous meal may still lie in the stomach when the new rood will mix with it and cause decom position aud fermentation. Then, too, tbe organ constantly employed is like a Jaded or overdriven horse; tired and worn out, it become un able to perform its duties naturally, the gland of the stomach being unable to manufacture tbe digea- live secretions fast enough and in sufficient quantities to digest, the food taken. WHY FOOD IM COOKKD. The first use of cookiug Is to make the sulistance cooked more digestible. Tbe great distinction between men and animals is that mail must have hi food cooked. Kven with the savage and barbar ous tribes, cookiug is almost uni versal. Cooking ulso develops flavors aud creates a variety where by tbe appetite is tempted. Tbe higher the civilization the more complex and extensive tbe meth ods of preparation of foods. In view of tbe recent scientific discoveries ot germs and bacteria which exist in all varieties of food, the value of cooking is shown, for It U by this means that the gernis and poisons ran be destroyed. It ia unsafe, especially in travelling, to eat uncooked vegetables. Hul ads often carry tbe germs of typhoid or tbe eggs of parasite and should be avoided unless one ia sure that they have been most carefully cleauaed for the table. The same is true of fruit. Those which can not have the outer skin removed before being eateu should be either cooked or to scrupulously washed that one may be sure that they are freed from all Imparities. The heat of cooked foods promotes di gestion. The different kinds of rooking, the boiling and stewing, baking, roasting and braising, fry ing and broiling, each have differ' ent objects ia view, and these If the object is to rook and retain , the flavor of nieats, the beat should be great and its application imme diate, or the juices aud Haver will vanish ; the heat coagulate the albumen and euranea the meat with a crust through which these cau uot escape. If tbe meat is old and tough aod tbe object is to ex tract tbe nutriment, leaving the fibre unused, then the meat should be placed in cold water aud the beat applied gradually, the process of cookiug being carried on slowly and for a long time. Cooking ia a 1 promt which reuders mastication ieasv. I The way to escape dyM'wia is ,by constant and conscietitiouscliew ling. N'o tough, fibrous substance should enter the stomach. The teeth are the sentinels w hich stand on guard aud should be made to do their duty. If it is uot possible to masticate a substance thoroughly, do not swallow it, for it will rciuaiu in the stomach for hours, a foreign body as irritating to the membrane of the stomach as a speck in the eye. Meat fibre, stringy and tough lobster, the rubbery mass of au im properly rooked Welsh rabbit, are some of the commonest cause of rank indigestion. If the stomach is very strong, it may dispose of these indigestible after a time, but it powers are weakened una a chronic dyspepsia will result. Another reason for thorough mas ticution is that starchy substances uecd the saliva for their digestiou and should not be sent dowu to the stomach unless no prepared. DKINKAHI.KH, Iu the broadest acceptation of the term, all drinkables, water, etc., coffee, beers, wines and liquors, are clashed as foods. In a previous article it has Is-en ixiinted out how essential to life and well being is pure drinking water. The rxteu- tive use of tea and coffee has much to do w ith the ill of tbe people. Much indigestion and heart dis turbance is brought about by their habitual use. The effect of these are what is known as cumulative. A small amount taken day after day and year after year may nut show its deleterious effects imme diately, but in the course of time will result in tbe breaking dowu of the individual. Aside from the principles of temperance which are involved, as a mutter of health it is a great mistake to make use of stimulants daily, for when the need comes for them iu time of sick ueas, they will uot have the same bene ficial effect as upon one who has not liceu in the habit of taking them, aud often so much more is needed to obtain the desired result that the stomach, weakened by in dulgence and disease, is unable to bear it. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life- With family around expecting him to die, and a sou riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, V. II. ltrown, of Leesville, Ind., indtired death' agonic from asthumu; but this wonderful medicine gave Instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: "1 now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, llron chit is, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove It mutchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and (1.00. Trial bottles free at English Drug IV a. Mr Blvens' Corn Harvester Waahaw Entrrprlw. Perhaps the first corn harvester ever iu use in this section bos been at work in tbe fields around town this week. It is a fine piece of niechainisin and harvest the corn as though it had a certain degree of intelligence of it own. It cuts the corn and ties it iu bundles and bunches it like a reaper doea wheat. It is drawn by two mules and har vest several acre of corn in a day. The machine is the property of Sir. II. F. Bivens. The corn harvester is a great feed saver, espeeiully if its work is followed later by that of a shredder. Farmers are of the opinion that many of these ma chines w ill toon come into general use in this sectiou as they are now in other parts of the couutry. Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. , Men of oak" are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution. , , Sen tor free aamp. COTT IOWNI, Chemists, 09-4IS Pearl Street, New York. SOo.and ll.OOl ail drwtstet, Russell Sherrill of ITount lila. a Vmber of a Prominent Famliy, Meets Death at the Hands f Thoe. J. and Chalmers U White of Concord, Uncles ef flUs Annie White, Whom It Is Claimed Sberrill Betrayed. Sahaherr rlel M Charl.au Ohremrr.ntk. A homicidewitbpeculiarly tragic circumstances occurred at i o olork this morning at ML I'lla, a station in liowan county ou the Moore ville -Winston Kailroad, about 7 mile from Moorcsville and 16 miles through the country from Halisbury, Hussell Sherrill, a young man of prominent family, being shot and killed by Thomas J. and Chalmers L White of Concord, iu an altercation growing out of the seduction by Sberrill of Miss An nie White, the orphan niece of the two slayers. All those involved in the affair aie of prominent family and of high personal standing. Immediately alter tbe shooting the White brother set out for .Salisbury, where they surrendered to the authorities. Ibe following statement was made by counsel: "Yesterday our clients received a letter from Mi's. Samuel Archer, whose first hus band was their brother, James White, the father of the young lady iu the ease, the letter reading: Annie is ruined. My God! What shall I dot Please come at once.' These gentlemen, being the uncles and nearest male protectors of Miss White, their dead brother'sdaugh- ter, hired a team in Concord and drove to the home of Mrs. Archer, where they spent the night. They found Mrs. Archer and Mis White iu great distress. This morning. shortly after 0 o'clock, they went to the home of Mr. Sberrill, who bad seduced their uiece under promise of marriage, and after wards refused to man v her, and conversed with him ou the porch. They asked him to keep his prom ise of marriage and he answered that be would die fiist. They still insisted that lie marry her, and he started towards Mr. Chalmers White in a threatening attitude. Both the brothers retreated to the end of the porch and told him to sit dowu and reosou alKiul the mat ter; that all they asked was that be marry Sliss White. Sberrill con tinued to advance iu striking atti tude and both the brothers tired." MUX. HllKKKIM. ONLY WITN'KrM. The only witness other tiiuu the principal in the affair was Mrs. Josephine Sberrill, the widow of the late A. K. Sberrill and the mother of the young man who hud been shot. Slit) rushed out ou the iMirch and threw herself on the still living body of her sou. The dead man w as 22 years of age aud personally popular. His family is one of the most prominent in the county. T1IK rU.AYKRH. The Messrs. White are natives of Cabarrus county, having been brought up live mile soiitn of ton cord. Thomas J. is 411 year of sge and Chalmers I- .I'-'. Both are mar ried. They are men of the highest cliuractcr and standing and neither was ever iu any difficulty before. In the killing of young Sberrill, Chalmers, the youuger, tired first, and then the two tired together, making three shots, all of which are believed to have taken effect. Both men were armed with US-cal ibre Smith & Wesson revolvers. The niece whose honor they sought to protect is 18 or 1!) year of age. Coroner Dorsett will go to Burlier Junction on the night train and drive thence to Mt. I'lla to hold an inquest over the remains of the slain man. Another Account ot the Killing. Wlnton.alrmSrlal In Obarrvf r, ITth. At Mt. Vila, liowan county, at (i o'clock this morning, Mr. Mussel I Sberrill, aged uboiit 22 yeai-s, was shot down and killed ou bis moth er's front porch, by two brothers, Thomas aud C halmers W bite, A report of tbe tragedy was brought here today by passengers coining in on tbe Moorcsville tram. It appears that the two brothers went to the Sberrill home and called Russell out, saying they wished to speak with him. The latter was accompanied by his mother. As soon us Mr. Sberrill reached the porch she saw there was going to be trouble and she Ix-gan pleading with tbe W bite brothers not to kill her son, but her words were iu vain. Each brother bad a pistol and both licgan firing. One ball took effect just above SherrlU's chin, going through his head, He fell on the porch aud died al most instantly. The two White brothers walked off, going toward Salisbury. It was reported that tliey iiroiHised to sui render to the slierUT of liowan. Their plea is that they killed Sberrill for ruin ing their niece, Miss Annie White. All are prominent parties. The mother of the murdered mail was almost crazed with grief when the Mooresvillo train passed Mt. Vila this morning. Ciipt. I'arker, con ductor of the train, iu respouse to a message from Mrs. Sberrill, weut to her home. The body of tbe ton was still lying on the front porch and tbe mother was walkiug tbe floor ringing her bands. Mrs. Sher ries husband died two years ago. I A Short Will. EViWrHMt!k Spn-lal O Ckartottt- OWrrtr. WK. The will of II. C. Jones, a prom ineut and well to-do ritten of this county, who died a short time ago, was admitted to probate here yes terday. The will i interesting br rauae it ia so short The following is a ropy of it: "Mills Kiver, Angus! 9, iwrj. I do hereby will, devise and le qiieatb all my proierty, real, per sonal and mixed, wheresoever situ ate, unto my Moved wife, Belle Jones, and hereby appoiut her aa the ante executrix of this last will and testament. II. (. Jonkh." - Tbe w ill was properly witneted liy two men who proved its genu i ne ues before the court yesterday. Judge C. M. l'Hce, who baa been clerk of the Suiierior Court of Hen demon county for 35 years, said he bad admitted to prolwte and re corded quite a numlier ot will in hi time, but that the one quoted above was the shortest that had ever come into hi office. Another gentleman who was present while Mr. race waa talking about the will, said it was iudeed a short in strument, but in eftect it meant a good deal, perhaps. If the will, short though it is, meant nothing more, it saves tbe cost and trouble of au administration, and if every person while possessed with health of body and strength of mind, would make such a w ill, an untold amount of litigation would be shut off aud many dollar tbut usually go to lawyers and courts would go to the people that by good right they ought to. Suffocated 246 Martins. ins-fiLnijrrlal t Sewn and Obivner.lAtli. There was a sensational arrest and trial at Burlington yesterday of Mr. George W. Anthony, oue of the wealthiest aud most prominent citizen of the town, ou the charge of cruelty to animals. Before Justice of the l'eace Rob inson, Mr. Anthony wo bound over to the next term of Alamance Superior Court, under a bond of 100, which he promptly gave. The warrant against Mr. Anthony was sworn out by Mr. W. J. Weatherly, game warden of Guilford county. Last week, it is alleged, during a storm, a great quantity of martins took refuge in the chimney of a house belonging to Mr. Authnuy. Tbe occupants, it is charged, asked Mr. Anthony how to get rid of them. He advised the placing of a wire cap over tbe top of the chimney and setting a fire of straw in the fireplace. This was done, mid 210 martins, by actual count, fell to the floor suffocated and burned. There Is said to have been givat indignation in Burlington over the arrest of Mr. Anthony. Gave Qold Pieces for Pennies. A.hrvlllr I'll lira. Sheriff Reed tells a story which illustrates that it dors uot pay to take rare of tbe pennies, for by so doing a man lost ten dollars here Sunday. He was a traveling man, and on hastily catching a car for the depot that morning wished to give a bell boy ut tho Berkeley a dime. Ho found he had no dime and threw to the boy what he sup posed were two penuii'tt. On the train was Sheriff Iteed, who was going to Greeuville with a prisoner, Sol Norton, and to him the traveler told of his giving away ten dollars. The man returned here witti tlie sheriff and Monday night they went to the Berkeley where the sberifl assured the man he would get the money, n Frank Lough ran would uot have any one except honest em ployes iu tbe house. Tho sheriff asked the boy where the two pen nies were, aud ho replied iu his trunk at home. He and the sheriff went to tbe bouse and sure enough u the trunk were the pennies which the sheriff turned over to the man. The employe said he did not know they were five-dollar gold piece, but thought tney were bright penuies. Sheriff Reed say that a boy who will lock up pen nies In a trunk will surely get ncn. Shot from Ambush. A sneciul to the Charlotte Chron icle says that T. Lucian Lucas, a runner of Stewart's Creek town- aliin. Harnett COIltltV. was Oil his w ay to Dunn Thursday he was shot dead, either ny some one naming nrfroin Ambush. Lucas, accompa nied by his ten-year-old son, was on a one-horse wagon loaueu wun tnrnentine. The shootine occurred while Lucas wo Dossing through the Beaver Dam section on me Cape Fear river, near Averasboro. To Cure Cold la one Day Take Laratire Brooio Quinine Tableti. All droggiita refund the money if it fails to curs. E. W. drove's stgaa tor is oa each not. sj cents. RECOVERY OF STOtfcN BONOS. Mystery As to the IV t hod of Their Return--Said to Hate Cost SI. 000 to Oct Them Back. Senr ari Siwrtal k'harl.4lr obinrr. Urth. There was a story receutly print ed in tbe Raleigh paper concern ing tbe recovery of the two one thousaud dollar bunds stolen from the safe of Watson & Godfrey, in Joneoboro, last November. It seems that the partieeiu Kuleigh connect ed with their return are uot "talk ing for publication," and conse quently the manner in which they were returned seem to be a mys tery so far aa the public is in foimed. The bonds were North Carolina 4 per rents., aud were the pros?ry of Mrs. J. I Godfrey of Joueslsim. Thev, together with about I..VK) iu rxsh belouging to at sou & Godfrey, were stolen the night before last Thanksgiving dav. All eflbits to trace the perpetrators of the theft were futile, and Mrs. Godfrey had about given up hojie of recovering her projierty. A few days ago, so the story current in this community goes, Mr. J. L. God frey, busUud of the lady who owued the bonds, received infor mation from au attorney iu Raleigh that be could secure the return of the bonds upou payment to him of 1,000 in cash. The attorney sub seqneutly refused to divulge the name of tbe party in possession of the Itouils, merely stating that a elieut of his bad come into posses siou of them and had learned that they were stolen. Mr. Godfrey ac cepted the proposition, paid the money and received the bonds, aud so tar as I know ha uo idea as to who stole them or bow they turned up. The matter was kept quiet and out of tbe puers for some rea son, aud their return was not gen erally known until the coupons were presented to the State 1 reus urer for payment. Child Training. In an article in Tbe lMinenitor for October ou the education of Girls as future W ives aud Mothers, Mrs. Theodore V. Birney dcsrrilirs a practical auu very suggestive plan which was adopted by one mother in the instruction of her own children and some little friends of their. She ha organized a club to which she will give a portion ot every Saturday, for the instructiou of the youthful uiembersiu cookery aud other housewifely duties. To lay the foundation for a thorough training in matters that pertain to wifehood and motherhood, each little girl will be given a doll, pre sumably s few days old, which she will be taught to bathe and dress and to do the hundred other little thing necessary in the cure of iu- fants. The members of tbe club will follow the babies through the various sicknesses to which chil dren sometimes succumb, and as the imaginary baby grows older, an interesting feature will lie the introduction of queetious of oliedi euce and punishment, etc. This training will doubtless prove of in estimable benefit to the children, stimulating an interest in home matters and giving them an under standing of things which every woman should possess. More clubs of this kind should lie organized. iGneap Flour e Mis Bod Floor! i I I Shot at a Hog and the Bullet killed a Utile Girt- rrttar-,la, r!a . l!-atrh. . j- Jf . While tiring a revolver at a hog which was eating up a bitd ol Voung chlckeiis ut her leiue ut Gull I'oiut late ve4eid.iv al:ermiii, Mrs. Louise Tidciu.ui accidental shot and killi-d the little d.uulit of William hnigtu..s, a neililn.r. the bullet entering the hack of the bead of the little girl, passing through the brain. Thctwo houses occupied by th.' families are s p,i rated by ulsxit ." xanK In I lo rear of tbe Douglass home, the children had constructed them ulav house of Ixiards and canvass. and they were playing in there i hen the little girl met death. j The bullet iia.ss.-d tlnviiuh a board, entering the liack of the lit ) an a!ul lot of I e pin s head. Mk I ntcnian wan! v .... lot aware of the fact that the cliil dren were in the play house. When the bullet struck the little! girl she fell forward. Her play-! males, although hearing the shots, 1 1 at first did not know w hat had oc- currcd until their etlorts to make1! her rise proved fuitlcss. 2 All kinds of school supplies at ! Welsh's I )ruR Store blank boi.ks; J crayon, paper, puis, ink, iiili.s, ig t lowest prices at Welsh's. Poorly? " for tw ytsrs I suAVe1 ter ribly front dvipeptii, will ire' deprtMlon, and wis always feeling poorly. I thta tried Aver's Sana parillt, snd la one week I wits Mt aisa."-Joba McDonald, Philadelphia, Pi. Don't forget that It'i MAyer'H SarsaparilU that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. DJIiMaa AStaulei MMMWhMilire aJUZJartlia. Ht .11 wei m U"T"tC. Valuable One Horse Farm For Salo! Hy virliw of an ,.r,l,-r f t. eli-rk tin- Su Tll.f d'Mrt III lilt- Si.m-ikI ei'--t','l!IL- H ill I,, r C'uf.-r . i.lrtliil'ff N'xl I '-1 r!.- I'Uf.-r ami ,.Om-is irp il.-lM:.latil-. ll i- -jti,l imum I.'- In fi.r wile i.f Unit I r wtriHii, I a i.l. on Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden aud destitute. Such, u brief wo the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Heavens, Versailles, O. or years he was troubled with Kidney disease aud doctors uor medicines gave him re lief. At length he tried Klectric Bitters. It put him on his feet iu short order and now he testifies: 'I'm on the road to complete re covery." Best on earth tor Liver and Kidney trouble aud all forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only AOc. Guaranteed by English Drug (.Oj Her Son Killed by Indians. Washaw KntrrprlMf. Mrs. Betay Brady, who went from this section to Thockersville, Indian Territory, about eleven years ago, returned recently and is now living wlta tier son, Air. r.. Brady, near Wilson's Old Store. Mrs. Brady is now 77 years, and was therefore an old lady when she went est. She will spend the re malnder of her life in North Caro Una. Mrs. Brady Went nwaV with her son, Mr. Goldston Brady, and lived with him iu the IndimTer ritory until he was killefl by the Indians last February. There ii more catarrh ia this sec tion of th country than all other dis ease put together, tod until the Ust lew vesra was supposed to DC incurs ble. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease.tnd pre scribed local remedies, sod by con ilantly failing to core with local treat meot. oronouoced it incurable. Sci ence has proven cttarrb to be a con ititutional disease, tod therefore re auires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Core, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the mar ket. It i taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaipoonful. It acts directly on the blood snd mucous surlaces of th system. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for toy ess it ftils to cor. Send for circnltrs and testimonials. Address, ' F.J. CHENEY 4 OO. Tolido, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c Hall family pills are the beet I want your old Iron. J. D, Parker Our Ice House is opposite I J, Lcckhart & Ca'i store. Phone ui when you want Ice. No 36, Cadibu & Wallace. Saturday, October 17th, 1XU. Ihr li-mr of .ulr L-lwr I-.' V.-k. M..ii! tl i-iiirtlii'ii-i ilt.ir In Mini !-,, N ' . pvibi..- f al.l Mll-U- aiu-iiMii far -nHi l IIk- h'-.'hil ItKlilt-r. a .s-rla I n I riwt r (mns-l of mut i.--i-rila n Ml.,: l.yuia tint U-in-r in In Slmr itfj..rtli -rilliM. I moil I oii.ii i Mnr.li villr t.wn.hlt. lli 4t--. f K.iv toil, i-n-k, i.ljoii'liiir lii-i.l. ..1 s i Hi ; 111.. A M -n,-H, Imnir 1'hif.T nimI otti.-r., i.-nu h (uirt f tin- .l.1 'IIkiiiim- t,ni!iti i-.tnu-luii'l.. Mini It-lntf nii.r, wrtii-iiUrlv l.--iil.t in ,lwil I.KS-UI.-.I l.y H. K l-liifi-rmi'l if- I" I. I I'lnff r on -JihI .las' ',f .Iniiunr) , ll.'. r. foil,-H in B... i. paw l.,f .Ui-il. Ill On- ,,-.- ,.l Oil-Ki-iri.ti-r of Ihf-il. nf I moil County. N ' . lo Itirh !! r,ir,( r-'i'lil"' 1. n.-n hy IllMilf. ciiiilaiiiiinr foriy ll,r ,-rt-. morv 01 1,-.. Tin- L-rni" of alr m.h. Ill ll. S-l.l,-ll!tT lllll. llH I K k IKUIiH .11. l-omim...,lii-r. Ailom., .Ivi-oin,. A Ai inilfl.l. .tity Tax Notice. I will he at the fulluwiiiK pl.urn on the dates named for tlie purpose of collrcliiiK taxes for the yrr 1113: Olive Branch, New Salem tuunlilp, Thursday, October 1st, hjuj. Maishville, Mar&hville toiibliip, Friday, October 2nd, 1903. Horn's Store, Lane's Creek tnwn ship, Saturday, Octohrr jrd, lyoj. Irliy'a Sttue, lluf.iij township, Tuetday, October dth, 190J. Wanliaw, Jackson township, Satur day, October 14th, looj. ked wine's Store, Sauitv Kidi;e turn ship, Wednesday, October 7U1, 1903. Indian Trail, Vauce township, Thursday. October Hth, 1903. L'niouville, Goose Creek township, Friday, October qth, njoj. Monroe, Monroe towualiip, Satur day, October loth, 1903. Those failini! to meet me at the above named places and srttliiiK their taxes must settle at the office by the first day of December, 1903, and save Cost. Respectfully, li. A. HORN, Sheriff Sept. 3, 1903. of luion Comity. Valuable Farming Lands and Town Lots for Salo. I mill -rll at III- O'litrl limw door In Moll nav N.I'., "II SATI KliAV.nrlHIIKIlSl.l.lwM. al IS ii'i-!a-k m , for i-a-li, lo Hit' hli'li,-t i nliti-r, thr followtlnf ,IT1IM yaltialili- ri-al i-'iitt-: l-t. A farm III Bnfonl town.lilf,, ten intlt- aniilh nf Molina-. mi Hti- tVolf 1'.!I nmil n lamina- H74 ai-iv. ition- or li--. Alum! a thri-i'-norw farm on iilaw . yooil itwr-lllitir am! oiit-hiiuM-H. Nt-ar th Allan -i-roml. Ailjoin. tin farmmif Oihi. M Ijiiii-y. Or. tt . II , 1 1 i.hli- an.l ,iOii.m anil Ik known a. On Krown Ijim-y pla.-. Knit A farm In Bnforil tnwii.lill'.roiitanil il sa a-ri'. more ur li', ailjoltiiin: tin- IhihI- of I'lirpito lit-lk. J H Nn-oi aimI Minor Kntiiti-r tmrk. liol,l ha. li'H ll yrT.I on tin. Ian,l ThI- trarl In ii-arlv all wrll iIihIh-ii-,1. unl. A lrai-1 ol Iiiiki in tinioni iowii.iii nown a On-I'yron Mm,-, 'lln-tr u a uoltl mill,1 nn t'lf Irai-t, wliu-li i-olilaiii-. atu! 7- air'i. Thrrt' un- in or l-J -rr- ol ol'i-ll Ittit't on trai-t. ami llit-rv i. n li-nmti ii.mi-.- on u. Til I trarl a.ljoln. I In- la ml. ol .1. r.. n . Ailtl!i. . nil. .11 ami "Mot. Oh A l.il In tin- i-lly of Monroe hl.t wi'-l of til. (Min-i-lllli-r tlt-jtot itnil ta-twit ll tin- I.., C A ml r. e. nan row,!-, ami l-oiiininim.' a.. mm vren. U.S. I K K. Airi'iil tor Mr. A. A. I.ain-y. It's low price i the maker's ex- rui- l .r the inlrriorily of his proJuet. bad fl ur is bad flour uo matter tiow it it maoipulat rj aud juried in packiuj. It a!l reuits bark to the tame thiuK. Good fl jur mixed with p,t will improve the quality nl the 1 leu.l, but like mixinr white paint with black, it takes ih lie to pro- avert -it. liad or cheap f? .in is Uc-kwiK in r,luteo, the nutritious portion of the wheat. It also contains a large per rentage of the pulverised busk or flit-ll of the grain. All of which you dou't waDt. There fore, we cautiou you to ask for the "Invincible" brand. Tbit brand is sold at tbe lowest pfice for which really first cljss fluur can be sold, and itt price is the highest you need to pay iu order to get the best. Mr Newmau, our local baker, says: "Invincible" is the I can get for baking." HENDERSON ; J KOLLEH MILLS. eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees L. H- TriOMPSON, General Insurance. l ire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all classes of Casuality In suunce. Only the best and stroogest companies represented. 1 respectful ly solicit your patronage snd guarau tee prompt aud cfticieut service. Of fice west of courthouse, l'hone No. I. Mortgage Sale. My irtin i.f h iti'irfiTttiM' 1el l m Pieulttl ti j f. r.s., nii, K t'riH.k aiift In wifr nn .Irinitrtn liih, W'l, Hint rvf-.tilt-At in (he itltlrft ! in.- Iti'k'i-iiT i.f .f I it toil rHtuniy in tk . m j : M. I ill -II i iii 11 lr auction at tlie I'ourilii.tiMhx.r iu Minrt,N.t'., on September 28th, 1903, (t-rtRiii tmi'to ut iwr-e of lmii an follow: I- ir-t TiHt'l ; h.'(riiiiilnit al .in xluinit ft hi 'kir- . ut r taHk mini tinw r-tl oak, former K.i II W niflii-li'i' ttriifr, and rum with In- I in- ." K l hM I iih ami 'hnk,Ctt)inK h 1-rnKrlt to inik a inai-lf, two htt'ko r a'ol two wititT iiakx, tht'tnf N. 11 K. ii cMiutiK mikI fn tor litikti, rrtMMlnsi Ktfwart y.f k vi-fk lo tlmt K-tt ttnk nlliir, on "hk aii't li.nr wnf.T 'mh ihiitilciv lii an old tlfld: tlo-iH-4 N. W . iff chNMii aiol 76 link lot ml iMk iir a uHtiT itik and four t okit. thnoa m wi i . ;t. t'tiuiiii, 'i'.,iaf um It iirtiirh to a ti.ht' )'V a r,-t utik, iwi tank. 1'iiit and hickory : tht'iiti- ( K. .-V rlirtllitt, Cfoeiti.UK two mail l.tttti.-iH- f-i tin- M'ii n n mar. iotHl '1'rn. t : itfixiMtiiiiht at a p-Mt oak hf w nit'r ok, two liU kor and two walt-r akH, f..t iiH'rlv Km-tI litrfif"Ut 'h, and rune) with -unl it tu-N. '.r-K ;i7 t'hmtin uml Mi linkx. rnw liiir fi'irr Kork To a waN r oak liy a watr ink itnil -i hlrii-k Hkn, tlifnif tho divUUm : i in-t :i lo riiniii to a tilark iai'k by a hi-I nk. (u pine, and two blaw'k JB4-kii , thmpei Ml . J" tlu ni- lo a ina 1 1 red oak by a htck iii,1! !i-l four hmI mil.'.; HoMirt- A. 16 K. Tehalii and link-to a ri'd oak l.y a waUT oak and f 'iir pu-i -mk-, fifth roriu-r 4tf Hit flrel tract ri'vis-. ttii'ti.-f wtih two liiii of nald purY?y of ll .HtTt-iiu.-t a followo; k jn K rhalna and 7 htik- to titn-r to-t oak -rtbliMit x a iMtoak tiiiil lour mitt-r orifc" ; thciift' f W. Kl chtiiti and ltnk. froxinir Mi1il crii-k air n In to th U'lfiiitilnit, llo- two tras-tn ron la i it I hjT tiiK ttri-i. tn'r' or !, U'Iiik lh tract conveyed t.vV .p l' mil and Wll to M. H, Hwiyit un Jniar- l-li, 1k;7, W.f!, HKATH. Hi) A un ust imIi. 1ku, MorlKkftc. Notice of Election, 1' (son h 't it ton .liTiied one fourth of thu fn hi'Mi-r- mihln Tnnltv pscliool IH-lrlct. No. a. fi.r tii-Hints' rto' in Ha ford townwlitp, th Isoinidrirti f wtui'h arc x.hrtlly Mtati'd In -tnd i'iilion, finorM-il l.y the I ounty Hoard of Kiltiivtiion. It id ordered that an election m lo'ld on tlie .Mtli dny of !4'it'mlr, In Maid dll Irii-I, at Trinity rltoo Imhi-c. to aHcerlaln ths mill of th' )M..ile therein, whether there nhall In' li'Vlrd In hjihI dl-tnct a Mfieclal annual tax ot not more than c nti t.n the iltnnm valua tt"it of iirt.iM'riy. and nt more than Wi cent" on tin- "'lf It HiippU'inent the iiutillf mcIiooI fund tthifh nmy h itH.rili.ned lo nald dlxtrlct hjf t'.-tinty Koaidof KdiicHtloii. tn caN nuch a pO rial t.i h voted, and it If further ordered that i M.l riiM'V lo ,.t)Hilnted Kt-Kl-trmr. and thai U I. H-lk Miid K h I'ee-st la? Nitotnted Juditva f.n -unl i lffiloti. lit all n-MiHi-to aald election th,il! !' held ti t'ftiired hy (hapler 4 of I -aw a ol iwol. Voitiin nhifi' at Trinity M'Ikn.I houat, J M nl KU KT. n. rk to Hoard of ( oiint) t'oiHitiin-ioiif ri. Mortgage Salo. Hv virtue of a nioriiraife deeil to n extH-uted on fii'i'ttii'fr lih. 1. t.v I- " r-'it-Tt nnt r--corile.1 til the ortwe of lite Ki-kfl-ItT ol Hi'diof I iilon rou it tv in UM.k A !. nm- li. Mi eii at hi It? auction, at the (..nriliuu-e .I.wir In Monroe, on Saturday. October 10th, 11, the follow in tract' of land ; K rt Tract- A.ljolnliiir tlie inn. in ot m. e. Iavl, IVterCraliV. L, M htin-r, . r. Hr.M.m, K. Au-tin, J. J, KiitK and tunert. coiuainiii)c Id acre, more or H'". second Tract l.yini? anil hemi! in ine low n itf Hanhaw. on the Norlh -Idc of the milr-wd. a. I join it i ir the Woiey haily lot. SM Met nin. dec aed. ami other", ond knioAii a the i. H aIH or Klllim lIH lot, e-mratnini! Here, f of leu. MtlRKtlW. A I H A I"., Thla (ciitcmlr Tlh. Mort(atn i . Executor's Salo of Stocks. On Thumdav. the 24th diiv of M,'hi,-m!er, at 12 o'clock, in.. nI thr county curt louf d-wir .f MrH'klenhurif couniv. t it i nxrioii.-. . i ., tm- nntlt-rNistned a eaMiior of .lanie J iini. de ceased, will cll to the It Itf he-1 hlddt r, at puli- Urauctloit, the follow Itiif r : i Twenty hare id tin- capital toe or me (Commercial National Hank ol Charlotte, Pi .. of the par value of one hundred t$ltf.H Uoi- iar per mare. HII weiliy nsrp" minrrsuitsniirii;! uir rirtit Natltinal Hank nfi.a"torua. N, V . of the par value of one hundred ii-u.h doltarv mt harw. (li Riirhteen unare-. m ine capnai toca oi the Piedmont nothing Mannfactnrlnit Co . of Charlotte, N. O , of the (r value of live hull dml tVsiaiiiti dollar tier nhnrv. 4i Twenty -live aiiaren of ine capital ioci ot the Allen Hardware Company, cnanoiie. .c of the ar value of one hundred i$hHm nt hare, tai Twenty aharea of the capital ator-k of the MONROE HARDWAKECOMPANY M,nn.N. '.,ol On- r alu iC iliMl kl lara nr ahare. Trrnta of aale: Oa.h. H.N PHARK. Fierulnr nf the M ill uf Jamea J. Mima, ure'd Srpt. s, laua. You Can't Beat He in flour, coffee, sugar, molasses, candies, etc. The most complete ine of tobacco in town; any price; only one quality that is the best. Best vinegar 2oc. per gallon. Two inc. bottles fresh EAGLE EXTRACT 1 5C Have you tried "Our Blend Coflce? If you havn't, try a pound. Those who use it are still praising it. rorce, Grape Nuts, Postutn Coffee, Oat Fakes always fresb. Everything guaranteed to ev erybody. Prompt delivery. Bring your country product here for best price. Respectfully, W. A. STEWART. Phone go i. Mortgage Salo. Hy lrtw of a mortaae dVed executed tv otl ine nn nmj oi renr-mrr, imn, oy s. Miiien i'. Norwood, and reet)rdet la Ihes.ltlccof the Rev liter of leeda for Cnlon eoHnty, In Hioa A H ofdeeiU, on pare K' we will aetl at public auction a I ine eHirinotjw ooor in Mtwinte on 5turdny, October 1 0th, im, the fdlowln deaerlheil nlec nf land. r in and helnn" In the count of I nlon. JackMn loanahlp, on the water of ft a thaw errvk near the waihaw Hap 1 1 at ehnreh. ailltdnttisT the land nf C. Riwm, H. D. Neath, and N. K Yownjt,t3uatAlnlrii V. acre, more or lca. MttHHdw, HKATH C., Tlila September 7iM, Monaffee. Dissolution Notice. t haee aold swy rmeery hnalneaa In Monroe to the IJndtey ttrooerj Company, which will be eonuueica ny tneru in me ruinrt. ah mitu will be paid hy the l,tndMf ornrery Ctimpatiy a tut an acvownw noe one uiu rm tnnn tw naoi to the aald company. O. I. HUl tUH epieaiber TU, twi fl Gooi Head It very desirahU at tbit season. Our clean, solid, purs let it tbt best cooling medium you can rt. lo tht refrigerator itt lasting quality makes it great economy. CRUSHED, It adds lo the clearness tad cool, nets of summer drinks of ill sindt.. Have at to deliver it to your res idence daily. Tickets for tall ia any quantity, l'hone jS. CADIEU & WALLACE. roimmt:tTY(r;j HlfM