THE MONROE OCRIAL Tcirphoac No. ! Tuesday. September 22. 1901. Cotton told todaj at 10.63 and 10.75. Miss Alice Stark ha entered the Pretdntrnan College at Charlotte. Mu Mary ."urefoy, Mr. Levy's new millim'r,arrived Huuday uight. Mr. Claude Binner left Saturday to begin a course la Trinity Col Mr. J. I. Stewart, regwter of deeds, who baa been very wck lor aoroe time, U getting better. Mr. V. O. Wolfe meat down to Chesterfield yesterday to help for a few days lu the new bauk there. There will be prrncliing and bap tiling at Mill Creek cluirch on next Huuday by Rev. M. U. L. Preelar. Mr. aud Mrs. Archie McLarty and Mr. T. C Lee weut to Char lotte Sumlay to are Mr. J. II. Lee. Mr. V. E. Lot-khart in baying cotton in the Iliiuon building, uext door to Hikes' More. Mrs. Hosa Blakeney of ML Car niel has retnrned home after spend ing sometime with her daughter, Mr. Hloau. Mixa Kate Itlakener, daughter of Mr. 1". R Blakeney of ML Canuel, boa eutered Littleton Female Col lege. Mrs. (). M. Norwood has return ed to her home iu Charlotte after vUitiug Mr. W. II. Norwood and aud the Mi Norwood. Dr. and Mrs. V. C. Houston and Miss I'at Adams of Concord drove through the couutry to Monroe Saturday and returued yesterday, Miss Bennett, who will lecture tonight in the Me'hodist church, arrived this morning aud i being entertained by Mrs. W. . Lee. Messrs, K. Col well, Jr., aud E. (1. Lea, iusuranee men of Urceua boro, are spending the week in town. Mr. Zcb Faulkner, who wiw takeu to Charlotte sometime ago for an operatiou, is expected home touigliL He is doing uiceiy. lie?. Mr. Kohinson of Steel Creek preached iu the Presbyterian church Sunday, and Iev. Mr. At- kiusou of Monroe preached at Steel Creek. Dr. E. T. Halstead, the veteri narian, who spent lost week in Monroe, will bo here again on the 2.Mh and 2tb, at Sikus' stables. See his announcement elsewhere. Many people from L'uioa eountj have van ted Boek River Spring, in Stanly coanty. This property. hieh ia a 36 room hotel, has beea aold for i.KOO, which waa a very low price. It is aaid that the new owners will much improve it Ua October the first the Western Union telegraph office will be moved into the Slack building. Miuth of the McKae Mercantile Company. The, rear ot the build ing will tie occupied by the Mon roe Bottling Works. At the opera house on Friday night of this week a big temperance rally will be held. Everybody ia invited, whether for or against temperance. The program will eousist of aongs, recitations and speeches. The committee ia en deavoriug to get Mr. J. . Uailey of Raleigh to apeak. Jamea Lowery who was shot by W. T. KUer at A I tan sometime ago, was bound over to eonrt by hsur. Flow yesterday on a charge of assault with intent to kill. And Kixer waa bound over by Eir. J C. Laucy for carryiug eoueealed weapons. Both of these eases are parts of the shoot tug scrape referred to above. Mr. Lovic Price, son of ex Sheriff A. J. Priee, died at the home of his father in Saudy Ridge towuahip last M ednemlay morning. He bad been sick onl y about one week, with tvphoid lever. He was twenty three years of age, and a robust, fine looking young man, the very picture of health aud vigor. He was a niemlier of the Methodist church, aud those who knew him well speak in unqualified praise of his character and virtue, lie gave fine promise of being a ui.wt useful man to bis community aud county, aud his death is a sad loss. The body was laid to rest in the ceme tery at l'uioa church ou Thursday. Joe Mathesou, a white man who works iu a mine neat rail, went to a hardware store here Sitt urduy and bought a pistol. Then he druuk cider. Then he begun to flourish his pistol and cleared out all the darkies alstut Perkins' blacksmith shop. Down about the railroad he tried his new pistol, and was pulled by the police. Mayor Houston fined him . aud costs for each of the shots, and he was bound over to court by 'Squire Flow for carrying concealed weap ona. Matheson accmcntiy miicu his brother about two years ago while out bunting. The Way of a Bad Negro. Jim Mrnwey, a heavy act, black negro, five feet high, and weighing 165 pounds, waa discharged from a six months' term on tbe chain gang Messrs. Wulters & Pressly have last Friday and proceeded to make opened a new market north of the things lively at once tn Handy TALKING WITH THE PEOPLE. Col. Carr'a Farm A Tt- Where the People Take Things Easy A Stranger With a Good riemory. Railroad From Jcftersoai to Mou re Hamlet a Tough Place Flaw School Work at Indian Trail -Putting by Plenty of Hay What Will Hon roe Do?-A Long and Well Spent Ule. CoL Jnliaa 8. Carr of North Caro lina and Col. RobL L. Aberacthy of Rive Bend,(taton county, hare compromised their little diSirul- tiea. Ia a mile of iiuisboroanu in twelve Miles of Durham, lies Col. Carr'a magnificent tkroneecbee farm. It is an eight buudred acre tract of red elay hills, and was an old ante-bellum estate, which lol. Carr purchased thirteen years ago aud converted into a great Morn and grass farm. He built great barns on tbe most modern plans. His stable cost f 12,000. Iu the basement were the stalls for the inulea, Tbe first floor was given over to tbe horses, and the third was for teed. The horses were given clean board noora, wmcn were scoured daily, and the balls were filled with comfortable chairs and the walls adorned with pic (urea. The cow barn was built on the name scale, with a marble floored dairy attached! Other housM of leaser importance were placed here and youder. i ifteen buudred dollar horses, five bun dred dollar cows aud two hundred dollar hogs storked them. A fiue half-mile race track was opened, and the banks of the little Kuoree river, upon which tbe farm lies, were made into pretty drives aud walks. A costly dam supplied water for the water works and a poud for the fish. There are ten acres of chicken lots, each yard with its house being given to a par ticular breed. Every gate post supported a pigeon box, turkeys roamed the fields and flocks of handsome peafowls were not want ing. A mineral spring by the road side supplied water for whomso ever would drink. Fields of alfalfa and other rich forage plants flourished. Three years ago Gen. Carr em ployed tVl. Alieruethy to manage the farm for a term of years. The Colonel's effort were very disap pointing to the owner of the place, aud ho was discharged .He brought suit in (Jaston couuty for 4M,:ttH) unpaid salary. Gen. Carr brought a counter suit for 15,000 damages to the place. Both sides were mar ti way this aide of Jefferson. "WW Te Spry OU tVo, and Other Ba lk is ruevd get to running through ford items, and puts the farmers of Tm-sUt- ! iw.- rw J.., field in reach of the great mar Allan. Sept. 21. Bufordishold kets," aaid at gentleman tbe other joe her owa if not surpajcting any- day, 't benlerfield county is going township in tbe couuty ia the way lobe an eastern on.n laroiiua. of general improvement. She has Special Notices. AilvertMemeat "dl be inierted ia this column at the price ol on ceut a otd, cash ia advance. fAXTEU-Firil grade teacher lor t r . 1 ! - - ... . . 1 Ibey can grow any si no of iruta ;t0 special tax arbool districts and VW Mil o,on School in ioce Ai)til to I. C. hoard, sec am lh "Nlh ilixt I kiilw Ihr ,.l,i rlnuv. N II. down there.'1 up another ooe to be voted on at trin loaotbtu. I it V on the 2Mb inst. I bone tbe retarv. Cleooe. N We have our arbool building goud eple oi said diatrict will rapidly," aaid 'Squire ( show their public spirit ia votiug for the special tax to supplement the public school, thereby securing for tbcmselves a ermaueut school for their children. It will improve the value of our property aud show to the public that we are going to going J. LV Broom of tbe Indian Trail district Saturdav. "Mr. A. B. Haywood is our foreman, aud be is pushing the work. Our house will be according to tbe plans aeut out by the State Sueriutendeut, and will cost about 1,000, five hun dred of which will 1 borrowed from tbe Stale aud tbe other has been subscribed by citizens. There will be no cost to the county. We will have a nice house, a big school, aud we want good teachers. We waut to have a big rally and dedi cate tbe school bouse when it is completed." e 'Tve already put up 20 two home wagon loads of good hay aud have several more jet to bouse,'" said 'Squire W. II. Austin of New Siileiu yeeterday. "Mr. F- B. Pus ser and myself have been mowing ou slutrea w ith the neighbor, be sides gathering our own stuff. 1 have known two horse loads of bay to sell in Monroe for nearly s. Ours cost ouly the gathering, as it is all meadow grass." ''The papers ought to often np on tbe fearful conditions that exist at Hamlet," aaid a geutleiuan yes SALESMAN anted lu look after out interest ia loiua aud aJjareui coualiri. Salary or ctsnimiioo . A J drru The Victor Oil Company, Cleve land, Ohio. MOlluTrO DEBTORS. I'artie. It uiu me tor pruleuiunal aervicet "1 I fcn.l It, .rrnlinll tttfh lr ft: P - i.u uc mitT ro) WLilley or Mr. II. W. I'usscr, and a of tbe time. Let us all eoiue to- prompt payment ol all atcouut is re getheraild Vote this special tax. Itlquraitd to be made tu either ol Hit is ouly giving it to our children in above lentlemen. A. 0. N. Wbitlry. Itttt it.u i.C M.ltk,w,t i,,n ititiitMll, lit , . . wa 't V-.U- I-'U, .... iiiihe court house. Mr. W alters is an exierienred mint man and thor oughly understands the busiueea. Ridge township, lu which his home had heeu. Ou Saturday morning he visited Mr. Wilrism Fowler's I ...Uiiuu.Iaii tnli mathsarvul fin Sir, N. B. Helms, who has been ""'".r ..1' "l.lT"',: Ulliuis s rt .auaao ux. lit Averaslsiro for some time, re turned last Tuesday sick with fever. He W uow at Mr. W. il. Glcnu's ami is very sick. a vacant tenant house on the place, and destroyed them. Then he nuslied down tbe chimney of the house and weut on. He seemed to Kev. V, F. Watson left this he beut on destruction, for coming morning for Dallas, Gaston county, in Mr. U. II. Howie s field, be where, tomorrow night, lit the Bap- Uniashed up a great number of mel- list church, be will unite in mar- ona and left them on the ground. riago Mr. Fred II. Kobiusou and f lieu he weut into a tenant house Miss Dueue Durham of that place, ftud stole a suit of clothes and a Mr. and Mm. T. J. Sliaunon are Going to Mr. II. L. Prit-e's sending soinel ime in New York. Il', be went iuto Jim Ivey's !i ...i,i k. xtis, house and stole another suit of A lie weiu HWUIIIIHHlllU .. Kthel Moore aud little daughter, cwtbe and a rawr. Ou Sunday who will spend the winter with her Constable Bivens ami others tried -- ... a a4nl. 4 lk A Hnf. Kill Wtllll nit sister in ilmingtoii, 1X1, Mr. M. C. Bivens of Marshville townsliio was operated upon last Saturday for some foreigu growth in the left side. Dr. Armneld, Dees and Monroe made the oiiera tion, which was successful and the patient is doing very well to eatcb the negro, but could not come np with hi m. Last winter alassey was sent to the chaiu gang for breaking into a house at the Howie mine Mr. Lee Improving, Mr. Jas. II. Lee, who has been extremely ill for ten days, is some Mr. .I1Ul A. Davennort and Miss M"""- He is at St. Peter's Hospi- T .w.vV Wnlft. iluntrMnr of Mrs. IUI in uwirioiie, wnere lie nascar W. C, Wolfe of north Monroe, were Wednesday morning, ao married bv Rev. W. F. Watson ou companied by Mrs. hn Dr. J. 1 . Suudav. The eoimle left for Ham- aiouroe, wessrs. u. o. ie, a they will make their S. Ie, A. II. McLarty, W. 8. Iee, Kev, M. A Smith and Mrs. J. F. Carelock. He waa taken sick on Sunday night before lust, tbe trouble being roll stones and an obstruction of the bowels. His life was about dis paired of, but now it is thought that be will get well. Mr. Lee was never strong physically. A few years ago he passed through a most let, where home. Mr. Ell Presley of Monroe town ship mid Miss Lillic Smith of Goose Creek township were married at the residence of the officiating mag Istrate, 'Esq. A. J. Furr, last Sun day. Mr. F. M. Sutton of this count v lately sustained quite a loss in the severe attack of typhoid fever and d.wtriiciion bv fire of his saw mill two years ago his ankle was accl- aud planing mill which he had set dentally broken. He has hundreds np at Osceola, S. C This was ma- of warm friends who most deeply chinery that he was accustomed to sytupatbiae with luiu in his sutlei move about, and tbe loss was about log. uuu flits Bennett to Lecture. Mr. B. It. Watklns has bought Miss Belle Bennett, president of the interest of Mr. 8. 11. Hudson (oe Woman's Home Mission So lo the Star Cafe and wilt conduct CH.ty of tbe M. E. Church, South, tbe business in the future. Sir. I will address the eougregation at Hudson will soon move bis atocit reutral Methodist church at 8 p.m of groceries to the room next to today, on tbe work of tbe society, Messrs. Hill & Bivens, in the old Misa Bennett is an unusually fiue Stevens ft Phifer building. specimen of Christian womanhood t i n v whiiiot, whn has from every standpoint, aud is emi .-' !.-..!-.... n the neutly qualified forand thoroughly i ., r i. ri.m.iv f..r Bvirttl cousecratetl to her work. A rare If CI I VI a IX. whim J w- . . ... . m at r.ve1 la Ilnionville for 1" " "or ir mm fDO neBr :K.L.n.ri,i.r,ir.ninthiit ber. The congregation and com localitv. His announcement p. munity in general are cordially In m elsewhere. Dr. Whitley is a vited to be present. eon ol Mr. Philip Whitley, oue of M. A. Smith. the best farmers of the couuty, and qo you Like the Bitter Tasts baa enjoyed a good practice at his Quinine? lormcr location. Do yon like to take pills and Mr. D. M. Summerlin of east capsules t If not, bny Quiuol, the Monroe township tells The Journal only preparation in which quinine w w week he found unite a sulphate la tasteless. Costa no number of peculiar worms In a web I more than tbe quinine iu powder In the centre of his cotton field, form. Yon don't have to prize Tliev wereeJjout an Inch long and open tbe baby's month to ret hi i.iuvimr havoc with the cot- to take it. Children like it but ton, destroying all the -reaves on don't cry for it, Prepared and sold th aiuika nd in some iustaiices by hniflish Drug to. 1'rlce a I cutting hole iu tbe bolls. The li year-old son of Mr. 8. D. Howie of Sandy Ridge township, who has been Buffering with white swelling for long time and was only able to go about on crutches, fell from a wagon oat u may Go to Collins & Biggert or shoes, trunks sod hits. Eggs are bringing twenty cents. Best brands ol cigars, tobacco, the smoking and chewing, at S. heel passing over the diaeaaed leg Doster f. It Li.. II ud.HikM. fTllAI aim ore..u " r ... . . niomrn -,.11 Vnn luiu t.Mnm ham annvrMl severe v " 1 1. mi ,..i,i,i.iw, innir timelmonev oo clothing: mens sum . - 1 1 . before b can walk again. iirom j wp. ding their wituessea. This week way that ran not be taken away from them. We have seven public gins and eight saw mills operating in this township. Nearly all the creeks aud blanches on the public high ways are bridged and those that are not, the siitt-rvisors will see that they will tie iu the near future. There is a spirit of improvement going on iu tbe way of improving and building residences aud out houses. Cotton w ill not av erage but little over a ball crop, yura is some better, sweet potatoes aud sorghum cane good. Mr. J. P. Bclk and family go to Marion, N. C, this wiuter to live. Mr. Jas. Edwards and sister will live at their place next year. Mr. Jos. Lowery, who was shot FKESH HAMS at uSc. per pound, try one. J tut received a nice lot ( Sift 's bams and breaklast bacon. I'booe jot. W. A. Sleart. ENT My place in Buturd tumnitnr, aud make money farming auu j. V. Richardson. merchandising Monroe, N. C. rOK KENT Thiee room cottage ol 1 Cronell street, itli city water M. L. Flow. E now bave the nicest poik tau lage, freah polk bants and steak: that you ever saw, Pbuue ua No. 6 II. i. line. terday. "That pla-e is a regular at Allan some time ago, is going to Sodom and Gomorrah. The State I otter to get Ir. Jiailey to apply Anti-Saloon Leairue onebt to turn his x ray to locale the bull iu hi: all its forces imon it at once. There thigh. are seven bar rooms there, and it is I was struck some time ago by a great meeting place and the worst tbe activity and fearlessness of two kind of teniitlatious are coiistantlv old men, Dr. . H. Uribble and before all who go there, esiiecially T. C. Kulianks, Sr., at a working at EW MARKET We have opened up a uew meat market in Hit Simpson building north of the courl house, aud are prepared to furnish the best of meats at reasonable prices. We will also buy pork, heel cattle, hides and produce. Thoue Walters & Presley. TTOR RENT Five room cottage oo College street. Mrs. A. Levy. A BIG lot of new Jewelry just in aud at low prices lots of it at cost al Welsh's Drug Store. voung travelling men. It is foolish to say that these conditions cannot be broken up. They ought to lie." T. C. Euhuiiks, Jr.'a. They could go up and dowu the ladder and on the nsif and place shingles as well as twenty-fiveyear-old men. They are 7.1 and 72, respect ivelr. Mr. J. W. Bi lk, son of Mr. P. It. Iielk,.,nd Mrs. Rhoda Met 'ask ill of ingute will lie married Scpteiu lier 22nd. J. C. I ATCH REPAKING The cheap- n town in PRICE and as good as the best in yUALITV. All wurl guaranteed. V . OKuura, at oguuru t store. Mr. T. P. Dillon sold a large hill of furniture this morning to a party from below Jefferson. This is stated, not as au advertisement of Mr, Dillon, because he does bis jtamt t nil I'npt iuime (til rui la at i vei v ii U"iiit wii l'J " "M I a a . . - - r.. i nt t la.l. k., r.sw, ....aa Aff.,i..j., ALeuer rrom kcv. w.lui.c will Ul tun rui jnerJ vi iiunruiu iiigi the remarks of a thomrhtful citi- 'orr,-pon.irn ..t thr j..ur.i. zen. motle one dav last week. He Pincville, Sept. 14. I have just said: "I wonder if the people of closed a gisxl mcetiiig at PleuKant Monroe know that their last trad-n alley lor tiiui grand INE pigs for sale. Five room house with basement for reut. Am selling goods too. N. S. Ogburn. ST RECEIVED 3500 lbs. good Tobacco. Will sell it at 22 S, 2j and joc. lb, J. Shute & Sons, Col. Abernethy went dowu to Hills- boro, aud the matter was settled, both sides withdrawing their suits. ! Ou Thursday of last week the riter drove over Oconeechce farm. The people say that Gen. Carr has lnrgely lost Interest 111 it, ami mere no stock of consequence now ou Mr. Carr paid 10,000 for it thirteeu years ago, and has since speut barrels of money on it. There some great fields ot line corn growing ou the rich mini. But that corn will not yield so much per acre as the fields which Mr. M. Gi ilhn bos near Monroe win ve this year. The stalk and fruit of the Oconeechce com looked to be about like that of Mr. tiriitiirs, hich the writer saw two days be fore, but it is not planted nearly so thick. Ever been to Hillsboro, that dear old town where time and its muta tions are as nothing t No cleverer people in tbe world, and they are satisfied. There is practically the same number of population, so a gcutlcman tells us, that there was century ago. it tney gain 1101, neither do they lose. The same town clock that called together the ro visional Convention of In still does duty. The bell has a hole worn iu it as big as a peck measure, to be sure, but 'tis good yet. The local editor takes off two weeks durinir the year, one iu summer and one at Christmas, and gives his natrons ouly fifty issues a year. They'll be as well off a hundred years hcuce as if they were recciv 1112 lift v two, says ne. 1 ue couuiy has never had but one register of deeds, for the simple reason that the man who was elected when this offlce was created, in lSbN, still holds it. Tbe town is yet using the cobble stones which Corn wul lis laid in the streets. "Didn't there used to lie a mau iu your town by the name of C. M. T. McCaully!" said a stranger to the editor the other day, "10 tie sure there was," waa me repiy, 'one of the best men our county ever had, now ueaa mese years. Whv 1" "Oh. nothing. I just wanteu 10 know if my recollection had played ue a trick. I used to be mailing clerk on Joe Turner's 'Sentinel' at Raleigh just after the war, aud I thought I remembered sending a paper to that address," answerea the stranger. Mr. B. a Montford of New Han over county nas ueen speiiuing some time in Monroe with his sis tee, Mrs. Antoinette Beaslcy. Mr. Montford is a truck farmer, located five miles from Wilmington. "I had a lettuce bed lu the early spring," said he, "comprising less than one-eighth of an acre. I aold the lettuce from it ror f 1, snip ping it to Philadelphia. On lees than two acres, embracing this bit, I then planted Irish potatoes, sell ing my crop for 120, most of which was also shipped to Philadelphia. On tbe same ground I then planted corn, which is uow eight and teu feet high." That ia the way the truck grow ers of the east farm, and that sec tion ia destined to become very rich. . The new railroad being built from McBce to Monroe has reached Jefferson, and tbe company la bar I Ing eroseties placed on the right of ing stronghold is slipping away from them with every crosstio that is being hud ou the new railroad through Chesterfield county from McBee to Monroe t Well, it ia We once had an immense trade territory. This has been cut off a little at the time until now Monroe is tint nble to command anything even like the county, while several counties formerly traded here, for that grand old man, Stough, who is the pastor. 1 preached the last sermon yesterday and came up for pruver. It was a great pity to close. While I was there iu the Lord's work Dr. Nance brought me a little Isiy baby. I went home to see him. He is fiue looking, just like his pa. I named hi iu Stough, after the grand old man that I was working for wheu he came. He has got every mark This narrowinir down of trade of a preacher, and has one specially good man, a good nose, lie was crying aloud when I got home. I put my hands ou him, got dowu on hit knees and dedicated linn to God. Told the good Lord to take him and let him live to a good old age, and prayed to God to make great mini out of him, but if it was liest for bun to die, the Ixird s will be done. I will preach here till next week. Tbe fourth Sunday iu this month 1 am to lie at Caxton, Ga., to begin a meeting. I held a meeting here six years ago. A great ninny of the children have grown up since. My home is with Brother Stough. My bitby may be au editor when areas is Inevitable with tne in .crease of railroads, and has hap pened to all towns. What shall we do ulsiut it f Why there's but oue thing: Go to work to make the town self-sustaining. Let us get to making things. Towns that have reached a certain stage of develop ment grow of their own weight Monroe hasn't reached that point. We must make it grow." Dr. T. W. Redwiue of Wolfsville was in town yesterday. An observ ant man met the reporter alter a conversation with Dr. Redwiue and said: "There is a gram! old man one who has lived a model life, n high toned useful one. I'nostentii tious and modest, be lias never at tempted fo make a display, but his neighbors know that he Is pure gold. He has given years of faith ful service to his section, has lu the by-gone years stood friend and counselor and physician in more than oue crisis. It is a great thing to have lived a long life mil of use fulness," lie grows up. lied. If he is I am satis J. W. LlTTI.K. Bishop Hood to Preach, Ti the Killliir iitThr Juuroal: Please announce that lit. Rev J. W. Hood, D. D., I L. D., senior bishop of the A. M. K. Zion church will preach at Union Springs Suu day, October 4th, at 11 o ciocK We extend a cordial luvitation to everybody. Reserved seats for whites. Yours for God and Zion, W. H. C01.TKANE, Pastor. ft. D. N. WHltlGU, M. D., having located at Union ville, N. C , offers his professional services to that place and surround ing country. Unionville phone 8; Sincerity 4 IaEE & LEE, THE LEADING BET G002S, I0TI0SS, CI0THI5G. KITS" rUEJISMIGS, UT 153 SHOE STORE II I0IE0L Don't Believe all you see or hear about low prices. See the goods for yourself and don't take any body's word about their value. Some things are clear at any price. We believe our prices are as low as can be found any where for goods of the same quality. But don't believe it just because we say so; we invite inspection and comparison and will be satisfied with your decision. We are constantly adding attractions to our stock. The latest a lot of new, nobby things in Ladies' Neckwear, Table and Sofa Pillow Covers. Girls and boys going away to school will find new fall goods adapted to their wear, and anything you need in hot weather o-nnAa o almnet Vftlir riTOTl Tirice. If VOU i gUVUd U. W jv X " don't believe it just try us; we are deter- mined to ciean up siock ior iau. JLTo Ice phone 36. rompt delivery and honest weijlit, Lailieu wauace. U7 "EN you want u I', R BETTER prepared than ever to fur nish nice turnouts on short notice aud at reasonable pi ices. 11. A, Winchester. EMEMBEK the best meats in the city are sold by (.adieu & Wal lace. Phone f. OR RENT 6-horse farm 70 acres estra fine corn and cotton lauds, 3 ',' miles east of Mouroe. L, Medlin t IfHEN iu town stop at the Star VV Cale for a nice meal or a luniii Price to suit . K.K. Watkms, Manager. TEACHERS WANTED. We need 1 at once a few more teachers for fall schools. Good positions are being filled daily by us. We are receiving more calls this year than ever before. Schools aud colleges supplied with teachers free of cost. Enclose stamp for reply. Americas Ihoheks' association, J. L. Grsliam, LL. D Manager, 151 154 Randolph HIU g, Mempnis, 1 cum PARKY everything you have in old U lroo to J. V. Parker. WE deliver Ice to our customers at any hour night or day in case of sickness, r hone 30. lauieua wauace T1EMEMHER you can get the best U fresh meat at J. D. 1'arker's mar ket. t'houe No. 91. A NICE MEAL maybe had at Hie Star Cafe. Good cooks and nice service R. R. Walkius, Mauager. MOW is the time to sow crimson clo 11 ver. Go to Welsh's for the seed nl-ACK Knight, the well known Jack U is at my stanies in nionroe. II, A. Winchester 1 t Mail Boxes! Buy vour mail a- ' I boxes from us audi save 50 per cent. ! Monroe Hardware Co. 11. KEDFIiAUX, Manager. Our Line: .INSURANCE. No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ fire. Life, Health, Acci dent. Liability, PlateQIajis, and Steam IJoilcr. Surety lionds on short notice. Your business entrusted to us , ; eccive careful alien tic 1 .1 will he appreciated. Peoples' Bank, Agt .H. C0KD01, Manager iasnrance Department. OOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOOOC OOOOOCXXXXXXXXKiC'iOOOOOOOOOJ The Prescription x :-: Department Call for Welsh'i cheap Crockery. Horses! Horses! MULES! DR. E. P. HALSTEAD, V. S, Veterinary Surgeon, and Animal Medicine Specialist, From Hereford, England, Begs to Inform the public generally that he will attend Monroe, N. C At C. C. Sikes' Stables, A. A. mm Uooda Coming In. We wish to call the attention r.1 n fr!n.1a In th fart that nur goods are pouring in on every Friday and Saturday, September 25th & 26th tram, tveiymine in tne worm you want in the Dry Goods, Clothing or Millinery line. Come and see. Watch (or our big ad. next week. A. Lew, Report to the North Carolina Corporation Commission s ut f na eoNMTioa or ths BANK OF UNION NIINKHI, !.('., at th eWwe of iHmltms on the fth ar of ttrptrmlwr, lira. Kn Rrr.H. LnaiM and mcuiitt. 1.4jil w I Overdraft M'uml rurnlturt a it. I rtilun- Due fmai Bank! and Mankrri, Hold Cota.X SUYrroln,lrlu.llll minor rurrrnrjr National Bank and o.hrr V. . tidal, I.IARII.ITIKS. Capital t4;s I r.ll,l.lrd Pnt Mrlilrnda I'npald, XoiMand bill' ndlrMRiHl, Tim Vrtlftral-a af Orpwll,.. IwMtl wliiert torbrrk, tlrawnd t'rrtlnMtMof IVpMlt,. But to Ranks aad Bank, total, !-. And will remain 2 days only, for the treatment ol Lame and Sick Horses and Mules- Bony and other Enlargements 01 long aiana ing successfully treated and removed without leaving any mark or blemish. Specialist In the castration of Rig Horses. Horses carefully examined as to soundness. TERflS MODERATE. n Kin fas I Kfai-fcKtrcs, n, ij.i.i..,! h.. I.i.l. rntiimed from Eneland with a new supply of Veter inary Instruments aud Appliances by the best London makers, Messrs. Ar qold & Sons, West Smithneld. Everything up-to-date. ol our store keeps pace with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual tbe ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. keep the lJKST, drugs for it FRESHEST, and PUREST. C.N. Simpson, Jr. 04OdO04Cd04OO0C Law in I.S4S.SI u; kvnnai , ,. . tt.sisjas H.W nan I. W. S. Makrnrr, IfMtilrat of Th But of t;lrai. do anh-mnlr nwtmt that lh av ata- ltl la nf to Ot of nir know! and Mlof. w. BIJtaENBT, rrpldnt OoaaicT attainf: t. C. Cot, I. Ri.raa,J Mrwton. ' 1. X. tc, ) worn to and aalwrrtanl Mora awjaU Wtk dai of aaawainr, nwa. M. U flow, notary raklla. TH6 mm Grocery 60.. (successors to C- E- Houston) at the old Whitfield SUnd on UFayette Street- We desire toall the especial attention ot the farmers to the fact that they cannot afford to sell their poultry or produce before seeing us. Wc Want to Buy and Wc Pay the Top. A line line ot fresh Groceries. Try tu.. TH6 Linflsey Grooeru 60. VVALTHAM WATCHES When You Buy a Watch Vol' WANT THE lx-Ht money will buy. You bIno waut to buy ut a Htoro where you will get exactly wbut you pay for. You niiike 1 no mistake when v on buy WATVUK8, JEWKLliY, 8ILVEHWAKK &e., of iD.VJ'l'Vvl!! Jeweler, " LJtl LINEBAGK, Monroe, N. C.