CASTOR pflin ... For Infants and Children. AVcCctdhle Pre pxatiimfof A sirntatirvS BtcFiaxl JixlKogula twg (he SwaadB andlVwvls of Jhe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the IYomotcs DitiiwChpf rfuJ ness and hV5t iVnhun? neuter Opnari.MiHpluihf norMuvrdL yOT NAKCOTIC. it .1 I.. W - Apofivl KVmedv forfnnsliro nun , Sour SionvK h. lli.irrlkK'ji Worms .( "01 ivuUions .Fowrish ncss and Loss or Sleep. Far Simile SiCrxoture or XEW YORK. Signature I i w I THE JOY OF WORMNU. 1 1 if it Liu "'' r ri EAACT COPY Of WRAPPtf. jj jfl a. WfMM IP In Use For Over Thirty Years TORIA Thank UoJ You Can Work.- It th Mlers Who Are to be Pitied U. Hrtrt .-. ts Jakferkxaa .lwrrtiia' Think mst. Sir M.ta-of leisure. urua peep lavilr llinuh tour heavily ruruiued nnl.w at the tseum" seven o'clock rnwd on ihr way to its daily toil, that you have the foes oi It (nt-.itiM you ui smii; pie luck heneuili Jour liiutioii covering aud sleep until Jcei:i or Meadow hrius ur morning eof f-e ami pjer and ... if )ou pie fer the Yellow iH-agonor thcliivt-ii I .evil for your forenoon iiti. lKi not lav the tUrn-ring unction to vour soul that your i the h.i;i pier lot. Yonder youth with riwingiii; step, with list dug di-p into the isucWets of bis thread luiecout an.i a cold liineheou wrappml in p.ijM-t tucked h his ami. a; finer, eetcr joy than ail n r lux urv cau tritii;. ' His is the pleasure of incentive Woman Coddles Dog ami Neglect ! Kaby - - A Nauseating Spectacle. Xuhodv who goes to lllowirgl Kock (Lis summer will fail to hear ahout tie wo:i m ami tbetlg. Il ls a ia ! lemarkaMe ruse. uuU'-1 'ieicl except that it has Uvu nm-u oi VI j- iple there. The woman his a voiiug lulv, which i-he la ut-verhiid iu her arm. She I as n. mt touched her infant, hat coin- iiu!s il mle'y ami entirely to the! cue oi a nurse. Mie Pas a dog. a ' common -!ln enr. whieh she rails Miroi.g."' aa.l whieh is her eou ' i.tnt tvicp i::iou. She tale the I log out walking aul driving ami t fondles it pulilu ly. addressing it iu ' il.e int crnh-.i: lug terms. She fame i! u il the r.i'imlalli liiesilav on ilie home till'. Site ami the ii i iml it n ii lia.l tue tear at in a siirry. The ii.iim- Willi the sir. Ue!ttetl liiile ImIiv, sat I'V the ilner. The wnuiau earrUsl a pit low for oie to rest on ami a Uiitl In in ttliiih to ilriiik. At TMf eVtv NMT. Ml ftV. Carolina Marble mm. and Granite Comnanu. Our business has boon more than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, an J we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we inv.te l ho inspection of all persons needing any thin in our line. No grave, however humble, should be allowed to ro unmarked. We can make a j b t j suit the price you are able to pay. Call for debris an 1 prices. the clr of work Kor there is a jn-st to it all. The oaiiek sprinj from Nnlat the alarm clock's summons, the haMi'y swa' lowed breakfast, then out into the w ine like air of early iiiorinii. J o work vigorous work ol hraui or brawn, whether it U'jiepru'j; away at a di-k or ilinrtitij; the eternal riut of clanking niaehinei r. It is occupation accomplish uient: lo not pity these work a day folk. Save your sympathy lor the hapless and bom-less nlle fellows ' every slop the l-g was watered ai.d h i ais'iit for exercise, the woman ' ami her hiisluud tw-itij; imbll -rent i t theji-ei-sof m-iiple m the other ehiclcs, all of whom were familial ( with the story of l he woman's in I '.it nation for the tloaud ( her luhy. foine, llarimj;. j;et in, se sanl. as she piekisl up the yeiiow cur in her aruis ami les- , ils In iii iii the seat ol the carriage uaiii. 1 lo .keil at the trout scat The muse was holding the little Uidy in her anus and the tu t sun was IM-.un ; ti; in us i.uv. wliieli was mm GiC3n 7 ARE TIB WELL? Unleoo they ore. good health la Impooclbfo. . Ewr7 drop of blood In the bod passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes. Sound J-VrSfZ ,trwl out tbe ,mPurit,e ro,n Mood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys wrell so they wia eliminate the poisons from the blooi It remoTes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which hare allowed you, wn0e iystem to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, CrareL Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Blight's Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Brieht't Disease or Diabetes develops. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forma of Kidne? and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results. If Ton mr a sffrr, tatkt FOLEY'S RISXET CURS t .no. It win nak yaa wcIL lad Lmkaga ui Kidney Treubli Stmt Prtaounetw tntirtblt Mr. G. A. Srillton. a merchant et Tampicw, III., write: " TOUT'S KIDNEY CURE is steering with wonderful success. It his eared some cisei here thit phviiciins pronounced Incurable. I nrseH im shle to testify 10 iu menu. M fice KxJy i( i in pktur of heilih nd FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE bis midt It such." Edward Hun, a vcO tnowa business man of Silisbury.Mo., writes: "I wish ts ssy for the beMeCt of other, that I was a ufferer from lumbago and kidney (rouble, and sll the remedies I took give me no relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE, and after tb ass ol three bonlea I am cured." Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00. z solo 1X3 recc::eksed by d C N. SIMPSON, JR the uiitrtiiiiat-s alike coiiiuiiseraMc. Joy toes with the woikin; m is ses. There is joy in the n.suiil iy llllli lieoii. w helher in a plihsl c ite ora cold suai k hastily ihnoiitcil "Ix-foi-e the whistle blows." The evening meal is a least to the weary mm, and his well earned ret is the greatest joj of all. II aid work is the U-st of all cures for insoiiiia. Thank !od you can wmk '. I Though your oilb-e lahor strains jyour nerves and rack your brain, 'though the "shop" takes the lu st of your strength .'lad to In- In III of tin- win king world. You must earn vour amusements iiuwiiliugs: giimv aim hiimv, ami water was streaking in pitiful bltic stream How n its check. It was perhaps hungry : certainly it was leailully tired and consumed with heat. It had lt n noticed bv it mother - had not een Ih-cu given a dro oi iii l urn Hi'- t lie long, tiiesome ride, while doggie had Urn K-tled and fondleil, held on a pillow on Ins m 1st res' lap, and gheu water iroin a !' i at evrrv stop, i was looking at the little baliy wlieu I -iw her pick up the d ig and call it li.iiliu," and -pardon the in eh gam e -coin. mud me il I dulii t come mighty near dinging upright there iu liont tit the whole eiowd f CO.NNEMARA f CYCLONE'S l REINSTATEMENT s 9 B) RKIURO BUaMR SMHON OsOOTO-OO-O'OiOO-OiCI Hid vitality -lie . an actne part 5ome Intcrctini; Problems i . i i Hi Carolina marble and Granite Co . I". EFIKD. Mitniier. Yards at Slatesviile, Salisbury, M MONROE, X. C. Xcrlh Wilkcsboro, and Monroe. inn lite has no part in the strenuous $4 f it-T ' I fly tfr$hKM?l - . - . - T Xj t XXCXXaCXXXX0OOOCXXX)O XXXXOCCXXXOCX(XXC)OOCX0000 , Do You Know What It Does? 8 THF i KEELEY CURE It n-U.-vp- a ;t-iii of nil tiAr f.-r -ir-tntr .Iriitk tr iTiitf. r..-ttitn- lux niT,u -! rm U it iinrtniil U"ii, ami rriti-irflf-i a ttmii t hi- hnif hih! l.t(-nn-. I' r full MtrtiiuItir, aU1r4 THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. (IKK.K.NsHoKO, n, v, ' CORKKSI'ONDENCK CONHDKNTIAL COOOIXOCCKOOOOOCXXXCXCX)OCX)i PL m Summer Cleaning is good, but it's better when followed up with a few pieces of Pretty New Furniture. We can give you any style at a low figure, and guaran tee It to be the prettiest and nwtt durable to be had. Look over our stock. lie glad, for conscious sake, that you are not one of those most mis erahle of all men. a fellow without a job - it human machine standing idle, rusting and losing its value from disuse. Thank lioii ymi can work ! When sorrow and grid come, when you seek to forget, to crush out cruel thought, th ink io, ih it you can absorb yourself in yout oe cilpali plunge ib-ep into the de tails of y our duly. Thank (iod that you ran work -that you can grasp your pay en velope ami say. This is mine, the rightful pay I'm- tiie lalior of my brain, the just earnings ol my strong right arm." lie thankful, employer as well as employe, for the joy of working. You know the pleasure of it, Io not decei-.e yourself by the promise .nine times in ten a pleas ant little lid ion that by and by you will lelire. ease up, cud your life in idle liiMiary . The business game is not alone for the pleasure of the spoils, but for the ioy- of playing. What I lie win hi may call greed and avarice ymi know to be the tawmalioii of success the inl-i cat ion ol ai iiiilislinieiit: ami it will keep you untiiin.'K at it-on your mettle in the battle - till the end of life. l-'or life is work. Aid work is life. Just received a lot ui Swift's Premium brand hams. i S. K. Dosrm. I Mill Hill T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone M. ) 4V "Let tba COLD DUST twins do your work" 3 Bono p.m., Itching, itcabby vHin uiserses wrlllns. C.irhunrlt, I1:iliskrmfiil rtmanrn. f nri I f lk.Uj.,0 l.iuo.1 1 n OMitoji c ,iit r. ioa u c. b.K. L il f, .. ft r- i bi i4 ji., ii.i.., SrM-y SklM. V.iA tr-a b Of thl-.,. RiMiii.1 ut4 Iimii; on g..a, Jlir -i rai hr t, Monili, I ..'..I, r;ai:l.-, or or. :.r.f ffi.4i Comt c-.Ios., tp.itvt rw:. m I .. .. ... rtislown. frf.n, I Unn o i t part ot i; b..r, llu at I. j fcrow U:.,! out, C-utwu. of DotU, ui Botanlo tlced B'm, cuarantood dft,.n, imlrnl .t.-ia,, fc.4 1m4 rlnh'l U.l. Ha:i ll r..i, i4 ,...,, ,J p,,,. ! imrHMc mkrt U.H.t r'il:- r.'-l. f.n.l.,lf r-iaii, (:, fim bu,lf ltii rkan. u. ftiti.f ,in,lHIrh n. n. II. bunmlUinunn.llr(iiivflul UmmaI 1-U4ia , .to i lot firhlni ttm but Mt, llil nhtmuallam.Cslsrrh.Krar'm "' """I m i a kmmii o c, Bll. 0. R a H! aut airtlliBg.llirJ in ml.-.ln, Aclrt uxl r i l nomiwitou bit H ir..cfc tr.xj, M, !, M rwifflianmot Isini by gttiaf tM, hnUby Muni npl lo tHrrU4 pvtV Cancer Cured KmuiI Kloo. iwai im torn ,n MftUnj tM But., Tomm.xir IMm. U biluutwuao,4 b.JUi- f sww nmr fWtfrtlf, II yoa Li s onwm rui. Wrt. Swa.iw.f, Bhool ae. i3rtl rur. ukt BKo4 lulu ollifywiaairMf k'af Uj ffrto taWCaonr. liuf .ipurBi:r bopaM mtm at eanisT H by uklnf Botatue Balm. .Ml ice w agon senes I i ctistoiii crs in the course of a day. Kieh tamilv .should receive la pounds ol iie, but owing to the nearsighted u ss of loe iliiver the iUera, weight ionl ten. II, uv lunch do I lie wagon gain in one dav and w h is it tint the ueir sighted coilreloi never a iiuee ceni piece lor a dnnef ii one man w nu a lawn mower cinaroiw ;l.i pi-rs,ius fioiu s in si o en i n in the illuming now many cnihl seven men with law n mowers arouse if thev ti led their lev il b -st.' II lakes a ilislrn t uiesseiigfi- ImV .Tt minutes to travel 1 7 ard w hile on business for thecoiTlpany nm only tout- vvtiiie on his way home. Vhat Is his speed per hull! iii e n u case: vv is t lie per i I. compared to chain lihtnini; A has the sum n H'' in hi pocket, when i: gives him a point cr on the I. ices by which he ear w iu l;t times bis capita!. What oi. I the sum total amount to, mill why was it that A had to burrow a nickel to get home on f lly adding two iintls and one gib el water to hi-i slock a milk man brings the total amount up to seven iiiarls and two gills an swears by the boiu-s of Ins uuee tors that it is pure uilk. How much milk did he have in the lirsl place f A and Ii buy a lotl.-rv ticket eo-.ti:igi"l in partnership. A cm ttibiivs?.'. tin and I! if '.'.in. Incase tiif ticket ilrawsij.iii ooo , tt hare ml. cai li takef .Vecilu'i Ik- in auv hurry to work this out. A fariiu-r has live miles to drive. lie ligutes that hlle he is driv ing one mile ins lured man ought t hoc niree rows oi corn across a seven acre lot. lie gets home t lind that only seven rows have "ii hoed iu all? What was the average per mile, and how long was the hired man roosting on the leiice I Head Klown Away. ;j.- i, ii..w-. it. .vi.i. Hillary Hamlin had his head hurled heaven w aid here this even nig ny the premature discharge ol dynamyte. lie was packing a charge in a hole at the rock ipiarry prcparaiury in a Mast, using nu iron crow bar. No tiuce of bis head has been found. Ilia ili'llmi imrentd -of flint far fatueit Ksir hut honi-st variety had nnuns blui MI.-tKi.'l Itynn O'Sulllvnu. Hut an isii.illy it'UliiK pnlihc ilurtnic the few Tt-ir- tie In-Ill 1! ntlentlon had rhrts tetusl lilm ihe Voiinetiiara I'j-ckine." Hisioi-- rlMn hHtorj--lii It Uit It whs - Him a ' N'nhiii. the ajswlinir as scml.l.v mini from Hie Tenlh, who Unit tin vv lilln I lie name. After that great fit 1 .1 with "Piik" Hn-snnlmu, au nun the story, while Hn-oniilintra atsvnila were Till try! ilk' Iu full Hip hrciitu of life luu k to lilm mid "I'.lai-k" Nuhin rlose to the riHK iltvuteit l.l time IsMwis-n Wat. hliu; lliia Interesting iiporntion nnd fliu run: a thick, wail In ht puily luin.l. Hi.- hitter mMeiii.r turned lo tin- ii.:. ii le-i.. htm a. id wilil: .M.-y wiik he. Tell Ihe h'ys that lniei,e,l Teirjp llii'siiiihun they've iinl a wad ii' thinks isinilii' In' em. t't'a a cy clone I iiu I luti is a ( oiimiuiira cy clone." Ami the Nirlt:u; fraternliy. wlildi Is ever rciuly to take up any nm ie, .rolil,d inly It lx iieinhlmrinit t h; i roiTlateiii ss. aaiictli.iuO the chrla teu!l:u. I Ik.' miiny anotlier mnn, the t'y- el.mi 's auei-esa wns Imt the nathwny lo his ew n muloliit;. Ill Hie two yeura ue- wtslinij Ills first treut vlctiiry an enter-pri-lni.' liin il.-li.-i-r kept tihu alinimt eon lliimilly iH'fnrc the pnlille.' The Cj i lolic nniile money rapidly nn.l nK'nt It with nn e.ii:il avidity. Numerous may tM rles over npimtieiits nnwurtliy of Ills) tis I lliti.xl.-itisl hlui with aiiiwas. He i lid Lis initnlne. he eainhled ln-iivhy; but. the worst of all, he dl- that whisky was a tine anti dote tor Ihe poison of iriinitiMtiK losses. Il.e end came riiplilly after Hint. One nlliht lit the ruatltne chili a clever yuiuu-ater lirsiiiatlit two quick l.lowa llir"iu.-h the I'yi lotie'a tunnl. and for the first time In lila life he lay prone In the rlnir and wiia eoiinted out. It win a lucre)- the blows had Ihsmi heavy enoeifh to render lilm cuipletely nil- iiM-tnus and spuro hlui the huiiillhi- tlon of the J-vi-s and hlssi-a tin. I cut- cnlls of his darken the cntiistMphe In the a-siunl round, and they h:ul Hlvcti islila ef ," to 2 1.11 hlui. The defeat had the effect of witierlim htm Into a rpiiltxsilim nf his ro'idltion I'er n time he left whisky to Its own devio-s and took up triiiiilnK with px- Pinphiry thoroiiRhncaa. Hut lila dissipa tion and the atliiK of defent aeemed to haye umiervisl hlin. All Ills encoiintem of the nest year were ralnmltoua to htm and left Ms innntiifer flnanetHlly inv uvpti. it wna tlien they parted eom pany In a huff and the CyrkiDe durkl d to iitit Ihe ring-. Ills next ypiiture wua In th. theat- rlenl line. The proprMnr of a cheap yarlety houae made 111 in an offer of a eonifiirtiiblp "um per week to appear In a twenty minute iiHinolnirue. In this be wna auenHwful for a time, and nlcht after nluM the house waa crowded with nien who, nlihouith they knew lilm at a "haa been," rcmemherert lila pflhnler days. He went from city to elty. iippeurlng In faultless evening rlothea and huge paste dlamnnds and with prudence- might have laid by a snug mm out of his earnings. Hut wltb tono steps and oo waa snoring lus tily. It waa gray morning when he awoke and pt unsteadily to bla feet lie pnahed oat bis dilapidated derby, brushed bl. clothes and buttoned hts frayed mat almut him. As be did so he became aware of a bundle on tbe steps beside lilm, a bundle swathed In a blan kilt, and even as be Vookwl a feeble wall camp from beneath Its fokl. Ha stooped and loosened tb blanket, and two tiuy arms reached op to him, se- roinpaiiled by a shrill plaint. "tiiKMl hen vena," he sold, standing erect and rabbins Ills head, "If a kid!' His first wild Impulse waa to ran then aa tlx wall grew more plaintive he felt a strange tightening at hla "IW devil," he niused. "It's butucry He gathensl Hie bundle In his arms and went out. He bad a vngue Idea of Klvlng It to . inllceman. but aa he went dnw n the stns-t ami the walla gradual ly eeaxsl a atrtiuee desire seUed him. a di-slre to k.vp ilila child. There waa lila sister. Mr. Maelnnesa; he might tnka It to her. Kh was a good soul, was Xora. He sought thews rest drag store and Inoki-d up the addnsM of the Mnclnnease In the d-ctory. Then, with the rhild In his arms, he tmdged the two weary miles to their home. Nora met hlui at the door, and his heart link. WelL" ahe said, "an' wtuit dae thai menu-the In Ikes o' you com In' bere, Mike O'Sulllvan? Are ye buugry or w hat liev ye In Hit IsvoiHller Just tlien there waa a wall from th blanket, and site snatched It from him. He followed Iter Into the bouse and watched with hungry eye. as she deft ly alld off the awathlnga of the child. "(b, Uie itn nrlln'. the Oa-arllnT ahe cried. "An' when waa ye married. JllkeT" "I want you to be good to It for a bit, ora, lie snhl and turned on hi bars, Tup sporting fraternity will tell you that a piiirlllnt, however "corky." sel dom regains hi ht tireatlire. Titer will also offer many absurd theories In the ease of the Connemara tckne. nut ir you w ant to nrn the real rea- son of that Worthy's late success In tbe ring go up to tlie Muclnispsa flit any fimdiiy afternoon and see a sleek, cur ly halris! baby pulling his huge watch chain and chewing bl paste diamond. And. although It I not currently known. a large portion of hi ring earning are bunked In the name of Nora U'Mtilllran. According lo a trudltlou of one of lost. it -... I r-r-TM I at UIH ItUttiX f m Imrwm llll fr til isiusm n. u. rtioessi HitlSM LaV.. la "d:iala BMtMi.e R1aa4 ttnim m.rt.n l ' , TUf'r'r' lTtcjs1 fflnm iMmiMi.i'itot'i ' t9 I ni Inin istwtv Mrorn i.erl. tit r-'ini.M or put r oi . "T1 riDiirv " drar-s Vttttdsl tti'SUtt Hajsa r.V A ' ia rtfav. Cia Ibw,). aw,. ' Umi- ai, auw spas. 14 frc rrtMt.4ks aWM. Ui mui imm m. VUM, tent saitd htZt. mmfi Sold by C No SIMPSON. Jr FOLEYaSnOaTOTAR aa sMMSgaa avaasfl taataUs lmmfit Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood th test 25 years. A verass Anntul Sak$ over One m4 d Ihlt hVSon bottles. Iothhrrtof mert No Core. No Pay. 50c Thouaands Baee Kidney Trouble and Don't Enow it How To rial Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your witr and let It Hand twenty-four hours a sediment or set. line indicate aa unhealthy condl lion of tha kid ney!; if It (tain your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent deair to pass II or pain In th bark la alao eenyindnf proof that the kidneys and b lad dor are out of order. What to Be, There It comfort In Ih knowledge a ojten eipr.aed. that l. Kilmer a Swamp Root, tha greit kidney remedy fulfills ever wish In curing rheumatism, pam In th back, kidney, Hw. bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold atr and scalding pain In passing H. or bad elfect following iu of liquor. . overcomes mat unpleasant J . 'E I i . "v f ,;. V' jXAa the trlliea of India the sun created man and a w-ouuin at the U-glnnlng of nine, ami tills couple had twelve ehll dreu. When they bad all come to an age to shift for themselves the sun di vided Uiem Into pair anda placed food or nil KltKla la-fore them. On their choice depended th fate of then- de sceuiliiiita. Those who took vegetables only became the ancestors of tbe high est ruste of nil, the Krshmana, while tlie Hantala, th lowest of all caste, spring from those who eliose ptg. The Kola declare that they are descended rnmi tlioa who took hu I locks' ftesh. and to tbe auauilnlng power of tbe food of their choice tbe lairka, or flghtlng Kola, attribute tbelr strength and line physique. Wbeu these latter, at tlie beginning of the Inst century, flrst met Euyilsli troops they were quickly Im pressed with th. flghtlng powers of the atrangrs, ami. finding that they, ton, ate bullocks flesh, tbe Kols paid them the great compliment of assigning them the some pair of ancestors as the Kola. Hut by flat time ekvn pairs had chosen tbelr share of the food pro vided there waa nothing left for tbe unfortunate twelfth Connie, and they hnd to bpg food from the others who had fared belter. Krom this unlucky pair spring the fi basis, who do not work, but support themselves oa tb. charily and leavings of others. ITS BJbtTwniLa Cantataa. waa rinstui ocr. this new stieeeas th gambling begin again, and wltb th. .amKiin. th ,hi. aratalltf I ., ,. r .'I. tZTZ X. ,i '" ""w o go otien ay. and with tbe wblaky tbe mono-S!:.""-n..P ""X "m logo, grew rather th. artlcult u ,,,. , n9 mno and In. extra- twn Inary eflect of Swasnp-Koot ts sooa iied. It stands the highest for lu won- erdlnai reaii. w,.. tore, si ine most Oistresslng cases. If you need a medicine you should have th. best. Sold by druggists In SOtandSl. sire. You may have a samp bottie of this wonoenui discovery and a book irat tells mors about It. both seni absolutely free bymalL address L. Kilmer k Co.. Bmghamtan. N. Y. When writing meo- asa roainf uvu geaorsue oust bi llus paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember fh ntme. Swamo- Roo. Dr. Kilmtr's Ssvamp-RoitJ lureblng way dowa tlie streH to fall and li e sddreas, B nhamloD, N. i h" eonvenlent doorway. He diww I Y., oa every bottle. ' blneif. db i best be could oo jh grew rather basy, th. artleula- thick, tb gesture yaiue. One tight la a western city tb curt In waa rung dowa Just la time, for before be could ttagger to tb wing be collapsed In a miserable heap. It wewt from bed to worse after that o til Michael Ryaa O'Sulltvaa keeatne a eommoa barroom loafer. It waa oo dark April night that the doors of Casey's saloon swung otara. and wltb much aenffling and profanity the eretwhlle Connemara Cyclone was pitched unceretDoolooaly oa to th side walk. A few momenta hirer be row palnmity to bl feet and Did hla A good mad enables the lazy farmer to loaf longer at the village store, and it makes it possible for tbe thrifty fanner to go back and get another load. You Know What You art Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic becaose tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it i limply Iron and Vuioina in a taste less lorin. No Cure, No Pay joc. Pawn Broker's Clothing. Strictly sanitary, all wool, men's, youths and boys coats from 50c to $2 00. Good enough (or any one lo wear. Coats out oi $10 and $20 suits. Come and He me and I will gave you money on vour clothing. Only 10 minutes walk from and northwest of ihe court house. I. H. Benton, Monroe, N. C Gadien & S. A. STEYENS, M. D. MONRCE, K. C. Call answered lo day from English Oiug Store; at uight from room ovei English Drug Store, phone 9a. Office over post office; phone S. Henry D. Stewart, M.D., MOM Bog, K. C. Service rendered promptly and honestly. May calls from Simpson drug store, 'phone 35; or office io rear ot (tordon & ihouipsoo insursnc other.,, phone 1. Night calls from res idence, phoue 141. (J trice hours to ti, s. ui. JOHN P. MONROE, M.D UNKUl. a 0. Day calls answered Irom Houston drug store and office, 'phone 119. Night Irom Loininercial Hotel, phone ao Jno.I.Neal,M,D MONROi:, N. C, Solicits Ihe patronage of the people ol Monroe and surrounding community lalls answered in day from Engha Drug Store; it uichl from residence on Church street, I'bone No. at). V. B. HOUSTON, " SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, Fitsgerah Building, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N. C, "SDR. B.C. REDFEARN,t usmisT. Charges teasonahlr Satisfec tioo guar- anleed. Office over Engliah Drug Co MONROE. N. 0. Will be at Marahville. N. C. 00 lirsl and third Mondays of each month, and it Matthewa 00 second sand fourth Moudays. Phone iji fS ROBT. L. STEVENS, ittorne; and Cotusellor-it-Lif, Mossoa, N.C. Prompt attention given to all mat ten placed iu our hand. Management of estate for guard isns, aUtmuistratora aud executors 1 pecialty. Charges reasonable. Office easl of Courthouse, (formerly occupied by the late D. A. Covington.) WILLI IMS & LEMMOND, Attorneys-at-Law, MONROE, N. C. Practice in all tbe Stat and I'nited State Court. s Prompt attention given to collec tions and general law practice. rrersous interested in the settle- Jient of estate, administrators, eie- cutors, and gusrdisnt ar especially invited to call on them. Continued and painstaking attention ill be given, at a reasonable price, to all legal buaiuess. Office in courthouse opposite Clerks emce. G. B. NANCE. M. D Residence Phone, No. 274, Having located in Monroe oilers his services to Ihe town snd surrounding country. Disesses of the stomach snd bowels a specialty. Officer over the VV. J. Rudge Co.'s hook store. Calls answered in the day from the English drug store pr residence, at night from residence. SEABOARD Am Line Railway Double Daily Service Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and WobL IH EfFECT APRIL 12ThTY903. SOUTHWARD. lilr j I.T fw V.irfc, I K K ..13 'A it m -PhH4i..!IM, t-KH , art " Hd-iinisi is t;. ji iu , UMintitiitn, U hKt ; M 1 m, a A I Ky h m IVirr-Imm II IT l m Nonius 1 1 1 11 Hfiutt rM.Bi ? Jim iu " Hal. lull - 4 .a. m r ilHll. Til 11 UfW ft til fi IU list 111 at 7 Jft g, m unili I in m A r .! ajiiiiah t pi i ni Ar Jar.Y.sH'in lilt ji m ArUt Aiu.iM'M" . ArTeuiMi ' " in aVt T N Yurk. Y 1'A S i.v i'iiimH'iiiii(i I. Ni-w Yurit.ti U' S i'.i l.x Hliimrt, Hi fid l.v W-h "mil, N A M H l.v 'rtxmouth, fi A i. Hy lifltloll N..rium H IliltTMtll Kiili iifh M W.-uilitTu Vlnv " Hsilllrl " W ihniiiKt'Mi " Ar rhrltt " l. 1'hesi.T " '"' (trntitl Ailtfiisi ArAlUntat r Ani;iii.i .v W 1 Msuntt.r of I,. Mntifsnn-rv1 A VV i M "I tilt. IAN Niw Orlfnitsi. UN Nii-iivUlr, N V A Ht'l MfitiphU 41 Son 11 w a m I M M ts m lltH i lip m 11 m ft li 1. i m T -l i M t t Bl Il Hi i M U - a m ft if m l-i ft U 1 v. . m ( m " II " r v. i m I a m ll n it bi t R w ....... f i ji m w u ra w i lit 11 1.1 I Ml V .i t nt i ' m in t t pi V a tu II ..a u I 1 ' ai K i" i' n 4 in la . m lv i m a :h p ill l in IHin liblM a ni ! 111 l X- a ni 11 an m V! p ni it i m I i in ll a m .Aa Bl I li m ti a m 11 m NORTHWARD. I'n!) NoU lait Sm l.v Mrmphii, S v A Kt I. I.' c Mt. m Na-rivllii Si-w driiaii. I-4 N. M..MIf. I. A N. M..iil.iitiT)', A AW p. M.Mi.f.''' AiiL'Hiin. I An. t Atlanta'. ! H A I. Ky Ar. Aihn. 4 " i.rifhwtHxl, rii"itt-r. ' rV Vharlnitr, " Wiinitttfton, ' " yVllH In : p ni w Hamlft, KftitMirh. He-ti Ir rsnn, N..iiliia. Ar 1'orUmmitti, Waiiliiiri.m. S 4W.f h. "hfililmnr. H f P !'.. ' ." ' 7" Nt-bv nrk.ri I j r.i. ''li.liia, N YrN 1 6 l p In" nrw it.ra ' ' p HI Mebil Ii ta ui '. a m I ii p ni ln . P." I" 1" a m .... I 'i t lit hi pi n i ti t-u p m 11 jt. p m .'i p ni iu in T IT p ni 4 I - m J . p m il a m ' (. HI t Tmiipa, A A 1. Ky Mt AmfimUnf" ""'" ' Jatt k-itiviil( 41 HrlVflillltlh " ' r.iliiiiit.ia t " Hanitrt ttt-uilicrn l'lnen, ' Kale-ltfh HfiiUr.n.n N-irlina " ' 1'rifriilturaT " Ar ft It'll tin .fi1 M Ha-htiirton. W Rr 14 Billlnn.rr. I'KH p m II Ii p m m 1 a m II ).' a ra V a ni Ii : p m I a m I V- p m '-im p ut h tf am iiWira m : a 111 t a m " t 'U ji m l. p m ti iw a m - i fi anna n"" p m K m U in am p m T i-'p m I' 1 p ni fl p ni 1 ;m p m 11 Ik p m I .a m f i a m I 4" a m ft tva m fl a m I" I' a m 11 a m I a p m 4 m Ii Ha t Mm m v. a m t ta m 11 mi a m I lu p m I Im p ra 4 iw p I 4 p Bl p nt 11 ' p m ta m luin Jioi. f itari7:iT-tpT Hun.lay , iVviuriT .Ttua. You can (TPt l Ut Phono 36. Country Produce I tell batter, chickens, 'eggs. md produce so fast that I ciu't buv e rough. If yru have any to Sell don't sell a bit of it until you sec me. I want it. S. R. Doster. rounrsiromTAR sew. Betas., f- asu.r a. sdam. tmohas 1. taaoua raaNK ABMMRLD. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, ITTORNEYI-IT lit. MONROE. 10. Practice in all the Courts, Stale and Federal The management of e.tste. .or eiecti tors, administrator, a .penal tjr. Careful and diligent attention given lo the foreclosure of mortgages and collection of claims. Money oaned without eipensa to lender. All ligation given prompt snd careful attention. Office essl of courthouse R.B. Red wine. A. M. Stack BED WINE ft STACK. Attorney $-at-Law, SON rob, n. a Practice in all lb Stat ant) Feder al Courts. Will anaoaga estttea for Eiecutors, Administrator! aud Guar diaot for reasonsble pay; and will foreclose snortgsgea and negotiate loans, without aspen to Mortgagee and Money Lenders, when practicable. Office Northwestern room, first loot. Courthouse. People's 3anK OF MONROE, N. C Solicits your account and banking business. VV guarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, proteptne and sll Ih accommodations that SOUND biuk ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording lo sgieemeot, 00 deposits left for oar itated period. Always ready lor loans oa approved peper. U. P. HtAl H, rresidsaL SI S"TkjTV L f f.J WWMOC -10?: tv1 siripitGt m A I' ICS I Bfsr V lT V3' XvtaTrciA Thret) Times Itn Value of ktj Otter I EASIER I faster! ONE-THIRD , Agent winted in all unoccupied territory, I heeler I WIIsob Hanofactiirloj Ct, ATLANTA, CA. For lale in Monroe by TheW.j.rudgeCo. . ALL. FLOW, CwnmlsslMer if Deeds for South Carotlua, il Kortl Uroiai: tu 1 Jostle. Ua Pots tor Unioa Coootj, u4 N0UT7 rnbllc telroriiCvvllu. :-: :: Special attenlion given to takine Af fidavits, Acknowledfemenl or Proof of Deeds, Mortgaees. Contracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep ositions, Writing and Probating Deeds, Mortgages and all other papers, issuing Stale Wanant. Claim and Delivery and Attachment paper. Civil Sum mon and tb Collection of Claims. Office at M. L, Flow Co.' Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N.C. , ss aaii.nstj aatfa. mrt

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