THE MONROE JOURNAL G. M. Bf. ASLtY, I It. r . BEASLEY. i TIF.SDAV. Srp.emter i, noj. Justlinc With the Courts. It will U' ivuieinUiwI that Joo. II Tillman. e l.ii'nt. n.uit Cuivi-mur ( Riiith Cintliua, nu-t X. t5. IIhotiW, frit'rf thv Columbia Stato.and shut him dcul without a word from the Luu-r an. I in a maitiM-r lliat has btx-ti di-si'rik-d as ivl.l U.mthil in lite ex 1 1 vine, Iho nv-atHn U'in that (niulis ii.iii m-MTi-lj iTilM-isiil Till man in lus imiiT. lillman is a ivphrw f S.,nai r Tillman, ami il lias Urn frtvly niliot"d that he woultl fs.-aK' any puuishim'tit what- rvrr. Tin- Columbia Stale, owiitil ;in. iilitiil by tin- lirolliers of lh num. lias U'h.m-il a.limr a lil v and 111 iiu uav snuvat U I'lvjiiiluv iiblu'tinuii against Till 1 . , , man. mil 11 s k.c iasi .vt 111 a in.! serious way o( what it allcgm is piin? on. l,iiu'iilinj; a long edito rial as to the il I tils of what it calls an attempt in jiijlc with the courts, il say : "We are of l!i ise who have clothed the judiciary of South Carolina with a cl.wk of veneration. We have had pride in itsabilily, honored its iiitt'j; ntv and defendeil It from the assaults of the Kiitii i.iiis Smlli Carolinians may still maintain respect for thai branch of the government, but we are not without evidence of the most au dacious attempt to iulluence, by v litical pressure, the tribunal on the incorruptability of wlneh the eop!e have staked their lives and liberties. For Hod's sake, do not shake their contidetii e iii the courts .'" The sptvilicationsaii'lliat a scheme was planned and executed n hereby a .Mr. (!.M v, who is not only very close ly 'allied by ties of friendship and oilics" to the Tilliiiaus, but is in S'liator Tillman's household known as "Cousin Frank." was assigned as the judge to hold the h'ington term of court which was to try .1. II Till man. I lie excuse for tins appoint ment was flint the bar of Lexington had unanimously aked for the ap pointment of Mr li.uv Hut it turned out that the whole of fins liar had ben retained as counsel for Tillman' N'otw I'li-ianding the State's protest, the trial of Tillman was commenced at Irxington yesterday, with .luiige (iaty presiding. 1 TIM PubUsWs mad U StibwiV TALKING bcrv Our readers will agree that we bav taever wtrruti ttVra with shop talk. They will, therefore, wr are sure, excuse us for indulging in a bit of it no. We know quite well 1 hat it is not the custom of up-to-date journalism to intrude upon its reader w ith anything connected w ith its business. If the publH-ation is making money, welt and g"ol. that's the publisher s business. If its -ing money, that is likewise to be kept to itself. But we aspire to be only county weekly, and therefore do as we please. Nut ' I raid a Little Bit. Aliout the most vigorous piece of llea.-.paper l''.nglih we have mrn for some lime is from the Augusta Chron icle, which paper the bar-rooms of Augusta llirc.ilened to boycott U faiisc it advivated raising the license f.v from X to sl.(HK). Here is what the Chronicle says : 'Ttoycott? Ilovcott and lieilainneil ail 01 ymi : h iiat, in (iikI s name, is the average bar-room worth to a re spivtalile newspaper, anvwav? What are 1 hey worth to any other business enterprise of this or any other city vt nai are inev wonn to me coniliiu luty as a whole? Ilovcott tlicl'linm icle.ehy And while von are almul it why not boveott e ery drv unIs mer chant. every shoe merchant and every clothing merchant, who agrees with the Chronicle:1 ISoycotl them? W hy mere imi 1 a one lliaf ilocsn t lose every year a hundred tunes more legitimate trade, through the failure of some Kir wretch to provide him self or his family w ith proper cloth ing all of his money goes to your dives for drink, drink, drink than all of your dive-keepers and their IicIk is ami their friends spend with these merchants in ten vears Ilovcott ! I )o you dare stand up and draw such a weainiii against decent public opinion when you are costing every legitimate business enterprise in this community dollars where von lire spending dimes with them? In his speech here the other night, Jlr McCall said that when he ran 1 for the mayorship of Charlotte the t'nion county folks living in that town turned out in surprising num.- Nth and voted for him. We don't know how they vote away from home, but we do know that then1 is many a son of I nion living without our borders, and just as soon as they get over the "homing wpek at Greens boro, we are going to start up a re union for self-exiled natives of this county. On the first page is a paragraph from the. Charlotte Observer refer ring to the report that one Hyder, claiming to be a preacher in Mitchell county, had five wives. This man and the fifth woman claiming to be his wife are now under arrest at Ma rion, says an Ashevillc prcial, on the charge of having murdered their baby, five month old. The puzzle to us ii why people countenance such creatures as this enough to make it profitable for them to pretend to preach. Smie years ago when cotton was bringing live oeiits or thereabouts, jnd everything else was cheap in i.p'tmrtion. including blank news paper and other supplies mvessan in the making of a newsjiaper. we began the custom of sending The Journal to those who paid in advance for seventy-five ceuLs Simv then even thing has gone up and the paper has !n enlarged and iiu proved, but until this fall we con tinned the priivnf seventy five cents) in advance. 1 his fall we quit it. ami have since tieen taking no advance subscription except at the regular price of one dollar. The paier that we are making cannot be made for less. Ibis it hurt us? Not with am sensible man after the matter was xplaiiicd. Only one man has .put le got mad Uvause we couldn't make an exception in his case and said he would have all his neighbors to int. Rut so far the neighbors haven't done so, and the man is doubtless ashamed of himself before now Sensible neighbors don't act at the suggestion of a man who has spleen We are not Niasting when we say that the men who subsenlie for this paper and pay for it do so Uvause they like to read it. And we U-hexe that uinety-iiiiie out of a hundred of them w ill agree with us thai its tiftv- two visits each year are worth one dollar. We are proud of the list of names of Cuion county ieopc that stay on our lumks from jear to year Some of them have lnvn with us from the very beginning We want them to stay. There arises a certain attachment between the publisher of and the suhscrilicr to a county pa r, though thev inav never nun ! face U face. The editor knows that th. subscrils r is fond of the paper lie cause he keeps taking it. and he 111 turn lieeomes fond of the man whoi fond of him. Thai's human nature Then the paT has a character of its own which' the suhscrilier l comes lo Know, ami the two tuvoini old friends. It is about come to the point that a fellow feels skittish whenever he gets on a train. Even if he isn't uneasy, he is a prudent man who see that his life insurance is on straight before he boards a train. 1 tie journal, vvc icei sure, 11.1s made some improvement as time has jogged along. It amis to make more The ambition of its publishers is t. inaKt it an ideal nome paiier. one that will interest lis readers ami lull its tow n and county in every mssibl wav. it wants to lie a worthv ilw er 111 the county of its habitat. Il wants to fairly and fully represent the needs of its locality. It hasn't come up to the full mark of this Ingli calling yet. but it is endeavoring to climb. Any help that its readers and subscriber can give without incon vciiienee to themselves will be apple ciatcd. All item of new, a bit of criticism or a word of encourage ment, or a good word to a worthy neighbor who doesn't now take it, would not lie out of place. Mind, we said a word of criticism -- we meant il, too. We have never fancied ourselves perfect. When this paiier was established over nine years ago, ieople said that it cou 1.1 11 1 go. that there was no room for it. Hut like most enterprises of a worthy nature, it has made a place tor itseir. It believes itself Mav t lie eniovinir the resnect and eonli leiice of a great number of the lies! citizens of the countv. It certainly has their upxrt. Il is yet looking tor men like unto those it has found It is not making anv siieeial effort t get new names, but new ones n coming all along. They are welcome enough. The kindness with which we have been treated by all was al most a surprise to us we hardlv knew there was so much of this irreat quality in the world. The White brothers of Concord, who (hot and killed young Bussell Bherrell in the p renew of bis mother ia Rowan county after charging him with ruiuiog their niece, an account of which we gave last week, waa admitted to bail by Judge Brown taut Saturday. N The bonds were $23,000 each and were quickly made up. - .... 1 , ... .ow, we nave nad our utile saw not because there was any particular necessity lor it, but just Uvause we felt like it. We haven't dunned anv- body, either, liccaiise we did not feel like it. Ti true that there are some name on our books that lielong hi people who haven't yet done whal they might in the way of paying, but we are expecting them to "come it yet. If there be one among them who has carelessly gotten behind and cannot now catch up, we would he glad to have him toll us no : at least come in and talk about it. One of the improvements that we expect U make sometime is the commencing of all our subscriber to pay in advance. Bishop Hood to Preach. The District Conference of the A. M. E. Zion Church will convene at Mount Calvary A. M. K. Zion Church September 2flth, and the anniversary or the birth of John esley will be celebrated at Zion Hall on Friday. It will be a irreat occasion. The ministers of the city are invited to the conference, and also to toe anniversary day on Fri day. Rt Her. Bishop J. W. Hood, u. u., u U U., will preach at ML Calvary A. If. . Ziou Church. Monroe, N. C, October 4th, at 7:45 p. m. uur wnite friends are in vited to come out and hear him , reserved seats will be provided for mem. r. u. McCain, Pastor. For fertilizers especially pre pared for small grain see Collins 4 Biggers. Go ta Collins & Biggers (or shoes, trunks and hats. - When ia need of fresh meat pbona No. 91. J. D. Parker. "What building m that f ' said a stranger who was driving va er tow n one day last week to see w hat man ser of village this he. "That's the eouiily home." "To lie sure wot. nghl here ia the suburtM of tow 0 !" ami surprise (ell with every word. Most of the county homes art- put back in the country, niauy of them iu the poorest place to tie found, as if the w-ant help rendered the 11 11 fortunate were a great burden and should be minimized as much a. Mible. The CbeiderhYM Adver tiser of last week contains a long article di-scrihing a visit to a poor tliud woman who had been thrown upou the public charity by her worthier people. She had Uvn given some training at a sehool for the blind to kmg as her poor father lived ami managed to pay for it. but he bad died, and from pillow lo pMt she had Uvn kicked lUuit bv her lieolde, and at last siiovwl oil lo I he county home, which the eorresHudeiit says is Mluated in Hie black lands. All these year. and lor the to that she h;s lovix iu the home, she has begged pit eously for a new hook with raised letters for the blind. Only the one book that she had at school Inks she po?wtil, and now, at thirty years of age. she yet reads it. In her helplessness lor all the- years, her whole desires have centered in haviiiL' just one new hook, and this Iteing dctiied her, alt wa w ithheld. Now, 110 one would eon tend for a moment that the count v of t'hcNlerlifld, or some of the gtsid rilieus thereof, would not have provided this poor creatine so small a Usui had the matter Us-11 brought to light. The kivjicr of the home was the culpable one alter the c.e-e came under his care the xuut is the carelessness and iiidnlorenoi' that many counties show their 1111 fort unities. "For several days now." slid a visitor lat Saturda), "I have U-en noticing the stock on the streets ol Monroe. I have lieeii iu a good many small towns, bill I have never seen a place w here I lie horses mid mules averaged up so well as they lo here. The scarcity of soriv stock is noticeable." I 'id you ever think aUmt the w ay people talk over the telephone 111 Monroe: 1 aney yourselt meeting a stranger on the street and saying, "Who are you !" lie inform you that he is Mr. blank, anil you pro. cccd to tell Ii 1 111 your business ith out stating who you are or whal right you had to wink him up and demand bis name. Ihlt this ihjiisI the style most eoui munly used iu telephoning about here. The 'phone rings. You rush lo it. "Who's that I" is the de iiiuihI. Now. you don't know who is asking the ipieslioii, what blisi lies be Inks lo ask it. or whether he want you or not, and 11 man who carts anything for the little niceties of common intercom1 doesn't like to lie sandbagged in that fashion. anyway. II x nil knew it was a Uisom Irieud who was talking, ou would reply, "This is John : how are you, old fellow f" If you knew it was your neighbor's stable boy. you would say, "This is Mr. Sound So, what do you waul!" lint not lieing able to rccoguie voices al so great a distance, especially when they are Hi range ones, and not w ish ing to give oil. 'Use. and Hot know nig whether the first citieu of the town or a coon delivery Uiv is al the other end, you com prom ise by merely saying, "tins is lilank. I his way ol opening up the eon versa! ion w hen one person calls up another, which is so prevalent in Monroe, is utterly wrong, not to say impolite. Suppose I call up some one. Iu the hist place, I am the one seeking informal ion, therefore the one to lie accommodated. In the next place, I am beginning the interview ; I know who is talking at this end and I know who is want ed at the other end. The person answering the call know neither. I therefore have no right to demand that he shall proclaim himself lie fore I tell who 1 am and w bom I am seeking. Then, worse still, most people not only demand that the party answering the call shall tell hi own name, but they w ill, hav ing found it out, proceed with the conversation without telling theirs, leaving him to guess it or go in ignorance. This would do as a joke, but as a propositiou of common sense and good manners it is bail. Wouldn't it lie just a easy to pro feed in this manner, when you make a 'phone cull and it is an swered at the other end by a "hello! " from some one w hom you may not know and who certain v doe not know ymi I just say : "inis is .Mr. lilank ; I want to speak to Mr. Mo ami So." Then, if the one at the other end i the man Give us a rest on "Who's that f 1 I 'Cotton has thrown up the a 1 v. -aur m-tyM I ' . . . ,1 ...... k.. O aw.. it . . L -II I . -. . . ..... - . I nun me rmrLb '" , v "s " nt hi iiavk nlS wlhc. 1 can tne proier one. ur, 11 yon are j too dirtidrut t put a "Mr." km, Pnttai rvhavior aa I'm your uaitie, w hit b it loproiier to do, ' .. . . . , , jiistsav- ertliy Huhaml and Tather. . - I l'ti"ttr II -1rr. -te.aiatl, -This is John Muith (or Bill! lhl. rnrt r , wouuul Joiwa or h;"ever name you go ,rj,lfJ -lrllliM- , nxtm OB by f; islbat 3h. Uvmmr ithesresKKl Hour vt the Wilkinson iu lining ypMrruay anernoon. The nioitt fnerd (he si reel, and tlie people on the udewalk across the up the .i..., .,1. o,. ,...i.. s,m.,ge " Mid Mr. J. II. tiriltiu ofi,,,,, mmtmmnirtmtmau. t:m..; an uie growing mil 11 win ,a llul(VIUll - ,h. . .. , , - - placed under arrest Henry . .1 .1 . . ! Moore. The woman that he had "There is one tiling that a .-olloii ,.,.,. v hu weigher earns, said Mr. I. t j xhe ,w ,h, iu W bickett. who ULuiee the sttv! w of lbr Clwa that ruslietl np yards ,. ih, M.u.roe ,.!atr..ii.i. ., , for ,,'. -and that is a beal.hy ap ,iU Ml.n tJW.ullni ,he vr. tile. And after eating a live 'ramUh of the Manufacturers' Club, o cl.H-k breakfast, and doing with ;,,, the rillr,k,,w Ulh Mrt out dinner til, late in the artermsm. of , iW fur ur uorsii i pmeior any "' i icaeies, ,1 . I nsh H4t.ies and hhs and .. . , . , . . f , , , either. 1. 1 1 . . 1 1 . . oar..,, am, w.i on , are .. ....., , mM Wlk m , , enough for I...,, jn uu hw wm .vim .nr. i.ickiu iiem uioii ins 1 The alarm was given and soon I 1 I I 1 ATATATATATATATATATATATATAVATATATATATATATATATifATAVO Bargain Getters Bargain Givers of all kinds of Dry GooJs. Buyers just back from the Eastern markets, where their purchases have been great er than ever before. Our fall purchases dato back from the first of last December and especially of nil kinds of staple goods. Wo got in right on tho "ground floor." dinner bucket, the size ol which -well, that's bis husiiH-s. Kver notice how hungry the gro CfiAiiicti f Monroe alwax seem for chickens and eggs and country pro ducef Not a one of them that ad vertises at all but that wants you to briii!; hi 111 these things. And all the year "ronud gixnl prices are paid. KgJTs for iustaiH-e. Used ollen lo go U ggiiig on this market during the summer at live cents a doen. Now it is a rarity lor them to go less than twelve and a half. List wivk the price went to twenty cents and w ill not go under that U'I'ore next spring. "Why do these splendid prices hold out so well f" the reporter asked Mr. W. .V. Iluey of Criiiier .V lluey's. "Thole's the irret," replied Mr. Iluey, pointing to a buy of eggs marked "liieshain Jamison, Hamlet." "These men buy bun drills of dollars' worth of this stull." be com iniied. "nol only in Mmiroe, but nil iiiniig the line, clear into the mountains. Thai keeps the pre -sup. We never have a surplus. Cut Hie best pait of it is thai nearly all ol the money that comes this wav goes into the hands of the w omen and child: eu. When a man sells you eggs and chickens and you ask him if he wants trade 101 1 iiem, nine nines out 01 leu me 1 , ... .1; ... ui,: ... ......le - .11 I-. .V.. II.... I... I I-""" -" , 'i'I'V 1 ' .1", in' i" i...; in' the old woman,' or the children. This is a side income an. I furnishes! many a dollar lor the good wives' to siend upon themselves and chil I ilrcn." I 'Ksi. W. A. Chancy of (loose Creek is a school committeeman. , . ,. . ; 1 i line 111111 iigain lie 11111 111111, see ;u.rf,u' "u,, ''V"'" " ing lo act unconsiiously. or by i young children to school. "I am I ,,,,, " ready for si hool to U'gin now," he remarked Saturday, "and run sev eral months, too. We've got to have Im ei schools. This thing of each school district voting to help its own school is the thing, and I U'lieve that il sill spread all over I nion colliily. It just nerds some one to start the work mid talk and explain it to the people in each district." Mr. ,T. C. 1'iesley of lioose Creek says thai he can beat 'Squire W. II. Vustiu in the hay business, lie says that he has already nut tin thiity -two loads of hay, none of which weighed less than 1,,'iiKi poum.s: ,nai ne ,as iwelve acre llf .,.,,,,. nunc 10 t-111 ior iiuuseii, ih-siiics cutting for his neighbors. He has sold seven loads in Monroe mid fed four mules all the year. Place Not Supplied. i':i;l-l -Or 1 ' t-r. Mr. Jjs. S. Helms asked The Monroe Jiurnal: "Will no man up to take the tu.e i f Hill Arp?" Maybe maybe not I 'nil Arp w as a fireside philosopher. Hy the light of a small kerosene lamp.or maybe, by that Riven out (torn the fireplace, the father of the family read his letters aloud after supper while the wife knitt ed and the children sat around with their hands chsptd about ihrir knees There is a common understanding that the world dosen't miis anybody very bine that somebody rises up and takes the place of ths biggest man that was ever barn. Cut there is one dead man whose place has never' been supplied liill Nye. ' were irons ami other appliance. Mr. MiNire bad advertimsj himself as a hat cleaner. Mrs. Moore did all the work and did it well. Mr. Moore spent all the niouey. That was the story that was told in a few words to the police. "He asked me for a dollar, t' said Mrs. Moore. "That was about all I bad, but I gave it to him. He drank more, and came iu and asked for hi diuner. I gave it to hi in, and then he arose ami began to strike me." I Hood trickled slowly from her nostrils. Her white drew had U-en toru at the shoulder, and her tlesh bad leen lacerated by finger nail. She sank iuto a chair and bowed her head and looked hope less, miserable. 'ailing,"said Mr. Moore, who was very much excited and plainly under the influence of drink. Oh. stop it," said Policeman! Torrenee, "and come 011 here with me." "hailing," cried Moor again, as be walked toward his wife. Then Torrenee and Yuudle grubbed him by either arm and seemed pre pared for a rough house. Moore broke away fur a moment, "I say," he said, "hasn't a man rights and privileges in hisowu lioiiie? llarling, dress a soou us ) mi can, mid darling come down to and testify for me. Mrs. Moore didn't eveu look up. Her little son, Harold, a bright little chap of lour years, ran to her and, catching hold of the piece of torn tlivss that fell down to disclose her tlesh, jealously arranged it so Ihn' il hid Ins mothers injuries. l ime mid again he did that, sec 111 in st 1 net. The policemen carried Moore from the room. Harold grew wide-eyed with fright. "Mama," he said "they 11 ix' taking In 111 away He made a break for the door and was caught and held bv a re porter. Iu a frenzied little way he j rushed for the window uud tried to open it so he could see Hie last of bis father, and again, for hisown safety, be was pulled back. He came to his mother mid once more covered the wound on the shoulder and complained uUml the cruel handling of hi father. I "It's all over uow," said Mrs. .MiKire, w ho seemed lo lie a woman "My husband did badly iu Augusta, (ia., and we came here and were doiuir well I when be again began to drink. I j begged him not to do it, told him j that this was a small place and that j if be iM-enme dissipated it would ; ruin bis business, but he paid 110 attention to me. He has sicut ul most everything we had and I dou't know what to do." Mrs. Moore said she wished to return to lier people in Savannah, declaring that they had said that they would gladly welcome her if she would leave her husband. I.V Coy Heavy Kihhed Hose at . 10c u down Boys' extra heavy two in one riliu-d )ie, sues 6 to 10 . This bargain should be of interest to every mother; a regular 15c seller w hile they last at 10c New Fall Dress Goods Novelties in Cotton Goods. Fresh arrival of all (he novelties in heavy cot ton fabrics, including the heavy figured mer cerized cotton Madras in white and colors; fleece hack I iqmw and Madras in white brocades and colored figures; also newest of all the Table Itamask effects in white mercerized Madras. Fall Novelties in Wool Goods. Some of the new fabrics in Wool Soods we have that w ill be very stylish for fall and winter wear are a full line of Camel Hair in the two toned effivta, including the black ami grey effects which are csvially smart Full line of smooth surface fimd including close woven Sergio, Venetians, Craniles, Seolian plain and metallic Mohairs; Itrnad Cloth. Henriettas, Cashimeres, etc Special Value in Table Linen. We have a limited quantity of 70-im h Table Damask, 75c quality, absolutely all linen that we offer while it lasts at " 50c 1.25 Napkins at $1.00 50 dozen more of those $1.25 all linen Napkin $1.00 Sheet Special. 72xOO bleached Sheet, splendid quality domes tic but with seam at 39c Another lot Ms'JO bleach Sheet, good quality domestic, without seam at 50c Belk Brothers. 1 1 Cheapest Store on Earth 1 Wholesale and Retail. Hurt In a Runaw ay. C..rn' of The J'Smtat. Marshville. Sept. 28.-Cotton is coming rapidly and the farmer are ssettling their accounts and buying their winter supplies, And there i no U tter place than Marshville for high priced cotton and low priced goods. Mr. llerUi'l Iowciyof While Store hapieiied to a very painful accident at the cotton platform Thursday. While wailing for hi cotton to ls unloaded his mule became fright ened and ran. throwing Mr. lowerv under the wheels of the wagon and bruising h 1 1 11 up right badly. Dr. J. A. McKac of White Store was in town Saturday. Mrs. A Marsh returned last week from a visit to her areiit in l.indsford, S. C. Mr. Henry (intlin of this place ha taken charge of a railroad section near Wilmington and will move hi family in the near future. Dr. Watt Ashcraft of Monroe ient last 1 uesdav here. Mr. K. II. Moore of Hamlet was in town Thursnl.iv. Mr. Frank Harrell and MissCullie Marsh siicnt Sunday with Mr. Har rell' mother in Lines Creek town ship. Mr. Citurge Marsh, travellingnale- man for Allen Hardware Company of ( harlot te is in tow n todar. Prof, and Mr. Dowd and Mis Annie Stewart siicnt Saturday in Monroe. MRi Recently a cow belonging to Mr, H. J. Wall, of Waltown, gave birth to a calf iu a pasture, and Mr. Wall not knowing that the calf had been Unn, had the cow driven to hi lot and confined. Tenjdays later the rail wits round In the pasture alive, but very weak. It was brought to the cow, w hen it went to sucking al once anil I now, or was at last ac counts, doing well. Wadesboro Messenger and Intelligencer. Thanks. I desire to thank the people of .Monroe for the good patrouage ex tended me during the summer, and to announce that I am making especial preparations to give them a good fall aud winter service. will have on baud constantly the U-st meata obtainable, and will have a nice market and a prompt ana good service. Ii. .. W bite. FEEDING The Fcople Is My Business, and I have learned that QOOD Q00D5 at fair prices, honest I weights and prompt delivery I the only way to please the trade Best Cheese, Good Roasted Coffee from i: to 1 cents. Hams from 12 to 16 cents. -I carry a full line of everything Pricet and goods guaranteed. If yon have never tried mi with an order, now it the time, nd yoo will surely be a reRulir customer. ...... Respectfully, . ' W. s-A.. STEWART. Pbooe sot. Tti6 Sweiiest, Most FasWonable and Best Fitting CLOTHING ever shown in Monroe for Fall and Winter 1903, is now pouring in at the Clothing Establishment of -A. LEVY.- The High Art Clothier. The Fall styles are now ready, and the new lines include the very finest it is possible for expert tailors to make. Our Dry Goods and Millinery Departments are also just what they should be. A. LEVY. Sale of Farming Land. Hr virtue of kulhorltjr nittfrrml mi m ttjr th irri ih inr nu)rir e.tun, in a )M-ital pri tw1ln lii.lltinil hjr J K. c.mik.r, smlih and iitlirra. utin.t a. M. Cuntlor and .Hlirrs, I will. Monday, November 2nd, I90J, ei.Mr In Ml to the hlrKMt bl.l.lrr, it thf r..urt li.iu ir In lit ti.wn or M.mria, N. e. llir MlMWlntf rtVMTthert l.l-v or imtvr) ir land hi.iinil.! and dewrllrd a- fulli.w.: ftrtfiiiiiiua al a rn-k It. a w o and d.wiNMl, MrK.irlr'. .-.truer, arid run. with a ..r hi. line. N. II1, R I" admin lo a pile ol .tone.; Inenre N ;. H a, ,-haln. to a r.ll ; thence N. It J (al rlintn. to a t,H-k In a dlu-h; thenee ft UK, II .1 chain, to a .lake hjr a amall aweel rum, i. I Th..mnii'. corner. Ilicn.-e Ith hi. hue M. II W I U eham. lo a hlck'ir hvatilne. theiica V HL, W. chain, loa 'lake In a Mad. K.thrr M.ariie.' corner; thenee lth her line S 4 W. " chain, to a 11. n .her corner, alMt a corner of ll.e , thence llh a line or the .lower ft, bi K. HI H chain, loa .take on Ih K. al.let f a p..l, a dower rainier In J. t. e.mdor'a llne thenc with wld line N. K. t ahaln. bi a .lake, wld t'omhir'. corner , themar w m K au, chain, to the henliinliiit, containing Ion jr. three IU. acrea mnreor lew. And alaa a remainder n the I, .owina- rte-crlhnl tract, mihject to the lirce.tatenr Amanda Hoillh In the r.illowln.T tract: Mdrtnnlim al a D. n.. He.ter H.vwood . corner, tl.cncc with her line, cnaMlnir the rall road and pa..lna hereorner M tkf W. la alchalt a to a .tone . ihcntar A nl W T ehalna to a nlle of "lone. . thence 8 MkX l.chaln. to a rock la the eurface, flaturallr. J. V. Kate, comer, 1 hence with Iwo of hi. Hum N W. Il It It cnain. tat an elm in a rocwoi.w ; thence II Ta v.. alchaln. lo a nek ; thence N at. K It chain. to a Make; thence N a.fia rliatn lo the netflnnlnv. eontalnlrtt II S acre aoire or a. loa a iari iw ine r.n r.untor land. Term, of aale; line third ca.h and lha ee. atalmler cm a credit of II monlha. with III reel at n per cent from Hate of vie. . ini. in m .tar or FtepreralRir, WW K a. HriiwUcCoamlaalnim. Redwln 4 mark. Atlya. Personala From Wanllaw. Correapnailcacr of Tim iournal. Wanllaw, 8eit. I'fi. Owing to the droiiKht crops in thin aection are nearly pitlieml, but furmcru are in kixmI heart ao long aa they get ten centd for ctiltoii. Mini Helen Hoyle left Mouduy fr Wilmington, where she hn.s t.ikfu a ptMition aa toacher iu a graded school. Mi Tearl Rodman ftHnt lust Saturday and Hi! inlay at Waxhuw. MifM FltMMie Trice ia nHiidiiig a few weeks Willi her parents, school having siiHpentled at Weedey t'liiiH'l ior work. Mr. Will Hchell, formerly of Charlotte, haa enter-il the Wed ! dington School. j Mr. Victor Hunter haa taken a poaitiouaHNuleNiimn with Mntthewsl McManus at Van Wyck, tS. ('. j mix xx 111 l(ctwluehruipurcliiMcd a lot here and will move sometime 111 me uear miure. nf JOU tver w Mauler Joe Hiiilmm Is recovering' iroin a liglil altactt or lever. I 777T " Mi-a Iteula I'rii-e will leve Tuea- W . . RE,-?,L!?rTb? ch"p: Lit. r... ii,a,tii..iu v.... 1 .. t iu town 111 I KILE autl cowl day for theState Normal at (.reens- ,h, jn CH AL,TV, A olk ' x- 'uruleeil. W. Oburn, at Ovum's Buggies and Harnesi for Sale. "'. I have a lot of luiiririea anil ImrJ Our Ice House is opposite I I. iieai, both new aud accoml hiiml, to1 Lockhart & Co.'s store. Phone he sold at a bargain for the next iu when you want Ice. No 36. thirty days. C. t". Sikeh. i . Cadi eu & Wallace. W. C. RAPE hat accented a po sition with Hit new Union countv lilt inauranre company. See him and take a policy. This ii a hoina com pany and (uroiihci the cheapest ia urance that can tie haj. Now is the lime for our people la joiu. CUtSCRIHF.RS tollie-Ladieallome J Journal," Saturday Evening Pol" "The American M-seiirr," "biblical Recorder," "North Carolina Hiplial," pleae rive your aubicripliona lor any of the above uamrd p.ip-rt 1 1 Mim Hiillie Helk. N6l ICE TO I1EHTOK3 ParliM owiiiK me fur prufcssioual aervirei ill find the account! with Mr. Philip Whitley or Mr. H. W. Punaer, sod a prompt payment of all accounts is re quested to be made lo either of Ilia above gentlemen. A. I). N. Whitley. WHEN you want Ice phone jiS. Prolltnl delivrrv anrl limia-al tkil,t j Ca.lieu ft Wallace. WE now have the nicest pork sail use, freah pork haul! ami steaks Phune ns No. 66, H. I. While. NOTICE! This is for you, If you owe us. collected; and Union County Bonds for 8alo. Th rmnty rnnmlitnfninf 'tm rotifit, MC.. will, until UoX.wk nf thrlMh UJ krh(M nf .Mfta.r-lv lmi i nUm etsuniy, t i ovi-xiiniiukitofi nc oi4 HtMvarwii(Niarfrli, tmrtrui alt wrt itanl. Iul4r nr n nil wm. nv- M KHnHkllr nm lh lrw dar nt Juuirraf " ymr until llw mftlun, rvwnlnv ln r nrl mw-Mili ii nid faitcifti nWnt4t an sir mty ai tht nnN uf ih l-rn .if rr.nalsa.ii. r Th iHipin(i mr nmttl im pmymmt f fniilf UiN. Tha bnt an lu4 Vr act ut the Unrml AMrMhlf M MuTth lro l.n,, titithriitnir ihetr Imm to tnnd th tmr--nl imliM(Hlntai if ihiMintf , ratirWd nm tn tuh rU rmrr. IM. Th Imard Mrvt the rtM lo tpi m mnA all hhfai. If imi etl fttnr. A. (iKiMiKii. rKatrmaa a M KTK W AH T. rr. Tt.t Utt Q$ vl $pttt M. '' . ' ' ' . 11 Our money must bo without nny excuse we ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will ho No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to be disappointed. Wc arc going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day Tel.. LmttVO ErcrSO; L l ww mbim t s tils ai it m Hk i!natnr. SxZr CsCH klTwwIeay, . on tverv T .w nrvTMIaSdC.

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