THE MONROE JOURNAL Tclephom Na. I- Tuesday. September 39. 100. His Berth Fanderburk, bun temj HiiaJirtB Collrj, Charlotte. Miasea Julia Brutos and Bessie Eddiua of Charlotte were the (ueaU of Mia KJiru Howie Buoday. A. Levy's More will be Honed on Thursday on arrouDt of religious holiday. Dr. K. V. Boyte of ML Holly rani iIowb Friday to see hia father, Mr. A. W. Bo)te, who is quite sick. Mr. J. F. Stafford of HarrUbort; mient Katurdar in town with hi father ill law, Mr. U C. Cur It. Mrs. W. F. Choirs of Waihaw isvii!iu her father iu law, Esq. V. T. Cueara, in lluford township. The ladies of 8t. liul'a Episco pal rbureh will serve ice rreain in the lire & Lee old building Irom is to eleven this evening. Mrs. Jeuuic James of Uniouville returned recently trout a visit to relatives in Laurioburg and Ham let Mr. E D. Worley has bought the stock of goods of Mr. F. M. Helms ud will conduct businesa at the same staud on Frauklin street. Measra. Williams & Helton are building a nice cottage for Mr. Ed U. Uivens on his lot oeit to Mr. A. C. Johnson's new residence. Miss Myrtle tiafluey returned to her home in uaffney, a. C, Satur day after a pleamut visit to her sis ter, Sirs. J. F. Laney. Mrs. E. J. McKenzie has pur chased a uioe house and lot in Char lotte and will probably wove to that place ucxt spring. Itev. M. A. Smith U-gan a meet ing in (enlrul church Huuduy to continue all the week. 1'reaching at night and prayer meeting iu the ufteruoou. Dr. (1. B. Xance has bought the McMuuus house and lot in south east Monroe from Mr. Fred I Wolfe, and is moving into it. The price paid was f.'.iHH). Mr. E. A. Aniilield celebrated his sixty-fourth birthday yesterday by sharing with his friends two boxes or line Manilla cigars which Mr. Tom Cuthbertson, who is iu the I'hilppiiHS, wiit him. Sirs, ltosii Itotinlree, who h:is beeu spending some time in Mon roe, has returned to her home in Mafluey, 8. C. ifhe was accom panied by her little uephew, J. Francis lMuey, Jr. Sir. W. 8. Hemby of Chicago, brother of Sir. Doss Hemby of In dian Trail and Mr. D. J. Hemby of Wardlaw, is visiting his brothers. He has lived in Chicago for a num ber of years. Mr. Hemby estab lished the old Charlotte Chronicle Sir. A. St. Helms of north Moil roc tow nsli ip has u cow which a crisp 100 bill wouldu't begin to buy. In ten months and nine days be has sold 2d'.' pounds of butter from ber, besides having enough for his family, nut less than half a pound a day. Eq. D. C Slonlgomery of Lu ford made a return last week to Clerk Armfit'ld of tifleen cases, nine of w,hlch were for carrying pistols, The magistrates can do much to break up this custom if they will go for the tolcrs like 'fcfcjiiire Mont gomery does. The mental condition of the wife of Sir. J. It. Haileom of New Salem township was examined by County physician lllair and Clerk Arm field butt week, for the purpose of getting her in as a pal lent at the hospital at Slorganton. Applica lion for entrance was made for her. Sirs. Haucom's mind has been de ranged siuce last Slarch, presura ably a result of bad health. Rev. Geo. H. Atkinsou of Sfon roe and Hon. J. D. SIcCall of Char lotte spoke at the tetneraiice rally in the opera house Friday uight. Sir. Atkinson said that he desired to miblicly place himself on record as approving the present couditious in Slource as effecting probibition. Little Sliss Caroline liiggers and Miss Slumie Lockhart recited a se lectiou each, which they rcudered admirably, Tho meeting was fairly well attended, Jim Masscy, the negro who was reported in lost week's Journal as having committed several robberies while on Im way home in ronuy Ridge township, went to l'rovt deuce and coutiuued his rascality He broke into a house aud stole 20 worth of Jewelry aud went into a necro's house and took more clothes. When persona got after him he stole a horse and went to Booth Carolina. The horse was captured three miles from Lauras ter but the negro escaped. The Journal stated sometime ago that Sir. J. C Bikes, Jr., who was recently licensed to p Miotics law, would probably locate In Hallstrary. But after Investigating the attrac tions of other place, Mr. Hikes de cided to locate In Monroe, and he and Mr. B. I Stevens have formed a copartnership. They will occupy the former office of Mr. Stevens. Sir. Stevens Is well known in the county, both as a lawyer aud as a man, and these gentlemen will give careful and competent attention to all business placed iu their hands. Mr. O. W. Horgett "Uode George," M his neighbora called him an old Confederate soldier, died at his home, two milea west of Monroe, last ednesd.iy. In toe war he was a member of Company A, 4Hth North Caruluia Rcgimeut, one of the best lu all the Uoutetier ate armies. When peace came be took npthe bard battle of life again and also proved himself an bum ble but faithful "soldier of the Cross." He was seventy five years pf age, ilis wife and five sons and daughters survive, him. Mia Mattie Scale has gone to Raeford, Cuniberlaad eoanty, to take a position as bookkeeper. Misses Callie Tamer aod Lessie Horn aad Mra. J. J. Uodsey speutSaoday ia Charlotte. Mra, Li wiser went to Lileaville last Bight Miss rat tie Lee has beea elected an assistant teacher la the Monroe Uraded School Miss Lee ia well prepared for the position and will make a popular teacher. Architect Wheeler of Charlotte is in town today to begin making plana for remodelling the loving lou residence for Mr. R. A. Morrow. Rev. J. W. Little reports that he and Rev. Mr. Slouch organized a flautist church at Piueville last Sunday w ith 2H members, and that nine more joined immediately that the doors were open. The election for a special school tax i a the Trinity district was car ried in favor of the school tax. This makes three special tat dis ti n ts that this townsnip baa. Three cheers for old liuford ! Suuire J. O. Doster went to Char lotte last week to have a tumor cut from hia uoae. He came back home and will go back' Saturday, it re quiring two occasious to complete the work. Mr. Sam Hudson and several others who love to bear the "houuds sing," have bought a red fox, which arrived from Missouri this morning, and are preparing to have a race. Mr. James II. Lee, who was tak en so violeutty ill week before last, came home Saturday night from the hospital in Charlotte. He is yet quite weak, but otherwise all right, aud will soon be out. There will be a street carnival and fair here sometime during Oc tober for the bcuedt of the fire company. The arrangements nave not yet beeu fully completed, but the program will soou lie au lion need. Dr. Watt Ashcraft will leave Mouday for Washington city to take a course in the I' nited States Veterinary College. Dr. Ashcraft has already won distinction in his profession but desires to give him self the very best possible preparation. We learn from Our Home that the ladies of Marshville are going to have a pie baking contest. While the paper doesn't say so, we presume that there will lie prizes for each of the varieties known in Rowsn county as "kivcrcd, uukiv- ered aud barred." Sir. SI. R Helms died at the home of his step father, Mr. W. II. (lleen, last night or typhoid fe ver. He bad been away from home and took sick iu the eastern part of the State, and had been back home but a short time. He was 27 years old and a member or Bethel Methodist church, wbere toe re mains were buried today. He was an industrious aud good young nnin. Sirs. Lucy A. Liles of Peach- land, mother of Sirs. SI. E. Mo- Cauley and Sirs. J. H. Petteway of Monroe, died suddenly Sunday night. She went to bed as well as usual and was fouud dead in ber bed Monday morning. It is sup Hscd that heart failure was the cause. Mrs. mes waseiguiy years old and bad been iu feeble health a long time. Sirs, Petteway and Sirs. SlcCauley weut down to Peachland yesterday. Sir. J. D. Helms of Greenslmro is in Monroe. He is enthusiastic about the big reunion of native North Carolinians that live lu other States, to be held on October 12th and 1.1th. Amonir the big oues ill be Rev. A. C. Dixon of Bos ton, who will preach on Sunday; Thos. Dixon, Hoke Smim orueor eia, Hon. Harris Taylor of Ala boiua. Dr. E. A. Aldeman, and doxeus of others. "We are send lie ont 2.V000 communications all over the world to North Caroliu- iaus," said Sir. Helms. Avery Rippey, a darkey of Slou roe who has been sojourning out of town since the oflicers became actixe ajraiuKt liquor peddlers, came iu yesterday and was nabbed bv Chief or Police Howie on a war rant Tor retailing. Avery had on rood clothes, and put no 1-5 In cash and a mortgage on bis wire's household goods for his appearance at court The police say that be has beeu accustomed to make oc casional visits to town aud dispose of liquor. Avery is pretty well distrusted with Monroe now, and has said that when be got out or this scrape he would never come to Monroe again or even iook at it on the map. THE COTTON BOLL WEEVIL. NINE UVE5 LOST. A Boy's Arm Tor Off -Another' Agrtcalturai Department Desires Boy Breaks Both Artris-ButUd j Information Retarding Its Al Inta a Trsln-MU Fletcher is (wired Appearance in L'aioa. A Cordial Invitation Dou't forget that a meeting is in progress at the Central Sfetbodist church, and that all Christian workers are Invited to atteud ana co-operate when convenient, aud that the general pnblic have a most cordial invitation aud welcome to all services. Give ns the enconr- agemeut of yonr presence. Mi A. SMITH. Attention Veterans ! Von are all earnestly requested to meet in Monroe oa Saturday, Oct 10th. for the purpose of mak ing arraneemenls to attend lue State reunion. Let all come. R. V. Hot stow, Commander, Do You Like the Bitter Taste el Quinine? Do you like to take pills aud capsnleat If not, bny Qulnol, the only preparation in which quinine sulphate U tasteless. Costa ne more than the quinine In powder form. You don't bare to prise open the baby's mouth to get him to take it. Caildrea like it but don't err for It Prepared aud sold by English Drug Co. tTioe zac. Call for Welsh', cbesp Crockery. Hart. Friday aud Saturday beat the record for local accidents of a more or less serious nature, resulting ia painful harts to the persons in rolved. The must serious one was very bad, iudecd a boy's arm was tor" to shreds iu a gin, ueenstitat ing amputation. itn Friday Mr. Frank lYesley, who lives above town, came to Shute's Bear Skin gin with cotton. His sou, Hanan, bftecn years of age, accuiupanied him. As the gius were ruuniug, the boy, passing one of them, reached out his hand to press down the cotton. The baud was caught and jerked iuto the saws. The poor lad's cries brought help aud the niachiue wasstopml. Dr. Blair was 'phoned for and haste ued to the giu, reaching there before tbe men bad succeeded in getting the arm out But for the timely arrival of the doctor the boy might have bled to death, but the arm was corded so as to stop the loss of blood. So soon aa arrange ments could be msde, Dr. Blair, with Drs. Stevens aud Monroe, cut off the arm near the shoulder. The teu year old son of Sir. John Jerome of ingate fell from a hickory tree Saturday and broke both his arms. Dr. .Monroe went down and set tbe bones of the un fortunate little fellow. Friday night as oue of the trains came in, a negro man who was in a hurry to get on, rushed for the train before it stopped. He caught it on the chiu, aud was pretty paiu fully hurt, but not seriously. A colored hand working on the road near Waxhaw was hurt Fri day. A piece of steel splintered from the hammer which be was using and embedded itself iu his thigh. Both of these cases were looked after by Dr. Stevens iu the aliscuce of Dr. Blair, the regular railroad physician. On Sunday as Sliss Aline Fletcher was coming down the stairstep at her home, she slipped aud fell. She was carrying a pitcher at the time and this was broken and a piece or it gave her a most painful cut ou the arm, aud she was also pretty liadly bruised. While Mr. Vemc Austin was crossing a foot-log, down ou tils father s farm in liuford township Friday, his foot alipiied and he fell across the log, striking on his ri'!it side. While lie was not hurt more thau a slight jar, the seriousness of the mishap will at once become ap parent when it is recollected that he lately underwent an oieration for appendicitis, in which his life bung in the balance for days, aud he has not yet fully recovered his strength from the effects of it. A Bad Nigger Captured. There is uo more interesting ex ample of the "had uiggcr" in a mild form than John Hough. John was a charter member of the chain gang, aud has been on it more or or less all the time. Just as quick as one sentence was served he would turn rogue again nud get Lack. He ofteu wou the place or trusty, ami was quite a useful hand. He has had several long terms, and is now in jail on a charge that is sure to go hard with him. Within a week or the time be got off the gang last winter be and Ode Austin, another charter memlier, went to tbe home or Sir. Daniel I). Rogers, au old man who lives alone in Buford township, and robbed him. Sus picion quickly fell on Austin and Hough, and Ode was arrested. Wheu this occurred John happened to be butchering a hog dowu about the deHt, and hearing or it, he "burnt the wind," t Chief Justice Flow expresses it in legal phras eology. Ode was tried, told a straight story about it, aud at once hegau a three-year term on the chain gang for hia part John's itinerary embraced Atlan ta, Charlotte, Rockingham, Albe marle, Kershaw and Chesterfield, where he was captured ou a war rant fioiu 'Squire Flow ou Friday As one of the diversions on the trip, John got married in Stanly countv. though ho has a wife iu Monroe. The circumstances of the rob bery, as related by Sir. Rogers and Ode. are tiicse: John and Ode agreed to go to Sir. Rogers' house, after John had hid his hat and shoes in the woods, and beg for money to help him get some shoes, trusting for a cbauce to rot) mm When tbe old man showed his money, which they expected him to have in considerable quantity. Sir. Rogers says that John grabbed the hand that hod the purse and tried to take it, but that he held to it until he was drugged across the floor. Capt Fletcher brought Ode up from tbe chain gang and be tes tified against John, who was re uianded to Jail to await court Best brands oi cigars, tobacco, smoking and chewing, at S. K Doster's. Collins & Diggers will save you money on clothing; men's suits from $3 op. I want your country produce oi all kinds. See me before )ou sell. S. R. Doster V U S4IW T Jnil I sin inftrmed that in a recent is sue you have printed a rert that A Whole Traia aa the Southern Road Plunges Over a Seventy Hve-Fcct Trestle. No train ISpegial Notices.! AJmtitrsieotf will be inserted in Si.the Suit herns fa.-4 mail , : between New Y.k and New.pgADED SCHOOL NOTICE-P others snd completely wrecking an Aorwho my sk to b. admitted to Winter Turf, red and black oats at Collins & Uiggers. Also rye and clover seed. INSURANCE L. THOMPSON. Fire, Life. Accident. Health, Lia bility tad sll clsssei of Cimilitjr la ursoce. Oulr the best sad ttron(l eompinies repteteated. I rsepeclful Ir solicit your ftaiiomt, sMuring prompt and cfficleot stlealioa to sll matters. Office: Cordos ft Tbomp too' old stsad. Phone No. t. Altan's Ball Record-Other News From Buford. C(trrr.MinWurv of Tlir Journal. Allan, Sept 20. Sir. John W. llelk of this place aud Sliss Rhodie SleCaskell or Wingate were mar ried the 22ud inst., at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. (Jeo. W. Atkinson or Monroe performed the ceremony. After the ceremony and dinner, the bride, groom and at tendants filed in procession to the home of the groom's parents, wbere was waiting a merry party aud sumptuous feast. All was jollity and gaiety to a touch aud finish. e extend congratulations and best wishes to the happy aud popular couple. The Altan boys of l nion aud the Dudley boys ot Chesterfield crossed bats last Saturday. Tbe Altan tmys batted Dudley out or sight and had run over or 12 to tl iu favor of Allan ou the back of the Chester field boys winning over tbe cham pions of Lancaster. Altan hod her own lull team, composed or four of the Bulk brothers, three or the run derburk brothers, Will Plyler and Joe Bruce. Altan batted off two- baggers, three -baggers and one borne run, while Dudley got but two or three nice hits. However, Dudley has a right clever team and deserves credit ; but Altan had her good eve and too much muscle for the Chesterfield boys. Altan lias lost but one game or the season against Wingate, but had not her own hill team to Altau s regret Slessrs. Will and Itogan Belk and Luther Laney ran down to il miugton on the excursion and re port a good time. Sir. Clayton Laney has acccpteu a position with Lee Lee iu .Mon roe. Mr. Walter Belk has resumed his old position in A. Levy's store. Sir. 1'attersou Belk and family will soon move to Slurion, N. C, to seek advantage of the hlhuunn School. Sir. James Kd wards will occupy the Belk residence immediately on their departure. Rev. Andrew C. Baker is speak ins of returning to Altan. Miss Ktta Belk lias returned to the Asheville school, where she gruduates this year. Sir. Tburlow Bulk, niter a visit to his sister, Sirs. John T. tauey of Rock Hill. 8. C, stopped over in Lancaster on his way here for examination, where be secured high first grade certificate, aud baa now returned to South laroilua, where be takes up school again. Sliss Jessie Kd wards, who has been teaching in South Carolina and will soon resume like work in the Palmetto Bute, made a pleas ant visit to friends here last week Sir. Jerre C Laney, onr juveuile 'squire, is still In the rblcken, ecese. turkey and peacock bust new. Yes, and we are going to have a high school. Three cheers for tbe red. white aud blue I And success to our popular editor. Onward and upward t What is Life? In the lat-t analysis notiody knows, bat we do kuow that It i under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derange mcutof the orgaus, resulting in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. . King's New Life Pills quickly re-adjusts this. It' gentle, yet thorough. Only 23c, at Eiigtlah Drug Cj s. . engine, three mail cars and one ex- pn-ss ear. J L.Thnmpnif Washington. W. !s I Iminlieni id Midland. a, D. I nn 4 Biikemlle, Va. and It. I Orgelwricht f Ml Clinton, Va . all mad clerks, were killed. Seven other mail clerks were injured. J. T Blair, conductor, of S-iuvr; A ! Clapp, fireman, of tlni-iislmro. S. J Moody, flagman, of Italcigli. and J A. Uneuly, engineer. i4 llaeerville. Va . were killed, also a 12 year ld son ' f Mail Clerk Th"iiipan. It is said lliat this is the first time that r.iiKiniiT llrnady ever ran a mail train, snd the supposition is thai he was running ti fast and was not en 1 1 re I v familiar with his r sul lied The wreck occurred on a steep grade, the latter embracing the tres tle, which is in the shaisMif the let tor"S." The train was pniliably running at a rate of between 50 and Ml miles an hour when the engine left the track. The train ran some distance on the rnssties, plunging over the trestle at a tangent, when the engine w;is about half way across The engine and all of the cars fell 75 feet to the water below. The last car tore up a considerable section of the trestle. The engine struck and was buried in the bed of the creek The cars piled on top of the engine, all of them being split into kindling wood. The engineer was found some little distance from his cab, horribly mangli-d and dead. The train carrini nothing but mail anil express. The mail was not much damaged, considering the client of the wreck. Some loose registered letters anil the valuables of the dead men have been recovered. The ex press matter was considerably in jured. Among the express consignments were a imiiilier of crates containing canary birds. The birds were not lou t and were singing w hen taken from the wrecked cars. Two small boys, names unknown, were playing under the trestle when the wreck occurnsl. They were thrown down and injured, but not seriously. A woman, in a delicate condition of health, witnessed the wreck from icr chaniU'r window. She fell to the Hi r unconscious ami it is not K'lieved that she will live. A Runaway that Didn't Pan Out. tmrtptl fur The Journal. In the Collins ucighliorhood, iu Lanes Creek township, the boys are rucking their sides over a practl- al and intensely personal joke played on one of the love sick fel- iwsof the neighborhood. He nail Iteen "settin' up regular" to a girl for some tine, but didu't have the courage to put the question, so he died in two friends to help him. They agreed to cull on the girl and ml uce her to meet the boy ou Wednesday night at a certain place and go to 'Squire Slangum s in South Carolina and be married. list end of speaking to the girl, they spoke to another boy and fixed up a plan to play a joke upon the love-sick fellow. The third boy was dressed up in woman's cloth- ng and drilled in the art of play ing the part of a bashful maiden. Alsiut this time the parents of the girl were put onto the joke and ngreed to kick up an all round russ at the proper tune. The would lie groom was on time st the trysting place, accompanied by his father, aud was soon joined by the two friends with the tturu boy dressed up as the girl. The masculine bride was assisted into the buggy with care, and the happy groom-elect whiptied up and start ed for South Carolina in a dash, as the parents of the real girl began to "raise cam" about the bouse, pretending that their daughter had escaped them. "Oh, you kin boiler now," said the happy fellow, "Mil taint to good, I've got her. ' And in the toy of his new possession, he put his arm around "her," and his happiness grew and grew, and lie pressed harder and harder aud fouud that she had ou susiiemlers. Meanwhile the old man had gone to a nearby house to got a mount to go toSouth Carolina and witness the marriage. "Dinged if my boy hain't stole a gal, rr I helped put ber in the buggy," he said. But as he started for the Palmetto State, he met his disgusted son coming back in disappointment but in an amiable frame of tutiid. ttiit iJe alter lbs fourth week will be forced to Slav out of school uulil after the Chrietmat buliJart. J . il Kit. Svpt. FAKM LAND lying withishalf rob ot Uonrue lor ealeur rent. A ph t Mrs. tier A. tovinrlou or K. B. Ked-ioe. OST- , Orleans, idm-iyd over a trestle north U tl will sot be adonttnl to the Mexican Boll-weevil has appeared in'of Ikamille, Vs., Sundav sflerrm-u, br iJe ia tbe city ecboob alter tbe Tnion and Mecklenburg counties ! killms nine m.-n. inninni seven ead ot the lourlh week ol tbi teuton. As this is a verv important matter, l venture to ask you the source of the report? Csn vou give me the exact name and address i.f the author? My object is to find out positively whether or not the rvrt is accurate If it is true, then it slsuild lie made known at once, if it is not. then it hmild be denied at once. This in sect is the cause of such alarm in all parts of the cotton belt at this time. that it is a verv serious matter h publish unfounded rumors concern ing it, or the rfirtsof men nut osn petent to identify such -sts with eertaintv. S) far as 1 have yet learn ed from entirely reliable sources, the insect is only known at the present time, in certain limited areas (in the United States i in Texas and luiisi ana. I do not lielieve that il is pres ent in this State, and I also do not believe that it will apiear here for several years h conic, though there is every indication that it w ill event ually spread throughout the cotton belt. In order to make the matter certain, however, I w ish to secure specimens of what is suspecuil to be this insect, and hojie that some of your subscriliers will aid me in de tcrming the facts in the case. Persons desiring positive and ac curate information concerning in sects may ohtain it by sending sjiec imens to this otlice, together with a statement of the damage it is thought to do. That is just w hat I am here for, to give out all available infor mation on the matter of insects, and the best kow n methods of controlling them. Very truly yours, Shkrxan. Jr., F.ntomologist, Department Agriculture. Italcigli. X. C, September 2tith. Our readers will recall that we slabtl thai Sir. O. P. Wimherly of Italics Creek and Mr. .las. Mann, who lives in Stanly, both of which gen tlemen have lived in Texas, had said tlwt thev lielieved that they had en countered the boll weevil this vcar. Prof. Sherman, Jr., needn't get his back up about "unfounded rumors." The direct opinion of men who have lived in Texas and encountered the iiivt there is w hat we published. It might lie possible for this cst to come into .iumii minima without Prof. Sherman's knowlelge or con sent. Hie Journal.! Watch fob. Kc.iid. V. C. Aiutin. ONE CENT A WOKO EACH TIM I k-i notices in this column. A tru ut fifteen cents ad. will do the wurk. Crowd tbe aorda sod trud the money with topy. NOTICE TO TEACHERS There will aa eiamioation of anplicantf fuc teachers certificates ia the couri bouse in Vlooroe on October 8th foi bites and the oth for colored. The eaaiuiuatioo will begio promptly at y o'clock, aud those desiring to attend should be oa time. It. V. Beasley. Co. Supt. DTTW. H. WAKEFIELD of Char lutte, N. C, will be in Moaroe, ti The Gloucester, on Friday, Oct. ijrd, for one day only. Hit practice it lim ited to Eye, Ear, Note aud Tbroat, MEMBERS of the Koyal Arcanum arc reminded that so attest meol aod quarterly duet are due on Sept 30th. Call at the Bank of t'uiun aod pay me. 1 have no one to run around now, and have not time niyself, and die lava of the order do nut requiu me to. W. C. Wolfe, Collector. LOST A two-blade po kt knife, on the road jutt this side of the T.n die place, ou August 18. Not valual le tutriutically, but because of associa tion. Reward for its return. S. R. Doster. IDS WANTED The contract foe building a public school house iu Trinity distiict in Hufjrd towusliip ill be let at o clock on Saturday, Oct. loth, at Triuity church. For in formation apply to I . C. Laney, T. C. Eubanka, Jr., or K. j. Uelk, commit teemen. ONE fss-oo snd one tjo 00 buggy, both new, your choice fur fjj.oo. If you want s nice bugsy come and tee me before you buy. James L. Careluck, Menroe, N.C., R.F.D. No.. FOR KENT- My larm iu Marshville townslep. See or phoue J. li. Bast on Wingate system. Mrs. Eleanor nasi. D ID VOU KNOW that there ia a five that's giviug the finest bantams for dime aod uickela? J. A. Crowell, I HAVE moved my store to the Ste vens & Phifer building, net to lournal Office. Come and see me. S. H. Hudson. NEW MARKET We Iwe opened up a new meat market in the c;m.,.nn hnil.lin nnrlli nf 111 rnnrt house, and are prepared to furnish Hie petl 01 meats ai reasoiiainc pricea. We will also buy pork, beef cattle, hides and produce. 'Phone 134. Walters & Presley. Fc' K RENT Five room cottage ou College street. Mrs. A. Levy. A BIG lot of new Jewelry just in and at low pricea lots of it at cost al Welsh's Drug Store. t'ST KECEIVED-3500 lbs. good Tobacco. Will tell it at 12 4, 25 and 30c. lb. j. Shute & Sons. BETTER prepared thau ever to fur tush nice turnouts on short notice aud at reasonable pi ices. H. A. Winchester. OTHINU in my store sells (or more than five or tea cents. Come and see. bast rrankiin street, ueiow Shute't. J. A. Crowell. EM EM BER tbe beat meats iu the city are sold by Cadieu a Wal lace. Phone 36. WHEN in towa stop at the Star Cafe for a nice meal or a lunch. Prices to suit. R. R. Watkins, Manager. DIMES AND N1CKLES at my place does the business. My stock will surprise you. Come and tee. J. A. Ciowell. BRING your chickens and eggs to S. H. Hudson, nest to Journal Office. i Star Cafe, service K When painting your dwelling call and see us (or prices. We recommend and guarantee Harri son's paints. S. J. Welsh. Good cooks and nice R. Watkint, Manager. PARKY everything you have in old L. Iron to J. D. Parker. . LEE & LEE, THE LEADING DET GOODS, IQTICIS, CL0IEI5C. GDTTS' ITEIISEIIGS, IAT AIO SHOE !TC II EOISOL IITE deliver les to our customers at VV auy hour night or day in cate of tickoett. Phone 36. (.adieu a weuace D EM EM BER you can get the best 11 fresh meat st J. U. i'arker mar ket. Phone No. 91. MOW it the time to sow crimson do 11 ver. Go to Welsh's for the seed. n LACK Knight, the well known Jack, U it at my stables in Monroe. H. A. Winchester. i Watch!' Watch Word Mi Watch U8 for tho next seven days!!! j For the next seven days we will make SPECIAL PRICES on WATCHES. We have every grade or Watches, from solid gold , to tov watches. We offer them for the next 7 days at almost cost, 1 Clip This Coupon and Sign It It la worth SO cts Sign here aud will accept the abova coupon for ftO cents cash payment on any watch you purchase from us. We have some watches which the coupon and a little money will buy. Now ia the time to bny. ir vnn't need it. von can trade oa it. Don't tuba this op portunity. Our special watoh aale will close next Thursday, X October Mh, at sundown. After that tint this coupon is worth- 1 leas. This means we are going to do the basinesa for the next even davs. tsneoial low pricea in addition to the coupons, - e The W. J. Rudge Co, Don't Believe all you see or hear about low prices. See the goods for yourself and don't take any body's word about their value. Some things are dear at any price. We believe our prices are as low as can be found any where for goods of the same quality. But don't believe it ju9t because we say so; we invite inspection and comparison and will be satisfied with your decision. We are constantly adding attractions to our stock. The latest a lot of new, nobby things in Ladies' Neckwear, Table and Sofa Pillow Covers. Girls and boys going away to school will find new fall goods adapted to their wear, and anything you need in hot weather goods at almost your own price. If you don't believe it just try us; we are deter mined to clean up stock for fall. 50OeCe0000000000 XjeeJ lOur Fall Line. The 'Jri attst 1 li'mi ur luttr 1 n r uiftie i.i vow irinii Inr iiisK cUdii. It lim its the attention ! of evert) hiiier trim Itmjx "77. " Our prices 1 tire afisoliiti lif "roe: liotloni. ft MaonitiGeiit Array oi Furniture, Lou mill U 001I licit, Springs and Jla tresses, Dining Choirs. Iloehers, Suits, Odd Iteds, Dress i s aud Waslisttinds, Cradles and Critis. We hare smae Hiireaus that hare nrrer been ' oj)'ered on this inurhet tit fore that are beauties. 'you iraut one 1011 had In Iter eoiae at once. )'oii trill but u h u tou see them. T. P. DILLON I'urniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone 84. ex O " 44ee 4 ixxx)cxoo(xMooooooocr .INSURANCE. rxxx.. cxcx)cxxxxxxxxxx)cxxxxxxxf) No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ Our Line: l ire, Life, Health, Acci dent. Liability, IMateUlass, and Steam Boiler. Surety Itonds on short notice. Your business entrusted to us will receive careful atten tion aud will be appreciated. The Peoples' Bank, Agt. W.I. GORDON, Manager Insurance Department ooocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxoco 000000004040C The Prescription a e e e .". t"e Department 11 of our store keeps pace with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. Wc keep the drugs for it the Hi:ST. FRESHEST, and rUKKST. C.N.Simpson, Jr. OO4004O0OO40OM04O4O4OOO04O VALTHAM WATCHES When You Buy a Watch YOU WANT THK host money will buy. Yon also want to buy at a store where you will get exactly what you psy for. You iimke no mistake when you buy WATCH Ed, JEWELRY, ' 8ILVF.KWAHK Ac., of W. R. LINRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N.C. k 1 K7 imh.1 ) y n 1 'V