State Library mehoj THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME X. NO 36 MONROE, N.C., TU ll Y OCTOBER 6 1903 One Dollar a Year Why Macedonia Rebels. riwi " Th Maeed-Kma Kninlr," hr -a ertraa BWa ta Ttl'fcei;. ' I the Aaliea NMalhi antra u( ira. hir HD-ita-r. Si far an iw-re nut race and euw p Ihi'rr iii inUtlly ut miu'h to cIh.wc la'twtvn llulpli uin homitatljl ami Turkish im-ciilar. lm IkIi Ltml u Unite s'-iiihtw and rajiiM appiar every lioro. It u rany to make a ras fur i-itht-r iuV Thr irnl exti-.-is.ii an luitloittiUiJIy by il'wk'm. .v.tlnnc can fx.tju.vruU' ml no 'nl that can bt printed can dcscrilic, the uie and hrnr if the jiasi ix month in M.ntiKmia fmni Turkish tnmpa, regular and irregular. Nut all u told in true, but cikinh is true In make worse horrors tlian any man dare tell Hut Tin kish oppression lias this about it that it lirvetU marines. There is a righteous insanity whk-h iresion must breed if freedom is U be won. (iiuii Russian policy as it now stands, and there i no pros pivt in any course but the hoiieles Klriijytle into which the host of young lluljraria ha Hung itself headlonir. a though life were the least f earth goods. Turkish administra tion has suffered the loss which ( Diet all thing Turkish under the present Sultan. Much once escaiied the old rude mctliods. As the ma ehine improve it grind the more mereiles.'.ly. The Macedonian far mer pavs a lithe ot iz; er cent., an iniHTial tax of 15, and faces an ex- Nrt duty of 8K,rcent., per cent. ill all. Ilcad tax, license. nutl taxes w ith no nds and all the various imiost, from 35 to 15 per rent, of the produce of lnlr, are swept into the gatherer s or. worse, tax farmer s hands. Heavy taxes exist in all Con tinental r.uroK', witness Italy ; but nt least then1 is legal security. In Turkey, while there is peace ami much prosieri!y for many, ami steady grow th of wealth and imputa tion, there is never aeriirity. This oppresses like a nightmare. More than once. I have seen the immigrant from Turkey in this country who there had enjoyed some ease, posi tion and wealth, and who here was vainly struggling for a hare, hard lircliluaxl, and, when I spoke of the contrast, have Urn instantly lold that this was a small prim to pay for the men1 sense of security under law and freedom from' arbitrary Hiwer. Strenuous South Carolina Sheriff. lrunltum atrtatt. Nuluilu' slier i IT la a strenuous man. He believe that uny white man ha a right to kill a negro without being rulled to account. A few day ago he concluded to re move a negro that was in the way. lie had no trouble in getting rid of him. A warrant was issued for him, but he refused to go in his own jail or surrender the keys to the coroner. The sheriff, of course, was released on bond, but he claims that the charge of murder doe not disqualify him for the duties of the office. The coroner haa apjiealed to the tioveruor for advice Can a ahcriir indicted for murder, al though rcleaacd on band, discharge the duties of office and act a sher iff during bis owu trial t This is the question. Confessions of a Priest. Ilev. Jno. 8. Co of Wake, Ark., writes, "For twelve year I aufTeretl from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physician aud tried all Wirt of medicine, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Klcctric Hitter and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in its grasp for twelve year." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, get Klectrie Hitters. It's guaranteed by English Drug Co. Duly 50c. Appendicitis from Moustache BIN Ing. A recent telegram from Sioux City, Iowa, convey the Informa tion that while operating upon a man In that city for appendicitis, the surgeons found in the nppcu dix a number of hairs which matched the palieut's moustache, (but were different from the hairs - ou hi head. These were pronounc ed the direct cause of the attack. After reeoyering coimcioiwiieaa, Snyder acknowledged that be had a habit of continually biting the ends of his moustache. SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott 'Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men. women and children. To the men Scott's Emul sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the runt nf rnnsnmntinn and the repairing of body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul ion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. To children Scott's Emul sion gives food and strength for p-rowth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, . I I :,t,t.. Cea'a lUr Hill! BIIU BILKIT UUJJ UWI tmulsion ts a great help. stand for frMmpl. rrvTT BOWNL Chemteta. Ana. i ari atraat. New VoraY- . BOe. nd il.OOl CUldruMlita. j I ENJOY GOOD HEALTH If- THANKS TO PE-RU-NA.' J S?ar"s f Public (Opinion. Local Taa a Big Investment. Nl.editllle N..aae. There are lot of imnile who hurt their own financial interest by U-iug i too nellish. In this age of education 'and pnpvs people want to live I w here they ran have acres to a pl scliool. They will pay more for land near a pt-rnMnrnt vlnl. If you have no children to educate it will ' pay you a big er cent. Ui vote a sk cial tax and establish a ermaneiit 'school in vour borne district. It will cnliance the value of your land. If you don't believe it. just go into any section where they haveagood and price the land and vou'll be coii-.........I (Uatof Um Hodara t alon, of MlMoori, WanU to Drown fcm. wrtua from 403 WhltMy BuUdtaf.aUo- 'i-h N' l obmr. e city, Mo, follow i I It is reported Unit some folk in " AsWBwaaiwtejfc;ldeigh. who have a cotton string fat from atrers Urmia, tm ntmH at '!' l'e bat-kbone i in all MfJmfulmxMtat. I took ikn SomIm tnie men, hesitate to vote for a dis i Atraaa. to a Morl llmtlwMcmaf' K-nsary Uvause they are afraid they phuty mtarW, W to-4f Im tm may '" the trade of I few aloon- -. ' - - - nn-iicrs' li is also la ken mai mere mat la mYllH." K & VAVOHN. U" nien in olhce in llileigh and men If too do not doriT prompt and alu- 'lu wish ollice. who are either as factory ratolta from in oa of Partus, dumb as oyster or lighting for the arrtte at one to Dr. Ilartnua, rtTiog a bars, because they are afraid toof foll Ulemot of your east and ha will ' fend the saloon vote! bt plamd to ilr. yoa bl Ttluabl ad- u j, MtsiMe that there are a dozen ""'"" . 111 te fe Hows of that strine in t ie roikI ritv of ludciL'h? If so, sonic- 3 Incident and Commc i In reipoiiv to an invitatio u . tlie llraix h Nornud tVllcgc . . at liie Itlufl, Ark , in the e n. o' Si.iiIh rn lour by him, form r l'i dcnttiroverCh-vt laihi hat .i".. folkm to IVf. I.aac Fislk' tal of the mllcge : "The n-ports in tlie pn-s i... . ing that I intend soon to o - to the Swith are enlirth foundation. I have had n tent ton, tlMnigh I know th. i enjoy sinh a trip. If it that I were to nuke sis li a . . aune U the State of Arka . not kno of anything lli. like better than l ay a school." ClUTTINa WITH THE FARMERS 1 -it in iM A Uaston County Farmer Talks to brother Farmers in a Most Fn tcrtainlnf Way. Hie ideal Imhih nmst U- in tlie Hut nr. It i iniIv lh-r- that one 'in have the sum-nndinc-i th:it an in Incite to quiet and l-ace and i v l in tlie delights that nature pn- ' -(.ry one of us tires of arti .t No matter liat the attr.M--i v I-, then1 coiik-s a time w hen v loiij?-r please us. We turn in Three Brothers Die Toirether Electric Chair. Cl.ll.Uir.. N. V.. In.Htlrk. l-l Without f-ur iu their facra or a falter in their HterH, Wills, Hurt on aud Fred VanWormer weut to the electric rhuir iu tlintou prison nl IMiiueiuora aud paid the priiulty oi Ilirir erinie at drecmlale on t'hrit mas eve t wo years Ago. The yoiin men, nothing; but Us. whose iiivht rides iu Columbia comity terrorized tbe eaeeful far mers for yeans who gradually de veloied from mere inixhief mak- ic n. Met retreat to pna-ure a rest I ers into thieves, and from thieves "' !!"' Lials and ierpleities of . iutobaru burners, until they wound i ;.. life, and mi city resident up their riot on carver in thede- d i AddraM Pr.IUrtmtn, PmldeBtof Tha Bartnua Bultarlom, Oolamtxu, 0, Dowie's New York Trip. KrlttMh. W U , II-iwIfIi. IVwie's followers are sacriticiiii; much to raise funds to aid the New York invasion trip. Manv who can not p an giving money to send oth er, itiose wlio liave not monev liave given various kinds of pncrty to lie sold. People have already txvn assigned to place in throe of the Sectal t nn ns. ideal ticket are sold for the entire stay in New York. Itowicitcs an- being detailed for difTcn-nt duties. such as guard work, kitchen and dining room and nursery. r.lnah Hospice at ion t ity is to ! turned into a big nunterv, where children of K'rsons who goriast will lie cared for. Held HU Skirts Wronf . Witliurn, Mam., hi-paloh. hti'sscd in hi sister' best dn's and picture hat, Arthur Diitlerlly of 41 Ibx-k stnrl, Uiwcll, IlitU-d atsuit the st reels of Wobiirn last night, at tempting to llirt with some of the gav young men of Wobum, and was am-sted by 1'atnilman Walsh, who guessed his identity fnmi the way the young man held his skirts. In vain did Ilutterlly crnix the pa trolman hi let him go. "No woman ever holds her skirt like that," said Walsh. "You hold it as if it was hot on the inside and you had to hold it awav from you. A woman just pulls it around to one side if she's a young one, and if sties married she gratis it with both hands, one on each side. Come along, young mini." Maggen-tl by the nthcer know edge ltutterlly, who is in hi teens, confessed that he had done it for a joke, lie got a night's lodging in the police station. Saves Two Irom Death. "Our little daughter had au al most fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,'" writes Mrs, W. K. Halivand of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King' New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in au ad vanced stage, also used this won derful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." IH'sperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible (or Coughs and Cold. 50c. aud I.IK) bottles guaranteed by Eng lish Drug Co. Iruil bottles free. Sharp and Flats. Mr. Illington Herbert, you are bn-aking my heart! Only think of their finding you at 3 this morning hugizmga lamp iot! Illington My dear, it surely isu t possible that vou are jealous ot a lamp pout? New Yorker. "Mr. Mills," said the spokesman of the workingmen s committee, "we have come to tell you, ir, that we want shorter hours, and "Very well," interrupted the busy manufactunT, "we'll begin right off with shorter dinner hours." Phila delphia Press. Mr. Nextdoor (to little Willie, who has been invited to dlnnerV W hat part of the chicken will you have Willie r Willi (earnestly) Rome of the white meat, part of a wing, a piece of the second joint, some shilling, tlie gizzard and some gravy, please Mamma made me pnvnise not to ask to be served more than once. Judge. "What a queer fad Mr. Dashing- ton has started since returning fnun her latest visit to (South Dakota. "IX) you mean the Popular society favorite who has had so many di- ?. "Yes. HI has had her wedding ring put on a chain and is wearing them as a necklace. It is awfully fetching, too. New York Herald. Broke Into HU House. 8. Le yuinn of Cavendish, Vt, ih robbed of bis eostomary healta by invasion of Chronic Constipa tion. When Dr. King's New Life Pills broke into bis bouse, bis trouble was arrested and now bo is entirely cornl. They are guaran teed to core; 25c. st English Drag Company's. I bodv ought to spit on them and drown them. The Color Line in Indiana. Hrwn mt t iWrtir. The school boanl of Princeton, In diana, refused to admit a Filipino to the public schools, because he was not white. The "color line" sei-ms ti flourish in Crumpackcr's State. Labor Unions Trying to Force the President. suir-KTltlr landmark. Some time ago, as was noted at the tune, one Miller, assistant foreman of the government printing ollice at Washington, was cxelled from a lalmr union hi which he belonged and then, on demand of the union. was removed from his place in the government printing ollice. In a very short time Miller was nMiistated bv order of President ltoosevelt, the president declaring that the fact that a man did or did not U'long to a union should not prevent his Iring eligible to government employment for which he was otherwise htted All fair-minded ieople applauded this diclarat ion. Hut tliclnlior unions have not let up on the matter. They are yet trying, in one way and another, to force the pn'sident to re cede and vield to their demands. l'he incident has attracted atlention thnmghout the country and some Kepubhcan politicians are frightened lest it may result in turning the in fluence and votes of tlie lalmr organi zation against the Republican party in the next campaign. W hope the pn-sident will stand firm, lie is right in this matter and on this issue alone the country would sustain him. Not to Disturb 15th Amendment. Cbarlitltpl'hnHllrlr. It is a pleasure to learn that Sena tor K. W. Carmiu-k disavow any in tention of agitating the question of n'pcaling the fit unit h amendment in Congress. Such action would merely result in a lot of talk which we of the South are already tired of. There is no likelihood of the fifteenth amend ment being repealed, and really no need of it, for it is a dead letter in practically every State where its pnv vision would amount to anything if carried out. On Barrel of Liquor Enough for Charlotte. (lantonla Hurtle. A Charlotte doctor avs one barrel of whiskey is enough for that city's need for a w hole year. If Charlotte would cut her supply to that quan tity, she would do a blessed thing for her neighbors. There would be fewer citizens of other town figur ing in her police court, and fewer of them bringing drink home with them sfler a day in t harlottc. "Just throw me half a dozen of your biggest tmut," said the man with the costly anglers outht. "Thmw them !" exclaimed the as tonished fish dealer. "Tliat's w hat I said," replied the party of the first part. "Then I'll go home and tell my wife 1 caught them. I may lie a poor fisherman, but I'm no liar." Chicago New. No Hair? "Mr hair vi filling out very fist and I was (really alarmed. I thta triej Arr'l Half Vigor and bit hair atopped filling at once." Mr. C. A. McVav, Altundria, 0. The trouble is your hair I does not have Hie enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer'g Hair Vigor. If the- gray hairs are beginning to show, Aycr's Hair Vigor will-restore color every time. st att mm. as tnm, If tear amer """ "ire'T r mm u will fm Win. H xl H f rW MrM ! nl. NtlM mmm A Mr Ma, i)ursi:::tirTAn Mr. Rolicris, tn-asuren ' 'I i.i ted Slates, has submitted t "i Va.'J Shaw hi report on the ci .j at ,,t, .-t the Tn-asurv, June 3(1, IS .1, ai.d ii- oH-r.itioiis during the -i- vear. Tlie total net revel ies nf the year were 5(iO,3;Mi,C7l, !uera.v 4 l3S,i).SJ,43!l over the vearpnv.J ing. and the total expenditures $5M,- Ott'J.lKl". an increase of i35.7t2.m. Thcsuridiiswas 1 .2.7.("7 as com pared with !I1,2S7.3"3 in l'Jtr. In the ret-eipts IImtc was an incn-ase of iipuanls of (i.KMMXI.OU) fnun cus toms, and a falling off of over ll,- (XKl.tKitl from internal n'venne. the latter lieing the result of ligislation emu'Utl with that ohjvt. On the side of the expcndituri'S there was an incn-ase in every imMrtaut aciimnt. except H'iisionsand interest, in which there were slight savings. The ex icnditurc for the two military de partments, which together amounted to I!II,237.55I. forming by far the heaviest oiitlav for anv single pur- isise. were upward of xiM.IKKl.tHH) gn'ater than the year Is-fore. -J o While making iiieasurements in a dii'p trench in a public street in Co lumbus, (!a., Wednesday afternoon, Superintendent of Public Works It. L. Johnson anil a negro workman, Iliad Smith, were killed bv a mass of dirt caving iu on them. The alarm was given immediatelv and a force of workmen was sent to rescue the men. While this force was at work. a coim cave-in loiiowett, immng seven or eight men. Mavor Chapiiell ordered the hook and ladder truck of the lire department to the scene with several firemen to help in the work. Quick work saved the live of live workmen, w ho were dug out of the trench, but two of them are fatally hurt. & 0 o A delegation of Jacksonville citi zens, headed by ("apt. C. K. (lamer, president of the hoard of tmde, will 'all on President ltoosevelt this week to present an invitation to him to lie present at the celebration of the re liuil ling of the city of Jacksonville. luring the week beginning Novem- lier 2nd. It is believed the president will accept, as there has Urn talk of his touring the South. 0 Former tioveruor Hogg delivered a Mtvh at Dallas on Wednesday to the farmers of Texas, advocating that they organize thoroughly for political purMses. He declared that every other element of the business Hipu lation of the I'nited State was or ganized for political purNse except the farmers, and if they bore the lar gest sirtion of the government snp Krt their only hoie of procuring anything like cqunl benefit was to come out boldly in solid organiza tion and use their inllutaice to the fullest extent in political affairs. o A Salisbury' sfial to the News and Observer say that the numerous wreck on the Southern Railway are making a serious impression on the engineers and other employes of the nad, a a result of which a number are known to have resigned their isisition. I wo men running out from SH'iicer went to the bank at which they do busmen yesterday, and drew what money they had, say ing they were going to quit the mad while alive and go to farming. Thcv said thev pniixwed to invest their money iu stock and farming imple ments; that running on the railroad ha gotten to be too serious a prob- em for them. A Love Letter Would uot interest yon if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Sorea, Hums or Pile. Otto Dodd of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of liucklen s Arnica Salve cured me. It's the best Salve ou earth, 'itc. nt Kuglish Drug (Vs. September Weather. Olr mr Ih alrarth early fall n on int (winn it inr iwmiii- nrrva, ana th Mvlrl f thr nul In II, .Mtlilpii guil Ana th ennifl ,f thr IranV tirra. There 'a never a anuml an near In A theenttf an autumn tale. When the brant-he rn-ak aud the Ihuniteni neaa An the rain neau.h.wn like hall. -CirTelaiM rlaln Dealer. $100 Reward, $100 The readera uf (Ida paper will be pleased to learn that there ia at leaat one dreaded diaeaae that acience haa been ants to cur in all ita ataaea aud that i Catarrh. tUII'a Catarrh Cure ia the only potitive cure no kuuwn to the medical Iralcrnity. Catarrh being a conatitulional diaeaae, retjuirea I conatttutionat treatmeut. Hall's Ca larrh Care I taken internally, acting directly upon the blood sod mueoui aurfacea ot Ih ayalein, therebf da Irojing the f onndatioD of th diaeaae. and giving Ilia patient strength b) building up the eonititution and aaaiat in nalura in doing ita work. The proprietor hava ao nincb faith io itt cui alive powers, that tbey offer oat Hundred Dollar for any caa thai il fail to can. bend tor iiat of taati aoniatk Addrraa, P. J. CHENEY 4 00, Tolsuo, Ohio. Sold By druggists, 75c Hall I family pilia sr th beat , '. , mim-m ut into tlie rural districts I , J t'H ai-e not constantly praising -.u-e tin advantages, and quite f U it ri 'it a desire that some dav he-, i. a I able to own a home in .he iv irtrr. We don't believe that oin i ht'pleappreeiatetheirhium .i m-h as Jiey should ; they fail to y ' p! u-urmtliat surround them, i d mi. ii ou talk about "how nice it is lo in the country" tliev sem to see the dark side of the pic ture. Country people need to culti vate a higher appreciation of their Miilion and should do more to make their homes attractive than tliev do. If tliev would go to work to do more along the line of ornamentation thcy would soon conclude that their lots had lieeli east in the most pleasant plates. In travelling around over this coiintrv we often see line large country homes built right out in the otu'li held without a tree or bush aliout it. Such a place never looks comfortable to us. We can't help feeling that it must lie the col lest place in winter, with nothing in the way of a wind-break alsmt it, ami the hottest place in the summer w ith no shade uniiind about it. More at tractive to us is "the cozy, vine-clad cottage, humble though it may be. set back from the road half hidden by trees" and shrublierv, with a lawn of Some sort of grass (though it lie Tab grass i, looking comfortable to iccupauts ami inviting to the passer by. When it is to be sold, a ready buyer is more easily found for a ln-autifiil country home than for an iinsightlv one, and will imv more for it. A farm house without shade and fruit trees is indeed a desolate and tinelv place to live, and sometimes it is the cause of our Ixiyn and girls leaving the farm. There is no prettier sit and no more euiovublt place to live than in a cimfiirtable farm house, surround ed by heuulifiil shade trees, and in such a home the farmer has a happy family. 1 he women folks have their flowers and are contented, and the Isiy and girl have no desire lo leave such a home. A farm house without shade trees is indeed not an enjoyable place to live and to rear a family. The St. Imis Republic says: "The lest met ion of our forest trees the past twenty-live years without replen ishing tlie waste, lias caused such widespread disaster by stream ami flood that our Agricultural Depart ment at Washington has made sev- ral effort not only to restnun the iHnple from such further waste, but to demonstrate its imerative needs for agriculture. It has licen clearly lcmoiistnitcd bv scientilic researeh that our land should be covered w ith tnt's from one-fourth to one-third of the area to he fertile and to fulfill the conditions under which farming may lie carried on with success." "This is a time," savs the Progres sive Farmer, "when every farmer should live at home. North Carolina soil will produce sufficient wheat for our consumption if proer ly prepared and cultivated. The man who raise his own cotton, corn, w heat and hogs is indeis'lident. He can easily and at little expense beau tify his home by planting flowers. setting shade trees, etc. lliere are manv other advantage in farm lift' w hich are foreign lo a great extent to citv life quietude, fresh, invigor ating air, pure,.w holesome water and genuine health and rural far de liverv. Ills-rale, cowardly uiiirder of the one mail who bail stood ley them for years, llicir niiele, IVter A. Ilallelibaek, weut to their deaths in the way they mid they would. '-I want to die g-a::ie," said the young boy Fred lo Warden Ieyo Wednesday afternoon. '"We'll all die game," chimed in Willi and Iturtou from their cell. That's the way they tlied died game. No hand helped any one of the trio to tbe chair. It wits not necessary. Willis walked into the death chain ler at 11:.'M o'clock, head erect, shoulders thrown back, jaw set. lie went to tbe chair, sat down, aud exactly ity seconds later his soul had been scut into eternity. As Willi died so died the others, game to tbe very last. This triple execution was as suc cessful a hiieh a thing could lie. To snuff out these three live it , look just fotirteeu minute and thirty-two seconds. The official time make it a little longer than this, but the official time include al most two minutes during which the medical w itnesses of the execu tion examined the body of llurtoii, the last to die, w bile it was still iu the chair. Warden IVyo acted with the greatest promptness in carrying out hi plan. A fart a one IsmIj had been released from the straps ami carried out of sight the signal for tbe next boy was given, aud instantly iu the death chamber the noise of a heuvy bolt being thrown back could Ire heard, followed by the creak of a door as it Rwung back, then the sound of slowly ap proaching footstep and low inon otouon chanting of a gray haired little rreuch priest, to whose re ligious teaching and influence the boys owed much of the fortitude which kept them up no well nt the last. The courage of Willi, ad mirable a it w as, w as not subject ed to nearly the strain that the other hud to undergo. All kind of school supplies at Welsh's Drug Store blank books; crayon, paper, pens, ink, pencils, at lowest prices at elsh s. For fertilisers especially pre pared for small grain see Collins Niggers; Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens, eggs, and produce so last that I can't buy enough. If you have any to sell don't sell a bit o( it until you see me. I want it. S. K. Dostkr. CASTOR ! ANtSchibk- Pre psralioii for As similntinC thfl'ixx)aiu!i:cJiil:i ! wig uVSkiiiairhs aril LVwcljti rromok's Dilation .Clverful ness and Rest l ontdin neillrr (hmun.Mnrphine norMurrol. NOTfiAHCOTIC. mmlsm 1-. ii .' Aea JlraaW- f7wW luaae laaiijr Am Aperferl Hcnii'dy forfonstini lion. Sour Stomiich.lJiarr.iv.i Worms .( 'onvitlsions lewn .'. nrss nod Loss or SLc '.r. For Tnfin s nd Children. The Kind Yen Have Always Bought Bears the Signature FacSuntk- Sit-un'urf ui" XFAV"' YOHK - w r . ftJt t i i In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact copv of wrapped mm TORA HORSE HEN! For siding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor and strength to horses and mules, the best remedy of all is Ashcraffs Condition Powders I Stockmen who a have used, with indifferent result, con dition powders recom mended equally good for horses, cattle, poul try, swine, etc., will find in Ashcraft's a remedy beneficial to horses and mules only. It is not cure-all, but invalua ble (or the purposes recommended. Ashcraft's Condition Powders ra prepared from the formula of practical veterinarian of over 30 years experience, and when once used, horsemen will havt no other. "Tl Ii l eertlfy tkat wa kaea law aeUlaf Aakaraft'i baeillej M a aaaiher o yeara, an that tker kin Km aaleeraal aatWaa ttoe.. Taa afreet Sntira ant laeorvormle la their naaalaetaea, aad aaeh remeilf la elallr arepare laf Uta 4laeaaa t wkrek II M In lea-ted la ear. Man 7 al oar aaalomen kar lac aaed Aheraft' Remeaiea fnr year will are aa atkar-SMULmN DBCO CO, Maatva, .C." Ashcraft's Powders fatten but never bloat, the jtalr becoming sleek and glossy. Always high grade. Price 25 cents. Sold by English Drug Company HOESSS AND MULES! We havo just mr ived the host car load of liorsos and mules that ever came to this town. If you want to buy or swap, come and see us. We can save you both money and time. E. A. Armfield & Sons. Valuablo One Horse Tor Sale! When in need of fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parker, When painting your dwelling call and see us for prices. We recommend and guarantee Harri son's paints. S. J. Welsh. B iff in nf mi 1 ir.l.-r 1 if IV f lerk nf rinr I'ourt in tin SiMfini l-r.n-i-.ln;ir !.- inl..' ritlfff it- ..iiHtlT Hint 1 lutrlt'-i rtntrr nnil iUit rt tlt lrthtatit-, tlif M.ii-I cnti-f ! Ilitt fr kiiIp of Uml (ur purtitioti, 1 will, mi Saturday. October 17th, XM, the hour of ti!' U-inf 14 nVt.-'k, M.,l ttt. nrHinil-r ut MiririH, N I ., i'n.r for rtftlfnt I'lilihc aiK-ti'tti frit int'li to I lit- h.L'h.-t IiuMit, h I'l-riitiii (tiw't or iinrn'l f iutnl ilt- riU'tl n- fi.llt.Hs: l.jinL' hihI U'liiir in IN' tliit of;irtli t itioiiiiH, ( rtlim Couiil . M t -h vtltf nii-hti. on th- MttiiMt. f Kity Furl, H, mljotiitiiit !h liin-l ).r I H'-lm. y -wcll, 1 1 tut; I'hifi r Hint ulii.'i,, mu n IMrt of I h- iiht Tliolim! nlllti t'-tiilo titil-. Mini U'linf nit.ri' m H it il.trH iIitiik ,1 ili-etl I'Vfilhtl liv H, H I'lufiT niwl wifi Infer on -tint i!v of .latHntrv, I,.. r.-.-. look 3". imtfc Mtof tl Ii in th' mtli Kt'tfiMler of of I ulna I'onniv, S rr, i li It'll wit'l t'-iinl rcfi-rt-iift' t hi'n-l. mini' 'ttitlittiniiK foriv-llvi' Hen-, nn irv m lt"-. The term of mv n-lt. Thin M htt'itiU i llili. r'KANK A KM I I Kl.l, t '..tmiii.ini r, Aitonix, Jeiontt A Antilii lil, A(t-. Sale of Farming Land. Br lrtuof atithorliy ronfrrird on nic lr the ritrk of tht Mtitarrlor Court, In niatH-tsi I pro rwtltliat tittllutett lf J. V. r.unlur, AtnamU Mmllli ntl other. ftKmt K. M. mulor aim I Uherw, I will, on Monday, November 2nd. IVtU, eipoMt to !e n the rilirheit lihliler, at thr niuri iomisx door in me ion oi tninw", i ., I he folliiwMiB ilfiMTtlar'tl iHet-s? of Mnv of mntl. In tu titled anil iItmtIUI ftilluw-: Heiflniiintl at a riN'k y a w o mil ioKoiNl, Mi-Korn inter, and run with I of hl line- N I41. K WM rhallix to a ill? ot tone; l,eii-e N it,1. A wn t'haiito to a nrk; Uo-nt-e n. iV. r. 7 hinn to a roi k In a ltu-h, ihence S .'iW H rii chain lo a "take ttjr a mall wet ifum, I. It. Tlunii)wm'H(sinier. Ihemt with htn line H 14 W . IU 43 t-hatn to a lllfkory Uf a in tie. theni-' N. 1U. W. fhaln to a "lake tit a roail. K-Mier rtiarne' corner . thence Hh her line H 44 K. n chain io a n o , ner cornrr. ai"o a rnintt-r oi thetiomer; thenoe with a HlIC of thedt.iaerH kj K. ii H'hhai to a "lake on lite N K hlr o a Matt, a rtoer comer In J. K Ton. lor line tht m wiin aui line n. m r. i wciiriik to a iake. ul ronlr' corner, thence H .m It "T chain t the tietftnnlnj. containing forty-three 4 4:1 1 4re more or lc-w. Anal alo a renialinliT n the ft .owlnar ile-crlfil iraci, -uiiet to the ltfeetateitf Amamla Hoilth In the followlitu tract: HVtfiniiiita- at a n o., ricntcr Maywotui a ctimcr, Ihence with ner line, cn'i-in the rati n Mil ami m"inn her corner ft. n , Itt Achahi Hi a Ptone . thence . fcl W 7 'hin to a I'lle Mtonea; thence ft. Mt K. t tehani lo a n-k In the mjrface, naturally. J, f Haleai comer thence with two of hi line N. Tfl'. K. II 17 haln to an eltn n a meatw ; lite nee H Ii hi hatn Uia roi-i . thence N.l't K m chain to a alake: thence N aft W " n rlialn lo the hewinnina?, contatnlnt v?ll, acre more or If. Itfiiiaf a isart if the Kll on.Uir lamt. ivrma 01 mif s-oie mini can a no tne re mat mter on a ereiHt of it month, a ith lntetrt at iercent. from itale of ale. llita nr won oay 01 rwuirnnrr, iss. K H HKI'W ) NK, t'oaiBilswIoncr, Red win A Htack, Ally-. Union County Bonds for Sale. The County Commliiner nf 1 nlon county, c . win. am 11 11 iinn i m ot tne utn iut (c tolier, 1t. receive acated hi. I for the tuf phae of aerent)-Hc UnUof I'nfon cininiy.ol the nVnoniinailoR 01 one nnmiml ttiiarei'it. hMrtnat li iMTcent. Interest ner annum. iav a We annnafly n the Bmt day nf January of each year until they mature, ninnm ten yea ra ana one (en in m win ninn reiteenta'ic innii ally al the opt Ion of the H.aarii of Commlsi en. The coupon are receualletn ia ment tuniv laiea. Thee bond arc l-urd under an act of the Ueneral Aaaemlaly nf rorih Cari llna. authortttiiBT their laue to fund the rur- renl IndelttedncN of I he cvtunty, ralinc! on the lath flay u( lehruary. 1t, The Uard reajen ea the rta-ht tu rrject ant and all Md, If wot aatia- fatfWry A J. HKI M h f. Chairman Hoard County lmmlloiMra. J M PTItWAHT, Clerk. Tina IA(h day of Nepteai1r, limt. Valuablo Farming Lands and 1 own 1.01s lor aaie. t i n 1 : Mortgatt 8al. By Tlrtae of a deed to a eteci mi fteirtamher imh. 1n. h I. B KUbert and re rnr4e4 la the ofhee of the lteatler of ieela of Cnl.aanninty la ban A II, we a. we will well atpwMtwawcttoat, M (he court lioaae aknr In MiftW, on Saturday, October 1 0th. inar ti riratTeact: AdJotntrtaT the land of P. I. Da?ta. Peter Crmlar. L. M. HI ner. . C. Broom i. 1 A 01 la. J. J. K Ii.r a! oihara, atiBtatainii Ii acrea, woe or tetm. tteeottd Tract! l.ytn and belny In the town of Waihaw, am the North atdr of the rallriaai. a-t)Mnin th Wctey lUMy Int. fimt MH'ala, deceased, and othera, nod knew a a the t. flvtr Etllaon (illl lot. cnntatninsj V acre, mnr or leaa. MoRRim. HkATH a CMt.. Tfata awaMbr Ith. Ma. MwUmimi. Farm 1 1 1 in 11 a . 1 i,', 1 in . i cneap Flour is M Flour! 1 will -M-ll aMSi- .-uur! h..n- .l....r in ,.ii n. N f., on h. I I Ki U . 111 TuHt K :ll.l.n'.i. al U .i'rl"-k III . for 1 it-li. Iu llir liirlii-.l l.t.hlt-v. till- f'llli.vuiitf .li -.-i ll. il Hli(ti.ii- r.-Hl .-tn I.-: l.t - A I.riii 111 Hiil'ii'l ii-IiM'. I' ll mil mmlli nl lnlirii.-.iin I'.hhI n.ti.l. i.i lalilinil SI! ai-r.-.. tinin-nr I.--.. A-.. in itlhr, linr.-larm nil i.l -.-: c-mi ilwi-lluiy nnil mi Iiiiiim-.. St ar tin- --ii.H.I, .1 lli, f.nii.iifl.i'ii. M Uni-y. Ilr. W II 1 . 1 1 1. Mi- .ml titlu-r. aim In klniall a. Hit- Hrowii l.uni-' ilm-e. Slut A IHini III ntlliinl lim ii -HI I- iiIh 1 it I hit ai-rt ". 1111T1' or Ii ailj.n in ni: tin- inn.!- of I'lin-ilo Ki'lh. J K Vi-ii Minor 1 uiiil.r Imrk. iiol.l In,, tk-i-ii ilti- iM n-.l on flti-litn.l Till, trarl in-arh till wi-ll iiiitl.-r,.,. aril A irai-l of IiiikI In Hur.iiil lown.lilti k una n a I'll- I'v roll Mini-. Ilii-re . i, c,.l.t Inllii-mi tin- tim-l. uhlrli i-oiitiiiii- iiUiiii ... am-.. 1 In-ri- iit-i- In or u hi-ii-- of oj.rn lnin on Hit. f rin-t. anil nit-tt-1 h leimiti Till. Hm-t ailjoin- tlie laliil. of J. V Vi . Alt-tin K. Kill. HI mi. I oih. r- tlh -A lot in llii- city of Mo:ir..f i.i.t tin. iia..i-iiir'r iti iiot nun i.-ihi-i-ii lit. N.amt 'M'. kallroail. ami i-oiitiiliilnir al.n l',a-n-ii. i. I.l K, rtm in nir r.. a, a i-auey. Aii-tm. Z I .-.l of J It's Kiw piicc is Hie makcr'acx ciise or the infeiiotity of hia IH oilurt. Had flour ia bad flour no matter how it in inaiiipulat cil ami juulrJ in packing. It all comes liaik to the name lliini;. Gomi) flour mixed with pour will improve the quality of the Mr-ml, hut like mixing white pnint with hlack, it takea an a!ul lot of while to pro ilure any ellert. Had or cheap ll'iiu is lacking in ;liiten, the null itious portion ol the wheat. It also contains a large per rentage of llie pulvrriaed huak or shell of the grain. All of which you don't want. There fore, we caution yo'i to ask for llie "Invinrilile" hrand. Thia hi and i.i noiil at the lowest piice for which really matt-lass tl nir tan he Hold, and ita price is the highest you need lo pav in order to get tlie bent, Mr, Newman, our local baker, says: "lnviudhle" ia the 1 caa get for baking," FarniLands for Saloon Timo. IIEXDEllSON H? virtue of an order of the Sinierli.rC.uirt of Cuion county. N C. in tote in the crtii-' w here tn The Hanitr, I nan and Tni-t i-intkittv. ml mml-lralor ul K Ma-tv,i- pUintirt, mm r' M. Miy and other, lu tr. m i t ,.r V . K Hn . are d-fi iidrit, Thr t, n:-. I hh and Trioil Comjiany. admlnltrntr of . K. Ila-ty. ilcti'ad, U'oeiock in , on Saturrfny, October 24, 1Q(U, ' at the court hmi-e door tn Monroe, V c.. aim in eieoee for ale a lrm-l or land derrtM a- fol low"; I.Ylnif a'ol Ulntr In I iimn eouniy, si a if of North Carolina. MnMivilletn u-htp.oii the waterof Ijinea Crtfli. U-umted on the north hy C N-HimMin' M"wrr" trad, on tin ca"! I n the laud" of 1 lion. C. Hastv.ou the sa.uih l.v W R H-tT . honw ra'l tn..' in in..,ion of Meek Hrt-tv t, ou Ihe w't h the .U hull can trad and C. N. iimiim'it In ml Mt-"i--alt, coutainina w crci n.orv or U-. nid Und IrtiiK Milii oulijit't to w t't. a rik'nl of di-w er. Term- of tv. tlnc-lhird cah. rt n.aiod. r to le aecured hy bond with wpjf-n -tin-tut. pay a Mr five month- lum ilmi of itale.'he tttlr ItiW rrwrwil iiimI all i-'m-tivt nn.ney hall have tsven mld : the -alii hind l-littr nld I" create a-ori when-with to mit Inirehledni'-ni of the aaitl ctatc. T l-w-t. ill, IwW. THK HAM -f. HIAS THrT'( By Adam. Jerome A Annrteld and K. C. Hilllaai. Atty. M. L. FLOW, CooiDilssltmer o( Dndt for Soulb Carolioa, Ii Morta Caroliu: list i Justice of the Pact tor Unloe Countj, and Nutirj Public for Norib Urolint :-: :: Special'attention Riven to takinj Af tdavila, Acknowlcdfement or Proof of Decda, Mortgage., Contract., Hills of Sale, Powers oi Attorney, Keouncia lions of Dower and Inheritance, l)ep oailiooa, Writing and Probating Deed a, Mortgage and all other papers, iaauing State Wananta, Claim and Delivery and Allarhment papers, Civil Sum mon! and tbe Collection of Claim. Office at M. L. Flow Co.'. Store east oi Courthouse, Monroe, N. C. HOLLER MILLS. : . e . Mortgage Salo. Hy vlrlur of a nmriaaire il.-e.l eeeiilr. In tl 01111,1,1.111.1, of,rj-, (Me,, i,y J MlllruP. Viril. mul ivron,,..! the olllt-e ill Ihe Kef-l-lt-rof lis. for I ii i. ,n eoiintr. In Hook A h of it,-,,, I., on mv.-e a;:,. , i .11 -( ,,ulille aui'tioti ut tl- 1-ourtliou.e tlo,r In Moiinie, on 5aturdy, October 10th, lun. llie piere of land lr- mir mi. I U ,ic mi llie I-. 1) .if I nlon, Jai kKut loan-liip. on tt,o air of Haxliaw ereel, near llie Minim H, rlnmh. a,l),illllli( 'In- I. n, l of r. Hnaini, B II Healli, a'1,1 . K, oui,. tiiiit.itnitir I. , .ere,, more i,r le. MKKii , HKATH ri., Till. M.,ntettil.r 'III, lw. Murtaafeea INSURANCE L. H- THOMPSON, Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all clanaea of Carnality In. urance. Only the beat and (trooat companie. represented. I reapectful. ly aolicit your bnaineee, anurlng ptonipl and efficient attention to all matters. Office: Gordon ft Thomp son's old stand. Phone No. I. Ufc Klalwer ana) BleaMer RlfM rOLETSncitllTO eVaree Bete'aH FVinaU rwieU ,

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