7 0 't - r G.it. bEASLEY, l R.r. BEASLEY. i "' Tl'ESOAY. IKM-rf . i4.j. lii-v. Ir. It il. .iu- linn asUiri( llw Srt'uJ I'roUurun i-liutvh tf 1'Iurli'IU', Lis $4! n iiiiK h into the :iMh' i'IiiiI.m-h 'o.i'iit i.f tin- nn-th- IS III' IS Mill til U- IISII1 lnl I H1- 'U-In jl'rii'l his jTix iit iburih at I a.hhIi n. I!!. He say that Kauti f il sinking ty 1 ant if ul m.hikji and pl nva hiii.s lias fa i It-i t In alli n t jHii!c to the Sunday eeiiiii sti't kv, sulie will aN'.il liHitiii i am! tmn;?-r ini'liiulii'iis in man: ti-it, his slmn nrli. Tin-ivf.iiv tin- fulliiwiu; pn pnm was prrfaml fur List Sunday iiijilit : " I li ! ruwt Uvf saiiilw it'll; Hymn Nil 3n. ftnir stands; In 4 inflr.clic-ulati-. hoi tea; tirirf taik by t-lili-r; liihslrrsiLul; lalrintif hymn; i'haliii ilisli iiiihp-siiiilts, iri i,inti ly brau 1 1 f ul girls; ulivt s, pu klt-s. railislii-s. Vililll ullii'lls. Uiiii.V." 'lis an a.vii:iitil.tlniil of t tu ' iilriiit- that .1 still iiivki il and stuli li;n H-'iilt' will tint tat stmu-s li n tliry il.'siro lrv.td. lVrhas the IJev. Mr. II ytl OMilil in 4 furnish a menu of nun' jjism !, with siile di.-hes of piritual f.'i v.ir Tv i iii:.il ilt' murder trials are ii" in pn-irress in the t'.nnlin.is - th.-se nf Knu st II. i nm at llali'ili f..r the killinc i-f l.uli Skinner, and .las. II. Tillman !.! Hh killing "f M.litr (i.'ii'.iii's- Tin' trtn. in many tesnvts, are siiiiilar, s. I he I'hai 1-tle ( 'iiinn- lele. IM:i men sVt ilnwn tlieirui' 1 1 ins nil the I'mIiIii- slti-et. In ir tile canitiil li'iil. lilies nf their res;ieetie Sl.i'es. in the I'l.iin view i 'f hundreds i.f NH.'le I'uhiie ofiininii ri'iranliiiii tile "ilti'nMie i .f ! - it 11 trials is the same that neither VI ill Ih- e.i leli d " This is a sul fiiiinent.iry mi mir emii!-. nr latin r in tin- h t .! i.- n.in Mi 'hat iisl.niis them In Us final iial.-is a emir' i an eiii't ssinti nf I'lihlie . "pi :iii 'ii ill this i'UIi'i v, .,ml if it's easy fi'r an ii.:! u ;iMa! ia..n ulin has ivu.iiiitt' d a enme t'i nil- i 'i .a j jiiymi hi, il i s,. lieeaiw puli:ii' i'pn, ii.ii 1 1 n;.i-s i'. I h. 1 1, n- l ti.i. .laTTl ', ,,f II sivh s in l i. lie . I l!i..e eit DR. KILQQ ON THE NEQRO. i VAU E OF A SlDAY SCHOOL. Says He Cm and Must be Lifted It U the feeder of the Church, and lp-l'atoa County Has a Bit. the Church that Has None. Say ei i 'lie , ail Representation at Trinity. i'uriMwiilr( ul fv iuamol. Tricity IVk. Ihirliain. tVL 1 Trinity t't.llejj- has t'iHtl up with the kirl freshman elass in her his Infy. Over one buntlrttl ik-w stu Jelits have uiatrkrulateti alrtaily Of that nnmlier tlu-n1 are aUmt twenty live vming wmm-n. I nitin county is oik of tlw best representitl tunties in iIk- State. U'ing represented by Sli-ssrs. I'laiide liruiKT. Nerns K.nglish and Ihmd Knt. h in the Iiil'Ii sehml ; and by Kinsley Arinl'ielJ, Frank tllmrii. Frank ljn lru Stewart. Frank Heath. O I llinsiiii, Snead Ogliurn and Hal Adams in the ollee. )V sides these. Inf S. A. Stewart is on the Ilih Selni fiieulty, and is also taking Hst graibute eonrse. T lie first of the series of hvtures by tin" fat'ulty was delivered by I'res iilriil kilgti on the evening of Sep teinUr Jlth. Hissubjivt was."0u linty to the Negro." lr. Ktlgo said the negro ppiblein is a moral one. and when we say that the negro e.iii not It' eivili.eil. we alhriii that cm oun eivilizatioii and elinstiam'y are proiioiineeil lailnres. I 1m negn must In- uplifted morally. Oetober 3rd is Hem'f ietor's Ikiy and so is a holiday. At Tnnitv. Sat urd.iv has Uvoiik a work dav inneh as anv other dav. so a hohil.ix is ven' nuieh apprtviateil Hishop K. F. Hoss of Nishvillf ;is siieaker of the dav. His snhjivt nas, "The Fnrees that Make Charae ler. and his striking utteranees . i'e listened to with the eluvst at lentioii hv the lan.i eriid that lilli d ('r.lM'ii Memorial Hall At tlieelose of the ai 1 1 ress lr Kilgo read a list nf the donors to irinitv College tbir nig the last vear I he aggregate donations amount to si'.i.KHt The alisemv nf Mr. Wa.-hing'i'li Nuke, the largest donor to Trinity, fp mi the hall was sH'ially not tee able lie is Irn'i 'inilig elifit bleil li age an. I i iinii rarely ever stt'ii on the Mnvis A new dormitory is U-ing built at Tnnitv I'aik Iliiih Slnnl. That Sl Iliad lli'W ll.lS alk'Ut tHil h H II' 1 1 ill siiiilnits (I Marshville News. i r ..-( 'ii.ti.itif ,.f r'n J'.tenai Marshville. Oi't.r. Messrs F. W Ashi'i-alt and S M llarrell madt their lifit rounds as mall earners on j the ratal mutes finm this plaet Thut'sday. I lie Mllislnlie su letv IS alwavs nil N Item ( ixhii (kiuae Crvk. ! r I' T a Minister. U Vcad. "O iiuguify lie- Urd ith me. and let us exluiil his n.ime lotreiher " Tilts tail of ihe IV.Illll-l .lst:ie( sent inn 111 of the li.tpli-1. I'rel-V!e j 'nan and Metlxlist Sundav s.h..''' of W"aha. hi h ma'enali.'ed Hi a union rally at I he Met!ilist fhureh' on " rev h'" Sundav. S pieii;l r j l;n ' J Iheilav as propitioi.s K iell' hands had set tht' ehiii. li i der nilli tlMr.it!ons of l.iu!ifil feni and roses, tin' muK" .is itipn.... and la Spful a:id en.-oiiragitig talks nerv made by tlte Methotlist M.-t.e-. Uev L V.. Staev. and the i iii teiidt Ills and olher mi ii:ler of tin sehoIs. Thf iiieiiiU rs and friends i f tl:--several s. !i.lsenni!Ug together made a larsa- tMiii:n'g.it!.'ii..nid as we wor shipped togi iher ithehtv rf :! hear!.- reali.'ed "how g.nl and h. w ptea-siiit it is f.-r brethren U !' '. i together in unity." and "a dav in ti, courts is 1,'tier than a thou-and " Tin' writer heard a minister of the gosH-l, who has Uiii a pa-tor of many ehunhi's for a g"od miii' years, say a few days ago- "l! I '-j Urn my oUservattmi that, win n n a church is without a live, a. toi i Sunday schol il is a dead ehusc!i.'"! Ikiilbtless pastors getieriilv in'! agnr with this aet'rediteil minister' in tins ie rnmv. Ia-t Sunday school w-rkers nab that they hae a great work in hand :: and that the future church and future i letv of this countrx U s nds kih. how well we do our W"l k Hi !': S ! ' day . lnis If we are e. nv, ;' u. foni'ed. those who i van, me '!.e tii ! ; i-otiie Lai k .lint teli us o.at a:. ei! :' M'r cent, of the ll' e, ill I n e 'tvi:;!. hip of our i hurehe- arc -avi .! t.' 1 huri'h thr"iii;h the nit! training "f the S.anla.i -e er against this stan.ls t: lllg repoit lh.it alo'i' mile i f those who o.i t.i rii. prison li .il-. - ami peiiiten! w I.. i arc ier:niiti ! to iesicratiiig the Sabballi li.iv ing no n gaiil for the u kiintghtv li.'d. We hail with .Might the if proliilii'ioti and d .. itimi i mi tit m mir land l.et ii -ie Hid w iile ; but tin -e ah-i.e iil'crse.lc the g"i e!. h r it a the powi r of I i 'ii in. !' m'i i' hn. - I.. t -ii cr "t . f i. half a. a ... eve Mr I I Cii.. v isi' ,r.g ii '.iMti s m- i. ;; '. . I'r-ki -liil iiee, w i.! Mr .i ! e:il ;l r.s ; , . log-.r- .otl. -X .ag N lc bri : .fii M r. fig ii- i M ; t ' I- 1. ...:'.' .. '-'I . g' r ( the !.. , .: i i - .1 la. r. e..i, ii. v .1 r K. i .1 M l - ! Ki n. . 'v . ' la- :..i '. I .!,w. i: ' h f. .-s.t r f,; ; l II ' - " ' ' lira ': as !,,..! i I !,, v. t .C a' r.ie".-e if! i ! 't ;. .ir '! . !ls l.ali f. : ; u pi.', g r'h . r T' -i . , 1 .' . -vnl. 1 i iTl !'"-, Ml ! ' ! : ; f A II I S in' !i-l : ' ..I 'reek I- ; ; . p'.. . I U"Mk-. 3 - . Trihtite t the Late t o ic Price. C wnkl ,i Wtslih-Mlay m.Tir!ig, Sept.ta- W o...- whi'lr con-.runitv was k i.l !. '-..ar.f tU suthlen death J of, ! - v IV;t r. I le v. as a e nisisU nt j uk ;iKf of e.ld..!gton chun h. and ja. i c.iig nun f i!;ost i itvllent traits t j i. tii.tni.-ier. II S lnl.le ife w.ts 'il ben-, and our Sundae m Ui-I lost ilw of llssaii'lesl siiiivrs th fore we i.lcr this tribute of smi pa hv and resolve " , I -t. Th.'. e low to if e w ill nf an al ise an, kn u.g Creator, trusting th... thia sever a.i!utiou may onlv sts. rgilM-ii the ties U'twirn" wrtii .U I heatell ?tid. Tlat we eti ml our dtrp syni s.!hy and sincere sorrow to tlie loved 'n s m their Inmrs of sadness and grit f. rd. That a Copy if !Mse resobi ti !,s be .(: i the Advm ate and I n Moiirir Jonriiiil for publicatioii. lie Is- sent to the family of the d.-iv.-is.-tl and one be spread on the min utes of our Sunday schml. MvTTIH KWVS, .1 l III illlV. W. A. Siumr. BELK BROTHERS Bargain Getters! H Bargain Givers! Interesting values in all kinds of Dry Goods. Big values hitched to small prices make things hum and it is a sight to see the way the crowds are flocking in. Looks as if an excursion had struck town I See the steamboats and big engines bringing in the "hot stuff " just landed. a. u: V A. LKVV. A Display of Dress Goods that will hear cimir-irisun with large city stocks. Here you will find ZeiU'licns. Cheviots, (lranitcs, Scotch flixture and I'laids. Hitutl Clolli. isithans, Canvias Weaves, Armours, etc ou will make a mist.ikt: it you do not Rive this splendid stock of IVcss lioods a kwk Ik fore purchasinj;. No trouble to show you these yuods. ict our price and he posted. Hook at lla-ir! f' lioM- w hu w.i! " plaiital mils " alu.; pL.ni.iig time ami go hack and ti ll liie ho s hniv mail) hale-n i e. i t. .i i !o . j ..-.-t tn titaki', and then gradually draw in their horns as harvest tune ap proaches. A'-'lig in A igu-t !:e went down to .loi.u.-to 11 ciniiitv w In re he has a farm ami -aid that he would make It'll bales. Now, he Siivs, he V ill lie pi l leeilv -all-lied w iih T.V To I"' siiiv he u ill' Mr. I'oii I- .tin ml the biggest l.iW M-r u the State, and ir.e in one fourth of pro harvest time the amount a' planting time, he must iti.lii led among the lug the if he can i dlleillg lit lie preill,-!: II I SO Li far u.er tin ,1'lv North Carolina is pretty well oil Mow in the way of fairs. Ih -ides wver.il fairs of more or less local im port, nice, such as the ( 'iiinlierlanil. there are four w hu h attract consider able attetilii.il. Tin yiircat Charlotte. inriislmro, iii.-ton and Ualeigh. All of these Conic ill sin cession, and the "attraetiniis" go fi'nin one tn the other. ( iiiiiisln.ro nKiis the ball next Monday. Mdilnr shipiiiaii of the French ItiHi'l Hustler print:-' twelve coliimus of matter in his last i-sue under the laconic but warm title, "Hell," the same !ciiig a sermon by a Iih al min ister. Ilrothcr Shipmun. you innUi rend the proof; tell us if there are any new geographical or other discoveries. The News anil Observer may not tiave known where trouble was to break out next, nor have had a man there, but it was in luck in having the 'friendship nf IVwcy siiiliciently for liim to give it preference in his letter to the public. About the saddest, thing wo have read in some time is the account of tliecxocutiiinof the thnr Van Worm- er Uiysof Plaltslnirg, X. V., printed elsewhere. The presumption is that . the Imys mother is not living, and what a merry that is And mi Mr. Ivwev will excuse him self on the plea of persce utii n. I idn't atcal half w hat they say. The moral dense fcf a man who can make a dis tinction U'tween stealing 50,(JIK) ami KK),IKK) is just the kind Ui prompt him to say, "Well, I'm a ras cal, but somolxidy else is, too." Mr. Baker Well Pleased With Ruby It baring Ixfri published in The Journal that Kev. A. C. liaker of Knby, 8. .'., was thinking of re turning to Cnion county, Mr. Ba ker writes The Journal as follows : "I have had good meetings in all my churches, baptizing Into the fellowship of five churches of which I have the pastoral charge, fifty three converts. My chnrrhes have all unanimously re-elected me, and we will remain among them kind and appreciative people. 'We like the thriving little town of Ruby, with no bar-room or dis pensary, but with a good school man church facllltim. "We always welcome the com ing of The Journal into onr home. It is like a letter from home. En closed Dud 11.00 on subscription. Yours truly, A. C. Baker. eft for doing gooil The mem have donated S 1 (HI tn e,n I'il'ilell l..r ttieir reSIHVtue I'll'liall age as a reminder for their Thank gi ing offering The ladies of Marsln ille are pn paring for a pie contest, in wine scleral prizes are to lie given. Tl. iIvsk plies are cordially un ited, i lacy will liave pies that they can eat Mrs. I'.lia .Marsh su nt last ween with her si-ler. Mrs .las. Mel.irty near Monroe. In rill II. A Morn was in town Friday. Miss Mane Ilanvll left Satunla iiioriiing for Atlan'.i, where she will lake a special o uise in stenography .Miss Annie llarrell oi ingali spent Saturday with relatives here Mrs Sarah llaHinau and Mrs .1 ('. Marsh and children sient Satur day night and Sunday at Mr. .laino Stiiiiliv.ini s. Miss Alice Marsh sM'tit a part ol last Heck with her sister, Mrs. II. C ( irilliu Mrs II R Marsh and children spent last week with Mrs SamPi Kcdfi iirn of W hite Store. .Miss .Marv Marsh, aim has bis ti at home during the sickness of her fa wit r ami mot tier, returned to tier kisI of duty at Marsh Iav Company's tins mnrning. Mr. (ieo. .lames is preparing move I tack to Marshville. lie wil occupy the lr. tireen residence. A SiinU'iiin society was organ ied at the llaplist church Sunday after noon. Mr. Tom Smith has a position with M. K. v .v Co. Mr F.ll Hivens of Monroe spent Sundav here. J. Items from R. F. I). No. J. eiirrt-iiiiliUiMHs. uf Till- J'ltirunl ('apt. Fletcher is milking rapid progress nt work on the Olive Brunch road. The contractors have begun work mi the bridge across Meadow Branch near Mr .1. A. Hivens' residence. Mr M. A. (iriflln, (iroprietor of the Uiehardsun Creek Herd of llerk shires. will attend the State fair at Ualeigh. The many friends of Mr. M. V. liivcns will lie pleased to learn he is able to lie up and walk over the house by assistance. .Several from this community at tended the Primitive Baptist Associ ation in Stanly county Sunday, and remrt good preaching and plenty to eat, which is usual on such occasions. Messrs. K. (). Bivens and lister Cniwell of Monroe visited Mr. M. C. Hivens Sunday. Mr. John (Ireen and family of White Store visited relatives in this section Saturday and Sunday. J. 8. Tarllon k Co. have erected their eane mill near Mr. W. B. Tread away ' aud are njaking sorghum for the community. Farmers are extremely busy gath ering their cotton, and in some sec tions it is nearly all oien. The pontotlice department has been asked, to make a change in this route. When the change is effected the car rier will go down the Olive Branch road tn Mr. W. T. Brooks' residence and then turn and strike the law yer's mad at Mr. T. F. Tadlock's res idence. The people along this sec tion are well pleased wfth the K. F. D. There are now sixty boxes and still they come. Lone Jack. Best brands oi cigars, tobacco, smoking and chewing, at S. R. Dost era. A Tribute ol Respect, The 'hath angel has niie visited us and summoned one v a t f to the "great U'.iid " It is -ad in divd for one so young to lie -.. i i'ii lesslv cut t j . 'VI n. but in II;- iniisii'e Wisdom saw U-t., Hi, I Ue sh.'ll'd be submissive to lli- w ill Ille subjill of till- little -ke'ch 1- that of M's Amelia Ibu lev. wh"se spirit on the 1-t in-' Hafiid I'rom i ai'lh to the "U aiilil'-il legions of the skies " She was a : Idul n.eiit'.'r "( the tilad-toiie l.iterarv Sncie'v. a Weil as a -lllilelil of the Vt lllg.lii ,:"v v,',i f K' r ' ."ir:: t j win lono'V a I JL. : ' , A 1 1 V3 .' I'.l'l.' I w Fall aiiil Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating High (irade Clothing Ouaran teed by the manufacturer w ill do well to see my line before buying their (all suit- I have tried to give the people of Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy- liuy none hut Strouse tiros Guaranteed. They arc as cheap as others- ."x-e my line oi boys' and chiUnns' clothing lean save you money. Solo flocflt Tor Hdniiiton-Brown Ste. ,ty lines of Shoe can't be matched in any ton- ou will finj all of the Hamilton-Uriiw n Shoes -the very best makes; also th.- celebrated Mess Shoes for men- Si'h.ml, and left an example worthy of ou; ii lot i. ii Ui'solved, 1-1. That the lllad-t 'in Literary S icty h i- io-t one of :'- Woltillesl l.eliU i- Uesohed. Slid, That we ..ill I. w ill humble sllbllll .,u t" the Ma-ter's will and reineinlier that caiiiislo is but heaven's gain. liesolved. ."It'll. That a copy of this article lie entered upon the nv..nl of our society, one sent to each "f the Monroe and ia.-tolua new spaiici s for publication, and one to the l reaved family. .1 B Mi in-. .1 u M. i.iM.o. W. II Mil.;-. 'Ullllilltee Mr. Rorie's Family Has Fever. .rpeH.o,l.nre ..f Th .InuniBl. Monroe U. F. I No. I , Oct. 1 The farmers in this sit lion are lui.-v lathering collon. and the ginnersare putting in full time. .nr. vt . l Horie, jr., who has Urn very sick witii lever, is improving very rapidly, tail two more of the family are right sick vet with fever Mr. I'. Al. lingers of l umn and Miss Avy Jenkins of Clie-tenicM were married last Nindav at the home of the bride. The members of Philadelphia hurch are having their church hoii-i painled and the grounds Uautilied, preparing for the association. Mr. II. M. I'ressoti has gone to liuby. S. (' to spend some lime N S. Wolfsville News. rrr.iRHiilrni'v nf Tin Jutinml. The weather U'ing so favorable for the past week, people are gathering their collon very rapidly. Mr. . T. Clark of Charlotte vis ited his father, Mr. B. W. Clark. here last week. Alasler Calhoun liedwine picked Hi tMiiinds of cotton one day last week, lie is only six years old. Mrs. W. T. Shannon is extm'ting her sister, Miss Klla Zc laker of Mid (Hi-burg, N. C, to visit her in tin near future. Mr. W, D. Mclaughlin went to Chariot to on business last Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Davis an-six-nd ing a few days in Charlotte this week. Mr. Horace Clark, who has been right sick, is rapidlv -improving. Miss Stella l)avis of Vann sH-nt last Monday with Miss Celia Kcziah Mr. Bert Clark has charge of Mr It B. Redwine's plantation store nt Wolfsville. Id I. ADITS' WRAP., all the newest styles. Don't buy any thing in Wraps before you see me; I can save you big money- Our Miillneru Department will he one of our pet departments this season and we will give nothing but the latest and most stylish hats- Our trimmer iu youinr, but otj in experience- One- hunJrcd new full ready to wear Dress Skirts from $1-00, $1-511. $21X1 tu $15-0(1. Sew aistings In all the leading stylos, cheapest to best- A. LRVY. . Mail Boxes! 13uv voiu mail boxes from us and save 50 per cent. Monroe Hardware Co. It. UEDI'KAUX. Mannm-r. A ' o Collins & Bigger will save you money oa clothing; men's suits from $3 np. of Do Yen Like the Bitter Taste Quinine? l)o yon like to take pills aud capsules t If not, bny (Jiiinol, the only preparation in which quinine sulphate Is tasteless. Costa no more than the quinine in powder form. You don't bare to prize open tue bahy's mouth to get him to take ft. Children like it but don't cry for it Prepared and sold by English Drug Co. Jrir 25c. , Go to Collins -& Diggers-for shoes, trunks and hits. t t miilllltlllt llltlMMIIIIIIIIItllllUlllllllltMirilltllllllOIIIIIIIMIIlltlllllililliln...ain,i. il4IIII.JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMliaillllinHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllllllluiu W. S. BLAKHNEY, President. M. STACK, Vice-President- THE RAYnOND SHUTE, Cashier- Bai of Union. Safe, But Progressive and liberal. ' A modern banking house with every facility for the prompt and iiireful handling of all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, ' carry it home, deposit your savings and get interest on them. - . . .. iwtmtimiiimmniHMnmimmtmiiriiisiiHrwrtiniiniiiimmwfriiiHwmTw MUl WUMMM NMMHiM.M UMMMMMMU HU SIM MtMUMMMUt mUMIWUUH UlwllHillUM Cheapest Store on Earth ! JGgrajWholesale and Retailfe 2,000 yards 7c Percales, yd-wide, only Sc. One case 25c Novelty Albatross Flannel, very pretty for waists, 10c. Special value in Bleaching. Good quality yard-wide Domestic, 6c value, 6 centa. Cannon Cloth, the best grade this week only 7 cents. Lonsdale Bleaching, cheap at 10c, our price 71 cents. 60-inch Brilliantine, blue and black, fine lustre, regular 75c. quality at 50 cents. All kinds of plain and fancy cloths for skirts and coat suits the latest novelties at right prices. To-nifrht, October Cth, and To-morrow, October 7th, will bo our first MILLINERY OPENING of the season. Greater efforts than ever have been made to make this department complete and to have all the ladies present to see the beautiful creations of our millinery force. Wholesale and Retail ELK BROTHERS, i a Cheapest Store on Earth I Cotton Still i Brings a Good Price. Fall of the year is here. The j leaves are turning golden in the autumn sun. All nature seems ! to be shaking off her summer garb, making ready to ro into winter quartets 1 he earth is (jiving up its fruits to its children and every nun should take aj I vantage of the time and occasion and prepare for winter time. bat is the first thing to do.' Collert what nature gives you and what your summer's toil en titles you to and then SAVE IT. j What you are obliged to spend ! spend it where you can get the best return fur your money. To ! save a few cents on each small purchase means several hard ilol ' lars in the course of a year. II 1 you want to be surprised, just put one rent in a box every time you purchase an article an) where and thin count your mouey at the end of the year. You will have sev eral dollars. We save you one .cent and many times one cent every time ou trade with us. Yours (or saving, Hill & Bivens. .f "ih aat . I"L-fL . j.' v.- 1 mmWrMmm TV. .,; 'V . hi 1 s- :'y ...1 cwocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxiocxxao C 'DOOOOOOCIOOOO ooooooooo ! Do You Know What It Does? J tl rvUf vi iktim'ii f ftll (tt4rr f'r "trout: ilrluk r iintd. rptn'v hi Hi-mm - -tfjii in U n-initAl pkihII tUm, til frln-tii a mn i )il Idiih' tt J lMiiir4. r full Mlrulm, lln'i i THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. ! IIIiH'.SSIIoliO, N. V. COIIRKSPONIIfNCf C'ONFiiil NTIAt. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc THE KEELEY CURE ON- Three Times tb Ytlne of Adj Otltr! EASIER I faster; Agent, wanted in til unoccupied territory. I beeler 4 f llsoi IiHfictarlfig Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by The TO JftpECa NOTICE TO DEBTORS.- firtie. owing mt for prolesiot)l service, will nod the account with Mr. Pbilip nniuey or mr. tl. w. roHcr, aod a prompt p.jrmcnt of all account. I. r 1 netted to be Riadt to either of tb. .boy tentlemtn. A. D. N. Whilley. 300COOCC WATCH RtPAKING The chesp t io towo in PRICE sod . food th. best io Ot'ALITV. All work guariuteed. W. Ok bam, atOgbarD't tort. BLACK Koiitht. th well too a jack, i. at my .table io Monro. H. A. Wnfcheder. NOTICE! Tliis is for yon, If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without anv excuse we ask you to come and make immediate settlement.' This year there will be No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to be disappointed. Wo are going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOtXaOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Car Crip laTwaDayti To Cure a Cold in One Day Tak Laxative Cranio Ocinins iMMii-kMiibiiaa(ki, Tlk si'nnriL v& YJnrvx box. 25c on every

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