THE MONROE JOURNAL.- VOLUME X. NO 37 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY OCTOBER 13 1903 One Dollar a Year BEJfETOLEXT 'ASSOCIATIONS' KILL5 H'5 on-in.lw. Of America HrpiLr,..B. F ill's- H. Terry. Doorkeeper at the Lat r.rt n;,. . Session of the UgUlature. Kilts a. hk)c I ... ..... n i umi ("ww.ywwwywyi nil uaugnicr a nusoami in n mlngloo. Vllaliwkx pursue, ttk. (Jen. T. Bland. 55 years old. a liv eryman, was shut and instant ly killi-d this morning by hi father-in-law, II S. Ttrry.a watchman for the Atlantic Coast 1 jne ami a iloukiv -r at the last session of the Slate U-gislature Bad bkmd hud existed ba-twecnthe two men for several years and this morning a hen Wand drove to his house, Terry was across the street, presumably waiting fsr him. While Bland was still in his front yard Terry came across the street, a word or two assod between them and Terry shot his son-in-law dead from the sidewalk, firing twice, lie claims self-defense and said Bland tired first. Although the dead man fell with a pistol in his hand, a coroner's jury summoned lo investigate found l.i . :. 1.1 . l j:., A .A mat ii uau not wvn uiKiiniu euu committed lerryuijaa wunoui uonn FS. W SIRS. HENRIETTA A. 8. MARSH. Urt. Henrittt A. 8. If anh, Pracidcal t- i- n . . .... ... 9 Jkso,, Park T.r, WoodUwa,' . '' kl' in ,w H "f"1 8 lj ehiesgo,m.,sysj ,o clock. Terry and Bland live ou "I lufrtrsd with la grippe for sem'the tlvrt IM' n the same wrekt and nothing helped me ontil I block. Bland did not go home the tried Psruns. I frit at once that J hut ' night before the murder, presumably at last erared the right medlrlne and ' because (,f threats which came to his keptsteadlly ImproTlnn. Wlihln three Pars fp,,,,, his father-in-law. He re- a?m h W,,toH,,,rtowmained at the limit Hotel down rh. I . n ml drove from Farrmr's liven' hasp....! te-ptara,- ,a,,,. ,,vpr hom( for breakfast HrsT. W. Collins, Treunrer I. O. O. of Everett, Wuhhu uurd the great eatarrhal tnnle, Peruna, for aa SRgre ted case of dyspepsia, Bhs writes i "After baring a severe attack of la grippe, I also suftVrt-d with dyspepsia. After taking Peruna I eonldeat my n-g. tiler meal with relish, my system was built op, my health returned, and I hare remained In excellent strength and vigor now for over a year." Mrs. T. W. Collins. It yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the nseot Peruna, writ at one to Pr. ilartman, giving a full statement of your ease and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Pr. lUrtmsn, President of Jhe Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0 Reflections of a Bachelor. Kfw Yitrs I'rfM. A woman can always believe a tiling unless then' is some reason for believing it. When a woman happen to under stand a joke she has a sneaking sus picion it is a pretty oor one. this morning He entered from a side irate, ostensibly to kivn from meeting Terry, who was sealed on the steps of a church diagonally across the street from the murdered man's house. As Bland came in from the side Terry linked at the front gate of the house. A few words is supposed to have passed lietween them. Terry awd luck and foith as if fixing his pistol, returned and opened lire on Ins turn in-law. Bland fell at the second shot, the bullet from a 38-calibn pistol of the bull dog pat'ern in Terry's hand baring entered his lift breast about three inches aliove his heart, piercing both lungs. Bland fell forward dead with a pistol in his right hand, which af terwanls indicated that it bad not Urn fired. After giving himself up it was testified before the coroner's jury that Tern1 said: "Damn him, 1 hoi I have killed him, and if I have not give me a chance and I'll finish him." Terry claims that Bland owned lire on him first and applied 1 ..... i . H'l l.-.l a vile eptinei to nun. iney iuw It must have btvn an aw ui strain Mv 0 d Mm, because f on Cinderella when she tried the , ,,-, alI,.Ked j.trcalment of his lipieron not to pretend it was too .. big for her. Betwivn thirty live and forty-five then1 is not one woman in fifty that does not (Ive her hair, anil the reason she doc have to. To Cure a Cold In one Day Take Lsiative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it tare is on each bus. The Bear Creek Association. Ultra ir Tlie JunruL According l promisp we herewith semi you a little w rite up of the last annual session of the Btar Creek Primitive Baptist assis'iation. wlmh convened with lite church at Free dom. Stanlv amntr, N'. ('., (VtoU-r 3rd. 1th and 5th. ItMtt. Thus passed iulo history the ser-elity-mwmd annual session of llie gilthering (geiher of these humble followers of the cross, ami we arej glad to say that the session just closed was notable for harmony and peace, nothing of a grievous or hurt ful nature being sprung or agitated during the meeting, which presages, e hupe. that fraternal feeling still existing wilh us, and which feature of our meetings is something of which to I proud : that is, we al ways kk forward with pleasant an tic'pation to any of our meetings where brother and sister can meet brother and sister and join together in the worship of our Iord and mas ter : that our voices may go up as one man in praise and honor to the only true (Jod, he whom we hoe to love and worship because he first loved us. But 1 am digressing, and will say that the weather during this meeting was all that could le de sired and there were lots of visitors present, all of whom were most hos pitably entertained and eared for by the members and kind friends of the community. This association is rompeseu of seventeen diuretics, comprising four counties, and the rliurehw were all represented by delegates present but one, and mat one sent a letter as an the others also do. There were quite a number of visitiug brethren and sisters present from Abbott's Creek association, who were cordially re ceived, me llltrolllcton sermon was preached by Cider J. F. Mills, and though short was the very em Imdiment of gosel truth and was well received. Kldcr Mills was again unanimously chosen moderator. That old patriot, F.lder S. C. lattle. though very feeble, was present, and on iNin Stanly county, at Howard's Chapel, 'and tin- annual or fall s-ssion routes !to Cnton oountv, at l'nun drove chnn-h. The brethren and friends at these place are linking forward with pleasure to these meetings. There is always a large crewd in at tendance at tlune mivtings; Sunday, Oi l l r lib was no envption to the rule, but there was no real bad be havior. The business of the associ ation, as above stated, was pne over in ic:uv and iuiet, and union and fellowship preailed. The arting at the stand on Mon day was a feeling scene and one that is not easily drjcriU-d, and can bet ter be appreciated when witnessed. So ended the meeting, and the peo ple wended their way homeward realizing that this was a meeting to Ik" remembered. This sketch has been very hurriedly prepan-d, so al low some degree of charity for the writer. J. W.'Joss. Marshvillc, X. C. U. F. D.. No. 1, (- Uilier 7th. 1'.K13. Horse Health! For putting in prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are won derfully ftective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all cross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never blont. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in- dav delivered one of his most ixiiiitcdi gretlients. that have been found and eloquent sermons. The punch ing during the meeting was ol one piece -the theme of grace, free grace, ami the justifying righteousness of Jesus Christ, our redeemer, who be queathed this great inheritance to his U'lieving ones, not for anything gixxl in them, but because it seemed good in his sight to do so. The churches in Stanly county seem to Is revived, having received members recently. All the ministers in and U'longing to the association were present except one, and there were a couple of visiting ministers present fnun AblMitt s rnrk, r.ldcr Hroaii way and Brother Moncess, a young preacher. She next spring session gtK-s t beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade are not to be classed with the many bulky, good-for-everything powders now on the market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. "II&vIhk trtnl mniT kind of rinaitlnn Pow ler, t punnlW A-heralfl the tNt on th tnirkpt. 1 ukr lFMure In recommending Ihrm (ft my tornila and t'UiUiuers. It. CAMk HKLL, Hickory, S O. Trice 25c. package Sold by English Drug Company FOmnsKlBKEYCURE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Rloht How YVt Oct Our Time. The following description of how t Umi NatKHiol tlbsen-aUiry at Wash ington determines tlicex-! time, we take from an eu-lange : ' The fixed stars bJive no nHdion' tlutt can be measured by any itistru nvnts known to scH-mv, and certain of these, known as "time stars," are made use of in ascertaining and re coruiug cornvi uii-. r.ii'fy iirai night an astronomer, at the .National Observatory in Washington, lies) down on a mattress, with his eye fixed loan instrument calh'd a tran sit This instrument poinls exactly north and south, and is so set that it can be raised toward the .emth or kiwered to the horizon. at the will of the observer. At the astronomer's side is a telegraph key, which con nects by wire .with an instrument composed of a slowlv-revolviiig cylin der, on which is wrapped a paer with eveulv spaced lines running each way. This instrument is also conncck'd with tlie enduluin of the "lime clock," and each beat of the pendulum is recorded on the revolv ing cylinder. In the eye-pive of the transit are five delicate lines made of spider webs, and, as the (articular "time star" enwses each of these lines, the observer touches the tele graph key and a little notch is re corded on the slow ly-revolving cylin der, which is recording the pendulum beats of the clock. Calculations are then made and the exact time is as certained and the "time clock" set to that time. F.very day at thni' minutes and fifteen seconds to twelve, a switch is turned on at the observatory in Wash ington, and the U als of the pendu lum of the "time clock" are sent over the telegraph wires all over the coun try. F.very operator in the I'nitcd Slates, where he heard the signal, s'ops all business and prewres to receive the correct time from Wash ington. These beat continue until ten sect-nils More twelve, when they stop. This is to give the icmtors notice that the next "tick" will lie noon, and, when that comes, the time of the otliee clock, or operator's watch, is carefully noted and the difference Mween it and the Washington clock is adjusted. Smie of the clicks are connected directly by wire with Washington, and are so arranged that the instant tlie noon signal comes tlie hands w ill jump to twelve o'clock, no matter what they may indicate at that instant. A Love Letter Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Halve for Sores, Bums or Piles. Otto I Haul of Ponder, Mo writes: "1 suffered with nn ugly sore for n year, but a box of Btieklen'a Arnica Salve cured me. It's the Ixtrt Salve on earth. L'V. at English Drug (Vs. A Saloonkeeper Shot by a Lawyer. Ufveatwr IM-Mlcto. sis In an altereatiou at 6 oYLk this afU tTHioii opaciitc tin-court Itoiiscon Main street, while i-cdnal court was in session, Mr T J M;irphv. a prom inent young lawyer lu re, !i"l .1 It Coble, a sal'tikr-r Then- was only one sh 4. the ball taking efiivt 111 the leg just Mow the knee Coble alki d off limping to a drug store and Murphy waike I over to a magis trate's oihce a te f t away, where a warrant lor an allr.iy ;i served u)n him In a magistrate's court this morn ing Murphy secured judgment for 25 on a mercantile claim he held for rollirtioii against Coble. This .ifternn while Murphy was stand ing on the corner talking to a fi n ml. Coble approached and began using offelfiiive language, n hieh lis! Mur phy to call hurt a liar. Coble imme diately stunk him. The twoclitiched and struggled acme's the stn-et. both falling. Murphy at the bottom. ik'puty Marshall Bnudnax pulled Coble off as the two in a doubled up (Mention wen- struggling to rise. As Murphy went to get up. resting on his left hand. Coble it is said made a lunge towards Murphy. striking him on the head. Then Murphy drew Ins pistol and fired. the Uill sirikiiigCo lile on the leg, but running around the bone, causing only a llesh wound As the two men were U ing raised up Coble exclaimed: "iV'ii't shoot any more, Mr. Murphy." and Mur phy said: "Why. have I hit you?'' "I Is'lieve Von have," said Coble. "Well, then, damn you," said Mnr phv, "run had better go and have it attended to and let me alone hereafter." My Lungs " Aa attack of la gripets left me with a bad My Iriendi said i bsi consumption. I then tried Aver't Cherry Pectoral and il cured me promptly." A. K. Kindies, Nokomis, III. You forgot to ruy a Dot- g tie of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Cvcn now, with all vour hard couching, it will not disappoint you. fl I here s a record or sixty years to fall back on. Tkmilm: (Sc.. lie.. II. sllennlm. rutlt fir l'iir. 11 s Mrt uk It, Oimi ilo t h aivi. tt tit itili you ai t uk. n. Ilin Sonl uk tt. II kuow. bests ueltk htm. w tlili. JClHRl..Uw.ll.ll.ll. SptcndiJ Ptsults of llonol Totl. An--?,1 r.ti!-r. We are a' linns ! s u": i- i:. 'ilitof .ttliuiriiig n.ili.'.s:. ii !'. t! t'.e cotton and knitting ::.i s a" t! i pl.f have l- a ld ii- I ! . v f.i:iilhi-. W. ' i- an- -.: e.uii lt. tte .-h.lii i.f. r t- ! ! twn fldv Mr. K I. . r-iiicr."iry a v y- .t heiiti-. w.! ! ' a v .' i a !. ii ily t little g!i ' aisd a v.. n While tlnir P .-:r--f Vi !i : .sd tlteir stock "f d' ten: n.i'.'"!t. ;.:.': tton and releii'lt i !;.! overtk'Wing I'y wotkit.i t';r.! 'summer and aitertiatiug vm 'i i.i i 'other d'iriugtlieseh''l III"..'1. - eve-', lie ..f .h -- I rigl.! young gir's I rtviv d a g"l ili: :!!. !! - i well, livetl h.o-pily, tni-.ved health and Ui n ; 1S inn t t i.. ir lesenillg mother. A feu d.l .!'. Miss li'la C.irti-r went t.-h v.iii to enter M'h' l. r.ii-l :t ui'h-'iit living that the others nil! f. i!'w. It is a noble eat: 'pie '.'. hen- us. f ;1 ! -have not lvn fritted away tl.'-cgli fear of Imiiest t"il An- t h- r j : in their favor is line tin y kne ii!.o lvn regular attendants up -n cl-uni .Hid Sunday srhot.l. Fveryoite knos bright ::u i !," c- ful Sue Caldwell. w!.o has .,.t ; long in l.i r tit us. F..'.n:ii:ga she tbs's a dollar and cpw n -r day ;i' the knitting mil! she is a .lv--al l.e'l lo In r mother ami two bpiiin rs. l was a sad il.n lo twoof .iMi n t tit st and nmsl high'y r s,( , te.l ,.rti. ladies some f mr veals ji w ;ieii tne burdeii of helpiiig to , I t a h e had fallen frem their slen. '.!,! to sir that home go in! i asii -s. Tin tears shed pr"ed no hiinii', .n-'e n. tlie re establishmclit of !i ..t I, :;! . and Mi's. Sallie Mmi!i is i ne i.i' a numlsTof ttidoaed uii'!liei-s vli.i.i children have liM"l ti call l.-r jbtessi'd. I llogall Oi ho f"U!id the man tle't I hit me wid tli.' brick. I (rognu Areye L'oin' i! een'; ; I llogiin- Hi :iiu ii'.l. ' I'.v.l-. a'! a' mistake. The tt.oii w as oi.l v d:n' i ! Ins j.nly. He n:is!-.'k I' e !"r a t,i ; ! collector. j S Ion i-a ! Ill in;: t'i le.n li ! people how to ci.iiMiiii' alh ruai'il Confessions of a Priest. K'ev. Jim. S. Cox if Wal. writes. "I'lirtwelve years I sull. from Yellow Jaundice. I eon mi ti iiuhiIht of physicians ni'd Ii all sorts of medicines, hut got relief. Then I the use Klcctrie Bitters and feel that I now cured of u disease that had in its grasp for twelve years." you want a reliable inedi ,;.o Liver mill Knlnev trouble, slum disorder or general debility Klcctrie. Bitters. Il s ginuanl by Kuglish lrug Co. tluly oiN Cool 5pring Items. . V . v ., Hi. Journal. (', " ,,, is ,, mim up niivly and is U hu laridiv g.i'l-rei. In this in--.. -1,.1-e c .i!.:v t!e-er' is liear i in a - i t- - Corn ven gl. Mi - - .1 N .i.i.uit and .1 I). aih !.'.! r-s '!;. put iii a ginning i I ... i a e i nig g l work 1 ;n tis- n .u.' a very bUral at-r-,i.t- itoiti ti !! "I tliiscotn- M aiel M - I.. I!, liuggiiis who hue l-i a s, k t r s. er.d wivk w 'ii '.ever, ; :i nil) ' mg "1 .. : i- a d-g s-.irv in 'his .tat.. v a I a days ago. but the I 'l.s Ui-ii kiile-l and theev iti' mti' i sii'..ei.tig All Jog should I-- lu'.'iii.l i ry ci.isi'ty during tin' h. ! few v.ivk-. ami if one is seen ,ie';:i j s'r.uige'y lie should either lie k:'.d i v ri.r conliiied for at least twuv-'-ks. One m.o Is- ever so g 1 I fi -end ! tie' dog. bnl wlien a mad (!M s right into his own ii'in 'r. iai'y ami ereates such excitement as to make tin" young "kids" afraid to io courting S unlay nights, lie is ,!, ie to h"M' that the next b'gisla 'nre will tiot Is- governed altogether ii. -sit . la- s ii'uni lit, li lt will come t ,e r.'-! iie of tin' people by enact ,nga l;.' laving dogs so heavily that i:..-v v. id n .t ! kept eveept ill easo of in-.! niiY-sity. H- rk.. reil j ted I i-.l lioj of am for aeh ecu BONE FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad fcedino. Call the disease rickets ii yiv.i want to. The sjrowino; child must cat the riolit food for growth. Bones must have bone food, blood must have blood food and so on througb the list. Scott's Kmulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoseseveryday ojvc the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. How leos become straighter, loose joints grow stronger and firmness conies to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right lotxl will cure it In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. Send for free sample. SCOTT BOWNE. Chemists. 40U-ltS Pesrl Street, New York, yx. sod fi.oo ; sll drugful. FOLEYSHONHrTAR ercaildreai soft, srs Jfe eelsWee ltkvSBS2W.'.'vS- 1 A - CHARLOTTE, N. C. C2t m v ii ii ii H Pi K 1 V J V I rr lr I GQ Charlotte's Lowest Priced Store For Good Goods . . iThn DirrCtnnn rnnnoP fTTinnCl C-CICT UPU )it tV-J i i i i ill i m jr r st m 1 11U Uiy wJlUl Uj UU1 llUi I II V 1 Trade anflLoiieoe bis. CHARLOTTE, N. C. w u II . i The Bio Store, corner 1 Trade and Colleoe Sts.1 Here comes The Bee Hive again with a list of unmatchable values, prices that can't be matched elsewhere with equal goods. -This we guarantee, if you find it otherwise we promptly and cheerfully rotund your money.- . . . m aa i a Wo l,v fr Snot Cash, and sell ONLY for the Snot Cash. If you pay cash it will PAY YOU to come here to trade, you will find a big diHerence in YOUU favor. f1XV' J '.-' J Sfe A OT TMTO T We sell everything in shoes. One of the largest and most varied stocks in the Carolinas to select from, x SHORS i OrlUljV. T We buy a great many jobs, odd lots, samples, etc., direct from manufacturers at away under price. T vl l SLJ. These Doints important ones, we always take into consideration, and unless the stock is new and fresh, and the shoe made by reliable people it cannot come into our store. Shoes sold for just what they are. We tell you just as near as possible what to expect of shoes you buy here. You can depend on the wear, and that you will get your money s worth no matter what price shoe you buy. Woinen'a Solid leather Shoes, all styles, good looking and good wearing Shot, Wioes that accumu lated on a very largo factory, only a f'tw pairs of a kind, not a full cane of any one. kind, they would regularly retail at 1.23 and 11.50 aud l good value for the wearer, our price 98 cents. Large liue Women's Shoes, all kimlN, from 40 cents a pair to the Best Kid in a Genuine Hand Welt Hhoe at f-'.flH. Men's Oak Kip BIiocr, a good one, all solid, tr cents. Men's Solid Satin Calf Shoes, good styles, alt sizes, 9!l cents. Men's Fine Vicl Shoes, good lookiutf shapes, round toes, all solid leather iuner aud outer soles, counters, etc., all sizes, would ben real good shoe at 2 at other stores, 1.4!. Men's Uox Calf and Heavy Vicl Kid Shoes, the best wearing Shoes made, they stand service and al ways hold their shape aud look weil, the newest and best styles, Men's Fine Shoes, fine Patent leathers, Patent Vicl Kid, Patent Calf, etc., made on ltlucher and all the good styles, hand Sewed, Shoe worth :l,50 to 15.00. J.4!I. Boys' MissGS' and GMidrens' SH06S. We make a specialty of these lines. While we carry complete lines of Men's and Ladies', we give good space for the little people's Shoes. They usually wear them out quicker than older people and for this reason you want to be more careful in their selection. We can make it pay you to conic here any time for these. Ilnys' all Solid I-eather Shoes, good shapes, just the thing for school wear, !i-H cents. Hoys' Fine Shoes Vicl Kid and Ro Valf, nicely made tip Shoes, nil the new lasts, all tifs, 1.1. Misses and Children's Shoes of all kinds everything fiotn 4'lci nts a pair to 1. 1'.i Very strong limn at SS and its cents 'If fe-r swig V Drv Vou w.. ..way. f.nd h, beat here- Strip. Madra, arn. Q.ngham good ,u...y. U.t color. ... co.or'a, gocd for Shirt,. Whole Drtsse, Wr.pp.ra, ChLdren.' Dra, Boys' Bodl. Men'. 5h.rU. .c, goods you will find prlC .0 cent, at other store., her, 5 cents- . .... ,i A. c..j i r.u,. ... .11 the lo.,llnir hrands. Beautiful Fall Pattwiu, others get 5 and 6 cent, 4 cent. R.mnant Calicoes. . ,. . yurf, gooa co reas, ---"? ' . . Z ,w Wool Flttnm, fH8t ml Um kind 0hers get 20 cents and more for, 14 cents. Good Jeans, brown and gray, 10 els Pillow Cases, full rim 43, 8 cts. SSs. fS y M WnU W0 8hirt WlMi VMt ,'m,i,y' POre l " " Ce",8 IM " . .mTTri le ariva nwial nilnnlinn t.i ltou tinna enit rnn will find enmnlete 1INSI NOTIONS AND SMALL WAKES Ob ALL KllNUS. We give special attention to these lines and you will find complete assortments of everything here. -i . : . , , . i . 1 : . .,. .1 ... ..-. 1. ine prices are always lower or ine quaiiiy uciu i iuu i-btiui-ii;. FIVE CENTS 5 Alumiunin Tbiuiblea. 1 Oerman Silver Thimble. 1 Baby Cap. 5 Children's Vesta. 1 Indies' Bleached Vest with tape. 5 Full rolls White Twilled Tape. 5 Bolls Black Tape. 5 Sjiools Turkey Bed Embroidery Cottoa. FIVE CENTS 1 Card 144 Agate Shirt Buttons. 1 Bet good Knitting Pins, fi Crochet Hooks. 2 Good Steel Crochet Needles. 1 Double Crochet Hook, beat steel. S Full Tapers Pins. 1 Paper beat Brass and 1 of the Cheap rina. FIVE CENTS 1 Dozen nice Pearl Buttons 1 Urge Pearl Shirt Waist Button. 1 Package Assorted Wire Hair Pins. 5 Nice Horn Hair Pins 8 Yards Val Lace or Insertion. 5 Yards best 8ool Biblsm, any color. 2i Yards all Silk No. 2 Satin Kibbon. FIVE CENTS 1 Package Kid Curlers 1 Pair Curling Irons. 1 Boll Oriental Wool Braid. 1 Tooth Brush. 5 Down Safety 11ns 10 Dozen Hooks and Kyes 1 Mourning Handkerchief. 1 Embroidery Turnover Collar. FIVE CENTS 1 Box Face Powder. 10 Balls White Thread 1 Large Pencil Tablet. 5 Small Pencil Tablets 1 Good Iuk Tablet. 1 Composition Book and a lead Pencil. 1 Nice Box 3 Cakes Soap. 1 Box Letter Paper with Envelopesto match. FIVE CENTS K Hiiltlwir l-Vnin-rn. 2 Packages 50 Envelope, and 24 Sheets of Writinff Paner. 48 Sheets Writing Paper and 25 Envelope, ,7 1 Bottle cologne. lt lcau renctts 0 Lead Pencils with rubber In end. 1 Bottle Good Mncilege. 1 Small Ledgci Charlotte. N. 0. THE BEE HIVE.

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