THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME X. NO 38 MONROE, N.O, TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1003 One Dollar a Year THE DISPERSED COME HOME. The Oreat Reunion ol Native North Carol inlaiu at Oreen bora a Sif- nal Success Thousand W Hav Won Fama and Fortune la Other State Cam Home The Tenacity of the Cliln Whisker HabU Two Day Given Over ta Wonderful Enjoyment Bit Hen From Other 5tte Make ; cache. TT:e creat and first reunion na tive North Carolinian living in utlirr States uvnrred at (irtt'tisooro last ilomlav and 1 uesuav. 1 he (lav was a sigitinVant one and means much for North Carolinians. Feeling lhat it will be tf great interest. The Jour nal devote mm-h spare this week to the gathering. We copv below par tial reports by Mr. I. K. Avery, the gifted stall member of the (. harlotte Olwerver. the most gifted newspaer writer in the htate. The Flrt Day. Greensboro, (Vt. 12. "I despise war," said (Jovernort'lias. B. Ayork in an interview tonight, "but I talk war and the Kirt North Carolina played in the war lieraiisr they show what an amused citizenship ran da The Mine spirit that caused North ( arolina to make saenhce and heroic effort in war will, if energized, allow no limit to Ik' placed Uon her won derful achievements in time of peace. "1 rejoice in this reunion of resi dents and non-resident citizens. It lias brought together, from all over the world. North Carolinians, whi records show that native talent rises to the ton wherever it g'S; and it has emphasized the accomplishments of those who remain within the Mate. "The reunion causes the general public of the I'nited States to look with interest uhhi this common wealth. It will inrrMse State pride and must arouse dtvicr loyalty and patriotism. It will advertise our marvelous resources and will pn mote a fraternal Fciitimcnt that will be helpful to residents and to the Old North State. 1 consider it a pleasure and a privilege to be in Cireensboro today." This expression of (lovernor Ay cock is echoed by the 15,000 resi dents of this city, by the 5,000 visi tors, and by the representatives of 27 Slates who have come here as native North Carolinians to take part in the reunion. Living up to well established nwrd.tinvnsboro is at its best play ing host. With better hotel fneili-tii-s than any other town in the State, with a crack club, with "headquar ters" of one kind and another at al most ever)- comer, and w ith evidence of preparation in all other essential resMvts. Cireensboro is extending the glad hand of welcome to all visi tors, and, incidentally, is siidiiig slmut i8,(XK) in furtherance of their pleasure. There is rife here a fraternal feel ing that is good to feel. Men w ho have been out of the State furs quar ter of a century are shaking hands with friends of boy In ml days. 1Hig separated relatives meet joyously in the streets. Successful North Caro linians who have found success abroad are giving and receiving con gratulations; fur both resident and non-resident Carolinians are protest ing that in the pure Anglo-Saxon drain that is breeded here there is dominating quality that finds praise worthy recognition whether it stays at homo or goes beyond the borders. There seems to be aroused a fuller intelligence of the glorious traditions and the greatness and growth of the Slate -, and uch honorable conceit is exultant in thesurenessof its knowl edge. The day has been filled with un usual interest. An audience more flattering in personnel than any oth er gathering that ever assembled in North Carolina greeted the shakers at the formal exercises in the Grand Opera House this afternoon. F.x-Xenator Ransom an aged Ro man who tower yet graceful and strong presided over the meeting. Speeches were made by such men as Bcv. Dr. W. V. Mow of Richmond, Rev. Dr. A. C. Dixon of Boston, Gov ernor Aycock, Col. Ja. T. Morehead of Greensboro ; Hon. Frank K, Sho ler, Congressman-elect from the 1 7th district of New York; Dr. R. P. Ml. president of Converse College, 8. C; lion. L. D. Tyson, speaker of the House of Representative of Tennes see, and other whoare distinguished in the various walks of life. A no table company was present. Most of the State, officials, Senator Simmons and Overman: Congressman Small; Judge Walur,lrk, Chief Justice of CONGRESSMAN LIVINGSTON Styt Pt-rn-M It a Splendid C Urrhil Tonic COLONEL L. L UVIHGST0K. Colonel L I. LMng.toB, Member of Um IndiutrUlCommleetoaud the lead- tag Democratic member of the Com' intttMoa ApproptiaUoa la the Hooee af Repreaentetfve, woom home I at .Uuta,0wrllrt " I tea ptemtmrt ta himlitg wkh uraow wmmmr, vearvteaMa Bnwme mm4 otter wn we Mtniaa as mm mrcmlhmt fmie mmm a catarra cm." Coi L. L Uvlmguam, CetarraCwea. Ail phteea ol csurrh, aeate or ehroale, are promptly and permanently rami. It U through It operation apoa the er- Von (yttrai that Parana ha attained aweh a world-wide reputation a a rare and rellabu remedy for all phaee of eatarrh turmr locaWd. Mr. Jaa, O. Morla. 117 Ontario .treat If ontreal, Canada, writes t " Perona I certainly a great eatarrh remedy. It eared me of eatarrh of the head and I gladly lndoree It. Canadian are peculiarly afflicted with thla dleraae and for years the doctors have tried to overcome It with ellxlra, powder and puis, bat reran ha solved the qaeeUoa and atnee the medicine ha beea eetab llahed here hnndred of people hare Deeu cored of catarrh." Ja. O. Marin. If too do not derive prompt and satis factory result from the use of rerun. write at once to Dr. Hartmaa, giving foil statement of your ease and he will he pleased to give yea hi valuable ad vice free. Addrese Dr. Hartmaa. President of The Hartmaa Banitartnm, Columbus, X Gray? "My hair filling eut and turning gray very f.t. But your Hair Vigor stopped the tailing and restored the nateral color." Mr. E. I. Benomme, Cohect, N. Y. It's Impossible for you not to look old, with ths color cf seventy years in your hair I Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. tut I a ti m enirr'rt rrr r. n4 aa one 1 "fe ywm a buttle. He tir. ftnaetve the Biuaa U us eaies ninia i aaanea, j. c, to. ieu. Mae theSupreme Court bench, and Judge Douglas, assta-iate justice; Mr. Mural Halstead of Cincinnati, the famous author and newspaiier man, and many others, whose name arc fa miliar in this State and other States, were there, also. The speech-making was impres sive and varied as to interest ; and yet each sxker touched upon one main theme. 1 his was love lor State. a noble Fatherland. No man failed to voice pride in hi heritage, and common utterance pictured .Norm Carolina in the van of prosiierily. Such faith seemed not mere rhetori cal prediction or pretty tribute to the occasion, but simple earnestness. "We are the greatest ieopleon earth," declared (iovernor Aycock. And there was silent and unsurprised as sent from everybody in (irecusboro today. The Ever Present Chin Whiskers. I was wondering what the thing would lie like, and the minute after I got to tircensUiro on the early af ternoon train I began hurling ques tions at Mr. Red liuck of the Obser ver, who had lieen on the grounds since Sunday. . "You asked me what has impressed me most," he said. "Well, come here and I'll show you." He. pointed to two old men who were standing out in the street and working each oth ers' hands like pump handle. "There it is, said Mr. lied Buck. "Now, those old fellows haven't seen each other in 30 vears. One of 'em has stayed at home ; the other has been out in the wilds of Miintana. Hut they scallop their chin whiskers in exactly the ame way." i was tme. hach man was devoid of mustache, and each wore a fringe I whiskers below a half-ban' under lip. "That beats me," continued Mr, Red liuck. And I never saw so much of the same kind of scalloped whiskers in my life. I am led to conclude that the North Carolinian is a determined sort of a fellow who doesn't change his customs, no mat ter where he gix-s." No Delocallaatlon. Red BiH'k't quaint discovery indi cated one great truth : North Caro linian do not become delocalizcd Whether their new habitat be Maine or California they retain their indi viduality, their manner and habit if siieech. Not every man wore scalloped whisker. Indiana, which sent the largest delegation of non-residents, was particularly marked for exhibit ing the odd characteristic, and there were chin-whiskered representatives of other States and from North Caro lina ; but all these and the men who did not affect the habit found kin ship in speech and idea. In the throng that came from all part of America there was no note of discord and the men were as much at home with one another a if they had all pent their Uvea within the borders of one commonwealth. They wear well and stubbornly--these ' North Carolinian. They do not become a part of the opposite element of any other State. Once a chin-whiskered gentleman. That is the idea. Th Speech making. The speechmaking was such as one would expect it to be. It was rery good. It wa appropriate. On the whole there wa nothing in it to rave' about no utterance that will pas down to posterity. Governor Aycock gave an interesting resume ol what North Carolina bad done, and he spoke well, as is his wont The other addresses or response were exactly suitable to the occasion Then was do frentied oratory, and yet in the dignity and quiet strength Iver. ant asked hi make a lew re lit the sneaker was something to be marks. Mr. Hart lei t wa born in proud of. Humor was not manifest-: Guilford County, but left here long ed, but words of jubilation, of insi- before the civil war. He taught tent pride, felt almost as a repeated , school here, but is now a well-to-do challenge. "I will make no com pari-1 banker. He is a unique character, sons." Governor Ayctrk said lo me I being true type of Tai Heel, wear afterward. "Hut I liked Utat mannnga bit of whisker oa hi chin. Shnber cpeech. Hi diction is j with therestof his fare clean shaved unique, yet faultless, home ol bis He has the scalloped beard, lie slid: Carelinv, "heered and Carelini- ans." Mr. Bartlett i well educated but he has a iiceuliar pronunciation. His speech was enjoyed by hi near er for thev urged him on and on. Hon. Jieph M. Dixon, the lone Congressman fnxn Montana, made a smart, bright speech. He made an impression on the audience by say ing that he had not onlr brought himself back to North Carolina, but had brought his wife and three little half-breed Tar I Kris. He declared that the best tred Anglo-Saxon came from the law-abiding. God fearing people of this Slate. Mr. Dixon is a young man w ho left Ala mance twelve year ago anil went West. lie was elected by the Repub lican of his State to Congress. He seems to have a bright future before him. He left this State, he said, be cause of the spirit of intolerance in politics. Dr. laul Barringerof the Univer sity of Virginia sxke next. He is a man of great power. He has a giant intellect and superb learning. He never fails to say something worth taking home with you when he makes a sieech. He said today that North Carolina always put her stamp on her children. Like the homing pig eon, they have the homing instinct. e have a State love, but not a Slate pride. He declared that the State love was better and tliat we hail mod esty. He closed saying that our State inotUi told the story: "It is better to le than to appear." Mr. Mural Halstead, the accom plished newspaier man of Cincin nati, told of lus ancestry and his con nection with the Stale. He capti vated the audience by his droll and careless way of putting things, lie said, "Carelinner," and talked to him self. His every move made his hear ers laugh. He is a very interesting character. Rev. A. C. Dixon of Iloston made a few remarks. He is a pulpit ora tor of the kind that sways multitude with his fiery tongue and forceful gestures. At one time his hands are clasped behind his back, and again they beat the air with clinched hst. He is a mover of people. He arouses the impulses in a man. He soke today with good effect. He is a tall, striking man. Why They Leave the SUte. The most profound siieeeh of the day was made by Mr, Walter II. l'age, the learned editor of The World's Work, New York. Mr. Page has an attractive face, but it is not hand some. He looks the part of the care ful, hard student that he is. He al ways gives his hearers something to think about. It was so today. He sHke like a man that has a fixed purpose in life, lie is battling for a goal. Among other things he said : North Carolinians leave the State because they belong to that world- conquering race, it is a good thing for the I nited States, lhe outside world needs what we can give and we have plenty of it hero to spare. There are but two sources from which the Americans spring nowa days. We have one an i New Kng- land the other. There are two kinds of men in this world, those who lead and those wh.i are willing to be led. We can be the leaders. It is mainly a mutter of blood, of will, You ere beginning to find the way through education and industry. We will fultill the great destiny that we have the good fortune to bo here for, Mr. ntge is a serious man. lie is fighting for a cause. His speech was from the bottom of his heart. Judge Jeter C. I'ritchard of Wash ington was called on for an im promptu speech. As he came for ward the throng of people cheered him. He was given a cordial wel come, lie declared that tne woms of Greensboro on this occasion would ultimately bring government appro priations and protection for the Guil ford battleground. Dr. h. A. Alderman of Tulane University, Ijouisiana, closed the speechmaking. He spoke like the orators of old. He is always eloquent and graceful. His speech was a gem He is easily the most polished public speaker in this country. He has the silver tongue anil the Chesterfield manners. People rave over his elo quence. He spoke well today. Dr. Alderman is in tine health, lie has wrinkles in hi 'ace, but they come from fat pnisperity, rather than age. sentences reminded me of passages fmra Urna Ikxne. The Real Reunion. And the real purn of the ocra sion was hardlv expressed in the for mal exercise. The reunion is taking place on the street of Greensbon in hotel lobbies, in groii that stand at street Corners, in private homes The reunion is felt when one man clasps another' hand. I saw Governor Ayork standing on the street in front of the IVnbow Hotel, the central figure among manv people. Native North Camlinians from a score of States came up and shook his hand or slaped him on the back, and then faced one another and talked about their people and prosperity and adversity each man wearing on hi face a Imk of honest symalliy. The man who hadn't succeedcii is congratulating the oth er fellow w ho had won success, and every man who had a word to say, found ready listeners. No man was better than another man ; and plain Jones stood unabashed beside a frock coat. Tobacco was swapped ; the native lie was made to vie with the yarn that was fresh from Nevada, and a laugh crowned the contest, liig hearted and broad shouldered men, with well Mised heads were all aliout taking time to claim common aueestry to sincerely play at being brothers. That is the reunion. It is going on everywhere in Greensboro ami all the time. The Second Day. Several thousand people attended the exercises of the North Carolina reunion on the Guilford battleground. Siiecial trains ran between the town anil the meeting place all day. It has been a glorious nay. At 10 o'chs'k this morning the splendid crowd had assembled on the hills over which the forces t Greene ami Cornwall is fought, and the whole countryside was alive with men and women. Swarms of pretty college girls were there, licaring colors and Hags. It was an inspiring sight. Many of the guests of honor had gone out in carriages and tallyhos. The college students and citizens of the town and visiting residents of the State went on the trains. The exercises were held at the large ocn air pavilion to the left of the railroad. It was packed seats, aisles and ros trum. The jieople seemed eager to hear the distinguished sons, who hail returned to the home of their nativ ity to celebrate with their old friends and neighliors. They pressed for ward and filled every nook and cor ner of the auditorium. Women as well as men stood for hours and istened to the speakers. Their ef forts to sec and hear were well rewarded for no North Carolina au- licnce ever faced more able men. Among those on the stage wen1 Mu ral Halstead, Dr. V. St. Clair, alter II. Page, Dr. Paul Barringcr, K. A. Alderman, Geo. T. and Francis D. Winston, H. A. Page, Matt W. Ran som, Shepherd Bryan, K. G. Webb, M. Dixon. Jeter C. I'ritchard, 1. R. Parnell, Jas. K. Hoyd, A. C. Dix on, K. V. it'll, W. V. Moore, Con gressman Gudger, John H. Small, Judge Robert M. Douglas, L D. Ty son, Governor Aycock, Judge fitz- gerald and many others. 1 hat is a list that any Slate might be proud of. 5peeches by Successful Sons. Dr. t'lias. D. Mdver acted as mas ter of ceremonies, while General Ran som presided over the meeting. The first siieuker of the day was Mr. Shepherd, Bryan of Atlanta, who is a native of Craven county. Mr. liryan is a young man of ability, charming address, gentle manners and train ing. He made a most happy short seech. He was not on his feet long, but he spoke well, lie was billowed by Judge Fitzgerald of Nevada, who went from Rockingham county four years ago. Mr. r ilzgerald told sev eral very laughable stories and at tracts the attention and won the admiration of the crowd. Mr. R. M Bartlett of IniliaiiaiHilis, Ind., was called from the audience by Dr. Mc- Shylock was the man who wanted a pound of human flesh. There are many Shylocks now, the1 convales cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the pale young woman, all want human flesh and they can cet it take Scott's Emulsion. , Scott's Emulsion is flesh and blood, bone and muscle. It feeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs and they feed the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver ol human flesh, W wiQ send yon a couple el ounces tree. SVJOTT at SOWNL Chemist. Oe)-l fearl t)trvet. New York. Saves Twe from Death. "Our little daughter had an al moat fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,' writes Mrs. W K. Halivand of Armouk, N. Y. "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our lieee, who had consumption In an ad vanced stage, also nsed this won derfnl medicine and to day she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to lr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth, lnrailiuie (or Conehs and Cold. 50c, and 11.00 bottles guaranteed by Kog lih Drag Co. Trial bottle free. 1 All kinds of school supplies at Welsh s Drug Store blank books crayon, paper, pens, ink, pencils, at lowest prices at elsh i. Collins ft Bigger will save yoo money on clothing; men's suits Irom I np. CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE Charlotte's Fastest Growing Store, m m live "IIAT we advertise wc sell, what we sell advertises us.. The largest and most varied stocks of new goods in every line to select from in the Carolinas. u" w." v V W W New Fall Dress G oods and Silks A large and varied stock of everything new and fahionahle for fall and winter wear. You can save hig money by coming to Charlotte and to The Uec Hive for these, besides getting the new est and prettiest fabrics out, and something that everybody won't have like yours. :. :. :. :. .: :. :. :. Black and colored Worsteds, In all colors and every new pattern, double width, 10 cents a yard. Splendid Worsted Dress Goods, in solid colors and figures, blacks and colors, the regular 25 cent selling kinds, IS and 19 cents. New Shirt Waist and Suit flannel for Fall wear, beautiful line colors, all pure wool, 25 cents-All-wool Cheviot, Mack and navy blue, heavy weight, all pure wool, a regular 75 cent value, 40 cents. Heavy Woolen Skirt Ooods, 56 inches wide, gray, blue, blacks, etc., the finest value ever sold, at so low a price, 49 cents. Big Job sample piece Wool Dress Uoods, one piece ol a kind, all fine pure wool goods, the new est and most popular weaves for the season, all- wool Venetians, Cheviots, Serges, Albatross, Granite Cloths, llannclcs and fancy Dress Uoods, worth 75 cents and more a yard. We cleaned up the lot at a round price and ue are Mlline It the same way, 49 cents- Taffetta Silk -The grentest value ever sold In real Taffetta Silk, black, w hlte, cream and all the desirable shades, good bright finish, price 25 cts a yard. Yard wide Hlack Taffeta -The lowest price yet quoted by any retail store on yarj-w ide Silk, and it's not the worst one made, very good wearing Silk, full M inches w ide, 49 cents. UooJ Black Taffetta, same quality as other are selling at round about a dollar a yard, 75 cents. Guaranteed Black Taffetta, the best one made, every fibre pure Silk, guarantee woven in selvedge of every yard, warranted not to split or crack we give you new silk right on the spot if unsatisfory same silk is sold at other stores for $1.50 a yard, our price 08 cents. We always sell the best values in these. Our reputation for Dry Goods Bargains extends over the Carolinas. We have orders from almost every section c i- l )f )f )f $ ' r Colored Mud not Gingham, beau tiful put torus, stripes, plails,'t't, in all colors, abttoluMy last colors, the regular 10 cent kind, good for Hhirt Waists, DresHcs, Children's Dre&MW, Boys' Bodies, Men'sShirts, etc., 5 cents. Standard Calicoes, all the new Fall patterns, good colors, same that others are getting 5 and 6 cts. a yard for, our spot oanh price 4 cents. Henmant Calicoes, 1 to 10 yard lengths, good Calicoes in good col ors, 2 cents, Bed Wool Flannel, a good one, heavy twilled, fast red, it can't bo matched elsewhere at IS cents a yard, 10 ceuta. Turkey Bed Table Cloth, good ' patterns, fast colors, full wide, IS cents. Bed Spreads, good heavy larjre Bed Spreads, solid while, pMid patterns, dollar kind, .Vi centM. Bh1 Klieeta, full '1 yards wide, a good thing, 'M cents. Pillow Cases, full 4.1 x .Hi inches, the best one ever sold at so low a price, 8 cents. Curtain Scrim, full .'!)! inches wide, good patterns, !1J cents a yard. Blankets and Gomtorts. It'll soon be cold and you'll lie thinking of bed coverings. We arc selling some nilmiilclmlilc val ues in tint; Wool Blauki'tH and (iood Comforts. Full size Comfort, good weight, AS cents. Fino heavy Comforts, nice Pat terns, its rents. Heavy Cotton Blankets, full toil quarter, 7.1 cents a pair. Wool Bhii.kets, full si.o, slightly soiled, not enough In hint, I.4S u pair. Wool Blankets, the Norlh Caro lina wool, and made in North Car olina, Klkin, no N'tter Blanket ever sold for less than t'i.'M to ? t a pair, fl.'i.s. The largest, best lighted and best equipped Millinery Department in this section. We have great preparations for the Fall season. We have employed the best of talent and have bought very extensively in all lines of Millinery Ooods. You will find here the largest, completest and most varied stock of Millinery Goods to select from in North Caro lina. The newest of the new things are here. Everything that is fash ionable for Fall and Winter 1903 and 1004. We get up some of the swellest Hats sold in this section, and every thing from these down to the Trimmed Hats at 60 cents, 75 cents and $1. Every Hat that goes out from here must conform to the dictates of fashion, be becoming to the wearer and give satisfaction in every way. Changes and alterations free of charge. If you pay cash it will pay you to come here. We buy and sell for spot cash only. You get the benefit of all the power there is in buying for cash here. You do not help pay bookkeepers and collectors to dun you and other big expenses that comes to every credit business. TUr DLT UNIT m flL DL. niVC GASH STORE 0iAitL0TTE, N. C. Remember lhe Place : TD6 BIO STORE. Cor. Trade and College Sts.

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