THE KONROE JOURNAL. iu:.-su:v.IPl"LUH"t- TL'ESDAY. Octuher jo, 1405. Tillman and havwood Beth Ac quitted. In the aoiuitulof Tillman in South Car..!'ua, and Haywood in Suilli Caro- una, the c"le4 harpcned. The to caws hava a.triilej so much attra tion, an J ta sj siutncaut, that every out it interested 111 Ihrra (of out cantc or auottu-r. The best summiug up of tlirm is the Lrilowiag- ftvm the Char lotte Observer : Contrary tj dictation at the time of the Uyi.i- jl by Haywood, the delrnc? cthlttiej, beyouj doubt, tlil au artiav had firreded the shool iug and Hayjod i! struck by Siimnr. It a pr.n-ed just as con clusively having struck the blow, Skiiion' a backward niotemeut and j Hi. t and killed wliile in re treat. 11. i' j'lry has said that the kill- KILLED MIS THREE CHILDREN A Buncombe Ceaaty Physician, C raced frwm Drink, Drives MU V Me from Home and Beats His Children to Death With Claw Hammer. -l-illl rul. Dl. la t'Ssrlultr lihimi TraiisfontM-u into a ntoustcr after a Mt&ik h, lr. J V. Jav physician (4 prvmimmv 111 the north cru part tf Bunoonx' county. Unlay drove but wife fnun hnntf.Lrut.tllt rmirdi'it-d hi thrve rhildn-n. an. I at u-mptod to burn down his h..iw The man UvauH violent last nurlit ami after puns home terribly abiitt-d his wife. Mrs. Jav had put IIk- chit tin 11 hi bed. and wait 'iulcaviriii; to tiinrt Iter husband, when t!u- man attacked her and dmve her out the Slie went Ui the hine Thorns lillnu;ham, tint far from ttlu-rv she lived, ami there sn-nt tin night, lu'tunun to her home tin? morning she fouiitl tier husband 111 a dongi-mus hhkI. The man was even worse- than U-forv. Jav was tvntinu uuuri oirse t in imsi4uics was nu ti 1 1 e 1 . 1 .1 crime. To tins, pehlie opiu.ou .ill not '"" ,"", f,'r Pl.hreaU;U- absent. It i uot murder in the first ' nninaie ' the whole familv decree l!ie St.ite yielded that point, but it was a cn.iie of a loiter degree ; it was in oft race a-oust llie criminal Uw, and ali ti e verdicts of all the ju rits ciir'ot reverse that stubborn fact. But the ucfrruUnt had family aud per sonal influence, money, a powerful ar ray of counsel, au I, iest of all, the judge appeared fur linn. One of llie jurorj has t - 1 -. I a Raleigh paper that the j.iry did not d liberate ou the case more than two or three minutes aftor receiving th,; rliar,;e- that the remain- I Mrs. .lav. however, luiil taken wses sum of the revolver aud hidden it fiom her husband. I'urmr the tune tint Jay was svarehiii; for the pistol Mr. Jay was enjr.ijtd m pu-ariiiK the morning meal, at intervals assist ing the ehililreu to dress. When the eliihlren had Uvn dressed and Mrs Jay had finally finished getting breakfast, Ihe lirutehad worked him self into a frenzied mood. Failing in his search for the pistol ho had ing twelve or filteeii iinuiites it was grilled himself w ith out the jurors weie occupied in pack lui; their clothes. "As in the ie above, the ejpectcd h.tpi eucJ 111 the Tillman case. Here the J; 'feiidanl s'lut J. mil and killed an unarmt-d 111 01 who was ma ki lit; no dem 011M1 it; -n toward him shot him down without word of wattling. Gonzales, had lashed his slayer without niercv It is no wonder that he writhed under the daily evp isuu- uf his jtetsonal and otlirial delinquencies. It, in tfie pan siou excited by these attacks, he had slain his assailant, a t;reat deal of the best pub. 10 sentiment of the country would have bad a measui t of charity I t him. Kill he was defeated fur the I'oiuiuatioii t. r tjoveriuir, the attacks ll mi him ceased, and mouths after w uds he toi'k vengeance upon his ad-: versary when the latter had 110 reason to expect an attaik. A pretense of a case ol self win made out, but o carefti! a pa pel as the Vmkville Ell ij'iuer expu-ssis u.i ditil't that iiiuvh ol this tt'siu.-umy was pt'ti'ired, and it, does nut uee.l the cvpiesr-i-'it ot this (ipinioii fiom aity paier, be it ever so. e Miscrvative, to lead tfie careful reader ot the testimony to the same conclu sion. "lint (.d Al;:n-;ht', lias onpl.mted a Conscience in the lueasto! every man. uud their aie tw-i itten, acijintted of liiutdrr in the tw j Cnclnias within the past two days, and set I ceo, who will lif haunted to their gi aves by two white faces . " I'.l the h:;ht of tl.i - two ac pilttalf one feels like savtiii; a hunJi'td things ut first, and the m xt feeling is oue of helplessness- the u-elessness iu say-1 ing anything. 1 lieu comes also a fear that one may say iniht help along, even to a slight decree, the feel ing of ilisti iM 1 ( the cult Is that is now already tun gieat.ciod knows there j is little eiiuuli 1 cspi ct lor the Uw and - the cotiits in this couutty already. Some tunc ago the I'.uluig newspaper ul the State made llie statement, appa rently as a matter of common place Olive Branch Items. Olive Branch. tH. 17. We have had a d. Ii-Llful fall m tar. The leave an- turuiDg a Uutiful red and gvddea hue. I am (lad the law of the Suit nrwtev ts the binls. tn last Sunday afternoon while at prajer srrvivrs at the Uiptist churvh, swiet Kinging lum kiug; birvL lMTelHtl in a tall manitii-aiit oak near the churvh door, rhatitttl his merry lay in a low-, soft tune wbieu made heuveu seem u,t ao far awav. Mr J. (I. tiriflin and wife ot Charlotte are spendiue orue time ith their sou. Mi. lUiter tiriihii. of this pl:-e. Seetiisipaite n-tltinil Uee bisn-at Ii!l-1 apaiu in elmreh lU-v. Mr. Stejiheiiioii will deliver his last sermon for this Tear nt the M. V. OiunU at this iilaee Sunday nic;ht. rrom 1 nd ions look out lor another cyclone ere kmc. Some may p t caivM that estiiied the other cj clone. Miss Mttnite Siiielair and her father siH-ut Thiltlay at Mainh ville. Little Mim Marv linriis and the wrtter had the pleasure of (lather-iiig- shells at Wrightsv ille Ileach this fall. Miss Ada Thomas, who has Urn pnte low with typhoid lever, is reeov en 11 f. Mueh smt-esvH to llie Monroe Journal. A Fkii.M'. a claw liatntin r. I and with this chased Mrs. .lay i around the house. The fnlitoin d wife. fivliiiK tliat her own life and the lives of her children wciv ill dan er, went out of the front d.iraini started for the little gnu-cry stoic, where there was a telephone, to ask the neighboni for aid ami to in'ti.'i the ollio rs at Asheville. As she reached the Mttilshc turtn'il ami saw in-r inns' chiblivu staiiilm ti the top step crying ami t'iz:iii:t for her return. 1 he mother f r a moment in helpless agony, knowing that the lives of her chil dren m re 111 danger, and know nig also that she was of hi roasin-ng:h powerless to shield ami protivt Un til llcr imlivisioii was of but a stvoiul's tiuratioll Steeling her heart to the cries of her hlllc ones, she turned ami ran with all speed kssillc f. 1 the store. There she hastily told the torv of the t hililn u's pcnl, ami ac coitipaiiied by .several men who chanced to U at the place, hastcticd Kick to her home The mother h Urn gone but a few moments, hut 111 that brief space the demon had iloni ins work, ana as she entered tier home a signt met her eves such a: words of no language call describe Lying upon the porch with the blood ''.iiig from their heads lay her thre chiidivn. The two oldest were a! ready dead, while the baby was bare ly breathing. The 1111 11 who had ac companied Mis. Jay ten h-rly gath ered up the little life ess KhIics to place incin in uie house, nut tiiedoor was fastened and Jay was calle titoii to oH'ti the door This he n fused to do, and declared he would kill the tirst one who entered. It was then thought that he had found the pistol and had barricaded him self iu the room, ami that (tenth awaited the tirst one w ho entered. Hut this was not so The man at tin- lllolllellt Was liron.oiiiir r..i-c.if. knowledge, that a negro couldn't get des;n.ctioii. Without waiting am , I h justice ill the com ti- of North Caioier moment the men hurst in Ihe lina. Iimutdutely a gieat hue and cry door, and as It sw ung oien, instead was maile the liouurahle courts of of the crack of a pistol, tin' men were !,-ent North Carolina had been slan-' greeted with. "Hello boys, collie in. I dered and Ihe jii hciil eimiue trailed i al" J11' starting a tire to get warm in the dust. Now let these papers who 1 made Ihe cry slew that a white man ; of influential family , ne. nry an. 1 friends, with the best lawyers in the State, can nut escape justice. Let them also call for the impeachment of a judge who makes house1! an instrument in the escape of the powerful criminal. They will then have plenty of time to wor ship at the fert of the blind goddess. For our part, we think that the North Carolina case shows a worse state of aflairs tluin the South Carolina one. Duwn tliett a member of the political oligarchy which rules the State had gotten his neck in danger, and the oli garchy had to save him one way or the other. It did it by open trickery and corruption seen of all men. When the people get tired of the oligarchy they have some chance of turning it out. In Kaleigh the case was different. There was no political pressure. There was no judicial juggling iu the selec tion of time aud place and judge for holding court. There was only a man ifestatiuu of the lamentable weakness or our system which selects the weak est vessels in the community for jurors when a capital case is to be tried, and arrays a battalion of strong lawyers to bulldoie a weak judge and to make monkeys out of ignoiant jurors. The bar has become stronger than the bench ; the defense side of the bar bat become stronger than the prosecution that is, in cases of this kind.j Iu casei where a belpleas negro without mooej or friends it diagged from a jail when he has been since arrest with no op porlunity to get testimony or counsel, the State's must noble prosecutiug offi ter it holy terror, and the tilth bantling of a lawyer with license yet warm io bit pocket, who it assigned at the last moment, without eiperieoca witnesses.or time for getting either, te defend the prlsouer, quails before him The darkey it bustled off to the chair gasg and the honorable solicitor pock It bit fee for another conviction. But why nil ? There it but one re tort. That is publio opinion, tod b novel with century slowness. Some times it never moves. A Love Letter Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve 611 Bore, Burns or Tiles. Otto Dodd of Ponder, Mo. writes: "1 suffered with an vgy sore for a year, but lav nf ltnrlrlen'a Aenirss Hair cured me. It's the best Salve on I I ot your earth. 25c at English Drug Go's. I Parker. ny. .lay was loiind .standing over a iiuantity of burning clothing that he had gathered and placed on the tlnor mar the fireplace. Ihe men rushed upon him and succirdcd in extin guishing ine names. 1 lie man was slightly burned but Hot seriously. His clothing was covered with the blood of his children, as were his face and hands. Sheriff Reed was telephoned for, and the man was held until the sheriff arrived. I'pon nveiving wont of the hor rible tragedy this morning Sheriff Ibvd at once notified Coroner Hemp hill and then left for ltarnardsville Sheriff Ibvd returned to Asheville before dark with his prisoner who appeared to only half realize the ter rible deed hp had committed. He is now in jail here. hen asked why he had killed Ins children Ir. Jav sun lie jnsi couiil not Help it after catching sight of their blood. All Asheville is shocked by Ihe tragedy lr. Jay is a brother of W. X. Jay w no lor many years held a imsition as deputy clerk 111 Iheollice (.f regis ter of deeds. Card of Thanks. As we will lie unable to see per sonally our many friends, we take this method of expresHiiigonr heart felt thanks to every oue for their kindness and sympathy during the long and fatal illness of our loved one, Isaac. 31. Itonils. We shall ever pray God's richest blessings on eacn one. uespectruiiy, J. II. (Vsik, B. F. Cook, Mr. M. J. Bon oh. $100 Reward, $100 The readers of thit paper will be pleased to learn that there it at least ne dr-tded disetse that science bat lieen able to curs in ill itt stages aud that is Cattrrb. Hall's Catarrh Core ii the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cstarrh being constitutional disetse, requires 1 conttilutiooal treatment. Hall s Ca tarrh Cure it taken internally, acting directly upon ths blood sod mucous lorfaces of ths system, thereby de stroying the foundation of ths disease, tnd giving the patient ttrenith bv ouuuing up mt contiHuiionand assist mg nature in doing itt work. Tbe proprietor! hive to ranch faith in itt :oralive powers, that tbey offer ooe Hundred Dollars for toy ctse that it tails lo care. Send lor list of testi Donials. Address, F. I. CHKNET A 00. Toledo, Ohio. Bold by druggists, 7oo, II all 1 family pi lit art ths best I'rUe Winners in the I'ic and Cake Contest. r?V!.i..nii'i-- .if f J.-u'i:,; Maishville, ik t. - po d on Saturday morning. 17th lust., at the home of Mr. Kobt. Steijali. Mis Kiiiina Little, sifter of Mrs. Stegall. Miv Little had Usui mi k for sometime. Her iviumi s wi r interred at the cemetery here Sun day afternoon. The cake ami pie contest pim by the ladies of the l'resby tei lau church came ot) l'liday night. 1 number of U-aiitiliillv trimmed cakes and pics were 011 exhibition. First prize, given bv the W. J. Uinlge I n., wasawaided to Mrs. J. K. IKiwd for hot and prettiest cake. First prize for lu st custard pie, given by Lev.t;eo. II. Atkinson, wits won by Mrs. Sarah llallmaii. Mrs. Ilailuiau also won the prize for Ifst Iwouiist pie. The prize lor liest pie for dyspep tics was given to Mrs. Ii. A. (Irani. I'rize for pie made by girl of twelve tears was won by Miss Floy Myers. The editor of Our Homo and sons. Masters liigiaiu ami Itriige, spent List W ednesday in t hai lotte. Mr. ami Mrs. Will Leo. Mi s Wilma Atmficld mid Mrs. Ilinlvui spent Wednesday of lost week here. Mr, ( ul Covens, who had au op c ration performed for cancer some time ago, w is iu town oue day last week. Mr. and Mrs. II. I'. Moore of I lock Host sjwiit Friday with tela lives here. Mi.sses Annie Stewart ami Alice Marsh spent Sunday at Mr. John . (irifliu's. Mrs. K. II. Moore came up from Hamlet today to sm-i.iI sometime with relatives. Ir. lieilfearu brought his usual crowd to towii today, we judge from the looks of the mouths ol the (HHiple on the si reefs. The st intents 1 if .Marsh t il le A cad cmv will give a public entertain ment Friday night. Mr. ('tuts. Howie of Mineral Springs spent Sunday here. J. Firemen's Free Street Fair and la rework. The U .ir - fire ttniiany has matte j ilivnti.ic: ;;. i;i. lvru Carnival 'and ruvnork.: Otnuativ of IAt-i tieorfia Minstrels. Twenty eight years is a long tiax f.T one company lo lw on the roid. and making neatly the nam trrri torv seasou aller season. This i- t!ie iwird of l.'i-.kmls A Triugle' !i-,hu!i for ,t w.s i t.f entertain-jfe Faaitcu tieortu Minstrels, who :i;,nt. Ugiunuig n.t M.iidav, the a;.art the opera housetvt. !. lit.aud 1 hciug t tbe 3Lst. There, 5 At every iiioimaiMV tbey are 'a ill l- free shows evert dav and S gitHled by a packed hou-s. It ever) l.slv is intiUsI The lire" Com- i S I reibly recalls to Ihe minds uf all (Miiiiiutt.'e will have p.wer lo fe! old theater fwrs h. n sinular any sa-.w t!ut might be objtv- j tr.Mipes w. re roiintisl by Ihe tens tionable. The company carries u-n 1 where ii tly only figure m the ,,.d K,ws, su fiw a:tracts.nj an,ti uii.t.s. u:.d the old saying is forcibly U,,. linesi sham gondolas and the,5 eaiiudttl: "fue survival of the 'aro.-st Fernss wlnvl traveling, and 'i I a grand military Km I. They ctn- ou! ihi! You! Vout '! Hl ,I""r p-i"-'i This is tial uoti.v t., those .l"" """ I"", vh nr 51 ! fl son 01 Clothes to mu GostoiiiersJs . 1 Will lo Sold AT COST. tiUceu' owe aud liave Isvu not lo l and have made no s.t: isi'jctorv arrange- rients. th.y will have lo settle ith lit v att-iriH-v 011 Nov, ntts-r Isi. mean business. I. C. Sttiix New Department ."store. John H. Siinpson v ( o. are now oieuiiig up then good aud makittg their ptttce a regular departn. -nt store. They'll hate etery thing ,'ioiu a iinkel up. Ilig piles of Missis are rolling 111 every day uud Ifing opened up. bite's Is the I'l.tce. Wl' W.l'l' b- 1 it-rsi-ns ul-, t 'lllte s ma s- . WetMiN.l mi rs to ant'y 1 ot-... ali'oti'i'ts1' : ; r. s'.l.-s fact I- ,v f!csl, moat 1.. I.'.e t., or t 1 serve o-r :i:sfacii We i' itl-l !!ie lies! ' ' ;,. i' -. to K II Wit; , t - -Ii that buy I us- .'otf- s'tk, had. i works is one t tlie lies! ever lre- s.-nttl. and llie pMp!e in this t icuiity will sec this 111 all llsetitire'y just as stvri in the large ritiennf the State here tios tMiiipany has played There will l-e ii iieu contest. Votes ,iv one tvi.t c j T.'m' person rviv mg the laigi-st loimis-r willU-pn'-sriited with .1 ifl'M diamond ring The shows include the Itisl IkitiuY tl.l I'lantatinii. Statue Turning to Life, and Lunette the Flying lady. ; Stadium. H.i'y Cry. F.deii Theatre.! Trip to the M-v'ti ami many others, j Tlie principal fnv atti'ict ions are the lirivt rercino, king of the air." Mr i jLuns N-I.'.er. iu exploits rxtraonli- j I nary on Ihe high wire. I Mr W. Judkins Hewitt, represent-j I tii the company, arrived from Wil- j ji'iington this morning, where the Icotiipany is this wis k. and is making 'active preparations ! At the top of her memorandna list She seels the offerings of our stores because she so well knows that they are dependalle. Every day is increas incr the number of purchasers who have lontr aince realiz! that t hm nst h. H - (- vwvww 1 ? -1 A a9 a t wJi usnmenis cnerings oi gooas is ncii in sierling worth and money savings. Great values is the magnet that draws. Worth makes bargains. They're here, so every day this week will be a busy day, because we we will offer "When Wisdom Goes Shopping" For Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings No ions, etc., now-a-days you'll see the name of Belk Brothers Ktery one that 1 have furnished this year is entitled to this offer. Com- up ami get it. Not having ti-oiu to carry dry goods, I bate decided to close out my stock at cost. There are some bargains. I am making a specialty ,, 1 h ercoitts and Clothing, aud also carry a nie.' lot o Shoes. Full line of Toko-co and Cigar. 1 some unusually attractive merchandise at unusually attractive prices. A review of the values mentioned ought to be sufficient to draw shoppers in by the hundreds. Ladies' Walking Skirts We an- offering some real values in walking skirts. We have full line greys, oxfords, tins, greens, blacks at sipular prices, 1.118 k) f 7.50. Hig values in mercerized underskirts. Of these goods we have the famous ' Teen" line, the best made, best quality and fullest made line that can be found. .See our 8eoial number, 4 rtillles, strop seams. $1 50 quality at 'JH cents, better quality 1.50 to ?2 ',tS. Gents' Furnishing Department One of the iii(st important in our establishment 1 Men's and boys' neglige shirts, without cw'" lars, secia!, 25 cents. 1.000 dozen men's 15c. linen follars, 5 cents. Men's undershirts, gixnl quality, 13 cents. 100 dozen men's I'a and 50 wit string ties and four-in-hands, job, only 15 rents. 10 cent sox, black, tan ami red, our price 5e. All the Latest Fall Novelties in cotton waisting and wool dress goods, and the most complete line of dress trimmings that we have ever displayed. Xew I'ersian silk nets, appliques, pendants and ornaments and hun dreds of other values that wc are anxious to show vou. Belk Brothers. Cheapest Store on Earth ! My wh de M' lchaudise, now complete ami I invite t our trade. VolJis o ollsilioss. (iroeerics uud lry (!oods isj Wholesale and Retail. 1 VAN SIKHS. ii Trie Liiiflsey Grocepu Co.. ' successors to C. K- Houston 1 at the old hitiklj Stsnd on Lal avttte Street- W e desire to call the especial attention ol the farmers to the fact that they cannot afford to sell their poultry or produce before sevicR us. Wo Want to Huy and Wo Pay the Top. A fine line ol fresh Groceries- Try us. tug UuSeij Grocery Go. tfrtavessssesss-sssssss Confessions of a Priest. Ilev. ,lno. S. Cox of Wake, Ark., writes. "1 or twelve Veals I siillered from Yellow Jaundice. I Consulted a number of phvsu ians and tned all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I liegan the use of Kleetric Kilters ami feel that I am now cured of a disease tint had me in its grasp for twelve years," you want 11 reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general debility, net Kleetrie Hitters, It's guaranteed by Knglish li ug Co. I inly .Vic. Notice. All our notes, mortgages and ac counts were due Oct. 1, 'li t, except some who have U-en owing us for years mid years unit act like they thought if they were to Imppcn to pay these honest debts the world would Come to an end at once and then their (bits would lie over for deceiving people) 1 and it ought to lie 1. Ve will sav to such who owe us, we intend to collect from you at ouch if posmble. To one and all we will say that me need our money and hope you will settle at once and save trouble, etc. Mi li t K MKhT.tvni.K Co. a. li:vv. A. LEVY. A Display of Dress Goods that will hear comparison with large city stocks, here you will find Zelbvlieiis, Cheviots, (iranltes. Scotch mixture and I'lnids, liroad Cloth, 5icillians, Canvlas Weaves, Armours, etc You wilt niiihe':; r.'s'e If you do not Rlve this splendid stock of Orcss liiHsJs a Imik before purchasing. No trouble to show you these nods- (let our prices and be posted. Country Produce I sell butter, chickens, egR, and produce so fast that 1 can't buy enough. If you have any lo sell don't sell s bit of it until you see me. I want it. S K. Dostf.r. old Iron. J. D. FEEDING . The People Is My Business, and I hava learned that OOOD 00005 at lair prices, honest weights and prompt delivery is the only way to please the trade- Best Cheese, Good Roasted Coffee from 12 to 25 cents. Hams from 12 to 16 cents. I carry a full lint of everything. Prices and good4 uaranteed. . K you have - uevet tried me with an order, now is.he,, time, 1 and you will surely bsj a regular customer. Rei-ptctfully, ;'f- W. A. STEWART.1 Pb ooe to 1, 1 mm mm Fall and Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating High (irade Clothing Guaran teed by the manufacturer w ill do w ell to see my line before buying their fall suit- I have tried to give the people of Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy. Buy none but St rouse Bros 0 uara nteed- They are as cheap as others- 5c my line of boys' and childrens' clothing- I can save you money- Sole floeni'tor Hamilton-Brown SHoes. JTy lines of Shoes can't be matched in any tow n- You will find all of the Hamilton-Brown Shoes the very best makes; also the celebrated Mess Shoes for men- ' LADIES' VVRAP5, all the newest styles- Don't buy any, thing la Wraps before you see me; I can save you big money- ' M Millinery Department . - will be one of our pet departments this season and we will give nothing but the latest and most stylish hats Thir trimmer is young, but old In experience. One hand red new fall ready to wear Dress Skirts from $100, $150. $100 to $15 00- New Walstings In all the leading styles, cheapest to bast- A. LvRVY. Land Sale. Hy vlrtui f itVtTf of the titirtr Court, iubvL l'j t he I'lcrk. in tht oinH'tal iritcwtlliitt 1MHitl.1l "r.llirr K. Hr.rll, ttiituMrKtrit ... J r. It HrN-f!l.(1ttvl, ml W. H Hr f II r. J Hm-Hfil t ilif untlrrifiii't 1 .,i!itinw(..iiiT mil, ta Monday December 7th, IWU, ' tliitrt hott ".ot'r in Monnw, N. ',, sw II tttilslo ti.Mt 'ti. ! itir hiKlirl Mililr. th f. il. . ititi .li-nln'ti intitt ut ttiM?('ns-lt town- -'.it.. 1 r ir-t TrsM-t-A.lj.'tnlntT Die- Untfi of Uilll.m !.!(. W il-.ii Hra-wtll.ttillU Vrtlilit ii'iitlniiif i.A gtt'ri i.tpr r ). anil know n tin hunts' (ilaw1 of thr Ulf J. K K. H'wfll. ilti's-a.i iMVaintt TraiM Atljoininf h U'nN if H S I'Tftitn. K, H hi'Mi.n and .ttlicrd. aiot lylniTMii t'liitMiu-iiii rrts , foiilatnlti liH tm ttort ttr !. tv-t i fair ami f tcfi.nm; from thatitr i-siTilwl laiuU KtacrfNfi.frtnl t.j- tht(lwir f Mm K. Hrawt II, ftilttwr Htainntotf it I a litkt tijr a n'). Hiram Hrawrll ftirnr, rtinn In Uw N Ma K 1 lo ii r-haiti to a -iahi- tn m rtit a r ti.. an1 Hraaai l!' tier . thriii H a1, r U t'tiaiti lo a Ukr in a li.'til . IhtltiM- M IM'jtt '.iiicliatrta ttn'iMfM V. HBtrham- lot mkr In W M rH' lin , tliriK-r M ell1, ! h im cliaittt 'i a alake, V llwH Mnlllw' csiriu r. IhriHt H till hi- line N. lt V -Ji inviiii fliniii to Haif, In-oornt-r , thrtit N f' 1 1m clialii Hit' IraTtntihtsf. coinainiiiht arrcn ttmrr nr All ttitHiitr uf thr lautl riivrrTil lir Iht ,l. rr W ill W od. T'-rma; c thir.1 rali an1 l-a'amr In tlirvr m nth-. w ith ntrrv-i fmm ttav of -alr. Mil irt'U itci.'U-r. R R. KKItWINK, A. M M VK, t'oniuiisxiunoi-a. LstabiUhed I87J Incorporated 1001 Cotton Still Brings a Good Price. ! Fall of the year is here. The ; leaves are turning golden in the i autumn sun. au nature seems to be shaking off her summer ;;nrb, making ready to go into ; winter quarters. The earth is i giving up its fruits to its children and every man should take ad vantage of the time and occasion and prepare for winter time. What is the first thing to do? Collect what nature gives you and what your summer's toil en titles you to and then SAVE IT. What you are obliged to spend spend it where you can get the best return for your money. To save a few cents on each small purchase means several hard dol lars in the course of a year, II you want to be surprised, just put one rent in a box every time you purchase an article anywhere and then count your money at the end of the year. You will have sev eral dollars. We save you one cent and many times one cent every time you trade with us. Yours for Saving, Hill & Bivens. Carolina Marble and Granite Comnanu. Our business has been mere than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, nd we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line. No grave, however humble, should be allowed to go unmarked. We can make a job to suit the price you are able lo pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co., J. E. EFIRD, Manager. MONROE. N. C. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury. North Wilkesboro. and Monroe. g00C)CXCXOOOO0X0C NOTICE I MOTICE TO DEBTOKS. Ptrtiat 11 owing mt fur professional services ill fiod ths account! with Mr. Pbilip l ' I. : . I i , i ... n ivmtivj ui nr. n. vr. russer, ana s prompt paymaot of all accounts it re i) nested to be mad to either of tbe above (enllemeD. A. D. N. Whitley DLACK Koi!rt, tbe well koowo Jack, u ii it my ttablai In Monro. IL A. Winchester PARRY everything yoo bay la old U iron lo I. u. parkw. MEW CITV OKDINACE.-lt shall 11 be orrtawful Ijr any pern, com pny, Arm or corporation in tbe City oi Monro io tell anv kind ol tie workt. Any person, company, firm or corporation violating tbit ordiatoc shall pay a fin ol fifty dollars H. C. Asbcraft, See. Bd. Aldernsa City of Monro. MOTICE All tbos indebted to th 11 etltt of H, M. Houston-by sot or account oust come forward tad msk tettlemiot by lb 5th of Novem ber, 1001, or the claim will b pul in tbe baodt of an attorney for collec tion, Th ettata must be settled by Nov. 10th. R. V. tnd D. A. Houston. Eiecntort. This is for yon, If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without .any excuse wc ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will be No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to be disappointed. Wc arc going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The rjeath-Lee Hardware Co. ooooooooooMoooax)ocxcxcx Id tta COLO BUST twins do your work" 3 To Cure a Cold in One Day . t r Cam Crip is Two Day. on every