r 'r? L 1 S. A. STEVENS, H. D. WONKCE, H. C. iJr.J ia day fim EoIitb I'.i' Stjre; at nii;U fis-m rot:n uxer 1 . .luh L'rue, Stole, plume 0. O.ic tf pt etrce; huoe 0. 1 ienry D. Stewart, M.D., Services reaj-rej promptly and . . elly. IUy rail from Simpson'l li'. at r i:i .i.e jj: or t.lfice in rear ol xaordoii & Thompson's insurance iii.e, Vh'e I. N vM e,ls from rev i .-are p-ioue, iji. Uihce hour to I 1 J, a. 111. JOHN P. MONROE, M. D., iiy call n..tT-J horn lloustona t': u l re nj o:lne, "pliui-e jij. Nitit from Cuimriri.l Hotel, 'plume ijo. MuXKOK, N. c, S licit the patronage of the people of Si Mir. e and surroundine, comiiiuuitv. Call- ansxtercj ia Jay 110111 Kusinb J'!U Slcie; at iiiM bom residence on Church street. Phone No. 4S. V. B. HOUSTON, SL'KGKOX DENTIST. OTue up stairs, l'iti;eiald building Northwest jf Courthouse, Mouroe, S. C. DR. B.CREDFEARN,t DKhTl.r. THE THREE BEST TMINQS. ll aw tat 4. kt - frtaM .U ft .Ujr. It t4j tar iWt, mi hr at- . i.,., I l-tatt Snt it ik lwr. u .f . "Jhl I aajT .irfc. hhr-MiM.ll.tl H ,. ail "- I mm ih ,r bf Thl l-'TWu tar J.-, 111 ll IltfUl :" tft' m hll Iwll ar UMtvt. f in!t. .. Kl -fMrit ft (ft (,. yr.. t '.T 1 im-h l-lrrfMf frt in JU,rtiitf lk.mr. H. a-tWtrrT.il mra. (- in UmuT Ikevt.tj 1H At -v-hii.W-. t.. uf i.l U.a.4 tv..., H--aur I ih fc r km- w ..rt i !-(. LIKE l.rt m -ul In, mjr b(V ft. r.-jr I.. b-(H i,rf l.a HiTiHra!ttiff.tit.l!ir.! !;i ?hr ltw .. n, !fKlii( im-k in kr T.i Kl ItH- tuiurv ni. itt ith l..Je A'if Iiji . hral. Iiif i.at. Kill T ..ia uat A;r. J tlJtV.l (41 .Ul :aH T U-i h v viml u( thr Sill :riin.m n ,(u .nnnufr. ami ,-.vm 1 '.l ." tHll Brr lkM lilt- r,t. HrcauM- the nt turB itl (Ur t4. TbettMBds Rt Kidney Trbl ad Doat Know it. FJ1 boitta or common (tug wt:k yotar tr v-c t h sua4 ta:y-iaur kcurs. aedunent or tt- -rT;J 1 JtjjT hnca it tt H Jr.' k is? trouble . t"0 Charge iraoiuble Satisfac tim suar aiitt'f J. O'Sc -eovei English Prug Co t Ci 0E. N. C. V.'iii 1) at Mai simile N. C, 011 first and tl.ii! M i.v!.is of ru.-h nmntli, am! t M.ilthtxs ou socoiij an J fourtl V ii'!ai. l'liuiie jjj K.'l.l. I. - . IVIS I. c. 91 Kl s, K. STEVENS & SIKES, A;toraej'5 and Cowselors-it-Law, rtnmpt atoit:.ti siu-a to all mat- bra pl.uc I t:i n,:: i,.iJs, .Vanav't rii-iit ! 1 st.it, s f. r guard )!, a.!:t:::i:.-.tratoi and ewo!:tor a t 1 i!ty. Ch.ir.;es rt-asonalilr, (Uli e pel i,! C hit :,, 0 jntfrly O.'rupir.l l i tlie l.lli- 1. A. CuMilti'll.) r f, wil l I IMS K. W, I FMMOND WILLIAMS & LEMMOND, Atoraeys-at-Law, Mi Mv-.'l', N. I . rraotict- i:i .-.!! t!,t- Suit- a:iJ Vnited S. i:i-s Couits. I i ompt .nil 'iti -ii nivra tn rolli'c- t: s and hi s.i-ui U : wtsce. IjI m Inn bit tmr wilh-NH ainlt.r. r ,.r-hi..n ..1.1 .tw. ..r ti I- Mw-afc I if I iiar m tin, r him m )mn i :,in- lit ..ih.-r n,. f f ! im lu rui my lin .lm. N.ti m tt I 4tM. r.. it, :rt 1 mip An, I if! mr ..rship alir. mi l..n- u ilw, .I . thr..ujctl l..vr Mst ..rtii( trl utr n J..v- is hii 11. Nt.rt' imm.Tta! ihirsi Ti rsim.irir; k'i.. ti nil f..r,fiir.u, pi-ii . si- ful smi. ilti ,s.iu I,. hrifii . . m. a;t.l un.lrrian.t mr ,.rsi! In.l 4-'l,ii II. f..r . Iss a.i- ....n V-sr.1. Ail.l ir( !nr Uli.l III IIHH-. Bi !.'.. nil !s-l Hiirs- n hvk I Item, Equality .Fraternity: Their Mcanlnifv Th prim-ipl.- bu-h ha Jirwt nl ami the iut aliuh has 111 spinsl uiir n.iiioiiol lii,., thai Kirit. tli' niiM-iiilii. aiv 'IuInk1i.iI in thu-p .iriU li'n n. r.malit. ti-a It-ruity. hut do tht-w vonU tin au I What lul nur lathers iu-au by tlii iu f liy liUrlT lin y uieaiit the ritfht iii'r man to a fiw mitl full de l"iiui-i,l. IVtu.'.iliMii lii uietl thin. I ink r I Ik- It-uiUI M !.-lii, lie bo Uiru .!:! ivuiaiiii'il a !.n !ru ati nl. r. t c m m mini a ti.k-r; U-m a ltn iiil iiii-tiui'tur. h rv ni;ii.ii-l a Ijiid. d itiititir. lu tlim iKiu.tiv iKitMun Matin vaittii! W lixitl by hi birth. lArrv Sale of Farming Land. H Tirttir of iilti.iritt tH.ittt-rn-.i . m l.a ft.. w.itni ttiliiutrl Itv J f r..ij.,..r. it.ti.U mtti amt "tltt-n., Wlln. ( y t ,,n,ir a, Monday, November 2nd, IWJ. -.-iir hot.- .in.- in fhf !" 11 M -ttrm- r f, ;:,, nitf .i. -it-. ..r ttr,-.-,..f Jlt(. -i.iL.t,-.! .-..r;'-,( - f,. Ht-c! 1, - , l! it t-.H-fe ;.y m ') 1 (..CniHxi M, K.TI, '-i r. an t run S ..f hi Inn- H' K i . iiti- t.. ,iv .-f -.!!. tft.M.-i- t: , -.!ni-4 f if 1 , k r, 'ta' i- a r-i im tt t .!., V t ciij it- l -uin- -- a 'tia,. jr.it;' I tt-i.tt if' n- 1 . tna tk ts so conrirvirf procf that tho lulne tr.4 bai dervtout! Cfr. Wfcat to . Thew Is eomfn In ihe kncwlep m Cfcen uprrsaea. tlut Dr. Ki'mer s Smp- m cur:ny rsieum:;jm, f..i m inc bc, k rw. i, l.rer, t-a-Urt n4 everv fart ol t uriurv ri- i corroc. tnai-tirv lo l-s.d :er ax.J sl iir.f f a in pAJ9t: ( w:m Jr beer. nj ovorccmri that urr'e.int j ' t' lnV of hliu.l Btxess- r of beuf compelled is c'tm , hut he touM. tliiltiihii liti h the otoi:.fy entct cl Samrwjt)t i, ... ,,,r "" "i -"l tUo "lualiiy ot reantj. It a:anj t.-.e fc.pert (,-r in .n- i.l tin II U-I'.'H- law. I tuli-r U- !! cufea tt t-.e m a o sncw cava, i ohl li-tli:l a-ui. ihi-n u;i- ih-Y-urr.ay ha a rair.tle bore .1 mia."1 ,;,, ,,,r ""' I'l-'l'l !lm if the mJer' J ducox-rry f P- j s-t 1; it- M't tf 1.1V s and Olll- h i i ani a book thai tri'-Jf-JV i- inttrt fur the ii U-l:itl-s anotlii-r Ostreas tt. K.lirer fk I '"r """ ,alt.v- '" K"V.'III- Co.. Binjiartoii. N. Y. Whrn nnr.r men- lili lil. thi-iv i i- to U' ! ilillt-r- " reosiuig umjciioiajiin iu hu km. -iiii- : tin- Ucii, III.. mhh, tilt Don't nuke any miuke. t ut ""' ."" nt. the lni;li. the low rememlicr thff name. S air.n I ''"' l' ll t the viiiip Root. Ir. Ki!mcr" SaniP-Kt. I la" '" r'i:t 1 and the a.Ures. Inh.mt..,,, N. t ""' ' '"Im-mK l: U.u,-r iiiih,.iiii lauiin iiiiain a iiiiii.i u raticrvt. iii.n of tin- old rim-iiif ilf ll.'H.-N-W- t-.j;t'. finlt-r tin- V, i ;'!al sjstl 111, f.-l IMUI ofllll- lllibil it ii'iiiit.il hiiiiM-lf iiiiili i obli-i tti ti to i it li.s i t tin n..l.!iij ; cvi i 'man rd a dulv t tin- licihbo'i in tin- cim'i-im nhirli lit- iiimv I i-h-r til-- ni-w ili'!:i-.ri,itu- s-,li thi.-. iibii-atioii uas t,, l uiiit-hal : ii man i;i I,, ivciijiii,. in -i'iy i-tln-r man a lui.lliri. Muni ality i f iiiti ii-M, I . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ( ,f m i i.f - tln w is 1. 1 In - fiiiiilain, t.ll 1! lit. I pit- ..f tin- nt-w ri-litllil.r. MAVV OOO NOT OUUTY. It Took the Jury But Fifteen Mitt- ulca to Say So -The Court E prv&aal Its Approval. tks tliiwrr, Wth. "X.it Ktiilty." ftf tte rds mith nhK h H P W if;ssi, f.Tvmau , the jttn- tlut trmi trie llavtJ rase, -iiii.l the k-riii trial at exactly a quar ter hi one i U k yeMerday. ,nd an the t U i k pl led the jury, the an- er mnie disttivtly. -Ni4 pnlty, ' iki ai'uhv " Kniist lla.il. aiivr.img Uithe iMirt nth-, nvvtvi-d the venlK't Mamlinj;. . he sailed f..r tru rd.-i that were frsiua;lit ith mrb imi.Tt t.i hitr hi fv l. k.M old. dmn. ha-irard and trav; and it . I .I ...a . .,1.1.. .i. . maul -.--.-t i iwip- niH-ii uip in- TILLMAN CAMS CLEAR. Y., on every bottle. K ' s li lt ..I IJ.it, lilt- -,f . I i.i-!i mi. I il..t III-, :t't liit.-r, K ll KMiHISK.i tHri'i :.--' i ;,t : rs, a?, I in .-.ted I-.. .1! o: C-.llltltl-.;- ! .1 lt- i;ii t - .11 k-sal btl-HM i 'iBi-e ii i i ,1 ;'i the settle itiiis, t-xe-jil' es-pei-ull) : .1 r.. ;it a tvuiai ittintmu le pi ice, oppiite Clerk'i n L-.,. :.t . hi. ixrsiill lit l- lll-'lil-, .Ml, J",, II ivit: l.n at. 1 in M :;,i,,,. (.i,n hi, fi t icca t,i ti.r t ! v . i 1 1 . 1 siirn iindiin '"'r.V. l'i--.i.s.-s t-t tin- st ach .nid I'-'wel a s r, l ilt-,-, tittice oxer the W. J. Undue Cn.V lumk Mme. Calls an .n-it-d in the d iv fi.tiu the 1 ::i;liili drui; stare ur it hi. m--, at uiht from ri-idelu-p. Valuable Farming Lands and Town Lots for Sale. : - X f.t -i ,.f xi.. mi. I i- ! - a i:. Hit! - .X 1:. I , - - tt H i- I ll XI I mi, . tr Hit- His, n a 'I i.sil.1 111 h;i,.r, .,;i As to the Price of Cotton. j lsitr l')r,'r The tlevline in the pi it-e uf entton 5 fiotii fmii'teeii to nine n-iils, in a j !'' wii'lt-' time, is Iir.di.ili'.y itli 'out a i-.ii il't-l in tin- liistmy of tin staple. Ami while the fniiileeii , ivnt pritv wa iiiimi-t.-il.'ili! fun eil. pa.iinHlie and aititii-i.il due t.i spi'eiilatioii ami iiillili.ni tm an eml iiioiw -.eale- thei.- is mul it-.. : iii to beliexe that the pn-vnt i,-w Ipi uv . eoiiipar.il ivciy M-aklliu i. also artilieial ami impel niaiient. ; I The iue liable re.ietinii fimnthe, lllomi bull iiii.m iin lit has roine i am! tin-H i'diilinu ha s inii; , ', far in the opposite ilirirti.ni. Ami j the rapid tletei iot at of rotton ' ' iN'iniiin aUml S pteiul r lt has! j not been generally reeiyuieil. j There is iv.im.ii to believe there ; fore that when the maiket settles and assumes its i.orma! ...sii i,,,,, rotton will a-.iiii aih.ime m-i t,, fourteen fents b any means, but . w in revulxc alii'iit a leu eent pi a .-. I'or the eriip, aeeotilin' to I In- best I obtain. lb! forma! n m, w ill not 1h r ' matei ially lai-i-r than list j ear possliily smaller while the lull's. .- : w ha h weie iio hi iniiisiiallv dm straits last fall. ha e mi t iiai,x ('; no i-oitoii at all on hand. So while ' lentton. like a lll . Is said to be one Ij j of the things imliodx ean depend 't i on. with the iisu.i! tivnd i f Ihm-s itheie should lr an aihame of !i 1 prii-e. l ot t-aiih-. lint in a few minutes he was sxtitiiittiriy responding to wnnls of i'otirattilaln'11. .Several 4 his .suitim-l leaiie, oxer and reached fur Ins hand as as Kon-man Wigp; !..ul si'Ken t!ie llill wonls. .Meanwhile Jii.lgi I'eebl.-s was ,v. .Iiessing the jury ll.-re is what hf si il : i H ill it men of tin- jurv. the court frt-ls thai it would In- derelict in its duty in ilischarmni' volt without iiiauk'iig you for your patient alten boil eixen to the evidenee and I hi many sxt Ik-s of counsel, and tin- iMiiein. i.uuiiui iiisciiurp voiir d itv I know there has been a irood deal of public opinion about this case, and a great ileal said about it, lint public opinion is soiuctimen.and x. rv ftinpieti'ly, crroriMits I say tc you, in ymir U half, that 1 do not'see l.il Im -fote 1 luoii !i . I : tl.i count iv ol ile v elopnicnt: -iiiil j -! !a .i : Ii alei mty a coiii s!i,i binding all to.-eili was t,.e spin! of the in- I The (ilurv uf Work. i ''- ' " I. ell our si liools li, ai W It lit -s to the new spint. lMiicatiuii liflj xi-.us a.. was sitpp. m-i In tea.-ii men how in.! to w,,rk : now it :.. ielie ll.. i.i how to woik. Ami Mr. I. oih-r we know that laUir is in t a misc. but a positive .'oi'd. a n.e.i'.s ,.f Kia.y. "Thank (i.i.lt-ven iiioiiniii; when you -et ll. s ,ys t I,-, Ixll-sley, --tl.a! J oil Will like ll or I.. woi k. ami w ill lir.-t i! i self cut i I. ol w.,!. .I.,- n il .1 lii'i l.ax e i'i Ii I in ni ii,. irii.-i nil I i I..I1 . in -a i,,i in H --i tlfc','- , mitl C.I Kiti is- K It-ita-it Ii,, Oi lioitl-..I J r I llif put .f X,.t,r.s i I. .l a HI'.NKV B. Al IMS. I K A K , 1 1IOXI S J. '-si i in . JKROXIE. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, AriCPNiVS AT LAW, PNRGE. N. 0. I'ractice in all the Cum Is, State am! l-' ili-ral 1 he management ot estate? tor execi.?-ir.-i,admrii trat .is a special. ty. Careful ami dihK-i-nt attention Itixen to the f.ir.-i-l..are uf murtiiacet and r. liei tmn of fl.uniH. Money oaned witlmut expense tn lender. All i.tination Riven pi ompt ami rarrm! attention. Oifice east of courthouse. R.H. Kedwiue. A. M. Stack. RED WINE & STACK. Attorn e n-ut- Law, MON HOE, N. C. Practice ill all the State and Feder al Courts. Will manage estates for Eiecutora, Administrators and Guar dians fur reasonable pay; and will foreclose mortices and negotiate lonns, with. nit expense to Mortgagee and Money Lenders, hen practicahle. Oilices Northwestern rooms, first Boor, Coin (house. "tt-i-. ituti i-. fin f..r Mr IIIHIIIIII I.'. i, IKK A a i ... i Farm Lands for Salo on Time. H . irtiii .,f ti ,.r,r ,,r Hi, iM -i,,rc,,iir. ,,f I iii .ll .... mm , N i . int., I. in id,. ,.rtu.r . . j in I in- s, mifv I nt Tm.r c.,itiitiv m,I I niiin-l ...,,r .( W K lll.l .l.iliir.a'-,. V W Hi.-iy tni,l ,.iIht-. li.ir-,.i M ,,f w k " ' ''oi'-. I lie -no,iiu-..I... nil-1 '"'-" in ii v 1.110 iii-i rnt.,r .f XX K IL-iv.' ,li-t-t u-i-.l. m 'i, a! i .. , hi , ,, ' I Saturday, October 24. 1M, '"r !i ii-- to do thai ila) be "I Ho- whether J.-ti Ik-ing lolii-d to do 'iced lo do jour lust, x -'I b-iupeiami- an, I ' nee. ami sire: -th -i t i I'iiImi ss and coi ii-nt, died utiles which the k now." The Xoiiiin man o i.-.it ii thelory nf ,;,r, ;.'ood w.uk misses hall ie ioxs ,. In in.'. I'iiy I. i in j you in, but iit-M i ciii v him. ii- m- el io fails 1 .ll, ami lecoiuitry ..I i iltt.tr In XI,, nr.. iii-i ,-f Ian, I ,1. in I in,, -,f l un S lll, W K lU-u' Meek ll.i-'i , M ilii-lt. SI. AL'1,111 rilil ll- f.,1. tumt. siat,, l-ll.'. .-II Oil. ll (lit- ii.,n .1 i - i r. t-k i.,HM,tp, -i-ii - 11, . r-, i f 1 I lla.t. . ,., l,t- ..tilth lit, n,, I rafl n, w hi im st, hi , ..ii Hit- i-t I-, tl.t- W...t-v litii x si ii,,s,,n . ha.l ,,f.,t. Bone Fains, Itching, fccabby en LlisoaeS. wetllac. irliun, lea. I-,,., , r..fnl ' IMC...V U li ljtl lu.!... - ditwr. y. t:, a - t'D -, s i In !' a I .,,. . I, J 1 , ,l.. anl fa In Sum, )-., -i a I , ... ., St Mm. 1 : 1 Is a Inl . r i:...,. -...,. ,., 1-i.i-ia-. a-.l 1 r n e, s , M ., , 1-4,.-. .J I- Hill. S ra I .1, I' n: : I 1, t-r r ::. : rf : ..r, I .' It- In,, it- ii I It- H l l.-t, - I Hill, I , -iii.l ,. n: ii ..1 .1 ... i, It it, n i;., tifwif,! U T I .- "ill. IS I ff I ri'tiin i t-iiif.l !. t..ii,i wit!, :i t: t'.t -it.'."-r uiii' ii- lio- iii.iti-l,. fr,,n, ,lai,-',.f ,ai,, the tm, in rt-.fi,.., I iiinil mil ,iiri-lia-.- nn-ia-v : ' e iat-11 iwitl ll, t- - a i . I Ian. I l.i,w .,, i,, v, lit-is-w ni, t,, tatv iii.,-i,i,-,ii,.. ,,f st .l. i). Iiaui. AN ,V 1 HI STCII rt- Ot- a 1,1 I- - a ' -. Tin. 1 HI. sAI INi, 111 A lan itlltl K. Ii- nit- , Xrinllt-iil . W ijliioiis. All, OK MONROE, N, C Si-llcils your account and hauling bininess. We guarantee AHSOl.L'iE SECL'KITV, promptness am all the accommodations that SOl'NI) hank im: will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agieement, ou deposits left lor our stated period, AUayt ready for loani on approved paper. 0. P. HEATH. President. fl. D. N. WMtleu J. D, having located at L'nion ville, N. C., offers his professional services lo that place and surround ing country. Lnionville phone 8; Sincerity , - , viiiuimiiic piiuuc n, oincrruy 4, People's BanK insurance L. H. THOMPSON, l ire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all clautei ot Casuality Id finance. Only the best and stronireat companies reptesented. ! respectful- ly solicit your business, assuring piontpt and efficient attention to all matters. Offire: Gordon & Thomp son's old stand. Phone No, i. . 1 ft TT vt "ft. out, f li-irrr. Botanic t!rd Bnlm. puarantecd lofurf-rerithww- '.mtvl 1;,. M,-jr.1Ir. hV.. JOI N- r-- wt.at.4 but .:..,.... 1, a.lt it,.i .:ia.: ....tiiTx,!.' i.nr W-Mii.nts tii.ikri 1 1 h. 1 j .j.. I ri t, r1.ion..t,o r 41 -1;u, 1 t r (n: t .1 ,;, v, 1 r 1 !' ii 1. h tl. ii, harurMlh. ftu tt'.l-wuivnt veii kltef s lifntr I'i li-t i' .ff-t, Ohl Kin ui..t.tl.m.rtftrrh. rrmma m inut.-q Vf hi awf J v ,,;., ,( f,.n,!mn jiii-wi. H. n. l)r Mwi -if ajirj .it no fT. lf,A .,. fc;.i. 1... ictt.. Hium.i,.., ill !!, f,;a fm.-n ltf Ss-r-tnf t-tt i.i, hf finaaj ft tun, taiU.j blv. i;t T to a ff.-et, 4 jm' Cancer Cured notw moofi tmm him Lawn era of k'.l r nit i in :.. .- '.i n e-a, T'ii--.r-. i,. t H a -Ji.t na i...'a..l I,,-. ., , , or w..r ofn-r i " If a v ., ..... F;'"-' a -1 i:,ry ;.:.. r u .mM 4Wt'.P lUOt.Tf. y .T,fft;pftr i..'yl,op,MioJrt t .rtfr it- .r tab-if lint er r. H itn. Ua LL 111 .Z -. t. i a . ItwT m lurs Itaattio t r mi. ii ftV m.Maa Ui.iM'i;.ii.).iw,t(r',; nhrn b riffl. trjUMtiCL r l (..km, If not fro4 yHp mzuev tretmptlv Kt rw- y") - ant-' lllnck lien Was On. This, sax s th.. Twentieth t entury .1 inel. Is how the contributor to I the niiiyriiiii'-s tells of the way in u iiii-h a little j;ir rei alcil i'i- onl in, k t.. trade lotlu s'oli kei pel : i r I.. iii one o the smaller cot l a ires a! the i iul of th,- t-et-t cam.' a bare looted cliilil in a coliirless calico iliess ami slat siiuboniift. Willi the impoi' iiil an ,,l a hiaw bnvei sl.p eiMi reil t,e x il'a-re store and ham! en an, s the l.lin- tea, up. (,,, plopi it-tor took the teacup mill said " busk t -s: "Well, liuiniy what does your ma want lodav !" . . 4 ll . " i lease, mi-, ma wants an woith o molasses, ai .she fully placed a huge w hite i tile counter. The storekeeper poured out a lit tie niolasse.H into the cup from a stone jii;; uiaj set the cup Irfole his customer. ".Mr. Miiilh, she said, lis she took her pun base, "I'll he luck in a little while for some Kinder. Ma sant to tell you the black hen wan on. g.s' ' are s! "I' Rntan'e I'.lnnd Ilitn, H.r..H.X la I7fi-ania:i l t,t'.l0l Tl.-r nc- Ivt aVt l I-TIHt-. r 1 urrt II .t.nla It .-t. . ,.!. km. r tc kiil-ar, at1 w, .'All, ' c V p , '., iitlf a, , , t , I, i-.t. h I. ii. .. a l-.taaitrtlrc ai-,il f'r.-e t, ..-is. I-., -r it ii ii. ..a w- im ..A litlin e. triHiliH. an.1 anei ol ft. , itteliutl asl.K,. lu aua xm . aas. a, a, a mini u tu t. Sold by C N. SIMPSON, Si'ue cili.ens of notable name look p u t in a law case tried recent ly in i Onlohoina. The indue who presiii.-u was I I .mis 1 1 it Pierce Ah-i under, the plaintilf was Haniel xiel.slt-i- Anlej, t. defendant itcniaiiuii l iankliii tioll, two of the witnesses were I'lysea llrant 'iotl'and Andrew .l.icksiiii, counsel for the defendant were Walter Sett i, i.,i ... i , . ... , , " xo-oiH w iK-UIIlL'tiin ';..l...... ., ... . . niv.-is, x. iiue i ne planum wan represented l,y Jesse J,imn (im. a lai aaa. IVill positively cure any case of Kidney op Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No mediccno can do more. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary oreranti. -builds up the kidneys and invig orates tne wnoie system. IT IS GUARANTEED TWO SIZES BOo and $1.00 Piiii. t)m ui irifil With Eiornelatlnf Pahs A. H. Tliuniet, Mp. Villi Creei Coil Co., Buffalo, 0., writeas "I ban beta iffllcted vita kidney and bladder trouble lor fian, pit. In pietl or ttonai with ucruclitint punt. Other medicine! only I.v relief. -After takint FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE th reiuH waa aurprlilnt. A few doset itirted th brick duit, hk fin itoaei, etc., and now I hie no pain acroa my kidneyi ind I feel like t new mia. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE baa dona m 1 ,000 worth of good." ll Otbir limiry Cu Compirt With H Vh. Carter, of Aihboro, N. C., had Kidney Troabla tsd n born of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and a aiya thr la ao remedy that wlU compir with it. SCLO iX3 RECC-EXDEfl BY -C N. SIMPSON, JR. aw you could have done otherwise ipoli Hie evideiice ln-fore von U hetlier there is anything behind 'his c iilem-e or not is not for von or the couit lo k.iv From the exidence i .. .r. . u . i - i . i-ioie you, i iiuiiK your xeniict wiis eminently ptn.er For s.in:e cause T other, uiiknonn to yon and un known to tne, mi the even ins of I he 21st of February. Mr Ludlow kililier, repiiti'd to lie one of the U'st .itnl must peaceful of men in all Hie land, saw lit lo commit an assault upon .Mr. Ilavwimd, and. so far an the court can stv, without any provoca tion That assault resulted in his lealh, ami that is to be deplored ; lint the court thinks that you have 'lischar.ip-d ymir duty and found ex actly the verdict which the court would have found if it had bmi in i our place. You are discharged and an prove your al tendance." Then Mr. llaywi.Ki s friends sliook lus hand warmly, and he ahook muds with each one of the jiirvmen lut this tunc it was seen that leurs I x'd in his cm s. All of his three lir.ithers wen' also visiliiv moved. ei. . : . . . . . ... i no jinx was out exactly lillccll minutes-. .Iiide INvbles had con Iiided Ins charge by half past !wt.v ' i In k, and at a ipiarter to one tin jury lilcd back to their seats. Mr Haywood had left the court room had several of Ihe attorney. The h Tendanl was sent for in a liurr and Hie word was passed that tin jury as coiuiiii; in. A number of pixiplc riishcd Unk ilil.i Ihe alniosl hserlcd miirt nmm and lined ti ipiins: i tie lur. 1 he jmlire ordere every one to sit down, and command ed Ihe sheriff to station depulie ihiouejmut the pmii ami arrest anv "lie making any demonstration w hat ever of approval or disapproval of Hie verdict of the jury. In a minute or two Mr. Ilavvniod came in, ami then, in rcsmiisc to the questions of l p,ity ( Icrk of the Court Vitruviiis Kovsier, came the verdict. And si ohdi d I he long (rial, that had lastct jiil ilurtivn d.ivs and a half. The North Carolinian's Duty to Mis Mate. Hit Ural Krtstril.-r. Iii this day of material progress, then, let us si.,, (a jf (hat the hearts of our people an- set on nobler achievements. We have progress h make not only in agriculture and manufacture anil impulation ; we should crave to bring forth a race of men worthy of the blood of our fath ers. And while we take a lofty frith in their brave exploits in the wars of ihe past, let us rememlier that tin nuesi uoiior we can mve t hem is achievement; by our own hands V .1 ' . . . . ., .xoiiiing so nonors a lamer as an - ii .... illustrious son. tnir his, jnans, our monument and our protestations arc vain unless va- can in our day anil g Herat ion set forth before the world im n of might. To sine North (.'anv lina's praises or to Imast of the deeds of Ihe fathers and do nothing to re neve the conditions in the present i mockery of Ihe purest tvpe. The glory of the present generation shall shine forth not from our boasts of the past, but from our work in bring ing our Commonwealth out of the bondage of Ignorance into the Prom ised Und w hich is given to all inU'l ligcnt people. The duty of tui present hour is not to blind ourselves to unhappy fact bv vain protesta tions and boasting, but to front ad verse conditions in the spirit of our lathers. All the history and heroism of the age could not weigh success fully against the fact that there are more illiterate white lsiys and girls in North Carolina than in any other State in the Union. The 5a!oon in North Carolina la Doomed. omaxllle RrSarlur. That the temperance sentiment is rapidly gaining ground in North Carolina is evidenced by the fact that since the legislature adjourned ten town in the State have voted out saloons, while only four other towns in which election were held voted in favor of saloon and these by verv small majorities. Several more town will soon vote on the question. The whiskey busincsa in thi State is loomed lust as surely as day follows I ! night, and may the time speedily come w hen .there is not a saloon in our border. The advocate of tenv icrance have cause to feel encour aged in their effort. To Cur a Cold In on Day TaULaaatir BrooioQoipin. Tablet!. All droggiati refond th. noocy if it fails to cur. E. W. Grove' iina turt ii oo each boa. 15 cooti. When ia need of fresh meat .phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. Senator Tillmaa While mi tkxTrala SaUl. "I'm Oolnf to Tak Jiaa Horn With Mo." ClaailM4X m-aattral. kKh. Jamea II. Tillman is a free nan. Hi uut'le, Senator It. K. Tillman, came from Trenton to Leiiogtoa ynsterday and nid on tb train, "I am roing to take Jim bark with me." It waa a roregnn rxxnclusioa and it haa been oiieuly Mated for day that leu of the jury were pledged lo Tillman before tbe trial began. Jhia ha noma confirma tion in the later event, aaoulv two juror made auy rexxistanee. The) were J. R Sharp and Miltoa Jum- ier. After taring oat nearly 21 hour tbe jury anuouueetl an agreement at 10:1(0 tin morning. The pris oner waa brought from tbe jail. There were few persons in the court bouse and aoiue of the cheered wheu the verdict waa announced. Tillmau' frieiiils crowded arxMiud him and shook hi haud. He seemed pleased with thi demon stration and cordially returmsl their greetings, lie shtMik band with Judge (iary anil the jurv men and, aceouipaniexl by a unrulier of eople, be walkeil out of tbe court house and aero the Htreet to the jail, where be i no longer to re main. Tillmau, when asked alwiut hi future movements, said be would go to bin home in Falgcfield. His two pistols, the Colt and tbe Luger, were handed to him, but be re fused lo take them, leaving them in tbe hand of the court official. He walked across the street to the jail with bi arm around tbe old negro, (ieorge Johustoue. a family servant, than whom no one ba lieeu more faithful to him. Old (leorge seemed happier than the man who had but just a iiiomeut U-fore beeu acquitted of the most serious crime that can lie charged against any man. 1 hi nfternoou Tillmau gave thi statement to the pres: I fiH-l very grateful at the re sult of the verdict, but at no time did 1 apprehend any serioim conse- iiiencea. I of course deeply regret the death of Mr. (ion.aleis but 1 wa foived to do what I did. 1 ive never apprehended convic tion, for I felt that I did no more than .any man would have dime under the same circumstance and what 1 wa cumin-lied to do. My position wa rully stated lu Ihe te limony I gave on the stand. I did ask for a change of venue because 1 was convinced that ou account of prejudice in liichland county I could not get a fair and impartial trial in that county. I felt sure that 11 soon a my case could lie presented to an impartial jury 1 would be vindicated. The verdict has ju.stitied Ihe correctness of uiv judgment. Lexington couuty wa selected by the prosecution. It IKi.ple are law abiding and have long lieeu noted for the correctness uf their verdict aud lma praisisl ny tne press, ' jCASTflnlfl W1t-J 8 For Inf.nt. and Children. p- i-ix'ia '! W xMFlil JI1 11 11 ill 1 . awaa . . t a. I 3 rANttetabk reparation Ht As stmiutinc WrxXkJcindHeeula kwg t SkavxlB andi3owts of TL V... II ii uic imu iuu nave l a m Always bougni Promoter Dix,c3tk)tvfnrerfur ness and IVst Conlairrs net liar l)pajmJMorphinc norXincraL ot Narcotic. MtyftUkYStMUKasai f ' "tall I la- w- Aperfrcl Remedy forronsux rton. Sour Skxtftv-h. IH.MTfxoca Wonw5jtoiwiisjor.lcvA-rish nrss and Lossur Sleek FacSiiMti SiCmilurt of XEW YDTIK. Bears the Signature of I ' as. a m WM 1 Lfl ! oigmture AXT ivT 1 LxaCT copy or xuAPeei. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA ettat-awnv ). atcfa m orrv. M 'l'lillllioiMllllllllillHillllllllltllll'llM:illlllllllliiii(ioiiiiiiiiiiiioilioo, 00010,. iMivMiwiwiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiumiiiiiiuiiiiiiiriiiM,!;, W. S. BLAKENEY, President. 1. M. 5TACK, Vice-President- TMO RAY.IOND SHLTE. Cashier- Banl v of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A modern banking house with every facility for Ihe prompt and careful handling of all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and get interest on them. intfllMMtmilltinitllllUMIIflllltllltMIIMMltltllllltlllMllllllllllllllllllllllliHllliilllilli, ..iniiwiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM Parent Should Co. Operate With the School. Klrhnmntl a-la-Ailrr. It would be well if all the pan'iits f boys and cirl atteiiilinir the nuli- lic schools ami for that matter pri vate schools also would do some severe and honest thinking and self- examination ami analysis at the be ginning of the coming school term and would niake some verv stn'tic anil definite resolutions and stick to them. One vice of the public school system is the temptation it offer pa rents to shirk the rcsHnihility and lo unload the whole burden of man agement, training and instruction of hihlren on the public school system and teacher. The schools cannot lie made effective and cannot do the work they are intended to do with out the cordial cooperation and arnest help of the parent of the piij iis. Parent should run their families on sysb-m and during the school session should have a recular study hour, or time, so much a may be needed, and should see that it is used faithfully. A child can be (rained to do certain thing at cer tain time until it become a fixed habit and the natural thine; to do. It can be tauulit to get out it books and go to study a regularly and naturally as it goes to meal or be comes sleepy at night. On the other hand, neglect and carelessness or a little loo8enin2 of watchfulnes or liscipline will allow a child to be come irregular and uncertain even in almg and sleeping. The Educational Campaign In the Stat Not Overdone. Knarreulra Faraaer. The only men we know who claim tbat the educational cam paign la being overdone are city men whose children have long had the beueflta of good achools, and who do uot kuow a tbe writer knows both by olwcrration and ex periencethe pitiful iuefilcienev of me sciioois. in our rural districts. As Carlyle has well aaid : "That there should one nan die ignorant no bad capacity for knowledge. tin 1 call a tragedy, were it to happen more lhau tweuty time a fiiiuule, aa by aome computations it aoea." i hut tragedy is a daily oc currence in North Carolina j this irageay nag new me State back la wealth, In in flue nee, in population; aim now in thl day of agricultural and industrial prosperity. - this tragedy alone mart the prospect of I nature greatneaa. la tbe rural dis trict tbe eampaiga for good achools nas only begun. von ixnow waai you are Taking Wbea yoa tak Grova'i T aitele. Chill Tooie bacauao th formula I plainly printed oa aeery boltl abowing that it ii limply iron and yuiom ia a tailtx- l:i form. No Cor. No Pay. tax Call for Welsh's cheap Crockery. -.. 1 " 1 1 - ' i i : i ., a : s si k-'.sis-. ..- j-i THE ' KEELEY CURE OOOOOOOOOCXXX)OOOOOOOOOCXXX)sJOOC Do You Know What It Does? 1 1 rrllfve pt-rw-n .if all Amlrr fur -urn.tkT tirtnk rtf tlruir, riMiorri hit ncrruuit ) t-m u lit itoriini rnill tUm, and niiiutf a man to u h.mt and luin..i, Tt full laartiritlora, atltlrf THE K EE LEY INSTITUTE. fiKCKNKIHiKO, N. . COHRESfONDKNCK CONFIDENTIAL )CXOCX)CX3COCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXC)CXXXXXX)6 HORSES AND MULES! We have just received the best car load of horses and mules that ever came to this town. If you want to buy or swap, come and see us. AVc can save you both money and time. E. A. Armfield & Sons. r . Mai! Boxes! a Buy your mail boxes from us and save 50 "per cent. Monroe Hardware R. REDFEAUN, Manager. Co. (MaaWS la ajsaMak mtxaffaaal aW.aVaaxlaa W aa ttm l ataVattav a A tfa m l aBm)tvtT.yaw Plr

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