THE MONROE JOURNAL. VOLUME X NO 39 MONROE. N.C TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 1003 One Dollar a Year THE RALEIUH REUNION. 10 ttUSY EQUALS PUUIA, SOTEZWOmiLLSil JOHN ALEXANDER DOWIE. General Robert and Oencral Cox on rhxs-.-back, and Central Matt Ranom Wanted to Mount and Ride A Striking Centrist of the OU and the New. M.ij ur It, V. IIoiivpii and Cpt. 8. ti. Hoic arc tin- only old vet erans from Hi is omit that atUtid ed the letiuiou at lf.tle ih la.! twk mi far m e have hr;':U. The fol lowing ai-coutit of the eor.u.ion in (rum I lie lutleigh correspondent of the Cb.ul. 'tie Observer : This is tn lie a bit of t4oty about the Confederate rtuiuou here yes terduy, by I he way, the first of the kind ever lit Id at K.ileigh. with a ramp and a parade, a lauiim't aud all other features, not forgetting the sponsor. The day was perfect ; a cloudless sky with liiiiitl.-ss depths and heights of azuie, the suusliiue with ull the softness of Indian sum liter; the camp ground, with its rows of tents on a gently swelling """' " ,r " 1 friend lndel.nIl1llnP. ci tiieirrva; I lie . t .... k-m lllat Suaaa Vjaur. UIm Swan Wrmar. taachar la the Rich mood aobool, Chicago, III, writes lit following letter to Dr. Hartmaa ra girding Penan. She eajras "Only Uioae who hare suffered aa I hara, eaa koow what a blaaalng It la to ba able lo Bud relief la Pa-ra-aa. Thla baa beta my experience. A friend la Bred la colli, the lounge ling, I he last Hug of the Confeder-j nry, with the ball It Hup, the barn bought proved a good friend I me.--Suaaa Wy mar. Mra. Margaretha Dauben, 1214 North and the red Kind at the end to leu- Superior 8U, Raclna City, Wu, wrlUxi Seu the t flii-t .f too milt It while, i Ileal ao well and food and happy now IIihIiiil' in the senile hrveze : the,P,?,,conobJcribelt. Fe-ra-nato ...i.,...., r.,r.i.,., f.,.H. cli everything tome. I hara taken aeTeral U, fair groups, inspiring "i-SiK by the hand of the cadet inr pa of i . . . . ...: ... i M....t,....;. ..I : - - ... n. .......... ...... ................ u,, irreguiarltlee and emarcenclea oa- culiar to women caused by pelvtt catarrh. Adtlreaa Dr. Bartman, Columbus, Of for a free book for women only. the A i't i. n'.t in .1 n I II Mei hiilili ill .11 .1 .. i, ... i, I.!.,!,- .,r iiru ! x ...I, . , n. .it. j ........ .... . let-trie unit otherwise, pulsing by oil the biniitl boulevard between Hie city hiid the fairgrounds. Surh was the scene at noon. Here came iiiaivhing out of camp the Second Ittigude, ulioiit '.'nil strung, with (ien. Y. I,. London at it head, and next ufter came the Third Brigade, of about the same Htreugth. with t !eu. James I'.illels as its leader. These took position along the Int uit of the s.arious field, and u fine background the low woods made for the "thin, gray, line,'' dashed with the viid seal let of the Hags. The two ether brigades, the First, lien. P. ('. Cailtou, aud the Fourth, (Jen. .1. St. H ay, had not so inuny men in ranks, but their command cis were there. Presently, Major (ienerul Julian 8. Carr, cotuinantliug the division, appeared, walking down the slope, with Slaj. Sam Smith and Jack beside him, and a well mounted stair riding behind biui. There were (iens, William 1". Uob eits and William U. t'ox riding aide by side. (en. Slatt liaiiH.mi, always gay aud gallant, a wouder amid his long length uf years, was quite rei.tly to mount ami ride, too, but his old comrades said nay, mid no they pi mod hi in in a enrringe with the siMinsors, Sirs. Mary A. Loudon, .Miss Susan (inihaiu Clark and Miss Slary Lundtm. In anoth er carriage were ('apt. S. A. Ashe and other sponsors. The parade was regularly formed, headed by the. cadet band, followed by the carriages wilhtieii. Hansom mill the sponsors, and the stair. Next came the veteran lifu and drum corps, and lut music, it mudc-musie which thrilled! Then came the long line, two by two. The route led past the Agricultural nnil Slecliaiiit al College. The ca dels, lined up alongside the road way, gave tlm veterans a rousing reirntion. How lustily they cheered the old fellows, the generals, the Hags, the old time music, and loud er and livelier the latter ticcauie. while one tall veteran; close to the Bavetv of the fifca and (he drums, danced ill stately fashiuu, a sort of military minuet; there in the dusi ia t Elijah rur by metnou Mitt divine, and w r Honey But tM"'1 ,h mrial pMrraher of ork vtty.luow jn ,m- p,Mjtiotat now in that, itreuely vain, ahowing that be is just aa human as tbm w ho would The Man Who Claims to be Elijah ur by method leasdiviue, aud be the Second Coins the Can't Convert New Everybody's Mag aiine Sizes I'd before the untiring eye of the cam the Old Gentleman. (era. It may lie a matter of busi The wouderful man, Jobn Alex-j nesa entirely yoo. will are how ander lKwie, who claims to be the both of bis eyes are oien for lar reiuearnation of the pmphet Elijah, gains; and he may tie counting on has been occupyiug a big place tu j inspiring connueuce in inn the newspapers ou account of nis IC55iWiatiatii!2Jl mm' a m -"I Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfprt wherever he goes. To the consumptive ho brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now gn-wn up and have .children of ti.lsr own. j 1c stands for Scott's Jtmul; sion of pure cod liver oil delightful food and a natural ' tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. of the roudway, auile lie was cheered again and again by com rades and cadets alike, aud while Confederate bannerets, waved by Daughters of the Confederacy, made a gay welcome to the happy man who had put the years behind him. There was Harrison Watts, al ways dignified yet kindly, looking alter bis brigade and enjoying the dear comradeship aud all the inci dents of the day. The old dancer said after the march was resumed, "We will nut have many more re unions," and this hi ought to mind the idea, why uot have a really great reunion here at ltalelgh, with railway fare and all other cxienses paid, and make the occasion State wide mid memorable t Hut this by the way. The parade moved on, to the mu sic of ' Oiiie'' and other stirring tunes of the war time, sung by young throats und old, aud present ly entered the fair grounds. Jl swept thronirh the midway, in strange contrast a ith the latter-day things the gaudy gayeties of the show-booths, the tights and span gles of the pel formers, and all the things of l'.K:l iu sharp contrast with those or 10 years ago. It aits like a meeting of the past and the present, the Thcu and Now, half ghostly and strange, half real something to think about. Crosses of honor shone upon breasts, w hile all kinds of gay badges divided the honors in colors w ith the red und white of the Hags, which Muttered and tossed along the line. It was a gay pageant so far as color went, and the veterans marched in their liest style, though legs aud anus might be missing, and despite liowed shoulders and snowy hair. They were more or less uear the "l rent lMvide." but they were brave and gay to the last, and their cheering was about as vigor- ins as iu the sixties. Their part in the day was the feature of it, aud the writer enioyed the inarch and all the incidents, never forgetting the low wailing of the fifes or their high notes of joy and pride, as they nave out those old, old tunes "The Oirl I U-ft ltehind SI "Dearest Mae," "Annie Liuiie," "Dixie," and the rest. And 'hen, after the sights and scenes of the fuir there was givou to the veter ans another pleasure: that of seeing the cadet cors on drill and dress parade aud then of silting uowu to a bountiful banquet iu the college dining hall, watted on by the ca dets, under the direction of the Daiiuhteis of the Confederacy Youth honored ace. It was a fine ending of a happy day. Broke Into His House. S. Le Uiiiiiu of Cavendish, Vt., was roblHid of his customary health by invosiou of Chronic. Constipa tion. w lieu Dr. King cw Lilt' Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and uow he is entirely cured. They are guantu teed to cure; 'IM. at huglisb Drug Company's. Mrs. Jay a Very Young Wife. Charlotte Otaf rver. The statement that Mrs. Jay, the wife of the Buncombe county doc tor who murdered bis three rhil drco after chasing her from home, was not unite fifteen years old wbeu she was married seven years ago. is another argument against child marrtajres. Tweuty-two years old the mother of three children, nil murdered by their father, and her husband on the way to the gallows! Confessions of a Priest. Kev. Jno. 8. Col of Wake, Ark., writes, ,4For twelve years I suffered from Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a number of physicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the nse of Electric Bitters aud feel that I am trip tu New York city, with hosts of his followers, for the avowed pur piMe of converting New York to Zionism, the name be gives bis creed. Dowie seems to be a pecu liar mixture of busiuess shrewdncsft and religious quackery. He has founded a city for bis followers uear Chicago, and is running it and its K.(MH) inhabitants like clock work. The ieopIe of New York dou't seem to care about iHiwie after their tint curiosity was satisfied, and he cau't get much crowds. Dr. l'arkhnrst, the well known preach er and reformer, wrote him the fol lowing open letter: "I do not waut to be presuming, but doubt if it is auy more pre sumptive iu me to come and try to clarity you than it is for you to come and trv to tlarifv New York; aud I dou't know w hich of us has taken the heavier contract. I at tended your service at Sladiron .Square Gardeu lust evening, aud I went determined to enjoy it if I could, aud to be bciiclitted by it, aud to go aw ay and refute some of the charges that 1 had beard al leged against you. lint it was no use; your behavior on the platform crushed every throb of sympathy I had with you. 1 uever beard from a public speaker such a discharge of efl'crvesceut wrath and coarse uvectives. I went to hear you preach the gosiiel aud you preached Dowie, Ziou City, 'stiuk pot.' I was ashamed of you, and almost ashamed to be in your audience. It was a long way below the si anil arl even of the circuses that 1 have attended in the same garden. The only cunsolatiou I could derive was that it was so abominable aud so far beyond the bounds of the re- sjiectuble that even those iu your congregation who did uot know what Christianity is, would have no idea that it had anything to do with what you were saying. "Of course, the ridiculousness ol the Mrforuinuce was only enhanced by the imuieusity of your preten sions. If you claimed to be ouly au ordinary uiau there might be some hope for you, even with what you call the 'rabble,' but the rab ble is discriminating unit can dis criminate as keenly as the keenest M-twecu a prophet and a juggler, between au Elijah and a Slouute buuk. I say this iu uo spirit of au ger, but either your head is twisted or your heart infected or you have blundered badly in your inctnoii. You cannot bully iicople into.iou- ism nor blackguard inciii into a kingdom of heaven. I hojie you will take this iu the kindly spirit ii which it is offered and that it will Imj blessed to you." Everybody s Slagniuo for -o- vember lias a splendid article on Dowie. It will pay anyone to buy he magazine for this article alone. We make the following extracts: Personality of the Prophet of Zion. "Those who have approached Johu Alexander Dowie iu anything but a prejudiced and antipathetic spirit bear testimony to his remark able personal maguct ism me ex traordinary gift he has of impress ing his individuality ou nil who come lu contact with it. Ills an penrance, despite his shortness of frame, bis tcuilcucy to latncss, ins bow legs and his baldness, is rather attractive, lie really wears tue aspect of benevolence and looks the patriarch. Today he is tilU-six years old; his shoulders are straight and ample, his eyes are bright and piercing, Ins beard white and now ing. Of his appearance he is ex Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment This Liniment will remove spavin, splint, ringbones, aud all cartilagi nous growms, wncn applied in the ear lier stages of the disease, and will re lieve the lameness even in chronic cases. One of the most common lame ness among hordes and mules is sprain ot the back tendon, caused by over-loading or hard driving. Ashcraft's Liniment a never-failine remedy. The Liniment is also extensively used for chronic rheumatism and for all kinds of stiff joints. For "scratches" Ashcraft's Eureka Liniment is with out an equal. A few applications is all that is necessary to cure this dis ease in its worst form. Owing to the wmnderful anti- septic qualities, th Eureka Llnl ment should bo used in the treat mept of all tumors and sores where nrmid flesh is present. It Is both whom his voice cauuot reach, albeit the phonograph and the telephone car ry his prayers front Ziou City to the eods of America aud the earth." Dow ie as Orator. "If the prosperity of I Kim ie owed much to auy one thing it would seem to be to oratory the appeal of eloquent arguments to vast au dieuees," says I. K. Friedman in the Noveuilier Everybody's; "yet iu auy digiiilied or adequate con sideration of the word the prophet is uo orator at ull. He has no de livery worthy of cousitleratiou, and bis voice from the platform is far from pleasing or thrilling. His diction and bis style are character ized by coarseness and vulgarity, nit her thuu by elegance or a fine rhetorical sense. I heard him de clare from the stage auditorium that he was the the spiritual Elijah the Second, when his ptos'rity was at high tide, and when if he were sincere he should have been solemn: aud his address was the most veritable bodge podge of bib lical text, rank nonsense, horse play, ubuse, commands for Halle lujahs aud Aniens from his audi ence, silly and senile side remaiks to his wife the vulgar odds and the tawdry ends of everything having uo more to do with Elijah than Klia. It was the performance of the mouiitcliauk through aud through, and it is but fuir to con clude that those of his followers who foil ml enjoyment and instruc tion in it are such among whom the mountebank seeks patronage." How Inspiration Came to Dowie. Au interesting account uf how Dowie, the prophet, found his vo cation is told us follows: "Oue uight, iu Slelbotirne, there swept over his consciousness like an inspiration the full force of the sixteenth chapter of St. Mark: 'He that bclieveth aud is baptized shall bo saved. ... In my name shall they cast out devils. . . . They shall lay hands ou the sick, and they shall recover.' His im agination was fired with the lilea that he was the prophet foretold by Miilachi, und on this inspiration be founded what is supposititiotisly new in his creed and built the foun dation of bis really immense for tune. He laid bauds on bis wife's head, prayed, and cured her of headache, aud then, as a wit will havo it, he proceeded to lay hands on everybody ant! everything else. Those who know Dowie say that from early life he 'hud visions' and that he manifested all those symp toms which the alienist would put under the general head of 'religious hvstcrut ; if this lie so, it would offer a plea for bis sincerity. His wife und others cured, and the le gions of the faithful increasing by virtue of these proofs of miraculous powers, Dowie at once started to form the Divine Healing Associa tion, which developed later ou into the larger organization of the In ternational Divine Healing Associ ation, with Dowie us its president Dowie the Business Man. "John Alexander Powie, the prophet of Zion, is shrewdly up to date in his business methods. There is probably no business house iu the States quicker to adopt modern time ami money saving inventions than the Christ ian Cut holir ch urch. The things rendered uiito Elijah the Second arc shrewdly invested bv Elimh tho Hestorer for the bcu elit of John Alexander Dowie. The man is shockingly human for prophet. His house in Zion City, built in the English style of arrhi lecture, is lavishly furnished; there is a stable full of costly equipages a summer house across the lake is maintained in great luxnry, Iu deed, the man's vanity and love of ostentation find an outlet tu innu merable forms of gaudy and expeu sive display. By way of lustihca tion he is saitl to have remarked that the Tope of the Uoman church is surrounded by the best that earth affords, aud that there is no reason why the Overseer ot the Christian Catholic church shonld be lett whit behind." a v .t--.l 1 . - now enrea Ol a uisensetuai nan uim , . A. iu its erasn for twelve years." If, clB. entirely de- youwant a reliable medicine for "roving '" J , i t i vm.. i...hi .inn,.rii faction. This Liniment acts as a . A...a,aaw .a ia I PIaaI via IlillatM it M t1 MAttf-OeMl - ' 'JSflf SodnSSraS 'by English Drug Co. only 60c English DrusCompany The Champion 'Possum Hunter. wil EnitrprlMt. l'rlce's Mill claims the honor of having the most successful 'possum hunter in this county iu the person of Sir. Vernon Moore. He has won that distinction at au early age, being only sixteen years old. Dnr ing this season he has so far cap turcd upwards of thirty 'possums. Saves Two from Death. "Our little daughter had an al most fatal attack of whooping cough and broocuituv writes Mrs. w K. Halivaud of Armouk, K. Y "but, when all other re medio failed, we saved her life- with Dr. Kiug's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption irr aa au vauced stage, also used thla won derful medicine and to day she Is perfectly well." Desperate throat and Inns diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to other uicdicioeoit earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c. aud (1.00 boMlea guaranteed by Kug lisu Drug Co. Trial bottles free. Call for Welsh's cheap Crockery. i CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE 1 Charlotte's Lowest Priced Store 1 tor Good Goods, HI iflil ii Jd Some of the Things we Sell Cheaper Than Other Stores. T-TiOQT ITMV TIIE G00I) WKAU,X(J kinds 1 lW0ll!J.V 1 , SOLD AT LOW PRICES IIEKE Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose, full long, good shape, 5c. Ladies' Gray Hose as low as 2.'.- cents a pair. Ladies' Fine Black Stockings, seamless, absolutely stainless, best shapes, the best one ever sold at the price, 10 cents. Men's Seambess Black and Gray Sox, 5 cents. Men's Fine Sox, solid black, tan, red and fancy colored stripes, etc., 10 cents. Men's Wool Sox, gray and tan colored, 10 cents. Ladies Heavy Fleece Lined Stockings, good fast black, 10 cents. GLOVES. All kinds, Men's, Ladies and Children's. Ladies Fine Kid Gloves, black, white and every desirable color, all sizes, 49c. Fabric Gloves and Mitts, woolen, mercenized cotton, fleece lined, etc., knit and woven, every style, including the popular Golf, in white, black, red, pink, blue, etc., all sizes, 25 cents. PEARL BUTTONS. The largest and complctcst stock Pearl Ihittonscarriedby any store in this section, and you will always find the best values here. Pearl Buttons with two holes, all sizes from the small to the very large, 1 cent dozen. Fine Pearl buttons,thegood clear kinds, all styles and shapes, 4 and 2 holes, all sizes, the regular 10 cent selling kind, .) cents a dozen. RIBBONS: One lot all silk Taffeta Ribbon, wide widths, all colors, piled out on counter, at 10 cents. One lot fine Satin Taffetta Ribbon, pure silk, the regular 25 cent widths and qualities, the desirable shades, 18 cents. Spool Ribbon, the best one, all silk, plain stitchod edges, all colors, 1 cent a yard. No. 2. Satin Ribbon, all colors, pure silk, good quality, 10 yard bolt, 18 cents. Black Velvet Ribbons, everything from a 10 yard bolt at 10 cents up, all widths and prices. A Variety of Little Things at Little Prices. Sansllk, the best of the crochet cottons, In the new shades, 100 yard spools, 4 cents. Hair Brushes, 10 and 15 cents. Fine Hair Brushes 34 cents. Good Back Combs 5 and 10 cents. Side Combs 10 cents. Pompadour Combs 30 cents. Lace and Embroidery Turn-over Collars 5c. Ideal Collar Forms 10 sent. Scissors, good metal, razor steel, all sizes, 10c. 5ota Pillow Tops, new and handsome designs and colorings. 35 cents. Cords for Pillows, 3 yds long, IS and 35 eta. Whits Taps I cent roll; Black Tape I cent roll. Darning Cotton 2 cents spool. Mourning Pins 1 cent box. Nice Horn Hair Pins I cent up; Fin: ones 4 and 5 cents each. Wire Hair Pins, 5 large packages, I cent. Bone Hair Pins, good sir and shape, .10c- doz. Hair Pins, all colors, shades and sl) s. 10c. The New Pomdour Comb, with rwtlinj; at tachment, needs no hair rat, 25 cents. Aluminum Thimbles, I cent. Uerma n Silver Thimble 5 cents. Turkey Red Embroidery Cotton I cent. Large Card Agate Shirt Buttons S cents White 5 Ing Thread, box 30 balls, 14 cents. Big lines of Fall and Winter Underwear of all kinds, Men's, Ladies' Boys', Misses and Children's. Best values you will see. This is the store that sells goods under regular prices. THE BEE HIVE, Corner Trade and College Streets, CHARLOTTE, N. a

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