7 T THE MOEOE JOURNAL G. U. BEASLEV K. F l - BEASLEY. .LWBE.i. Tl'KtUV. (Violet j;, 1,1,3. How -r ilay Lawyers G For Their Clients ? Tho (Vinvrd Time thus argil's a "iv.t iu It -.il tt!ih: "Any nun ikvu.vit of any crimr a. id kn.'u U In- jiuilty as ivrt.unh a- anuiiii.i . ! !. kiioHii. iMu. if lw iii"in-y. tin, pU-u'y nf l.ivi-r Mm uii.li rt.iki' U at-quit hiui -ami. ! i! mid to mir eve-rUstim: y'laliie, they lir.ir'.v iiluiys suoi-ivd Fm:n a moral stan!Sint no Livvyer das a nhi to do this Sipk-i for lil-it I1SV. ji'llily lllim Should of f.-rau mi! : nti.d ni-nspa-r a sum of ni.-i.-y to its iiiii.iri.il amij news ti!iniitii to 4ii!iilisli liis ar iii!t ii. at'il thr aKT should :nivpt,' fch.i! un-ild j.iilih.- -i 'litinu-nt say of I th.it Iii-W'siain' Th. nhlor would! it- r . . . I " t . iv "7 '""?;'" pay I,,., siud a l.ly tu Dm ,.fluv (!., .ould U . rn.... mora pom ..f:lh(,r j ..W. Ly, , ! ,,.. ,,rti,-;. of ,l.s ..h. itloljTh(. j , ; issuv.aiid ur "IMV ' ,MS l'' ,'a',"1 "" "" for thnv M-ars" way.' A ar:. m-nt aiul no amount i " ,, hi p"isoiuii ,an i-oiivituc us nun then IS." We .I on'i kii The Publishers and th: bscriba ' Temperance Until in Durham. ' Tut HIV B-illl.- Wk .. ttanr lilt n-mTmm itia a ijiitietiun uf Miirshv ill.- t!l "tht-rdjA" "I Ikiu"!iI IcoiiM I.. nati on t The Journal ahile. hut it' no lien- y".r money." Now. that curtly how e want it tii l - yt m cant do withoi.t it We want you Trinity Park.tVt. 23 At a tvivnt meeting of the fn-shnsaa c.as. Mr. r'rank (Miiini was e!-viJ prfsident. Ui-ssrs. 1UI Aitaiius and tVrms Suwm l.ave ril-AS- tn the iu'i-r- si-hHv ill lnt. whi. h u U oim' i van i mi ;u oi.i u I . - to ..mm, o at: l d ; 0 ' turday ,-v, nm that should vo fail to L lu V Ux' "f 'ra; . w-k vou df.rlhkfl rrr?' Bratl.an.l an o.J I'nioti iMiintv l v. was a vu-i! r at the iMlli-jy riH-eli'ly, tuite a laiu'- n iiaKrof thi-s-u di'ia atti'iidtd the Slate fair t!u Wii'k Tliev iuv.irs.ilnv eamel-atk with an air of sUvhih-s. if not 1 1 vour 1-atnT se i's fait? iiu laving lt a friend A sj-tith man w ho live io u in tin k'lu r rt of the iniiiitv said tu the i.. . O. . .1 I ... .l" l . , -..nor ..- o.t uay.inai lie umiH ! ,. . ", , sU . . ,r know iiiiu U almul I he Journal, a he 1 ( ,, .., r' "I" r f l , 1 T- Tl Mr. W,ath. rford. svn u.v of . uld have n-ferrex lum t..l..indn,!s y M A f l!u. s.iith.rn.v.!;, who did know all aU.ut it. hixvij ml universiu. at the,, ;-m-b rvad.iis it some of t!i,,. ui,v;,b vk a!lii u. t!mv ,,,,,. the lirst issue, Lut tluln t want to, t.( vs suiumotis ,y chararter itms ' .,f lhl. st idonls a'U n.l.,1 a J.ist ,.t viiur name with us for a,SM,f. V. M c. A hv!.i,. Us. S.ur year, he was told, and stv nun von" i .. .... i c i , , i .. . . . ., it. i .iiin iuiiu.ii as i hi .iiin i I ! 1 1 1 I like the sensation j .(- i;..hI." sat.1 h.-; "let it come" j j,,,,,,, is :.n!! ,. r ,. . ... . itest ti'itiiiMan.v i aiitpaii;il.s i;i ;l ls.nvtliat you wanted us ad Ml hisiorv o : the State. Ihc temiM .n Wingaie New. Viup:,. .iM i; 1 he i I He de I ue ca.::e 4 i,-1 ! i.u'. I. a nd.ii ly a pS .-r. v.l l h- r,ia tmre,i until B:- it .: d K .l.nv Were kii ! a-ay i m I .. , hatidUl t' e taril! .'ns-ti m aJ:iiii.;i.,i and !: i h-.n-TU ur -i. ;-s l is,! liet'ive wirti ie of !hr xi iv.i! I.a" r. i.f !h. '! 4s !..e .iiUsk n i. t. rid l t'vl. W i 1 St .-wan is an artu.: his :"- t:nl iruh he ..is at his 1 st v.!;- ! - nn, li ii.l in. s:i.i.4..f !- !:( v iiia n, jn .u i,is! li S-;h Hi Liine i: i.l t.r, ' Had Roughs IjJ aWhpn VVUrlnm Hhpc ZU; nhrliu r the ethics of 'In- Icjra! t'li fossi. mi has any dic tiltn on !hi- tin. li !i or not. The law iju.iraii'i i s e, iy man charm-d with c-mii' to a fair trial And in puirr ti it !., may have a fair t l'. iin' S'.i'e !.,'i :. s I'rl'laill men, s 1 1 i t-i (. I.'.ii-nr.i jn the !aw, t.. "pi.ii ':. e '. i'.v" f .r t:,e U ticti: of thosi w ho !. - t.i (;.( ! n them, lint, v hi n a Juan ch.-r ci 'I w .'ii a:i ffciisc , eniiov s a !au ' r. ho ii nn't do i! to ; Besides makini! this .ter U-lter. s more useful, entertainiiio and enjov- ahle to its readers, we have another ,atiiliiiiun : 'tis to make The Journal a weekly visiter to every homo in I'nioii i-oiiuty. We don't go to t!iem ill non. not In any means, hut we are tfinii: to more every day. Tis a little matter of pride with us, ton. Iii.lt when we ul started tootievie are j.retty sur- !o keep on. We think tins is hei a isi ue are m rv tn e :r mission as a Joea! county .i)'er and car suhscnliers ajiirei i.ile that fa.l. !ores are U ihly led in- li ! li.;. II Siiitliaie. who is a ii.' ir dent Uliever 111 the tettivralkV cause, and who j'hici the ri us: hiiity iif t!ie Siilo n NT .re even man's door. Jlr W (' Houlass. an ihle lawyer from U.iiii ,!i. ad. In -.'d the i'!e of huilian: las'. S..u lav afteinoou on uiuivranee. Iles.ud in 'art "The towering ev ll "? the .n-s- i'W dav is lllieiuiieruiiee. 1 he hih-ii Kir rooms are the le.esi f. e,:, i . hell, the havkeei'i r i f. !i-'!er see t'.a the Til W'llet he Will l I a fair trial. Kit. a.- law . to m l or n 't ll t. vlii n' 1; is I.a i a fair .a jl' 'i.e i under VI lleli ln-a't. t,i! .has a n Now it In. '. t h- tO O, Of iv ants sadit. I atiothi he -i : ha. to eiiiii'M1. sunn times, souii Kn to W e j,,iit with him in s. not in luer. lo t .ere :. r little I., i lit of I. ride w h. u ll !o) of ijiii'titic, la' the fatal words, "stuti in th. repeat I !i i r. i'i lb i.ICi it ! i fi 111 t not In.t to : ev.i- ice. To the i ir tri.i! for sen l:'i,.ii"v a' Itiillial I! ,t It S 11. hi i f l.av il; I.e and etumere.i Idai to t ..c that ji;i;, ,. ,, use his t.iii l;'s ;i:i,l 4. si 'il of hr.v an I jiKirt tent of .siviinstj; a fair tile laaver u: ay c 'Ie I .i lor tne vvors l!o S ll ,t , I,! le lis ' , N' pliii lie ioj,c to i,,'en.i -k . 1 1 ' ; Illril til ea le the Ia. We are imt of !'u.-e who make V. Iloleviie ei.nde!:!l.l!!"ll of lawyers. As it i- in a'.l J t". f. s si.'i.s. th, re a"e ;,iw. c I- a:l I lavii.eis. The liMiii,;,' s,vii;s l,e that t',e ae .;:';! .:ii.ti nf iisi-deiit 1,,iS iie i, far in U h.hf of tiie erin.iti.il. h Las re.ichi ,1 the oint w '.efe it is thought to U' ailowaiile ur even riiihl, for a lawyer to use any el ision or teehtii oality, even al'vr a criminal, known Ih'VoIi.1 doiihl to leeiiilly, I. as had ii fair h i il. to p t him a'.v.iy from the penalty of the law. In limni: this, lawyers re thought to 1. within propi r ii, .Mii.is. This custom is wroiio, even tii iiioli we may nut Jjlame the imliviihiai lawyer for tnk in.o advai.l oe i,f it in behalf of his client. There is yet another greater in v piality than this. I; is the fact, he yotnl dispute, tii.it oiif system dues 1 J)o ejV,i ,i.,i sllnW til 11 lll.lll charged with nlTense, ami without money, as it does to the man w 1m has money. When men are carried into the court, to receive ev en hatideil jus lice frniii tiic State, they nuojit to go upon planes nf cpiality. The State (ihoiild hold the same altitude to- wiirds all its ciiizeiis. IT doesn't dn this if one man has in his defense one inferior lawyer and another has half a dozen nf the host. Hut the laws nf this country are ma le hy lawyers, and interpreted hy lawyers, and it should not he surprising that they favor lawyers. Charlotte, ( ireenslmro and other towns are complaining nf the dilti culty of petting neuru servants of any class to work. The Lml nnlv knows what is tu Nvotno uf the n gro nice. It is js'tiiujr more worth li'-is every day. Farmers are witlnuit lni'ids that thevare willinir to im for, and a fairly pk1 conk is a thinn to bo nought after more than much fine nld. The standard juke uf the Northern comic papers alxmt all lmusekeepers lieing nn their knees to the cooks is ceiusinj; to lie a juk i.i . i . . ueiwn Here. A ijiisiiioss man uf this place, an hour uf w huse time is worth more than a week's uf a woudchui jior'n. was out yesterday morning cut ting Ktovewnod. Ho had cords of good dry wood piled up on the vard but it was useless unfess he cut it himself. He would lose less time in cutting it than he would in looking I f a negro to do it. A certain gen tleman with a numlxT of people in his house, got hold of a good cook last week, fixed tip a house on the premises and moved her in it. II my paper," hut once U his s ,ip,.r' and like Ins tiie l:-.;'iile he thinks he l: I. is ,. hur's Wor'h. and th iitehts iu'o l.ui.Mia.v ! mat:, the work We mav f, , I appnviati 'ate al ia i I, n't gr".!!e. lames 1.'- has ,. no el for!.i:i: or ourselves- ami fed that lie IS ii'tiu nne'lity utiuiseiy, het we d 'ii't v, mi him !,. ever say. ' I Mid y,.ii -os'op my Mier I. at y..ti didn't." Ail li.e dollars thai collie 1:1 on i:1i seraMioii a,. w r, pivsen; a year's ,1 r-.i.!-.!ic f"r i a, li iuvos'or. V ,u ii.i'm do its a 'ooil fit ii, and vui;r n , h- hy ineiitiotun this to .,.n, he is sitting m nu'i r dark opt hen ho Imrrn'.vs vm.r than his husiiiess I woi.hi have a hundred ei.n.l !i, ; one open Kir r,'m S :: ;.:.! I pa-s an nn'ii la ro- ':) I f U'ltig a he t'a;r.o N.ri, ii " are nine Kir r.iu.s m l the pi-opie are d. !, rm.iied '.li i -hah j'. The Ass. Nation ef ('.'!, .j, lrep.iratory S.-i... i ..f the S . Stales ll.eets at the cola i.'" N iu-r Id o l I Marsh ille l.x.als. ! err, -...!. li n -.,,t 1 i- ,i,.ii i .1,. j M.irshville, (Vt. I'ti Mar-hville felt the lard ni lireworks vesterdav. ; as two of iir eioitvlii s were w ith. e ' 1 stmcs. We hope to have tills el.iih j tu-ss reti.. veii i ro .in. iii r S.uel.iv ' passes. Mr. .I.C. I to huild Mr :md liv Mr Th ttia for .". 1 di sen :- . :: w ! Mr ! ' n-li v . ! i I'.o. The S . e i.lse t ) 1 On I,.., 1 m. t Miss A : ir 1. me t. . '-- li.e:.,.' i: :s n.e.v travel .- ,n 'h.,-!ol!e Ho is 1 v-m- man and v,e wish !.. w :,, , f .-, I' :i hri. irk, who has : :i .: i :-; ins h,.n I W i Ki4 w ;i far tit cil ruutd fcnd c nhti amil I tnt4 Avrr kU;rTTT PccM ral. Out ei found l iht born cured mt." L. H, Newinftoa, Out. i- 'ititi in K, i. 1 v a' ..ti e.i; :i.!.' as Mr , r v I'ii ! i. I! v : mi t -em.-i I .1. of .Mr Venn u M.Vuli'OI w i t the two . ;: ! I. ill. ! ,! Xr M l'. : e .! 1 w:'! 1 i ,1 k Mr l.:n .1 ..I ' e w ill pur 1 'l.iie .la-. M l' ! si-tor and n -i iiruing !ior- N iu an.i.. threw -i'eii -lie Willi'' ! i h'io-.-y. Mr ! :ii', lirinsi. I and Wen Neglected colds alwiys lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, cr consumption. Don't wait, bur take Aver's Chcrrv Pectoral j'JSt as &00n as vnnrrnnoh begins. A few doses will 1 cure you then. T lint ;it, IV . . vt.(i if sv i.k it. If l w . ' 'I C lnH VI. r ,..iv l I K Co.. ! MiM. .ell I Cool Spring Items. ! -1'. .r-!..i!m i-f th i.imal. I Marshvilio. It V l No I.Oct. 2.1 ' tid it is the order of the dav j iivah.it and "p 'ss'ini hunting the disorder of, ri ev nor in tin- ill' -on-mis injury, aide i.i U- .ip "i a'K!l tlevt th. iinhi rat ia r t.hatl i w hell 1 like T'.re Hit al.'i i it ii V II i M ;!!l ti on. a i.'l a h! M "-v ' ii.. i1,,- t ar f Mr. 1' r s. I ..arm '.' Ii.it ii is 1 IS! 1' nil hi I to id, .1 no sen-ms iiinin'. tlu- iiicht at i n s, nt Then tnav In- some fiin and prolit for the hunter. ! hut w hen one works h u d all day and ' lies down at night to take nut and, l.ipps ! repose, and cannot shi-p for the yell ! - in n' "f !l'' dog and wli.,p of the hunter. i r. "s n-.ndo to wish that there were1 home , f Mr. " dog nor 'pissums. either. j !. nfi'.pt I Mrs. .1 , Ciii-n and MissKita. :,n.-o, i. pie '"'''' ti of Marshviile visited relativesl ihi in'.i of in this ceumiitiity last Wnliiesilar. j Mr I.. It llaggins ii'turned home! 1 iiive a fi.i'! last Suiidav . lie has lai n with h&! .i iiiii in '.i o fa!!iei-ui law. Mr Inxirge Morgan.' I since t!,e U'ginning of his illness, I a! S .ndiv shvi 11'' is improving right fast, but is1 has iv,,. in ! ;," j still ve.-y weak. j -f O.u lotto i. at! .Mr. t'hiyt.i) Huggm is confined, I.. M.o 's, iinr-iiig'to hi K d with fever, hut is imt dan-1 leroosly sick. I ,f Mr ' K. Itit'hai'd.-on esjuits t h tlive Mr. . I. alurgan handsome I n sidei,, .' e.implcted in a few dav I :ir . .Horgiiti win pioliiililv move !- "When Wisdom Goes Shoppinc" For Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Cents Furnishings. No ions, etc., now-a-days you'll see the name of Belk Brothers At the top of her memorandum list She seeta the offerings of onr stores because she so well knows that they are dependable. Every day is increas ing the nnmber of purchasers who have long since realized that this estab lishment's offerings of goods is rich in sterling worth and money savings. Great valnes is the magnet that draws. Worth makes bargaina They're here, so every day this week will be a busy day, because we we will offer some unusually attractive merchandise at unusually attractive prices. A review of the values mentioned ought to be sufficient to draw shoppers in by the hundreds. Ladies' Walking Skirts t ih. tilth-1 1- 'a tie. , :'v :,i I We are offering some real values in walking skirt. We have full line grev, oxfords, tans, green, blacks at popular prices", ? I 9S to j 7.5,1. Big values in inenvrixed underskirts. Of these guxis we have the famous "IW line, the best m ule, best quality and fullest made line that can be found. See our special number, 4 rufllcs, strop seam. tl M quality at SM cents, Utter quality ) 1..10 to ?2 IKS. Gents' Furnishing Department One of the most important in our establishment. Men's and boys' neglige shirts, without col lars, special, 25 cents. liOOO dozen mens 15c. linen collars, 5 cents Mens uudershirts, good quality. 13 cents HX) down men's 25 and 50 cent gtrin ties nd four-in-hands, job, ouly 15 cents " 10 cent aox, black, Ian and red, our prico 5e. Ail the Latest Fall Novelties in cotUn waisting and wool dress goods and the most complete line of dress trimmings' that we have ever displayed. New Persian silk uets, appliques, pendants and ornaments and hun dreds of other values that we are anxious to show vou. Belk Brothers. I. o p is-e-T iililiiao i ii, 1 -hi am! s .i.i Ihi.,. ! I' ts-f p he s i.l' e e! an ir.o r - n.i' ir- ma.!., it. 'lie f s '. i' la i s farm, and is j f I :s ( ar,. ,s-i Mm 5 s 21 forcCliristtmis 11 -in PALI, at S. 11. Hudson's and Ret a l i,e ul iie.i jiv ranui Ha, ley has the contract . Irene Marsh's new n s , and vi In n c ::ip'e!' i il ii! : j . -r, loo. if so he li. -s. , v I "1" I' pn.p ',i r, t.Mi, wal, Is to 1. "the paper" li 't in the -eiise t i ll il v i.l saeriiice its own opinions or p.itnli r tosupHised popular whims or prejudices, fur. should we do that, wo vM.nlil not only lie despised k our reildors, but vve would despi.se ourselves. Hut we want to lie "the people's paper." iu the sense that every man in I'nion county shall have a lair show when his name! cutnes I icfore the public; that even one in the county who does a ivorthy thing, whether 'little ur lug. shall have a wi'leoine place in these col umns ; that in our field we shall lie a helper, an entertainer and compan ion alike to all the people uf the county uho choose to enroll then names u ith us. A Love Letter Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve for Suivs. Hiinis or 1'iles. otto Dmhl of Ponder, .Mo., writes: "I sutfetvd with an ugly sore for a year, but alsurhi cs of the sv-tem, tli.uel.y !.... .. 1 1.1...... . i ... . . , . . ' 1hX of liiieklell's Arnieii S:ile cured me. It's the le,xt Salve on earth. :'")e. at Knglish Drug (Vs. Ik- one of the hands. .me-! m t .1 A MeUae, i:-.,,f Wlote SV'IO ha.- decided to I i a', iii t'liarh tie f r the pra. lioe , f h:s pp.f, ssi.-i Miss Ma' tii NfftM f K. rt V..r,i-y. tla . I- visitm- Mi-s Aiiiia Marsh. Mrs. M K. I.ee sp, nt a part of las! week iii Monroe. Miss lna Wiih. i;t i isitcd in Au.-oii-villc lust week. Mr .1. M 1'aivh y was in town l-'ri-day huv in- cot ton. Mrs, ). ll. Ha: i iuooanie !e i:H- from t'harlolle las' week. Mrs, Tina MuMis of Win-ati sp. nt f'riilay vv ith relatives lu re. Mr. I). K. lhihanks spent Sunday 111 t'h il'lotte ' on business." Mr. r. W. ltarriiio wont hit 'har- loiie Saturday. Sheriff Horn wa in town today llev. I iii li tre Atkinson pri ached al the I'resliyton.iii chur, h t.. night. Uwmg to the rain rnday niirl.t. the students do, ided to give tin ir cliti It.lllllllelll Tu, sd.IV n:-ht, ' .1. $100 Reward, $100 The reajeis of tins pappr will be pleased to le.iui tint th,.,,. i 4t h-.i-l one ih-jileil iIisohso Unit M ieiiei- l..ei lieeu able to cine in .ill its states m.d that is Catanli. Hall's Cat.inh Cure is the only punitive ruie now liiiimn to the ineiin-.il Iralt-nuty. Catarrh lu ii.t; a coiislitiili.uiiil disi'.i', ii.iiuie3 a cinslitiitiuiial ti i-utiiie'il, llali s Ca tarrh Cure ih taken mP i n.illv, ai tiiii: ilirei tlv muni the Hood nml niiienim di- Don t Blaine the Cook if Your Bread Is Poor, j - Ian in the future liny Porcelain Patent Flour. It is the Wsl 4 Hour that i an ! noilueed by iiiu.h rn inm hineiy and nothing onesi w ueai grown i- iisui iu Us uianmai Into. Just arrived: New ( Vop o.:t Phikes. Prepared Huckwheiit I-lour, .Muiiiitinii I'.nehwheiii I'lmir. Now Mitccaioni, Strained X 11 v. liiipoiie. Mi-up, I'm Money Pii-k lis. t II oii want t. tin,.! cup of eotlee vou ever draiik. trv a la pucka ., et I leiiiui I'oli'oc, an I Usiihs getting the lines! iniliie I ' l.oilgi i- Silver Alter Dinner Coffee hhiii iu ev- vt I pai k;i"o. Cl elleil ev el V Week liv evnress Vinueillv'ii Pin.. I 'l,.,...,l..l- . ,--- - ...i. Ul'l , 'III 1 1 I. nml I. in I., us, I n-.-h lakes, Crackers uud Wafers rweived each week. it it Tlie Liiiilseu Grooery 60. a. u:vv A. LKVV. Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens, eggs, ami produce so fast that I can't buy enough. If you have any to sell don't sell a bit of it until you see me. I want it. S. K. Dostkr. stroking the 1 iiiiiilaliiui ol theiliseas and uivi'iR Hie patieut strength l.y omUliiiC up the constitution and assist 1111; nature in dome its work. 1 lie proprietors have so much faith iu its etiialoe powers, that they otter one llunilii il l'..llars fur any rase that it fails to cure. Send fur list of testi monials. Aih!res. F. J. CTJKNKY & CO, Tot.KlK.', Ohio. Sold hv druggists, T.e. Hull 8 family pills are thfl licet. It chuckled all day Sunday over the thought that he was fixed for the winter. Monday evening she failed to come m to get supper, and when sent for. she calmly sat up in the manVivTn house and said she didn't think she'd cook any more. When painting your dwelling call and see us for prices. We recommend and guarantee HarriH ton s paints. i. J. v elsh HOESES AND MULES! A Display of Dress Goods that will lx-.tr comparison with larjre city stocks. Here you will find Zcilxliens. Cheviot, (iranites, Scotch mixture and Plaiis. Uroad Cloth, .Scillinns, Canvias W eaves, Armours, etc. Vou will make a mistake if you do not give this splendid slock of Press (ioods a look hefore purchasing. No trouble to show you these goods, (jet our price and be posted. Wholesale and Retail. Our buyer has just returned from the West with two car loads, our second supply for this fall. If you want one, a dozen, or a car load, it will pay you to come to sec us. We have and keep in stock all kinds at right prices. Heed this notice and we will save you money. E. A. Armfield & Sons. ' 1 iff J VI ! - 'I I I ! Fall and Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating High Grade Clothing Guaran teed hy the manufacturer w ill Jo well to see my line before buying their tall suit- I have tried to jrlve the people ol Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy. Huy none but Strouse Bros Guaranteed. They arc as cheap as others. See my line ol boya" and childrens' clothing, lean save you money. Sole fluent tor flamlitoo-Brown Shoes. fly lines ol Shoes can't be matched in any tow n- You will find all of the Hamilton-Brown Shoes-the very best makes; also the celebrated Hess Shoes for men- I'.hPnnPGt Eltnro An Tarlli I mi. . . ' www.. wnoiesaie and Retail. Cotton 10 Cents, And This is Street Carnival Week. I-et everybody eome to Monroe, but dou't get carried away with some little lit cents side show. Imt take your 10 cents or your dollar, or whatever amount of money you are going to Hieud aud invest it with wuiie up-to-day grocery man. Say, Hill Si Itivens, lor instance. This will lie far better investment for yon than to send vour inonev away with show men. If Mill ti Itivens don't give you the worth of your money they will never uk vou to sm-ud another dollar with them. If they dou't give you Full Weight they will never ask you unother i:ivor. Come to see lis. Ileiuenilier it give good and full weight; we give ;oiny tne very best article, nu old stale groceries iu our store, (iive u.v a trial order or purchase sometime during the street carnival mid we guarantee satisfaction iu every way. Truly, Hill & Bivens. Established 187 a Incorporated IWI Carolina Marble and Granite Comnanu, Our business has been trnre than satisfactory since opei.ing in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line. - No grave, however humble, should bs allowed to go unmarked. We can make a job to suit the price you are able to pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co i E EHUD. Manager. MONROE. N. C. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury. North Wilkcsboro. and Monroe. LADIES' WRAPS, all the newest styka- Don't buy any. thing In Wrapt before you see me; I can save you big money. Our Millinery DeDartiuent w III be one of our pet depart mentathls season and we will give nothing but the latest and most stylish hats Our trimmer is young, but old In experience. One hundred new fall ready to wear Dress Skirts from $100, $150, $200 to $15 00. New Walstlngi In all the leading styles, cheapest to beat- , A. LaEYY. FEEDING The People Is My Business, and I have learned that QOOO GOODS at fair prices, honest weights and prompt delivery the only way to please the trade Best Cheese, tjood Roasted Coffee from 12 to 25 cents. Hams from 1 2.1 to 16 cents I carry a full line of everything Prices and goods guaranteed. If you have never tried me with an order, now is the time. and you will surely be a regular customer. Respectfully, W. A. STEWART. l'hon. 201, c?0000000000x A O NOTICE! NOI ICE IO DEBTORS.-P.rtiM owing ine for Droleaiion.l urairm "ill find the account, witb Mr. Philip ll'l'.l.a ....... nuuiey or sir. n. w. ruuer, tod I prompt DivmcDt of .11 uueitrd to b. m.iie to .ither of th. .ov tennem.n. A, D. N. Whitley PARKY everything yon hv.-tn old w iron io j. u. I'.rker. NEW CITY ORDINACE.-It .bill be unlawful for any penoa, com p.nr. firm or eorDor.tinn in tha ri of Monroe la .ell an klml l Sr.. woikl, Anr Deraon. eomoan. Arm r corporauoa vioi.nnn thia orJin.DCe nan paj a nu. ol nity dollars. B. C. Atbcr.ft, See. Bd. AUerm.n City of Monroe, NOTICE-AM Ibow indebted to th. eit.le of H. M. Hon.toa by aot. or aecount mnal enat fnrw.nl .,4 make aettlement by the 31b of Novem ber, 190J, or lb claim, will be pot ia th. hand, of aa attorney for collec Hoq, The e.tale mn.t be aettlad by Nov. loth. R. V. anil rt 4 U.. Eiecntora. ' This is for you. If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without any excuse we ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will be No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go- mg 10 do disappointed, ue are going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. Ut to CZW CVST twin do your wartf To Care n Cold in One Div la Twolv. r-r . I