T THE MONROE JOURNAL. V G. U. BFAS1 EY. K. r. kEASLlA. 11 M-ISHLt. Tl'ESDAV, Novea.ber j, Mr. Bryan as a legatee. Mr. I try an is alajvs ln-for- tlu- piiUlu- p)t. Hit latest apitrar-.iiH'r is in a lawMiit to which i ult.uluil an iiitt'mJiiigMtorr. l'uilotv I'-rn- m-lt.a rich old m.iuoft .lutm-tu'iitt. ln-cuiue rii.iinuietl of Mr. llrvin and illinium oilier iloiiips viMlcd the 1'ryuu home in I.iiii-oln, X brak.i. VliIe tln-rc he ui;l a will In- qiu-utliiii Mr. T.ryau fifty thousand tloll.iis, Mr. Hi yiiii himself ilr:i in-j the will. In the murse of tiiii Mr. lienneit died. Mis iili objcctr-l to Min Mr. U: au the lift) thou DEAD HEAPED ON THE PILOT.! Marsh illc Items. I K HWmmmK of T tm tmv Trul?uiviIntAW.Mf r. Hrsimn Vv. 3. L4 ditnl ami tweuly five little of t-u ii! An Orf Favorite aumnanina an.t k ill. Tt-. All I I'tuiMl. Olarnrr. M.jr Human 1UI and hair and a bright im-Ul collm plate were the jJutMiy .kvorjlioi.ii mi ilw niim- of the Southern" .uth bound tram. No 3. ttlwu it ru.he.1 tins city yest.r.i.. iihniiii: At CU-,-., a small Ma'ton six miles north of t'onctird. yesterdav morning, at 9 3t VIvs, t!ie enciue had stnk'k a wagon contaimnj; four inmate of tin- county home of fa lurru coiinty. and lli' drad Unix of Mrs. Kate Ij-wis. All tlie .ruj,,n? of the wen- kilktl. and the collm and tin- wagon wm splinti -ml into kindlin-; The dead are: Mis. Lm Town-n-n.l. Ihin Weaver. Benjamin Ti'- I. J. 'lit! Key. Weaver was the driver, and it i Atid that he was deaf While trav elling along the r.iilr.v;itl track mi Mild ilolUts, Ii.mhv the court pro rHlins in whieh Mr. Itryau was' Ihetr way to the hnrial ground, the rail.-.! lofou.iocti.utt to testily, the I1?' l'am,' 4 l"',v "' ri'' , . . ,. ' , rtvid traek runs parallel with the imMoom ment l Ins r.uro,ea.i tour mi, ,1,ln,11).,lfJr,., VMlt.n! he and his failure to take wl iu the eaine eKw to a erossunj the wlnssle Kenttieky e.uuaiii. Cut thero is of the enpue as heard.it is aid. this iiiten-slinjr fealun. also, that Weaier eilher did not h.-ar the Mr. Ih van h:us M.it.,1 that ai in-vi. mi h. ilie onwiii.: ' .or i!-e tl.e two iiluhs that were """y " ' uswl, I.M. hed to the watf.il Lvawe fright by him l.u his ow n U uelit, hut lor , , , and ran u the tni. k At am the iniiHise ol'ehaiilahle and edu rile, t he annuals einsst d the tra k eationalohiiM ts - i.rvMiiual.ly niiieh ,"s"' ,lll'lr ,1, '"ls- r'."v,! of it f..r (lie lu.therauec of his k "I':""1 n. n-f, sun; totf. forward .... , , i A siii an the I'lisime turned the lit.eal views. He s.-eins to think ,,,1Sl, , her,' the mules sI.-hI, that the old lady d.K'Mi't care so liiyimvr Tyl. r ll.iyu.s, of tlnseitv. uiueh for the litly thousand dollai-s mw t lie team and IiI. h his wlus'le a.s she d..loi the faet that it iiiieht It is his oiuiiion that the mules U- U iimI iu l"ui thei iu his and her late hllskiud's liolitieul ideas. When the old 111:111 died, it seem that he hail left, at the surest ion of Mr. liryau. a sealed letter of in struct ion to his wile. The widow, however, did not take kindly to the instructions 'iveu her iu the sealed letter and lelllscd to lie lioiilld hy it. t'oiiseiiient!y. "the wholeallair was iisi(itatid into the com Is; a lnot ililniii imliliciiy ensued, mid Mr. Iliyan u'lovted Iiiium'U' to he U-liaycd into wrilin an out burst of iitmumI frankness to the willow which he did net clne to repird as coMidontiu!. and which her lawyer, with uinl:-uiMd Inn tality. i!'otii'tly spread upon the judicial rccoitl-.." There's as much in the tellin;; as iu the story itself. Take, for in stance, the story of ('touch, the snake mail. 11-. iclatcd by onie youngster en the t 'h.ulotte t lise-. vor. and published in full in this j.apcr. New. 1, m- rc..uo i out of five would ha.-e iisiuiM-d that incident lv ay 11: ti lt "S. and So came frightened at the wlastle and dashed on the track Hut the cii umirr could not stop his enirme 111 t!:c p.ii-e allotted tohini.and the pi lot struck the waiT'ti ,"is U'tuivu t!ie fore and hunl 'ihcek The oeciipalits of the ai?ui weie ins'.int iv killed and fearfully mu'il.ivd U I i. n the engine was finally si..pped one of the dead men was found i: the i'iiiliilii; Unrd. while the others slain Well- fastened to the pilot The corpse was also on the pilot of the ru sine. The niu'es were unhurt. ton were sold hr' Tnesila v. I Th ladle of the Sunshine S-n-i . ety had a eoinmiliuin cotil.-M at their last tiM-e( : n;;. The irie was guen to Mini Mattie Scroirirs. Mrs J. '. and J. r- IsiilcV ut j temhsl Hit" man iatf.- of Mi Susi.-, A slu raft and Mr. Iloaai liul-iu ol tillUia last WediieMlay. Miss Annie Stewart spent S.itur I day and Sunday with h. r inoiher. , Sin. J. - ;ni-n viitcd hei ; brother, Mr. Jell I audio of Monro. ' township, hist week. I Mrs. sandy l.'isll.arn of White' Store spent last ww-k with her 1 IMivuts. Mr. and Mix t'. A. Ash ' era it. j Mrs. Vaiil.iiiilinchaiu of Harts ' villo, S. sut a lew diys with her kistor. Min A. M i:h. I.i.st w.vk. ! Mrs. Sarah Halltuaii and Mis.' Jaiin-sStuidivai.t went on a scaly balk" hunt III liruw 11 t'l.rk swamp hist Sitimlav. Misk Maltle S ro-;s left for her j homo ill 1'oit alley 1'iiil ty nulit. i Mm. . A. Marh spent Tlniis. ; day iu Wadeslk.ro. Mis Lena Stuninaiit is visiting ' Mix .1. f. Marsh. The Ions disiamv telephone foi.v D'ached this place toda. , Miss Sailie Maish is isiliu n l I alives iu town. j WE ARE SEVEN By Willi.. Wrtrtb A J Ami (--. it ')! in e-r limb li.t 1 ut a u.ti wi n i::tir a vuti thr h t rs.i 0 nl air, A.; 1 f - '..'! J. Hin u-,,- l.rr vrjr (ir; lirr b 't. ii.Aui II. w !u!i. mt . i " 11 i" s .1. .1 i, ' h al. And -n! ru.j, lv k tl t n. ' Ansl lt.r ur ih. I iraj ) Ati.I Hit 1 I . hvarj tW, To tf u in Ih ! .4-. r ...I r . i't".f AM !i tr. s-it- -4-.l .t'.tc' T Bsr thm :tii mv m-tiirr.' Ah two J. i V I ir- Q-Al.l It. 0 Kt I r.t 1 1 t I, ut maul r.-j.'y. s 1 1. I it t 1 ar. ; t'.- , !. .r. 'iv ,M Ii . H. ire.'.' i .r !'; V.-ir trr. If !, HTv Thin v ri . v . "TW art fr. thy WtAf to vn. Thv imic mkl nntlWwt. "Tiv our froai my r i f. And lbr x f sttia. -My I' vk Bf. Ihr I ft aaH. Ui krirfcKf thrT 1 hMi. An I ihr fH ta aTvHtnJ t all. Ami in a U4 W thvm. A". fl-n ft autiMrl. atf, Wh n )t ttfht anl fir. Aui tat ui)r lHr. ' The r.rt thai ti-J aa Siaiv Jan; In "ii- nhvNmnc t Ti.l i-d tt-Ual tirt f hrr aita; An4 iht hv mnt away. m th rhu"hvar tai takl; Ati.I H the rjs m drv. U) lrtnf J -ha ami I. "Ami h-n th rmund waa waltt with 'tl.'W An. I I ..-iM run anl ltl. M t-r.iVr- J h- f.r.J to ff Aij h- l- h-r aislv." "II. fmrr aiv v,u - aaid I. ' If th. fir la h-vn'" "o M4:r' . ar avrn." "!lu( tht-r airv dal. lho t ar Thrir ;-:rit ar tn Iimivmi" 'Twai tt.'.ai" ff Hill T-" mil- m-t.i w..u.d hae her will, Arul ai4. "a. e ar -en!"' -! M---k4-fk-k-t-k--k--4--k-k4V-k--k Students killed and Mangled. I-; .ia-i.U-li-. I" I . lt-t, li. H-t .i'.t Kiftii 11 K-rsons were k'l'.e.l a;: over lift) injured, some fat.iilv . th; Ul-'l III llii .v a i"!llsl. 11 Ik lweell special passi'tiocr tram 011 the II !' .11' ia:!r--a.l and a freight etu;:tu draw mi; coal cat's I tic .ii i l.it lit happi tied -n tl.ced f 'his ,-i'y The p.issi-iip r tram tw. Im- i-viclies vv as earn ill;; '.'." I p. 1 ."r.s. nearly ail of w join w. re it- n's e Purdue I nii r:!v ,v, Nt'icrwes Lynch Negro. s o,.,-.,o u . li..' 'e .- a .loseph I 'radd.sk, a nero. was lynched by an infill l.ited m l. c:u posisl chlerly ol blacks at Taylors town, alkuit 17 miles from Sinew port, last niiit. lie appi.-aeh.-d the home of Wesley t'liambeis, a negro cotton picker, and called linn out. After whispering to hint at- I ;is t'haiiilk-rs turned to leav e, t r id dock split his head with an ae Thou ( raddock mutilated the body of the dying man fright fully. Then, ol.sctv nig h.111 Washiu Ion, another negro, he eiepl up- "A W rnstlin" W id"' a I'niblem. o e H . W lieu a man i.un.s in and pavs up w hat In- is ii.ii ami viv s st"p Ins paper, why that is not a hud prop, csition at ail. tor no publisher should l i.e his paper up-m a man thai docs i;ot wi,t 11. hca you run iipaau.st a ubsei ilk 1 , 01 a blue .uhc:ai postal card fioiu the p-istinaster staniir, that a sul. nli 11. who has Im-.h, 11 y,n ,, f scv eial Ve.lls su t.si I 1 pi ot, lcfii.es .i take the p pel out ol the oltiee, do iy -ii g. i in id, Mi. .lourual .' We all lis- to study the government FEEDING and (KKll)S at fair Rousing Big Bargains crowd every aisle and counter in our stores. A new supply has just been opened up for this week. In this way you sea wo keep the inter est at fever heat by offering only the newest and most seasonable merchandise at way below the lowest prices asked anywhere, and in many instances at about what the average store must pay at wholesale. In Dry Goods Store iwe have displayed for this week the biggest specials in Dress Goods, Jackets, New Walking Skirts, Furs, Women's and Children's Under- wear, Notions, etc.. that we have ever attempted. Really, you'll find I more solid bargains to the square foot here than you'll find anywhere I south of the Potomac. a 1 One lot fancy Flannelette, 10c. kind, . . . 7;ic One case oil red and blue fancy Prints, special this week, 32c. .Regular Shoe Store. Keep your feet warm and in style by wearing the latest style shoes. They cost no more than the old styles and inferior ones. Regnald, Crawford and Washington Men's Shoes, Queen Quality, Kuppendorf, Dettimus & Co's ladies' fine Shoes no better made. Sea the new styles. Model Millinery Store. The exclusiveness, beauty, style and elegance of our new millinery is well worth a visit. Our busy creating forces are daily making Hats, and Bonnets by the dozen to fill orders. Biggest trade in our history. prices, honest in fact, we have everything that belongs to a first-class department The People Is My Husinoss, have learned that UOOD s nd from Ltl-'av. it. .fertile, luminal f-. "-. the ptirdne !ea::i .a I'tiiverstiy la I . :-! ::.!j w !;:. u '.ill 11 is aftein. a Ii I in and Mnnk linn on the head with the ed.'e o the ae. Not sal islied with this, he went to 1 In door of the cabin and called t'haiit Uus' blether, Mereer. to the door. Mercer iiiisUsH-ctiui;ly came an 1 w.isat once U-.iieii dow ii and ft ilii fully injured. Wesley ChaluUis died almost instantly: Meicei lu '. this altci noon and Washington can not live. Altereoiiiiunttue the triple inur- f jder. I'raddoek walked to Taxhus I town and miiuh-d with the in--roes j there, boast I n of the enme. He l. appeared pcileetiv uiieoueertied t'nanii.ii i,iies: v as a b:.- pioh ! iieil u ith tin '.-M to be done ith a I ,r his paper in uk.d - ilh.uit I. il i-ti, ! I. a: s. ut and tlioiihi it lu. It's easy coin piesi ion ;is to w hat In iu who relilst .1'' I II:, :! 'loll' . i:. ctain SllUi. to settle his I'.llck -.ileal s -ll o. KilUd l!i Two llrothcs. ..y as a result ih one of his Clsseliri i- to li.-iiauap- j and sa:d In -d llr ;Ui!Il -i in,! In, .t i of bv a liitti.-sijiike the snake at d came mar I by the haul And nobody straw for it. tii's oupiij,. was Inttiui tw U.s he was evhilnt ii.. the fair grounds, a living, but was sav. work of the doctors.' would have i.ued . I in t w hi that lead- story, of little coiisi .pience iu itself as it is, will ever loip-t Crouch and his i at tier. The ood ii-spaper mail is the one who is not dc-nd-tut upon lires and ll i ds and w reeks to make 1 is stuff intcicslinj;. A j;ood cook must tickle the palate every day, not with only one bi' dish occasionally. lu this paper is published some thing of the lirst unliappiuess that seems to have conic to the liryaii home the marriage of JIiss Uinli, the eldest daughter, to an artist whom Mr. Iliyan brouj;ht to his home for the purpose of having him paint a portrait. Miss liryau wa.s to have cjven herself to some kind of philanthropic work. There is 11 .surest ion of sidness iilxuit this inaiThu,'!'. aside from the oppo sition of the parents. It is based npon the almost certain fact that this j-otinc jii rl. full ot life and vigor, and Hie sedate artist, mure than twice her ow n age, hav e iioth ing in common upon liich to base w inc oi n;iiipines.i. i ne ciianccs Hie that nl'ti-r it bit the public prints will tell it divorce story, or there will be a sadder story, known perhaps to but few, of long years of patient and uncomplaining suf fering. Sometimes it's one wav ami sometimes another. Let the buggy making establish metit which is to be opened up here by Mr. I'liyne and the Heutli-Lce Hardware Company lie but the be ginning. Monroe has got to d business of this kind ; the sooner the better. Thisenterprise, though comparatively small, will add some desirable working population, that makes money and spends it, to the town, mid every similar one that follows will add more. There's nothinglike iiidejieiideuee and self sustenance. Ixd Monroe he self sustaining. Ex Senator M. C. Butler, who represented South Carolina iu Con grew from 1877 nntil 1N1", says he is out of polities and is "a planter anil gentleman." Chesterfield Enterprise. TTie "out of polit ies" fellows are usually the ones who have been pnt out. No fair minded mtui could havs observed the good order and the en tire freedom from any misbehavior that existed here last week and fail to admit the value of prohibition to community. . re the I'ir.1 ' s'.t .!c pi. ivi r :.r-c p;avei-s. , aui'-r and seven s :..- li:iv.T.:y t, at; 1 1 - of t i ti le f -' a.; team, and mas i.i :-s ass',. tail' r-iicii. it.s'ti-i'e players am were kiile.l. liftV-llir.-C o'lle! i it her fatallv . ! it- I.; I- iti t:ie in; ire.l til.' t'.Ve.Ve i uli )il-s wep '.t:.i!.tf tl.e j..--i crn .s of ;i tho'i s.it.1 r ters for l'urd .c.i ia.l m ga.a dn s with eo. rs s'reaninis:. u h.e- m !:a- fr-ii: i-oiu h sitt tw. nty iiii.s, uj,, fell. . trained to the hour. on w ln-tu tl.e l;e., a l.riiu.itit vi. ..iy .-n tin gridiron was entertained Afoiillit the curve at tin- ls;i sin-i't cut lingiiii-cr S liuinan found directly in front of him the freight . limine and coal cars moving slowly from a switch to a gravel pit lb' re versed his engine and pimped. The crash hurled the passenger engine ami three front coaches against the stud freight cars, loaded with coal, that ploughed their way through and buried under a pile of wreckage, weighing many Puis, fully sixty hn man Iriugs. The lirst car, in which were the players, was completely demolished. the r'f ln-ingtorn away and landing across a car of coal, while the llv of the ear was reduced to kindling wood against the side of the steel freight cars The second couch, con taining the hand of musicians, was partly telescoped, while the third couch Wiis overturned and hurled down a fn'tccn foot embankment. The other coaches did not leave the track. President Stone of the I'liiversily. with his family, was in the lifth coach and was not injured. Imme diately after the shock, the passen gers, men ami women liegan the work of teat mg away the wreckage and pulling out dead and dying class males ami fraternity brothers. The young women rfornicd heroic work Though the liodies were in several instances horribly mangled -one oomplclcly and one partially liehrad ed. they took upon their laps the heads of the dying and injured and soothed their sufferings as liest they could until the surgeon arrived. e men "hm lor tun. Craddoik ws raptured by a small posse of white men. but a i low d of about ioo. mostly in gr..i s. took possis-ioii o linn an. I at nine handed Ii 1 ii i to a tice and biilind his Imdy ti.-iic.ith ll. Child liurncd. "I- II r tine day last week Mr. .1. S. dames' children weic playing around a piie of three or ..ur hun dred pounds of ed cotton en the poiih. The chihlii-ii placed I.:, ten months-old bal.y in the centre ol the pile. In some wav they e,, hold of some match. -s from wh;, h the cotton caught lire ;s;, ; I,,- 1, M oi ked into a ti.u - '.' an alt. ii atnci v :ootie-is. Ileal. Hum i.v in.' on a ; iin ., aal miles hi.m .t.is i :ty. (l is ai'-e, and hilled In- two brother., attenii.tc.l -t.-r an 1 s,s,-i hi I i p. policemen hoii's lief.,!,. In- was tia.edy in i i;i red '' the t it in I of the id ui. n are l.oiiis cd L'7 yens, single; aged J."i. vv ho leaves liaticlde ii.J'i ycais weights and prompt delivery is the only nay to please the trade- He st Cheese, t io.i, I K lasted Coffee from i: ii : rents. 1 Iain j from i2 to Hi cents. I carry a full line of everything I'ritgs and sooils guaranteed. II you have never tried me with an order, now ii the time, -.ml v mi will surely be a regular ci.stonur. Ki spectl'iilly. W. A. STEWART. rim up ioi . :l id held .1 I 0 g ' I' i Lu nine .ip'iel. It, ui Lie farm .- Iia u. The ,1, ei..e;iger. iiul I'n d-i n-h, a vv n'ow . 1 J,, old. l.i.l Hi" "Look Out, I'll Shoot Babyt" Vl..t, lia ., IH-i-li h. Jn.l. "Ixxik out, I'll shisit baby!'' critsl Mrs, Thomas Zant, iu frolic with her year-old ehihl on Satur day, at the same time pointing at the baby an old parlor ritle that had been laid around the house since Christmas. The child laughed iu glee, but in an instant there was an ei plosion and a scream of paiu l mm toe batiy ami another scream of horror from the mother. The child lingered in agony until this morning, when it died. Mrs. Zant is frantic witb grief and denounces herself as a murderess, though that the shooting was accidental is con ceded. tl. lines enveloped the baby Was picked Up (pliekiV bv It er and escaped unhurt. cv-cii a small place on its leg and its eye brows were bin ii.-d, was, indeed, a narrow escape for the baby. Twenty -One Die in Death Trap. N.--J V .. I. ' - ', I-. Twenty one n.i-n, three women ami a ten mouths old babe weie burned to death or suffocated in a lire that started early ti ts mm -ninj in the House of all Nations, a live story tenement ut No. Igii Kievetith avenue, and which the police and coroner believe to ls of incendiary origin. Some of the peculiar features of the disaster, in addition to the start j ling loss of life, are that the tire was practically extinguished iu 'J" minutes; that the police could leal n of but one person luug injured, other than those ,, ,,st their lives, and that I lit property loss was only 7.0"t. The dead are mostly Italians. There are elections going on in eleven States today, and also iu .New York city, which is bigger than three-fourths of the Slates of the I'nion. We are not much iu (crested in any of it hut the New York light, w here it is to lie hoped that the reform foiccs will Is-at Tammany, which is a syuonomy for incompetent and corrupt government. TheOnod W iie ilud. " Isn't it strange." reiu.it ked Mrs. r.i,'.p;gs to In r hii.hund. that I can t.ev. r a good ' aig aiu in sh.., s ." "Vol 'I'd ", ..." said h-r bus b HI I, "l hen y got me." S.-.V iug cheai!-t. ouipany ' Ma. hine ! the M.u, lst and I'u: iiiture T. co vvoi ,i , enls going u .1 'hn I;. Sitnt'.on i 'o. .Iut lei eivi-d 1,1 !ui ids ol those nice smooth n il apples, g'."i ceuis a p -i k. .lohn I:. Simpson Co. I- inc sngiir syrup i-i :!!, n cm,., nt .Vi cents. fins is something line. .lohn I,'. Simpson Co. Cotton 10 Cents, And This is Street Carnival Week. Let every bod v eoine to Monroe, but don't gel carried awav with some little In cents side show, but take your lu cents or your dollar or w hatever amount ot nioiiev ou are going to spend and invest it with some np to day grocery man. Say, Hill ,V llivens, for instance. This vv ill ls far belief investment l u you than to semi your money aw ay w ith show uicu. If Hill ,V llivens don't give you the worth ol your money they w ill never nsk you to spend another lobar with them. II thev don t give you Full Weight I never ask you another store. Money saving opportunities almost beyond the power of imag ination are here. i Belk Brothers. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Double Daily Service Bet weon New York, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and Points South and West IN EFFECT APRIL I2TH, 1903. SOUTHWARD. h Nftt WH;. IKK " l'it 4 l l.iu. IKK " I.4IIII.I "If " " W4-ln.11.MMn, W f Uv - Km -..'ii.'U.t. n l li) " I vt er-. 1.11 rit ' " N-irlii A ' ll t.I.T.. it " Knit ik'lt .S.tllH.ttl I'lllt-i " " hum i. l " -intnt.i t A 1 !HtMlii!i " Kr la.'i.-.'ll. III.' " At "t Autftiinu' Itailf No 31. 1'jily No. Ill V t iu f ttt t I 111 . . m I" -1-' i m II K i' m 1 .1. a m '.' A a 111 '' a m a in T R III ! a ni it ' i m -n ji m 2 h a ni J" n m VMim It m J K- m it : 1 m 1 In (i m ft IH 7 .ix i m r- m If hi li-m ni t -i- iu v I!- a ut 1 lh-y ive ihm ami full weight; w' giv air lh.- -r-v,ohii. ! 1 " ' -v . " olu n tins ii iisr-t t,, .1 "tine jjiiweries in our mine. dive us a trial order or purchase sometime (turnip the si reel citrniviil mid we ii.iiiiulii' Milishu-tion in every wav. Truly, id Produce Market 1 'ii' f ! i e,i 1 1 : I'llCI'S I I ll I! il.iy, i; p -Ute ol is "1 1 1 f iK.llklt I- of the liMtimi: i.M-t ! "t it"c, is t" 5 'i-pei Im-dii-l t til. ken-, In ( t I .'7f c.l( h . L'hul.!:is. MHiii. jet- mini.' I., .i... lv cel.. tl.e piper, slll'lrrt In 1 J lj V.y (.ni:. I'ull I;-.-. linn-l!t.. : l.i i sr .rr d-.'en. '. I - 'c to i -- en h 5'' " r pound, v, i -c- I i jj,- p.,-r poim . ; - I i for I l-tlshel. Cotton: i m r liini4 " m (!. i m . N..ll" l.v S.. ViirL. N V I- A N T ..ii in .w. . ni 1.1 -Illl.t. - I" 1 H III II .Ijl III i v Nr.. v oi k.o n .s s i'.. t a ' (. m l l II,:.m H s I-1 .. I i -h I. .ii. N it VV s K I e..n.iiiiiutli. M A I. Hy " V'.-....ii " N-elin II Caroline. Marble mm. and Granile Comnanu. Our business has been mure than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line. No grave, hoA-ever humble, should b-j allowed to go unir.arked. We can make a job to suit the price ynu are able to pay. Call for designs and prices. " rUi. itf'l " .'tulit rii IMiit " Hami' l " iliniiitfl'.il Ar riurli.Mi U i'Iu i.t " It rtn mohhI " " Atln-n- Ar Ailjinu t " Kr Auitii-.ia.f 4ttV " M,on,r n( M..nm..iii('ry" A A W I' " Mot'ilr. I A N " Net orlfn. I. A S " Nflmllr, N (' A .Nt !T MvmpliH p m 1 1 fc in I iH' M tn n.'i tn i ' a id k a ni A y in V '' a m ll I i" u ut it i m M If l 111 i" in 1 aft a m I 14 in a m I" a m" I;' m . ui i i in j. ni a i 6 i III ? J l ni i W i m A i.f. i 5t "iti a Hi ...... 7 lni "4" am Mitii I y m Hi' a r NORTHWARD latly Sum I'aiij N...i l.v Mftnjihi. N r Ht I. li '. noon umpm - N-livtlli' W Jl . ui "naiii"i - Nf ilrlfaiia. I.. A N. " Mol.llp. I. A N. " M'Miiifi.nirry, A W ' " Mai-..n. C. uf da r Aumfta.r.A W. I" 1" " Allaitla. 1 f A 1. Kv li Ar Atl:i.-. rviMiwiMKl. " o K ! i ni l " a 111 tu a m Hill & Bivens. 'f A I C ' U KKI'AKIN (i -TlieThelp ; VV ii t ill town in I'KILE aiiil asgood a Ihe hrst in nlAMTY. All work lUKiilccJ. W. Ostium, atOghum' id re. Hello, Down There! Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens. eggs i i Don't take your eye off the main chance! Don't miss the opportunity of your life! When painting your dwelling call and tee ui (or prices. We recommend and guarantee Harri son s pa;nts. S. J. Welsh. I want your old Iron. I. D Parker. Best brar.ds oi cigars, tobacco, smoking and chewing, at S. R. D otter's. ami produce so fast that I can t 4 Now is the time and thin is thft nlara tn buy er.oueh. If you have any to : 4 I c.ll .1 .r,'l ...II . I.:. f :. ... : A V... 11. . . . . . . . . . . viw.. nco s on 01 11 mini von 1 t uuv liih iiHWHsr. n Tl n nroTriOQr naaimva in want it. 1 0 S. K. Dostkr. j J I ive liurivlH line iwhih .'io tu .'." , wills a jwk. Apple from 2.1 cts. a pii-k up. I John li. Sinii,son Si Co. Steriino Sliver and 1847 Rbaers' Spoons, f Monroe Furniture Co.'s store ia piwkcd and jiiinnied with karguin ' forY(r. Disastroua Wrecks. ('relcasiKMi is rpuponHiblp for many a railway wrook and the ' snnie ranw are milking biinuin wrecksof siifffreiii from Throat anil Lnng troublps. Hut aim tho ail- vent of Dr. King's Xew Diitravery ' , lorvonsuniption, Loughs and ( oliln, : even the worse fa, can be cured. I llopelen resignation is no longer ( neewwary. Mr. ixils I'ragg of Dor chester, Masd., is one of Hie many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This treat reine- j dy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by The English Drue i ; Co. Price 5(ic, and 1.00. Trial ) bottles free, , Tor this wivk only, we will accent the followini: slin as fiftv cents on any purchase of one wt of t-pcsnis, only one set to a customer. Cut out the following cupon: Good for Fifty Cents on one set Spoons at The AV. J. Hudgc Company's. You will do well to call and see onr other lines of fancy goods. Something that will make a handsome bridal present in China and Cut (.lass. The W. J, Rudge Co. rli.--t.-r, l.v I Imrlnitf, " VV ilmiriiflon. " IUnili-1. - S.H11I1.TH 1'ini, KmIikIi, " H.-ii'l.r.in, " SorhtiB, VV.I.I,.ii. Ar IVrt.tmiHth. oiint,.ii, sX'm s ft. Mall murr. H S I' IV N.- V .irk.li h S s ( ... I'liii,- i.ii.iii..vi'AS ; ' 1 nr I M In . m 11 i .-km "I IB II 1-i m I - m ' ni m ( ia m lo m I.t Tm, SAL R)r St Auru. tine " " J.vk'io illc ' " S;omuiiili " i'.liiml.lft I " lliimlt s-.tithern I'lno. " Kalrwli " ll-ii.lris ' ..rllnift lvir.t.tirfl Ar hu-hm.4t.t " W ft.lilntfliui. W S Ry - H-1'im..T, I' H H " l'IOIft.Hl. Nw V..rl 1 ! ni j. tn Nil .11 .ft"r iii" I1 w Ml. ft m Jl i' a m Sum m ' p tn f Ui i m IS I" ft n ' m m n lis.,., I H p m lM.pru i m m l 11 . p a lift ni m ft in I M p m p ni I" ' . n II n pin 1 m Ion 11 m Mtui ft m 1 11. ft in II X. . m lpn I ll P ftl HftlljTnil Sun.lr . liVnUftl Tun. I tent iimft. MOTICE TO DEBTORS.-Partiti ll owiiik me (or profeiiional lerrices will And Hi account! with Mr. Philip Whitley or Mr. H. V. Puiaer, and a prompt payment ol all accouuli ia re quested to ba made to cither of the above i; ml If men, A. D. N. Wliilley MEW CITY ORDINACE.-lt aball 11 be unlawful lor any rxrioa, com paoy, firm or corporatioo in the City 01 Monroe 10 aeu any kind ol tut work. Any person, company, firm or eorportlioo violating Ihii ordinance aball pay a fine of fitly dollars B. C. Aahcraft, See. Bd. Aldernifto City of Mooroe. Carolina Marble and Granite Co. . E. EFIKD. Manager. MONROE, N. C. Yards at Statcsville, Salisbury, North Wilkciboro, and Monroe. goooooeocx)0(X)Ooooooeoooooooc: NOTICE! Tliis is for you, NOTICE-AII those Indebted to the estate ol H. li. Houston by not or ac-oonl most come forward and make settlement by the 51b ol Novem ber, loot, or the claims will be not in the banda of an attorney for collec tion. The ealale moat be aettled bv Nov. 10th. R. V. and 0. A. Houston, Eiecntora. If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without any excu.se we ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will he No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, hut request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to be disappointed. Wc arc going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. rTo Cure a Cold in One Day t A? tl I Tan awaxauve uromo uuinina TaUet. m r SsslscMhsvastlJswsaatka. Tbk avfeniillT. Yfj?r " Caras Criav ! Tw Bays. on every TVt POXftftt jC

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