..at-an i . .ii-Nrir -a. -.: -I v -gw vi.. V TV. THE MOHROE JOURNAL Telephone No. I. Tuesday. November J. IU. Mr. ft. U. Blair ieut ynsterday la ChaikMte wo business. Mr. Ja. McMurry, a krll kuoa 'rilLtra of Laurulrr fount j, died Saturday aud aiu buiitd at Tii-ili ' ou Sundav. Mr. a-d Hi. W. T. ! Stewart attended the fonecal from Von roe. Mr. M. C Riven .f Marnhvilta, who was taken to Charlotte week before last m be orierated oa fur eaneer. vm Iironeht bark koine Mr. KUi (iodaiu of Concord M y Thursdiiv, the drt.r sayiug siaoding the week at court. j thai he was at pmu-ut to weak to Mr. KrneM. BartWt of Charlotte undergo an operation, pent Sunday in Iowa. Mr. J. It. XtvJi of Uuford town- Mr. T. U. M.nu of Cuucord U bip i preparing to nunc to town one of the visiting lamer at court for Hie purp.e of gettiug hi clul-this-week. " j drea in school. He h.i rented the . -i old cvurt l.oii.-e luitdiig ou JefUr- Mr. I. . i.i.seu.i iaHiu.rK , . , . ,,:...- i v wi ting relative iu towu this week. Mr. W. II. Andivaa of Xew York is visiting hU p-ircuts and Mr. I, H. Audrrwa, Mrs. J. K. Ashrraft and children of Atlanta are expected to arrive ou Frid.iy night to visit relative. Mrs. A. T. I-atta of (lastoui i Kcv. I. Puree, at Yang t'bow, Chiua, bus been aligned as the missionary whom the In ion l;ptit Aoviatii-n will euptvit ' upon the forvigu field, in nivoiJ- lauce w ith the rcso'utii tioil p;it9-ed at it 1.1-4 session. The Journal i reiic-.led to an iu Monroe spending sometime w itb noiineo that Ji'V. I. A. Snider mid Kev. j. i. ihuunsi win preacu ui New- Hoi li.tptit church ut two liiemls. Kev. W. V. Watson will preach at Meadow Untuck ou Thanksgiv ing day at 11 o'clock. Mr. E. I). Itiveus of Salisbury it visiting friend and relative in the rouuty. The Indies of the Ita4iKt church Lave bought a new and good piano to 1 used iu the church service. The piano was placed hud week. The I'uion Meeting of the I'uioii Association will meet at Meadow Brunch ou the .1th Sunday and the Friday and Saturday before. Kev. M. A. Smith preached at Centre Sunday. Dr. J. C. lUiwe preached luoruing and evening ut Mouroe. The meeting at the Raptit church continues this week. The pastor, ltev. W. V. Watson, is do ing all the presetting himself. Mr. Lawrence Stewart came home lust night from St. Paul, Minnesota, w here he has been play ing professional base IniII. Mr. Hal Adams, who is a student nt Trinity College, w ill read a jm jter before the Slate Literary and Historical Society at lUleigll to morrow night. ' Kev. Dr. lliggnnf the Kpiscopnl church iireachtd in Charlotte yes tenlav. mid l!ev. Mr. iA'uiiuond of Charlotte occupied the pultpit at 8t. I"aur church here. Mr. Baxter Williams has moved to tow it and occupies one of Mr. It. Jlcdfeara'a houses on Franklin street. He ha a position with .1. K. Knglish & Cv '8uire V. T. ( hears of lluford Hold eleven bales of cotton at eleven cent yesterday. He thinks that the cotton is pretty well sold by the farmers. In the rase agaiut l'rof. 1'almer Dairy m pie of the Wesley Chapel graded mIumiI, for severely whip nine a child, the L'randjury failed to lind a true bill, and this ends the case. The Journal is requested to nn lion me that ltev. II. (I. Ilryant will preach nt Xew Hope. I.aptist church, in New Salem township, on the IllHi Sunday, ut 11 o'clock. The cae of Jefl'and Frank Crook, growing out of a pitched buttle which the brothers liad some mouths hl'o. ha been sent buck from the Supreme court for a new trial. The Journal was mistaken in imvintf that Mr. J. A. Austin was elected president of the proposed new telephone company. Mr. aus tin nay a Isiard of directors was elected but no president. Among the jurors drawn for the next session of the hederal court at Charlotte are some negroes. It wont feel quite natural for our Vnion county jurors to serve along with the colored brothers. Mr. Taul Fiirr and Miss Uertic Foard of Nance township were married on the Bill inst.. at the home of the bride's fid her, Mr. V. L. Foard. Ivni. 8. J. Howard officiated. Mr. D. 8. Davis, formerly of Wax haw, now of Itucford, Cuiulicrlaiid con-ity, lis Is-en elected general mauager of the Slanly Supply i om pany, a big mercantile organization to ojH-u in Aiueinsriu January isi, Even I lie country inerchnuls are learning the value of newspaper (Mivertislng. Messrs. H. W . 1 n ser ami W. P. Plylcr are both rcg ulnr advertiser in The Journal aud have been for a long time. Rev. V. V. Honcycntt will re Dort to conference that the Monroe r. ... .,.1 I.. r..u circuit nas mis year pm uji m iun all assessments with the exccptloi of one item, educational, and that many of the assessments have been overpaid. A special term of court will be com inenced at w adesboro on t lie . t u of December, at which timellenry Young, the man who shot anil killed Mr. John Williamson at Hamlet last winter, will be tried Judge Justice will irrmu. Mr. Myers Mcdlin has bonght the nrom-rtf of Mr. D. A. Maune of Xorth Mnnroe.'and bis son, Mr. puran Medlip, is occupying the residence, and rnnuing a store 1 the store room, o'clm k on Saturday U-loir the liilh Siiuday iu this mouth, on Sunday at 10 o'tlm k. Dr. J. C. lt .we, Itev. M. A. Smith and Itev. W. V. Iloueyciitt will b-ave for High I'oiut tonight to attend the annua! eoi'ferenee. Itev. W. M. Hagby, who was the ciitertitining pastor of the confer ence at Monroe last year, will net the host again tins year. Mr. C. T. lUiley of M.irshville has beguu the hog killing busiues now. Yesterday he put away one 2-pouuder and one ; -poumier. Three buudied pound hos mid U-veii cent cotton ! If this thing could be kept up live years the Smith wauld be a high roller. Mr. W. It. Marsh and descend ants w ill hold a family reunion at r. Marsh old home place one and a half miles south of Maih- lle ou Thursday, Xov. ,.,ii!li hanksgiving day. Mr. Marsh is four score Years old, and is a hale and happy old gentleman. Mr.llamptoi, Helm, hile work- ng ut the Monroe Manufacturiiig o. s shop, got his hand cauu'lil in miichliie, wliicli cut Ins tliumh ml second linger badly that hey bad to lie amputated. Dis. oiiroe und Stewart took oil the lingers and dressed the wounds. Ihc accident occurred lliurvi.ty. Mr. F. 11. Wolfe of the Savings, an and Trust Coinpimy, ngeuis the Aetna, iu which the late Johu M. Stewart had -.',(HK) insiir biic', has tinned over a check to r. Stewart for the full amount. he money was in hand six days after proof of the- death was for- arded. Itev. Dr. Martiu D. Haidiu, the new pastor of the second I'resbyte rinu church of Charlotte, preached u the 1'resbyterian church here Sunday morning and evening. Kcr. ico, II. Atkinson preached in Dr. aidiu's pulpit. Dr. Hardin is son in law ol ex-vii-e I'resiiiciu f tho I'nitcd State Adlai E, Stev enson. The Journal is requested to an nounce that the public school at lock ltcst will begin Mouday, and ill U preceded by a pohlic edu- itiomtl meeling at the school house ou Saturday night of this cek, to which nil the patrons arc reuiiested to be present, a inter. csliug addresses w ill be made. Mr. nt It. Mullisuml Mrs. W lltoli il aiiis will teach the school. Mourur' water Mip(ly Iu hung by s thr-ac!, itosi.-ak, A,r along time, a ixl it has brvu luek. coqtlrd with eart-ful work, ih.U , ' ., ,. . ... ... ...i very serious disease of cabluge ami eral mouth the w bo.e winplv nan , . .. . '. 1 .- . iilln r rini i.l llu raliluii taiuilv. CoDie lioui oue will, ana Ibw ol , : .. ... eoarw, like ail machinery, ktowl a ha exited ia North Caruliua a The aunual damage iu thi State good chance of gi ttu g out of fix ut lu,.les cW.ge, anv time, The well wh rh w.i' . . . drilk-l to a depth of ,c,fch-iyb.ch.tm.fpjentlyo,H.r Mr. IVaker. who dusl here. haV thw beeu MopH up with a drill for f?"- HouiHimeV The town emploji-,1 ' ' '.'"'P uU Mr. Tmubull torvnv on the ik j ,hvU n - i .. i... i t.J The disease ill cabbage is charac- " . J .Li "," .7" 7fcT.i,7i tJ outermost leave, of V i : ' " " Ithc plant war the edge, turning got caught. Now Messrs. Hatha- L. ., ., , .. , , s ., .. hrsl yellow, theu brown and nnally wav and tinvii uf Mauu ngton. ,. ,,. . , , . r.i.-iback. 1 he disease spread dowu- U et irjrin a, are at work on the .'. , . ... , n ., . i i .i ... wsmI into the main stem and well. T irv have levu hereabout .u : , . , . , , ... , through this uto the inner leave a week, ai;d have succeeded iu g-t , . ., , .... . , ... T .il of the heail. hile no plant ol the ting the obstruction out of the well .. , . . ' , . . ... . ..... cabbage kind is whollv exempt, and statl mi tin thednllii.g niivlv. -,. . f .; . , , i . those of a loose or spread ng habit Tho town turui-slies the tools and ... ,, ,, m . . .,..1... i.l ..,.1 ,v... il,.., io iumv i W4 biiu a aa foot to do the work aud furnish BUck Rot ol the Cabbage. MarshvUk Newt. m 4 M Vu'.hj Nnk ' r.4iu ItnntM CWw lw ill T0 Jwraal. 7 , , I M.rshville, Nov. . Cotton I.Mr more than hOeen year there i.,i., n ... n,;..,Jta. day. Mr. J. F. IVrry iiening up a liueof groceries ia the store form erly accupied by Mr. ( ha, liuut ley. Iter. It. T. X. Stephenson gave Special Notices. necessary lalsir. The law riiiuiies every county suerintenilent to attend the Av iation of County Superilitenilenls Halelgh iu November of each car, anil remain tiirougiioiii me sessiou. The county supeiiineuii- ut of I'nimi will therefore be in Kaleigh on Wednelny, Tlmrsday and Friday of this week. The ob ject of the meeting w to niscn wars and means ot bettering the hmil. Monroe folks who have been try ing to grow pecan trees may lake courpce. This morning Mrs. it. Houston sent to luu journal oflice a handful of full grown, green pecans which she ha grown In her carden. Mrs. Houston tree is six years old ami fruited lieavuy tins vear. Mr. Houston Is SO well deasetl with Min. Houston s sue cess that he has put out an orchard of sevenly me pecau tm-s ut tils coiyitry home. The venire of 130 men fiom which to select a jury to try John Marsh for his life, was not selected a such foruieily were, by the she. llf's troiiiK out and calling In men wherever he saw them. Hut 150 names were drawn from tho Jury box of the county Just as grand juries are drawn. The men whose naines were drawn live in every section of the county, aud it gave Sheriff Horn a job to summon them all. Itev. M. A. Smith, pastor of the Monroe church, will make the us ual fine report that goes to confer ence from the Monroe chnrch. All the salaries, amonnting to IllltiO, have been paid, all the general col lections, amounting to ta:l, are also paid, beside a good deal of ex tra funds. Everything luu) been paid in full and running over a lit tler The nastor has done a year of most faithful aud hard work, and ire trust that the Uishop will return him to Mouroe. The Work of the Court. The second win-k of court is uw iu session. The trial of Johu Marsh for rape has Ix-en set to U-gin on Thursday. Marsh was tritsl last XovciuU-raud found guilty, but the Supremo Court gave him a new trial. The sheriff has been busy for some time summoning a special veuire of l.V) men, from which the jury will lie selected. On Saturday morning the court took a recess until Monday, Judge Justice leaving for bis home iu Itiitlierfoidton. Since our last re port the following cases have been diswd ol : Cloniiie Hasty, selling liquor ; judgment suspended on pu.wncut of oo.-'ls. Lcroy Crook, assault with deadly weapon ; judgment suspended ou payment of costs. . Johu I loiili, robU-ry; four years ou the chain gang. Henry D.ister, larceny; eight months ou the chain gang. Ed Cat, disturbing religions wor ship and carrying concealed weap ons; seven months ou the roads. Will Sin i III, larceny; four nionl lis on the chain gang. Imrence Allen, assault with deadly wca;Hn; six months on the chain gang. Jas. l.iucc, seduction; nut guilty. Kohl. Perry, carrying concealed weapon; thrsc moullis on the roads. Xutip ltoliinin, carrying con waled weapons; iMo and cost. Vance Young, carry ing concealed wcaimns; two liioiithsou the chain gang. Henry and Aim Lincoln, assault and battery; judgment suspended ou payment of costs. V, J. Trull, assault and battery with deadly weapon; I Hand costs. John W. Hasty, perjury ; not guilty. John i;l;w kinan. disturbing reli gious worship; judgment sii"cnd cd on iiayuieut of costs. Johu mid Jim WiJiams.r.-i-isiiug an ollicer; jinlgnient KiispemUsl on pnyment ol (sisls. Ivl Davis, assault and la'tery w ith deadly weapon; 10 and costs. tlcorge W. Moscr, selling molt gagwd proerty) n.it guilty. loin t. lawsnn, carrying concealed weapon; judgmciit suspended on payment of costs. I-rank Perry, assault w ith dead ly weajHin; judgment suspended ou payment of costs. J mi 'iiiompson, carrying con- ccaled weapons; three months on the roads. The case against Ashley llaiicoin, who last year attacked his wife with a knife, and who was put uu- h-r bond to keep the peace ut bust November term of court, came up again. Mi', llaucom has been with liw brother in hayetteville during the time, and his wife lias liccn at their home iu New Salem. The court continued the bond of f.100 to keep the peace till next Novem ber court, nnd required that Air. Itaiicoui should continue to live outside the county. l ar-l anicd Lands of Marlboro. H-nm.ttp.illii Curriii''iicwiHV nt tlii hrloll l ilnirm-r. A Raleieh mercantile firm ad Tertbww In the Kaleigh Post for 10.000 eat. The Post claims that Kaleigh is Mouroe' natural 'pos satn market, so we ought to be able to furnish reasonable number of the cats. The following name of jurors front Union county have been drawn to serve at the Federal Coort which meet in Charlotte on December 15th i Thomas C. Brewer, R. H. Howie, E. W. Thomas, J. E. ire- lock, J. E. Chancy, Jesse C Hasty ud A. L. Tarker. Bee the new lot of Ladies' Seek wear at Lee 41e's a large and verr select assortment Just re- ceived. Hick's Cold Chocolates enro a cold in 10 hours 10 chocolates 10 cent., , English Drng Co. ; Where do yon get the best fish aqd oyntcrs aad at Uic bt price t -rarker Markei Hick s tVId Cuoeolnt core i eold In 10 bonrv-10 cbocolul 0 eota, . - lUnglud) Drvg Cot Last Monday the estate lauds of Eli T. Covingtou of Hebron was sold ut auction, containing nearly lMl acres. It brought ?'HI pcrucre, and was purchased by Mr. C. M. Vcatlu rly,a merchant or liciinetis villc Mr. John J. Peamen of lleiinelts villeowu an eiglil-borse limn in the lower part of the comity, which is worked by tenants. Mr. Pear son stated to your correspondent yesterday that hi tenants bad this year cleared ou the cotton crop ex clusivelyyifter pay ing all expenses, something more than HiiKl. Such farming as that is a veritable Klon dike, and iiiaijy tenant in Marl boro county, arter paying to io ei wr acre rt'tit, are amassing mouey, and some of theui. are purchasing plantatious at 9M) and f JO per acre. Mr. Charles Cromhuid, one of the Uirogressive farmers of the county, slated tin ween mat lie wouni make this year, ou 3t sen s of land. 05 bale of cotton, and this is an off year for fanners in this county, es pecially lor cotlou lariuers. xapi. r. L. Hrecder told your cornpou- dent that bo would avenage ouc heavy bale of cotton per acre ou bis eutire farm of HM) to 700 seres. These gentlemen always make an ubuuduiice of grain. Mr. Charles Crosluud now having 4110 bushels of old Corn from last, year s crop, shows that farming in Marlboro comity py better than anything else. Mr. E. W. Hrecder Bear town rented 1IH) acres of land to the wa termelon truckers and received 17 tier acre or 7iM) for the 100 acres. he hot the land iu uea vine hay, harvested and baled same and re ceived one half, which netted him something like V frr acre, mak ing more thsn per sere hi laud returned htm thi year ia tha way of renf. f A Monioe Biaa owns a farm in this comity from which his rents thin year auoontea to more man than those which form close heaK like the Hat Dutch type. The di east is very contagious, spreading from plant to plant iu the Held. Frequently large patches of cab bage apparently healthy one day are found soil and rotten the next. The disease is always most vim lent in hot, moist weather. CIISKliI TUB I1ISEASK. Klack rot of the cabbage and oth er plants of the same family, is caused by a germ or microbe, K cillus campestris. This germ live from year to year iu the soil, at tacking with increasing virulence successive crops of the cabbage kiud, until at length it becomes practically impossible, to grow these crops except uiou fresh or virgin soil. The germ increases rapidly only during the warmer months of the year, or while the temperature is above 0 F. TKKATMKXT. The treatment for black rot must lie preventive. Spraying is of no value in this rase. Itotatiou of crops so that no crop of the cabbage lamily shall come upon the same Held oflener than once in three or four years is the first and most es sential precaution. The seed bed should Ik made uin fresh ground each year, or the lied should be but ned over ns is done for tobacco beds, lo kill (inssilile gem.s in the soil. Cabbage, turnip and all other crops of this family Should be grown only during the cooler months, or while the temperature is below W F. If only a few scat tered plants in Hi-Id show the char acteristic yellowing or blackening of the leaves, such plants should be pulled up nnd burned. Do not throw diseased cabbage leaves or plants upon the manure pile. The germ can live for an indefinite period in the maniiie, aud will Ik scattered oierthe fields with the manure. In cultivating a Held w hich contains diseased cubbageor other plants of thi family, before going into another Held clean all tools carefully and thoroughly to avoid carrying the germs into lields ivs yet Iris from them. Wage a vigorous war against shepherd's purse, pepper grass, ami all other weeds of the cabbage family, as these may serve to propagate the disease (luring years in which oth er crops occupy the laud. Except as stated ubove no par ticular variety of cabbago is ex empt, aud no special brand of seed will ensure freedom from the past. Live News From Wesley Chapel. f i!-ii'pnileiuii of Thr Jmiruil, U F. 1). No. 5, Nov. !1.-The Wes ley Chapd graded school will open on next Monday, the Kit h. after seven weeks' vacation. Prof Palmer Dal rympli is ttiicrintcndcnt nnd Miss Flossie Price assistant. Dr. .1. C. Unwe, P. K., preached an excellent sermon h a large congre gation at tliCs.'li.'ipel on the hrstsiin- iv of tins mouth, nnil held quarter ly conference on Monday at 11 a. m. Uev. L. E. Stacy, pastor of the Waxhaw circuit, was present at the iiuaitcrlv conference Mouday. Kcv. M. 11. lloylc preached his last sermon for this conference year at ihuchanel on last Sunday. He will leave for conference ut High Point on Tuesday, lie cues to conference with a full report. We exect him back next year. Mr. .1. X. Price had a severe at tack of colic last Friday night. Dr. .1. P. Monris was called to see him. The fanners arc uliout done gath ering corn and arc now sow ing small grain. The cotton crop is very short. The lale cotton was hurt badly by Uu frost last week. Mr. I'. M. Sutton has put in 'idioiie. He is connected with central at linkers. Mr. W. I). HawuYhl expects to put in a phone soon. Coin shucking is the order of the dav now. Miwsrs. Moore brothers hud u big shucking Monday night. .Mr. II F. Price of Waxhaw spent Sundav night with Mr. II. u Price. Mr. . 1. Kcziah is right sick Dr. McCain was called to see him. Mrs. W. D. Ilawfield and Miss Minnie Houston visited al Prof. lal rvmplp's last Saturday. Mr. Vernon Mxre, the champion 'possum hunter, caught one that weighed alxmt 2() ikiuiiiIs one night last week. Ho has caught 42 this s"nson. a turkey diuuer to the stewards of the Pulkton circuit today at the psreouage. Prof. Dowd aud Capt. John Hall man exchanged residence last week, for the cwmeoieuce of both parties. Dr. Hall gave another lecture at Ibe academy Saturday night; sub ject: "Koasled HushttmUou Toast. It was one of the finest "toast of t he season. To use bis own word, I like Marshville aud have iuvi- ted myself to come again." Mrs. J. E. Uailey left for Shelby tiis morning to visit her sister, Mrs. Ed Hamrick. Mis Edna Katliff, who has been attending school here, left for her home iu Aiisouville Sunday morn ing. Misses J. V. Heudall and Ethel Chambers of Wiugate were iu town oue day last week. Mr. M. K. Ie weut to Charlotte Fridaw. Mr. Ell Hi vena spent Sunday iu town, for the first time iu a week. Dr. and Mrs. Barrett of Peach laud were in town today. Miss Uua Duncan of Peacblaud is visiting her sister, Mrs, A. P. Phifer. Mr. Sylvester Autrey of Lane Creek, who has been sirk for some time, let limed to school today. Mr. aud Mrs. Johu IVelk of Lanes Creek came down to see Mrs. Belk's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Marion Perry, yesterday. Sir. J. M. Fairley and son were iu towu Friday. Kcv. A. Marsh returned from his appointment at Shiloh today. J. A Revolting Crime. Rianiikr. V . Iilirh. tsh. Several days ago the charred re mains of Lillian Shaw, a mulatto wo man, the wife of a well known col- ired resident of llristol, were found under a log heap in Johnson i uy, Tenn., near the North Carolina line. The woman had left Itristol hi join her husband in Chicago. Not show ing un in Illinois, a search was insti tuted, which resulted in the finding of the blackened bones and charred Mesh at a lonely snot. Kinley Pres ton, a young negro, was arrested on suspicion nnd placed in jail. Today Preston made a confession f the crime and implicated Jonah Tillcy and America Phillips, the last named being a mulatto woman. Pres ton says he and Tillcy shot the Shaw woman to death, having been prom ised i100 by the Phillips woman lo put her out of the way. The Phillips woman gave as her reason that tiie Shaw woman was ton intimate with her hiislnnd. After killing the wom an, her IkhIv was cut into quarters und curried in a barrel several miles into the woods, where it was slowly burned. All the parties mentioned arc in jail at Mountain City. Pres ton and Tillcy claim tho Phillips woman failed hi pay them for the 1 goods Admtitrmroti will b inierted in dii coltma at the pne of oo ceat a ward, rh ia Jvoc. PK SALE-16 cane aaule bad iuf doabU btrrel hotjuo for ulc st Urcaia. . B. Griffin. Aitaa, N C. POK KENT Oo botm farm; will t luraish Mock or nut for sort real; 6uo yard ML Prospect trailed Khuol. W. P. Plyler, Muoroe K.F.D.No 4. LOST A Ua pwu cooUididk two drpowt tirkelt of People ' Bank, out fur I joo tnd one for f 100, dted today, aad tome uuall rhaoge. A uilable reward will b paid if lelurued lo Mr. H. M. Browa. (Hiu) M. A. Staocil. SAEESMEN WANTED to took alter our interest ia L'oioa and adjareot eoantiet. Salary or commimoo. Ad dre Liocola Oil Co Cleveland, O. OST Ladies old watch in Muu 1 roe. Th words "Lura D."to (raved ia cat. Kctuia to Th Jour oal orhc. GOOD aecond hand surveyor' coaipai (or sale cheap. J. S. baucoin. POME to the 10 cent store aod get tome of the brRiui offered for tbt mooey. I defy competition 111 quality aod price. My goods ar all Iresh and new. I hav nothio( that i worn it welcome out; 00 catch or old shell worn foods to work ott at other' eipenses. Call on th only 10 centa store in Monro for th real 10. cent bargain not catc,h leader. J. A. trowell. WHY N pit OK th highest market price on Hide see J. D. Parker. NOAH FAILED Tb peo- unbelief. Tb amouut you ov us is due. Pay us at ooce or you ill pay with costs added. This means you; not your neiguDor. a ord to th wis is sufficient. Mouro Hardware Company, K. Red learn, Manager. A BIG lot ol new jewelry just in and at low prices lots of it at cost 1 at Welsh's Drug Store, , EMEMBER you can get the best j Iresh meat at J. v. Parker's mar et. Phone No. 91, OW is the time to sow crimson clo I vcr. Go to Welsh's for th seed. WE have t tew secoud-haud watch es almost as good as new to go t a greatly reduced price. Our new ones ar up to data W. (.hears a lo. FOR KENT Two desirable store rooms north of the court bouse. Apply to Mr. T. H. Simpson. BETTER prepared than ever to fur nish oics turnouts on short notice and at reasonable pi ices. H. A. Winchester. BRING your chickens aud eggs to S. H. Hudson, neit to Journal Office. w nil. The 10 cent store's new have arrived and are being opened up. Come and see them, at once. J. A. Crowell. New City Ordinance. Il In nnlnluw! thai sit lrlihun, llrih mill rliM-lrlti lliMw wlri hi-M-iOlir rris'lrd within slit ,.tirwtrtp ItnilUiit IhClly f Min- 4- -lirtll I plM-eil un nuiMmrli, si Irs! ninr- v (i.i Iniy thi emuim md niirlf iin.i,.iiMl 1,1 iinvfiitiiifirhi. Allwmuuri.riim- inlr. nrmii, ,nri.iiiriinn iir munii ,iiiihb iHiirillnaniVNliall iy a Siw. ut lwntj.lf list. I'shmsI thl Unit lr "t NiiTfmlifr. I. S. C. ASHCRAKT, Si, to Huaril of Aliternirn City ut Munnie New City Ordinance. 11 ii.n Imi unlawful tnr snr iwinHin, cutn iNOiy. i-iirunratliin tirurm or uirirMci-n, in urn 11) tidir l or enr thr plw ot bunlnmni ol mih-Ii iirrMili, t-otniiailir, Hon or orpora- ... ,., -ttBhltNh anv nlftcr tor th ! ol rlilrr within On .riri llroita ot tlo city nt Munrii. Any itrMHi.rompenr. Srm or riirimnllon or w-nti Tlolftilnn lht onHnancc i,.ii u? iiiiii) or S to Suard ol AlOrrnwa City ol Hoorut. Land Sale. Mr (drum uf a tMiwrr rotitslnrit In a 3ruln inuflitwr- ih-ml HM-utrJ h II C. nml nn thr :.ill nl aiikiiii. "a. "o. i"7"iii - INMrr Is, thr umH-rirxited win, on Monday, December Wth, 1903, I thr ruurl holi Asir In Himnv. rll at pub lic nurltun. lo th' hlh"I hlililer, Ihr tiillow- IliK ili-wrtlwil trni-l ISim. ij inir un n"- w.irn. nl Kii.haritiin'ii Cnrk soil mtjuliitiia thr Irnil. .1 w U Hrimfc.. Miirunn'! iiirni, . m, nirm niLih.m biiiI olhrm. anil huunileil in tolluw u......,itf t k tiiitr in s lirnnrli hy I Itli-k.irv ami lirriilnoiion.C Hrrnili' tsiniar, and run. n.in nalrf liwm.h STSrhaina Ins Inllr In Where do you get the best all pork sausage t Parker's Market Where do yon get the best lieef steak and pork I'm kcr' Market, In ri-iy tifr aomr rain mnt fall, hum nay la 0a anil rvar. W hatever may have been yoor excuse in the past for not paying; your doctor, you have little excuse this year for not settling- yonr c count. Anr doctot that U fit to practice medicine la worthy of standard measura of medical ethic on the tart of the nooiile. Keen In mind yonr relations to yonr physician aud remember your first duty is to pay him. U. C M. A. .1.1 l.-..ih h two lltHHIt aaDil tllll. M iliutnsv 'wiiiw r : thrnr wl'h hi U" N t K 1- .i...,,d lit a tlrakv. Iiv a llll'llirr : UieiuT nun at rwHi 1 saw, w m w"u J. M Mlrru(n(hnr- iflirr; nifftof S K rvt. nipra: Htm- I " rnnnn mnn . tin ... . hi..k..rv in th hrmtioh hi th m line .k.,,.- N iU W kWt I" lk lt twou.Nl tli imIiiiw; thnw fnin n i th. rfH7lt W frhiilii u lit bpflnninr,Mi Tarnia uf Mir ', tln, iAM KttK THOMAS, MrtrMr. 10lwln 4 dtttrk, Alij. Notice. Ut tlrtw ol Mihorttjr t-imi In hy d sraanl Ih riltlsPrlOf 4'olirt "f I ttlt P1JIH.I lh Aiifiil trrm, Wi. Mid twin. In In f of H J. . KtHllt-arii tb. n. . 1,1 ir, " iKtitMi euBBilUmr niil.im Monday, December 7th, 1903, wll tn th hMthl h.r ftr h, at th eoart Ii..u ihwr in Mwft, nitna ""'w.s w umM iw( ar lm if land In r nr th -pUirrtl MtMtnat. rontalnlnit awtr or I. Th .rwi kfnirwi sf mim mar I oltalii 1 ri-frnr to a Ptrula attiriffajr dwd fn K it. I ll U . J, . nuara, mtiiirw in th RKtitr' "IU (or tmld nty in ihwi ft. at par 7 Thrv I a ffMt htHi atd M int mtr wm "r IMS- "ii"i Hon ill Uwrt. ThU N-nrlfrWh. W IaEE & LEE, THE LEADING DST COOLS, IOTIOiS, CLOTHUG. GEIIS rCUlSHICS, UT 113 SHOE STOFZ H KCISOL We Haven't.... i gone out of business neither are we asleep- Just too busy opening, marking anJ selling new Roods to write a new ad. Wc must, however, tell you a fc things- We are full In all department) of Fresh, New Goods Exclusive style in Dress Oonds and the tno.t popular trim mings In vogue, and notwithstanding the advance in many cotton stuff e can five them to you as i.heap as ever Calicoes at Jj and S cents- 3o inch Vtn.aU at S cents Double fold Worsteds T- cants- Sheeting and Alamance Just as cheap as heretofore. The strongest line ol table Linens we have had- Don't fail to see us if you need any; w can save you some money Rugs. Porticrres, Lace Curtains and White guilts to please the most fastidious and nut beyond the reach of a moderate purse- We ought to be able to interest you in all departments (live us a look when you need anything that an up-to-date progressive dry goods store should carry- uto 0OOOt00O ANTED quick. One thousand gsese, M, C. Broom. EW Ctrlfornia Psachss 10 cents per pound, hue home-made molasses. cocuauuli, mined nuts at W. A. Stew art's. Fresh lot of hams utf ct. up, wilt's breakfast bacon. You should buy Watches, Jew elry, Cut Glass, Fancy China, Silverware, etc., of W. E. Line back, tho Jeweler, Monroe, N.C. ( lb hut n pinrlicnl experience of six I trcn years iu the business. Because : Rill I CO 1 "'' Kiniriliilees till Kooilsjust lis rcpltt Dvwtl a Mciilnl or money irliinilcil. Dol ICO ' -Mil' " Decuuse . t iti-Ai.iTY (ini.v. Because: See rim ( His prices arc the auvs eolisideieil. T1IK liliST lowest, ipnility al- ( for goods in his line. A Wiiutiful ( lot of wedding iiresents just in. PALL at S. H. Hudson's for Fleisb- Li man' compressed yeast. PALL at S. H. Hudson's and get a U boa of Headly's candies. Just received 10 barrels of those nice smooth red apples, 23 cents a peck. John K. Simpson K Co. Notice to the Public. W. E. LINEBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. fl suit ot Glomes to mu customers. Will bo Sold AT COST. Every one that I have furnished this year is entitled to this offer. t'onie up mid p't it. Not having room to curry dry goods, I have derided to close out my stock nt cosl. There are sonic bargains. I am making a specialty of Ovcreosits and Clolhing, and also carry u nice lot of tShoes. full line of Toliaim iiutl Cigars. My whole line of General MeiThiinili.se, (irnccries and Dry (loods is now complete and 1 invite your trade. Yours for business. VAX SI ICES. I will sell at my store at Zoar, N. V.. all niy stock of general mer chandise- cheaper than ran be bonrrht elsewhere. I sell the very best people anu this is the best advertising known to the trade. With ability, plnck and pcrtl verance I know no competition. Old Joler was a hard old dog to die, but die be did, and so must high prices. Here she comes: 20 lbs. Uranuutea sugar wr ouc dollar, net cash. 10 11. good Ureen t .wtce lor oue dollar, net cash. Fish! Fish I Fish! They must go. llov' and Men's Suite house full. Hoys' Suits X, sc., 1.45. 1.83 and 2.25. tubers will ask vou Sc.. M.25. LftO, 2.0(1, 2.50 and .1.00. Men's Suits awfully cheap. Sanitary clothing in great pro fusion. We want your trade and don t mind paying the editor to tell you about it, Sewtug machines cneap. Remember we have the goods, so come one and all. e guaran tee beat and kindest attention. Henry W. Pusser. Zoar, X. C I . t WHY NOAH FAILED. The lVople's Unbelief. The amount you owe us is due. J Pay us at once, or you will pay with cost I added. This means YOU; not your neighbor. A word to the wise is sufficient. Monroe Hardware Co. It. KEDFEAltX, Manager. 1 x ooooooooooooooac Hick' tXdd Cbocolatea enra cold io 10 boors 10 chocolate 10 cents. English Drag Co, Farm Undi for UU on Time. t, virtue of an onta' ol ih uprtorOrinl ruf. i-iuBtr. . O a lh. -1 Til SaOian. l Tra.1 'iiT. M nlul.iralor ( W. a Mir. I. pl.lBllil. an J u y.tv ana oin.m. B'inii i." m. H..ir .re ill.ildil, Th. Tni.l eoi INSURANCE t. H. THOMPSON. Fir. Lif. Accident Health, Lis bilitr snd all classes of Casuality In- uranc. Only thtj best tnd strongest I companies repraseoted . 1 respectful-1 1 aolicit onr Dusiness, assnnna prompt and efficient attention to sill matter. Office: Gordon at Thomp-1 i s old stand. Phoo No. t. lUvinr. I .nan an mmdi. ailnti iil.t m.,r ih w. a. na.ti tlMraanl, alll.al Uo'hiS o . Wednesday, Dacambar X IMi, at th. noart . a- wr. n , ., anin .. hi .A. a Iran an. aw'ia. a" w luw. - l.yua ami iia la l ama !;, mat. nl Sirth t-.niiina, t"" "r"p"'r . vat.n ul Miaaa t;rr, nn Iw 11 N. aiatUNnft-. fwiwra trar.. ww - Iw thf ton, ol Tana. II. Kmij.mHIi. awil k W a. HMIJ aor!nrH, laow a 1 -"" Uu. u ... . . . k. a. taa A rmirr Daa- ra. irarl and O. K mmrmu t fw amraaii.L cmt.lnlna arraa ta-.r. jaM Iaa4 . i .1 - a. . mi, naa. wm tmwr. tvrm. if wlft o-llilrM. rravalnitrf k ka nra iir "".W7" r? rwl aatll all aan-aaaa ranw.y .H.ll h hrrn aahl; Ih ail tea Win rf araalaaawl. wlarv.wHh ta pa? IniVhtaonaMaf Ik Bald filial. II..1 irm'iwr .t . trm ink savimis.uusaTat'STOO. Br .''" a a! Va4 S. 0. UllaaM. IU The Prescription :-: :: Department Not a Stck Day 5inc. "I was taken severely tick with kidncT trouble. I tried all sorts of Medicine, none of which relieved ate. One da 1 saw an ao. ot yonr Electric Bitten and determined to try that. After tak Ing a few dosea 1 felt relieved, and soon thereafter waa entirely en red, and have not been elck a day sine. Xeghbora of aiine have been cared of Khen- u atisa, Nearalgla, Liver and Kid Bry iron Dies anu uerwrai urmuij. Thia la what & F. Bass of Pted- mont, N. C., writea. Only 50c. at I EnjliahDmy Co s, ot our store keeps pace with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Froperly. We keep the drugs for it the BEST, FRESHEST, and PUREST. C.N. Simpson, Jr. . - . ' 4 0'-0'0t00a