THE MONROE JOUR1 1 State U,.r4r). I VOLUME X NO 42 MONROE, N.C., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17 1003 One Dollar a Year : m Mends Siiid Customers REMOVAL S3 S3 To get a customer to buy once is something like fail ing off a log; but to get one and keep him requires a little backing with good goods, right prices and fair dealing. N We have tried to pay some attention to there three requisites to a pleasant and prosperous business and have succeeded in gaining so many new customers, and keep ing the old ones, that our business has grown to such an extent that our present store room, as it is,, is not large enough to hold the Incre&sing Stocks? N While more room is being made, up stairs, down stairs, and in the cellar, we will have to fove' Out 0 mm 9 temporarily, but will be prepared to wait on our friends without interruption, a,t Lee & Lee's Old Store, two doors below Lichtenstein 6 Flows. About the Itvst of this week of tfie first of next when yoi? cpni? tP e ul &n3 fta4 u 2one' onft think we have gone out pi business, but re ust getting ready to STAY, Don't forget where to find us, 'til we get back, Lee 6 Lee's Old Store, opposite M. C. Broom's, and perhaps some will know the place better by being across the street from where the Dispensary used to be. English Bmi COL. W. T. BLACKWEI.L DEAD. The Passing of One of the Moot lis. teresting Industrial 11 cures in th Mat -H Changed From a Hillkxialrt to a Pauper, but He Never Pressed HI Friends. Mi-rrrr. Utb. A telephone message Stated lU V. T. lllackwell died last night at 11:15 oYknk at his home in I Mir iam. He had stricken with paralysis last Siinl.iy, and no dojie was entertained fur hi recovery. Me dii'J at the home of dis mother, Mrs. K. F. U!.u kttvll. So da oiir of the strangest hmiI mod interesting figures in the industrial history of X-rth tir.iiia. t'ol. lllackwell wan tli'' son ( Jaims I,. lllackwell, and sieiit his early life lit Person county, ror a gd many years he peddled tobacco for a livcli h d. Shortly after the aar he and den. Julian S. ( air and .las. K Ihiv orgnliied tho firm of W. T. H'.ack- well & t .., which was destined to lieemne the largest tobacco concern jtl the Smith, if II it in the world. i'ltiq fit-in, Was successful from tie lirst, and Haunted its great bull in nil parts of the universe even, on the pyramid:) of Kgypt, it was de- elared at one time. Tlie fame of the Hull I ii ham tobacco became world wide, and money flowed into the cof fers of the three organizers. They sH'iit millions in advertising; had men to i? through the shops of I .on ion and other great cities and ask for the tobacco, and devised other schemes that made their wan s in Icinatid everywhere. Soine fifuvn years aw Col. Dlack- we II sold out his interest in the com pany to (Jon. Carr and several North ern mi ll. Me received a large amount his interest, being paid )20.UIO merely for thcua-uf the trade-mark, tlie cilelr.tc4i hull. In t day wlmont his fortunes, were swept sway. There wan a tiuaiieial rash in Durham; tune mercantile Iiiiuh failed in 21 hours and hun- Ireds of individuals were sensibly or sciioiislv depressed. hen the (lav of reckoning came, it was found, to list1 a current expression, that "lllack well w.m on everyliody' paier." lie had, from his view-Hiiiit, endorsed for his friends. Iis generosity ruined linn - ruined him openly and noto riously. He pressed nobody, hut the courts pressed Ii tin - took till fiat he had to satisfy creditor, excepting only the pitiful SlKt, which stood for nine negro cottages and one small roof, .here a white man might live unpre telltio,!y. Tlmt was over a dozen years ago. DUckwcll, changed from millionain' to pauH'r, soke no word of bitter ness. "1 remember," he said, "w hen eople used to rush across the street to spenk to me. Now noliodv notices me." lie laughed. Philosophy had (nine with his adversity. Hut he never pn-ssed his friends; though he remembered that half the real estate in lMirhain had Urn his and had been lost by the big hearted use of his pen. .ud lie dieil a. pauper. lAira itaiiy year Ik f' ire hij) death he had no lnuiness with aiiyboily, and no li hIv bad any biisiueas with him. lie walkini tho streets unnoticed, except when some resident pointed at the shambling figure and marked the man whose hundreds of thou sands had been dissipated in a day. Hut lllackwell never pressed his friends. With the passing of time people forgot to identify him with I'm great bull that he had painted almof i forgot that his. worif had once lieen law in a ounmuuily, but no mo oyer forgot that, no matter how wretched ami inilioverished ho be- iime, he never even tried to press his friends. The humor of the average man is so drv that he has to pay for the Irinks in order to gel others to listen Ui it I lucagii News. "I not ices," said I'liele Klien, "dat man who is stubborn as a mule generally ain't near as sensible." Washington Star. TE-RU-NA NECESSARY TO THE HOME," (lM trtt. TtUkari SaUh. m Milt. rBOF. TALFOURD SMITH. FIRE FIEND CAtOHT IN ACT. PtDttiMor Tsltuunt Smith, lrinrii4l BUoub Blh Srhool, Silown, Uk, wrIM : With moeh plMMira I Keomawnd Ptnuik to all who nsy b raffenn kk. any tooobto of lb roipUawr oigMu. I (ityt IwM Uuua II la nj tmij tor IM put Svo or sis you sod Bod It to bt llmoat o oousrbold aereoslly. fVro aa Is tralymgimmi catsrrt ntiy aas) grotrml tomk ami will do aff lift Is claawd teen a (a mmatmctunrt. " PROP. TALFOLRD SMITfa Cslarrh is InHsiBBlilw ol um mnmwa in pw buna. It msy bs In ths booods BMmbrsas lining ths sjrsa or ths pelrlo ontsos, throat, stomach, Uvsr, bowels or kidneys. Catarrh is eatarrh, whsresef luosled. ferima suras ssurth whsreeer loratrd. Psruna is ao Interns! remedy) aol a (ocal applieatioa. Cstarrh Is a systemic dlssasa, aol a ocadiseao. If Pfrun will cure cstsrrh a oa.i plana l will sure it la soy uilisr pises, UjOus Veruus Is a sysiemlo turn Uy, t reaches ths dlssass through Ihs siroalatioa la sach oriaa. It ersdlcatsa ths dlssass by si.dicsUB It Iran ths system. It yon do aol dsrlTS prompt and ssu Isolory results from ths uss of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Rsrtmso, Hiring a full statsment of your esse and he will be pleased to fire yoa his Tslutbls sd lc (rstis. Address Dr. Hsrtmsa, President of Ths Hsrtman SsniUrlom, Columbus, 0, More Fool Negroes. Kvvii intl oiirTr. Tho bulk of Uie negroes, educate 1 and uiitxlucaU'd, conduct themselves in such manner as to deserve com mendation, but there is an element that seems to lie never happy except when doing some foolish thing, as those Boston negroes who busy tlieni sclves denouncing Hooker Washing ton becaimc he puts industrial edu cation above o!ilics. There is a like sort of uegroes in Norfolk, w ho held a meeting in that city on .Monday night and burned a negro editor in elligy. It secms.that the negro edi tor Joseph K. Dickinson - visited Philadelphia with letters from (lov er nor Montague, Hislmp Randolph and others soliciting funds to build a negro orphanage. While in Phila delphia he was interviewed ju, lhi North American and said "The, Snuh it. Ihe negro's best friend It isa mistake to believe that thev want to hang us and burn us and run us off the face of the Mrth. They hang and burn w hite men, too. lhere is less inborn antipathy to the neirro in the Smtli than there is m the North. "I am sorrv that President ltoose- veil invited Hooker T. Washington to tHEN ABHCRAPT'3 Condi- t trail Powders are fed to horses and mules, marked Improvement wilt he seen after Ihe first few doses. There is no doubt about it. The Powders, acting directly on Ihfl digestive, first thoroufhly cleanses the stomach and bowels, correcting all disorders, and then good healthy appetite comet nat urally and surely. It Is the most powerful tonic ana appemcr on the market to-day, and when once used horsemen will have no other. Ashcraft't Powders produce that silky sheen of coat and hair so admired by horse fanciers. The Powders fatten but never bloat. Always high grade and put up in doses never in bulk. By the use of three or four dosei a week your horse, or inula will not be. subject to cpluj or any dis ease. (( l"S stoniatu anu uvci. ..i w. mm u hiiM Uitt it) III erv miullu. rrm-nUf H IMS S s kl.l una thai tu tea-lne Uie lr m i ,h hitrmt lhr ikiaM of A- iiKlM Sim lll!Bll. T PII" lfnd fn. th lr.1 Ire nJ ll nll sained ftlftr l .ta IS JMl jfrtS M,?'M the aniwt tM . ' . ana p wmm hwr " - Klhe tnimm) wurllr I ul ih swa s ai? toM an .riieK.-c.c.aikaa,utT u. MMM. M. (' " Ask for Ashcraffs Condition Powxlcrs. Package 25c Sold by English Drug Company dine with him, and I am still more sorry thai rni. asmngton accepted the invitation alilmugli he is a very good friend of mint), and 1 hare, hia view s in most things. 1 hat incident stirred up a great cuinnio- lion in the Ninth. 1 he whites don t think w e are as good as they are, and wo aren't, either. We couldn't be expected U) lie. We won't be as good as they are until we have chinned the same ladder that they have climbed. That mav lie half a century, or it may lie a century, and in the min time the negro should lie content to take a back seat. I am a Kepulili- ;in. but I am free to confess that the Republican politicians in the South have done us a harm in their attcmpt t befriend us They have encouraged, tV nuiv ignorant ne groes, to fainiliarilies and presump tions that have enraged and disgust ed Uie white people. I am in favor of an educational qualification of en franchisement, and 1 am in favor of Jim Crow cars and waiting rooms, e should tie as inconspicuous a possible until we Icaru enough U lie conspicuous. For these sensible and true utter ances his intolerant negro neighbors held a red-hot meeting in Norfolk, denounced Iickrson,and concluded by burning him in effigy. They could have been better employed by helping Pickerson In raise money U shelter the necdv orphans of their race. SouicthiiiK ought to be. done to those Texans who are sending siteei mens of the boll weevil to their frieuds in North Caroliua. That Is one wavy of Introducing the peta Into the eotton flelds of this state. It la traditionary lore that tbe Brat Kneludi sparrows were sent or brought to this country as curiosi tie just to let it lie seen how they look and art As a rtwnlt they hare taken ths eouutry and become nnapenkable nuisances. Charlotte Observer. The flan Who Has Iteen tiurninf Rockinxham by Decrees at Last Captured. a.a-a nffliaMHiwrul 1.. . an. . rrr.lulii It is praitually .vrlain that tlie erso who set lire to the Hotel Itieh moud aland two months ago ami later to ihe Watson building in tins town, destroying in !ith luvs s.uic nine or ten stores, the I Intel lt i moiul and the II ink of INv l-e an.l a ii'iiiiln r of private aiartmeuts, ha at last been discovend. There was ground to U-liete all along that the lin-S were of itierlidi- ar- ornriii. and Mayor W. N. Kven it went t.ilt.ilngh aft'-rllie laM lire and si-eured fii'in Insurance t'onnniSMoii er Young 4he si nin-s of a detn tive He at rived in toiui Thurstlay in.! this ninrniiig landed tin- man Suspicion rested on Ihiirv II Smith, a man of tery Unl etiaraeter. and the detective had lai-n keeping track of his lii'iveuieiits iinlil last night. AUiut one oVI k the detei--tive and an assistant, Mr. .1. M Hun sin ker, from a place of e.aici alnieut, saw Smith strike a match and ! lire to the rear dir of Arrcnson A Su-s-man's dry ijm,!s store. This is in the blth'k of biulding nu the s. nth side of Washington st:i I, own d t. .1. W. Hriginan After applying t!ie m.ileh Smith ran awav. The tin- then went out In aboui fifteen minutes he returned mil tried his hand again. This time the tiaims I van to rated hold of the building illld the letirtivr put it out with his over coat. He then went after the chief of police to effect Smith's ai n -t. While he was gone, and in about twenty minutes, .Mr. harh s Ander son, a clerk in Hrigiiian's bir. nlm was on watch from the rear of the bar, heard another mated strike, ami ran out to see Smith running away from Arrenson Sussmau's luek diKir, and the door on lire. This lime he had saturated a ruswp'r in kerosene oil ami jiluvk it under tlie bottom of the door. Audenn had no trouble in putting the tire out. not before the door was charred, however. Watch was kept the rest of Ihe night, and Ninth was arrcsiiii earlv this morning. In the preliminary hearing this afternoon the Slate was represented bv Mr. A. S. lKiekcrv, tow n attorney. ami bv Morrison it Whitlm k. The lefendant was represented bv Messrs. John P. Cameron and W. M. Kellev The defendant was held under a UI,UMI l.ilul hi answer to the net term of the Siicrior Court, whirli he was unable to give. Ninth has lieen known lor a long tune to Is' a very dangerous man He was sent to the iH-iutetitiarv tn or three years ago for the larceny of a loiintaui pen, and it was generally know n at the time that he committed a iiiiiiiIk'V of petty thefts about town Atur serving a lew months in the State's prison, he was pardoned by Cioyerniir Ayeock, uihui petition of a large number of the people of the town, This petition was gotten up out of sympathy for his aged mother. After his return he went into the mercantile business and up to the time of his arrest was running a lit tle store in the town. liivctitly he had some trouble with a brother of Hrigman, tlm owner of the buildup occupied by Arrenson Si Salesman, and had bitter fivlui against Hriginan on account of it. A few days before the recent lin which burned the Watson building Smith had some trouble with (iutli rie & Co., in w hose store the lire ii Your Hair "T ta- i lalirir, cut taj, ( ;o my fci r wss I purchased s l.i'ir t ". snj .. .. S 1.4 II 1 'il, um J v.l -In, ; ..' ! uilR OUJ." V Mi l ft nr.u- ! I (:s, 111. U "I Perhaps u:r mother haJ t!i:i hair, I i:t thnt is lj no reason wl y you must lo ll'.ri:!!i h': with hair starvtJ hair. If yea want 5 I i . a a . " at I' io.v, ii;nr, rccu it with AyiVs H.;?r Vigor, anJ make it rich, dark, and heavy. J ' tl A Instil- Ml Ilt.ll ' s'ltr i!! 1 'VtttttSaSt : i le t !- iiatis hi e. A till rii . i,.r, !l. Mam. J said to have originated. A few davs la'fore the l.llllllim of If. lei ltl,- niiuid he had Ipmlile nith West Hros., who a furniture store in me the rooms under the hotel. They r l us il to let him have a pair f pants without p-viin for them. lat-ame erv angi v. anil remarked thai he Mould p.iv them. These cir- iillistatnes anil ol hers caused the iillalllluoiis ' pillion heie that .Ninth rispohsilile f..r sll the tires we ive had n-cenllv. Doesn't Respect Old At It's a shame when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but jiwt tbe contrary In tbe owe of lr. King's New Life Tills. Tbey rut off maladies no matter bow se vere and lrresieeliye of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Con stipation all yield to this perfect pi lb 230. at English praf Bore. Loss of Flesh When you can't cat break fast, take Scott's Emulsion, fVhen you can't eat bread nd butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have )ccn living on a milk diet and vant something a little more nourishing, take Scott's emulsion. To act fat you must eal fat Scott s emulsion is great fattener, a rea strencth tfrver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all boay tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. for Invalids, lor con valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion b a rich and com fortable food, and a natural tonic Scott's Emubion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. nrs (M tMt afctsrs k t tana ml ilakdissa a wraaar si tvwy MUs m Eawanaa ymm say, scon l BOWNE, enrjevn, 409 Pearl SL, MY. Mcssallisflemoils. r I 3 Put Away l arming Tools Now. A nn ..i in e..:?m,i. - Kuiui wria. The season of actixe fiirm oiienr lions is drawing to a close. Nme fall I plow mg is on the iirograni, and the "in harvest will soon U- over, hut the mower, the hinder, corn planter nd cultivators, garden tools and iihcr implements should ! hoiiseil for the winter. A farmer is known hv the imiileiiiiiits he keeps, and still more so h the manlier ill which he keeps lheiii. The lu st inyeslinent ii a farm is a shed room for tools. Nothing pays so well. How nianv his n Adani are housing their fartu- machinen' on the lei' side of a harhwiiv fence or at Is st under a oitoiiwood tiii-y The sun and w ind uid rain ale pii-ling the paint olT, nicking the wood and rusting the n parts. .Maehinery well cared for ts twice as long as that of Ihe hiftless agrarian, and the satisfac tion ol using sharp, clean tools lit gixHi repair more tlniii pavs lor ctieap. I U 1 1 1 1 H -1 . Petrified Man In Court. lilt ll'itll' lll.'MK )'. Charlolte people are not suririw'd Ui leant that the peirtiicil man that exhibited in this city riH-eiitly liecome the ohjeet of litigation, phenomenon, as it has lieen termed, was alleged to have lecn dis- uvereil on the farm of A. 1$. Sitlon, in Henderson eoiintv, last spring. A oinpaiiy was oigani.eil in Asheville to purchase ami eMiiliit the curios ity, the purchase price lieitig Ji'.ViOO. I he yeiilure was not a success from i stuiiiipoiht. unit tin. illy the slm kholdeis U' to realize hat lots of other people already knew that they Were cUuljitnig a fake. Then suit was instituted iigainst Mr. Sittoii. who "discovered'' mil sold the freak, the indictment U ing drought under a charge of ob taining inotiev under false pretenses. Mr. . I. van Ness, who made a photograph of the same pet rifled man hen ' he was cvliilutcd in ( har- itte four or live years ago, is in Asheville to testify in Mialf of the plaintills to the suit Not a Sick Day Since. I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none el' which relieved me. One day i saw an ad. of your Klectrie Killers and determined to try that. After taking a lew dosen I felt relieved, tutd soon therealler was entirely cured, and have not lieen sick a day since. Neighbor! of mine have lieen t illed of Klieil mat ism, N'c uraliiia, l.ivcmnd Kid ney troubles and I ieneral iKbility." This is what 1!. F. Huns of l'ied- mont, X. t' w rites, llnly ,'t)e. nt Knglish Uniy t'o s. Re Careful of Feelings ot Others. t. K. IV lia in ).aiti!r1oii Koliamian. Io not wound the feelings of your fellow man unnecessarily. Try stu diously to avoid it. Wounds art too lasting. . . . The eareles and reek lew dealer with tlie feel ings of dis fellow men by uels of eoniniisMcin and omission is doing a more painful and lasting work tlmii lie may think. Many a sting uiirescnled and unseen by the er petrator, suffers a penalty therefor, for a cause later which lie judges to lie mysterious. As the child han dles no more the prickly plant tlmt has stung it, so our fellow man with draws from the hiinmii brother w ho even under tlie cover of smiles and protestations of innocence das sent a painful spear to tde heart Disastrous Wrecks. Carelessnesa is responsible for many a railway wreck and th same causes are making humai wrecks of sufferers from Throat and laing troubles. Hut since tde ad vent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, even the worse eases, ran be cured. Hopeless resignatiou is no longer necessary. Mrs. Loi Craggof Dor chester, Mass.; is one of the ninny whose life was saved by Dr. King's Xew Discovery. This great reme dy Is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseiuHtfby The Kuglish Drug Co. Price 60c, and 1.00. Triak bottles free.

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