THE MONROE JOURNAL I confidence appointees, G. M. BEASLE. I K. F. BEASLEY. 1 "" Tl'tSDAY. November 17, lyoj. set aside Ly national nd State rurs as tin ns'uil yearly thanksgiving iky. Ev?ry neihU'rlmJ in l"ni.u county ouv'ht Ut observe this day in mr H iv, huwey. r modest. There ought to be a pi.iur nut-tin;; in rvcrv 1 II. llumias; Indwell circuit. P. L r.,ll S.-,i- l',ll ,.,;.. Where the Several Preacher WW C. W. Callahan; UiKnr stat. C . . . iri . ; - a k Laeor lor the Next Twelve i1- iirau-, inutr circuu, r-r. floaUis. jOrivu, D. IL Ciman; Unrest tile , , ,. . . (station. T. T R."djrs. M.reulle llurlutie district : J. C. Roe. cilcui, k. V York: sui ply (W pre-uain elder; In on Mreet burv circuit. R.1 I. IVuUii.lnui.nlv Troutman circuit, .V. J. Hurra. M Htnt Zkm station, 11. II. Vcktal president lVivcnjiirt College, 0, 0. Corn SfUKklnj Over hi Buforti. Marsh vUle Ne. 1 A'Uti. N.'tf. U. - hvcri ttat.j.' is, MunJuillt. Xuv. 17. Mr. t'ouly ; url in II ii.'M I oru wiirkuifts ,ire l l...o..u. .( thm p'Mv ai..l liiat ilit! I ihiuk tin- ladies arej; , tie William of Hxt-kiaglum were ( -r H w a treat il ul ( irrv aud warm-don 14 r.lm-Uy. ir.iul U- t.i c.k f.r l-nlv tiieund! Uw. IHfx Atkiiuu haM accept Tlu.rL.v ilu -V.i;, h.. l-. iand Kpvtorth. T 1 V;irr and t! I' I inu- riHiii. I . w u J iiiuhi, 4. .v u. ri, juriiuu Street, L A. Kails; Cahary. A. R. Surratt. Chadwuk. J. A Baldwin; Il.tduus, J. 8 Xel: lulwurth and Big Spring, T. A. Sikes; Ansonvilie, J. T. Slower, Clear Creek, K. C. Piisey; lVrila, W. L NaM: l.ilesvilie. A fc. Wik-v: Jlilth.. U i-hiin-li m !! c .uuiy Iu-rc it , im- t;.Tuilet Jkuwuli-iJ K-Tlumir- IVVvSllt t' !tl tl.lli Itn-ii-littlif mil l)t.B . . . l L' !' Il . 1 i -"... j-u , jhuiuii 1.111.1111, r. n. ll ll- ncii;ul.ihnH!s tlial have ucliun(HTiMy; Jl.rvcn, J. T. Suvlc; lincville, should us. s.i!n otlwt citherinc'1'- IV-ken: lVikU, J. V. iU k, PU. Au.1 as nocan t W v, n Hank-1 Smith; Waxhaw. ! .,, it. at every nu-rt-j ij-u.; ,mrf-s Trinity l"ark High 11 sllol'ltl Ih' l:llfn fi P ..u.,l t t. ........ lul n i!,'i..H! !i mu a n'iltx lii'it hlhiild U' taken (r smei'iie tf tik1 several orphanagi's in the State that are taking care of the Ihhim-U-ss and pareutless children. Must of tilt- religion di-uoiiiinatioii!! lune their h, and thesi'of eom' sii.ul,l receive the eoiitriliutioiHof tl-ir resHvtive sii- jKirier-t, and ln-re the contributors have no ei ial iMnneelions, the Stale at txford will be the !a. e to put the collection. It m ttu rs little as Ui which one of these noble institutions it is sentin either case it goes to the feeding and cloth ing and sheltering and training of the othertt isc homeless ones. What devs the litn'k say aU'iit doing for the fatherless ones? And the next ui! "I import.mec is that we all will Ih ilone,' S'liiietliiit aiiil our thanks giving ill iv mote than a mere lip offering. At the uiivtllig of the Association of County Sui ISaleiirh last week. SiiK-riiitciidcut t'ostin of I!. ites introdueml a irsolulion stroiig l eoiiileinniiiu I'll if. Il.isseit and his n.m faainiN in i;n ariiele. The reso lution u.ts ivf. rrnl to .1 i ltliitlee nnicn repoiteii tiiat. in its opinion, '"the association, railed )i wther by law to discuss the mail) prolilems in the Kivat un ilertakingof educating the children of the Suite," had nut the time to dis cuss l'i'f. I'mss, ;t ami his ious or ScIk1. S. A. Stewart. Asheville district R. 11 Parker iresiihng Klder; Central. Frank Siler; Hayw.dHl Stret-t, A. T. Bell; North Asheville. (. V. Crutchfield R thel J. W. Murv; Snannanoa, L B. Ab- ernetliey; Weaversvillestatiiin, A. W I'tvler: Weaversville circuit. J. T Peeler, Marshall circuit, to lie sup plied; 114 Springs, J. S IJaran Ileiidersonville station, I). M Lita ker, llendersotiville circuit, 11. V S lf; Ivey. J. B. Uvden; Kill Tre. k, J W. CampU'll; Burnsville. T. l. Wolfe; I'ane Cnek. .1. 1). Cii.son Old Fort. C II Xeal. Franklin district: J. K. Woslev. liresi.lina elder: Andrews. J II Si-nnKv; Bnson City and Biishnell, A . .laeohs; Sv va and Scott's 1'reck, T. t'. Jorlaii. Frank lin station, F. F.. Wineivll, Franklin circuit, l. II. Moore, (ilennville. A (i l'fiiii. Ilcmiesstr, V. II Curtis. Ilavesville, K. Myers. M.con. .1 C. Postelle; Murphy station. I P. Tale. Webster. V. I.. Marsh. Whither and Cherokee. .1 .1. Kdwards: Kobbins ville. to Ih- siijipli. d. (irifiislmro district: J. U Scroct-s. pn-stiling elder; tir.i'iislioro. West Market Street, S B. Tnrretitine; Cen tennan . Ira !rin. .spring tiarden station. I,. W. Craf.,rd; Walnut stnvt and W hitetlaks. .1 A It-ttles; North Kim Street, to l- supilie.. tireenslioro circuit. ,1. .1. Beams. .1. j C. Troy, supplied. Keidsville, M..II1 Stnt't. 1 K Wagg. Ware ch.inel. mid pressing; y. p. m. Weutworth.A. S Uan r ivimiiis, u i . inruiis; asant work. That 1 anyb'.ly i !s,-s Acting of tile (oniMltlee, 'il quickly tabled '!;. wl and wen! on wi'h i'. wa rtgli'. Wh.i( pr that tliinks or s,iy j., , coiiNnpieuee. anyhow, to men w ho are engaged in a big w..i k. It is a credit to the assniati'iii thai it so nearly unanimously sat dwu on this thing with which il had ii-lhmg o do. .bulge a citien of Vir giliia, ivceiillv made a spiivh in which he saul thai the claim of North Carolniii. '''ii,t al llethel, furthest at (! last at Appomattox," was false. This lias caused a great deal of talk among North Carolinians, and at the meeting of the State Liter ary and Historical Society in Haleigh List week, a coin in it tee was appoint ed to refute the charges of Judge Christian. On this committee are well known nters of the Stale w ho w ill ! amply able to take care of the Virginia .bulge. The Hon. Joseph (i Cannon of llli- ttois.jusi elected speakerof the House of Uepreseiitalives, is said to U- a native of North Carolina, and Con gressman Williams of Mississippi, whom the IVmocrals voted for for speaker and thereby made Hour lead er for their party, js a grandson of this Slate. With such favorable cir cumstances to start with, some North Carolina congressman should In-able t get. recognized at some time dur ing the session. And so they are figuring on what States Mr. Cleveland might cany, and asking if he could be nominated, mid the friends of Mr. Cleveland are jubilant, saying that he has been vin dicated. We are fond of Mr. Cleve land, but we don't see it that way. It'u merely Hie backward swing of the pendulum from an insane jump to the other ext reme. Folks are mere ly getting disgusted with themselves for having Urn such fools In selling aside a verdict against the Sealmar J for thirty thousand dol lnrs rendered by a Wake cnunlv inn in favor of a young brakeman who lost, an arm and a leg. Judge Peebles (who presided at the llaywixxl trial) said that he couldn't help what pub lic opinion said, and that while he would prefer liavirg it on his side its disapproval could not deter him from his duty. A martyr to con science and duty, by gum ! "Wc are going to make men who can work," said Dr. Winston, presi dent of the State A. and M. College, in a speech the other night. "Your cigarette, soda water, fiz fiss existence is no good." As a descriptive phrase that can t be beat mi 'he report ; circuit. . 1 association ' pll 'd. I whanie, W. "le business; A Runaway Bicycle. Terminated with an ngly cot on the leg of J. B. trner, of Franklin U rove, 111. It developed a stubborn nicer unyielding to doctors and remediea for four hmk Than Bucklen'a Arnica Salve eared. It'i Just m good lor Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Pile. 2.1c, at Eng lish lmg Co' a, Monroe Fnroitura CVi store is den. 1 It. Johnson: Liberty sta tion, P. J Carraway: liamseur and FianklmviHe, C. A Wood; Ashebiro station J p. Brodger. James Wilson . A I'rey. sup li Kvans: Kan illeman and Naomi ti (i llarlev. Kaiulolph, A Sherrill, West liaii- .loli li I' U I'-., o,... .. II... 1. Il ilessortlus '-I'lwh,,,.,,,,, Sjati..i. W. M Ikghv. f mighty little; il. II Cn.well: Smth Mam Stnvt, ti. F. Kirby; editor North Carolina Chiistiau Ailvmate. II M lllair; pn f. ssor in Trinity College, p T. lur ham; missionary field scerctarv, W (i (irissoiii Mt. Airy district J. II C,,k. pre siding elder. Mt. Airy station. F. I. Towiiseiid; Mt. Airy' circuit, W. J Ibitchms, Kockford', J. W. hmg. Pilot Mountain, .1. M llowland; Stokes. It. F. I large) t; Vadkinsville, S. Taylor; F.lkin. II. C. Soriukle i Jonesville. S. Iv Richardson. Wilkes Ixiro.T. K Weaver; N-Wilkesboro, J. B. TaW; Boone. J. A. Clark; Wa tailger, O II Adier; Jefferson, L. P Ragle; Creston, I) S. Richardson, llelton.S. W. Brown; Liurcl Springs, T. J lloiieh; supplii-d: Sparta. C. R. Ross: Blowing Rock, to lie juipidied. Salisbury district - (! II. Ivtwiler pn'sidmg elder: Salisburv. First church, W. R Ware. W. W Havs Main Stnvt, W Y S'ales; F.asl Salis bury . A. (i Barrett; Taliorand Vance Mill, C. F. Steadman; Salishun- cir cuit, J. P. Davis: S)eiieer station. J. I.. t.ay; U'xington station, J. N. Hiiggins; Uxmgton mission, J. A. Sharp; Limvood, S T. KirU r; Wo.l I-eaf, J. P. tanning J. 1) Rankin: P. I.. Tair. mme, supplied; Cold Hill. J. J. Fails. New Itid..n, S. L. Mcin tosh: Salem sta.. P. W. Tucker; Al iM'inarle sta.. 1). V. Price C M :..n try .supplied; Norwoml sta., RM Tay lor; lottonvilleand Big Lick, K. K Metartv: L. W. Smith Forest Rowe, K. P. Worth! 15. r. (arnenler. Jackson Hill. C.t. Cord Circuit. W V H.movenlf I w St rider: Mount Pleasant, J. V. lano; v nina (irove, A. I,. Aycock Alliemarle circuit. J. C. Kieve'r Morcanton district .1 II presnlmg elder; MorganUm station it. l. Miernil; Morganlon circuit N. (!. Mallone. R S Alymiil,.- t onnelly Springs, J. O. Shelhv; Ta ble Rock, X. M. Medlin; Kikersville station. J. J. ftrooks- l-'tli li.a, v II. Newell: Snruce Pin., fl I? lCai;i suppneii; .orth ( atawla, R. F. Brv- ant; Marion station, W. H. Willi's Mcltowell circuit, C. P. (lonle; Ther mal 'itV. (I K IVi..r Wllll...rf.,r,l ton station, ,T. D. Arnold, Forest City, ikkwio; Henrietta and Caro le'n, X. R. Richardson; Bnd River, K. X. Crnwder; C.rcn River, W II Berry; Cliffside, J. B. Carpenter; student in Yanderhilt I niviriitti I T. Xevin. " ' Shelbv district- 11 1. Ailrm. sidinif elder: Shelbv ftlatinn ft IT perrlU; rihelby circuit, D. F. Car vcr: liastonm Main Bia V t Kiin; West End and Ozark, to be sunniifxl: Mnm Monniu n n r , , ' 11U.114, IJ iierman; tlbethel, J. F. Armstrong r.uwood. w. P M,:i,Mn. a i Olrant, supplied; Polkville, J. W Clegg; Cherryville, J. W. Ingle Lincolnton station, R M. Couatenay Ialuolnton circuit It P tt-it! Stanley Creek circuit C. W. Fox; JiiMWtoiijf, i, T.-Baiyer; tawe- vine. .1. .1, irav Nniiih v.rh ve ir Bosing; McAdenville station, J. If Drauiey; uiwell, T, 8. Ellingtoo uessemer I'ltv I. T M.n.;n. i,l -- ' 1" . IM 1 Snnnmi R A Vvk. .i..j- : n. . ps-i vim, okuucrio iu nil- nam ana nenry College, J, IL Ben nett. 8tatesville district: J tt -A,.. presiding elder- KljilAavitu r;. uureu, ,i. v. noyer; nest End, J. M. Downum; Statesville circuit, L T. Cordell: AknrnW rir,.n r n.' '! w. wo; Stony Point circuit, B. F. rincher. . u tiruuii, it. b. itowcil; New ton circuit, W. F. Womble; Maiden W i-aver Wnvnesi ill ilistriet It i IV ude presiding elder; Wanevilk talioii. J V.. Abernathv; Clv.le circuit. A B I laa nhaixl!; Canton W. A. Thomas: Jonathan. W. K. KIIhiII. Crabtnv. J. II. Brendle; Spring Creek. Z. F C.s- dcll supply; Jlills River. J. n . Ken nedv. U'ict-ster, C. A. Irum; Tran mlvani.1 J C. Hirwn snntdv: Bre vard station. V. P. Moiw. Sunday Sih.-sJ editor. James Atkins. Winston district: l. A. Atkins. presiding elder; Winston, Centenary, tl. r I urt utTg; llurkhead. tl. I ur ner. Cirace, J. 11.; Suith Side and Salem. W. M. Biles: For syth, J F. Totten; tawisville, A K Hell; Malkertown, r. II. Jor.lon rhomasvi le. t . M. (tamnbell. Ker nersviiie, n. llallcn. liavidstin, r. K. Parker: Smithtield. J. F Kirk; Stokesdale, B. K. Kdwards; I-eak ville and Snnv. A L. Stanford: Mad ison, W. M. Bobbins; Sumeville and Mavodan 11 A Atkins, sunnlv: Pan bun-; J. T. Kattci9': .M -ksville sta ti.. W. J. Sherrill.- Farminirton. L I. Smith; Advance, . M. Curtis: Davie. J. M. Price: Coo ecmee. J. 15 Cravers; transferrcd, S. P. llouglass to the Holton conference: . I ark h the North Carolina conference; J. K. Triplett to the St. Louis conference tne health of Ir ltiys has ntirely rei-overed. and he and his family will make Charlotte their home during the coming vcar Public School Notes. Siipeiinie.'i.letit Cochran of Mivk- lenburg asks The Journal to extend an invitation to I uioii county folk: who arc within reach to attend an educational rally and piitnc at Coch ran Academy, a new school house tour miles norti.east of Matthews, on Thursday of this week. StateS'iocr inti-liib ill Joy uer will he present as the principal orator, beside others. Bousing- Big Bargains thirty mr,, and bws. ,e,I a rail as pasi. the 1 -rnibwe Dcr- ual aa COUnMr IH OUf S10T6S. A UQW Supply has just tu1:;:"1 P for this week. In this way you see we keep the inter- frdaJKasa't ITfttfTi uf Rutherford "t" 7 the newest and most seasonable iiiat .4ton as brmg.iig, so i ii miH college and Mi (iiennie caudie f i-nerchandise at way below the lowest prices asked anvwhem and in a Uic cotton platform. Mr T. C. tharMtespeut jwrferday with Mrs. L, i 4 . . . . .uywuert), HUU la :utMcks i ns a phone .m the same j. z. c.reeu. jmany instances at about what the average store must pay at wholesale. inc. and he erHi4tccl Mr. Bit kett j Mr. and Sirs, Henry (iriffia of, - 'I In Dry Goods iStorc t . .,.n. iu-wai ted t . gr asc ins; iiof. Mry and daughter ofj wo u- uispiayea ior mis wees: tne Diggest specials in Dress Goods wagon, n.uly to start to town, wlien IV:Mhland were iu town Wedues-1 TanVata V TT7nlWM ovi.i. -n. m . . i ea.s .iif. rnini thai it was a joke; day. j jacKets, aQw Walking Skirts, Furs, Women's and Children's Under- nd tiiat ctt.-n was ehh It' cents, t Mr. M. K. la wen to Charlotte Mr Bar VnHnna afs tkatml.... .... .11 ... . , m... v mci aiikcuaivcu. xveaiiy, you il unci more solid bargains to the square foot here than you'll find anywhere south of the Potomac. i Um1.iv. Ihe l aii'ic s. h.n'ss in th.s town hip will all ojsii on the ll'th. with Miss Fthel M.ore left Saturday nil or luo eitviai. .iih i,s.m l ,r. . lit luke - ttf t In ,iili..J at Ml.i un and Will Richardson. Mr Weslev ; loll. Klliott. Miss W.ilkup . Miss.'s Si i mii.! Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Williams Ifa' and Marine Ijiu-v; Mr ;'f IWk Rest speut yesterday at Uwd M. au l Miss i,'r.i W,,l ,Kev. A. Marsh', f teachers. I Miss Fallal la Huntlev left thin I thmk the public m-hl interest j morning to take charge of the will U-in lksI hands and the chil-:s'hool at liilUia. Ireu pr..p. rly ta ii;hl , Miss Ins Perkins of South Oaro- ' James and Ilim- an- ritrlil litia as'tl tliroutrh here todav en sick route to Five Korka to visit K,.r Mr W.A l-uii.l.-iburk uie of our brother. Ir. Perkins. liest fanners, will move to Ansoiii Mr. Kills Mai-sh and Miss Kululia county. U lake chart?' of Mr Shan-' Huntley spent Sunday at Mr. Jan. lion's farm We reirret l,..-ivehim Mclairtv'a. up J C. L I Mr. 11. B. Mai.h went to Monroe Horses. Hules. Nehkles. it'Hlay. J. Ilon't fail to set' me for li,ns.-s ! I have inst nHvivnt a I. a ..f Kim. mules and vehicles. I haven snlen- bui-'ies. Come mid mh thorn. did line of each and don't mean to' C. C. SiKti. Il.t in.l ..l,.,-..l ,.f ..... ..Ol. ' . - - .- .- -1 I It." .Hill . , .. . Laruns li a notion to buy has See our haiidsouie - mint lire; j;et ler crw.i! ymii' mind, eoine ri -lit V'"''' '" ' chuckle over tosiviue. v f SiL.. ""' ''arpiins. .Monroe ruiintiire , hikes. Seiiu: Maehines. Int uml lieaK'..t, ut the Monroe Furniture ( OlllVtU s. Nona: th iTirroKs.- i-ar"tT i imuu: me fur erutessioii.l .. rnr ' ill find H e a.cuunis uh Mi. I'hilip Whitley .a Mr. II. V. P.,,.,,. 1 . : prompt payuifi.i of all accounts n re- Hiesicj lo le maJr la ritlui of S 'ove ceiitlrmeu. A. 11. . Xyieil.i, Company. Sale Bank Stock. 1 .i.nir "i kivi.iiiii rtxiifrrv,, ,n nw ; ,. r- "I il-Hiii.ono.n un lli H'lKk . i".".ti.. i ei. mi WediusJay. December vth, IWJ, ... t!:i- liiv)i... Itt.t.lfr. a. liul.lir ui'llnii. at .!. .' l,,.n. a.Hir it. M.'iin... N C . Il i. It.-f - iti Tl.t Srt nitf. A Tn.l CimMI.)r 1. rm. .1 -.1. . .-K Ilii. tli. 7tK a.J At S.i.rlHI" Al U K M IIHooU. Aann "f Hi. Kit W Unmiu. On- l.sltt til, A !liA, An. The county snperiutendriits of the O. . I. . 1 . ,1 . .-siaie nan a line Kaiuering at uaieisih last week, and durini; their two .lav and nights of iiuvtmys dis.-uss.-d many of the school rroblems. Tin exchatitc of experience and informs lion and sumrestions was verv hell till liuiii I lie Male w as i In id, into tivesiib-divisions.and an assm-i at ion oristntzed for each Main of the leading educators of the State were present, and made speeches and iTive much aid. Messrs Harked. Stevens and Hill, authors of the new text hot It. "Agriculture fur ltcoui tiers, made talks on the mumrianci .1 leaclinii; agriculture to the cud llt'Il. If Si' m-r cent, of the children are uuiis; to i;, t their livitiif out of agriculture, and about !! per ecu of them will attend no schools U'voiid the public ones, this is the place that they oiiglit to I, taught soniethin "i ineir me worn. I liev, as well as Uieniiteliilent Joytier. suggi-st that ('lasses should U- oriramzeil in this study with all children of over fom t.-en years of age. - 'Invitations Just Out." It.l'e Villi K. ri. An . .. .1 ..l.t. M'l . " " iiioHziii. n iieu von reivive an in- . vilalion to some tiieiid's luurriago the first thing that comes to I your in i i ut is A ! What Shall I Give? & ow, I mil ipiestiou is very easy to answer when Volt collie to lb adipiailcix M'yoii w ill call mid mv the larL-est and hand solliest line of . , . . . " v.itu.k, -n.t, nomote; Maiden packed and jammed with bargains circuit, W. 8. Cherry; circuit iot 01" j J. W. Bowman; Hickory station, p At the association a man was ois played showing the numlicr of sm la I tax districts ill each eonuH duly a fi-w went ahead of I'mon. and these were counties where much outside effort had been made. Iur ham has 11. Me kleiibiiii S. I'mon (i Kvery one of the districts but tine in I'avie county have voted loc:.! i:...s but this was done oulv with the aid' of much outside help. i. :;i The Km k Best neonlr hail a r.ll Saturday night preceding the oin n- illii of their schm.l on l.,n,l ,.- f. ,r the lillllHwe of ifix ine Ihe leiu hers the opwirtiiiiity to confer with tin arents alioiit the success of ih. school. A subscription o? about t7 was uiKen up to pay for several mg a.iiiesaiid newspapers for the school. a q $ For all teachers and school officers of l nion let the motto thi v,.,r "Mori, fhllilnm in ..I....l . I ... . , tuu ,sttiiitii,s liiiu better average attendance." 0 0 The Slllierintelul. til li, ... ... ... . i ' .s r u .ti nave a verv hean ifu ami na..r,,i umai ..iieiKiar ior em u s. in me county. 9 !. 0 The other day at Couferenei. It; i ,., Smith said to a class of young preach ers: "Don't alms' the church and eat her bread. You know fi -W lifiotile are nerfect in love nnm... - fwt in fault-finding. When vou get illSSiltlshcd With theehnn h tn i ..i for this is .Tineh l. Iter ll Iflll fit nl., her, and at the same time eat her bread. ItoW manv nninl.i nr., .!,.,. .. 1. . .' i .'i'- .iii-i,- n no aimse Hie nut) 1C selion a am l H. same tune eat their bread ? e n VI. f t t i . -ii. i. I., it. iienns at.hiua milteeman in the Unionville district iniorms I lip .limrn il l, I il. " " ti,v .or loi&s in his district are preparing to sup- Iiiemeni me r mil) le term hv al .....a llioillll. I Sterlina' Silver. Cut Glass and French Hand Painted China j ... A Jim ill have no more trouble when you receive an invitation. Our mammoth stock of Holiday goods is now- ready for your insjM'etion. ! The W. J. Rudge Co. One lot fancy Flannelette, 10c. kind, . One case oil red and blue fancy Prints, special this week, llegular Shoe Store. 7tfc 33 c. Keep your feet warm and in style by wearing the latest style shoes. They cost no more than the old styles and inferior onM. n. Crawford and Washington Men's Shoes, Queen Quality, Kuppendorf,' Dettimus & Co's ladies' fine Shoes-no better made..See the new styles. Model Millinery Store. The exclusi veness. beauty, style and elegance of our new milliner-v is well worth a visit. Our busy creating forces are daily making Hats, and Bonnets by the dozen to fill orders. Bieeest trada in m.r hiafn In fact, we have everything that belongs to a first-class department store. Money saving opportunities almost beyond the power of imag ination are here. i Belk Brothers. T Don't Blame the Cook if Your Bread Is Poor, If you want to get money, come tO US. If vou want tn m.t ........ , ; f. j un . uwuey wnere it win be safely kept, hrinir It In n. U'. :u . 1 ' s w o win ireai yon igui. The Rsvlngs, Loan ft Trust Co. How's This? Ws offer On HnnHr.4 IV.ll - - vuiiiii re- -. iw inr cae 01 tatarrb that cto not be cured bv Hall'a Carmrrh r... r. i. V.HKNET 01 Co., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. We. the nnrt.r.fn.a 1. . ... l - n--i uuB F. I. Chenev Inr lhj na.l . . ...... i believe him perfectly hooorable la sll vwiueii uiDucuooe, Dd ensncielly eble to cerry out any obligations made vj weir arm. wser 4 Teuas, Wholesale DrujgiaU.Toledo.O. naLiiinu, niKSAX MARVIN, Wholesale Druggita,Toledo.O. Hlll'l Catarrh Cur. I. t.t.n i.. elly, actiog directly upon the bood end mocooe eurlaces of the lyitero. Price 75- per bottle. Sold by ill drargists. Teetimoaiala free, Hall's Family Pill, ire lbs beat. Hut in the future buy I'ltreelain Patent Flour. It is the ls-st flour that can Ih- produced by modern machinery and nothing but the finest slient (,M''Wii is used in its manufacture. Just arrived: Xew I'rop Oat Flakes, Prepared liuekwhcat Hour. .Mountain ISiickwheiit Flour, New Maeeaioui, Strained Honey, Imported Syrup, I'in .Money Pickles. If you want the linest flip of eofloe you ever drank, try a package of Premier Collee, and besides getting the tinet coffee you also p.t a liiKlj-crs Silver After Dinner Colli Spoon iu ev ery package. l.ecelved eerv week bv eviireui N'minnlU.' Vino ci. I....,- and lion lions, Fresh akei. (Wbin mi.l Wuf.... ,..!.. ...i each week. Tiie Llndsey Grocero 60. Points oi Law Worm Knowing. It will lie several dava vet Ix-for you ran kill quail aud not violate me law. ttut there are thing one can lawfully do the )ear round. Jtcnd the followiiii? aud He what those things are: A man has the right to do as be pleases with bis own, so that ho does not Injure his iieigbUir: therefore anv man ha the right to undersell everybody else it be so desires. This we do. F.vcry nisu bus the right to han dle and sell only the best articles and to tell the public about it. 1 nit ri 1 hi. There are certain thinmi thai eau t lie done lawfully. Foe In stance: i be assignee of a mortga gee cannot maintain an action for disposing of the niorlcui'eil nmwr. ly. This we know and we do not try to do. A man can't pay high prices tor bis goods and sell them IO VOU Cheat) I v. Thin a know and we do not ureteiid to do. rt. icre any man or firm ran sell right ne must mirrlinnA for mi a 11. u fi,,l,i article at the right price. We constantly guard ourselves on tuese points ana tberefore we have a full store of nnlv th Ui and most useful articles for every nay use and eousuiuntion. ami of. fer them to VOU St the verv InwAal priees. We know yon think this only an iwtveitisenieut, but if yon think there Is nothing iu it, come and see. We invite vour imtrou. age and promise yon the fullest saiisiacuon. jso man or firm can do more thau this. Hill & Bivens. Established I87J Incorporated 1901 ) sttstmstissssssssssssT WHY NOAH FAILED, t The People's Unbelief. The amount you owe us is due. Pay us at once, or you will pay with cost added. This means TOU; not your neighbor. A word to the wise is sufficient. Monroe Hardware Co. K. REDFEAltN, Manager. Pawnbroker's Clothing HTIUCTLY SANITARY ALL V(HL men's boys' and chil dren's coats, pants and vests from 25 cents to "MH). Overcoats for men or boys from 1 to i.V I'nm. and see; will save you money. Only 10 minutes walk from and northwest of the courthouse. J. H. BENTON & CO., MOJIEOE, A. V. FEEDING The Feople Is My Business, nd I have learned that Q000 00005 at fair prices, honest weights and prompt delivery Is tne only way to please the trade. Best Cheese. Good Roasted Coffee from 1 1 to 25 cents. Harm from 12 to 16 cents. I carry a full line of everything. Prices and (roods guaranteed. If you have never tried m with an order, now is the time. end yon will surely be regular customer. Respectfully , W. A. STEWART. Phone sol. Carolina Marble and Granite Company. Our business has been more than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock ss can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handiome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons ueedini? anvthini. in m,r 1" n o - me, No grsve, however humble, should be allowed to co unmarked. We can make job to suit the price you are able to pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co., . E. EFIRD, Manager. MONROE, N. C. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury, North Wilkcsboro. and Monroe. NOTICE! This is for you, If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without any excuse wo ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will be No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to bo disappointed. We are going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. the Heath-Lee To Cure a Cold In Ono fttv Tok Laxative rco O?-?- t.m-s. m ,w ""W'MUsesk Till liSBttsn. 5t 1V Cares la TWO Days, cumMir TPV'tMK.ettC.

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