THE MONROE JOURNAL Telephone N. I Tuesday, November 17, 1901. Mr. M. K. hiniiuons of Wake Forest sud (Uutfhtfr, Mrs, J. Y. Wetdtof Hhrihy, h have Tasttiue; Mrs. I. A. Coviugtoa. left yesterday fur t'mnuVu. Mr. Webb will not join her buslieud, i'oo grrMUian Webby at Washington, until alter the holiday. Mr. J. T. Liltle of I -co, Stanly county, was in town Saturday aud reported that on of hi neighbor. Mr. John Yow, got his hark broken ! few days ajp In shouldcriu;; a Mra-TlWekettofluUburgl , wn.U).u ,hiU w;ul is visiting Mr, r. U. Aslicraft. tviflt-rvd perfectly helpless aud I Mr. C !. Harrier " ''"'f " Jlikely to remain so, an the doctor have gone to Prosperity, K. "n'saWl the spinal coluiiiu was broken. Mi Essie Jutansua of Charlotte in visiting Mm. t. V. Sikea. Ilet cotton in bringing 10.90 to day. Mrs. Frank William la visiting iu Charlotte I bin week. au extended visit to icUtive. Mr, Clem Laie f IUleih and Mr. W. A. Uue went to Atlaiila yesterday for a few dj . Mrs. W. C. Wolfe and daughter, Mi Nellie Wolfe, are visiting iu Columbia. Kev. 1. A. fluider preach at Mt. l'Usisant lfciplist church Thanksgiving day at 1 1 o'clock. itr. I.U. Helm lias Uuj;lit Mr. Pivslev's iiilercst iu the lf market or 'Walter & Presley. The rural mail carrier will have holiday ou Thauksgiviug day. They deserve a rest day occasionally. Mr. W. K. Fuuderburk of this t.isiiHhin in a lucky mau. He hasn't yet gold a bit of his cottou, aud he has a good deal. The Journal is requested to an nounce that Kcv. D. C. Jeukiwt will preach at Kock Kiver church next Sunday. Mr. Ppurgeou lKvaaud Miss Lou Tucker were married at Olive Unwell Suuday, Km,. H. T. ltuu 4Hiiu oflictutiug. Mr. Couley Thomas of Marsh- villi and MrssMittie William of Itocklnghaui were married last Wednesday. lr. J. II. Kiibank of Lanes rrrrk, utvompunicd Mrs. I.ila Par ker to the hospital at Charlotte Wednesday, where she will under go treat mriit. Mr. J. C. Moliorie and Miss Mii uie Cook, both of (loose Cm'k, were Married on the 15th by Ks. A. J. Kurr. at the home of the bride's father, Mr. H. A. Cook. The two weeks' meeting conduct ad by the tiitir nt the lUptiat a-huivb ehstd Sunday. riix persons joined Out church, and live were ImptiMd Huwlny night. The "sock patty" at the l'resby- (erian n.anse rriday evening was iuit a success. The funds raised amounted to !. ami will he used tin the church grounds. Messrs. Hiirrst, Mills nnd IVne gar, rural carrier on routes No. ;, ,1 and :t, respeclUvly, have lionght specially eoustruetud mail delivery wagons and will have them ou the roads iu December. The Ore last night and the diffl cully ami hardship of getting the hose reel to it by hand, My plain ly that the lire company ought o have a horn' and hose wagon, and have them right away, too. Pretty invitations have been is hkhI aiiiiouui'iiiff the marriage of Mis Wilma Ariulield, daughter of Mr. K. A. Ariulield, to Mr. Julian Walter Lnney. The event will oo cur on ike. 2"th, iu the Methodist church, at H p, W. Mr. It P. J'owell, who lives in Goose Creek township, report l);it he found a sack of cottou hidden In the Imalica m'iir ' f1,,J he was wining to Monroe the other day. He say that iwj loser (t ) can get it hy applyiug to him, Younir Frank Mteven, su of JJr, K. L. Stevens has be'U suffering severely for about two weeks from from bolsou oak. It was on his fare and broke out very se verely all over the face. He Is " getting belter, Mr. Ja. J I. Williams, the local treasurer of the lloyal Arcanum at Monroe, will pay today to M Xaucv C. Htewart. widow of Hie late John Milieu Htewart, f:l,(MW, the amount of the polu y r. Stew sit held ill Hut order. A M'ddler, who eun speak only erv noor Kuelish, lodged at a house iu the eastern suburbs of town Friday night, and wbeu he left next day found that h was uituiis (45 aud a shirt, liegoi ofler his host so hotly with a war rant iroiu 'Squire Flow, that the money was liiiaUy brought up aim delivered, all but alsuit four dol lar, yesterday. Ho then withdrew his suit. The buildings at Mr. P. F. Lee's tanyard, in Lane's Creek townsinp, dpjitrovwl bv tire WVIuMuy aitAiii net. Aliout 175 worth of' hides and leather, together with tain in nionev. were among the cou lent consumed, lie had recently taken insurance but hud not yet received his policy. He estimates the total lot at something over tiKH). Col. E. M. lloykin, presid.-ut of the Farmers and Merchants lsaiia of Camden, shut himself to death with gun yesterday atternoou On hearimr the new. Mr. E. C, Kemp, the cashier of Urn Isink. left home, ostensibly to go 10 i oi. ixf Vin's home, but instead, went to hi own barn and shot himself! through the bead with a pistol Ivlnff instantly. The dispatch say that if there is auy shortage Iu the bank it had not then been discov ered. Messrs. Howard & Son are open ing machine shop in the brick building near the passenger depet. Mr. W, 0. Howard of the Arm has just returned from Cincinnati, O., where he bought some of the best machinery and tool made. He says he had trouble in getting Just the kind of machinery be wauled ana had to go to three different cities for theia. He bought one lathe iffhinrS.(MOlKuuds. These gen tletuen are good workmen and w . bespeak for them liberal patron age. OALLOWS TO THE CHA1NUA NG TALMNU W ITH THE PEOPLE. ' lm .iouit the other day. the I . vers w nuiiziru ior ikhiii uu Mr. W. T. Itorie of Iltiford low n- ship was iu town Fridty for the hrst time since July, riveoinis family have been sick with typhoid fever during fur months.. Mr. Kitrie was uot sick himself, but savs he lost H!l poumUiti weight duriug the time from the eonlim incut aud strain in nursing the sick iiiciiiIkts f his family. The special venire summoned for the John Marsh case caused com ment as being comiosed of excep tionally well ipialilied jurors. Kv ery profession or business in the county, except the ministry, was repreentel. Ouly oue of them was disqualified by not having paid his taxes for last year, and ouly one by not being a freeholder. The editor of the Kaleigh Post any he doesn't believe The Jour ual's statement as to the splendid condition of the 'posuui crop in I'liion county this year. Will some oue please send the Post a fat 'mm suui or to and disptd his skepti cism! This scum to be th only way that he will allow himself to be convinced. Mr. Chas. Piyler ami Miss Levy Yarbroughol ltiil'ord township wei mari itHlbv F.s. Kappof South Cuo- liua on Snndav. The atleudauts were Mr. F. A. I'lvler and Mis Mary Slarues Mr. Henry Piyler uud Mis Mavis-He Yarbmngh. Mr. H.Moscr and Miss Carrie Piyler. Super was wrved at the home of the bride's lather, Mr, H. A. Yur biough, uud the couplu et nc day for the home of the groom's mother, Mrs. Iletlie Piyler. Iu the snake story published week liel'ore last in The Journal, Mr. Cloill h, the mau bitten by the rattler Iu Charlotte, said that he hud the ouly little rattlckiiukps li u in captivity iu North Carolina. II" was piohaiily of the opinion that his statement was true, but it is sol. Mr. S. It. Stephenson of Mineral Springs, 1'niou county, has three little rattlers which were born in captivity. It will be rt!liieiilcred thut Mr. Stephensioit exhibited them in Monroe nut a great whi'e ago. Magistrates and other oflicers of the law should see thut the law against llickllliugofbirdsin I'nioii ouutv is not violated. It is un .awful to kill pnrtridges at uny time cxwpt Die thirty days between lwcciiilier l"th aim January i in. It is also unlawful to sell or ship birds out of the county at any time. SomelHMly will lie utter violating this law. If, however, It Is strictly enforced, the fearful extermination of the birds that has been going on will cease, and iu a few years the farmers will Imvo plenty of birds, and there will also lie plenty for the sportsmen. Mr. J- W. Ashcrnft's House Burned At lw o'cluf k last uiglit the res idence of Mr. J. W. Asia-raft, near the graded school building, wa discovered to be on Ijre. Tltcahtriu reached the fsmily only u time tot (hem to escape with their lives. Practically nothing at all was savcu in the wuv of fcloihjngor furniture. The house burned coiiiulutuly down. and burned very Rapidly. t was neat live-room cottage. There was f i ll" insurance ou uie oiimuiiik and fftiH) on contents. Mr. C. T. Cadien, who lives In the neighborhood, happened to Iks and first saw the hie. ins screams of alarm aroused Mr. Ash- craft, Mr. aud Mrs. Asherufl and their two children were slueping in the same room. Had the children been iu a separate room they might have been lost. The lire begin iu the rear of the house. There bad been no lire anywhere except in tlw klUslieii stove nt supper time. The hose biaiu succeeded in getting their reel over sud put out the tire after the house hud lailuu m. Cou- siilerins the lute time that the alarm was given aim me great uis tunce from the reel house, they did well in getting there as soon us thev (lid. Had otuer property ueeu endangered tlmy would have beeu iu ample tune to save it. John risndj. frwm a Sentence ol Death, Ooes to the Koads lor a Year. John Marsh, colored, tried ami found guilty at the hist Xovetuls-r term of court of a criminal aHsault ou the perMiii of Alice Candock. a public school teacher and the daughter of a reseotable colored Wau of lilies Creek tosuship, and seuteured to lie hauged by the ueck notil dead, will, instead of paving this penalty, gu to the chaiu feang for thirty days. Incidentally, he will serve eleven mouths on the roads for carrj iim rwucralml weap oii. a pistol k it lug Iteeu futiiid ou his Mrsou when he was arrested. He has already beeu iu jail for more than a year. The case came up at this term, a new trial having beeu allowed by the So in r me Court. 1 lie trial was act to begiu Thursdav and a sic'ial veniie of l.V) men from which to draw a jury was summoned. Th.' jury was selected ou Thursday, aud the woman, who was the principal witness, nnd her father gave their testimony. After hearing the tes timonr. which was materially much weaker than that iriven by the woman at the former trial, the So licitor stated tliat he could not aok for a verdict of guilty. Judge Jus tico said tliat he could uot, after hearing the testimony, allow the verdict to stand if the (ury should hud guillv. This turn of the case caused the prosecution to submit it as a simple assault. On this charge the Judge gave a sentence of thirty davs on the roads which was as high as he could go by law, and then sentenced Marsh to an aildi tiiiiia) eleven' months for carrying coUMualul acapons. As a mutter of simple jiutiue lo th po;)rt( i kliouul U-stau-a tnul me cviuuiice How Does a Man W ha Has Nr realy fccapci Hanging Fad All OM Darkey Who Waa Sym pathy in Hi Trouble Aa Ex tract Irom tha Revised Blueback. Oreat Improvement in the Order- rw of Special Notices. liu.-siu nt u-suiiKiny. Aner ntw Dtriu kkl oilik'iided a lig timei AJvertencDts will be inserted ia ti t!u )u.l;T tliat he ougtit t beilbii culuma st the ptica o( oo cent a all. sc4 u a cerUin question. aud word, cj.h in Joc. the ..psmg Uwyer had objected pHRISTMAS ticoannr,, sad foa will streuiSMKlv all the time, the curtjL DrcJ your run. Hung it on sod said. "Well, go ahead ami a.--k V'-uriici nwBI it hetuctttie ruh. .. . . ... -..- im- "IUestS'0. Itw lawyer Imketl on rlrookt Mjrers. - f , , j i,urrH,v ,nied aw!- YC'TTZT Kate With Oood Fertiliser. ! , Hv t ,,, ' B f K"' tiimU.t.tscn.ynuma.-sf.a.n.k L,d. Vour 11-, I Un liJ I n. liS.!i, , I. ...LI... I im iui I wauuti iu asu nun. i lsui. wlvi na- rms IsHwern Ka-h- -- - ,.. .. n.iid sn.1 Cohimliia. And spviug Attempted Assault In iChesterfiek'. Mdinr nwii ' How s iUin. IWl I Messrs. Will aud rauk 1 orter 1 wish I was tliew lr a ww-k !..!"' rwivl a message )ea- dunk water and quarrel Willi lr. ! wniay inanu. ir uuir s jcar .mi lloiistun' How ran a man feel who has es- sister had beeu outraged by a negro named Jim Honeycult, who worked ou ber father's place in ups-rCbe casl haneiii!!. but bv the urnvrlain , U r6M rouuly. They went down margin vt a M gal technicalitv ? Sijaud have ih jet returned, it was with John Marsli. Ilissenten.v ; A teU-phoue message this morn had lvn pn.m.uiicc.1: "To be hangi d '"e y "'at the children, were at l.v l ie n.vk null dead. dead. dead. lug .-.uimaj "'"'( -" ami may J1 haie merry usn your soul." Itut in transcribing the iii-rs a slight omission was made. The Supreme Court gave a new trial, and from hanging the seutcner came to a twelve mouths on the chain gang W hat flivt will the close call have iin the after life of a negro of sav age instincts that Jlarsh apieurs U liave? lirutish and tierce and withal a great deal of si-use, he possesses the ability and shrewdness and daring to cptjliie tje acts that hare given him a severely tad name. W'liethcr he w ill or w ill nut Ijc sobered by his coiifiiicmcnl, his narrow escaH' and hard work on the roads, remains to lx' seen a year from now. There are souls under black skins Tike tlicold darkey, the father of the nomaii w ho was the prosecuting wit ness against Marsh. Those who saw pitied. Without doubt the iron 6 in Ills soul. An iipriuhl, Hsnv- of the womuu this time was not as , )t Vi iu-nl.l. old darkey. strong hs la-fore, it Is-mg esM-elaiiy j ,lllom; n. ,1,;,, W . ),iU l.riiel weakened by ccilaiu udditKius fpim M,llim mwt,.M Wa -(. which slie made to it. It is said , n,;(1(V, .if. ,mt the that she has lost her iiiintl " i wliito nian s lf r. stM-tt, an.l h- ik-s- tlie il iai. Al leusi, sue iseij ; a sironjj, though lined t'-rial. , n, inil A klainless life anil a lailirli- Couit adjourned on Friday morn-j (.r (,l(ir wt.r(, ,.vi,,.ntv ,,-ai; to iiiL'. Other casi's dismal ot since...,, ..,. ),.,,n,. ......... 4knitn-il llio last issitc ofTbe Journal are as; f.,, -iM.r,., tlHi M,.rt. if,,. delil-T-follows: !..iion mill ilur i-lt iiilillol of Ion" H. 11. Taileton, M. C. Helms, W . UiMIWjli fr !. t. daughter Ik M. Helms uud Jim alliums, ul-1 c lvstl.ri(.a 0Vcr the result of the tiayj W. M. Helms I'"" 'i'"1 , trial, he tried to whisper something one third of costs; 11. H. larletou , alill( ...11S,1IW (;,K Amj m line.1 i?-'Uaiiil one-l turn hi cosis; .u. . ,, .. . C. Helms linen t aim one mini m j 0o,ts; Jim Williams limsl ?1. William Horn, iu,Uionil:ly ; k moiiuin uii riiiiiu-.iiif;. , Uulie Perry, carrying concealed ( ..... the tmublc occurred, aud that the child was not hurt, as the attempt was not carried out. The child went to the house aud told ber old ersUl.-r, who gave no alarm until her parents, who were away, re turned home. Search has been going ou for the negro but up uutil this morning he had not beeu caught. He is about tweuty years old aud black. Pensions for This Year. The State auditor says that the amount which Confederate pen sioners are to receive iu the various classes this year will be as follows: First class, second class, HI i a mlnct ion of l from bust year); third class, ", and fourth class liueludiiig widows), tit la reduc tion of .VI cents from last year). The total amount will be ulsntt ji-.'O-.'.IMio, but about -VKMJisaiiuu, ally re ui iihI Ui the auditor uu ao ciiiuit of the death of pousiouers to whom warrants have beeu Issued, weapou; m anil cosis. Marshall Little, assault and bat tery ; uot guilty. fiiliiert Stockton, liniiiorauiy; mom lis on chaiu Kills Huntley, assault and but tery; not guilty. Kekiel Crowder, earning con cealed weapon; and costs. Puiil Hose, carrying concealed wi:ijon; sin and costs. i Scott McCain, iimuoiuljty j moot lis ou chain gang. Dr. II. M. Ili'ooks submitted for violating State liquor laws by un lawfully giving prescription lor whiskey. Judgment was suspend-, ed on payment of costs. The de- fendaiit was arrested ou this Jiurge Wednesday and, being bound over by 'Squire Flow, went into court and submitted. ; The case of Ashley Buiiooin, re ported in last week's paper, took another turn and was marked oil' the records of the court. Iiaucom and his wife coiniiiomiscd their differepties, lie paid her fr'HHI in the Stale Agiicultmal and .Mccliam cash to reliiiiiiiisl) all claims what-j ml Cnlege ut IJalnigli, Is llke tho soever to all interest in his estate, cat- he never falls mi his hack. The and they agreed not to live togcth- ui her nighl after the professors of er any more. Mr. Iiaucom went agriculture at the college had lec back to his home iu New Salem tmcd to the county superintendents inguish is the ienally only of those who aiv high ly liliind and cultured aud live in pud io'isi"i '' Ikvii thinking," siiid Itoad CoiuiiiissiiHH r Tin. K. Wil liams Saturday, "that if there wei-e barrooms in .Monroe now, with cotton at eleven cents, then' would Is- a deal of drunkenness. The quietude that feigns on the public roads now is in striking rontrusl to the ilrunkcniii'ss and rowdyism that obtained a few years ago. It used to Ik' dangerous to Is- on the public ivads, csjHrially after dark, on ac count of the n-i khw driving ami runaway teams caused hy drunken dnf'Ts. You have only to look on the public roads to see the difference that has come over lis." ('pun the revised version of the Hlnebaek : ' IXk-s ('apt. W. C. Heath yet wear his Insult if i! Panama?" "He does." ' How long will he wear it ?" "Till Christmas, mavis'." III-. I ii-o. T. Winston, president of Apples at cents jier pk, af John It. Slmpsiiu i ( o. s. Only thirty live cents to take a trip around the world, taking iu Iielund, F-gM't, Iceland and A mcrica. Jh, He.l Vet. I have just shipped to my stables iu Monroe a cur load of the finest horses and mules I have ever brought here. All I ask is for you to give me a trial boorc you buy, I'll do the rest. C. C. Sikix Nelly lily around the world iu ten hours aiid for thirty-five (tent FOK KliST- At Miueral Sprlass, N C, s (ood store-room nJ two J w ellitiK honno; also good pasture, lo ucrri in wire fence and J acres cleared land. S. B. Slephensoii, Miueral Springs, N. C. GL N KEPAmiNO Itiitig inu yuur brukeu and disabled guus and have lliem put in first class order. Brooks Myers. OST -l."lil clover leaf breastpin. Keward if returned to me. ) 0. Uaat. LOST-fiig black aud tau bound. Keaard it returned. S. II. Hudson. L' ANTED Tu nieii to take a one burse farm each, with or withuut stuck. Sis miles west ol Monroe. E. Staoetl. WANTED SeeJcolluo.cottuoaeeJ, cma, peas, cbickeus and ti(. Highest prices paid. C. J. Iliaswell, Judilli, N. C. IH AVE boiiehl a pes lliresbef sud ill tlaesb tur the public. Kobt. A. Stewart. Washaw K. F. D. No. I. PAWNBROKER Sclohiii(. Sees.'. J .H. Bentoo. SC HOOL book, dates, tablets, peon, paper, pencils, etc. full hue at C. . Kiassell's store, Judilli, N. C. LOST White spotted pit, seigld about loo pounds, luforniatioo gladly received. Bishop Duster. I WANT yo bales ol beat cottou. Also pay highest price (or seed cuttoo. Will pay a csuta a bushel fui 4,oou buthel of cotton teed. First class new scale. J. U. Nasb. UNION Couuty Medical Association will convene in extra session No vember ajrd. All nieinberi requested to be present. WANTED Twenty tout of hay. E. A, Armheld & Sous. FOK KENT Oue hoi se lar.n; mill furnish stork or rent fur suie rent; 6op yards Mt- l'ro.pcl graded school. W. P. fler, Mouroe R.K.D.No 4. COMEtuthe io ceut store aud get turns of the bargains offered fur (lit money. I defy competition iu quality aud price. My goods are all tresh and new. I have nothing that has worn itl welcome out; no catch or old shelf worn goods to work off at other's expenses. Call oo the ouly 10 cents store in Monroe for the real io ceut bargain r.ut a tatch leader. J. A. Crowell. DOR the highest Hi market det tee J. D. Parker. price A BIG lot ol new jewelry just in and at low prices lota of it at cast at Welsh'! Drug Store. REMEMBER you cau get tin best fresh mest ( J. D. harker i mar phone No. 91. NOW it the time to tow crimson clo ver. Go to Welsh '1 for the teed. FOK KENT Two desirable ttore rooms north of the court house. Apply to Mrs. T. H. Simpson. BETTER, prepared than ever to fur nish uice turnouts on short notice aud at reatonable pi ices. H. A. Winchester. BRING your chickens and eggt to S. It. Hudson, next to Journal Office. EW Carlfornia Peaches 10 cents per pound, line home-made molatset. cocoanuts, mixed nutt at W. A. Mew art's. Fresh lot of hams U S eta. up, liwiffa lii-ftakfaal bacon. HE hunting season will toon be .. - - - - - liere. Get vour eunt readv before ' PALL at S. H. Hudson'! for rleith- the rush. Brookt Myen. WANTED One thousaud geese, quick. M. C. Broom. U man's coiupretJ yeast. CALL at S. H. Hudson's and get a bos of Headly't candies. A. LEVY. A. LEVY. township, and Mrs. Iiaucom has gctip o live with her peopio 111 Concord. Union Meeting. The union meeting of the I'nion Baptist Association will be held with tho Meadow ISrunch church beginning Friday, the -Tth inst. The following is the program: KUIDAY. 1 1 iOO ft, ii. Introductory senium by M. I). L. rreslur. l:.'ill p.m. Organization. IJuery: What isllible discipline in a Baptist chtiivli f 11 Tour ot the Nation, , A "Tour of the Nations'' will be given on Friday by the ladies of the Baptist Auxiliary. The car. riagi-s will start at the station,! Hale's gallery, at three o'clock on Friday eveuing, aud will run till eleven at uight, muking a trip each hour. First you will go to Dixie and America, represented at Sirs. Fletcher'si theuce to Egypt, st Mrs. C. H. Iiebardsou's then onto ire land, at Mrs, V. A. Lane'si thence to Iceland, at Mrs. V. U Youug blood's; and last but not least, to Japan, at Mrs, Hargis'. Coaches will have station every hour. All ronnd trip, thirty-five cents. We will soon be in our handsome new bankiug house aud Invite our friends to call on us. Our business has steadily grown and we shall continue to give our customers fair and honest service. Call in and see us. The Savings, Loans Trust Co. Cranberries. We will have plenty of the finest grade of cranberrlea for your Thanksgiving turkey. Order iu time. John R. Simpson ft Co. To Bridal Parties. Now Is year tine to take a cheap trip srouud the world. Thirty- five cents on next Friday. Folic, J. It, liennelt SVTlliPAV. . !i:.1u am. lievotionul exercise. 10-00 a. 111. tJuerv: .Should our eh uivli trials lie public or private t Which does the New Testament teach f A. Marsh, J. A. Iiivena. 11:00 a.m. Ouery: How is the world to know that I urn a Chris tiauf .1. Q. Cullege, A. M. New- som. 1:00 p.m. (Juery: Can anyone be 011 scriptural grounds who is op posed to missions ! W . . Yt aison, J. W. Kivens. i:00 p. m. ()uery: Is there enough preaching 011 the horrors of he ! (i. O. llhoit. 1. V. Uiw. MNDAV. 10:IHI a.m. Sunday SihiMil mxss meeting. J. K. IKiwd. CtiMMITTEK. Visitation by Bishop Cheshire. The Kt. lt!V. Jos. lllnnnt Chesh Ire, 1, l., bishop of North Caro Una. will visit Ht. l'aiil's missiou, Monroe, on Wednesday, the tsth inst, for the purpose ol minimis teriuL' conlirination. Services will be held in St. Paul's church ou that day at 7 p. nt. Ihe public Is cordially invited. (ill.BEKT HltlUH, ' Minister in Charge. All memliers of Monroe Lodge No. 38, Knights of Pythias, are asked to attend the meeting to night, as theft rand Chancellor will be present end the rank of Ksquir will be eonferreit. J- Wkw, K. of Rand S. . Oysters k Thanksgiving. We will haie twenty gallons of fioeoysters for Thanksgiving, Bend io jour prden early. . . John R Simpson & Co. gathered there, the lloctor himself got up to make a few remarks. The subject of crop rotation was under discussion, and thinking to catidi lim.oue of the Ixilder fellows asked. "Now, Doctor, you say rotate peas or clover or alfalfa or something of the kind with our cultivated crops!" Well, down in my country we have tried all of those things ami they won't grow. What shall we do? "I guess von 11 have to rotate with .1 plenty of good fertilizer," was the ady response. .Mul the crowti gave a gullaw. 3f. if If Why will nun dabble with the fatuous game of futures as they are nil 11,'i.r llu, piiimtrv tiulnvV ti"... .... v-.,. ..--..v . luig years of toil and stint unit sav ing swept away in a moment : I was ever thus. IIiilHIleils 01 years ago The Preacher said : "Dead Hies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savor; so doth a little folly hint tliat is in reputa t on for w ixlom and honor." How is this scripture text for the weather observers ; " observ- th the wind shall not sow ; and he that observeth the clouds shall m it reap." f A story is going the rounds of how a new dent goi 011 a nig sine 01 a fancv food which a Monroe merchant had. There are now hundreds of smx-ial breakfast, dinner and sup r food meiiaratioiis. One ot tliese the merchant in question had allowed himself Ui get overstocked on, and it; became dead on his hands and the dust had gathered itm the bright ; yellow iKickages. After hip new clerk : had been there-sometime, the mer-, chant one day noticed that his old 1 stock of breakfast food had disap- peared, and he was, of course, very j much interested to know how hid new helper had gotten rid of it. "Why," said that future merchant j prince, "wasn 1 trial sum norse anu cat Ho powders? 1 sold it every bit as the best grade of horse and cattle medicine, sure." . Sometimes the lawyers are accused of talking just for the sake of the talk, but this charge doesn't lie against them. They always have some end in vicV, but it has turned out that at least one lawyer forgot what his end was. In Chief Justice A Display of Dress Goods that will bear comparison with large city stocks. Here you will find Zeibeliens, Cheviots Oranltes, Scotch mixture and Plaids, Broad Cloth, Sicillians, Canvlas Weaves, Armour, etc You will make a mistake If you do not give this splendid stock of Dress Uoods a look before purchasing. No trouble to show you these goods. Get our prices and be posted. Fall and Winter CLOTHING. Those appreciating High Qrade Clothing Guaran teed by the manufacturer will do well to see my line before buying their fall suit- I have tried to give the people of Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy. Buy none but Strouse Bros-Quarantccd- They are as cheap as others See my line of boys' and children' clothing. I can save you money. Sole ftaent lor Hamilton-Brown Shoes. fly lines of Shoes can't be matched In any town. You will find all of the Hamilton-Brown Shoes the very best makes; also the celebrated Hess Shoes for men. LADIES' WRAPS, all the newest styles- Don't buy any thing In Wraps before you see me, I can save you Wf money- Our Millinery Department will be one of our pet departments this season and we will give nothing but the latest and most stylish aata Our trimmer is young, but old ia experience- One hundred new fail ready to wear Drees Skirts tram SI 00, $150, $100 to $15.00. New Walstlngs In all tha leading stylet, cheapest to best- A. IaEYY. LEE & IaEE, THE LEADING DET GOODS, lOTiOSS, CLOTSIK, GUTS' ITE1TSIIIGS, BIT If D SHOE STORE II I0IE0E. We Thank Tmr for your kind words and appreciation shown li a very p-uemus patronage. ( lur goods have cij- aud aud tlicy have, come aud we invite you AtlAIN to come uud rvlicie our over flowing shelves in all departments. New Goods Arriving J nearly all the time kccits us ready ami anxious to serve yon. Among the latest arrivals you will Iim! new wool uismU Mel tons, Cheviots, Serges, Snow Make rmiliups Silks for waists, coats ami skirts. New fleeced lined and mercvi ued Waist ings from 1." to .'ill cents the yard. Misses' aud ladles' Cloaks from !si (ruts to 1. 00 -among these some very elegaut gai tuents. A lot of Ladies' Neckwear that has called forth the warmest praiae and is going like hot cakes. The best liue of Kid (iloves we have ever shown to sell fi-om 45 cents to el.. VI, au esecia!ty good value for T5 cents. We can't give prouiiuence to all, but our Men's t'lothiug aud Shoe liepartuieuts are worthy of it, A new lot of Meu's Hats the latest styles just received. HT You should buy Watches, Jew- uuy, iui uiitsa, ratify vuiua, Silverware, etc., of W. E. Line back, the Jeweler, Monroe, N.C. Romi lCf ' Hebas a practical experism-c of sil a3(vJ 1 teen years in the business. D rrT ICO 1 "p guarantees all goods.just as repre- UtyUUJV . , seiitedi 1 or iNMiiev cefauilfd. Drift-it ten (i(KH AKK OF T1IK DeCUUSe . tr.LITY only. Because Kl-aT ii-es lire the lowest, nihility al- ronsidercd. 0) H i ' Tor goisls iu his line, WO'b 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iteautiful '( lot of wediliii),' presents just iu. W. R. LINRBAGK, Jeweler, Monroe, N. C. The Prescription :-: :-: Department of our store keeps pace with ndvanccd medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. We keep the drugs for it the Ui:ST, FRESHEST, and PUREST. C.N. Simpson, Jr. O0OOOOOO00OOOOCOOOO HORSES AUD MULES! MvJSv Wholesale and Retail. Our buyer has just returned from the West with two car loads, our second supply for this fall. If you want one, a dozen, or a car load, it will pay you to come to see us. We have and keep in stock all kinds at right prices. Heed this notice and we w ill save you money. E. A. Armfield & Sons.

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