r '1 GflSOiUAIL flNEGEJO This is the fate of sufferers from Kidney trouble, as the disease is so insiduous that often people have serious Kidney trouble without knowing the real cause of their illness, as diseased kidneys allow the impurities to stay in the system and attack the other organs. This accounts for the many different symptoms of Kidney Disease. You begin to feel better at once when taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE as it stimulates the heart, increases the circulation and invigorates the whole system. It strengthens the urinary organs and , gives you new life and vigor. TWO SIZES 50c and $1.00 C N. SIMPSON, JK. Chicago Bualnee Wan Cured Fete A Co.. Chicago, O ntlcmeii: ANiui vear aeo nw he alth bessa 14 fill, I lost esa and never frit well. The doctor ihouchi I bad sromatb and liver trouNe, hut I became convinced that mt Shine vs mere the cause of nt ill health and commenced tasmf t-OLtTS MONET CURE. It in creased m appetite and made me feel stiwnerr, and the annovinf symptoms disappeared. I am no sound and veil. J. K. Horn, I JJ4 Diversey Blvd., Chicago. June 1 1, 1902. Curj H, wife E. C. Tatkins, aeitoa of the .VrthodiatChurch, SprlnjUeld. Pa., writes: Mr wile his been ver bad aith bidnev trouMe and triod several doctor without benent: After latins, one Sortie of FOLEY'S kir.MY CL'KE aa iniKb. belter, and completely cured after taking four bottlct." One- Bottle, Cured Him A. H. Pavit, Ml. Sterling, la., write: "I a$ trriiMed with lidnef complaint tor about two veara, but a one-dollar bottle ot FOLEY'S KlD.NtT CUKE effected a permanent curt." S. A. STEVENS, M. D. MOSKCfc, S. C. Calls ansurreJ in Jay from English Pt'.ii; Store; At ntclit Iroin room over Kiujisli I'rni; Storf , r-lionr 9S. Office over pi"t oMu'c; I'tiont ijS, Henry D. Stewart, M.D., HOMtoK, S. C. St-moe-i it-nliir-l promptly ami hoiip-lly. H.iy rahs It im Simpson's Jnii; hture, 'p1' mr or ..irni- m rear ft tlot.l'ii A Tlii'inpsuii a insurance nlhce. j li -r-.i- 1. Nicl.t rails ti. 1111 rei lJciice 'pliuiif, i(i. 1'ihce hours 10 1 1 1 ;. a. 111. JOHN P. MONROE, M. a, liy edit-- .iu-.urttl U.1111 H'Uiiitou's ilruc. slore aii! oilier, 'plioiw --! Niiilit 1 1 01:1 C011lliHTcl.1l II II I, 'plume io. Wifwi -..! 1 1 M iiSKOK, . C, SulifiU Hie im'.i :un;e t ti.e people of M01110" aiul s irioiin.hui; n ionnniilv Calls ris'vcve.l iu l iv 11 1111 Ktiiilish Pnu Si. re; .it iu!it 110111 nsijeiice on Church street, rhnne V. 4S. W. B. HOUSTON, Sl'Kl'.KON Dl'.NTIST, O.lice up sl.nu, I i!;;ei .il.l HuilJiiiK Suitlivu- t C ' ;T"t li .'.iso, Me.r. N. C. DR.B. C. REDFEARN.& D!- N liar. MONROE. N 5. Will l.c .it M irtiiviilf, N. t.,011 first an.l tl.u .1 M ih.!.i 5 of c.u li month, 1111J at Matthew 3 on second and fourth Mondays. I'lione :jJ Kotir. L. MMt-i j. 1, s i k 1 . , JH. STEVENS & SIKES, Attorneys and Counselors-it-Law, M.-nk-p. N. c. Prompt utteiition sivcti to all mat ters placed in our Ii.im.1s. MaiMCPiin nt ut estates for cuard iari, a.lniimt: afoi and executors a specialty. Ch.irtes 1 ea-onahle. (ill;, c last ol Louithoue, tl oriiierly orcii ie.l by the l.it l. A. Covington.) F. c. miii.yms h , w. ii;mmond WILLIAMS & LEMMOND, Attorneys-at-Law, MOSKHK, X. C. Practice in all the State and t'uited States Courts. Prompt atltnlion nivcn to collec tions and general law practice. Wr Persons interested ill the settle ment of estates, nduiimstiators, exe cutors, and cuaidiaiis are especiall invited to call on them. Continued and painstaking attention will lfr tiven, at a reasonable price, to all letal business. Ottlce in courthouse opposite ClerVf offiie. Residence Phone, No, 274, Having located in Monroe oilers hit services to the town and surrounding country. Diseases of the stomach and Imwels a specialty. Office over the V. J. Kudse Coa hook stole. Calls answered iu (he day from the English drug store or residence, at night from residence. HENRY B. ADAMS. THOMAS J. JF.ROMS. FRANK AKMKIKI.D. Adams, Jerome & Armfield, UTTORNtYS AT LIW. MONROE, N. C. Practice in all the Courts, State and Federal The management of estates or executors, administrators a special ly. Careful aud diligent attention given to the foreclosure of mortgages and collection of claims. Money 'oaned without expense to lender. All .ligation given prompt and careful attention. Office east of courthouse. R.B. Redwine. A. M. Stack. RIDWINE & STACK. AUornryt-al-Law, MONROE, N. C. Practice in all the State and Feder al Courta, Will manage estates fot Executors, Administrators and Guar dians for reasonable pay; and will foreclose niortr.Kes and negotiate loans, without expeuse to Mortgagees and Money Lenders, when practicable. Offices Northwestern rooms, first Soor, Courthouse. People's DanK OF MONROE, N. C. 1 Solicits your account and banking business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECURITY, promptness and all the accommodations that SOUND bank ing will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agreement, on deposits left (or oar stated period. Always ready tor loans oa approved paper. a P, HEATH, President Land Sale. Hif liV the fle-lfc,. 111 I til -Nt.'5i 'at ' fiiini.ii f'-lfir V BrfH, mtmlli Mml ri ..M r K HrsiHl.flviMl,aiMi W H Hr- 11 v K . )- Hraxwt-li -( i.,v itir uiKtTi;nl .iMinill"!irr. til. on Monday, December 7th, !MU. m I'tf it.iirt iti-uH lir in Miitinr, N r . m-H t iiui ic aui'iixti. tin hiwiir-i l.i.ttfcr. ( !. tug 'ti-MTi'srHl lan.U In iimwf Crs-t k l.ttst 11 K f-t TrtM'l i.tj.tlniK the lawl f "wtl, ttlJ.n H M-rli V nil- M- iilii: it...lli rr-, r.,fitltmiJ l-kl eV'Ct'M III..1V r lt-a. I k'iwit a th' homi- t aWf t( Hit- hit i K fi rlitt-wfll. tttifjw'it. tf.int 1 ra.-r A.lj.iiHtm th Uil.U H S I'-i w-on. K H fVntti i n.l (Jif ri. mul 1 hh( km l'tllllli'ltl t'r. fe, t1"itlllC 1' MTfm Hi.trv ir ic.. n-wrv ua ami -' j.tt tiaj fri-m I li- ! iii'M't-iU' 1 .niil" f, wrfi ti-wrvtl i-v I ti-r ..f Mr. K K li-a. It. at f.ii'.-irw ' H-ifMiirn'f i -!;tk I i r..t. Hii-siii H --ll - .-..rnrr H'l't rti'i- ltt ii'iv N I .t lt'i-h:ti t.. "tHhf :tt i r.K() tiv h r o . Hrv ' vt iir Um-ih K -U i-hsnii-ti' a -lkt tti r . i til. in-r S .rt4'", t rVs-liat i-htiintii U MH-n.-t- 'j K. n .it-lttt filial 11- ( at -lik III ti;- :.n.- it'.. W iKi Thoanand II ft re Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. I , ik S.iinrtl.iv A'istin llil'iard anJ Mow To Fim4 Ont. J .Kli ( 'll;tp:iiail. t 'liv. mm .f I'hrS Wl t boftlt or cenmon fu$ wMh your , t r!iM V II , w dm-Ciifi.tw th r in .i Imiiv. Whiii- :wr w.n wttf and let ft s:&nd twnty-four hours a ae&ment or aet In- ll aTS 1 .'irin li' J, HtlPil t st-h HI Notice. f K I IV R. .If. ,i .Monday. December 7th, IWU, ; 1.. -it.- h.z'u l.i. 1 I. T '..r iM.'i. itt . ..rlh tiing u:j-ci an unea!'hy condi tion cf the kid neys; it it stains your linen it U evidence of kid ney trouble, too frequent desire To pass it or pain in the back, u alrc convincing rrool that the kidneys and tUd- tter arsojtcl order. a. What lo Do. i Thrre is eorrfirt In the knowleifS se I Ci'.en (KDressed. trut Dr. k:!mr l Swami l1'1 ,. ! Kjct. tne c'fat k:dr.e rtrv.tJy fuil.lU ev-rv ii,-r. iii.-n,-. tti I Mh in curing rheumtt.sm. t;n tn li.e ''", '" " i tack, k dievs. liver, b.aoarr and every part i of ine unnary fasure. It corrects irbiiu 1 to held mater and scalding pain in casing i it. or bad effects following use ct i.o-or, wine or ter. and overcomes that unpleasant I necessity cf be.ng competed to gi cf:n ; during the uay. and to get up mar. tin es i d inng tne night. Themiidand the ei-ra- crur.ary effect of Swamp-Koot Is scon j rot i.-cJ. It stands the highest for us n , derf jl cures ot the most uisiressirg caoU. i It you need a medicine you should have ine ; beit. ;d by druggiits in 5)c. ar.d $1 . sues. You nay have a sample bor.le cf this ; Wvnoert .l discovery f "7 i - I and a book that lelisaJT-f ' mnm ftSiliil o h.th cent ST . nif 1 . '.. ... .... : ll 'llif IHM i itits i I T!ii y .ct,. H-..III. wh" h.ifl,t II j tiit- ,i;im ! ; Sttlll' 'I'"'' t. i: t l.-.t !,. U,.u, i.;.i:i I I . f t: ml i' !iU ;i ! II i! l:aut- rvil 1 y r"' i 111':, tin- i;ib.. ! K ll i , . i i I'h. r.ia ini'v f.M "'it "V r i I tin in oui-d i!:o i '! i r it .-f tin- U.a'y and t'! li.ul a li,'t;;iiii. aiicirpiiil illi.ird. Tin' l.ilti r u, i iy i!'" ii!n.".!i' tiiid ;r i In ilrctt I. is puti'l .uvl .i! i !i..t itit.i t!,' ct'i.iii. i ! .ill .111-1 lil.ikr llir w' .n III .'X'. 1,1.! ill :h. in iti hi .ii ' ' I. .til. :il"' K H KH' INK. A M -I . K. I iisi'iii-.). -tier. '-t..l n nut- '' -f I tiK-n ,-.1 l.ii-.. the a I- mi; 111 :t;.. f!.. ::i ha mu; i .ui !.n ,1 .i a.ii 1 1 hi: imllrt i r.vivd t'li.ij iiil'.h'tnm ;i w.'Uiiii l,r ,! ,! Si,l;,i.lV. Mil!-. ,it 1 Vs'i rli.-: I. Judite I'ritchnrJ to .tarry. or iifr iln- -., 'i! 'li,' ' .-1.1m: nil I- u-ir'tftt" ii.,',t ir.."t . K--.ll. itfu. r,'fc'l-r. -,t n -.tuny l-i ll.M-1. .1 ! fl I.. I II II M.-l t Mi. absoluiely (tee by mail. Ji. J address Dr. Kilmer & nmerfs-wti.. Co., Binphamun. N. Y. Wnen writing men tion reading this generous offer in thu pper. Don't make any mistake, but " ; rem :m!cr the nunie, Swartip- j Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Koot 1 1 was III,.', I, .1,-Vrl' I ol,.,!! .IV i-riuiit iar:ii-il Moiii a r that S.r :nl:iv m, in W ,i-!.uit,iii. .liiil.' lialil v, i U iimiTi, d I- l!,S Iti.I, ton. , far-- tail, and i tii.itl and. Farm Lands for Sale on Time, t in-. ,1-n.v. N vim.-. 1 . not ,.f i-ril-r nt ih,- -iili . iua- in ihe 'i ,'tii'l I rii! i miii imi in . K Hi,-lv i. i.;!i,lllt, ;i.l K I 11 ,- mi-1 rv '.. If. ,1 ,.( H . K lit-:, !,-- .1, ftli.Uilt-. Tli- svli,j.. I .-tin an.l in-i t i.tnlirt iv-.l-lliiiiil-lrnli.t .if tt K Hi-l. I.-,-. i...,l J..V'..-k HI ."ll Wednesday, December 0, l(U, Ml M.ilir.ir. t . ,ci'l and the aildress, l!ini;h.imlon, N. Y., on every bottle. J i: ti-a n--I I W.i l.i II : .a t a S.i an f lh.il ntv. Tin to In' is a iiat.vi-. .f V;isIi,Iil; t!ll.-::i;li Iwr tu-t in r asa N'orili li!u..:i an-i In t f.uln r a ii iiu- Mil' Is a Vi-l.lli. Su'lrtV U'oM'.all. s iu, Hv and 1-i-tail.ir. 'Ha ;aj' nl iv a nu- om .1 fit 1' !!: ri, 11;.-1V, lia' ',lll' W ill N' H VtK for a In iff uoililini .liniiii' rnlrliard's iliilios tli s'liis ti i-l a i"iii; iti'Sfiioi' nmi nn-:!.'ii. iiiinh a '"'ill ,n i irf Ii. ( -.-, f.n uif it i-pii'i n imiil tU'-rrilspif .i- f .i w- I viiu' 8ihl triiiti in I iiixii i-t.titiTy, t.il. .'f VrMt ' afni ii.il. Mn'-lmllr tnliii ((':'I lam- i ri-. k, ).inn(i--t i-tl tli i. r N ,Hitni.'tr- Ht'We-r.- tm.-t, uti tli- llif l.iinl'1 "f T'if f H-iy. !! Hit .,uth M ll M.i-li '. im I'm 1 y tlii'.--l,y I Mill , j fiiiiirm i kin f S !iiifMiirn laud tifi re-nut. I j ntaiiiitT!f mti-1 ni-Tt- .ir lt. iNn, ! : ii if -i I -ii ! js t-l t 1 1 1 riK.'tt nf .)i'. r. j IVriii. itf -mi' : i tne f h i ri I'jt-it. re infill' tr t j )n e.-ti!"'l ) '-oinl tnih Hnivfl -nrftir-. 4 wtHl'l' 11 f imnitlt fritin ilHle nf nlf, tin title i i r., 1m l-f't-rvfii Hinii rtl! ilitfli ill. .tlty hill 'ie l.-fii aht the -kht imitt Itfintf Vstlit .) I j Mt-Mte ti.--tf It wiie if it h tt mv irtitetiiettne 'f 1 3 the Nt.) f-trtlt- Tn- ' .f.il.-F M. lvfl. ! j Til t. s WIM.v ln.HN 4 (K( hT 1 o, j j Hv X.tnm. -It-n.-ne A Anulifi.t j n.l K ' Uhli.mt.. Aiiyv , j ft d7n7 wnTtlcu. M. DJi having located at L'nion ville, N. C, offers his professional services to that place and surround ing country. I'nionville phone 8; Sincerity 4 FOIIYSHONTAR lareuaef aafst Notice to the Public. I will at my tort at oar, N. ('., all my sttM'k of general mer- chiitKlise flieaiier than can lie iMinlit elsewhcro. I hcII the very lient people and thin is the hunt advertising known to the trade. With ability, pluck and jhtw reranee I know no competition. Old Joler was a hard ' old dog to die, but die he did, and so must high prices. Here she corneal 20 llm. Granulated Sugar for one dollar, net canh. IB ll. eood Oreen Coffee for one dollar, net rath. Fish! rwh! Fish! They must go, lltiys' and Men's Suits I10u.se full. Boys' 8tiiU8, !Sc., 91.15, 1.45, 1.85 and 2.2X Others will ask vou 9Hc. 2.."0 and .1.00. Men's Suits awfully cheap. Hanitary tlothine in ereat pro fusion, y We want your trade and don't wind paying the editor to tell von about it Sewing machiuea cheap. Uenicruber we have the gooda, so come one and all. Wt guaran tee beat and kindest attention. Henry W. Pusser. Zoar, X. C. Te Curt a Cold id ena Daw Tike Laxative Brosno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to care. - E. W. Crore's aif na ture is oa each boa. aj eeota. Call (or Welsh's cheap Crockery. When in need of fresh meat phone No. 91. J. D. Parker. cneap Flour is Bad Flour! It's low price is the maker'ari cuse fur the inferiority of Ins product. liaJ flour is bad flour no uuttrr how it is nuuipuUt r,l and jiiKi;lcd ill packiui;. It all cotnt-s back to the same thine. Good flour mixed with poor will improve the quality ot the lileud, but like inuiin; while pai nt with I1U1 k, it takes an awful lot of white to pro dure any effect, bad or cheap flour is lackiuK iu (luteu, the nutritious portion ol the wheat. It also contains a large per centage of the pulveri.-ed husk or shell of the grain. All of which you don't want. There fore, we caution you to ask for the "Invincible" brand. This brand is sold at the lowest price for which really first class flour can be sold, and its price is the highest you need to pay in order to get the be.st. Mr. Newman, our local baker, says: "Invincible" is the I can get for baking." -.1 .in -1 'n.l. Y lulcu-r in. iv Inn 1' In ch vottr evvue ill Hie 11.1M for iml iiavin f j:..m .'lor. Jnii have Utile excuse lbi jcar I'm nut w-tllin jour ae X , ('until. Anv ilm-tur thai is lit to j practice iiu-ilicine is worthy of a ! standard measure nl' ineilical ethics J 1 on ll IK(I t of I lie pei Ki'i'ii iu 11 1 i iil wiiir relations to i jour plivsician ami leiiieinU'i your I liisl duly is to pav li t in. I ' l.t. M. A. 1 Vou Know W hat You are Taking W lu-u v-iu I ike Ijiove s 1 uti lc Chili Tonic because the f'un.ula i;i p'aiuly print-d on every buttle :.lii'ili(, that it is simply lion and Juiniiie iu a taste- ess foiin. No Line, No l ay. 50c When painting your dwelling call and see us Lr 11i1.es. We recommend and guarantee Harri son's paints. S. J. Wki.sii. Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens, eggs, and produce so fast that I can't buy trough. If you have any to sell don t sell a bit of it until you see me. I want it. S. K. I'ostkr. Host bramU oi cigars, tobacco, smoking and chewing, at S. K. Duster's. HENDERSON HOLLER MILLS. Land Sale. By virtu of powr mmatnn) tn a cert. in nmrtsfsw Ami ciwuirrl lv I) t Brm.k mi !! Kh r AnHUtit, mid rfnlt-d In bk AK. pn'f Ik, the miiWrmirnotl will, vn Monday, December 14th, 1903, it th wtnrt hmi-s dcor tn Mnnr., tfl t utih lir iirlliii. t tht hitrhsm hiddrr, th f.ll.w liiK iIctIIkthI irtt-t ttt IoihI. Itiiijf n the ntrr of Krl)sU(1n'i f'rwk aiiit stljniltiir (lie Iniii f W H ttriMk, MarsTni r. J. M Rirm Inifhiim nii othtrai. and Kmnttfil a folt' : rU-sfhiMlna- at a drad pinr in a lranh try a hicln try and pprxlrnmoit.l' Hrosko' rirnr. atit niiu down naid hraiiffa a TArhatnti ta tn In Mid hranrli by two pirifw atiid flin. M V. Tlnaa' rtmr. lhmN wlih h ! it n X m", I1' IT rhain u a ttakt lit a hickory . t Its-mi n mv lVt:. rhami In a mk )y a rrd k. d.ir(i and atMtrwcod ; ihfiifM NHI T.n:m ftiiiint- J H Hlrminsrham'si t?trnr , tniif x IT U rhaina a linswmut hy a rrd nak and ttlnr )ntlntfr; llttMK N H M a rhaina and -iM 11 tik in a hickory In tb hranea In tit oldlln. thnr N H U a takf Ity two ual iiakand jtine; thn B i W 14 rhaina to a ntakr lif two ptni mnsua lrw and p"t naa tlirnra H Ta W Achln HiUn tffninmnjr, cou laminar M met mr itf Iftm. TtrniB of nalv ra-'h JAMFH f. THOMAS. MopMHC lUdwlne ttuok, Attya. New City Ordinance. II la Arrtalard thai Hph'w. IvWraph and alpetnas Hrt wtrwa hraftr mM-d withla tha rnra,raMt Hmiu ntf ih nty nf Xmi n nhstd b tla(Ht nn ntnnrta at twat rtr firs fft aluiva th untajnti ftnd pmpsH t rrb4 t prrnt aaisrinaT. All waraotia,am uanlsa, flrai. cnriMiratlonsi or mtiiu Tlolanitv' thm amtiiianca ahall pay a Ina mi (wwaty-fiw dollara. Paaawd thl tad day oi HfnTmlaw. B !. AHH HAFT. mm. ( B4rl o Aldma City Monmr. New City Ordinance. ft ahall h wnlawfnt 1W any prnxm, enn ny. nnqinratlfwt sr flrwi nr thir airnta to )) anyaltVrat or mr th aia uf kj iirli annn. r)auaity. firm or por.ra ttn, or to ta4ih any plac tr ti U i4 viAmr SKlthln t Hm MinsnMI. Hftelr. ,ti f f Cirf nl 4nr. A of WaHMw, nMnfaWMy. Bra M eryoratiii r ntr'ni 4Una irn rn(iaut hail Mjf m pouaity of twrnty flra d ttlar. M.r AftlK'KAPT, Sm. a aVnJ f AliVrmra City ol Moaru. liil Iflll Bon Paint, Itching, fee a boy Bvalllara, C u-tn-ttv i'liuplra, Brrvsfala rwrwsukfm:yciirtiltytaiinv BaUala hU4 (win, a sVatreya tl aUf roiaoa la t! blood. r , t,jrt arhan4 pa a la fcraea, bavk aM Mmi, itrian rWWty Wta. Inland ftrtt bat thin. Bwu;, tt i tir4 Rmngi and Dumpa oa ltt ftk'a, MH rairtaat i Hnajta, tnra l v-4, rii;-W r - nMwaa Coppsv-O'larM Btor mli an R-ltv ail wulowa. of rrmsta, I laraoaa-ypart ot Mm lMlr,Uf f t-y atawa laUing eat, I' alaan- laa ar hoLt, takf Botanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed tn ranarva ttw worst and nm o tamir4 o,m wtwfw aorton, iHUPnt bu t. imi and but wiva f.L limit allama,ainaR;itw-la asura,ridiissltwt-lliaf atakta ksoM pqra anl rt-h. ampHrly rlaantrinr tlsa antira ao-ly l:ia a rlswa, IwaJdy a,tutkta. B. B. R, bw cmr htmnAo(mmmmt Btead lMaoiama anar aaaratag t Ut ataaa. Old RbtMiWfeltaa, Taiarrli, Fraawi ar aaaard ay aa awfi4 K eonduwa at tt aUoaB, B. B. TL mm lUwkmg mm! Bpunntj, hrhlnf and aeralrutc irM and Pkmi aim BlssnaisMaam, Caiatrhi Ivila sUl tVaK Bcaa, t iptNni, Waftst ft:wir, foul rwttftncB4faof Erfswi by ftrawj fsbaaMby Moad aaavly toaffMad aatta, Cancer Curnd Roups Blaod BaUi tatsw iMia at all Kuvta, rw M wallliCT, fcaita burr, lawanra, aglf tlaa, B atlaltawttruantd liMiMlWTfl ar wm tarssar arrfactia. If fm hu a psmtrt PtoyK Wavt, tfMlltac. SeeUn. Bt-acinj raaaa, taka Btaasl Jlilta ad lf Wi daairvrar Br.ara Jay b"li mmm l arwwr. Kny arrrli bosMaW tmaa f tmnm ptmd hy tabin Botaata Blaod fialaa. Bay lav- bmii sW I aaraMarls)(. lultl at sill m4 HraAaaatri.B.lUtalaawkstr. rmn lAta r4Ttif awa(ttr tAkteai, r mm tywrvd) T wmmmmg milk fcVsan'nMrv4p-i,wm.n.rlla fU axxl a'tO titaw Trfflf iTtoatssHnrym C .tiri.ivd i-f fti-B p 4ta rarrtcM, BFrfU,.t.i Wetl fcutma jd trit prnrim-., fi Jv r-T'-t-.rnri,' 6ma f W'B B sssln tsf H-H H, fsw4 inaii,- mmt tra hy -lsjf IttaxsA bsttsa Cm., AiMMlavOaw ihTIr ytf .1-1 f.- itmtx aanaa, awl uaa SPANKING M.4CMI.NE. Almost Kill Its Inventor While IteU Making a Test. ll.ircy Millt-r. a Cirm baud who ,,rl tor J. I- Kt-j uoUls, a jirxw H-nus f.iruirr at tVtlar I'oint. U v ui iU-s of l-rr, m ax spunkrU a!uit to tlt-ath by a nun-hine of 111 II (Mlltf IVAIMV. Milter, u U au inventor, 1U ri-ii-l a "tiKithrr help" uuu-hiue. It i-iiiisti. of a sa-rH-ii of tibouu- cr-.ii'h to le act iu each room of i In- lioii-.. in r?!.iiig a button any oih of the ,hoiHt:iaha le nel lll i-iill out: "Niip that, l:,b-rt, ami lie a tfiiod IwxT' tr ill -lloiit : -If j.hi aren't a iT'xxl Uiv. tuaiuiiM mill vhiii von!" The i.- U aorkrd b i-li-lrn-ilv and in Mipixw-d to n-lu-ve the niotlu-r of niiirli ruiiiiinc to aud fro arti-r li.-r oiUiiinj;, ami to m.ilc the Ut l.-r U-h.ive. M iller ha alsoa rluntiil pank ini; attat hiueiit. The iieniou lo lie o,.iuked t strapitl tUt down oil a U-.ml. while a stroii(t binlwootl pmblle olo-rated bv au eleetrie Ditv tr il-s the woik. Two dials con tiol the iiifrhainsiii. tlu the dial are pi uiti-d ai's from 2 lo Hi, no that the Ion of the blown rau lie ii'Ciilated auMrtliiie to the age. u the tt her are the words, "lirjht. fur. gin, hard. Reriowt, lo cor r.i.ptid with the otfeuw for which ptini.shiiieut iK to lie iiitlirted. Miller had hni.shiil the mechan ism I:lsI nilit. and after vainly at tempt t ng to secure a friend to try it, had lilinx lf strapix-il down on a hoard while a nuiulier of friends oiM-ratcd the woi li.i. The paihlliiif; wiui started at aj;,' 2, slight, aud gradually turned on until hl-c Hi, serious, w ns n-ai lied. Miller was by thia time roaring; for nu rcy uml promising to lw 'oihI, w bile the onlookers were roll- HiL' on the tiiMr doulilrtl tin iu l.iuliti-r. not knowing that Miller, the inventor, had Ix-en terribly ptinislii-d. M tiler's st teii(;th w as rapidly fail ini; hen his li ieuds noled his con lit it hi, but not Mil; familiar with the machine were unable to make it slop. Jl iller li.ul lost rouse musness when sottiiMiie released the buckels of the straps which held him dowu and rescin d him. Millet's fust act on tvpiiiiind his senses w as to destroy the "mother' help." The (inmblinif Business the Most Popular Part of the I'air. 1.1., ,'--!bi,.i iii tii r!iM.l..tt,- ilid,-r,rT li aw what conclusions yon will, aiuc, iiioiali.eaiid pivacli, and yet you in list admit that the pimbliui; machines were the most popular part of the fair. The races were j;ood. the lice nlli actions were aliow par, the bull and the pump kin w ere there iu all their glory, the Ferris wheel ciieled round and round, the pri.e pi j; disported hi ni sei I, the wild woman choilh-d iu her iiUf; but si ill men tuiniaj glad ly away and lost money at games iu w Inch tln-y (I ul ii t stand one cliancc in twciily lie to come out winueiD. The free, enlightened population went tip against skin gn hick, the most notorious devices of the fakir nils', mid smilingly and happilv sh ut hiiiiilrciU upon hundreds of dollars. Any tinker game would liae liecn fairer and more honest. and everybody knew this to be true; yet society, which holds tip its liunils in horror over a '.'.I rent lijnil seven up or set bark, hov ered, eagerly rloos', lo the fakifs and smiled lHiiiguly while nxiiie went to thieve and admitted thieves. If li'lllnjj the simple, bold truth is criticism, then this must he criticism, though it is hardly intended as that. killed Over a Stew Other Item BstMvru. At a colored "fcstihtile" one night Last week, iu the I'nmus stvtioa of law-aster iHinty. Jack lila. knhni was! shot in the head and instantly killed by Thump Watu, both rulonsi. The fuss starti-d over a pot of rhwk en stew that had mysteriously dwap pcareil. Watts,, who wait chief ok and boss of llm "f.-stibu'e," on miss ing the delu-ioiia st of strw, bcir.iu rursiiiK and tiring his pist.4 into the overhead rt iling. AUml that time ltiackmon Uk up the quarrel and at oniv divlared his intentions to break up the wliole affair, when Watts tiirtH-d his pist4 on Itlackmon and blew out his brains after chasing him away from the house. Watts is in jail at I.tncasler. Mrs II. F. Hivens has a lemon tree aU,nt two years Mi tiiat has this year Urne two hue lemons, oim-4 wttH-h is now riie. Tliey are as nicely, formed and well niaiunsl s the rej ular Florida lentoiL I The Wcddinhm circuit sent up a j clean sheet to the annual conference at High I'oint, all the assessments and .ibligatioiis lcug paid in full. Uev. M. II. Iloyle. the preacher in charge, was very highly gratified at lieing able to carry up such a favor able report of the work. The Wed dington ctn-uit is cmi",-d of Wed diugtun, l uion and Wesley (.'1js-1 churches, and they never do things in a half handed way. The A. W. Heath (Vs store was broken into some time Tuesday night by an unknown thief. An entrance, was effected bv prising up the win dow in tliemillim-ry departinenL 8c far two valises, several pairs of shoes, a few shirts and other small articles have been missed. There is no cine to the iilenlilv of the thief. tosetasmalasava4 bsalstaags All kinds of school supplies at elsh s I'rug Store blank books crayon, paper, pens, ink, pencils, at lowest prices at elsh's. I want your country produce of all kinds. See me before jou sell. S. K. Dosttr, n)LmnomifR sjares 01 S rreTesrts fassela The Confederate Veterans. I'r.-tfirivr lrm,-r. The lonj: gray line of Con federate veterans at the recent enraiiipiiient in luiieigli was a sight to stir one s bloisl. It is well if one ran appre nate the deeper significance of such a spectacle, "you cannot see. the mountains near," fcmt'iuou truly siiysj and we often wonder if the younger men of the .South real ize the largeness of the civil war rcali.e for how li.any thousands of years it will loom large iu the world's history until it finally lakes its place in song and storv with the mightiest contlicts of ( i recce and Koine. lint the applause of history comes too late ; and while they are yet with us, we should see toil that the survivors of the titanic struggle between North aud South receive an earnest share of the glory they have earned, llalcigh honored Itself in houonng the vet ertns. King, rU-nelik', New flint. Twttis cn,Hiiil,m. King Meuelik of Abyssinia, pro posing lo lake advantage of the scl ent i lie methods of iniutinir coin which prevail in the civilied w orld, has just impoited from (ier niany au outfit of machinery lor his mint, which is to lie set up at his capital, Addis Ababa. The last stage of the long Journey of this machinery will be by caravan, and, mom u will be occupied in thus traiisMrting it from the nearest railway station. It is said that Menelik, who for several years has had a limited silver eoiuage circu lating in his kingdom the coins were struck for htm In France has accumulated mora than 110,000 ponnds of gold bullion, besides a still larger amonut of silver, await ing the arrival of the minting ma ehinea. To the Public I take this method to inform you that my stock is complete. My motto is to give more goods for the money than my competit ors. I buy my coods from first hands, which gives meanadvant ar;e over others. Coupons given with each CASH 1TKCHASE. You get nice China ware free. Headquarters for Sewing Ma chines lor rash or on time with easy payments. 1 sell more shoes than any country store in the county. Highest price paid for country produce, cash or trade Such as chickens, eggs, turkeys, geese, corn, seed cotton, cotton seed, fodder or anything you have to sell. On Saturdays please make it point to come early in the day so ou can be waited on before the rush. Respectfully, W. P. PLYLER & SON, eaders in Low Trices, Mt. Pros pect, N. C. Monroe, N. C, K. P. D, No. 4. M. L. FLOW, Commissioner if Dwdi for Sooti Ctrtllu, ll mi Urol 11: tlsi 1 Jostles tflMPMM for Udioi Cwntj, ui Notirj Public for Ktflb UroliM. :: :: Special attention riven to takior Af fidavits, Acknowledfement or Proof of Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Bills of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Reooncia tioos of Dower and Inheritance, Dep Ofitions.Writinc and Probating; Deeds, Mortjiages and al otier papers, isfuiot State Warunts, Claim and 0sliery and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons and ths Collection of Claims. Office at M. L. Flow Co.'s Store east of courthouse, Monroe, N. C. I LJn-vrfll JS -r i-S BP1 I' a ONE-THIRD llm Tina tii Ytlae of hj Ottieil EASIER I faster! Agents wanted in all unoccupied territory, lliseler I Illsoi lunTictarlnJ Co ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by The . J.EudqeOo. INSURANCE roimmtniTCfej Sold by C N. SIMPSON, Jr. L H- THOMPSON. Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all classes of Cssuslitjr In surance. Only the best and strongest companies represented. I respectful ly solicit yoor business, assnrint prompt and efficient atttntioa to all matters. Office; Gordoa A Thump son's old stand. Phooe No. 1. aafces Usassr swat mmtw mM - ' ' - I ANs-CetdUrlVpatauonrorAs-similatmf! 8a? Fort and llftfula 1 hag te bkHctB anllVwi-rs is rrotnotrs KjeslioitChferfur nesa and tVsi Coalatns netihtr Opaum.Morptune ewrXua-rdl. Not Narcotic. 91 rr-Va-SIMSiTOB A? ,1 i Ii "SA ast jw- Aperfecl Rt-medy forConslipa lion. Sour StotKKh.DiarrlioMi Worms j'onvutsioiis Fewnsh nraa and Loss or Sleep. all Tat Swale Sinlurt of NEW YORK. 3 GASTORA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature JW of AAtf 1 . flUiP W In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact totr or wrappcs). ll BASTOBA H!!!f'n,i!,!,,,IUH'H'''HM,''m,MHI'l',m',''M())''i,iiitiiiitHMttiittMiiii aHfa.HlflIUIHIIMUIIIIIHIUHIIIIIIIIIII-MIHIlHIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllINII W. S. BLAKENEY, President. M. STACK. Vice-President -THE- lllHII RAYnOND SHLTE, Cashier- Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A modern banking house with every facility for the prompt and careful handling of all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and got interest on them. BmiiMMttiiitiiniitiiiiMiiitiiiiiitttiiiiiitii:itiMiitiiiiiiittiiiiiimiiiiiiiittiiittiiitiiii;i lUllllllllUIMIUllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll V ; yy,"" v, . ':-.ji ':'.-5.-? ' Aj? A 00000CK)O0CXXCX)C)00CXXCK00CX)M)30CKXiO0 rs - a THE t KEELEY CURE Do You fnow What It UotU I rt!itvf a wrin (f 1 -I- Ira f.ir mum drink m Uoti, ami rwlnatata man tt hii Uimt aixl Imilitr, j For full artliauliira, ,iiria THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. j (iKl:KKllllltO. N. c, 1 CORRF.SHONDi-'NCK CONFIDENTIAL. Our FaU Lme.1 The greatest eff ort uv liair ever made m iiqu ready for inspection. It merit tin attention of every buyer who buys "right. " Oar priees are absolutely "rock bottom. ' ' ft Maonlilcent Array o! Furniture, Iron and Wood Beds, Springs and Malresses, Dining Chairs, Jloekers, Suits, Odd Beds, Dressers and Wash stands, Cradles and Cribs. We lutve some Bureaus (hat hare never been offered on this marliet before that are beauties. 2 If you, want one you had better come at once. t . I ... - Jl jou, i'it ouij uni'i you SIT incut. T.P.DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7; Residence Phone H, A sssssee-eee -e.. .INSURANCE. No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Fve Hundred Million Dollars. $ $ Our Line: Fire, Life, Health, Actl dent. Liability, PiateOlasa, and Steam boiler. Surety Bonds on short notice. Your business entrusted to os will receive careful atten tion and will be appreciated. The Peoples' Bank, Agt. I.I. GORDOX, laiiger Insirapct D(partnet. 3C33XX000 I lvasttoodthi bottle. Dm H ats Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has Hood tha tett 25 yew. Averaa Ahnoal Sties over One and a Ha! MUTtta losUittracortoriwTtttrPtoyoq7 No Core, No Pay. 50c t June1 w mrmy aH at a Tea, Ct, ea C-o' Kert ILoo. LKw Kit.

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