THE MONROE JOURNAL G. M. BEASLEY, I - . V. BEASLEY. I --- TUESDAY, November M. 90J. It is nai.l tlut the Preident will urj in hi;) annual message to lm pvs. tlwt smiie step be taken by tlx national government to improve the public highwaysof the country. This would lie a hiijs1 iindcrUkin. but if some of the many channel of useless eenditiiresiof the government were dammed up, there would be plenty of money to spend for useful purposes like this. The useless expenditure of money in the government printing olliee alone would, if turned to the gid roads movement, earry it a long wsv each year. M illi ns of dollars are spent wh year in printing wholly wort hies stufT. There will, however. lie some objection to the idea of the general government undertaking to improve the country road, w hich, of course, belong to the several State. Hut from ancient times the construc tion of gxd roads has been consid ered a proper subject for national effort, and we no present day rea son why the I'nited Stales should not undertake it. It is stated that Mr. S. F. Hurtt of New Item lias gone to Massachusetts to secure a iniinber of Portugese lalmrcrs to work on farms in the vi cinity of Xcw lx ni. This may be the first tap in the negro's death knell as the exclushe farm laborer of the South. He has almost a natural inononly of this work, and did he care to make himself steadv. etlicient Southern Congressmen are urging President Roosevelt to demand in his message to Congress that something be doue by the government to exter minate the bol1 weeTtl w hirh is doing every year so much damage to the cotton crop in Texas, and, like a threat eniug cloud, hangs menacingly over all the cotton States. The national Secretary of Agriculture has given out a very hoicles view of the dan gers from the boll weevil, seeming U think that there is no remedy to be used against them. But there must beoue somew here, and somebody will find it Meantime, the Texas folks who are sending sample of the wee vil to their friends in other States ought to be put in jail for a lime. The decision of the Ohio Supreme Court placing its approval upon the right f Christian Scientist to refuse to call a physician to treat a minor child, is in the interest of liberty of parents, but rather detrimental to the children. Charlotte Chronicle. You plug the spike square on the head, dear friend. Yet mie folks seriously argue that the Stale has uo right to protect the children by forc ing the parents to send them to school or forbidding them to hire their chil dren of tender age to cotton mills. Anybody can see that the Chester field folk are proud of their new hank and are going to stand by it They took time by the forelock and arrested the fellows who were stroll ing about looking for a bank to rob. To be sure, the men hadn't robbed or tried to rob a bank, but they might have wanted to. Marskvlll News. FEARFU. H0L0CAL5TS. Charity and Children is holding up fur the"nlil tim 4inirim' itvwI.t ulm and reliable he could hold his job in-' ..... , . i. Now you are talking ' The "do, so. definitely and command better wages all the time. Hut he does not care to do these tilings, and it is only a question of time till his shiftlessness, carelessness and increasing incom petency will put him out of his job Of course, he will held it ill a way a long time yet, but his days are mini liercd unless he repents. No race ran get along as mere ground eiiinlvrcrs. for, me, ray, do" artist is not to In left out w hen it comes to giving the boys and girls good courting opnr-tuuitics. 1'nder Tainnianv "New York will le hell with the lid off," savs Rev lr. Parkhurst. As a hot phrase maker lr. Parkhurst is pushing close up to Kev. J W. l.ittte of I'nioti counlv. Italian I ji homers Penned l' In a Small Shanty Are Roasted to Death. While over 1"0 lialun railroad MarshvilW. Not. S3. -Rev. B F. Fiachcr p. cached in iba Metlkdjst church last night Mr Fineher was pastor of this circuit for four years and has manr fneud here. There wrtl be service at the BaHL l k shantv near iiMeiiunu II...-.. .uj. , laih, IV. on the IVmiivIvaiiu rail holt. Mr. Y. It. Marsh will have a fam ily reunion at his old home one and a half miles south of fc.wn Thanks- rivmi: day. The em house of J C. Bailey i Si caught on fire last Wednesday night. A crowd soon gathered and extinguished the naines. It is not known how the tire originated. Mr. Philip (Jntlin moved to this place last week He will live witn his son, Mr. K. C. C.nftin, for the present. Mrs. J. C. Marsh visited relatives in Charlotte last week. Mrs. W. 1L Wilhott of Ansonvilie is visiting at Rev li O. Wilhott'. Miss Alice Marsh h is been en gaged to teach at the Stewart schi'l house. School oietied Unlay. Dr. Hall w ill hvture at the acad emy tonight : subject. "Kvolutlon of the Woman." Mrs. J K. Ashcraft of Atlanta vis ited at Mr. II It Marsh last .vk Messrs. J F. Kwkuiks and K. V. Marsh sH-nt Sunday at O. K., S. C. Misses Kate Steel and Lillian Cuthliertson of Waxhaw wen- iu town Saturday. Mr. II. i. Asherafl has sold his house and lot mi Main street to Mr. Thomas Smith. The workmen are laving the foun dation for Mrs. Irene Marsh's new residence .1. The Cleveland Star say that some of the folks that voted against good! . . . T " V, ' . i . ,, . Public 5chool Note. 4tm.-. lit .'ur uir U'UllMII 'S OI lilt I i , , . ' j A good many teachers and com- con ,n a nvem ci.vtion. are now ; mitu,.nl,.n lave , v,,t ,,, , ,lt,ir wanting another chance to vote for teachers' contracts. This should U good muds. To l.e sure. We have all done at once. The law forbids the seen m-onle nut ilwuxelv. nrainst I'ayineut of any teacier's vouch. , it unless this contract has been proper ... , , lv tilled out and sent ill to the county eriucai inoiuent merely mi account oi superintendent some picayuiiish reasnii not worth a straw. But mighty few of us are big' The State superintendent savs etioitgh to forget our prejudices and "rnday. iVvmU-r lSth. has lieen ., 1.; i,,.. c . . . .i hxed as the date for North Carolina . day this year. The interesting pro- or morality is at stake, and here the readv ilisirii..oi.. i. people nv ott on little tangents in am anxious that everv public scl every direction: we lose sieht of a shall celebrate this day great cause Ixvause a little snvk of this year." .lust as soon as the tiriummm nre rtpti-iwl l.v tlu pmnitf piejmnce or MHisiiness gets into our sl,erinU'nilcnt, they will lie sent out ryes ami ilnves out any larger vision, to the teachers. This dav can Ik' .. Ti 1 . . made very useful. The teachers who in. vvius inoiupson, i ne rignt- ari. wiillg t t m, ran make it Hand Imwer ot .Marion Hutler during, good opHrtunity U) invite out the that worthy's regime, and Secretary ! parents and let them sin how the of State under his dictatorship, was Sl'1""'1 K'.'11""! n, and show their in Raleigh the other day, mid gave , inWn'1 111 o.n me iniorma l mat lie would. The six new rural libraries that resume the practice of medicine in; have lieen arranged for this county Onslow county on the fust of Janu- h&! lieen ordered and will lie placed iiry. Thompson was the sharpest of j J"st s""n M they arrive an me conspiiators excciit mitlcr liimself, but since his overthrow h lias dmpled completely out of sight. We have often found ourselves won deling what had Ixvome of him. On account of an uuforseeii turn in busi ness, tmder an out of date law, a great ileal of money went into his hands as fees while he was Secretary of State, and like the others of the leaders, he made his excursion into the domain of power pay. It is very unusual, when bank otli cials succeed in carelessly or crimi nally wnrking a bank, that they go out and slim it themselves as did the president arid cashier of theCarmh bank last week. The directors of the bank have made an assignment of all ils business, and say that there is no doubt of its complete solvency, only nobody could lie found that would biko the presidency after the tragic self-deatructi'.in of the former otlicers, It seems that the dead otlicers were connected with a cotton mill and the whole bunch were interested in cot ton futures together. From an article elsewhere in this pajier, it w ill be seen that the fanners who send fine stalks of-grain or other products to their county paper are not without warrant of distinguished precedent. Diny, one (if the great Roman writers, says that four hun dred stalks of wheat grown from a single seed were sent to the Emperor Augustus, and some enterprising far me'r sent three hundred and forty stalks from one grain to the Emperor Nero. What the bloody old rascal did with it we are not told. There are oulored men working in Monroe at three dollars and fifty cents a day. They are not practicing med icine or law, or preaching. They are laying brick. And in the South to day the demand for good bricklayers can't be supplied. Of course, it takes first class mason to make three dol lars and a half day. But there are thousands of less skilled mechanics in demand at good wages. Unskilled labor is becoming to be no labor at all in point of wages. . "The evil that men do live after them, the gixil is oft interred with their bones, says Shakespere. But sometimes folks hear of the good tilings we do and we don t know how they hear of it; it's just a way a good deed has of becoming known. South ern Education, published at Knox- ville, lenn., savs : "Mr. C. X. Simpson of Monroe, X. C, recently contributed I0 for rural school library in Belmont school district, (loose Creek town ship, I'nioti county." ! O O The action of the teachers at Rock Rest in asking the patrons of the school to contribute a small amount hi buy magazines for the school Ought to be followed by a good many teachers of the county. For 50 cents a month three or four of the best magazines could be placed in the hands of the school children each month while the schools run. Any teacher could raise two dollars for this purrnise. The magazines should circulate in school and in the homes also. If you can't raise f 2.00, one dollar will buv some. (Sood maga zines can be bought at the book store for ten cents. Live News From Sandy kid Re. C,'nvMi'!'!iv .'1 Thr J"urnl. R. F. IV Xo. 5. Xov. 23. -Hog kill ing is the order of the day now. Mr T. M Winchester killed one last week that weighed .111 munds tlct Prof lalrymple killed his pet mam moth black pig that netted a little over HO munds. Mr. R. II Howie has also killed some nice ones. Cap! S. i; Howie has a whole pen full of tine one to kill. Mr W. T. Keziah. who has Uvn right sick, is m. proving slow lv. Mr. E. A l'inniotid will move in a few days to Mr S W. Stewart's place. Mr James Presley has recently moved to dpt. S ti llouie's. Messrs. .1 M. an l A II House. .Ir. and family went to Charlotte today to visit their father, Mr A P. II .'ise. Sr. Mr J. M lions.- took a lot of nice turkey to sell fur Thanksgiv ing Mr T. A Pavis of the Vance neighborhood siolit last Friday night in the neighborlioml. The Wesley Chapel graded school ojx'ned on the Kith mst. with about fifty pupils. The members of Wesley Chapel are delighted at Kev M li. II . v ie s return to the Weddingtoii circuit for another year. We had a light sprinkle of sleet last Saturday night about il o'clock jii. .i. ti.r..iK i.....i.i . T. Polk place and will move to it soon. Mr. F. II, Wolfe of Monroe was at the chapel Sunday Mr. II. 1,. Price slnpiied sonic nice mammoth black tugs to Mr. .1. C Hutchison, in Mecklenburg county. last wii-k Mr. Price say he has the liest hogs in the county, they make the most meat with the least feed, and he savs they will fatten at my age. He says he cannot half supply the demand for pigs. Mr. hditor, since our rural route has lieen established we have no trouble in getting our mail. Our pa.ers give us fresh news even' dav. ind not like it was before, three or four dav old We iM the Jaily puiiers the same day they an' print ed, and really, we are almost con vinced that we are living in town ; all we like is a railroad and street cars and electric lights and a few other little things, you know. Bv the way, Mr. Pcnager, our mail car rier, is giving general satisfaction: he is clever and accommodating ami Iocs all in his iHivver to give the na trons of the Mute good and faithful service. road early u-lay the budding caught lire and before the foreigners c.dd esi-ape at least twenty-seven were burned Ui death, an J a score or more were seriously injured. The men wen- tniploje-d by Me Mcnamtn & Suns, on the IVunsyl v.ima railnud improvements between l.illv and Portage. There were ' on lite job. alt Italians, and in the s!iau!y which was hinted I2," of them were sl.vping The shanty was aUmt l'' feet long, one story in height and built in the usual s'vle of such .piarters. The eastern cud " .is devoted to the cooking and eat ing, while the men slept in bunks like surdities in a can. in the western end. Tlieie w is only one dir at each end and the windows wene few :.nd small. The tire i sii p. d to have start ed from an overheated stove in the . astern i ud. The building burned I ke tinder, and the rhmcs were ux.n the men ln-fore any of them were aroused Then began a struggle for the out side, and hie Thev foiiglj mid raiulled for the dmrs. the weaker U ing crashed down and trampled. Othirswere rusted I,. death there. Those who fought for the .U.r wen- in the wildest sort of ialiie They fought and kicked, an.l among '.hose who csc.i'd theie are many who War marks ..f the fierce strife which !. k place in this Untie for life. A few got out of the small win dows, munis clothes and with their imli. s cut from broken glas Many of th.we who died managed to go! out. Tin V had their savings of v., us in their trunks, winch were left Whin, I them in the building II. memWi'iig :!,i f,irt as s.'ii as they go! nii'si.le th.-j fought j;it as hercelv to got ha, k. A few succeed ed but f'r the sake of their hoarded treasure they gave up their hvvv tine eye-witness says he .Ins i)"l iK-lieve that- a single man of those who returned succeeded in getting out again. Ill the rums todav some of the Corpse were close the hooped Umds of 1 h. ii- trunks and melti d gol'l and sih. r w hich had Urn kept 111 those rivep'acle indi cated tint t h. y had fallen and died with their treasure in ih.ur ani s The bodies were all practically burned to An Italian who looked .it thoni l.ilay and who knew . very in. in in the shanty, was unable to identify a single one. ltruner Huey pay the highest prices for chickens eggs, tuikevs, ducks mi. I butter. Call and see thrni is all y.m have to do to get more money tliau the other fellow otl.'red Vou. Thanksfivlng Day Camlaf. ll nla' . tftABfcnvla . Mi IW Mlmi th. l a 1. If r I r'm hl' wll. lkC II a. attM-i trni )n, lb mf. 11 rn- That I .'r ha uMrClliu llkASfiaa I-iii... l. : Rousing Big Bargains crowd every aisle and counter in our stores. A new supply has just been opened up for this week. In this way you see we keep the inter- a.AMiv rlXur. est at fever heat by offering only the newest and most seasonable P. I lf HM 4KU. . r '-.! ,mi IUIm m ttM tat h wfch K nurh iran mf. I- .- hir ir frtv, ll mrti that I iff tM( aa4lal4 Ua a flil luanlfcVtt'M ' rrak L tABt4. merchandise at way below the lowest prices asked anywhere, and in many instances at about what the average store must pay at wholesale. Tn Thv frnnrle Sfmn For TarWII thrw-aot some- A J wvikj I'VJ. fSlSHrJSTK in Dress Goods, Jackets, New Walking Skirts, Furs, Women's and Children's Under- wear, Notions, etc.. that we have ever attempted. Really, you'll find more solid bargains to the square foot here than you'll find anywhere south of the Potomac. One lot fancy Flannelette, 10c. kind, . One case oil red and blue fancy Prints, special this week, -call on ltruner & Huey. FEEDING The people is what I am doing and more now thuu ever before. Just now I am giving them IKIII (hit Klakex, Force, Macaroni. Honey, all kinds of Fruitaand Vegetable, and Hams to cook them with. .1. II. Ilent. n's String Iteans. Tomat.ies at ! rents, liest Kiee at .'tj poutids for 2.V. Sug-ar at 5 ernts. California Kvaptirateil reaehe,10c. Xiv dried Apples 3 for '.'."i. I 'nines. Tobacco at any price. The bctt Coll'ee anyone ever drank from 1-1 to '.'.. Other things too iiuiuerous to mention. YnC ;F.T SATISFACTION OK YOI K MtXKY HACK. (ioods delivered rijlit now. Yours for business, W. A. STEWART. Phuue 201, The Ikst Yet. I have just shipped to mv stables iu Monroe a cur load of the finest .u..i..5 i lt.itt rin brought here. All I ask is tor vou to Kive ine a trial before Vou buv. I II do the rest. C, C. Sikix For new crop Mailed raisins, cur- units, citron, tigs, dates and prunes in on liiiiuer iiuev. Don't 3Iakc a Mistake I While cotton is eleven cents you I should think as much of your dol lars as you would if it was seven .e nts. I se economy, buy what you want and what you need, but buy it al the rilit price, lion'tpet the idea in your head that yon can buy Watches Clocks, Spectacles, Fancy lioods. Musical Instruments, Kte., in a large town cheaiier than in small one. for if you do you w ill make a sad mistake. Our store is crammed full of Nice New Goods selected by us from the very latest samples and Ih. light at the very lowest price. We like to please our customers and we do it by selling them good Watches, Clocks, etc., ut a small margin. Our store is the nicest in town, so our custom ers sav. and we keep it so by keep ing nice goons aim a lull line of them. Heme mher us when you get ready to do your holiday shopping, for we have something to show you. W. F. CHEARS & CO., WAX II AW, X. ( 7jic 3;c. Regular Shoe Store. Keep your feet warm and in style by wearing the latest style shoes. They cost no more than the old styles and inferior ones. Regnald, Crawford and Washington If en's Shoes, Queen Quality, Euppendorf, Dettimus & Co's ladies' fine Shoes no better made. See the new styles. Model Millinery Store. The ezclusiveness. beauty, style and elegance of our new millinery is well worth a visit. Our busy creating forces are daily making Hats, and Bonnets by the dozen to fill orders. Biggest trade in our history. In fact, we have everything that belongs to a first-class department store. Money saving opportunities almost beyond the power of imag ination are here. i i Belk Brothers. Invitations Just Out." Have you ever given it a thought! When you receive nil in vitation to some friend's marriage the first thing that comes to your mind is jS? What Shall I Give? j? Country merchants lose money every time they fail to see us. We carry the best line of goods suitable for their trade of any bouse in the city. Iiruner A lluey, We will soon be in our handsome new banking house and Invite oar friends to call on us. Our business has steadily grown and we shall continue to give our customers fair and honest service. Call in and see us. The Savings, Loan & Trust Co. White Star coffee aud Boo Ton flour are winners. Try them and be nappy. Braner & Huey. Thanksgiving Specials. Always studying the wants of our customers, we bare made a special effort to please them for Thanksgiving, listen : Pork hams of all sizes. Chickens. Turkeys. Sausage all pork or mixed. All nice cuts of finest steak. 'Phone la your orders at once and it will be oar pleasure to serve yoo. IL Z. White. 100 Boxes Brown's Mule tobacco for sale at Braner ft Huey'a, Call on them and save money. Wants a Hand Bad. 'il.rlott. olwerv.r. An Io-va farmer who has had tnm ble securing lalx.r, has advertised the follow inc terms as an induce ment : Wages will 1. (! a dav. Break fast will he served in bed. W'orkiiur noure will lie from It) a.m. to 2 p.m All heavy work will Is- done by the boss. Cigars furnished free. Any hand working the entire season can have the farm. This offer is made with an under standing of human nature, and com menting on it the New tork Com mercial thinks that he is in no danger oi losing his larm. He knows well enough that the better the farmer treats his "hired men" the less thev appreciate it, the shorter time they stay with him. Thev don't know when they are well off. No ambitious applicant for a job there will last "the season" out. The craft isn't built that wav. A Bit of Qood Farming. WtalKirr MMiiirr anH lnlf.:.if.nrrr. Mr. John T. Wall of Walltown is one of the county's most nnisnemus and progressive young farmers. He makes Ins hog and hominy at home, but in doing this does not find it necessary to neglect his cotton crop He has two acres of highly improved land, near his residence, on wich he made four bales of cotton last year, which averaged 510 pounds to the bale, I his year be has also gath ered and had ginned another four bales from the same two acres. The last fonr bales ho has not vet sold. so does not know what they weigh, but they are heavy bales. The land on which this heavy crop was made was fertilized with four sacks of guano, 40 bushels of cotton seed and a good coating of stable manure. 5,000 Pounds of candy, the best made no cheap, trashy stuff. Call and see as. . Braner ft Haey. J Now, that quest ion is very easy to answer when you come to Headquarters. If yon will call and sec the largest and hand somest line of i Sterling Sliver. I Cut Glass and French Hand Painted China t you will have no more trouble when you receive an Invitation. Our mammoth stock of Holiday goods is now readv for vonr inflection. The W. J, Rudge Co. 4 Don't Blame the Cook if Your Bread Is Poor, But in the future buy Porcelain Patent Hour. It is the best flour that can be produced by modern machinery and nothing but the finest wheat grown is used In its manufacture. Just arrived: Xew Crop Oat Flakes, Prepared Buckwheat Flour, Mouutain Buckwheat Flour, Xew Maccaroni. B trained Honey, Imported Syrup, Pin Sloney Pickle. If yoo want the finest eup of coffee yoa ever drank, try a package of Premier Coffee, and besides getting the finest coffee you also get a Bodgers Silver After Dinner Coffee Spoon in ev ery package. Ueceived every week by express Nannally's Fine Chocolate and Bon Bon. Fresh Cake, Crackers and Wafers received each week. TH6 Lindsey Groceru 60. TTIMttttMIII I iu Points ot Law worm Knowing. It w ill lie several days yet before you can kill quail and uot violate the law. But there are things one can lawfully do the year round. Bead the following and see what those things are"! A mau has the right to do as be with his own, so that he noes not injure his neighbor; therefore any man has the right to undersell everybody else if he so desires. This we do. Kvery mau has the right to hau- die and sell only the best articles an.l Iu tell the public alxiut it Tlllo WE IKJ. There are certain things that can't be done lawfully. For in stance: The assignee of a mortga gee cannot maintain an action for lisposing of the mortgaged proper ty. This we know ami we do not try to do. A man can't pay high prices for his goods and sell them to you cheaply. This we know and we do not pretend to do. Be fere any man or firm can sell right he must purchase for sale the right article at the right price. We constantly guard ourselves on these points and therefore we have a full store of only the best and most useful articles for every day use and consumption, and of fer them to you at the very lowest prices. We know you think this only an advertisement, but If you think there is nothing in It, come ami see. w e Invite your patron age and promise you the fullest satisfaction. No man or firm can do more thau this. Hill & Bivens. Established IH7J Incorporated 1001 Carolina Marble anri Upani r nmnnnn uuiiu vuiiipuityi U11U Our business has been more than satisfactory since opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all persons needing anything in our line. No grave, however humble, should be allowed to go unmarked. We can make a job to suit the price you are able to pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Craniie Co., I- E. EFIRD, Manager. MONROE, N. C Yards at Statesville, Salisbury, North Wilkesboro, and Monroe. fill Tilings Bright and Beautiful ? ? Well, why not t May be it is be cause you dou't spend your money where it will go the farthest. Yon should know that we undersell all because we get (be business to do. and, besides, yon know we furnish our own money aud do our own work. BfcET ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL Vt ell this is easy to explain. We sell to all alike. One man's money is as good as another's. What we want is your business. What you waui is 10 duv vonr Meat. I'beesa. Candy, Apples, Sewing Machine. and everything yon use. cheaiier man your neigoDor who insist on trading elsewhere. ALL THINGS WISE AND WONDERFUL. Well, there are those who would appear wise, but if they would be wise they would give me chance, at least, to open their eye. Now this it a nice ad. We've been of fered good money .to do nothing bnt write advertlslns beeaoM it sells goods, bnt I aay it la the price and courteous treatment Let u prove it Hitch npyonr wagon and come early. We will wait for yon. Henry W.Pusser. Zoar, X. C NOTICE! This is for you, If you owe us. Our money must be collected; and without any excuse we ask you to come and make immediate settlement. This year there will be No Exception to the rule; and if it is your intention now not to pay, but request us to carry over your note or account, you are go ing to be disappointed. We are going to have our money and you can govern yourselves accordingly. The Heath-Lee Hardware Co. To Care a Cold in One Day 1 iwMfciwHiim . Tib ligmtar. St?jfrvv box. 25c. I

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