ff- iii WiifT at' -irtfja THE MONROE . JOUR te Library mcho, VOLUME X. NO 44 MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY DECEMBER 1 1003 One Dollar a Year AFTER DR. MOSS' EAR. I A POPULAR ACT09 lantfd an ear-was lUtinninetl to I nrvrvLnniiu.ua ,haveanwr.and he knew that hi Young Charlotte Physician's Curt- MOOBM ft Gallut Soldlsr taj ear was. so hr a he could HI, the Item ol New a. oaity Qot Him Into Dig Trouble with Dr. Nehfcn, the Man W ho Wanted to Buy a Human Ear for 15.000. Chariot liWmf. "To UH tlw truth, my country rais ing mal nw rami," said tr. W. Ilost-a Mos. "I hail a intrntion of (i.irtinK with niv car, n.-t for $ 5,0(11) or glO.UJO, but that fcilow made me tu rvou. and I used to have the mst terrible m;htin.iri', in w hich I was strolling around with only one ear to t!ie I never felt quite eav until I loft New York." "What are you talking about?" said the reporter, who had just drift ed in. Then Dr. Moss explained. He had been in New York for seven weeks taking a giefidl course in medicine at the New York Post -Graduate Med ical Sol joI and doing special work at Bcllevue II- spital. He became in terested in what ho read about the unknown and weatthy miner who had hot his riht ear and who was offering $5,0(10 to any man who would sell him an ear, w hich would be'transiiosed to replace the n-.emher that was lost, the newspaers had a good deal to say stUnit the matter, and the fact that the man who want ed the new ear hail refused to dis close his identity added to the nivs- tory and interest in the matter. One day, w hen Dr. Moss was pass mg the ollice of Dr. A. L Nelden, the physician who was endeavoring to buy tne ear, lie yieliletl to curiosity and sought ailnuttance to the ottice. He rang, and a servant apiieared and asked for Ins card. Dr. Jinn hur riedly explained that he was one of the applicants who wished to sell his ear, and was admitted into an ante chamber. Here he found alxmt lift v people, men and women ; most of them seemingly oor, but some being well dressed and pnwiieroiiS'lonking All, of course, were volunteering to sell a right ear for the ?5,000. Dr. Moss sat down by a pretty girl w ho didn't seem at all happy. He engaged her in conversation, and fin ally asked lier what sh meant by coming to the place. "Why, to sell myear."she replied. i am engaged to a man in the om country, who is a baker, and recently he failed in business. This means the indefinite HWtponoment of our wedding. I am only a working girl here. If lean sell my ear for $5,000, 1 shall get enough money to start my lover in business again, and we can be married. No ; 1 am sure he will not mind my being without an ear: and I have thick hair, as you see, and can easily arrange it to hide the loss." In the crowd of wailing folk, Dr. Moss noted all classes of people, and was particularly impressed by the presence of well groomed, good look ing fellows, who seemed healthy and capable enough to work to good pur pose. They were a tired-looking lot. wearied apparently sad; and all hoping for a chance to go one-eared through life. Afuir waiting for some time,, Dr. Moss was shown into a 'irivate rooi,:-, and there fared Dr. Nuldon, a big, aggressive sort of a chap. ''What's your name?" hit first asked. Dr. Moss hadn't thought about a name. "A. J. McKolway of I An geles, Cat.," he said, after a second's thought. "Your business?" ''Insurance agent." Dr. Nc Men felt Dr. Moss' right ear, measured it, pulled it; grew interest ed, and then excited. He cried out, and a young man came from the next room, lie was a secretary and stenographer.. "Here ; take down these answers," said Dr. Nelden, whose eyes looked jubilation. He put Dr. Moss through a rigid cross examination. "You want to sell this here ear?" he queried. "Oh, yes," said Dr. Moss, who was beginning to weaken. "Why ?" "flecause because I need the (foot to tae Froit. xily ear that filled the bill. "And you can imagine my relief," ho tuvlared, "wlun I saw in the ncwsmera that Dr Nelden had found another man with a suitable ear. I understand that Ncldt n and his patient and the subject had to go over to Philadelphia to have the op eration performed, and it is said tat Nelden' plan of tnuisoting the ear is a complete snores. The fellow who disxei of his ear is about 40 years old, and is a butcher who has hard luck and is making the sacrifice for the sake of his family. And 1 am very glad that the wealthy gen tleman was able to dispense with mv trilling services, and I koie that he la satisfied, and may marry, or d. anything else he wishes to do, con- Stawell Finally (let Hi nancy. The new was nt nut from Wauli- ' "-" ingu recently that Miss Alice R.e-1 The Seaat-ll rotten egg eaxr i at velt.the i.resident' daughter. rode'l',, -leU. and H. V. Seawell of hors.laik man fashion -astride. As 'r"'ape will get his t,.V from tbi fashion i 14 uuoominon in :,be Aboard Air Line railroad, to some section the new caused null. niltt for rviee a buffer f.ir excitement Now come the Wash-' "u'a or m ot decomposed hen tngton corresismdent of the Our- ,ru" "ull nul pewon atoppea ul MortlsaarKaataav he thoughtfully to tba front, uti la a latter to Dr. Hart- HORSE HEN! For aiding the digestion, creating appetite and for giving life, vigor and strength to horses and mules, the best remedy of all i Ashcraft's Condition Powders! Stockmen who Sna have used, with indifferent result, con' dition powder recom mended equally good for horse, cattle, poul try, swine, etc., will find In Ahcrft' remedy benenuial to horse and mules only. It 1 not cure-all, but invalua ble for the purposes recommended. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are prepared from the formula of a practical veterinarian of over 30 years' experience, and when once used, horsemen will have no other. Thti la an aaettf that wt aav haea selling A.tjaeafi's aate,tle f" a number ot yeara, an that they littY rlTM vntTrraal MUpfM U'm. Th pai4 ru iMorporftlmi im cUlly rprv4 tuf Ih (Unm ltr whh It ! Inlnaa lu ir. Umnf ol our rnrtnmtr hT Inir mr4 Asharefft RenmllPt k wmrm will Kt aMbrKNOUSN DRl'O CO, Maara. . C." Ashcraft's Fowders fatten but never bloat, the hair becoming sleek and glossy. Always high grade. Price 25 cents. Sold by English Drug Company 7 A mu ! raftrd to Ptrmnki " I MpoUlly ppnetato Parana at this hiki wha I aa llabl to olu,eoab ao4 aUtof esurrkalaflaettoa. Parma brack aa 4mllbtoSadletMtortaaaaaaipUuito that I saaU not toll to awk fraa aaaof It whaaavw U ailktol (yuptom of eol4 annoy au. All paopl of ay pre fawloa hT a graal draad of acold, It ganarally nttraly dlasble tham from thalrdauaa. Thaactordapandiaoniooh poo tha clasraan of vols that a coog h or cold Is an unmitigated calamity. I am told by Dam bar of my proteatloa that Parana Is a raliabla remedy for la arlpp." Mr. Kaphaa'a addreas Is 1S Waal SHth (treat. New York City. book of lecture on "Winter Ca tarrh" will be aent free by Tha Paruns Medicine Co. Columbus, Ohio. pulled his right ear over until it rested close to his n.e and tlien let it flop back against the back of his head. money." was the reply. "Insurance agents do sometimes need money, you know." - Dr. Xelden smiled and said, "I see." He asked Dr. Moss exceeding ly embarrassing questions almut the habits of his great-grandfather, and was vastly entertained when Dr. Moss recited his c.xierienee with tliechick- enMx and measles and mumps and nettlerash. lie tapped Dr. Moss' teeth, felt his pulse, and was pro foundly disturta'd over any sugges tion of occasional dysepsia or indi gestion. Ity this time Dr. Mss was perspiring slightly, and wi.-lied he hail stayed away. " 'Tis the verv ear," finally de clared Dr. Xelden, iu a burst of en thusiasm. "We must have that ear. In all the lot, have seen only three' ears that came close to the require ment, and yours is the best ear I have vet examined. Ami you are sure you want to part with it?" he added, looking fiercely at Dr, Moss. "tes, indeed, said Dr. .Moss, as be wondered if the doctor would catch him if he hopped out the window. Dr. Nelden unfolded his plans. He told Dr. Moss that his patient was a very wealthy miner, who hal his ear torn off bv a chain while going down into the mine. He wore his hair long to cover the disfigurement, but he wanted to brush it back and be like ther folks, or he wanted to get mar riedor, at any rate, he wished another ear and was willing to pay lug money for it. lie explained his promised meth ods to Dr. Moss, and showed him the ittle cots and the plaster of paris comHisition that were to be used in the oicration. His patient, said lr Nelden, would be placed in one cot and the victim though that word wasn't used would lie close by in another cot. The two men would be bound together by a plaster of paris cast ; both being motionless for ten davs. Part of the ear would be cut off and sewed to the" patient's ear with cat gut This would grow to the stub of the missing ear, and then gradually all of the fresh ear would bo released bv the cutting nrocess and, by a natural transfusion of lilood, would be made to adhere to the head of the wit lent. Cocaine would be Used to deaden the pauw Of course, the strain of lying still would lie pretty bad, but the !,)(K, just think of it! And Dr. Moss was very nervous Kvery minute or so Dr. Nelden would roach over and pull hi ear and rave over it, and express his delight be cause he had at length found the ob- jivt (if his search. He made Dr. Moss give him his address a wrong num ber, by the way and made, him promise t) return to the office the next morning. Ho reluctantly per mitted Dr. Muss to leave his office, declaring over and over again, in ef fect, that he simply thirsted to chop off the right ear of the young Char lotte physician. After this interview Dr. Moss re mained in New York only a few days. He admits that he developed a case of nerves, and that he never again went within seven blocks of Dr. Nelden's ollice. He had fanciful, absurd, ideas, and every time he passed a dark place at night he would think how easy it would be for two or three big, strong men to jump out and carry him away and rob him of his beautiful right ear. He began to have fearful dreams ; in which he would be forever going to some place, and making a low bow, while everybody was pleased to note his large single ear which had grown to preposterous dimensions. He tried to reason about the matter, but with poor success. He came from Hall county, in Georgia, and all the hobgoblins and spooks that had been dead since his childhood were resur rected and came to his bed at night, and danced in a circle around the stump of his missing ear. If yon see him tomorrow you will observe that he is thin and pale. He will say that he worked a bit ton hard in New York, but if you press bint for the truth, he will confess that he has been suffering from a dreadfid case of ear-ache. , Dr. Mom was sura that the myste rious and . fabulously rich miner Negr Child Wandered in Woods for Two Days. In Guilford county la-J Tuesday week, Philip ShofTner. colored, was moving hi household goods and when he left home in the afternoon one of his children, a four year-old girl, followed the wagon without ncr 11 tier a knowledge, nhe was barefooted and lnmrlv clad. Her mother missed her but supposed the lather hail takeu her with him. When the father returned at uight and the child's abseiice liecaine known a search was begun. That afternoou a thunderstorm had pre vailed and coler weather followed. The white neighbor aided in the search and the community wasthor otighly aroused. Thurkday even ing late the child was found in a pine thicket less than a mile from her home, lying under a tree. She said she had Iteeu wandering around in the woods ever since she lost sight or Her lather s wagon. The sheltering pines no doubt kept hor from freezing, but it is remark able, that a child could be exposed for two days and nights, ecciulI.Y in the eviire weather of Wednes day night and Thursday, and eft ee alive. This one, however, while very weak and emaciated, gave every promise of an early re covery. Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of .approaching re volt and serious trouble in vour system I nervousness, sleepless ness, or Hloinaeu upset. Kleetric Hitter will quickly dismember the troublesome cause. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and ltowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Hun down systems benefit particularly and nil the usual atteudiug aches vanish under it searching and thorough enVetiveucss. Kleetric Bitter is only oOe. and that is re turned if it don't give satisfaction. Guaranteed by English Drug Co. . ... . i i. 5uperintendents' Districts. At the recent meeting of the comity superintendents of the State at Halcigh, the State was divided into six districts, each of which will form an organization by itself. This district is composed of the counties of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, HUuly, Lincoln, Caston, I nion, Anson, Wilkes, Alexander, Watau go, Yadkin, Davie, Iredell, Cald well, Catawba and ltowau. Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young ; when old, sometimes im possible. Strengthen the lungs aa you. would weak land and the weeds will disappear, The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. . If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begjn in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, thats the treatment and that's the best treatment We will send you a little of ths fmul sion free. Be am al iMi akMe h Km In al a kM W a aM kt al my aula el 3C0TT A BOWNC, Chemlttt, 409 Pearl St, N. Y. 50c. and fn all dranjbov lotte Observer atid savs that Miss Kiawcvctt doesn't ride horseback at all -astride or in any other way. The sheriff of Harnett county and his deputv ,have brought suit f. !2.iie0 each'against the Norfolk and Western rail av The ntScers were transporting four colored prisoners over this line. I'nder the State law white and colored people are not al lowed to rule in the same compart ment on railroad trains. Theotlieer wanted to take their prisoners in the second class coin part men t of the white car. The conductor refused to allow this and as the officers couldn't leave their prisoner they were com pelled to ride iu a colored eomart ment with the prisoners. . And this is the cause of the damage suit, which failed, as it ought. The Culan traty measure which passed the House of Congress Thurs day has Urn favorably reports! in the Nmate and there is an under standing lictwccn the leaders in that body that s vote will betaken on the measure iecemicr lut ii. soon alter the convening of the regular session of Congas. Peter Mortensen, the convicted murderer of James It. Hay, was shot Ui death in the yard of the Stale prison at Salt hike City, l lah, Fri- lay morning. 1 he choice of death by shooting or hanging is given con demned prisoners in I'tali, and Mor tensen chose to meet his death bv the hulliMe of pHtm gimnU. ("apt. ChristopherColumbus Morse. the olik-st marine pilot on the Caie Fear coast, died Saturday morning it Ins home in Soiithnirt, aged 7? years. During the war between the States he was'a daring hlivkade run ner in the t onfoilrnite service and distinguished himself for bravery on many occasions. A company has lifcn organized at (oMslmro with a capital of sl(H.- (KKI, for the purose of leasing the Atlantic and Norlh Carolina rail road, the question of leasing the mad will again be presented to the governor and council of Stale Decem ber Kth. A former application to lease the road was refused. The Mecklenburg Democrat are- early in the Held. The central com mittee of the county has endorsed Capt. S. B. Alexander for the Demo cratic nominal ion for corHiralion commissioner next year. It is urged that the Piedmont section of the Stale is entitledjo representation on the commission. The Wadcslxiro Messenger and In telligencer says that while walking in the IVc Dee swamp in Marion county, S. C, on Saturday More last, .Mr. Manmore Johnson of Cuillcgc township and a friend found two huge bucks locked together by their antlers. They had been lighting, and the oldest of the deer was dead, and had been apparently for thirty six hours. The men killed the live buck, and then got their horns un locked with the greatest dillicultv. The oldest buck w as 12 vears old. The. football teams of the Cuivcr- sity of North Carolina and that of irginia played a tierce game at Richmond on Thanksgiving dav. Contrary to all expectations Carolina won in great shaie, the score being IB to (I. 1 he t lrguua team had come from a series of victories, and were much surprised at tlie game. Rich mond was full of shouting North Carolinians Thursday night. Two safes were blown open and rolilK'd in Durham on Thanksgiving night. Onlv a small amount was gotten from each. One was the safe of the Standard Oil Company. In the trial of Burton Nix, aged l(i years, at Columbus, (la., for the kill ing last summer of John T. Kdwards in an oats patch w hich was claimed by each, the jury rendered a verdict if guilty of murder, with a recom mendation of niercv. Nix shot the son of Kdwaid at the lime he killed the elder man and the young man died later from the wounds. Nix was tried for killing the father, and an indictment stands against him for killing the son While out hunt ins w ith a party of friends Thanksgiving, Kngene Helta, a young merchant of Henderson, was accidentally shot, dving instantly. Robert Crockett fired at a rabbit, and Belts received the load in his back In the Thanksgiving intcr-collcgi- ate debate between Wake Forest Col lege snd Richmond College, at Rich mond, the Wake Forest debaters won the cup. North Carolina was on top in irgima on that day. At Staunton, Vs., last week Mrs. Kllcn Bailey was found guilty of planning the wreck which occurred on the Norfolk and Western railroad at (ireonville last December. The jury fixed her punishment at 10 years in the penitentiary. Her son, James Bailey, and Joseph Kennedy have been convicted of wrecking the train. Bailey was condemned to serve 18 years in the penitentiary, while the jury, in the case of Kennedy, brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree. Little Beatrice Petitt, two years iilrt.ot Asheviiie was burned to death last Thursday. In trying to put out the flames, her little brother, seven years old, was burned so badly that he died also, even before his little sister that be bad tried to save. me ranruiui wauon ( rneiny a few year ago, just after be had made a raiupaigu mh'U a a Pop ulist candidal for lieuteuant gov ernor. The Supreme Court yesterday evening dismissed the e(ilioo of the railroad to re hear its appeal from the judgment of the lower court. It will be reiueiiiliered that ou the appeal the Supreme Court ufliruied the lower court' jiidguieut awarding l..iUO damage to Sea well. Then the Seaboard petition ed for another hearing of the case, with the result mentioned. The opiniou of the court tan written by Chief Justice Walter Clark, and Associate Justice II. ti. Conuor wrote a concurring opiuion. Those opinions were confiued entirely to the legal iiucMious ut issue, and did uol in any way take into cob sidemtioii the actors in the egg throwing incident at Shelby that has iM-come of almost historical in terest. This eiuls it for all time, as there is nothing in the euse to warrant au upieal to the I'uited Stales Supreme Court. The facts iu the ease very briefly were these: Scawell had made a campaign siieeeh iu Shelby a the Populist candidate for lieuteuant governor. After his Hrx-ech he went to the staliou of the Seaboard Air Line railroad to take his traiu out of town. It seems that a crowd of young men of the town followed the speaker to the still Ion. They were liberally supplied with eggs that had seen better days, and just a Scawell went to board bis train they let fly nt him mid succeeded in pretty thoroughly plastering him w ith the decayed lieu fruit. Seawell sued Hie railroad for damage on the ground that tlx)' were liable fur nut proteqtiug a passenger at their station ubout to itourd one of their traius. Some nice legal points were involved and the case was fought hard, every inch of ground being contested stubbornly. It has beeu in the court iu one way and another for several years. It came out on (he evidence that the crowd that egged Seaell came out of the ollice of the station agent, ami moreover that that olllcial threw at least one egg himself and urged on the others to throw eggs and laughed when the eggs ex plmled uiou Seawell. These last things were the main fact he relied upon to obtain damage. The opinion of the Supreme Court is entirely upon the liability of the railroad company to dam ages for failure to use all means possible for the protection of its passengers. Fight Will Be Bitter, Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual reeoiiiiieudutionuf Dr, Ki"U'sNcw Discoypry for (Vuwiinption, will have a long and hiltor tight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Head what T. R. Beall of Ileal I, Miss., ha to say i 'Uit full my wife had very symptom of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else had failed. Im provement eamo at once and four bottle eutirely cured her." (iimr anteed by English Drug IX Price ."0c, and Trial bottles free. A Frightened Horse, Kiiniiing like mad down the street dumping the occupant, or a hundred other accidents, nre every day occurrences. It behooves ev erybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good m Itueklen s Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Kczema and Pile, dis appear uuickly under its soothing ell'eet 2,'ic. at English J)rug CVs, A Good Cotton Crop. Winston Hmlltren. Mr. Duncan Smith of Qoldsdoro has seven acres of hind on which he has made twelve bale of cotton weighing over !i(M) pounds to the hule,nn increase of two or three over last year, while the vast majority of people around have suffered a very material loss iu production. Mr. Smith had a small patch well culti vated, while hi neighbor farmers had large patches poorly cultivat ed. The cry is for small farms, well fertilized, and well worked. The Floweret. Ciatrllalr as Tar Jnerael. Th hwli ,,. l an,1 r. U ay lh bl li lb yrar , Ana u i awn a k hu 4 Witami w-orv lwaina ? a Itwk. Tl tr1,h-al ma', (..Mre njt, Tfc full aput'frv rft Ut. Ha ii ih W, ,kn With aertanM. itwdvM laO,Mra. ul lhrellli.f winfa.rMat H a.. wr4 Om fr.a thv IhI, A !'1 th t.a nl..r .4 a-tar. At aim.. ..rf ih j raia.1 drray. tMt ta.ni tah ejtral ari. Well ni nnniWrinf l arna. Ana atnfltlr,! in ai. brt tn, Th avail aiMlarw ul ilvr ail ej. A Costly Mistake. Blunder are sometime very ex pensive, (lecasioually life itself is the price of a mistake, but you II never lie wrong if you take Dr. King s New Life Till for Dvsiiep M'ii, Diuiues. Headache, Liver or Uowel troubles. They are gen tie yet thorough, '.'."w. at F.iiglish I'rng iv. Caught the Black Bear. SlatfTlll rriMiiarat 4 tha Chart.,!! Ob-rar. Mr. J. W. Albea of Harmony suc cessfully used a bear trap to catch a chicken thief a few nights ago. His guineas disapcared so rapidly that Mr. Albea resorted to a scheme to catch the thief. Placing a bear tran under the tree in which the guineas i mated one night, Jlr. Albea retired to his bed. A Is ml 11 o'clock he heard a negro yelling. The negro had been up the tree, had caught a guinea and had pulled its head off ; he came down and was making off with it when he was caught in the bear trap. I ndcr promise not to do so any more, the negro wa "released and went oq hi way rejoicing. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, at they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There ii o-jly one way to cure deafiieu aud (hat ia by constitutional remedies. Deafneaa ii caused by an iuftamed roudition of the mucous hum of the Eustachian Tube. When tin. tube gets iuflamtd you have a rumbling aouud or imperfect hearing, aud when it it entirely closed dcafneai Is tha re. suit, and unless the inflammation can be taken out snd (hit tube restored to ita normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of , ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but au iuflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give Oue Hundred Dollars for any esse of Deafness (caused bv catarrh)that cannot be cured by Hall's taiarrn lure semi lur circulars, Ires. F.J.W1ENEY4 CO, Toliuo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c, Hall s family pills are the best nc auction, ui tu nianrnt hiiiotr, ihr follow tnK (lrM4rllil tracl of land. I tna on Hi walrw Land Sale. r virtu of a poa-pr eontaln,! Id a earutn BlorlaaiiaV,liiutfl bjr U. r. Brook, on Hi th of Aueum. mm. and reordl In Book Ar'. part in, the undersigned will, on Monday, December 14th, 1 903, at th eourl noun door In Monro, ar-ll al null. ildr, ihr folio, na- on Ui wai ul klhaMMn' Crk and adjoin!! Ih land. nf w. rl. Hr.Mk. Marffar! Nurar.. J. II. Hlrm- Inaham and oilier., and bounded a. follows . Benlnnlna at a dead pine in a. Iiraiu a l) s hickory and iiemlnmoii. c Brook, cornai, and run. down .aid liranvh .?t chain, tu a .lone In ld brand! b loo ulu. and eliu, . K TtiomH coiner, ihenc wnhni.llii NnS, I . enain. ut a Hiaie- or a nieaorr ; tnence HSR ISUchaln.toa.uk bv a red oak. douwoorf and HourwiMMl ; thence Nntu K a.Mi chain, lo J. M. BirmniRltani'.corner. thru N Sb K ISM' chain, to a dogwood by a red oak and nine pointer, mence n it vi a cnallia ant! u una. lo a hickory In 111 braucU in Ihe olillln; Ihinio N 4ilU W ami to a .lak by two post mk. and lilne, thence a 4 W t ohaln. lo a lakeliy two iMirtlmnion Ire, and no.! oak. thence MThW ! chain, totlia bliiiilii, uou talnlna ral aceev Olor or I., ivrui. ui aie : a-n. JAMta K THOMAS, Uortiragce. Hedwlna k Slack, Ail.. Asth ma "One of air daughter had a terrible case of asthma. V tries! almost everything, but without re lief. T the tried Aver Cherry Pectoral, and three and one-hail bottles cured her." Emma Jan Eataminger, Langsville. O. Ayer's Cherry Pcctortl certainlycurcsmanycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Turat dm; Zk.eV.il. AaaratfMe, , J rw..t ywr aerkw. It a rays taaa M, lata a., tf b vail few aM l ufe. H thre Mit lahe h . i ., ... laataS ana bla. w. .r. wllSnr. .c aiaaixi..i4taaa. Don't 3Iakc a Mistake While Cottou is sdeveu eeiils jou tould thiuk as nun h of your dol lar a you would if it "its Heven eeut. I'se eeuiiouiy, buy what you waut aud what you need, lint liny it at the rilit price. Itou't pet the i'lea iu your head that you can buy Walebea, Cloelis. SieetaeleK. Fant y (ioods. Musical fiiMrtiiuents Kte", iu a larpe ti.wn rhenper than in small one, fur if you do you w ill make a sail mistake. Our store is crammed full of Nice New Goods selwted by ns from the very lalcM samples and liotijrht at Ihe very lowest priee. We like to please our customers and we do it by scllin;: them good Wa'elies flocks, etc.. at a small margin. Our store is the nieest in town, so our eustoin-! era say, ami w e keep it so by keep-1 injr nieo troods and a full iineol' tbem. ReuieiiilMr us when you get ! reavly to d,. your holiday shopping, i lor we have something to show you. I W. F. CHEARS & CO. J WAX II AW. X. C. 4ny Famish Sale Bank Stock. 'l on m lale, ! 11 ii By virtu of .ii'ht.rity ,,nf, i Uer. of .i!i!:ihi.-tri,llon ..n n... W . Bnioui, I will, on Wednesday, December Oth, om -ell to 1'ie hlirli.! l.i.ldrr, ai po'.ll.. ,,ucti. n.al "'U' -e i!...r in M..(lr,.. s r tj.. hare Iu The NavhiK-. I..u ,k 1iii.!C',m,. lerni. .,f ule: I'a-h. 'I hi. lue i;:li d ,,r Vovemlier, Ivua. Al.ll'r? M KRIKIM. A.lnil , . . ol Hiiith tt. Mr i. iiec'd. Iteilwlne i siai k. Aliy. Notice. UiSS OK BANK t'KKTirii'ATKs. I have toe! Iwocerllflti,.. f ,,...t ,,, X!,e eopl'. Hank of Moiir., , .h u, Amanda lawll . name, for .":, and So. i, 11, mi wn name. f.,r linuai. All ir...n. .r. i,ri.. named airaiu.l iriolina tor in! iriiiic.u... aveaireaily mail aiipltc.tlou lor du.li.-ale.. ill. Noveui'lief sn. Ivos. KI.ISIIA STANCH. You Know What You are Taking Wheu you take (.rove s Taalelrss thill Tonic because the furmula is plainly printed on every bottle showing (hat it is simply Iron and Oniuine iu a taste- ess form. No Cure, No 1'ay. oc. When painting your dwelling call and see us for prices. We recommend and guarantee Harri son's paints. S. J. Welsh. I want your country produce oi all kinds. See me before you sell. S. R. Doster. Best brands ol cigars, tobacco. smoking and chewing, at S. K. Duster s. F0lTOH0InTAR tae eosagh autat tJ lasaf 5, (MM) Pounds of randy, the l't made---no vheap, trashy stuir. Cull and aee lis. Hi uner & Huev. that comes under the 4". W. 1. label is good varniah. It means that it's The Sherwin-Williams Varnish. It means that it's the best var nish made for the purpose you want. It means that it's an honest varnish. It means that it's a uniform varnish always good, each time you buy it. rut your confidence in S. W. t. S( 1 1. d b v Monroe Hardware Co , 1!. lii:i) i:.i:X. Manager. INSURANCE L. H- THOMPSON, Kirc, Lite, Accident, Health, Lia bility and all classes ul l asiiality In turauce. Only the best aud strongest companies represented. I respectful ly solicit your business, asfurint: prompt and ethcieiit addition to all matters. Ollice: Guidon & Thomp son's old stand . Phone No. i. Horses, flules. chides. Oon't fail to see me for horses, mules anil vehicles. I have a splen did line of each and don't mean to let anybody get ahead of nio with bargains. It' a notion to bny has ever crossed your mind, come right, to see me. C. ('. Nike. Sewing Machines, liest and cheapest, ut the Monroe Furniture) Coiiiliaiiv's. if you want to get money, como to us. If you wanl to put your money where it w ill Ih-safely kept, bring it to us. We will treat you right. The Savings, Loan & Trust Co. Country Produce- I sell butter, chickens, eggs, and produce so fast that I can't buy enough. If you have any to sell don't sell a bit of it until you see me. I want it. S. K. Dostkr. Farm Lands for Sale on Time. Br virtu of an ordr nt Ihe SiinertorCourtnf I'nlon eounlv, N. e., made In Ihe eaune where- in The Havlne., l,oan and Tni.t 'oniiaiiy. ad ailnl.lralorof W K. Hasty. I. tilalntirf, and V M. Ha.ly and oHier., helra-at-law of W. K. Ha.lv. are defendanl.. The Saving.. l,oan and Tru.t l'oaiiauy, admlnl.trator of W. R. Ha.ly, deceaned, will, at li o'clock at., on Wednesday, December 9, 190J, at the court hou. door In Monroe, M.tV, aifaln etiMM for le a tract of land denerlhed a. fo. low.: i.yina anil iina in 1 nlon eounly. Slate of Norlh I'anillna. Mar.hvllle lown.hiii.un the walcr of Lane. :reek. hounded on the norlh by 0. N. ainiiMon'. Bower.' tract, on the ea.l l.y the land, of Thoa. O Ha.ly. on the m liy W . H. Ha.ly'. honielract fnow lu uh.ium.ioii ul Xcck IU.lv L on Hie w.t hy Ihe We.lvy Dun can tract anil p S aininoll'. laud afurawlil, conlalmna a acre nin-, or le... aald land urliia adil .uluiail Mi widow', rlaht of dower. Term, of .ale i Ona-thlrd na.li, remainder to he aiH-ured liy bond wllh approveil aurrile., imyalil five nionlli. from dale of wl, the title lo 1 rMirved until all nurchaue money .hall have been mid: Hit .aid land lilnam.dlo crea! aMt. wherewilh to pay IndeliteitueMof me wiu c.iie. i ill. ivwirr .1, iwa. THK BAVINilS.UiAN ATHI'NTrO. Ry Adam., Jerome a Armfleld and S. t Viilh.au, Ally.. Land Sale. Sy virtu of a decree of th Superior Court, made hv llie t'trrk, In Ihe .tterlal nroceedliie enlllled "K.ther R. Bra.well, alnunl.tralrlk of J. r. I. Hraawell. deeeaaed, and W. H Bra. well v.. O. J. Bra.well et al.," the underlined eomailaalunera will, tin Monday, December 7th, lflj, atUieeotirt hnue door In Monnw, N. C, aell al niihlle auellon, to the rttalieat Uditer, the follow Ina decrl bed land. In loaiae Creek town .hip. via: rlr.1 Tract Adjolnlnr the land, nf W illiam Sell, Wlleon Bra.well. W HU. Medlln and oth er., containing 1AA acre more or lew, and known aa the home place vf the lal J. K. S. Braawell, deeeaaed. Second Tract Adjoining th landa of PreMon. V. H Sentoa and othera, and lylmt on Ch!nu,uln Creek, eonlalniua till acre More or le... renervtiia and eacauline from Iheahove dracrllied laud, all aarw. oovared by th dower of M ra I. araawell, aa follow. : Reglnnlna at a .vaka by a eiatd, Hiram Bra.well'. eornar. ana run. ai. na n. ia iu-iw hatn. in a .tak In a nd by a r. o.. aald Braeweir. cor ner: thence . seU B. ft ehaine to a atake In a eld . thence U W S -li chain, toa atake ; lhanee . at R ski-I'M chain to a atake In W N.Sell'a line- thence S SH, W. Is uVHai chain, lo a .lake, Wlleon Mulll.' corner; theiw with hi. line N. 4a W . M aa-ha chain. Vo a (take. hl.onrner; thence S.ft! R. IS na-lea ehalna hi th btnntn. eonuinlna aa1 acre. More or leaa. Allouuldeot Ut land covered by the aowarwlll he add. Terra. : line-lhlrd ea.li and balance In three montna, witn tateeeet rroat dar of Ml., Thl. lata Oakibar, !. a. a asnwiNt, A. M.BTAI'K, CMBatlaaloaara, Resale of Farm Landa, By vlrta nt aa artier an aarre atari by I A. Armneld, c. a. t . In a .lelal amcerdlnf wherein J. t. Tnader, A manna Smfia, t al.., ar plaintiff, an Boom M.tVjaaer.at ala., ar wew.Wi win, w , Monday, DMtmbcr 38tk, 1903, nyom to ml, to th hljrliwt MMcr. tt jmhb xt iir Wir sftMa-i tjFnr in !StlJaB, f,. C, two treto tf hkfM lnl m MIiivi; lot Tract'titJr4iri Wwr. mnr (f tmt nhftH to Uh lit vtulf! of AHtMtU I Ml ill. v6 rjinaj s pan in trim mn (una, lyttur I I'ninn erntT, B. o.. r ldtM trntl. IO. i w aV'i i nir Mif.t lri4ta. AM. ita1nT t nari of U KH ('nWr Mut trtrnt tit m4 cotmt nd lutf. A hill Imi tad bim of mAA n4 wnj W m ts mr m At im mHi t)wiinT. Trmt of smt rh tviiti tb fmtlnrtst rf) t4llta( HmwiM Ii-mi Hov(jir n4. IM, Hd tttl ititw4 ant., all tt purrhaar monvj ha baea amid. Aapmvxf wmirUr riatrad am nmriTi yj wrnv. i n mm. vo, mm. A. . UU. WlUft, Otmawar, A. LEVY. A. LEVY. A Display of Dress Goods that will bear comparison with large city stocks. Here you will find Zeibeliens, Cheviots, Granites, Scotch mixture and Plaids, Broad Cloth, 51cillian, Canvias Weaves, Armours, etc You will make a mistake if you do not Rive this splendid stock of Dress Qoods a look before purchasing. No trouble to show you these goods. Oct price and be posted. Fall and Winter CLOTHING, Those appreciating High Grade Clothing Guaran teed by the manufacturer will do well to see my line before buying their fall suit- I have tried to give the people of Monroe and vicinity the very best that money will buy- Buy none but St rouse Bros. Guaranteed. They are as cheap as others- 5ee my line of boys' and children' clothing- I can save you money. Sole fluent tor Hamilton-Brown Shoes. fly lines of Shoes can't be matched in any tow n- You will find all of the Hamilton-Brown Shoes the very best makes; also the celebrated Hess Shoes for men. LADIES' WRAP5, all the newest styles. Don't buy any thing In Wraps be tor you tee me; I can save you big money. Our Millinery Department will be en ef eur pet departments this season and we will five nothing but th latest and most stylish hat. Our trimmer Is young, but old In experience. One hundred new fall ready to wear Dress Skirts from $100, II 80,12 00 to $13 00. New WaUtlngs Id all the leading styles, cheapest to best- A. LkEYY. Ai 1