THE VOKROE JOURNAL R. F. BEASLEY. Pu'SUlHSSS. Tl'ESD.VY. December i, 1901. Mr. Cleveland Wouldn't Be the Nominee. The k"' iN-ni'vraU aim have ImH haunt"! liv tin- nightmare tf aiHhrr 1-aiiJnUy of Mr. tVxt-ljitd, mav now laid ivt from the siKni Mr. Cleveland will never be the nom inee. In a letter to the editor of the Brooklyn Eagle last Friday, the two time ei-iresident says : "I have wailed for a long lime to sav gnmelhinj which 1 think should lie said to you before other. You can never know how grateful 1 am fir the manifestations kindly ftvl in,' i...inl me on the iiart of mv . - countrymen, which your iiuti.itiou has brought out. lour advocacy in the rjjjle of my nomination for the presidency came to me as a great sur prise and it has been seconded in siieh a maimer bv lVuuvratic senti ment that coiillieliii thoughts of i-r-iiltn.l.. mi, I ,liilv have eausetl me to hesitate as to the time ami manner of a declaration on my part concern ing the subject if such a declara tion should seem necessary or proiier. "In the midst of it all and in the full view of even.- consideration, I have not for a moment been able, nor um t lt.iu' ;!.. to oin mv mind to the thought, that in any circumstance or upon any consuleration, 1 snotuu ever ax-niti become the lloinintv of mv tuitv for the presidency. My determination not to do so is unaltc able and eonclu.ive. This you. at least, oujit to know from me, and kIhiiiIiI ! i?lail if the Kairle wei made the mediiiiiiof its conveyance to the tmblic." The Journal lias always held that Mr. Cleveland' stronj; iniitit w.1 doing the right tiling at the right time iimeliuess. This is anothei proof of our estimate as well as o: his good ta-tc. Mark you. there havi kvti hundreds of attempts to ge him to av something about the third term sugis'stioii. Hut he was as mum ns an ovsti r. His sense told him thai the time to speak had 110 Come. lie knew it would be bad taste to be declaring that he would not accept something that, at that time, seemed certain never to lie of fered him. So he refused to licet the here and there sugnesf inns' of hit candidacy. Hut the movement Ut- xvanls his nomination has of late Ix-coinc much more definite, so much so that to delay further speech -did he not desire to accept it would em barrass his party. Heretofore then has liecn 110 danger of this, therefori Mr. Cleveland didn't make himself ridiculous bv ilivhiring auainst it Of course, there will lie those win will say that he waited long enough 1o see that he couldn't get the nomi nation and then spoke, but discount ing the honesty of a man who lias never yet proved dishonest, as that view does, it could not be true, for the simple reason that every observ ant person knows that the Cleveland tide was higher the day he wrote that letter than it had ever beep, and t hat it was still setting towards him S, we prefix to think that he never had any desire for another nomina lion, that he intended never to ac cent it even if offered, and that he delaveil saving so otilv till such time as good tiiste should dictate that he no speak. Good for Children. The pleasant to take and harmleaa One Minute Loiiuti Cure gives imme dia'.e relief iu all cases of coug.h, croup and la Krippe because it Uoea nut pas immediately into the stomach but takes effect rlit at the seat of the trouble, It draws out the intlamma tion, heals and soothes and cures per manently by enabling the lungi to con tribute pure life-giving and lite sua taining oxygen to the blood and tissue! Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Teias, pre scribes it daily and says there is no belter cough remedy made, Sold by English Drug Co. aud S J. Welsh. Some Hints to the Wise. XValhaa Kntrrprix-. The idea that the main source of newspaper's income is from its adver tisements is more or less prevalent among newspaper readers, out cer tainly with the local weekly this is not the case. If the income from adver tisements in any purely local paper equals the income from subscriptions, then we pity both the editor and his advertisers, la such a case the edi tar would be living on the verge of starvation or his advertisers would be paving very dear for space in his pa per. And yet the idea above referred lo has imbedded itselt in the minds of many readers of newspapers and they are making it an excuse for the non payment ot subscriptions, seeming to think that the editor is after only the advertising patronaga and regards his subscription accounts of little impor tance, la addition to a strong adver tising patronage, 00 local paper caa be published with any measure of success for less than one dollar a year in cash to represent every subscriber 00 the subscription books. And ever sub scriber who fails to pay simply fails to pay an honest debt, a debt that is just as honest as if were a grocery bill, or any other honest debt. This mocb baa been said, Dot with any special refer ence to this paper, but to all local newspapers, and because a great many people need education along this line. And every newspaper woald do well to occaaionlly drop ia a little educational matter of this character. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the disease sppeara an i a threatened at tack may be warded off. Hundreds ol people ate tbe reoiedy in this way with perfect sacceaa. For sale by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, Jr. Basaett Cane L'p Today. ni an 1 TW laTMl Trinitv College, Xu. 7. Pr Kilgo U attending the North Carolina Con ference at tioldsboro this week. Dr. W. M. Moms, a returned mis sionary from Africa, gave a highly instructive lecture before the student body a fear evenings ago. Contrary to what has been gener- erallv reported, lr. Bassett ha not yet resigned. The board of trustees tthvU Tuesday, IVoember 1st, to consider thisJeplorabli iffair. Noth ing definite can be given out till tlic action of the board is nude public. Unite a treat deal of interest in football is being taken again by the students of tlie college, and an eltort will doubtless lie made to reinstate that game in the college athletics dtirins the com 1111: season. Trinity is preanng for another inter-collegiate debate with r.mory College of lleorgia. The date las not been set, but the debate mill pos sibly be in the spring. Thanksgiving day in itself fur nished sjiecial reasons to the students f r gratitude. 1 he coming of a in u- day is always anticiated with se cial delight F.ven now Christmas is mentioned bv the students, esixvi- allv freshmen, with the avidity of a six-year-old child that has been labor ing under the delusion of a Santa Claus all its life. llev. Pr. Martin, a very able and effective preacher of Lynchburg, Va.. is conducting a series of iiMVtmgs at the First Baptist church of Durham. The plain goseI, as he presents it, is having good effect. Rev. II. C. Moore has been assist ing the pastor of the Second Baptist church in a meeting w hich has told for giwd. Mr. Hal Adams hits been elected president of the Columbian Literary Society. This is one of the highest society honors. 0. 1. II. Live Items From Win gate. C,rm,nult!Ke of Tlir Journal. Wingate, Nov. 2,s. The union meeting -f this association met with the Baptist church of this place on last Friday at 11 o'clock, with the introductory sermon by F.ldcr J. I.. Bennett, after which the following otlieers were ehvted for the following vear: F.ldcr J. A. Bivetis. moderator, j. W. Bivetis. clerk. The pill of churches was then called and representatives from thir teen churches were present. The follow ing were chscn to pre pare programs for the meetings of the ensuing vear: F.ldcr D. A Sni der, I'rof. M.'K. Dry and O. M.San ders. The main event of Saturday was a very strong and apjiealing sermon on missions by F.ldcr V. F. Watson of Monroe. The next meeting of the union w ill 1' held at Macedonia in January. Khler A. .Marsh will preach the in t rod uctory sermon and Fhlertl. O. Withoit will preach on Sunday. At the close of the fall term of the Wingate School the members of the literary x'ietics of the school will discus the follow ing subject : "He solved, That thcl'mted Suites is jus tifiable in her dealing with Panama." Athrmative: W. K. McWhirter, L. L. Hurley, K K. Sinclair, W. .1. I.ind sey; negative: J R. MclMidoti, (!. B. Hairier. H. B. Jones, (1. II. llinson. l'mf. Pry tells 11 that he has had a new student to enter school every week except one since it opened in July. Pr. Hall of New York lectured to the student here on last Tuesday and to a good audience at night on "How to get married and stay mar ried." To those who had the pleas ure of hearing it was a treat. It was full of wit, and yet lieneath it all there was more sound wisdom than there was wit. Mr. Jo. M. Criflin of Rock Rest moved here on last Wednesday for the benefit of the school. Mr. R. I). Redfearn of the Polkton Academy came up for a couple of days Friday night. the library of Hie Wingate School w ill be increased in a few days by the addition of about 2(X) volumes. Miss Minnie Fundcrburk and Mr Rivse Horton spent last Saturday and Sundav at their homes at and near Dudley respectively. On last Friday night Mr. W. J Itollings gave the boys of the lilad stone society an excellent address on society work. Lanes Creek Items, CorrNi,n(lpnT of The Journal. Mis Mamie Little, commenced school at L'nion school house last Monday. I see that a correspondent on rural route No. 5 says the people are well phased with" their mail carrier. Well, we can say as much for the carrier on route wo. 1. fcsq. j. ci. Little, the pioneer mail carrier in I nion county, worked up Ihi route and has given the patrons faithful service, and the people should be very grateful, for if Mr. Little had not taken hold ot tne matter very likely we would have had postofliecs in this section yet. A. H. Rector of St. Luke's, aSHBUKHAM, OUT., TESTIFIES TO TMB good guauTisa or CHAMBESLAIK'S COUGH alUSDT. Ashhurnham, Ont., April 18, 1001. I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wooderlul effect Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so dis tressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties tbe neat day, as my voice was almost choked by the congh, . The same day I received an order from yon for a bottle of yoar cough remedy, I at once procured a sample bottle aod took about three dosea of tbe medi cine. To my great relief the congh aod cold had completely disappeared and I wat able to preach three times on Easter day. I know that this rapid aod effective core wae doe to yoor cough remedy. 1 make thia testimonial without solicitation, being thankful to have foond such a God sent remedy. Respectfully. E.A. Laogfeldt, M.A., Rector of St Lake's Cntrch. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy ia for sale by Dr. S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simpson, jr. The beat line of eajvdiea sold In the town at Braner ft ilury'i. Items From Wax haw, R.F.O. No. 2 On Xoember ,-, ta muss aiiw KoweU gave an iuslrnawutal iuumc entrrUiuiurut cuiupliuientary to Mum Florence Godlrry. mho leave iu a few day for Iredell eouuty. a Thaiiksi'i vini? diuuer mas highly enjoyed by nuuiber of frieuUs aud neighbors at the home of Mr. J;w. 1L liodfrey. Much bos been mritteu about uow meuaj m-i apart by our chief executive a Thanksgiving should l olwervrd. In our opinion tne ' v 1.1 iu:iL some one i:lad. 1 hat is the may the day jut closing n siut by the uumix r muo ua i me pleasure of attending the dinner at Mr. Godfrey". All the family e eept Spurgeou. h melit West a few months ago, mere present, m ilh .. ,,,i..r of tu-iL'litior mho gath ered to saieud probably the last Tliauksgiviiig logeiuer. ouoi,; and talking at mill ma the ino u ing program. All lul Urougm men tilled baskets. At VI it .111 iioiiucetl that dinner mas ready. A long table loadl mith g.nnl viuuii-li to leinot the iiiim tile of the very leeblol, w-.i spread. Thanks were given tor tlie many tilessiuir we enjoy, mith prayer. for eontitiued interit in the mas ter"s work. All were then told to help themselves. They partook of the good things till saiiMicu. vei a lot n-maiued which Wiis sent to those too old to lie present. In tl v.-iiiti!' Mr.. I. N. Iliuham. ehairiiian of the school committee. talked of the plans and work ol tne nil cuiivsmui: their joy over a thing so long needed. The contractors. Messi-s. Uomeli Jie Maiius. Siiy the building will be tvmpteted by iK-cetuU-r Till. It is exjieeted that County Superintend ent K. F. Beasley mill visit the school and give an educational scecli as s.k.11 a the building is completed. The women seemed as busy us the men. Horn ex er. a.s to llieir plans we dare not express our opinion. Time bid us part, xxheu all said me must have more such social gatherings, as it bungs us closer together and thereby gives us pom er. "In union there is strength." We regret to give up our good neighbor. Mr. Godfrey, who leaves in a fern daxs for Iredell county. We mish him and his family much success iu their new home. J. W. K. An Old Favorite He Barked on the Trail. W alius Knt.Ti.riM' A good joke is told bx Mr. II. 1". Bivetis 011 a colored man of tins community, mho had an untrained bird dog he was anxious to sell. The negro had an idea that he might find reaily sale for the dog in Char lotte; so he took it up there one day lor that pnriHise. Nou after arriv ing in the city a sportsman banter ed him with "Hello there, do yon want to sell that dog!-' The negro trying to conceal his anxiety, final ly agreed that he might part with the dog for a favorable ciinsideia tion. But he knew alx.ut as much iilrout the nccesiiry utilities of a good bird dog as the dog itself, hav ing never licen afield a day iu its life knew alKiut bunting birds. "Is lie a good bird dogf" inquired the sportsman. "Yes, suh. he's a l.liiiu good on," answered the lie gro, "Will he hunt up the birds all right!" "Yes, sah, he limit em up right now." The would lie pur chaser appeared very much pleased with the high recommendations' the dog was receiving from its owner w ho still seemed not at all anxious to part with the dog. "Will he bark on the trail!' "Yes, sah, he barks nil right 'noiigh 011 the trail,"' mil the prompt reply. "O, you fool ncgTo, I mas just going to oiler you live dollars for him on the spot, but if he barks oil the trail, I would not have him."' And the negro came b;uk home looking very sorrowful over hav ing missed that live dollars that bad beeii almost in bis grip. The Lone Star State. Down in Texas at Yoakum, is a big dry goods firm of whii h Mr. J. M. Mai ler is the head. Mr. Ilaller on tme of his trips East to buy goods said to a friend who was with him iu the palace car, "Here, take one of these Little Early Risers upon retiring and you will be up early in the morning feeling good." For the "dark brown" taste, headache and that logy feeling De Witt's Little Early Risers are the best pills to use. Sold by English Drug Co. aod S. J. Welsh. 100 Boxes Brown's Mule tobacco for sale at Bruner fi Iluey's. Call on them and save money. We will soon be in our handsome new banking house ami invito our friends to call on us. Our business baa steadily grown and we .shall continue to give our customers fair and honest service. Call in and see as. The Savings, Loan & Trust Co. White Star coffee and Bon Ton flour are winner. Try them and be happy. Bruner & lluey. Country merchants lose money every time they fail to see us. We carry the best line of goods suitable for their trade of any house in the city. Uruner Jluey. DeWitt CXWm la lha aama ta kr lar yea to S3 sua Wilca Haral baWiR's Wllca Hai.l SM la Iha arlfinal and only faraSna. la fact DaWilt all lha oal Wltca Haral Sam laat la aaaa im laa aiailiiinianS Witch-Haiel Asf OtlMfV M OtWrtaWtajHa-teM tMsV ttftOM. stfrsMy sWd WOrthtsM 4wrt LVWitt Witc HaWwjlSeilT I rdftc for Pikts: Bitntt. Bwdtnf, ItcfaJnt ansi rkrecrtttnar ntaN. AaCt, unM, Bnirit. Sprmlnt, LainthM4V Ctiont. aVt. Cvjncitfl Ecacma, Tatter. SaTI KlMiafJaW iaa. aM gkktt Skit SALVE LC.DWitl4C4CUea.e For sale by English Drag Company aod Dr, S. J. Welsh. I OTHELLO'S DEFENSE t Skaaeyteate IX iha r!!tiur mrtel froaa hakwp.r s wall aaoa-a traar "portan ' aarana ar1aaaiil, anliv ara csvaraa. anthrossH mv" Biaaoa a rajlira aia u,i.r.l . la allanllvalr "Ma4 aaiaa ht mar a man tway ba mJ ! mati Ulnar HJ aa4a ami a au iu, ar llvloial kac lika su a a aaaa " ST potent, arave, aad rvvrrrixl al-nlra. My ry noble and apprd sastra . That I bar ta away this o!l man's daughter. It ia m, true; mi. 1 hare suarrksl her: The ri-nr head and rrwat ot my offeodina Hath (his ritrut. ma nmre. KiKt am 1 la ni apeeck. And Utile Meat wlih the aoft phrase of praee: For alw-e thre anus o. mliw bad serea yean pita, TUI now some nine naunae wasted, the bare aeml Tketr deaivat aetioa In the tented Held; And little of this trvat werld in I speak, M.ire than pertains to feata of broil and battle; And. tlierefotv. little shall I ra mjr rause. la speKking U myself- t by your gra.loaa patteaee, I m ill a n-uiid uuvarnMnsi tale Ut-llrer X n.y whole course of love; what drurs, what charms, X U:it""iijurtkin. and what nilnaty nmillc- 1 or au-h iirocwstuig 1 am ohanird withal 1 won his daughter w ith. Her Tuber lored me: oft Inrlttsi me. Mill ,u.-at!,nd me the story of my life r'ruiu vear to Tear; I be battle, stes-ee, fortunes. That 1 bv pawsl I ran it throiiiih. even fmm my boyish daye To the very uiin. nt that he baile me tell It; YX herein I ixe of m.wt iliaaatruua .ha'hva, tf moving aivMents by It.asl aud Held; Ot h 'aoaix's I' tlie ImnitoeBt d.-a41y breach, " ' Uf tiii takrn by the lna.l-nt foe And .IJ to tr ; of my rsleniition them, And portaiHV. Iu my travekr'a bit.y iWlirr n of anln rast and Un Ulle, limiitb ijuarriea. ria ks, anil hill m ti.we bead touch bearen, tt wa my hint to speiikl- audi w the prxuvss: And of the t'annilmls ttiat ea.'h otlir eat. The Anthnnaiphngl. aud men m beud I Hi arow iHMimth llieir shoiilib-ra. Tin to hear Would ledemuna aertounly Incline: Hut Kt ill ti e bouse affairs would draw her thene"? VX'lil.-h ever a she iwuld with haate deaiateh, tihv'il ronie aealn. and with a imssly ear, iH'vniir up niy liiiure: XXhicb t ul.i'nini!. Tixik oinv a pliant hour; and f.nmd kI meant To draw from her a prayer ef eani.l heart. That I would all my .ltnumi:v dilute, j, VX lu'is-of by paro-ls thr h.l a,.tii,-ttuiit beard, Hut nut Intentirely: I did wiant; And efl. u did beirulle tier ef her t.'iirs, VX Iii'ii 1 d d enk of soine dltresful stroke That my youth suffered. My atery l"'l done, the ciive me for Iny pain wurld of ninlia: phe won-lii falih, 'twa atr:ini:e. 'ta paasmg Strang; Twin pitiful 'twas wondr.tua pitiful; hhe wislied slie had not heard It; yet he wlslml That h--aven bad niade her such a man: "be thanked me, And t.n.le mo, if I bad a friend thai loved tier, 1 alumld but teach Mm Imw to tell tuy story. I And that would won tier. t'l.n t 1j la, bint I spakSJ T Kho loved nie for tlie dangers I had iaed; I And t lTd her that she did pity tlie 111; J This olily ia the witchcraft I hale used. Rousing Big Bargains crowd every aisle and counter in our stores. A new supply has just been opened up for this week. In this way you see we keep the inter est at fever heat by offering only the newest and most seasonable merchandise at way below the lowest prices asked anywhere, and in many instances at about what the average store must pay at wholesale. 1 Iii Dry Goods Store we have displayed for this week the biggest specials in Dress Goods, Jackets, New Walking Skirts, Furs, Women's and Children's Under wear, Notions, etc.. that we have ever attempted. Really, you'll find more solid bargains to the square foot here than you'll find anywhere south of the Potomac. One lot fancy Flannelette, 10c. kind, .... 7Hc One case oil red and blue fancy Prints, special this week, 3;c. Regular Shoe Store. Keep your feet warm and in style by wearing the latest style shoes. They cost no more than the old styles and inferior ones. Regnald, Crawford and Washington lien's Shoes, Queen Quality, Euppendorf, Dettimus & Co's ladies' fine Shoes no better made. See the new styles. Model Millinery Store. The exclusiveness, beauty, style and elegance of our new millinery is well worth a visit. Our busy creating forces are daily making Hats, and Bonnets by the dozen to fill orders. Biggest trade in our history. In fact, we have everything that belongs to a first-class department store. Money saving opportunities almost beyond the power of imag- Marshville News. 1 .rrr-iH.v.l,.: ..T r e .loii-ti.i' M.itslivtllr, Nov. ,".ii. Thanks (! v i njr piissfd oil' vr-rx iti ii-t ty. Hut tow visitors in town. 110 lights and not many hunters. ijuilo niif sum lias Imvii raised lv tlu ladies of the toxt 11 as a Tliatiksiiivin' ohVrint: for the dif fen-nt orphanages. Miss AlinaSleizall and Mr. Kceet Austin of Marsliville township were married in Suitli Carolina last Su inlay. The ineieliants are oieiiiiK' up a line of Christ tints punis to the ile 1.,'lit of Uitli old anil youii);. Miss Ivuh I'.aliyof Ilih I'oint spent Friday with Jk M. K. Us. Miss (ilennie Caudle spent Tliiltiksjrivinj; at lier lioine at Oak Dale. Mrs. Clnis. liulleile visited lier parents. Mr, and Mrs. lieu Parker, last meek. Messrs. F. L and V. . llarrell sHMit Thursiluy m ith their mother, Mrs. Mary llarrell. Missed Annie .Stewart it ltd Aluia Marsh sMnt Saturday and Suiulay in Molina. Miss Mary Marsli xi .0 i.lleinl tlie Si-erest-ltivena marriage nt Win putt1 tomorrow. J. Money is ticpded for the Anti S.iliMiti je:trite work in North Car olina. Sevenil of the delegate from Fnioii county at the .Slate convention in July promised i.1(l from 1'niou county for State m ork. Tins work is interdenominational. Will not pastor ami Sunday school superintendents please take rollec lions for this good cause f The lo cal leagues should take collect inns for this work. It imliviiluals help to make up at leiLst .M from 1 nion. Make all remittances to Mr. II. C. Ashcraft, MonriH-, Treas tirer l'nion County Anti-Saloon league. He will make acknowl tiieut through one or more papers. J. K. W'ai kkk, Pres. 1'niou County Anti Saloon languc. Try those ulcesmeet mixed pk'k eU at liruner & lluey'.. Hi liner & lluey pay the highest prices for chickens, ngs turkey, ducks and hotter. Call ami see them ia all you have to do to get more money than the other fellow olTered you. The Last Call. The last call to lcliti.iirnts and those who are earclc alniut pay ing doctor lull. It will lie your on fault if your name apiH-ara on L the ileliuiiient list One of St, Peter's questions lit the gate m ill lie. "Have you paid vonr doctor!" I'Niny CorsTY Mkihi ai. Assim I XTION. Mr. j. H. Wilson of Magill was shorn ing ou our streets Monday a line variety of cotton knowu as the tirilliii I'liland 1-ong Staple. Ile 'ordered enough seed from Wash iiu'toii to ul. int au acre, and savs 'he will get something like .V'O , pounds of seed cotton. 1 his cot ton is worth iilxuit 21 tvnts a pound, and is used a great deal lor the tnaniilaeturcoi spool uireau. Uincasler Kuterprise. loo Tarls'll chwse for sale by liruner ; lluey. All me ak is lo see us. For Tatliell che-se not some thing as gHd, as so many will say when Ihey have not got theTarbell call 011 liruner & lluey. FEEDING The people is what I am doing and feeding more uow than ever before. Just now I am giving them FKFSII Oat Flakes, Force, Macaroni, Honey, nil kinds of Fruits and Vegetables, and Hams to cook tlicin with. J. H. Heiilon's String Beans. Tomatoes at 10 cents. I lest It ice at 3J pounds for '.'"c. Sugar at .1 cents. California F.vaporated reaches, 10c. Nice dried Apples ;i for 1!.". Prunes. Tobacco at any price. The lt Coll'ee anyone ever drank from UJ to Oilier things too numerous to mention. YOC tiFT SATISFACTION' OK YOl It MONEY BACK. Goods delivered right now. Yours for business, W. A. STEWART. PhODC 101. The Prescription Department mmmm of our store keep pace with advanced medical science. No matter how unusual the ingredients of a prescription may be, we will fill it Properly. We keep the drugs for it the BEST, FRESHEST, and PUREST. ination are here. Belk Brothers. Points ot Low worth Knowing. It m ill be several days yet before you can kill ipiait and not violate the law. But there are things one can lawfully do the jcar ruuud. ltead tlie following ami see what (host! things are: A tuau has th right to do as be pleases with his own, so that he does not injure his neighbor; therefore any man ha the right to undersell everybody else if he so desire. This we do. F.vcrv mau has the right to han dle aud sell only the best articles aud lo tell the public about It, THId WK IK). There are certain things that can't be done lawfully. For in stance: The assignee of a mortga gee cannot maintain au action for disponing of the mortgaged proper ty. This m e k uow and we do not try to do. A man can't pay high prices for his goods and sell them to vou cheaply. This we know and we do not pretend to Aot Be fere any man or firm can sell right he must purchase for sale the right article at the right price. We constantly guard ourselves 011 these points and therefore we have a full store of only the best and most useful articles for every dav use and consumption, and of fer them to you at the very lowest prices. We know you think this only an advertisement, but if you think there is nothing in It, come aud ace. We invite your patron age and promise you the fullest satisfaction. No man or lirui can do more thau this. Hill & Bivens. fill Tiiinos Brit and Beautiful ? ? Well, why not t May be it is be cause you don't spend your money where it will go the farthest. You should know that we undersell all because we get the businces to do, and, besides, you know we furnish our own money aud do our own work. 8KK1 ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL Well thia ia easy to explain. We sell to all alike. Oue man's money is as good as another's. What we want is yonr business. What you waut is to buy your ileal, Cheese, Candy, Apples, Sewing Machines, and everything you use, cheaper than your neighbor who Insists on trading elsewhere. ALL THINGS WISE AND WONDERFUL Well, there are those who would appear wise, bnt if they would be wise tbey would give me a ehance. at least, to open their eyes. Now this is a nice ad. We've been of fered good money to do nothing but write advertising because it sells goods, but I say it is tbe price and courteous treatment. Let us prove it Hitch npyoor wagon aud come early. We will wait for you. Henry W. Pusser. Zoar, N. C Carolina Marble and Granite Company. Our business has been more than satisfactory tince opening in Monroe, and we now have on hand as nice a Stock as can be found at any yard in the State. We have just received some new and specially handsome designs, and we invite the inspection of all pctsons needing anything in our line. , No grave, however humble, should be alloxved to go unmarked. We can make a job to suit the price you are able to pay. Call for designs and prices. Carolina Marble and Granite Co., . I. E. EFIRD, Manager. MONROE, N. C. Yards at Statesville, Salisbury, North Wilkeshoro, and Monroe. Do You Want a Bargain? We are going to manufacture Bug gies, and in order to get considerable more room, we will for the next thirty days close out our entire stock of Yeliicles at or about cost for tho CASH only. Our stock is well selected and com prises some of the latest styles. We can suit the most fastidious. This , is no fake advertisement. We mean what we 6ay, and you can put your money in your pocket and come to see us. We will prove what we say. The Heath-Lee Hard Ware Co. C.N. Simpson, Jr. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take La&XrtrVO EtOHIO jjlllino TtUd. (VIJ dsns Grip Is TWWD. on every