S. k. STEVENS, M. D. MOMtCE. M. C Calls answered in Jay from English Pi'jf Store; at night tium roum otei EulisA Drue. Store, phune 98. OrEct ovrr post office; phjue a4. Henry D. Stewart, M.D., MONRO. li. & Service r. ndrred promptly end bo vstly. Pay call lium Simpson dru st.ne, "phone y. or office iu rear of t.ordou 4 Thoaipson's iusuiatice ofr e, 'ph-mc 1. Nilit r ill trom re-J-n e 'pliaiie, 141 . Otfice hour 10 to 12, . 111. JOHN P. MONROE, M. D, MONHOt. N C. fl.iv call answered (rum Houston's dru tcre 111 J oiVire, 'phone .' -w. Ninhl fru-u Commercial Hotel, phone jjo. MONKOE, X. C, Solicits tlie patronage of the people of Monroe and surrounding coinmuuity. C.ilii answered in Jay from English Pruij St. re: at :itslit from residence on Church stu-et. I'bone No. 4s- M. L. FLOW, CMUBisSMM st Ms fcr Satis Carets, il mri unl u: il 1 JtsCa lot hua br Uai Ceuij, ui Hour hbi br Ibni CirtUi. :: :-: Special attrntioo icivea to taking Af fidavit, Acluowledtement or Proof of IVeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Bill of Sale. Posers of Attorney, Keonncia Uous of IV) er an J lulieritance, IVp .itions. Writing auJ Probation Deed, it jrte,e,e and all other papers, issuing State Wartauti, Claim and IVIivery lud Attachment paper. Civil Sum nions anJ the Colircliou of Claim. Oitice at M. L. rloar Co s Slots eat of courthouse. Monroe. N. C. fl.D.NJHItleg.M.D, having located at Union vdle. N. C. offer his professional services to that place an J surround ing country. I'niotmilc phone S; Sincerity 4. V. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST, Office up stairs, FitjiieralJ Building, Northwest of Courthouse, M Miroe. N. C. DR. B. C. REDFEARN,t DliNriST. Charges reasonable Satisfac tion guar anteed. OrK'eovel tnglish Prug Co MONROE. Si C. Will he at Mar-ltvi.Ie. N. C. on first ami third Monday ol c ich month, and at Matthews ou sccoud aud tou-.th Mutchv. I'houe J j J mo : . L. .s:r'.i.s c. s:M.s, -k. STEVENS & SIKES. Attorneys ac3 Couaselors-it-Law. : VK- F, n . c Prompt a!t nf. :i c.iva to ill mat-t-rs pUctu U'. o:lt l.alids. Yauatt'im-iit f estate f.-r guard ian., .id:m:'.'...:i a' 1 i .i:id executor a pc. a.ty. thatce .e.i-oi.al . Other eal 1 Couiti;o-:e. i:'ormer! rccupied I'V t!.e late P. A. Covington.) 1 . l Wit I ! K. W. l.f'MMOSP 7ILLI1MS & LEMMOND, Attornevs-at-Law, viAiiO.:. v c. Pi ictice in aU the Slate and 1' luted St 'o-i Lonit-. l'i mipt atUMti oi eiven to collec In'; s .111 I getier.il law n .u-tii i". sVIVrMii'i intere-vJ in the settle iiie t of e-tates, adiiiimstrator, exe cut n, and ciiai.ii i:i. are especial!) illVitid tocall -.ri them. I . utimied and paintalniig attention will I'e given, at a reasonable puce, to vl h't; ll l"U-int. Oillce ui com thoiift' oppofite Clerk' Olllie. DO YOD GET UP V.TTH A LATiE BACK ? Relating to the Public Schools. evti-uJ to the people of euuimendablr uovement to inrre) turned looiw, they vers nrricil be lta the size uj nsefulurce of the fure anvther fouoeil mmI Mkcd prprl to kuore queetiooa. At this eoanril Ibe tow a as a t ore imiiaa vbom Lw tijney TrwNe Hakes Toa KieraMc. Ahne( ewryeeijr who reads nen- to know et in wwtoenui cures mads ry Lt. 1 Kiimet'sS",rRoot. 'I ins rTer, kidney, bver I (k and taJow rtmeHv. I P It is Um rreat medl rH esl mum pn at im Bine- leenta ceuury: c; . ccveied ader (fin of 1 icnTiiic te-avn sy 1 Dr. Krmn, the eni- neai a un-y and DiaJ Cer eciaiie, aid li papers is snrs and fvMiuunuitv, a veil as the Bien WB,MtMk HtJT l'e , bers tf the elhl, the tieorDt of IllVr-! J tlV MlMir Wlw..! IM 'I-t i roamoe 1m ln. rt . lKa . per UM. Or K. r a o Ouih; ! Vf pt U. -li.y will r:'i I - KJaU'- ) In euuiueratiiitf the things fur ahull e blinulil lie tpevull thankful, in hn Thaiikstivina r niiinThuixi.i) exeiimj:. ICrv. W. V. VatMn wikI : 'W'e ohoulil thankful f-r the eilui.it i.ui.il rvvnal that i ue wonderfully surcessfal la prompity cur-re )u , ur st.ite. There m a Imie XW Tit Q IVUIU p I" vn j,r, 1111 flill Bone Pains, Itching, kesboy Skin Diseases. Swelllnc. g arbunclea, l'liuple. Sjrralttta rMtnwirtii if wabyui.nl Bi'-ai-c Ulwoa li.qi. N Mni u I'.. ta t t -Im v4 rw-' I 't.A b Mnta, tt.-tan s.-ftt4r kin. l:kral fwlt hot cr Uun, hwk-m i.lua. R. Ai l r-ua;on tht Slat, I'al.-bra la M.H1.I1. ffc- 1 . .1, l"in;'.l. or vSrtmr vtuHiMaa. I .-l-l"-r T..rra S. IBir ra:. -l U ra--a. "ii. u nrrr I i.-,- t-i :f Trt lbkf. lia W l J-t-n w tfcl i-.yj wit, Itrliu. .tor lkv I Botanic Blood Balm, guaranteed U- .ilrrrT. n 111 wi-rxlanrt lu .1,ti. amI wm ltf ...nor p-. :a m. 4 U ,t-n:, t.l. IIm.1 i . t. n it .H-t vir..T' . n, isiiS. V I l.-e nr.-: T ' f ll r::l V K 111 : 4 a-- i. a. tf-ii I.IU-'i. l II S. 1: . J n it. .AKui iuwuai'viaw&Tivii ftlut form cl kidiietf troub Dr. Kilmer s iam(-Koot n not rec ommenled lor erenctnng b 11 if ou hav iniJ ney, bver or biadaer tri.b. it ul b found lust the remedy you need. Is has been titel In 3 many way. In hosp;al work, injr practice, amcr.f tn be.piessloo poor to pur chase relief and has proved so racers! in every case that a special arranf-ifrit hj been made by wh.rh all readers ol thisraser no have not alteacy Uied . my hv tamp bott'e sent ties by mail, a so a book lellmt more about Swamp-Root and hew to Ind a-t if you have kuinev or bJdccr tro abie. When wntir.g mention readi.-.g this fentiou ?ffer in th.s paper ar.d T'C send your aadress tof k-r:k.:.hra Dr. Kilmer Si Co.,Pi-f- tU.22:C""iH er-jr fdly cent and H" louar sua ar so.d by all good drurgitis, Don't make any mis.take, tui rememher the name. Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a-.d the adJress. nitifchamton, N V., on every bottle. iGtieaD Floor I lis Bad Floor! G. Ke-ide'l H liil( located nei v , es to the t cotiiorv. lli-e.i-hmi- ls a p' . i i W. I. Ku-lte Co .-I v i I in -N i. i.i Mom. e otters his :i and sin l'oimdini; s ol the :-h mai'h and i:y. (.Mine over the r. book stoic Calls ali viere.l in the ,1 iv born the i'lii;lisli Irnc stoic or i l i-iib iue, at night Iroui le-i.b lire. HtM-V II. AIUIIS. THOM1S J, i ' H II IP. Jt-HUMK. Adams, Jerome k Armfleld, AIIORNFYS-IIT L. U INROE. N.O. Practice in all thu Courts, State and Federal 1 lie liianaceitieut of estates tor execui Jis.adiiHiustiat'.rs a special ty. Caret ul and diligent attention given to the forocl .sure of mortcages Hid collection oi claims. Money "oaiuil without expense to lender. All i.tigatiun given prompt and careiul attention. ( Urice east of courthouse. R.n. Kedwiue. A. M. Stack. REDWINE & STACK, sWorne ys-i- Law, MONKOE, N. C, Practice in all the State and Feder al Couits, Will manage estates for Executors, Administrators and Guar dians for reasonable pay; and will for'tlose mortgages and uegntiate loans, without expense to Mortgagees and Money Lenders. when practicable. Offices Northwestern rooms, first floor, Courthouse, People's Bank OF MONROE, N. C. ' Solicits your account and bankinR business. We guarantee ABSOLUTE SECL'KITV, promptness ami all the accommodations tliat SUl NU bank inn will admit of. Interest paid, ac cording to agi cement, on deposits If ft fur our stated period. Always ready for loans on approved paper. O. p. HEATH. President. oit l;h'unuBitm. CaHarrH, Fmni , -s.. i It i 4 r se4 vTt.t..j w r.9 , .1 I-. IV B.K Itawk i ul t u -t a;.; -tf, A :-. J 1 c:.r iii-s-sunajiatu, I t -'- t- - ft I ! -ml . S- .-', 1 !M;U'!.t, yteri I (,, ; ', r ;.-: r. s nt.t y 't m by $itmg ; l-urv, ;.rA-.y Ui. ; Bun y to ij prti Cancer Cured P. tar..' IilOOl K Cfc.-Tt Cf fall K.tltsa, .? ;r- i Sc. l'-i Jkt. , T'lm-ts, u.f 1 .t" It k..ll,..Viitf I'.AOa-l fc..: .ot. r. vr f-.--f I-r' t-;. !f J l :t - mui.1 ;V, V. j :. ,.u,-, $NocH:-. it:'-' ." tat. . .kf II," t I-.: ;i:4 I.. ff N . i:,Mt (!", 3J l-T; rftf li!.) li.tw.rai CAhI I k- in a. 4.1 t U I tv a l.t-t Mile l'r fci. f trMk'bt''- k tlc--l(t. Ilntualf vkh-n 1 rif.il iuuaflr lukra. If l ctirrJ your bmmji will I'.irw.l. TmfTt.r.n U t ll ' 'life I'li't -Hjt Nr"trkl. r.. ! '.it T.n' s-"' d"fL'f lent . I t i. l-rit t.i i OS), Iv M4 )u4s1 Sold by C. N. SIMl'SON, Jk. t It's low price is the maker 'sen cuse fin the inleti.uity of his pioduct. lad flour is bad flour mi matter how it is manipulat ed and juggled in packiug . It all comes hack to the anif thing. Hood f! ur nused with poor will itii iove the (iulity ot the Mend, hut like mixing white paint with black, it takes an awtnl lot of wl ite to pro duce any etlect Pad or cheap flour is lacking in gluten, the nutritious pcitiuii ol the wheat. It also contains a large per centage o( the pulverued husk or shed of the gram. All ot which you dou t w.ii.t. There fore, we caution Von to a-k (or the "Invincil le" brand. This brand is sold at the lowest price lor which really fust class flour ran be sold, and its puce is the highest you need to pay iu order to get the best. Mr Newman, our local baker, says: "'Invincible" is the 1 can get fur baking." HENDERSON Three Times the Yalae of Any Other! EASIER I faster! E- li Ageuts wanted in all unoccupied territory. Wheeler S Wilson Minsfactarlng Co., ATLANTA, GA. For sale in Monroe by IheI.J.RudgeCo. Notice. By virtue f utitiiuruy ve-tnl In nr hv a rt .Tff nf (he iif nor f mirt f I limn itnuitT, Ml tllf lllfil: leTtt-, t'.aU. nf -anl imrt, tn th rf if R, .1. W . hfHfrn v K I.ilt, tiic uiiilrr -1 ir.it'. I i-t.niml.iiiiiir Mill, mi Monday, December 7th, IW, -t'l! t.i tllf tnifh"tt iilcMtr fur fniah. m tht t-ourt ii.iu - tHr in Mniir.H'. V-rrli ( r.'lltin, vmI- 111,1 t f:i't "f I t Ittml in .r ti ir (lif vUy of .in''f. .-nil tilt iiintr "nf mnif ir If T(if mtf ftii't Utiiili f intmt- nitty 1m t ti t.y rfftriMMf iN '.rtmii nKriinrf ile-ftl fr.m -il K i. I ii.-ti. K. I W Kii!ffrit, rvu i-ter.-.l in (he K.-ai-i'T - illUf for -ttid t-i tu illy in h.olt ,, at imui T Tht-r' 1 it-mh, hnif fin uttnl I1. riif lt mil I1 m rfli' "iilijt'i't u thf tt.htirnis. ilon of ti'f i-iittrt. Tui VnmU'r- ath. Iwm H If Mrl.h.SlxiN. 1'i.mniliNii.iM-t I i llOU.Kli MIU.S.S .5 To the Public I take this method to inform you that my stock is complete. My motto is to Rive more Roods for the money than my competit ors, 1 buy my Roods from first hands, which Rivts me an advant age over others. Coupons Riven with each CASH l'i KCHASIi. You gel nice China ware Ire. Headipiarters tor Sewing Ma chines for cash or on time with easy payments. I sell more shoes than any country store in the county. Highest price paid for country produce, cash or trade Such as chickens, ecqs, turkeys, Reese, corn, seed cotton, cotton seed, fodder or anything you have to sell. On Saturdays please make it a point tn come early in the day so you can be waited on before the rush. Respect fully, W. P. PLYLER & SON, Leaders in Lo Trices, Mt. l'ros- pect. N. C Monroe, N. C . K. F. D. No. 4. FOlnomTAR MmKlDNEYCUKE fwmhUdrami HM,n. Te ska Kidneys east Bladder RIqM ami that time has u4 loiiR N-vu pu.'sMHl. lt lit now true that any earn.M N'.v r nirl who hniMMly wants an ilm-.ilioii ran pt it. There are th-uisinils f avctni." oprii for them. 1 thank ti.xl fr our rollep"amlsvhiHiK and I pray tor millions more to put in them, .md in floits to pi N In ml ur ieople ami iniprese theui w ith their duties iu this r-si.ct towanls llieir ehiidtvn." . The old 1'iiihiHik ta hiHil hiHise in Vuuee towiislnp. in the ditriet hu h m .in o. ii.soliil.iti.il a ith Imlian I'rail, lixs li n sold to Mr. I. 1. Pajil. The old W alker whool house iu .l iikvii township, in the district in which the people air putting tip a nice new si liool Iniild iiir. has tiecu sold to Mr. K. C. liodfrv. "The man who is ashamed to do liiuicr.1 work," .slid l;"V. Ir. ,1. t". Kowe. "has ssiiiietliiiitf wrong with Ins head, lie instils to N" taken .ill down an. I pul toootlicr npiin. No one iiimiN to In? n.-haimil ol having walked Ih'Iwovii the plow liandlew. If tliere is any one mvn pation of man tliaHiiwI directlv iu stittitod. il is that of latmini;." Now thai is what the puMic scliiHils oiirIiI In li-in h tin' i lul.lren -the dignity and maiilini'v. ol honest, intelligent work, however hard, however hiiiuble. Teach them that I'diicatiou is for the' pmpuM of rt.ikitiK us better ami inore.iia ble woikein, not In help us ex ite work. Thai. k (iod for the thousands of i, noble men and women who ate J !tc;irliiiij; our children. I!ev. N . K lal"M.u. Tj J "Any rural toucher ran ha." i 'niial school libnirv," says Snith X'eni Kdiiealioti, "if she only wilNto j have one. tlet the children ii.ler esl oil tirs) nt nil. I lie etuliln 11 s X!uiletest w ill si'Ctire the inleresl tllhe pureiits. Alter this is seemed '.i public entertainment will help. XI Then talk to the paiTtits and ak X ! ioi 11101-1" money. And how is the 'lull way to interest children iu the X rural library you should liaiet tIThe liest wav is fur the teacher to get some of (he books on the library liMs. I-t the ehlldleli read Ihetw books. Hi nd some of them to I he children, bt I hem carry some of them home. The parents will thus MHin lieeoiue inleresteil ami tin rural library will lie easy lo estab lish." j A good l-ik is the precious life blood of a master spirit em balmed tip on put pose lo a life lieyond life. Milton. find lie thanked for gaud hook. They are the voices of the diMunt and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of the pasl njjes. Iu the U'st books great men 'alk to us. Rive us their most precious UioiirIiIs, mid pour their souls into ours. ChauniiiR. A taste for luniks in the pleasure and glory ol'iuv life. I would not evchuiiRe it for the glory of the Indies. (iibson. After two weeks susiieiiNioti on aceotiut of the illness of the teacher Miss I'.iniiia Hunter, the Marvin school resumed regular work ilRHiu last Monday moitiini;. Witxhaw I'.nterpi is-. Miss Lillian Cuthliertson of Woll'sville has accetiled a school near Hve llranch nml left Satur day to lie ready to open school Monday mornitiR. Miss CtitlilsTt son is one of the county's best pub lie school teachers ami will no doubt make a good record at ( Miv Hunch, as she has doiieelnew he re Wuxhaw Knterprise. The you nc ladies' society of Wax haw Institute has on foot a very (5 When your lungs are tore and inflamed from coughing:. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. ic7n,n r?7? DUX.- AS TAB tops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and nerer failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Til tatare Said It M Con timptlta - A iinrilm Cars. L. M. Ruttles, Reasoner, lows, writes: "Ths doctor said I hsd eo SBRiptioa and It ot no belter until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped rm right from tht start and stopped ths spitting ol blood snd lbs pais la say lungs snd today I sra sound snd well. THREE SIZES 2S, SOo, ansJ tiM REFUSE SlttTSUITUTES SOLD AXD RECCEXSEO BY -C N. SIMPSON, JR. the library. The society is dewr (His of forming a permanent library atworiatiou with a regularly oreaD- ie.1 ineuibershin. .V rumniiltee of youiiR I ailiea has been appointed to solicit membership, and they will rail ou Iheritietutof the tow a and community at an early date and explain more fully their plans for the work. Waihaw Kuler-prise. This story w ill lie of great inler- et to the cbililivu. Ibe whole lkHik, with many good Mori. a, ran lie Iwainht for fitly reuia : An Adventure on the Neuae. nh Cainia Hil.ry tvi.Hy W e Alka liitliesuuitiierof ITU John Law s.in and several otlier men weut up the Neue river to explore thecoun trv. llaron tletirall'enreid, a Swiss nohleinan. w as in the company. He hl brought oxer from KngUnd a urge number of settlers, who had made home for theniselvt near the mouth of the river. He wished whether there were good place for settlements up the river. latwsou. who wan the surveyor- general of the colony, wan also iu terctcd in the upland country, lie as interested, also, iu the binls and auiuials that lived in the swamps. The men carried provisions tiough to Inst for several weeks. All along the river they tiotieed urge Ins-sand tsaiitlful tiow rs. 1 be lunls also were pieuiiiiii and pn-tty. Spiirn-ls and foxes were often seen, ami sometimes tlie howl of wolves was heard, .loliu iwsoa made notes of utl thew things. The white men thought it is a very beautiful country. Nv ral times they stopticd, and Law- son surveyed tin" latins on doiu sides of the river. For several days they had goue on w ithout sis-ing an Indian. Unit seemed strange, lor the red men had alw ays before come out tn meet the white men. They had Invu very frieudly to the white people. Hut now not one was to lie seen. They seemed to have left the coun try. One dav, however, while the hite ineu were eating their mid ;iv aieai, tuev saw a party oi iu liaus watching them from a lull some distance away. The white men did not fear them, but they mid not understand why they were watched by the Indians. They did not know that the savages had .lined a plot to kill all the white Hople, and were ut this very time on the warpath. After linishitig thvirdinner, Law- sou and his men went farther into the wihhIs. They wauled to see the tiiuls-r lands higher up the river. I or some time they marched on ilhniit noticing that the Indians were follow ing them. Presently it was sccti that a considerable body of red men w as creeping ulong lie hunt, trying tn kifti themselves hid behind trees and undergrowth. lasik at those nil devils, ' said InitVenreid. "Just an sure as the sun shines, tliev mean imsriiici. Ihui't vou see tliev have iu their war paint and plumes laiwson was inile sure that they were alter scalps. tes, sir, answered he, "I am piite sure that we are going to have trouble, and if we get out alive it w ill lie a kindness of rrov ideiice. I think they intend to at tack us." la't us then prepare to receive them, said the baron. "I, for one do not want to lie butchered with out doing some damage in return." As it was nearly night, the party halted and made a lire to warm their fiKMl, There were only nil or eight of them, and it seemed nse less to resist if the redskins should make an attack. They felt quite sure that the attack would come, but they were in doubt a to how thev should act. liruflenreid said that he was going to sell his life as dearly as he could. I-iw sou said that he was uo fighter, but would defend himself to the last. Soon the attack came. About sixty of the savages rushed ntnin them with shouts and yells. The white men fought the liest they could, but the Indians ran over them. Is'iit them to the ground, and Isiuiid their hands and ariua. Then thev were forced to travel all night with these Indians to a town some miles inland, l'lsitsore and weary they reached the town early next day, and were delivered to the chief in charge. That afternoon a council of all the chiefs in the tribe wait called to decide what should bo done with the prisoners. Lawson, tint (Ten reid and the others were carried into the assembly and made to stand in the center with all (he chiefs seated around them. Tbe king of the tribe from a high seat ittest loned thcin 'Why did our paleface brothers come np the river t ' askeu ne, "Have they come to spy our land ami take It l mm usi ' 'No, indeed," said the baron. "We are looking for a short way to Virgiuia. If we wanted your land we would offer you money for it "Did not Indians ace the pale face brother with the chain, mess nring our land ou the river! How theu, cau he say that be wants not the land 1" Lawson told (hem that be mess nred the land so that be could draw a map of the country. Then he showed them one of tbe maps that he bad drawn. They were much pleased with tbe map, and seemed to be satisfied with the ex planation. Finally they decided that tbe prisoners should be re leased and sent home the next day. Ho Lawson and bis friends slept soundly that night, for tbey fell that they wonld be allowed to gn back home. But a far difletent fate a aited them. Oa the aeit day, Instrad of being had known some time before, and with whom be bad bad some trouble. Tbis Indian waa a bitter eueiny of the white people, and spoke against turning them loose. "PaWfaeea bare taken away our lands," be aaid, "and now tbey are altar yours. This uaa with the rhain Birurv and sells to white men. He is tbe aiau that has turned our bunting grouuds into cornfields. I le is the man w ho w ill measure your laud and plant corn in the placed where tbe deer and the squirrel are now found. Would you rather have the white man's corn growing opou your laud or tbe deer aud tbe quail there t O, Tusraroras, look well to your hutti ng grounds " 1 his sieech made a deep Itnpree siou on the savages. Lawson and his comnaulous were beaten wita clulst and condemned to death. 1 The council broke np to carry out the sentence. They were roughly dragged to the place of execution. Would vou put a king to leath t" asked the baron. "Much thing is nerer done. It would grieve the Great Spirit." "A bo is kingr' questioned, tne Indians, almost all at once. I am king of fifteen hundred palefaces, w bo are now looking for me," answered the haron. "tbey would nevr forgive their dark- skiu brothers if their king were put to death. The chiefs talked together Tcry rapidly aud exritedly. There ap peared to tie two partiea among them one tor executiou and tbe it her for turning the priaouers loose. Finally a compromise was greed upon, aud the great chief came to the wmte men ami saiu ith much earnestness : 'Talefacea, you are in our hands. We can do with you what seems best to us. Nothing can save you from our power. We shall burn the paleface who has been selling our laud, but the king we shall hold as a prisoner to keep bis peo ple from making war on us. Now you have heard our decision." The baron was led away to anoth er part of the village, aud Lawson was stripped of bis clothing. 1 bey then made hundreds of sharietird light w ood splinters, keeu at both ends. Thev stuck these spliuters into the tlesh of poor Lawson and danced around him w ith delight. Theu these human devils Isiund iwson to a stake. They dauced the war dauce around him aud sang their dreadful songs. Present ly they set tare to the splinters ami burned him to death. The barou could hear what was going ou, anil Knew- una tne In dians were tormenting their prisoner. Soon the savages came to him and told him that they bad killed laiwson. tiraflcnreid was afraid thev had come for him to share the same fate. Hut the chief said that he would lie held as a prisoner, aud that his life would lie spared, driif fetirenl s necro man was Iu the same room, and the Indians looked at him as if to say, "It is your turn now." "King of the paleface," said the chief, "you ueed not be afraid, for we will uot kill you. but in il in n braves want more song and more dance tonight. Your black man must be burned." This waa dreadful news to the barou, for he was Very fond of the faithful negro, who had been with him so long and bail served him so well. He tried to change tbe red skins from their purpose. "This poor fellow," the baron said, "has never done any barm to the Iudlans. He came because 1 did. Mpare him and you shall be rewarded." "He give Indians fun," grunted tbe chief. As uight came on more Indians came iuto the Tillage. They made large fires here and there. Home- times they would yell like madmen, and the blood of the white man ran cold aud the poor negro was almost dead with fear. Finally they came and seined the negro aud carried him off. He struggled with bis enemies, but they dragged Dim along to the place of execution. Thf re they bound him to the stake. Theu they piled up piece of ury pine wood around bltu and set them on fire. Then they danced around the sufferer until death re lieved him of his agony. Such things are dreadful to re late, but tbey happened lone; ago. before the white people had come in mirutiera large enough to pre veut it. It waa against such sav ages that the settlers bad to con tend, to make tbis country tbe home of the white men. The savages held the baron for s long time as their prisoner. 1 bey let him go when be promised tbem that be wonld not make war upon them. He kept tbe promise, and would not join in the war which the white people made upon the Indians the next year. tr'i GASTOnf AVfftablr rVpatmionur As situlAttng iv rood aMUcSula -bag the Stotwsss omIBowvui of Ji .a-.M,,,LI,lLZ Promotes ttliOTCherfur nrss and Best Contains neither OpBtrn Mrjiprune nor Muii'raL Not Narcotic. WbW" , ajm 1 Sid a l- 1 A perfect Remedy forronslipa fVn. Sour Slomarh.Diari-hoca Worms X'airrvuls3i Fesynsh nrss and Loss or Sleep. tC Sunk! Signalwr of VEW YDHK. a- i til. Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of (xact eoer or waapeca. AM AY ivr In Use For Over Thirty Years ISWWIIItWIIimfMMIMMtlWMIIIIIIMIMMSlM KwittUMtU Ml UMUMU Ml VMM I Mil I U U I II II 1 1 1 UIIUIMIIIIIIUIMHIIIIIIIIIIUHIIMiUtUiU W. S. BLAKCNEY, President M. STACK. Vice-President -THE- J. RAVflOND SHIJTE, Cashier. Bank of Union. Safe, But Progressive and Liberal. A modern banking house with every facility (or the prompt and careful handling of all business. Get one of our Pretty Steel Banks, carry it home, deposit your savings and pet interest on them. mHtwiwtiiMiimiiiiiiifirmmimiiiMriti BlIIIHUillltlUlMIIUIIIllUmUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :ttllttttMlllllllltllMltlltllllllll'IIIMMItttMlt :illllllllMlllllltllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMH ' 'I .v. t J r, 0 ttaia v i' f'4-r.vV w .j . j x. - "w-- ...t.V: ,JTT V -S? ."T" -X5W-..-. - . ' " -i-.ufc-e ; . s. vii v.T..' v-i-.e' :(9 i - i,t Pawnbroker's Clothing THE KEELEY CURE Do You Know What It Does? U rvUrveit ron ( all .If-lrr for innB drink ut druam, rhtrr hl tipnrm nyatom lo it tiormalafsmtH- Un, and rrlii-taUt mit in III hum and bu'liifi. for full partu-uloN, airilrctw THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. , (IKKKNSIIIIHO, N. C. i CORRESPONDKNCK CON Fl DKNTI M. Our Fall Line. The Greatest effort ire Imir ever wade is vow reaihi for insertion, lt merit the attention of every buyer who buys "right. " Our prices are absolutely "rock bottom." fl MaonlllGeni flrrau oi Furniture, Iron and Wood Beds, Springs and Ma tresses, Dining Chairs, Roehers, Suits, Odd Beds, Dressers and Washsfands, Cradles and Cribs. Ue have some Bureaus that have never been offered on this market before that are beauties. If you xvant one you, had better come at once. 1 on will buy when you see them. T. P. DILLON, Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Store Phone 7", Residence Phone 84. STRICTLY 8AXITART ALL WOOL men's boys' and chil dren's exxtts, pants ar.d eeU from 25 eeots to 1.100. Orercoata for men or boys from It to S3. Come and see; will tare you money. Ouly 10 minntaa walk from and northwest of tbe courthouse. J. H. BENTON ft CO., Hon bob, X. C I cfxxxxiooooooooooococxxxxxxy .INSURANCE. . r No Stronger Agency in the South. Companies with Assets Aggregating Over Five Hundred Million Dollars. ' $ $ Our Line: Fire, Life, Health, Acci dent, liability, PUteOlass. and Steam Boiler. Surety Bonds oa short notice. Yoor business tntrutted to us will receive csreful atten tion od will ba appreciated. The Peoples' Bank, Agt. f.I. GORDOH, Iantner iDsaruu Dep&rtmest SooooooooooooooooooooQOOooaoooo Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hat stood tha teat 23 years. Avcngi AmuuI Sale over One caKalflOoa bottle. TxiratdttrkKrfAtoyia1 No Care. No Pay. 50c tt I ml 4tfe wvwrw UM Is a Tsa las. af OrwWs I ILocAUvwePO.

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